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Lesson 4. Heat.

Grade VII Basic concepts - AFlow Chart


Temperature Transfer of Heat

" It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body Heat flows from a hotter cbject to a colder
" It determines the direction of flow of heat. object until both objects reach the same
" Heat flows from a body at a higher temperature to that temperature.
at some lower temperat ure until both objects reach the
same temperature. Conduction
" Heat is the cause of temperature.
" It is the process by which heat is
Measurement of Temperature transferred from the hotter end to
the colder end of an object.
" Temperature of a body is measured by an instrument " Materials that allow heat to pass
called thermometer. through them easily are called good
" Unit of temperature is degree celsius (C) or degree conductors of heat.
centigrade. " Example: Metals.
" Materials that do not allow heat to
pass through them easily are called
Clinical Thermometer Laboratory Thermometer insulators or poor conductors of heat.
" Example: Wood, paper, etC.
" It is a thermometer used to " It is a thermometer used to measure
measure the temperat ure of our the temperature of objects other than Covection
body our body.
" It consists of a long, narrow, It is the flow of heat through a fluid
" It consists of a column of mercury
uniform glass tube with a bulb enclosed in aglass casing. The column from places of higher temperature to
containing mercury at one end. is continuous without any link. places of lower temperature by
movement of the fluid itself.
" Itreads a range of temperatures " It measures a range of temperature
from 35C to 42°c. from -10°C to 110°C.

" It is the mode of transfer of heat in which

energy is directly transferred from one
place to another.
Sea Breeze Land Breeze " It does not need any material medium.
" During the day, the land " Dark - coloured objects absorb radiation
" At night the land cools faster than sea.
heats up faster than the sea. better than the light-coloured objects.
" The warm air above the sea rises.
" Warm air above the land
" This warm air is replaced by colder air
rises and colder air from the
from the land producing a land breeze.
sea takes its place.
" Warm air from the land
Kinds of Clothes We Wear
moves towar ds the sea to
complete the cycle.
In Summers: Light coloured. Cotton Clothes absorb less heat and keep body cool.
In Winters : Dark -coloured, woolen cloths absorb more heat and trap air
" This produces a sea breeze
from the sea to the land. between fibres to prevent escape of body heat and keep it warm
Know the Terms

> Celsius scale : The scale in which the temperature is represent ed in 0°C is called celsius

> Conductor : The process by which heat is transferred from the hot ter end to the
colder end of an object is known as conduction.
> Convection : Those materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are called
the conductors of heat.

> Insulator Those substances which do not conduct heat well are called insulators.

> Land Breeze : After sunset, the air above the sea is warmer which makes the air rise
and the cooler air above the land, moves our towards the sea. This is called 'Land Breeze'.
> Radiation Radiation is the process by which heat travels without the help of a
material medium.

Sea Breeze During the day the air in contact with the land becomes hot and rises.
Then the cooler air above the sea rushes in towards the land to occupy its space. This set-up
is known as sea breeze.

Temperature :The temperature of a substance 0s the measure of degree of hotness of

a substance.
Thermometer : This instrument which is used to measure the temperature is called

Objective Type Questions (1 Mark each)

1. Multiple choice questions

1. Heat is

a. A form of energy b. A type of matter

c. Neither energy nor matter d. None of these

2. The device which is used to measure the degree of coldness or hotness of an object.
a. Manometer b. Barometer C. Thermometer d. Voltmeter

3. Convection may occur through

a. Solids, liquids b. Liquids, gases C. Solids, gases d. Solids, liquids, gases
4. Which one of the following is a poor conductor of heat?
a. Silver b. Aluminium C. Glass d. Brass

5. A wooden spoon is used to prepare vegetables. I ts

a. Becomes hot due to conduction b. Becomes hot due to convection

c. Does not become hot d. Both a and b

6. Heat is a form of

a. Energy b. Light c. Electricity d. Work

7. Cooking utensils are made of metals because they are

a. Durable b. Malleable

C. Good conductors of hear d. Do not break on heating

8. Heat from sun reaches us by
a. Conduction b. Radiation c. Convec tion d. All of these

9. A marble tile would feel cold as compared to a wooden tile on a winter morning, because the
marble tile. [NCERT Exemplar]
a. Isa bet ter conductor of heat than the wooden tile
b. Is pol ished while wooden tile is not polished
c. Reflects more heat than wooden tile.
d. Is a poor conductor of heat than the wooden tile
10. A beggar wrapped himself with a few layers of newspaper on a cold winter night. This helped
him to keep himself warm because.
a. Friction between the layers of newspaper produces heat.
b. Air trapped between the layers to newspaper is a bad conductor of heat.
c. Newspaper is a conductor of heat.
d. Newspaper is at a higher temperature than the temperature of the surroOunding.
11. Paheli and Booj ho measured their body temperature. Paheli found her's to be 98.6 °F and
Booj ho recoreded 37°C. Which of the following statement is true? [NCERT Exemplar]
a. Paheli has a higher body temperature than Booj ho.
b. Paheli has a lower body temperature than Booj ho.
C. Both have normal body temperature.
d. Both are suffering from fever.
12. Boojho has three thermometers as shown in fiqure. He wants to measure the

temperature of his body and that of boiling water. Which thermometer (s) should he
chose? [NCERT Exemplar]




a. Thermometer (i) or (ii) for measuring body temperature and (iii) for measuring the
temperature of boiling water.
b. Thermometer () for measuring temperature of both.
C. Thermometer (ii) for measuring temperature of both.
d. Thermometer (ii) for measuring temperature of both.
13. Four arrangement to measure temperature of ice in beaker with laborat ory thermometer
are shown in Figure (a, b, c and d). Which one of the them shows the correct arrangement
for accurate measurement of temperature? [NCERT Exemplar]
14. Fiqure shows a student reading a doctor's thermometer. Which of the figure indicates the

correct method of reading temperature? [NCERT Exemplar]

(a) (b) C) d)

15. Figure shows the readings on four different thermometers. Indicate which of the reading
shows the normal human body temperature?





1. a 2. C 3. b 4. C 5. C 6. a 7.c 8. b

9.a 10. b 11. c 12. a 13. a 14. a 15. c

I1. Multiple choice questions

1. The normal temperature of human body is

a. 37 K b. 37° C C. 37° F d. Allthe these
2. The heat reaches to us from the sun in the form of

a. Convection b. Radiation c. Conduction d. Allof these methods

3. Heat always flows.
a. From hotter body to a colder body b. From colder body to a hotter body
c. In both the directions d. Never flows from one body to other
1. b 2. b 3. a

I. Fillin the blanks

1. The temperature of boiling water cannot be measured by a thermonmeter.

2. No medium is required for transfer of heat by the process of

3. Clothes of colour absorb heat better than clothes of


4. Temperature is measure in degree

5. All hot bodies heat.

has highest specific heat.

7. Heat flows from a surface to Surface.

8. The three modes of heat transfer are radiation and conduction.

|1. clinical 2. radiation 3. dark, white 4. kelvin

5. radiate 6. water 7. hotter, colder 8. convection

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Wool is a conductor of heat.

2. When we come out in the sun we feel

3. The hot bodies radiate

4. The water and air are conductors of heat.

5. Temperature is a measure of of an obj ect.

1. poor 2. warm 3. heat

4. poor 5. hotness
I. Match the following

Column A Column B

i, Thermometer a. Poor conductor of heat

ii. Dark coloured object b. A form of energy

iii. Water and air C. SI unit of temperature

iv. Kelvin d. The device used to measure temperature
v. Heat e. Good absorber of heat

i. d ii. e iii. a 0V. C V. b

II. Match the following

Column A Column B

a. Required no medium i. Poor conductor of heat

b. Movement of molecules of liquid i. Night

c. Poor Conductor of heat iii. Radiat ion

d. Land Breeze 0v. Convection

e. Hair and fur of animals V. Glass

a. iii b. v C. 0V d. i e. ii

. True or False

1. Woollen clothes keep us warm during winter.

2. Normal temperature of human body is 37° F.
3. Water at higher temperature feels more hot.
4. The thermometer has a shining thread of water.
5. Water and air are good conductors of heat.
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False
Quiz Time

1. Name the form of energy which causes the sensation of hotness or coldness?
2. What is the normal temperature of human body?
3. Name the device which is used to measure temperature.
4. What are insulators?

5. Is iron rod conductor or insulator?

6. Name the thermometer which is used to measure human body temperature.

7. Do all hot bodies radiate heat?
8. Which metal is used in the bulb of a common thermometer?

9. What is SI unit of temperature?

10. What type of clothes we should wear the summer?

1. Heat 2. 37°C
3. Thermometer 4. The materials which do not allow heat to pass through them are
called insulators.

5. Conductor 6. Clinical thermomet er

7. Yes 8. Mercury

9. Kelvin (K) 10. Light coloured clothes

NCERT Corner

Intext Question

1. List in table some objects which you use commonly mark these objects as hot or cold.

Object Cold / Cool Warm / Hot

Ice cream

Spoon in a tea cup

Fruit Juice

Handle of a frying pan

2. Do both hands get the same feeling?
3. Boojho says, "My left hand tells me that the water in mug C is hot and the right hand
tells me that the same water is cold. What should I conclude?

Both conclusions are correct relative to each hand, But a single conclusion be drawn from
the given informat ion.
Body temperature of some person
Name Temperature °c)
Varun 37.1°C
Anwar 36.9C

4. Boojho now understands why clinical therm0-meter cannot be used to measure high

temperatures. But still wonders whether a laboratory thermometer can be used to

measure his body temperature.
Laboratory thermometer can also be used for measuring body temperature. But, it is not
convenient for this purpose.
5. Boojho wonders why the level of mercury should change at all when the bulb of the
thermome ter is brought in contact with another object ?
The temperature of other obj ect may not be the same as that of the bulb of the

thermometer. When bulb is brought in contact with that obj ect, the temperature of the bulb
changes. So the level of mercury also changes.
6. Are there any variations in the readings ?

7. Why does the mercury not fall or rise in a clinical thermometer when taken out of the

The kink prevents the mercury level from falling down.

8. What is the use of the kink ?

It prevents mercury level from falling on its down.

9. Why does it cool down ?
Because the heat is transferred from the pan to the surround ings.
10. How does the heat from the sun reach us ?

By radiat ion.
11. Why are you advised to use an umbrella when you go out in the sun ?
The umbrella protects us from heat rays of the sun.
12. What happens to the wax pieces ? Do these pieces begin to fall ? Which piece falls
the first? Do you think that heat is transferred from the end nearest to the flame to
the other end ?

The wax pieces start to melt and fall down. Yes. The piece nearest to the flame falI

first. Yes, heat is transferred from the end nearest to the flame to the other end.
13. Do all substances conduct heat easily ?

14. Can you lift a hot pan by holding it from the handle without getting hurt ?
Yes. If the handle in insulated with the help of acloth the pan can be lifted.
15. Heat water in asmall pan or a beaker. Collect some articles such as a steel spoon,
plastic scale, pencil and divider. Dip one end of each of these articles in hot water.
Wait for a few minutes. Touch the other end. Enter your observation in Table 4.3
Table 4.3

Material with other which Does the other end get hot
the article is made of Yes Yes/No

Steel spoon Metal Yes

Plastic Scale Plastic No

Pencil Wood No

Divider Steel Yes

16. Write your observation in your notebook and also draw a picture of what you observe.
We observe that the hot water rises up. The cold water from the sides moves down
towards the source of heat. As this water also gets hot and rises, water from the sides moves
down. This process continues till the whole water gets heated.
17. How does heat travel in air? In which direction does the smoke go?
Heat moves in air by convection. The smoke moves in the upward direction.
18. Do you hands feel equally hot? If not which hand feels hotter? And why?
No. The right hand which is over the flame gets more heat. Because hot air moves in
upward direction.
19. Do you find any differences in the temperatures?

20. In which can is the water warmer ?

The can whose outer surface is painted black is hotter.

21. Does the temperature of water in both the cans fall by the same amount ?
No. The container with black surface is more cold.

22. Do these activities suggest to you the reason why it is more comfortable to wear
white or light coloured clothes in summer and dark-coloured clothes in winter ?
Dark surfaces absorb more heat and therefore, we feel comfortable with dark coloured

clothes in winter. Light coloured clothes reflect most of the heat that falls on them and,
therefore, we feel more comfortable wearing them in summer.
23. Suppose winter you are given the choice of using one thick blanket or two thin
blankets combined together. What would you choose and why ?
Iwould choose two thin blankets joined toget her. This is because there would be a layer
of air in between the blankets. The trapped air, which is a bad conductor of heat, keeps it

Textbook Question

1. State similarities and 4 differences between the laboratory the rmometer and the
clinical thermometer.

Laboratory Thermometer Clinical Thermometer


() In this thermometer, mercury is used. In this to0, mercury is used.

(ii) Tn this thermometer, the scale is denotedIn this also, the scale is denoted in celsius.
in celsius.

() Besides body temperature, it is used for This is used only for measuring human body
measuring the temperature of other objects. temperatures.

(ii) Its temperature measuring capacity ranges Its temperat ure measuring capacity ranges
from - 10°C to 100°C. from 35°C to 42°C only.
2. Give two example of insulators and conductor of heat.
Conductors : Aluminium and copper. Insulator: Plastic and wood.
3. Fill in the blanks :
(a) The hotness of an obj ect is determined by its
(b) Temperature of boiling water cannot be measured by a

(c) Temperature is measured in degree

(d) No medium is required for transfer of heat by the process of
(e) A cold steel spoon is dipped in a cup of hot milk. It transfers heat to its other end by
the process of
() Clothes of colours absorb heat better than clothes of light

(a) temperature
(b) clinical
(c) celsius
(d) radiat ion

(e) convection
() black or dark.
4. Match the following:
() Land breeze blows during (a) summer
(i) Sea breeze blows during (b) winter
(ii) Dark coloured clothes are (c) day preferred during
(iv) Light coloured clothes are (d) night preferred during
|i.d ii. C iii. b 0v. a
5. Discuss why wearing more layers of clothing during winter keeps us warmer than wearing
just one thick piece of clothing ?
During winter, when we have so many layers of clothing on our body, the air trapped in
between two layers of cloth acts as an insulator. This is the reason why wearing more layers of

clothing keeps our body warm in winter.

6. Look at Fiqure. Mark where the heat is being transferred by conduction, by convection

and by radiation.


7. In places of hot climate it is advised that the outer walls of houses be painted white.

In hot season, the outer walls of the houses should be painted white, because white
colour reflects back the heat radiation which falls upon it. That is why the rooms remain cool,

they do not warm up in summer.

8. One litre of water at 30° C is mixed with one litre of water at 50°C. The temperature
of the mixture will be.

(a) 80°C
(b) more than 50°C but less than 80°C
(c) 20°C
() between 30°C and 50°C.
(d) between 30°C and 50°C.
9. An iron ball at 40° Cis dropped in a mug containing water at 40°C. The heat will:
(a) flow from iron ball to water.
(b) not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball.
(c) flow from water to iron ball.

() increase the temperature of both.

(b) not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball.
10. A wooden spoon is dipped in a Cup of ice cream. Its other end
(a) becomes cold by the process of conduction.
(b) becomes cold by the process of convection.
(c) becomes cold by the process of radiation.
() does not become cold.
(d) does not become cold.

11. Stainless steel pans are usually provided with copper bottoms. The reason for this
could be that

(a) copper bottom makes the pan more durable.

(b) such pans appear colourful.
(c) copper is a better conductor of heat than the stainless steel.
() copper is easier to clean than the stainless steel.
(c) copper is a better conductor of heat than the stainless steel.

I. Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why do we wear woollen clothes during water?

The wool is a poor conductor of heat. So, woollen clothes keep us warm during winter.
2. Why do we wear light coloured cotton clothes when it is hot?

Light coloured cotton clothes give us a feeling of coolness by reflecting heat.

3. What is heat?

Heat is a form a energy. It help us to feel hotness and coolness.

4. What is temperature?
The measure of hotnesS or coldness is called temperature.
5. Name the device which is used to measure temperature of an object.
6. What is clinical thermometer?

The thermometer which is used to measure our body temperature is called clinical

7. Name another type of thermometer.
The other type of thermometer is called laboratory thermometer.
8. Which metal is used in the bulb of a thermometer?

9. What is the SI unit of temperature?
The SI unit of temperature is kelvin.
10. What is the range of clinical thermometer?
35°c to 42°C.

11. What is the normal temperature of our body?


12. Is the body temperature of every person 37°C?

No, the temperature of every person may not be 37°C.
13. What is laboratory thermometer?
The thermometer used to measure the temperature of various objects in laboratory is
called laboratory thermometer.
14. What is the range of laboratory thermometer?
-10°C to 110°c
15. What is the use of kink in clinical thermometer?

It prevents mercury level from falling on its own.

16. What do you mean by the transfer of heat?

The heat flows from a hotter object to a colder object. This process is called transfer
of heat.

17. What are the various methods of transfer of heat?

There are three methods of transfer of heat.

i. Conduction ii. Convection ii. Radiation

18. The heat is transferred from the sun to us. Name the method.


19. What type of clothes should we wear in the summer?

Light coloured cotton clothes.
20. Why should we wear dark coloured clothes in winter?
Dark coloured clothes absorb most of the heat falling on them and keep us warm.
21. How does heat transfer in water or air?
By convection
22. How does heat transfer in solids?

By conduct ion
23. What are conduct ors?
The substances which allow heat to pass through them are called conductors.
24. Give two examples of good conductors of heat.

Copper and iron

25. What are insulat ors?
The mater ialswhich do not allow heat to pass through them are called insulators.
26. Give two examples of insulators.
Plast ic and wood.

27. What is sea breeze?

The movement of air from the sea towards the land in coastal areas during day time is
called the sea breeze.

28. What is land breeze?

The cool air from the land moves towards the sea in coastal areas during night. This is
called land breeze.

29. Name the form of energy which causes hotness or coolness.


30. What is the degree of hotness called?

31. Name the scale used either but the doctor.

Fahrenheit scale.

32. What is the range of Fahrenheit scale?

94 to 108 degree.

33. How is the temperature indicated by this scale?

34. What is the normal temperature in Fahrenheit scale?

35. What happens when two bodies having same temperature come in contact?
The heat is not transferred if temperature is same.
36. How does heat flow?

Heat flow from hotter object to the colder object.

II. Very Short Answer Type Quest ions

1. Name the three modes of transfer of heat.

Conduction, convection and radiat ion.

2. Name four insulators.

Wool, plast ic, cotton, glass.

3. What is radiation ?

Radiation is a process of heat transfer which does not require any medium.

4. Which type of heat transfer is minimized when using a thermo flask.

Mostly radiat ion.
5. Which is the bad conductor of heat ?

Wood is a bad conductor of heat.

6. Do all liquids expand on heating ?

All liquids expand on heating except water which contracts when heated below 4°C.

| | . Very Short Answer Type Quest ions

1. Shopkeepers selling ice blocks usually cover them with jute sacks. Explain why.
[NCERT Exemplar]
They must use some insulating material like, sack, saw dust, newspaper, et. to cover the

2. A laboratory thermometer A is kept 7 cm away on the side of the flame while a similar
thermometer B is kept 7 cm above the flame of a candle as shown in the fiqure below.
Which of the thermometers, A or B, will show greater rise in temperature? Give reason
for your answer.

Thermometer B will showa greater rise in temperature because hot air rise up or air on
the top of the candle flame is getting heated by convect ion.
3. To keep her soup warm Paheli wrapped the container in which it was kept with woollen
cloth. Can she apply the same method to keep a glass of cold drink cool? Give reason
for your answer. [NCERT Exemplar]
Yes. Wool is a p0or conductor of heat.

4. In a mercury thermometer, the level of mercury rise when its bulb comes in contact
with a hot object. What is the rea son for this rise in the level of mercury?
[NCERT Exemplar]
Mercury expands when heated. Hence, it rises in the capillary tube.
5. Define temperature.

Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.

6. At what temperature will the reading on the Fahrenheit scale be double of the reading
on the Celsius scale?

At 160°C, the reading on Fahrenheit scale would be doutble, i.e., 320°F.

7. Why is it advised not to hold the thermometer by its bulb while reading it?
|f we hold a thermomet er by its bulb, the mercury in the bulb will expand due to our
body temperature.
8. Convert 8°c to °F.
F - xc)+ 32
- x8)+ 32 = 46.4 °F.

9. Convert 90°F to °c.

C E)(-32)
- ) (90-32) =32.2 °F.

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