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Blog Post #2 Questions:

1) What have I accomplished so far? (Give specific details. Include the research you have done to date.
Include sources of information you have used for research, people you have spoken to, videos you have
watched, books you are reading, etc.)
I have completed two entries in my progress journal and been collecting more photos to write more soon.
Progress on the jeep had generally been going well with a lot to talk about.

2) What have I learned? Give specific examples of your learning, whether it has been positive or
negative. Some of our best learning comes from our struggles.)
I haven't necessarily been learning much new but I have been using preexisting knowledge practically
which had been helping me become more proficient with different tools, equipment, and processes.

3) What still needs to be done? (Create a specific list of objectives/tasks you want to accomplish over
the next two weeks. Be detailed and realistic.)
One or two journal entries are still to be written and there is a long to-do list remaining for the Jeep. I
should hopefully be getting a couple of parts for my own vehicle too.

4) Attach at least 3 images of your progress into the Word Document. Add a brief caption explaining
what it is, and how it relates to your Capstone Project.
Brake caliper removal and pad replacement.

Snapped plug pin during headlight replacement.

My car, I've been driving it for about 10 months and its been absolutely fantastic. A great vehicle to learn

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