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Adventure Hooks Locations

d6 Hook 1 - Entrance
Mouse village in the hedge living in
A relative of one of the players has been killed
1 fear of the lawnmower. They assign
by the lawnmower
a wireworker hireling to assist the
A scientist will pay 300p for a bottle of petrol players (see details below).
to use in her experiments
The players nearly fall victim to the lawnmower 2 - Eel Pond
as they pass by the area Contains d4 eels. 1 x d20 Kiwi Acres
The players run into a mouse fleeing from the treasure is glinting at the bottom.
A representative from the settlement has asked 3 - Leaf Pile
5 Loud rustling coming from inside
the players for help
the pile caused by a mouse caught in a piece of 7 - Garden Shed
A prophecy tells of a group of brave mice one
6 trimmer cord. Players can rescue the mouse and take Contains the lawnmower. The door is bolted - can be
day defeating the lawnmower
the cord (useful for unbolting the shed). opened by a skink, trimmer cord, or any other useful
items the players are carrying. The shed also contains
Encounters 4 - Vegetable Patch 2 x d20 Kiwi Acres treasure and a bottle of petrol.
Contains 2 possums stealing food - will attack players
d6 Encounter on sight.
A puddle of oil - DEX save required to avoid
receiving Oiled condition 5 - Skink Family Rock At the start of the adventure, a wireworker will join
Friendly family of skinks. One can be recruited to the players as a hireling. They are essential for
2 d4 Night Creepers (weta) causing trouble
unbolt the shed (WIL save required). disabling the lawnmower, and players do not need to
3 The farm cat prowling for pests pay them during the adventure. You can fill out a new
4 A possum looking for food 6 - Berry Bushes hireling sheet using the following details:

Rusty garden tools - DEX save required to avoid Foraging reveals d4 rations. Bushes also contain a
5 rusty lawnmower blade - DEX save is required to Stats: d6 HP, STR 2d6, DEX 2d6, WIL 2d6
receiving Tetanus condition
avoid receiving Tetanus condition.
6 The lawnmower in use by the farmer Both paws: Screwdriver
Body: Gumboots (see Kiwi Acres armour table)
Pack: Spool of wire & insulation tape

1 2 3
Items Conditions
Screwdriver Oiled
The Lawnmower
Salvaged screwdriver, fit for mice to Covered in oil.
2-handed, d8 damage
25% chance to miss attacks
Clears after washing in water
25% chance of giving Tetanus
Infection caused by a scratch from
rusty metal.
-2 to STR
Trimmer cord Clears after rest & a meal
A Kiwi Acres adventure for Mausritter
Piece of cord from the farmer’s by Hugh Lashbrooke
garden trimmer. A note for the GM:
Single use, sells for 50p The Lawnmower Menace takes place in the Kiwi Acres
hexcrawl, available on Items, creatures and tables In the backyard of the Kiwi Acres farmhouse, a
are available as part of Kiwi Acres. If you are not using Kiwi community of mice has fallen into despair. The source
Bottle of petrol Acres, then use the standard Mausritter tables instead. of their suffering? A monstrous contraption known as
Small bottle of lawnmower petrol. Creature details are included in the New Zealand Bestiary,
the lawnmower - roaring through the fields, it shreds
Highly flammable & explosive. available for free on
everything in its path. No mouse is safe from its
Single use, sells for 300p deadly blades, and the once-bustling settlement has
been reduced to a ghost town.
Spool of wire
With the help of the settlement’s best wireworker,
Spool of steel wire.
The Lawnmower Menace is an independent production by Hugh you must navigate the treacherous backyard and
Single use, sells for 50p
Lashbrooke and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published sabotage the lawnmower before it can claim any
under the Mausritter Third Party Licence. Mausritter is copyright more lives. Will you succeed, or will you become just
Losing Games.
another casualty in the war against this vile machine?
Map assets by Penflower Ink, 2022,
Insulation tape Other images courtesy of and
The fate of the village rests in your paws…
Roll of insulation tape. All elements of this work are licensed under a Creative Commons
Single use, sells for 75p Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Copyright © Hugh Lashbrooke 2023 -
Release 04-2023

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The Lawnmower Menace
Colour maps
The Lawnmower Menace
Black & white outline maps

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