Chemistry APS

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West Krishna Vihar, Main Khaira Road, Najafgarh, New

Delhi-110043, Delhi, 110043


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

General Instructions
Read the following instructions carefully.
1. There are 33 questions in this question paper with internal choice.
2. SECTION A consists of 16 Multiple-Choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
3. SECTION B consists of 5 Short Answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
4. SECTION C consists of7 Short Answer questions carrying 3 marks each.
5. SECTION D consists of2 Case-Based questions carrying 4 marks each.
6. SECTION E consists of 3 Long Answer questions carrying 5 marks each.
7. All questions are compulsory.
8. Use of log tables and calculators is not. allowed.

The following questions are multiple choice questions with one correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark. There is
no internal choice in this section.
1. What will be the K P for the reaction 4. Two students performed the same experiment
2NOO(g) ~ 2NO(g) +0 2 (g) at 1000 K? separately and each one of them recorded two
Given, that Kc at 100 0 K is 3.75 x xl0- 6 . readings of mass which are given below. Correct
reading of mass is 3.0 g.
(a) 311 x 10_.
Students Readings
(b) 0311 X 10-4
{i) {ii)
(c)3Ux 10~
(d) 0.0311 X 10-4 A 3.01 2.99
B 3.05 2.95
2. Why do the deviations occur from idealised shape
of H 20 and NH 3 molec~l es? On the basis of given data, mark the correct option
(a) Same hybridisation out of the following statements.
(b) Different hybridisation (a) Results of both lhe students are neither accurate nor
(c) Repulsive effect precise
(d) None of lhe above (b) Results of student A are both precise and accurate
(c) Results of student B are neither precise nor accurate
3. At 363 K, pure water has [H 3 0 +) = 10-c. M. The value
(d) Results of student 8 nrc both precise and accurnte
of Kw al this temperature will be
(a) 10- 6 (b) to- 12 5. The structure of tF7 is
(c) 10- 13 (d) 10- ~
1 (n) square pyrnmidnl (b) trigonal bipyramicla.l
(c) octnhcclrnl (tl) pentagonal bipyramidal
_The ~cturcs of a few compounds arc given below. 11. Dipole moment is usually designated by a Greek
Compounds Structures letter '1-1'
-Butnn-1-ol CH;>CH~H~_H-"';!J
_H _ _ _ __ IJ = Q x r
Butan-2·ol CH3- CH2-CH-CH3 Here, Q and r represents
I {a) Q = charge, r = distance of separation
- -- - - (b) Q heat, r -. radius of cations
O;ethy'cther CHJ- CH2- 0 CH2- CH3 (c) Q ::: charge. r = mdllls of cat ions

Tett-butyt alcohol
CH3- 0- CH2-
CH 3 - C -CH3
CH2- CH3 (d) Q = charge, r = radius o f anions
12. Match the Column I and Column II and pick out
correct match codes from the given choices.
OH Column I Column II
(Compound) (PrOpertieS)
Which of the above compounds form n pair of A. Molecule havmg sp3d 1. SF4
metamers? hybridlsallon or central
{n) Oiethylether and mclhoxyprop:mc atom Wlth lone pair one
{b) Butnn-1-ol and butan-2-ol B. Molecule haivng sp3 2. XoF4
(c) Bulnn·2· ol nnd d lcth ylethcr hybrldisallon or central
(d) Melhoxypropnnc and tert· bulyl alcohol atom with lone pair zero
7. If the concentration of glucose (C.,H110 6 ) in blood is C. Molecule havtng sp3d 3 3 CF4
0.9 g/ L. What will be the molarity of glucose in hybndlsatton central atom
blood? With two lone pa1r
{a) 5 M (b) SO M (c) 0.005 M (d) 0.5 M Codes
8. CH 4,NH 3 ,H 2 0 and HF are the examples of (a) A --} ( I); B --} (3); C --} (2)
(a) molecular hydrides (b) metallic h ydrides (b) A--} (2); B--} (I); C --} (3)
(c) ionic h ydndes (d) Both (a) nnd {c) (c) A--} (3); B--} ( I); C - ) (2)
9. The reversible expansion of an ideal gas under (d) A --} (2): B --} (3}: C --} (1)
adiabatic and isothermal is shown in the figure. Assertion-Reason
(p1• V1• T1)
In the following questions (Q.No. 13-16) a statement of
Assertion followed by a statement of Reason is
given. Choose the correct answer ouf of the following
(n} Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is U1e correct
explanation of (A).
v-.. (b) Both (A) and (R) nrc correct but (R) is not lhe correct
explana tion of (A}.
Which of the following (s) is incorrect?
(c) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.
(a) T1 =T2 (b) T3 > T1
(d) (A) is incorrec t and (R) is correct.
{c) \Vuothrnml > h'odi~~llc (d) ll V 110thcrm~l > ll Vadl3~tlc
lO. The name of the fo llowing compound is 13. Assertion (A) A reactant that is entirely consumed
when a reaction goes to completion is known as
I limiting reagent.
CH 2 - - c -- CH 2 Reason (R) The amount of limiting reagent limits
I I I the amount of product foml cd
(a) 1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid 14. Assertion (A) NH 3 and BF3 form an adduct
{b) 3·cillboll.'y·3·h ydroxy· l ,S·penta.nedioic acid readily.
(c) citric acid Reason (R) NH 3 and BF3 form a coordinate bond.
(d) All of the above
Reason (R) Hucke! rule does not hold good and
15. Assertion (A) The compound cyclooctatetraene has
the following structural formula, ring is not planar.
16. Assertion (A) Butane and 2-meth yl butane are
~ homologues. ·
Reason (R) Butane is a straight ch~in alkane, While
It is cyclic and has conjugated 8n-electron system 2-methylbutane is a branched cham alkane.
but it is not an· arom atic compound.

This section contains 5 questions with internal choice in one question. The iolloVo(ing questions are very short answer
type and carry 2 marks each. ·
17. Give reason for the following. N 2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ~ 2NH3 (g)
(i) Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if
(i) Electron gain enthalpy ofo- is positive, while
2.00 x I0 3 g dinitrogen reacts with 1.00 x 103 g of
that of S is negative and electron gain enthalpy
s- is positive, while that of o- is negative. dihydrogen. ·
(ii) Why the increasing order of reactivity among (ii) Will any of the two reactants remain
unreacted. If, yes which one and what would be
group 17 elements is F > Cl > Br > I?
its mass?
18. But-1-yne gives its sodium salt with NaNH2 , which 20. (i) Astronauts observe that the signals from the
on reaction with ethylbromide gives hex -3-yne. distant stars are weak, if a photon detector
Hex-3-yne on reduction with H 2 I Pd- BaSO4 gives receives a total of315 x w -IS J from the
cis hex-3-ene which on hydrolysis using alk. radiations of 600 run. Find the number of
KMn04 gives hexane-3, 4-diol. photons received by the detector.
Write the related chemical equations. (ii) What physical mean is attributed to the square
ofth.e absolute value of wave function,('!/)?
19. (i) The density of 3M solution ofNaCl is 1.25 g mL- 1.
Calculate molality of the solutiqn. 21. (i) Gi:ve the IUPAC names for the following
(ii) What is the concentration of sugar (C 12H 220 11 )
in mol L- 1 if its 20g are dissolved in enough
water to make a fmal volume up to 2 L?
Or Dinitrogen and dihydrogen react with each other to
produce ammonia according to the following (ii) What is the hybridisation of each carbon in
equation CH 2 =C=CH2 ?

This section contains 7 questions with no internal choice in in any question. The following questions are short answer
type and carry 3 marks each.
22. Answer the following. (iii) Electron affmity is positive when
(i) The ftrst ionisation enthalpy (t.1H) o - changes into o 2 -: Explain.
values of the third period elements, 23. Explain extensive and intensive properties with
Na, Mg and Si are respectively 496, 737 and
examples. Show that mole fraction and molarity
786 kJ mol-1• Predict the 6tH 1 value for AI.
are intensive properties.
(ii) Predict the formula of a stable binaty 24. Find out .t he number of wave made by a Bohr
compound that would be formed by the .
combination of element with atomic number 71 electron m one complete revolution in its 3rd orbit.
and fluorine.
25• (l) Out of cr and n-bonds, which one is stronger and (iii) Z~ rod is immersed in cuso,. solution. What
(ii) What type of hybridisation is involved in SF ? will you ~bservc after an hour? Explain your
6 observation in terms of redox reaction.
(iH) Out of p-orbital and sp-hybrid orbital
which has greater dkectional ch aracter and 27. Two oxides of a metal contain 27.6% and 30.0% of
why? oX?'ge~ respectively. If the formula of the first
OXIde IS M 10 4 • find that of the second.
!b. (i) Identify the substance that get r educed in the 28. (i) Write the structural formula of
following reaction.
Fe20 3 (s}+ 3 CO(g)-. 2 Fe (s}+ 3 C0 (g) (a) o-ethylanisole
2 (b) p-nitroanlline
(ii) The compound AgF2 is unstable compound.
However, if formed , the compound acts as a (ii) Write the correct stability order of the
very strong oxidising agent Why? follow ing.
~ + +
(CH3hCC H2; (CH3hC, CH3CH2CH2

The following questions are case-based questions. Each question has an i nternal choice and carries 4 (l+ 1+ ) marks
each. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 2
29. An oxidation-reduction (r edox) reaction is a type of (i) 1 m ole of acidlfled K2 Cr2 0 7 on reaction with
chemical reaction that involves a transfer of excess KJ will liberate n moles ofJ , then
electrons between two species. An calculate the value ofn.
oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemicaJ (ii) tn alkaline medium, 00 2 oxidises H 0 to o
2 2 2
reaction in which the oxidation number of a and itself gets reduced to Ct. How many mole of
molecule, atom or ion changes by gaining or losing H zOz are oxidised by l mole ofCl0 2 ?
an elettron. Redox reactions are common and vital {iii) Why does the following reaction occur?
to some of the b asic functions of life, including Xeo: - (aq) + 2F-(aq)+6H+(aq) - .
photosynthesis, respiration, combustion and
corrosion or rusting. The oxidation state of an Xe0 3 (g) + F2 (g)..- 3H 20 (/)
element corresponds to the number of electrons What conclusion about the compound
(e-) that an atom loses, gains, or appears to use Na 4 Xe0s {of which Xeo:- is a part) can be
when joining with other atoms in compounds. drawn from the reaction?
The Oxidation state of an individual atom is 0. The Or
total oxidation state of all atoms in : a neutral Write the half-reactions for the following redox
species is 0 and in an ion is equal to the ion charge. reactions.
Group 1 metals have an oxidation state of + 1 and (i) Al(s)+3Ag• (aq) ~ At 3 •(aq) +3Ag(s)
group 2 an oxidation s tate of + 2. (ii) 2K(s) + C12 (g) ~ 2KCI(s)
The oxidation state of fluorine is - 1 in compounds. 30. A total of four quantum numbers are used to
Hydrogen generally has an oxidation s tate of+ 1in describe completely the movement and trajectories
compounds. Oxygen generally has an oxidation of each electron within an atom. Each electron in
state of - 2 in compounds. In binary m etal an atom has n unique set of quantum numbers;
compounds, group 17 clements have an oxidation according to the P:mli exclusion principle, no two
state of - 1, group 16 elements of - 2 and group 1~ electron s con shore 1he same combination of four
elements of-3. The sum of the oxidation states LS qunntum numbers. Quantum numbers are .
equal to 7.ero for neutral compounds and equal to Important becnuse they can be used to detenmne
the charge for p olyatornic ion species. the electron conngur:nion of an atom and the
Redox reactions are comprised of tw .J parts, a probable location of the atom's electrons.
reduced half and an oxidised half, that always tn atoms, there are a total of four quantum
occur together. numbers: the principal quantum number (n), the
orbital angular momentum quantum number (/),
Answer the following ques tions.
the magnetic quantum number (m1) and the shown by p ,p and Pz· The pattern continues, with
electron spin quantum number{ms). The principal the d-orbitai c6'ntaining 5 possible orbital
quantum number (n ), describes the energy of an orientations and f has 7.
electron and the most probable distance of the Answer the following questions.
electron from the nucleus. In other words, it refers (i) Which of the following orbitals are degenerate?
to the size of the orbital and the energy level an
3 d X>'' 4 d xy• 3d z2, 3 d yz• 4.d yz 4 d zl
electron is placed in.
(ii) The electronic configuration of valence shell of
The size of the atom and its atomic radius 2
Cu is3d 104s1 and not3d 9 4s • How is this
increases. Because the atomic radius increases, the configur ation explained?
electrons are farther from the nucleus. Thus, it is
(iii) The unpaired electrons in AI and Si are present
easier for the atom to expel an electron because the
in 3 p-orbital. Which electron will experience
nucle~s does not have as strong a pull on it and the
more effective nuclear c harge from the
ionisation energy decreases. We can designate a
principal quantum number (n) and a certain
subs hell by combining the value of n and the name Or
of the subs hell (which can be found using (1). An atom of an element contains 29 electrons
and 35 neutrons. Deduce
The s orbital, because the value of m1 can only be 0 ,
(i) the number of protons.
can only exist in one plane. The p-orbital, however,
(li) the electronic configuration of the element.
has three possible because the value of m 1 and so, it
has three possible orientations of the orbitals,

The following questions are long answer type and carry 5 marks eacl1. All questions have an internal choice.
31. An alkyl halide C 5HuBr(A) reacts with ethanolic 32. Attempt any five of the following.
KOH to give an alkene 'B', which reacts with Br2 to (i) Reactions with fiG < 0 always have an

give a compound 'C', which on equilibrium constant greater than l. Give

dehydrobromination gives an alkyne 'D'. On reason.
treatment with sodium metal in liquid ammonia, (li) Many thermodynamically feasible
one mole of 'D' gives one mole of the sodium salt reactions do not occur under ordinary
of'D' and half a mole of hydrogen gas. Complete condHions. Comment.
hydrogenation of'D' yields a straight chain alkane. (iii) At low temperature, enthalpy change
Identify A, B, C and D. Give the reactions involved. dominates the value of fiG and at high
Or temperature, it is the entropy which
dominates the value of fiG in Gibbs
(i) What happen when
Helmholtz equation. Why?
(a) bromoethane is heated with zinc and
hydrochloric acid? (iv) It is preferable to determine the change in
{b) hydrogen is passed into 2-bromopropane in enthalpy rathe r than the c hange in internal
the presence of palladium? e nergy. £>..-plain.
(ii) Account for the following. (v) lt is necessary to define the 'standard state'.
(a) Hydrocarbon molecules with an odd (vi) Two moles of an ideal gas initially at
number of carbon atoms have lower 27"C and one atmospheric pressure are
melting points than those with an even compressed isothermally a nd reversibly till the
number of carbon atoms. final pressure of the gas is 10 atm. Calculate W
(b) The C-C bonds rather than C-H bonds for the process.
break during cracking of alkanes? (vii) The enthalpy or vaporisation of an organic
(c) Iodination of benzene is carried o ut in the compound at its boiling point (3s.o•c) is
presence of nitric acid or iodic acid

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