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Student Name: Madonna Barbour

Candidate Number: 1501050157

Center Number: 150110

Subject: CSEC Mathematics

Territory: St George, St Vincent

Year: 2019-2020



The Cost Effectiveness of Tiling Floor using Tiles of Different Dimensions



Cover Page ……………………………………………………………………………………..1

Project Title……………………………………………………………………………………..2

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….3

Method of data collection………………………..………………………………………4

Presentation of data…………………………………………………………….……..5 - 7

Analysis of data……………………………………………………..…………………………8

Discussion of findings/Conclusion …………………………………………......8 - 9



Tiles are manufactured pieces of hardwearing metal such as Ceramic, cement, limestone or
even glass generally used for covering walls and other surface such as tabletops. Tiles are also
used to help decorate rooms of houses and building. The use of tiles dated back in the 15 th

I am at the stage of tiling my room 13 x 24 room and I’m considering which of the following size
of tile to choose? 12 X 12 inches OR 12 x 18 inches OR 18 x 18 inches OR 24 x 24 inches


1. To find out the unit cost of each type of tile

2. To determine how much tiles of different sizes would be required to cover the entire
3. To determine the total cost of tiling the room using different sizes of tiles
4. To determine which dimension of tiles is more cost effective to tile the room.


I visited several hard ware stores to collect the prices of different dimensions of tiles.

The data was collected and placed in a table.

The room to be tiled was measured and the area of the room was calculated.

The area of the room was divided by the area of each size of tile to determine how many

tiles of different dimensions are needed to completely tile the floor.



This project was undertaken to find out the cost effectiveness of using two different
dimensions of tiles to tile the same floor area. The floor size is 10 feet x 10 feet which is 304.8
cm x 304.8 cm.

The dimensions of Tile A is 18 cm x 18 cm and Tile B is 24cm x 24 cm. Calculations

were done, tables were presented and several graphs were drawn to show the data collected.

After the data was presented, I then discussed the results from the table and graphs. I then

concluded that Tile B, which measures 24 cm x 24 cm, was more feasible and cost effective to

tile the 304.8cm x 304.8cm room.



Two dimensions of ceramic tiles were selected. Tile A has dimensions 18 x 18 cm and
tiles B has dimensions 24 x 24 cm. At General Hardware Store, the unit cost per tile A is $6.99,
while the unit cost for tile B is $11.95. The size of the floor is10 feet x 10 feet, which is 304.8 cm
x 30.08 cm.

Table 1: Showing type, dimension of prices of tiles

Tile Type of Tile Dimension Price per tile

A Ceramic 18 cm x 18 cm $6.99

B Ceramic 24 cm x 24 cm $11.95

Table 2: Showing calculation for the amount of tiles needed and the total cost for the floor

Tiles Area of floor Area of tile Number of tiles Cost of tiling


A 304.8 cm x 304.8 18 cm x 18 cm 92903 CM2 $6.99 X 287

cm = 92903 cm2
= 324 CM2 324 CM2 = 287 = $1935.13

B 304.8 cm x 304.8 24 CM X 24 CM 92903 CM2 $11.95 X 162

cm = 92903 cm2
=576 CM2 576 CM2 = 162 =1935.90

Figure 1: Bar graph showing the total cost of tiling the floor using Tile A or Tile B

Graph Showing Total Cost of Tiling Floor Using Tile

A or Tile B



$1,940.00 $1,935.90


Type of Tile

Figure 2: Pie Chart showing total cost of tiling floor using Tile A or Tile B

Pie Chart Showing Total Cost of Tiling Floor Using

Tile A and B


Figure 3: Bar graph showing the number of tiles needed to tile the floor using tile A or Tile B

Graph Showing Number of Tiles needed to tile a floor using Tile A and B



Number of Tiles






Table 1 shows 2 sizes of ceramic tiles of dimensions 18 cm x 18 cm and 24 cm x 24 cm,

with a price difference of $11.95 - $6.99 = $4.96 per tile.

Table 2 shows the calculations for the number of tiles of each size to cover a floor 10 feet
x 10 feet. The area of EACH size of tile is calculated in square units as 324 and 576. A total of
287 tiles of type A and 162 of type B are required, a difference of 125 tiles. The total cost of
tiling using tile A was $2006.13 and the total cost using tile B was $1935.90, a difference of

Graph 1 is a bar graph showing the total cost of tiling the floor using tile A and B. It can
be seen that the size of tile A is bigger than tile B and the cost per tile is higher.

Graph 2 shows a pie chart s the total cost of tiling a floor using tile A and B. It is shown
that tile A which is the blue is slightly bigger than tile B because tile A has a higher total cost.

Graph 3 shows a bar graph reflecting the number of tiles of each type needed to tile the
floor. It is shown that tile A would need more tiles to tile the floor than tile B. The difference is
125 tiles.


After careful analysis of the data gathered, I can conclude that it is more feasible to tile a
304.8cm x 304.8cm room using Tile B which has dimensions, 24cm x 24cm. Tile B, being a
slightly bigger tile than Tile A, requires 125 less tiles to tile the same room. It is also more cost
effective also to tile the entire floor using Tile B; not only because less tiles are used but also
because there will be a savings of $70.23 on the overall cost of purchasing the tiles for the room.
The total cost of tiles using tile A was $2006.13 and the total cost using tile B was $1935.90, a
difference of $70.23.

Additionally, it is important to note that if the labour cost was to be factored in, that it

would have taken less time to cover the floor using tile B since it is larger than tile A. Hence,

there would have been savings on the labour cost as well.

Ceramic tiles in itself are also more cost effective than any other type of tile for example

porcelain tiles. In this project, it is most feasible and cost effective to tile a 304.8cm x 304.8cm

room using Tile B (24 cm x 24 cm).

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