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Name: .........................................................


1 Choose the correct answer.

1 Eve is very friendly. Everyone thinks she is charming / messy / skilful.
2 My teacher was very reliable / proud / hopeful of me because I got 100% in my English test.
3 Sandy is a skilful / an anxious / a nasty gymnast. I love watching her perform.
4 Bill is a cheerful / pleasant / curious person. He enjoys learning new things.
5 Liz is sincere / predictable / hopeful about winning the swimming competition.
6 James finished the project early because he was ridiculous / efficient / courageous.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

courageous — anxious — sincere — ridiculous — neat

1 Jenny worries about everything. She’s a very ............................................... person.
2 Jane means what she says. She is ............................................... .
3 My mum organised my clothes in my cupboard. Now it’s very ............................................... .
4 Danny can’t wear those pink trousers. They’re ............................................... !
5 The man saved the mother and the baby from the fire. He was very ............................................... .

3 Match the situations in A to the adjectives in B.

1 He’s happy today. ..... a nasty
2 She’s saying horrible things about people. ..... b selfish
3 He always stops and says hello to his neighbours. ..... c reliable
4 She always says the same things. ..... d cheerful
5 He never helps anyone. ..... e messy

6 Her dirty clothes are all over the house. ..... f pleasant
7 He’s never late. ..... g predictable


4 Three students rated their personalities for a survey (5 = the most). Look at the results.
Then complete the sentences about the students. Use the comparative or superlative form
of the adjectives in brackets.

Ellen Anne Bob

cheerful 12345 12345 12345

neat 12345 12345 12345

curious 12345 12345 12345

brave 12345 12345 12345

reliable 12345 12345 12345

1 ............................................... is ............................................... (cheerful) student.

2 ............................................... is ............................................... (neat) Ellen.
3 ............................................... is ............................................... (curious) Anne.
4 ............................................... is ............................................... (brave) student.
5 ............................................... is ............................................... (reliable) Bob.
6 ............................................... is ............................................... (brave) Ellen.
7 ............................................... is ............................................... (reliable) student.
8 ............................................... is ............................................... (neat) student.

5 Write a new sentence about each pair of teens. Use (not) as … as and the adjectives below.

popular — honest — generous — efficient — young — heavy

1 Dan weighs 60 kilos. Charles weighs 70 kilos.


2 Susan is 16 years old. Linda is 18 years old.


3 Claire and Emma have got many friends.


4 Andrew and Laura always finish their work on time.


5 Peter doesn’t usually share his sweets. Alice always shares with her friends.

6 Karen and Wendy always tell the truth.


Name: .........................................................


1 Match the sentences to the pictures in the story below. Pay attention to
the words in bold.
1 She tries to fight the monster.
2 She runs away.
3 A monster approaches a girl.
4 The girl screams.

a b

c d

2 Match A to B to make phrases.

1 wonder ..... a yourself
2 avoid ..... b from the werewolf
3 make a noise ..... c a dangerous animal
4 step back ..... d how to do it
5 defend ..... e late at night

3 Complete the sentences with the words below.

defend — run away — fights — kept quiet — fainted

1 Katy didn’t drink enough during the marathon and she ............................................... after 15 km.
2 We ............................................... and didn’t scream on the scary amusement park ride.
3 Dan should learn how to ............................................... himself when he’s in danger.
4 Peter Pan ............................................... Captain Hook in the classic children’s story.
5 Some animals are scared of humans, so they ............................................... when people approach them.

4 Complete the sentences with too … and the adjectives below.

expensive — frightening — noisy — difficult — dark

1 I don’t understand this article. It’s ............................................... .
2 I don’t go to the cinema very often. It’s ............................................... .
3 You can’t see the people in the picture. It’s ............................................... .
4 She can’t sleep after she watches horror films. They’re ............................................... .
5 Please talk quietly. You’re ............................................... !

5 Match the sentences in A and B. Then complete the sentences in B with (not) … enough and
the adjectives in brackets.
1 Don’t ask Anne and Paul for help.
2 She can be an explorer.
3 Marge can’t sing in public.
4 Can Dave design our website?
5 I don’t think Carrie can organise the party.
..... a She’s ............................................... (confident).
..... b Is he ............................................... (skilful)?
..... c They are ............................................... (reliable).
..... d She’s ............................................... (efficient).
..... e She’s curious and she is ............................................... (courageous).

6 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first sentence. Use the adjectives below
and too … or (not) … enough.
predictable — large — tall — weak — old — cold
1 These shoes are too small.
They’re ................................................................. .
2 It isn’t warm enough for a trip to the beach.
It’s ................................................................. .
3 He isn’t strong enough to carry that.
He’s ................................................................. .
4 That actor is too short to play a basketball player.
That actor is ................................................................. .
5 The story isn’t surprising enough.
The story is ................................................................. .
6 Fay is 18, so she can get her driving licence.
Fay is ................................................................. .

Name: .........................................................


1 Unscramble the words. Then write the words under the correct picture.
1 mruds a b c
2 rmpttue
3 teufl
4 lecol d e f
5 ralncite
6 iovlni

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

video clips — orchestra — fan — studio — recording — performances

1 Tom plays the violin in a classical ............................................... . They give ............................................... all over the country.
2 Lauren is a ............................................... of Katy Perry. She loves watching her ............................................... on YouTube.
3 The singer was in the ............................................... for eight hours. He made a ............................................... of his new song.

3 Complete the e-mail with the words below.

tunes — lyrics — bands — songwriter — live concert — stage

Hi Ben,
I was at the annual Glastonbury Festival in England last
week. Every year, rock and pop 1. ...............................................
participate in the festival. The best musicians in the world
appear on 2. ............................................... at Glastonbury. Coldplay
gave a 3. ............................................... this year. I love Coldplay’s singer,
Chris Martin. He helps write the 4. ............................................... and
............................................... for most of Coldplay’s songs. I think
he’s a great 6. ............................................... !


4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1 The audience ............................................... (love) my trumpet solo.
2 He ............................................... (write) his own songs for his album.
3 We ............................................... (not go) to the music club last week.
4 I ............................................... (not see) Ryan at the festival.
5 They ............................................... (buy) tickets online a week ago.
6 The band ............................................... (not give) a concert in Chicago yesterday.

5 Write questions about the Eurovision song contest. Use the Past Simple.
Then match the questions to the answers.

1 when / the first / Eurovision contest / take place

2 how many points / the UK / give / ABBA / in the 1974
Eurovision contest
3 ABBA / lose / the contest / that year
4 which country / Céline Dion / represent / in 1988
5 what song / Lulu / sing / in the 1969 Eurovision contest
6 how many times / Cliff Richard / participate / in the
Eurovision contest
..... a none
..... b 1956
..... c Switzerland
..... d Boom-Bang-A-Bang
..... e twice
..... f No. They won.

6 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
On 15th October 2014, the heavy metal band The Defiled 1. ............................................... (give) a live concert
on a moving iceberg in the middle of the Greenland Sea. How 2. ............................................... the band ...............................................
(transport) their instruments and equipment to the iceberg? They 3. ............................................... (fly) from
London to Iceland. Then, they 4. ............................................... (sail) by boat. Local people 5. ............................................... (help)
the band organise their equipment and get ready for the big event. The concert wasn’t like other concerts
by The Defiled. The audience 6. ............................................... (not stand) in front of the band, and they 7. ...............................................
(not dance) to their music. Instead, they 8. ............................................... (sit) in boats around the iceberg. It was a very
unusual experience!

Name: .........................................................


1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

1 respect: a teacher • the environment • a phone
2 develop: an idea • lunch • an app
3 decorate: a holiday • a house • a T-shirt
4 control: a class • an outfit • an aeroplane
5 admire: a friend • the time • clothes

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

hang out — succeed — realised — refused — attract

1 That ugly hat will ............................................... too much attention.
2 The president ............................................... to answer the reporter’s question.
3 I’m sure Brenda will ............................................... in her new job.
4 In the summer, my friends and I like to ............................................... at the swimming pool.
5 Sue ............................................... it was late, so she left quickly.

3 Complete the words in the questions in A. Then match the questions to the answers in B.
1 What do you want to a ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... e in the future?
2 Do you r ..... ..... ..... ..... t buying your new phone?
3 How did the children b ..... ..... ..... ..... e at the museum?
4 Why do people g ..... ..... ..... a ..... ..... y old clothes?
..... a They were very good. They listened to the guide.
..... b They don’t want them any more.
..... c I would love to design a line of sports clothes.
..... d Yes, it was very expensive and I don’t really like it.

4 Write sentences about the concert. Use the correct form of there was / there were
and the words below.
a rock band — a violin player — guitar players — drums — fans on stage

Last Saturday

1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
5 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5 Write questions with was there or were there. Then answer the questions about the
picture in Exercise 4.
1 ............................................... a screen near the stage?
2 ............................................... any microphones on stage?
3 ............................................... a dancer on stage?
4 How many musicians ............................................... in the band?

6 Complete the text. Use the correct form of there was / there were.
I went to a food festival yesterday. 1. ............................................... many exhibits, but my favourite was an exhibit
called “Musical Cheese.” Some time ago, 2. ............................................... an experiment in Switzerland. A cheese
maker and some researchers played music to blocks of cheese. 3. ............................................... nine blocks of
Emmental cheese in the experiment. The researchers put each cheese in a different box. 4. ...............................................
a machine in each box, and it played a song over and over again, 24 hours a day. 5. ...............................................
a different song in each box. 6. ............................................... classical tunes in one box, hip-hop in another, rock in
a third, and more. After six months, the researchers examined the cheeses. 7. ............................................... any
difference between them? Yes – each kind of music affected the cheeses differently, and every cheese
had a unique flavour!

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