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In ancient Rome, urine was collected from various sources, particularly

from public urinals known as "tunicae" or "vestibula." This urine was then used for
various purposes, including as a cleaning agent for laundry and for tanning leather
due to its ammonia content.

For dental hygiene, the Romans believed that the ammonia in urine had whitening
properties and could help prevent tooth decay. They would rinse their mouths with
urine or use urine-soaked cloths to clean their teeth. This practice was not
limited to the Romans; it was also common among other ancient civilizations, such
as the Greeks and Egyptians.

While it might seem unappealing to us today, it was a reflection of the knowledge

and resources available at the time. The Romans were resourceful in finding
practical uses for the materials around them, even if some of those practices seem
odd to modern sensibilities.

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