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Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Technical Manual
Volume A : DESIGN

His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Ministry of Local Development

Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Trail Bridge Section
Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Technical Manual
Volume A : DESIGN

His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Ministry of Local Development

Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Trail Bridge Section
Published by : His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Ministry of Local
Development, Department of Local Infrastructure Development
and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), Trail Bridge Section with the
support of the Swiss Government (SDC) through Helvetas Nepal,

Technical Editing by : SKAT Consulting, Consulting Services for Development

Vadianstrasse 42, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Copyright : Material from this publication may be freely quoted, translated, or

otherwise used. Acknowledgment is requested.

Distributors : In Nepal
Trail Bridge Section, DoLIDAR, Lalitpur, Nepal

Outside Nepal:
SKAT Foundation, Resource Center for Development
Vadianstrasse 42, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Edition : First edition - 1983

Second revised edition - 1992
Third revised edition - 2004
(LSTB Technical Manual)

ISBN 3 - 9 0 8 1 5 6 - - 0 8 - 4

The views, interpretations, and calculations in this paper are the author's and are not
attributable to TBS/DoLIDAR and Helvetas. Anyone using this manual should verify the
calculations according to the specific conditions of the site on which the bridges are to be
His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has decided to decentralize all local level infrastructures including
trail bridge. In order to realize this goal and make it operational, the Government is in the process of
bringing a national policy called Nepal Trail Bridge Policy & Strategy (NTBPS). This forthcoming NTBPS
is to assist Districts in the planning and implementation of trail bridges. Furthermore, the NTBPS is to be
based on seven core Handbooks and Manuals providing comprehensive information on any aspect
related to trail bridge building.

This Manual is devoted to Long Span Trail Bridges (LSTB) and contains all the norms, standards and
specifications that must be observed by bridge builders. The application of the NTBPS and its subsidiary
Handbooks and Manuals are mandatory. The Trail Bridge Section (TBS) of DoLIDAR has been assigned
to supervise that both will be enforced

S.S. Shrestha
Director General
DoLIDAR July 2004
The Trail Bridge Section (TBS) was preceded by a HMG project known as the Suspension Bridge
Division (SBD). SBD was established in 1964 when HMG decided to make the construction of trail
bridges a national priority. SBD received extensive support from Helvetas and SDC. Initial efforts focused
a lot on providing safe crossings along major trade routes resulting in what became known as the “Main
Trails” and for which a technology was developed using sound engineering practices and that were later
on Incorporated in what became known as the “SBD-Manuals”.

The 1990-ties were marked by developing another bridge type using indigenous technologies and local
resources but also based on sound engineering practices in order to make shorter bridges more
economical. The development of this bridge type was spearheaded by Helvetas and became then known
as the "Bridge Building at the Local Level (BBLL)" project. This project received extensive support from
HMG/N and SDC.

As the technology of both bridge types matured, TBS initiated to review the developed technologies to
make the two compatible. This resulted in the development of the Nepal Trail Bridge Policy & Strategy
(NTBPS), which in turn is based amongst others on a so called demarcation convention. This convention
basically states that the more solid and more expensive SBD approach must be reserved for bridges of a
long span, and the more elegant BBLL approach with considerable economic benefits to bridges of a
short span.

Henceforth TBS revised the two technologies resulting in various Handbooks and Manuals, including the
LSTB-Technical Manual and SSTB-Technical Handbook.

I am proud to present here the Long Span Trail Bridge Manual which has been made user friendly and
which is also accessible on our website

Furthermore, I on behalf of TBS, acknowledge the valuable efforts put in by the project team and extend
my sincere thanks to all those who were Involved in the preparation of this Technical Manual.

Neeraj Shah
Section Chief, Senior Divisional Engineer
DoLIDAR/TBS July 2004
Despite the rugged topography of the Himalayan State of Nepal, the people established and maintained a
traditional trail network for centuries. Footpaths and mule trails are the lifelines for the exchange of goods,
the sick going to health posts and the children going to school. Despite great efforts in road construction,
a large part of the hill population will continue to depend on the traditional trail network for decades to

The Himalayan drainage system consists of countless rivers, which divide the hill areas into many micro
economic areas. River crossings are the critical links for roads as well as for trails. For bridging shorter
spans, the Nepalese have developed in numerous Regions simple, yet remarkable local techniques.

This LSTB-Technical Manual is the successor of the “SBD-Manual” which represent the outcome of over
30 years experience of pedestrian trail bridge building in Nepal. In fact it even encompasses early
practices made at the beginning of the 20th century, when some 30 suspension bridges were built by
Scottish engineers arranged by the Rana rulers of that time. In the course of all these years, countless
recommendations, suggestions and findings of innumerable engineers, overseers, sub-overseers, site
supervisors and consultants of the joint Trail Bridge Programs between SDC/Helvetas and HMG's
Suspension Bridge Division have been utilized.

We acknowledge with thanks the efforts provided by the project teams of HMG's Trail Bridge Section,
Suspension Bridge Division and Helvetas under the leadership of Gyanendra Rajbhandari of Helvetas
and the relentless encouragement of Neeraj Shah from TBS to upgrade the Manual from “SBD” to
“LSTB”. We also gratefully appreciate the contribution of Mr. Kamal Jaisi, Suspension Bridge Division,
Dr. N.L. Joshi, Bridge Consultancy Nepal, for their careful statical analysis and Prof. A.B. Singh, Institute
of Engineering, Tribhuvan University and the external support of SKAT Consulting, Switzerland, for their
final technical editing of this Manual. Many thanks go also to Om B. Khadka and L. D. Sherpa who
converted all the standard drawings, sketches and photos onto the computer and also did all the desktop

Our sincere thanks go further to all persons who have been involved in the preparation of this Manual and
who forwarded their valuable comments and suggestions. We hope that this Manual will be widely used
by technicians appointed to construct a pedestrian trail bridge of long span of more than 120 meters.

HELVETAS Nepal, Swiss Association for International Cooperation

P.O. Box 688 Kathmandu, Nepal July 2004
Long span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A


Volume A: Design



1. Introduction.............................................................................1

2. Standard Design of LSTB...................................................... 2

3. Basic Design Concept.......................................................... 24

4. Material Specifications......................................... 31

5. General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design............ 44

6. Design of Bridge Foundation...............................................61

7. Design of Standard Suspended Bridge..............................111

8. Design of Standard Suspension Bridge.............................138

9. Design of Windguy Arrangement....................................... 199

10. Special Design................................................................... 232

11. Adjacent Works...................................................................248

12. Appendix........................................................................... 268

A Long span Trail Bridge Standard

Summary of Contents of the Four Volumes

Volume A: Design

1. Introduction
2. Standard Design of LSTB
3. Basic Design Concept
4. Material Specifications
5. General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design
6. Design of Bridge Foundation
7. Design of Standard Suspended Bridge
8. Design of Standard Suspension Bridge
9. Design of Windguy Arrangement
10. Special Design
11. Adjacent Works
12. Appendix

Note: SBD Manual, Volume A: Design, 1992 is superseded by

LSTB Technical Manual, Volume A: Design, 2004.

Design Software on Volume A:

Design Software as per LSTB Technical Manual, Volume A: Design produced by
TBS/DoLIDAR is available. This software will supersede the old “DEQUA” design program.

Volume B: Survey

1. Introduction
2. Survey preparation
3. Feasibility survey
4. Bridge site selection
5. Detailed geological study
6. Topographic survey
7. Construction materials and labour
8. Miscellaneous data collection
9. Soil tests and their evaluation
10. Preparation of the survey report
11. Appendix
Long span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Volume C: Standard Design Drawings

Part I and II

A. Standard working and assembly drawings

B. Standard structural drawings

C. Special design drawings

D. Design examples
Two general arrangements (suspended bridge, suspension bridge) related to the
design examples of VOLUME A: DESIGN.

Note: SBD Manual, Volume C: Standard Design Drawings, is superseded by

LSTB Technical Manual, Volume C: Standard Design Drawings, 2004.

Volume D: Execution of Construction Works

1. Schedule of construction operations and sits, camp

2. Machines and Instruments
3. Setting out of the bridge
4. Excavation
5. Masonry
6. Form work
7. Reinforcement and steel parts
8. Concrete
9. Rendering and surface mortar
10. Rock anchors
11. Cables
12. Bridge erection
13. Stabilization of slopes
14. River bank protection
15. Drainage
16. Bridge access
17. Traits
18. Bridge maintenance
19. Inspection forms
Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

1. Introduction
His Majesty’s Government of Nepal has elaborated the Nepal Trail Bridge Policy & Strategy
(NTBPS). This Policy lays down the norms, standards, technologies, modalities and
approaches amongst the trail bridge builders and other organizations engaged in, or
supporting trail bridge building either directly or indirectly. The NTBPS promotes the
decentralized process of bridge building in practical terms in accordance with the Local Self
Governance Act (LSGA) 2055. The Trail Bridge Section (TBS), of the Department of Local
Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Roads (DoLIDAR) within the Ministry of Local
Development (MOLD) has been entrusted to enforce the NTBPS. TBS enforces the NTBPS
by means of various Manuals. This Manual provides all technical details pertinent to Long
Span Trail Bridges (LSTB), hence its corresponding name LSTB -Technical Manual, and
supercedes what used to be known as the SBD-Standard design1.

In addition to the technical Manuals, TBS has also issued a Manual on

LSTB-Consultants and Contractors which also forms an integral part of the NTBPS.

LSTB bridges have especially been developed for the Main Trails but can also be applied at
strategic crossings provided that they comply with a set of predefined socio-economic
criteria. The LSTB technology has especially proven to be suitable and cost effective for
spans exceeding 120 meters. Technical details for bridges of a shorter span are provided in
another Manual notably the SSTB2-Manual. The latter was developed under, what used to
be known as the Bridge Building at Local Level Program sponsored by HNG/N, SDC and
Helvetas. SSTB has proven to be more economic and more environmental friendly for
spans less than 120 meters and allow substantial contribution from the local communities.

In summary, the technical Manuals are based on the following demarcation:

Span <120m SSTB-Manual
Span >120m LSTB-Manual

This LSTB-Manual is valid for both types of cable-supported: the suspended- and the
suspension bridge.

The LSTB-Manual covers four Volumes: “A” covering Design; “B” covering Survey; “C”
covering Standard Design Drawings; and “D” covering Execution.

The cost of a SSTB standard bridge is about 60% or 50% of a LSTB standard bridge for the
suspended and suspension type respectively. The main variant of total-cost results from the
portering distance and its corresponding costs.

All Manuals reflect the vast experience gained in bridge building. Conservative engineering
practice has been combined with empirical data collected over decades to result in the most
carefully tuned design.

This LSTB Technical Manual is basically identical to what used to be known as the SBD
Manual but has been adapted to match the above demarcation and some
modification/improvement, inducing bridge builders to build SSTB bridges for short spans.

1 SBD stands for Suspension Bridge Division.

2 SSTB stands for Short Span Trail Bridge

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2. Standard Design of LSTB

Table of Contents

2.1 General 3
2.1.1 Standard Design 3
2.1.2 Standard Drawings 3
2.1.3 Other Terms 4

2.2 Standard Suspended Bridge 5

2.2.1 Description 5
2.2.2 Layout and Sections 6
2.2.3 Standard Drawings 7
2.2.4 Completed Suspended Bridge 8

2.3 Standard Suspension Bridge 9

2.3.1 Description 9
2.3.2 Layout and Sections 10
2.3.3 Standard Drawings 13
2.3.4 Variation of Anchorage Foundation 13
2.3.5 Combined Walkway / Tower Foundation with Staircase 14
2.3.6 Completed Suspension Bridge 15

2.4 Windguy Arrangement 16

2.4.1 Description 16
2.4.2 Layout 16
2.4.3 Standard Drawings 17

2.5 Walkway Deck 18

2.5.1 Steel Deck 18
2.5.2 Wooden Deck 18

2.6 Special Design 19

2.6.1 Description 19
2.6.2 Special Suspended Bridge 19
2.6.3 Special Suspension Bridge 20
2.6.4 Special Windguy Arrangements 21
2.6.5 Steel Truss Bridge 23

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 2

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.1 General
2.1.1 Standard Design

Nowadays almost all construction projects take advantage of standardization, e.g.,

standardized steel profiles, standardized cement quality, standardized bricks, etc.
Standardization facilitates reduction in working load throughout the design and execution
process, e.g., the use of standardized drawings reduces the working load and ensures the
achievement of a set quality of drawings. Because of variable site conditions it is impossible
to produce a 100% standardized bridge design. The degree of standardization chosen for
the standard design of suspended and suspension bridges allows the design engineer to
adjust the individual design to specific site conditions. Accessibility and the availability of
Labor and materials as well as the geological, geotechnical, and hydrological conditions of
the site are among the specific conditions that should be considered.

Steel parts as well as the towers for suspension bridges are 100% standardized. These
parts may be chosen according to a number of parameters (e.g., bridge span, cable
diameter, calculated forces, etc.) by using a specific set of tables, no further design work is
necessary. The analysis of the cable structure has to be scrutinized by the design engineer,
following a standardized procedure leading to the number and diameter of cables required
as well as to the forces to be considered for foundation design. Foundations have to be
designed according to the specific site conditions, although basic layout and min./max.
dimensions for a number of foundation types are given in the manual. The specific site
conditions are determined by following a standardized site investigation procedure (Volume
B: Survey).

Standard design offers many possibilities, e.g., reduced design work and uniform quality of
different projects, etc. Although some reduction in flexibility has to be accepted and
although the standard design does not result in the most economic design for all the sites,
the advantages should be assessed by looking at the number and quality of projects

2.1.2 Standard Draw ings

The planning, design, and structural analysis of the bridges are based upon the survey
results. The execution of this work is described in the following chapters. Design work
results in the General Arrangement, showing the bridge in plan and section.

All other designs and drawings required for manufacturing bridge components and for the
execution of construction works have been prepared already and compiled into a set of
standard design drawings (Volume C). For each particular bridge project they are arranged

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

There are two different groups of standard design drawing.

1. The standard design drawings necessary for the design, manufacture, and
construction of the standard program for suspended and suspension bridges. This
group contains a standardization (all possible loads, number of cables, dimensions)
of all the components of the two standard bridge types.

2. The special design drawings are used for cases in which a deviation from the
standard bridge type is necessary. Usually, this group contains design examples to
be used as bases for the preparation of new designs according to the requirements
of a particular project.

Within the two groups of drawings, there are three different drawing types.

1. Working and assembly drawings having a related structural drawing

(e.g., anchorages)

2. Working and assembly drawings without related structural drawings

(e.g., windties)

3. Structural drawings (e.g., foundations)

Working and assembly drawings contain all the information needed for manufacturing steel
structures, including steel-part lists with working drawings for each part, weights and
surfaces to be painted or galvanized, and welding details and assembly drawings.
Assembly drawings are also for use during construction of the bridge.

Structural drawings contain necessary information for the execution of construction works.
These drawings have open dimensions and levels which are determined according to the
requirements of the particular bridge project.

For a complete list of standard drawings refer to the Appendix.

2.1.3 O ther Term s

Anchorage Steel parts which anchor any tension member (cables,


(Anchorage) Foundation Concrete structures (in which the anchorage steel parts
are embedded) which transfer the load of the structure
(anchorage) to the soil or rock on which it rests.

Gravity Foundation The media for transmitting the load applied to the structure
by its own weight to the soil or rock on which it rests.

Deadman Foundation Predominately passive earth pressure has to be

taken into consideration to achieve equilibrium with
the load from the structure.

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 4

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.2 Standard Suspended Bridge

2.2.1 D escription

The standard suspended bridge is a modern version of the traditional chain bridge which is
frequently seen in Nepal. The load bearing cables (main cables) are below the walkway
system in suspended type bridge. Sagging walkway cables are suspended below their
anchorages. A bridge with the main foundations on the same elevation is called a level
bridge. The main foundations might not have the same elevation and the bridge is therefore
called an inclined bridge.

The cables (steel wire ropes) are directly anchored to the main anchorage founucuion using
only small pillars for handrail cable support.

For LSTB standard suspended bridges, i.e. a bridge with a span over 120 m, there are two
types of cable anchoring systems. For span up to 210 m drum type anchor is used where
the main cables (4 or 6 numbers) are anchored to the concrete drums by rounding around
them and end part of the cable is clamped. The cable length is not adjustable after the
drums are covered by the concrete. The anchor drum is inside the foundation structure. For
greater spans over 210 m (8 to 12 main cables), the cables are secured with thimbles and
bulldog grips to hinged anchors with adjustable turnbuckles. This type of anchor is known
as open type anchor. The cable length in such anchor is adjustable as the turnbuckle is
outside of the foundation block.

The handrail cables are always secured with thimbles and bulldog grips to adjustable
anchorages. The main foundations are usually designed as gravity foundations on soil or on
rock. Anchorage rods may be provided to stabilize the foundation on rock and might be
necessary to stabilize the rock itself.

Both the handrail and the (lower) main cables are the (vertical) load-bearing elements
connected throughout the bridge with hanger rods at distances of 1.20 m. The hanger rods
are fixed at the top to the handrail cable and at the bottom to the cross-beams which are
bolted to the main cables. The cross-beams support the walkway deck which is 1.00 m in
width. For details of the deck systems refer to 2.5. Chain-link wiremesh netting fences the
walkway. It is fixed at the top to the handrail cable and at the bottom to a fixation cable.

The wind-guy arrangement is required for LSTB standard suspended bridge as a stabilizing
measure and to safe guard the bridge from wind load. For details refer to 2.6.

The suspended bridge is an economical design whenever the required freeboard can be
achieved along with the geological site conditions allowing its construction.

5 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.2.2 Layout and Sections

Inclined bridge with gravity anchorage foundation.

A) Plan

windguy cable
onchorage dire c t
on rock

main anchoroge main anchorage

foundation on foundation on
soil rock
windguy cable cros^-beam
windguy cable
anchorage anchorage
foundation on fo u n d a tio n on
soil ro c k
windguy cable
(single or double)

B) Side Elevation

C) Section of Walkway Support and Deck

Section of walkway support with steel walkway deck

handrail cable
hanger rod
wiremesh netting
ste e l walkway deck

fixation cable
cross- beam
mam cables

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 6

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Section of walkway support with wooden planking (only optional and in general not
recommended to use)

h a n d ra il c a b le

hang er rod

w ire m e s h n e ttin g
w ooden plan ks ( lo n g it u d in a l)

w o oden noiling s t r i p

f ix a t io n c o b le

c ro s s -b e a m

m ain c a b le s

2.2.3 Standard Draw ings

A) Drum-type Anchorage Foundation

1 unit of 1 unit of 1 unit of 1 unit of

main foundation
for.....main cobles STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS j
on s o il/ rock

b) Open-type Anchorage Foundation

t unit o f 1 unit of 1 unit o f 1 unit of

f o r .......m a in c a b le s

7 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.2.4 Com pleted S uspended Bridge

For an example of a General Arrangement Drawing refer to the Appendix.

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 8

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.3 Standard Suspension Bridge

2.3.1 D escription

The standard suspension bridge can be distinguished by its towers and upwardly cambered
walkway. The sagging, load-bearing main cables (steel wire ropes) are not under the
walkway system. They are supported by the towers and secured with thimbles and bulldog
grips (hinged) to adjustable cross-beams on the anchorage rods of the main foundations.

An inclined arrangement of this bridge type (walkway / tower foundation on right and left
bank at different elevations) is not recommended. This type of bridge will have
non-symmetric geometry and complex stability analysis. Further, there is no practical
experience of the behavior of such type of the bridge.

The main foundations might be designed as gravity foundations on soil or rock, as

deadman anchorage foundations on soil, or as tunnel anchorage foundations on rock.
Anchorage rods might be necessary to stabilize the rock.

The towers are hinged at the base and the main cables are clamped at the top. They are
connected to the walkway / tower foundation with anchorage rods to take up possible
tensile forces. For long-span bridges, side stay cables, fixed on top of the tower, are
necessary to reduce lateral deflections. Towers are constructed with two tower legs
connected by the main bracing for lateral stability. Tower legs are constructed with four mild
steel angles and tower leg bracing of angles or rods.

The main cables are the only (vertical) load-bearing cables. The suspension of the walkway
is brought about-by the means of suspender rods which are unequal in length but
adjustable to a fine degree. The suspenders are fixed at distances of 1.20 m and are joined
at the top to the main cables and to the bottom giving support to the cross-beams. The
span length must be chosen to provide intervals of 2.40 m because of the different lengths
of the suspenders, up to 280m. Two spanning cables are attached underneath the
cross-beams and anchored to the walkway / tower foundation.

The walkway steel deck supported by the cross-beams is 1.20 m in width. For details of the
deck systems refer to 2.5. The walkway is cambered to allow sufficient pre-tension between
main cables and spanning cables thus increasing the stability of the bridge. Stabilizing
cables, for bridges with spans above 160 m, and also diagonal stabilizers, are provided to
damp longitudinal oscillations. Chain-link wire mesh netting fences the walkway and is fixed
at the top to a handrail cable and at the bottom to a fixation cable.

The wind-guy arrangement is required for LSTB standard suspension bridge as a stabilizing
measure and to safe guard the bridge from wind load. For details refer to 2.6.

9 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.3.2 Layout and Sections

Bridge with gravity foundations

A) Plan
------------ sidestoy cobles ( i f tower height > 2 5 . 2 3 m)
P -------sidestoy coble anchorage foundation on rock

— main cables

walkway / tower main cable

foundation anchorage
on soil
windguy cable
— windguy coble clamp anchorage fo u n d a tio n
(if double windguy cable) on soil
-------- sidestoy cable anchorage combined
with windguy coble anchorage fo u n d a tio n
on r o c k

B) Side Elevation


(main cables)

walkway / tower-
(without foot)

stabilizing cables — handrail cables

( if span > 8 4 . 4 0 m) — suspenders
------- spanning cables
diagonal stabilizers ------------------------ fixation cables
( i f span > 4 4 4 . 4 0 m ) --------- windguy cables

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 10

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) Section of Walkway Support and Deck

Section of walkway support with steel walkway deck

main cables
cable clamp
suspender (hanger)

handrail cable
wiremesh netting

steel walkw ay deck

fixation cable
cross - beam

spanning cable

Section of walkway support with wooden planking (only optional and in general not
recommended to use)

hondroii cable
wiremesh netting
wooden planks
wooden noiling strip
fixation coble

spanning coble

11 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

D) Tower

Basic types of tower design for LSTB suspension bridge:

Length of Tower Leg Tower Leg Used for Tower

Type Intermediate Distance Cross Section Heights
Element (m) c/c1 (m) x (mm) y (mm) (m)

1 2 X 1.85 3.50 300 400 12.90

2 2 x 1.85 3.50 400 550 12.92 to 18.47

3 2.50 4.00 450 750 17.74 to 27.73

4 2.50 4.00 450 900 30.22 & higher

C/c-] : center distance of tower legs.

c/c2 : center distance of anchorage rods.

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 12

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.3.3 Standard Draw ings


assembly of tower, height -

1 unit of 1 unit of t unit of t unit of 1 unit of

tower base tower inter­ tower top tower saddle for diogonal stabiliz e r
element mediate ele- element cobles f o r ......main cables

mam cable anchorage walkway / tower

foundation fo r....... foundation S T R U C T U R A L ORAWINGS
main cables c/c,=

2.3.4 Variation of A nch o rag e Foundation

A) Tunnel Anchorage Foundation

13 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Deadman Anchorage Foundation

1) Use standard working and assembly drawing, "Main Cable Anchorage", with
extended anchorage length and structural drawing, Main Cable Deadman
Foundation". For design example see Main cable Deadman Anchorage design
drawing No. 49/2.

2.3.5 Com bined W alkw ay / T o w er Foundation w ith Staircase

Two types of staircase are standardized, both with a range for H between 1.50 m and 5.50
- in good soil conditions (rock, gravel, sandy gravel etc.)

- for medium to unfavorable soil conditions (silt, clay etc.)

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 14

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.3.6 C om pleted S uspension Bridge

For an example of a General Arrangement Drawing refer to the appendix.

15 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.4 Windguy Arrangement

2.4.1 D escription
A windguy system is required for bridges with span of more than 120m.

The walkways of LSTB standard suspended and suspension bridges are laterally supported
by the windtie cables which are fixed to the parabolically aligned windguy cables. The
windties are fixed to the cross-beams at intervals of 4.80 m. for suspension bridges and
6.00 m. for suspended bridges (with less exposed area).

2.4.2 Layout

Parabolic windguy arrangement

sidestoy cables ( i f tow er height > 2 5 . 2 3 m )

s id e sta y coble anchorage foundation

— main cables

walkway/tower main cable

foundation anchorage

windguy cable
-w in dguy coble clamp onchorage foundation
(if double windguy cable)
sid e sta y coble anchorage combined
with windguy coble anchorage foundation

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 16

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.4.3 Standard D raw ings


17 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.5 Walkway Deck

There are two options for walkway deck, i.e., steel deck and wooden deck. Wood are
becoming more and more scars, expensive and difficult to find the good quality.
Deforestation is the common causes of environmental degradation. Further, wooden planks
needs to be frequently replaced.

Therefore, a galvanized steel deck, which will be almost maintenance free, reducing the
burden of routine maintenance, is recommended.

2.5.1 Steel Deck

One unit of steel walkway deck of a 1.20 m. bridge span consists of two elements (approx.
0.50 m. for a suspended bridge and approx. 0.60 m. for a suspension bridge) which are
directly bolted to the cross-beams. The elements are constructed of steel angles arranged
longitudinally with a small gap in between and reinforcement bars arranged crosswise
welded on top at a distance of about 0.20 m.

2.5.2 W ooden Deck

(Only optional and in general not recommended to use)
Longitudinal planks (2.39/1,98/0.05m) are nailed in a staggered arrangement on to wooden
nailing strips which are bolted to the cross beams.

Note: In case longitudinal planks are not available, the planks may be arranged crosswise
and nailed on to longitudinal stringers which are bolted to the cross beams.

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 18

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2.6 Special Design

2.6.1 Description

When the standard design would obviously result in an unfavorable solution, the design
engineer is free to follow a special design. Some recommendations for special designs are
given in the manual. Other special designs may be developed according to the specific site
conditions encountered. Special designs always require the careful attention of the design
engineer and, in some cases, additional control activities are even needed during execution
in the workshop and on site. The design engineer has to decide for each specific case if an
independent check by a consulting engineer is required or not. Special designs entail a
higher degree of responsibility on the part of the project team, especially the design
engineer. Special designs are strongly recommended wherever a significant reduction in
costs can be achieved.

If some of the standard drawings are used in a special design, the structural analysis has to
be checked carefully.

Note: Any bridge in which the anchorage (Windguy) is combined with another anchorage
foundation has to be treated as a special design as more load combination might

2.6.2 Special Suspended Bridge

A) Combined Main Foundation with Staircase

1) Use the standard design "Main Cable Anchorage".

For a design example see special design drawing No. 60/4.

19 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2.6.3 Special Suspension Bridge

A) With One Tower Only

1) Spacing clamp for main cable.

For a design example see special design drawing No. 28.
2 ) Use the modified standard design "Walkway / Tower Anchorage".
For a design example see special design drawing No. 91/3.
3) Use the modified standard design, "Main Cable Anchorage", drum type.
For a design example see special design drawing No. 60/3.

B) Without Tower
main coble anchorage (drum type) foundatit

main cobles

— WOlkway onchoroge

spacing clamp

j __!.. » ... 1 J__ L-L--LX ]M

inclined suspenders

in suitable

1) Spacing clamp for main cable.

For a design example see special design drawing No. 28.
2) Use the modified standard design "Walkway / Tower Anchorage".
For a design example see special design drawing No. 91/3.
3) Use the modified standard design "Cable Drum Anchorage".
For a design example see special design drawing No. 60/3.
4) Suspenders, use the standard design drawing "Suspenders".
Manual calculation of suspender lengths may be required.

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 20

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) With Loaded Side Span

Bridge type not recommended !

Refer 10.2.3 for details.

D) Double Span Bridge

Bridge type not recommended !

Refer 10.2.3 for details.

2.6.4 Special W in d g u y A rrangem ents

Wherever the site location does not allow for the provision of a windguy cable foundation on
one river bank, it is possible to combine the windguy cable anchorage with the main
foundation of the suspended bridge, the walkway / tower foundation, or the main cable
foundation of the suspension bridge respectively. The anchorage forces have then to be
included in the statical analysis of the respective foundation.

Note: The full wind load has to be considered for each side, because, depending upon
the wind direction, only one side of the windguy arrangement will be activated,
either the up- or the downstream part.

21 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

A) Suspended Bridge
Windguy cable anchorage combined with main foundation

w indguy cable

1) Use the standard design, *Main Anchorage Foundation", with integrated steel
parts from the standard working and assembly drawing "Windguy Cable
Anchorage Foundation".

B) Suspension Bridge
Windguy cable anchorage combined with walkway / tower foundation.

1) Use the standard design, 'Walkway / Tower Foundation", with integrated steel
parts from the standard working and assembly drawing "Windguy Cable

Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB 22

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Windguy cable anchorage combined with main foundation and cable support (stay struts) at
walkway / tower foundation.

1) Windguy stay struts.

See special design drawings Nos. 175, 175/1 (Windguy cable 0 26 mm) 176, 176/1
(0 32 mm), 177,177/1 (0 36 mm).

2) Use the modified standard design "Main Cable Anchorage Foundation" and the working
and assembly drawing, "Windguy Cable Anchorage Foundation", for the appropriate
cable diameter. For a design example for structural design see special design drawing
No. 49/3.

2.6.5 Steel Truss Bridge

For very short spans ( ^ 32 m) and favorable bank conditions a steel truss bridge can be

23 Chapter 2: Standard Design of LSTB

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3. Basic Design C oncept

Table of C ontents

3.1 Loadings 25
3.1.1 Live Load 25
3.1.2 Dead Load 26
3.1.3 Wind Load 26
3.1.4 Snow Load 26
3.1.5 Temperature Effects 26
3.1.6 Seismic Load 27

Design and Statical Analysis, Safety Factors 28

3.2.1 General 28
3.2.2 Cable Structure 28
3.2.3 Steel Structure (Tower and Steel Parts) 28
3.2.4 Walkway Structure 29
3.2.5 Foundations 30

Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept 24

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

3.1 Loadings
For designing a bridge structure, a number of different loadings, such as live load, dead
load, wind load, snow load, temperature effects, and seismic loads, etc, may be relevant.
Suspended and suspension bridges are typical examples of cable-supported structures.
These structures show statically very good behavior, although their analysis is quite
complicated because of the predominant influence of the deformation of the soft cable
structure. The trail suspended and suspension bridges have low stiffness in all directions,
i.e., stabilizing gauges are required to guarantee serviceability, durability, and, to a minor
degree, the longtime safety of the structure. Under live and Wind load, cable-supported
systems exhibit dynamic behavior. Thus stabilizing measures (windguy cables, stabilizing
cables, etc) are needed to reduce vibrations in the structure as well as to carry loadings in a
lateral direction (e.g., wind).

The standardized procedure, as described in Chapter 2, forms an integral part of the

basic design concept and includes some simplifications in comparison to normal designs.
Besides dead and live loads, only wind loads perpendicular to the bridge axis need to be
considered in the design. Vertical wind loads, snow loads, seismic loads, and temperature
effects may be omitted. This procedure for the standard design has been checked and is
considered to be adequate and safe.

3.1.1 Live Load

The live load for a trail suspended and suspension bridge in Nepal was determined by
undertaking a thorough investigation of a number of international loading codes.

The agreement that LSTB suspended and suspension bridges, designed and executed
according to this standard design, be constructed along the main trails or on strategic
crossings throughout Nepal is the basis for this decision. These bridges have to fulfill high
requirements with regard to safety, durability, and serviceability standards, and this leads to
the determination of a live load within the range of international standards. Reductions in
the case of longer span bridges consider the lower possibility of extreme overloading for
long span compared to short span bridges. Because of the impossibility of assessing the
probability of a crowd loading for a specific site, a difference between a design with crowd
load or without crowd load, as allowed, e.g., by the Indian Standard, is omitted. Extreme
loadings for short span bridges, as foreseen, e.g., by British or Canadian Standards, are
considered irrelevant for flexible structures such as suspended and suspension bridges.

For span, t < 50m, live load, p = 4 kN/m2

„ 50 2
For span, l > 50, live load , p - 3 + — kN/m

Figure 3.1: Live load, p, for suspended and suspension bridges (both SSTB and LSTB)

25 Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3.1.2 Dead Load

The dead load includes the weight of all permanent components of the bridge structure and
is calculated according to a procedure that is in practice worldwide. Care must be taken that
the mass (kg, ton) is properly converted into the force unit (N, kN) according to the
"International System of Units".

For LSTB standard suspended type bridge, dead load without weight of Handrail and
Walkway (main) cables is around 76.6 kg per meter span (inclusive of wind-guy system).

For LSTB standard suspension type bridge, dead load without weight of Main / Walkway
(spanning) cables and excluding pretension in spanning cables is around 111.6 kg per
meter span (inclusive of wind-guy system). The pretension in spanning cable is dependent
of camber and pulling tension in walkway (spanning) cables.

3.1.3 W ind Load

High wind speeds and gorge effects are often encountered in the valleys of Nepal and
bridges of different heights above ground level are common. The design wind load, given
as a uniformly acting linear load or uniformly distributed load respectively, considers these
factors. Although wind loading on to suspended and suspension bridges may have a
horizontal as well as a vertical load component the effect of the latter is considered
irrelevant to the design and is, therefore, neglected in the standard design.

The design wind load is taken 0.50 kN per meter span, corresponding to 160 km/hr wind
speed. This wind speed of 160 km/hr exerts 1.3 kN/m2 wind pressure. The blunt area of the
walkway system is calculated 0.3 m2 per meter span and with a coefficient of 1.3, the wind
stagnated on the area gives 0.5 kN/m lateral load to the bridge (refer to Report on Windguy
Arrangement for Suspended and Suspension Standard Bridges,
Dr. Heinrich Schnetzer, WGG Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG, Switzerland, 2002).

3.1.4 Snow Load

Snow doesn't appear in large quantities in the mid-hills of Nepal, where most of the bridges
are located. Because of the high live load and the low probability of a full live load occurring
on a bridge loaded by snow, it is taken for granted that the snow load is already covered
satisfactorily by the live load '. However, for bridges located at an altitude above about
3500m (outside Nepal it may even be below), investigations on snow loads must be carried
out during the survey.

3.1.5 Tem perature Effects

A difference in temperature causes a change in the cable length. Changes in cable length
cause changes in the sag and therefore of cable forces also. This effect is omitted in the
standard design because it is not considered to be relevant.

Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept 26

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

3.1.6 S eism ic Load

Earthquakes are common in the seismically active zone of the Himalayan Mountains. The
effect of earthquakes of the kind of magnitude occurring in Nepal on suspended and
suspension bridge structures was checked for the revision. Because of the high live load
and the low probability of a full live load occurring simultaneously with an earthquake, it is
taken for granted that the seismic load is already covered satisfactorily by the live load.
Therefore a separate loading combination with seismic loads need not be taken into
consideration. Nevertheless, it has to be emphasized that the stability of the slopes may be
affected by seismic effects and subsequently cause damage to the bridge structure.

27 Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3.2 Design and Statical Analysis, Safety Factors

3.2.1 General

The procedure for statical analysis follows the principles of the traditional system with
admissible stresses, and these are compared with the calculated stresses in the structure
caused by specified loadings. These loadings represent the effective loadings.

The introduction of the modern system which analyses the structure on the failure level,
considering loads multiplied with a loading factor, would result in a completely new
procedure. It was not considered to be of sufficient advantage for the time being to justify
this change in the revised version, Volume A.

As site conditions (e.g., span, subsoil conditions) for suspended and suspension bridges
vary from site to site, individual designs are necessary for the foundations and the cable
structure. The procedure to be followed is standardized. Steel parts, towers, and the
walkway structure do not depend on conditions that vary from site to site. Therefore, these
elements are standardized and, depending upon the calculated forces, the elements are
chosen from tables given within the manual; no further design work is required.

3.2.2 Cable S tructure

Main cables, spanning cables, and windguy cables are supposed to demonstrate parabolic
geometry. Thus the cable force Is calculated with the simple formula H = -jj-
q• fi-
— > the bending moment" M = g— ." divided by the sag "b" of the cable,
(b = f, for suspension bridges).

To prevent the cables breaking, a minimum factor of safety (linear approach) is required of
y s = 3.0 for all cables, regardless of the type of terminal.

3.2.3 Steel Structure (Tow er and Steel Parts)

Six independent loading cases have been considered in designing all towers. The design
shows a minimum safety factor of y s = 1.6 against the worst case with respect to buckling
and yielding of the most critical element of each tower. All other steel parts meet the same
requirements. The tower design is based on the Swiss Steel-Code, SIA 161 (1979).

Chapter '>: Basic Design Concept 28

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

3.2.4 W alkw ay Structure

Steel parts : The walkway structure (walkway deck, cross-beams) Is designed to meet
the safety requirements given in paragraph 3.2.3.

The dominant local loadings are shown in figures 3.2 and 3.3 below with the concentrated
P = 1.5 kN on an area of 0.01 m2 at the most unfavorable position on any member.

Figure 32: Two porters passing each other (P = 1.5 kN)

hanger/ suspender

w alkw ay deck


Figure 3.3: Porters standing in a row (P = 1.5 kN)


29 Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3.2.5 Foundations

Foundation design follows the traditional procedure of soil mechanics. Locally relevant soil
parameters are determined by a survey campaign and following soil testing in the
laboratory. For all foundations, the safety factor has to be shown against the well-known
failure modes such as sliding (Fsl ^ 1-5), ground shear failure (FBc ^ 2.0), Bearing Capacity
of soil/Rock (a uit < a perm). and toppling (F j S 1.5). To meet serviceability requirements the
eccentricity of the resultant force in the foundation base is restricted. Additionally the
stability of slopes affected by the bridge foundation should be checked. The relevant safety
factor should be chosen according to the method used for slope stability calculation ( F S i0 P e
;> 1.3 to 1.5, depending upon the method used for analysis).

To improve the sliding safety of the main foundation of suspended bridges on rock, rock
anchorage may be used. In such cases a reduced safety factor against sliding
(F s l^ 1.3) and toppling (F j ^ 1.2), neglecting these rock anchorages, should be shown in
addition to the normal procedure.

Chapter 3: Basic Design Concept 30

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

4. M aterial S pecifications

Table of Contents

4.1 General 32
4.1.1 Standards 32
4.1.2 International System of Units 32

4.2 Cable Structures 33

4.2.1 Steel Wire Ropes 33
4.2.2 Cable Terminals 34
4.2.3 Cable Connections 36

4.3 Steel Structures 37

4.3.1 Structural Steel 37
4.3.2 Fasteners 38
4.3.3 Reinforcement Steel 38
4.3.4 Increase of Permissible Stresses 39
4.3.5 Rust Prevention 39

4.4 Civil Structures 40

4.4.1 Concrete 40
4.4.2 Masonry 41
4.4.3 Gabion 42
4.4.4 Timber

4.5 Unit Weight of Construction Material 43

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 31

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

4.1 General
4.1.1 Standards

The material specifications and permissible stresses for construction materials used for
standard trail bridges are based on the latest Indian Standards (IS) available. Where IS
were not available, other standards, such as DIN (German) Standards, British Standards, or
SIA (Swiss) Standards, were considered.

4.1.2 International System of Units

The International System of Units (SI Units) has been introduced in this revised version
according to IS 10005 - 1985.

Quantity SI Unit Multiples

- deg (degree, 360°) degree, minutes, seconds
- grade (or gon 4009) decimals

Length m (meter) (cm), mm

Area m2 (cm2), mm2

Volume m3

Mass kg (kilogram) t (tonne)

Force N (Newton) kN (kilo Newton)

Moment of Force Nm kNm

Note: 1) The angle mode for the design analysis has been chosen to the degree unit (360°).
Whereas for the survey, and the inclination of anchorage rods, it depends on the
instruments used.
Table 4.1.1: Selection of Common SI Units

Conversion of mass into force:

Force is the effect of gravitation g = 9 .S I ­ on mass, therefore,

m kg ■m
Force = 1 kg • g = 1 kg ■9.81 — = 9.81 9.81 N « 10 N.

For practical use, I kg is considered to be equal to 10 N (1 tone = 10000 N = 10 kN).

32 Chapter 4: Material Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

4.2 Cable Structures

4.2.1 Steel W ire Ropes
A) Specifications
Steel wire ropes should comply with all the requirements for:
IS 1835-1977 Steel Wire for Ropes
IS 6594 - 1977 Technical Supply Conditions for Wire Ropes and Strands
IS 9282- 1979 Specification for Wire Ropes and Strands for Suspension Bridges1
IS 9182 - 1979 Specification for Lubrications for Wire Strands and Ropes
B) Rope Particulars
Nominal diameters: 26, 32, 36, 40 mm
- Construction: 7x19(12/6/1)
- Lay: RHO, Right Hand Ordinary lay
- Core: WSC, Wire Strand Core
- Tensile strength of wire: 1570 N/mm2
- Preforming: Preformed
- Coating: Galvanized “A” Heavy
- Impregnation: Non-drying and non-bituminous type
- Elongation: Pre-stretched2
Nominal diameter: 13 mm
- Construction: 7x7(6/1)
- Lay: RHO
- Core: WSC, Wire Strand Core
- Tensile strength of wire: 1570 N/mm2
- Preforming: None
- Coating: Galvanized "A” Heavy
- Impregnation: Non-drying and non-bituminous type

C) Compiled Data

Nominal Approximate Approximate Metallic Minimum Permissible

Diameter mass Load Area Breaking Load Load
(mm) (kg/m) (kN/m) (mm2) (kN) (kN)

13 0.64 0.0064 73 103 34

26 2.51 0.0251 292 386 129
32 3.80 0.0380 442 585 195
36 4.81 0.0481 560 740 247
40 5.94 691 914 305

Mean Value of Modulus of Elastic E = 110'000 N/mm2 =110 kN/mm2

Table 4.2.1: Compiled Data of Steel Wire Ropes and Modulus of Elasticity
(including Safety Factor y s = 3.0 for all cables and cable ending terminals)

New IS 9282 - 2000 has reduced the breaking load. Nevertheless, for trail bridges, the IS 9282 - 1979 shall be effective.
2 Pre-stretching should be done by cyclic loading of the rope to 5% to 40% of the minimum breaking load in sequence of 5% to
10%, 5% to 20% and 5% to 40% loading till elongation stabilizes.

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 33

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

4.2.2 Cable Term inals

A) Terminals with Drums in Concrete

Cables may be anchored directly into the foundations with the help of bollards (drums made
out of steel) and secured with cable clamps. The cables should be wound 3 times around
the drum in order to reduce the tensile force to be secured. The minimum diameter of the
drums should be 0.95 m.

The friction factor between the cable and steel is taken to be jLt =0. 1.

B) Terminals with Sockets

Sockets should be manufactured from steel conforming to IS 226-1975, specifications for

Structural Steel (Standard Quality) with a tensile strength of Gu = 420 to 540 N/mm2,
normalized after the completion of machining operations and hot-dip galvanized.

Socketing should be made with pure zinc according to IS 3937-1974 (Part 1),
Recommendations for Socketing of Wire Ropes.

Sockets can be used as an alternative to thimbles and bulldog grips for all cable
anchorages except for those having diameters of 13 mm.

At present socketing is not used in Nepal.

Nom. Diameter ds / L Di d2 r
of Rope (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
26 30 24 105 63 82 6.0
32 37 30 130 78 102 7.5
36 42 34 148 88 115 8.5
40 46 37 162 97 127 9.0
Table 4.2.2: Dimensions for Sockets

34 Chapter 4: Material Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Terminals with Thimble and Bulldog Grips

Bulldog grips should conform to IS 2361-1970, Specifications for Bulldog Grips. The bridges
must be drop-forged and suitably scored to grip a round strand rope of right-hand lay having
six strands. Bridges, U-bolts, and nuts should be hot-dip galvanized with minimum zinc
coating of 40 //m.

Nom Diameter of A B C D E F G H I Approximate

Rope (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Weight (kg)
13 M 12 64 27 32 15 51 12 28 22 0.28
26 M 20 118 51 57 31 91 20 46 36 1.10
32 M 20 124 54 59 34 94 20 46 36 1.30
36 M 22 142 63 67 41 107 22 51 40 1.85
40 M 25 157 69 75 44 119 25 58 45 2.40
Table 4.2.3: Dimensions and Weights for Bulldog Grips.

Bulldog grips, when properly applied,

afford a simple and effective mechanical
means of securing the ends of wire
ropes, but have to be inspected after
some loadings.

Thimbles are of open type, conforming to IS 2315 - 1978, Specifications for Thimbles for
Wire Ropes. They must be forged and hot-dip galvanized with minimum zinc coating of 40

Nom. Diameter of A c D F G K r R Approximate P

Rope (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Weight (kg) (mm)
13 (14) 41 19 68 15 9 12 7.5 9.5 0.12 38
26 (29) 82 39 135 31 17 23 15.0 19.5 0.75 79
32 (32) 92 43 152 34 19 26 17.0 21.5 1.85 89
36 (38) 110 52 185 41 23 32 20.5 26.0 2.75 107
40 (41) 124 47 208 44 26 36 23.0 28.5 3.20 121
Table 4.2.4: Dimensions and Weights for Thimbles (Nominal size of thimbles in b rackets)

Thimbles are necessary to give lateral

support to the strands of the cable at
the bend, and the pin must support the
P ^ A - 3mm

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 35

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Method and Specifications for Applying Bulldog Grips to Wire Ropes

Nominal Diameter of Required Number, n, Gap"G" Overlapping Length "L"

Rope (mm) of Bulldog Grips (mm) (mm)
13 3 80 550
26 5 155 1250
32 6 190 1700
36 7 215 2100
40 8 240 2550
Table 4.2.5: Terminals: Number of Bulldog Grips, Gap, Overlapping Length

The bridge of the grip must be

fitted on to the working part of the
rope and the U-bolt on to the rope
tail. The first grip must be fitted as
close as possible to the thimble.
Grips should be spaced at a
distance of approximately six
times the rope diameter. The
cable end should be protected
from fraying with binding wire and,
if the cable is too long, it should
be fixed to the working part of the
4.2.3 Cable Connections
Cable connections may be required because of a change in design or during erection of the
bridge. If possible, the connection should be made with the same cable diameter or with the
cable diameter that is next in sequence.

A) Cables of Different Diameters

Cable connections of different diameters (or equal) must be made with the correct cable
terminals (refer to 4.2.2 C) and a double pin intersection.

B) Cables of Equal Diameter

Nominal Diameter of Required Number, n, Gap "G Overlapping Length "L"
Rope (mm) of Bulldog Grips (mm) (mm)
13 6 80 700
26 10 155 1700
32 12 190 2400
36 14 215 3100
40 16 240 3900
Table 4.2.6: Cable Connections: Number of Bulldog Grips, Gap, Overlapping Length

L ) •G ♦ 3 0 0

C Gi
Connections of cables equal in
G L G L G |_150j_mm

n /2
imin.f diameter can be made (refer to
I I " 4.2.2 C) without thimbles but with
= = 5 ^ --------------- — twice the number of bulldog grips.
n /2

36 Chapter 4: Material Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

4.3 Steel Structures

4.3.1 Structural Steel
A) Specifications
Structural steel should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 226 -1975 Structural Steel

IS 800 -1984 General Construction in Steel

The tower design is based on the Swiss Standard SIA 161 (1979) for Steel Structures.
B ) Steel Grade
Standard quality FE 410
C) Compiled Data

Plate thickness (mm) t á 20 20 < tO á 40 t > 40

Bars (mm) 0 ^ 20 0 > 20

Stress Case
Permissible Tensile Stress: aa»= 0.6 fy (N/mm2) 150 144 138
Permissible Compressive Stress:
dacin (N/mm2) for slenderness A, = 0 150 144 138
50 132 127 123
100 80 79 78
150 45 45 45
200 28 28 27
250 18 18 18
Permissible Bending Stress in Tension:
obt = 0.66 fy (N/mm2) 165 158 152

Permissible Bending Stress in Compression:

abc in (N/mm2) (abc ^ 0.66 fy);
Elastic Critical Stress in Bending: Fcb = oo 165 158 152
1000 N/mm2 150 145 139
500 131 127 123
300 110 107 104
200 89 88 86
100 55 55 54
20 13 13 13

Permissible Average Shear Stress:

xav = 0.4 fy (N/mm2) 100 96 92

Maximum Permissible Equivalent Stress:

Op =0.75 fy (N/mm2) 188 180 173
Maximum Permissible Equivalent Stress:
a e = 0.9 fv (N/mm 2) 225 216 207
Modulus of Elasticity: E = 200*000 N/mm2
Unit Weight: Y = 7850 kg/m

Table 4.3. 1: Permissible Stress in Structural Steel

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 37

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

D) Cold-formed Steel

Cold-formed steel should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 811 -1987 Cold-formed Light Gauge Structural Steel Sections

IS 808-1989 Dimensions for Hot-rolled Steel Beams, Columns, Channels, and

Angle Sections

4.3.2 Fasteners

A) Specifications

Bolts, nuts, and washers should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 1363 - 1984 (Part 1) Hexagonal Head Bolts and Nuts

IS 1367 - 1983 Threaded Fasteners

B) Grade

Grade C, property Class 4.6

C) Compiled Data
Stress Case Permissible Stress (N/mm2)
Stress in Axial Tension on Net Area (Jtf 80
Stress in Shear on Gross Area: x Vf 80
Stress in Bearing on Gross Area: a Df 250
Combined Tensile and Shear Stress / \
T v f cal Q tf cal
-------------- + ------------------ £1.4
^ Tvt ( J tf j

Table 4.3.2: Maximum Permissible Stress in Bolts for Class 4.6

4.3.3 R einforcem ent Steel

A) Specifications
Reinforcement steel should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 1786 - 1986 High Strength Deformed Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

IS 456 -1978 Plain and Reinforced Concrete

B) Steel Grade
Fe 415, High Yield Strength Deformed Bars

38 Chapter 4: Material Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Compiled Data

Stress Case Permissible Stress for Fe 415 (N/mm2)

Tension Stress in Steel: CTst 230
Compression Stress in Steel CTsc 190

Permissible Bond Stress for Anchorage in

Cement Mortar I : 1 and
concrete > 1 : 2 : 4 crSB

Modulus of Elasticity: E = 210'OOO (N/mm2)

Unit Weight: y = 7850 (kg/m3)
Table 4.3.3: Permissible Stress in Steel Reinforcement

4.3.4 Increase of Perm issible Stresses

For occasional loadings combined with dead, live, and wind loads, the permissible stresses
can be increased as follows:

Load Material Increase of Stress

Dead load, live load, Structural Steel 33%

wind load and temperature, Bolts and Tension Rods 25%
or Reinforcement Steel 33%
wind load and seismic load
Erection Structural Steel 25%
(Secondary Effects) Bolts and Tension Rods 25%

Table 4.3.4: Increase of Permissible Stress

4.3.5 Rust Prevention

To prevent rusting in steel structures they should be hot-dip galvanized or painted (painting
is optional only but not recommended), and should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 8629 - 1977 Protection of Iron and Steel Structures from Atmospheric

IS 2629 - 1966 Recommended Practice for Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Iron and
IS 4759 - 1984 Specifications for Hot-Dip Zinc Coatings on Structural Steel

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 39

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

4.4 Civil Structures

4.4.1 C oncrete

A) Specifications

Concrete should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 456 - 1978 Plain and Reinforced Concrete

IS 269 -1989 Ordinary Portland Cement
IS 383 -1970 Coarse and Fine Aggregates

B) Concrete Grades

(Mixed by volume units; cement: sand: aggregates)

- Lean concrete 1: 4:8 used as sub-concrete
-Concrete 1: 3: 6 (M10)
- Concrete 1: 3: 6 mixed with 40% boulders
- Concrete 1: 3: 6 mixed with 60% boulders, used as fill concrete
-Concrete 1: 2:4 (M15)
- Concrete 1: 1/4:3 (M20)

Reinforced concrete should always be vibrated.

C) Compiled Data

Permissible Stress (N/mm2)

Grade of Concrete 1: 3: 6 1: 3: 6 + 40% 1: 2:4 1: 11/2 :3
(M 10) boulders (M 15) (M 20)
bending crc
Stress In 3.0 2.0 5.0 7.0
(extreme fiber)
direct aa 2.5 1.5 4.0 5.0
Shear stress, measured as Inclined
tension xc 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.7

Stress in bearing 2.0 1.0 3.0 4.0

Tension stress in bending
0.3 0.2 0.5 0.7
(plain concrete)
Table 4.4.1: Permissible Stresses for Concrete

For occasional loading (wind, erection) combined with dead and live loads, the permissible
stresses can be increased by 33%.

Modulus of Elasticity for Concrete 1: 2: 4 (M 15) and 1: 1/4 :3 (M 20): E = 21000 N/mm2

In anchorage steel designs, the bond resistance of connection flats and rods and the
bearing resistance of shuttering have generally been neglected.

40 Chapter 4: Material Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

4.4.2 M asonry

A) Specifications

The specifications and permissible stresses given below are based on:

IS 1597 - 1967 (Part 1) Code of Practice for Construction of Stone Masonry

SIA 178 - 1980 Swiss Standard for Stone Masonry
IS 2250 - 1981 Preparation and Use of Masonry Mortars

B) Types of Masonry

(mixed by volume units; cement: sand)

- Rubble masonry 1:6
- Rubble masonry 1:4
- Block stone masonry 1:4

C) Compiled Data

Permissible Stress (N/mm2)

Rubble Rubble
masonry masonry Block stone masonry 1:4
Type of Masonry
1:6 1:4
Stratified Non-stratified
blocks blocks

Slenderness Ratio h/d* 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0
Stress in bending
1.3 0.7 1.9 1.1 2.1 1.3 3.7 2.0
Compression (extreme fiber)
direct 1.0 0.5 1.4 0.8 1.6 1.0 2.8 1.5
Tension stress in bending 0.13 0.07 0.19 0.11 0.21 0.13 0.37 0.20
* h = height of wall, d = thickness of wall

Table 4.4.2: Permissible Stress for Masonry

If masonry walls are used in combination with concrete and the thickness of the concrete is
greater than the thickness of the masonry, the permissible stresses for the appropriate
concrete grade have to be applied.

4.4.3 Gabion

A) Specifications of Wire

Gabion wire should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 280 -1978 Mild Steel Wire for General Engineering Purposes
IS 4826 - 1979 Hot-dipped Galvanized Coatings on Round Steel Wire

B) Diameter of Wire
Mesh wire 10SWG
Selvedge wire 7 SWG
Binding Wire 12 SWG

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 41

Volume A Long Span T rail B ridge Standard

4.4.4 T im ber

A) Specifications

Timber should comply with all the requirements for:

IS 883 -1970 Design for Structural Timber
IS 1141 -1973 Seasoning of Timber
IS 401 -1967 Preservation of Timber

B) Types of Timber

- For walkway deck:

Group B (Modulus of Elasticity above 9800 and up to 12600 N/mm2)

- For formwork:
Group C (Modulus of Elasticity above 5600 and up to 9800 N/mm2)

The wood for decking should be property seasoned and preserved either with coal tar
creosote, with a mixture of coal tar and kerosene, or with a chemical-type preservative. If
creosote or tar/kerosene are used for protection, a deep impregnation of the preservative
must be obtained; surface application has little value.

C) Compiled Data

Permissible Stress and Modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2)

Stress Case
Group B Group C
Stress in bending
tension along grain
130 70
(extreme fibre) fb

Shear stress
1.3 1.0
along grain
Stress in compression
9.0 5.0
parallel to grain fcp
3.5 1.5
perpendicular to grain fcn
Modulus of Elasticity E 12700 9400
Unit Weight (kg/m3) 900 600
Table 4.4.3: Average Permissible Stress, Modulus of Elasticity, and Unit Weight of Timber

42 C hapter 4: M aterial Specifications

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

4.5 Unit Weight of Construction Material

The unit weight (mass) of construction material used in standard bridge construction is
given in the following table. (For the purpose of load calculation, the weight (mass) is
converted into SI units with the approximate value of 1 kg =10 N = 0.01 kN.)

Weight Load
(kg/m3) (kN/m3)
Concrete: 2200 22.0
- dry rubble 2000 20.0
- rubble 2200 22.0

Steel 7850 78.5

Gabion 1600 16.00

Water 1000 10.0

Soil (According to survey and 1600 to 2200 16.0 to 22.0

geological report)

Timber for walkway deck (sal wood) 900 9.0

Table 4.4.4: Unit Weight of Construction Material

Chapter 4: Material Specifications 43

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

5. G eneral P rinciples for Bridge

Planning and Design

T ab le of Contents

5.1 Information from Detailed Survey 45

5.2 Final Selection of Axis Line 46

5.3 Freeboard Profile 49

5.4 Selection of Bridge Type 51

5.4.1 Economic Criteria 51
5.4.2 Topography 52
5.4.3 Geotechnical Criteria 53

5.5 Placing of Foundations 54

5.5.1 Distance from River Bank 54
5.5.2 Minimal Embedded Depth 55
5.5.3 Foundation on Rock 57
5.5.4 Minimal Clearances 58

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 44

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.1 Information from Detailed Survey

Prior to detailed design, the following information should be procured from the detailed

- site selection;

- fixed axis line or any indications requiring a change of axis line;

- soil / rock investigation data;

- topography of selected site, e.g., contour plot, section along axis line;

- preliminary design with approximate locations for anchorage foundations;

- suggested values for soil / rock parameters (by Engineering Geologist, if necessary);

- other information, for example, drainage and protection requirements, high flood and low
water level, general geology, etc;

- localization of bridge site with respect to traditional crossing point; and

- river flow conditions.

For a glossary of geological terms used in this Volume A, refer to:

IS 2809 - 1972 Glossary of Terms and Symbols Relating to Soil Engineering
IS 11077-1984 Glossary of Terms on Soil and Water, and
LSTB Technical Manual, Volume B: Survey.

45 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

5.2 Final Selection of Axis Line

Based upon the information received from the detailed survey, check the following and
change the axis line if required.

1. No or only minor problems will arise where foundations are to be placed:

- on alluvial soil,
- on stable or slightly weathered rocks without structural slopes, and
- on flat river banks.

2. In case foundations are to be placed on morainic soils, the results of the geological
survey must demonstrate their necessary stability and compactness, as well as the
absence of seepage and nonbearing layers.

3. If the site is neither alluvial nor flat, try to place foundations on a positive
topographical area such as a crest or a dome. However, make sure that the positive
topographical area is not a bulge of debris only. This should be the first priority In
tower and main foundations. This type of topography is the best guarantee for
avoiding unstable slopes, landslides, and gully erosion. Generally drainage is not
required in such areas.


Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 46

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

4. Change the axis line of the bridge where foundations are to be placed on convex
slopes, showing deposition of loose material. The site is questionable if the slope
above the bridge follows the same pattern.

5. If a site is rocky and the rock strongly weathered with open fractures, but without a
wedge pattern and without evidence of instability on the river bank and on the slope
above the axis, a bridge, preferably a suspension bridge, can be constructed with
necessary care.

6. If the choice is free, give preference to good alluvial layers (coarse material, good
compactness, no seepage, no evidence of river bank erosion) instead of weathered
rock with open fractures.

7. If an alluvial cliff consists of alternate layers of coarse and fine materials, place the
foundations on coarse materials below the fine layer.

8. Avoid siting foundations on a smooth, thinly laminated soft rock slope with the rock
bed dipping in the direction of the slope.

9. If a site can be found with rock within reach beneath the alluvial or morainic layer or
beneath the overlaying soil, select this area for foundations and place them on the
upper portion of the rock. This is especially recommended in cases where the
compactness and friction angle of the overlying soil are low or where there is
evidence of seepage or of clay pockets between the rock face and overlying soil.

10. Reject a bridge site If the rock is strongly weathered with open fractures and central
and/or center-lateral wedge patterns.

11. Avoid siting foundations and anchorages on wet areas with visible seepage water.

12. Avoid siting foundations on old landslides and rockfalls (angular rock blocks in
exploration pits). Old landslides and rockfalls are only acceptable if completely
stabilized and more or less buried, and only for suspension bridges. A detailed
geological investigation is required.

47 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

13. Check the selection of the bridge site with regard to the flow conditions of the river.

Important confluences are always questionable for bridge sites, as flood debris and
boulders in the main river or the tributary may block the other, affecting the bridge
site upstream from the confluence. On the other hand, sudden overflow and strong
erosion may wash out the bridge downstream from the confluence. However, a site
upstream from the confluence, If sufficient freeboard is maintained, is relatively better
than the downstream one. If possible, always select a site away from the confluence.

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 48

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.3 Freeboard Profile

Generally and in all cases for which no reliable hydrological data are available, the
freeboard between the estimated High Flood Level (H.F.L.) and the lowest point of any
cable alignment should not be less than 5 m. This value should cover any uncertainty in the
estimated High Flood Level ( +3 m) and should also provide sufficient security against
damage to the bridge caused by trees carried by the flood ( +2 m).

Draw the freeboard profile before the detailed design stage within the cross-section of
discharge, then fix the span and cable systems. Roughly calculate the sag, determine the
lowest point of the cable system, and determine the windguy cable alignment. Check
whether any cable alignment will be within the required freeboard profile; If there is a cable
alignment, raise it and/or the foundation(s) until the desired freeboard is achieved.

Keep minimum freeboard of 5.00 m

Note: The High Flood Level must be determined during the survey by asking local
inhabitants, by observing the high flood marks at the proposed bridge site, and by
considering other factors such as the Inclination and cross-section of the river near
the bridge axis, the presence of forests and/or glaciers in the catchment area, and
the size of the catchment area.

49 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Special Cases
1. If more accurate and long-term hydrological data are available, the freeboard can be

2. At bridge sites with flat river banks on one or both sides, the freeboard can be
reduced, if it is evident from the topography that a considerable increase in water
discharge will result only in a minor increase in flood level.

3. In cases of river sections where sifting of the riverbed is observed, the freeboard
should be increased.

4. Bridge sites upstream from major confluences should have increased freeboards as
the strong current and debris brought by one river may block the other and
consequently raise the highest flood level.

5. In gorges or upstream from gorges, the freeboard should be increased considerably.

The difference between annual flood level and highest flood level may be 10 to 20
meters In gorges and consequently the flood level will also increase upstream from the

6. If the bridge crosses a river with a catchment area affected by deforestation with
unstable slopes, where there is a high risk of landslides, and possible glacier or lake
outbursts, the freeboard should be increased considerably to avoid damage from
probable spring floods (accumulation of water caused by blockages of the river by
landslides and sudden discharge).

Note: It is generally recommended that conservative assumptions be made in determining

the freeboard.

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 50

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.4 Selection of Bridge Type

The main criteria for selecting either a standard suspended or a suspension bridge will
include the factors given below.

1. Economy (e.g., material & transportation costs).

2. Topography of river banks and slopes (e.g., flat, inclined, steep, or very steep).

3. Geotechnical qualification of the rock or the soil.

4. The required span of the bridge.

5. The available workmanship.

In some cases, special design bridges will be more feasible than standard ones.

5.4.1 Econom ic Criteria

Generally a suspended bridge is cheaper than a suspension bridge of the same span for
the following reasons:
- costs of material, fabrication, and construction are lower,

- less construction materials need to be transported, and

- amendments in the layout or during construction can easily be adjusted.

(Increasing/decreasing the span is always possible by adding/omitting the cross-beam,
without significant increase in the overall costs.)

Whenever the topography of a bridge site and the geotechnical properties (slope & bank
materials) allow for the construction of a suspended bridge, this bridge type should be
selected even though it may require a longer span than a suspension bridge, and this can
be assessed by carrying out different variants.

51 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

5.4.2 Topography

In order to achieve the required freeboard, suspended bridges are generally only possible
at bridge sites where both sides are inclined or where there are steep river banks.

Topography Recommended Bridge and

Anchorage Foundation Type

Suspended bridge not recommended, small span

perhaps possible (refer special design drawing
No. 60/4).

Suspension bridge with gravity or deadman

anchorage foundation recommended.

Suspended bridge questionable, small spans

possible (refer special design drawing No. 60/4).

Suspension bridge with one tower possible,

suspension bridge with gravity anchorage
foundation recommended.

\y Suspended (and suspension) bridge with gravity

anchorage foundation(s) recommended.

Suspended bridge may be possible.

Suspension bridge with one tower with gravity or
dead man anchorage foundation preferable.
Suspension bridge with both towers questionable.
On sound and steep rocky banks, direct rock
anchorage for windguy cable possible.

Suspended bridge with gravity anchorage

foundation recommended.
Suspension bridge questionable.
Suspension bridge with one tower with deadman
or gravity anchorage foundation preferable.
On steep sound rocky bank, direct rock
anchorage for windguy cable feasible.

Table 5.4.1: Topographical Criteria for Selection of Bridge Type

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 52

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.4.3 G eotechnical Criteria

Geotechnical Description Recommended Bridge Type(s)

Foundations on Soil
Old -landslide with seepage, rockslide, loose Suspended bridge excluded
debris deposits Suspension bridge very questionable
Poorly-graded alluvial soil (soil of land-slide, Suspended bridge questionable
rockslide), loose compaction Suspension bridge recommended with
necessary care
Well-graded colluvial soil with good Both bridge types possible
compaction and angular grains
Residual soil Suspended bridge possible with necessary
Suspension bridge feasible
Poorly-graded alluvial soil with loose Suspended bridge questionable
compaction and intermediate impermeable Suspension bridge possible with necessary
layers care
Well-graded, coarse alluvial soil with good Both bridge types accepted
Foundations on Rock
Geological faults Both bridge types excluded
Rock weathered, numerous open fractures, Suspended bridge not recommended
wedge pattern mostly central and/or center- Suspension bridge acceptable, but the rock
lateral should be considered as soil for design
Rock stability analysis required
Rock weathered, open fractures, no wedge Suspended bridge questionable
pattern Long span suspended bridge generally
Suspension bridge normally acceptable
Rock should be considered as soil for design
Rock slightly weathered, fractures more or Long span suspended bridge quite feasible,
less closed and not too many wedge additional anchor rods approximately
patterns formed perpendicular to the discontinuity planes of
the wedge always necessary
Suspension bridge acceptable, additional
anchor rods recommended
Rock sound, few closed fractures, wedge Suspended bridge acceptable, additional rods
patterns formed recommended
Suspension bridge always possible
Direct rock anchorage for windguy cables
Rock sound, few closed fractures, no wedge Suspended and suspension bridge always
pattern possible
Direct rock anchorage for windguy cables
Conglomerate/Breccia, No cracks Both bridge types feasible (consider
cementation and resistance to weathering)
Table 5.4.2: Geotechnical Criteria for Selection of Bridge Type

53 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

5.5 Placing of Foundations

5.5.1 D istance from River Bank / Bottom o f Slope

If no detailed investigation and stability analysis have been carried out, a minimum angle
“£b ” between the foundation front at base (considering the minimum embedded depth) and
the river bank slope foot have to be maintained as a first assumption.
In case of very steep slope, when the “ £ b ” as per table below not possible to maintain, at
least it should be not more than 35° for soil slope and 60° for rock slope.

Table 5.5.1: Position of Anchorage Foundations

Caution: In river sections with river undercutting and bed erosion a number of problems
can occur. Rivers can change their bed
level by 5 m or even more within a few years. Appropriate measures that should
be taken to control river undercutting and bed erosion near the bridge foundations
as well as to avoid damage are:
- built-in spurs
- built-in sills downstream of the bridge axis, and
- built-in gabion mattresses in front of the bridge foundation (refer to 11 ).

Note: As a general rule, in the interest of economy and increasing the life expectation
of the bridge, bridges with longer spans are more effective than extensive river
bank protection works.

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 54

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.5.2 M inim al Em bedded Depth

All corners of the anchorage blocks have to be sufficiently embedded into the existing
ground. A minimal embedded depth is required for safety reasons. The following arguments
may be made:
- because the earth pressure in front of the foundations is neglected in most cases, the
embedded depth gives an additional safety margin for the construction;
- because of circumstances not foreseen during site investigation and design, erosion
may take place around the foundation - the embedment in such cases provides
additional tolerance; and
- bridges constructed according to the manual represent considerable technical
constructions and, therefore, require a reliable foundation; but topsoil is often loose
because of erosion processes, frost activity, etc so these foundations have to be placed
a minimal distance from the surface of the ground. From the past experiences, the
minimum depth at front of the foundation is as given below:

Minimum Embed ded Depth (m)1’

Anchorage Foundation Type
on Soil on Rock
Suspended Bridge
- Main foundation
span > 120 m 1.50 0.70
span 150 m 2.00 1.00
span 250 m 2.50 1.30
span 300 m 3.00 1.60

Suspension Bridge
- Walkway and tower foundation
span > 120 m 1.30 0.80
span 150 m 1.50 1.00
span 250 m 2.00 1.20

- Main cable foundation

span > 120 m 1.30 0.80
span 150 m 1.50 1.00
span 250 m 2.00 1.20

Windguy Cable Foundation

span > 120 m 0.80 0.40
span 150 m 1.00 0.50
span 250 m 1.25 0.60
span 300 m 1.50 0.75

1) Intermediate values by interpolation

Table 5.5.2: Minimal Embedded Depth for Anchorage Foundations

Note: In case, if there is any doubt about geotechnical conditions of the site, the value of
embedded depth may be taken higher.

55 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Caution: Where the contour lines are inclined to the axis of the anchorage foundation,
retaining structures may be required depending upon the type of foundation and
(lateral) loads might have to be considered in the analyzes of the foundation.

P lon

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 56

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

5.5.3 Foundation on Rock

1. If the bedrock is near the surface of the ground, the whole foundation base must be
placed in direct contact with it.

2. In highly weathered rock, design the foundation as a foundation on soil.

3. Consider well-cemented conglomerate as soft rock for foundation design.

Anchorage Rods
Anchorage rods are often used in connection with foundations in rocky areas.

Direct rock anchorages are exclusively used for windguy cable anchorages on sound

Combined gravity foundation and anchorage rods. The use of anchorage rods in
gravity foundations generally permits reduction of the mass of the foundation. The
number of rods required is determined according to the calculations.

Additional Anchorage Rods

If the rock manifests a wedge pattern or fractures or bedding planes dipping towards
the river, the use of anchorage rods is always required to stabilize the rock. In such
cases the dimensions of the anchorage foundations have to be calculated in such a
way that the angle of the resultant force is smaller (in relation to the vertical) than the
dip angle of the wedge pattern lines, the fracture, or bedding planes. The direction of
the anchorage rods has to be carefully determined, based on the structural analysis
of the rock. For detailed procedure refer to 6.3.2 and 6.6.7.

57 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

5.5.4 M inim al C learances

A) Main Foundation Suspended Bridge

Keep the top of the foundation higher than the existing ground level.

Provide dry stone pitching in front of the foundation. Keep a minimum clearance of 30 cm
between the top of the pitching and the lowest point of the cable during full load.

Se ct i on A-A

- coble at full load

—— dry stone pitching

If necessary provide retaining structures on top and drainage canals around the walkable
part of the foundation. Take necessary precautions against bank erosion caused by water
accumulating through drainage canals, especially when the bank is constituted of loose or
medium compacted soil. If necessary provide a drainage canal up to the main river at low
water level or take the drainage canal to the natural drainage system.

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 58

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Walkway / Tower Foundation

Keep the top of the walkway tower foundations above the ground level.
- at back about 50 cm, and
- In front about 100 cm.

If necessary, provide retaining structures at the back, dry stone pitching in the front, and
drainage canals around the foundation. However, If possible, divert this water away from
the channel in front of the foundation.

Analyze carefully the flow conditions of the river during high flood, especially in turbulent
rivers or at curves. If necessary, provide deep foundations for structures exposed to
probable erosion, especially if foundations are placed on alluvial soil. Place foundations
sufficiently back from the edge of the river. If necessary, provide a gabion wall and mattress
on the bank.

59 Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Windguy Cable Foundation

Design the foundation in such a way that the top, in front, remains above the existing
ground level, in order to prevent the covering of steel parts and cables by eroded soil.

If necessary, provide retaining structures on top and dry stone pitching in front of the
foundation. As far as possible, adapt the retaining structures to the existing terrain.

On flat terrain, provide a channel with stone pitching where the cable can touch the ground.

Chapter 5: General Principles for Bridge Planning and Design 60

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Design of Bridge Foundation

Table of Contents

6.0 Introduction 62

6.1 Related Symbols 63

6.2 Loading Forces 65

6.2.1 Forces Acting from the Cable Superstructure 65
6.2.2 Wind Acting Directly upon the Foundation 65
6.2.3 Earth Pressure 65
6.2.4 Load on Top of the Foundation 71
6.2.5 Dead Weight of the Foundation, Groundwater Pressure 73
6.2.6 Resultant Loading Force 74
6.2.7 Ground-bearing Pressure 77

6.3 Anchorage Rods for Foundation on Rock 81

6.3.1 Direct Rock Anchorage 81
6.3.2 Anchorage Rods for Stabilizing the Foundation 83
6.3.3 Additional Anchorage Rods 85

6.4 Foundation Design, General Remarks 86

6.4.1 Geotechnical Parameters 86
6.4.2 Topographical Parameters 87
6.4.3 Geometrical Parameters 87
6.4.4 Failure Modes of Foundations 87

6.5 Foundations on Soil 92

6.5.1 General Procedure, Check List, and Flow Chart 92
6.5.2 Safety Against Sliding Failure 94
6.5.3 Eccentricity of the Resultant Force and 94
Safety Against Toppling Failure (Overturning)
6.5.4 Safety Against Ground Shear Failure (Bearing Capacity) 94
6.5.5 Safety Against Slope Instability (Overall Stability) 103

6.6 Foundations on Rock 104

6.6.1 General Procedure, Check List, and Flow Chart 104
6.6.2 Safety against Sliding Failure 107
6.6.3 Eccentricity of the Resultant Force and 107
Safety against Toppling Failure (Overturning)
6.6.4 Ultimate Bearing Pressure 108
6.6.5 Safety against Slope Instability (Overall Stability) 108
6 .6.6 Direct Rock Anchorages 108
6.6.7 Additional Anchorage Rods 109

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 61

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6. Introduction
In this chapter basic principles for design and structural analysis of the bridge foundations
(tower foundations and cable anchorages) have been compiled. The introductory paragraph
gives some background explanation about the behavior of bridge foundations. It will be
helpful for the engineer to study this section before starting on design of foundations. An
understanding of the behavior of foundations will make it easier to elaborate a safe and
economical solution for bridge foundations.

For details of specific anchorage types and examples, refer to the relevant chapters

7. Standard Suspended Bridge (7.4 Main Anchorage Foundation),

8. Standard Suspension Bridge (8.6 Walkway / Tower Foundation, 8.7 Main
Cable Foundation),
9. Windguy Arrangement (9.6 Windguy Cable Foundation).

Guidelines on how to determine permissible stresses (B, p.257), angles of internal friction
(B, p.245) angles of friction between rock and concrete (B, p.263), and unit weights (B,
p.254) are compiled in the LSTB Survey Manual (Volume B).

The references used as a basis for this chapter are given at the end of the volume.

It should be realized that design and analysis of the foundations require a high degree of
care on the part of the engineer. By using wrong assumptions (soil parameters,
topographical situation, etc) the engineer may design a foundation that will be different from
the one being constructed, therefore the actual safety will differ from the calculations.

Whenever the engineer detects deficiencies in information compiled by the survey

and by the geological Investigation, he has to assess whether he is able to fill the
gap by making a conservative assumption or if additional investigations by the
geotechnical engineer or by the surveyor are required. In this connection, it should be
taken into consideration that an assumption that is conservative for one part of the design
may not be so for another part. For example, an estimation of the unit weight of soil may be
given: on one hand, an overestimation of this results in increased active earth pressure on
the foundation (probably requiring an increase of the concrete volume to ensure sufficient
safety against sliding), on the other hand, this overestimation could also lead to an
overestimation of the bearing capacity, thus having an unfavorable influence on the
foundation design.

62 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.1 Related Symbols

A Additional load (wall, soil) on top of the foundation kN
As Total cross-sectional area of anchorage rods mm2
B Width of the foundation m
B* Width of the fictive foundation m
B*/2 Distance of the resultant force from front of foundation m
Ea Force, total of active earth pressure kN/m
E0 Force, total of earth pressure at rest kN/m
Er Force, total of passive earth pressure kN/m
F Front edge of the foundation, center of rotation /
Fbc Safety factor against shear failure of ground /
Fsl Safety factor against sliding /
Ft Safety factor against toppling /
Hi ,H2 Height of the foundation m
L Length of the foundation m
L* Length of the fictive foundation m
l-A max Maximum length that can be considered for the load on top of the
foundation m
L* ¡nfI Length of the required soil in front of the fictive foundation m
¡nfl Length of the required soil in front of the foundation m
Ny. Nq Ground-bearing capacity coefficients /
P* Shear resistance of ground kN
PW Wind force kN/m
R Resultant loading force at the base of the foundation kN
T, T h, T m Cable tensions kN
W, W1( W2 (partial) weight(s) of the foundation kN

a Distance of the additional load (center of gravity) from the

front of the foundation m
d Diameter of anchorage rods mm
e, e' Eccentricity of the resultant loading force m
ea Specific active earth pressure kN/m2
e0 Specific earth pressure at rest kN/m2
ep Specific passive earth pressure kN/m2
9e Topographical correcting coefficient /
ha Total Height of active earth pressure m
haï Height of active earth pressure from top of foundation block m
hp Height of soil in front of the foundation, m
Height of passive earth pressure (deadman foundation) m
hra Height of the rock face at the back of the foundation m
hrt Height of the rock face in front of the foundation m
hT Height to the cable anchorage from the base m
hw Distance of the groundwater level from the foundation base level at
the front of the structure m
YEah Vertical distance from base (back side) of foundation to the
horizontal component Eah of resultant force of active earth pressure m

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 63

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

k Coefficient correcting the number of anchorage rods with regard to

type and fracturation of the rock /
U Anchored length for anchorage rods m
n Total number (of required anchorage rods <)>25 mm) /
s Distance of the anchorage rods (center of gravity) from the back of
the foundation m
Sy, S q Shape correcting coefficients /
t Embedded depth in front of the foundation m
tmin Minimum embedded depth of the foundation (refer to 5.5.2) m
W Wind load kN/m2
X, X' Length of the virtual tensile stress zone (gap) m

a Inclination of the base of the foundation deg

Ô Angle of wall friction, 8 = 2/3 <T deg
Sr Inclination of the resultant force towards vertical deg
o, o 1s o 2 Angle of internal friction of soil (ch = subsoil, 4>2 = backfilling) deg
^SL Angle of friction between ground and base of foundation deg
Y> Y1, Y2 Unit weight of moist soil ^ = subsoil, y2 - backfilling) kN/m3
Ys Specific weight of soil kN/m3
Yw Unit weight of water kN/m3
K Inclination of the foundation towards vertical (front or back) deg
Coefficient of active earth pressure /
A-o Coefficient of earth pressure at rest /
X,p Coefficient of passive earth pressure /
a Equivalent stress in anchorage rods N/mm2
OB perm Permissible bond stress for anchorage rods N/mm2
Omax Maximum ground-bearing pressure N/mm2
Omax.ult Ultimate ground-bearing pressure for foundation on rock N/mm2
Omin Virtual maximum tensile stress at the area of contact
between concrete and rock N/mm2
Operm Permissible ground-bearing pressure N/mm2
Otperm Permissible tensile stress for anchorage rods or reinforcement bars N/mm2
'tperm Permissible shear stress for anchorage rods N/mm2
Inclination of back-filling soil deg

Indices: H, h = horizontal
V, v = vertical
RW = retaining wall

64 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.2 Loading Forces

This chapter compiles and analyses all loading forces acting upon a bridge foundation.

6.2.1 Forces Acting from the Cable Superstructure

Cable forces (including wind forces on the cable structure and due forces acting from the
tower base) must be analyzed according to chapters 7, 8 , and 9. Importance should be
given not only to the forces acting parallel to the bridge axis but also to the forces acting
perpendicular to the bridge axis.

Such forces occur: - if there is no provision for a windguy arrangement, and

- from the wind forces transferred to the tower base.

6.2.2 W ind Acting Directly upon the Foundation

If the foundation raises high above ground level, it is exposed to the wind and therefore this
(lateral) load has to be considered in the foundation analysis.

w = 1.0 kN/m2

A = exposed area m2

P\/VA = w x A kN

6.2.3 Earth Pressure

It is assumed that the soil is cohesionless (c = 0 ) for the calculations in this manual. For
calculation of the friction angle (including possible cohesion), refer to LSTB Survey Manual,
Volume B, 9.13 .

Any bridge foundation or retaining structure buried in the soil will have to bear the loads of
respective pressures acting from the soil. Depending upon the direction in which the
foundation will be moved, these loads are called “active” (movement away from the soil) or
“passive” (movement towards the soil) earth pressure loads; if their is no movement, the
load is called “earth pressure at rest” (E0).

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 65

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

In order to develop active earth

pressure (ea, Ea), the necessary
movement of the foundation is small;
about 0 .1 % of the supported height;
whereas the deformation of the soil
needed to develop the passive earth
pressure (ep, Ep ) has to reach about
1 % of the height of the soil.

A) Active Earth Pressure

Eafully developed Ep partly developed

GENERAL CASE: Active earth pressure per m 1 of retaining structure:

©ah “ ^ah ha ■y kN/m2

Eah —1/2 Gah ha —1/2 Àah ha y kN/m


= Eah ■tan(5 - k ) kN/m


Ea kN/m
” cos (8 - k)

8 deg

cos2(0 + k )
^-ah —
c o s 2k 1 +
C O S (Ô - k ) • C O S (V|/

66 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

SPECIAL CASE: k = 0 This case normally occurs in connection with bridge foundations.
Earth pressure on a retaining structure with length L :

Eah —1/2 ha Y‘ L kN

Eav —Eah ’ tanô kN

s 2 ^
5 " 3 °

(h a - ha1 ) 2ha1 + ha
YEah - [ m
3 ha + h a 1

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 67

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

^ah —
I sin (<E + S) • sin (O - y )
1 +

k V 25 27V2 30 321/2 35 3714 40 4214
40 / / / / / / 0.43 0.24
30 / 1 0.60 0.38 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.16
10 20 0.44 0.37 0.31 0.26 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14
10 0.34 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.12
<0 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11

40 / / / / / / 0.59 0.35
30 / / 0.75 0.49 0.39 0.33 0.28 0.24
0 20 0.52 0.45 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.26 0.23 0.20
10 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.17
<0 0.35 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16
Table 6.2.1 : Selected Coefficients of the Active Earth Pressure, Horizontal Component

ô - 0 O V|/ ^ O (ail angles in degree)

68 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Typical Layouts of the Active Earth Pressure

Soil Rock/Soil

Make a separate calculation for the analysis of the retaining wall (RW).

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 69

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Passive Earth Pressure

Earth resistance in front of the foundation is not recommended for common bridge
foundations (refer to 5.5.2 for the minimum embedded depth) except fo r :
- deadman foundations where the calculations are based on that resistance, and
- for the walkway / tower foundations where the earth resistance is taken partially into
m ovem ent A = | % of hp

Ea and Epfully developed




K 8 25 2714 30 3214 35 3714 40 4214
>0 3.47 4.06 4.81 5.76 7.02 8.71 11.06 14.45
-5 2.85 3.29 3.83 4.50 5.36 6.47 7.96 10.00

0 -1 0 2.32 2.65 3.05 4.14 4.90 5.88 7.17
-1 5 1.86 2.11 2.42 2.78 3.21 3.74 4.40 5.25
-2 0 1.42 1.64 1.88 2.15 2.47 2.85 3.31 3.89
Table 6.2.2: Selected Coefficients of the Passive Earth Pressure, Horizontal Component
(all angles in degree)

70 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Lateral Earth Pressure

The soil pressure is acting on the sides of the foundation too. It is not necessary to consider
this lateral earth pressure for bridge foundations as long as the foundation is established in
even terrain. If the terrain is sloping perpendicular to the main axis, the forces may have to
be considered.

ax is

neglect earth pressure at rest (E0)

consider EaL

6.2.4 Load on Top o f the Foundation

A vertical load on top of the foundation may be considered only if it is guaranteed.

Therefore special care must be taken if the design is changed on site.

As the dimension of the foundation and, therefore, the load on top changes, it should be
considered, while designing the foundation, that some of the following formulas are only
approximate. This should encourage the designer to calculate different variants in order to
find the optimum dimension of the foundation and, later on, finalize the dimension of the
retaining structure according to the accurate formulas, and as per the instructions in this

The length of the structure on top of the foundation taken into consideration must not
exceed the length of the foundation. In order to avoid uncontrolled cracks in the (retaining)
structure exceeding the length of the foundation, it is recommended that vertical joints be
provided. Separate calculations are necessary for the (retaining) structure on top and at the
side of the foundation.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 71

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Additional vertical load only in order to stabilize the foundation (e.g., Gabion Boxes).

L a max - Lm

A y •h •a-i •L kN

a = B - 1/2 a i m

L a max “ L m

A = V2 72 •h •ai * L kN

a = B - 1/ 3 a 1 m

Retaining wall right at the back of the foundation:

L a max “ L m

A = yrw ■h ■(a-i + >2 a2) * L kN

a — B- m

a-i2 + ai • a2 + 1/3a22
a° ~ 2ai + a2

a0 * 1/2 (ai + 1/3 a2) m

72 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Retaining wall and soil on top of the foundation.

L a max = L m
a = B - a0 m
The exact load (A) can be found by summing
up the individual loads. The exact distance
from the back can be found by summing up
the moments about D, and solving for a0 , if
IM d = 0.

Approximate formulas
say Y2 ~ Yrw kN/m2

A = Y2 • h ■(as + a-i + 1/2 a2) • L kN

3o ~ 1/2 (as + a i + zVa2 ) m

6.2.5 Dead W eigh t of the Foundation, G ro un dw ater Pressure

The dead weight of the foundation is calculated according to the volume and the unit weight
of construction material (refer to 4.5).

No groundwater present:

= 1/ 2 Y • B • (hi + h2) • L kN

2 h 1 + h2
= 1
/3B m
h-i + h2

Groundwater present:
Above G.W.L:

=ye • B • h ■L kN

w-t = 1/2 B m

Below G.W.L:

W2 = % (yc - Yw) ' B • (hwi + hw2) • L kN

2hwi + hW2
w2 = Vz B m
hwi + hw2

The lateral water pressure can be neglected (because of equilibrium).

The active earth pressure must be taken fully into account.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 73

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.2.6 Resultant Loading Force

A) G eneral C a se

All loads and forces acting on a foundation can be summarized into a single force (R) which
is acting at the base of the foundation.

A diagram of forces at the foundation base (in isometric view) is given below.

The components of the resultant loading force:

Vertical component: Rv = Sum of all vertical forces kN

Horizontal components:

- Parallel to B : R hb = Sum of all horizontal forces parallel to B kN

- Parallel to L : R hl = Sum of all horizontal forces parallel to L kN

Combined components: R = a/R v2 + R hb" + R hl2 kN

Rule for the sign : + = force downwards

- = force upwards

74 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

The inclination of the resultant loading force:

~ R hb
- Parallel to B Ôrb - arctan deg

- Parallel to L ôrl - arctan D deg

- Combined Sr = arctan ^ + deg


The location of the resultant loading force:

The location of the resultant loading force can be measured either from the center or
from the front edges of the foundation, the latter being more useful for some bridge
foundation calculations by setting the moment equation around point F to:

Sum of all ( Retaining and Driving ) Moments = Resultant • distance to F = MF

Retaining Moments:

All loads or forces multiplied by the distance (perpendicular to the force) to the point
F which are retaining the foundation around this point.

Driving moments:

All loads or forces multiplied by the distance (perpendicular to the force) to the point
F which would drive the foundation around this point.

Rule for the sign + = Retaining load or force

- = Driving load or force

Distance parallel to B:

Inclination of the foundation base (a) = 0

b72 = ^
>o m

Inclination of the foundation base (a) > 0

M fb • COS(X® • COS or M fb
B */2 = >0 m
Rv-cos((5rb- o:) Rv[l + tanor-tan<5RB]

Distance parallel to L:

- Usually the foundation base in this direction is not inclined, therefore

l *'2 = fC >0

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 75

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Special Case

If there is no horizontal force (or the sum is equal to 0 zero) acting parallel to L, the
resultant loading force is located on the axis parallel to B.

R hl = 0 5 rl = 0 L * /2 = L¡2

Example: XRHl = 0 , and by omitting indices B: R hb = R h Srb = 5r

No groundwater present

Components and angle of inclination of R

Rv = W + E av + A - T v kN

R h = E ah + T h kN

5 r = arctan j r 1 deg
2 /wM

Distance from front:

Mf = W • w + Eav • B + A • a + Eah • (B ■t ana - ha/3) - T H • hT kNm

M f • cosSr■ cos a M f
D /Z — — F ï^ U m
R v -co s(^-a) Rv •[1+ tana •tan&J

76 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.2.7 G round-bearing Pressure

Depending upon the loading of the resultant loading force the shape of the ground-bearing
pressure can be calculated. In the following method it is assumed that the distribution of the
pressure is linear.

General Case

A 1) R located within the core of the foundation.

If the resultant loading force remains within the core of the foundation the whole base
will be under pressure : cr-1-4 > 0

ea + e u U I

The pressures in the four corners can be calculated exactly by using

Rv kN/m
<y1-4 -
B ■L 1 ± 6 b ~± 6r

1 + 6 1 bb + - kN/m
Omax —B • L

A 2) R located outside the core of the foundation

If the resultant loading force is located outside the core of the foundation

§B §L 1
> g negative pressure will occur which cannot be transmitted to the soil.

The calculation of the pressure will be quite difficult unless R lies on one of the axes.
(Refer to special case).

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 77

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

The maximum ground-bearing pressure must be calculated by introducing the factor, z

Chnax - Z ß* . [_* kN/m2

Z - factor (B */2) / B

(L */2) / L 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25

0.50 1 1.17 1.28 1.33 1.33 1.33

0.45 1.17 1.30 1.36 1.39 1.39 1.39
0.40 1.28 1.36 1.41 1.43 1.43 1.43
0.35 1.33 1.39 1.43 1.46 1.47 1.47
0.30 1.33 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.49 1.50
0.25 1.33 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.50
Table 6.2.3: Value of Factor, z
(Bold figures are shown, if the location of the resultant force lies within the core, refer to A1)

B) Special Case (no lateral forces)

The resultant force is located on the axis, parallel to B (e.g., bridge axis)

R hl = 0 and L */2 = L /2

and by omitting indices B: R hb = R h and e B = B /2 - B */2 = '

B 1) e B = 0 or B * /2 = B / 2

_ _R v_
■------------- Gmax “ ö’mjn ~ ß . |_ kN/m2
l________,5i- . B*/2 J
RV = R

6 6

B 2) 0 < e B < B/e or B /2 > B */2 > B/3

j.______B_l --------
jL B/2 Tlg , B72
A T -------- -* 1 Rv
1 Rv ^max/min 1±6 f kN/m2
B •L

" B ■L

78 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B 3) G — B/6 Of BV 2 — B /3

L B 1>
Grnax “ b•L kN/m2
Le8 3


6 = 0

B 4) e > B/q or B*/2 < B / 3

a). Negative pressure will be borne by another tension member

(e.g., reinforcement or anchorage rod).

1 --------------------------- 9
Rv 1 *6 f kN/m2
I eB
B*/2 ° max/min “ B • L
k ^-1 •—
1 Rv 1± I3 -3| kN/m2
B •L

b) No negative pressure can be transmitted (e.g., to soil, dry stone structures),

or the impact of the tension-bearing member is neglected:

B */2
2 Rv
CJmax / min kN/m2

2 Rv 4Rv
3 B * /2 • L ~ 3 B * L


Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 79

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) In clin e d B ase

If the base is inclined (a > 0 )the be aring pressure must be calculated perpendicular
to the base.

Rv = Rv ■cosa + RH • sina = R ■c o s ( 8 r - a) kN

B B*. B* eB
B' = m
cosa cosa B cosa

The formulas given in 6.2.7 A and B must be used with:

Rv’, B’, B */ 2 , e’ instead of Rv, B, B*/2 , e

For example:

C 1) refer to 6.2.7 B 2) and B 4a)

Rv’ i± (3 - 3| ) kN/m2
" B’ L
C 2) refer to 6.2.7 B 4b)

80 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.3 Anchorage Rods for Foundation on Rock

Specifications for anchorage rods

High tensile steel (ripped reinforcement steel bars) (refer to 4.3.3)

Permissible tension stress <Tt perm “ 230 N/mm

Permissible bond stress perm = 0.6 N/mm

Permissible shear stress ^perm “ ) “ 1oU N/mm

Combined stress (tension and shear) öcomb = + 3 l < CJt perm

Standardized Perfo-Anchorage System (refer to Volume D, 10)

Diameter of anchorage rods: d = 25 mm

Length to be anchored la = 2000 mm
Diameter of hole: D = 34 mm
Distance between two anchorage rods: ®min = 1500 mm

Note: It is very essential to drill the holes with good rock drills, otherwise the necessary
anchorage length of 2.0 m may not be achieved.

6.3.1 Direct Rock A n ch o rag e

Past experiences in SBD Nepal have shown that this type of anchorage for windguy cables
is only economical during design work. In practice, it had to be redesigned very often into a
gravity foundation combined with vertical rock anchorage rods. As it is also hardly possible
to drill the holes in the correct direction, this type of anchorage is only recommended for
use in very rare optimum cases.

Direct rock anchorages for windguy cables can be provided in plutonic rocks, gneiss,
quartzite, possibly in hard sandstone, massive dolomite, and in limestone with few fractures
and not weathered.

Design and analysis of the direct rock anchorage will guarantee that the maximum tension
force from the cables is safely transferred to the rods, and from them through the bond
between the rods and the mortar to the rock. Special care must be taken to ensure that for
practical reasons the anchorage rods will not be placed in the same direction as the cable.
The cable force therefore will be split into two components:

- a tensile force in the axes of the anchorage rods, and

- a force perpendicular to the axes of the anchorage rods.
The anchorage must be designed in such a way that the force perpendicular to the axes of
the anchorage rods will be directly transferred to the rock. No bending moment must be
allowed to occur in the anchorage rods. The direct windguy cable anchorage must be
designed with a required factor of safety F > 1.5.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 81

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

The permissible tension (axial tension only) has to be calculated on the net area of the
threaded part which is approximately 80% of the gross area of the rod:

1) Safety against tensile failure :

Perm issible Tension Force _ n • 0 . 8 A s • at perm

'R t > 1.5
Tensile Force “ T

For one rod (d = 25 mm) the permitted tension will be:

1 • 0.81^7^1'0.230
-r- n ' 0 . 8 A s • a t perm
I t max — p = 60 kN
■ Rt 1.5

2) Safety against bond failure

Permissible Boned Force n • d * 7t *la * 0 B Perm . _

r K b — ---------- —------ ---- —------------------ = --------------—------------ > 1 . 0
Tensile Force T

The necessary anchorage length needed in order to develop the bond resisting the tension
may be calculated as follows:

^ > T , m a > - F RB ^ n -O .S ^ j-C T tp .m r-F R B

n • d ■ 71 * G b perm PI * d ’ 7T ’ G b perm *

_ 0-8d • Q~t perm

4 CJb perm

0.8 • 25 • 230
Therefore : la min 4 ■0.6 1920 mm « 2000 mm

82 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.3.2 A n chorage Rods fo r Stabilizing the Foundation

A) General

Anchorage rods can be provided to prevent the foundation from sliding or toppling or both
combined. The anchorage rods should be placed at the back of the foundation to make
sure that they are embedded in sound rock.

During sliding, the shear resistance, and during over-toppling, the tensile resistance, of the
anchorage rods will be mobilized.

It will not be possible to mobilize the full shear resistance of the rods during sliding.
Therefore, because of practical reasons, it is recommended that the permissible shear
stress be reduced to:

Tt combined —75 N/mm

In order to fulfill the formula for combined tensile and shear stress:

CTt comb Tt comb

+ <1 the perm issible tensile stress has to be reduce t o :
y (Tt perm ) Tt perm J

(7 5 -y ß V .
Otcomb = a t perm ' ' \ / 1 " f y ^ ) 2 - 230 190 N/mm
\j V^perm / 1' I 230 ~

The necessary anchorage length needed in order to develop the bond resisting the tension
may be calculated as follows:

It max — A s ’ CTt comb “ 4 ' CTt comb

d 2n
! T 4
n ’ d • 71 • CTb perm 0 ■ d ■ 71 CJb perm 4 • n (7 b perm

Therefore: la min ^ 4 . -| . q g = 1980 mm *2000 mm

If it is riot possible to drill the full anchorage length of 2 m in practice, even though good
drilling material is used, the number of required rods may be calculated in proportion to the
length required.
0 (as per site condition) — B(as per design) ' 2 (m) / la (as per site condition) (m )

If the length achieved is less then 1.5 m, redesign of the foundation is necessary,
taking no rods into consideration.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 83

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Calculation of the Number of Anchorage Rods

No anchorage rods are necessary if B V 2 > B /3 , as the whole foundation base is under
pressure. A minimum number of anchorage rods is necessary if B V 2 < B /3 .

As a first step, the bearing stress distribution is calculated on the uncracked cross-section
and the theoretically required cross-section of anchorage rods determined under the
assumption that the tensile stresses are taken over by anchorage rods:

e > B */6 or B * /2 < B/ 3

Rv' 6 Rv' • e’
7 max min — ' . + . kN/m
B 'L B'2- L

rule for the sign: - = tension stress

+ = pressure

, B ' <7min
Ornin " <7max

(take + and - into consideration)

l-x'L a
As = mm
2 a I

a = B’ - B * '/2 - x '/ 3 m

b = B - s - B * /2

4 As
N k ■
d2 • n

Type and Fractures of Rock k - Value

Plutonic rock, gneiss, quartzite, hard sandstone, massive dolomite and
limestone, not weathered, few fractures 1.50
Quartzite, gneiss, massive limestone, and dolomite, ± fractured 1.75
Phyllite, crystalline schists, not weathered 2.00
Weathered schists and phyllite, thln-bedded limestone and dolomite,
calcschists, slates 2.25
Table 6.3.1: Correcting Coefficient, k
(taking Into account the type of and fractures In the underlying rock)

84 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.3.3 A dditional A nchorage Rods

Additional 'anchorage rods are used in order to stabilize the rock section on which the
foundation is placed. They are not taken into consideration for improving the sliding or
toppling safety of the foundation itself.

Rock formations are usually more or less structured by a number of weakness planes
caused by cracks and fissures. Cracks and fissures may be closed or open and appear
close or at distance. A rock formation loaded with additional loads, e.g., through a bridge
foundation may be subject to motion along these weakness planes. Additional rock
anchorages must be provided to avoid this.

A) Number of Rods

Determination of the number of required rock anchors for stabilizing a rock mass can be
arrived at by analyzing the rock mechanics. In most cases it is very difficult to procure
accurate information about the circumstances for the purposes of calculation, and,
therefore, a systematic anchorage pattern is used in most cases. This method is proposed
for the bridge foundation design as well.

1. If the rock formation is sound, and shows only a few fissures which are closed, a
systematic anchorage is not necessary.

2. If the rock formation is more or less fractured but only some cracks with small openings
show, a systematic anchorage is proposed with one anchorage rod per 1.5 m2. The
number of anchorage rods is calculated, dividing the base area of the foundation by 1.5
m2. The anchorage rods are evenly spread over the foundation base area.

3. If the rock formation shows many cracks or if a great number of cracks are open, the
number of anchorage rods in the front half of the foundation base area has to be

B) Direction of the Rods

Generally, the anchorage rods are placed in a direction perpendicular to the weakness
planes or lines of the rock. Refer to the Survey Manual Volume B, 9.2, for determination of
the weakness planes or lines of the rock according to Schmidt's planes projection. As this
procedure uses grades (or gon) for the identification of angles (both for horizontal and
vertical angles), it must be clearly indicated on all sketches and drawings.

For each direction, the same number of anchorage rods is fixed with the exception that, if
one system of weakness planes dominates, to stabilize this system a higher number of
anchorage rods may be used. Fracture planes not posing any danger (e.g., dipping in a
direction opposite the slope) do not have to be considered.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 85

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.4 Foundation Design, General Remarks

6.4.1 G eotechnical Param eters
As these parameters are an essential part of the whole bridge design, attention should be
given to being as accurate as possible during the survey. Based on the findings from the
geological and geotechnical surveys, the engineering geologist will determine the
geotechnical parameters for the location of each foundation based on a proposed bridge
It should be stated that these values have been derived from actual on site
conditions and they should not be changed for the sake of fulfilling safety factor
calculations only.
The following table shows how to compile the necessary geotechnical parameters.

Bridge No & Name....................................................... Surveyed Site N o ..........................

Geotechnical parameters for bank (right / left)

Tower Main (Cables) Windguy Cat>le Foundation

Foundation Foundation Upstream Downstream
at depth (m)
USCS Classification
i» i (deg)
yi (kN/m3)
Cfperm (kN/m2)
G.W.L. at depth (m)
minimum embedding(m)

$2 (deg)
72 (kN/m3)

at depth (m)
O sl (deg)
CTperm (kN/m2)
k - Value ( /)
minimum embedding (m)
Rock stabilization at base:
- back half (single)
- front half (single/double)
- direction/inclination (gon)

86 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.4.2 Topographical Param eters

The topographical parameters, carefully elaborated during the survey, and plotted in the
plan and in the cross-section of the proposed site, are the basic data for the foundation
design. Whenever it is necessary to draw other sections from the topographical map, it is
recommended that they be checked and compared with the photographs.

6.4.3 G eom etrical Param eters

Refer to the concerned chapters and sketches for the minimum and maximum dimensions
of the foundation. The minimum dimensions are given according to the size of the steel
anchorage parts and the maximum dimensions are derived from the load distribution of the
steel anchorage parts in relation to the surrounding concrete.

Care must be taken to ensure that the foundation is firmly embedded into the ground (refer
to 5.5.2).

6.4.4 Failure Modes of Foundations

Design and analysis of bridge foundations must guarantee that all loadings (live and dead
loadings) acting from the bridge superstructure on to the foundations are safely transferred
to the subsoil. To compile these forces a thorough statical investigation of the
superstructure is carried out. To test the safety of parts of the superstructure, the stress
within these parts may be analyzed and compared with material specifications given in the
relevant codes.

For subsoil the procedure is different. Because subsoil conditions vary a great deal, it is
necessary to determine the local subsoil parameters by means of geotechnical investigation
(e.g., pits, laboratory investigation of samples, etc). Unlike in the analysis of the
superstructure, it is not usual during foundation analysis to compute the stress pattern
within the soil mass to test the required safety level. During foundation design, a number of
failure modes are analyzed by use of different models and for each one a factor of safety is
computed. These safety factors are compared with the required values which may differ
according to the different models analyzed.

Depending upon the loading and the subsoil conditions, generally one or the other of these
models dominates the analysis and gives the final dimensions of the foundation. In most
cases the dominating failure mode can be determined by the engineer, according to the
loading and subsoil conditions, before the analysis is undertaken. This allows him to
commence his analysis cognizant of the relevant failure mode, to determine the required
dimensions, and to afterwards show that the other safety requirements are also fulfilled. In
general, especially with difficult topography, the relevant failure mode has to be calculated
by iteration.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 87

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Following the basic failure modes, the relevant models used for the analysis and design of
foundations are explained and illustrated.

A) Sliding Failure

As soon as the increase of the load results in a shear load which exceeds the shear
resistance in the foundation base, a flat foundation being loaded by a more or less
horizontal load will start sliding on the subsoil. The shear resistance itself is governed by
the normal force in the foundation base and the friction angle between foundation base and
subsoil. Generally a safety factor of FSL > 1 .5 is required against sliding failure. The surface
of movement for this failure mode is equal to the contact area between the foundation base
and subsoil.

Retaining Forces
Driving Forces

N ■tan<t>

(W + .... )• tanO
E ah + H + ....

Deadman Foundation
The process leading to the failure of the deadman anchorage foundation is similar to the
sliding failure. The deadman foundation mobilizes the weight of the earth mass in front of
the foundation. The maximum resistance is equal to the passive earth pressure. To attain
peak resistance, a relatively large deformation is required, so to reduce the deformation a
high safety factor of F S ^ 3.5 is necessary.

The design concept of the deadman foundation is as given below:

The following modes of failure and respective safety factors have been considered in the

=> Sliding FSL > 3.5

88 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

To prevent the anchor block from moving towards the soil in front, a high safety factor has
been applied.

=> Toppling Ft >1.5

/ / n;, +(W + WE - ) tan

S a fe ty fa c t o r a g a in s t S lid in g : F ,i = ----------------- ---------------------2 3.50

Where Huit — Ep^ Eah + 2 E0|_

h cos' Oi
Eph - h
0 L ï\ ¡ Á P* = -
'sin (0 , -<5')sin(<I)| + £)
cose) cos

E ah ~ ^ahL 2• Kh =
[sin(<t>2 +8) sin(<î>2 -i/y)
1 +.
cos 8cos

E öl ~ ¿ ^oY\ hp tan^! Àph + Xnh J

À0 = 1 -

S afety fa c to r ag a in s t Toppling: F = A" ™ tin g M om ents = ™ i > (5

D riv in g M om ents

Where MA+ = W ■B/2 + WE • B/2 + Eph• hp/3 + Eav • B

Ma’ = T h • ht + Tv • 0 + Epv • 0 + Eah • ha/3
Eav = Eah tan (2I3<\>2)
EPv = Eph tan (-1/2(1),)

Toppling Failure

Because no tension forces can be transferred from the foundation to the subsoil (or rock) or
within the subsoil itself, a foundation with its resultant outside the foundation base or close
to the border of it will start to topple. This mechanism is generally controlled by comparing
the driving and retaining moments at the border of the foundation. Usually a safety factor of
FT > 1.5 is required.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 89

V o lu m e A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Retaining Moment
Driving Moment


W • w + ....
> 1.5
' H • h + ....

Another approach to the control of this failure mechanism is to set limits to the eccentricity
of the resultant force in relation to the center point of the foundation base area. As long as
the resultant force lies within the core of the foundation base, the whole contact area
foundation-soil is subjected to compression so that no gap will develop. This restrictive
requirement is applied for important foundations. In most cases, a gap of about one third to
a half of the base area is tolerated.

C) Ground Shear Failure (Loss of Bearing Capacity)

A foundation under a vertical load will, under increasing load, first show a more or less
linear increase in the settlement. When a certain load is reached, the observed settlement
will increase rapidly. At this point the bearing capacity of the subsoil is exceeded and the
foundation fails. The surface of movement for this failure mode is located within the soil

The bridge foundation is specific that it exerts horizontal load as well. If the resultant of
horizontal and vertical forces makes an angle (with respect to the vertical force) equal to or
grater than the angle of internal friction of soil lying under the foundation, the failure surface
will be along the base of the foundation. In this case, the probability of sliding failure of
foundation is more expected than ground shear failure (bearing capacity).

The detailed analysis of the relevant mechanism derived from the sophisticated methods of
soil mechanics is still a subject of controversy among specialists. Generally this problem is
analyzed by using the bearing capacity formula developed by Terzaghi and extended and
amplified by different authors. The different correction factors are partially found through
model tests, partially through theoretical investigations. This model is a rough
approximation of the actual mechanism in the subsoil, therefore a safety factor of FBc ^ 2.0
is generally required.

90 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

D) Slope Failure

It is obvious that a foundation placed at the top of an inclined slope will fail under a lesser
load than the same foundation on flat terrain. To solve this problem, correction factors for
the Terzaghi formula were developed. However, for steep slopes this formula is no longer
reliable, and other methods have to be used to estimate the load permissible on the
foundation. The required safety factors are different depending upon the method applied.

ground shear failure

----- slope fail ure

As is easily recognizable from the above description of the failure modes, each mode is
more or less characteristic of a special combinatior} of load, topography, and subsoil
conditions. For example, a foundation loaded by a horizontal acting force will most probably
not suffer ground shear failure but it will start to either slide (sliding failure) or topple
(especially in cases where the force is acting high above the foundation base and where a
hard subsoil is present). A foundation under a predominant vertical load placed on top of a
steep slope will probably be endangered by ground shear or slope failure, etc.

With the knowledge presented above and some experience gained during foundation
design work, it should be possible for the engineer to select the dominating failure mode at
the beginning of analysis, afterwards going through other failure modes and demonstrating
that these safety requirements are also fulfilled.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 91

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.5 Foundations on Soil

6.5.1 G eneral Procedure, C heck List, and Flow C hart

A) General Procedure

This chapter provides information on procedures related to design of foundations on soil. In

this respect, it should be mentioned that strongly weathered rock may be treated as soil as
well. The flow chart should be useful in assisting the engineer to recognize the relevant
failure mode so that a rough first design stage might be completed as quickly as possible
and the final dimensions of the foundation produced. The checklist summarizes the
requirements for foundations on soil.

B) Check List, Requirements for Foundations

on Soil or on Strongly-weathered Rock

Safety Factor Walkway / Main Cable Main Windguy Retaining

Tower Foundation Anchorage Cable Wall &
Foundation Foundation Foundation Gabions

F sl > 1.5 >1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5

FBC > 2.0 > 2.0 > 2.0 > 2.0 > 2.0

Ft > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 >1.5 > 1.5



b */2, l */2



F slope depending on method ( > 1.3 to 1.5)

a (max) 0° < 15° < 15° < 15° < 15°

Other requirements:
- embedded depth (t) according to 5.5.2

92 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Tr.ail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Flow Chart for Design Procedure for Foundations on Soil

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 93

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.5.2 Safety A gainst Sliding Failure

The relevant information about how to calculate the components and the inclination of the
resultant force is given in 6.2.6 . For general information about safety against sliding failure
refer to 6.4.4 A.

8r = arctan —

5« = 8r - a deg

R'v = RV ■cosa + R h • sina kN

R'h = R’h • C osa - Rv • sina kN

generally it is assumed that O sl = O deg

tanOsL • R'v tan O sl _ tan O sl

Fsl = R'h tan(^R-a) tan &

6.5.3 Eccentricity of the Resultant Force and

Safety A gainst Toppling Failure (O verturning)

The relevant information concerning how to calculate the eccentricity of the resultant force
is given in 6.2.6. For general information about safety against toppling failure refer to 6.4.4

Toppling failure is controlled by the set limits of the eccentricity, e or B*/2 (refer to the
check list).

6.5.4 S afety A gainst Ground Shear Failure (Bearing C apacity)

For general information about safety against ground shear failure refer to 6.4.4 C.

A) The Bearing Capacity Basic Formula for horizontal terrain and

vertical load

Terzaghi Model:
- continuous footing
- vertical and centric loading
- shallow footing t < B, and
- ideal soil with horizontal surface.

94 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

P *
Fbc = -p > 2.0

P * = B • [c • N c + (y ■t + q) • N q + 1/ 2 B •y • N ,] kN

Wherein Nc, Nq, Nr are the bearing capacity factors :

- First term [c • Nc] expressing the effect of the cohesion (not taken
into consideration in the following calculations,
refer to 6.2.3)
- Second term [ ( y • t + q ) • N q ] expressing the effect of the embedded depth
(respectively the surcharge load at depth t)
- Third term [ 1/2 B ■y • N y ] expressing the effect of the width of the

A 1) The Bearing Capacity Factors Nq and Nr

The bearing capacity factors in basic form can be written as:

_ _7T tanO .
- for the effect of t : N q = e • tan (45° + Î4 0 )

- for the effect of B : N v 1-8 (Nq - 1) • tancb

Values of Nq and Ny:

(deg) = 25 2714 30 3214 35 37% 40 42%

Nq 10.6 13.9 18.4 24.6 33.3 45.8 64.2 91.9
8.1 12.1 18.1 27.0 40.7 61.9 95.4 150.0
_____ Sz_____

Graphic presentation of Nq and NY

according to Lang/Huder

It can be clearly seen that too high

an estimate of the value of O will
give an extremely high value of N
and a wrong impression of safety.

Chapter 6: D esign of Bridge Foundation 95

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

A 2) The Length/Area of Influence

The length/area of influence in its basic form for horizontal terrain is given as follows:

L j n fi = B • tan(45° + 1/ 2 0 ) • e ° 5* ^

Value for Lin,i :

0 25 271
/2 30 321/2 35 371
/2 40 421

Linf, / B 3.3 3.7 4.3 5.0 5.8 6.8 8.0 9.6

B) B earing C a p a city E xte n d e d and A m p lified Form ula

The basic bearing capacity formula can be extended and amplified with correction factors
for the:
- s shape of the foundation
d embedded depth
- i inclination of the load
b' inclination of the foundation base
- g inclination of the baseline

P* = B * • L * • [( Y1 • t + q ) N q Sq dq iq b'q gq + 0.5 yi B * N y. sy dy iT b’y gr] kN

Fbc = £ >2.0

The necessary length/area in front of the foundation must be guaranteed. The formula of
Terzaghl for the calculation of the length of influence must be used with B * , instead of B .

L * i nfi = B * ■ tan(45° + 1/ 2 0 ) • e 0 5 ,tta n < lJ

Remember that the correction factors are only approximate. An overall stability calculation
may be necessary (e.g., the methods of Bishop or Janbu).

The actual size of the foundation has to be transferred to a fictive foundation base with a
centric load only.

96 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B 1) Size of the Fictive Foundation Base

The size of the fictive foundation base is

equal to B* and L* . For calculation of the
eccentricity of the resultant force B*/2 and
L*/2 refer to 6 .2 .6 . .

The values of the correction factors are given

for B* < L * ,

- if B* / L* > 1 to 1.5: take the values for

B*/L* = 1 and
- if B* / L* > 1.5: check bearing capacity
both directions
(exchanging B* and L*).

B 2) Shape-correction Factor, S

Shape correction factors consider the limited length (L*) of the continuous footing.

B *
Value of sq = 1 + T T ta n O

0> = 25 27Vi 30 32% 35 371/2 40 4214

B*/L* = 1.0 1.47 1.52 1.58 1.64 1.70 1.77 1.84 1.92
0.8 1.37 1.42 1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61 1.67 1.73
0.6 1.28 1.31 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.50 1.55
0.4 1.19 1.21 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.37
0.2 1.09 1.10 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.17 1.18
00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
J ____
B *
Value of SY = 1 —0 . 4 ^

<D= For all O

B*/ L* = 1.0 0.60
0.8 0.68

0.6 0.7
0.4 0.84
0.2 0.92
00 1

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 97

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B 3) Depth-correction Factor, d

Depth correction factors consider the embedded depth ( t ) of the foundation. The
embedded depth must be guaranteed for the whole length of L*infi

? t
Value of dq = 1 + 0.035 tanO • (I - sinO) • arctan gT

0 = 25 27Vi 30 327-2 35 3772 40 4272

t / B * = 0.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0.2 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04

0.4 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.07
0.6 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.10

0.8 1.21 1 .20 1.20 1.18 1.17 1.16 1.14 1.13

1.0 1.24 1.24 1.23 1.21 1.20 1.18 1.17 1.15
1.2 1.27 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.21 1.17

dY= 1 (for all O )

B 4) Inclination of Load: Correction Factor, i

The (big) effect of the inclination of load (normal to the foundation base) is considered with
these correction factors.

s . Rhi
5r = arctan 75 -
Rh 9
5a = 5 r — a = arctan — a < « / 3 0 (or check sliding)

Value of iq = [ 1 — Va tanôa ] 5 = [1 - 1/2tan(Ô R - a ) ]5

5« = 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 /
all a 1.0 0.8 0.63 0.49 0.37 0.27 0.18

( o 7
Value of 1 - 0. 7 - a ' tanôa
8« = 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 /
0.73 0.52 0.35 0.23 0.14 0.08 /


5 1 0.73 0.52 0.36 0.24 0.13 0.08 /

10 1 0.74 0.53 0.37 0.24 0.15 0.08 /
15 1 0.74 0.54 0.37 0.25 0.16 0.09 /

98 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B 5) Inclination of Foundation Base: Correction Factor, b'

This factor considers the inclination of the foundation base (a).

Value of b'q = e ( " 0 035 ' tan0)

<D = 26 271/2 30 321/2 35 371/2 40 421/2

a =0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85

10 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.75 0.73
15 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.62

( - 0.047 a0 • tan<t>)
Value of by = c

o = 25 271/2 30 321/2 36 371/2 40 421/2

a =0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.82 0.81

10 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.67 0.65
15 0.72 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.58 0.55 0.52

B 6) Inclination of the Baseline: Correction Factor, g

This factor considers the inclination of the baseline which may not be the same as the
inclination of the surface terrain.

Values of gq = gr = ( 1 - 0 . 2 5 tan£B)5

£b - 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
for all <1> 1 0.90 0.80 0.71 0.63 0.54 0.46

The considerable effect of the inclination of the baseline is clearly visible.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 99

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) Calculation Procedure

It is assumed that the dimensions of the foundation are already known from the calculation
of another failure mode, if not, try to estimate the required dimensions experientially, or take
the minimum dimensions as primary data.

C 1) Required Initial Data

1) From survey and final geotechnical report:

- Friction angle of sub-soil 01 - ........... deg
- Unit weight of sub-soil Y1 - ................. ........... kN/m2

2) From the topographical survey:

- prepare the necessary cross-sections

3) From the dimensions of the foundation:

-W idth B = ........... m
- Length L = ................. ........... m
- Base inclination a = ........... deg
- Embedded depth (t > tmin) t = ........... M

4) From the calculation of the resultant force:

- Vertical component Rv = ................. ........... kN/m2
- Inclination ÔR = ........... deg
- Location B*/2 = ................. ........... m
and L*/2 = ........... m

C 2) Determination of the Base-line inclination,

Step 1: Make any change of slope with a number beginning with 1 at the front of the
foundation on the sketches prepared.

Step 2: Check if any angle of the slope in front is greater that O i — if so, neglect the soil
that is above the angle <t>i at any change of slope.

100 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Step 3 : Calculate the length of influence required ( L * ) and transfer it to the sketch.

There are several places where the length of influence may cross the slope line :
(t > min embedded depth)

a) Lmfi s length 1 to 2 ’
- therefore £1 = 8 b
- draw the baseline with distance t parallel to the slope line 1 to 2 ’.
- proceed with calculation.

b) Length 1 to 2’ < L*jnfi < length 1 to 3

- draw a line from point 1 to point A where the length of influence cuts the
slope line.
- the soil above this line along L*inf| can be considered to be uniformly distributed
(Area 1 to 2' to A) • yi c .,
load q = -------------------------= 0 .5 1 •yi
L * infl
- draw the baseline with the distance t parallel to the line 1 to A.

c) L*infl > length 1 to 3

- as the direct line 1 to A would be out of the soil, the line has to be drawn through to
point 3.
- the soil above this line along L*infl can be considered to be uniformly distributed
[( A r e a l to 2' to 3) + (A re a 3 to A to A ’ )] y i
load q = -------------------------------- — ------------------------------------
L infl

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 101

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

It is not recommended that extreme changes in the slope be taken into consideration.
An overall stability calculation might be necessary.

C 3) Calculation of Bearing Capacity

1) Calculate
- Surcharge load (y.t + q) = kN/m
- Bearing capacity factor Nq =
and Ny =.
- Correction factors for
- Shape Sq =
and SY =.
- Depth dq =.
and dy =

— Inclination of load =
and iy =.
- Inclination of foundation base b'q =

and by =.

Inclination of the baseline


2) Calculate the bearing capacity P* - kN

and the safety factor Fbc =.

In order to obtain an optimum safety factor of 2, changes in the initial data, or even in the
location of the foundation, might be necessary, and the calculation must be repeated.

102 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.5.5 S afety against Slope Instability (Overall Stability)

Where there are very steep slopes (close to the angle of friction of the soil), which are
broken, or where the bearing capacity by using the Terzaghi formula is not sufficient, the
safety of the slope must be investigated through more elaborate analysis. This analysis can
be carried out by using one of the methods of slices developed by Bishop or Janbu,

A simplified method, with a plane failure surface is given below. A safety factor of > 1.5 is
required, to guarantee a reasonable safety level.

Calculations have to be made for the length (L) of the foundation. The sliding plane starts at
the back-base of the foundation, dipping towards the front. Calculations for various sliding
planes must be carried out in order to find the critical one (e.g., through point 3 or 4, etc).

Calculate the force-components on the sliding plane

V = Rv + Z Wsoi| kN

H = Rh kN

V’ = V • cos q - H ■sin q kN

H' = V • sin q + H • cos q kN

V • tan O, ^


H' - 15

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 103

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.6 Foundations on Rock

6.6.1 G eneral Procedure, Check List, and Flow Chart

A) General Procedure

Regarding the foundations on soil referred to in 6.5, the basic procedure to be followed for
foundations on rock will be given. Where a foundation has to be placed on highly weathered
rock the procedure for foundations on soil (refer to 6.5) must be followed. The checklist
summarizes the requirements for foundations on rock. Intact rock or slightly weathered rock
show an increased strength compared to soil. That's why a different failure mode is given
for the dimensions of the foundations. For example, where bearing capacity is a typical
problem for foundations on soil, toppling failure becomes a problem for foundations on rock.

"Foundation on Rock" refers to a foundation design which makes use of the stability and
gravity of the underlying rock formation by providing anchorage rods, thus allowing for a
considerable reduction in the mass of the anchorage foundations.

When the underlying rock is strongly fractured or weathered, this anchorage system should
not be used and the "foundation on soil" design should be adopted. The calculation model
used in this chapter is only a rough approximation of the real mechanism and valid only for
the immediate vicinity of the anchorage foundations, but it should lead to sufficient security
of the structures in connection with the permissible values for the ground-bearing pressure
and with the angle of friction determined according to the directions given in the manual
Volume B, Survey. If the permissible bearing pressures, and/or the permissible eccentricity
of the resultant force (refer to the relevant chapters), are observed, the calculation model
also leads to economical structures.

The calculation model can be used without concern for windguy cable anchorage
foundations or for the main anchorages of small span bridges. For main anchorage
foundations of long span bridges, the overall stability of the rock formation has to be
carefully analyzed, based on the structural study of the rock by using rock mechanics'

104 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Check List, Requirements for Foundations on Sound Rock

Walkway / Main Cable Main Windguy Retaining

Safety Factor Tower Foundation Anchorage Cable wall &
Foundation Foundation Foundation Gabions
F s l without rods > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5

F SL with rods / / >1.5 >1.5 /

F s l neglect rods / / > 1.3 > 1.3 /

tTmax.ult < cjperm (from survey)

Fp without rods >1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 > 1.5 >1.5

F t With rods / / > 1.5 > 1.5 /

F t neglect rods / / > 1.2 > 1.2 /


B* /2 , l * /2 > B+E > L 4


- 3 ’ -3 ^6
> without rods

Slope stability of rocky slopes to be checked, refer to Volume B 5.41

< 18° <15°


< 18°

a (max)
Anchorage none none numbers numbers none.
Rods for according to according to
Stabilizing the calculation, calculation,
Foundation or minimum or minimum

Rods for as per rock condition required (refer to 6.3.3)
Stabilizing the

Other requirements:
embedded depth ( t ) according to 5.5.2

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 105

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) Flow Chart for Procedure for Foundations on Rock

106 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.6.2 S afety A gainst Sliding Failure

The relevant information for calculating the components and the inclination of the resultant
force is given in 6.2.6. For general information about safety against sliding failure refer to
6.4.4 A.

The safety factor against sliding is calculated by taking into account, and/or neglecting, the
impact of the shear resistance of the anchorage rods.

S r = arctan tt1 deg

5a = S r - a deg

R'v = Rv -cosa + R h • sina kN

R 'h = R h cosa - Rv • sina kN

Angle of friction between the

Concrete and the Rock ® sl deg

Retaining Forces
F sl Driving Forces

tanOsL • R' V + As * 7t comb

F sl (with rods) >1.5
R’ h

F sl (neglecting rods) >1.3
R 'h

Shear resistance of anchorage rods: As • i t combined - n --------- Tt comb kN

Xt combined = 0.075 kN/mm

6.6.3 Eccentricity of the Resultant Force and

S afety against T oppling Failure (O verturning)

The relevant information for calculating the eccentricity of the resultant force is given in
6.2.6. For general information about safety against toppling failure refer to 6.4.4 B .

Toppling failure is controlled by the set limits of the eccentricity, B*/2 and L*/2 (refer to the
check list), for taking into account and/or neglecting the impact of anchorage rods.,

To calculate the number of anchorage rods, refer to 6.3.2 B.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 107

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

6.6.4 U ltim ate Bearing Pressure

For foundations on rock, ground shear failure (bearing capacity) is not a problem in many
cases, nevertheless the maximum stress on the foundation base has to be limited
according to the quality of the rock.

The relevant information about how to calculate the components and the inclination of the
resultant force is given in 6.2.6 . For general information about calculating (ultimate) bearing
pressure refer to 6.2.7 B and C . For the procedure for determining the maximum pressure
in case of double eccentricity of the resultant force (with z-factor) refer to 6.2.7 A2.

The ultimate bearing pressure is calculated by neglecting the impact of the anchorage rods.

An example for B72 < B/3 is given below:

B *
B*. m

R’v = Rv • cosa + R h ■sina kN

Cmax ult kN/m2
3B*' L

6.6.5 S afety against Slope Instability (O verall Stability)

The procedure for the investigation of the stability of rocky slopes is given in Volume B,
5.41 .

6.6.6 Direct Rock A nchorages

The relevant information about direct anchorages for windguy cables is given in 6.3.1 . The
design and the capacity must be checked accordingly.

108 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

6.6.7 A dditional A nchorage Rods

The relevant information about how to determine the numbers and direction of the rods is
given in 6.3.3. An example is given below.

A) Direction of the Rods

An anchorage foundation is to be settled into a steep scarp of mica-garnet,
medium-weathered Phyllite. The bedding-plane corresponds to the plane of the slope. It is
highly dangerous because it is a slipping plane and, moreover, the resulting forces of the
foundation are roughly parallel to this plane. Refer to LSTB Survey manual Volume B, 9.2.

Schmidt's planes

Two fracture planes (grades 165/66 and grades 110/80) increase the potential instability at
the location of the foundation.

1 Determine the intersection lines and their dips between the planes of grades 180/75
(bedding), grades 165/66 (fractures), and grades 110/80 which are, by definition,
weakness lines. They are shown in the diagram as arrows at grades 130/60 , grades
120/60 , and grades 100/45 . They represent a weakness zone, the average direction
and dip of which is grades 120/55. Determine the direction of the anchorage rods
perpendicular to grades 120/55, i.e., in the direction of grades 320/45.
2) In order to strengthen the slipping planes, grades 180/75 and grades 165/66 ,
anchorage rods more or less perpendicular to these planes must be placed in the
direction grades 380/25.
3) As the planes along grades 180/75 and grades 165/66 are approximately perpendicular
to the bridge axis, they must be stabilized along the foundation in the direction of grades
4) The fracture plane along grades 370/35 grades is not dangerous as it dips in direction
opposite to the slope.

Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation 109

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Number of Rods

1) Number of rods within the back-half of the foundation base

B-L 2.9 -3.8

ffback - , e.g., flback - = 3.67 nos.
2-1.5 2-1.5

2) Number of rods within the front-half of the foundation base

2BL 2-2.9-3.8
rifront - 6Q-. rifront - = 7.33 nos.
2-1.5 2-1.5

3) Total number of rods within the foundation base

n (tot) — riback + rifront . 6 -9 -> D (tot) = 1 1 nos.

4) Distribution to the weakness planes, e.g. ,

- direction 320/459 : 4 rods,

- direction 20/459 : 4 rods, and
- direction 380/259 : 3 rods.

5) Draw a separate plan of the foundation base on the "General Arrangement", indicating
the location and the direction of the rods.

110 Chapter 6: Design of Bridge Foundation

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7. Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Table of Contents

Flow Chart 112

Layout 113

7.3 Design of Main and Handrail Cable Structures 114

7.3.1 Introduction 114
7.3.2 Related Symbols 114
7.3.3 Geometrical Parameters 115
7.3.4 Standard Design Parameters 118
7.3.5 Limits and Recommendations 120
7.3.6 Initial Layout Data 121
7.3.7 Calculation Procedure 123
7.3.8 Compilation of Final Data 125
7.3.9 Related Standard Drawings 127

7.4 Design of Main Anchorage Foundation 128

7.4.1 Introduction 128
7.4.2 Related Symbols 128
7.4.3 Design Parameters 129
7.4.4 Limits and Recommendations 131
7.4.5 Initial Layout Data 131
7.4.6 Calculation Procedure 132
7.4.7 Compilation of Final Data 135
7.4.8 Related Standard Drawings 137

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 111

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

7.1 Flow Chart

112 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.2 Layout
Side view of an inclined (h > 0) suspended bridge with drum-type cable anchorage foundation.

*Note 1) For foundations with drum-type cable anchorages of 4, or 6 main cables

- distance from front to saddle = 0.25 m ( / = s + 0.50 m)
- distance from foundation top to saddle = 0.25 m

2) For foundations with open-type cable anchorages of 8 , 10, or 12 main cables

- distance from front to saddle = 0.50 m ( / = s +1.00 m)
- distance from foundation top to saddle = 0.90 m

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 113

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

7.3 Design of Main and Handrail Cable Structures

7.3.1 Introduction

The procedure followed in this chapter has provision for a windguy arrangement (refer to 9). It is
assumed that the full wind load can be borne by this system only. Refer to Chapter 10, Special
Design, if in very rare cases it is not possible to provide a windguy arrangement.

The layout and the initial loading is based on the structure under dead load.

The freeboard has to be maintained for any cable alignment (including windguy cables) at dead
load case. Enough free space must be provided beneath the walkway in front of the foundations
at full load case.

An overview of the main parameters and their relevant loading cases are given below.

R elev a n t for D e te r m in in g
Loading Case Load Refer to
Hoisting dead load of - hoisting sag of handrail and main cable 7.3
handrail and
main cables
Dead load all dead loads - initial loading case, free board 7.3

Full load dead loads - number and size of handrail and main cables 7.3
and live load - design of main anchorage foundations 7.4
Wind load wind load - number and size of windguy cables 9.4
acting on the - design of windguy cable foundations 9.5

N.B. It should be noted that the term "case" is used to clearly distinguish the loads (e.g.,
dead loads) from the loading case (e.g., full load case = dead loads + live load).

7.3.2 Related Sym bols

A Sectional area mm2

E Modulus of elasticity kN/mm2
F Safety factor /
H Horizontal component of cable tension kN
L Cable length between saddles m
T Cable tension kN
Tbreak Minimum breaking load of cables kN
Tmax Total cable tension at higher foundation (all cables) kN

b Sag, measured in the middle of the bridge from the chord m

e Horizontal distance from the cable saddle at the higher foundation
saddle to the lowest point of the parabola m
f Maximum sag, vertical distance from the cable saddle at the higher
foundation saddle to the lowest point of the parabola m

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

g Load kN/m
g* Load corresponding to an assumed sag b* kN/m
h Difference in elevation between the cable saddles at the higher and
lower foundation saddles m
t Design span, distance between the saddles m
n Number /
P Live load kN/m
s Nominal span, distance between the front of main foundations m

P Cable inclination at saddle deg

A Increase ( + ) or decrease ( - )of sag or cable length, due to changing load m

e Inclination of slope in front of the foundation deg

Indices: h hoisting load case M Main cables

d dead load case H Handrail cables
f full load case W Windguy cables
i load case (either full or hoisting) 1 Higher foundation
2 Lower foundation
7.3.3 G eom etrical Param eters

A) General

All calculations are based on sag b at mid-span.

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 115

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

1) Cable inclination at saddles:

q . 4
Pi = arctan -------- deg

A b-h
ß2 = arctan deg

2) Location of lowest point (distance measured from the higher foundation saddle)
(■(4b+ h) ( (.h
8b 2 V + 4b

_ (4 b + h)2
T " 16b " b+ 2 + 16 b

3) Length of loaded cables between saddles:

v 8
L = ,+ l * +— m
2 U 3\ J

4) Total horizontal tension (all cables):

H = *J ‘ kN

5) Total maximum tension (all cables) at the higher foundation saddle:

1max = H ■ -^1 + tan2/?, kN
COS /?,

6) The distribution of the tension between handrail and main cables is calculated
proportionally to the cable gross area.

Main cable tension (all main cables):

-r _ H Am
cosßi or 2 Am + Ah
TM.max = T,max A m + A h kN

Handrail cable tension (2 cables):

H Ah
H kN
cosßi or 2 Am + Ah
T h.ii = T,max kN
Am + Ah

NOTE: For bridges with foundations at the same level (h = 0) the parameters will be:

ß1 = ß2 =ß deg
e = d 2 m
f =b m
Ti = t2 —Tmax KN

116 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Basic Calculation Principle

As the structure at dead load is the initial loading, the sag ( bf ) of the full load case and the sag
( bh ) of the hoisting load case have to be calculated. The maximum full load tension has to fulfil
the safety requirements for the cables.

Load Case
Hoisting Load Dead Load Full Load
Load 9h 9d 9f
Cable length Lh =Ld + (-ALh) Ld Lf = Ld + ALf
Sag bh = bd + (-Abh) bd bf = bd + Abf
Horiz. Tension Hh = Hg + (-AHh) Hd Hf = Hd + AHd

The values of delta ( A ) are the increase ( + ) or decrease ( - ) caused by the elastic properties
of the cables.

The different sags ( bf, bh ) can be determined by iteration as follows:

with an assumed sag ( b* ) the corresponding load ( g* ) can be calculated (based on the dead
load layout) and then compared with the actual load ( gf or 9h). The difference is then judged.

If necessary a new sag assumption must be made and the calculation repeated until sufficient
accuracy is achieved.

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 117

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Basic Formulas for Iteration

The difference of the horizontal tension H can be calculated as follows:

g '-c2 g < 't2 kN
1) AH* = H * - H ,C
l =


* V //* V L'-E
or from Ag * = kN/mm2

2) AH * - kN

Out of these two equations 1) and 2) the load (g*) can be calculated as:

* 8 b*-VL*-Eb*
3> 9 = e-L, * * *

Insert in to 3) for the cable length difference:

al* = l * - l0 m

Then g* becomes:

64 E-A
4) kN/m
31 ■L

64 EE
= Cd remains constant kN/m4
3e - L .

7.3.4 Standard Design Param eters

A) Span
Design span t = nominal span (s) + 0.50 m for drum-type cable anchorage or
i = nominal span (s) + 1.00 m for open-type cable anchorage

B) Cables
Main cables
Number: nM = 4, or 6 for drum-type cable anchorage
nM = 8 , 10 or 12 for open-type cable anchorage
Diameter: 0 M = 26, 32, 36 or 40 mm

Handrail cables
Number: nM = 2 always
Diameter: 0 H = 26, 32 or 36 mm for drum-type cable anchorage
0 H = 40 mm for open-type cable anchorage

Windguy cables
Number : nw = 2 or 4 (if 0 refer to Chapter 10, Special
Diameter: 0W = 26, 32, 36 or 40 mm

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Main Cables Handrail Tension

Cables (2 nos.) (all cables)
Anchorage Number nM Diameter <j>M Diameter <j>H 1" break T perm
-type (mm) (mm) (kN) (kN)
4 32 26 3 112 1 038

4 32 32 3 510 1 170

4 36 26 3 732 1 246

4 36 32 4 130 1 378
Drum 4 40 26 4 428 1 476

4 40 32 4 826 1 610

6 36 26 5212 1 740

6 36 32 5610 1 872

6 36 36 5 920 1 976

6 40 26 6 256 2 088

6 40 32 6 654 2 220

6 40 36 6 964 2 324

8 36 40 7 748 2 586
Open 3 050
8 40 40 9 140

10 40 40 10 9 6 8 3 660

12 40 40 12 7 9 6 4 270

Table 7.3.1: Standard Cable Combinations, T break and T perm(with Factor of Safety = 3)

Main Cables Cables (2 nos.) Total (all cables)
Diameter Area Area A,ot Load/Weight
nM <Í>M Area, AM,tot <|>H A h ,tot

(mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm2) (mm2) (kN/m)

4 32 1 768 26 584 2 352 0 .2 0 2

4 32 1 768 32 884 2652 0 .2 2 8

4 36 2 240 26 584 2 824 0 .2 4 3

4 36 2 240 32 884 3124 0 .2 6 8

4 40 2 764 26 584 3 348 0 .2 8 8

4 40 2 764 32 884 3 648 0 .3 1 4

6 36 3 360 26 584 3 944 0 .3 3 9

6 36 3 360 32 884 4 244 0 .3 6 5

6 36 3 360 36 1120 4 480 0 .3 8 5

6 40 4 146 26 584 4 730 0 .4 0 7

6 40 4 146 32 884 5 030 0 .4 3 2

6 40 4 146 36 1 120 5 266 0 .4 5 3

8 36 4 480 40 1 382 5 862 0 .5 0 4

8 40 5 528 40 1 382 6910 0 .5 9 4

10 40 6 910 40 1 382 8 292 0 .7 1 3

12 40 8 292 40 1 382 9 674 0 .8 3 2

Table 7.3.2: Standard Cable Combinations, Metallic Area and Hoisting Load

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 119

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Walkway Deck

Width = 1.00 m
Weight/load - sal wood = 0.48 kN/m
- steel deck = 0.46 kN/m

D) Live Load

1< 50 m ----- > p = 4.00 • walkway width = 4.00 kN/m

. , 5 0 , 50
t 50 m ------ > p = (3.00 + — ) • walkway width
> = 3.00 + — kN/m

7.3.5 Lim its and R ecom m endations

A) Cable Inclination

Cable inclination at saddle of the higher foundation saddle at dead load case Pi, a should not

Pitd(max) < 12°

and sag of the cable ba should be within the range,

h h
— to
4 4

B) Lowest Point

The lowest point of the parabola of an inclined bridge must remain inside the span for all loading
cases. Recommendation for dead load case:

> h < —


C) Safety Factor

Safety factor for all cables and cable terminals £ 3 at full load case.

D) Freeboard

The freeboard must be free of any cable alignment (including the wind-guy arrangement) at
dead load case.

120 Chapter 7 : Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.3.6 Initial Layout Data

A) Determine
The nominal span, S, (free selection, no restriction because of walkway unit length) the location
of the foundations, and the cable elevations.
Fix the span, ^and level difference of the saddles, not exceeding h < — (keep h as
minimum as possible).

B) Pre-calculation
1) Main and Handrail Cables

Calculate the approximate maximum cabla tension:

Tmax (appx) = 11 • S (kN/m m =) kN

(This applies for the present standard loadings and bd ~ . h = 0)

Determine the main cable number and diameter and cable anchorage system
(refer to 7.3.4 B) Tmaxfappx)« Tperm

Determine the sectional areas and breaking tension for all cables
(n main cables, 2 handrail cables) (refer to 7.3.4)

2) Windguy Cables
Refer to Chapter 9, Design of Windguy Arrangement

C) Calculate

1. The design span between saddles, t (refer to 7.3.4),

2. The maximum difference in elevation, h, and check (refer to 7.3.5)
3. The sag at dead load, bd (refer to 7.3.5)

D) Rough Check of Freeboard

A rough check must be carried out at this point to ensure that any cable alignment lies
above the necessary freeboard (refer to 5.3).

The elevations of wind-guy anchorages of both banks are recommended to be placed

below the lowest point of the bridge. The vertical clearance between the level of wind-guy
cable and the level of High Flood at the point of the bank touching river must be at least
5.0m. The wind-guy cable takes the strait alignment from anchorage to lowest point of

Required data:
i , h, bd, (ed and fd), all cable elevations and, perhaps, also the vertex of windguy

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 121

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Draw the side elevation as shown below (the wind-guy cable elevation upstream and
downstream might be different).

E) Loadings

1) Hoisting load case, gh

(the hoisting load is self load of all cables)

- Main and handrail cables (refer to 7.3.4 B)

Total at hoisting load case: gh = 0.............. kN/m

2) Dead Load case, ga

(The dead load of the bridge is load of all parts of walkway including hoisting load of

Hoisting load, gh = 0.............. kN/m

Walkway deck = 0.............. kN/m
Walkway support (includinghangers) = 0.22 kN/m
Fixation Cables = 0.01 kN/m
Wiremesh netting = 0.06 kN/m
Windguy cables (refer to 9.4.4) = 0 ............... kN/m
Windties (average) = 0.03 kN/m

Total at dead load case: ga =................... kN/m

3) Full Load case, gf

(The full load in the bridge is the sum of live load and dead load in the bridge)

Dead Load, ga =.................... kN/m

Live Load, P =.................... kN/m

Total at full load case: gf =................... kN/m

122 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.3.7 Calculation Procedure

A) Compile the Initial Data

B) Iteration Procedure for bf* and bh*

Index i means load case i, either full load or hoisting load

Operation Step
hV 8
1 Calculate Ld —l ■ \ + - + —' O ’ m
2 V« J 3

6AE ■A
2 Calculate the constant factor C = kN/m4
313 - L;
3 Select (full) load case and calculate the primary b*. The iteration may be started
with the primary value for b*:
- for full load b* « 1.22 X bd (approximate) m

- for hoisting load b* « 0.93 X bd (approximate) m

4 Calculate

g* = C b - \ b - kN/m

I ^

5 Calculate new b = b d +(bM bd \ d m

& o ld d

6 Calculate kgi = g , - g * kN/m

7 Test the condition jAgJ < 0.01 kN/m

_ if the condition is not fulfilled, i.e. |Agil > 0.01, repeat calculation from step 4 with b*new
- if the condition is fulfilled, i.e. |Agjl < 0 .0 1 :
- for a full load case stop the iteration, proceed with the calculation of maximum
tension and safety factor (step 8 ) with b*new= bf , and
- for a hoisting load case stop the iteration and proceed with the calculation of the
remaining data (refer to 7.3.7C).

Calculation of the maximum tension and safety factor at full load case is performed as

- calculate the maximum full load tension:

72 f 4b, + h ^ '
8 r 1+ kN
8 bf K

The safety factor is calculated as :

=-™ > 3.0
• max

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 123

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

In order to obtain an optimum safety factor of 3, changes of the initial data might be necessary
(for limits refer to 7.3.5) and the iteration must be repeated1.

To calculate the hoisting load sag (bh) proceed from Step 3.

C) Final (Remaining) Data

Calculate the remaining data (refer to 7.3.3 A and 7.3.8) and check Z = 0.

D) Free Space beneath the Walkway in Front of the Main Foundation

A free space of at least 30 cm must be kept beneath the walkway in front of the main foundation
if the bridge is fully loaded. Additional rock cutting or dry stone pitching might be necessary
(refer to 5.5.4 A).

Determine the line of cutting by drawing a line from cable elevation at an angle Pf° to horizon.

1) Layout for dead load case

In order to draw the dead load case parabola in the general arrangement section,
calculate necessary data as follows:

draw the lowest point elevation (vertex) with ed and fa,

fd i 4fd . 4bd
calculate aa = — - ( if it is a level bridge ed = — ----- > a =
ed 2 i2 t2
determine d according to the scale of the section,
f d^
- calculate yid = ad • X 2 = ad • (i • d )2 = • ,
draw the sag up to the higher foundation level
(check at — with bd and ( = 0 with |3d), and

- the same y ^ ’s can be used to draw the sag up to the lower foundation level.

' If, F > 3, change the cable combination, but do not reduce the sag, which will increase the tension consequently
bigger anchorage foundations. If, F < 3, increase the cable sag but within the recommended limits, otherwise change
the cable combination.
124 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge
Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2) Parabola for full load case

Draw the lowest elevation point with ef and ff,
- calculate af = — —,
2 ft d 2 ,2
- calculate y if = af • X\ = — — ■i ,
- draw the sag In front of the foundation as required (check with Pf),
- draw a line 30cm beneath the full load sag,
- determine the maximum elevation(s) of rock or dry stone pitching,
- determine the inclination of slope in front of the foundation (e-i), and
- the same yif’s can be used to draw the sag in front of the lower foundation level.

7.3.8 Com pilation o f Final Data

Bridge No. & Nam e............................. Date.................. Designed by

A) Initial Data (refer to 7.3.6 and GA)

Nominal span, S = ........................... m

Anchorage type (drum or open) = ........................... /
Main cable nM = .......................... /
0M = ........................... mm
Am = ........................... mm2

Handrail cable nH = 2 /
0H = ........................... mm
Ah = ........................... mm2

Total Metallic Area = AM+ AH = ........................... mm2

Total Tbreak — break Th,break —........................... kN

Windguy cable nw = ........................... /

0W = ........................... mm
E - Module = ........................... kN/mm2

Design span ( - ........................... m

h = ........................... m
bd = ........................... m
ed (from higher foundation) = ........................... m
fd (from higher foundation) = ........................... m
Pi,d (at higher foundation) = ........................... deg
P2,d (at lower foundation) = ........................... deg

Cable anchorage elevations:

- Left Bank Windguy cable, upstream = (appx)............... m

Main cables = ........................... m
Windguy cable,downstream = (appx)............... m
- Right Bank Windguy cable, upstream = (appx)............... m
Main cables = ........................... m
Windguy cable,downstream =(appx)............... m

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 125

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Approximate freeboard Main cables = ........................... m

Wind cables = (appx)................ m

Loads: - walkway deck (steel or wood) = ........................... kN/m

- live load p = ........................... kN/m
- hoisting load gh = ........................... kN/m
- dead load ga = ........................... kN/m
- full load 9f = ........................... kN/m

B) Data from Main Calculation

Full load: bf = ........................... m

Tmax —............................ kN
Safety factor = ............................. /


C) Data to be transferred to the General Arrangement

Load Tension Sag Lowest Point

Load Case Tmax b
9 Horz. Dist. e Vert. Dist. f
(kN/m) (kN (m) Elevation
(m) (m)
Dead Load
Full Load
Live Load
For level bridge, h = 0, Horizontal distance of lowest point, e = and Vertical distance,
Table 7.3.3: Data of Cable Structure

SIDE ELEVATION (dead load)

126 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Parameter 1) Higher Foundation 2) Lower Foundation

Twi,f kN kN

TH,f kN kN

Pf deg deg

£i deg deg
Table 7.3.4: Cable Tension and Inclination of Full Load Case

7.3.9 Related Standard Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

01 Walkway for 4 main cables
02 Walkway for 6 main cables
03 Walkway for 8 main cables
04 Walkway for 10 main cables
05 Walkway for 12 main cables
06 Steel walkway deck
Table 7.3.5: Standard Design Drawings: Walkway and Steel Walkway Deck

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 27

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

7.4 Design of Main Anchorage Foundation

7.4.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is the determination of the dimensions of the main anchorage
foundations based on the results of the cable structure analysis, on the soil and rock
parameters, and on prescribed safety factors.

Basic principles and proceedings for the structural analysis of foundations can be found in
Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

7.4.2 Related Sym bols

As, 1 Total cross-sectional area of foot reinforcement mm2

As,2 Total cross-sectional area of anchorage rods mm2
B Open dimension of foundation, width m
Hi Open dimension of foundation, height at back m
H2 Open dimension of foundation, part of height in front m
L Open dimension of foundation, length m
M Statical moment in the relevant cross-section for foot reinforcement kNm
N-, Total number of required reinforcement bars (j) 16 mm for foot reinforcement /
N2 Total number of required anchorage rods (j) 25 mm /
Tn,f Handrail cable tension of full load case kN
TM,f Main cable tension of full load case kN

r|h Lever arm of internal forces (reinforced concrete) m

Indices: V vertical component

H horizontal component

For all other symbols used in this chapter refer to Chapter 6 .

128 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.4.3 Design Param eters

A) Main Anchorage Foundation on Soil

Drum type Anchorage Open type Anchorage

Soil Foundation Foundation
Dim. \ nM 4 6 8 10 12
min 1.50 2.00 3.70 3.70 3.70
max 4.00 4.50 6.70 6.70 6.70
min 1 .2 0 1) 1 .2 0 1) 2 .0 0 1) 2 .0 0 1) 2 .0 0 1)
max 4.00 4.50 5.80 5.80 5.80
min 6.20 7.90 9.50 11.00 12.50
max 9.50 11.00 9.50 11.00 12.50
min 2.90 3.30 5.00 5.70 5.70
max 5.00 6.50 7.50 8.00 8.00

Table 7.4.1: Limits of Dimensions ( m ) for Foundation on Soil According to

the Standard Dimension of Steel Anchorage Structure
(For1) refer to 7.4.4 A )

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 129

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Main Anchorage Foundation on Rock

Drum type Anchorage Open type Anchorage

Rock Foundation Foundation
Dim. \ nM 4 6 8 10 12

min 1.50 2.00 2.90 3.20 3.45

max 4.00 4.50 6.70 6.70 6.70
min 0.801) 1.001) 1.451) 1.451) 1.451)
max 4.00 4.50 5.80 5.80 5.80
min 5.00 6.70 9.50 11.00 12.50
max 8.50 9.50 9.50 11.00 12.50
min 2.90 3.30 4.80 5.40 5.40
max 5.00 5.50 7.50 8.00 8.00
S 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75
Table 7.4.2: Limits of Dimensions ( m ) for Foundation on Rock According
to the Standard Dimension of Steel Anchorage Structure
(For1) refer to 7.4.4 A)

130 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.4.4 Lim its and Recom m endations

A) Foundation Dimensions

The limits of the foundation dimensions as given in 7.4.3 depend upon the standard dimensions
of the anchorage steel structure. The minimum dimensions (H2 (min) ) especially might be
superseded by the necessary embedded depth (t) (refer to 5.5.2).

B) Handrail Cable Pillar

For calculation of the height of the handrail cable pillar (vertical distance between saddles) and
determination of cable anchorage lengths, refer to standard drawings.
For structural analysis, the height of handrail cable pillars can be assumed to be uniform at 1.25
m for drum-type anchorage foundations and at 1.23 m for open-type anchorage foundations.
The weight of the pillars can be neglected.

C) Anchorage Rods for Foundations on Rock

Provide number of anchorage rods according to calculations but, if B*/2 < B/3, at least:
for foundations with 4 main cables : 4 vertical rods
for foundations with 6 main cables : 6 vertical rods
for foundations with 8 , 10 , and 12 main cables : 6 vertical rods

The distance between anchorage rods should not be less than 0.75 m for drum-type anchorage
foundations and 1.0 m for open-type anchorage foundations.
Additional anchorage rods might be necessary in order to stabilize the rock (refer to 6.3.3 and

D) Soil/Rock Check List

Refer to Chapter 6 . Foundation Design for the check list of limits (for soil 6.5.1, for rock 6.6.1).

7.4.5 Initial Layout Data

A) Define Characteristics of Foundation

1) Type of bridge: level (h = 0) or inclined (h > 0) ? ................. /

2) River bank: left or right ? ..................... /
3) If inclined bridge: higher or lower foundation ? ..................... /
4) Cable anchorage: drum or open-type ? ..................... /
5) Foundation: on soil or rock ? ..................... /

B) Compile the following Data

1) From cable structure analysis:

Number of main cables nM =................. /
Main cable tension T M,f = ................... kN
- Handrail cable tension T H,f = ................... kN
Cable inclination Pf = deg
Front slope of rock, or stone pitching £1 deg

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 131

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

2) From survey and final geotechnical report:

Soil parameters:
- Sub-soil at depth =................................. m
Friction angle of sub-soil Oi = ................................. deg
- Unit weight of sub-soil yi = ................................. kN/m3
- Friction angle of backfilling soil O2 = ................................. deg
- Unit weight of backfilling soil 72 = ................................. kN/m3
- Groundwater at depth = ................................. m
Ground-bearing pressure CJperm = ............................... kN/m2

Rock parameters:
Rock at depth =................................ m
- Sliding friction angle between rock & foundation <J>sld =................................. deg
Rock quality coefficient k =................................ /
Ground-bearing pressure <jperm =................................ kN/m2

3) From Chapter 5. General Principles:

- Minimum embedded depth t =................................ m

4) From 7.4.3 Design Parameters

Foundation Dimensions (m) Minimum Maximum

- Back height H,
- Front height (refer to 7.4.4 A) H2
-W idth B
- Length L
- Back to C. G. distance of anchorage rods s /

7.4.6 C alculation Procedure

The relevant loading for the main anchorage and main anchorage foundations is the full load
case. Therefore, calculations for other load cases are not required for standard type bridges.

It is necessary to design the anchorage foundations in such a way that their volume is
minimized (economic design), giving due consideration to the prescribed safety factors.

A) Compile the Initial Data (refer to 7.4.5)

B) Preparatory Work

Prepare a plan view, a longitudinal section, and a cross-section with the minimal dimensions.
Try to estimate the required dimension experientially, otherwise take the minimum dimensions
as primary data.

132 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Main Calculation

The basic design principles, the procedure for the structural analysis, and the limits as well, are
given in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.
Calculation example: The calculations are given from examples of a foundation (with foot) on
soil, without groundwater, and with a retaining wall at the top. The structural analysis of the
retaining wall has to be carried out separately.
For other layouts, similar proceedings should be applied with:
- foundations on rock hrt > t , hra > 0
- foundations without a foot b = 0
- with groundwater hw > 0

1. Calculate the components, inclination, and location of the resultant loading force

Loading Forces Lever arm (m) for M p

Weights (kN):

W, = 0.50 (H1+H2) • B • L - Y c
B 2H 1 + H?
3 ' Hi + H2
W2 = 0.95 ( B - 1.20)- L ' Y c
0.50 B + 0.60
Load on Top (kN):
A = (refer to 6.2.4) a
Earth Pressure (kN):

- back: Eah (back) = 1/2 Xah [ 0 2, i|/] (ha2- ha12) • L • y2 yE ah — H i +H 2

(h a - ha1 ) 2 ha1 + ha
YEah = t 0 • . . I
3 ha1 + ha

Eav(back) - Eah ' tan( g $ 2) B

Loads (kN):

T Hh = T h • cosß h2+ 1.95

T Mh = T m ■ cosß H2+ 0.70
Thv = T h • sinß 1.45
Tmv = T m • sinß 1.45

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 133

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Mf = sum of all statical moments in F kNm

- Vertical component of R
Rv = sum of all vertical forces = W-i + W 2 + A + Eav + T hv + T mv M

- Location of R
_________M r_________
B*/2 = m
Rv ■(1 + tana • tanSR)

- Inclination of R

tanSR = ^

2. Select the possible predominant failure mode and proceed according to Chapter 6 .

3. Reinforcement

Reinforcement is required only for foundations with a foot.

The required cross-sectional area of reinforcement bars in the foot of the drum-type foundations
on soil is determined by means of a simplified formula:

M >2 ( 1.20 c o s a - h L s i n OC) - CTmax*L

A si - •100
' h *at perm 0.9 •(H2•cos# + 1.20 sin a - 0.20) •23
(Tmax*L (1.20 cosa - H2•sin«)2
(H2, L in m ; Gmax in kN/m ) mm
0.414 (H2 -cosa + 1 .2 0 s in a -0 .2 0 )

Provide minimu
m reinforcement: A si (min) = 0.02% • H 2 ■ L (H2, L in mm) mm2

4Asi A si
Number of required bars 016 mm: N-t /
0 2. 71 201

134 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.4.7 Com pilation of Final Data

Bridge No. & Nam e......................................... Date.............. Designed b y ...............

A ) a n d B) In itia l D a ta (re fe r to 7.4.5)

C) M a in C a lc u la tio n
1) Load on top of foundation
- Total load A = ..................................... kN
- Front to C.G. distance a = ..................................... m

2) Soil / rock heights

- Total active earth pressure height ha = ..................................... m
- Active earth pressure height from
top of the foundation block hai = ..................................... m
- Rock height at back hr = ..................................... m
- Embedded depth t = ..................................... m
- Depth of additional soil t' = ..................................... m

3) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
(top of dry stone pitching) Si = ..................................... deg
- Slope of soil baseline SB = ..................................... deg
- Length of influence L * nfi = ..................................... m
- Back slope of soil vj/ = ..................................... deg

4) Foundation dimensions
- Back height Fh = ..................................... m
- Front height H2 = ..................................... m
- Width B = ..................................... m
- Length L = .................................... . m
- Base inclination a = ..................................... deg
- Distance to resultant force B*/2 = ..................................... m
L*/2 = ..................................... m
5) Safety factors
- Sliding Fsl = ..................................... 1
- Bearing capacity Fbc = ..................................... /
- Toppling Ft = ..................................... /
- Slope stability Fs = ..................................... /

6) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation or minimum Nos. N = .................................... /

D) A d d itio n a l A n c h o ra g e R o d s
(from geological report)

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 135

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

E) Data to be transferred to the General Arrangement

Drum-type anchorage on soil

Open-type anchorage on rock


«______ B- _______

136 Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

7.4.8 Related Standard Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

Drum-Type Anchorage:
61 Main Cable Anchorage for 4 main cables (capacity: 1220 kN)
61/1(26), 61/1(32), Main Foundation for 4 main cables (related drawings: 61,63(26)
& 63(32)
61/2(26), 61/2(32)
62 Main Cable Anchorage for 6 main cables (capacity: 1830 kN)
62/1(26), 62/1(32), Main Foundation for 6 main cables (related drawings: 62, 63(26)
& 63(32), 63(36)
62/2(26), 62/2(32),
63(26), 63(32), 63(36) Handrail cable anchorage (capacity 260/390/494 kN)
Open-Type Anchorage:
64 Main Anchorage / 8 main cables, 2 Handrail Cables 4>40mm
(capacity: 2440 & 610 kN)
64/1, 64/2 Main Foundation / 8 main cables (related drawings: 64 & 67)
65 Main Anchorage /10 main cables, 2 Handrail Cables 4>40mm
(capacity: 3050 & 610 kN )
65/1, 65/2 Main Foundation /10 main cables (related drawings: 65 & 6 8 )
66 Main Anchorage /12 main cables, 2 Handrail Cables <f>40mm
(capacity: 3660 & 610 kN )
66 / 1 , 66/2 Main Foundation /12 main cables (related drawings: 66 & 69)
67 Saddles and Accessories / 8 main cables
68 Saddles and Accessories /10 main cables
69 Saddles and Accessories /12 main cables
Drawing Numbers: ...... = 'Working and assembly drawing
...71 = Structural drawing: Foundation on Soil
= Structural drawing: Foundation on Rock
Table 7.4.3: Standard Design drawings: Main anchorage Foundation for
Suspended Bridges

Chapter 7: Design of Standard Suspended Bridge 137

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8. Design of Standard Suspension


Table of C ontents

8.1 Flow Chart 140

8.2 Layout 141

8.3 Design of Main Cable Structures 142

8.3.1 Introduction 142
8.3.2 Related Symbols 143
8.3.3. Geometrical Parameters 144
8.3.4 Standard Design Parameters 147
8.3.5 Limits and Recommendations 150
8.3.6 Initial Layout Data 151
8.3.7 Calculation Procedure 153
8.3.8 Compilation of Final Data 155
8.3.9 Related Standard Drawings 156

8.4 Load Combinations with Wind Load 157

8.4.1 Introduction 157
8.4.2 Related Symbols 157
8.4.3 Layout (Isometric View) and Tower Section 158
8.4.4 Geometrical Parameters 159
8.4.5 Wind Loads 160
8.4.6 Calculation Model 160
8.4.7 Load Combinations 162
8.4.8 Initial Layout Data 163
8.4.9 Calculation Procedure 164

8.5 Tower 167

8.5.1 Introduction 167
8.5.2 Loading Cases 167
8.5.3 Tower Capacity Diagram 167
8.5.4 Sidestay Cables 168
8.5.5 Related Standard Design Drawings 169

8.6 Design of Walkway / Tower Foundation. 170

8.6.1 Introduction 170
8.6.2 Related Symbols 170
8.6.3 Design Parameters 171
8.6.4 Limits and Recommendations 173
8.6.5 Initial Layout Data 173
8 .6.6 Calculation Procedure 174
8.6.7 Compilation of Final Data 179
8 .6.8 Related Standard Design Drawings 180

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 138

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.7 Design of Main Cable Foundation 181

8.7.1 Introduction 181
8.7.2 Related Symbols 181
8.7.3 Design Parameters 182
8.7.4 Limits and Recommendations 183
8.7.5 Initial Layout Data 183
8.7.6 Calculation Procedure 184
8.7.7 Compilation of Final Data 186
8.7.8 Related Standard Design Drawings 187

8.8 Determination of Suspender Length 188

8 .8.1 Introduction 188
8 .8.2 Related Symbols 188
8.8.3 Layout and Section 189
8.8.4 Calculation Procedure 190
8.8.5 Data to Be Transferred to the Standard Design Drawing
"Suspenders" 191
8 .8.6 Related Standard Design Drawings 191

8.9 Design of Stabilizing Measures 192

8.9.1 Stabilizing the Cable Structure 192
8.9.2 Lateral Stabilization of the Tower 194
8.9.3 Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement 195
8.9.4 Related Standard Design Drawings 196

8.10 Tower Erection 197

8 . 10.1 Layout for Erected Tower 197
8 . 10.2 Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement 198
8.10.3 Related Standard Design Drawings 198

139 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.1 Flow Chart

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 140

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.2 Layout
Slide view of a suspension bridge

4- Dr

n............ cobles
diameter 0M

2 spanning cobles
diameter 0S

141 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.3 Design of Main Cable Structures

8.3.1 Introduction

The procedure followed in this chapter has provision for a windguy arrangement (refer to
Chapter 9). Refer to Chapter 10, Special Design, if in very rare cases it is not possible to
provide a windguy arrangement.

The layout and the initial loading is based on the structure under dead load.

The freeboard has to be maintained for any cable alignment (including windguy cables) at dead
load case.

An overview of the main parameters and their relevant loading cases are given below.

Loading Case Load Relevant for Determining Refer to

Hoisting dead load of main - hoisting sag of main cable 8.3
Dead load all dead loads and - initial loading case, free board 8.3
pre-tension of - length of suspenders 8.8
spanning cables - stabilizing measures, tower erection 8.9
Full load all dead loads and - number and size of main cables 8.3
live load - design of main cable foundations 8.7
Wind load wind load acting on - number and size of windguy cables 9.4
the walkway - design of windguy cable foundations 9.5
[A] dead load
case and full wind load acting on
- size of spanning cables 8.4
wind load main cables,
- rough check of tower 8.5
[B] full load suspenders, and
- design of walkway/tower foundations 8.6
case and towers
1/3 wind load

N.B. It should be noted that the term "case" is used to clearly distinguish the loads (e.g., dead
loads) from the loading case (e.g., dead load case = dead loads + pre-tension of
spanning cable).

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 142

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.3.2 Related Sym bols

A Sectional area of cables • mm2

D —D[_ + Dr m
D|_, D r Backstay distance of main cables, distance between tower axis and
hinge of the main cable anchorage (front of main cable foundation for
design drawing 46/1) m
E Modulus of elasticity of cables kN/mm2
H Horizontal component of the cable tension kN
L Length of main cables between tower saddles m
T Main cable tension at saddle for frontstay kN
Tappx Approximate maximum tension of cables kN
Tbreak Minimum breaking load of cables kN
Tperm Permissible cable tension kN
Tmax Main cable tension at saddle for backstay (all main cables) kN
T Sd Pre-tension of spanning cables for dead load case kN
V Vertical component of the frontstay main cable tension kN
Vmax Vertical component of the backstay main cable tension kN
Vtot Total vertical load on tower saddle kN

C Camber, vertical distance from the spanning cable anchorage (top of

walkway & tower foundation minus 0.25 m) and the highest point of
the spanning cable m
f Sag, vertical distance from tower saddle to the lowest point of the
main cable m
g Loads kN/m
gd Dead weight of cable and walkway structures (subtotal of gd) kN/m
gp Pre-tension of spanning cables expressed as equally distributed load kN/m
ht Tower height, vertical distance between top of walkway & tower
foundation and saddle m
l Bridge span, distance between tower axis m
n Number
p Live load kN/m

P Frontstay cable inclination at saddle deg

Pf Backstay cable inclination = frontstay cable inclination at
saddle for full load deg
Pfo Initial approximation of Pf deg
<|) Cable diameter mm
A Increase / decrease of parameter due to changing load

Indices: h hoisting load case M Main cables

d dead load case S Spanning cables
f full load case W Windguy cables
i load case (either full or hoisting) B Back
R Right bank F Front
L Left bank

143 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.3.3. G eom etrical Param eters

A) Main Cables

1) Cable inclination at saddles

- Frontstay angle:

ßF = a rc ta n y deg
Backstay angle:
n n ■ 4ff , 4 (1.05 fd)
ßB - ßßt - arctan ^ * arctan— *— -j----- deg

2) Anchorage location out of DL and ßB:

hL - tanßB • D l - 4ff • DL « 4 ’f d -DL m

hR = ta n ß e - D r = ^ Dr * 4 -2/ L dr m

3) Length of cable (at dead load) between tower saddles:

ILMd - I ■ i + ^ ( f d\ 2 - i i+ - ( — ) m

4) Length of cable (at dead load) between anchorages (excluding overlapping

length for fixation):
D l + Dr
L m l-Md + m

The sag of the backstay cables should be considered for the hoisting load case only and
can be neglected for dead and full load case where the shape of the cables is almost a
straight line.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 144

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

5) Horizontal tension

Hr = Hb kN

6) Vertical load at saddles

VF = a Vb kN

7) Maximum tension

Tmax 16(})2 kN

B) S p a n n in g C ab le

1) Cable inclination:

„ X 4c
ßc = arctan — deg

2) Tension:

fls ' r
Ts T sh -

It has to be mention that depending on the load case and the pre-tension,
the spanning cable may become tensionless.

3) Length of cable at dead load between tower axis:

8 , Cd y?
Lsd - 1 +~( m
/ >

145 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) B a s ic C a lcu la tio n P rin cip le

As the structure at dead load is the initial load, the sag ( ff ) of the full load case and the sag
( fh ) of the hoisting load case have to be calculated. Wherein the maximum full load tension
has to fulfill the safety requirements for the cables.

Load case
Hoisting load Dead load Full Load
Load gh 9d 9f
Cable length U = L d + ( - A L h) Ld L, = Ld + ALf
Sag fh = fd + ( - Afh) fd ft = fd + Aff
Horiz. Tension Hh = Hd + (-AHh) Hd Hf = Hd + AHd

The values of delta ( A ) are the increase ( + ) or decrease ( - )caused by the elastic properties
of the cables.

The different sags ( ff, fh ) can be determined by iteration as follows:

with an assumed sag ( f* ) the corresponding load ( g* ) can be calculated (based on the dead
load layout) and then compared with the actual load ( gf or gh). The difference is then judged.

If necessary, a new sag assumption must be made and the calculation repeated until sufficient
accuracy is achieved.

Basic formulas for iteration

According to J. Melan [1] t h '5 increase / decrease of sag remains constant:

15AL b-AD
Af = ------- + --------- Wherein m

15 AU
increasing / decreasing sag caused by a change in cable length
between saddles, and

b - AD1
increasing / decreasing sag caused by a change in cable length at the
backstay cables which results in the displacement of saddles.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 146

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

The change of the cable length between the saddles is calculated with the average tension of
, _ 2H + T
the main cables (within the span /) I average - 3

The increase / decrease of the cable length between the saddles is calculated as:

2H + T Ld
D. m
E A g

The displacement of the saddles caused by an increase / decrease in cable length of the
backstay cables is calculated as

-r- D Ag _
Ad = T •^ ^ • g + Displacement of saddle caused by changing sag of

backstay cable (influence only on the hoisting sag calculation).

Displacement of saddles for cable hoisting:

Th • D r /l dh - dd dh2 • D r /L3 1 1
ADhR/L -
E -A ,M
9h 24 cosßf U4d Hh

8.3.4 Standard Design Param eters

A) Span

Because of different suspender lengths the span must be fixed at an interval of 2.4 m which
means that there must be one suspender at mid span. The distance from the tower axis to the
first cross-beam (without suspender) is fixed at 1.1 m. With these two conditions, the span
length is calculated as follows:
/ = 2.40 i + 2.20 ( i = integer number) m

The total number of suspender pairs:

I-(2-2.301 , 1 . 7-3.40
1.20 1.20

The total number of cross-beams:

/-(2 -1 .1 0 ) + 1 _ 7 -1.00
nc ns + 2 /
1 .2 0 1.20

The total number of steel walkway deck pairs:

7+ (2-0.10) = / + 0.20
nc + 1 /
Rc 1.20 1 . 20

B) Walkway Deck
Width = 1.20 m
- sal wood = 0.61 kN/m
- steel deck = 0.50 kN/m

147 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

C) Live Load

l <50 m — > p = 4.00 ■walkway width = 4.80 kN/m

l > 50 m — > p = ( 3.00 + 50/ / ) • walkway width = 3.60 + 60 / kN/m

D) Cables

Main Cables
Number nM = 4, 6 , or 8
Diameter : <|)M = 26, 32, 36, or 40 mm

Spanning Cables
Number : ns = 2 always
Diameter: <|>s = 32, 36, or 40 mm

Windguy Cables
Number : nw = 2 (if 0 refer to Chapter 10, Special Design)
Diameter: = 26, 32, 36, or 40 mm

Handrail and Fixation Cables (no load bearing function)

Number : n = 2 always
Diameter: ♦ 13 mm

Nos. Diam. Hoisting Load Metallic Area Breaking Load Permissible Load
nM 9h Atot 7 break Tperm
(-) (mm) (kN/m) (mm2) (kN) (KN)
2 26 0.050 584 772 257
2 32 0.076 884 1 170 390
2 36 0.096 1 120 1 480 493
2 40 0.119 1 382 1 828 609
4 32 0.152 1 768 2 340 780
4 36 0.192 2 240 2 960 987
4 40 0.238 2 764 3 656 1 219
6 36 0.289 3 360 4 440 1 480
6 40 0.356 4 146 5 484 1 828
8 36 0.385 4 480 5 920 1 973
8 40 0.475 5 528 7312 2 437
Table 8.3.1: Total gh, A, Tbreai<, Tpermfor Main Cables, E = 110 kN/mm2

Nos. Diam. Weight/Load Metallic Area Breaking Load Permissible Load

ns <(>s 9 Atot Tbreak Tperm
(-) (mm) (kN/m) (mm2) (kN) (KN)
2 26 0.050 584 772 257
2 32 0.076 884 1 170 390
2 36 0.096 1 120 1 480 493
2 40 0.119 1 382 1 828 609
Table 8.3.2: Total g, A, Tbreak, Tpermfor Spanning Cables, E = 110 kN/mm2

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 148

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

E) Towers

Tower Total Tower Main Cables Recommended Diameter of

Number Height Diameter of Tower legs
ht Number Possible 0 M Spanning Cables c/c! (m)
(m) Hm (mm) (mm)
1 12.90 4 26 32

2 12.92
3 14.77 32 3.50
4 16.62
5 18.47 36 32
6 17.74 4
7 20.24 or 40
8 22.73 6

9 25.23
or 36
10 27.73
11 30.22
12 32.721) 6
13 35.211)
14 30.22
15 32.721) 8
16 35.211)
- Difference from tower foot to the spanning cable elevation = 0.25 m
- Difference from the vertex of spanning cable to the vertex of main cable 1.30 m
hT = f + 1.30 + c - 0.25 = f + c+ 1.05 m
1) Bolts with property grade 6.6 required
Table 8.3.3: Standard Towers, Related Number and Diameter of Cables

149 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.3.5 Lim its and R ecom m endations

A) Main Cable Inclination

Main cable inclination at saddle at full load case (backstay cable inclination at any load case
Pf(max) =30° — > fd « 0.135 i m
Pi (min) = 20° — > fd ~ 0.09 t m

B) Camber of Spanning Cable

Camber of spanning cable at dead load case:

Cd (max) = 0.03 l m
Cd (min) = 0.02 i m

C) Tower Height

The limits for the tower height are based on the limits of bf ( fd ) and cd:

ht (max) = fd (max) + 1.3 + Cd (max)-0.25 = 0.165^+1.05 m

ht (min) = fd (min) + 1.3 + Cd (min) - 0.25 = 0.110^+1.05 m

D) Dead Load Sag

The limits for the dead load sag ( f d ) is based on ht and the limits of Cd and Pf

fd (max) = (ht —1.05) — 0.02 t < appx 0.135 m

fd (min) = (ht — 1.05) - 0.03 l< appx 0.09 m

Recommended: Select optimum in between minimum and maximum (A, B, C & D).

E) Safety Factor

Safety factor (for all cables and cable terminals) > 3 for the main cables at full load case and
for the spanning cables at load case [A] (refer to 8.4.8).

F) Freeboard

The freeboard must be clear of any cable alignment at dead load case.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 150

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8 .3 .6 Initial Layout Data

A) Determine
1) span, i , (refer to 8.3.4 A).
2) Tower height, h t , (refer to 8.3.5 C).
3) Dead load sag, fd , (refer to 8.3.5 D).

B) Calculate
1) Live load, p , (refer to 8.3.4 C).

C) Pre-calculation
1) Main Cables
- Calculate the approximate maximum main cable tension:

gf - t 2 if *}2
Tmax (appx) 1 + 17.64 - kN
' 8.4 fd V V ^ J



9f (appx)

| lo

- Determine the main cable numbers and diameter (refer to 8.3.4. D).
Tmax (appx) < Tperm

Repeated changes of the tower height and dead load sag should be made in order to
obtain optimal design parameters.
- Determine the sectional area ( A ) and breaking tension (refer to 8.3.4 D).

2) Windguy Cables
Refer to Chapter 9, Design of Windguy Arrangement.

D) Rough Check of Freeboard

A rough check must be carried out at this point to ensure that no cable alignment lies within
the necessary freeboard.
Required data:
l, Cd , the top of the walkway/tower foundation, all locations and elevations of the windguy
cables, and the vertex of the windguy cables.
Draw the side elevation as shown below with the windguy cable elevations and foundation
locations for both upstream and downstream cables.

151 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

E) Loadings

1) Hoisting load case, gh (<|> in mm)

Main cables (refer to 8.3.4 D) = 0................. kN/m
Total at hoisting load case: gh = 0................. kN/m

2) Dead load case, ga (<|> in mm)

a) Dead Weights, g d d
Hoisting load, gh = 0............ kN/m
- Walkway deck = 0............ kN/m
- Walkway support = 0.27 kN/m
- Handrail and fixation cables = 0.03 kN/m
- Wiremesh netting = 0.06 kN/m
- Suspenders (average) =0. 17 kN/m
- Spanning cables (refer to 8.3.4 D) = 0............ kN/m
Windguy cables (refer to 8.3.4 D) = 0............ kN/m .
- Windties (average) = 0.04______ kN/m

Subtotal dead weights, gdd = ................... kN/m

b) Pre-tension in spanning cables

Assumed approximate pre-tension at dead
load case = 10 % of dead weights
gpd = • gdd = o................. kN/m

Total at dead load case (gdd + gpd): gd =,


3) Full load case, gf

It is assumed that the pre-tension at
full load case is decreased to zero.
- Dead weights gdd = ............... kN/m
- Pre-tension gpf = 0 /
- Live load p = ............... kN/m

Total at full load case: gf = ............... kN/m

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 152

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.3.7 Calculation Procedure

A) Compile the Initial Data

B) Iteration Procedure for f f and f h

Index! means load case 1 , either full load or hoisting load.

Step Operation
1) Calculate length of main cables between saddles at dead load

L„ = I
l+ IV m

2) Calculate main cable tension at dead load

_ 9 ^ g<>-I2
Td = Hd kN
8f„ \ / 1 + 1 6 <7>2 8fd

3) Calculate values of a, b, and ßf0

a = 1 6 ^ [ 5 - 2 4 ( í f ) 2J /

b = 1 5 -8 5-36 /

4.2 fd
ßfo arctan deg

4) Select (full) load case and calculate the primary f i

The iteration may be started with the primary value of f|
- for full load f-| = appx 1.05 fd m
- for hoisting load fi = appx 0.98 fd m

5) T 1 = H 1 •A J 1 + 16 kN
H 1 = V

(2 H i + T - i) • Ld
6) Al_i m




ADi — AD ri + A D li m

T Dr
i g i-g d gh2 •D3r J ____ 1_ '
ADri + m
E • Am gi 24 cos ßfo Hd2 Hh2

T i -Dl gi - g d , , _gn2 - D lL . / J ,
ADL1 “ F m
E A• A. .m' n.
gi L 0/1 cosßfo
L 24 ^ HV HÍ7 ' J

153 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

1) + [....] Only relevant for hoisting load case

r 15 AL-i b • AD-i
7) m
A f’ = a + a

8) The new f-i = fd + Aff m

9) Test the condition | new T — old T | < 0.005 m

- If no (greater): repeat the calculation from step 5 with f| = new f|

- If yes (smaller):
- for full load case stop the iteration, proceed with the calculation of
maximum tension and safety factor (step 10 ) with new fi = fi , and
- for the hoisting load case stop the iteration and proceed with the
calculation of the remaining data (refer to 8.3.7 C).

10) Calculation of maximum tension and safety factor at full load case is performed as
- calculate the maximum main cable tension:

Tf f max — 8 ff 16 ( }>2 kN

The safety factor is calculated as:

T break
F /
T f max

In order to obtain an optimum safety factor of 3, changes of the initial data might be
necessary (for limits refer to 8.3.5) and the iteration must be repeated.

To calculate the hoisting load sag (fh) proceed from Step 4.

C) Final data

After calculation ff and fh, calculate the remaining data required for hoisting load case, dead
load case, and full load case (refer to 8.3.3. and 8.3.8).

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 154

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.3.8 C om pilation o f Final Data

Bridge No. & Nam e.................................. Date............ Designed by

A) Initial Data (refer to 7.3.6 and GA)

Design span / = ............................. m

Tower height ht = ............................. m

Main cable JIm = ............................. /

Am = ............................. mm2
T m,break = ............................. kN

Spanning cable ns = 2 /
0s = ............................. mm
As = ............................. mm2
Ts, break = ............................. kN

Windguy cable nw = ............................. /

E - Module = .............................. kN/mm2

Cable anchorage elevations:

- Left Bank Windguy cable, upstream = (appx).................. m
Spanning cables = .............................. m
Windguy cable, downstream = (appx).................. m
Main cables = (appx)................. m
- Right Bank Windguy cable, upstream = (appx)................. m
Spanning cables = .............................. m
Windguy cable, downstream = (appx).................. m
Main cables = (appx)................. m

Approximate freeboard Spanning cables = ............................. m

Windguy cables = (appx).................. m

Walkway width = 1.20 m

Loads: - walkway deck (steel or wood) = .............................. kN/m

- pre-tension gpa = ............................. kN/m
- live load p = ............................. kN/m

- hoisting bad gh = ............................. kN/m

- dead load (including gpd) ga = ............................. kN/m
- full load 9f = ............................. kN/m

155 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Data from Main Calculation

Full load: ff = .............................. m

Pf = ..................................... deg
T max = kN
Safety factor = ..................................... /

C) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

Cable Load Case Load g Tension T Sag f Elevation Displacement of

Camber c of Vertex Saddles
(k N /m ) (k N ) (m) (m ) A D l (m ) AD r (m )

Main Dead Load 0 .0 0 0 .0 0

Full Load / /
Spanning Dead Load
Full Load 0 0

Live Load
Table 8.3.4: Data of Cable Structure

8.3.9 Related Standard D raw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

07 Walkway
08 Steel Walkway Deck
Table 8.3.5: Standard Design Drawings: Walkway

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 156

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.4 Load Combinations with Wind Load

8.4.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the loads on the walkway / tower foundation
caused by both dead load case or full load case, in combination with the wind load acting on
the main cables, suspenders, and towers. The calculations are only valid if a windguy
arrangement is provided which bears the wind load acting on the walkway.
In addition, the results of the load on the tower top allows a rough check of the tower (refer
to 8.5).

8.4.2 Related Sym bols

Gt Dead load of tower kN

Hw Horizontal load on tower saddles, perpendicular to the bridge axis and
caused by wind kN
Pi Vertical reaction at tower base, tower leg I kN
P2 Vertical reaction at tower base, tower leg 2 kN
Ph Horizontal reaction at tower base, perpendicular to the bridge axis kN
Ts Maximum tension in spanning cables kN
Th Horizontal component of the spanning cable tension in the direction of
the bridge axis kN
Tv Vertical component of the spanning cable tension in the direction of
the bridge axis kN
V« Vertical load on top of the tower kN

C/C1 Center distance of tower legs m

c /c 2 Center distance of tower anchorage rods at the tower legs m
9o Vertical load kN/m
Ps Pre-tension of spanning cables kN/m
P mi Load on main cables under wind kN/m
Pst Load on spanning cables under wind kN/m
w Wind load kN/m
X Horizontal displacement of the bridge center under wind load m

0C1 Inclination angle of the plane of the spanning cables under wind load
In relation to the vertical deg
n Inclination angle of the plane of the main cables under wind load in
relation to the vertical deg

Indices: o Initial loading case without considering wind loads, either dead load
or full load
1 Loading case 1, either [A] or [B]
f Full load

157 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

• 8.4.3 Layout (Isom etric V iew ) and T ow er Section

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 158

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.4.4 G eom etrical Param eters

A) General

It is assumed that the main cable and the spanning cable are moving laterally and will
thereby each remain in plane. The cable sag ( f 0 ) is increased by Af and the camber ( CD )
by Ac. The cable forces must fulfill the static equilibrium together with the applied loads go,
Pso and Wbo-

B) Basic Calculation Principle

The different sag ( f | ) and camber ( Ci ) can be determined by iteration, and the
corresponding cable forces are calculated with an assumed geometrical alignment. The sum
of the vertical and horizontal components is then compared with the actual vertical load ( g0
+ Pso ) and the actual horizontal load ( W ). The difference should be judged and if
necessary a new assumption must be made and the calculation repeated until sufficient
accuracy is achieved.

Basic Formulas for the Iteration

The difference of the horizontal cable tension can be calculated as follows (e.g., for the main


or out of A cti - ------ = ------- kN/mm2
A Ld

Out of the two equations 1) and 2) the load g i can be calculated as:

8 f, • A L i • E • A f,
3) gi ----- — ------- + - • go kN/m

Insert Into 3) for the cable length difference:

Then g, becomes:



159 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.4.5 W ind Loads

The global wind load has been assumed to be w = 0.5 kN/m. This corresponds to a wind
pressure of 1.3 kN/m2 (appx. wind velocity = 160 km/h = 45m/s) (refer to Report on Windguy
Arrangement for Suspended and Suspension Standard Bridges, Dr. Heinrich Schnetzer,
WGG Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG, Switzerland, 2002).

The effect of a possible vertical load component has not been considered relevant for the
design and therefore is disregarded in the standard design.

Different elements receive the following direct wind loads perpendicular to the bridge axis:

Walkway (refer to 8.4.6 and Chapter 9), Www = 1.0 ■w kN/m

- The wind load acting on the main cables is uniformly distributed and assumed
to be w M = 0 .2 5 ■w kN/m

- The wind load acting on suspenders is assumed to be of triangular distribution

with a maximum load of w s = 0 .0 1 5 (h, - 2 .4 ) - w (kN/m) acting at the
suspender near the towers. The wind load acting on the suspender at mid-span
is assumed to be zero.

- The wind load acting on the tower is uniformly distributed along the tower height
Wt = 1.17 w (kN/m), however, the tower leg in front receives 100% and the leg
behind receives 75% of the load only.
Total on one tower, w , = (1 .0 + 0.75)w -i = (1 .0 + 0 .7 5 ) ■1 .1 7 w = 2.05 w . kN/m

8.4.6 Calculation Model

In order to simplify the analysis the procedure is divided into two separate calculations, the
results of which (the displacement of the walkway) cannot be compared.

1. Wind Acting on Walkway

The calculations are made under the assumption that the wind load acting on the
walkway perpendicular to the bridge axis is directly transferred to the windguy
arrangement (refer to Chapter 9).

2. Wind Acting on Main Cables and Suspenders

For calculating the loads acting on the walkway / tower foundation, the remaining
wind loads acting perpendicular to the bridge axis are applied on the bridge,
neglecting the windguy arrangement.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 160

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

Again a simplified model has been chosen for this calculation.

The wind loads on the main cables and suspenders are applied as one load ( w b ) on the
walkway location at mid-span.

Force d i a g r a m Force diagram

wi thout wind load with wind load

0 = wb PMr sin yt + Psr sinon = w b = W Mo + W So

P mo - Pso - go PM1 - c o s Y1 - Ps1- cos a i = g 0

161 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.4.7 Load C om binations

For calculation of the loads acting on the walkway / tower foundation two load combinations
are considered.

Load case [A] Dead load case + full wind load

Load case [B ] Full load case + 1/3 wind load

Load case, [A]: w = 0.5 kN/m

- Vertical load (dead load case), ga (including pre-tension of the spanning

cable, refer to 8.3) kN/m

- Wind load on main cable:

Wm = 0.25 • 0.5 = 0.125 kN/m

- Wind load on suspenders:

Wsusp = ' h ■0.015 (ht —2.4) • 0.5 = 0.00375 (ht - 2.4) kN

- Wind load on tower:

W, = 2.05-0.5 =1.025 kN/m

wb=W m + Wsusp =0.125 + 0.00375 (ht - 2.4) = 0.116 + 0.00375 ht kN/m

Load case, [B]: w = 1/3 kN/m

Vertical load (full load case), gt (with spanning cable pre-tension decreased
to zero, refer to 8.3)

- Wind load on main cables:

WM = 1/3 - 0.125 kN/m

- Wind load on suspenders:

Wsusp = 1/3 • 0.00375.(ht - 2.4) kN/m

- Wind load on tower:

Wt = 1/3 • 1.025 kN/m

Wb = Wm + Wsusp = 1/3 (0.116 + 0.00375 ht) kN/m

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 162

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.4.8 Initial Layout Data

A) Compile the Following Data:

1) From the cable structural analysis (refer to 8.3.5)

- Span / = ..................... m
- Tower height ht = ..................... m
- Center distance of tower legs c/Ci = ..................... m
- Backstay cable inclination Pf = ..................... deg

- Main cables n^ = ..................... /

Am = ..................... mm2

- Spanning cables 0s = .................... mm

As = .................. mm2
- Modulus of elasticity E = ..................... kN/mm2

- Sag f 0 : - for loading case [A] fd = ...................... m

- for loading case [B] ff = ...................... m
- Load g0 : - f o r loading case [A] (excluding ps) gdd = ...................... kN/m
- for loading case [B] gf = ...................... kN/m
- Load PM0 : - f o r loading case [A] (including ps) gd = ...................... kN/m
- for loading case [B] 9f = ...................... kN/m
- Pre-tension in spanning cables: - for load case [A] Pso = ...................... kN/m
- for load case [B] Pso = 0 /

2) From 4.2
- Breaking tension of spanning cables Tsbreak = ..................... kN

B) Calculate Initial Cable Lengths

For loading case [A]: cable length at dead load case ( f 0 - fa and C0 - Cd)

For loading case [B]: cable length at full load case ( f 0 = ff and C0 = Cf)

8f 2
Length of main cables, L mo - + 3v m

8 2
Length of spanning cables, Lso = I ' +fi m

163 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.4.9 C alculation Procedure

A) Compile the Initial Layout Data (refer to 8.4.7)

B) Iteration Procedure

Index 1 means load case 1 either [A] or [B],

Calculate displacement Xi and sag f i with the Iteration method for both loading cases.
Draw a force diagram in order to check the results (refer to 8.4.6).

The iteration may be started with the following primary values of x and f,:
- Load case [A] : X ,= appx. 0.015 / m
fi = appx. 1.002 ■fd m
- Load case [B] : X ,= appx. 0.0025 • / m
fi = appx. 1 .0 0 1 - ff m
Stop Operation

1. Calculate the constant factors C

r _ 64£A
“° ' 31’ -L

r 64E-AS
L'SO , kN/m4
Jt / 7 ^So
2. Calculate:

Yi - a rc s ,n f 1 + 1.30

tt1 " arctan ht + 0.25 - cosyi • (f, + 1.30)

ht + 0.25 - cosyi • (fi + 1.30)

Ci —
CO SG ti

3. Calculate the load on the main and spanning cables:



P mi — C mo ' ft • (ft2 - fo 2 )

\ Ci —.


= Cso ' ) + — ’Pso




Calculate the new f | and the new x-t

A P m - Ag^j
new = + - ( m
ft f0 Af
with: Af = fl-fo m



Ag — X P vertical ~ g 0 = ( P mi • cosyi - Psi ' c o s a i) - g 0 kN/m

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 164

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

w b _ __________ Wb__________
new xi - X1- X r ZPhorizontai xi • (p M1 . sinyi + p s1 ■sinai)

5. Test the condition: I Ag I < 0.02 kN/m

- If no (greater): repeat the calculations from step 2 with new f| and new Xi
- If yes (smaller): stop the iteration and proceed with the calculation of the other
load case, complete the force diagram, and then calculate the final data.

C) Calculate the Final Data for Load Case [A] and [B]

1. Loads on tower top

P mi ■/ / ' tanpf
Total vertical load Vtot = 2 cosy, ' ( 1 + 4 f , . c o s y i ) kN

P mi ' l
Horizontal load Hw kN
2 ' sinyi

2. Reactions at the tower base = loads on walkway / tower foundation

Vtot Gt Hw ■ht 1.025 w • h t2

Pt kN
2 + 2 ~ c/ci ~ c /c i

Vtot G, Hw h, 1.025 w - h ,2
P2 kN
2 2 c/ci c/ci

Pst • /
Ph - Hw + 2.025 w ■ht + 2 ' sina i kN

Weight of Towers, G,
No Tower Weight No Tower Weight No Tower Weight
M/C Height kg M/C Height kg M/C Height kg
12.90 1511
17.74 5210 30.22 10018
12.92 1875 6
14.77 2119 4 20.24 5910 32.72 10824
4 or 22.73 6609 35.21 12485
16.62 3440
6 25.23 7861 30.22 10040
8 32.72 10846
18.47 3808 27.73 9222
35.22 12507

165 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3. Tension in spanning cables

Tsv = --------- • cosai kN

T sh kN
8 ci

Maximum tension in spanning cables (both cables):

TS - , 1+ 16 kN
8 Ci

Check the safety factor of spanning cable:

X S break
Fs >3
Ts A/B

D) Check of Results

Action on tower base and spanning cable = reaction on walkway / tower foundation = 0

Horizontal (perpendicular to the bridge):

XH = 1/2 l • w b + 2.05 ht • w - PH = 0


Zv = 1/4 / g0 + Gt + 1/2 V tot —(Pi + P2 - Tsv) = 0

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 166

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.5 Tower
8.5.1 Introduction

The design of the towers is based on the ETH Report [2] and approaches tower height as a
function of the span (load). Six independent loading cases were considered in order to
determine the worst case with respect to buckling and yielding of the most critical elements
of each tower.

8.5.2 Loading Cases

A) Wind in the Longitudinal Direction of the Bridge

Two load cases have been taken into consideration that have a minor influence on the tower

B) Wind in a Lateral Direction to the Bridge

- With windguy cables installed: two load cases have been taken into consideration
which are equivalent to loading cases [A] and [B] but are not relevant for the tower
design (refer to 8.4).

- Windguy cables not yet installed (e.g., during erection): two load cases have been
taken into consideration, which turned out to be the worst loading cases for the tower
design and the required safety factor of y = 1.6

8.5.3 T ow er Capacity Diagram

The tower capacity diagram is drawn according to the safety factor of y = 1.6 for load cases
for which the windguy arrangement is not yet installed and which therefore has an
appreciable measure of security against loading cases [A] and [B] which are calculated in
Section 8.4. However, with those results the towers can be roughly checked.

Plot the characteristic points ( Vtot and Hw) for loading case [A] and for loading case [B] into
the capacity diagram. The characteristic points must remain below the capacity line for the
tower concerned for both loading cases. The towers seem to be always over-designed, but
during construction, when the windguy cables are not yet installed, the required safety level
is achieved. Furthermore, any deviation from the wind-bearing calculation model, as
explained in 8.4.5, does not result in overloading of the tower.

Safety during erection of the tower, until the main cables are properly clamped to the
saddles and the suspenders fixed to the spanning cables, can only be achieved through
proper fixation of the towers according to 8.10, Tower Erection.

167 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Table 8.5.1: Tower Capacity Diagram, Safety Factor = 1.6

(for load cases for which the windguy cables are not yet installed)

8.5.4 Sidestay Cables

For tower heights of ht > 25.23 m the lateral deflection of the tower should be controlled by
sidestay cables. The cables should be pre-tensioned against each other with about 25 kN.
However this load should not be considered in the calculation.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 168

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.5.5 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Each tower requires five standard design drawings. For additional information refer to
Standard Design Drawing No. 140 "Guide to SBD Standard Towers'".

Tower Drawing Title and Number

ht c/c1 c/c2 Assembly Bass Intermed. Top Saddle
(m) (m) (mm) Drawing Element Element Element Element
12.90 383 145 100 110 120 135
12.92 146 101 111 122 136
14.77 3.50 147 101 111 123 136
16.62 148 102 112 124 136
18.47 149 102 112 125 136
17.74 150 103 113 126 137
20.24 550 151 103 113 126 137
22.73 152 103 113 126 137
25.23 153 104 114 127 137
27.73 154 105 115 128 137

30.221) 155 106 116 129 137
32 721)3) 566 156 106 116 129 137
35.211)3) 157 107 117 130 137
30.222) 158 .106 116 129 138
32 722,3) 159 106 116 129 138
35.212)3) 160 107 117 130 138

1) for 6 main cables

2) for 8 main cables
3) bolts with property grade 6.6 required

Table 8.5.2: Standard Design Drawings: Towers

tow er leg

^ o n c h o r a g e rods

'i:|TEEEH H EETff:
, ] ...| c/ c2 c/ c4 4

169 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.6 Design of Walkway / Tower Foundation

8.6.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is the determination of the dimensions of the walkway / tower
foundations based on the calculations of the reactions on the tower base and on the
spanning cable, on the soil and rock parameters, and on prescribed safety factors.

The basic principles and proceedings for the structural analysis of foundations are compiled
in Chapter 6 . Foundation Design.

8.6.2 Related Sym bols

Asi Required cross-sectional area of reinforcement steel mm2

A s2 Required cross-sectional area of reinforcement steel mm2
B Open dimensions of foundation, width m
C Open dimensions of foundation, height of foot m
E Open dimensions of foundation, width of foot m
H Open dimensions of foundation, height, part of height m
L Open dimensions of foundation, length m
Ni Required number of reinforcement bars § 16 mm /
n2 Required number of reinforcement bars § 16 mm /
Pi Loads on foundation (refer to 8.4) kN
P2 Loads on foundation (refer to 8.4) kN
Ph Loads on foundation (refer to 8.4) kN
Tsh Loads on foundation (refer to 8.4) kN
Tsv Loads on foundation (refer to 8.4) kN
Ws Weight of soil surcharge on foot foundation kN

at Tensile stress in reinforcement bars kN/mm2

Gt perm Permissible tensile stress in reinforcement bars kN/mm2

For all other symbols used in connection with bearing pressure, safety factor against sliding,
and safety factor against shear failure of ground, refer to Chapter 6 .

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 170

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.6.3 Design Param eters

A) Foundation without a Foot

For Tower: c/c, = (m) 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00

c/c2 = (mm) 383 488 650 566
B min 2.20 2.90 2.90 3.10
B max 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00
L min 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00
L max 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00
H min 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40
H max 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Table 8.6.1: Limits of Dimensions (m) for Walkway Tower Foundations without Foot

171 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Foundation with Foot

For Tower: c/c = (m) 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00

c/c2 = (mm) 383 488 650 566
B min 2.20 2.90 2.90 3.10
L min. 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00
L max 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00
(H + C) min 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40
(H + C) max 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
C min 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.20
E min 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00

Table 8.6.2: Limits of Dimensions (m) for Walkway / Tower Foundations with Foot

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 172

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.6.4 Lim its and R ecom m endations

A) Foundation Dimensions

Foundation dimensions as given in 8.6.3 are dependent upon the standard dimensions of
the anchorage steel structures. The minimum dimension H(min), or (H + C) min especially
might be superseded by the required embedded depth (refer to 5.5.2).
For soil: tmin < hp, for rock: tmin < hrt
It is assumed that the earth pressures acting laterally (on the upstream and downstream
side) to the foundation are in equilibrium, and the passive earth pressure in front of the
foundation can be activated partially. The maximum value that can be taken into
consideration is equal to the active earth pressure which could occur in front of the

Calculation of reinforcement is not required for foundations without a foot.

B) Foundation Type

The type of foundation is already determined by the selected tower design. Select
foundation either with or without a foot, based on economic considerations. For minimal
clearances refer to 5.5.4 B.

C) Anchorage Rods for Foundation on Rock

Anchorage rods can be provided but only in order to stabilize the rock. Refer to 6.3.3 and

D) Soil / Rock Check List

Refer to Chapter 6 for the checklist of limits (for soil 6.5.1, for rock 6.6.1)

8.6.5 Initial Layout Data

A) Define the Characteristics of the Foundation to be


1) River bank: Left or right bank ? ....................... /

2) Foundation: On soil or rock ? ....................... /

B) Compile the Following Data

1) From 8.4, Loads on Walkway / Tower Foundation
Center distance of tower legs c/Ci = ................. m
Center distance of tower anchorage rods C/C2 = ................. m

Load case [A] [B]

Loads from tower:
Tower leg 1 P, = .......................................... kN
Tower leg 2 P2 = .......................................... kN
- Horizontal load, perpendicular to the tower PH = .......................................... kN
Loads from spanning cable:
- Vertical Tsv = .......................................... kN
- Horizontal TSh = .......................................... kN

173 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2) From survey and final geotechnical report

Soil parameters:
- Sub-soil at depth = ........................ m
- Friction angle of sub-soil Oi = ........................ deg
- Unit weight of sub-soil yi = ........................ kN/m3
- Friction angle of back-filling soil <T>2 = ........................ deg
- Unit weight of back-filling soil 72 = ........................ kNm3
- Groundwater at depth = ........................ m
- Ground-bearing pressure a perm= ........................ kN/m2

Rock parameters:
- Rock at depth = ........................ m
- Sliding friction angle between rock & foundation O sl = ....................... deg
- Ground-bearing pressure Gperm = ....................... kN/m2

3) From Chapter 5, General Principles

- Minimum embedded depth t = .......................... m

4) From 8.6.3, Design Parameters

Foundation Dimensions (m) minimum maximum

- Width B
- Length L
- Total height H+C
- Foot height C
- Foot width E 0

8.6.6 C alculation Procedure

Calculations have to be made from the results of loading case [A] as well as loading case
The reinforcement for foundations with a foot should be determined from the results of
loading case [A] only.

A) Compile the Initial Data (refer to 8.6.5)

B) Preparatory Work

Prepare a plan view, a longitudinal, and a cross-section with the minimal dimensions. Try to
estimate the required dimensions experientially. Otherwise take the minimum dimensions
(without a foot) as primary data.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 174

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

C) Main Calculation

The basic design principles, the procedure for the structural analysis, and the limits as well,
are given in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design. The forces for the walkway / tower foundation
design will always consist of forces on the bridge axis and lateral to the bridge axis.

Calculation example:
The calculations are given from examples of a foundation (with foot) on rock, with
groundwater, and with a retaining wall at the back. The structural analysis of the retaining
wall has to be carried out separately.

For other layouts, similar proceedings should be applied with:

- foundations on soil hrt = 0 , hra = 0 , hp > t
- foundations without a foot E = 0, C = 0
no groundwater hw = 0

A diagram of forces at the foundation base (in isometric view) is given below.

175 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

1 Calculate the components, inclination, and location of the resultant loading force
Lever arm (m) for
Loading Forces
Mxb MyL
Weights (kN):
W, = B H • L • yc E/2 0
W2 = (B + E) • C - L • yc 0 0
Ws = (hp + hrt - C) • E • L • y2 B/2 0
Uplift (kN) (hw < hP + hrt):
Wy = (B + E) • hw • L • yw 0 0
Earth Pressure (kN):
- back: Eah (back) = 1/2 Xah [<D2 , \|/] (ha2- ha12) • L • y2 yEah + hra =
( h a - h a l ) 2ha1 + ha
-- ------------ ------------------- + hra /
3 +
ha1 ha

(2 \ B+E
Eav (back) = Eah - tan ( j 0 2 2 0

h 2
- front: Eaht (front) = Xah [0 2, s] • -g - L • y2 h
hrt +
+ ^3 /

Eavt (front) = Eah • tan ( j 0 2J 0
Loads (kN):

Pi E/2 C/Ct

E/2 C/Ct
Tsv E/2 0

T sh H + C - 0.25 /
P h / H+C

Mx = sum of all statical moments in x (B) - direction at the center of the

foundation kNm
My = sum of all statical moments in y (L) - direction at the center kNm

- Vertical component of R
Rv = sum of all vertical forces = W, + W 2 + Ws + (- P1 ) + P2 - Tsv + Eav + Eavt kN

Location of R
Mx (B+E)
öx = — > B72 = iE2E2- | e x | m

My L
ey = ---> L */2 = 2-ieyi m

- Inclination of R

fi J ( T sh + 2: eah)2 + p H2
tanöR = —— -----------

2. Select the possible predominant failure mode and proceed according to Chapter 6 .

3. Reinforcement

Only required for foundations with a foot.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 176

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

The calculation are made without considering compressive forces

Required cross-sectional area of reinforcement steel (r| = 0.9):

M . kNm , 2
As ( m ■kN/mm2 mm
1] ’ h ' CT( perm

Provide at least minimum reinforcement As min = 0.02% • h • L mm2

- Required number of reinforcement bars 0 16 mm (1 0 16 mm = 201 mm2):

- Position of neutral axis:

n • pi /

n la _

_Ai_ Steel to concrete ratio

h •L /

1 M kN/m
G t perm kN/mm2
c‘ ‘ m • (1 - £/3) ' h2 ■ ' mm2 • m

2 M kN/m
h •I Gc perm ' mm2 ■m kN/mm2
ac " Ç ■ (1 - Ç/3) ’ 2

177 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Calculate with the following data:

For Section 1 - 1 :
M —0.8 • C>max ' 2 ^ (Kn/mm2 • mm2 ■m =) kNm

h = C - 0.2 m

O f Perm —0.230 kN/mm2

For Section 2 - 2 (just above C even if hra > C):

M - T sh ' (H —0.25) + Eah ■ (yE a h + hra “ C) kNm

h = B - 0. 50 m

G»t Perm = 0.230 KN/mm2

In order to economize on the reinforcement steel more sections above Section 2 - 2 may be
calculated, especially if H » 3.00 m.

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 178

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.6.7 C om pilation of Final Data

Bridge No. & Name........................................ Date.................... Designed by

A) and B) Initial data (refer to 8.6.5)

C) Main Calculation

1) Soil / rock heights

- Active earth pressure heightat back ha = ...................................... m
- Active earth pressure height from
top of the foundation block hai = ........................................ m
- Rock height at back hra = ...................................... m
- Active pressure height infront hp = ...................................... m
- Rock height in front hrt = ............................... m
- Depth of soil t = ...................................... m
- Depth of additional soil t' = ............................... m

2) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
(top of dry stone pitching) £1 = ...................................... deg
- Slope of soil baseline £b = ...................................... deg
- Length of influence L * nfi = ...................................... m
- Back slope of soil Vj/ = ...................................... deg

3) Foundation dimensions
- Height H = ...................................... m
- Height of foot C = ...................................... m
- Width B = ...................................... m
- Width of foot E = ...................................... m
- Length L = ...................................... m
- Distance to resultant force B * / 2 = ...................................... m
and L */2 = ...................................... m

4) Safety factors
- Sliding F sl = ...................................... /
- Bearing capacity F bc = ...................................... /
- Toppling Fj = ...................................... /
- Slope stability Fs = ...................................... /

5) Anchorage rods
Nos as per calculation N = ...................................... /.

D) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report)

179 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

E ) Data to be T ra n s fe rre d to the G enera l A rra n g m e n t

In section In p la n

8.6.8 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

90 Walkway / Tower Anchorage (capacity: 260 kN)

90/1 90/2 Walkway / Tower Foundation, c/c, = 3.50 m c/c2 = 383 mm
91 Walkway / Tower Anchorage (capacity: 390 kN )
91/1 91/2 Walkway / Tower Foundation, c/c , = 3.50 kN c/c2 = 488 mm
92 Walkway / Tower Anchorage (capacity: 390 kN )
92/1 92/2 Walkway / Tower Foundation, c/c-i = 4.00 m, c/c2 = 550 mm
93 Walkway / Tower Anchorage ( capacity: 610 kN)
93/1 93/2 Walkway / Tower Foundation, c/c, = 4.00 m, c/c2 = 566 mm
Drawing Numbers: .... = Working and assembly drawing
... 71 = Structural Drawing : Foundation without a Foot
.... 12= Structural Drawing: Foundation with a Foot
Table 8.6.3: Walkway / Tower Anchorage Foundation for Suspension Bridges

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 180

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.7 Design of Main Cable Foundation

8.7.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the dimensions of the main cable anchorage
foundation based on the results of the cable structure analysis, on the soil and rock
parameters, and on prescribed safety factors.

The basic principles and proceedings for the structural analysis of foundations are given in
Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

Related Sym bols

B Open dimension of foundation, width m

Hi Open dimension of foundation, height at back m
h 2 Open dimension of foundation, part of height in front m
K Value to determine accurate cable elevation
K = K (P), refer to standard design drawings
L Open dimension of foundation, length m

Indices: V vertical component

H horizontal component

For all other symbols used in connection with bearing pressure, safety factor against sliding,
and safety factor against shear failure of ground, refer to Chapter 6 .

181 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.7.3 Design Param eters

Number of Main 4 Cables 4 Cables 6 Cables 8 Cables

c/c-, (m) 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00
Max. Steel
Anchorage 1220 1220 1830 2440
Capacity (kN)
B min 4.90 4.90 5.40 5.90
B max 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.50
L min 5.90 6.40 7.10 7.90
L max 7.90 8.40 9.10 9.90
H1 min 3.30 3.30 3.50 3.70
H, max 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.50
h2 min 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60
h2 max 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.50
b 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00

Table 8.7.1: Limits of Dimensions (m) for Main Cable Foundations on Soil/Rock

A) Foundation on Soil

B) Foundation on k o c k

T * $2 * anchorage for 2 main cables

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 182

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.7.4 Lim its and Recom m endations

A) Foundation Dimensions

The limits of the foundation dimensions as given in 8.7.3 are dependent upon the standard
dimensions of the anchorage steel structure. The minimum dimensions ( H2 (min) )
especially might be superseded by the necessary embedded depth ( t ) (refer to 5.5.2), tmin <
t< H2.

Calculation of reinforcement is not required for main anchorage foundations.

B) Foundation Type

The type of foundation is already determined by the number and the diameter of main
cables and by the selected tower design.

C) Anchorage Rods for Foundation on Rock

Anchorage rods can be provided but only in order to stabilize the rock. Refer to 6.3.3 and

D) Soil/Rock Check List

Refer to Chapter 6 , Foundation Design for the check list of limits (for soil 6.5.1, for rock
6 . 6 . 1).

8.7.5 Initial Layout Data

A) Define Characteristics of Foundation

1) River bank: Left or right ? ....................... /

2) Foundation: On soil or rock ? ....................... /

B) Compile the Following Data

1) From main cable structure analysis

- Number of main cables f<M /
- Main cable tension Tivi.f kN
- Cable inclination Pf = deg
- Tower leg center distance C/C1 kN

From survey and final geotechnical report

Soil parameters:
- Sub-soil at depth = m
- Friction angle of sub-soil Oi deg
- Unit weight of sub-soil Y1 kN/m3
- Friction angle of back-filling soil 02 - deg
- Unit weight of back-filling soil Y2 kN/m3
- Groundwater at depth = m
- Ground-bearing pressure Gperm ~ kN/m2

183 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Rock parameters:
- Rock at depth = ........................ m
- Sliding friction angle between rock & foundation O sl = ......................... deg
- Ground-bearing pressure a perm = ......................... kN/m2

3) From Chapter 5. General Principles

- Minimum embedded depth t = ......................... m

4) From 7.4.3 Design Parameters

Foundation Dimensions (m) minimum maximum

-W idth B
- Length L
- Back height Hi
- Front height (refer to para 8.7.4 A) H2
- Front toe b

8.7.6 Calculation Procedure

The relevant loading for the main cable anchorage and main cable foundations is the full
load case. Therefore, calculations for other load cases are not required for standard type

It is necessary to design the anchorage foundations in such a way that their volume is
minimized (economic design), giving due consideration to the prescribed safety factors.

A) Compile the Initial Data (refer to 8.7.5)

B) Preparatory Work

Prepare a plan view, a longitudinal, and a cross-section with the minimal dimensions. Try to
estimate the required dimension by experience, otherwise take the minimum dimensions as
primary data.

C) Main Calculation

The basic design principles, the procedure for the structural analysis, and the limits as well,
are given in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

Calculation example:
The calculations are given from examples of a foundation on soil, without ground- water,
and with a retaining wall at the top. The structural analysis of the retaining wall has to be
carried out separately.

For other layouts, similarproceedings should be applied with:

- foundations on rock hrt > t, hra > 0
- foundations without a foot b = 0
- with groundwater hw > 0

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 184

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

1. Calculate the components, inclination, and location of the resultant loading force

Loading Forces Lever arm (m) for MF

Weights (kN):
W, = 0.5 (H,+ H2 + k + 0.70) ■B ■L • yc B 2 (Hi + 0.1 ) + (H2+ k + 0.6)
3 (Hi + 0.1) + (H 2 + k + 0.6)
W2 = - [b • (k + 0.60) ■L • yc ] - [ b/2 ]
W3 = - 0.5 [b* • (k + 0.60)- L- Yc] - [b'/3 + b]
W4 = - [ 0.5 ( B - 1. 00) -0. 10- L- Y c ] - [ 2 / 3 (B-1.00) + b' + b]
Wtot = Z W consider (-) consider (-)
Load on Top (kN):
A = (refer to 6.2.4) a
Earth Pressure (kN):
Y E a h -H 1 + H2 + k + 0.50
- back: Eah (back) = 1/2 A,ah [<D2 , v|/] (ha2- ha12) • L • (h a -h a l) 2ha1 + ha
yE ah = -----------------------------------------
3 ha1 + ha
(2 \
Eav (back)= Eah • ta n k - 0 2 ) B

Loads (kN):
T fh =Tf • cosPf H2 + k
Tfv = T f ■sinpf b
= sum of all statical moments in F kNm
Vertical component of R
RH = sum of all horizontal forces - Eah + Tf h kN
RV = sum of all vertical forces = Ew + A + Eav - Tfv kN
Location of R

B72 = • M' m
Rv(1 + tanatan5R)
Inclination of R
tan5R = ——
2. Select the possible predominant failure mode and proceed according to Chapter 6 .

185 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.7.7 C om pilation of Final Data

Bridge No. & Name..................................... Date..... . Designed by.

A) and B) Initial Data (refer to 8.7.5)

C) Main Calculation
1) Load on top of foundation
Total load A kN
- Front to C.G. distance a m

2) Soil / rock heights

- Active earth pressure height m
- Active earth pressure height from
top of the foundation block ha1 m
- Rock height at back h ra m
- Embedded depth t m

3) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
(top of dry stone pitching) £1 ............. deg
Slope of soil baseline £b ............. deg
- Length of influence L*infl = m
Back slope of soil V ............. deg

4) Foundation dimensions
- Back height Hi = ...................... ............. m
Front height h2 = ...................... ............. m
- Width B ............. m
Length L ............. m
- Base inclination a = ...................... ............. deg
- Distance to resultant force B * /2 = ...................... ............. m
and l * /2 = ...................... ............. m

5) Safety factors
- Sliding F sl = ......................
- Bearing capacity F bc = ......................
- Toppling Ft = ......................
- Slope stability Fs = ......................

6) Anchorage rods
Not provided

D) A d d itio n a l A n c h o ra g e R o d s
(from geological report)

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 186

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

E) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

In section In plan

cable elevation

8.7.8 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

48A Main Cable Anchorage for 4 main cables (capacity : 780 kN)
48A/1 Main Cable Foundation for 4 main cables, clc^ = 3.50m
48A/2 1Main Cable Deadman Foundation for 4 main cables, c/c^ = 3.50m
48B Main Cable Anchorage for 4 main cables (capacity : 1220 kN)
48B/1 Main Cable Foundation for 4 main cables, c/c = 3.50m
48B/2 1Main Cable Deadman Foundation for 4 main cables, c/c = 3.50m
49 Main Cable Anchorage for 4 main cables (capacity : 1220 kN)
49/1 Main Cable Foundation for 4 main cables, c/c = 4.00m
49/2 1Main Cable Deadman Foundation for 4 main cables, c/c-t = 4.00m
50 Main Cable Anchorage for 6 main cables (capacity : 1830 kN)
50/1 Main Cable Foundation for 6 main cables, c/Ci =. 4.00m
50/2 1Main Cable Deadman Foundation for 6 main cables, clc-t =. 4.00m
51 Main Cable Anchorage for 8 main cables (capacity :2440 kN)
51/1 Main Cable Foundation for 8 main cables, c/c ■,= 4.00m
51/2 1Main Cable Deadman Foundation for 8 main cables, c/c, = 4.00m
Drawing Numbers: .... = Working and assembly drawing
.... /1 = Structural drawing : Foundation on Soil or on Rock
Table 8.7.2: Main Cable Anchorage Foundation for Suspension Bridges
1 Refer to 10.4

187 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.8 Determination of Suspender Length

8.8.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the lengths of the suspenders based on the dead
load case and to calculate all other data required for manufacturing suspenders in the

The results of the calculations have to be transferred to the appropriate working and
assembly drawing "Suspenders".

For calculation of the suspender lengths, it is assumed that the main cables and the
spanning cables are of parabolic form. The laterally inclined position of the suspenders need
not to be taken into consideration and the calculations are made on the basis of the bridge
at dead load.

Under these assumptions, the calculated distances are sufficiently accurate, so that
probable deviations from the effective values remain within the adjustable length of the

8.8.2 Related Sym bols

N Total number of required suspenders (for one bridge) /

S Total surface of suspender rods m
r v ,2

Sn Surface of suspender rods for suspender No. n m2

w Total weight of suspender rods kg
Wn Weight of suspender rods for suspender No. n kg

c /c n Distance from center of main cables to center of spanning cables for

suspender No. n m
jn Required number of standard pieces for suspender No. n /
/n Total suspender length for suspender No.n (refer tosuspender layout) m
/r Length of extra piece m
/rc Cutting length of extra piece m
ls Length of standard piece m
/sc Cutting length of standard piece m
n Running suspender number /
Umax Maximum n /
Xn Distance of suspender No. n from the bridge center m

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 188

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.8.3 Layout and Section

3.6 2.4 12 0 1.2 24 3.6 48 6.0 . xn xn

189 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.8.4 C alculation Procedure

A) Compile the Initial Layout Data ( e, fd, cd)

B) Main Calculation
Suspenders diameter:
At 1/3rdof bridge span at mid span: <f>16mm
Remaining span of the bridge: <)>12mm

Calculate suspender number n = 1 at mid-span to n max continuously:

1. Center distance of cables

c/cn = 4 • Xn2 + 1.30

with: Xn =1.20 ( n —1) m

_ 1 - 4 . 60
r>Max — 2 40 + ' /
ni6 = INTEGER — + 1 /

m 2 = nmax - ni6 /

Total suspender length:

/n = c/cn - 542 mm

Number j of standard pieces with standard length /s= 1650 mm, lsc = 1830 mm
for <j)12 mm suspender and /sc = 2080mm for <j)16mm suspenders

j„-= INTEGER /
Length of extra piece, 350 < h< 1999 ( = 1649 + 350 ) mm:
h = ln ~1 650 jn mm

Cutting length of extra piece:

he = /r + 180 for (J)12mm suspenders mm
= /r + 240 for (j) 16mm suspenders mm

Weight and surface of suspender rods( he in mm ):

Wn = 1.625 jn + 0.888 • 10-3 he for <t>12mm suspenders kg

W n = 3.286 jn + 1.58 • 10~3 he for <|) 16mm suspenders kg
Sn = 0.069 jn + 0.0377 • 10~3 he for <l>12mm suspenders m2

Sn = 0.104 jn + 0.050 • 10-3 he for <|>16mm suspenders m2

2. Calculate total number of suspenders, total weight, and total surface of
suspender rods:

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 190

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

/ - 3.40

n = m ax
W = 2 W i + 4 - XW n kg
n = 2

n = m ax
S = 2 Si +4
n = 2

8.8.5 Data to Be Transferred to the Standard Design Draw ing


the suspender list for each suspender:

Suspender number n
Center distance of cables c /c
Total suspender length In

Length of extra piece /r

Cutting length of extra piece Ire

Number of standard pieces In

Total weight of suspender rods w

Total surface of suspender rods s
Total number of suspenders N
Diameter of suspenders ♦

the steel part list:

- Total weight of suspenders including clamps and turnbuckles
- Total surface of suspenders including clamps and turnbuckles

8.8.6 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

32 Suspenders for 4 main cables

33 Suspenders for 6 main cables

34 Suspenders for 8 main cables

Table 8.8.1: Standard Design Drawings: Suspenders

191 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.9 Design of Stabilizing Measures

8.9.1 Stabilizing the Cable Structure

Suspension bridges are very sensitive to longitudinal vibrations, because of a lack of shear
stiffness between the main and spanning cables. In any case the serviceability is affected
when the bridge oscillates. Changes in wind loadings or in the number of people crossing
the bridge at equal pace increase the longitudinal oscillation which may even increase to the
extent that it finally destroys the bridge.

The use of stabilizing cables (0 = 13 mm) gives the bridge additional stiffness and prevents
the structure from having heavy longitudinal oscillation. A minimum amount of cables on
each main cable side is defined according to the tower height respectively.

ht < 12.90 m: no stabilizing cables necessary

ht = 12.92 up to 22.23 m: two so-called "Stabilizing Cables" on each tower side are
h t > 2 2 .7 3 m:
two "Stabilizing Cables" on each tower side and
additional "Diagonal Stabilizers” on the total length of the bridge are necessary.

All stabilizing cables have to be pre-tensioned with the help of turnbuckles. The
pre-tensioning is necessary in order to make sure that they are working in any case and all
the time. Loose cables might even produce a negative impact in the cable structure because
of a sudden, high local force.

A) Stabilizing Cables

The total of 8 cables per bridge are fixed with clamps to the main cables and with
turnbuckles and hook anchorage rods to the walkway / tower foundations.

The arrangement of stabilizing cables for bridges with tower height, ht > 12.92m up to
22.23m, is given below. Determine, d i « C^, in such a way that, a = 3 5 ° to 45°, and the
cable clamps come to lie in the middle of the free space between the clamps for

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 192

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

B) Diagonal Stabilizers

Diagonal stabilizers must be provided for bridges with tower height, ht > 22.73 m. Diagonal
stabilizers are used in combination with stabilizing cables. The cables are fixed with clamps
to the main cables and with turnbuckles and clamps to the spanning cables.
The arrangement of stabilizing cables and diagonal stabilizers for bridges with tower height,
ht > 22.73 m is given below.

The clamps for the diagonal stabilizers should be placed in the middle of the free space of
the suspenders or cross-beams. Exception: the clamp at the bridge center is placed either
close to the clamp for the suspender or close to the cross-beam at center.
The spacings (inclination) of the cable beginning from the bridge center should be as

- Cables inclined towards the tower:

- if first at center : spacing = 3.00 m (fix)
- near the center : spacing = 2.40 m (5 times, fix)
- afterwards : spacing = 3.60 m always
- Cable inclination towards the center:
- if first at center : spacing = 3.00 m (fix)
- near the center : spacing Si = 2.40 m (5 times, fix)
- afterwards : spacing S2 = 3.60 m (5 times, fix)
: spacing S3 = 4.80 m (5 times, up to / «210 m)
: spacing S4 = 6.00 m (for / > 210 m)
- last near tower : spacing S0 = variable (5.3, 6.5 or 7.7),
but > than the nearest S3 (or S4)
Determination of the spacings:
1. Measure the fixed length from the bridge center: 3.0 + 10 • 2.4 + 10 • 3.6 = 63.00 m
(if/ > 210 m: 63+ 5- 3 . 6 + 5-4. 8 = 105.00 m).
2. Add as many times either 3.60 + S3 = 8.40 m or 3.6 + S4 = 9.60 m until it is close to
the tower location.
3. Check and arrange the spacing S0 and may be the nearest spacing S3 (or S4) in such a
way that the next spacing is less or equal to the previous.
4. Draw the cables starting with the cable near the tower. - At center, the cable clamp may
be either positioned on the main or on the spanning cables.

Determine the location of stabilizing cables as prescribed in 8.9.1 A. Place the clamps in
empty free spaces between suspenders.

193 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.9.2 Lateral Stabilization of the T ow er

Tower sidestay cables (0 = 26 mm) are provided for bridges with a tower height of ht ^
25.23 m in order to take over sudden high wind loads (refer to 8.5).

The sidestay cables are connected to the tower at the saddles and either anchored to
separate foundations or in combination with windguy cables to the windguy cable
(Refer to 9.6.9.)

The dimensions of the standard sidestay anchorage foundation are fixed and designed for a
maximum cable tension of 130 kN.

Connection Detail at the Tower Saddle

main cable
main cables

tower saddle


Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 194

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.9.3 Data to be Transferred to the General A rrangem ent

To the cable list: Identification, single and total lengths and weights of sidestay cables,
and of stabilizing cables.

A) Stabilizing Cables and Diagonal Stabilizers

Identification and length of each cable.

B) Sidestay Cables

2 .5 0

Draw separate section of each sidestay cable anchorage foundation.

195 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.9.4 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

20A Diagonal stabilizer for 4 main cables
20 Diagonal stabilizer for 6 main cables
21 Diagonal stabilizer for 8 main cables
22 Stabilizing cable clamp for 4 main cables
23 Stabilizing cable clamp for 6 main cables
24 Stabilizing cable clamp for 8 main cables
40 Sidestay cable anchorage, working and assembly drawing
40/1 Sidestay cable foundation, structural drawing
Table 8.9.1: Standard Design Drawings: Stabilizing Measures

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 196

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standar

8.10 Tower Erection

It is most important that during erection towers are property secured against falling over.
Therefore, a temporary tower-stay system has been developed. Tower-stay cables are
anchored at the back of the tower to the main cable foundation or to separate tower-stay
foundations and at the front to separate tower-stay foundations or, for short span bridges, to
the walkway / tower foundation on the opposite river bank. The tower-stay system must stay
in use until the following conditions are fulfilled:
- the main cables must be clamped at all tower saddles.
- the suspenders must be connected to both the main and the spanning cables.

For details refer to standard design drawings and Volume D: Execution of Construction

8.10.1 Layout fo r Erected Tow er

A) For Tower Height, ht < 27.73

General Case

to w e r -s t a y chain cable a I3 mm
spanning cable
stay chain — fo u n d a tio n
anchorage in main
cable anchorage
fo u n d a t ion

B) For Tower Height, ht ^ 27.73 m

197 Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

8.10.2 Data to be T ran sferred to the G eneral A rrangem ent

Where separate tower-stay cable foundations are required, they should be drawn in on the
side elevation on the General Arrangement.

8.10.3 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

52 Tower-stay cable, working and assembly drawing
(including instructions for tower erection)

52/1 Tower-stay cable foundation, one double cable on one side.

Structural drawing
52/2 Tower-stay cable foundation, two double cable on one side.
Structural Drawing
52/3 Tower-stay cable foundation, two double cable, one on each side.
Structural Drawing
Table 8.10.1: Standard Design Drawings: Tower Erection

Chapter 8: Design of Standard Suspension Bridge 198

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9. Design of Windguy A rrangem ent

Table of C ontents

9.1 Flow Chart 200

9.2 Introduction 201

9.3 Layout 202

9.3.1 General 202
9.3.2 Suspended Bridge 202
9.3.3 Suspension Bridge 205

9.4 Design of Windguy Cable Structure 206

9.4.1 Introduction 206
9.4.2 Related Symbols (refer also to 9.5.2) 206
9.4.3 Geometrical Parameters 207
9.4.4 Standard Design Parameters 210
9.4.5 Limits and Recommendations 211
9.4.6 Initial Layout Data 212
9.4.7 Calculation Procedure 212
9.4.8 Compilation of Final Data 213
9.4.9 Related Standard Drawings 214

9.5 Calculation of Windtie Lengths 215

9.5.1 Introduction 215
9.5.2 Related Symbols (refer also to 9.4.2) 215
9.5.3 Geometrical Parameters 216
9.5.4 Standard Design Parameters 219
9.5.5 Limits and Recommendations 219
9.5.6 Initial Layout Data 219
9.5.7 Calculation Procedure 220
9.5.8 Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement 222
9.5.9 Related Standard Design Drawings 222

9.6 Design of Windguy Cable Foundation 223

9.6.1 Introduction 223
9.6.2 Related Symbols 223
9.6.3 Design Parameters 224
9.6.4 Limits and Recommendations 225
9.6.5 Initial Layout Data 226
9.6.6 Calculation Procedure 227
9.6.7 Compilation of Final Data 229
9.6.8 Related Standard Drawings 230
9.6.9 Combination with Sidestay Cable Anchorage 231

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 199

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.1 Flow Chart

200 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.2 Introduction
In order to achieve sufficient lateral stability of a bridge under wind load, windguy
arrangements are required. The simplest method is to use wire ropes in a parabolic
arrangement for this purpose.

The scope of this chapter is:

a) to present the layout of windguy arrangements for suspension and suspended

b) to calculate cable tension and to select the appropriate windguy cable diameter,
c) to calculate all geometrical data for the parabolic windguy arrangements required for
the design of and during erection of the bridge, and
d) to fix type and dimensions of the windguy cable foundations based on cable tensions
and prescribed safety factors.

Windguy arrangements are generally designed in such a way that all four ends of the
windguy cables are anchored to separate windguy cable anchorage foundations. The
connection between the windguy cable and the walkway of the bridge is made by windties
(cables 0 13 mm, cable clamps, turnbuckles).

Preferably the windguy arrangement is placed laterally below the walkway as this will
contribute most to the serviceability of the bridge. In cases where the windguy arrangement
encroaches on freeboard restrictions, the foundations may be placed between the
anchorage elevation of the main cables and the lowest point of suspended bridges, or
between the anchorage elevation of the spanning cables and the highest point of
suspension bridges.

The windties are designed for a permissible load of 8.0 kN and the wind load action on the
walkway is assumed to be w = 0.5 kN/m which corresponds to a wind pressure of 1.3 kN/m2
acting on laterally on the bridge area of 0.3 m2 per meter span. (Wind velocity
approximately 160 km/h = 45 m/s)

Although the effective form of the windguy cable is a three-dimensional curve, it is assumed
for the calculations that the cable is of parabolic form in plan and in side elevation.

f e

windguy cable

windguy cable
wind load w -Q .5 k N /m foundation

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 201

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.3 Layout
9.3.1 G eneral

Windguy arrangements are required for LSTB bridges, i.e.bridge with spans greater than
120 m.

The shape of the windguy cable from the side view is dependant upon the elevation of the
windguy cable foundations, the location of the vertex in the plan, and the location of the
vertex of the main cables (suspended bridges) or the spanning cables (suspension

Whenever the form of the windguy cable cannot be defined clearly, it is

recommended that the calculations be made for both the parabolic and the straight
form. The longer cutting length must then be taken Into consideration.

In the plan, the sag to span ratio must be the same for both windguy cables.
Asymmetrical arrangements both up and downstream from the bridge are not

For uniformity the data must be measured always from the right river bank.

9.3.2 Suspended Bridge

Generally, in plan, the vertex of the windguy cable, should be placed next to the lowest
point of the bridge parabola. But a deviation from this rule is permissible when the
geological conditions of the river banks demand a different arrangement.

A) Standard Arrangement
Both elevations of the windguy cable foundations are below or above the vertex of the main

- if the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan view is located at or near the lowest
point of the main cables, it is assumed, that the highest point of the windguy cable
lies in the plane, defined by the highest point of the main cables and the two
anchorage points of the windguy cable at their foundations, and forms an equal
parabola in the side view.

202 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A



B) Special Arrangements

Both elevations of the windguy cable foundations are below or above the vertex of the main
- If the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan view is located near a main foundation, it
can be assumed that the windguy cable in the side view forms a parabola from the
windguy foundation on the other side of the river towards the lowest point of the main
cables and, from there, an almost straight line towards the windguy foundation near the
vertex of the windguy cable.

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 203

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

One elevation of the windguy cable foundations is below, the other one above the vertex of
the main cables:
1 ) if the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan view is located at or near the lowest point of
the main cables, it can be assumed that the windguy cable in the side view forms a
parabola from the lower foundation towards the lowest point of the main cables and,
from there, an almost straight line towards the higher foundation.

2 ) if the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan view is located at or near a main
foundation, it can be assumed that the windguy cable in the side view forms an almost
straight line from the lower foundation towards the higher foundation (e.g., Windguy
cable anchored to the main anchorage foundation on one bank).

204 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.3.3 Suspension Bridge

Generally, in plan, the vertex of the windguy cables should be placed next to the center of
the bridge parabola. The layout should be completed in such a way that the windguy cables
come to lie approximately parallel to and slightly below the walkway in the side elevation.

For windguy stay struts refer to Chapter 10, Special Designs.

It is recommended that the elevation of the windguy cable foundations is always below the
vertex of the spanning cables which Is located at mid-span.

A) Standard Arrangement
If the vertex in the plan view is also located at mid-span or nearby, it is assumed that the
highest point of the windguy cable lies in the plane, defined by the highest point of the
spanning cables and the two anchorage points of the windguy cable at their foundations,
and forms an equal parabolal in the side view.

B) Special Arrangements
If the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan view is located at or near a walkway/tower
foundation, it can be assumed that the windguy cable in the side view forms a parabola
from the windguy foundation on the other side of the river towards the highest point of the
spanning cables and, from there, an almost straight line towards the windguy foundation
near the vertex of the windguy cable (e.g., Windguy cable anchored to the walkway/tower
foundation on one bank).

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 205

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.4 Design of Windguy Cable Structure

9.4.1 Introduction
The scope of this section is to determine the number, diameter, and layout in the plan of the
windguy cable(s). The number and diameter are calculated by assuming a theoretical
parabola within the bridge span. Further the layout in the plan view can be determined
based on the sag at mid-span. It is assumed that the full wind load on the walkway can be
borne by this system only.

The layout and the initial loading is based on the structure under dead load. The necessary
freeboard ( 5.00 m ) has to be maintained for any cable alignment (including windguy
cables) at dead load case. Therefore it is important to carry out a rough calculation of the
windguy arrangement during the design of the main cable structure.

During erection, the windguy cables should be pre-tensioned against each other at about
25% of the permissible tension.

9.4.2 Related Sym bols (refer also to 9.5.2)

B|_, B r Distance of the first windtie from the saddle of the main foundation or tower
axis m
C l, C r Distance from the front of the windguy cable foundation to the bridge axis m
C lo>C ro Distance from the windguy cable to the bridge axis measured on the
- saddle axis for suspended bridges
- tower axis for suspension bridges m
D L, D r Distance from the front of the windguy cable foundation to the saddle
of the main foundation or tower axis.
Sign: - inside of span (-)
- outside of span (+ ) m
H Horizontal component of the windguy cable tension kN
Hi Suspended bridges: main cable elevation on the right side m
Suspension bridges: elevation of the top of the tower foundation minus 0.25 m m
H l, H r Windguy cable elevation at windguy cable foundation m
L.p. Lowest point of the walkway (vertex) for a suspended bridge m
Tbreak Minimum breaking load of the windguy cable kN
T l ,T r Windguy cable tension at the windguy cable anchorage foundation kN
T max Maximum windguy cable tension kN
T perm Permissible windguy cable tension kN
ed Horizontal distance from the saddle of the higher foundation to the
vertex of the walkway (refer to 7) m
d Distance between the windties in the plan m
fw Sag of windguy cable at the distance, V , in the plan m
hw Value for the theoretical windguy cable parabola within the bridge
span (refer to sketches) m
k Distance from the bridge axis to the center of the windtie-connecting
bolt at the cross-beam m

206 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

/ Design span:
- suspended bridges: saddle to saddle of main foundation m
- suspension bridges: distance between tower axis m
n Number /
r Horizontal distance from the saddle of the main foundation or tower
axis to the vertex of the walkway, measured from the right side m
V Horizontal distance from the saddle of the main foundation or tower
axis to the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan, measured from the
right side m
w Wind load kN
x, y Sheaf of coordinate axis for the windguy cable in the plan /
Xj Value for the theoretical windguy cable parabola within the bridge
span (refer to sketches) m
y'j Value for the theoretical windguy cable parabola within the bridge
span (refer to sketches) m

0W Diameter of windguy cables mm

OCL, OCR Angle between the windguy cable and the bridge axis at the windguy
cable anchorage foundation in the plan deg
Indices: R Right side L Left side
W Windguy cable

9.4.3 G eom etrical Param eters

A) Basic Calculation Procedure

For calculating the cable tension a simplified procedure, on the secure side, is applied:
- the cooperative resistance of the bridge against wind load is neglected,
- the increase in sag caused by wind load is neglected,
- the inclined position of the windguy cables is neglected,
- the vertical load of the windguy cable and the windties is omitted.

The cable tension can be calculated without iteration, based on the sag at dead load.

B) Theoretical Parabola
Plan view

hw = positive hw = negative

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 207

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

1) The x - axis is identical with the bridge axis

2) The y - axis goes through the vertex of the windguy cable
3) The coordinates of the vertex of the windguy cable are, therefore: x = 0 , y = 2.20 m
4) Distance, hw

(l - v f
hyv = fw • m

Note : h w < 0 if v> /2

hw =0 if v =// 2

5) Sag at mid-span

h *2 -v 2
bw — m
16 fw • (—- v)2
Note: bw — fw if hw = 0 v=2
6) Windguy cable tension

w •
Hw - kN
8 bw

T r = H w ■^ 1 + kN

2fw- (j - v)
T|_ - Hw kN

C) Layout

1) Distance from the

y’i = j)!i • x2 + 2.20 m (Xj / y'j : discrete values of X / y ') m

at the vertex location y'o =2.20 m

first windtie from right side y 'R = “ Z • (v - B r)2 + 2.20 m

first windtie from left side y'L = • (/ - V - B l )2 + 2.20 m

208 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

2) Inclination between the windguy cable and the bridge axis at the windguy cable
anchorage foundation in the plan, which remains the same up to the first windtie.

. 2fw
otR = arctan ~ jr • (v - Br) deg


aL = arctan deg


3) Distance from the windguy cable to the bridge axis measured on the saddle or the
tower axis

Cr0 - ^7 ■(v - Br)2 + tanotR ■Br + 2.20 m

C Lo = ^ • (/ -v - Bl)2+ tanaL■ BL + 2.20 m

4) Distance from the front of the windguy cable foundation to the bridge axis

CR = ■(v - Br)2 + tanaR • (BR + Dr) + 2.20 m

CL = ^ • (/ -v - Bl )2 + tanaL■(BL + DL) + 2.20 m

Layout of suspended bridge


*: 25 cm for drum-type foundation

50 cm for open-type foundation

Note: The data must be measured from the right side for the calculations followed.
If the higher foundation level is on the left bank,
—- > Hi = main cable elevation of lower foundation saddle on the right bank.

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 209

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Layout of suspension bridge Plan


9.4.4 Standard Design Param eters

A) Design Span, /
- for suspended bridges: saddle to saddle of the two main foundations
- for suspension bridges: distance between tower axis

B) Windguy Cables
Number nw = 1 or 2
Diameter : 0 w = 26, 32, 36, or 40 mm
Diam. Weight/Load Metallic Area Breaking Load Permissible Load
Nos. nw
0W g A to t T break T b reak
(mm) (kN/m) (mm2) (kN) (kN)
1 26 0.025 292 386 129
1 32 0.038 442 585 195
1 36 0.048 560 740 247
1 40 0.059 691 914 305
2 32 0.076 884 1170 390
2 36 0.096 1120 1480 494
2 40 0.119 1382 1828 610
Table 9.4.1: Total gh, A, Tbreak, Tpermfor Windguy Cables, E = 110 kN/mm2
(including Safety Factor y s = 3.0 for all cables and cable ending terminals)

C) Distances
Distance between the windties in the plan
- for suspended bridges: d = 6.00 m
for suspension bridges: d = 4.80 m

210 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Distance from bridge axis to center of windtie-connecting bolt at the cross-beam

- for suspended bridges: k = 0.660 m
- for suspension bridges: k = 0.736 m

Distance from bridge axis to the vertex of the windguy cable in the plan
- for both bridge types = 2.20 m

Distance, r
- for suspended bridges - if the higher foundation is on the right side r = ed
- if the lower foundation is on the right side r
- for suspension bridges: r = l /2

D) Elevation Hi
- for suspended bridges: main cable elevation on the right side
- for suspension bridges: elevation of the top of the tower foundation minus

E) Wind Load
W = 0.5 kN/m

9.4.5 Lim its and Recom m endations

A) Sag at Mid-span

The sag at mid-span, in plan, of the windguy cable is restricted to be bw = / / 8 t o / / 1 0 m

it must have the same value upstream and downstream.

B) Cross-Section
It is necessary that the cross-section at each windtie is approximately mirror reverse to the
bridge axis (equilibrium of forces), in order to achieve a straight (along the bridge axis) and
horizontal (in cross-section) walkway. This has to be kept in mind in locating foundations up
and downstream.

C) Safety Factor
The safety factor (for all cables and cable terminals) is determined by FS ^ 3

D) Freeboard
The freeboard must be cle of any cable alignment at dead load case.

E) Distance, v ,to the Vertex in the Plan

At the vertex of the windguy cable a connection must be provided to the walkway
cross-beam of the bridge:
- for suspended bridges: fix the vertex distance as required, assume that there will be a
cross-beam nearby (the maximum possible error in practice
will be less than 1.20 / 2 = 0.60 m).
- for suspension bridges: V = (/ / 2 ± 1 . 2 0 i) where m
i = an integer, not greater than / / 1 .20

The vertex distance “v”for asymmetric arrangement can be changed by + / - (i ■ d) only.

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 211

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

F) Distances to the First Windties

As v must be located to a cross-beam, the first possible distance from the saddle of the
foundation or tower axis to the windtie must be calculated as follows, with i = integer

v = (d ■ ¡r ) + B r B r — — > B r = v - (d • ¡r ) > d/2 m

— > l -v - (d • iL) d/2


—v) (d

A ll
bl = > m

(/ =

• ¡l ) +

9.4.6 Initial Layout Data

A) Define
1) Design span, /, (refer to 9.4.4 A).
2) Distance, d , k , and r (refer to 9.4.4 C).
B) Determine
1) The approximate location of the front of the windguy cable foundation.
2) Analyze carefully the conditions on both river banks. Draw geological, topographical
and hydrological constraints in the plan view of the General Arrangement.
3) Determine the theoretical windguy cable parabolas, in the plan, upstream and
downstream from the bridge by trial taking probable constraints into due
4) Determine the distance, hw
5) The possible vertex location (refer to 9.4.5 E).

9.4.7 Calculation Procedure

A) Compile the Initial Data

B) Calculate the Data of the Theoretical Parabola (refer to 9.4.3 B)

1) The sag at mid-span, bw.
2) Calculate the windguy cable tension for right and left side.
Tmax = the larger, maximum tension
T break
3) The safety factor is calculated as F= ^3
T max
In order to obtain an optimum safety factor of 3, changes in the initial data might be
necessary (for limits refer to 9.4.5) and the calculation must be repeated.
4) Select the required number and diameter of windguy cables.
5) Repeat the calculation for the other, up or downstream, side.

C) Calculate the Data of the Layout in the Plan View (refer to 9.4.3C)
1) Calculate the location of the first windties (refer to 9.4.5 E).
2) Calculate the alpha angles, and the distance from the windguy cables to the bridge
axis, C r0 and C l0- Draw this data in the plan of the general arrangement and locate
the accurate axis of the wind cables. Repeat the calculation for the other, up or
downstream, side.
3) Draw longitudinal sections along the windguy cables and determine the front of the
foundations (D r , C r and D[_, C l ) and the windguy cable elevations ( H r and H l )
at all four foundations. In order to obtain an optimum foundation location, it may be
necessary to change the location of the first windties and this will result in a small
change in the alpha angle.
4) Check the freeboard (refer to 7.3.6 and 8.3.6)

212 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.4.8 C om pilation of Final Data

Bridge No. & Nam e............................ Date...................... Designed by

A) Initial Data (refer to 9.4.6 and GA)

Bridge type (suspended or suspension) ? .................................. /

Design span /w = ................................ m
Horizontal distance r = ................................ m

Windguy cable nw = ................................ /

0 w = ................................ mm
Aw = ................................ mm2
Tw,break = ................................ kN

E - Module = ................................ kN/mm2

Cable anchorage elevations:

- Left Bank Windguy cable, upstream m
Windguy cable, downstream m
- Right Bank Windguy cable, upstream m
Hi m
Windguy cable, downstream m

Freeboard Windguy cables m

Loads: - wind load W = 0.5 kN/m

B) Data from Main Calculations

Upstream Downstream

Theoretical parabola hw = ................................................. m

bw = ................................................. m
fw = ................................................. m
Tr = ................................................... kN
TL = ................................................... kN
Safety factor = ................................................. /

Layout ai_ = .............................................. deg

cxr = .................................................. deg
C Lo = .................................................. m
C Ro = .................................................. m
Cl = ................................................. m
Cr = .................................................. m
Dl = ................................................. m
Dr = .................................................. m
Hl =................................................. m
Hr = .................................................. m

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 213

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

Calculate the distance of the wlndguy cable from the bridge axis at the windtie locations
(refer to 9.7.3 B). Draw the windguy cable layout upstream and downstream from the bridge
into the General Arrangement.



9.4.9 Related Standard D raw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

17 Windguy cable clamp for cable 0 32 mm
18 Windguy cable clamp for cable 0 36 mm
19 Windguy cable clamp for cable 0 40 mm
Table 9.4.2: Standard Design Drawings: Windguy Cable Clamps for Double Windguy

214 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.5 Calculation of Windtie Lengths

9.5.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the lengths of the windties based on the layout of
the windguy cable in the plan, the elevation of the windguy cable foundations, and the
bridge type.

For the calculation of the windtie lengths, it is assumed that the cables are of parabolic form
with some exceptions (refer to 9.3). The self weights need not to be taken into consideration
and the calculations are made on the basis of the bridge at dead load.

Caution: The calculated distances are only approximations, but sufficiently accurate, so
that the most probable deviations from the effective values remain within the adjustable
length of the turnbuckles. On site, the windguy arrangement has to be adjusted (by means
of tightening the windties) in such a way that it forms a parabola in the plan view.

9.5.2 Related Symbols (refer also to 9.4.2)

Dw Inclined distance of windties measured along the windguy cable m

E l, E r Inclined distance from the first windtie to the front of the windguy
cable foundation, measured along the windguy cable m

ai...a4 Constants in the formula for the parabola, y = ax2 + c /

a5 Constants in the formula for the straight line, y = ax + c /
bw Sag of the windguy cable inside the bridgespan in the plan m
c/c Total length of the windtie from the center of the windguy cable to the
center of the connecting bolt at the cross-beam m

C1 . . . C 4 Constants in the formula for the parabola, y = ax2 + c /

C5 Constants in the formula for the straight line, y = ax + c /
Cd Suspension bridge camber at dead load case (to be used as a
negative factor in the calculations) m
fd Suspended bridge maximum sag, vertical distance from the saddle at
the higher foundation saddle to the lowest point of the parabola, at
dead load case m
fd' Suspended bridge vertical distance from main cable saddle at
the right side to the lowest point of the bridge at dead load case m
x', z Sheaf of coordinate axis for the windguy cable in side elevation /
Xj, x'j Discrete values of X, X1for the windtie i /
y, Horizontal distance from the windguy cable to the windtie connecting
bolt for the windtie i m
y l p. Horizontal distance from the windguy cable to the windtie connecting
bolt at the vertex of the walkway
Ahj Vertical distance from the windguy cable to the windtie connecting bolt
for the windtie i m
AhL.p Vertical distance from the windguy cable to the windtie connecting bolt
at the vertex of the walkway m
pL, Pr Vertical inclination angle of the windguy cable at the windguy cable
anchorage foundations deg

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 215

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.5.3 G eom etrical Param eters

A) Standard Arrangement
The calculations are outlined for suspended bridges, e.g., with both elevations of the
windguy cable foundations below the vertex of the main cables and the vertex of the
windguy cable in the plan view located near the lowest point of the main cables (refer to
9.3.2 A).
For suspension bridges replace fd' by ( —Cd) in all formulas.



Parabolas In Side Elevation

the x' - axis is located at the (highest) point of the windguy cable nearest to the
vertex of the main (or spanning) cable
the Z - axis goes through the vertex of the main (or spanning) cable
the coordinates of the (highest) point of the windguy cable nearest to the vertex
of the main (or spanning) cable are therefore: x' = 0 , Z = 0 m
- the coordinates of the vertex of the main (or spanning) cable
are therefore: x' = 0 , z = (±) Ah|_p m

Parabola. 1: Z = a i • X' 2 + Ci Ci = AhL.p. m

Parabola 2: Z= a 2 • x '2 + C2 c2 = 0 m
_ Hr fd AhL.p, Hi
32 - (r + DRr

Parabola 3: Z= • x' 2 + C3 c 3 = 0
a3 m
_ H|_ + fd + Ahi_p — Hi
33 " (/ - r + D l f

216 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Parabola In the Plan View

- the x - axis Is located at the connecting bolts of the cross-beams

- the y - axis goes through the vertex of the wind cable in the plan
- the coordinates of the vertex of the windguy cable are therefore: X = 0 , y = 2.20 - k m

Parabola 4: y = a4 ■x2 + c4 C4 = 2.20- k m

a4 = m1

1) Horizontal distance between the vertex of parabola 1 and the vertex of parabola 4

x0 - x'o = r - v m

2) The difference in elevation at the lowest point of parabola 1 to the (highest)

point of the windguy cable nearest to

Ah|_.p yLP. • tany

(H t — H r — f(i) • (/ + D r + Dj ) — (P R + r) • (Hi — H r)
(a4 • (r - v)2 + 2.20 - k) m
(C r - k) • (/ + Dr + Dl ) - (Dr + r) • (CR- CL)

cross - beam

main cables


Cross - Section

3) The angle between the horizontal to the windguy cable at the foundation

Pr = arctan[ 2 a 2 • (BR - r )] deg

Pl = arctan[ 2 a 3 • (r - / + BL)] deg

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 217

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

B) Special Arrangements

The calculations are outlined for suspended bridges, e.g., with one elevation of the windguy
cable foundations below the vertex of the main cables and the vertex of the windguy cable
in the plan view located (combined) at a main anchorage foundation (refer to 9.3.2 B2).

For other layouts, similar proceedings might be applied.

1) Parabola 1 and 4 according to standard arrangement (refer to 9.5.3 A).

z = a 5 • x' + c 5 m

2) Line 5:


Hr - H l
35 " / + Dr + Dl

3) The difference in elevation at the lowest point of parabola 1 to the (highest) point of the
windguy cable nearest to

Ah|_.p. = H-i —H r —fd + as ■(r + D r ) m

3) The angle between the horizontal to the windguy cable at the foundation
Pl = arctan ( a 5 ) deg

pR = - arctan ( a 5 ) deg

218 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.5.4 Standard Design Param eters

A) Cross-Section
Windties connect the windguy cables to the walkway. They are placed symmetrically in
pairs and connected to the cross-beams. It is necessary that the cross-sections are
approximately mirror reverse to the bridge axis (equilibrium of forces), in order to achieve a
straight and horizontal walkway.

Windties are designed for a permissible load of 8 kN . With an assumed wind load of 0.50
acting on the walkway, one windtie can support 8 kN of bridge.

B) Distances (refer to 9.4.4)

Distance fa'
- for suspended bridges:
- if the higher foundation is on the right side fd ' = fd m


- If the lower foundation is on the right side m


fd '

- for suspension bridges: fd' = cd m

9.5.5 Lim its-and Recom m endations

Refer to 9.3

9.5.6 Initial Layout Data

A) Refer to 9.4.8
B) Define
1 ) Distance fa'

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 219

Volume A Long Span T rail Bridge Standard

9.5.7 C alculation Procedure

A) Standard Arrangement

1) Determine parabola 4

2 ) Calculate the difference in elevation (AhL.p) of the lowest point of the main cable
parabola (suspended bridge) or the highest point of the spanning cable (suspension
bridge) and the
(highest) point of the windguy cable nearest to it.

3) Determine parabolas 1, 2, and 3

4) Calculate the windtie data starting from the right side ( i = 1 ), x-i = v - B r m
n_ _ g |\
up to: i (max) = ^ ^ L + 1 continuously, with X i = v — B r — ( i — 1) • d m

The corresponding x'j - values are:

- for the first windtie ( i = 1): x'i = r —B r = Xi + r — V m
- and continuously: x'j = r — B r — ( i — 1 ) ■d = Xj + r — v m



The following procedure is valid if 82 and 83 form parabolas only. If this is doubtful check
with a straight line for 82 and/or 8 3 .

a) The difference in elevation of parabola 1 to the windguy cable at each windtie

for x'j > 0: Ahj = a i • x'j2 + AhL.p. - a 2 ■x ',2 m
for x'j < 0: Ahj = • x'j2 + AhL.p. - a3 • x'j2 m

b) The horizontal difference of parabola 1 to the windguy cable at each windtie

Yi = a4 ■Xj2 + 2 .2 0 - k m

220 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

c) The angle between the horizontal to the windguy cable at each windtie
for' x'j > 0 : Pi = arctan ( 2 a2 - x'j) deg
for x'i < 0 : pi = arctan ( 2 a3 - x'j) deg

d) Length between the windguy cable and the connecting bolt of the cross-beam

c/ q = -y/Ahi23+ yi2 m

e) Length between the windties on the windguy cable

DWi = —— J a 4 2 -(d + 2xi)2 +1 m

5) Calculate the length between the first windties and the windguy cable
anchorage on the windguy cable
_ B r + D r

R COSOtR • cospR m
B|_ + D|_
L|_ = — m

6 ) Calculate the total length of the cables

- for windguy cable(s)
Lw (tot) = X Dw i + E r + E l + overlapping length (refer to 4.2.2) m
- for windtie cables
L t (tot) = I ( C/Ci + 0.60) m

B) Special Arrangements

1) Primarily execute all calculations as given for the standard arrangement (refer to 9.7.5

2) Follow the same procedure as given for the standard arrangement (refer to 9.7.5 A) but
calculate the length between the windguy cable and the connecting bolt of the
cross-beam according to the special arrangement.

E.g., if the windguy cable forms a straight line in the side view (refer to 9.5.3 B):

c/Cj = -y/(ai xi2 +AhLP-a5 x'i)2 +(a4 Xi2 + 2 .2 0 -k)2 m

3) Check the cutting length of both procedures and take the longer cutting length into
consideration. Remark on the general arrangement that the given cutting length might
be different from the actual.

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 221

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.5.8 Data to be Transferred to the G eneral A rrang em en t

1) Sample plan of a suspension bridge

2) Longitudinal sections
Draw separate longitudinal sections of all four cable ends on a scale of 1: 100

3) To the cable list

- windguy cables: number, diameter, and total cutting length per piece
- windties: diameter 13 mm, and total length

9.5.9 Related Standard Design Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

10 Windties for windguy cable 0 26 mm
11 Windtie for windguy cable 0 32 mm
12 Windtie for windguy cable 0 36 mm
13 Windtie for windguy cable 0 40 mm
14 Windtie for double windguy cable 0 32 mm
15 Windtie for double windguy cable 0 36 mm
16 Windtie for double windguy cable 0 40 mm
Table 9.2: Standard Design Drawings: Windties and Windguy Cable Clamps

222 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.6 Design of Windguy Cable Foundation

9.6.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the dimensions of the windguy cable anchorage
foundations based on the results of the windguy cable structure analysis, on the soil and
rock parameters, and on prescribed safety factors.

Basic principles and proceedings for the structural analysis of foundations are given in
Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

9.6.2 Related Sym bols

B Open dimension of foundation, width m

Hi Open dimension of foundation, height at back m
h2 Open dimension of foundation, total height In front m
L Open dimension of foundation, length m
T Windguy cable tension kN
Ts Sidestay cable tension kN

hr Height to the cable anchorage from the base m

P Inclination of windguy cable deg

Rule for the sign: + = windguy cable upwards

- = windguy cable downwards

For all other symbols used In connection with bearing pressure, safety factor against sliding
and safety factor against ground shear failure, refer to Chapter 6 .

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 223

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.6.3 Design Param eters

A) Windguy Cable Anchorage Foundation on Soil

1] Standard anchorage length (refer to Standard Drawings)

nw 0w 1 0 26 1 0 32 1 0 36 or 40 2 0 32 2 0 36 or 40
B min 2.00 2.50 2.90 3.20 4.50
B max 2.40 3.10 3.50 3.80 5.10
L min 1.50 1.50 1.80 2.00 3.30
L max 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.20 5.30
hT max 2.00 2 ..20 2.50 2 .130 3.00
For ß (deg) <4.5 >4.5 <6 >6 -3 toO 1 to 6 7 to 12 <4.5 >4.5 -3 toO 1 to 6 7 to 12
hT min 0.401) 0.601) 0.501) 0.701) 0.701) 0.951) 1.20 1) 0.601) 0.901) 0.701) 1 .101) 1.501)
H2 min hT + 0.40 hT + 0.50 hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+
0.80 0.70 0.40 0.80 0.45 0.90 0.65 0.40

2] Extended anchorage Length (refer to Standard Drawings)

nw 0w 1 0 26 1 0 32 1 0 36 or 40 2 0 32 2 0 36 or 40
B min 2.50 3.20 3.60 3.90 5.20
B max 3.00 3.90 4.30 4.60 5.90
CO o
o o

L min 1.50 1.50 2.00

L max 3.50 3.50 4.20 5.30
hT_____ max 2 .!50 2.80 3.00 3.!50 3.80
For ß (deg) <4.5 >4.5 <6 >6 -3 too 1 to 6 7 to 12 <4.5 >4.5 -3 toO 1 to 6 7 to 12
hT min 0.401) 0.701) 0.601> 0.801) 0.701) 1.00 1) 1.351> 0.651) 1.101) 0.701) 1.20 1) 1.701)
H2 min hT + 0.40 hT + 0.50 hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+
0.90 0.65 0.40 0.80 0.45 0.95 0.65 0.40
Table 9.6.1: Limits of Dimensions (m) for Foundations on Soil According to the
Standard Dimension of the Steel Anchorage Structure (For 1) refer
to 9.6.4 A)
Hi = H2 + B ■tana

224 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Windguy Cable Anchorage Foundation on Rock

nw 0w 1 0 26 1 0 32 1 0 36 or 40 2 0 32 2 0 36 or 40
B min 1.70 2.50 2.60 3.00 4.30
B max 2.40 3.10 3.50 3.80 5.10
L min 1.20 1.50 1.60 1.80 3.00
L max 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.20 5.30
hT max 2.00 2 . 20 2.50 2.80 3.00
For ß (deg) <4.5 >4.5 <6 >6 -3 toO 1 to 6 7 to 12 <4.5 >4.5 -3 toO 1 to 6 7 to 12
hT min 0.401) 0.601) 0.501) 0.701) 0.701) 0.951) 1.20 1) 0.601) 0.901) 0.701) 1.101) 1.501)
H2 min hT + 0.40 hT + 0.50 hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+ hT+
0.80 0.70 0.40 0.80 0.45 0.90 0.65 0.40
s 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.25 1.25

Table 9.6.2: Limits of Dimensions (m) for Windguy Cable on Rock According to
the Standard Dimension of the Steel Anchorage Structure (For1)
refer to 9.6.4 A)
H! = H2 + B • tana

9.6.4 Lim its and R ecom m endations

A) Foundation Dimensions
The limits of the foundation dimensions as given in 9.6.3 are dependant upon the standard
dimensions of the steel anchorage structure. The minimum dimensions ( hT (min)
might be superseded by the necessary embedded depth ( tmin ) (refer to 5 .5 .2 ).
For soil: tmin < t < (hT-0 .5 0 m), for rock: tmin < hrt < (hT-0 .5 0 m).

B) Anchorage Rods for Foundations on Rock

Provide the number of anchorage rods according to calculations but at least:
- for foundations with 1 cable: 2 vertical rods
- for foundations with 2 cables: 4 vertical rods

The distance between anchorage rods shall not be less than 1.0 m.
C) Soil/Rock Check List
Refer to Chapter 6 , Foundation Design, for the check list of limits (for soil 6.5.1, for rock
6 . 6 . 1).

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 225

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

9.6.5 Initial Layout Data

A) D e fin e C h a ra c te ris tic s o f th e F o u n d a tio n

River bank: Left or right ? = /
2) Side: Up or downstream ? = ..................... /
3) Foundation: On soil or rock ? = ..................... /

B) C o m p ile th e F o llo w in g D ata

1) From windguy cable structure analysis
- Number of windguy cables nw = /
- Windguy cable tension Tw = kN
- Cable inclination = deg
- Front slope of rock, or stone pitching £1 = deg

2) From survey and final geotechnical report

Soil parameters:
- Sub-soil at depth = ...................... m
- Friction angle of sub-soil G>1 = deg
- Unit weight of sub-soil Y1 = ...................... kN/m3
- Friction angle of backfilling soil <j)2 = ...................... deg
- Unit weight of backfilling soil Y2
= kN/m3
- Groundwater at depth = m
- Ground-bearing pressure CFperm “ ...................... kN/m2

Rock parameters:
- Rock at depth = m
- Sliding friction angle between rock & foundation Î*S L = deg
- Rock quality coefficient k = ..................... /
- Ground-bearing pressure Gperm - ...................... kN/m2

3) From Chapter 5. General Principles

- Minimum embedded depth tmin — m

4) From 9.6.3 Design Parameters

F o u n d a tio n D im e n s io n s (m ) m in im u m m a x im u m

- Width B

- Length L

- Height of cable anchorage (refer to 9.6.4 A) hT

- Back height Hi h2
- Front height h2
- Back to C.G. distance of anchorage rods s /

226 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.6.6 C alculation Procedure

The relevant loading for the windguy anchorage and the windguy anchorage foundations is
the full wind load. Therefore, calculations with other load cases are not required for
standard type bridges.

It is necessary to design the foundations in such a way that their volume is minimized
(economic design), after giving due consideration to the prescribed safety factors.

A) Compile the Initial Data (refer to 9.6.5)

B) Preparatory Work
Prepare a plan view, a longitudinal section, and a cross-section with the minimal
dimensions. Try to estimate the required dimension experientially, otherwise take the
minimum dimensions as primary data.

C) Main Calculation
The basic design principles, the procedures for the structural analysis, and the limits are
given in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

Calculation example:
The calculations are given from examples of a foundation on rock, without groundwater and
with a retaining wall at the top. The structural analysis of the retaining wall has to be carried
out separately.

For other layouts, similar proceedings should be applied with:

- foundations on soil hrt = 0 , hra = 0 , hp > tmjn
- with groundwater hw > 0

1. Calculate the components, inclination, and location of the resultant loading force

Loading Forces Lever Arm (m) for MF

Weights (kN):
W = 0.50 (H, + H2) • B • L ■yc B 2H, + H?
3 ' H, + H2
Load on Top (kN):

A = (refer to 6.2.4) a

Earth Pressure (kN):

yE ah + hra- (H, + 0.1) + H2

- back: Eah (back) = !4 ? , h [<J>2 , y ] (ha2- ha12) • L • y2 ( h a - ha1 ) 2 h a 1 + ha
yE ah = ----------------- ------------------------
3 ha1 + ha
Eav (back) = E a h • tan ( g ^ 2 ) B


T h = T ■Cosp hT

Tv = T ■sin[3 0

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement 227

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Mf = sum of all statical moments in F


- Vertical component of R
Rv = sum of all vertical forces = W +A + Eav + (-) Tv kN
Rh = sum of all horizontal forces = Eah + Th kN

- Location of R
M f
B*/2 = ---------- m
Rv - (1 + tana • tanSR)

- Inclination of R

. x Rh

- Inclination of base
H-i + O . I O - H 2
a = a r c ta n ---------- g ---------- deg

2. Select the possible predominant failure mode and proceed according to the
laid down in Chapter 6 .

228 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.6.7 Com pilation of Final Data

Bridge No. & Name................................. D ate..................... Designed by

A ) a n d B) In itia l D ata (re fe r to 9.6.5)

C) M ain C a lc u la tio n
1) Load on top of foundation
- Total load A =................................... kN
- Front to C.G. distance a =................................... m

2) Soil / rock heights

Active earth pressure height ha =................................... m
- Active earth pressure height from
top of the foundation block h ai = ........................................ m

Rock height at back h ra =................................... m

- Embedded depth t, hrt =................................... m
- Depth of additional soil t' =................................... m

3) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
(top of dry stone pitching) £1 =................................... deg
Slope of soil baseline £b =................................... deg
Length of influence L * nfi =................................... m
- Back slope of soil \j/ =................................ deg

4) Foundation dimensions
- Height of cable anchorage hr =................................... m
- Back height Hi =................................... m
Front height H2 =................................... m
Width B =................................... m
- Length L =.................................. m
Base inclination a =.................................. deg
Distance to resultant force B */2 =.................................. m
- Distance to resultant force L */2 =.................................. m

5) Safety factors
Sliding F sl =................................... /
- Bearing capacity F bc =................................... /
- Toppling Ft =................................... /
- Slope stability Fs =................................... /
6) Anchorage rods
Nos as per calculation or minimum Nos. N =................................... /

D) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report)

Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Anangement 229

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

E) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

- Example: wlndguy cable foundation on rock

Draw also the position and dimensions of additional loads on top of the foundation

9.6.8 Related Standard Draw ings

Drawing Number Drawing Title

41 Windguy Cable Anchorage for 1 cable (capacity 130 kN)
41/1 41/2 Windguy Cable Foundation for I cable
41/3 Windguy Cable Foundation for I cable <j) 26, 32, 36mm with foot, on soil
42 Windguy Cable Anchorage for I cable (capacity 195 kN)
42/1 42/2 Windguy Cable Foundation for 1 cable
43 Windguy Cable Anchorage for 1 cable (capacity 305 kN)
43/1 43/2 Windguy Cable Foundation for 1 cable
44 Windguy Cable Anchorage for 2 cables ( capacity 390 kN)
44/1 44/2 Windguy Cable Foundation for 2 cables
45 Windguy Cable Anchorage for 2 cables ( capacity 610 kN)
45/1 45/2 Windguy Cable Foundation for 2 cables
Drawing Numbers: .... = Working and assembly drawing
.... /1 = Structural drawing: Foundation on Soil
...72 = Structural drawing foundation on Rock
Table 9.6.3: Standard Design Drawings: Windguy Cable Anchorage Foundation

230 Chapter 9: Design of Windguy Arrangement

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

9.6.9 C om bination with Sidestay Cable A nchorage

The windguy cable anchorage foundation can also provide anchorage for the sidestay cable (refer to
8.9.2). In this case calculate the foundation for a combined loading with the windguy and sidestay
cable tensions.

Calculate the resultant loading force with T sv , Tshx and T sh y as additional loads.

windguy cable


windguy cable anchorage foundat ion

combined with sidestay
cable onchoroge

sidestay cable

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

10. Special Design

Table of Contents

10.1 Special Suspended Bridge 233

10 .1.1 Combined Main Foundation with a Staircase 233

10.2 Special Suspension Bridges 234

10 .2.1 Suspension Bridge with One Tower 234
10 .2.2 Without a Tower 240
10.2.3 With a Loaded Side span 240
10.2.4 Double Span Bridge 240
10.2.5 With the Different Walkway / Tower Foundation Elevations 240
10 .2.6 With Different Tower Heights 240

10.3 Special Windguy Arrangement 241

10.3.1 Windguy Stay Strut 241
10.3.2 Bridges without a Windguy Arrangement 243

10.4 Design of Deadman Anchorage Foundation 244

10.4.1 Introduction 244
10.4.2 Related Symbols 244
10.4.3 Basic Calculation Principle 245
10.4.4 Limits 245
10.4.5 Initial Layout Data 246
10.4.6 Calculation Procedure 246

Chapter 10: Special Design 232

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

10.1 Special Suspended Bridge

10.1.1 Com bined Main Foundation with a Staircase

Design the combined main foundation with a staircase according to the procedures given in
Chapter 6 and 7.

For calculation of the loads acting on the foundation, two load combinations must be taken into

Load case [A] Dead load case + full wind load

Load case [B] Full load case + 1/3 wind load

Windload: w = 1.0kN/m 2

Wind load acting on the walkway:

- for bridges without a windguy arrangement Hw - 0.5 / • w kN
- for bridges with a windguy arrangement Hw = 0

Wind load on exposed area A: P wa = w. A kN

Calculate the stresses created in the base plate (in section 1 - 1 of the base plate):

at ^ a t perm kN/mm2
ac ^ a c Perm kN/mm2

Related special design drawing (design example)

Drawing Number 60/4: Staircase combined with main foundation
2 main cables (related drawings 60 and 63)

ZJO Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

10.2 Special Suspension Bridges

10.2.1 Suspension Bridge w ith O ne Tow er

A) Layout

B) Introduction
The following procedure has the provision for a windguy arrangement (refer to Chapter 9). It is
assumed that the full wind load, acting on the walkway up to the handrail cable, can be borne by
this system only. The wind load acting on the main cables and suspenders has to be born by
the tower (tower/walkway foundation) on one side and by the main (anchorage) foundation on
the other side where no tower is provided.

The layout and the Initial loading are based on the structure under dead load.
The freeboard has to be maintained for any cable alignment (including windguy cables) at dead
load case.

As an approximation, the calculations can be made in the same way as for the system with two
towers (refer to Chapter 8 ).

C) Related Symbols
(Refer to Chapter 8 )

D) Geometrical Parameters and Calculation Procedure

The maximum backstay distance, DR (or DL), is limited to » 0.2 l.

St---- Ô S r

Chapter 10: Special Design 234

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

1) Analysis for the Backstay Cable behind the Spacing Clamp at Dead Load Case

The spacing clamp is situated vertically over the walkway foundation. Thus, the span of the
bridge is given by the length of the walkway which corresponds to the loaded length of the
bridge. Therefore, the spacing clamp represents a fictitious tower top. The dead load case must
be fixed first. The cable geometry and the cable force are given by the well-known formulas (1)
and (2 ).

_ Qd ' >'2
1. Td kN
8 fd \ u

2. ßd = arctan deg

A simple condition for the equilibrium of the moment at point A gives the location of the
anchorage for the backstay cable. The backstay distance, DR , is previously defined and the
height of the anchorage point is solved out of the equilibrium condition (3). The condition of the
angles, pd and yd , and the backstay distance, DR and hR , is given with formula (4).

3. IVUd = Vd DR + g h D2R -H d hRd - 0 kNm

2 d i „ nH H & dt
With vd - 2 and Hd - 8fd kN

4fd-(gd-/ + 9 h'DR) D R
3a. hRd m
g7 r

4. (ßd + Yd) = arctan — deg

2) Hoisting Load Geometry

The assumptions made to set up the procedure for determining the hoisting load geometry from
the dead load geometry are given below.

235 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

- The horizontal movement of the tower top, DDL (or DDR), is neglected. The magnitudes of
these two values are low with respect to the change in cable geometry caused by the
change of load and with respect to the different elongation of the cable caused by a change
of the applied load (e.g., change from dead load case to hoisting load case, or change from
dead load case to full load case

- The dead load geometry of the cable between the spacing clamp and the anchorage point is
taken as a straight line without local sag. The dead load length from the spacing clamp to the
anchorage point is determined as

Ld » a/D r2 + hR 2 m

- The dead load cable length between the one tower and the main cable anchorage
foundation is given with the formula

, 8i fd
/a- i + - + V D 2 + hR 2 . m
3 v Id y

The known values on which to base the calculations are:

Dead load gd,
dead load span of the bridge /d,
dead load sag fd,
backstay distance D r,
hoisting load 9h

The geometry of the main cable for a hoisting load situation is equivalent to the geometry for the
cable of a suspended bridge with anchorage points at different elevations. All the formulas for
cable geometry, given in 7.3, are very useful.

An iteration leads to the geometry of the hoisting loaded cable. The span of the hoisting loaded
cable is enlarged from the original dead load span, /d, to the hoisting load span

/h « Id +D r m

To start the iteration the value for the cable force, T h , caused by the hoisting load, has to be
assumed first. A good initial value for the cable force, T h , can be approximately 15% of the
dead load value, T d : preliminary Th ~ 0.5 Td

Once the hoisting load geometry is calculated, the cable length from the spacing clamp to the
anchorage point, L Ch, can be determined. The general formula, y = a X2 + bx + C , has to
be changed to fit in with the value, /h, bh , and Ii r .

Chapter 10: Special Design 236

Volume A Long Span 'Frail Bridge Standard

The iteration procedure is shown below.

I Td - T h I -Ld . (T h-T d)-L d

1 Cable length Lh « Ld - J--------- - 1----- = U + ------------------ m
E •Am E •Am

2. Sag of bh ~ /h -1 m
lu 2 V /h J

g h /y
3. Cable force Hh kN

4bh + hR
with tanßh

and kN
COS ßh

237 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

3) Full Load Geometry

The length of the cable from the spacing clamp to the anchorage point can be calculated by:

(Tr - Td) • Led

1-Cf « m
E •A m

The full load geometry can be calculated using the dead load formulas (3), (3a), and (4).
Instead of the dead load, ga , the full load, g t , has to be introduced. The output of formula (3a)
then gives the new vertical location of the spacing clamp, ilR f.

The cable between the spacing clamp and the anchorage point is assumed to be straight. The
horizontal location of the spacing clamp is then defined with L c f and H r f

E ) Main C a b le A n c h o ra g e Fo u n d a tio n (D ru m -typ e )

The lateral horizontal wind load, H w , has to be taken into consideration., as there is no tower to
bear this load (refer to 8.4.9 C1). Analyze for both loading cases [A] and [B].

For the calculation refer to Chapter 6 , Design of Bridge Foundation and 7.4, Design of Main
Anchorage Foundation of Suspended Bridges (calculate with T r = 0 ). Additional anchorage
rods may be required to stabilize the rock (refer to 6.3).

Related special design drawing (design example)

Drawing Number 60/3: Main cable tunnel foundation

2 main cables

Chapter 10: Special Design 238

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

F) Walkway Anchorage Foundation

For calculating the tension in the spanning cable refer to 8.4.9 C3. The lateral force that must be
considered (refer to 8.4.9 C2) consists only of

Ps. /
P h ---------- sinci! KN

For the calculation procedures refer to Chapter 6 , Design of Bridge Foundation. Anchorage rods
may be required to stabilize the rock (refer to 6.3).

Related special design drawing (design example)

Drawing Number 91/3: Walkway Foundation

Spanning cable <)>32 mm

G) Spacing Clamp for Main Cables

Provide a spacing clamp at the theoretical location of the tower saddle on the side without a

Related special design drawing (design example)

Drawing Number 28: Spacing clamp for main cable

4 main cable<j> 32 mm

239 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

10.2.2 W ith ou t a Tow er

For structural calculation, anchorage and foundation design, spacing clamps, proceed
according to 10 . 1 .

10.2.3 W ith a Loaded Side span

The design of this type of bridges is more complex. Additional cables between the tower tops
are required for the stability of the bridge in compare to the standard suspension bridge. The
design of such bridge has to be made in detail for a specific site and can not be standardized.
Therefore, this bridge type is not considered in the present handbook.

10.2.4 Double Span Bridge

Additional cables between the tower tops are required for the stability of the bridge in compare
to the standard suspension bridge. This type of bridge also not considered in this handbook
due to the same reason as explained in 10.2.3.

10.2.5 W ith the Different W alkw ay / T o w er Foundation Elevations

Suspension bridges with two towers, one, or even without a tower, with the different
walkway/tower foundation elevations are not recommended.

10.2.6 W ith Different T ow er Heights

In designing standard towers, the height of the tower is calculated as a function of the Span
(load). The smaller tower, in particular, cannot be designed as a standard tower but must be
designed according to the effective loads.

Chapter 10: Special Design 240

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

10.3 Special Windguy Arrangement

10.3.1 W indguy Stay Strut

On flat river banks where walkway/tower foundations are constructed high above the ground
level, the windguy cables can be supported at the walkway/tower foundation by windguy stay
struts and anchored to the main cable foundation.



Windguy Cable 0 26 mm 0 32 mm 0 36 mm
h min m 3.00 3.00 3.00
d m 4.50 6.50 8.30
Vperm kN 70.00 100.00 130.00
Table 10. 5.1: Layout Data for Windguy Stay Strut

241 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Refer to Chapters 8 and 9 for general outline, calculation procedures, symbols, formulas, etc.

For windguy arrangements with windguy stay struts, calculate, in addition, for full wind load:

- the tension in windguy backstay cable:

T = —d — kN
b cos5

- the safety factor calculated as:

F = > 3

- the load on windguy stay strut:

V = H-(tana + tan§) + T u ■sin (p + T / • sinp < V perm kN

- the tension in stay cables:

D = T • sin 6° - Tb • siny = force of deviation kN

if D > 0: the lower stay cable is loaded T/ = D < 30 kN

1D I
if D < 0: the upper stay cable is loaded Tu = ----- L < 30 kN

Calculate the main cable foundation according to the procedures given in 8.7 for full load with
an additional tension, Tb, in one windguy cable, determined for w > 0.17 kN/m (1/3 wind load).

Related special design drawings

Drawing Number: 175,175/1 Windguy stay strut for windguy cable 0 26 mm

176,176/1 Windguy stay strut for windguy cable 0 32 mm
177,177/1 Windguy stay strut for windguy cable 0 36 mm
49/3 Combined main cable and windguy cable foundation
4 main cables, 2 windguy cables (design example)

Chapter 10: Special Design 242

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

10.3.2 Bridges w ithout a W indguy A rrang em en t

It is acceptable to follow the standard procedure if the safety factors (foundation design)
are at least 1.0 above the minimum required factors, i.e., F > Fmin + 1.0

If the safety factors are less than 1.0 above the minimum safety factors, the design must
be calculated with the actual loadings for all structures.

Load case [A] : Dead load case + full wind load

Load case [B] : Full load case + 1/3 wind load

Windload: w = 1.0kN/m 2

A) Suspended Bridge

The lateral wind load which must be taken into consideration for the design of the main
anchorage foundations may be calculated as follows:

- for load case [A]: Ph = 0 .5 / w


- for load case [B]: Ph = V 3 ■( 0.5 / • w )


B) Suspension Bridge

The procedure can be followed according to 8.4, but the lateral load, W b , must be
increased by, W w w the wind load acting on thewalkway and calculated as follows:

- for load case [A]:

Wb = Www + WM + Wsusp = 0.5 + 0.125 + 0.0038 (ht - 2.4)
= 0.616 + 0.0038 ht kN/m

- for load case [B]

Wb = 1/3 ( Www + Wm + WSUSp ) = 1/3 ( 0.616 +0.0038 ht) kN/m

Note: The procedure given in 8.4 is a statical analysis only. Owing to the dynamic
behavior of the bridges (especially bridges without a windguy arrangement), the
horizontal deflection, X , and the tension in the spanning cable, p s i , may increase up to
double the value.

243 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

10.4 Design of Deadman Anchorage Foundation

10.4.1 Introduction

The scope of this section is to determine the dimensions of the deadman anchorage
foundation based on the results of the cable structure analysis, on the soil and rock
parameters, and on prescribed safety factors. This type of anchorage foundation is a very
economical main cable anchorage for suspension bridges.

It is important to note that the design philosophy and methodology is limited to shallow
foundations (near ground surface) in granular soil.

The principal is to make use of the earth resistance (passive earth pressure) of the soil in
front of the foundation. Therefore this type of foundation needs special care:

a) during excavation: as far as possible the soil in front of the foundation must not be
disturbed; and if it is (e.g., because of the excavation for the cables), the backfilling
soil must be well compacted, and

b) after construction: a prescribed area of the soil in front of the foundation must be
protected (e.g., with gabion mattress).

The basic principles concerning earth pressure are given in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

10.4.2 Related Sym bols

B Open dimension of the foundation, (part of) width m

C Back toe, part of height m
E Back toe, part of width m
H Open dimension of foundation, (part of) height m
Hu„ Ultimate capacity of the foundation, horizontal component kN
L Open dimension of the foundation, length m
PL Length in front of the foundation to be protected m
Wc Weight of foundation kN
WE Weight of the earth above the foundation kN

For all other symbols used, refer to Chapter 6 , Design of Bridge Foundation, and to Chapter
8.7, Design of Main Cable Foundation.

Chapter 10: Special Design 244

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

10.4.3 Basic Calculation Principle

A) Layout

B) Ultimate Capacity

Calculating the ultimate capacity involves taking into consideration the passive earth
pressure in front, the active earth pressure at the back, and the earth pressure at rest,
acting laterally on the foundation.

Huit = Eph - Eah + 2 Eql kN

For determining the magnitude of Eph and Eah, refer to 6.2.3.
The earth pressure at rest, acting laterally on the foundation, is calculated as:

2 E0l —2 ^-o ' Yi 'hp "tanOi ■[t/^ ph "\Aah ] kN

X0 = 1 - sinO-i /

10.4.4 Limits

A) Depth of Soil on Top of the Deadman Foundation

The depth of soil on top of the deadman foundation must not exceed
h < 1/ 3 hp t o 1/2 hp m

B) Length in Front of the Foundation to be Protected

The length in front of the foundation to be protected with precautionary measures to ensure
adequate safety after completion of construction, is calculated as

PL —hp *\/^ph m

C) Safety against Sliding Failure

In order to reduce the movement of the foundation towards the soil in front of it, a high
safety factor is required

FSl > 3.50

245 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

10.4.5 Initial Layout Data

Refer to 8.7.5.

10.4.6 Calculation Procedure

Refer to 8.7.5 .

Calculation example:
The calculations are taken from examples of a foundation with a back toe and without

Chapter 10: Special Design 246

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

1. Calculate the components, inclination, and location of the -resultant loading force

Loading Forces Lever Arm (m) for MF

Weights (kN):

Wp = h2 ■Bp • L • yc Bf/2

WE = Bp • L • Il 3 • y2 Bf/2

Load on Top (kN):

A = (refer to 6.2.4) a

Earth Pressure (kN):

- back: Eah (back) = Xah [<D2,v|/] • ■L • y2 3

Eav (back) = Eah- ta n (| 0 2)
h2 Ik
- front: Eph (front) = ?iph [®i, e] • -£- • L • y. 3

1 0
Epv (front) = Eph • tan (-—• ®i) (upwards)

Loads (kN):
Tfh = Tf-cosp hi
Tfv = Tf • sinp 0

MF = sum of all statical moments in F kNm

- Safety against sliding failure

Huit + (W f + W e - Ttv) •ta nO i

Fs l - --------------- -------------------- --------- L----------- > 3. 50 /

2. For other possible failure modes proceed according to Chapter 6 .

Related special design drawing (design example)

Drawing Number 49/2: Main cable deadman anchorage foundation
Capacity 1220 kN, c / c = 4.00 m
4 main cables (related drawing 49)
Drawing Number 50/2: Main cable deadman anchorage foundation
Capacity 1830 kN, c/c-i = 4.00 m
6 main cables (related drawing 50)
Drawing Number 51/2: Main cable deadman anchorage foundation
Capacity 2440 kN, c/c^ = 4.00 m
8 main cables (related drawing 51)

247 Chapter 10: Special Design

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard V olum e A

11. A djacent Works

Table of Contents

11.1 Retaining Structures 249

11 .1.1 Design Criteria 249
11 .1.2 Gabion Walls 249
11.1.3 Dry Stone and Rubble Masonry Walls 250
11.1.4 Preliminary Design of Retaining and Breast Walls 251

11.2 Slope Protection 252

11 .2.1 Slope Erosion and Slope Failure 252
11 .2.2 Slope Drainage 253
11.2.3 Bio-Engineering 258
11.2.4 Engineering Structures 259
11.2.5 Slope Treatment on Rocks 259
11 .2.6 Summary of Slope Stabilization Work 260

11.3 River Bank Protection 261

11.3.1 Instability of River Bank 261
11.3.2 River Bank Protection 263

Chapter l l : A djacent W orks 248

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

11.1 Retaining Structures

Any structure capable of resisting soil pressure is known as a retaining structure. It can be
in a variety of forms, such as: retaining walls, reinforced soils, sheet piles, walls tied and
anchored to rock, and others.

For the purposes of this manual, we will study only retaining walls of gabion boxes, rubble
masonry, and dry stone masonry.

11.1.1 Design Criteria

Regardless of the type of retaining structure, whether gravity or semi-gravity, it is absolutely

essential to check the stability with respect to - overturning, sliding, shear failure of the wall,
and overall stability of the surrounding soil.

The basic principles, the procedure for the structural analysis, and -the limitations, are given
in Chapter 6 , Foundation Design.

11.1.2 G abion W alls

A) Properties of Gabion Walls

- Homogeneous monolithic structure capable of functioning under tension and also of

absorbing unforeseen stresses
- Deformability increasing the strength by drawing into action all the resisting elements
- Permeability eliminating the principal causes of soil instability
- Easy and speedy construction technology
- Possibility of localized repair
- Cheaper cost compared to masonry walls

B) Placing of Gabion Walls

Gabion walls are not set with vertical face for heights greater than 3.0 m. For heights
greater than 3.0 m, the face is usually battered at not less than 6 degrees (1: 10 inward
slope) or is set in position with steps. The gabion boxes should be placed in staggered
joints. The minimum size of the stone should not be less than 15 cm.


249 Chapter 11: Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Gabion walls can be classified into four different types: gravity, semi-gravity, wall supporting
sloping surcharge, and thin walls with back mesh panels.

11.1.3 Dry Stone and Rubble M asonry W alls

Dry stone or rubble masonry walls are mostly used to retain the earth behind the anchorage
blocks of the bridge. Should the earth behind the block be fractured rock either a dry
stone wall or a breast wall of rubble masonry is practicable. The choice depends upon
different factors, such as: permissible space behind the block, required height of protection
and availability of easily dressable sizes of the stones and other material. Usually a dry
stone wall is used where temporarily unstable soil conditions prevail.

Chapter IT. Adjacent Works 250

V olum e A Long Span Trail B ridge Standard

11.1.4 Prelim inary Design of R etaining and Breast W alls

A) Retaining Walls
Type Dry Stone Banded Dry Cement Masonry Gabion
Stone/Masonry Low High

y V ont
jy J 5 p w e e p holes
l m
^t \

Top width, W, 0 .6 - 1.0 m 0 .6 - 1.0 m 0.5 - 1.0 m 1m 1-2 m

Base width,
wb 0 .5 -0 .7 H 0 .6 -0 .6 5 H 0 .5 -0 .6 5 H 0 .6 -0 .7 5 H 0.55-0.65 H
Front batter varies varies 10:1 6: 1 6: 1

Back batter varies vertical varies varies varies

Inward dip of 1 :3 1:3 horizontal or 1 :6 1 :6
foundation, n 1 :6

Foundation > 0.5 m > 0 .5 -1 m > 0 .5 -1 m > 0.5 m > 1m

depth below
Range of 1-6 m 6 1 - 10 m 1-6 m 6 - 10 m
height, H -8 m

Hill slope <35° 20 ° 35 - 60° 35 - 60° 35 - 60°

angle, a

B) Breast Walls
Type Dry Stone Banded dry Cement Masonry Gabion Horizontal
Stone/Masonry Drum Wall

Section t J- f k
jCT—dryttorx J5&y—weepbotes
1 mortor —mosonry X

b J l^

Top width, W, 0.5 m 0.5 m 0.5 m 2 m 1m

Bass width, 0.29 0.3H 0.33 > 0.5 m 0.23 H 2 m 1m

wb H H
Back batter 3:1 4:1 5:1 3:1 3:1 3 to 5: 1 3:1
Inward dip of 1:3 1 :4 1 :5 1:3 1:3 1:5 1:3
foundation, n
Foundation > > > > 0.5 m > 0.5 m > 0.5 - 1 m > 0.25 m
depth below 0.5 0.5 0.5
drain m m m
Range of <6 m <4 m <3 m 3- 8 m 1 - 10 m 1-8 m < 2.2 m
Height, H
Hill slope 35 - 60° 35 - 60° 35 - 70° 35 - 60° < 35°
angle, a

251 C hapter 11 : A djacent W orks

Long Span T rail B ridge Standard V olum e A

11.2 Slope Protection

11.2.1 Slope Erosion and Slope Failure

Slope failures are the consequence of mass movements of soil and rock. The fundamental
processes at work that cause slope failure are mainly surface wash, groundwater, pore
pressure, weathering, strength parameters, structural features, and undercutting by the
river. The mechanisms of failure are: erosion, slides (slumps, flow), plane failure, and

Failures are not sudden processes but generally show some signs of instability before the
actual failure has taken place. Some of the instabilities are listed below.
- Tension cracks running across the slope
- Bare or eroded slope surface
- Tress leaning downslope or bending upwards from the base
- Debris deposits
- Debris containing dead
- or overturned grass and woody plants
- Longitudinal profile steepening towards the river bank
- Presence of porous and weatherable rocks
- Highly fractured or highly jointed, folded, faulted, and weathered rocks
- Springs, seepage, saturated rock, or soil mass
- Seepage holes, cavities, subsidence
- Overhang and loose rock blocks
- Toe erosion, gulley erosion, sheet erosion, river cutting
- Swampy, hummocky, or wet ground
- Bedding dipping towards the slope
- Strongly cut out banks
- Concave transverse slope profile

First of all, it is most important to determine the source of factors influencing slope instability
in order to be able to design appropriate control and rehabilitation measures. For instance,
on a seepage slope, it may only be necessary to drain off the water by means of open
ditches or
stone-filled drains.


Improper protection measure Proper protection measure

C hapter 11 : A djacent W orks 252

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

11.2.2 Slope Drainage

Water should be collected as closely as possible from its origin and be channeled safely to
a nearby water course. Springs and surface waters can be safely drained off by means of
open ditches or a system of open ditches. For draining off sub-surface water, so-called
"covered drains"- are used.

A) Surface Drainage

Surface water, mostly temporary in nature, causes gully erosion along the slope thus
exposing the foundation. It can also percolate into the ground resulting in a change in soil
properties under the foundation. Hence surface drainages are provided where 'there is a,
large accumulation of water such as in slopes with concave transverse slope profiles or
seepage water.

The surface water drainage is usually facilitated by means of drainage channels around the
anchorage blocks which lie below the natural terrain. Drains are provided at an angle to (or
perpendicular to) the land contours. A drainage system must be provided whenever the
tops of anchorages or the foundation lie below the previously existing ground level.

In loose, steep soil slopes the drainage channel must end in a hard, preferably rocky,
surface or in the river itself. In a steep channel, steps or rocks jutting out of the channel
should be used to regulate the flow of water in order to eliminate scouring.

Drainage around block below natural terrain

- open-stone surface drainage of the surrounding terrain is necessary in places where

surface water from natural drains, sources, and irrigation water (e.g., from paddy fields)
might, endanger the bridge.

- Open-stone surface drainage must be designed in such a way that an additional

accumulation of water, and consequently erosion downside from the canal outlet is

- To avoid self-scouring, the canal should end in rock or the canal outlet should be
protected. Probably cascade construction will be required on steep sections to avoid
erosion on the downside of the canal outlet.

253 Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

End of drainage

concrete, masonry
or gabions

The section of the channels is determined according to the expected water discharge.

Sections of channels

B) Sub-Surface Drainage

Increase in soil moisture reduces its cohesion and frictional force, and consequently the
load-beading capacity of the soil diminishes. The change in soil moisture results from the
seepage of water from adjacent higher ground, and the consequent rise in water table,
percolation, and suction. Soil water is especially dangerous when the foundation lies above
the impermeable layer; above which the fine soils will flow along with the water thus causing
cavities below the foundation. In such cases sub-surface drains are required.

Mostly the anchorages of suspension bridges are built into slopes where the natural water
level is below the depth of the foundation; sub-surface drains are rarely provided.

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 254

V olum e A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

In wet areas where there is a probable risk of earth slips that might endanger the bridge,
sub -surface drainage may be required. There are different types of sub-surface drainage.

Catch-water drainage

Sub-drain types

c a n a l,
1: 4

255 Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

The same systems are used for drains behind retaining walls and around anchorages and

Drainage behind retaining wall

Drainage around anchorage foundation

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 256

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Stabilization of an unstable slope



3 .0 0 m.
sß. 0 0


257 Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

11.2.3 B io -E n g in e erin g

A cheap, effective, permanent, and probably the best way to establish unstable slopes and
river banks is to grow trees, plants such as shrubs or grasses, or to maintain the natural
eco-system. The trees have earth-reinforcing effects. The effectiveness of plantation
depends upon the depth of the potential slip surface within the slope and upon the plant
type. Vegetation improves soil structures and textures. Proper selection of plant type is also
very important and should be mainly based upon local experience. The popular vegetations
are uthis, sisnoo, simali, local shrubs and grasses, oaks, pines, etc. Vegetation measures
can be grouped as follows:

- seeding, grass turfing, and mulching to obtain a grass cover;

- contour waffling, wicker work fencing, contour planting, and fascines (long bundles of
sticks bound together); and

- reforestation with pioneer species.

A) Seedings

Very often, before sowing grass seeds on barren slopes, soil and site preparation, such as
shaping the slope, spreading humus, and the application of fertilizer, may be required.
About 3 kg of grass seed are needed to seed an area of 100 m2. Legume seeds mixed with
grass seeds give good results as they are nitrogen fixers. It takes 0.5 to 1.0 working hours
to seed 100 m2.

B) Grass Turfing

To regenerate successful vegetation through placement of grass sods, the latter should be
placed horizontally on the slope when the surface is wet and during the vegetation period.
On very steep slopes, fixation of the grass sods can be done by using sticks to get a firm
hold on the slope surface.

C) Mulching

This method requires that a layer of straw, wood fiber, or other organic material be spread
on to the soil. Seeds and fertilizers are added and finally the layer of mulching is fixed by
spraying a cold asphalt suspension. In this method, the grass cover comes up after a
relatively short time because here a favorable micro-climate and growing conditions are
created by reducing water losses, surface temperature, and soil crust formation. The seeds
are prevented from rolling down the hill and fertilizer is also preserved .

For fixing the straw layer on to the slope surface, an asphalt suspension of 50% asphalt in
water is watered down to a 25% solution which is applied to the straw by means of a
portable rucksack type sprayer. About 0.5 litters of asphalt suspension per m2. is applied.

D) Contour Waffling and Contour Planting

These methods are useful on steep and high slopes where grass is often not strong enough
to prevent erosion, Here, the idea is to break up the slope with horizontal rows of very
dense brush which will fix the soil with its long roots and reduce runoff.

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 258

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

In contour waffling, twigs and branches are bound into long bundles and are pegged down
with pointed stakes on to a narrow ledge that cuts the slope contour-wise. The bundles are
then covered with earth. The stakes are sharpened at the bottom ends, are 1 - 1.2 m long,
and have - diameters of about 5 cm. The internal rows of 1.2 m in width and spaced at 0.5
m from each other have to be driven into the soil, leaving about 15 cm of the stake above
the soil surface. A hectare of land requires about 17,000 stakes. A ten man crew can waffle
up to 250 m2 per day.

In contour planting, willow slips or other cuttings from about 0.9 - 1.5 m long are laid down
across a terrace, then the layer of the slips is covered with the soil realized from the
excavation of the upper terrace. The width of the terrace should be 0.5 - 0.6 m. Cordon
layers may either continuously follow the contour line or be of a certain length, say 5 m, and
overlap each other. With the indicated spacing of a contour planted, 3,500 to 5,000 m of
cordon per hectare, would be required.

E) Fascines
The technique is similar to the one used in contour panting. Here instead of putting cross
layers on the contour terraces, brushwood is laid out.

The terrace should have a gradient of 20 to 25% towards the slope which should have a
width of 0.6 - 1.2 m. The brushwood and cuttings should be about 20 cm longer than the
width of the terrace.

F) Practical Examples of Bio-Engineering Work

Refer to Manual, prepared by ITECO: Handbook for Bio-Enginering Methods in Gully and
Landslides Stabilization Works, ITECO AG, Switzerland, 1990.

11.2.4 Engineering Structures

Simple engineering works during bridge construction for slope protection are: drystone
walls, gabion walls, rubble masonry walls, stone pitching (dry or masonry), and check dams
(refer to 11.1.4).

11.2.5 Slope Treatm ent on Rocks

For protection of unstable rock slopes, measures such as grouting, filling cracks, shot crete
geotextile, rock anchorage, rock bolting, and earth reinforcement are commonly applied.
Also, by removing the extra weight of the soil from an unstable slope, the driving force can
be reduced causing instability in the rock. Extra weight can also be added at the top of the
slope to stabilize it.

Rock bolts

259 Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

11.2.6 Sum m ary of Slope Stabilization W ork

Failure mechanisms Treatment method

1. Erosion Vegetation
- Vegetated stone walls
- Mattress
Check dams
- Pitching cascade

2. Shallow debris slides - Revetment/retaining wall

- Drainage, vegetation
- Geotextiles

3. Small rock slides - Retaining walls

and wedges - Vegetation
- Rock trap walls
- Rock anchors

4. Rock falls Revetment

- Detention scaling
Rock bolting
- Rock trap wail/netting

5. Deep-seated - Retaining walls

translational slides - Vegetation
(debris & rock) Drainage regrading
- sealing cracks

6. Deep-seated - Retaining walls

rotational slides - Vegetation
(deep colluvium, - Drainage
weathered, fractured/ Slope regrading
disturbed rock) - Sealing cracks

7. Flows Check dams

(debris/mud rock) Erosion protection
Control of sediment supply

These methods are feasible for suspension bridge sites and are frequently used.

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 260

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

11.3 River Bank Protection

11.3.1 Instability of River Bank

Instability of the river bank is usually due to two reasons:

- Repeated subjection of river banks to strong currents, thus causing bank erosion or
toe undercutting

Erosion of loose excavated materials, which after excavation are cast up on the river
bank in front of the anchor block.

Besides the principal reasons, other reasons for river bank instability are:

- the river current directly strikes the bank or there is the possibility of it doing so in

- the transverse slope and profile above the bank is concave,

- rivulets or water runoffs are flowing down the slope,

- the rock mass in a rocky bank is highly weathered and fractured with widely opened
joints, sometimes filled up with soil or soluble materials like calcite, clay, etc,

- unstable features such as seepage holes, topple figures, fine sandy layers, or
impermeable (clay) layers are present in an alluvial bank,

the bank inclination is steeper than the frictional angle of the soil or it is loosely

the bridge site lies near the confluence of two rivers,

- the bridge site lies on a delta,

the bridge site lies on an old landslide area indicated by inclined trees or fast-growing
trees such as uthis, etc,

water seepage is present, and

the river current has created cavities at the bottom of the bank.

261 Chapter 11: Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

Area attacked by strong current: needs revetments

River bank instability caused by river current: Needs groynes and revetments

river diversion and

bonk protection
n eeded

(1) alluvial beaches, (2) rock, (3) old alluvial terrace

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 262

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

11.3.2 River Bank Protection

Most of the slope protection work discussed earlier is also applicable for river bank
protection. In addition to these, river training and revetments are also required in certain
cases. The extent of protection work depends upon the site condition, direction, river
gradient, and speed of water current.

For river training and revetment, it is usual to practice certain methods, e.g., guide banks,
riprap protection, flood embankment, groynes, T-head spurs, etc.

Hereunder are mentioned methods that are generally applied for bridge sites. For details
refer [6 ],

A) Groynes
These structures can be:
- backfilled earth and stones,
- gabions, and
- suitable wooden cribs filled with stone and brushwood.

The purpose of using groynes is to prevent bank erosion, or to divert the flow into required
directions, or to control the angle of attack of the current. They are generally used in groups
rather than singly. One single groyne can influence a bank length of at least twice its
projected length perpendicular to the flow. The spacing can even be up to four times the
projected length. Groynes are placed on river banks, inclined or vertical to the bank

They are placed pointing downstream when their purpose is to deflect the flow from the
bank. If the bank has to be protected from erosion, they are pointed upstream and this
creates a 'cushion' after the groyne.

Timber crib groyne

Sect ion
D e s ia n
__ _______________________ ZL_________________
n ____Q____ o n r>
---- ^ ------ n O
v i/n fp r
------ n ------- — n
- o — n n n n n
o 1 - ■ ......
------- ------- ------- -------
I _ ___ 0 ___ ___i n __ — v~ n n n
________________ \ . . -------------- --------------
_____ Q___ ___ Q____ __ D___ —\ D ____7 ^ 5 o T5------ -------n ------- n
--------- n ------ ------ T5--------------n
------ u ------ -------Q____ o ____-------Q..... .


263 Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard V olum e A

Stone - faced groyne

Sect ion

cre s t above s to n e p itc h in g f o il in g a p ro n

flo o d le vel t > 1 .5 D

D : d ia m e te r o f s to n e
1.5 H
--- 1
e a rth f ill
/ --------
JL K e s tim a te d depth
f i l t e r la y e r of sco u r H
p o s itio n when-
lo u n ch e d

The tip is more vulnerable

so will need larger stones
ond wider opron than root

pitched slope

Groyne of dumped stones

Note: Stone sizes must be large enough to resist the calculated maximum velocities

Chapter 11: Adjacent Works 264

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Groyne of gabions

S e c tio n A -A Sect ion B- B

Groyne of gobions

265 Chapter 11: Adjacent Works

Long Span Trail Bridge Standard Volume A

B) Apron

Aprons are used to protect the bank from scouring. They are generally placed around a
bank having a gentle bend and also along a bank subjected to direct impingement of flow.

The size of stones to be placed on the apron depends upon the scouring pattern of the
river. The velocity of the river at the point of attack is also a major factor in selecting the
stone sizes. For details refer to [6 ].

Aprons made of gabions are also very common.

Apron at or below natural bed

la = Apron length
h = Launched length
P = Launched slope angle
H = Estimated scour depth
t = Apron thickness
0 = Bank slope angle

The required size of stones can be estimated from the figure given below.

S t o n e weight ( kg)
1 5 10 20 40 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 3 ,0 0 0
L i...J I t— i__ t x I a ,i . jl J______ l_____ I________ I

Source: Adapted by Ackers from Neill, C. R., Guide to Bridge Hydraulics, Roads and
Transport Assoc, of Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973.

Chapter 11 : Adjacent Works 266

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

C) Gabion Protection

Gabions are the most appropriate for bank protection. Their layout has to be carried out
according to the site condition.

Gabion protection of steep bank

D) Bank Protection Against Weak Rock

concrete or gobi ons

t ower f oundat i on

Pr o t e c t i o n wall

in cose of strong

267 Chapter 11: Adjacent Works

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12. Appendix

Table of Contents

12.1 Cable Statics 269

12 .1.1 Parabolic Cable 269
12 .1.2 Catenary 270

12.2 Geometry of the Parabola 271

12 .2.1 General Case 271
12 .2.2 Vertex at theOIntersection of the Coordinate Axes 271

12.3 List of Standard Drawings 272

12.3.1 Standard Working Assembly Drawings 272
12.3.2 Standard Structural Drawings 273
12.3.3 Special Design Drawings 275

12.4 Design Examples 276

12.4.1 Suspended Bridge 276
12.4.2 ' Suspension Bridge 276

12.5 Cost Estimate Norms/Formats (21 Pages)

12.6 Survey Form and Checklist (42 Pages)

Chapter 12: Appendix 268

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12.1 Cable Statics

12.1.1 Parabolic Cable
A cable hanging between the supports A and B, carrying a load uniformly distributed along
the horizontal, will form a parabola. Cables of suspension bridges may be assumed to be
loaded in this way, since the weight of the cables is less than the weight of the walkway.
Denote by q , the load per unit length (measured horizontally) and express in kN/m .
Choosing coordinate axes originating at the lowest point, C , of the cable, the magnitude, W
, of the total load carried by the portion of the cable, extending from C to the point, D , of
coordinates x and y , can be expressed as:

W = q •x kN

Drawing the corresponding force triangle, the following relations can be obtained

T- cosa = T 0 T-sina = W kN
t/ I
T = V t 02 + W w kN
A h
a = arctan — deg

The relationship defining the magnitude and direction of the tension force at D become

T = a/T o2 + q 2 • X2 kN

q •x
a = arctan - — deg
The distance from D to the line of action of the resultant W is equal to half the horizontal
distance from C to D. To sum up the moments about D:

IM d - 0 --------> q •x \ -T 0 ■y = 0 kNm

q 2
and solving for y, m
y = 2 t0 x

This is the equation for a parabola with a vertical axis and its vertex at the origin of
The curve formed by cables loaded uniformly along the horizontal is thus a parabola.

269 Chapter 12: Appendix

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

The length of the cable from its lowest point, C , to its support, B , may be obtained by
differentiating the Integral of the arc and using the binomial theorem, resulting in the

Is - *b r-i + — (^ )2
_ — (^ V4
11 3 ( xB > 5 ' xB '

The series converges for values of the ratio, yB/ xB , less than 0.5 ; in most cases, the ratio
is much lower than this and only the first two terms of the series need be taken into

12.1.2 C atenary

A cable hanging between the supports A and B, carrying a load uniformly distributed along
the cable itself, will form a catenary. Cables hanging under their own weight are loaded in
this way. Denote by q the load per unit length (measured along the cable) and express it in
kN/m. The magnitude, W , of the total load carried by a portion of cable of length, s ,
extending from the lowest point, C , to a point D is:

W = q ■S kN

The relationship defining the magnitude of the tension force at D become

T = V t 02 + q 2 • s2

The distance from D to the line of action of the resultant, W , is not known, as the distance ,
s , is measured along the cable itself. Refer to the technical literature for the complete
formula of the catenary.

The error introduced, by assuming a parabolic shape for cables hanging under their own
weight, is small if the cable is tightly stretched.

For the calculation of standard bridges, sufficient accuracy can be achieved by using the
formula for the parabola instead of the formula for the catenary.

Chapter 12: Appendix 270

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12.2 Geometry of the Parabola

12.2.1 General Case

A: Vertex (horizontal tangent)

General formula : y = a ■X2 + b • X + C

tangent in x : tana _ dy _
dx = 2 a • x + b

Given: Vertex A (xA , yA) and point B (xB, ye)

Determine a, b, and c with:
yA = a ■xA2 + b • xA + c
yB = a ■xB2 + b • xB + c
tana = 2 a • xA + b = 0

12.2.2 Vertex at the Intersection of the C oordinate Axes

A : Vetex (horizontal tangent) Example: XB 112, and yB = f

2 4f
General formula :y = a •X a
tangent in x : tana = 2 a ■X y X
Given : Point B (XB , yB) , and tana = •X
a = tanß = Ü
xB /

271 Chapter 12: Appendix

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12.3 List of Standard Drawings

12.3.1 Standard W orking A ssem b ly (Steel) Draw ings

Drawing Title Drawing Specifications

(Bridge type) Number
01 For 4 main cables, suspended bridge
02 For 6 main cables, suspended bridge
Walkway (support) 03 For 8 main cables, suspended bridge
04 For 10 main cables, suspended bridge
05 For 12 main cables, suspended bridge
07 For suspension bridge
06 Steel walkway deck for suspended bridge
0Dm Steel walkway deck for suspended bridge
Walkway (Maintenance)
Steel Deck 08 Steel walkway deck for suspension bridge
ON Steel walkway deck for suspension bridge
10 For windguy cable 0 26 mm
11 For windguy cable 0 32 mm
12 For windguy cable 0 36 mm
Windties 13 For windguy cable 0 40 mm
14 For double windguy cable 0 32 mm
15 For double windguy cable 0 36 mm
16 For double windguy cable 0 40 mm
17 For cable 0 32 mm
Windguy Cable Clamp 18 For cable 0 36 mm
19 For cable 0 40 mm
Diagonal Stabilizer 20A For 4 main cables
(Suspension) 20 For 6 main cables
21 For 8 main cables
Stabilizing Cable 22 For 4 main cables
Clamp 23 For 6 main cables
(Suspension) 24 For 8 main cables
31 For 2 main cables
Suspenders 32 For 4 main cables
(Suspension) 33 For 6 main cables
34 For 8 main cables
Sidestay Cable An­ 40 For 1 sidestay cable 0 26 mm, capacity 130 kN
chorage (Suspension)
41 For 1 windguy cable 0 26 mm, capacity 130 kN
42 For 1 windguy cable 0 32 mm, capacity 195 kN
Windguy Cable
43 For 1 windguy cable 0 36 mm, capacity 305 kN
44 For 2 windguy cables 0 32 mm, capacity 390 kN
45 For 2 windguy cables 0 36/40 mm, capacity 610 kN

Chapter 12: Appendix 272

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Drawing Title Drawing Specifications

(Bridge type) Number
48A For 4 main cables 0 26/32 mm,
capacity 520 / 780 kN, c/c, = 3.50 m
48B For 4 main cables 0 36/40 mm,
capacity 1220 kN, c/c, = 3.50 m
Main Cable Anchorage 49 For 4 main cables 0 36/40 mm,
(Suspension) capacity 1220 kN, c/c1 = 4.00 m
50 For 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm,
capacity 1830 kN, cici = 4.00 m
51 For 8 main cables 0 36/40 mm,
capacity 2440 kN, cici = 4.00 m
Tower -stay Cable 52 For tower erection

Main Cable Anchorage 60 For 2 main cables, capacity 610 kN (For Suspension)
(drum-type) 61 For 4 main cables, capacity 1220 kN
(Suspended) 62 For 6 main cables, capacity 1830 kN
Handrail Cable 63(26) For 2 handrail cables 0 26 mm, capacity 260 kN
Anchorage 63(32) For 2 handrail cables 0 32 mm, capacity 390 kN
(Suspended) 63(36) For 2 handrail cables 0 36 mm, capacity 495kN
64 For 8 main cables and 2 handrail cables 0 40 mm,
capacity 2440 and 610 kN
65 For 10 main cables and 2 handrail cables 0 40 mm,
capacity 3050 and 610 kN
Main Anchorage
(open-type) 66 For 12 main cables and 2 handrail cables 0 40 mm,
(Suspended) capacity 3660 and 610 kN
67 Saddle and Accessories for 8 main cables
68 Saddle and Accessories for 10 main cables
69 Saddle and Accessories for 12 main cables
70 For 1 windguy cable 0 26 mm, capacity 90 kN
Cable Rock 71 For 1 windguy cable 0 32 mm, capacity 180 kN
72 For 1 windguy cable 0 36/40 mm, capacity 280 kN
90 For spanning cable 0 26 mm, capacity 260 kN,
c/Ci = 3.50 m, c/c2 = 38.3 cm
91 For spanning cable 0 32 mm, capacity 390 kN,
c/c-i = 3.50 m, c/c2 = 48.8 cm
92 For spanning cable 0 32 mm, capacity 390 kN,
c/c, = 4.00 m, c/c2 = 55 cm
93 For spanning cable 0 36/40 mm, capacity 610 kN,
c/c, = 4.00 m, c/c2 = 56.6 cm
100-107 Tower base element
Tower 110-117 Tower intermediate element
(Suspension) 120 - 130 Tower top element
135 - 138 Tower saddle
Tower 140 Guide to LSTB standard towers
(Suspension) 145-160 Assembly of tower

273 Chapter 12: Appendix

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12.3.2 Standard Structural (C onstruction) Draw ings

Drawing Title Drawing Specifications

(Bridge type) Number
Sidestay Cable 40/1 1 cable 0 26 mm
Foundation (Suspension)
41/1 1 cable 0 26 mm, on soil
41/2 1 cable 0 26 mm, on rock
41/3 1 cable 0 26/32/36 mm, on soil (with foot)
42/1 1 cable 0 32 mm, on soil
42/2 1 cable 0 32 mm, on rock
Windguy Cable
43/1 1 cable 0 36/40 mm, on soil
43/2 1 cable 0 36/40 mm, on rock
44/1 2 cables 0 32 mm, on soil
44/2 2 cables 0 32 mm, on rock
45/1 2 cables 0 36/40 mm, on soil
45/2 2 cables 0 36/40 mm, on rock
48A/1 4 main cables 0 26/32 mm, c/c1 = 3.50
Main Cable 48B/1 4 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 3.50
49/1 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
50/1 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
51/1 8 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
Main Cable 48A/2 4 main cables 0 26/32 mm, c/c1 = 3.50
Deadman 48B/2 4 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 3.50
49/2 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
50/2 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
51/2 8 main cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c1 = 4.00
T ow e r-sta y cable 52/1 1 cable on one side for tower height < 25.23 m
F oundation fo r T o w e r 52/2 2 cables on two sides for tower height < 25.23 m
E rection (S uspension) 52/3 2 cables on one side for tower height > 27.73 - 35.21 m
61/1(26) 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 026 mm
on soil, related drawings 61 & 63(26)
61/2(26) 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 026 mm
on rock, related drawings 61 & 63(26)
61/1(32) 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 032 mm
on soil, related drawings 61 & 63(32)
61/2(32) 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 032 mm
on rock, related drawings 61 & 63(32)
Main Foundation 62/1(26) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 26 mm
(drum-type) on soil, related drawings 62 & 63(26)
62/2(26) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 26 mm
on rock, related drawings 62 & 63(26)
62/1(32) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 32 mm
on soil, related drawings 62 & 63(32)
62/2(32) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 32 mm
on rock, related drawings 62 & 63(32)
62/1(36) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 36 mm
on soil, related drawings 62 & 63(36)
62/2(36) 6 main cables 0 36/40 mm and 2 handrail cables 0 36 mm
on rock, related drawings 62 & 63(36)

Chapter 12: Appendix 274

Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

Drawing Title Drawing Specifications

(Bridge type) Number
64/1 8 main cables, on soil, related drawings 64 & 67
64/2 8 main cables, on rock, related drawings 64 & 67
Main Foundation
65/I 10 main cables, on soil, related drawings 65 & 68
65/2 10 main cables, on rock, related drawings 65 & 68
66/1 12 main cables, on soil, related drawings 66 & 69
66/2 12 main cables, on rock, related drawings 66 & 69
90/1 Spanning cable 0 26 mm, without foot,
c/ci = 3.50, c/c2 = 38.3 cm
90/2 Spanning cable 0 26 mm, with foot,
c/c, = 3.50, c/c2 = 38.3 cm
91/1 Spanning cable 0 32 mm, without foot,
c/c, = 3.50, c/c2 = 48.8 cm
91/2 Spanning cable 0 32 mm, with foot,
c/c, = 3.50, c/c2 = 48.8 cm
92/1 Spanning cable 0 32 mm, without foot,
c/c, = 4.00, c/c2 = 55.0 cm
92/2 Spanning cable 0 32 mm, with foot,
c/c, = 4.00, c/c2 = 55.0 cm
93/1 Spanning cable 0 36/40 mm, without foot,
c/c, = 4.00, c/c2 = 56.6 cm
93/2 Spanning cable 0 36/40 mm, with foot,
c/c, = 4.00, c/c2 = 56.6 cm
Staircase 94/1 For medium to unfavorable soil conditions
(Suspension) 94/2 For good soil conditions

12.3.3 Special Design Draw ings

Drawing Title Drawing Specifications

(Bridge type) Number
Windguy Clamp for For windguy cable 0 26 mm, main cable 0 36/40 mm
Direct Windguy Cable (Working and Assembly Drawing)
Spacing Clamp for For 4 main cables 0 32 mm
Main C a ble s (Suspension) (Working and Assembly Drawing)
Combined Main Cable 4 main cables 0 32/36/40 mm, c/c-i = 4.00 m,
and Windguy Cable 2 windguy cables 0 36/40 mm, c/c, = 2.00 m,
Foundation (Suspension) (Structural Drawing), related drawings: 49 and 45
Main Cable Tunnel 2 main cables (Structural Drawing),
Foundation (Suspension) related drawing : 60
Staircase Combined 2 main cables (Structural Drawing),
with Main Foundation related drawings: 60 and 63
Walkway and Tower
90/3 Structural Drawing
Walkway Foundation
91/3 Spanning cable 0 26/32 mm (Structural Drawing)
Walkway and Windguy For Spanning cable 0 32 mm and windguy cable 0 32
Cable Anchorage mm (Structural Drawing)
Windguy Stay Strut 175-175/1 Length 4.50 m, for windguy cable 0 26 mm,
(Working and 176-176/1 Length 6.50 m, for windguy cable 0 32 mm
Assembly Drawings)
177-177/1 Length 8.30 m, for windguy cable 0 36 mm

27 5 Chapter 12: Appendix

V olum e A Long Span Trail B ridge Standard

12.4 Design Examples

On the following pages, two design examples, are compiled.
One for a suspended bridge, refer to

12.4.1 Suspended Bridge

and, one for a suspension bridge, refer to

12.4.2 Suspension Bridge

The calculations have been carried out according to the procedures given in this manual. In
cases where similar calculation has to be carried out several times, they are presented for
one example only. E.g., the calculation of the windguy arrangement is only carried out for
the suspended bridge. Reference has to be made to this example for the windguy
arrangement of the suspension bridge. The "General Arrangements" related to the two
design examples are contained in: .

LSTB Technical Manual Volume C, Standard Design Drawings, Design Examples.

Chapter 12: Appendix 276


h u tia l h r y o u td a ta [7 .3 .6 ]
According to General Arrangement
Foujtdaijon locaiipru
On right bank, 7.75 m behind of axis point A
On left bank, 16.59 mbehind of axis point B
Njmujml span,
S = survey distance AB + 7.75 + 16.59
= 107.76 + 7.75 + 16.59 S = 132.10 m
D e s ig n sjpan b e tw e e n s a d d le s ^ i
e = s +2
X 0.25 =132.1 + t - 132.60 m 0. 5

Cable, ehryjTjwn_s [from topography]

Main cables right bank, Hi = 110.85-0.25 H, = 111.60 m
H2 = 105.60
l e f t bank, H2 = 105.85-0.25
Windguy cables right bank, upstream = 102.60 m
downstream = 102.30 m
Left bank, upstream = 97.50 m
downstream = 96.40 m

DifferetU in main caffe eHy_aJions_ between saddles^ h

h - H i - H2 = 110.6 - 105.6 h= 5.0 m
Check for h [7. 3 .5 B]

f_ 132.6 9.47m > h = 5.0m o.k.!

14 14
i.e. the lowest point remains inside the bridge span.

Pgej^caJgtdaJlon ofjgaMe tensiong

Main and_ hjxnxfnul cafde_s
Approximate maximum cable tension
Tn,ax (approx.) = l l x S = l l x 132.1 Tmax = 1450 kN
Number and diameter of cables
Number of main cables 11 m 4

Diameter of main cable e

Number of handrail cables = 2
Diameter of handrail cable 0 // = 26
Permissible tension (all cables) Tperm = 1476 kN

Check, for tejisfon

Tperm= 1476 kN > Tmax = 450 - > o.k.
Sectional area ( a l l j i a b l e s )[ Table 7A. 3=. 23348

Wjndguj cable_s
Windguy cable sag at mid-span
1 t0 To
Take bw= - = —
r-p i i l 1 3 2 .6
b... = 14.7 m

With vertex close to the centre, bw ~ f w = 14.7 m and there will

be any problem fo r the placement of Windguy cable foundation on
either bank.

AppmQMllMlli. Wjjidguy cabje tension [one cable}

T l ~ T r = ^ J i / 2x^
8 x 6 „, . V

0 -5 x3 2 .6 : 2x14.7
1+ T = 82 kN
8x14.7 66.3

Nurnbez aruf dfajnete_r offWjmdguy_ cabjey


Number of windguycables (both u/s and d/s)


Diameter of windguycable 0W= 26 mm
Permissible tension f o r one cable
Tpenn= 129 kN
Tperm = 129 kN > T= 82 N k->
- ok!

Modulus of elasticity [table 4 .2 . E = 1 10 2

1. Hoisting load case, nh
Main and handrail cables = 0.288
2. Dead load case, gd
hoisting load, gp = 0.288 kN/m
walkway deck (steel) = 0.370kN/m
Walkway support (including hangers) = 0.220 kN/m
fixation cables = 0.010 kN/m
wiremesh netting = 0.060 kN/m
windguy cables = 0.050
Windties (average) = 0.030
Total at dead load case v,= 1.028 kN/m
3. F u l l load case,
dead load, =1.028
live load, P ( = 3.0 = 3.377
Total at fu ll load case g/-= 4.405 kN/m
Dead_ load_ sa, b,± [7. 3. 5]
_f_ h_ 132.6 5
bd (max) = 5.73
19 4 19 4
h_ 132.6 _ 5
bd (m 4.52 m
23 4 23 4
With bd(max) =5.73 m; 6.99
=fload m bt ~ 1.22b a
4bf+ h! ( 4x6.99 + 5 \
ßjf(max) = arctan = arctan = 13.96 deg
i V 132.6 /
Approximate maximum tension under fu ll load [7. 3 .3 ]
.1 4.405x132.6 2
max __ = 1427 < 1476 kN -> ok!
8bf .cos ß1f 8 x 99x cos 13.96c

With bd (min)= 4.52 bf = 1.22 x 4.52= 5.51 m

4x5.51 + 5'
ß If - arctan = 11.52 deg.
4.405x132 62
= 1804 kN > 1476 kN --> Not ok!
— Even with the maximum sag, no next smaller diameter cable can
be chosen.
— To obtain minimum sag, the main cable numbers should be
increased, which is uneconomical, if the minimum freeboard can
be obtained with larger sag.

— Within perm issible tension, slight change either h or bd or

both can be made fo r better stability.
Rev±se_d h qnd_ bd
Dead load sag bj = 5.6 m
Different inelevation h =4.5 m
Approximate max. tension under fu ll load Tmax= J466 kN~
The leftbank cable elevation shall be kept at H2 = 105.6 m
The right bank cable elevation at saddle shall
then be,
H i = H2 + h =105.6 + 0.5 H, = 110.1 m
C able imdjjTM+ipn a t sa d d le u n d e r
( 4b
at higher foundation, ^

4x5.6 + 4.5
= arctan = 7 7.5'

4 bd.- h '
at lower foundation, ß^

4 x5 6 -4 .5 =
=arctan 7.7"
Horizontal distance of lowest point of parabola from higher
132.6- .X 4.5
Foundation e , —x 1+ 1+ ; ed = 7 9 .6 2 m
d 2 4bd 2 4x5.6

h . h2 4.5 . 2
Maximum sag, = b^+ —+= 5.6 + — +
2 ■d x

Check for
The following lines are drawn side elevation: -
the freeboard line at = 95.88 m 90.88+
elevationH FL+5.0
the main cable parabola with its lowest point at horizontal
distance of ed (=79.62 m)and vertical distance
from main cable saddle elevation at higher foundation.
Approximate windguycable arrangement elevation fo r
upstream or downstream, whichever is lower.

From the above layout, it is found that the freeboard line within
water course clears all the cable alignments.
Approximate freeboard: main cables = 11.14 m
windguy cables = 7.60
Length o£_dead loaded cables^ L j
1(h\ 'V 4,5 \2 , 8( 5.6 ' 2
1+ +- = 132.6 1+ +
Ld = ix 2 i 132.6 3 \ 132.6

L h = 133.31 m
Constant factory C
64EA 64x110x3348
C= c = 0.02528
31s x L 3x132.6

Sag caJNulation[ 7 . 3 . 7]
HjojsJjjig [oad sag iteration
1st iteration
[01 b* = 0.93xbd =0.93x5.6 = 5.21 m

[ 1 ] = cxb*x^b*2 -b 2 ^ j+ y - x g d

= 0. 02528 k 5 .2 1 x { 5.21 2 x1.028 = 0.401 kN/m


[2 ] new b* = bd + (b*M -bd)x9 i ~ 9d \gi = gh = 0.288kN/m\

9 M -9 ,
■5.6+ (5.21-5 .6 )x = 5.14 m
[ 3 ] Ag. =g, 0.288 - 0.425
-g = -0.113 kN/m
[ 4 ] |A < 7 ,| = 0 .1 1 3 > 0.01 Not ok

2nd iteration

[ 0 ] b* = newb* = 5.14 m
[1 ] g * = 0.02528 x5. x 1.028 0.302 kN/m
[2 ] new b* = 5.6+ (5 .1 4 -5.6)-> = 5.13 m
[3] Ag, =0.288-0.302 -0.014 kN/m
[4] \5g,\ = 0.014 >0.01 Not ok !

3ld iteration
[ 0 ] b * = newb* = 5.13m
[1 ] g* =0.02528x 5 .1 3 x (5 . 13s - 5 .6 s )+x 1.028 0.288 kN/m
[ 2] newb* = 5.6+ (5.13-5.6)x 5 .1 3 m
[31 M, = 0.28-0.288 = 0

14 |A <7(.| = 0 < 0.01 Ok! Stop iteration


Hm jtuig load, sag. bh = 5.13

Fjdl load sa_g b j ijeja^ipn
1st iteration
[0] b* = 1.22xbd =1.22x5.6 6,83 m
[1] g* = cxb*x(b*2-b[)+ — *9«

= 0.02528 x 6.83x(6.832 - 5.62)+— x = 3.894 kN/m

[2] new b* = bd+(p*o/d- bdg; = g,= 4.413 kN/m
9 o ld _

= 5.6 + (6.83 -5.6) 7.05 m
[3 ] g.= g.
A 4.405-3.894
-g* = 0.511 kN/m
[ 4 ] \f\g.\ = 0.511 >0.01 Not ok!

2nd iteration
[01 b* = new b* = 7.05 m
[11 g* = 0.02528x7.05x(7.052 -5.62)+ — x1.028 = 4.563 kN/m
' 5.60
4.405-1.028 6.99 m
[21 new b* = 5.6+ (7.05-5.6) x- =
[3] Ag=4.405 - 4.563 = 0.158
[4] \Sg \ = 0.158 > Not ok!

3rd iteration
[0] b* = new b* — 6.99 m
[ 1/ g* = 0.02528(k 5.62)+^-x1.028 = 4.376 kN/m
[2] new b* = 5.6+ (6 = 7,0 m
[3] Ag, =4.405 - 4.376 = 0.029 kN/m
[4 ] \s g \ = 0.029 > 0.01 Not ok!

4lh iteration
[0] b* = new b * = 7,0 m
[1 ] g* = 0.02528x 7.0x(7.02 = 4,407 kN/m
[2] newb* = 5.6+ (7.0 - 5.6)x = 7,0 m
[3 ] Ag,. =4.405-4.407 = 0.002kN/m
[4] = 0.002 < 0.01 ok! Stop iteration.

F u ji load sa_g = 7,0 m

MjnOjmam tension qt_ full load
4 x bf h
T —-------- x
M 8xb V ~T~

4.405x132.6£ xM + 4_x70_ + 45_ = 1424 kN

8x7.00 132.6

Safety faxjjrrfor cable tension

4428 = 3.11 >3.0 ok!
C a lc u la tio n of final

Symbol Formulas Unit Hoisting Dead Full

load load load
t m 132.6
h m 4.5
Am Initial mm 2764
Ah Layout mm
A data mm
8 KN/m 0.288 1.028 4.405
b m 5.13 5.60 7.00

Final results

ß i arctan ^ 4 x 6+6 ^ deg 10.7 1 1 .5 13.8

l * )

ß2 arctan]
( 4x b - deg 6.9 7.7 10.0
[ t \
e t \ m 80.8 79.6 77.0
—Xi i + *
2 4 x 6 1______________

f , hh2 m 7.63 8.08 9.43

6 + - + -------
2 16x6
L " lih ) 2 H—8 i — m 133.21 133.31 133.66
t X 1+ ----- è V
2 f
Z Vt )
3 t
Jv V J
H kN 123.4 403.5 1383.1

T,„ax H kN 126 412 1424

cos ß]

T M. max T x—
kN 86 340 1175

Tm ------- x ——
H Am kN 103 336 1159
cosß , A

T H. max _ A ,. kN 22 72 248

Th H
------- X ^ -
Ay kN 22 71 245
cos ß 2 A
CaJxujMMon of_data fo r d e a d [oaded ca b le and
c U a r a jic e

The equation of main cable parabola with its origin at lowest

point is-

y =j¥L-'x(jxd)^ with f d=8.08m; ed = 79.60 and

l( n d/f
with fj—9.43 et = 77.00 m

Here, i = integer 1,2,3,4- etc.

Taking d=5.0 m, the ordinates (y,) of the parabola from its lowest
point are calculated in the following table

The ordinates fo r all load case are calculated only fo r the flat
ground surface in front of main foundation where fully loaded cable
may not have a minimum of 30 cm clearance above the ground level.

i i.d Yid Yif Remarks

(m) (m) (m)
1 5 0.03 Origin at —
2 10 0.13 ed= 79.6 mfromhigherfoundation at
3 15 0.29 dead load case
4 20 0.51 Cf= 77.0 mfrom higher foundation at full
5 25 0.81 load case
6 30 1.15
7 35 1.56
8 40 2.04
9 45 2.58
10 50 3.19 3.98 - cable anchorage at lower foundation
at dead load case
11 53 3.58 -4.81
12 55 3.86 4.92 - cable anchorage at lower foundation
at full load case
13 55.6 - 5.73
14 60 4.59 6.72
15 65 5.39 7.79
16 70 6.25 8.95
17 75 7.13 9.43 - higher anchorage at full load case
18 77 - -

19 79.6 8.08 - higher anchorage at dead load case

Plot ofjnain cable parabola

Mark the lowest point of the parabola at higher


With origin at the lowest point, plot the coordinates [(id),

from above table on either side of the origin upto the front of
main foundation.

Join then the plotted points to get main cable parabola at dead
load case.

For fu ll load case, only the points front of either foundation are
plotted to measure £/.

Compilation of Final Data [ 7 . 3 . 8 ] ; C a b le S tru c tu re s
Bridge No. & Name: Design example Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi

A) Initial Data (refer to 7 .3 .6 and GA)

Nominal span, s = 132.10 m

Anchorage type (drum) = Drum /
Main cable nM = 4 /
<|>M = 40 mm
Am = 2764 mm2
Handrail cable nH = 2 /
<t>H = 26 mm
Ah = 584 mm2
Total Metallic Area = A m + Ah = 3348 mm2
Total break =Tm,break + Th,break 4428 kN
Windguy cable nw = 2 /
<t>w = 26 mm
E-Module = 110 kN/mm2
Design span t = 132.60 m
h = 4.50 m
bd = 5.60 m
ed (from higher foundation) = 79.60 m
fd (from higher foundation) = 8.08 m
Pi,d (at higher foundation) = 11.50 deg
p2,d (at lower foundation) = 7.70 deg
Cable anchorage elevations:
Left Bank Windguy cable, upstream =(appx) 97.50 m
Main Cables = 105.60 m
Windguy cable, downstream =.(appx) 96.40 m
Right Bank Windguy cable, upstream =.(appx) 102.60 m
Main Cables = 110.10 m
Windguy cable, downstream =.(appx) 102.30 m
Approximate freeboard Main cables = 11.14 m
Wind cables =.(appx) 7.60 m
Walkway steel deck = 0.37 kN/m
Live load p = 3.377 kN/m
Hoisting load 9h = 0.288 kN/m
Dead load 9d = 1.028 kN/m
- Full load 9* = 4.405 kN/m
B) Data from Main Calculation

Full Load: bf — 7.0 m

Tm ax = 1 4 .32 kN
Safety factor = 3.1 1 /


C) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

Load Case Load Tension Sag Horiz.Dist. e Lowest point Elevation

g Tmax b Vert.Dist.f
(kN/M) (kN) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Hoisting 0.288 126 5.13 80.8 7.63 102.47
Dead Load 1.028 412 5.60 79.6 8.08 102.02
Full Load 4.405 1424 7.00 77.0 9.43 100.67
Live Load 3.377
Data of Cable Structure
SIDE E L E V A T IO N (d ead load)

Also transfer all the remaining data and results displayed [

D) Data to be Transferred to the General Arrangement

Parameter 1) Higher Foundation 2) Lower Foundation

T M ,f 1175 kN 1159 kN
TH.t 248 kN 245 kN
ß. 13.8 Deg 10 deg
£i 12 Deg 9 deg
Cable Tension and Inclination of Full Load Case and Actual Front slope

Related standard drawing [ 7 . 3 . 9]

Drawing number Drawing title
01 Walkway fo r 4 main cables
M a in fo u n d a tio n s r ig h t hanky on r o c k
Initial layout data [ 7 . 4 . 5 ]
C J m r a ^ le jjj_ ti£ s _ o f [ o u j u l a j j j m

Type of bridge Inclined Suspended

River bank Right, higher foundation
Cable anchorage type Drum type, without foot
Foundation on rock
Cable struyrjure
Number of main cables nM - 4
Main cable tension TM f= 1175 kN
Handrail cable tension Tut 248 kN
Cable inclination ßf = 13.8 deg
Front slope of rock or stone pitching £j - 12 deg
Rock parameters
Rock at depth = 0 m
Sliding friction angle 0 ,/ - 35 deg
Rock quality coefficient k = 1.75
Ground bearing pressure Operm “ 450 kN/m2
Front slope of rock or stone pitching £/ = 12 deg
Minimum embedded depth t= 1 m

F ou n d a tio n d im en sion s
Foundation dimensions minimum maximum
Back height 1.50 4.00
Front height H2 0.80 4.00
Width B 5.00 8.50
Length L 2.90 5.00
Back to C.G. distance ge rods, 1.00 -

Triad va luer fo r founMMdw n [ 7 . 4 . 6 ]

Dimensions (m) T ria l Remark
Back height H, 2.50 The dimensions
Front height 1.10 compiled were found
by iteration with
Width B 6.80 regard to economical
Length L 3.10 design
Active p ressureheight
As the slope behind foundation is rocky: ha = 0
Unit weight of stone masonry ¡Table 4. 4. 4] kN/m'1
Unit weight of concrete [Table 4. 4. 4] -2 2
AAdjjional load on tap o f f o u n ^ j j j m [6. 2. 4]
(Dimension of retaining wall as given in General Arrangement)

A, = 3.10x0.7x1.0x22 = 47.74 kN

= 2 •x0.5 x (3.0 - 0.7)x 0.7 x 1.0x 22 = 35.42 kN

al = 6.8-0..5x0.7 = 6.45 m

a, =6.8-0.7--(3.0-0.7) = 5.33 m

A - A i +A2 = 4 7 .7 4 + 35.4 = 83.16 kN ~

_ A,xa, + A2 x a 2_ 47.74x6.45 + 35.42x5.33 = 5.97 m

A, + ~A2
~ 47.74 + 35.42

Cafctdgjjxm ofj^esijUant loadins for£es_and s4atic_ moments

In itia l layout data Remarks
Foundation type :Drumanchorage on rock

Foundation :back height m

:front height H.2 = l. l 0 H2 > t
(= lm ) ok!
:breadth =

.'length L= 3.10 m

C h e ck -
: a = arctan —1----- - 11.6 < 18°, ok
Bottom inclination L B
Cable tensions : main cable

, a, i
:h andrail cable TH= 248 kN
: cable (3= 13.8° m
Active earth pressure coefficient fully rock
Loading forces moments

Loading fo rc e L ever arm

M oment
Vert. H o r iz . Di st.
Rv Ru F o rm u la (kN -m )
F orm ula (m)
(kN) (kN)

Load fro m fo u n d a tio n

H.+ 3,84 3206.3
W, =0.5 x(/7, + H 2 834.8 3 H x+

W:=0.95 xBxLxyc 440.6 - 0.5 B 3.4 1498.0

L oad fromf o u n d a t i o n
83.16 - a 5.97 496.5
T o t a l l o a d = .A
Load fro m ble te n sio n
- 1 1 4 1 .1 H 2+ 0.7 1
T mi , = T„, x c o s ß
L/n, x cosß - 240.8 H 2+ 1.95 3.05 (-1740.5
280.3 0.25
L Mv = Lm x cosß - - 70.5
59.2 0.25 14.8


x sin ß -

I 1698.1 1381.9 2497.3

Volujne_ o f j o u mhrtjj
, W. +W, 834.8 + 440.6
Vol = ----- - = ------------------ Vol = 57.97 m3
( \
Rjl 1381.9^
<5« - arctan - arctaj 39.1 deg
V Rv
1698.1 ,

B* _
2 Rvx (l + tan6xtan<5ß)
_______ 2497.3__________
— = 1.26
1698.1 x (l + tan 1 1.6" x tan 39.1")

C heck fo r

— = 1 . 2 6 m> - (=
2 6
S a fe ty f a c t o r g_gajjis j_ t o p p l i n g [ 6 . 4 . 4 ]

M5_ _ 5285.7
1.9 > ok!
~WT ~ 2788.4
S tr e s s d is jjf^ ittm n a n d m tm b e _ ro d s _ [ 6 . 2 . 7 ]
"Uncracked" condition at inclined base
K = Rv xcos a + Ru xsin a = 1698. l x cos 11.6" + 1381.9 x sin 11.6" = 1941.3
B 6.8
B’ = 6.94 m
cosa cosí 1.6 '
B_ 1.26
B * l 2 ________
=1.29 m
2 cosa cos 11 .6 °
B' B*' 6.94
= — = ---- = - ------- 1.29 =2.18
2 2
6x e' 1941.3 6x2.18
a mux = ByL 1± -x 1 ± Gmax = 260.3
B' 6.94x3.1 6- 94
Since B*/2 < B/3, anchor rods are necessary.
B'-o „ 6.94-(-79.8)
X' = 1.63 in
^ m in ® max
(-79.8) - 260.3

a - = 4 -1 .2 9 -1 « = 5.11 m
2 3 3

b = 5 - 5 - — = 6 .8 -1 .0 -1 .2 6 =4.54 m
Frnin \* _a 79.8x1.63x3.1 5.11
As - x ------ xlOO =1194.4 mm2
2 <t ocomb ~~b 2-19 4.54
4x 4x1194.4
N = kx = 1.75x N = 5 nos
n..d~ 25 ■
Minimum number of anchor rods for 4 main cables = 4 nos
UUinmte_ b e a rin g e> re_s
B*/2 (=1.26 m) < B/3 (=
4 x R,, 4x1941.3
' max .ult = 323.6 kN/m2
3 B*Y L 3x2x1.29-3.1
Gmax.uit ( =323.6kN/m 2)< operm ( = 4 5 0 ok!
Safety factor against sliding [ 6 . 5 . 2 / 6 . 6 . 1]
R' Rh xcos a + Rvx sin a = 1381.9xcos 11.6" - 1698.lx s in 11 .6 " = 1012.2 kN
As = N x n / 4x252 = 5xn/4x252
land , x Rv + As
F s, [with anchor rods considered]
tan 35" x 1941.3 + 2454 x 0.075
=1.52 > 1.5 ok!
tan <f> x Rv
[with anchor rods neglected]
tan 35" x 1941.3
=1.34 > 1.3 ok!
C o m p ila tio n o f F in a l D ata [ 7 . 4 . 7 ] ; M a in F o u n d a tio n , R / B

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 1 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi

A) and B) Initial Data (refer to 7 . 4 . 5 )

C) Main Calculation

1) Load on top of foundation

Total load A = 8 3 .1 6 kN
Front to C.G. distance a = 5 .9 7 m

2) Soil/rock heights
Active pressure height ha = - m
Rock height at back hT = f ul l height m
Embedded depth t = 1.2 m
Depth of additional soil t* = 0 m

3) Soil parameters
Front slope of soil (top of dry stone
pitching) £i = ~ deg
Slope of soil baseline £b = ~ deg
Length of influence L infl = - m
Back slop of soil ¥ = ~ deg

4) Foundation dimensions
Back height Fh = 2.5 m
Front height h2 = 1.1 m
Width B = 6 .8 m
Length L = 3.1 m
Base inclination a = 1 1 .6 deg
Distance to resultant force B* / 2 = 1.26 m
L* / 2 = 1.55 m

5) Safety factors
Sliding FSL = 1.52 /
Bearing capacity FBC = - /
Toppling F t = 1 .9 0 /
Slope stability Fs = - /

6) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation or minimum Nos. N = 5 /

C) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report)
As the rock is good, no additional anchorage is provided.

Delta to be tjxmjfe_rred_to t_he G etiera l
All initial data arid rejufts the frame ]

Related_ stamdardDrawings [ 7 . 4 . 8 ]

Drawing number Drawing title

Main cable anchorage for 4 main
61 cables (capacity: 1220 kN)

Main foundation for 4 main cables

61/2(26) (related drawings: 61, 63(26))

Handrail cable anchorage (capacity:

63(26) 260 kN)
M a in f d u n ^ u t i o n o n so ils l e f t [7 .
l j u t i a l l a j o u t d a ta [ 7 . 4 . 5]
Foundajtion CJmjmcjejnMicA
Type of bridge Inclined Suspended
River bank Left, lower foundation
Cable anchorage type Drum anchorage
Foundation on soil
Cable struyyjurecharacteristics
Number of m a i n cables nM — 4 nos
Main cable tension TMf— 1159 kN
Handrail cable tension T jh= 245 kN
Cable inclination ßf = 10 deg
Front slope of rock stone pitching £i 9 deg
Soil parameters
Sub-soil at depth = 3.2 m
Friction angle of sub-soil 0/ = 30 deg
Unit weight of sub-soil Yi = 18 kN/m2
Friction angle of backfilling soil 02 = 22 deg
Unit weight of backfilling soil 72 = 17 kN/m2
Ground water at depth = very deep

Ground bearing pressure t-tpe rm 300 kN/m2

Minimum Embedded depth t = 1.7 m

F ou n d a tio n imen s i o n s

Foundation dimensions (m) minimum maximum

Back height H, 1.5 4.0
Front height 1.2 4.0
Width B 6.2 9.5
Length L 2.9 5.0

Trial values for foundation dimensions [ 7 . 4 . 6 ]

Dimensions (m) Trial Remark
Back height H, 4.0 The dimensions compiled
Front height h2 2.5 were found by iteration
Width B 7.0 with regard to
Length L 4 .7
economical design

A c tiv e p re jjsu re h a= 6 .0 m
haJ = 1.05m
E m b e d d e d d e p th t = 2 .0 m

I n c lin a tio n o f fr o n t s lo p e £ = 1 9 .0 deg

In c lin a tio n o f b a ck s lo p e y/ = 1 1 . 0 deg

U n it w e ig h t o f d r y s to n e m a s o n r y Yd = 2 0 .0
U n it w e ig h t o f c e m e n t m a s o n r y Y,n = 2 2 . 0 k N /m 3
U n it w e ig h t o f c o n c r e te Yc = 2 2 .0

A d d ijj^jm l load on tjm o f fo u n d a tio n [ 6 . 2 . 4 ]

A = —x 0.7 x 1.05 x 4.7 x 22 A = 7 6 .0 k N

a= 6 .6 5 m
a =7 .0 - —x0.7

QoefficUnd o f h o rizo n ta l a ctive earth pressure [6 . 2 . 3]

COS2 02
Kih ~ w i t h 5 = —</>-,
/sin(02 +ô)xsm( 3
cos <5xcosy/

cos' 0-,

sin(22 + -x 2 2 )x sin (2 2 -ll)

cos —x 22 x cos 11

Aah = 0.4742

Base inclijm
H .-H , 4 .0 -2 .5
tan a = a = 1 2 .1 d e g
B 7.0

C heck for. ÇL
a = 12.1 deg < 15 deg ok!

ÇaJçulMjjon ofJ^ogMJjigforçe_s

L o a d in g fo r c e L e v er arm
M o m e n t,
V ert. H o riz. D ist. Mf
Rv Rh ( kN-m)
F o rm u la F o rm u la
(kN) (kN) (m )

L o a d fr o m fo u n d a tio n B 2H . + H ,
V 1 3 .7 7 8 8 6 8 .5
W, = O . S X ( H , + H 2) 2 3 5 2 .4 ~ 3 77, + IF

W2 =0.95x(£-1.2)xLxyr 5 6 9 .7 0 .5 B + 0 .6 4 .1 2 3 3 5 .8

L o a d fr o m fo u n d a tio n
to p , T o ta l lo a d = A 7 6 .0 - a 6 .6 5 5 0 5 .4

A c tiv e e a rth p r e s s u r e

Fan " 2 xL x y 2

- 6 6 1 .1 y ^ - i f + it. 0 .4 ( - )264
V _ h a +2K\ ,, h„ ~ K\
1E ah ~ q 'N , . j
3 +

Eav tanj^|x 0
= E (lhx 2
1 7 3 .0 - B 7 .0 1 2 4 9 .5

L o a d fr o m c a b le
te n sio n

T mi ,= T 1 1 4 1 .4 H 2+ 0 .7 3 .2 (-)3 6 5 2 .

Tin, = T h x c o s (3 2 4 1 .3 H2 + 1.9 4 . 4 5 (-)1 0 7 3 .

TMv= T Mx c o s f > 2 0 1 .3 1 .4 5 2 9 1 .9

T hv = T // j3 4 2 .5 1 .4 5 6 1 .6

I 3 4 1 4 .9 2 0 4 3 .8 8 3 2 2 .0

V o J jim e ofJou

, W .+W , 2352.4 + 569.7

Vol = --------- - = -------------------- V ol = 1 3 2 .8 m
Yc 22
T o ta l v e r tic a l fo rc e R v = 3 4 1 4 .9 kN
T o ta l h o r iz o n ta l fo r c e Rh = 2 0 4 3 .8 kN
T o ta l m o m e n ts
T o ta l p o s itiv e m o m en t M + = 1 3 3 1 2 .7 k N -m
T o ta l n e g a tiv e m o m en t M '= 4 9 9 0 .7 k N -m
A l g e b r a i c su m o f s ta tic m o m e n t a b o u t F; M f = 8 3 2 2 .0 k N -m
I_ n c lin a tio n

RH 2043.8
lan S „ = —— _
Sr= 3 0 .9 d e g
Rv 3414.9
B :' Mr 8322.0 R*
—= 2 .1 6 m
Rv x ( l + tanaxtan<5„) 3414.9 x ( l + tan 12. lx tan 30.9) ’ 2

Check fa r BJV2
B * /2 =2 .1 6 >
m B/4 ( = 1.75 m)ok!

F actor o£_safety_ a ^a in si 4 . 4]
_ tan 0, _ tan 30"
F si= 1.70
s' ~ tan(<5^ - a) “ tan(30.9° -12.1")

F actor o£_ safe ty_ a g a in st toppling [6 . 4 . 4]

M + _ 13312.7
F j= 2 .6 7
M _ ” 4990.7

U ltijn a te b e a n n g c a p a city cmd safety fa c to r

a ^ a in s j shear. faJFure ojÇthe g ro uird [6 . 5 . 4 ]

jL * infi.= 4.3xB *= 4 . 3 x 2 x 2 . 1 6 1 8 .6 m

F rom G e n e r a l A rra n g e m e n t,
At L * i nfi,= 1 8 . 6 m e B= 1 9 . 0 d e g
q = 9 .0 k N m 2

S u r c h a r g e lo a d , ( y d + q ) = (1 8 x 2 + 9) = 4 5 k N /m 2

B e a rin g c a p a c ity f a c to r s = 3 0 °); N q =18.4

N r= 1 8 . 1
C o rre c tio n fa c to r f o r

shape = 0 . 9 2 a n d (pi = 30 " Sq=153

S y = 0 .6 3

d q= 1 . 1 3
d e p th — = 0 .4 6 a n d (p/ = "
B* d Y= 1 . 0 0

in c lin a tio n o f lo a d . 9" a n d

( S B= 3
0 iq= 0 .3 9
iy = 0 .2 7

in c lin a tio n o f f o u n d a tio n b a s e (o c = 1 2 .1 ° a n d b q= 0 . 7 8

b y= 0. 7 2

in c lin a tio n o f b a s e lin e ( £ B= 1 9 .0 ° ) gq = gy = 0 . 6 4

S h e a r_ resO t_ajice_

P* = B* OV + (l ) N ,l s ,ld,li llb'„ + 7, * x ¿\.

= 2 x 2 .1 6 x 4 .7 x |4 5 .0 x l8 .4 x l.5 3 x l.l3 x 0 .3 9 x 0 .7 8

+ - x l8 . 0 x 2x2.16x18.1 x 0.63 x 1.0 x 0.27 x 0.72 |x 0.64


= 6 7 7 8 .7 kN

Pj 6778.7
= 7 .9 9 2 .0 9 ok!

Gzojund bearing ¡n^jjsurJL [6 • 7]

B B* B
T h e c a s e is: e c c e n tr ic lo a d w ith — > — > —
2 3 3

On in c lin e d bas_e

Rv= Rv cos = 3 7 6 7 .5 kN
a + R „ sin« = 3414.9xcosl2.1" + 2043.8xsin 12.1"

B 7.0
B' =■ =7 .1 6 m
cosa cosl2.1"

B* */2
B 2.16
=2 .2 1 m
cos« cosl2.1"

<?„ 1+ 3.i i - iq i
B'xL b') \
3767.5 (, 2 x2 .1 6 ')!
1+ 3 x = 2 4 5 .2 k N /m 2 < G ,n, nn (= 300 ok!
7.16x4.7 1 7.16 JJ

R ^ jjv f o r c ^ jjw n l [ 7 . 4 . 6 ]

a ... x L (l.2cos a - H 2sin a ) 2

ASi = ■x-
0.414 (772 xcosa + 1,2 x s in a -0 .2 0 )

245.2x4.7 (l.2cosl2.1" - 2 . 5 sin 12.1")3

-x- = 470
0.414 (2.5 cos 12.1" +1.2 sin 12.1" -0.2 0)

MJjujmun rein fo rcem en t

A s i ( m i n ) = 0 . 0 2 % o f H 2 XL = = 2350 m nf
A .r
N o. o f 16 mm 0 r e in f o r c e m e n t b a rs , N = 2350 - 7 7 7

Provide^ 12 n o s Q_J_6 m m n b b e d t o r s t e e ] bars_.

Compilation of Final Data [7.4. 7]; Main Foundation, L/B
Bridge No. & Name: Design example 1 Date: April 2004 Checked by N. L. Joshi
A) and B) Initial Data (refer to 7 . 4 . 5 )

C) Main Calculation

1) Load on top of foundation

Total load A = 76.0 kN
Front to C.G. distance a = 6.65 m

2) Soil/rock heights
Active pressure height ha 6 . 0 m
Active pressure height ha 1 = 1.05 m
Embedded depth t = 2 . 0 m
Depth of additional soil t' - 1 .0 m

3) Soil parameters
Front slope of soil (top of dry stone
pitching) £1 19.0 deg

Slope of soil baseline £b = 19.0 deg

Length of influence L*infl. - 18.6 m
Back slop of soil ¥ = 1 1 . 0 deg

4) Foundation dimensions
Back height Ht 4.0 m
Front height h2 - 2.5 m
Width B : 7.0 m
Length L = 4.7 m
Base inclination a - 1 2 . 1 deg
Distance to resultant force B* / 2 = 2.16 m
L* / 2 : 2.35 m

5) Safety factors
Sliding FSL 1.70 /
Bearing capacity FBC = 1.99 /
Toppling Ft : 2.67 /
Slope stability Fs : - /

6) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation or minimum Nos. N 1 2 /

C) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report)
D ata to be_ tj^m ^ferred W the G eneral
AM i j n t i a l d a t a and re_sults_ d isth e

fra m e <------------- >

R e la te d , s t a n d a r d D r a w in g s [ 7 . 4 . 8 ]

D r a w in g n u m b e r D r a w i n g title

61 M a in c a b le a n c h o r a g e f o r 4 m a in c a b le s
( c a p a c ity : 1 2 2 0 kN )

M a in f o u n d a tio n f o r 4 m a in c a b l e s
6 1 /1 (2 6 )
[ r e l a t e d d r a w in g s : 6 1 & 6 3 ( 2 6 ) }

H a n d r a il c a b le a n c h o r a g e
63(26) ( c a p a c ity : 2 6 0 kN)


G eneral Ajj^aj i ^ m ^ n d
W in d g u y a r r a n g e m e n t is g e n e r a l l y p r o v i d e d f o r L S T B (s p a n > 1 2 0 m )
b r id g e .

P la c in g o f w in d g u y a n c h o r a g e f o u n d a tio n s :

The fo u n d a tio n lo c a tio n s h o u ld a v o i d

• d r y g u lly (s h o w n b y c o n c a v e c o n to u r s ) on rig h t b a n k d o w n s tr e a m side.
• s te e p s lo p e on left b a n k d o w n s tr e a m o f th e a x is o r d e r to g e t
a n g le £ f o r b e t t e r v a lu e o f groun
• the c a b le a lig n m e n t s h o u ld b e a b o v e the f r e e b o a r d line a t e le v a tio n
9 5 .8 8 m.

S in ce the rig h t a s w e l l a s the left b a n k u p s tr e a m s id e h a s n o p r o b

p l a c e m e n t o f fo u n d a tio n s , the left b a n k d o w n s t r e a m fo u n d a tio n ,
b e f i x e d fir s t.

F ro m g r a p h ic a l d e te r m in a tio n ,
CL ~ 1 1 .7 0 m D L (-) 1 5 .5 0 m

The u p s tr e a m w in d g u y p a r a b o l a s h a ll b e a r r a n g e d s y m m e tr ic a lly to the

d o w n s t r e a m w in d g u y p a r a b o l a .

h n tia lla y o u t data [ 9 . 4 . 6 ]

F r o m ca b le , s tru c tu re ^ a iu ily jb s
t = 1 3 2 .6 0 m
H, =1 1 0 .1 0 m
ft = 8 .0 8
r = 7 9 .6 0 m

F ar s ijs p e n d e f b rid g e

d = 6 .0 0 m

k = 0 .6 6 m

D e t ^ r m j j u U j x m w fn A g u ry p a r a b o l a in p l a n
(B oth u p s tr e a m a n d d o w n s t r e a m )

Vertex ofjjhe p a r a b o l a -
F ix f i r s t c r o s s b e a m a t 0 .4 0 m f r o m s a d d l e on r ig h t sid e.
F ix v e r te x a t 5 4 th c r o s s b e a m f r o m r ig h t s id e
V = 0 .4 0 + 5 3 xl.20V = 6 4 .0 m

W in d c u v c a b l e p a r a b o l a in [9.4.3]

y, = +2

F o r p r e v a i l i n g t o p o g r a p h i c a l c o n d itio n s , f i r s t f i x th e le ft b a n k
d o w n -s tr e a m w in d g u y c a b le end.
j = 0
y o -- C L X« := 11. m
= i -
x„ '■ v - d l = 1 3 2 .6 - 6 4 .0 9 - 1 5 .5 = 5 3 .1 0 m
= z l . (y„ 642
fw - 2.20) = x (11.7- . )
2 2 f w — 1 3 .8 0 m
X 2 53T

Ç x ü jç ijU u u m o f h w »
132.6-64 A2
h\v ~ x 1 = 13.80x -1 h \y = 2 .0 6 m

K 2.062 x 6 4 2
K =- bw = 1 4 .8 8
16/„■ x "2 V 16x13.8x -6 4
C h eck if bw =
8' '10
i 132.6
= 8.91; th u s b IV ~ ok!
bw 14.88

W m d g u j cable_ tension
wC 0.5x132.62
Hw = U w = 7 3 .8 5 kN
8K 8x14.88

2x /v \2 2x13.8 V
T r — H w x . jl + = 7 3 .8 5 , 1 + Tr = 8 0 .4 k N
v y
f 2xl3.8x(132.6-64 \2
Tl ~ H wx1+ 2 ^ - V > ï = 73.85.11 +

Tl = 8 1 .4 k N

max = 8 1 . 4 k N

Numbejj and diojiiejer o fjv jjjJ g u j cable

u w = __
N u m b e r o f w in d g u y c a b le (d /s o r u /s)
D ia m e te r o f w in d g u y c a b le (l)w= 2(5 m m

P e r m is s ib le te n sio n T p e r m -1 2 9 kN

Check, fa r tension
Tperm( = 1 2 9 k N ) > T max 8 1 .4 kN ) ok !
L ocation o f first wjjidties_
Br = V - ( d x i R) = 6 4 -6 x 8 ;
Bl - ( - V - ( d x i L)= 1 3 2 . 6 6x8; /?, = 7 0 .6 m

C gdculafw n o f ec# a nd QCj

2x fw
a R - arctan
o:p = /7.92 de.g
2x13 .8 '
= arctan — (6 4 -1 6 )

2x fw
a L = arctan {^(£-V -B l)
c t l = 1 7 .9 2
= arctan 2 X 0 , 8 (1 3 2 .6 -6 4 -2 0 .6 )

CadcudatLon of_CR_0 a_nd QLlo

CR0 = y r X ( V - B r )2 + t<mccRx B R+2,2

= (64 - 16)2 + tan 17.92° x 16.0 + 2.2; CR0= 1 5 .1 4 m


CL0 = ^ r X ( t - V - B L) 2 +tan ccL x B L+2.2

=^ x (132.6-64.0-2 0 .6 )2 + tan 17.92" x 20.6 + 2.2; C L 0 = 1 6 .6 2 m


T liese d a ta w ill b e th e s a m e f o r b o th u p s tr e a m a n d
d o w n s tr e a m w in d g u y a r r a n g e m e n ts as th e y a r e a r r a n g e d
sy m m e tric a lly .

W indguy foujjydadwn la y o u t data

The p o sitio n o f w in d g u y c a b le a n c h o ra g e fo u n d a tio n s a re
d e te rm in e d by -
lo c a tin g w in d g u y c a b le a x e s w ith th e p l o t o f C R o, C L 0 a n d
a a n g le s in t h e p l a n o f G e n e r a l A r r a n g e m e n t .

tra c in g th e o r e tic a l w in d g u y c a b le p a r a b o la .

d r a w i n g c r o s s - s e c t i o n s a l o n g th e a x is o f f o u r w i n d g u y c a b l e

d r a w in g f r e e b o a r d lin e in t h e c r o s s - s e c t i o n .

t a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t t h e L i m i t s a n d R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s g i v e n in
S e c t i o n 9. 4. 5.
U p stre a m : / // } = 702.6 m Hl = 97.5 m
D/?= -7 5.0 m Dl = - 15.9 m
d o w n stre a m : 77*= 702.5 m Hi = 9 6 .4 m

D a.= -75.5 m Z )L = - 7 5 .5

Calcudadion of_C_R and C±

F or d o w n stre a m w in d g u y c a b le
CR = y r X ( V - B R) 2 + t a n a Rx ( B R+ D R) + 2.2

- x (64 -1 6 ) 2 + tan 17.92" x (16 -13.5) + 2.2 C R= 1 0 .7 7 m

CL = y r X ( ( — V - B l )2 + tan a L x ( + D L) +2.2

13 8
= — V x ( l 3 2 .6- 6 4 - 20.6)2 + tan 17.92" x (20.6-15.5) + 2.2 C L= 1 1 .6 1 m

C aJxjdgjjjm o f wmdl_ie_s lengths [9.5]

d o w n s tr e a m w in d g u y a r r a n g e m e n t

1) D e J e ja illlin lio n . of_parc4

fw 13.80
y = ct4-x~ + <4; a, a4 = 0 .0 0 3 3
v- 642
c 4 = 2 .2 -7 ’ = 2 .2 - 0.66 c 4 = 1 .5 4

2) C c d c ijlajd jm
o f A h i . P.
A hLP,= y LP,x tan y

yL.P. = a d r - V ) 2+ 2.2-7
= 0.0037 x (79.6 - 64)2 + 2.2 - 0.66 y LP= 2 . 3 7 m
tan = ( 7 7 ,- / / , - / J x ( £ + D , + D L) - ( D R+ r ) x ( H L - H R)
(CR- 7 ) x (£+ D r + Dl

( l + D R+ D L) = 3
(l 2.6 -13.5 -15.5) = 103.6

( D +r) = (-13.5 + 79.6) = 66.1


(110.1-102.3-8.08) x 103.6-66.1x (96.4-102.3) 360.98

tan y 0 .3 3
( '0.77- n.661/103.6 66.1/i 10./7- '1.6 + 1102.92

A hLP,= 2.37x0.33 A hLP. = 0 . 7 8 m

3) D e p e z iE llU lli£ ll (2 f_pL 2

P a r a b o l a 1: a\ 9 a, = 0 .0 0 1 2 7 5
r" 79.62
£i A /i,,. c i - 0 .7 8 m

P a r a b o la 2: (U = H r p f jj ^¡2_lp_
( r + D R) 2

102.3 + 8.08 + 0.78-110.1

= 0 .0 0 0 2 4 2

c2 = 0

P a r a b o la 3: ,aP=
( t —r + D l ) 2

_ 96.4 + 8.08 + 078-110.1

= - 0 .0 0 3 4 4 4
(1 3 2 .6 -7 9 .6 -1 5 .5 )2

C3 = 0

4) C cd c u la tio n p f jy f n d tjd a t a 5. 7 ]

c/ ci = ^ A /;r + v i 2

D., = -x + 2.\7)2 +1

W h e re in :

x , = V - - B R- ( i - l ) x d = 64 -16 - (i -1) x 6 = 48 - (/' -1) x 6

= x, +79.6-64 = x, +15.6

1max j A + 1= 17

y, = <74x , ‘ +2.2 - 0.66 = 0.003358x,2 +1.54

- fo r x i > 0

Mi, = a ^ 'j+ A liLP.-cox ', 2

= 0.001275x ' i 2+0.78 - 0.00024a-',. 2

= 0.001033a ’, 2+00.78

= arctan(2xrt: x .v ',) = arctan(0.000484x'.)

- fo r x ’i < 0

Mi, = a ix'i 2+MiLP. - a :x ' , 2

= 0.001275a ', 2+0.78 + 0,003444a ',. 2 = 0.004719a '2 + 0 . 7 7 7

P, = arctan(2 x a3 x a ’,. ) = arctanlO.OOOSSSx^.)

S ta r tin g f r o m r ig h t s id e ( i = l ) th e d a ta a re c a lc u la te d
c o n tin u o u s ly u p to th e le f t s id e (I = i max) a s s h o w n in t h e f o l l o w i n g
ta b u la r c a lc u la tio n .
T a J ¿ u la r c¿ah¿ujM l[on le n g th s

c /c , Du,
i X, Xi A h i/ta n ß i
(m ) ( i n)
1 48 6 3 .6 1 0 .5 2
6 .2 7

2 42 5 7 .6 8 .5 7
6 .2 0

3 36 5 1 .6 6 .8 7

4 30 4 5 .6 5 .4 2

5 24 3 9 .6 4 .2 3
6 .0 6
6 18 3 3 .6 3 .2 7
v a lu e s 6 .0 3

7 12 2 7 .6 fo r 2 .5 6
6 .0 1
x ’i <
8 6 2 1 .6 2 .0 9
6 .0 0

9 0 1 5 .6 1 .8 5
6 .0 0

10 - 6 9 .6 \/ 1 .8 8
6 .0 1

11 - 12 3 .6 2 .1 7
6 .0 3
12 - 18 - 2 .4 2 .7 5
6 .0 7

- 24 - 8 .4 Take 3 .6 4
values 6.13

14 - 30 - 1 4 .4 fo r 4 .8 8
x ’i < o
15 - 36 - 2 0 .4 6 .4 9
6 .3 0

16 - 42 - 2 6 .4 8 .4 9
\/ 6.42

17 - 48 - 3 2 .4 1 0 .8 9

I 8 6 .5 7 9 7 .9 9

5) Ç a J ç u ] a ± i o n oj_f^jmç3i_

f i R = arctan[2i/, x (BR - r ) j

= arctan[2 x 0.000242(16 - 79.6)] & = -1 .7 6 '

f i L = arc tan [2<7, x )]

= arctan[2 x (-0.003444) x (79.6 -132.6 + 20.6)] ; (3l = 12.58°

6) Calculationof ER_ a n d J2i_

E — ïLa—
R cosaRx c o s f K

1 6 + (-1 3 .5 ) Er = 2.63 m
cos 17,92" xcos(-1.76)

B l + D l

el =
cos a L xcos /3l

20.6+ (-15.5)
cos 17.92" xcos 12.58"
Ei = 5A9 m

7) CabcuUrjwn ofjjrjçü [en_glho f _ ç a ble_s

l w( t o t ) = Z D wi + Er + E L+ o v e r l a p p i n g l e n g t h

= 97.99 +2.63 +5.49 x 1.25 =

E r(tot) = Z (c + 0 . 6 )

= 86.57 +17 = 96.77

U ^ t r ^ m w indguv cable stru ctu re

C a l c u l a t i o n f o r u p s t r e a m c a b l e s t r u c t u r e is n o t s h o w n h e r e , b u t
b e m a d e s i m i l a r to th e d o w n s t r e a m c a b le stru c tu re .
Compilation of Final Data [9.4.8]; W.G.Cable Structures
Bridge No. & Name: Design example 1 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi

A) Initial Data (refer to 9 . 4 . 6 and GA)

Bridge type (suspended or suspension) ? Suspended /

Design span i = 132.6 m
Horizontal distance r _ 79.6 m

Windguy cable nw _ 1 /
0W — 26 mm
Aw = 292 mm2
T w , break
— 386 kN

E-Module _ 1 1 0 kN/mm2

Cable anchorage elevation:

Left bank Windguy cable, upstream = 97.5 m •
Windguy cable, downstream - 96.4 m
Right bank Windguy cable, upstream = 1 0 2 . 6 m
H, — 1 1 0 . 1 m
Windguy cable, downstream - 102.3 m
Freeboard Windguy cables — 7.5 m

Loads: - Wind load W

_ 0.5 kN/m

B) Data from Main Calculations

Upstream Downstream

Theoretical hw - 2.06 m
bw - 14.88 m

fw = 13.80 m
Tr - 80.40 kN
Tl = 81.40 kN
Safety factor = 4.74 /

Layout otL _ 17.92 deg

OCR = 17.92 deg
C lo
= 16.62 m
= 15.14 m
C r0

- 11.61 m
C l

= 10.77 m
C r

- -15.50 m
- -13.50 m

- 96.40 m
H l

H r
- 102.30
Data to be_ namfe_rred_ to G eneral
1) \n to _ p la n

A ll r e s u lts d i s p l a y e d b y th e f r a m e I
2) In to I jr n jp r tu d jjw d s e c t i o n

- S e p a r a te lo n g itu d in a l se c tio n o f a ll fo u r c a b le en d s

- F reeboard

- Windguycable e l e v a t i o n ( H ) . i n c l i n a t i o n (/3) a n d t e n s i o n ( T) .

( m) (d eg ) (kN )

R ig h t bank:

u p s tr e a m 1 0 2 .6 80
d o w n s tr e a m 1 0 2 .3 -1 .7 6 80
L e ft b a n k :

u p s tr e a m 9 7 .5 .... 81

d o w n s tr e a m 9 6 .4 1 2 .5 8 81

3) In to cable Usl
Wi]ujgu_y caM_e_:

U p stre a m : num ber = 1

d ia m e te r = 26 mm

T o ta l c u ttin g length , L w- 1 0 8 . 6 1

d o w n stre a m : n u m b er = 1

d ia m e te r = 26mm

T o ta l c u ttin g length , L w (to t) = 1 0 8 .1 8 m

W in d tie s: d ia m e te r = 13 mm

T o ta l len gth , L T (to t) [ D / S ] - 97 m

R ela jed stajiAard_ draw ings [ 9 . 5 . 9 ]

Drawing number Drawing title
1 1 Windtie for windguy cable 13 mm (|)

In itia l la yout dat a[ 9 . 6 . 5 ]
Foundation Characteristics
R iv e r ban k R ig h t L eft
S id e d o w n s tr e a m d o w n s tr e a m
F o u n d a tio n on R ock s o il
W .G. c a b le s tr u c tu r e c h a r a c te r is t ic s

N um ber of w
indguyac b le nw
— 1 1

W in d g u y c a b le ten sion Tw = 8 0 .4 k N 8 1 .4 k N

C a b le in c lin a tio n P = -1 .7 6 ° 12. 5 8 °

F r o n t s lo p e £/ = 0 14. 2°

S o il p a r a m e t e r s
S u b - s o il a t d e p th =
- 2. 5 m
F ric tio n a n g le o f s u b - s o il 0/ = - 30°
U n it w e i g h t o f s u b -s o il Yi = - 1 7 k N /m 2
F r ic tio n a n g le o f b a c k fillin g so il; 02 = - 30°
U n it w e i g h t o f b a c k fillin g soil; Ï2 = - 1 7 k N /m
G r o u n d w a t e r a t d e p th = - -

G r o u n d b e a r in g p r e s s u r e emi - 200 kN
R ock p a ra m eters
R o c k a t d e p th =
0. 5 m -

S lid in g f r i c t i o n a n g le 0s7 = 35° -

R o c k q u a lity c o e ffic ie n t k = 1 .7 5 ~

G r o u n d b e a r in g p r e s s u r e Gperm ~ 400 kN -

M in im u m e m b e d d e d d e p th tmin ~ 0. 5 m 1. 0 m

D esign paraj/gMiJ-lSO-L7 no (fr 26 mm cabje

F o u n d a tio n on R ock Soil
F o u n d a tio n
m a x im u m m in im u m m a x im u m m in im u m
d im e n s io n s (m )
W id th B 2 .4 0 1 .7 0 2 .4 0 2.0 0
L en g th L 3 1.20 3 .5 0 1 .5 0
For [3 < 45" > 45" - <45" > 45"

F ro n t h e ig h t h j— 2 0 .4 0 .6 2 0.4 0 . 6
F ro n t h e ig h t U 2- H t + 0 .4 - H t + 0 .4
C .G . d i s t a n c e S= 0. 7 5 -

M a n u a f C a lc ijU ijjo ji [9 . 6 . 6 ]

The m a n u a l c a lc u la tio n a r e m a d e f o r righ t a n d bank d o w n stre a m

f o u n d a t i o n s only.

A d d itio n a l l o a d on to p o f fo u n d a tio n

L e ft b a n k d o w n s tr e a m

Sod (Y = 17 kNAn)
A, — 0 .5 x (1.7+0.5)x l x x 17 = 2 8 .0 5 kN

- 1 2x1.7 + 0.5 , c
a, - x ---------------- + 1.5 = 2 .1 m
3 1.7+ 0.5

M a s o n r y re ta in in g w a l l ( y - 2 2 k N /m 3)

A2 = 0 .5 x0.4 = 6 .6 kN

Cl2 — 1.1+0.5x 0 .4 = 1 .3 m

A — A , + A 2 = 2 8 .0 5 + 6 .6 A = 34.65 kN
28.05x2.1 + 6.6x1.3
a = a = 1.95 m
28.05 + 6.6
C a lç jd a jjjo n o fj^ a d in g fo rces a n d @ F

F o r m u la s R ig h t b a n k d o w n s L e ft b an k
d o w n s tr e a m d o w n s tr e a m

Loads L ever arm Rv Rh arm My Rv Rn arm MF

m (kN ) (m ) (kN-m) (kN ) (kN ) (m ) (kN-m)

Dead wt. of foundation

W = H ' + H 1xB x L B / / , + / / ,85.80

2 - 1.05 90.20 148.5 - 1.3 192.50
2 c — X --------------
3 Ht+H2

L o a d on to p - - 34.65 1.95 67.57


E a rth p r e s s u r e

YEah-H ,-0.1-H 2 - - - - 39.93 0.38 15.17

y hn + 2/lnl „ -
I Eah Q 7 , 7
3 K +
14.53 2.50 36.33
Eav= E ahxtan(3 B

C a b le te n s io n l o a d
7\ = T x c o s f ] 80.36 0.5 -40.181 79.46 1.20 -95.35
Tv = T x s in f i 0 2.47 0 0 -17.67 0 0

88.27 80.36 - 50.02 195.18 119.39 - 216.22


V o lu m e

Vol =— 3.90 in 6.75 rn


B o tto m c lin a tio n

/ H x+ 0 . 1 - / / ,
a - arctan 14.04 deg 11.31 deg
In c lin a ti n o f re s u lta n t
i P \
5 k = arctar, R" 42.32 deg 31.45 deg
v J

L o c a tio n o f r e s u lta n t
B *_ MF
2 Rvx ( 1 + tana x tan SR)
0 .4 6 0 .9 9 m

R JyJu b a n k , f o u n d a t i o n rock

S a fe ty factory a g a in s t to p p lin g

Ft 2.22 > 1.5 ok!

S tr e ss d is tr i b u tw n q m j n u m b e r o f a n c h o r r o d s 7]

“u n c r a c k e d ” c o n d itio n a t the in c lin e d b a s e

Rv = Rv
c osa + Rh
sin a

8 8 . 2 7 x cos 1 4 .0 4 ° + 8 0 .3 6 x sin 14.04" Rv =

B _ 2.0
B’ B '= 2 .0 6 m
cosa cos 14.04"

5*/2 _ 0.46
— = 0 .4 8 m
cosa cos 14.04" 2

/ 2.06
e 0.48 e' - 0 .5 5 m

6 x<?'
a max 1±
min BL B'

105.12 6x0.55
x Tmax = 88.9
2.06x1.5 2.06

Tmin = - 2 0 .9 1 k N /m 2

S in c e B * 72 < B /3 anchor

B \a ,
^ min ® max

2.06 x (-20.91)
x ' — 0 .3 9 m
-2 0 .9 1 -8 8 .9 0

= 2 .0 6 -0 .4 8 - a = 1 .4 5 m

b =5 -5 -

= 2.0 - 0.75 - 0.46 b = 0 .7 9 m

cr... Ix a
2(7 /. p e rm 1*

| - 20.9 l|x 0.39x1.5 1.45 2

A s = 0 .4 9 cm
2.23 0.79

, 4 xAs , 4x0.49
N = k x -------4. = 1.75x--------- - = 0.
n x d ~ 2.5'

M in im u m n u m b e r o f a n c h o r r o d s ( 2 5 =2)

P ro v id e 2 nos 2 5 m m 0 v ertica l anchor^ rods.

Uhimate bearing pressure

4xR w 4x105.12
m a x.« //.
= 97.33 kN/m
3 x B * \ L 3x2x0 .4 8 x1 .5

C h e c k fo r

<rmaxH/, 9 7 .3 3 k N /m 2 <Gperm = ok!

S a f e ty f a c t o r a g a i n s t s lid in g [ 6 . 5 . 2 ]

R = Rh xcos a-Rvx s i n a

= 80.36x cos 14.04" - 88.27 x sin 14.04" = 5 6 .5 5 k N

71 9 71 o
As = N x — x25' = 2x —x25~ = 9 5 7 .7 ra m

tan x 7?v + A, x Tuomb

Fsi [ w ith a n c h o r r o d s c o n s i d e r e d

tan 35" x 105.12+ 981.7x0.075

= 2 .6 0

tan (t>sl x Rv
Fd [ w ith a n c h o r r o d s n e g l e c t e d ]

tan 35" x 105.12

= 1 .3 0

C h e c k fo r F s/

F si = 2 . 6 0 > 1 .5 0 [ w ith a n c h o r r o d s c o n s i d e r e d ] ok!

F si - 1 .3 0 = 1 .3 0 [with ok!
Left banjjt [oj±iu[aJf o u on soil
Safety thctorjigaijjsi toppling [ 6 . 4 . 41
M 311.57
Fr Ft = 3 .2 7
Safety factor against sliding
tan </>, tan 30°
F s, = F,i = 1 .5 7
tan(<5R - a ) tan(31.45°-11.31°)
U ltim a te b e a r in g c apacity, a n d safety, f a c to r a g a i n s t s h e a r
failure o f g w i m d [ 6 . 5 . 4 ]

L * nf /. = 5 *x tan(45" + ^</>, ) x / 5*,an9'

= 2 x 0.99 x tan(45" + ^ x 0, ) x ,an3(r = 8 .4 9 m

F r o m c r o s s s e c tio n in G e n e r a l A r r a n g e m e n t

A tL * M = 8 .4 9 m, t ' = 0 .7 m £/i= 2 0 .0 d e g

4 =- x t ’ x v, = —x 0.7x17.0 q = 6 .0 kN/tn
2 2
YU = 1 7 .0 x 0 . 8 Yi t = 1 3 .6 kN /m

B e a r in g c a p a c it y f a c t o r s (f o r (pi = 3 ( f ) N q = 1 8 .4

C o r r e c tio n f a c t o r s f o r

Shape — = 1.00 and </>, 30" S q = 1 .5 8


(Note: ifB */L * > 1.0 - 1.5 take value for B*/L* =1.0) Sy = 0 .6 0

D e p th ----= 0.40 a<j>.= 30" d q = 1.11


In c lin a tio n o f l o a d (SR = 3 1 .4 5 ° a n d cc iq = 0 .3 6

iy = 0 .2 4

In c lin a tio n o f f o u n d a tio n b a s e ( a n d (pi 30°) b 'q = 0 .8 0

b ' y = 0 .7 4

In clin ation o f b a s e lin e ( £ b —2 0 ° ) g q = g y = 0 .6 2

Shear resistance of the ground
P* = B * x L * [ ( j y + q ) x N i /x Sqx x i q xb'q x

+ -i-xy, x B * x N xy S y x d y xixg 7]

= 1 .9 8 x l.5 x [(1 3 .6 + 6 .0 )x l8 .4 x l.5 8

+ 0 .5 x 1 7 x 1 .9 8 x 1 8 .1 x 0 .6 0 x 1 .0 x 0 .2 4 x 0 .7 4 x 0 .6 2 ]

P* = 3 9 5 .2 0 k N

Safety, factor againsl bearing

p* _ 395.20
Fbc = 2 .0 2
Rv ~ 195.18

Ground bearing pressure [ 6 . 2 . 7]

Rv Rx
Vco sa + Rh
x s in a

= 195.18xcosl 1.31° +119.39xsin 11.31" Ry = 2 1 4 . 8 0 k N

B _ 2.5
B' B '= 2 .5 5 m
cosa cosí 1.31"

B*' _ _
B 0.99
— = 1 .0 0 m
2 cosa cosí 1.31" 2

e' 1.00 e '= 0 .2 8 m

B* B_
S in ce
2 > 3

K 6-e'
o max — X 1 ±
min BL B'

214.80 6x0.28
1 ± c „ = 9 3 . 1 5 k N /m 2
2.55x1.5 2.55

a ...= 1 9 .1 6 k N /m 2

U pstreamwindguy cable anchorage foundations

C a lc u la tio n f o r u p s tr e a m windguycablef o u n d a tio n is n o t s h o w n here.
C a lc u la tio n p r o c e d u r e g iv e n h e r e f o r d /s w in d g u y c a b le f o u n d a tio n s c a n b e
f o l l o w e d f o r u/s w in d g u y c a b le f o u n d a tio n s
Compilation of Final Data [ 9 .6 .7 ]; D/S W.G. Cable Foundations
Bridge No. & Name: Design example 1 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L Joshi

A) and B) Initial Data (refer to 9 . 6 . 5 )

Right Left
C) Main Calculation bank bank
1) Load on top of foundation
Total load A 34.65 kN
Front to C.G. distance a = - 1.95 m

2) Soil/rock heights
Active pressure height ha 3.7 m
Active pressure height hai = - 1.7
Rock height at back hrt = - 0 m
Embedded depth t = 0.3 0 . 8 m
Depth of additional soil r = - 0.7 m

3) Soil parameters
Front slope of soil (top of dry stone
pitching) £1 0 deg
Slope of soil baseline £b = - 2 0 . 0 deg
Length of influence L*infl. = - 8.49 m
Back slop of soil ¥ = - 2 0 deg

4) Foundation dimensions
Height of cable anchorage Ht 0.5 1 . 2

Back height Hf = 1.5 2 . 0 m

Front height h 2 = 1 . 1 1 . 6 m
Width B = 2 . 0 2.5 m
Length L = 1.5 1.5 m
Base inclination a = 14.04 11.31 deg
Distance to resultant force B72 = 0.46 0.99 m
Distance to resultant force L72 = 0.75 0.75 m

5) Safety factors
Sliding Fsl = 1.30 1.57 /
Bearing capacity FBC = - 2 . 0 2 /
Toppling Ft = 2.24 3.27 /
Slope stability Fs = - - /

6) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation or minimum Nos. N 2 /

C) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report) As the rock is sound, no additional
anchorage rod is provided.
C heck o f re su ljs [ 6 . 5 . 1 / 6 . 6 . 1]

F o u n d a tio n lo c a tio n R ig h t b a n k L e ft b a n k
d o w n strea m d o w n s tr e a m
on r o c k on s o il

a < 1 8 ° on r o c k 14.040 < 18°

< 15° on s o il 1 1 .3 1 ° < 15°

B ^ B ,
— > — on r o c k
2 6
0 .4 6 m 0 .9 9 m

> — on s o il > 0 .3 3 m > 0 .6 3 m


A l

2 .2 4 > 3 .2 7 >

F bc - 2 2 .0 2 >2 .0

Gmcix.ult. ^ Gperm 9 8 .2 0 k 9 3 .1 5
< 4 0 0 k N /m 2 < 200 2

N > 2 nos. 2 nos — ► Ok!

L - 0 . 1
. n
0 .7 5 m 1 .2 5 > 0 .7 5 m
N — l
Fs\ > 1 .5 w ith a n c h o r r o d s 2 .6 0 > 1 .5 7

> 1 . 2 w ith o u t a n c h o r r o d s 1 . 3 0 = 1 .3 Ok!

D a ta t_obe_ t x a j u f e r r e d _ to A ir a j ig e ji ie j ^

A lt the in itia l la y o u t d a ta , r e m a r k s a n d r e s u lts d i s p l a y e d

b y the f r a m e I I

R e la te d S ta n d a rd D jfC F W ijlg S ^ (f o r d o w n s t r e a m f o u n d a t i o n s

D r a w in g N um ber o f D r a w i n g title
num ber d ra w in g s

41 2 W in d g u y c a b l e a n c h o r a g e f o r 1 c a b le (¡)26
( c a p a c ity : 1 3 0 kN )

4 1 /1 1 W in d g u y c a b le f o u n d a t i o n f o r 1 c a b le
(on s o il)

4 1 /2 1 W in d g u y c a b le f o u n d a t i o n f o r 1 c a b le
(on rock)

I n itia l la y o u t d a ta 18 . 3. 6

J) Span, 1
a p p r o x i m a t e sp an , 1= 1 4 2 .0 m
. t -2.2 142.0-2.2
= ------- = -----------
in te g e r i = 58
2.4 2.4
co rrect span t =2.4 x = 1 4 1 .4 m i+2.2 = 2.4 x58
£-3.4 141.4-3.4
ns = = = 115 m
1.2 1.2
n( =tis +2 = 115 +2 = 117

nd =n, +1 = 117 +1 = 118

2) T o w e r h eight, h,
h, ( m a x ) = 0 .1 6 5 x i + 1 .0 5 = 0 .1 6 5 x 1 4 1 .4 + 1 .0 5 = 2 4 .3 8 m
h, (m in )= 0 .1 1 0 x i + 1 .0 5 = 0 .1 1 0 x 1 4 1 .4 + 1 .0 5 = 1 6 .6 0 m
h, (rec) = 0.145x t+ 1 .0 5 = 0 . 1 4 5 x 1 4 1 .4 + 1 .0 5 = 2 1 .5 5 m

A v a i l a b l e t o w e r h e ig h t n e a r e s t to h, (r e c ): h ig h e r lo w e r

h, = 2 2 .7 3 m 20. 2 4 m

3) D e a d l o a d sag, L

f d (m a x ) = (h, - 1 .0 5 ) - 0 .0 2 x i = m 1 6 .3 6 m

ft (m in ) = (11,- 1 . 0 5 ) - 0 .0 3 x = 1 14 7.9.45 4mm

fc t(r e c ) = 5x
(h t - 1 .0 5 ) - 0
.2 t =1 8 . 1 51m5 .6 5 m

4) C a lc u la tio n o f liv e load, P

, . 60 , , 60
= 3.6 + — = 3.6 + ------- = 4 . 0 2 4 k N /M
l 141.4

5) P r e c a lc u la tio n o f a v vro x im a te t

a) M a in c a b l e s
- a p p r o x i m a t e f u l l lo a d ,
g ,( x)= 1.30 + -------+ P
7 500
= 1.30 + ------- + 4.024 = 5 . 6 0 7 k N /m
W ith h, = 22. 7 3 m a n d f d (rec) 1 8 .1 5 m

Tnva (approx.) = ——X ^1 +17.64 • ( f d

o-4 x /rf

5.607x141.4 r , ..■>
= -------------------- x J l + 17.64x(15.65/141.4)'
8.4x15.65 ^

Tmax= 535 £7V

W67/z 2 0 .2 4 m a n d fd ( r e c )
h = 75.65 m

5.607x141.4' r . . •>
7 ( appr ox .) = ----------------------- x J l + 17.64x(15.65/141.4)'

Tmnx= 9 4 0 k N

Num ber; a n d d ia m e te r o fjn a in ca b les

W ith nM = 4 a n d (¡)M= 3 6 m m

P e r m i s s i b l e tension, Tpenn =9 8 7 kN > = 940 kN

T h erefore, a d o p t l o w e r t o w e r height.

By trial, w ith n e x t l o w e r t o w e r a n d m a x im u m d e a d l o a d sag, in c r e a s e in m a in

c a b l e s e c tio n isreq u ire d .

S a f e ty f a c to r fo r c a b le te n sio n

B r e a k in g load, = 2 960 kN
T 9%o
S a f e ty f a c t o r a g a in s t b r e a k in g — ------- = 3.15

S in c e s a fe ty f a c t o r (=3.15 —>s lig h tly l o w e r s a g is p o s s ib le .

D e a d lo a d cam ber, q
c\t = lr,- 1 .0 5 - f i = 20. 2 4 - 1 .0 5 - 1 5 .6 5 ; Cd= 3 .5 4 m

M a in c a b je m c l i n a l i a n . (3j

f4 .2 x f A f 4.2x15.65")
arctan —arctan = 24. 9 3 d e g
\ ) l 1 4 1 4 J
b) W m d g u y c a b le s
With v e r te x a t V = t / 2 = 1 4 1 .4 /2 = 7 0 .7 m, hyj — 0
h\v ~ ~ to
Take bw —f w = 1 5 .7 0 m
9 9

A p p r o x im a te w in d g u y c a b l e te n sio n

Tr = ^ m x i , 4 2xf"
8x bw

i.e. Tn
0.5x 141.42
x Jl +
2x15.7 V Tmax= 8 kN
8x15.7 70.7
W ith n w = 1 (fo r u p s tr e a m o r d o w n s t r e a m ) & (pw = 26 mm
T,perm 129 kN > 8 7 .1 k N ok!

6) F in a l la y o u t d a ta
Tower height
Dead load sag
Dead load camber
Camber span ratio, c j / t
Number o f main cables
Diameter o f main cable
Sectional area o f main cables (a ll cables)
Breaking load
Factor o f safety
Diameter o f spanning cable
Number o f windguy cable (u/s or d/s)
Diameter o f windguy cable

7) Y o u n g ’_s M o d u lu s (forall c a b l e s ) [ T a b l e 4 . 2 . 1 ] E = 1 10

8) B a c k s ta y distancesandc a b l e a n c h o r a g e e le v a tio n s
a c co rd in g to G e n e r a l A r r a n g e m e n t w ith d u e c o n s id e r a tio n o f
to p o g r a p h i c a l a n d g e o l o g i c a l c o n d itio n s .
Walkway elevation Hw — 84.0 m
Tower height h, -20.24 m
Saddle elevation (Hw+hd-104.24m
B a c k s ta y a n g le ß f= 2 4 .93 deg

G ra p h ica lly -
left bank: m a in c a b l e e le v a tio n = 9 3 .5 3 m
S a d d le e le v a tio n D l = 1 8 .7 5 m
b a c k s ta y d is ta n c e
w in d g u y c a b le , u p s tr e a m = 8 3 .2 0 m
s p a n n in g c a b l e = 8 3 .7 5 m
w in d g u y c a b le , d o w n s t r e a m = 8 3 .3 0 m
r ig h t bank: m a in c a b l e e le v a tio n = 9 7 .4 0 m
b a ck sta y d ista n ce Dr = 1 5 .5 0 m
w in d g u y c a b le , u p s tr e a m = 8 3 .6 0 m
s p a n n in g c a b l e = 8 3 .7 5 m
w in d g u y c a b l e d o w n s t r e a m = 8 3 .8 0

9) Check for freeboard
- p l o t a ll th e in itia l la y o u t d a t a in th e c r o s s - s e c tio n o f th e G e n e r a l
A r r a n g e m e n t.
- D r a w a ll the c a b le a lig n m e n ts w ith r e s p e c t to c a b le a n c h o r a g e
e le v a tio n s.
- D r a w f r e e b o a r d line a t e le v a tio n H .F .L + 5. 0 = 7 9 + 5 =8 4 m

w ith in the r iv e r chann el.

A p p r o x im a te f r e e b o a r d : s p a n n in g c a b le = 5 .3 m
L ow est c a b le = 5 .0

L oadin gs
H o is tin g l o a d c a se , gh
m a in c a b le s = 0 .1 9 2

T o ta l a t h o is tin g l o a d c a s e Si, = 0 .1 9 2 k

D e a d l o a d c ase, g h

a) D e a d w e ig h ts , gdd
- H o is tin g lo a d , gh = 0 .1 9 2 k N /m
- W a lk w a y d e c k (s t e e l ) = 0 . 4 1 0 k N /m
- W a lk w a y s u p p o r t = 0.270
- H a n d r a il a n d f i x a t io n c a b l e s = 0.030
- W ire m e sh n e ttin g = 0.060
- Suspenders (a vera g e) = 0.170
- S p a n n in g c a b le s = 0 .0 7 6 k N /m
- W in d g u y c a b le s = 0 .0 5 0 k N /m
- W in d tie s ( a v e r a g e ) = 0.040
S u b to ta l d e a d w eig h ts, gdd = 1 .1 2 8 k N /m

b) P r e te n s io n in s p a n n in g c a b le
A s s u m e d a p p r o x i m a t e p r e - t e n s i o n a t d e a d l o a d c a s e is 1 0
percent o f d ea d weights.
G pd =0
.1x gdd = 0
.1x 1.128 = 0.113
T o t a l a t d e a d l o a d c a s e , ( g dd+ g pd); g d = 1.241
Full lo a d case, g f
D ead weights , g dd =1 . 1 2 8 k N / m
P re te n sio n , gpd = 0
L ive lo a d , P = 4 .0 2 4 kN/m
T o ta l a t fu ll lo a d c a se g/= 5.152 kN/m

Sag cafculadion aj_ lw fM ing ajid_Jull l_oad_ by

itera tio n [8 . 3 .7]
Length ofdead loaded main cables
, 8 (fdy , 8 15.65 ^
L r, = ix 1 H— X = 141.4x 1H— X L, / = 1 4 6 . 0 2 m
3 3
{' J. l 1 4 1 -4 2

M ai n c a b le te n sio n a t
g jx / ' _ 1.241X141.42
Hn H , = 1 9 8 .1 8 kN
8x / (/ ~ 8x15.65

( L v —= 198.18x J l + 16 15.65
Td H ,x J l + 16 Td = 2 1 6 . 7 3 k N

C a h r u U i t j a n o f a, , and

= 16x — x 5 - 24x f h V

i r 15.65 15.65
= 16x------- x 5 - 24x a = 8 .3 3 4
141.4 141.4

i Jf d \ 2
' f t ' 2
= 15-8x 5-36x

15.65 V 15.65
= 15-8x x 5-36x b = 1 4 .5 5 3
141.4 141.4

^ 4.2 x ^
ß fo arctan

( 4.2x15.65^
= arctaru--------------- ß fo =24. 93 d e g
1 141.4

T a b u la r ÇaJ

Hoisting Full lo a d
Step Formula l o a d g,=gh= gi =
0.192kN/m 5.152kN/rn
l xF_ 479.85 12876.11
# ,=
8x/, h ft
r,= //,x . 1+ 16 /.v 1+ fh
Hf x. 1+ ' ff V
Iff* *
35.35 35.35
v^y J
15xAL, _ 15 _ (2/ / , + r , ) x L „ ^ g, - g „ 0 .0 0 3 8 9 H h 0 .0 0 0 5 4 H f
<7 a 3- E 0 .0 0 1 9 4 + 0 . 0 0 0 2 -Tf
t i (d r + d l ) „ 8 i - gd
Z> b ExA M - 0 .0 0 1 3 3 Th
—x A £>, = —x 2 'N - 0 . 0 0 1 8 4 f-
« « H + 0 .0 0 0 7 7 7
, ( R i ± m xi± x \ —
24 cos ¡3f0 H ] - 3 0 .5 1 /Hi

- 0 .0 0 3 8 9 H h
- 0 .0 0 0 5 4 H
, 15-AL, Z? - 0 . 0 0 3 2 7 -Th
A /,= ---------L + - x A D , + 0 .0 0 4 5 4
a + 0 .0 0 7 7 7
- 3 0 .5 1 /Hi

(a) Hois:J±ng l_oad_ sa g
P rim a r y f , = f h = 0 . 9 8 x f d = 0 . 9 8 x 1 5 . 6 5 = 1 5 .3 4 m

Step I t e r a t i o n I s’ 2 nd
„ 479.85 3 1 .3 3 1 .1 9 Hh
fV 3 4 .1 3 4 .0 1 = Th
7 ; = / / ax . i + •/ a
* V (35.35,

-0 .0 0 3 8 9 H h - 0 .1 2 1 8 - 0 .1 2 1 3
-0 .0 0 3 2 7 Th - 0 .0 1 1 1 5 - 0 .1 1 1 2
+0 .0 0 0 7 7 7 + 0 .0 0 0 7 7 7 + 0 .0 0 0 7 7 7
-3 0 .5 1 /Hi - 0 .0 3 1 1 - 0 .3 1 6
3 ¥ h - 0 .2 6 3 6 - 0 .2 6 3 3
4 N ew f r f < t + Afh 1 5 .3 8 6 1 5 .3 8 7 = f h
0 < 0 .0 0 5
5 \newfh ~oldfh\ 0 .0 4 6 Stop

F o r h o istin g l o a d c a s e

(b ) F ull loa

P r i m a r y f f = 1 . 0 5 x f ti= 1 . 0 5 1 5 .6 5 = 1 6 .4 3 m

Step Ite ra tio n 1 st 2nd

„ 12876.11
Mr -
' ff 7 8 3 .7 0 7 8 1 .9 8 =Hf
• y
T f = H f x , 1+ f 8 6 4 .2 1 8 6 2 .6 5 = Tf
f s v V V 35-35 J
- 0 . 0 0 0 5 4 Hf - 0 .4 2 3 2 - 0 .4 2 2 3
+ 0 . 0 0 0 4 5 4 -Tf + 0 .i9 2 4 + 0 .3 9 1 6

3 4/} 0 .8 1 5 6 0 .8 1 3 9

4 N ew fr fd +A 1 6 . 4 f6/ 6 1 6 .4 6 4 = ff
0 .0 0 2 < 0 .0 0 5
5 | newff - oldf f| 0 .0 3 6
Stop ite ra tio n !

F o r fu ll lo a d c a se

C a lc u la tio n o f_ s a fe f a c t o r

T max = T f = 8 6 2 .6 5 kN

S a fe ty fa c to r , F = Tbreak = 3.43 > 3.0 ok!

C a f^ u d g O ip n o ff
( a) M a i n C a b le s

C a b le in c lin a tio n
(4 x f A f 4x16.461 ßf=24.97 deg
( = arctan
= arctan
141.4 J
T o ta l U r n g th o fjn a in c a b le [a td e a d J beU veen
(including overlapping length f o r fixation)
D R+ D , 15.5 +18.75 Lm— 184 m
L,, = L , + —5------ - = 146.02 + -
CO S ß f cos 24.97°

A m c h p n a jg e l o c a t i o n

, 4 x f 4x16.46
h, = ----- —x D , =--------------x l8 . 7 5 hL = 8 .7 3
e 141.4
4 xf 4x16.46
/;„ = -------- x Z ) , = ------------ x l 5 . 5 hR = 7.22 m
* l R 141.4
Dfgphicem gnt_ of_sadjT[es_ f o r c a b l e

8h x ^ 1

£xA M 8h 24 cos /3fo
» n J
H o istin g lo a d ca se
g h= 0 . 1 9 2
H h=31.19kN/m
T h= 3 4 . 0 1 k N / m

L eft ban k: D L- 18m A D = -

l 002 5 m
R i g h t b a n k : D R= 1 5 . 5 0 m AD r = - 0.018 m

(b) N p jx n ju jig caM_esj_ dead_ l o a d

4 * 0 4x3.54
ß nl = arctan arctan ß c d = 5 . 72d e g
i 141.4

8_s_H_ 0.113X141.42
T„ * T sd= 79 . 7 8 kN
BxC,, 8x3.54

h o ld in g lo a d ca se

a 4xCrf ^
p rh = arctan ---- -— | = arctan
ßch = - 5 . 7 2 d e g
1 141.4

g Shx t 2 0.076 x 141.42

T„ T ,h = 5 3 . 6 6 k N
8 xC „ 8x3.54
0 2“
, 8 f Cd) ,8 ( 3.54 ^
K, f.x 1+ - X = 141.4x 1H
— X ------------- T sd= 14
lT J 3 1 141.4 J

C o m p ila t io n o f F in a l D a ta [ 8 . 3 . 8 ] ; Main Cable Structures

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi
a) Initial Data (refer to 7 . 3 . 6 and GA)

Design span t = 141.4 m

Tower height ht = 20.24 m
Main cable nM - 4 /
<t>M = 36 mm
A m = 2240 mm2
T m .break = 2960 kN

Spanning cable n - 2 /
<t>s 32 mm
_ 2
As 884 mm
Ts,break = 1170 kN

Windguy cable nw - 2 /
<t>w = 26 mm
E-Module —
110 KN/mm2
Cable anchorage elevations:
Left Bank Windguy cable, upstream =i.appx) 83.20 m
Spanning Cables = 83.75 m
Windguy cable, downstream =lappx) 83.30 m
Main cables ={appx) 93.53 m
Right Bank Windguy cable, upstream =iappx) 83.60 m
Spanning cables = 83.75 m
Windguy cable, downstream =iappx) 83.80 m
Main Cables =i.appx) 97.40 m
Approximate freeboard Spanning cables -
5.30 m
Windguy cables = (appx) 5.00 m
Walkway steel deck gpd = KN/m
Pretension P = 0.113 KN/m
live load = 4.024 KN/m
Hoisting load gh = 0.192 KN/m
Dead load (including gpd) go = 1.241 KN/m
Full load gt = 5.152 KN/m

b) Data from Main Calculation

Full loads: fi = 16.46 m
p< = 24.97 deg
*f"max = 862.65 KN
Safety factor = 3.43 /
c) Datato be transferred to the General Arrangement

Load, g Tension, T Sag, f / E levation D isplacem ent o f

Cables Loa d case C am ber, C o f Vertex Saddles
(kN/m ) (m) (m) (m) A D L(m) A D r ( iv )

H oisting 0.192 34 15.39 8 8.85 -0 .0 3 -0 .0 2

M ain D ead L oa d 1.241 217 15.65 8 8.59 0.00 0.00

Full Loa d 5.152 863 16.46 87.78 / /

H oisting 0.076 54 -3 .5 4 80.21

S panning D ea d L oa d 0.113 97 3.54 8 7.29

F ull Loa d 0 0 2 .7 3 8 6.48

Live L oa d 4.024

Data of Cable Structure

Also transfer^ all theremaining data and results displayed by the

f r ame I 1

Related Standard Drawings [8 . 9]

Drawing Number Drawing Title

07 Walkway
08 Steel Walkway Deck

Standard Design Drawings: Walkway

(A) In itia l la yo u t data [ 8 .4

(1) From cable structure an alysis

Span t = 141.4 m
T ow er height h, = 20.24 m
C entre distance of to w er leg c /cj ZZ 4 .0 m
B ackstay cable inclination fit = 2 4 .9 7 deg
M ain cables: nM = 4
= 36 mm
Am zz 2240 min

Spanning cables: <Ps = 32 mm

As = 884 mm2
M odulus of elasticity E rz 110 kN/m

Sag, f ,: -for loading case [A ] fd = 15.65 m

-for loading case [B ] ft
z= 16.46 m
Load, P mo '- :fo r loading case [A ] gd zz 1.241 kN/m
-for loading case [B ] 8/ = 5.152 kN/m

Pre-tension spanning cables:

-for loading ca se [A ] P so = 0.113 kN/m

-for loading ca se [B ] P so = o

(2) W ind load: -for loading ca se [A ] W = 0.5 kN/m

-for loading case [B ] W zr 0 .1 6 7 kN/m

(2) B reaking tension o f spanning cables: Ps, break = 1170 kN

(4) C alculation o f initial cable lengths

Loading case A B

fo 15 .6 5 m 16.46 m
go 1.128 kN/m 5.152 kN/m
P mo 1.241 kN/m 5.152 kN/m
P so 0 .113 kN/m 0
Co ,-
= -f0 3.5 4 m 2.73 m
L Mo ~l x + 8/3 x ( f o /l) 2] 146.02 m 146.51 m

( C 0/ l ) 2J 141.64 m 141.54 m


C alculation o f W
f o r loading case [A ], - 0 .1 1 6 + 0 .0 0 3 7 5 h,
= 0 .1 1 6 + 0 0 3 7 5 x 2 0 .2 4 = 0 .1 9 1 9

for loading case [B ], Wb =- x 0 .1 9 1 9 = 0 .0 6 4 0 kN/m

(B) Iteration procedure 9]

C alculation o f constant C

L oading case [A ] [B ]

_64 x E x Am
0.01273 0 .0 1 2 6 9
^ MO . 03 x f.3 r
x L mo

^ 64 xE xA s 0 .0 0 5 1 8 0 .0 0 5 1 8 4
so ~ 3 x C x L s0


L oading case [A ] IB ]
Iteration num ber 1st 2"d 3rd 1st 2nd

(o) First f i : case[A]; f i ~ 1.002-fd 15.681 15.668 15.657

Case[Bp f ~ 1.001 ff 16.476 16.460

First x: case[A]; x ~ 0.0151 2.121 1.335 1.569

Case[B]; x 2l 0.00251 0.354 0.216

(1) Yi = arcsin---------
f +1,3 7.175 4.513 5.309 1.141 0.697
lx, ] —at ^ tan
h, + 0 ,2 5 -c o s y , x ( / , +1,3) 30.216 20.479 23.516 7.422 4.522

C/ = — —
sin«, 4.215 3.816 3.932 2.740 2.740

(2) P m = C MOx f l x ( f i2 - f t?) + F x P MO

1.437 1.355 1.285 5.267 5.152

Psi —Cso x Cj x (C, — ) + ——x P5(9

0.249 0.162 0.185 0.001 0.001

0) /\P M —PMl - PMO 0.196 0.114 0.044 0.115 0

Ag - -g0+ (Pmi’cosYi - Psrcosai) 0.083 0.071 0.018 0.113 0.001

Newfi = /„+ (fi-fo) x 15.668 15.657 15.654 16.460 16.460

l ^ J
\ 7 ^ _ V
1.335 1.569 1.562 0.216 0



,+ Ps, x s in a )

(4) M >0.02 >0.02 <0.02 >0.02 <0.02

Stop iteration!

Force diagram : fo r h a d in g case [A ]

'Without w ind lo a d


Calculation of final data
Values fo r loading case
Symbol Unit F o rm u la s , R em arks
PMl K N /m 1.285 5.152
Psi KN/rn 0.185 0.001
Yi deg 5.309 0.697
V alues fro m la st iteration
or/ deg 23.516 4.522
fl 111 15.657 16.460
Ci 111 3.932 2.740
f x tan
V„„ kN 185.98 728.50 xcosy, x 1+ ■ '
4 x /, xcosy.

Hu kN 8.41 4.43 xsiny.

G, kN 58.0 58.0 F rom Table

h, x(tf,„ +1.025xh’X/j()
Pi kN 26.95 353.30 \( vm + g ,)-
C /C ,

i( V , c ), +1.025x w x /i,)
Pi kN 217.03 433.20
2l '' C /C ,

Ps lx£
Ph kN 34.37 11.36 //„, + 2.05xwx/i, + -x sin or

P5l x£
Tsv kN 5.22 0 x sin or

Tsh kN 117.59 0.91

8 xC,

117.71 ^51 X / ‘
Ts kN 0.91 -x^/l +16 x(C,/f)2
8 xC ,

Fs - 9.94 -
Tjft/Vfflt / 7j

Check o f results
„ t
EH = - x W b +2.05 xh,xw-PH
[A] = 0.5x141.4 x 0.1919 + 2.05 x 20.24 x 0.5 - 34.37
[B] =0.5x141.4 X 0.3X0.1919+ 2.05 X 20.24 x 0.167- 11.36 0.09 kN
XV = 0.5 i go+ G,+ 0.5 X V ,o(t P, + P2 - Tsv)
[A] = 0.5 x l4 1 .4 x l.1 2 8 +58 + 0.5 X 1 8 5 .9 8 X (26.95 + 217.03 - 5.22)
[B] = 0.5 X 141.4 x5.152 + 58+ 0.5 X 728.5 X (353.30 + 433.20) = 0 kN

Check fotj tow er capacity [Table 8 . 5 . 4 ]

R e la te d S ta n d a rd D r a w in g s [8 . 5. 5 ]
D raw in g N um ber D raw in g Title
151 A sse m b ly dra w in g
103 B ase e lem en t dra w in g
113 In term ed ia te elem en t draw ing
126 Top elem en t dra w in g
137 Sa d d le dra w in g

W a ]J c w m y /T p w ^ (a u m d a jfjm on , bank

(A) Fuundatwnch aracteristics

R iver bank Right
Foundation on : Rock; w ithout f o o t

(B) Initial layout data [6 . 51

(1) Loads on w alkw av/tow er foundation

C entre distance to w er legs c/c] = 4 . 0
C entre distance anch orage rods c /c 2—5 5 0 mm

L oads fro m tow er: (A) (B )

T ow er leg 1 P i = 2 6 .9 5 kN 3 5 3 .3 0 kN
T ow er leg 2 P 2= 2 1 7 .0 3 kN 4 3 3 .2 0 kN
H oriz. L o a d p e rp en d icu la r to to w e r P „ = 3 4 .3 7 kN 11

- L oads fro m spanning cables;

V ertical Tsv = 5.22 kN 0 kN
H orizon tal Tsh = 177.5kN 0.91 kN

(0) From survey a n d final report:

R ock param eters
- R ock a t depth = up to surface
- Sliding fric tio n angle 6 sl - 4 0 deg
G rou nd bearin g p ressu re O p e n ,, = 400

(1) M inim um em b ed d ed depth t = 1.0 m

(2) D esign p a ra m eters [T able 8 . 6 . 1 ]

Foundation dim ensions (m ) minimum maximum

Width B 2 .9 5 .0
Length L 6.0 9.0
Total height (H + C ) 2.4 10.0
F oot height C - -

F oot width E - -

(C) Main calculation [8. 6
[1) F oundation dim ensions
Width B = 2.9 m
Length L - (5.0
Total height (J l+ C f= 2 A
F ool height C = 0
F oot width E = 0

(2) Topographical conditions (from layout)

A ctive so il height at the back ha = 0

Soil height inthe fro n t hp = 0

D epth o f grou n d w a ter hw = 0

(3) Unit w eight o f concrete yc = 22

(4) C alculation o f loading forces an d m om ents

Loading fo r c e s (kN) L ever arm Static m om ent

(kN-m )
Form ula Vert. H o r iz . Mx B M yL M, My

Weight: 918.7
W,=B XL XH Xyc
Loads: case (A)
26.95 0.5 C/C, 2.0 53.90
217.03 o.5 a c , 2.0 434.06
T sv -5.22
Tsh 117.59 H-0.25 2.15 252.82
P h 34.37 H 2.4 82.49
1157.46 I 252.82 462.65

Tsh 117.59

Pit 34.37

2.0 353.30 0.5 C/C, - 706.60

2.0 433.20 0.5 C/C, 886.40

0 0 0
0.91 H-0.25 2.15 1.96
2.4 11.36 H 27.26
Rv 1705.20 z 1.96 187.06
Tsh 0.91

Ph 11.36

C juU julM jjoji d a ta

F o rn 2a l a /S y r n b o l Unit (A ) (B )

C alculation volum e:
Vol = —! m 4 1 .7 6

Location o f resultant:
(6) m 0.22 0
•' = K,

B* _ B | | B * _
m 1.23 1.45
2 ~ 2 'Cx' 2

m 0 .4 0 0.11
R v€y

L* |L | L*
777 2 .6 0 2 .8 9
~T ~ 2 ™
B* L*
C heck fo r ; —— : —

B */2 > /3?

B O k! O k!
L*/2> /3?
L O k! O k!

Inclination o f resultant:

(7) & ^ r c , J (^ +EEf ‘ + P» ’ = deg 6.04 0.38

M axim um g ro u n d bearing pressure:
B * /2
A t --------- ~ 0.42 0 .50
A n d -------- = 0.43 0.48

The Z - fa c to r Z= ~ 1.36 1.07

x.«". Z B * 'L * K N /m 2 123.06 108.85
Checkfor<J,mx. :
Omax ^ Opew,( = 4 0 0 k N /m 2) ? O k! O k!

Safety ag a in st to p p lin g : F t c h ecked b y - B*/2and B*/2and L*/2


Safety aga in st slid in g :

(10) F = tan0s' F r 7.93 126.52

slta n ^ - a )
C heck fo r F,,: F., > ?
O k! O k!

Compilation of Final Data [8 . 6 . 7 ]; R/B, W /T Foundation

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 Checked by N. L. Joshi
E) And B) Initial Data (refer to 8 . 6 . 5 )

C) Main Calculation

1) Soil/rock heights

- Active pressure height at back ha = - m

- Rock height at back H ra
- - m
- Active pressure height in front Hp
- - m
Rock height in front hrt
= - m
- Depth of soil t = - m
- Depth of additional soil t' = - m
2) Soil parameters

- Front slope of soil C1 = - Deg

(top of dry stone pitching)

- Slope of soil baseline £b = - Deg

- Length of influence L*infl. - - m
- Back slope of soil v - -
3) Foundation dimensions

- height H 2.4 m
- height of foot C = - m
- Width B — 2.9 m
- Width of foot E = -
- Length L = 6.0 m
- Distance to resultant force B72 - 1.23/1.45 m
and L72 = 2.60/2.89 m
4) Safety factors

- sliding F sl 7.93/ 126.52 /

- Bearing capacity F bc = -
- Toppling Ft -
Ok /
- Slope stability Fs = - /
5) Anchorage rods

Nos. as per calculation N /

D) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report) : as the rock is sound no additional
anchorage rod is provided.
Y fa H c w a y fJ fo w e r; f o u n d a t i o n o n . le ft

(A) Foundation characteristics

R iver bank : Left
Foundation on : Soil; w ith fo o t

(B) Initial layout a

t[d8 .6 .5 ]

( 1) Loads onwalkway/tower foun

C entre distan ce o f to w er legs 4 .0 0 m

C entre distan ce o f to w er anchorage rods c/c 2- 5 5 0 mm

Loads fro m tow er: (A) (B)

T ow er leg 1 P , = 2 6 .9 5 kN 3 5 3 .3 0 kN
T ow er leg 2 P 2 = 21 7 .0 3 kN 4 3 3 .2 0 kN
H oriz. lo a d p e rp en d icu la r to to w e r P H = 3 4 .3 7 kN 1 1 .3 6 kN

L oads fro m spanning cables;

V ertical Tsv = 5.22 kN 0 kN
H orizon tal Tsh = 1 1 7 .5 9 kN 0.91 kN

(2) From survey.andfund geotech n ical report:

Soil param eters
Su b-soil a t depth =
- F riction angle o f su b-soil = 3 5 deg
U nit w eight o f su b-soil 19
- F riction angle o f backfilling s = 3 5 deg
U nit w eigh t o f backfilling soil = 18
G rou nd w a te r a t depth = 3 m
- G rou nd bearin g p ressu re = 4 0 0 kN/m

(3) M inimum e m b ed d e d depth t = 1.4 m

(4) D esign p a ra m eters [T able 8 . 6 . 2 ]

F oundation dim ensions minimum maximum

W idth B 2 .9 5 .0
Length L 6 .0 9 .0
Total height m o 2.4 10.0
F oot height C . 1.2 -

F oot w idth E 1.0 -

(C) Main tio[ 8 . 6 . 6 ]

(1) Foundation dimensio(in)

- Width
- Length
- Total height
- F oot height
- F oot w idth

(2) T opographical cond itio n s (from fou n dation layou t)

ha = 3 .5 m
hp = 1.4 m

hra = 0
hw = 0 .5 m

hrt = 0

V = 32 deg
= 19 deg

(3) Earth pressu re coefficient

back side:
j lsin(02 + <5)xsin(02 -y/)
\ cosSxcosy/



sin(35" + —x 35") x sin(35" -32")

1+ 3
cos—35" xcos322
1 3
Aa/,= 0 .4 3 7

r ■i 1 COS2 0 ,
fro n t side: Aai„ = -- ~
lsin (02 + 0 ) x s i n ( 0 2 - £ , )
"y COS0 X C O S £ j


sin(35" + —x35")xsin(35" +19)

cos-35" xcos(-19")
K h, = 0 .1 8 7 7
(4) U nit w e ig h t o fc o Yc = 22 kN /m 3
(5 ) Ç a jcid a d w n ojyUmdjjtji force_s and_ nwm
Loading fo r c e s (kN) Static m om ent
L e v er arm (m ) f o r
(kN-m )
F orm ula V e rt. H o r iz M XB M yL Mx My

W e ig h t:
W i= B X L X H X ye 880.4 - E/2 0.5 - - -440.2 -

W2= ( B + E ) x C x L x y <- 617.76 - - - - - - -

W s= ( h P - C - x0.5 E X xE
X LX Yi 3.0 . B/2 1.45 - 4.35 .

Uplift :
W „ = (B + E ) X ihv X - L117.0
X Yw - - - - - - -

E a r th p r e s s u r e :

h 2
- b a c k : E t,h = AX
ah — X X . 289.1 ha73 1.17 338.2
<N | cn

- 243.2


124.7 - (B+E)/2 1.95 - - -


- f r o n t: E ilh, = to
, ( h p tE
x- a n e )2
f , h, x ^ x L x / 2 -
-11.3 0.35 ~ - -

E m.,= E ah, X t a n ( - X < t > 2 )
4.9 - (B+Ey2 1.95 - - 9.6 -

L o a d s : c a s e (A )
Pi 26.95 - E/2 0.5 0.5C/Ci 2.0 -13.48 -53.90
p2 217.03 - E/2 0.5 0.5C/Ci 2.0 -108.51 434.10
T sv -5.22 - E/2 0.5 0 0 -2.61 0
T sh - 117.59 H+C-0.25 3.25 - - 382.17 -
Ph - 34.37 - - H+C 3.5 - 120.30

Rv 1752.52 - 77.58 500.50

ZE * 277.80
Tsh 117.59
Ph 34.37
L o a d s : c a s e (B )

Pi 353.30 - E/2 0.5 0.5C/Ci 2.0 -176.65 -706.60

p2 433.20 - E/2 0.5 0.5C/C, 2.0 -216.60 866.40
T sv 0 - E/2 0.5 0 0 0 0
T sh - 0.91 11+C-0.25 3.25 - - 2.96 -
Ph - 11.36 - - H+C 3.5 - 39.76

Rv 2300.26 - 725.44 199.56

Z E„ 2 7 7 .8 0

T sh 0.91

Ph 11.36

Ç afxM hxùon oj_ f in a l d a ta

Formula/Symbol Unit (A ) (B )

(6 ) C alculation volum e

W, ,
Vol = - 1------ - Vol. m 68.23
L ocation o f résultant

(7) M,
&B ~ &X ~ ex = m -0.04 - 0 .3 2
B* _ B +E B* _
- m 1.91 1.63
"T " 2

eL= ey m 0.29 0.09

L* L _ I L *_
m 2.71 2.91
2 2 Ie'1 2
S* L*
C heck f o r

£ * /2 > Ok! Ok!
Ok! Ok!
L * /2 > Z /3 ?

Inclination o f resultant,

( 8)
SR - arc tan 8r = deg 12.76 6.91
V R,
S a fety fa c to r a g a in st sliding
F _ tan<ft,
Fsi= 3.09 5 .7 7
sl tan 0R
ok! ok!
C heck fo r F .,: > 1.5 ?

C h ecked b y B * /2 a n d
( 10) S afety a g a in st to p p lin g :
L */2

(U) M axim um g ro u n d bearing p ressu re

C heck: -+ - ^ 0.06 > - 0.10 < -

B +E L 6 6
T herefore , f o r lo a d case (A)

Z -fa cto r ' E l l . 0.49 £ 1 1 = 0.45

a 1.03
B +E L /
K N /m 87.18
max.ult. = Zx- *
f o r lo a d case (B )

^ max
l + 6x- K N /m - 155.54
(B + E)xL (B + E) L

Check . tfmax! K N /m <400 <400

Formulas/Symbols Unit (A) (B)
(12) Shear resistan ce o f the ground
L*m = 5.8xB * m 2 2 .1 6 18.91

F rom G eneral A rra n g e m e n t ; a t L * ^ ; £b- d eg 19 19

9= kN/m2 3.0 3.5

S u rch a rg e lo a d - (hp - h w) X yt + h w X (yi - Yw) + Q = kN/m2 20.6 22.6

B earing capacity factors (fo r 0/ = 35°) N q- - 33.3 33.3

Ny= - 4 0 .7 4 0 .7
C orrection fa c to r s fo r:
- Shape ( — - =0.70 70.56 a n d (¡>¡=35") S„= - 1.49 1.39
- 0 .72 0 .7 8
/ _ 1.09 1.10
- D epth ( — - = 0.37/0.43 a n d <h=35°)
d y- - 1.00 1.00

- Inclination o f lo a d (SR= 12.76°/6.91° a n d a - 0 ) i(J=

0 .5 5 0 .73
ly -
- 0.42 0 .64

- Inclination o f fo u n d , base ( a - 0 a n d (¡>1=35°) b 'q=

1.0 0 1.00
b \=
- 1.0 0 1.00

- Inclination o f base line (eB = 19°) g 'y = - - 0 .64 0.64

\fh p hw).y^ + hw(Yi Yw) cl \ x N q X S q X d q X i q X b q

P* = B *.L. 1 KN 8399.8 10562
+ ~ X (Y\ - 7vv)x ^ *xA^y x S y x d y x i y x b 'y

(13) Safety factor again st ground sh ea r

Fbc — ---- 4.8 4.6
*v ok! ok!
C heck f o r Fbc : Fbc^ 2.0?
- Section

M = 0 .8 x a ,nnyx — x E 2 x L = O.Sx87.18x — x l 2x 6 .0 = 209 kN-m

H = C - 0 .2 = 1.2 0.2 = 1.0 m

M 209 2
As - -xlOO = 1011 mm
T j x h x o perm 0.9x1.0x23.0

*Smin 0 .0 2 % x h x L =0.02x10 2x l . 0 x =
6 . 1200
0 x l 0 6m m 2 > 1 0 1 1m m 2
A s _ 1200
N, (16 mm0) ______ Ml= 6 nos
2o I ~ 201

n = 10

A5 _ 6 x 7t / 4 x 16:
/u = 2.01 x \ 0 ' 4
h - L ~ 1.0x6.OxlO6

£ = 7i X / i X
1+ — "I = 10x2.01x10 4 1+ --1 =0.674
77 X ¿7 10x2.01x10"
1 M lxlO 4 209xl0~J a t = 217.9 N/mm2
jti x (] —<^/ 3) /z2 x L l.O 2 x 6.0 Otperm= 230.0 N/mm2
2.01 1--xO.614
M 209xl0~J ot = 0.14 N/mm2
(Tr -x- Ocperm 2 N/mm"
£ x (l-£ /3 ) /rx L l.O2x6.0
0.614 1— xO.614

Section 2-2

M = Tshx(H -0.25) + Kh[<t>2, WJ x (/i" +/7»' C) xLxy2

(4 0 + 0 + 1 2Y
= 777.6x (6 .0-0.2 5 )+ 0 .4 3 7 x 6.0x18 = 1782.2 kNm

h = B - 0 . 5 = 2 . 9 -0 .5 = 2 .4 m
M 1782.2
As = -xlOO = 3587 mm2
t ] x h x o pem 0.9x2.4x23.0
As ( mi nx ) = 0.02% /zxL = 0x2.4 =0 2x 8106
x 6. 80 mm2

n 2 - A _ - ( 16 m N2= 18 nos

n n= 10

_ As . 18x11/4x16'
Id ¡1 = 2 .5 1

Z = n ■n ■ 1+ ---------- 1 = 10x2.51x10" 1+ -1 = 0 .0684
nxju 10x2.51
M 1x10 1782.2xlO~J
<7, = x- -x- = 210.2 N/mm"
jUx (1—^ / 3) lrx L 2.42x6.0 a tperni = 230.0 N/mm2
2.5 lx l - - x 0.0684

- = 1.5 N/mm'.
£ x (l-£ /3 ) 2.42x6.0 < a Ipenn= 2.0 N/mm'
0.0684x 1— x 0.0684
R e l a j e d s ta m d a r d d es± g n [8 . 6 . 8]

D raw ing N u m b er B ank D raw ing Title

92 Both W alkw ay/to w er a n ch o ra g e (ca p a city: 3 9 0 kN )

92/1 L eft W a lk w a y /to w e rfo u n d a tio n ; c /c j-4 ,0 m ;c /c 2= 550m m

92/2 R ight W a lk w a y /to w e rfo u n d a tio n ; c / c i - 4 ,0m ;c/c2= 550m ni

Compilation of Final Data [8.6.7]; L/B, W/T Foundation

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi
A) and B) Initial Data (refer to 8 . 6 . 5 )
C) Main Calculation

0 Soil/rock heights

- Active pressure height at back ha = 3.5 m

hra = m

- Active pressure height in front hP = 1.4 m

- Rock height in front hrt = 0 m

- Depth of soil t = 1.4 m

- Depth of additional soil r _ 0.32/0.37 m

2) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
(top of dry stone pitching) £1 = 19 deg
- Slope of soil baseline 6b = 19 deg
- Length of influence L*infl. = 22.16/18.91 m

- Back slope of soil V = 32 deg

3) Foundation dimensions

- height H 2.3 m

- height of foot C = 1 .2 m

- Width B = 2.9 m

- Width of foot E = 1.0 m

- Length L = 6 .0 m

- Distance to resultant force B72 = 1.95/2.86 m

and L72 = 2.72 / 2.86 m

4) Safety factors
- sliding F sl 3.09 / 5.77 /

- Bearing capacity F bc = 4 .8 /4 .6 /

- Toppling Ft = Ok /
- Slope stability Fs = - /

5) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation N /

Initial layout d a ta [8 .7. 5]

Foundation characteristics
- River bank Unit Right Left
- Foundation on Rock Soil
Main cable characteristics
- Number of main cables nM= nos. 4
- Main cable tension 7Mf - kN 862.65
- Main cable inclination f3t = deg 24.97
- Tower leg centre distance c/cj = m 4.0

Soil parameters
- Sub-soil at depth = m - 4.0
- Friction angle of sub-soil 0/ = deg - 35
- Unit weight of sub-soil = KN/m3 - 19
- Friction angle of backfill soil 0? = deg 35 35 ■
- Unit weight of backfilling soil Y2 = KN/m3 18 18
- Ground water at depth m - -
- Ground bearing pressure operm= KN/m 2 - 300

Rock parameters r\ /i
- Rock at depth =
m 0.4
- Sliding friction angle 0 V/ =
deg 38
- Ground bearing pressure operm= KN/m2 400

Minimum embedded depth m 1.0 1.5

Design parameters [Table 8 . 7 . 1 ]

Foundation dimensions (m) Minimum Maximu

- Width B= 4.9 5.5
- Length L= 6.4 8.4
- Back height H ,= 3.3 5.5
- Front height FI2 = 1.5 4.5
- Front toe b= 0.5
Right l i v e r bank
Foundation on rock
- Width B = 4.9 m
- Length L = 6.4 m
- Back height H, = 3.3 m
- Front height h2 = 1.5 m
- Front toe b = 0.5 m
From General Arrangement:
ha = 7.1 m
ha\ =5.0 m
h ra= 1.2 m
(p= 29 deg
Unit weight of concrete: Yc = 22

Unit weight yg = 20 kN/tn

Additional load on tojl o ffo u n d a tio n :

For gabion arrangement shown the section o f General
Arrangement: ________
a 4.15 m
CakuJation procedure [ 8 . 7 . 6]
Weight offoundation Od d ¡ever01111 about F
W, = 0.5x(//, + H 2+ k + 0 .7 )x B x L x y , .

= 0.5 x (3.3 +1.5 + 0.4 + 0.7) x 4.9 x 6.4 x 22 = 2035.3 kN

_ B 2x(//, +0,1)+ ( / / , + it + 0.6)
” 3 ( H x+0.1) + (//2+¿ + 0.6)

_ 4.9 2x (3.3+ 0.1)+ (1.5+ 0.4+ 0.6)

= 2.57 m
3 (3.3+ 0.1)+ (1.5+ 0.4+ 0.6)
W2 = -bx(k+ 0.6) x L yx, = -+70.4
= “ °-5 x (°-4 °-6)xkN
6-4 x 22
_b _ 05
w2 = 0.25 m
_ 2_ 2

W3 = -0.5 x b 'ik + 0 .6 ) x L x y r= -0.5 x 0.5 x (0.4 + 0 .6 ) x 6.4 x 22 = -3 5 .2 k N

w3 = — + /?= — + 0.5 = 0.67 m

3 3
W4 = - 0 . 5 x ( f l- l) x 0 . 1 x L x y , . = -0 .5 x ( 4 . 9 - l ) x 0 .1x6.4x22 = -27.5 kN

w4 = - x ( B - l . Q ) + b' + b = —x (4 .9 -1.0) + 0.5 + 0.5 =

3 3
Total weight, = W, - W2 -W 3 -
= 2035.3- 70.4 35.2 - 27.5 1902.2

Volume of foundation
WM _ 1902.2 Vol. = 86.46 m
Yc 22

Bottom inclination
H, + 0 4 -1 .0 -H , 3 .3 -0 .9 -1 .5
Ot = arctan — = arctan • = 10.41 deg
B 4.9

Active earth pressure [6. 2. 3 1

l *ah <5 = —X0,
[sin(</>2 + <5)xsin(02 -(f)) 3
= 0.3777
sin(35" + - x 35" ) x sin(35" + 29" )
1+ 3
co s^x3 5 " xco s29"

h :-h \ 7.12 - 5 2
^ah = X- x L x y 2 = 0.3777X x 6 .4 x l8 = 552.81 kN
h +2 h. al 74 + 2 x5 7 .1 -5
Ye* = -x- _
0.99 m
h . + h., ~ 3 X 7.1 + 5


Jav = Eahxvm8 = 552.81xtan 238.46 kN

Loads due to cable tension

Tfh = Tf cos = 782.0 kN
fa= 862.65 x cos 24.97'
Tfr = Tf sin Pf = 862.65 x sin 24.97’ = 364.2 kN
Resultant hading forces
Rv = W,ot + A + Eav - T f
= 1902.2 + 307 + 238.5 - 364.2 = 2083.5
Rh = Eah+ T^= 552.8 +=782.0
1334.8 kN
S tatic m om ent a b o u t E
Mf — W/ xvv/ - W2 x w 2 - W3
x w j - W4 x w 4 + Em, x B

- T f xb - Tfx ( H i + K ) - Ex (YE

= 2035.3 x2.57 -70.4 xO.25-35.2

+ 307 .15+ 238.5
x4 x4.9 -364.2 xO-5 -7
-552.8 x (0.99 + 1.2 -3.3 + 1.5 + 0.4 + = 5152.4

ljic lin a tio n o f
Rh 1334.8
Sr = arctan—— = arctan- = 32.65 deg
R 2083.5
Location of resultant
B* M
~2 Rv (1 + tan or x tan<5R)
3689.0 B-
= 2.18 m
2083.5 x (1 + tan 10.41" x tan 32.65")

Check for B */2

B* B 49
= 2.18 m > - = — ok!
~2 6 6

Safety, factor against to llin g

M + 7673.22
F = 3.04 > 1.5 ok!
M - 2520.79

Calculation of_gwund bearing pressure

R'v = Rvx cos oc + Rh xsin a
= 2083.46 x coslO.410+ 1334.81 x = 2290.31 kN
B’ = B x sec oc = 4.9 x sec 10.41 B '= 4.98 °m
B* B*'
= — x sec a = .1xsec 10.41
2 — = 2.22 m
~T 2 2
B*' 4.98
2.22 e' = 0.27 m

_ RV x 1 ± 2290.31 ,
1 ±
6x0.27 Gmnx - 95.2 kN/rrr
B ’L B' 4.98x6.4' 4.98 Gmin =48.5 kN/rrf

„. B B* B
Since — > — > —
2 2 3
no anchorage rods are required for main cable foundation.

R'h = Rh xcos a - Rx
v sina
= 1334.81 x cos 10.41°+ 2083.46 x R ’„ =936.47 kN

Safety factor, againsl sliding

tan (psl x Rv _ tan 38" x 2290.31
Fsi Fd = 1.91
R, 936.47

Check for.Fsi
F si = 1 .9 1 > ok!
Additional anchorage [6

From fina] geotechnical recoil

Rock type Augen gneiss with quartz band

Weathering Moderate
Rock quality Highly fractured with open joints

Weakness planes/lmes

Slope ~bedding 320755s (direction/amounofdip)

Intersection 1 370743s
Intersection 2 360739s
Intersection line 3 225708s
Azimuth of braxis 318s

Provision of anchorage rods

The bedding plane 320755s is nearly parallel to the bridge axis, i.e .3 1 8 s,
anchorage rods to stabilize this plane are provide in direction 120745s i.e.
perpendicular to 320745s.

Since the intersection lines 1 and 2 are more or less the same direction,
anchorage rods perpendicular to their average direction i.e365/41s. , are
provided, i.e. ina direction of 165759s.

As the bridge axis is oblique to the intersection lines 1 and 2, anchorage

rods indirection 65759s are also symmetrically provided.

Intersection line 3 is too lateral to the bridge axis andflat, no anchorage

rod is provided to stabilize this line.

Number of anchorage rods

B xL 4
_.9 x 6.4
Nlxick - 1 1 nos
2x1.5 ” 2x1.5

. B xL . 4.9x6.4
Nfront 2x------- = 2x--------- = 27 nos
2x1.5 2x1.5

=32 ((|)25mm) nos

— 19back + Nfront - 1 1 + 21
D is tr ib u tio n o fja n ç h o r a g e ro d s

direction 11 nos.
direction 9s 10 nos.
direction ^ 11 nos.

C o m p ila t io n Of F in a l D a ta [ 8 . 7 . 7 ] ; R/B, M ain Cable Foundation

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 checked by N. L. Joshi
A) And B) Initial Data (refer to 8 . 7 . 5 )

C) Main Calculation

1) Load on top of foundation

- Total load A = 307 m
- Front to C.G. distance a - 4.15 m

Soil/rock heights
- Active pressure height ha 7.1 m
ha1 = 5.0 m
- Rock height at back hra = 1.2 m
- Embedded depth t = 1.5 m
- Depth of additional soil (if on soil) t’ = - m
3) Soil parameters
- Front slope of soil
£1 . 27 deg
(top of dry stone pitching)
- Slope of soil baseline £b = - deg
- Length of influence L*inf|. - _ m
- Back slope of soil ¥ = 29 deg
4) Foundation dimensions
- Back height H1 = 3.3 m
- Front height H2 — 1.5 m
- Width B = 4.9 m
- Length L - 6.4 m
- Base inclination a — 10.41 m
- Distance to resultant force B72 - 2.18 m
and L72 = 3.20 m
5) Safety factors
- Sliding F sl 1.91 /
- Bearing capacity F bc = - /
- Toppling Ft - 3.04 /
- Slope stability Fs - - /
6) Anchorage rods
Nos. as per calculation

D) Additional Anchorage Rods

(from geological report) : 32 /
Left rive_r bank
Foundation onsoil i 8 . 7. /
FQundgtiondimensions (by trial)
- Width B = 4.9 m

L m

- Length
H, = 3.3 m
- Back height
h2 = 1.5 m
- Front height
b = 0.5 m
- Front toe
From foundation layout:
ha- 4.5 m
hai = 1.2 m
K = 0.4 m hp = 1.5 m
b = 0.5 m hra = 0 m
hw= 0 m
\f/ = 30 deg
£/ = 33 deg
Calculation procedure [8 . 7. 6]
Weight ofJowjQoOon and lever arm about F.
Wi =0.5 x ( / / , + H 2+

= 0.5 x (3.3 +1.5 + 0.4 + 0.7) x 4.9 x 6.4 x 22 = 2035.3 kN

B 2 x (H . + 0.1) + ( / / , + £ + 0.6)
Wj = — x -------------------------- =--------------
3 (ff,+ 0 .1 ) + ( t f 2 + * + 0.6)
_ 4.9 2 x (3.3+ 0.1)+ (1.5+ 0.4+ 0.6)
2.57 m
~ ~ (3.3+ 0.1)+ (1.5+ 0.4+ 0.6)

w2 = -b x (k + 0 .6 ) x L x y c
= -0.5 x (0.4+0.6) x6.4x 22 = -70.4 kN
_ b _ 0.5
w2 = 0.25 m
_ 2 _ 2
w3 = -0.5 x bYik + 0.6) x L
y t.

= -0.5 x 0.5 x (0.4 + 0 .6 ) x 6.4 x 22 = -35.2 kN

w3 —
b' u
----h 0 5 bn —
-^------- h 0.5 = 0.67m
3 3
W4 = -0.5 x (B - 1.0) x 0.1 x L xYr

0.5 x (4.9- 1 .0 )x 0.1x6.4x22 = -27.46 kN
W4 = —x (B - 1 .0 ) + b'+b

= —x (4.9 -1 .0 ) + 0.5 + 0.5 = 3.6 kN

Wwr =w,-w2- w3- W4
=2035.3 - 70.4 - 35.2 - 27.5 1902.1
Additional load on Foundation
Load of wall (Dry Stone Masonary):
A = .5x6.4 x 1.2 x
0 2076.8kN
Lever a r m =4.9 - 0.5x0.5 = 4.65 m

Yolume offoimdation
w im 1
_902.1 Vol. = 86.46 m2
Yr 22
Base inclination
H, + 0.1 -1 .0 -
a =arctan -
3.3 + 0 .1 -1 .0 -1 .5
= arctan- = 10.41 deg

Active earth pressure 16 . 3j

cos2 6 2
|sin (</>2 + 5 )x s in (0 , - y /) *-!*■
cos<5 xcosy/

cos2 35°
= 0.J95S

sin(35" + —x35")xsin(35" - 3 0 " )

cos —x 3 5 " x cos 30"
1 3

Eah - 0.5 x yah x (/j2 - / i ; i )x L x 7 , = 0.3938x 0.5 x (4.52 - 1.22) x 6.4 x 18 = 426.7 kN
Vertical distance “YEah” frombase (backside) offoundation block to the resultan
force Eah;
_ y^ h
/ ra+_____<
-2 h.
h<1. — ________________
4.5+ 2x1.2 y^____________
4 .5 -1 .2
1.33 m
h + h .,~~ 3 4.5+ 1.2

Eav = Eah x tan 5 = 426.7 x tan —x 35" = 184.1 kN

Loads due to cable tension

Tfl, = Tf xcos(3f =862.65 x 24.97’ = 782.0 kN
Tfr = TfX s in fif =862.65 x sin = 364.2 kN
Résultant loadin
Rv = Wlo, + A + Eav -
= 1902.1 +76.8 + 184.1-364.2 = 1798.8 kN
Bh = Eah + Tfj,
= 426.7 + 782.0 = 1208.7 kN %
Static momentabout F
Mf = W/ xw’i - W2 xw2 - W2xWj - Axa + Eav xB
- Eah x (YEah- B tana) - x b - Tfh x k)

= 2035.3 X 2.57 - 7
x0.25 - 35.20 xO.67 - 27.5 X 3.6+ 76.8 X 4.65 + 184.1 X 4 .9

- 426.7X (1.33 - 4.9 .41)- 364.2 x 0 .5 - 782

tanlO + 0.4) = 4498.1 kN-m
Indirmtion ofresuEtant
f r> A

Sr =arctan Kh = arctan 1208.7 ^ = 33.9 deg

v R V ,

Location ofresultcmt
B* M,
~2 Rv (1 + tan a xtan SR)

2.23 m
1798.8 x (1 + tan 10.41° x tan 33.9" )

Check for B */2

= 2.23 m >- = — = 1.23 m ok!

Safety factor against sliding

tan bt tan 35°
si 1.61
tan(<5f i - a ) tan(33.9°-10.41"*)

Check for Fsi Fst = 1.61 > 1.5 ok!

S a fe ty factor, agam s t to p p lin g

F _M +_ _ 6489.7
T ~M - ~ 1991.6

Check for F T :F T = 3.26 > 1.5

Ultimate beating capacity and safety, factor against

shear failure ofthe ground [6. 5. 4]

L*infl. = 5.8 xB
* = 5.8 x 2 x 2.23 = 25m

From General Arrangement

at L*inf] = £b = 33.0 deg

Surcharge load = Yi = 19 +0 = 28.5 kN/m

Bearing capacity factors ((pi = 35 °) Nq = 33.3
Ny = 40.7
Correction factors
Shape ( — = 0.70and 0/ = 35") sq= 1-49
sY= 0.72
Depth ( — =0.35 and 0/ = 35°) dq = 1.08
d y —1.0

Inclination of resultant (8R= 33.9" 10.41") iq 0.29

iy= 0.18
Inclination offoundation base & (¡)i=35°) b 'q= 0
b 'y = 0
Inclination of base line (eB = 33.0°) gq = 8 y= 0 A 1

Shear resistance ofthe ground

P* =B*xL*x[(Yl xt +q ) x N ilx S ilx d {lx iq x bq x gq

+^ x Yi x B * x N yx S y xdx
y iy xby x g y j

= 2 x 2.23 x 6.4x [28.5 x 33.3 x 1 .49 x 1.08 x 0.29 x 0.77

= 5605.9 kN
+ —x l 9 . 0 x 2 x 2.23 x 40.7 x 0.72 x 1x 0.18 x 0.71] x 0.41
_ P * _ 5605.9
= 3.11
BC ~If ~ 1798.8

Ground bearing pressure [6. 2. 7]

Rv Rv xcos a + Rh x s in a

= 1798.8xcosl0.41° +1208.7 x sin 10.41" = 1987.6 kN

B _ 4.9
B' = 4.96m
cos a cos 10.41"
B *’ _ B *1 2 2.23
= 2.27m
cos a coslO.41"
If 5 *'
e = 0.18m
T ~i
B' B*B'
Since — > -------- > —
2 2 3
Ry 6 x^'
a max -x 1+

1987.6 6x0.18
-x 1+ = 76.2 kN/m2
4.96x6.40 4.96

Check for o„,ny

omax = 76.2 kN/m2 < openn = 300 kN/nr ok!
C o m p ila t io n o f F in a l D ata [ 8 . 7 . 7 ] ; L/B , Main Cable Foundation

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 Checked By N. L. Joshi
A) And B) Initial Data (refer to 8. 7. 5)
C) Main Calculation

1) Load on top of foundation

- Total load A = 76.8 kN

- Front to C.g. distance a - 4.65 m

Soil/rock heights
- Active pressure height ha - 4.5 m

ha1 - 1.2
Rock height at back hra = - m

- Embedded depth t = 1.5 m

- Depth of additional soil (if on soil) t' - 0 m

Soil parameters

- Front slope of soil

(top of dry stone pitching) £1 33 deg

- Slope of soil baseline £b

= 33 deg

- Length of influence I- infI.

= 25.9 m

- Back slope of soil ¥

- 30 deg

Foundation dimensions
- Back height H t - 3.3 m

- Front height h 2 — 1.5 m

- Width B — 4.9 m

- Length L — 6.4 m

- Base inclination a - 10.41 deg

- Distance to resultant force B72 - 2.23 m

and L72 - 3.2 m

Safety factors
- Sliding F SL = 1.61 /

- Bearing capacity F bc
- 3.11 /

- Toppling Ft - 3.26 /

- Slope stability Fs - - /

5) Anchorage rods
Not provided

D ata to be tj^ajufejred_ to A jj^ a n ^ jn e n j

All the initial layout data and the results displayed

by the frame I I

R elated ytamdard design d ra w in g s . 8 ]

Drawing Bank Drawing Title

49 Both Main cable anchorage for 4 main cables
(capacity: 1220 kN)

49/1 Both Main cable foundation for 4 main cables

c/cj = m
D E T E R M IN A T IO N O F S U S P E N D E R L E N G T H [ 8 . 8]
I n it ia l la y o uddata [8. 8. 4 ]
- Design span 1= 141.40 m
- Dead load sag f d= 15.65 m
- Dead load camber C(i = 3.54 m
Main Calculation
c/cn _ 4 x (/d +Cd ^xx * + 1 .3
With = 1.2 x (n - 1)
With n - 1 at mid-span to nmax continuously
1 -4 .6 , 141.4-4.6 ,
Umax = 58 nos
2.4 2.4
L = c/cn - 542
( - 3^0
It = ln - 1650 xjn
Ire = lr + 180 for 0 12 mm suspenders
- = /, + 240 for 0 mm suspenders
w nl 2 = 1.625 xjn + 0.888 xlO'3Ire for 12(f) mm suspend
Sn12 = 0.069 xjn + 0.0377 xl O3 xlrc suspenders
Wnl6 = 3.286 xjn + 1.58 xlO'3 xlrc 16 0 m m suspenders
8nl6 = 0.104 xjn + 0.05 xlO'3 xlrc 16 (f)mm suspenders

Tabular caladation
n xn Dia c/cn In J¡i lr Ire w„ Sn
(m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (nos) (mm) (mm) (kg) (m2)
i 0 16 1300 758 0 758 998 1 .6 0.03
2 1.2 16 1306 764 0 764 1004 1 .6 0.03
3 2.4 16 1322 780 0 780 1020 1 .6 0.04
4 3.6 16 1350 808 0 808 1048 1 .7 0.04

21 24.0 16 3511 2969 1 1319 1559 5.7 0.18

22 25.2 12 3738 3196 1 1546 1726 3.2 0.13

55 64.8 12 17421 16879 10 379 559 16.7 0.71

56 66.0 12 18023 17481 10 981 1161 17.3 0.74
57 67.2 12 18637 18095 10 1595 1775 17.8 0.76
58 68.4 12 19262 18720 11 570 750 18.5 0.79
ÇaJxidajjxm data

- Total number of suspenders

Ar £-3.40 141.4-3.4
yv = ---------- = ---------------- N = 230 nos
0.60 0.6

Number of (p16 mm suspenders from mid span,

nm = Int +1

= I +1

= Int (19.64)+ 1=20+ 1 =21

Total suspenders weight

W = 2 x Wx+ 4 x ^ W n W = 1681.08 kg

Total surface of suspender rods

S = 2x5, + 4 x ^ 5 ,, S = 66.39 m

Data to betransferred to Standard Design Drawing [ 8. 8 . 5 ]

(1) To the suspender list for each suspender

All the results except Xn fromTabular calculation.

( 2) To the steel part list:

W= 1681.08 h

S = 68.72

R elated sta n d a rd design d ra w in g s [8 .8 .6 ]

Drawing Number Drawing Title

32 Suspenders for 4 main cables

Stabilizing cables [ 8 . 9 . 1 ]
fix first stabilizing cables at 8.90 m (d/= 8.90either tower sa
Fix second stabilizing cables at 17.3 m (d2=17.3 - 8.9 = 8.4 m)from either
tower saddle

Length o f Stabilizing cables

At dj = 8.9 m

Main cable height = 1.05 +3.54+ -f ^ x <• - d , ^

V2 ■

= 4.59 + '± 1 1 -8 .9 V = 16.55 m

Length offirst stabilizing cables, f = V8.92 +16.552 = 18.79 m

At d2 = 17.3 m
Main cable height = 1.05 + 3.54 + ^ - x

15.65 ( 141.4 \2
4.59 + -17.3 = 13.52 m
70.702 2

Length of 2ndstabilizing cables, l 2 = Vl7.32 +13.522 = 21.96 m

Check for cable inclination, a

OL= a rc ta n - - ' ^ = 38° > 35° and <45° =


Data to be transferred to General Arrangement [ 8 . 9 . 3 ]

Distances : = m
8.4 m
Cable lengths :
1? = 4x21.96 m
Into cable list
Total length = 4x .79+
18 4x21.96 + x 0.4 = 170

R elated sta n d a rd design d ra w in g s [8 . 9 . 4 ]

Drawing Number Drawing Title

22 Stabilizing cable clamp for 4 main cables
In itia l layout data[ 9 . 4 . 6 ]

Span, l 1 = 141.40 m
Elevation, Hi = 84.0 0.25 H ,= 83.75 m
Camber, Cd= 3.54 m
r = 1/2 = 141.4/2 r = 70.70 m

suspension bridge; d= 4.8 m

735 m

Topographical and geological condition

Check concave slope contours upstream of bridge axis on right bank.
Slope is gentle and no geomorphological instability exists.
(survey reort).

Cakulation procedure
Detenninatwn o f theoretical parabola in plan

P M l 4
Vertex, V -L l V = 70.7 m
2 2

Windguy cable sag at mid-span:

Bw —fw fw — bw=17.65 m
9 9

w xt2 0 .5 x l4 1 .4 2
H w Hw=
8 x 6 ,.. 8x17.65

'2 x / ^
Tr = Tl — H w x. +

2x17.65^ Tr = 71=79.1 kN
70.8x .1 +
v 70.70 y

Number and diameter ocable

Number of windguy cable nw= 1
Diameer of windguy cable <pw= 26 mm
Permissible tension Tperm= 129 kN
Safetyfactor, F = —— = ok!

Windguy cables shall be provided symmetrically both upstream and downstream.

Location of first windties
Br = V - (d x iR) = 70-4.8x13Br = 8.3 m
Bl = l - V - ( d x i L) = 141.4-70.7 Bi = 3.5 m

CalcuMtwn of a 'S
2x f
CCR = arctan 2 x

2x17.65 ,_n _ „ a R= 23.8 deg

= arctan-------- -— x (70.7-8.3)
lO .l2

2 x
OLi = arctan —* x(L

= a rc ta n ^ ^ x (1 4 1 .4 -7 0 .7 -3 .5 ) a L= 25.4 deg
10 . 1 -

Calculation of C ro and Cm
C ro= ^ x ( V - B R) 2 + B Rx t a n a R+2.2

^-x(7 0 .7 -8 .3 )2 + 8.3xtan 23.8° +2.2 = 19.61 m

C lo = ^ - x ( i - V - f i J 2 + f i L x ta n a L + 2.2

- x (141.4-70.7- 3 .5 ) 2 + 3.5x tan 25.4° + 2.2 = 79.87 m

Above data are plotted in the plan of the General Arrangement.

The accurate axes ofWindguy cable ends are located.
Longitudinal sections along Windguy cable ends are drawn.
From the plot, optimum Windguy foundation locations are determined as

Foundcdion locations

Right bank Left bank

Upstream Hr = 83.6 m HL= 82.5 m
Dr = 4.8 m DL = 0 m

Downstream H r = 83.8 m H l = 82.6 m

D r = -5.6 m DL = 0 m
Check far freeboard

Inthe section of the General Arrangement, freeboard line at elevation

79.0+5.0=84.0 m and the Windguy cable alignments both upstream and
downstream are drawn.
From the plot, it is found that the Windguy cable on left bank passes
slightly below ( ~20cm)freeboard line.
Therefore, the Windguy cable on left bank requires to be raised slightly.

Revised foundation locations

Right bank Left bank

Upstream Hr = 83.6 m Hl = 83.20 m
Dr = 4.8 m Dl = .5m

Downstream Hr = 83.8 m Hl = 83.3 m

Dr =-5.6 m Dr = .5m

By trial, the windguy cable alignment clears off the freeboard line.

Calculation of C r and Cr_

For upstream windguy cable
CR = ^y X ( V - B R) 2 + tar\aR(BR + DR) + 2.2

=— x (7 0 .7 - 8.3) 2 + tan 23.8" (8.3 + 4.8) + 2.2 CR = 21.73 m

CL = - B l ) 2 + t m a L(BL + D l ) + 2 .2

17 CL = 20.52 m
= — —t x (1 4 1 .4 -7 0 .7 -3 .5 )2 +tan25.4" x (3.5+ 1.5)+ 2.2

Calculation ofwindtie lengths [9 .5 . 7]

For upstream windguy arrangement
(1) Peteij2nnatipnofparabola 4

Cl4 — L a4 =0.003531
v2 70.72

c4 = 2 .2 - k= c4 =1.465 m
(2) Calculation of

AhLP = y LP X tan y
}’lp = a4x (r - V)+C4
= 0 .0 0 3 5 3 lx(70.7-70.7)2 + 1.465 = 1.465 m
(//,- H r- cd) x ( ( + P R + P L) - ( P R + r ) x ( H L ~ H r )
(C r - k ) x ( t + D r + D l ) - ( D r

L + D r + D l = 141.4 + 4.8 = 147.7 m

DR + r = 4.8+70.7 = 75.5 m
(83.75 - 83.6 + 3.54) x 147.7 - 75.5 x (83.2 - 83.6)
Tan y = 0.191
(21.73 - 0.735) x 147.7 - 75.5 x (21.73 - 20.52)

AhLP = 1.465x 0.191 = 0.28 m

(3) Detejjjnnationofparabolas (1), (2} and
-cA -3 .5 4
Parabola (1) a¡ = = - 0.000708
C, = AhLP = 0.28 m
( ) Ht
Parabola (2) a2 =
c < i) & 1 1 l p

(r + £>«)2
_ 8 3 .6 -3 .5 4 + 0.28-83.75
= - 0.000598
(70.7+ 4.8) 2
C2 = 0
Parabola (3) a, = H l + (~c¿) + A/^
(l - r - D LŸ
83.2-3.54 + 0.28-83.75
= - 0.000731
(141.4- 70.7 + 1.5) 2

c, = 0
(4) Calculation ofwindtie
C/Ci = jAhf + yf
Dwi — -------- X " X(í / + 2xi)~ + 1
cos ß,

Where in-
x, = V-Bp-(i-l)xd = 70.7- 8.3 - 4.8 x = 62.4-4.8 (i-1)
X, = Xj

i-B g -B . , 1 4 1 .4 -8 .3 -3 .5 ,
Imnr = --------- -------- ~ + l = --------------------------- + 1 28

y> = a4 x x,2 +c40

=.003531 xx2 +1.456 =
forx,-’ > 0
2 2
Ah; - .]x
a x ’i -AhLP - x x
a 2

= - .78x
0 x ’i+

(5j = arc tan (2 xa ? x x ’,) = arctan ( - 0 .0 0 0 5 9 8 ) x x ’,7

forxf< 0

Ah, = a] x x ’i2 + AhLP 2

-a? x x ’,
= - 0 .0 0 0 7 0 8 x x,2+ 0.28 + 0 .0 0 0 7 3 1 x x,2
P i = arc /an (2 x a3 x x ’,) = arc tan { 2 x (- 0 .0 0 0 7 3 1 ) x x , ’j
Starting from right side (i=l), the windtie data are calculated continuously upto
imax on left side as shown below:

Tabular calculation
i Xi = X Ah, / tanpi C/Ci Dwj
(m) (mm) (m)
1 62.4 15.21
2 57.6 1 3.18 5.23
3 52.8 11.31 5.16
4 48.0 9.60 5.10
5 43.2
Take values 8.06 5.05
6 38.4 for Xi > 0 6.67 5.00
7 33.6 5.45 4.96
8 28.8 4.40 4.92
9 '24.0 3.51 4.88
10 19.2 2.78 4.86
11 14.4 2.21 4.83
12 9.6 1.81 4.82
13 4.8 1.57 4.81
14 0.0 1.49 4.80
15 -4.8 1.57 4.80
16 -9.6 1.81 481
17 -14.4 2.,21 4.82
18 -19.2 2.78 4.84
Take values
19 -24.0 3.51 4.86
20 -28.8 for Xi < 0 4.40 4.89
21 -33.6 5.46 4.92
22 -38.4 6.68 4.96
23 -43.2 8.06 5.00
24 -48.0 9.60 5.05
25 -52.8 11.31 5.11
26 -57.6 13.18 5.17
27 -62.4 15.22 5.29
28 -67.2 17.41 5.30
190.45 134.18

(5) Calcidationof an

Pr = arc tan [2 x a2 x (B r Pr = AW_ deg

= arc tan [2 x (- 0.000598) x (5.5 -

Pl = arc tan [2 x a? x ( r - l + P l = 5.61 deg

= arc tan [2 x (- 0.000731) x (70.7 - 747.4 + 3.5)]

(6) Calculationof En andEi

■p _ ■*" 7^«
Br ---------------------
cosaRxcos E r = 14.36 m
_ 8.3+ 4.8
cos 23.8° x 054.72°

cosaL x co s(3L
E l = 5.56 m
3.5+ 1.5 1------ -----------------
cos25.4° xcos5.61°

(7) Calculationof total lengths ofcables

L w(tot) = Z Dwi + E r + El + Overlapping length

= 134.18 + 14.36 +5.56 + 2 x1.70 =

Lftot)= Z (c/ci + 0.60)

= 190.45 + 28 x0.60 = 207.25

P ow nM reajn Wmd_guy_ cable gjj^aji^ejjven4

Similar to the upstream Windguycablearrangement manual calculation for

downstream Windguy cable arrangement is also to be made.

C o m p ila t io n o f F in a l D a ta [9.4.8]; U/S W .G .C a b le S tru ctu re s

Bridge No. & Name: Design example 2 Date: April 2004 Checked By N. L. Joshi
A) Initial Data (refer to 9. 4. 6 and GA)

Bridge type (suspended or suspension) ? Suspension /

Design span t = 141.6 m
Horizontal distance r = 70.7 m

Windguy cable nw = 1 /
<|>w = 26 mm
_ 2
Aw = 292 mm
Tw,break — 386 kN

E-Module = 110 KN/mm2

Cable anchorage elevation:

Left bank Windguy cable, upstream 83.20 m
Windguy cable, downstream = 83.30 m
Right bank Windguy cable, upstream = 83.60 m
H, = 83.75 m
Windguy cable, downstream = 83.80 m

Freeboard Windguy cables = 5.00 m

Loads: - Wind load W = 0.5 KN/m

B) Data from Main Calculations

Upstream Downstream
Theoretical parabola hw = 0 m
bw = 17.65 m
fw = 17.65 m
Tr 79.10 kN
Tl 79.10 kN
Safety factor = 4.80 /
Layout aL 25.40 deg
Or = 23.80 deg
C|_o = 19.81 m
CLo = 19.61 m
CL 20.52 m
Cr = 21.73 m
Dl 1.50 m
Dr 1.50 m
Hl 83.20 m
Hr 83.30 m

Data tobe tran_sfexjre_d to the General
4) L r to ^ la n

All the initial layout data and the results displayed

by the frame [ —|
5) h ttp I j r n g h w d f j i a l s e ction

Separate longitudinal section of all fo u r cable ends

W i n d g u y c a b l e e l e v a t i o n ( H / S ), i n c l i n a t i o n ( / 3/ S ) a n d
t e n s i o n a s g i v e n in t h e f o l l o w i n g t a b l e :

Location H P T
(m) (deg) m
Right bank:
upstream 83.6 4.27 158.3
downstream 83.8 158.3
Left bank:
upstream 83.2 5.61 158.3
downstream 83.3 158.3

6) Into cable list

Windguy cable: Upstream:
- number nw — 1
- diameter (¡)w = 26 mm

Total cutting length

y____ = 7-59

- number =
- diameter 4>w= 26 mm

Total cutting lengthy Lw- = ...... m

Windties: - diameter = 13 mm
Total lengthy______ LT(tot.)

R e la te d ^ s t a n d a r d d r a w i n g [ 9 . 5 . 9 ]

Drawing number Drawing title

10 Windtie for windguy cable 26 mm 0
J jü tia l lo g o utdata [ 9 . 6 . 5 ]

Foundation Characteristics
River bank Right Left
Side upstream upstream
Foundation on Rock soil
W.G. cable structure characteristics
Number ofwindguy cable n\v — 1 1
Windguy cable tension Tw = 79.1 kN 79.1 kN
Cable inclination ß 4.27° 5.61°
Front slope £i - - 17°
Soil parameters
Sub-soil at depth = - 4.65 m
Friction angle of sub-soil 4\ i
= 35°
Unit weight of sub-soil Yi = - 19 kN/
Friction angle of backfilling soil; 02 = - 350
Unit weight of backfilling soil; Ï2 = - 18 kN/
Ground water at depth h\v = - -

Ground bearing pressure Gperm - 300 kN

Rock parameters
Rock at depth 0.20 m

Sliding friction angle 0s/ ~ 4or -

Rock quality coefficient k = 1.75 -

Ground bearing pressure Gperm 400 kN -

Minimum embedded depth 0.5 m 1.0 m

Design parameters for l_no_^26 mm cable [9J53J.

Foundation on Rock Soil
Foundation maximum minimum maximum minimum
Width B = 2 .4 1.70 2 .4 2 .0

Length L = 3 .0 1.2 3 .5 1.5

-For- [3 = <6° >6° - <6° >6°
Front height hT = 2 .0 0.4 0.6 2 .0 0.4 0.6
Front height H2 = h j + 0.4 - h J + 0.4
C.G. distance s = 0 .75 -

C adcjdafion procedure . 6]

— Determine the trial foundation dimensions with due

consideration of economical design.
— Draw the cross-section at each Windguy cable anchorage end.
— Determine the topographical parameters.
— Calculate additional load on top of foundation, if applicable.
— Calculate active earth pressure, if required.
— Calculate the loading forces and static moments.
— Check the foundation fo r safety parameters.
— Compile the fin al data, data to be transferred to the General
Arrangement and the Related Standard Design Drawings fo r
all four foundations.

Detailed calculation procedure shown fo r windguy cable foundation,

Suspended Bridge [page 316] can be followed fo r Suspension Bridge

I f the foundation has to be designed on rock and the final

geotechnical report suggests the provision of additional anchorage
rods, the design procedure fo r additional anchorage rods as shown
fo r right bank Main Cable Foundation, Suspension Bridge
[page 351] has to be followed.
Initial layout d a ta [1 0 . 4. 5]

Foundation characteristics
- River bank Unit Left
- Foundation on Soil

Main cable characteristics

- Number of main cables nM— nos. 4
- Main cable tension Tiuf = kN 862.65
- Main cable inclination Pf = deg 24.97
- Tower leg centre distance c/c1 = m 4.0

Soil parameters
- Sub-soil at depth = m 4.0
- Friction angle of sub-soil 0/ = deg 30
- Unit weight of sub-soil Yi = KN/rn 18
- Friction angle of backfilling soil = deg 30
- Unit weight of backfilling soil y2 = KN/rn 17
- Ground water at depth m -
- Ground bearing pressure Gperm KN/rn 300

From General Arrangement

Back slope angle, iff = 10.0 deg
Front slope angle, £ = 10 .0 deg

Active earth pressure [ 6 . 2 . 3 1


sin(02 +<5)xsin(02 - y/)

cos<5 xcosty/-

sin(30" + - x 30° ) x sin(30" -10° )
cos —x 30" x cos 10"

Passive earth pressure

X,'ph S = - - >
sin(0i - <5) x sin(0i + 2
cos <5X C O S £

= 3.05
sin(30" + —x30°)xsin(30" -10")

cos —x30" xcoslO"


Earth pressure at rest

Xo= 1 - sin (pi = 0.50

Designparameters [Drawings 49/2]

Foundation dimensions (m) Formula Values, m

- Anchorage Length A= 4.125 + 0.71 n 10.52
- B= A cos ¡3 - 0.5 sin [3 9.32
- Height H= A sin (3 + 0.5cos [3 + 0.3 5.19
- height hi = 1.41 + 1.59 tan (p - 26.56°) 1.37

- height h2 = Correct value is found by 3.0

- Ah = 0.45

- height h3 « H - h 2- 0.50 + Ah 1.24

- active height ha = h2+ h3 + 1.8 tan 4° 4.37

- passive height hp h2 + h3 4.24

4 372
Eah = YahX y X L x y , = 0.32x x 6.0x17 = 311.67 kN

Eap = YphX~fXLXY' = 3.05 x x6.0xl8 =2960.91 kN

2Eol = ^ A0 y, hp3 tan )

= 0.3x 0.5 x!8 x4.24 3 x0

°3 (-V 3.05 + Vo.32) = 302.21

Hult = Eph - Eah + 2 E ql = .1-311.67

2 + 302.27

Loads due to cable tension

Tfh =TfXcos(3f x cos 24.97° = 782.0 kN
Tfi, = fXinpf
T s =862.65 x sin 24.9T = 364.2 kN

Weight ofFoundation Block (refer Drawing}

WF = Bf x L x h2x Yc = 1-8 x 6.0 x 3.0 x 22 = 712.80 kN

Weight ofEarthover Foundation Block

WF = Bf x L x h3 x Y2 = E 8 x 6.0 x 1.24 x 17 = 227.66 kN

Safety, factor against sliding

r _ H « + t y F +WE - T J>)tan 0 ,
r si - -------------------------- ------------------------- -
1 fh

2951.45 + (712.8 + 227.66 - 364.2)tan 30°

= 4.2

Check Fsi
f =4.2 > 3.5 ok!

D ata to be txg ju fe rre d . to the

All the initial layout data and the results displayed

by the frame I .. J
R elated

Drawing Bank D rawing Title

N um ber
49/2 Left Main cable deadman anchorage
capacity: 1220 kN, c/c\ = 4.0 m
4 main cables (related drawing 49)
Volume A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

0 12.5 Cost Estimate Norms/Formats

279 Chapter 12: Appendix

H is M a je s ty ’s G o v e rn m e n t
M in is try o t L o c a l D e v e lo p m e n t


Bridge Number Bridge Name

Span, m River

Walkway width, cm District

Type of Bridge Region

Mode of Execution

Description COST %

200 Materials (Wire Ropes) _

300 Steel Parts

400 Transportation

500 Construction

600 Miscellaneous


C O N T R IB U T IO N Cost %


Cost per meter span

L S T B C o s t E s tim a te


Cost % Cost %

200 Materials (Wire Ropes)

300 Steel Parts

400 Transportation

500 Construction

600 Miscellaneous



300 Steel Parts

400 Transportation

500 Construction

600 Miscellaneous


Name Signature Date

Estimated By

Checked By

Accepted By

Approved By

Name Signature Date

Recorded in DBR

His Majesty’s Government
Ministry of Local Development


2 0 0 M A T E R IA L S

Description Unit Quantity Rate Cost

210 Wire Ropes 211 0 13mm m
212 0 26mm m
213 0 32mm m
214 0 36mm m
215 0 40mm m
Total 210 Wire Ropes
220 Blasting Materials 221 Gelatin kg
222 Detonator pc
223 Fuse Wire m
Total 220 Blasting Materials
230 Miscellaneous 231
Total 230 Miscellaneous
Subtotal 210-230
5% Contingencies
Total 200 Materials

3 0 0 S T E E L P A R T S 1

Description Unit Quantity Rate Cost

310 Supply & Fabrication 311 Structural Steel kg

312 Reinforcement Steel kg
320 Supply of Thimbles 321 0 13mm pc
322 0 26mm pc
323 0 32mm pc
324 0 36mm pc
325 0 40mm pc
330 Supply of Bulldog Grips 331 0 13mm pc
332 0 26mm pc
333 0 32mm pc
334 0 36mm pc
335 0 40mm pc
340 Miscellaneous Supply 341 Wiremesh Netting m2
342 Sign Board pc
343 Bolts, Nut and Washers kg
344 10 SWIG Gl Binding wire kg
350 Rust Prevention 351 Hot Dip Galvanization kg
Subtotal 310-350
5% Contingencies
Total on 300 Steel Parts

1No need of rate analysis for these items.

Unit rates of these items are available at TBS' website:
LS T B C o s t E s tim a te

4 0 0 T R A N S P O R T A T IO N

Description Unit Qty Rate,Rs/kg Cost, Rs

410 Transportation 411 Material & Equipment kg
412 Wire Ropes kg
Subtotal 410
5% contingencies
Total on 400 Transportation

5 0 0 C O N S T R U C T IO N

Description Unit Qty Rate Cost

510 Site Clearance 511 Site Clearance m2
520 All Excavation 521 Soil m3
522 Soft Rock m3
523 Hard Rock(quarrying) m3
524 Hard Rock(blasting) m3
530 Foundation Excavation 531 Soil m3
532 Soft Rock m3
533 Hard Rock(quarrying) m3
534 Hard Rock(blasting) m3
535 Hard Rock(chiseling)1 m3
536 Backfilling m3
540 Construction of Gabion 541 Box Size 2.0x1.0x1.0m m3
542 Box Size 3.0x1.0x1.0m m3
543 Box Size 2.0x1.0x0.3m m3
544 Box Size 3.0x1.0x0.3m m3
550 Concrete Works 551 P la in L ea n C o n c re te 1:4:8 m3
5 5 2 P la in M a s s C o n c re te 1:3:6 m3
5 5 3 R e in f. C e m e n t C o n c re te 1:2:4 m3
554 Plum Concrete 40% m3
555 Form Work m2
560 Masonry/Mortar Work 561 D ry s to n e M a s o n ry & P itc h in g m3
562 Block Stone Masonry 1:4 m3
563 Rubble Masonry 1:6 m3
564 Rubble Masonry 1:4 m3
565 Cement Plaster 1:4, 20mm th m2
570 Erection/Finishing Wor 571 Erection of Towers m
572 Erection of Truss Bridge m
573 Hoisting of Main Cable m
5 7 4 H o is t o f W in d ti & S ta b l C a b le pc
575 Erection of Walkway for m
576 Coaltar Application m
580 Surrounding Works 581 Trufing m2
5 8 2 C o n s t o f W ic k e r W o rk F e n c e m2
583 Afforestation m2
590 Site Installation 591 Site installation and supervision (2% of (300+ 400) and 10%
Sub Total on construction
5% Contingencies
Total on 500 Construction

Chiseling is only for finishing work. Quantity should not be more than 5% of total volume of foundation excavation.
LSTB C o s t E s tim a te

600 Miscellaneous Works

Description Unit Quantity Rate Cost

610 Gabion Works 611 Dismantling of Gabion Bo> m3

620 Concret & Masonry Wo 621 Dismantling of Masonry St m3

622 Dismantling of Concrete S m3

630 Pretensioning/Hoisting 631 Main,handrail, fixation & w m

of Wire Ropes 632 Windtie and stabilizing cat pc

640 Walkway Adjustment 641 Replacing of Suspenders m

642 Adjusting of Suspenders m

643 Replacing of Crossbeams m

644 Adjusting of Crossbeams m

645 Dismantling of Walkway m

646 Refixing of Walkway m

647 Dismantling of Wiremesh l m

648 Replacing of Wiremesh Ne m

650 Finishing Works 651 Retightening of BD Grips,T m

652 Coltar Application m

653 Repainting of Steel Parts m2

660 Miscellaneous 661 Dismantling of Existing Bri- m

Subtotal 610-660

5% Contingencies

Total on 600 Miscellaneous Works

H is M a je s ty 's G o v e rn m e n t
M in is try o f L o c a l D e v e lo p m e n t


Bridge No Bridge Name

Span, meters District

Type of Bridge Region

Tower Height River

210 Wire Ropes

Type Pcs No Single Length per Type per 0
m 0 mm 013mm 026mm 032mm 036mm 040mm
Windguy Upstream
Windguy Downstream
Diagonal Stabilizing
Windguy strut fixation

Total Length in meters

Weight of cables per m length 0.67 2.57 3.90 4.93 6.09
Total weight of cable per 0 in kg
Total Weight
POS CE 211 212 213 214 215

220 Blasting Materials

Description Unit Qty POS CE
Gelatin( 0.25 kg/m3) kg
Detonator( 2 pc/m3) pc
Fuse Wire(2m/m3) m


Verified by
Approved by
LSTB Cost Estimate


300 Steel Parts

Structural Reinfor Nuts, Galvanizing Transport
steel, kq cement Bolts & (kq) weight (kq)
NO Name

Steel Walkway Deck
Windguy cable clamps
Diagonal stabilizer
Stablizing Cable clamps
Side Stay Cable Anchorage
Wind Cable Anchorage
Main anchorage , Suspension
Tower Stay Chain
Cable Anchorage, Suspended
Handrail & Fixation Cable Anchorage
Saddles & Accessories
Cable Rock Anchorage
Walkway & Tower Foundation
Windguy Stay Structure
Truss bridge


POS C E 311 312 343 351 411


Verified by
Approved by
LSTB Cost Estimate


500 Construction
Unit Quantity ment Requirement of
ment Sand Gravel Rubble/ Block stone
(bags) (m3) (m3) bldr (m3) (m3)
540 Construction of Gabions m3 1.10
551 Plain Mass Concrete 1:4:8 m3 3.40
552 Plain Mass Concrete 1:3:6 m3 4.40
553 Rent. Cement Concrete1:2:4 m3 6.40
554 Plum Concrete 40% m3 2.64
561 Dry Stone Masonry/Pitching m3 1.10
562 Block Stone Masonry(1:4) m3 2.28
563 Rubble Masonry(1:6) m3 1.50
564 Rubble Masonry( 1:4) m3 2.28
565 Cement Plaster(1:4) m2 0.18

540 Gabion wires

Mesh Wire 10SWG Selvedge Wire 7i Binding Wire 12SWG
Box Size(m) Volume Require, Weight Require, Weight Require, Weight
m3 per m3 kg per m3 kg per m3 kg
2.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 12.08 1.58 0.48
3.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 11.70 1.37 0.43
2.0 x 1.0 x 0.3 22.33 3.75 1.08
3.0 x 1.0 x 0.3 21.94 3.33 1.00
Total Weight of Gabion Wire (kg)


Verified by

Approved by
His Majesty's Government
Ministry of Local Development



Description Unit Quantity
310 Supply & Fabrication 311 Structural Steel kg
312 Reinforcement Steel kg
320 Thimbles 321 0 13mm pc
322 0 26mm pc
323 0 32mm pc
324 0 36mm pc
325 0 40mm pc
330 Bulldog Grip 331 0 13mm pc
332 0 26mm pc
333 0 32mm pc
334 0 36mm pc
335 0 40mm pc
340 Miscellaneous Supply 341 Wiremesh Netting m2
342 Sign Board pc
343 Bolts, Nuts, Washers kg
344 10 SWG Gl Binding wire kg
350 Rust Prevention 351 Hot Dip Galvanization kg

Description Unit Quantity
410 Transportation 411 Material and Equipment kg
412 Wire Ropes kg

Description Unit Quantity
510 Site Clearance 511 Site Clearance m2
520 All Excavation 521 Soil m3
522 Soft Rock m3
523 Hard Rock (quarrying) m3
524 Hard Rock (blasting) m3
530 Foundation Excavation 531 Soil m3
532 Soft Rock m3
533 Hard Rock(quarrying) m3
534 Hard Rock(blasting) m3
535 Hard Rock(chiseling) m3
536 Backfilling m3

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Quantity
540 Construction of Gabions 541 Box Size 2.0x1.0x1.0 m3
542 Box Size 3.0x1.0x1.0 m3
543 Box Size 2.0x1.0x0.3 m3
544 Box Size 3.0x1.0x0.3 m3
550 Concrete Works 551 Plain Lean Concrete 1:4:8 m3
552 Plain Mass Concrete 1:3:6 m3
553 Reinf Cement Concrete 1:2:4 m3
554 Plum Concrete 40% m3
555 Form Work m2
560 Masonry & Mortar Works 561 Dry Stone Masonry & Pitching m3
562 Block Stone Masonry 1:4 m3
563 Rubble Masonry 1:6 m3
564 Rubble Masonry 1:4 m3
565 1:4 Cement Plaster 20mm thick m2
570 Erection & Finishing Works 571 Erection of Towers m
572 Erection of Truss Bridge m
573 Hoisting of Main Cable m
574 Hoisting of Windties & Stablizing Cable pc
575 Erection of Walkway m
576 Coaltar Application m
580 Surrounding Works 581 Turfing m2
582 Construction of Wicker Work Fence m2
583 Afforestation m2
590 Site Installation Charge 591 Site Installation and Supervision Unit
|Total 500 Construction


Description Unit Quantity
610 Gabion Works 611 Dismantling of Gabion Boxes m3
620 Concrete Masonry Works 621 Dismantling of Masonry Structures m3
622 Dismantling of Concrete Structures m3
630 Pretensioning/ Hoisting of 631 Main Cables m
Wire Ropes 632 Windties and Stabilizng Cables pc
640 Walkway Adjustments 641 Replacing of Suspenders pc
642 Adjusting of Suspenders m
643 Replacing of Cross Beams m
644 Adjusting of Cross Beams m
645 Dismantling of Walkway m
646 Refixing of Walkway m
647 Dismantling of Wiremesh Net m
648 Replacing of Wiremens Net m
650 Finishing Works 651 Retightening of BD Grips, Nuts etc. m
652 Coaltar Application m
653 Repainting of Steel parts m2
660 Miscellaneous 661 Dismantling of Existing Bridge m
Total 600 Miscellaneous Work
His Majesty’s Government
Ministry of Local Development


Description Unit Unit Rate Unit

Quantity Cost
Description Dist. Wt Rate Unit Cost
411 Material and Equipment
Transportation by Truck
From : Metalled Road, km 1.00
To: N o n M e ta lle d R o a d , k m 1.00
Transportation by Porter (R ate=D aily w age/38) 1,000.00
Transportation by Air
Total per kg = Subtotal/1000
Cost per kg with 15 % overhead and 10 % VAT
412 Wire Ropes
Transportation by truck
From : Metalled Road, km 1.00
To: N o n M e ta lle d R o a d , k m 1.00
Transportation by Porter R ate=D aily W a g e /1 5 1,000.00
Transportation by Air
Total per kg = Subtotal/1000
Cost per kg with 15 % overhead and 10% VAT
511 Site Clearance
Labour Unskilled Md. 0.06
Cost per sq.m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
521 All Excavation in Soil
Labour Unskilled Md. 0.80
Cost per cu.m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
522 All Excavation in Soft Rock
Labour Unskilled Md. 1.40
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
523 All Excavation in Hard Rock by Quarrying
Material Fuel Lt. 2.20
Labour Unskilled Md 1.65
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Unit Unit Rate Unit

Description Quantity Cost
524 All Excavation in Hard Rock by Blasting
Material Fuel Lt 2.20
Labour Skilled Md 0.04
Unskilled Md 1.65
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
531 Foundation Excavation in Soil
Labour Unskilled Md 1.69
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
532 Foundation Excavation in Soft Rock
Labour Unskilled Md 2.50
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
533 Foundation Excavation in Hard Rock by Quarrying
Material Fuel Lt 4.00
Labour Unskilled Md 5.50
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
534 Foundation Excavation in Hard Rock by Blasting
Material Fuel Lt 2.20
Labour Skilled Md 0.04
Unskilled Md 4.40
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
535 Foundation Excavation in Hard Rock by Chiseling
Labour Unskilled Md 25.20
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
536 Back filling
Labour Unskilled Md 0.85
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
541 Gabion Box Size 2.0mx1.0mx1.0m
Material Mesh Wire 10SWG kg 12.08
Selvage Wire 7 SWG kg 1.58
Binding Wire 12SWC kg 0.48
Rubble m3 1.10
Fabrication of Gabions Skilled Md 0.23
Unskilled Md 0.10
Construction of Gabions Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

542 Gabion Box Size 3.0mx1.0mx1.0m
Material Mesh Wire 10SWG kg 11.70
Selvage Wire 7 SWG kg 1.37
Binding Wire 12SW( kg 0.43
Rubble m3 1.10
Fabrication of Gabions Skilled Md 0.21
Unskilled Md 0.10
Construction of Gabions Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
543 Gabion Box Size 2.0mx1.0mx0.3m
Material Mesh Wire 10 SWG kg 22.33
Selvage Wire 7 SWG kg 3.75
Binding Wire 12SW( kg 1.08
Rubble m3 1.10
Fabrication of Gabions Skilled Md 0.44
Unskilled Md 0.20
Construction of Gabions Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
544 Gabion Box Size 3.0mx1.0mx0.3m
Material Mesh Wire 10 SWG kg 21.94
Selvage Wire 7 SWG kg 3.33
Binding Wire 12 SW( kg 1.00
Rubble m3 1.10
Fabrication of Gabions Skilled Md 0.41
Unskilled Md 0.19
Construction of Gabions Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
551 Plain Lean Concrete 1:4:8
Material Cement bag 3.40
Gravel (5-40mm) m3 0.89
Sand m3 0.47
Labour Skilled Md 1.00
Unskilled Md 4.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
552 Plain Mass Concrete 1:3:6
Material Cement bag 4.40
Gravel (5-40mm) m3 0.89
Sand m3 0.47
Labour Skilled Md 1.00
Unskilled Md 4.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

553 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:2:4
Material Cement bag 6.40
Gravel (5-40mm) m3 0.85
Sand m3 0.45
Labour Skilled Md 1.00
Unskilled Md 4.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
554 Plum Concrete 40%
Material Cement bag 2.64
Gravel (5-40mm) m3 0.54
Sand m3 0.28
Boulders(225 mm) m3 0.50
Labour Skilled Md 0.50
Unskilled Md 4.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
555 Form Work
Material Wood m3 0.01
Nails kg 0.03
Labour Skilled Md 0.78
Unskilled Md 0.62
Cost per mA2 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
561 Dry Stone Masonry or Pitching
Material Rubble m3 1.10
Labour Skilled Md 1.00
Unskilled Md 2.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
562 Block Stone Masonry 1:4
Material Cement bag 2.28
Sand m3 0.42
Dressed/Stratified Blc m3 1.10
Labour Skilled Md 1.50
Unskilled Md 3.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
563 Rubble Masonry 1:6
Material Cement bag 1.50
Sand m3 0.47
Rubble m3 1.10
Labour Skilled Md 1.50
Unskilled Md 5.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

564 Rubble Masonry 1:4
Material Cement bag 2.28
Sand m3 0.45
Rubble m3 1.10
Labour Skilled Md 1.50
Unskilled Md 5.00
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
565 Cement Plaster 1:4, 20 mm thick
Material Cement bag 0.16
Sand m3 0.02
Labour Skilled Md 0.22
Unskilled Md 0.22
Cost per m2 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
571 Erection of Towers
Tower Height <15.0m
Material Bamboo pc 4.00
Dori kg 2.00
Labour Skilled Md 1.50
Unskilled Md 10.00
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
Tower Height >15.0m
Material Bamboo pc 6.00
Dori kg 2.00
Labour Skilled Md 1.90
Unskilled Md 14.00
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
572 Erection of Truss Bridge
Material Bamboo P 6.00
Dori kg 2.00
Labour Skilled Md 1.90
Unskilled Md 15.00
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
573 Hoisting of Cables per m, (Incl un/coiling)
Cable 0 13mm
Labour Skilled Md 0.01
Unskilled Md 0.08
Cable 0 26mm
Labour Skilled Md 0.04
Unskilled Md 0.32

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

573 Hoisting of Cables per m, (Incl un/coiling)
Cable 0 32mm
Labour Skilled Md 0.06
Unskilled Md 0.48
Cable 0 36mm
Labour Skilled Md 0.08
Unskilled Md 0.61
Cable 0 40mm
Labour Skilled Md 0.10
Unskilled Md 0.75
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
574 Hoisting of Winties and Stabilizing Cables
Labour Skilled Md 0.27
Unskilled Md 0.67
Cost per Pc with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
575 Erection of the Walkway
For Suspension Bridge
Labour Skilled Md 1.32
Unskilled Md 2.50
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
For Suspended Bridge
Labour Skilled Md 1.02
Unskilled Md 2.15
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
576 Coal tar Application
For Suspension Bridge
Material Coal tar Lt 1.00
Kerosene Lt 0.33
Labour Skilled Md 0.02
Unskilled Md 0.12
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
For Suspended Bridge
Material Coal ta Lt 0.56
Kerosene Lt 0.19
Labour Skilled Md 0.03
Unskilled Md 0.06
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

581 Turfing
Material Fertilizer kg 0.07
Labour Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m2 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
582 Construction of Wicker Work Fence
With Brushwood
Labour Unskilled Md 0.20
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
583 Afforstation
Material Saplings P 0.30
Barbed Wire and Pol Md 1.00
Labour Unskilled Md 0.02
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
611 Dismantling of Gabion Boxes
Labour Unskilled Md 3.00
Cost per m3 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
621 Dismantling of Masonry Structures
Labour Unskilled Md 2.20
Cost per m3 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
622 Dismantling of Concrete Structures
Material Fuel Lt 4.00
Labour Unskilled Md 26.00
Cost per m3 with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
631 Pretensioning / Hoisting of Windguy, Spanning, Handrail & Fixation Cables
Cable 13 mm
Labour Pretensioning Skilled Md 0.01
Unskilled Md 0.01
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
Cable 26-40 mm
Labour Loosening Skilled Md 0.01
Unskilled Md 0.02
Labour Pretensioning Skilled Md 0.01
Unskilled Md 0.05
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

632 Pretensioning / Hoisting of All Other Cables
Labour Loosening Skilled Md 0.03
Unskilled Md 0.07
Labour Adjusting Skilled Md 0.05
Unskilled Md 0.13
Cost per P with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
641 Replacing of Suspenders
Labour Skilled Md 0.90
Unskilled Md 1.69
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
642 Adjusting of Suspenders
Labour Skilled Md 0.27
Unskilled Md 0.52
Cost per m with o15 % overhead & 10% VAT
643 Replacing of Crossbeams
Labour Skilled Md 0.67
Unskilled Md 1.42
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
644 Adjusting of Crossbeams
Labour Skilled Md 0.22
Unskilled Md 0.48
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
645 Dismantling of Walkway
Labour Unskilled Md 0.28
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
646 Re fixing of Walkway
Labour Skilled Md 0.27
Unskilled Md 0.52
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
647 Dismantling of Wire mesh Netting
Labour Skilled Md 0.01
Unskilled Md 0.06
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
648 Replacing of Wire mesh Netting
Labour Skilled Md 0.02
Unskilled Md 0.13
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost

651 Retightening of Bulldog Grips, Nuts, etc.
Labour Unskilled Md 0.10
Cost per m with overhead and contract tax
652 Coaltar Application
Material Coal tar Lt 0.59
Kerosene Lt 0.20
Labour Skilled Md 0.02
Unskilled Md 0.07
Cost per m with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT
653 Repainting of Steel Parts
Labour Skilled Md 0.01
Preparation of Surface Unskilled Md 0.16
Material 1 Base Coat Red Oxide Zinc Chro Lt 0.13
Labour Skilled Md 0.08
Unskilled Md 0.07
Material Finishing Coat Polythene Enamel Lt 0.10
Labour Skilled Md 0.09
Unskilled Md 0.10

550/560 Sand
Labour Collection of Sand Unskilled Md 1.49
Washing of Sand Unskilled Md
Additional Haulage, m Unskilled Md 0.01
Cost per m3
540-560 Rubble, Boulder
Labour [Collection of Rubble Boulder Unskilled Md 0.77
Additional Haulage,m Unskilled Md 0.02
Cost per m3
550 Gravel
LabounCollection of natural Gravel Unskilled Md 4.00
Breaking of Gravel, % Unskilled Md 14.60
Additional Haulage, m Unskilled Md 0.01
Cost per m3
560 Block Stone
Labour Collection & Dressing Unskilled Md 5.63
Additional Haulage Unskilled Md 0.02
Cost per m3

LSTB Cost Estimate

Description Unit Unit Rate Unit Cost


661 Dismantling of Existing Bridge


Labour Skilled Md 0.50

Unskilled Md 1.50
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT


Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT


Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT


Labour Skilled Md
Unskilled Md
Cost per m3with 15 % overhead & 10% VAT

His Majesty’s Government
Ministry o f Local Development
Trail B ridge Section



Description Unit Rates

210 Wire Ropes 211 0 13mm m

212 0 26mm m

213 0 32mm m

214 0 36mm m

215 0 40mm m
220 Blasting Materials 221 Gelatin kg
222 Detonator pc
223 Fuse Wire m

310 Supply of Steelparts 311 Fabricated Structural Steel kg

312 Reinforcement Steel kg
320 Thimbles 321 0 13mm pc
322 0 26mm pc
323 0 32mm pc
324 0 36mm pc
325 0 40mm PC
330 Bulldog Grips 331 0 13mm PC
332 0 26mm pc
333 0 32mm pc
334 0 36mm PC
335 0 40mm PC
340 Miscellaneous Supply 341 Wiremesh Netting m2

342 Sign Board PC

343 Bolts, Nuts, Washers kg
350 Rust Prevention 351 Hot Dip Galvanization kg
410 Transportation 411/412 Truck Metalled Road txkm
411/412 Truck Nonmetalled Road txkm
411/412 Plane/Helicopter kg
520/530 Excavation 520/530 Fuel Itr
540 Construction of Gabions 540 Gabion Wire, 7,10,12 SWG kg
550/560 Concrete & Masonry Works 550/560 Cement bag
555 Formwork 555 Nails kg
570 Erection and Finishing Works 575 Binding Wire kg

570/650 Coaltar Itr

570/650 Kerosene Itr
580 Surrounding Works 581 Fertilizer kg

582 Barbed Wire and Poles m

583 Saplings PC
650 Finishing Works 653 Red Oxide Zinc Chromate Itr
653 Polyurethane Enamel Itr
Note: The above rates are including VAT and Overhead
Volum e A Long Span Trail Bridge Standard

12.6 Survey Form and Checklist

Chapter 12: Appendix

His Majesty’s Government
Ministry o f Local Development
Departm ent o f Local Infrastructure D ev elo p m en t and Agricultural R oads
Trail Bridge Section

S U R V E Y F O R M and C H E C K L I S T

Detail Survey of Long Span Trail (LSTB) Bridge

Bridge Number

Bridge Name



Surveyed by


Kim. July 2 004/G R

His Majesty’s Government
Ministry o f Local Development
Departm ent o f Local Infrastructure D evelop m en t and Agricultural R oads
Trail Bridge Section


Bridge Number : Name :

Span* & Type : River :


N : E :

Map N o. : A ltitude :

Left Bank Right Bank

V illa g e : V illa g e :

District : D istrict :

R egion : R egion :

N am e Signature Date

Surveyed by:

Checked by:

A pproved by:

* approxim ate span and type o f bridge


Table of Content

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3

2. Socio-Economic Data......................................................................................................4
2.1 Traffic C ounting/E xpected T im e S a v in g ............................................................................4
2.2 Poverty O rientation......................................................................................................................6

3. Feasibility Survey........................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Site S e le c tio n ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 L ocal Support o f the P roject.................................................................................................... 7
3.3 T ype o f R iv e r ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.4 E xisten ce o f Local Bridge or C r o ssin g .............................................................................. 8
3.5 A vailab ility and C ost o f C onstruction M aterials............................................................ 8
3.6 Labor D istrict R a te s.....................................................................................................................8
3.7 A ccessib ility , D ista n ce s............................................................................................................. 8

4. Geological and Geotechnical survey...........................................................................9

4.1 R ocky Bank and S lo p e .............................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Soil Bank and S lo p e ................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Soil Test Pit D im e n sio n .............................................................................................................9
4 .4 S a m p lin g .......................................................................................................................................... 9

5. Topographical Survey..................................................................................................10
5.1 D escription o f P egs and B en ch -M a rk s............................................................................. 10
5.2 Triangulation and E levation o f P egs and B en ch -M ark s............................................ 11
5.3 T acheom etric S u r v ey ................................................................................................................11

6. Preliminary Design....................................................................................................... 11
6.1 H igh Flood L e v e l........................................................................................................................11
6.2 Sketch o f the bridge and the bridge s i t e .........................................................................11
6.3 Prelim inary D esign D ata..........................................................................................................12

7. Photographs................................................................................................................... 12

8. Compilation of Data and R eporting.........................................................................13

8.1 F easibility and site se le c tio n .................................................................................................. 13
8.2 G eological Survey and D eterm ination o f D esign P aram eters.................................13
8.3 Topographical Survey, prelim inary d esign and p h o to g ra p h s.................................. 13

1. I n tro ductio n
T his Survey C heck L ist is prepared for exp erienced consultants and T B S /S B D
engineers. The surveyor should be very fam iliar w ith the standard d esign , “ Survey,
D esig n and C onstruction o f Trail S usp en sion B rid ges for R em ote A reas” d evelop ed
b y Trail B ridge S ectio n /S u sp en sio n B ridge D iv isio n and H elvetas. In addition, the
surveyor m ust h ave the b asic k n o w led g e in the art o f en gineerin g g eology. H e m ust be
able to ju d ge w hether a site is feasib le or g e o lo g ic a lly risky. In the latter case, an
E ngineer G eologist is n ecessary to carry out a detailed g eo lo g ica l study. In such
exceptional cases, the E ngineer G eo lo g ist o f T B S /S B D w ill provide the additional
required inform ation.

Prior to v isitin g the site, the “Prelim inary Survey R eport” prepared by the E ngineer
G eologist, T B S /S B D has to be studied. W ithout such report, no survey should be
carried and the w orks w ill also not be accepted by the Trail B ridge
S ection /S u sp en sion B ridge D iv isio n .

T he fo llo w in g M anuals and C heck-L ists are required for execu tin g a survey according
to the requirem ents o f T B S /S B D :

Survey and D esig n and C onstruction o f Trail S usp en sion B ridges for R em ote
Areas: V olu m e A: D esig n , revised version

Survey and D e sig n and C onstruction o f Trail S usp en sion B ridges for R em ote
Areas: V olu m e B: Survey

C heck-L ist N o. 1 Prelim inary Study For A lternative S ites

C heck-L ist N o . 2 S lop e study & Site S election

C heck-L ist N o. 3 R ock Investigation

C heck-L ist N o. 4 G eo lo g ica l Plane Investigation (GPI)

C heck-L ist N o. 5 Transit C ross-P rofile

C heck-L ist N o . 6 S oil Investigation

C heck-L ist N o. 7 Triangulation

C heck-L ist N o . 8 Sum m ary O f Triangulation And E levation s

C heck-L ist N o. 9 T acheom etry

C heck-L ist N o. 10 D esign Parameters

The surveyor is requested to fo llo w the instructions very precisely. In case o f an

incom p lete or w rong survey, refer in particularly to Chapter 7 b elo w , The o ffic e w ill
strictly not accept and approve such subm itted jo b s.

2. S o c io -E c o n o m ic D ata

2.1 Traffic Counting/Expected Time Saving

Traffic cou n ting has to be con d ucted at the traditional crossin g p oin t/s for at least
three co n secu tiv e days. If, in case the proposed crossin g site is not b ein g used b y the
traffic due to unavailability or risky river crossin g facility (bridge, ferry, cab le car,
tem porary bridge) the traffic study has to be conducted at the nearest crossin g site at
the upstream or dow nstream o f the river. T he average daily traffic o f the proposed
crossin g site should be interpreted based on the origin and destination survey w ith
proper ju stification .

E xpected tim e saving after bridge construction should be estim ated on the b asis o f
detouration o f the crossin g point at present.

D ate and day o f traffic su r v e y :____________________ tim e ( F r o m .................... T o ................. )

Human Traffic

Traffic category (numbers) Expected

s. Porters Travellers Origin Destination Remarks time saving
N. after bridge
Male Female construction









Animal Traffic

Traffic category (numbers) Expected time

s. Origin Destination Remarks saving after
N. Porters Animals bridge











Note: Cattle, mules, buffaloes, horses: 1 unit

Goats, sheep: '/a unit


2.2 Poverty Orientation

Identify num ber o f p eo p le and h ou seh old s w h o are b elo w the poverty line (th ose w h o
have daily per capita in com e less than U S $ 1) w ithin the influence area o f the
proposed bridge. Investigate the p o ssib le p o sitiv e or n egative im pact on these p eo p le
due to the construction o f the proposed bridge. R ecom m end m easure to m in im ize
n egative im pact on the poor.

H ousehold w ith daily per capita in com e less than U S $ 1 =

H ousehold w ith d aily per capita in com e > US $ 1 =

Total h ousehold

P o ssib le Negative im pacts on the poor:

P ossible Positive im pacts on the poor:

R ecom m end Measures to m in im ize n egative im pacts on the poor:


3. F ea sibility S urvey

3.1 Site Selection

Carry out feasib ility studies o f at least three alternative sites in concordance w ith the
“Prelim inary Survey Report” .
For all three sites do the follow in g:

• Fill in Check List No. 1: Preliminary Study for Alternative Sites

• Draw a sketch and a cross section o f each alternative site, include the trail system
and trails to be build in future, ex istin g and planned roads, present and future river
crossin gs, distribution o f population, etc.
• Take photographs i.e. an overall v iew and both banks

S elect the best site b y con siderin g criteria like trail system , span, type o f bridge, bank
and slo p e con d ition s, structure o f rocks, etc.

D ecid e w hether a detailed g eo lo g ica l investigation is required. I f not, con tin ue w ith
the detailed survey. I f yes, an E ngineer G eo lo g ist is n ecessary to carry out the detailed
g eo lo g ica l and topographical survey.

3.2 Local Support of the Project

D o the local p eo p le agree w ith the selected site? Interview at least three b en eficiaries,
V D C and D D C m em bers, etc.

No N am e A ddress Function Rem arks

In addition, get a letter o f confirm ation regarding the site selection from the D D C

3.3 Type of River

Report the nature o f the river at the crossin g point based on the fo llo w in g sim p le
classification :

□ Major => U nfordable throughout the year

□ Medium => Fordable at som e p laces during dry season

w ith d ifficu lties or w ith temporary, bridges

□ Minor => E asily fordable during dry season


3.4 Existence of Local Bridge or Crossing

D escrib e the ex istin g bridge or crossin g ( i f any):

B ridge T ype : _________________________ Span (m ) : ___________

Y ear o f C onstruction : _________________________ Free-B oard (m ) : ___________

A ctual condition o f B ridge : ________________________________________

Constructed by : ________________________________________

O rganization respon sible for m aintenance : ________________________________________

R eplacem en t : □ N ecessa ry □ N ot n ecessary

A ttach a sketch, m ake photographs (overall v ie w , relevant d etails).

3.5 Availability and Cost of Construction Materials

Cost Item Description Rates Haulage Remarks
Estimate Distance
Pos. No. NC Unit meter
550/60 Sand
540/50/60 Rubble, Boulders
555 Wood for Form m3
571/72 Bamboo pc
571/72 Dori kg

3.6 Labor District Rates

Cost Item Description Rates
Estimate Remarks
Pos. No. NC Unit
500/600 Skilled Labor md
500/600 Unskilled Labor md
410 Porter md

3.7 Accessibility, Distances

E xistin g distances:

Nearest Name Miles Porter
Roadhead (Tractors)

From w h ich source are this inform ation ?


W ill in future a new road be build or planned? If yes, g iv e the fo llo w in g inform ation:

Nearest Name Miles Porter
Roadhead (Trucks)
Roadhead (Tractors)

Planned date o f c o m p le tio n :____________

From w h ich source are this inform ation?

4. G eo lo g ic al and G eo tech nic al survey

Study carefully and fill in the resp ective C heck-L ists as indicated in the “Prelim inary
Survey R eport” .

4.1 Rocky Bank and Slope

• Check List No. 2: Slope Study & Site Selection, for each bank
• Check List No. 3: Rock Investigation, for each rock sam ple
• Check List No. 4: Geological Plane Investigation,
for exp osed rock around the anchorage b lock s and banks
• Cheek List No. 5: Transit Cross Profile, for g eo lo g ica l d ifficu lt banks
• Check List No. 6: Soil Investigation,
for open test pits, i f the rock is covered b y soil

4.2 Soil Bank and Slope

• Check List No. 2: Slope Study & Site Selection, for each bank
• Check List No. 6: Soil Investigation,
for each m ain anchorage b lock and tow er foundation

4.3 Soil Test Pit Dimension

The m inim um length and breadth o f the pit should b e 0 .8 0 x 1.50 meter.

The depth for soil anchorages m ust be at least 2 .0 0 m eter for tow er foundations and
main anchorages and 1.50 m eter for w in d gu y anchorages or at least up to the
estim ated foundation base or b elo w to the rock face. For h igh ly w eathered and
fractured rock surfaces, the depth m ust be up to the fresh rock.

4.4 Sampling
In order to be able to determ ine the soil and rock parameters the fo llo w in g sam ples are
essential and m ust therefore be transported back to the head office:

R ock : O ne fresh sam ple from each anchorage and bank for each different type o f
rock. And, one sam ple for different grade o f w eathering.
S oil : O ne m ixed sa m p le1 from top to bottom and, on e sa m p le1 from the bottom
layer o f the pit for each pit.

1 Take at least 1.5 kg per sample for visual classification and at least 2.5 kg for laboratory test i.e. sieve
analysis, atterberg limits and shear test. Fill soil sample tag for each sample and bind it to the sample bag.

5. T o po g r a ph ic al S u rvey

5.1 Description of Pegs and Bench-Marks

Draw a sketch and d escrib e the p egs b y indicating type o f peg, distances, an gles and
azim uths.

Right Bank
Point Marking Elevation

Left Ba n k
Point Marking Elevation

Indicate distances, azim uths, angles, north direction and flo w o f river.

TBS/DoLlDAR LSTB Survey Form

5.2 Triangulation and Elevation of Pegs and Bench-Marks

Refer to Check-List Nos. 7 and 8.

• T he base distance “d” must be at least 2 0 % o f the distance D

• The distance “d” m ust b e accurately m easured horizontally. M easure it several
tim es and take the mean
• The triangulation has to be m ade tw ice, i f the d ifference o f D is m ote than 0.25% ,
repeat it
• If D < 150 meter: The triangulation can be m ade in on e section
• If D > 150 meter: The distance d has to be divided into tw o section s. R ef. V olu m e
B: Survey, page 189
• M ake all the calculation before con tin uin g w ith the tacheom etric survey

5.3 Tacheometric Survey

Refer to Check-List No. 9.

• B ased on the prelim inary d esign, refer to paragraph 5 b elo w , the area to be
covered by the detailed survey can be determ ined
• The sta ff m ust be kept in a vertical p osition . A slight inclination from the vertical
w ill result in a large error in the distance
• Special attention has to be paid to the area near the proposed anchorage b locks, at
breaking poin ts o f the terrain, paddy field s, existin g local crossin gs, drainage,
trails, h ouses, b ig boulders, etc.
• T acheom etric reading has to be m ade for triangulation points, reference points
and bench marks for cross ch eck in g purpose
• The location and elevation o f the soil test pits and rock outcrops have to be
m easured
• Set up the th eod olite on perm anent p egs on ly

6. P r e l im in a r y D e s ig n
Refer to LSTB Technical Manual,Volume B : Survey, chapter 6.5 for detailed

6.1 High Flood Level

S in ce in rem ote areas hydrological data are norm ally not available, the design flood
level has to be based on the highest ascertainable historic flood level by inquiry
am on g local inhabitants and com m en ted b y observations at the site by flood marks on
the river banks, presence o f forests, etc.

6.2 Sketch of the bridge and the bridge site

M easure a p rofile in the axis line A -B by using the tacheom etric m ethod. Draw a
sketch o f the site in scale 1:500 in plan and cross section w ith all important
inform ation.

6.3 Preliminary Design Data

Suspended Bridge: Span range 20 - 350 m eter
Span intervals span = 1.2 i
Dead load sag fd = span/23

S usp en sion Bridge: Span range 30 - 2 80 m eter

Span intervals span = 2 .4 0 i + 2 .2 0
Cam ber cd = 3 % o f span
Dead load sag fd = 12 % o f span

A nchorages/Foundations: The approxim ate p osition m ust be determ ined.

W ind bracings: The approxim ate layout includ ing the location o f the
anchorages m ust be d etenn ined for spans ex c eed in g 50
m eters.

Free-Board: D eterm ine the elevation o f the bridge includ ing the
w ind bracings in such a w ay that the m inim um free­
board o f fiv e m eter is m aintained.

Special D esign: In special topographic con d itions, m od ification s o f the

standard bridges m ay be required. There are different
p o ssib ilities o f adopting the d esign to the sp ecific site
con d itions like tunnel anchorages, su spension bridges
w ith one tow er, etc. For further details refer to LST B
T echnical M anual, V o lu m e A: D esign.

7. P h o t o g r a p h s

For the B ridge R ecord o f the D istrict and the internal ch eck in g propose good
photographs are very essential. Therefore, a survey w ithout su fficien t and good p hotos
w ill not b e accepted b y the office.

The fo llo w in g photographs have to be taken:

• O verall v ie w , anchorages, w alk w ay, etc. o f the ex istin g crossin g, i f any

• O verall v ie w o f the bridge site from dow nstream and upstream
• O verall v ie w o f the right and left bank
• P osition all foundations and anchorages
• S oil test pits and location s w here rock sam p les are taken. D o not forget to put the
sta ff or a scale in v isib le p osition for references

If one picture d oes not cover the necessary area, take several pictures from the sam e
spot w ith su fficien t overlapping.

TBS/DoLlDAR LSTB Survey Form

8. C o m p il a t io n o f D a t a a n d R e p o r t in g
The survey report has to be in con cordan ce with the fo llo w in g structure and it m ust
contain the fo llo w in g inform ation:

8.1 Feasibility and site selection

1) C om p lete C heck List N o . 1: Prelim inary Study for A lternative S ites for all sites
2) Draw a sketch and a cross section o f each alternative site, include the trail
system and trails to be build in future, ex istin g and planned roads, present and
future river crossin gs, distribution o f population, etc.
3) D escrib e each alternative site separately and co m p ile the photographs
4) G ive a detailed ju stifica tio n , pros and con s, o f the selected site
5) D escrib e the ex istin g trail system and com pare it w ith the situation after the n ew
bridge w ill be built
6) M ake your ow n firm ju d gm en t w ith regard to the feasib ility o f the proposed
bridge site in term s o f so cio -e co n o m ic as w e ll as tech nical as aspects.

8.2 Geological Survey and Determination of Design Parameters

7) C om p lete C heck List N o . 2 S lop e Study & S ite S election , for each bank
8) C om p lete C heck List N o . 3 R ock Investigation, for each rock sam ple
9) C om p lete C heck List N o . 4 G eological Plane Investigation, for exp osed
rock around the anchorage b lock s and banks;
10) C om p lete C heck List N o . 5: Transit Cross Profile, for g eo lo g ica l d ifficu lt
11) C om p lete C heck L ist N o. 6: Soil Investigation, for each open test pit
12) For rocky banks carry out a stability analysis according to V olu m e B: Survey,
chapter 5.41
13) Subm it all soil and rock sam p le, ref. Chapter 3.4 above. G ive reference num bers
w here g eo lo g ica l data and/or sam ples w ere collected
14) Fill in C heck List N o . 10: D esign Parameters
15) M ake a report w ith com m en ts on the detailed g eo lo g ica l survey with em ph asis
on the g eo lo g ica l lim its and p o ssib le failures o f the slop es and banks

8.3 Topographical Survey, preliminary design and photographs

16) C om p lete C heck List N o . 7: Triangulation
17) C om plete C heck List N o . 8: Sum m ary o f Triangulation and E levation s
18) C om plete C heck List N o . 9: T acheom etry
19) C om p lete the prelim inary bridge design and g iv e recom m endation for the design
20) Plot the contour line map and a section along the bridge axis in scale 1: 2 0 0 on a
w h ite paper with 0 .6 0 m eter width. Indicate perm anents p egs, bench-m arks,
location o f soil test pit, ex istin g crossin gs, trails, etc
21) C om p ile all photographs. G ive a com m ent, indicating all the features o f the

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



C h e c k L is t N o .1 : P p r e l im in a r y Study for A l t e r n a t iv e

S it e s

C h e c k L is t N o .2 : S l o p e S t u d y & S it e S e l e c t io n

C h e c k L is t N o .3 : R o c k In v e s t ig a t io n

C h e c k L is t N o .4 : G e o l o g ic a l P l a n e In v e s t ig a t io n
(G P I)
C heck L is t N o .5 : T r a n s it C ro ss P r o f il e

C h e c k L is t N o .6 : S o i l In v e s t i g a t i o n

C heck L is t N o .7 : T r ia n g u l a t io n

C heck L is t N o .8 : Su m m ary of T r ia n g u l a t io n and

E l e v a t io n s

C h e c k L is t N o .9 : Tacheom etry

C h e c k L i s t N o . 10 : D esig n P aram eters

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



B ridge N u m b er : N am e :

A lternative S ite N o . : A pprox. Span :

A pprox, distance from the traditional existin g crossin g point :

S.N Description Comment R/B L/B Comment R/B L/B

1. River Bank Erosion Present Absent
2. River Current Striking Bank Straight
3. Vegetation Heavy Light
4. Landslides Present Absent
5. Slope Type Soil Rock
6. Steepness: Soil <35° >35°
7. Steepness: Rock <50° >50°
8. Seepage Present Absent
9. Springs Present Absent
10. Swampy Area Present Absent
11.. Erosions Present Absent
12. Inclined Trees Present Absent
13. Rivulets Present Absent
14. Cliff/s (Soil/Rock) Present Absent
15. Others (Specify)



M ake your ow n ju d gem ent, evaluate the bridge site :

R ight bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionable

Left bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionab le

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



B ridge N um ber : N am e :

A lternative Site N o . : A pprox. Span :

A pprox, distance from the traditional existin g crossin g point :

S.N Description Comment R/B L/B Comment R/B L/B

1. River Bank Erosion Present Absent

2. River Current Striking Bank Straight

3. Vegetation Heavy Light

4. Landslides Present Absent

5. Slope Type Soil Rock

6. Steepness: Soil <35° >35°

7. Steepness: Rock <50° >50°

8. Seepage Present Absent

9. Springs Present Absent

10. Swampy Area Present Absent

11.. Erosions Present Absent

12. Inclined Trees Present Absent

13. Rivulets Present Absent

14. Cliff/s (Soil/Rock) Present Absent

15. Others (Specify)



M ake your ow n ju d gem ent, evaluate the bridge site :

Right bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionable

Left bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionab le

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



B rid ge N um ber : N am e :

A lternative S ite N o. : A pprox. Span :

A pprox, distance from the traditional ex istin g crossin g point :

S.N Description Comment R/B L/B Comment R/B L/B

1. River Bank Erosion Present Absent
2. River Current Striking Bank Straight
3. Vegetation Heavy Light
4. Landslides Present Absent
5. Slope Type Soil Rock
6. Steepness: Soil <35° >35°
7. Steepness: Rock <50° >50°
8. Seepage Present Absent
9. Springs Present Absent
10. Swampy Area Present Absent
11.. Erosions Present Absent
12. Inclined Trees Present Absent
13. Rivulets Present Absent
14. Cliff/s (Soil/Rock) Present Absent
15. Others (Specify)

M ake your ow n ju d gem ent, evalu ate the bridge site :

Right bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionab le

Left bank is : G ood Fair Q uestionab le

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge N um ber : N am e :

Bank : A pprox, span :

A zim uth o f bridge axis : A zim uth o f river flo w :

S lo p e type :

A pprox, distance from the traditional existin g crossin g point :

This C heck List has to be filled in after selectin g the best site b y u sin g C heck List N o . 1.


General aspect of the slope: S m ooth Partially cut-out

C ut-out Strongly cut-out

Average inclination and dimensions of:

R iver bank : __________ 0 S lo p e : ________ 0

H eight o f bank : m L ength o f slo p e : m

Breadth o f slo p e : m

General slope profile :

¿Ha ¿3 a
Shape of transverse section of the slope :

□ a a □ □ D □

General river bank profile :

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Rock out crops or scarps on slope and bank:

S lo p e : Sparse M oderate N um erous

Bank : Sparse M oderate N u m erous

Vegetation cover on the slope: H eavy F ew

M oderate N one

Deforestation: H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Paddy field: Location : Present

A bsent

Irrigation channel: Location : Present

A bsent


Flow type: Perennial Calm

N on perennial T urbulent

Fordability: Fordable Fordable in

N on -fordab le dry season

Erosiveness: H igh ly erosive N o n ero siv e

M oderately erosive F illin g up


Bank erosion : H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Gully erosion: H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Sheet erosion: H eavy F ew

M oderate N one

Water run off on the slope : N um ber o f rivulets :

G ive approx. D im en sion o f each rivulet, average breadth x depth

1. x 2. x 3. x 4. ____ x

Dry W et Seasonal

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Presence of impermeable layers : A bsent

Present A zim uth D istan ce from A or B ,

A bsent

Presence of swampy area: A bsent Present

Seepage: A bsent Perm anent Seasonal

S p rin gs : A bsent Perm anent Seasonal

Presence of inclined trees : A bsent Present

Bulges or depression :

Present A zim uth D istan ce from A or B ,

A bsent

Transverse open cracks: Present A b sen t

Longitudinal open cracks: Present A bsent

Traces of dissolution on slope & bank: F ew N um erous

Fallen blocks or rock-fall on slope and bank:

A bsent F ew N um erous

A ngular M edium A ngular R ounded

M ax. diam eter m L ocation

Landslides : A bsent D orm ant A bsent

Failure mechanism (if present):

Erosion Plane Translat.

Rotational Flow'

Wedsje Fall

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Landslides or fallen debris :

Present A zim uth D is ta n c e ___________ from A or B ,

A bsent

Old slided wedge: A bsent L ow

H igh N u m erous

Density of geologic planes: L ow M oderate

High N ot v isib le

Opening of geologic planes : C losed O pen

V ery open N ot

Dip of bedding plane :

Parallel to the slo p e Sub parallel O pposite

Weathering of rock : Sound Fair H igh

Judgement of Bank Action to be taken

G ood P roceed w ith further investigation
A ccep tab le Proceed w ith further investigation
P ropose protective m easures
Q uestionab le Proceed w ith further investigation
Propose protective m easures
C onsult E ngineer G eologist
U n stab le C h o o se a new site

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge N um ber : N am e :

Bank : A pprox, span :

A zim uth o f bridge axis : A zim uth o f river flo w :

S lo p e type :

Approx, distance from the traditional existin g crossin g point :

This Check List has to be filled in after selectin g the b est site by u sin g C heck List N o. 1.


General aspect of the slope: S m ooth Partially cut-out

C ut-out Strongly cut-out

Average inclination and dimensions of:

River bank : 0 S lo p e : ________

H eight o f bank : m L ength o f slop e : m

Breadth o f slop e : m

General slope profile :

z f ln / '" ! □ ¿f]a f^ a
Shape of transverse section of the slope :

>11»» I M TTT
o □ □ D □ □
General river bank profile :

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Rock out crops or scarps on slope and bank:

S lop e : Sparse M oderate N um erous

Bank : Sparse M oderate N um erous

Vegetation cover on the slope: H eavy Few

M oderate N on e

Deforestation: H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Paddy field: L ocation : Present

A bsent

Irrigation channel: L ocation : Present

A bsent


Flow type: Perennial Calm

N on perennial Turbulent

Fordability: Fordable Fordable in

N on -fordab le dry season

Erosiveness: H ighly erosive N o n ero siv e

M oderately erosive F illin g up


Bank erosion : H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Gully erosion: H eavy Light

M oderate N one

Sheet erosion: H eavv Few

M oderate N one

Water run off on the slope : N um ber o f rivulets :

G ive approx. D im en sion o f each rivulet, average breadth x depth

1 . x 2. x 3. ____ x _______ 4 . ______ x

Dry W et Seasonal

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Presence of impermeable layers : A bsent

Present A zim uth D istan ce from A or B,

A bsent

Presence of swampy area: A b sen t Present

Seepage: A bsent Perm anent Seasonal

Springs : A bsent Perm anent Seasonal

Presence of inclined trees : A b sen t Present

Bulges or depression :

Present A zim uth D istan ce from A or B ,

A bsent

Transverse open cracks: Present A bsent

Longitudinal open cracks: Present A bsent

Traces of dissolution on slope & bank: F ew N um erous

Fallen blocks or rock-fall on slope and bank:

A bsent F ew N um erous

A ngular M edium A ngular R ounded

M ax. diam eter m L ocation

Landslides : A bsent D on n an t A bsent

Failure mechanism (if present):

Erosion Plane Translat.

R otational F low

W ed ye Fall

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List

Landslides or fallen debris :

Present A zim uth D is ta n c e ___________ from A or B,

A bsent

Old slided wedge: A bsent Low

H igh N um erous

Density of geologic planes: L ow M oderate

H igh N ot v isib le

Opening of geologic planes : C losed Open

V ery open N ot

Dip of bedding plane :

Parallel to the slop e Sub parallel O pposite

Weathering of rock : Sound Fair High

Judgement of Bank Action to be taken

G ood Proceed w ith further investigation
A ccep tab le Proceed w ith further investigation
P ropose protective m easures
Q uestionab le P roceed with further investigation
P ropose protective m easures
C onsult E ngineer G eo lo g ist
U nstable C h o o se a new site

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


B ridge N um ber : N am e :

Location : B ank :

S. Sample Number
N. Description i 2 3 4
1. General Information
l.a Location
l.b Bank
l.c Sample depth
l.d Photo No.
l.e GPI No.
2. Identification Procedure
2.a Layers
2.b Hammer sound test (hardness)
2.c Bounding o f grains/layers
2.d Quartz test (scratch hammer)
2.e Calcit test (Hcl reaction)
2 .f Texture (grain size & shape)

2-g Colour
2.h Fracture pattern
2.1 Bedding (with thickness)

2j Special characters
3. Rock Type
4. Weathering Grade
5. Photograph No.

Remarks : l.a tow er (T A ) m ainanchorage (M A );

1. GPI
e = G eological Plane In vestigation (C h eck List N o .4 )
2 .a n o/yes, lam inated/foliated/banded;
2.b brittle/dull;
2 .c w ell/n o t w ell;
2.d no/fine/strong;
2 .e n o /y es, slight/strong/very strong, at jo in t or at rock m ass;
2.f coarse/m ed iu m /fm e/very fine, angular/rounded;
2.h planer/curve, regular/irregular;
2 .i clear/not so clear/not clear;
4. sound (I), fairly w eathered (II), h ig h ly w eathered (III)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


B ridge N um ber : N am e :

L ocation : B ank :

S. Sample 1Number
N. Description 1 2 3 4
1. General Information
l.a Location
l.b Bank
l.c Sample depth
l.d Photo No.
l.e GPI No.
2. Identification Procedure
2.a Layers
2.b Hammer sound test (hardness)
2.c Bounding o f grains/layers
2.d Quartz test (scratch hammer)
2.e Calcit test (Hcl reaction)
2 .f Texture (grain size & shape)

2-g Colour
2.h Fracture pattern
2.1 Bedding (with thickness)

2.J Special characters

3. Rock Type
4. Weathering Grade
5. Photograph No.

Remarks : l.a tow er (T A ) m ainanchorage (M A );

1. GPI
e = G eo lo g ica l Plane Investigation (C heck List N o .4 )
2. n
a o/yes, lam inated/foliated/banded;
2.b brittle/dull;
2.c w ell/n o t w ell;
2.d no/flne/stron g;
2.e n o /y es, slight/strong/very strong, at jo in t or at rock m ass;
2 .f coarse/m ed iu m /fin e/very fine, angular/rounded;
2.h planer/curve, regular/irregular;
2.i clear/not so clear/not clear;
4. sound (I), fairly w eathered (II), h igh ly w eathered (III)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



B ridge N um ber : N am e :

L ocation : B ank :

T ype o f R ock : S am p le N o . :

W eathering grade : GPI N o :

Type Dip o f Number Two Surface Opening Filling Remarks
of rock or per m dimens, texture in or
plane 1) plane length extent in mm coating
or spacing %
g ) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Remarks :

1) such as fracture, shear, seam , major or m inor fault, bedding, slop e

2) 100% for con tin uou s plane
3) sm ooth, sligh tly sm ooth , rough, very rough
4) clay, calcite, silt, sand etc.
5) use cod in g like “w atch out”, “forget”, etc.

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List



Bridge N um ber : N am e :

L ocation Bank :

T ype o f R ock : S am p le N o. :

W eathering grade : GPI N o :

Type Dip o f Number Two Surface Opening Filling Remarks
of rock or per m dimens, texture in or
plane 1) plane length extent in mm coating
or spacing %
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rem arks :

1) such as fracture, shear, seam , m ajor or m inor fault, bedding, slop e

2) 100% for continuous plane
3) sm ooth, sligh tly sm ooth, rough, very rough
4) clay, calcite, silt, sand etc.
5) use cod in g like “w atch ou t”, “forget”, etc.

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


B ridge Numb<er : N am e :

L ocation : Bank :
Station Aximuth Slope Distance Geological observation within
+ - the profile (with sketch)*

D etail description can be noted dow n on a separate paper.

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No.

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain W et­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom­
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level in a tio n
1) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) 7)

I) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP|) Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No.

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain W et­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom-
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level inantion
1) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) 7)

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) I'op Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain Wet­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom­
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level in a tio n
1) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm
3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) n

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Roufldcil (R) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR ____ _________________________________________________ LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad- Depth Sample Compact- u ses Grain Wet­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi- Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom-
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level inantion
o 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) 7)

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP^ Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain Wet­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom­
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level in a tio n
1) 0.00 No. ____ 2)____ Stratum mm 3) 4) H (for rock) i l 7)

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR ___________________________________________________ LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain Wet­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom-
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level inantion
1) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) 7)

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R|) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (CO)

• • • •
TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name : Pit No : Film No. :

Location : Bank : Sample No : Photo No. :

Description Grad­ Depth Sample Compact­ uses Grain Wet­ . Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi­ Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom­
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level in a tio n
i) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) i l 7>

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (COj)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge Number : Name Pit No : Film No.

Location : Bank Sample No : Photo No.

Description Grad- Depth Sample Compact- uses Grain Wet­ Dip o f Premea- G eolog­
of ing ness Classifi- Boulders > 60 mm shape ness imperme­ bility ical
each of cation. Max. % of able denom-
Stratum Stratum Color o f each size volume level inantion
i) 0.00 No. 2) Stratum mm 3) 4) 5) (for rock) 6) 7)

1) Well (W) 2) High (H) 3) By Circle 4) Angular (A) 5) Very Wet (VW) 6) Very Previous (VP) 7) Top Soil (TP)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Method Sub. Angular (SA) Wet (W) Previous (P) Alluvial (AL)
Poor(P) Low (L) Sub. Rounded (SR) Dry (D) Semi Previous (SP) Allogenic (AO)
Rounded (R) Impervious (IP) Colluvial (CO)

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date :

1. Triangulation 2. Triangulation

d = d =

z _

O 2 2
C_ cHd H<
00 00


= Yo = Yo

= So
13 B

A = (200ë) + 8 = 5 = e0 + y0 + a 0 = A = ( 2 0 0 s) + 5 = 5 - 8o + Yo + a o -

a = a G+ A/3 a = a 0 + A /3 =

Y = y„ + A/3 Y - Yo + A / 3

c = sn + A/3 8 — £ n + A /3

I f 5 > ± 0.02g repeat the triangulation

• • • •
TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. :____________________________________ Name :________________________ Surveyed by :_________________________Date :

1. Summary of Triangulation 2. Elevation




H O R IZ O N T A l




H A IR z


in cm m cm m cm FACE LEFT m cm m 1 cm m 1 cm

1. T r i a n g u l a t i o n D, A B

2. T r i a n g u l a t i o n d 2

D ifferen ce Ad B A

M ea n D istan ce L^mean

A |) / D mcan — A BMI


It A |) / D mean > U.Ü025 r e p e a t t h e t r i a n g u l a t i o n




# #

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. Name : Surveyed by : Date :


TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date

HEIGHT I STATION a ß ll Z 12 1 D + /- V +/■. A t I H
TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date :

HEIGHT I STATION a 3 1. Z b 1 D + /- V + /- A H H

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date :

HEIGHT I STATION a P 1. Z b 1 D + /- V + /- A H H

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date :

HEIGHT I STATION a 3 1, Z 12 1 D + /- V + /- A H H

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. :______________________Name :___________________________________Surveyed by :______________________ Date :

HEIGHT I STATION a 3 1. 12 1 D +/■- V +/■. A f T H

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Surveyed by : Date :

HEIGHT I STATION ot ß Z 12 D + /- V +/- AH H

TBS/DoLIDAR LSTB Survey Check List


Bridge No. : Name : Checked by:


Tower Main (Cables) Windguy Cable Tower Main (Cables) Windguy Cable Foundations
Foundation Foundation Upstream Downstream Foundation Foundation Upstream Downstream
at depth (m)
USCS Classification
(l>i (deg)
yi (k N /m 3)
cTpcnn ( k N /m )
G.W.L. at depth (m)
min. Embedding (m)
(t>2 (d e g )
Y2 (k N /m 3)
at depth (m)
(I>sl (d e g )
Cpcmi (kN /m )
k -V a lu e (/)
min. Embedding (m)
Rock stabilizaton at base:
- back half (single)
- front half (sing./double)
- dir./incl. (gon)


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