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Name: Ihtisham Ahmed

Sap Id: 38144

Assignment: 1st
Subject: Foreign Policy of Pakistan
Instructor: Mam Farah Batool
Riphah Institute of Public Policy
Riphah International University

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction John F. Kennedy
Question: Despite the clarity of determinants, objectives, and principles of Pakistan's
foreign policy. Why does the country fail to achieve its interests in the international
arena? What are the reasons? and What can be their possible solutions.

Answer: No doubt, Pakistan's foreign policy has been designed in a way that its determinants,
objectives and principles are clear, but still Pakistan is not securing its national interests in the
international relations. From my point of view, there are four factors that are impediments
towards our success.

 The first, Geo-strategic policies: Since the disintegration of sub-continent, Pakistan is facing
troubles in its borders. India’s hostile attitude towards Pakistan’s existence and tough time
in western borders of Pakistan. Due to this hostility, Pakistan’s approach was India-centric
and Afghan-centric so, our policies were formulated in order to maximize the military and
defense capacities to maintain deterrence. That’s why Pakistan became ally of USA and
prioritize security over economy.
 The second, Disequilibrium in Civil-military relations: Pakistan has witness 3 military
coups that totally destroyed roots of continuity of democracy in Pakistan. This is why our
political ties with the world did not strengthen so, consequently, there is a trust deficit
between Pakistan and the world over continuity of policies.
 The third reason, the terrorism, Since, the inception of Pakistan, the country is facing
multifaceted terrorism waves in the form of ethnic tensions, sectarian tensions, and
religious tensions. Mostly, are funded by the hostile neighboring countries. That’s why
Pakistan was unable to shift its focus in the international world.
 The Fourth reason, India’s consistent malicious and baseless anti-Pakistan propagandas in
the world also shaped a negative perception about Pakistan. India’s continuously declaring
Pakistan as sanctuaries for terrorists’ organization is actually deteriorating Pakistan’s soft

1. The first step: Pakistan has taken certain tangible steps towards Geo-economic policies in
order to come out from the tradition geo-strategic mindset. For instance, Domestic Level:
Macro Level Structural Programs: Formation of SIFC (Special Investment Facilitation
Center), Widening the tax net, E-processes, Digitalization, facilitating small businesses and
tech industry alongside tourism industry,
Regional Integration: CPEC (Sino-Pak Integration) Russia Pakistan Economic Corridor () TAPI
(Energy needs) CAREC (Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation 11 countries; Asian centric
world order) Peshawar to Badakhshan Corridor Khyber Pass Economic Corridor, Trans Afghan
Railway Track (Uzbekistan train access to Arabian Sea. Afghanistan) Look Africa Policy (a lot
potential in Africa Markets).
Pakistan has to multiple these steps on the emergency basis. Because, Prosperity at home translates
to power abroad.
2. Second step: We need to maintain the equilibrium in civil-military relations. Because, the
continuity of democratic process is the only option that can save Pakistan from the

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction John F. Kennedy
contemporary crisis. Political parties and military heads should come on the table and start
dialogue and address each other’s concerns or reservations in order to transfer a
sustainable future to upcoming generations.
3. Third step: Pakistan has to start dialogue with India to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
Because, the roots of all terrorism in Pakistan can be traced back to Kashmir dispute. As
India wants to occupy the Pakistan’s administered Kashmir and Pakistan so, there should be
a dialogue. It could be possible if international community interfere with sense of duty
motivation to end this prolonged and longstanding hostility in this region.
4. Fourth step: I believe, if somehow, Pakistan successfully controls the irrational behavior of
India through whatever means so, the consistent baseless propagandas factory will ended
from India.

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction John F. Kennedy

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