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I suppose, that subculture is really bad for young people, because teenagers in this

group can do something that isn’t legal. They can usage of drugs, alcohol and ect.
On one hand subculture is to express the individuality of himself, but it isn’t only way
to make it. Sports for example is one the greatest concept.
I want to advise all people not to enter into such groups, because subculture unit
people only within the limits of one of the group. People see anything else, they can’t
choose. Subculture gives only their ideology and people become blind. They believe
only their subculture and don’t accept other opinions. It results in disagreement and
hostility between men of different subcultures.
On other hand subculture means a group of people with the same interests, ideology,
and I think that subculture isn’t so useful. We don’t need in it, in order to meet with
men. We shouldn’t imitate in style of life, mentality, because it deprives their
individuality and often lead to bad.
I wan’t to say that we can live nowadays without any subcultures. If we need to find
people with the same interests, we can find they in internet, in our city and ect. It is
safer not to take part in such groups than to try such experience

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