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Daily Word Problems | Friday-Week 12 Strongest Kid My friends and T like to exercise. Some of us do sit-ups. Some of us do chin-ups. Some of us do both. Ges How many more do sit-ups than chin-ups? he 2 children (EBS ) a, wl ) ay @\ 6 MC HES ES HA aN © © &> 93.38, , , ) ) ods db SBS Answer: “a 1 _____ balloons \& : eee a Balloons, The Balloon Man went to work at 2:45. He stopped work an hour later. At what time did he stop? ‘STDOTby Fran Moor Comp. Name: Work Space: Show your answer on the clock. wy Answer: a Dally Word Problems » EMC S002 f *| Daily Word fone - Problems _ Monday-Week 21 Work Space: || There are 379 students in ') school. 261 have a bike. ) How many don’t have bikes? | ) Answer _____ students Beer os eT ECE a Name: | Work Space: i Tt is two miles from Tamara’s house to school. She rides her bike to school and back home every day. Answer’ 1. How many miles does she ride in one day? 2. How many miles does she 1, ______miles in one day ride in five days? 2, _____miles in five days ‘@7O0T by Eva COT. om ‘Diay Word Probie * ENC S002 Name Daily Word Problems ‘Friday-Week 21 Bikes se Pea All six children in my family have bike helmets. | « 4 of the children have red helmets. + 4 have blue helmets. Color these helmets to show how many are red and how many | are blue. a ‘©7001 by Evan Moar Corp. e Daly Word PrOBIES * ENC S002 My Uncle George loves || apples. On Friday he picked 43 apples. On Saturday he || picked 31 apples. On Sunday he picked 25 apples. How many apples did he pick in all? Name: Work Space: Answer’ [a | Grandma had 18 apples. | She used 4 of the apples fo make a pie. did she 1. How many apples have left? 2. If Grandma made 2 pies, how many apples would she need? Name: Work Space: Answer: 1 apples left oe apples for 2 pies esl (GTOOT By Evan oer CTP. Daly Word Prabiarns ENC 3002 “Daily Word Problems ‘Monday Week 23 { cial} Collections | Ellen collects animal stickers. She has 30 cat stickers, 24 dog stickers, 22 mouse stickers, and 13 bird stickers. | How many stickers does she have in her collection? —> ee Name Work Space’ Answer stickers { Sil Collections | |Henry and Jerome collect Jerome has 479 stamps. How many fewer stamps does Henry have than Jerome? | |stamps. Henry has 216 stamps. Name: Work Space: | Answer: stamps ‘STOUT by Evarettoor CrP. o Dasy Wierd Problems EMC 3002 Peggy collects bi different amounts. This chart tells how much Peggy paid for each sticker. Blue Jay 28¢ Quail 43¢ 1, How much more did the toucan sticker cost than the canary sticker? 2. How much would two blue jay stickers cost? 3, How much less did one robin sticker cost than a quail sticker? L ‘STOO by Evan-Moor Comp. Name: Daily Word Problems he Eriday-Week 23 Collections Cm» - Sut ird stickers. The stickers cost Toucan 65¢ Daly Word Prablams » BC 3002 —_ nee Name: Work Space: The elephant calf weighed 265 pounds when it was born. Now it weighs 387 pounds. How many pounds has it gained? Answer: ____— pounds a Sai Name: \| Work Space: | Hephants | || The elephants in the zoo ate | || U6 bales of hay yesterday. They ate 28 bales of hay today. How much hay did they eat in two days? y Answer? bales of hay ‘SHOOT by Eva Moar COW. % Daly Word proams EMC 8002 Tee Cream The ice-cream truck comes down our block at 2:30 every day. It is 2:05. How many minutes do the children have to wait? TT ET Name: Work Space: | Answer: minutes (©7001 by Evan-Moor Corp , ai Work Space: Tee Cream || There are 28 children on [| our block. Today 19 children | bought ice cream. /| How many children did not buy ice cream? Answer: children 7% Daily Word Preble » ENC 8002 Daily Mord Problems Name: lee Gream Tori and Sam looked at the chart to see what they could buy. w ——-—~-- Ice Cream ~ Ice-Cream Popsicle Ice- U Ice-Cream Cone 30¢ Bar Cup 55¢ 4ot 25¢ _ How much will it cost to buy a cone and a bar? = t _ How much will it cost to buy a bar, a cup, and a popsicle? ¢ |. How much more will it cost to buy a bar than a cup? ¢ “T want to buy ice cream for my 3 cones two sisters and myself,” said Tori. 3 : sicles “T have 75¢. What can I buy?” Popsicle Circle your answer. 3 bars 3 cups ‘©7007 By Evan-Moor Corp. 7 Daly Word Problems » EMC 5002 nea Name: "Daily Word Problems — Work Space: | There were 7 frogs eating insects. Each frog ate || 5 insects. How many insects did the frogs eat in all? Answer: insects Name: | Work Space: || Freddy Frog was very | hungry. This morning he ate | 36 insects. This afternoon he ate 56 insects. How many insects did Freddy eat today? Answer: insects ‘SADT by Eva Moar Corp. 7 Daly Word Problems» EME SOO Daily Word Problems Monday Week 2¢ We are getting ready for Grandma's birthday party. Today we bought pretty || paper for 566 and a bow for 35¢ so we can wrap her | present. How much did we spend in all? Name: Work Space: Answer: | We bought Grandma a card for her birthday. The card cost 63¢. We paid 70¢. How much change did we get back? (| Name: Work Space: Answer: ‘OTD0T by Evan Noor Corp Dally Word Problems » EMC 300 Name: Daily Word Problems Tridoy-Week 27 : Happy Birthday Everybody in our family has a birthday in the same five months. Grandpa-January 6 Uncle Jim-March 4 Carl-March 20 Grandma-April 15 ‘Aunt Mary-May 19 Maggie-March 1 Dad-February 12 Uncle Frank-May 3 Sam-January 2 Mom=March 28 Jessie-February 11 Tony-May 16 *And my birthday is February 14, Valentine's Day. Make tally marks to count how many birthdays are in each month. January —_____ February ——__— March ———__— April _____—_ May 1, Which month has the most birthdays? 2. How many birthdays do we celebrate in that month? ____ birthdays FESTA ‘©2001 by Evan-Moor Corp. ws Deal Ward Problems » EMC 3002

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