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Kalum - City of a Thousand Rhymes

Elven Tower Adventures

Kalum, City of a Thousand Rhymes
Welcome to Kalum! Don’t forget to visit our museum.
Please follow the registration process at all checkpoints.
Gatehouse Guard
The City of a Thousand Rhymes is how
How to Use the world knows Kalum. This is because Area Descriptions
The city of Kalum is huge and there about a hundred years ago, one of the
predecessors of King Kal loved poetry so
1. South Gate
are dozens of things to do and people
much, that he ordered rhymes and beau- This is the most guarded gate of the city
to help. This is a perfect location to lay
tiful poems to be immortalized in place because of its proximity to the high-class
low after a dangerous mission; it is easy
of statues and monuments. Kalum is full neighborhoods. It is also the most crowd-
to be inconspicuous and get lost in the
of murals, writings, and buildings with ed of the gates because of the many
large city streets. The heroes can spend
words all over. Every street tells a differ- neighboring towns to the south. There
a few weeks relaxing between jobs. With
ent story, and reading the phrases makes are more halflings near this location than
enough time, they can get to know the city
the city feel alive, a living song. in the others. This is because the Har-
and meet some of its citizens. Perhaps,
vesters’ Guild (area 9) is close, and many
the heroes might find a larger threat in People in Kalum are so used to reading
of their crops are just outside the gate.
the city than in their journeys. poems and rhymes every day that there
are a particular accent and way to talk 2. West Gates
Background Lore inside the walls of the city. People rhyme
without noticing, and everything they say
There are two gates on the western side
of the city wall. Several miles of marsh-
n Kalum, they have a saying.

tends to sound poetic at times. Hence the lands extend to this direction. This is why
“If there is space, there is
city’s nickname. not many visitors come through these
a way”. Hundreds of years
gates. Even if it seems more practical
ago, when the city was noth- Kalum is the capital of the kingdom of
and fast, most travelers would rather de-
ing but a thorp, the population in Kalum King Kal. His Majesty has ruled for two
viate north or south and avoid entering
barely reached half a hundred men. Back decades now. Kalum has had healthy
the city from here. This comes in handy
then, the brave pioneers settled near the growth and development thanks to him.
to King Kal and all those inside the sec-
coast, attracted by the plentiful fish pop- Several neighboring towns and set-
ond walls of the city since it makes this
ulations. The community started to grow tlements have benefited from this too.
location more secure.
from there. They took over every single There are dozens of thorps that work as
square foot they could. Little by little, massive pig and poultry farms around Despite this, there is a fairly safe pass
Kalum’s frontiers became what they are Kalum. They breed pigs, cows, and poul- through the swamps that the city watch
now, a huge metropolis with more than try. Other larger settlements process raw patrols once a day. The soil is not firm
10,000 citizens. goods and materials and export the fin- enough to sustain the passage of horse-
ished products to the capital. King Kal’s drawn carts and carriages, though.
Fishing is one of the main economic
mandate is considered prosperous and
activities in Kalum, but the city also spe-
cializes in farming activities. The city is
blessed by the gods. His Majesty still has 3. North Gate
more things in mind and he only hopes he This gate is well-guarded due to its prox-
mainly conformed by humans. But there
lives enough to see all his plans through. imity to Lord Harold’s State (area 16).
are some elves, half-elves, and a few hal-
flings. The latter are the ones in charge of The city has its largest farming area north
the Guild of the Harvesters. Though they
aren’t many, their ancient techniques to
Kalum of this gate. It is common to see carts and
wagons full of crops and food coming in.
The following descriptions of areas 1 Humans farmers work here. They belong
grow food differ from those of humans
through 16 correspond to several areas to the Harvesters’ Guild. Humans and
and yield better results.
of the city of Kalum. halflings have a friendly competition to

Elven Tower Adventures

see who can grow the best stuff. Even if
there is more farming space north of the
city, the halflings who work outside the
South Gate (area 1) usually beat them.

4. Luxury Inn
This inn/tavern is inside the high-class
neighborhoods. A stone wall divides this
section of the city from the rest. Wealthy
citizens and other nobles live here, apart
from the noisy maritime life. Peasants
and beggars aren’t allowed in the inn.
Don Pedro owns the inn. He is a stout,
chubby man. The high-class inn has a
stable and a separate building for the
kitchens and the employees’ chambers.
It is an all-inclusive stay with room ser-
vice, laundry, and a tour around the city.
Most of the employees are half-elves, and
they all wear the same white and blue

5. Kalum Museum
People in Kalum are fond of maritime
life. They are aware that fishing and sail-
ing are the foundations of the city. This
museum was built to preserve and di-
vulge their history. The museum has a
collection of almost fifty historic artifacts
or objects.
There are old arrows and spearheads,
tools, and even some bones of three-hun-
dred-year-old ancestors. But the most
beloved piece of them all is the very first
fishing boat. The one the pioneers used
to sail on to find food. They restored it
wrights that help foment the construction working. Life at the docks is always busy,
to make it look nicer, though it cannot
of a library. King Kal wishes to compete and there are things to do at all times of
be used anymore. Some people in the
with the largest centers of knowledge in the day.
city claim that this relic is a fake prop to
the world. He wants the world to remem-
make the museum look more interesting 8. Bridge
ber Kalum for its greatness, not the num-
than it is.
ber of fish or crops it produced. The construction of this one bridge took
4 years, a large effort and spending, and
6. Kalum College 7. Docks many lives. The cost to cross is 1 copper
A good number of young men and wom-
Fishing and boat making are two of the piece. The king asks his subjects to keep
en attend this privileged school. King Kal
most common professions in the city. track of all people that cross it. This has
made an effort to bring scholars and sag-
The amount of people living near this helped solve many crimes in the past.
es to the city a decade ago. He invested
area also makes these neighborhoods The city authorities know the names of
in them so they could continue their stud-
dangerous. Wealthy people never come all the people that enter the city from any
ies and then offered them a position at
to this side of the city. And there is a pro- of the gates, cross the bridge, or enter the
Kalum College.
portionate absence of tithing men here high-class neighborhoods.
This long-term project aims to prepare a as well.
considerable portion of Kalum’s citizens
King Kal is very fond of this part of the
9. Harvesters’ Guild
academically. The objective is to build a The halflings in Kalum are farming ex-
city as he understands that Kalum needs
team of researchers, scientists, and ship- perts. There are humans and elves in
its fishing engine and merchant barges

Elven Tower Adventures

the guild, of course, but it is the 3-foot- generation. Professions become an art ter the city expanded north, a new wall
tall people who excel at this job. Some and a valuable skill; skilled workers feed was built and this wan became another
jealous farmers in the north claim the their families through their hard labor. registration checkpoint.
halflings are using secret magical means
to make their crops better and larger. 12. King Kal Manor 15. Temple
The Harvesters’ Guild members say they Contrary to other parts of the city, regis- The temple is one of the most visited
simply know what they are doing in their tration is not enough to cross the gates buildings in the city. There are masses,
defense. to this side of the city. No one is allowed religious ceremonies, and even marriag-
The leader of the guild is a halfling inside the royal courtyard. Visitors must es every month. The church provides
named Vanessa Twinkle-Toes. She announce His Majesty’s advisors of their medical assistance here to attract more
doesn’t work in the fields anymore. She coming with months in advance, go followers. One of the main doctors is an
overlooks all projects from her comfort- through a tidy verification and approv- elf called Gray. She is more than happy
able office. No one is more hard-working al process and wait a further couple of to know that the King is so invested in
than her though. She is the first to arrive months to be granted permission to ap- education and technology. Gray is one
in the morning and the last to leave at proach the King’s manor. It is not possi- of the most recent graduates of Kalum
dawn. She is the reason the guild is so ble to see the King in person unless His college. She teaches there as a volunteer
successful. Majesty expresses a clear wish to speak whenever the hospital doesn’t consume
with someone face to face. A small gar- all her time. She is also psyched with the
10. Navy Office rison of soldiers lives next to the inner idea of a local library and more funds for
Francis has probably the hardest job of wall. Some of the King’s relatives live in a research and investigations.
all in the city. As part of the offices that large mansion by the northern gate.
answer directly to the king, stress and The King lives in the manor keep inside
16. Lord Harold State
short deadlines are always part of his dai- the third set of walls. A second, more After the King, Sir Harold is probably
ly life. He manages military boats, fishing thorough inspection welcomes all visi- the wealthiest and most powerful man in
barges, and shipments. He is in charge tors unless they are members of the royal Kalum. He is the proprietary of a ridicu-
of schedules and the control of arrivals family. The royal stables, church, and a lous amount of small businesses. He has
and departures. It is madness. Addition- small library are here. an army of people working for him and
ally, there are so many fishermen, sailors, he doesn’t need to move a finger to earn
and boat makers, that Francis has three 13. Fishing District gold anymore. Despite his cold and rude
of four families a day asking, demanding, This small piece of land is taken over by reputation, Sir Harold is an honorable
or begging for something. Either spare fishermen and sailors. A tall ivory-col- man and he is nothing like they say.
parts, or funds, or a loan, there are al- ored lighthouse towers over any other
ways different excuses. building on the island. Locals say this is
To top it all, the navy office is in front of the place to buy the best catch of the day.
Vendors have fresh fish, crab, and shrimp.
the docks, the most dangerous and prob-
lematic area of the city. Francis must re- Some boat drivers charge two of three Random Events
port any anomalies or crimes around this coppers to take people from the docks to Roll 1d10 to determine the possible
area and the docks. The soldiers in the this island. Many people in the city find a events that the heroes might run into
city and tithing-men have orders to obey chance to come here often. when they are in Kalum. If an encounter
Francis if the situation requires it. De- is rolled twice, choose the event above or
spite all this, Francis loves his job. How- 14. Rice Fields below it.
ever, years at the post have turned him The King and the city’s advisors opted to
into an ogre. leave this area clear of many buildings.
The few structures are grain storages
11. Middle-Class Neighborhoods and tool sheds. The priority is to take ad-
The heart of Kalum. The armorer, the vantage of the terrain and its slopes. Va-
smith, the jeweler, the stonecutter, the nessa, the leader of the Harvesters Guild,
leatherworker, etc. They are all here. Bak- is one of the city advisors and she took
ers, tailors, butchers, candle makers, the a great part in this decision. The ground
owner of the general store. Their homes here is great to grow rice, however, it is
are here, and some of their storefronts reserved for the wealthiest districts and,
as well. These hard-working people keep of course, the King.
the gears of the city turning. They pass The wall to the north of the rice fields
their knowledge on from generation to was the north border wall of the city. Af-

Elven Tower Adventures

1 A wagon passes by at high speed
splashing the adventurers with
6 A sweaty fat man in silks and
finery indulges in one last meat
Thank You
mud. pie before collapsing, clutching Your support is enormously appreciated.
at his heart. If the heroes run to I am grateful to you. It is because of the
2 Players walk into Don Pedro’s his aid, they meet Gray, who was support from my subscribers that I can
luxury inn to find the inn-keeper passing by and saw it too. She continue creating cartography and writ-
curled up in a ball beaten on invites them to the temple where
the floor while 3 thugs from the ten content for RPG games. If you like
she can help this person. what I do, you might also be interested in
docks are pouring lamp oil over
everything. 7 As the heroes pass the local my crowdfunding site where you can get
butchery near the docks, the hundreds of more short adventures like
3 While walking through the most insightful of the heroes this one. Find all about it here.
docks, the heroes are assault- deciphers the sinister meaning
ed by a swarm of begging, Also, here are some other popular prod-
behind an otherwise mundane
pick-pocketing children. cuts on sale at the DM’s Guild:
bit of graffiti "Orc meat, 8 Silver
4 A wagon comes rolling down a per pound"
steep local street and crashes After watching the King ride by
against a wall. A bunch of cages 8
toward his manor, one of the
springs open, and several very heroes steps in horse droppings.
angry animals emerge. One Vanessa, leader of the Harvest-
Bengal tiger, an albino lion, ers Guild, sees this and laughs.
and three red-tailed wolves are She offers a glass of wine to the
hungry and attack if no one unfortunate one and a walk to
offers them food in two rounds. the guild to clean the boot off.
Three rounds later, the wagon
driver comes running down, 9 A noble "recognizes" one of the
tearing his hair, and hoping that heroes from the day before. She
nobody has killed the very rare, invites them and their friends
expensive, and ferocious trained back to her manor for dinner as
animals that were supposed to thanks. If, while everybody has
be performing at a very decadent dinner, the heroes confess that
nightclub tonight. they are not who she thinks they
are, she calls her guards imme-
5 Two loud, angry voices can diately and orders their arrest.
be heard from the street. Two Six guards attempt to stop the
nobles argue over something free-loaders.
trivial (like their favorite jouster,
etc.). Their argument is hot, and 10 If the heroes meet Francis, he
they're inches from one another, asks them for help. He knows
red-faced. The bodyguards of where a group of criminals in
each noble don't seem to know hiding. And he has been fol-
how to handle the situation. lowing their trail for days. He
Finally, one says "Enough! Let us explains to the heroes that the
agree to disagree." King shall be more than happy
The other scoffs "Absolutely not; to know that the Navy Office got
we must settle this here and rid of the "Vicious Sharks". And
now!" he knows that they’ll be more
The first noble grins. "The old than happy to earn 100 gold
fall-back, then?" pieces.
The nobles then turn to the The Vicious Sharks are a gang
crowd, which has grown quite of seven bandits that meet in a
large, as peasants, commoners, dark alley on Thursday nights.
and shop owners have all come They gather there to drink,
to see what all the excitement smoke, and play cards.
was about. The nobles spot the
adventurers and each pick one
as their champion to fight to the
death for his honor, and "the
final word".

Elven Tower Adventures


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