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Field: Language and Subject: English Level: VI Class:

communication XII
Topic: Learning Situation:
Vocabulary. Going places Description of places.
Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Suffered, confident, consist,
- Consolidate vocabulary related to travelling
temtation, attraction, appeal,
- Fill in appropriate words to complete sentences.
admitted, accepted, day, guided,
- Describe places using the vocabulary learnt.
tasty, deals, unforgettable, youth,
- Get the meaning of some phrasal verbs.
steep, remain, bargain, on display,
- Use vocabulary related to shopping.
shopping, bargain, hit the road,
- Practice using prepositional phrases.
definitely etc.
- Get the meaning of different idioms.
Resources: Cross curricular links:
Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge
Warm up activity: What was the previous text about? Which was the pearl of the Indian Ocean? Where
did David Denton go?
Contruction of new knowdege
First of all in exercise 1 and 2 students have to complete sentences using the given words. They will use
words like: Suffered, confided, consist, sample, explore, temptation, attraction, appeal etc.
In the third exercise students have to complete a letter that Sue and Lucy have written to Nadia about a
place they have visited. They have to use different words like: Archaelogical, day, guided, trasty etc.
Again in exercise 4 students will practice using different words related to places they have visited.
In exercise 5 students have to choose between different words related to travelling: ex: Please wait in the
exit/departure lounge. Then in exercise 6 students have to learn some words related to money. They will
use words like: credit, currency, exchange etc to complete sentences. Students are also going to learn
some vocabulary related to shooping like: bargain, discount, credit, voucher, receipt etc. They will use
those words to fill in sentences.
Later students are going to learn the meaning of some idioms. They will try and elicit the meaning of
some idioms and match them with their meaning in English ex: Lets hit the road - lets start a journey.
Learning situation: Form some sentences using some of the idioms learnt.
I am also going to explain to the students the meaning of some phrasal verbs ex: check in, stop off etc.
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result
To reflect on the use of some prepositional phrases students are going to complete exercise 10.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.
Ex. 11, pg 25, textbook.

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