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a)Hadith as source of guidance/Law

Hadith is counted as a second source of islamic law.It is used in a very wide sense as
including not only the decisions and percepts of the prophet(s) but also His conduct and
practice. It explains and completes the Quran. The conduct of Prophet(s) formed an
important source of law as they wer accepted as inspired and binding authority.
There are many verses in the Holy Quran which justify Hadith as a source of Islamic
law.Some of these are:
 "He who obeys the messenger obeys Allah"(4:80)
 "You have indeed in the messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of
The Prophet(s) declared :
"Behold I have been given the book and a similar thing (Sunna) along with that"
The Prophet(s) have also said,"My words are not contarary to the words of God but the
words of God can contradict mine"
The whole superstructure of Hadith is based on the verses of the Quran revealed
gradually over a period of 22 years, 5 months and 14 days. The following instances will
illustrate how these two parts i.e Quran and Hadith interplay and function for the purpose
of legislation.
1. The meaning of Quran is general;Hadith makes it specific and particular
2. The Hadith may add or supplement the legal provisions of the Quran.
3. Quranic injunctions are implicit Hadith makes them Explicit by providing
ingredients and details.
4. Hadith qualifies the absolute declaration of the Quran. The Quran says that
the hands of the theives are to be cut. The Prophet(s) qualified this in junction
with the condition that the person should not be a lunatic etc
5. Hadith makes certain exemptions to the general rules laid by the
Quran.The Quran makes a declaration in general that one may bequeth ones
property by will in the manner one likes. Hadith has created the exception in the
rule the one can't make a will in favour of one's heirs.
Hadith is very significant and important source of law without which th Holy Quran
couldn't be understood at all. In words of the Quran the relation ship of that of the Book
and the Light.

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