الحوت في الانسانيات

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‫في االنسانيات‬
1Time management is the process of planning the best way to organize the things.

A. True
B. False

2. Failing to manage your time can lead to some consequences, like.

A. Less stress
B. Greater productivity and efficiency
C. Missed deadlines
D. A better professional reputation

3. What is one common time management mistake?

A. Procrastination
B. Manage Distractions
C. Taking Breaks
D. Scheduling Tasks

4. Always start working on the easiest tasks, even if they are less important.

A. True
B. False

5. Time management is important to _____.

A. Students only
B. Employees only
C. Everyone
D. No one

6. Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done

A. True
B. False

7.One of the following things is not a scheduling method.

A. Diary
B. Time tables
C. To do lists
D. Social media

8.Multitasking is a great way to finish things quickly.

A. True
B. False

9.Which of the following is a true statement?

A. Time management means always doing more than one task at the same time
B. Good time management means never taking breaks
C. Time management is about planning to get tasks done and doing them
D. One way to manage your time well is to ignore deadlines and focus on doing the most
fun activities

10.Taking the time to set goals wastes your limited time.

A. True
B. False

11.To spend your time productively, you need to have set some _____.

A. Possibilities
B. Ideas
C. Boundaries
D. Goals

12.Which word means the time by which something must be completed?

A. Chore
B. Consequence
C. Deadline
D. Goal

13.Alan has been studying for his math test for an hour. He knows he needs to study for at
least another hour, but he is feeling distracted. His phone keeps buzzing with text
messages, and he's hungry. What would be the best thing for Alan to do now?

A. He should keep studying until he falls asleep

B. He should talk to his friend, eat a snack and keep studying all at the same time
C. He should take a quick break, so he can get a snack and respond to his texts before he
goes back to studying
D. He should stop studying and make plans to see his friends

14.Zeina is following the time management steps. She just made a list of her tasks and
estimated how much time they will take. What should she do next?

A. She should take a break and eat a snack

B. She should organize her tasks alphabetically
C. She should cross off tasks that she doesn’t want to do right away
D. She should prioritize her tasks, or put them in order of importance

15.If you aren't sure how long a task will take, you should ________.

A. Skip it
B. Do it last
C. Give yourself only 5 minutes to finish it
D. Give yourself extra time to finish it

16.Which of the following is a good time management strategy?

A. Forgetting about deadlines

B. Never looking at a schedule or to-do list and just doing the tasks you remember
C. Thinking about the consequences of your actions when you prioritize your tasks
D. Keeping your phone next to you while you study

17.Which of the following shows the steps for time management in the correct order?

A. Make a list of everything that you have to do and want to do; Estimate how long each task
will take; Make a schedule; Prioritize
B. Make a schedule; Estimate how long each task will take; Prioritize; Make a list of
everything that you have to do and want to do
C. Make a list of everything that you have to do and want to do; Prioritize; Estimate how long
each task will take; Make a schedule
D. Make a list of everything that you have to do and want to do; Estimate how long each
task will take; Prioritize: Make a schedule

18.Which word means a result or effect of an action or condition?

A. Chore
B. Consequence
C. Deadline
D. Goal

19.A lot of people always say that they don't have time to do what they want or need to do
when in fact.

A. They know how to organize their activities

B. They don't know how to calculate their activities
C. They don't know how to organize their activities
D. They don't know how to reduce their activities

20.When we have proper time management, we can ________ and ___________

A. Reduce work, increase fun activities

B. Reduce stress, increase productivity
C. Increase happiness, reduce productivity
D. Increase stress, reduce rest time

21.A person with good time management will _________ and not __________, so that more
can be accomplished in lesser time
A. Work harder, smarter
B. Work smarter, harder
C. Work harder, better D. Work worse, better

22.Manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control.

This definition was given by ________.

A. Peter F. Drucker
B. Henry Fayol
C. Louis Allan
D. Terry
23.Father of general management ________.

A. Mary Parkett
B. Lillian Gilbert
C. Henry Fayol
D. Elton Mayo

24.Henry Fayol was a________.

A. Scientist
B. Accountant
C. Mining Engineer
D. Farmer

25.Henry Fayol laid down ________.

A. 12 principles
B. 13 principles
C. 14 principles
D. 15 principles

26.Esprit de corps means ________.

A. Union is strength.
B. Service is our motto.
C. Buyer beware.
D. Product is our strength.

27.Management is ________.

A. An art
B. A science
C. An art and a science
D. An art not science
28.General and industrial management was written by ________.

A. Harold Koontz
B. Terry
C. Louis Allan
D. Henry Fayol

29.Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior

A. Unity of direction
B. Unity of command
C. Centralization
D. Scalar chain

30.The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization

A. Unity of direction
B. Unity of command
C. Centralization
D. Scalar chain

31.The process whereby a manager shares his work and authority with his subordinates is

A. Decentralization
B. Responsibility
C. Delegation
D. Decision making

32.Management skills applies to managers at ________.

A. Middle levels in an organization
B. Top levels in an organization
C. Executive levels in an organization
D. All levels in an organization

33.Which principle of management aims at securing the loyalty and devotion of the
employees by giving them fair and just treatment?

A. Principle of equity
B. Principle of order
C. Unity of direction
D. None of the mentioned

34.Which principle of management is violated if an employee is asked to receive orders

from two superiors?

A. Principle of unity of command

B. Principle of order
C. Principle of equity
D. All the mentioned

35. Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements.
Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.

A. Principle of initiative
B. Unity of direction
C. Principle of order
D. Principle of equity

36.Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same
objective must have one head and one plan?

A. Unity of direction
B. Principle of order
C. Principle of equity
D. All the mentioned

37.Fayol says that discipline requires

A. All the mentioned

B. Good supervisors at all levels
C. Agreements should be clear and fair
D. Penalties should be fairly imposed
38. Principles of management are

A. Flexible
B. Not Flexible
C. Fixed
D. All the mentioned

39. Why is it said that the principles of management are universal?

A. Apply to all types of organizations

B. Apply to only small organizations
C. Apply to only big organizations
D. Apply to only nonbusiness organizations

40. Principles of management are not ________.

A. Absolute
B. Behavioral
C. Universal
D. Flexible

41.Which of the following is not a principle by Henry Fayol?

A. Division of work
B. Harmony not discord
C. Discipline
D. Unity of command

42.Human resource management emphasis _________.

A. Development of people
B. Punishment of people
C. Adoption of people
D. None of the mentioned
43.Human resource management is amalgam of _________.

A. Job analysis, recruitment and selection

B. Social behaviour and business ethics
C. Organizational behaviour, personal management and industrial relation
D. Employer and employees

44.What is the need for Human Resource Planning?

A. For undergoing an effective employee development program

B. To represent a base for recruitment
C. To represent a base for selection policy
D. All the mentioned

45.Job Analysis is a systematic procedure for securing and reporting information defining a

A. Specific job
B. Specific product
C. Specific service
D. All the mentioned

46.Job specification includes _________

A. Physical characteristics
B. Psychological characteristics
C. Personal characteristics
D. All the mentioned

47.Management in HRM refers to_________

A. Labor unions B. Proper and maximum utilization of resources
C. Top management D. Operations management

48.HRM is concerned with the _________ discussion in management.

A. Company
B. People
C. Industry
D. Society
49. HRM is an art of

A. Preparation of a task
B. Coordinating middle management
C. Helping top management
D. Managing people

50.Changes in the _________ have profound impact on the personnel.

A. External environment
B. Internal environment
C. Human factors
D. None of the mentioned

51.The human resource planning is done based on the _________

A. Market condition
B. Financial condition
C. External environment
D. Organizational Plan

52.Communication is a ________

A. Three-way process
B. One-way process
C. Two-way process
D. Four-way process

53.Communication is complete when which of the following takes place?

A. Verbal expression B. Face-to-face communication
C. Written reply D. Mutual understanding

54.A return look of disdain without comment from an unhappy person may be interpreted
as a ________.

A. Verbal reply
B. Stereotype
C. Nonverbal communication
D. Semantics
55.Communication without words is called ________.

A. Non-verbal communication
B. Verbal
C. Oral communication
D. Written communication

56.Example of oral communication is ________.

A. Telephone
B. Letter
C. E-mail
D. Fax

57.Written communication includes ________.

A. Film
B. Reports and Forms
C. Interviews
D. Speaking

58.Telephonic conversation is a ________

A. Visual communication
B. Verbal communication
C. Non-verbal communication
D. Written

59.In the communication cycle, the process of re-translation of signals into ideas is called

A. Response
B. Encoding
C. Decoding
D. Feedback
60.Gestures is an example for ________

A. Speeches
B. Body language
C. Grammar
D. Written

61.Communication means ________ information, feeling, and thoughts with others

A. Conveying
B. To receive
C. Exchange of
D. All the above

62.Face-to-face communication is a ________.

A. Oral communication
B. Visual communication
C. Direct conversation
D. Written

63.Bad listeners will make ________ communication.

A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Bad
D. Rather favorable

64. ________ is the essential aspect of communication.

A. Telephone
B. Enclosure
C. Letter
D. Feedback

65. Communication is the ________ of business.

A. Nervous system
B. Backbone
C. Life blood
D. Both (A) & (B)

66. ________ is quite often a physical barrier to communication

A. By passed instruction
B. Noise
C. Interpretation of words
D. All the mentioned

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