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El-Shorouk Academy

The Higher Institute of Engineering

Communications and Computers Engineering
Research About:-
Quality Management

SEC: 9

Under supervision
Dr. Sameh A. Fathy
In this report, we will discuss
quality management, which is
fundamental to the success of any
Quality management is an
approach to doing business that
aims to improve the quality of an
organization's products, services,
people, processes, and
environments to maximize

Quality is a dynamic state

associated with products, services,
people, processes, and
environments that meet or exceed
customer expectations.

We will discuss the seven essential

elements that organizations must
adopt to achieve quality
1. Customer focus
Customer focus ensures that the
organization meets the needs and
expectations of its customers. By
understanding customer needs,
organizations can develop products
and services that meet those
needs, resulting in increased
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Leadership
Leadership sets the tone for the
organization and plays a crucial
role in quality management.
Leaders must demonstrate a
commitment to quality and lead by
example. They must also provide
the necessary resources and
support to ensure that quality
objectives are achieved.

3. Engagement of people
Engagement of people is critical to
creating a culture of quality. By
involving people throughout the
organization in quality initiatives,
organizations can tap into the
collective knowledge and expertise
of their employees. This can lead to
innovative ideas and
improvements that benefit the
organization and its customers.

4. Process approach
A process approach involves
identifying and managing
processes that contribute to the
organization's effectiveness and
efficiency. By understanding
processes and their
interrelationships, organizations
can identify opportunities for
improvement and implement
changes that result in increased
efficiency and effectiveness.

5. Improvement
Improvement is an ongoing process
that involves identifying
opportunities for improvement and
implementing them. By continually
improving processes and products,
organizations can increase
efficiency, reduce waste, and
enhance customer satisfaction.

6. Evidence-based decision making

Evidence-based decision-making
involves using data and facts to
make decisions. By basing
decisions on data, organizations
can make more informed decisions
that are less likely to be influenced
by biases or opinions.

7. Relationship management
Relationship management involves
managing relationships with
stakeholders to create value for all
parties involved. By understanding
the needs and expectations of
stakeholders, organizations can
develop relationships that benefit
everyone involved.
In conclusion, organizations that
focus on the elements of quality
management can achieve and
maintain high levels of quality.
By creating a culture of quality
that promotes continuous
improvement and customer
satisfaction, organizations can
enhance their reputation and
increase their competitiveness in
the marketplace.
Thank you

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