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Dynamics of Machinery (23MECH07I)

Tutorial 5: Dynamic force analysis – analytical solution

At the end of this session the student should have a complete understanding of the following concepts:

• Conduct dynamical force analysis using the analytical solution method.

Tutorial Questions

1. If the force output by the piston of the shown mechanism in the given position is 500 N.
Find the required input force Fin and the resulting forces on the frame (link 1).

Given data:
m3 = 20 kg, I3 = 1.5 kg.m2 m3 = 20 kg, I3 = 1.5 kg.m2
(neglect the mass effect of other links) (neglect the mass effect of other links)
aG2= 3 m/s2 @ 0o and α2= 0 rad/s2 aG2= 3 m/s2 @ 0o and α2= 0 rad/s2

Dynamics of Machinery (23MECH07I)

Tutorial 5: Dynamic force analysis – analytical solution

2. Write the system of equations needed to find the force exerted by the piston of the shown
crank slider mechanism in the given position. The torque supplied by the crank shaft is equal
to 50 N.m cw. Find the reaction at the supports neglecting the effect of the mass of the con-
necting rod (Assume all links to have uniform thickness and density).

Given data:
m2 = 5 kg m4= 0.5 kg
I2 = 0.4 kg.m2 I4 = 0.05 kg.m2
CG2 = (0,0) CG4 is at the wrist joint of the slider
ω2=20 rad/s α2= 0 rad/s2

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