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Operation and Maintenance Manual for

G.CPower Tricycle Forklift


Special thanks for your purchasing G.Power
forklift truck!

G.Power Electric Forklift

Please have this manual available on the truck for reference any

The basic information of the truck:

The owner’s name:
Shipping date:
Address: Yinghai Industrial Zone, Jiaozhou of Qingdao city,
Shandong Province, China
Publish date:June 17, 2006


1. This manual is elaborately composed to let you understand more

about G.Power truck.
2. This manual will provide you with the tips as how your truck will
performe well and economically and how yo take care of it, such as
daily check, lubrication, primary maintenance and adjustment, etc.
3. Please read this manual thoroughly before operation and maintenance.
As an abnormal operation or maintenance will lead to mechanical
malfunction and shortened service life.
4. This manual is written, based on the standard model. If advanced
understanding for the other models is needed, please contact
G.Power’s agents. They are happy to serve you anytime.
5. This manual is accompanied with the truck. When the truck is
transferred, please have this manual included in transfering.

Here, We’d like to remind you particularly that Please proceed all
maintenenace following the instrutions given in this manual. Please do
not use any parts, which are not genuine for only with G.Power ’s
designed parts, your truck is then secured and warranted.

Tips as how to apply this manual:
▲ Following important information is present by wording or symbols in this
★ All rules must be followed as to avoid any harm happened to personel or
★ All procedures must be followed as to avoid any damage to the truck.

▲ Direction applied in the manual.

The direction applied in this manual, such as forward, backward, leftward and
rightward, are all explained as the direction to which the operator, being seated
on the truck and facing to the front, is driving to.

▲ Necessary care and maintenenace during the initial stage of the truck.

Every unit is thoroughly adjusted, tested and quality controlled by

G.Power's mechanic before being shipped out. Nevertheless, the initial stage
of the operation affects its later performance and service life tremendiously,
particulalry within its beginning 100 service hours. Therefore special care must
be given for the truck is at its running-in period. Otherwise parts damage or
shortened service life is very possible.

▲ Items to be taken care with the initial 100 service hours:

1. Please avoid operating at the same speed. Operating at different speeds will
result in a better run-in of all the indivisual parts.
2. Truck must be operated at a lower than normal speed and load.
3. Please prevent tough operation, such as sudden drive off, speed-up or
unnecessary turning and braking.
4. Please proceed all regular maintenance truly.

▲ Maintenance of the new truck (after the run-in period )

Part Item Remark
Battery ◎ Check its electrolite gravity ration.
Recharge it if necessary.
◎ Check its terminals for being
secured, cleaned and coatd with a
layer of grease.
◎ Check all the electrolite level.
Electricity system ◎ Check all the electrical wiring for
being secured and not damaged.
Transmission ◎ Check for any leak.
system ◎ Check its oil level and replace the
grease if necessary.
Oil pressure tank ◎ Check the oil level. The initial 3
◎ Clean the pressure hydraulic oil days of
and filter. operation
Fastening nuts of ◎ Check for tightness.
the wheels.
Brake ◎ Adjust the brake of the front wheel
and the parking level tension.
Chain ◎ Check its tension.

Chapter 1
Getting to know your truck ․․․․․․․․․․․․ 01
1.1 Specifications ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 02
1.2 Brief description of the machine specifications ․․․․ 03
1.3 Standard accesaries․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 05
1.4 Main parts․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 06

Chapter 2
The safety requirement for the truck operator.․․․․․ 14
2.1 What are needed to know before operation․․․․․․ 15
2.2 Getting to know the characteristic of the truck ․․․․․ 15
2.3 The driving safety․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 16
2.4 The safety management․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 18
2.5 Operation with safety․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 19
2.6 Maintenenace with safety․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 20
2.7 To park the truck safely․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 22
2.8 Tips to avoid tip-over and the handeling of a tip-over ․․ 22
2.9 Emergency towing ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 23
2.10 Potential jepordious area․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 23
2.11 Nameplate and warning labels․․․․․․․․․․․ 24

Chapter 3
Control levels and swithches․․․․․․․․․․․․ 26

Chapter 4
Routine checks before operation․․․․․․․․․․ 30

Chapter 5
The operator and operation․․․․․․․․․․․․ 35
5.1 Things to care for before operation ․․․․․․․․․ 36
5.2 Getting on and off the truck.․․․․․․․․․․․․ 36
5.3 Operation ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 36
5.4 How to elevate and stack the load by the truck ․․․․ 38

5.5 Operation on the slope․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 39
5.6 Operation in a cold environment․․․․․․․․․․ 39
5.7 Storage․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 39

Chapter 6
Routine check, maintenance and lubrication․․․․․․ 41
6.1 The routine check and maintenance ․․․․․․․․․ 42
6.2 Advised schedule for checks and maintenance․․․․․ 43
6.3 The way to check and maintain․․․․․․․․․․․ 49
6.4 Operational maintenance․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 53
6.5 Lubrication chart․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 55
6.6 Lubricants table․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 56
6.7 Maintenenace measures․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 57
6.8 Hydraulic system map․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 58
6.9 Electrical system map․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 59

Chapter 7
Troubleshooting ․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 60
7.1 Mechanical troubleshooting․․․․․․․․․․․․ 61

Chapter 8
Wearing parts list․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․․ 65

Chapter 1
Getting to know your truck.

1.1 Specification
1.1.1 Specification of the

1 Manufacturer Designation/model TAILIFT TAILIFT

2 Model FBT 15G FBT 18G
3 Capacity Q Rated load kg 1500 1800

4 Load center C Distance mm 500 500

5 Motor type Electric ELECTRIC ELECTRIC
6 Driving position Sitting SITTING SITTING
7 Tires P=Pneumatic S=Solid Front/Rear P(S)/S P(S)/S
8 Wheels (X=drive wheel) Number Front/Rear 2X/1 2X/1
9 h3 Standard lifting mm 3000 3000
10 Lifting with duplex mast h2 Normal free lift mm 140 140
11 h5 Full free lift mm — —
12 Forks carrier h8 Forks carrier stature mm 1220 1220
13 Standard forks Thickness(s)×Width(e)×Stature(l) mm 35×100×1070 35×100×1070
14 Tilting Forward (α) / Backward (β) deg 5/7 5/7

15 L2 Overall length w/out forks mm 1940 1940

16 B Overall Width mm 1070 1070
17 H1 Min. height with closed mast mm 1985 1985
18 H4 Max. height with raised mast mm 4220 4220
19 H6 Height of head guard mm 2020 2020
20 H7 Height of the seat mm 1050 1050
21 Turning radius Wa Outer mm 1550 1550
22 Load distance X From forks to front wheel axle mm 350 350
23 Right angle stacking aisle Ast Pallets 800X1200/1000 mm 3250/3450 3250/3450
24 Drive speed:With/without load km/h 11/13 10.5/12

25 Speed Lifting speed:With/without load mm/s 260/400 260/400

26 Lowering speed:With/without load mm/s 550/450 550/450
27 Max. towing capacity With load KN 17.5 17.5

28 Max. grade ability With load % 15 15
29 Weight with battery kg 3300 3505

30 Axle load-laden:Front/Rear axle kg 4220/580 4355/650

Axle load
31 Axle load-unladen:Front/Rear axle kg 1595/1705 1550/1955
32 Number:Front/Rear 2/2 2/2
33 Wheels Size: Front 18 x 7-8 18 x 7-8
34 Size: Rear 15x 4 1/2-8 15x 4 1/2-8
35 Wheel base Y mm 1280 1280

36 Track Front wheels center mm 880 880

37 m1 Minimum mm 99 99
Ground clearance
38 m2 Wheelbase center mm 99 99
39 Pedal service brake Hydraulic Hydraulic
40 Hand parking brake Mechanic Mechanic
41 Battery voltage V 48 48
42 Standard battery capacity AH/5HR 490 490
Drive unit

43 Battery box size mm L975×W510×H520 L975×W510×H520

44 Weight kg 840 840
45 Hydraulic motor (DC) kw 8.2 8.2
Electric motors
46 Traction motor (AC) kw 2.5x 2 2.5 x 2

☆For modifications and improvements, the above data are not binding.

1.2 Brief description of the machine.

1. Motor and Controller
Traction motors are feature high efficiency AC electricity. Furthermore, the speed
controller of the traction motor is the most modern, AC system in the world. Both the
controller and motor can perform to their utmost. And which protection facility can
ensure operator’s safety and lengthen the motor’s service life.

The following are the main features of the controller:

(1)Temperature protector: When overheated, The controller will interrupt the powers
source, to avoid any danger.
(2) Panel diagnostic: When error occurs, it shows the status code, and sequentially
its address, directly on the panel or on the handset.

(3) Battery discharge: The microprocessor offer the status of the battery discharged.
(4) Handset: A multifunctional tool, which includes a diode display and a keyboard.
(5) Smooth start-up: Enabling the motor to start and forward smoothly.
(6) Plugging brake---with quick switch between forward and backward, the motor
will stop smoothly and start again at the opposite direction.
(7) Anti-counter rotation: Being able to climbing smoothly on a slope.
(8) Powerful start-up---able to perform its efficiency at its high-low deficit.
(9) Anti-violence-rush-out---It stops action when the controller is out of order.

2. Transmission
The gears used in the transmission box are high strength and precision due to carbon
being mixed therein. They transmit the torque of the running motor to the output shaft of
the transmission box. Therefore smooth start as well as no-vibration direction turning is
assured. And its low noise feature meets the environment protection requirement.

3. Power steering system.

The power steering system is designed as a whole hydraulic, using hydraulic steering
control valve, which ensure steering the smooth and flexibility.

4. Braking system.
Route-closed braking system is composed with braking pump assembly, oil cups, pipes
and pumps. When the braking pedal stepped down, braking force will be transmitted to
brake shoes so the truck stops. There is an automatic adjuster, which uses mechanical
linkage shaft and can compensate the gap automatically, keeping the braking force
always tough. In addition, it is very easy to dismantle and assemble them.

5. Parking system.
The system is located right to the seat, connecting the braking system with a cable.
When the parking lever is pulled, the truck, with a full load, can stop on a slope of a 7° -
11° slope.

6. Hydraulic system.
The hydraulic system is composed with a oil tank, hydraulic pump, oil filters, a valve
compensating hydraulic flow, hand-control lever and piping.
The oil tank includes the removable cap, breathing hole, dipstick and filters, etc, in itself.
The hydraulic system controls the lifting and lowering of the mast, using a direct linked

gear pump. Tilting is controlled via a special clamp. Shifting the lever right- or leftwards,
one can lift or lower the mast, while shifting the lever fore- or backwards, one can control
the tilting. If the control lever is moved gradually, the hydraulic pumps starts to start and
activate the pump to generate hydraulic source. Which is controlled by a valve and gains
the matched and required speed.
The sliding surface of each hydraulic cylinder and piston rod is processed with a precise
and special method. Along with quality oil seal, it can be used for a long time.

7. The mast assembly and the load bracket.

The mast is constructed with German made I-shape cross-section steel bar, which can
support high curve stress.
The load bracket is built with German-made shaped steel, which can take high strike
and reduce the wearing caused by the moving of the load bracket.

8. Frame and the overhead guard.

The stable overhead guard and the integrated frame design confirm the EC safety
requirement. The design of the overhead guard, when it is lifted to its most height,
enables the operator to still have a very good eyesight.

9. The operator room.

In order to reduce the fatigue of the operator and make the operation easy, The
operation design of the control levers and pedals has been considered ergonomically. The
design of the comfortable operator room and wide-open mast confirm the EC safety
requirements. In addition to getting on and off the truck easily, they also provide the
operator an operation room with safety and comfort.

1.3 Standard accessories

One set of 3 meters long mast.
2. One set of fork with standard length.
3. One unit battery with standard capacity (490AH/5H)
4. One set of maintenance tools for battery.
5. One unit of automatic recharge.
6. One set of front spotlight.
7. One set of direction signals.
8. One unit of horn.
9. One unit of hourmeter.
10. One unit of battery indicator.
11. One set of tool bag

1.4 Main parts
1.4.1 The name of the main parts.

Front combination light

Lift cylinder
Mast Headlight
Overhead guard





Fork Front wheel

Rear Wheel

1.4.2 Installations in the Operation Room.

Direction Light Switch

Steering Wheel
F/R Gear Lever
Lift lever
Instrument Tilt Lever
Parking lever

Brake Pedal Accelerator Pedal

Horn Pedal Power Switch

1.4.3 Instrument panel and its description. (ZAPI)

MDI (Multifunction Digital Indicator)

Battery State of charge

Five LEDs, show the battery's State of Charge. Four Green, and one Red. With a fully
charged battery, all the Green LEDs are illuminated. As the battery becomes discharged,
the Green LEDs turn off progrssively, one after the other, in proportion to the residual
charge of the battery,until value of residual charge is reached. At this time the Red Led
illuminates indicating a discharged battery.

Hour meter
An alpha-numeric liquid crystal display is fitted in the centre of the unit that shows the Hours

The same display can also indicate the Alarm state, showing a Code corresponding to the
type of Alarm. To attract attention, the Red LED will start flashing when an Alarm is generated.
Software version
When the Key Switch is initially closed, the display shows the Eprom Version for a few
seconds. (EPXXX where XXX represents the version). Simultaneously the symbol of a
Shifting Spanner appears.

Other information
Three symbols inform the operator as follows:

Turtle Symbol
Shows activation of the “soft” mode of the truck, Maximum speed and acceleration are

Shifting Spanner Symbol

Shows the request of programmed maintenance or the state of Alarm. In this case the
relative code will be displayed. The information supplied by the MDI can be extremely
useful. Failures can be quickly identified by the Operator or Service Technician thereby the
fastest solution to the problem;

Sand Glass Symbol

This Symbol flashses when the Hour Meter is working.

The ZAPI MDI gives indication of the Alarm of the controller to which it is connected, with a
corresponding code..
When an Alarm is generated, the Red LED flashes to attract the attention of the operator.

The symbol of Shifting Spanner also appears.


Using the indication given by the MDI and after reference to the following chart, the operator
can solve the problem, if the failure is not serious. It will also be necessary to refer to the
paragraph describing the Alarms in the Manual of the relevant controller.
If the Alarm information suggests or indicates a serious problem,the operator will be able
to give useful information to the Service Centre, thereby reducing down time with relative
costs savings.

Chapter 2
Safety Requirement
The safety requirement for the
truck operator

2.1 What are needed to know before operation.
1. Please step onto the operation room by pulling the front support pillar and avoid
using the control levers or the steering wheel. It is strictly prohibited to jump off the
2. Please have the operation cleaned before operation.
3. Please confirm there is not any maintenance problem before operation.
4. Complete fixing of the damaged truck before operation.
5. Adjust the seat and buckle up the seat belt before operation.
6. Before power on, please confirm all the control levers are at their neutral position
and the parking lever is pulled for stopping.
7. Please confirm the horn works before moving the truck and beware that there is no
man or object crossing the road before driving.
8. Test as of braking, gear shifting and mast lift or its lowering must be done in a safe
9. Learn to avoid turn-over and the way to help yourself when it tips over.

2.2 Getting to know the characteristic of the truck

1. The reason why using a truck is because that we want to move bulky objects by the
most economic way to a destination. In order to reach this goal, we need to know the
characteristic of the truck and its correct application.
2.Wrong loading method will ruin the balance of the truck and lead to a possible
3..Understanding [the balance relation between load and truck] and 「Capacity chart」
will help you let the truck perform its merit completely.
4. The balance relation between load and truck:

The status of the truck, which you use its forks for load is as the figure. Now the front
wheel serves as its’ supporting point. The weight of the front wheels and forks and
counterweight is at their balance, like a scale. When the front load center to bracket
becomes longer, the load capacity will shrink due to the lever theory. If the balance is
ruined, an operation accident may happen.

5. The load capacity
The right hand figure shows the load
capacity curve line. The horizontal scale
means the distance of the load center of the
load bracket. (The right-hand figure shows the
load capacity curves and the horizontal scale
means the distance of the load center to the
load bracket surface. And the vertical scale
means the load. The curve indicates the
relation of the load at its lift height versus the
load. The left area under the curve means safe
to operate. When operation is above the curve, it means that a tip-over can happen.
★ Note:
If the operation condition is in the right area above the curve, the balance now will be
hurt, the rear wheel will be lifted and the steering wheel won’t work so that the truck is
unable to control. Therefore never let your operation beyond the safety area.

2.3 Driving safely.

1. Only one person is allowed to operate. It is prohibited to operate it with two
persons in the operation room at the same time.
2. While the truck is moving, driving or turning, the
operator is supposed to confirm the safety in the
surroundings, particularly in the rear side
behind the truck.
3. Before operation, the operator is supposed to adjust the
seat to its best position. It is strictly prohibited to operate
the truck outside of the seat.
4. The operator has to look forward while driving.
5. While at a corner or where the viewsight is not good, even if there is no person or
object in sight, the operator should press the horn and get confirmed that there is no
person around then pass by.
6. It is not good to operate the truck in a rude manner, such as start up rush, sudden
stop, or rush turning,,etc. Such actions appear very dangerous, particularly when at
driving and loading.
7. When two trucks move at the same direction, please don’t overpass one another.

Please pay attention to the height of building anytime, Too low ceiling can hurt the
mast and the overhead guard.
8. It is strictly prohibited to drive the truck with forks lifted high, particularly around
electricity cord. For it could risk in touching the electricity.
9. If the load blocks the viewsight in front, then you have to drive it backwards. When
you are driving backwards, don’t just depend the side view mirror, better turn your
head back and watch it very carefully.
10. When operating in a area where the vision is not good or dark, one should have to
turn on the light and then proceed the job.
11. Please watch the status of the running truck while at operation.
12. It is strictly prohibited to run the truck at high speed in the risky area, particularly
when on the slope, one should step down the brake to slow down.
13. While passing a area, no matter it is a building or a place, where there is a height
or width limit, one should not extend his head or hands out of the truck.
14. The truck is constructed to steer based on the rear wheels. When taking a turn, the
truck will sweep over a fan-shaped area. One has to be very careful this time
whether there is any people or object in the behind.

15. Wherever and whenever, the truck operator has to follow the traffic regulations.
16. One should drive the truck forwards to climb up and backwards to come down a
slope while a load is on the moving truck.
17. Even under no load condition, driving on a slope, no matter you are climbing up
or coming down, the counterweight should always face upwards.
18.When you are going to climb up a slope from a flat ground or come down from a

slope to a flat ground, you have to watch closely whether the load or the forks will
touch down the ground. Please lift the forks when necessary.
19.One has to watch the road status anytime when at moving.
One has to slow down when it is not on a good
20.One has to watch the load limit of the floor or of the
bridge anytime you are driving on.
21.Please keep a safe distance to the both sides when you
are at the narrow path or on a platform.
22.It is strictly prohibited to drive across or turn on a slope.
23.One has to be sure that the load on a pallet is completely secured
before starting out the truck.
24.In order to assure the truck is at balance, one has to keep the truck at its lowest
gravity, so one has to keep the forks a distance of 15 cm from the ground while
driving the truck.
25.When moving a rectangle object, one should have the load gravity set in between
the two forks and slow down.
26.One has to avoid a sudden gearshift when at moving.
27.Once having found an abnormal condition while at work or moving, one has to
stop the truck in a safe area immediately and then proceed the check and fix.
28.It is slippery inside a frozen cabinet, One can make a rush turn or stop emergently.
29.Operating the truck on a place where the ground is frozen, One has to add the
anti-slip chains on the wheels.

2.4 The safety management.

1. A truck operator has to be trained and approved.
2. Please proceed seriously the daily routine check and the regular maintenance. You
are supposed to exam the truck once a day before operation, to confirm the truck is at
its normal condition.
3. Please wear suitable work clothes. The operator has to wear an equipment and safety
helmet, which confirm the safety regulation. Any wearing, no matter clothing or
decoration, which could hinder operation, must be avoided. Put on the ear protection
when necessary.
4. Have those things ready for anytime use and be familiar with its usage, such as first

aid box, fire extinguisher or other equipment for damping fire.
5. An unfortunate accident or a blaze can happen unexpectedly. A preparation in
advance for contacting relating agents is needed so an emergent handling can be
proceeded in time.
6. Please don’t be close to an area where there is flame when at moving or working.
7. Be familiar with the truck and its attached accessory. Read the manual and the safety
rules detailedly.
8. It is strictly to change its original installation for that it will hurt you or the truck.
9. One has to clean up the path and every obstacle cleared and sorted out.
10 .If the operation spot belongs to the area, a kind of cliff, falling rocks, Precaution has
to been taken in advance before operation.
11. The operator has to be at its best shape. After exhaustion or drinking, no operation
is allowed.
12. The operator has to follow all the items, prohibitions or procedures set to be
watched closely.
13. The operator room should be kept clean anytime.
14. If the operation spot is too narrow, the operator needs to follow guidance given by a
standing-by person, who should stand at a place where the operator can see him
15. If the operation place is on a dock or a platform, the periphery should be installed a
anti-slip mechanism.
16. Please operate the truck in the allowed area. Without allowance, no person or truck
may enter the operation area.
17. When abnormal noise or other conditions found or sensed, one has to fix it as early
as possible.

2.5 Operation with safety.

1. Before loading, please confirm that the height and weight of the load be within the
safety area as shown on the load curve chatter.
2. No standing or passing under lifted forks is allowed.
3. It is strictly prohibited to lift personnel with the forks.
4. No loading and moving a load, which is over weight limit.
5. Before placing a load on a pallet, be sure that it is strong enough to support the load.
6. It is strictly prohibited to operate a lift while the mast is slanting forwards.
7. After the load is lifted, it is not allowed to let the mast slant forwards or let the truck
move fast.
8. When the loading or carrying device have been changed its installation, for example
the forks changed to a rotation one, the safety area on the load curve will change, so
you have to confirm to be within the safety area of the load curve.
9. When at operation of loading or stacking, any assistant should keep far away from
the truck.
10. At loading or lifting, within the allowance of the support or pallet, The distance
between the two forks should be increased to its most width, to prevent the load off
from the gravity center.
11. If the forks are not secured with a lock, a possible sliding of the forks will cause the
load straying away from the gravity center and form a unstable loading.
12. If the load height is over the one of the carriage, be sure to secure the load, to
prevent the load from falling down.
13. A fast running truck could hurt persons or objects when it is approaching them. So
before them, you need to stop in advance, then approach the load slowly.
14. You can not slant the truck to one side or use only on of the forks for loading, to
prevent the truck from tip-over due to unbalance of the load.
15. It is strictly prohibited to lift a load using a string hanging on the forks.
16. It is strictly prohibited for a person to move a load with the forks lifted high.
17. In order to secure the service life of the truck, please have no rude operation to the
control levers.
18. When at operation or maintenance, before you operate the lifting or tilting
mechanism, you need to be sure that you yourself or any others are away from the
dangerous area.
19. When operating in a special environment, such as over cold or heat ,,, etc. the
operator should be watching whether he could adapt himself to it, If he can, he
should retreat at once.
20. A potential risk for a person to be extruded exists when he enters the area between
the front protection plate and the mast, particularly when the mast is slanting

2.6 Maintenance with safety.

A:a regular maintenance.

1. In the procession of the maintenance, don’t have a flame close to kind of grease,
hydraulic oil and clothes soaked with oil,, etc.
2. At recharging, please don’t smoke or have the bare blaze close to the battery.
3. Before maintenance, please confirm that you know the place for all the things, such
the first aid box, extinguisher or other kinds of dampening fire equipment and you
know how to use them.
4. Please shut down the power system and remove the linking terminals of the battery

before check or maintenance.
5. Before maintenance or fixing, one has to wear safety shoes and other protective
equipment. Depending on the job need, you might think wearing goggles and
helmet,,, etc.
6. Please wear neatly at working. Please don’t wear any broken clothes or clothes that
can hook on the extruding machine part by accident.
7. The maintenance and recharging of the battery need to be carried out by an
experienced person and in a certain place.
8. The electrolyte of the battery contains sparse sulfide acid. Touching skin, clothes and
body could result in danger. So be particularly careful at checking its specific gravity
or adding the electrolyte. Flush it with clean water when the electrolyte touches any
part of your body by accident.
9. At checking lubricant, hydraulic oil, electrolyte and whether oil or water leaks, it is
forbidden to use a bare fire as a lighting device.
10. The temperature of the hydraulic oil will rise at or after operation. Sometimes, it
even blows off oily steams. So be especially careful at checking the hydraulic
11. If to carry the maintenance on the truck is necessary, you should keep yourself
balance. Don let your body tumble down due to loosing the balance.
12. During the maintenance, unless necessary, Don’t let the electrical power system
start working and let the truck moved.
13. At checking or maintenance of the truck, the truck should be parked on a flat
surface, with the forks lowered to ground and the electrical power system shut down
and the gear shift lever put to the neutral position.
14. If the operation seat, armrests, steering wheel and control levers are stained with oil
or grease, one should clean it as soon as possible.

B:The controller.
1. Please don’t use high-pressure water to clean any part around the controller.
2. Only a person who knows the truck functions and structures profoundly can conduct
all the tests of the electric truck, troubleshooting and adjusting thoroughly. Before
conducting, please read the manual through and let the truck be off from the ground
so the wheel can be turned freely.
3. As the controller contains multiple protections, once you leave the operation seat,
with parking lever pulled or the controller itself is overheated,,, so on, all the
operation functions will be shut down. At this time, the truck can not be operated.
4. In order to keep the control system reliable, the automatic detecting system needs to

be examined along with the general maintenance. The maintenance interval better be
not over 3 months.
5. Please plug off the terminal to the battery when at checking or installing the
6. If the electric system is not installed yet with a contact, which voltage is 24/48,
please don have the controller contact the power source when the breathing hole
of the controller is open, to prevent from resulting in a risk due to the capacitor,
inside of the controller, releasing the electricity.
7. Please cut off the electric first before handling any workout. Then use a resistance of
10 ohm / 25 watt to touch both the negative and positive terminals so the electricity
of the capacitor inside of the controller will be released.

2.7 To park the truck safely.

1. The truck should be parked in a place, where it is safe and won’t hinder the traffic.
2. The truck should be parked away from the stairway, fire exit and anti-fire
3. It is strictly forbidden to park the truck on a slope.
4. It is not allowed to park the truck in a place where is near the material like oil, wood,
paper,,, etc, which get fire easily.
5 You have to watch such thing when at parking the truck.:
A. To pull the parking lever.
B. To put the forward/reverse lever at its neutral position.
C. Lower the forks to the ground and tilt the mast forwards till the forks lay
horizontally on the floor.
D. To turn the key to the position and remove it from the slot.

2.8 Tips to avoid tip-over and the handling.

1. How to prevent a tip-over.
(1). Avoid to drive the truck on an uneven surface, If unavoidable, one should slow
(2). Avoid a violent start out, turning, emergent stop and rude actions, which could
result in the turning over of the truck.
(3). Avoid turning or running across a slanting road.
(4). Check the road for safety indeed. And be away from a muddy road.
(5). Please keep a safe distance from the rim of a dock or platform, where you are

working on.
(6). It is forbidden to have the mast tilted forwards with a load lifted high. Such action
will result in the tip-over of the truck.
(7). It is forbidden to lift a load when the mast is tilted forwards.
(8). Avoid driving on a wet, frozen surface or on a place where has sandstone or being
muddy. If unavoidable, one has to slow down the speed.
(9). If the truck is not parked in a flat condition, please don’t operate to carry or stack a
(10). Avoid driving across a hinder such as ditch, a bump or a rail.
(11). Avoid lifting the mast over the safe height.

2. The handling of a tip-over.

(1). Don’t jump off at the tip-over of the truck. You should stay on the truck for help.
(2). The keys to survive a tip-over of the truck -----judge quietly and respond properly.
(3). Please remember that when at tip-over of the truck, the best chance to survive is
that you keep staying on the seat and do the following actions: 。
(4). If the truck has begun to tip over:
A. --- Don’t jump.
B. --- Grip the steering wheel or the overheads guard tightly.
C. --- Draw your feet out of the impact point.

2.9 Emergent towing.

When an accident happens, but it can move freely and won’t cause any damage to it,
then you can use proper equipment to tow the truck away. The towing speed should be
limited to less than 9 km/h.
★ Note:
A. When the truck is being towed, please don’t give tires any chance to leave from the
B. When the truck is towed to a certain place, please put a warning level “ Breakdown”
on it, to prevent it from being mistakenly used.

2.10 The potential risk area.

The truck is a device for moving objects. It could be dangerous within the area where
the truck moves. Please avoid any entrance of any person, who is not due to be there.

2.11The nameplate and warning labels.
1. The warning labels used by G.Power are as follow: Please be familiar with every
warning sign and follow closely them. If they become blurred or fall off, please replace
them with new ones.

a. Illumination needed

b. Risk in mast c. Buckle up the seat belt.

d. No standing on or under forks. e. More than one person not allowed.

f. Tips for hanging g. stacking warning

h. Risk warning i. Pressing warning j. Tire pressure

k. Parking l. Electric shock

m. Hydraulic pressure .n Transportation

o. Safety p. Brake fluid

Chapter 3
Control levers and Switches

1. Power on.

(1) To link the terminals of the battery and the truck.

(2) Put the forward / reverse control lever at the neutral position. Insert key then start
by turning the key clockwise to the position of ”∣ ”.
(3) Check the battery indicator. If the red LED lights up, it means recharging is needed.

2. The forward / reverse control lever:(two shifts for forward / reverse each)

At the right bottom side of the steering wheel, there is a control lever, which is used to
switch between the forward / reverse direction. The way to switch is as follows:
F:Forward---Push the control lever forwards.
R:Reverse---Pull the control lever backwards.
N:Neutral--- at the middle position.

★ Note:
Please proceed the switch of forward / reverse only after the truck is stoped.

3. Parking lever:

(A) (B)

It is used when you will park the truck.
(1) Please pull the lever to the position “A”.
(2) Put the lever to the position “B” by releasing it forwards.

★ Note:
a. The way to adjust the parking strength:Turn the knob on the top of the parking lever
clockwise to increase the parking strength, and counterclockwise to decrease.
b. Be sure to release the parking lever before operation otherwise the truck won’t

4. Direction light control lever:

It is used to control the forward / reverse

direction light to twinkle and indicate your
direction intention. It is mounted at
the left down side of the steering
(1)When the lever turned
clockwise, the right hand side
direction light will twinkle.
(2) When the lever turned
counterclockwise, the left hand
side direction light will twinkle.
(3) When pulling out the red knob
down under the lever, both side
direction lights will twinkle.

★ Note:
After turning, If the direction signal isn’t diminished, you are supposed to put it back
to the middle position, to diminish it.

5. Switches for big and small Lamps.

It is mounted at the down right side of
the steering wheel. At the places where
illumination is poor, you can use it to
better your vision.
1. Up:to turn off the parking and head
2. Middle: to turn on the head lamps.
3.Down:to turn on the parking and head

★ Note:
When the truck powered off, please remember not to let the lamps light for long time,
to avoid consuming the battery electricity.

6. The horn switch:

Press the lever at the down right side of the steering wheel to horn.

Press down

7.Lift control lever:

It features to control the lifting and lowering speed as well as the tilt angle of the forks.
(1) Lifting:To pull the lever backwards.
(2) Lowering:To push the lever forwards.
(3) Tilting forwards:To push it forwards.
(4) Tilting backwards:To pull it backwards.
★ Note:
The lifting speed will depend on the acceleration
pedaling and the tilting angle. But the lowering speed
will be controlled only by the lift / lowering control

8. Pedals: Acceleration pedal

Brake pedal
(1) Brake pedal:
It is used to stop the truck at moving.
When it stepped down, the hydraulic
pressure will float from the brake pump
assembly to the brake pumps, to enable the
brake shoes contact the brake drums. So
the truck wheels are stopped.

(2) Acceleration pedal:

It is used to control the motor’s start, stopand stepless gearshift. When it stepped
down, It will start the circuit of the traction motor. The motor rotation speed varies
corresponding to the depth of the pedal you step down. In this way, you will gain the
different speeds you need.

Chapter 4
Routine checks before operation

The routine checks before operation.
Please be sure that the truck is under safe condition before starting it.
★ Note:
(1) Please park the truck in the place, where it is safe and flat.
(2) Stop the electric power system and pull up the parking lever and have all the
control lever be at their neutral positions.
(3) Let the mast be at its right angle to the ground and have the forks come to touch
with the surface.

1. Check around the truck for any leakage of water or oil.:

(1) Whether the joint of the oil pipes, pipes themselves, the hydraulic cylinders, the
control valve and the battery are leaking.
(2) If leakage is found, please contact our agent or G.Power as soon as possible,

2. Check the tries and the steel rim for.

(1) whether the tire pressure is normal? Slashed? Groove has foreign matter? Or been
worn out?
(2) Whether the steel rim is deformed? Injured? And the rim fastening bolts are
tightened enough?
(3) Whether the tire pressure is constantly kept at 7.0kgf/cm?

★ Note:
A. When at checking the tire pressure, one should exam it with a long-handle tire
pressure gauge and keep oneself far from the flank side of the tires.
B. If normal condition is found and tire or rim replacement needed, please refer to the
part “Tire pressure”.

3. Check the load bracket and forks for:

(1) Whether the load bracket is loose? Cracked? By rocking it.
(2) Whether the forks is deformed? Cracked? And its positioning pin works?

4. Check the mast chain for its tension.:

(1) Lift the fork about 10~15 cm high from the ground, then press down the middle
part of the chain to see whether the both sides of the chain have the same
(2) If the tension of the two sides is not parallel, then adjust the adjusting nutsto reach
the same tension.

5. Check the lights and the overhead guard for:
(1) whether the appearance of the light is clean? Broken?
(2) Whether the overhead guard is deformed? Loosened? Cracked?

6. The battery safety buckle :

It is found at the intersection of the battery and weight. It is used to secure the
battery at its place when the truck is moving.

◆ Open the battery cap.

7. The electrolyte:
(1) Check its level for being at the normal.
★ Note:
The hydrogen yielded in the process of the recharging is explosive. It is therefore
strictly forbidden to smoke in the area or let the flame approach the area.

8. The battery cleanness:

Rub off the dust around the terminals of the battery negative and positive poles of the
battery. The cloth must be clean and dry. If there is any rust and wearing found
around the joint place of the tow poles, then one is supposed to clean it with a brush.

★ Warning:
If the pollution is serious, then clean them with a dry cloth and hot water. Never use a
thinner and gasoline for they will damage the battery trunk.

9. Check the hydraulic oil level:

(1) Pull out the dipstick and run it clean with a clean clothe.
(2) Insert the dipstick into the pathway again. Check whether the oil volume is enough.
If the oil level is close or under the lower level limit, then refill it.

★ Warning:
When at checking the oil level, You must have the mast be at its right angle to the
ground and the forks touch the ground.

10. Check the brake fluid level:

A. Open the hood. And find the brake fluid reservoir, which is above the brake assembly
and appears as half-transparent.
B. Check its level for being at the normal position. (between the max and min)
C. If found not enough, then refill it.

★ Warning:
Since the brake fluid of the different brands can’t tolerate each other, therefore use
always the same brand fluid.

◆ Close the battery cap and get on the truck and be seated.
11. The adjustment of the seat.
(1) Pull the adjusting lever right down of the seat to the right hand side and move the
seat to front and back to the position you find the best, then release the adjusting
(2) Sitting on the seat, move the seat gently and confirm whether the seat is secured.
★ Note:
A. You have to finish adjusting the seat before power on.
B. Wrong adjusting method will cause the operation hindered and possibly an accident.

12. Check the lights:

Please test operate all lights switch, to confirm that all lights work.

13. Check the horn:

Please press down the horn button and check whether it works.
★ Warning:
Please don’t operate a truck, which has no horn ,otherwise in the emergent case, it
could do serious harm to you or others.

14.Test step down the brake pedal:

(1) Test step down the brake pedal, to see whether the distance is enough and
(2) Release the pedal and check it for returning successfully?

★ Warning:
Please be sure to check the brake pedal before operation. A truck without any stop
mechanism will injure persons and the machine.

15. Test step down on the acceleration pedal:

Test step down on the acceleration pedal, to see whether the distance is enough?

16. The parking lever:

(1) Pull the lever to its utmost position. It should have performed its stop mechanism.

(2) The parking mechanism should be able to stop the truck on a slope of 10°~15°.
(3) If it can’t reach the above request, then you have to adjust its strength.

◆ Turn the key to the position “ON”.

17. Check the electricity for being enough.

18. Read and check all the indicators and gauges on the display.

19. Check the direction light control lever for being able to work normally.

20. Check the brake lights for working normally:Test step down on the brake pedal and
check for being able to work normally.

21. Check the mast for:

(1) Whether it can move freely by lifting and lowering it.
(2) Whether it tilts to the front / back smoothly by operating the tilt control lever.
(3) Check the hydraulic cylinders and oil pipes for leaking.

22. Adjusting the angle of the steering wheel by pulling up the adjusting lever and adjust
it to the most wanted position then press it down again to secure the steering wheel.

◆ Move the truck in the safe place slowly.

23. Check its braking facility:
(1) Test step down on the brake pedal to check whether it works?
(2) Check the brake for being suitable? Too tight? Or too loose?

24. Check the steering wheel for:

Whether it is too tight by operating it?
Whether the truck flutters when at turning or moving?

Chapter 5
The operator and operation

5.1 Things to care for before operation. :
1. Check whether your clothing is neat and tidy? Whether it will interfere the operation of
the truck? Whether you have worn any ornaments on your body, which can hinder your
operation, if you do, take them off before operation.
2. Process truly 「The routine checks before operation」 ,and confirm all the parts for
being under normal conditions.
3. Please buckle up the safety belt before operation.
4. Please follow closely every regulation of 「the safety rules」

5.2 Get on and off the truck:

Please the operator get on or off the truck from the left side of the truck.
★ Note:
Please get on or off the truck only after the truck is completely stopped. Jumping from
the truck is strictly prohibited.

5.3 The operation of the operator:

1. To start the electric power system:
(1) Before starting the electric power:
A.Please confirm all the control lever are all at their neutral positions.
B Please be sure that the parking lever is at its parking position.
C.Please check whether the seat and the steering wheel have been well adjusted.
(2) To operate the lift/tilt control lever and let the forks be 15~20 cm far away from the
(3) Operate the tilt lever to let the mast tilt backwards.

2. To start the truck:

(1) Have the fore / back control lever put at the requested position.
(2) Put the high / low speed control lever at the gear position 1.
(3) Release the parking lever after confirming there is no person or and hindrance
(4) To slow down, step down gently on the braking pedal.
★ Note:
If you step down on the brake pedal and the acceleration pedal, you won’t be able to
activate the controller and run the motor.

2. To change speed

To release the acceleration pedal.
Press down the button, the traction speed will slow down.

4. Change between the forward / reverse direction.:

To change direction while moving will lead to damage the gearbox.

★ Note:
To change the traction direction while moving will possibly lead to damage the gearbox.

5. Turning direction:
(1) Grip the steering wheel with one or two
hands to control the direction.
(2) It is different between steering a lift truck
and a car for the truck is turned by the
turning mechanism of the rear wheel.

★ Note:
A. At turning please be careful that the space the truck needs
for make a turning is
enough and whether there is any hindrance?
B. Slow down when turning in a narrow place.

6. Parking the truck:

(1) Release the acceleration pedal.
(2) Step down on the brake pedal.
(3) Put the gearshift at the neutral position after parking.

7. After parking:
(1) Have all control levers put at the neutral positions then pull up the parking lever.
(2) Lower the fork and tilt the mast forwards then have the forks touch the ground.
(3) Turn the key to the position ”○ ” then remove it from the slot.

★ Note:
A. Please choose a safe and solid place to park.
B. If the mast and forks can do the step 2, then you have to label warning on the truck.

5.4 How to elevate and stock a load by the truck.

1. To get the load:

(1) Adjust the fork distance depending the load sizes then fasten them again with the
(2) Move the truck slowly to the front of the load and keep a distance of about
(3) Have the mast be right vertical to the ground.
(4) Point the forks to the place where you want to insert the forks. Then move the truck
slowly forwards till whole forks are inside of the pallet.
(5) Lift the load about 10~15cm high.
(6) Confirm that the load is at the center of two forks. Then tilt the mast backwards.
(7) Reverse the truck and lower the load to the height of c.a. 15~30cm from the ground
and move the truck away.

2. Stacking loads:
(1) Drive the truck slowly to the front of the load pile and keep a distance of c.a. 20~20
cm from the pile.
(2) Lift the load about 10~15 cm high above the stacking place.
(3) Move the truck slowly forwards to the stacking spot.
(4) Tilt the mast and have the mast be at the right vertical position.
(5) Lower the load slowly.
(6) Reversing the truck and lowering the forks, with the mast tilted backwards, could
lead the truck to tip-over.

★ Warning:
A. No tilting forwards while a load at the height for it could cause tip-over.
B. No forwarding while having a load at height for it could cause tip-over.
C. No lowering the forks before they are completely drawn out for you will harm the load.

5.5 Operation on the slope.
5.5.1 Moving on the slope:
1. If you have to move a long distance on a slope, you are supposed to put the gearshift at
the low speed.
2. No matter you are climbing or descending, The rule is always to have the load face
★ Note:
When driving a truck on the slope:
1. No shutting down the electric power system.
2. No changing the traction speed.
3. No making any turning.
4. No putting the gearshift at the neutral position.

5.6 The operation in a cold environment.

In order to protect the battery, when the truck is not at use, please have it parked inside of
the door. Don’t leave it outdoors. If you haven’t used it for a long time, you are supposed
to operate the lift mechanism several times, to warm up the hydraulic system.

5.7 Storage
Before storing it, clean it completely and please finish the following items:
A. If necessary, rub off the grease found on the truck by rags and water.
B. Check for any leakage.
C. Check its general conditions while cleaning.
D. Apply grease to the places where they should be.
E Check the mast roller for moving smoothly.
F. If you have found any part in an abnormal condition, you are supposed to report to
your superior.

5.7.1 Daily storage.

A. Put the truck where it belongs to. Secure it with stoppers and recharge it.
B. Put the gearshift lever at the neutral position and pull up the parking lever truly.
C. Turn the key to the off position and shake any starting levers to release any remaining
pressure inside of the hydraulic cylinders and tubes.
D. Remove the key after leaving the truck. Store well and let not-relating persons
approach for operation.

5.7.2 Storing for long time.

A. In addition to the maintenance items for the daily storage, extra items must be checked
and completed.
B. In a rainy season, Place the truck in a high and solid ground surface.
C. Unload the battery even you store it indoors, where it is very humid or warm. You are
supposed to keep the battery in a dry and cool place and recharge it once a month.
D. Avoid rusting with anti-rust applied on all place, where it could get rusty.
E. In summer, please don’t park the truck in ground, where it is soft and there is asphalt.

◆ To operate the truck after a long time storage.

A. Get rid of the rust of those exposed to outside.
B. Drain the gear box oil and clean its inside and refill.
C. Replace the battery and link it to the plug of the battery to the truck.

Chapter 6
The routine check, maintenance
and lubrication

6.1 The routine check and maintenance.
Before operation of the truck, You are supposed to proceed the「the routine checks
before the operation」, In addition, for the sake of the safety and assuring the parts’
service life, performance and efficiency, one should conduct the routine checks to the
truck .
1. Please read all the matters needing your attention in the book 「Safe maintenance」.
3. When you run unto questions, please consult your superior or discuss them with a
technician. Never conduct fixing yourself, to insure your and the machine safety.
4. Please give the job of the maintenance, which require more precise skill, to the
technical persons and professionals to handle.

The replacement schedule table for oils and its pipe parts.

1. The kind of the grease and coolant.

Items Month 2 6 12
Hour 300 1200 2400
Transmission box oil ○
Hydraulic oil ○
Hydraulic oil filter ○
Brake fluid ○
Grease for the bearing in the front / ○
rear wheels.

2. Plastic piping, oil seals and chains.

Month 2 6 12
Hour 300 1200 2400
Plastic assembly in the brake system ○
(in the assembly and subassembly
Plastic oil tubes in the steering Every two year
Plastic oil assembly in the steering Every three year
Plastic oil tubes in the hydraulic Every three year
Chain Every three year

6.2 Advised schedule for checks and maintenance:
1.The electric system:
Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400
1. Check the electrolyte and refill it , plus ○
distilled water.
2. Clean the top of the battery. ○
3. Check the specific gravity of the ○
electrolyte. If necessary, refill, plus
distilled water.
4. Recharge evenly. ○
5.Check the exposed for insulation. ○
◆ Motor
6. Check the brush for wearing. Replace it if ○
7. Check the commutator for wearing. If ○
necessary, replace it.
8. Check the operation for in a good ○
9. Check for having a noise. ○
10. Check the insulation for being effective. ○
11. Check for pollution. ○
◆ The controller
12. connecting is correct? ○
13. Check the contact for being good. ○
14. Check its surface for being not polluted. ○
If necessary, clean it.
15. Check the contacting point for wearing. ○
16. Check the insulation for being effective. ○
◆ Circuit and terminals.
17. Check for wearing. ○
18. Check for loosening? Secure it if ○
19. Check for getting dirty. ○

2. Torque converting system

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ Differential
1. Check the differential for leaking. ○
2. Check for noisy. ○
◆ The front driving axle
3. Check its bolts for loosening. ○

3. Moving mechanism

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ Tire pressure.
1. Tire pressure. ○
2. Check tires for slashing? Broken? ○
3. Check wearing depth and surface for ○
4. Check the rim and hub for loosening ○
5. Check the tire threads for foreign ○
6. Check the front / rear wheel bearing ○
for loosening, noise?

4. The steering system

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400
◆ The steering wheel
1. The operation condition ○
2. Check the steering wheel for ○
◆ The steering motor assembly
3. Check it for leakage. ○
4. Check the piping for leakage. ○
◆ Transmission linking shaft.
5. Check it for loosening or deforming ○
6. Check the kingpin for loosening or ○
7. Check the dual-arm crank for ○
wearing or deforming.
◆ The transmission shaft of the steering motor.
8. Check for its positioning. ○

5. The brake system

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ The brake pedal
1. Check its stepping and ○
returning action.
2. Check its braking effect. ○
◆ The parking
3. Check for the parking strength. ○
4. Check for the braking effect. ○
5. Check the parking cable and ○
the linking shaft for loosening.
◆ The brake fluid.
6. Check for the brake fluid level. ○
◆ The braking fluid circuit
7. Check the piping and joints for ○
◆ The brake assembly and subassembly pumps.
8. Check them for wearing or ○
◆ The braking hub and the brake shoes.
9. The gap between the braking ○
hub and shoes.
10. Check the shoes for wearing ○
11. Check the brake hub for ○
wearing or breaking.
12. Check the return spring for ○
13. Check the self-adjusting ○
mechanism for its activating

6. Lift system

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ Forks
1. Check forks and stopper for ○
2. Check its welding heel and welding ○
joint for crack.
◆ The mast and load bracket
3. Check for deforming and its ○
welding for crack.
4. Check the mast bushing for ○
breaking and wearing.
5. Check the supporting axle for ○
wearing or breaking.
6. Check the roller for breaking or ○
7. Check the roller pin for breaking or ○
◆ The chain and the chain shaft bearing.
8. Check its tension for being enough ○
and deforming or deforming.
9. Check the chain for lubrication. ○
10. Check the adjusting bolt for ○
11. Check the bearing ring for its ○
rolling condition.

7. The hydraulic system

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ The starting motor
1. Check for leaking oil. ○
2. Check the cylinder pin for ○
wearing or injuring.
3. Check for its lifting speed. ○
4. Check its moving for ○
◆ The hydraulic pump
5. Check for leakage or noise. ○
◆ The hydraulic oil tank.
6. Check the oil level and the oil ○
for changing or being polluted.
7. Check the oil tank and the oil ○
8. Check for leakage. ○
◆ The control levers
9. Check for is operation ○
10. Check its oil level and its ○
quality for any changing or
being polluted.
11. Check the oil tank and the oil ○
12. Check for leakage. ○
◆ The controlling valve assembly
13. Check for leakage. ○
14. Check its pressure releasing ○
strength and measure it.
◆ The hydraulic piping.
15. Check for leakage, deforming ○
or breaking.
16. Check its joint for loosening. ○

8. The safety devices.

Items Hours 200 600 1200 2400

◆ The overhead guard
1. Check its welding for any ○
2. Check for deforming or Injury. ○
◆ The load bracket
3. Check the fastening part for ○
4. Check for deforming, cracking ○
or injury.
◆ The lights
5. Check its connecting and ○
lighting function.
◆ The horn
6. Check its circuit connecting ○
and its function.
◆ The monitoring system of the display panel.
7. Check its functions. ○
◆ The seat
8. Check its fastening positions ○
for loosening.
◆ The chassis
9. Check for cracking or breaking ○
10. Check its fastening positions ○
for loosening.

6.3 The way to check and maintain:
6.3.1 The protection and maintenance of the battery
1. The check and refill of the electrolyte.
(1) The electrolyte vaporizes due to the heat and the water being electrolyzed and
changed into gas during recharging. So the solution level will diminish gradually.
(2) Check the electrolyte level once to twice every month. If it comes down, The
distilled water should be refilled to the height of 20~30 cm above the separation
(3) If battery frequently recharged, and the ambient temperature is abnormally high,
the electrolyte level will diminish rapidly. Therefore checking the electrolyte
must be often conducted. Let it never be under the separation plate. For it will
shorten the service life of the battery.

2. Measure and check the specific gravity of the electrolyte.

(1) The method of measuring the specific gravity.
Use a inhaling gravimeter to measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte. The
gravimeter consists of a rubber ball, a glass tube and a hydrometer. Put the tube
upright when at measuring the specific gravity. After pressing the rubber ball by
hand, release it gradually and let the electrolyte sucked in. At this time, you can’t
have the hydrometer touch the tube. The principle is to let it float in the electrolyte.
Then read the scale which is the solution level touched by the hydrometer. The scale
value is its specific gravity.
(2) The conversion of the specific gravity in relation to the ambient heat.
The specific gravity of the electrolyte varies in relation to the heat. Its expression is
based on the ambient heat of 20℃. Therefore you have to convert the measured
specific gravity based on the same condition for a correct reading. The conversion
formula is as follows:

S20 = S t + 0.0007 ×( t - 20 ) S20:20℃ Gravity conversion

S t:t℃ real measured gravity
t :Real measured electrolyte heat.
(3) Check the electrolyte specific gravity.
A. After recharging finished, if the specific gravity reading is under1.26 ( 20℃), It
means an even recharging is needed and afterwards, the reading must be checked
for being within the specification.
If the specific gravity is low and the battery needs to be used for long time, it will
cause the sulfide acid slightly leaded ( yielding white substance ). And the battery
won’t be easily recharged. The polarity plate becomes inferior and affects its
service life.
B. If the electrolyte specific gravity is less than 1.3( 20℃ ), it means the water
contained in it is very little. The sour potion becomes condensed. Alias the
solution level is being diminished. At this time, one is supposed to refill the
distilled water to the specified solution level.
If sparse sulfide acid is added along with the distilled water, the specific gravity
will rise. You have to dilute it to the specific value. Otherwise it will shorten the
service life of the battery.

Electrolyte specific gravity Recharging status

Over 1.30 Over100%( over charged )
1.27~1.29 100%
1.24~1.26 75%
Less than 1.23 Less 50%(under charged)

C. If the spectrum of the electrolyte becomes blurred, it means the lead powder
coming off from the polarity and floating on the solution. It indicates that the
battery is approaching its service life span. In addition, dirty mixture can also cause
the same condition.

Remark: No over refilling the distilled water for over refilled water level will be
rising due to the gas yielded. The distilled water will flow away through the
breathing holes of the cap. And it will cause the following defects:
A. The sulfide acid flows away. The solution concentration diminishes. The voltage
and the specific gravity become less. And the capacity has also the same
diminishing situation.
B. The property of the sulfide acid will cause the metal box rusty and the cords
eroded due to being sulfide acidified.
C. The circuit becomes shortened due to the drained solution attached between each
polarities. This will easily lead to spark. Which will in return cause the gas
yielded inside of the battery to explode. One is supposed to clean it by fresh
water and use it again only after it has been kept clean.

★ Note :
(1) Before refilling the electrolyte, one should clean the top part of the battery.
(2) After the electrolyte refilling finished, tighten the cap up.
(3) Don’t use a metal funnel to refill the electrolyte or distilled water.
(4) There exists an easily explosive gas around the battery being recharged. Let no
flame approach it.
(5) The electrolyte contains the sulfide acid and the distilled water. It is corrosive.
If your skin or clothes touches it due to carelessness, you can flush it with soda
water or clean water. If it is eye touched, you need to be hospitalized immediately
after flushed with soda or clean water.
(6) The connection of the circuit should be complete and perfect. Particularly the
terminal bolts should be tightened and applied a coat of the cattle oil or
petroleum jelly, to keep its circuit in good condition.
(7) If circuit connection is not complete or eroded, it will cause the resistance to
increase, heat and the voltage diminishing , etc. So the eroded part and the top
part of the battery should be cleaned with fresh water and used only if it is kept

6.3.2 Recharging the battery.

If the battery indicator shows red light, it means the electricity volume is not enough.
If operation is continued, It will result in over discharging electricity, which will harm the
battery and shorten its service life. So immediate recharging is necessary.
A. The procedure to charging battery is as follows:
1. Open the batteries cover and fix it there
with a supporting stick.
2. Open each the monitoring cap and let
the gas yielded inside flow away.
3. Connect the battery terminals with the
charger correctly.
4. The model shown here is an automatic
open and close one. When battery
connected with the charger, the charger
will open itself automatically.
5. After charging, the charger will stop its
running automatically.
6. If you wanna stop charging immediately,
press down the “Stop” button, to stop
charging. Pulling down the charger
switch and separate the terminals of the
battery and the charger.

After the battery used for a period of time, the voltage of the 24 terminals connecting
the cells will loosen its balance. At this time, you can equalize them by using the
1. Choose the switch positions of the “ EQUAL CHARGING ”
2. Repeat the above step A for the rest.
1. It is usually to conduct an equal charging every month. If daily discharge is conducted
repeatedly, then to equal charge every week is necessary. This is to extend the equal
electricity distributed evenly inside of the battery.
2. After the battery has not been used for a long time, or over discharged (the electrolyte
specific gravity is less than 1.02), You are supposed to proceed an equal charging.
★ Warning:
The hydrogen yielded during the charging is explosive. Therefore don’t smoke in the
charging area or don’t let any flame approach the area.

c. Instruction of the charger:

LED "ON" ON Yellow Battery is charging

LED "80%"


Yellow Gassing voltage reached

+ -
Green Charging is terminated
LED "100%"

LED "Fault" Red Mains,battery or charger fault

LED "Puls" Yellow On during charging pulses during final

charging phase(only for easycon puls)
Button to interrupt the charging process
Button "Stop"
Button to start manual equalise charge
(only for easycon puls)

1.Every 10~12 hours charging, it will adjust the discharge depth automatically.
2. It will detect and delay 8 seconds before start-up.
3. Confirming DIN41774, the charging model.
4. It can be converted to 3 phases 380 V or 3 phases 220V according to different needs.
5.The method of operation:
(1) Connect the battery plugs with the charger.
(2) Open the AC power source.
(3) It will detect automatically after 8 seconds delay.
(4) After charging finished, the power will shut down automatically.
(5) If you wanna stop charging middle way, you have to press down the STOP switch
before you unplug the battery from the charging terminals.
6. You can realize whether the battery is fully charged from the indicator on the display
panel. More close to the top means more close to finish the charging.

6.4 Operational maintenance
Please read the manual “The safe maintenance” first before maintenance.

1. Refill the hydraulic oil.:

(1) Open the lid of the hydraulic oil tank and refill the hydraulic oil.
(2) After finishing refill, confirm if the oil level is at normal position.

★ Note:
A. Please be sure first that the truck is parked safely on a stable level before you go to
check the oil volume.
B. The hydraulic oil is very dangerous under high heat or pressure, particularly it will
inject into skin and cause serious injury.
C. Check the oil quality for deterioration, discolor or being stagnant.
D. Clean the refill inlet before refill. Please avoid letting dust from entering.
E. Please don’t over refill the hydraulic oil. Clean the overflowed hydraulic oil after refill.

2. The adjustment of the parking:

(1) The normal strength of the parking should be within 28~35 kg. If it is not, a
suitable adjustment is needed.
(2) Turning the grip on the top of the lever clockwise to increase the strength. Vise
(3) The braking strength a parking should have is able to stop a truck full of load on a
slope of 10% ~ 15%. If it doesn’t reach that strength, then adjusting the
strength of the parking lever is necessary.

3. Check the hydraulic system and the mast assembly:

(1) Keep the hydraulic pump running while checking the hydraulic system. Operate the
tilt control lever to slant backwards and at a steady speed till the mast reaches its
limit then operate it forwards to its original position. Repeat this operation
several times to check the hydraulic system for any leakage or abnormal.
(2) Operate the lift control lever to its most top. While the mast at lifting, check the
mast and the forks for any interference or vibration. Then operate it to lower for
the same checking.
(3) If the forks can’t reach its designed height at checking, the possible cause may be
the oil in the tank is not enough or there is a very serious interference between
the rollers and the mast rails. This kind of problems needs to be solved by the
professional person.

4. The forks; For sake of the operation convenience, the level height difference between
the two forks can’t be over 6mm and if their wearing is over 10% of their thickness,
they must be replaced.

5 Tire Pressure:
(1) If both side tire pressure is not at its balance or not within its designated value, it
will reduce the stability of the truck, particularly when the truck is fully loaded,
it will be very difficult for turning. In order to assure the truck’s traction
performance and reduce its tire wearing, the tire pressure should be always kept
at the following value.

Items Tire pressure

Front wheel 7.0kgf/c ㎡
Rear wheel 7.0kgf/c ㎡

(2) When at checking the tire pressure, please use a tire pressure gauge, which has a
long handle, and face to the tire while measuring. At mean time, keep yourself as
far as possible away from the flank side of the tire
(3) Due to the used tires being kind of a high pressure one, if the rim or tire itself even
gets only slight hurt, it will cause a possible explosion.
(4) If the truck always operate at the rated load capacity, the tire tube should be
replaced every 1000 hours.
(5) The wearing of the tire surface can easily lead to a turnover or slide of the truck.
If this phenomenon exists, the tires should be replaced immediately.
(6) Please check the wheels and the tires for any injury and remove all the foreign
matters on the tire surface,
(7) Check anytime all the wheel hub bolts for loosening and tighten them if necessary.
When at fastening them, be sure to do it one by one diagonally.

★ Warning:
The air inside of the tires must be completely released before any tires or rims are
changed. You can begin to dismantle the tires after that. Otherwise it could hurt someone
during the replacement. This job is better proceeded by a professional person. Who has
been trained for it.

6 The brake pedal:

(1) Before each start, Be sure to check the brake pedal for working successfully.
(2) The truck, which has no stop mechanism, will do harm to person and the truck.
(3) If the free distance of the brake pedal is not correct, please adjust it to the standard
value, which is 10 ~ 15 mm.

6.5 Lubrication chart

1. Chain (1). Grease

2. Mast (2). Engine oil
3. The tilt cylinder pin (3). Gear oil
4. The front wheel bearing (4). The hydraulic oil
5. The universal joint of the steering motor (5). The brake fluid
6. The transmission box
7. The brake assembly
8. The front axle of the rear wheel beam.
9. The rear wheel bearing ○: Check, refill
10. The rear axle of the rear wheel beam ◇: Replacement
11. The hydraulic oil
12. The slant fastening mechanism for the steering

6.6 Lubricant table
Places to be lubricated The hydraulic system The differential gear
The transmission box
Lubricant specification Consistency ISO VG46 API GL-5
Viscosity index 95/100 SAE 90
Lubricating method Forced circulation Oil shower
Capacity About 20 liters About 6.5 liters
Replacement periodic 2400 hours (yearly) 1200 hours (half year)
Recommended lubricant ① Ko-guan hydraulic oil ① Mobil HD90
46AW ② Shell Spirax HD90
② Mobil DTE25 ③ Withstanding high-press
③ Shell Tellus 46
④ Esso Nuto H46

The lubrication spots Outer and inner mast The brake system
Tilt cylinder fastening seat
Front wheel bearing
Rear wheel bearing
Steering axle
All fastening axle bushing
The lubrication specific molybdenum SAE J-1703
The lubricating method Grease
Capacity Up to the situation
Check periodic Refer the lubrication chart Every 1200 hours (half
Recommended lubricant ① Ko-gung multi-purpose ① Ko-gung brake fluid
grease ② BP Brake Fluid
④ Esso Multi-purpose Wanger-21
Grease H ③ Mobil Brake Fluid
③ BP Energrease LS-EP2 Wanger-21
④ Shell Alvania EP2 ④ APOLLO BRAKE

6.7 The maintenance standard
Items Unit Standard value
1. tire pressure ( front \ rear) Kg/c ㎡ 7.0\7.0
2. The fastening torque for the wheels Kg-m 20~25\10~15
( front \ rear )
1. The fastening bolts torque for the rims Kg-m 5~7\3~5
( front \ rear )
4. The strength of the parking Kg 20~25
5. The setup pressure of the release valve Kg/c ㎡ 135~140

6.8 The hydraulic circuit chart
FBT Forklift hydraulic circuit

1. Safety Valve 9. Pump

2. Lift cylinder 10. Oil Filter Core
3. Throttle 11. Hydraulic Tank
4. Steering valve
5. Tilt Cylinder
6. Hydraulic Commutator
7. Steering cylinder
8. Distributary Valve

6.9 The electric system diagram

Chapter 7

7.1 Troubleshooting for the mechanism.

1. The transmission system

Phenomenon Cause Policy
Too noisy The bearings or gears broken, Replace
Gear spine groove worn out. Refill or replace
Lubricant not enough or deteriorated
Leakage Oil or seal broken Replace
Can’t move Front wheel axle broken or the Replace
fastening bolts broken

2. The steering system

Phenomenon Cause Policy
Steering not valid Oil level too low or no oil at all Refill and tighten
The oil pipe joint for the steering again
control valve loosened
Slow steering Oil level too low or no oil at all Refill
Hard to turn steering wheel Oil pipes broken Replace
Steering valve or pump parts worn Replace
The wheel keeps turning The steering valve broken Replace
after the steering wheel
being stopped still.
Free movement too large Accumulated space, include. Gear Adjust or replace
gap, too large

3. The hydraulic system

Phenomenon Cause Policy
Pump runs but no hydraulic The hydraulic oil in tank not enough Refill
oil flows out. The hydraulic pump out of order Replace
The inlet of the tank or the strainer Replace or clean
Draining setup not adequate. Replace
Can’t lift or can’t lift to the Oil volume not enough Refill
Forks can’t lift / lower or The drain setup not adequate Reset
Lift or tilt cylinder leaking Seal broken Replace

4. The chain and forks
Phenomenon Cause Policy
Load center not correct The chain tension not Adjust
Not stable at lifting Forks loosened Secure

5. The brake system

Phenomenon Cause Policy
Brake strength not sufficient Shoes stained with oil Dismantle and clean
Shoes worn out Replace
Shoes broken Replace
Brake pump assembly or Replace
sub-assembly broken
Brake drum not perfectly round Replace or clean
or stained with oil
Brake piping clogged or broken Replace
Air immersed in the brake pipes Bleeding the air
Can’t return after parking Returning spring broken Replace
released. Brake shoes too tight Adjust
Free movements of the brake Adjust
pedal not enough. Replace
Brake sub-assembly broken
Hard to step down the brake Free movement of the pedal not Adjust
pedal enough
Brake pump assembly or Replace
sub-assembly broken
Return spring of the pedal poor Replace
Need to step down deeply to Air found in the brake piping. Bleed air
stop. Brake shoes wrong adjusted Adjust
Brake shoes worn out Replace
Free movement of the pedal too Adjust
Poor parking Parking cable not properly Adjust
Parking cable poor Replace
Brake shoes worn out Replace

6. The electric system
Phenomenon Cause Policy
No action Poor connection Check and adjust
Battery terminals out of Replace terminals
Can’t light up. Poor connection Check and adjust
Switch out of order Replace switch
Fuse broken Replace fuse
Light bulb burn out Replace light bulb
Horn won’t “horn” Poor connection Check and adjust
Fuse burn out Replace fuse
Key switch out of order Replace switch
Horn out of order Replace horn
Battery indicator not Poor connection Check and adjust
working Fuse burn out Replace fuse
Key switch out of order Replace switch
Battery indicator out of Replace indicator
Pump contact has no Poor connection Check and adjust
movement. Fuse burn out Check and fix
Contact out of order Replace contact
Pump motor has no Poor connection Check and adjust
movement. Fuse burn out Check and fix
Contact out of order Replace contact
Steering contact has not Motor out of order Check and fix
movement. Poor connection Check and adjust
Direction switch out of Check and fix
Contact out of order Replace contact
Steering motor has no Poor connection Check and adjust
movement. Fuse burn out Replace fuse
Contact out of order Replace contact
Motor out of order Check and fix
Traction contact has no Poor connection. Check and adjust
movement. Direction switch out of Check and fix.
Acceleration switch out of Check and fix
Contact out of order Replace contact
Speed control circuit board Replace circuit board.

out of order.
Traction motor has no Poor connection Check and adjust
movement. Fuse burn out Replace fuse
Contact wiring poor Check and adjust
Acceleration switch out of Check and fix
Motor out of order Check and fix
Speed control circuit board Replace circuit board
out of order.
Traction motor can not Acceleration switch out of Check and fix.
rotate at high speed. order.
Connection between the Check and adjust
acceleration and the speed
control circuit board being
Speed control circuit board Replace the circuit board.
out of order.

Chapter 8
Wearing parts list

8.1 Price list of wearing parts for Electric Forklift FBT

Name Where used Amount Specification

Shoe & Lining 30634 Brake 4
Brake Price 30537 Brake 2
Brake Cylinder disassy 92512651 Brake 2
Brake cable Parking brake 1
Drive Axle Seal Drive Axle 2
Light bulb Direction and front lamp 2 12V 5/21W
Light bulb Reverse Lamp 2 12V 10W
Light bulb Head Lamp 2 12V 55W
Light bulb Brake Light and Tail 2 12V 5/21W
Light bulb Rear Direction Light 2 12V 21W
Fuse (Patch) Major Circuit 2 400A
Fuse (Glass) Control Circuit 1 5A
Horn (E 3804001) 1 12V 105db
Flasher (E 1615002) 1 12V
Horn, Reverse (E 3804001) 1 12V 85db
Forward and Reverse Switch 1
Oil Pressure Motor Brush Oil Pressure Motor 8

Micro Switch Parking Brake 1 KW3-OZ-2

Repair Kit of Steering Cylinder Steering Cylinder 1

Repair Kit of Lift Cylinder – Lift Cylinder 1

Standard & Triplex Form (L.H.)

Repair Kit of Lift Cylinder – Lift Cylinder 1

Standard & Triplex Form (R.H.)

Repair Kit of Tilt Cylinder Tilt Cylinder 1

Note: Repair Kit refers to the seal parts.

Publish date : 2006-06
Publisher : GLOBAL-POWER CO., LTD.

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