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(i Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

(D Questions :9 Sub. Code: 4 I I 4

Exam. Code r 0 6 7 7

B.A./B.Com. LLB. (Ilons) 5 Year Integrated Course, Semester-8

COMPAI\IY LAW (Same F or B.Com. LL-B.)
Paper: I
TimeAllowed : Three Hoursl [Marimum Marks : 80

Note :- Attemp one question each frorn Units I to IV. Each question
carries l5 marks. Unitv is compulsory.

1. , Discuss and illustrate the concept ofcorporate entity and under
what circumstances the veil of corporate eirtrty is lifted up ?
2. E:rplainindetailtlreDoctineofUltra-Mns. Whatistherelevance
of the doctrine in the present scenario ? l5
3. What is shelfprospectus ana reO trerring prospectus ? Explain db
contents of prospectus under companies. I5
4. Bplainthefollowing:
(a) Call on shares.

O) Siurenderof shares. l5

4884/LSL-39264 [Ihrn over

5. Bring out the distinctign between shareholders and debenture-
holder. Discuss in detail the kinds of debenture'

6. What is composition ofBoard ofDirectors under CompaniesAct

2Ol3 ? Explain the statutory provision relating to lndependent
Director? l5

..A company is ademocratic institution in whichthe nrajority have

.a right to contol the company." Do you support this statement

binr yo* comrnents in the ru1e laid down in Foss v. Harbottle.

8. Explain the stafutory provision relating to voluntary winding up ?
ExplainthegroundsofwindingupbyTribunal? 15


9. Write short notes on the following :

(a) DefinePublicComPanY
(b) ExplainF4ui,tySharcCaPital
(c) BrieflyexplainFloatingCharge
(d) ExplainpowersqfCental GovemmentinOppressionand

(e) ExplainDirectorldentificationNtrmbet 4x510

4884/LSL-39260 800

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