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Ballot or the Bullet, Malik Shabazz

Shabazz argued that black nationalism was his core mission, which maintained that African

Americans had the power to determine the direction of their own politics. He argued that the white man

would never let African Americans gain control of their own politics (Colley 66). Shabazz mentions

Woolworth because it highlights the point, he is trying to make that white-owned businesses grew from

small ventures because white people supported their growth. Shabazz also mentions Woolworth because

it is a global company which originated in one part of the country, and now employs and helps the white

man. He argues that Black Nationalism, when properly implemented, would give African Americans

political and economic independence as they would not have to rely on the white man for support, or jobs.

Shabazz mentions Woolworth to inspire African Americans that they have to start investing in

their own businesses, regardless of how small they are at first. Shabazz mentions George Washington as

one of the white men that have lied to African Americans and made them disillusioned (Singh 501).

Shabazz argues that Washington made African Americans believe they were going somewhere, yet they

did not make any progress. Shabazz mentions Patrick Henry because he was one of the patriots who

fought for the independence of the United States. He argues that Black Nationalism has more members

who are similar to Patrick Henry because they are willing to fight for everything they deserve. He

mentions Patrick Henry to make the point that African Americans are not yet free and they should fight

for their place in American society and politics (Singh 507).

Shabazz addresses the issue of filibustering in the senate because it was one of the tools that was

used to deny civil rights legislation. The filibuster was also meant to ensure that African Americans do

not have voting rights because that would result in the loss of power from the white man (White, Sanders

and Sanders 57). Shabazz brings up Billy Graham because he is a white nationalist and the church system

in the country is meant to serve the interests of the white man. Shabazz mentions Billy Graham to urge

African Americans to embrace Black Nationalism and their own gospel which should be different from

white nationalism.

Works Cited

Colley, Zoe A. "The Making of Eldridge Cleaver: The Nation of Islam, Prison Life, and the Rise of a

Black Power Icon." Journal of Civil and Human Rights 6.1 (2020): 61-90.

Singh, Nikhil. "22 Malcolm X: Dispatches on Racial Cruelty." African American Political Thought.

University of Chicago Press, 2021. 497-515.

White, W. L., M. Sanders, and T. Sanders. "Addiction in the African American community: The recovery

legacies of Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X." Counselor 7.5 (2006): 53-58.

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