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The way to deal with urges, the solution Meaning Various urges

Moderation just to keep the body alive and fit for Sādhanā. Avoid extremes, follow middle
path (neither excess indulgence nor depreviation), see B.G. 6/17 Yuktāhāravihārasya...(


ing, non-
needs; of
rÉÑ£üÉWûÉUÌuÉWûÉUxrÉ). We should surely satisfy these urges of basic needs but be extremely careful to

The basic

organism –
eating, drin

activities &
king, sleep-
refrain from the usual human tendency to convert them into means of deriving pleasure and PHYSICAL
enjoyment. We should derive satisfaction, strength, relaxation. No harm in eating delicacies
desirable and suitable to our system but let there be no craving for them. Avoid too much of
activities and those that are detrimental to spiritual progress. Do not give up all activities
since, a little activity of spiritual nature acts as harmonising and balancing factor of spiritual,
psychological, vital and physical aspects of an aspirant.
Sex awareness and the base instinctive urges pervade not only mind (the conscious, sub-
conscious and unconscious mind) but also envelop the very consciousness of the human. As
such their suppression is as much impossible as is known to be disastrous and is not
advocated for spiritual life too. The right course is the transmutation of sexual energy (the
power behind the sex-domain) into spiritual energy by creating certain awareness – Divine

fulfilment in various ways.

awareness within; looking upon oneself as a Divine Being; minimising body-awareness and

replacing it by spiritual awareness; holding on to discrimination (Viveka), through intense

prayer and love of God. It is a radical change that is aimed at wherewith there would be
neither the off-shoots of the urge nor the manifestation of any nature. For a true and sincere

aspirant the Lord intuits the way to transcend this physical limitation, see B.G. 10/10 Teṣāṁ
Satata Yuktānā (iÉåwÉÉÇ xÉiÉiÉ rÉÑ£üÉlÉÉÇ)
Taking recourse to Viveka, - the greed (Lobha) and attachment (infatuation-Moha) are to be
The sex-awareness, sex-instincts, sex-impulses,

unicellular to the highly evolved, the human

works as a procreative urge in all organisms –

ological and emotional aspects, and seers

[this is called Putraiṣaṇa (mÉѧÉæwÉhÉ) the desire for
preservation of species – self preservation –

cated forms and enter; the vast domain of sex

offspring] In human it takes highly compli-
Libido as sex urge, sex-desires, sex-feelings,

with form and deep rooted bearings on psych-

sex-acts; reproduction; the Nature’s plan of

eliminated from mind once for all. Viveka brings Vairāgya (dispassion). Have all necessities
of life and all that is helpful for Sādhanā. But one must bear in mind that God alone is real

and Eternal, all else is but for two days, ephemeral. By giving up petty things we are going to
get the everlasting Bliss and Freedom. A certain amount of witness attitude (Sākṣi Bhāva)
makes us stronger from within. And trying to see the Divine everywhere and in all, makes the

social awareness melt into Divine awareness with which all desires for possession and

attachment for people vanish - Ko moha kaḥ śokaḥ, ekatvam anupaśyataḥ (MüÉå qÉÉåWûÈ MüÈ zÉÉåMüÈ

LMüiuÉÇ AlÉÑmÉzrÉiÉÈ) Isavasyopanishad.

culture law and order.
family, clan race,
status, wealth & poss-
name, fame, power,

essions. Attachment to
The gregarious instinct

to live in group and

nation religion etc.,

isolated, desire for

They are invincible powers working in every person. They grip the mind and cause terrible
commotion within – its waves spreading through and through the whole being – shaking up
from the very core, often turning into violent fits. They are to be simply turned towards God.
Sri Ramakrishna advocates this simple and easiest technique – not to fight but to utilise those

very forces for quick and sure progress in spiritual life. They are to be yoked to the spiritual
Feelings and

urge. Once they are driven Godward, it is the mark of the great dawn indicating of reaching
anger, hatred,

sympathy, etc.,
Love, jealousy,

the summit forth with. To love God intensely is essence of Sādhanā and human life. All
( attachment and

aversion) malice,
disgust, (UÉaÉ-²åwÉ)

pity, compassion,

other forces automatically become favourable.

pertaining to heart.

Follow devotedly. There cannot be a spiritual life without a strong rock-foundation of a

perfect moral life. Moral urge has both intellectual and emotional basis.
This is one of the most important urges which has to be guided and given a higher turn
otherwise it takes lower channel for its fulfilment. Doing whatever they feel like, impudence,
rudeness, importunity, curtleness etc., in children; disobedience, secrecy, arrogance,
perversion, addiction, wrong path etc., during adolescence; and alcoholism, violence, strikes,
adultery, terrorism, killing etc during youth are effects of creative urge taking to lower

move on the path of

sincerity, Ethics etc.,

channels. The best way is to induce interest, especially in formative years, guide and make
pity, kindness, Nobility,

them learn music, dance, instrumental music, painting, art, sculpture, crafts, sports, solving
Human urges and Drives

puzzles, scientific skills, cooking etc., possible scientific experiments/devices – architecture,

(the thought and behaviour)
The inner voice prompting to

- helping them to put forth all their talents. This gives them great joy, satisfaction, self-
righteousness. The conscience

Honesty, integrity, dedication,

confidence leadership, management capacity and psychic fulfilment. It is good to go once in a

way for useful outing – spiritual retreats, holy-places, trekking, sightseeing, visits to factories,
industries, workshop.

To be nourished, systematically trained and well developed. Intellectual advancement

indicate degree of human evolution, but is limited to the field of five senses and mind. So, it
The human

and original.

giving rent to

has to be spiritualised and ploughed back for attainment to higher planes of conscious -ness,

and ability and


for this is the only vehicle given to mankind for all human achievements including God-
intrinsic nature to
do something new

Realisation. We have to go beyond the realm of matter and relativity (both perceptible and
imperceptible) and enter the Spiritual Realm. For that we have to awaken the higher intellect.
It has two aspects–Medhā (qÉåkÉÉ) (the power of comprehension, of retention and application)

and Dhīḥ (kÉÏÈ-power of concentration, penetration and perception of subtle spiritual Truths).
They are awakened through complete dedication, longing and intense prayer. This is

potential and fundamental need and feed for spiritual urge.

solve problems,
develop, invent,

To be nourished, cultured, developed and expanded in all possible ways apart from its
power to observe,
The wide range of

discover, research,
learn, think, create,

spiritual significance it sooths mind and soul. During Sādhanā, it as a friend helps relieving
investigate, imagine,

and application, skill


cleverness, ingenuity,
the power of retention

strain, monotony, anxiety (especially music, dance, Nature’s beauty) and establish some
amount of internal harmony. This urge can be coupled to any of the urges with lot of
advantages. Music, dance, art, technology brought under this head gives great satisfaction.

From gross beauty we move to appreciate and enjoy subtle beauty of creation, then onto the
of art,

source of all beauty, the Supreme beauty, the God.


This is the real urge of the soul, The heart of hearts, struggling for freedom and release. All


Appreciation &

designing, dress
decoration, love

other urges are merely incidental and super-imposed, caught in the wheel of karma, being
forced by an unknown power, for aeons it has been struggling life after life in utter darkness
for release to go back to its own Home, but in vain. In human life alone is resting the
exclusive prerogative for its fulfilment. So, irrespective of one’s station of life, while being
am? etc.,

engaged in duties of life, with heart and soul one must strive to attain the supreme goal
pledging the very life. One must dive into Sādhanā taking to any suitable path. The Divine
grace and Enlightenment are bound to descend : the dream of the world breaks – Thus the
inspired soul at last gets the release- attains back to God head – The Everlasting Bliss, Eternal
the unchanging The

Peace and Freedom – becomes Immortal. All other attainments are but instrumental to this.
Eternal, The search for

wondering who really I

then visible world to an
death. To go beyond all

The cream product of other urges are poured here to generate longing for God and it is
everlasting peace and joy
The urge innate in man to
know the secret of Nature
and the mystery of life and

longing alone that brings about final attainment. The path of Bhakti is sure and safe for all
unknown beyond. To reach

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