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¿Studying late at night or early morning?

Studying in the morning offers many benefits, from a fresh, active mind to an increased ability
to retain and focus. The advantages and disadvantages of studying early will be explained


According to the Organization of American States, establishing the habit of always studying
early improves overall productivity, as it frees up time during the day for other activities and
promotes a sense of accomplishment from the early hours of the day. In addition, the mind,
being fresh throughout the morning after a good night's rest, facilitates concentration and
retention of information


While studying early in the morning has its advantages, it also has some disadvantages. One of
them is the difficulty in waking up early, especially if you have not had enough rest during the
night, which can affect concentration and performance during study as you experience low
mental energy


In conclusion, studying early in the morning can be an effective strategy for improving
academic performance and productivity. However, it is important to consider individual
preferences and ensure that you have enough rest to optimize the benefits of early study.
Ultimately, the ideal time to study can vary depending on each person's needs and lifestyle.

Student: yamely yancce


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