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**Title: "Navigating the AI Revolution: How We Can All Win in the Age of Automation"**

Hello, everyone! It's a real privilege to be here with you today.

I am Shashwat currently in the first year pursuing computer science(hon). My topic for the ted talk is
a big of the talk of the town currently…AS WE ALL KNOW, We're living in a time of incredible change,
and I want to talk about something that's both fascinating and a little scary: that is how artificial
intelligence is going to affect our jobs.

But before we dive in, let's get one thing straight: AI isn't here to take over the world. It's not even
here to take over our jobs. Sure, it'll probably automate some tasks, but that's been happening since
the invention of the wheel. Contrary to dystopian narratives, AI won’t replace all jobs. Yes,
repetitive tasks—think data entry, assembly lines, or basic customer service—will be automated
The real question is, how can we all benefit from this new technology? How can we use AI to work
better, smarter, and more creatively?

So, I WANT YOU ALL TO imagine this: You're in an CONCERT, playing a beautiful MUSIC. You've got
your GUITAR, . And then, someone brings in a synthesizer. At first, you might be a little nervous. But
pretty soon, you realize that the synthesizer isn't there to replace you. It's actually there to help you
make even more beautiful music.

That's kind of what AI is like. It's not here to take over our jobs, it's here to help us do our jobs better.
It's going to free us up from all the repetitive, mundane tasks that we don't really enjoy doing
anyway. And when we're freed up from that stuff, we can focus on the things that make us truly
human: our creativity, our empathy, our ability to solve problems.

WE can picture a Collaborative Future of symphony where

humans and machines play harmoniously. AI assists doctors in diagnosing diseases, enhances
financial analysis, and even composes music.

But, of course, we can't just sit back and let AI do all the work for us. We need to be ready to adapt.
That means learning new skills, not just for our jobs, but for our whole lives. We need to be lifelong
learners, always staying curious and open to new ideas. And, let's be honest, that can be a little scary.
But it's also really exciting.

One idea that's been gaining traction lately is the idea of universal basic income (UBI). With UBI,
everyone would receive a fixed income, whether they're working or not. Now, at first glance, that
might sound crazy. But think about it this way: What if we lived in a world where everyone had
access to the basic things they needed to survive—food, shelter, healthcare, education? What if we
didn't have to worry about making ends meet, and could instead focus on pursuing our passions,
starting businesses, or contributing to our communities in meaningful ways?

This sounds more like a utopian future ….

Of course, there are still some kinks to work out with UBI. We need to make sure that the system is
fair and equitable, and that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive. But I think it's
an idea worth exploring, because it has the potential to make our world a more compassionate and
inclusive place.

Finally, let's talk about one of the most important aspects of the AI revolution is its ethics. AI can be a
force for good, but only if we make sure it's designed and used responsibly. That means being aware
of the biases that can creep into AI systems, and finding ways to address them. It means being
transparent about how AI makes decisions, and holding it accountable when things go wrong. And it
means using AI to improve the world, not exploit it.

So, there you have it. The AI revolution is here, and it's up to us to make the most of it…. The future
belongs to those who embrace change, who see AI as a partner rather than a threat. . Let's
embrace the opportunities that AI offers, learn from each other, and work together to create a better
future for everyone. Because, at the end of the day, that's what being human is all about.

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