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ENGLISH W2- Reading Comprehension

NAME : ___________________________________________ CLASS : ______________________

Read the news report and answer the questions.

Floods cause havoc

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 20 - Floods devastated villages and major towns in Kelantan and
The flooding, a seasonal phenomenon in Malaysia where east coast states receive heavy
rainfall almost annually, came after days of persistent rain and strong winds. But this year it
has been worse.
Almost 30,000 people have been forced to leave their homes and more than 100 relief
centres have been opened. The evacuees are being housed in the relief centres that provide
food, drinks and medical aids. Heavy rain, which started five days ago, has also caused 40
schools to be closed. Many roads are impassable and train services to some destinations in
Kelantan have suspended. However, there have been no reports of loss of life till dated.
One flood victim is Taufik Salem from Dungun. He woke up on Saturday morning to find his house swamped under a metre of
water. To make matters worse, he went to open his small restaurant, located in town, he found hid shop partially submerged
and all his food supplies ruined. He said it will take him months to repair the damage which will involve high costs.
Taufik is not the only one who has been affected. Every villager has a similar story to tell. Although, the weather, according
to the meteorological department, is due to improve in the coming week, this is no consolation to the many whose homes and
businesses have already been ruined.

A Complete the table with an appropriate word from the news report.

Meaning Word / Phrase

1. Continuous (para 1)
2. Cannot go through (para 2)
3. Postponed (para 2)
4. Flooded (para 3)
5. Comfort (para 4)
6. Destroyed (para 4)

B State whether the events below are TRUE or FALSE.

Event True / False

1. Only major towns in the East Coast were badly flooded.
2. Forty schools were closed, roads were impassable and train services suspended.
3. Heavy rainfall started on November 20th in Kelantan and Terengganu.
4. Weather is due to improve in the coming week.
5. This news report was published on November 20th.
6. More than 100 relief centres were closed due to the flood.

C Read the news report and answer the following questions.

1. Which phrase in paragraph 1 does the write use to show that floods are a common feature in the state mentioned?

2. How many people were evacuated?

3. When exactly did the area start experiencing heavy rain?

4. How were the people affected by the floods? Give two examples.

5. What happened to Taufik Salem?

6. When is the weather supposed to change to the better?

D List words to associate with the word given.

Word Words that are associated to the main word
Eg. village Paddy field buffalo Coconut tree
1. flood
2. train
3. restaurant
4. weather
5. school
6. Medical aids

**You may copy & paste / copy the exercise in your exercise book and write the answers.**

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