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toler tM MLC ceLce) (ea Dy Pepe PECs Rong Cua Ue ae elmaksary Areal ihire le all eae elmaksan’ ranean ate i, pa ee eleceGi S aac S = . elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Firma Profi Company Profile + Elmaksan Tansformator igfazive tek + Elmaksan Transformer, provides farl, yagli Dagiam ve Gig services of manufacturing of 36 KV high Transformatérleti iret ileiigil olarak, voltage and from 25 t0 2500 KVA 10.000 m’acikve 4.000 mkapalialanda, Distribution and up to 15 NVA/ 154 kV standartlara uygun olarak belitilen Power Transformers at 10.000 m' open sogutma sistemlerne gore, 35 kV st and 4000 m' closed area in accordance gerlime ve 252500 kVA gice kadar with the cooling systems specified in the dajitmve 1SMVA/ 1544 gice kadarda related standards viaits experienced {ig Transformatarernindeetiini statfand quality equipments for'ts tecribeli elena ve kaltl ‘eustomersin three-phase and single- cekipmanlan ile migterilerine phase, oiled Distribution and Power sunmaktadi.AyricaElmaksan Transformers sector Moreover, Transformatir, masterierninhtivac Eimaksan Transformer, also clan yal zl tip transformatorleri de manufactures special ype oiled lietmektedir. transformers as required by customers. + Plugin bugingltransformatorer, = Plugin bushing transformers, + Kablokutulutranstormatorer, = Cable box transformers, + Hermetk tip transformatorler, + Hermetic ype transformers, + Dusk KayipiTransformatéler, + Lowloss transformers, =Yukalunda Kademe Degistirl + On-load Tap-Changer, Transformers, Transformatérler, S elmaksarr arenas I, eons gelecedi aydiniat! Misyon + Ot ve himetkalitemiai sek gelistrerek miusteritalep ve bekletilerinien st sevivede karslamak ‘lil bir iltisim ile taketicimizie aramzda duygusal bir bag yaratmak ve imujgter sadakatinisaglamak Yurticive yurt éiginda magazalar Zincirini bayuterek en gok tercihecilen lider transformatér dretim zincir kurmak, rekabet gucumizu ve lium arturmak Vizyon -Fmamvan lisa lesa pecarde eh ve erin Srtureakamacyakendl want Atanmida tend yoni sre getgtren sein ne lgUndyopan, Tie rn ve Dany nn givenive Saye ruuqu olmak Mission + Tomeet customer demands and ‘expectations atthe highest level by ‘constantly improving our product and service quality To create an emotional bond with our ‘consumers and to ensure customer through a strong communication, chain of stores athome and abroad, to establish the most preferred leader transformer production ‘hain, to inerease our competitiveness and profitability Vision + Our company is the national their ‘expertise in our field in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the international market continuously improve their methods, which pioneered the industry to be areliable and reputable organization in Turkey and the World elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer age cole pay eal le ytd Whe fae Snead DS Oe us See Jy ay LDS ge Skee ga ile Hy LEY Dall os clay oh eal A dl Ahaka i) Aa apa g lly JSD wh Js Maal oS Cpa gelecedi aydiniattr... + Dafitim Transformatérter Sargiar: ‘Ngak grim sargiletkeni baker Levha sarglarda kat zolasyonu termik olarak ylestirimisreginel kage (PY ile sajlanmaktacie Yaksek Germ sary ilethenlbakr Sargar ‘emayekapl:ywarlak bakr tel, zolasyon aja kaplyassi bated Kat sarglar bilisayarkentalls tam otomaticmakineler itesanimaktadir kat izolasyonu srt sekinde eletinelzlazyon sagan {eleltrkel kr, termik olarak iylestilinig afte regnel termi kage) le kame sekindeolusuruur Olusturulan bu kat aolasyonuyapissarginin agin gern aroelerine hay: dayarimn artreitgb bbuyontem besluksuz kat, mikervmet ‘relsere aia DoDinler elge edimesini sla, + 6g Transformatiter Sagi: Algak eri ve yokse geri sagtiletheni Bakara Sarglaransformatergueune bagh olarak at srg, srekl disk arg, hell sar) vey vida sarg olarakizolasyon kage apt baker el kullanlarak sank elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Windings a Modern winding machines are used pad Baa bag s Distribution Transformer Windings: Cover iis yn pea insulation is provided by improved rosin paper DPP) thermally flow voltage winding conductor eapper plate wingings Tal So a tangs Sot 8 eB eS BPP ei!) ond DAKE Ge gt la pal SSE pe ah sp Blan yn BS Se iy Ue Say Sel usb oe 8S JSR Ye eas pe ed High voltage winding conductor copper Wincings are enamel covered round copper wires ane insulation paper covered at ‘copper wire, ayer windings are wound by means of computer contrlie ful automatic machines, ayer insulation is achieved as wedges by stip electrical insulation papers (electrical raft, thermally improved ertt ané resin thermal paper. The created layer insulation not only increases the strength against excessive voltage impacts, but ase ‘enables to have voidee cold and perfect, coil 1 Power Transformer Windings: The winding conducter or both ow voltage ane Nigh veltage is copper. The windings are wound aslayer winding, continuous die winding, helical winging o” screw wining {depending onthe power of anstormerby Using copper wires covered by insulation elmoksary - Mi;,. J ADH T= fos ra teil aydiniatir... Manyetik Devre + Gerd tipi olup,kistaller yanleneiiinis 130,025 e023 mm kainigindaS, eve MB lsyum lagi saclaréan imal eciimeltei Manyetk devrenin gels bolgeerinde 45 derece efikkesiml sclar kailanimaktair Manyetikdevrede lallanilan bat acl CNC kontrola kesme ‘makinesindekesiere stlenmekte ve dinleek manyetedevre olsturuimaktad Manyetix deve kesimi ve dizi, steplab derilen ve demir kayplann minimum deve inden birmetot ie yaplmaktade ‘apraz ve boyuna step: ab ygulamatar ile nuve dzimeltecic. Bacak ve boyundurukkesitierimiz est alu sok kademel ve teork olarak yuri best, ‘kre satan U profil ve Boyundurukizole borularigersinden gegen geicsaplamala ile sik si tak suretie gut seviylerien azainciititie Magnetic Circut = Kis cored type and manufactured of M5, M4 and ms silicon alloyed sheets with thicknesees 020,025 ane 0.22 mm of which exystals ae rected, 45 degree inclined et ‘Sheets are used for ransition zones of magnetic circu. All sheets veed in magnetic ‘ireult are cut and stored by CNC cantvaled cuting machine and magnetic eeu is formed by allocating these sheets. Cutting and allocating of magnetic creut is handed byamethe ealed step ab and whien reduces iron ozzes tothe minimum level, Coreis aligns by ress andlongtudinal steplab applications. Legand yoke cuts are equal and round as mutt-layered and theoretically Noize eves of cove sheets i reduced tothe ‘minimum evel by xing by stel pins which passthrough U profie and yoke insulated pipes. S elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Alaina & ill 4.023 025 0.30 wimstamisss CP ese ge el Sn Sy wD Clie gelecedi oN Tola\el am Aktif Kisim + ehrdek ve bebinte hazwolan {ransformatorun aki asminin meydona getrlebiimesiigin bobinier rayal kyvvetler ‘agyabimek amacijlagralarvasrasyla ‘ekrdege ve iran hag shistinara ‘mont edllirve ust boyuneuruk dt. Ayn zamanéa bobineraksiyal kuwetere karst boruma dizeniyetehiz edi Kemutatore veya kademe galterinegicenaysrusannin gerekikaynak ve baglanblan gimis elekerotiariayaplarak aktihsim firma hanr hale gett, ‘Atif sila al yim madéelerndeki ‘mevcut nem almakigi finland Nava Galajim metods le transtormaterun gucdve {ermine bapl olarak bie program sergevesinde kuratur elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Aktive Part + For transformers of which core ane cols ae a ready, coli are mounted by tightening onthe ‘core and against each other by means of bare forthe purpose of carrying raha oadsin ‘oréer to form the ative part and upper yoke ic inetaled Meanie ceils are eqlpped With the mechanism for getting protected against ala loads. The ative parts prepare forthe oven process by carrying out necessary welding and connecting works on Setting edges of erection suitch or degree swith via iver electrodes, uill « jal ‘The active pati ried inthe oven by ar cireclation method in program frame depending onthe power and voltage of transformer forthe puepese of eiminating humidity on solid conducting materials 1.AG izolatar 2IYG laolatér 3} Komutatér 4) Ving Baglant: kutags 5) Boyunduruk 6) Bobinler 7} Kornatatér Baglant: Kabloiar 1) LW insulator 2H 3) Switch 4) Crane connection mounting Yoke 6} Bobbins 7) Switch Sues Kazan = Yah tp eaneformaterlerde sogutma ve §altim maddesinin muhafazact ign alan, Sogutma yuzeylerine ba lark 3150 KVA' 2 kadar olan vansformatorier daige diva, aha buyk gucleréeitransformatarierde ‘adyator kazan olarak imal eaiimelteier. Kazan imalatinda CNC kontzall plazma rmakinesitailanimaktadi: Monta ve kaynak Isler itmig olan kazaa eC standarlarina gore basing altindastdemazhk testine ab tutulur. alga duval kazanianvakuma aya 065 bar, radar kazanlann ise 1 bar olacak jkildetasrlani. Muster talebine goreimalattamamianan kazanlar kumiama Flemine tabi ttulur Kazan kapagl sare) Uglarnn dian gkanimasiamacaile tasarianmie xapak izerindeiolatorle faz isaretlemes icf em kaeiimas mac aletema ulakan, termometre ce topraklams Burcu vesk donanimiar bulunmaktade The Transformer Tank is used forprotection of coating and insulation material or ied ype transformers. ependingon coal ile wanstormers upto 3150 KVA power are manufactures with wave-wal bole transformers with higher power are ovanufecures with radiator boilers CNC controlled plasma machine used for boiler manufactring Aer mounting and welding works are completed, boilers are subjected to leakage test under pressure accordance withiCC standards. Wave wal boilers are designed with 0.65 bar vacuum resistance whereas raciaor boilers are designed with 1 bar resstane processes are complete, boilers an be fxposed to sand Biatng required by Boller coveris designed forthe purpose of burnishing winding edges. insulators, phase smaraers iting mountings forthe purpose o Uting active pat, thermometer pocket, rounding bushing and adetional equipments can be placed on cover S elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer S LF gelecedi foNTela\ elie elmaksan: renstoreron-norwterer Kurutma ve Yag Doldurma > Alcitlasim mont bitten astarmatéier 120 derece ‘seaklktskarutms fnlrindshurutlduitan son tank yerejtilrvevakum edasinda yagdeleurulr \Vakum o¢seinds traneformatirin kazannin iginde kalmis clan hava emlive zlasyan yin at kismna tam olarak 1 emessaglanrDoleurlan ag yallim ve sogutmayt sala, Drying and Oiling Transformers of which active partinstallations are ‘completed ae paced in the tank and oiled in the vacuum room once being die in the arying ovens with 3 temperature of 20 Celsius degrees Inthe vacuum room, after the ar remaining inthe boiler of ‘the tansformer sucked insulation ols provided fully penetratein the active part. The ile el provides insulation Sind cooling gelecedi aydinla Boyama > lmalat tamamlanan kazatar sprey yntemiileboyanvla. standart beyama bir tay, ki kat sn boyadan olugu. Tolan fly kali 105p'¢an ae deg Stoncart transformatr engi iment gris larak aalandinan RALTO224, aster istegne gre fark yaplarda (ginko kaplama gb fark ainda ve fark renkkodlarnda boys yapmak mimkundir. Painting Boilers are painted by spraying ater ‘manufacturing is completed, Standare Paintings formed of undercoat and topcoat panting Tota im ticknessis ne leze than 105p,Stangardtrancformer colori, RALT033 whichis named as cement gre. tis posibieto provide aliferent coverings fx. Zinc covering) o” paintings with etferent hicknesses nd color codes elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer S elmaksan elecegi C q cae : S elmaksan Putin Testler Routine Tests fn ican (cel Testler Special Tests elmaksan: renstoreron-norwterer Baflanti Sekilleri 2600 KA ya kadar dagitn {roheformatorlrinde TEDAStarafindan standart hale getiionOyn 1 (UGGENMILDIZ rote gkarimy baglant yell \ygulanmascacr, tenileiginde diger baglant skier de hulaniabil Fanirds sengeszyern ak oldu sedekeer icin 200A gice kadar olan wansformatorierde ‘kane geklde balan yaplabite, 1600 va’ dan buyaktranstormatorerce sted baglant ek uygulan Connection Methods » Dyn 1 (Tiangulay/Star neutral excluded Connection method s applied fr distiution transformers up to 1600 xh standardized by Turkish Electr Distribution ne (TEDAS}; however, ter connection methods an als be used ifrequire. Yan 11 (starz gave: neutral excluded} connection can be ured for transformers up 200 kVA power fornetworks where thereis excessive Unbalanced lone Whichever connection types preferred by customer can be apple fr tansfrmers with power above 1600 WA Y i 5 elecegi 3 S e Saint 5 S : elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer some ae tara yb sien, ENOL ERLONETER spinel sey bea srremmouernes Tatum gverge ttonoleear ve a uma baton te ‘atonal nto ay crs edt ‘eco epnene ages lelanecamacys pore ceymimascinercbenss Py e+ masta sercebrescs o \ 3 S elmaksan: renstoreron-norwterer > boraveys Yk ald adore dite > Yageoitrma vanes > Yagbosalerave ome alma ana Yar senye gsterges eb astvevanast > Ratan vekapk zee det topralams > Accboynasian Emcee ki kzon yd ayarianablenebereers Banngemnietvalh Bucharroles ghtkapama antl) > kadranitermomete apa kntal» ‘agsene gosterzes! > Davumbse > rabolauey Pog niolaer > Sarg steak tera teanaormatler in ee 1) Yay geniogme pose 1) ol expansion tank 2) ¥6. Big 2) HV busting 3) AG. Bugg 3) Wusting 48) Tomar cei 4) Theemater 5) Bogta fader dil 5) fous tp Changer 6) ive shun Kempen 8) Cre ing cams 7) KG. Bobin » 8) Nive 3 8) ¥6. obi 9) HY Cols 10) Daly Davee 10) Wave wat 11) Tarra Kazan sons on gelecedi aydiniatr.. > oleraining and sampletaingvalve Poller gauge Ce Pressure ater aive hoz rly (double casing contac Poller gauge 11) Tartare Boter fos ra Feih S elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Ug Fazli, 25 - 2500 KVA Yai Genlesme Depolu Transformatr Thee-hase 25-2500 AVA Transformers wth Ol Expansion Tak Sethe, 25-2500 KVA = na i Petmalsanransformatr 20% 25 - 200 KVA 2500 Aras glee ve63.12 203640 gelomseijesne baer, m hos ister talelen degatusin f paoaagme nga gern Ienien ie germline ge, 2 epejarups 2 dbus Pan shes Iecansivebsrandartarme 3 Bata Debpre 3 Oath siygon nario saps 5. Tome cen Tnomarae Pet ftntegueoePa.up Baer | 6 boii 6 Oho “anstoRMATORLER rt |) waa hear ‘pomatede LI ircrats 5 tea 2 4. Tips emnike 3. Sere a a Tense cttepes ora 42 Yeo 12 vas x — 1A nie 15 wawngs AS SELMAN TRANSFORNER 1 YepDaurne Ada, offi ee Hemeric pe fly closed 2 vapsoqtna apis: 2. olay up east Stosphere or EXPRISION TANK 4. bigatosineDitpse 2 Ohad ame Ga a r ‘ype apen to stmosshere 6 vantcytra asi 6 Gl Dsoaro ae {W.YopSeweGécpes 10, Oe Ga see 3 126 ugraen ve Benge vo! S . gelecedi m c foe lal oie elmaksan: renstoreron-norwterer Ug Fazl, 25 - 2500 kVA Yai Genleyme Depolu Transformatar Thee Phase, 25 25008 ers with Oi Expansion Tank EES | [oe [roe aoe —— ee fet aol Eee 1.986 Doua Ae 2. Herat Korma Res 8. Boyt Katee Die: 6. Kalama uta 5.996 Boatna Vans, 6 gar Pitas 7a Tria Teor 8.¥6. Bugg 10.5. Buginge| 1.01 Fing Nore 2 Hamat Protec ely oes ap hanger 4. iting Mourns Dschage 6. Marking ite Growing Te wees 9. HY Bushings 1 Lv Busigs| 4p oem 2. Tame 3 BoglaKadene Dail 5 an Bopn ipa 1 Tegal Tlet 6. Tkroer 8.15 Bopper 10.86 Bupa 1. eat ors 12. Bang ree Vs 1. otFng onze 2. Tema Poet 5.otastap ange 4 tng Maungs Moning Pa ecu Teal fines 9.0 using 10. Busegs 11. Hee Poe rey elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer Eee moment e oree Gu Ew S gelecedi 5 aydiniatrr... elmaksan: renstoreron-norwterer Ost nema Et ~ Norveg NSAV — . tage case | awa ce | atu Ste tues Sec | Seeices, ' ' ard | Eee ior wu | ee pone vewrent san | gienelyen iat i 1 mg Areas iw t io w 1 1 Baa \ i 8 i & mR ' be ' i = BE \ : & i be reverent) gelecedi elmaksan: ‘rnetometor:saretomer sg Fazli, 25 - 2500 kVA Ya Genlegme Depolu Transformatér 25-2500 KA Design Wi Corsereator Terk 200 2 : 250 oa : 800“ : 1000 on : mw i eet ieee e m i E22 i eR ee wm “i f BE i EEE mf Be i 8 8 2 8 X S . jelecedi S SS 9 Geriatr elmaksan renstoreron-norwterer SETI st gelecedgi aydiniatrr... S elmaksan’ eee eaa ans See ES ee ee AER “: Kocéren OSB Mah. 118. Cad. No: 6 + EYYUBIYE / SANLIURFA / TURKIVE RMSE LCS CLT nS NOE CUS Cur ncn

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