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Section A ; Answer all Questions 30 marks

1. Which of the following does NOT transmit HIV?

a) Unprotected sexual intercourse d) During delivery of a child
b) Sharing of needles / sharp objects e) Breast feeding
c) Blood transfusion f) None of the above (all of these can transmit
2. Which of the following can transmit HIV?
a) Coughing / sneezing d) Sharing public toilets
b) Insect bites e) Sharing cups, glasses, plates, forks
c) Kissing f) None of these can transmit HIV
3. Which body fluids that can potentially transmit HIV infection?
a) Spinal fluid d) Urine
b) Saliva e) Vomit
c) Sputum
4. What is the LEAST important factor in HIV transmission for needle stick injuries?
a) Depth of the injury c) CD4 count of index patient
b) A device visibly contaminated with the d) Needle placement in a vein or artery
patient's blood
e) Viral load of index patient
5. Which of the following should be monitored in all HIV positive patients on ART during routine
a) Clinical response e) Toxicity
b) Immunologic response f) All of the above
c) Virologic response g) A and D only
d) Adherence

6. Which of the following is NOT a way a mother can pass HIV infection to her child?
a) During Delivery d) Exclusive formula feeding
b) Exclusive Breast feeding e) In utero (prior to delivery)
c) Mixed feeding
7. Which of the following is NOT a factor that INCREASES mother-to-child transmission of
a. High Cd4 in mother d. Acute HIV infection in the mother
b. High viral load in the mother e. Poor nutritional status in the mother
c. Inter-current STI in the mother

8. What feeding practice poses the greatest mortality risk to the infant?
a) Exclusive formula feeding c) Mixed feeding
b) Exclusive breastfeeding d) d. Breastfeeding through an HIV negative
surrogate (Wet nurse)
9. What feeding practice poses the greatest risk for HIV infection to the infant?
a. Exclusive formula feeding c. Mixed feeding
b. Exclusive breastfeeding d. Breastfeeding through an HIV negative
surrogate (Wet nurse)

10. In individuals with HIV, opportunistic infections are:

a) More frequent c) Non-existent

b) Less frequent d) None of the above

11. There are two types of HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) viruses- HIV 1 & HIV 2. HIV 1 virus is
found worldwide. HIV 2 (a less pathogenic than HIV 1) is mainly found in which part of the world?
a) Asia
b) West Africa
c) Northern Europe
b) North America
12. Which of the following is an important molecule present in the outer membrane of HIV that helps the
virus to enter the host cell and cause infection?
a) Polysaccharides c) Proteins
b) Glycoproteins d) Lipopolysaccharides

13. All of the following statements regarding HIV infection in human is true, EXCEPT?
a) Person once infected will remain infected for life if untreated
b) Monocytes and macrophages are the major reservoirs of the virus
c) There are mainly 3 stages of the HIV infection with AIDS being the most severe stage
d) The possible symptoms are fever, chills, fatigue, and mouth ulcers in an early stage of the infection
e) Medicines are available for the complete cure of the chronic stage of the HIV infections

15. Which of the following enzyme is required for the viral replication process and plays a critical role in the
pathogenesis of HIV infection?
a) RNA polymerase c) RNA polymerase II
b) DNA polymerase d) Reverse transcriptase

16. The envelope protein gp120 (Glycoprotein 120) is required for the attachment of the HIV virus to CD 4
receptors of target host cells. Identify the immune cells that consist of CD 4 receptors:
a) T helper cells c) Macrophages
b) Monocytes d) Dendritic cells

17. Select the correct answer, the chemokine receptor cell present in the host macrophages that helps in the
primary attachment of HIV is............................?
a) CxCR 4 c) Both of the above
b) CCR5 d) None of the above

18. Which of the following is an important HIV antigen in determining the early detection of HIV infection?
a) p24 c) Pol gene
b) gp120 d) Gp120

19.Which of the following bacterial infections is predominant in chronic HIV-infected patients or AIDS?
a) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia c) Candidiasis
b) Tuberculosis d) Toxoplasmosis

20. When was the first case of human AIDS reported in the USA?
a) 1990 c) 1981
b) 1982 d) 1991

21. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) combines protease inhibitor class drugs like indinavir and
saquinavir and other drugs prescribed for HIV infection. What is the role of these drugs in the prevention of
a) Inhibitors of the enzyme protease c) Prevents the interaction between the
virus and the coreceptor
b) Inhibits viral replication and viral load
d) All of the above
13) All of the following are examples of clinically important specimens that are used for the laboratory
diagnosis of HIV infection, EXCEPT?
a) Blood c) Genital secretions
b) Saliva with the presence of blood d) Urine with no presence of blood
22. Which of the following drug have shown significant results in reducing the transmission of HIV infection
from a pregnant mother to a baby?
a) Acyclovir c) Ceftriaxone
b) Zidovudine d) None of the above

23. All of the following are the effective current preventive methods for HIV infection, EXCEPT?
a) Safe and protected sex c) Use of sterile injection needles
b) Use of available vaccines d) Safe blood transfusion method

24. A 45 year old man is diagnosed with AIDS, he was living with HIV for more than 5 years.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the diagnosis of the disease?
a) The CD4+ count is less than 200 cells/mm3
b) It occurs at the early stage of the HIV infection
c) The person with AIDS can live up to 10 years
d) The virus is usually in a dormant state during this stage

26. Name the possible source of the transmission of HIV in humans that is believed to have first occurred in
a) A duck c) A cow
b) A pig d) A chimpanzee
27.Three of following are opportunistic infections which are common in the HIV/AIDS. Which one is not?
a) Candidiasis c) Meningitis
b) Toxoplasmosis d) Pneumonia

28. Three of the following are correct common route of transmission of HIV from one person to another.
Which one is not?
a) Unprotected sexual contact with an c) From the mosquito bite
infected person
d) Exposure to contaminated blood and
b) From infected mother to the fetus blood products

29. HIV belongs to which of the following genus member of the virus?
a) Ortho myxovirus b) Retrovirus
c) Parvovirus d) Reovirus

30. What age group has the highest rates of STD infection?
a) 15-24 c) 36-50
b) 25-35 d) 51-60

Section B. Answer all the Question 30 Marks

31. List five examples of HIV opportunistic infections (5 marks)
32. Briefly describe some benefits of HIV testing (5 points)
33. List 5 components of home and community-based care (HCBC) for the people living with HIV/AIDs.
34. List 5 stakeholders (core team members) of home and community-based care (HCBC)
35. List 5 risk behaviors that contributes to high HIV/AIDs infections
36. What can a person do to prevent against getting infected by HIV/AIDS (5 marks)

Section C. Answer ONE Question 10 marks

37. How does HIV/AIDS spread from one person to another (10 marks)
38. Discuss groups most at risk of HIV infection and various interventions that can be implemented to reduce
the risks (10 marks)

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