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2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies


A Review of Stereo-Photogrammetry Method

for 3-D Reconstruction in Computer Vision
Phuong Ngoc Binh Do1,2, Quoc Chi Nguyen1

1Department of Mechatronics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 Department of Information Technology, Saigon Institute of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Abstract—3-D reconstruction is one big concern since the

first days of computer vision (CV) development. By going
through the history of 3-D reconstruction, we show the
contribution of this field into society and the necessity of
improving the system’s complexity, speed and accuracy.
Although various algorithms and methods have been
introduced, stereo-photogrammetry that applies the binocular
vision principle is the closest to human vision system. Originated
from the motivation of improving the stereo-photogrammetry
and applying for robot manipulation, the method is reviewed
with all three known-to-date categorizes local, global and semi- Fig. 1. A rough timeline of some of the most active
global. In addition, it is advisable to rectify the stereo images topics of research in computer vision [1, pp. 10].
before matching to find depth and reconstruct 3-D models.
Therefore, some of the rectification methods are demonstrated.
Finally, we discussed our findings and future work relates to

Keywords—stereo-photogramery, stereo matching, 3-D

reconstruction, computer vision, rectification, disparity.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 2. Applications of CV in (a) medical, (b)
Computer vision (CV) is a study to extract the useful archeology and (c) robotics [12, pp. 2–3].
information from digital photos and videos automatically by
computer, which mimics the vision system of a human. CV is As mentioned above, the early researches in the 3-D vision
challenging because it solves the inverse matter [1, pp. 3], system has supported tremendous applications of visual
which demands combination knowledge of many fields such impaired, robotics, navigation, games industry, augmented
as Mathematics and Physics. Szeliski [1, pp. 10] through reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) [13]. Although
Figure 1 shows a rough timeline for the most concerned topics improvements in 2-D image processing algorithms such as
in CV. There are various concerns in CV such as Image line detection, image segmentations, feature-based object
Formation; Image Processing; Feature Detection and detection, and global optimizations offer more reliable 3-D
Matching; Image Segmentation and 3-D reconstruction [1, pp. recovering techniques, they are still far from re-produce
5]. However, this paper focuses on stereo-photogrammetry as natural visual perception system of a two-year-old human [1,
a method for 3-D reconstruction. Historically, 3-D pp. 3]. [16-17] classified the techniques into Passive and
reconstruction has been developing along with CV decades Active, as shown in Figure 3.
ago. In the 1880s, according to [1, pp. 12], many CV
algorithms that focused on processing three-dimensional (3-
D) data such as modeling [2], acquisition [3], merging [4], and
recognition [5] were introduced. One of the highlights is the
introduction of discrete Markov Random Field (MRF) models
for optimization in image global search, which was applied to
find the disparity maps and acquire images’ depth information
in the later years [7-9]. Later in the 1990s, tracking and image Fig. 3. 3-D image reconstruction techniques [16].
segmentation techniques were significantly improved [10-11],
which led to multi-view stereo algorithms in 3-D Active techniques contact or project certain form of energy
reconstruction [1, pp. 14]. In the 2000s, more efficient (lights, laser, or ultrasound) onto an object to measure distance
algorithms for complex global optimization contributed to from a sensor to that object, in which the set of distances
application of 3D processing into other fields such as medical, collected from the sensor are employed to reconstruct
archeology and robotics [1, pp. 16]. Figure 2 shows 3-D geometric data of the object. The sensors used in the these
reconstruction algorithms are used to (a) process MRI images techniques are mostly based on the Time-of-Flight (ToF)
and diagnose diseases, (b) accurately estimate ice floes’ age Principle, where the distance can be extracted from the return
and size from images, and (c) reconstructing the 3-D time of reflect waves or the phase shift between the
environment where mobile robots are working. Recently, illumination and reflection, as shown in Figure 4.
machine learning techniques have shown effectiveness for the
applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into CV technology
[1] [12-15]. For instance, [15] made use of the 3-D vision and
machine learning to train the robots grasp objects (which
previously unseen) at specific points.

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2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies

companies such as Microsoft, Sony and Facebook have been

investing in the research and development of VR sets a
research trend in this field. Binocular vision makes use of two
cameras (that is why so-called “stereo”) simulating the
mechanism of the human eyes to reproduce this missing
information. Yan et al. [23] shows two possible arrangements
for the stereo as shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 4. The principle of ToF depth camera [18].
Passive techniques use an image sensor (semiconductor
charge-coupled devices or metal-oxide-semiconductor) to
record the reflected/emitted radiance from the surfaces of
objects. The signals collected from image sensors are
converted to the digital data, which is employed to build the
3D images of the objects. It should be noted that the digital
data represents the projection of the real image to the plane of
image sensor, i.e., the 2-D image of the 3-D real image. Figure
5 shows the principle to reconstruct the 3-D image from 2-D
stereo images. Accuracy is one of the highlighted advantages (a) (b)
of these methods. However, in outdoor or poorly controlled
environments, the reflection of light may generate noise in the Fig. 5. Cameras arrangements for stereo-
photogrammetry:(a) Converged camera axes
2-D images and yield the poor results from image processing.
(b) Parallel camera axes [ 23].
A common solution to eliminate the noise is hardware
improvement (e.g. image sensor, optical lens, and signal A. Stereo-Photogrammetry Depth Formula
processing chip), but results in high cost. Another solution is
to develop improved algorithms that employ commercial The parallel setup is favorable for depth calculation; and
cameras. One of these methods is called photogrammetry and the process to convert the other arrangements into the parallel
has been focused by numerous researches for 50 years [13]. one is called rectification. According to [12, pp. 290–291], by
following the geometry of binocular arrangement in Figure 6,
With machine learning, photogrammetry, as an image- the formula to calculate the depth parameter can be deduced
based 3-D reconstruction method, enables the use of as following:
enormous number of online visual information. In addition,
photogrammetry is the suitable answer for robots’ visual
perception in terms of system mobility, complexity, cost and
performance. For example, medical has benefited from most
applications of photogrammetry in analyzing MRI and CT
data [19] and robotics industry using 3-D visual system for
environment detection [12, pp. 2], grasping [20] or welding
[21]. Photogrammetry, therefore, is heavily studied and
continuously improved. One of the photogrammetry system is
the use of an extra light source (typically a projector or a laser)
with a single camera to increase the accuracy but perform
ineffective outdoors and under poorly controlled Fig. 6. Geometry of binocular arrangement
surroundings. Another system uses two cameras, therefore
[12, pp. 290].
called stereo-photogrammetry, is the focus of this paper
because of its continuous improvement even in the In parallel axes setup, arbitrary point P in the scene of the
complicated radiometric conditions between images [22]. As two cameras will be projected on both cameras’ image plane -
an alternative, a moving camera are used to capture two or and , those projected points are called a conjugate pair
more images for depth calculation, but would take more (or corresponding points). The plane formed by the center
processing time than stereo camera. Section II presents the points of the cameras’ lenses and P is an epipolar plane. Then,
stereo-photogrammetry method. For details, Section II-A the intersections of this plane with the two image planes are
illustrates the basic formula for depth calculation with stereo- called epipolar lines. Clearly, a conjugate pair of an arbitrary
photogrammetry, in which the stereo images need to be point P lies on the corresponding epipolar lines in each image.
rectified and used for disparities search. Rectification process However, there will be a displacement in the position of the
is then discussed in Section II-B. Finally, the stereo-matching corresponding points, = − which is called disparity.
algorithms to find the disparity maps are reviewed in section Assuming the origin of the coordinate system is at the
II-C. In the conclusion, we briefly introduce our current and center of the left camera lens. Without the loss of generality,
future work on this method. applying the Thales theorem for the triangle and a
line that is parallel to the side of the triangle, we have
The key concept is the binocular vision. In biology, it is a type x xL (1)
 .
of vision using two eyes to perceive the depth by overlapping z f
the field of view from each eye. In recent years, there has
been massive application of this concept to technology, Similarly, for the triangle and the line
namely Virtual Reality (VR). The fact that big technology

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2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies

x  b xR (2) C. Stereo Matching

 .
z f Disparity searching, a.k.a. stereo matching or visual
correspondence, is a process of finding the corresponding
Finally, the formula for depth is deduced from the two pairs in the stereo images and obtaining the disparity maps
equations above from their positions. This matter has been intensively
bf bf (3) investigated in CV community [28-29]. The number of the
z  .
xL  xR D methods are still increasing and there is an online platform
called Middlebury benchmark to keep track of the new
The formula raises two sub-issues that are needed to be methods. The evaluations of the methods are often done
solved: 1. How to rectify the images, and 2. How to find the between the achieved disparity maps with the ground truth
disparity D map from a pair of rectified stereo images. images (i.e. the actual depth images). Currently, there has not
yet a method that yields the most reliable and fastest result,
B. Image Rectification
this opens the gate for researches in improving its performance
and speed.
Scharstein et al. [29] generalized the process into four
steps: 1. Matching cost computation, 2. Cost (support)
aggregation, 3. Disparity computation/Optimization, and 4.
Disparity refinement; while Fuhr et al. [28] divided the
(a) (b) methods into two categories: local and global. However, both
Fig. 7. Stereo Images (a) before (b) after rectification. local or global approaches will go through the above steps,
which are called the taxonomy of stereo matching.
The conjugate (corresponding) pair of an arbitrary point
on the object will lie on the corresponding pair of epipolar Local technique uses the surround information around a
lines in the stereo images. However, in Figure 7(a), it is a pixel to calculate its disparity locally. By applying the
tremendous task to find the corresponding epipolar lines in the taxonomy, in the first and second step, common algorithms
whole image. Rectification process helps to transform the are Squared intensity differences (SSD), Absolute intensity
images so that the corresponding epipolar lines will be parallel differences (SAD), Normalized cross-correlation and Binary
and on the same horizontal lines, Figure 7(b). The disparity matching cost [28]. Overall, the algorithm that represents this
searching problem therefore reduces from the whole-image step and mostly used is SAD. For example, [30] used this
searching into line searching. technique to calculate the matching cost for their mobile robot.
The formula for SAD is known as below.
There are cases that rectification is impossible, i.e., of
pushroom images [22]. The epipolar lines are not straight but
hyperbola. The author [22] suggested the method to aggregate
SAD ( x, y, D)  
( i , j )W ( x , y )
| I L (i, j )  I R (i  D, j ) | . (4)
the matching cost from 16 directions to cover the 2-D image.
However, most of the cases it is feasible and advisable to In Eq. (4), W ( x, y) is the surround window with the
rectify the stereo images to reduce the calculating complexity. concerned pixel in the middle; x, y are therefore odd integers.
Literature offers various methods for image rectification. I (i, j ) is the intensity of a pixel at the coordinate (i, j ) ; is
[25] names a few such as Robert et al.’s [26] algorithm the disparity between the concerned pixels. Figure 9 gives a
minimizes the distortion of orthogonality around centers of the visual example of SAD matching cost [30]. The matching cost
photos; Hartley [27] minimizes the parallax within the is the absolute difference (AD) between the pixels (that are
corresponding points which are used for the rectification converted into grayscale) in the searching windows from the
process, which is then applied for the stereoRectify- stereo images, and the aggregation step is to take the sum of
Uncalibrated() library in OpenCV; and Loop and Zhang [24], the differences, so call the name SAD. Finally, the two
proposed to decompose the transformation into three smaller concern pixels with the least SAD (of the windows around
steps: Projective Transformation, Similarity Transformation them) will be the corresponding ones (Using “Winner-take-
and Shearing Transformation, then minimize the distortion of all” (WTA) method).
each transformation. The final distortion varies from methods
to methods. However, generally all the algorithms try to
rectify the stereo images with the least distortion that makes ABS ( - ) =
the epipolar lines parallel and on the same horizontal lines.
Figure 8 shows the testing results for using Hartley’s [27] and
Zhang’s [24] method, the former shows some distortion
SAD = 1696
comparing to the latter method.
Fig. 9. SAD cost aggregation example [30].
The advantage of this technique is low computation cost
comparing to the global methods which try to optimize a
global energy, hence, the local techniques typically faster.
However, the results are noisier [28]. The local algorithm can
(a) (b) be improved by minimizing an image row (i.e. a pair of
epipolar lines in post rectification) instead of the local cost for
Fig. 8. Hartley’s (a) shows some distortion in red circle a pixel. A disparity space image (DSI) is created from each
while Zhang’s (b) does not pair of corresponding epipolar lines, then using Dynamic
Programming to search for the optimal path from top left to

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2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies

bottom right of the DSI, which as a result, is the disparity map Lr ( p, D)  C ( p, D)  min( Lr ( p  r , D),
of the points on that scanline [31]. However, this method
introduces streaking because the relationships between DSIs Lr ( p  r, D  1)  P1 ,
of the whole image are not considered. Figure 10 show a DSI Lr ( p  r, D  1)  P1,
min Lr ( p  r,i)  P2 )  min Lr ( p  r ,k).
i k

S ( p, D)   Lr ( p, D). (7)

In Figure 11, paths that are not horizontal, vertical or

diagonal are implemented by moving one step horizontally (or
vertically), then one step diagonally. In Eq. (7), the aggregated
(a) (b) cost S ( p, D) are the sum of Lr from all directions r, then the
Fig. 10. (a) DSI of a scanline, and (b) Regularize disparity D is selected with respect to the minimum cost,
process of the DSI [31]. min DS( p, D) . If Di is the number of possible disparities, the
calculation cost is O ( Di ) at each pixel. The algorithm also
In contrast, global techniques normally skip the aggregation
goes through each pixel 16 times, therefore, total complexity
step (step 2 of the taxonomy) and introduce an energy-
optimizing framework that contains a data and a smoothness is O (WHDi ) . In [22], the author applied integer-based SIMD
term [22][29]. By adding penalties for occlusions (where parts (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) assembler instructions for
of an object can be viewed in left image but blocked from right parallel processing, hence, reduce significantly the time.
image, and vice versa) [32-33], visibility treatment [24-36], Moreover, [22] used the mutual information (MI) based on the
ensuring the stereo consistent symmetry [34-37], or using entropies of the images to calculate the matching cost; which
segmentation data for smoothness term weighting [36], the results are proved to be insensitive to intensity changes [49],
smoothness of the disparity map is enhanced. First of all, the see Figure 12.
energy function is defined as below
E(D)  E(data) (D)  E( smooth) ( D). (5)

In Eq. (5), E(data) ( D) is the sum of initial or aggregated

matching costs that shows to what extent the disparity function
D agrees with the pair of stereo images. And the E( smooth) ( D) Fig. 11. Aggregation of costs:
term makes sure the disparity map is robust by investigating 16 Paths from all directions r [22].
the difference of neighboring disparities. Then, many
approaches are used to optimize the energy function, e.g. Finally, depending on the applications that the disparity
traditional algorithms with regularization and Markov refinement will be carried out or not. Normally, disparities
Random Fields (MRF) such as continuation [38], simulated estimated in discretized space are good enough for robot
annealing [39-41], highest confidence first [42], mean field navigation or object/ human tracking. However, they are not
annealing [43]; or recently, graph-cut [44-48] and Belief appealing in image-based rendering, e.g. quantized maps. As
Propagation [34]. Despite most top-ranked methods are global a result, sub-pixels refinement techniques repeating gradient
which produce smooth and robust results, their disadvantage descent and curve-fitting to the matching cost at discrete
is the computation cost; in other words, local techniques tend disparity levels [50-52]. However, the results depend on two
to be more simple and faster than global ones [22][28]. conditions: 1. Smoothly varied intensities, 2. Computing
regions are on same surface [29]. [53] mentioned the
Semi-global matching method, therefore, was introduced possibility of correlation curves fitting to integer-sampled
to combine the low complexity of local methods (by matching costs, but the conditions for good results are need to
calculating matching cost in 1D) with the global smoothness be investigated further [29].
(by aggregating matching cost from all directions equally, i.e.,
at least 8 and up to 16 directions to well-cover the 2-D images)
[22]. This idea also solves cases where rectification is not
feasible. First the costs are calculated using any known (a) (b)
method, e.g. SAD. The aggregated cost S ( p, D) for a pixel p
(with disparity D) is the sum of all 1-D optimum cost paths
that end in pixel p (at disparity D), see Figure 11. The method
is formulated, as below, for cost Lr ( p,D) belongs to a path in
direction r of pixel p (with disparity D). Finally, the author (c) (d)
subtracts the minimum path cost of previous pixel,
min Lr ( p  r, k) to avoid the accumulation of costs along the
path. Fig. 12. (a) Left image (b) Right image, synthetically
altered (c) Result from a traditional stereo algorithm
(d) Result from MI method [49].

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2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies

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