Question 1

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CuesLlon 1

lor our fllm we wanLed Lo glve lL a slmllar look Lo romanLlc comedles LhaL are already on Lhe markeL
so Lhls lncluded fllms such as Confesslons of a Shopahollc (2009) 8rldgeL !ones's ulary (2001) and
Sex and Lhe ClLy (2008)

lor Lhe LlLles of our fllm we have declded Lo use a slmple yeL effecLlve look We dldn'L wanL Lo use blg bold LlLles
LhaL may Lake away Lhe focus of our fllm We have declded Lo use a fonL whlch ls preLLy and has a romanLlc feel
Lo lL as we are produclng a 8omanLlc Comedy As you can see Lhe LlLles of Lhe fllm Confesslons of a shopahollc
are qulLe slmple and blend ln wlLh Lhe fllm 8y looklng aL Lhese LlLles LhaL have been used we knew LhaL Lhey had
already worked well ln a 8omanLlc Comedy We have gone for a llghL shade of plnk as we sLlll wanLed Lo make
Lhe LlLle noLlceable and are slmllar Lo Lhe colours used ln Lhe LlLllng of Confesslons of a Shopahollc
WlLhln Lhe fllm we have produced we wanLed Lo creaLe an offlce aLmosphere LhaL would porLray a real llfe
everyday offlce ln Lhe fllm 8rldgeL !ones's ulary Lhey have recreaLed an offlce seLLlng very well and lL has come
across as very llfe llke 8y looklng aL Lhls fllm we were able Lo see lLems whlch we could lnclude ln our own fllm Lo
enhance Lhe offlce seLLlng As you can see we have lncluded a compuLer and oLher personal lLems llke Lhe ones
lncluded ln 8rldgeL !ones's ulary for example phoLos folders and arLlcles

We wanLed Lo glve our characLer a sophlsLlcaLed sLyle
so we declded Lo use a cosLume llke Lhose worn ln Lhe
fllms of Confesslons of a Shopahollc and Sex and Lhe
ClLy As you can see we have used a preLLy femlnlne
Lop whlch complemenLs Lhe acLress's halr and makes
her look llke a sophlsLlcaLed [ournallsL lL ls slmllar Lo
Lhe ouLflL worn by Lhe [ournallsL characLer 8ebecca
8loomwood ln Confesslons of a Shopahollc
ln Lhe openlng of our fllm we have used Lracklng shoLs of our characLers desk Lo show her personallLy
and Lo make clear whaL her [ob ls 1hls ls slmllar Lo Lhe Lracklng shoL used ln Lhe openlng of Confesslons
of a Shopahollc whlch also shows Lhe characLers personallLy Also llke Confesslons of a Shopahollc and
oLher fllms by uslng Lracklng shoLs llke Lhls we are noL glvlng away whaL ls golng Lo happen LhroughouL
Lhe resL of Lhe fllm
1o show Lhe audlence whaL our characLer ls wrlLlng ln our openlng we have used a close up of Lhe compuLer
screen 1hls ls slmllar Lo how 8rldgeL !ones's ulary has revealed whaL Lhe characLer ls wrlLlng 8y dolng Lhls lL
has enabled us Lo allow Lhe audlence Lo connecL wlLh our maln characLer and see whaL her llfe ls llke from her
polnL of vlew

lrom vlewlng oLher fllms ln our research and plannlng LhaL are slmllar Lo Lhe genre of our fllm many used a backlng
soundLrack wlLhln Lhe openlng So we declded Lo lnclude muslc ln Lhe openlng of our fllm as well lL helped Lo seL Lhe
mood and aLmosphere of Lhe fllm We chose a melodlc Lune whlch had a romanLlc feel Lo lL buL whlch was also llghL Lo
maLch Lhe genre of our fllm lL flLLed lnLo Lhe background and Lhe characLers movemenLs wenL along wlLh lL as well lL
made our fllm come across more professlonal and convenLlonal
We have challenged Lhe convenLlons of a 8omanLlc Comedy by noL showlng Lhe maln characLers face ln Lhe openlng
of our fllm Many 8omanLlc Comedles reveal Lhe maln characLer Lo Lhe audlence wlLhln Lhe flrsL few mlnuLes for
example Confesslons of a Shopahollc and Sex and 1he ClLy 2 plcLured above 8y noL sLlcklng Lo Lhls convenLlon we
have added a sense of mysLery Lo enLlce Lhe vlewers and make Lhem wanL Lo carry on waLchlng Lhe fllm Lo dlscover
who Lhe maln proLagonlsL ls
Coursework lllm Confesslons of a Shopahollc Sex and 1he ClLy 2

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