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Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.
1. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of _____ (a) saturated fat (b) dietary fibre (c)protein (d)sugar
2. Which of the following deficiencies is due to lack of iron in the diet? (a) anaemia(b)bleeding
gum(c) rickets(d) night blindness
3. A major advantage of using stainless steel knives in the kitchen is that, it ____(a) does not rust
(b)is beautiful (c) is hard (d)is easy to sharpen
4. The beneficial chemical substances present in foods are known as _____ (a) diets (b)enzymes
(c)nutrients (d)meals
5. Kitchen equipment are classified as large when they are _____ (a) permanently fixed (b)used to
store food items (c)difficult to move about (d)used to store utensils
6. To prevent contamination of food by flies, an important immediate action is to_____ (a) sweep the
surroundings (b)cover the food (c)empty waste bins (d) eliminate breeding places
7. Fat soluble vitamins includes _____ (a) vitamins A,B&C (b)vitamins A,D,E&K (c)vitamins
B,D&E (d)vitamins C,D,E&K
8. Deficiency of protein in children results to _____ (a)jaundice (b)marasmus (c)kwashiorkor
9. The part of poultry that is slit open at the side to remove its inner bag is (a) gizzard (b)
heart (c) kidney (d) liver
10. Recommended dietary allowance is affected by ____and body size (a) age (b) cultural value
(c) likes and dislikes (d) economic status
11. One of the major functions of NAFDAC is to ensure (a) effective marketing strategies for
food products (b) good quality and safe food products (c) maximization of profit by
manufacturers (d) regulation of price of food products
12. On a laid table, the fancifully folded napkin should be placed______ (a) inside the tumbler
(b)under the cruet set (c)under the cutlery(d)inside the Pyrex dish
13. When an homemaker compares prices and quality of food items before purchase, he/she is a/an
_____ (a) wise consumer(b) stingy consumer(c)spendthrift (d)impulsive consumer
14. Lumps in dry food items can be removed by the use of a (a) colander (b) knife (c) sieve (d)
15. The right that enables a consumer to return an article with complaints within a stated
period of time is known as (a) guarantee (b) opportunity (c) warranty (d) privilege
16. Vegetables are blanched in order to _____ (a) increase nutritive value(b) increase enzyme action
(c) improve colour (d) improve flavour
17. Fat soluble vitamin include (a) vitamin A, B and C (b) vitamins A, D E and K (c) vitamins
B,D and E (d) vitamins C, D, E and K
18. Which of the following deficiencies is due tolack of iron in the diet (a) anemia (b) bleeding
gum (c) rickets (d) night blindness
19. Which of the following dishes requires a combination of two methods of cooking? (a) baked
custard (b)braised beef (c) grilled fish(d)fried potatoes
20. Poor teeth formation can be prevented by eating foods rich in (a) protein (b) iodine (c)
calcium (d) iron
21. An example of a method of cooking with radiant heat (a) roasting (b) boiling (c) grilling
(d) baking
22. Sweet sauce is usually served with _____ (a) meat pie (b) jollof rice(c) canary
pudding(d)pineapple upside-down
23. An appropriate method of cooking meat to make it tender and tasty is_____
24. Leftover bread kept in a polythene bag and stored in a warm place for a week will _____
(a)change colour(b)turn mould (c)become softer(d)becomes harder
25. Steaming is a suitable method for the aged because it____ (a)reduces fibre content of
food(b)enhances flavor of food(c)improves quality of food(d)retains nutrients in food
26. The cloths used in table settings are referred to as _____ (a)table linen(b)table runner(c)table
27. An organism responsible for infecting canned foods is_____ (a)staphylococcus
aureus(b)clostridium botulinum(c)Escherichia coli(d)salmonella species
28. Which of the following vegetables belongs to the bulb class?_____
29. Cream is a product of _____ (a)egg(b)cheese(c)oil(d)milk
30. The contents of a cruet set includes_____ (a)marmalade and butter(b)sugar and salt(c)sugar and
pepper(d)pepper and salt
31. Which of the following pests infest cereals (a)weevils(b)mice (c)beetles (d)cockroaches
32. Which of the following vegetables belongs to the bulb class (a) carrot (b) pumpkin (c)
garlic (d) tomato
33. The main mineral elements in meat are_____ (a)iron and calcium(b)iron and phosphorus
(c)potassium and zinc(d)phosphorus and iodine
34. One of the characteristics of fresh egg is that, it____(a)has large air space (b)floats in brine(c)has
firm yolk and watery white when broken(d)has firm yolk and thick white when broken
35. Lettuce loses its crispness when(a)frozen(b)washed in brine(c)washed under running
36. A cut of beef that is suitable for grilling is _____ (a)shin(b)neck(c)fillet(d)flank
37. Which of the following fuel is the cleanest?(a)charcoal (b)electricity (c)gas (d)kerosene
38. Ground egg shell is most suitable as a/an_____ (a)alkaline(b)soap(c)abrasive(d)detergent
39. In which of the following parts of the refrigerator are fruits and vegetables best stored(a)freezer
compartment (b)crisper (c)middle shelf (d)door
40. Which of the following dishes will supply the most energy to an individual? 100g (a)boiled
yam(b)grilled plantain(c)poached egg (d)stewed pork
41. The most essential nutrient to consider when planning meals for the aged is _____ (a)fats and
42. Chocolate and cocoa drinks are often recommended for children because they_____ (a) contain
stimulants that makes children active(b)supply essential nutrients needed by children (c)taste sweet
(d)supply water
43. Which of the following sugars is found in milk? (a)galactose (b)maltose(c)lactose(d)fructose
44. Protein-energy deficiency in children results in_____ (a)jaundice (b)marasmus (c)rickets(d)scurvy
45. The role of hydrochloric acid in the process of digestion is to_____ (a)breakdown large
carbohydrates molecules (b)convert starch to maltose(c)lubricate food for easy
swallowing(d)provide acidic medium for the action enzymes in the stomach
46. A laboratory tool commonly used to perform the million’s test is the _____
(a)incubator(b)microscope(c)test-tube (d)spoon
47. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in the chemical structure of carbohydrates is_____
(a)2:1(b)4:2(c)3:1 (d)1:1
48. Which of these nutrients spares for energy in the body when carbohydrate and fat are inadequate?
49. Increase in the consumption of food rich in fibre is recommendable for someone suffering
from_____ (a)digestive disorder(b)loss of appetite(c)poor eyesight (d)skin disorder
50. Which of the following fresh foods has the lowest shelf-life? (a)egg(b)fish(c)pineapple(d)spinach
51. The following are forms in which fruits can be served except as_____ (a)broth (b)dessert
52. A U-shaped kitchen is described as that which has its heavy equipment arranged____(a)along
three adjoining walls(b)along two walls(c)on one wall(d)on two parallel partitions of the wall
53. A whole grain flour contains _____finely ground together. (a)bran, germ and
endosperm(b)endosperm, fossil and sprout(c)exoderm, bran and skin(d)fossil, bran and skin
54. What is the equivalent of two teaspoons syrup in milligrams? (a)5(b)10(c)15(d)20
55. The organization responsible for penalizing food manufacturers involved in misbranding and
adulteration is_____ (a)FAO(b)ICPC(c)WHO(d)NAFDAC
56. The purpose of soaking root vegetables in salted water after peeling is to____(a)improve
texture(b)increase water content(c)prevent discoloration(d)prevent disintegration
57. Which of the following has the largest gluten content? (a)rice(b)millet(c)oat(d)wheat
58. Dysentery is easily spread by(a)flies(b)ants(c)mosquitoes(d)cockroaches
59. An example of a method of cooking with radiant heat
60. Poor teeth formation can be prevented by eating foods rich
Theory: Answer three questions from this section
1. State five (5) types of meat and their origin in tabular form.
b. State the nutritive value of meat
c. Differentiate between white meat and red meat.
2. State five (5) uses of egg in cookery with suitable examples
b. Enumerate five (5) factors that determine the freshness of egg.
3. Write short notes on the following as related to milk preservation:
b. Mention five (5) types of milk and two (2) types of milk product.
c. State three (3) factors to consider when choosing sea foods.
4. State five (5) important points to bear in mind when choosing a refrigerator.
(b) Explain three (3) things to avoid when using a refrigerator.
(c) What are mechanical equipment? Give four (4) examples.

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