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Credit: UNICEF State of Palestine


Credits: UNICEF/Azoura

The MYRP addresses urgent humanitarian Working with the MoE, the ECW/MYRP is made NUMBER OF BENEFICIARIES:
needs while at the same time it works across up of five partners who bring a unique set of
The ECW/MYRP is targeting a
the triple nexus to bridge into longer-term complementary skills and experience: Save
development and building resilience. the Children, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF and total of 552,680 children -
UNRWA, as well as implementing partners. 271,382 girls and 281,298 boys.
With support from Education Cannot Wait
(ECW), the MYRP was designed with the The MYRP also has a Programme
Ministry of Education (MoE) and key Management Unit (PMU) that oversees all
partners to strengthen the resilience of aspects of the MYRP implementation. A total of 818 schools – 521
girls and boys, families and communities in government and 297 UNRWA
Gaza, East Jerusalem, Hebron 2 and Area C. To date, ECW has committed $18 million schools are being targeted by
of seed funding to the MYRP for a total the ECW/MYRP.
The MYRP focuses on systems strengthening of three years between June 2019 and
for emergencies and improving quality December 2022. The total funding required to
student learning, as well as critical access implement the MYRP in full is $34.8 million. COVERAGE:
to education and protection for crisis-affected As of June 2021, the ECW/MYRP
vulnerable and marginalised girls and boys. MYRP partners are now working together to had reached 387,964 children –
raise an additional $16.8 million to secure
189,447 girls and 198,517 boys,
It has three programme outcomes of safe continuation of the MYRP beyond 2022.
access to school, quality education and including 11,618 children with
capacity development. disabilities. | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait

these refugees are u In all, the fast-acting 12-month learning centers where children receive
today. An estimated
in need of humanitar IMPACT STORY planned.
like Janat Ara. It all starts in the new
redemption is emerging for children
and around 1.3 millio and youth to be reached than originally Out of this chaos, a sense of hope and

local communities an measures, this enabled more children
seekers are putting a camps. Along with other innovative attacked by gunfire.
The new arrivals and conferences to train teachers in the girls in her native Myanmar. She’s been

started in August 20 including using podcasts and video threatening to rape and abduct young


labeled a crime agai mobilize fast education responses, to escape bandits that were reportedly
ethnic violence, whic and flexible learning models to She’s hidden in the woods for 15 days


have fled to Banglad The investment embraced innovative refugee has lost both her parents.
Around 725,000 Rohi In her short 12-year life, the Rohingya


ROHINGYA CR exceeding most targets by 200 per mad.

that have been impacted by this crisis, hope and resilience in a world gone


youth and host community children dreamer. She’s a unique symbol of
Photo: Save the Children/Daphnee Cook
for the 400,000 Rohingya children and Janat Ara is a survivor. She’s a

,, ,, I would
When werather go toplay
learn and regular
here,school with other
I feel peace in my heart, and
Janat Ara, 12. Name changed to protect identity.

Shahd with her teachers at Augusta

children, butforget
the teachers
what hasand nurses to
happened at me.
forget what has happened to me.
Victoria Hospital. Credit: Jonathan
hospital are very kind, and they Janatmake
Ara, 12.itName
When we learn and play here, I feel peace in my heart, and
changed to protect identity. Condo/UNESCO 2019

is a survivor. She’s a
Photo: Save the Chil
for the 400,000 Rohingya children and
She’s a unique
Shahd hassymbol
in a world
of kidneyyouth
a chronic
that have
host community
been impacted
Shahd’s children
teachers, Hiba Sonokrot.
FINDS NEW HOPE THROUGH ABOUT “This is THEBefore beginning her treatment at Augusta
needs frequent dialysis. Because of this, one ofby thethis
challenges. For this reason, Victoria, Shahd had been missing education
she is unable to follow a regular exceeding
schoolmost targets we needby 200to be very supportiveROHINGYA
because she did not want to go to school.
routine. Instead, the schoolcent. must come to them in a different way. We need to be not Not only did her regular school not have a
ort 12-year Around 725,000 Rohingya refugees
herlife, the Rohingya
at Augusta Victoria Hospital. She attends only a teacher, but a friend and a mother as
SURVIVING ATTACKS AND good support system for someone with her
as lost both her parents. The investment have fled to Bangladesh since the
classes with caring teachers who come to embraced well”. innovative illness, she was also reluctant to attend
den in theher woods for and
15 days ethnic violence, which some have
bedside make sureand thatflexible
despite learning models to because of the stigma that illness carries.
bandits that were reportedly mobilize GONE MAD labeled a crime against humanity,
her illness, she does not miss out onfast
the education UNESCO,responses,
together with MoE, is scaling up Since she arrived at the hospital four years
ng to rapeopportunity
and abduct young including using podcasts and video started in August 2017.
to learn. the support it provides to these teachers to ago, however, she has learned to read and
er native Myanmar. She’s been conferences to train teachers in the The new arrivals and asylum
empower them with the special knowledge
HOPE IN A WORLD write and is almost up-to-date with her
by gunfire. camps. Along with other innovative seekers are putting a strain on
To support children receiving long needed to support affected students, education.
measures, this enabled more children local communities and resources
treatment in hospitals, the Ministry including individualized plans,
s chaos, a sense of hope and and youth to be reached than originally and around 1.3 million people are
of Education has opened four psychosocial support and inclusive For Shahd and the other students at
on is emerging for children planned. in need of humanitarian assistance
Ara. It all starts in the new Schools” in Palestine’s education.
IMPACT STORY This helps children to learn Augusta Victoria and other Determination
today. An estimated 54 per cent of
West Bank and within the framework
centers where children receive In all, the fast-acting 12-monthof the despite difficult circumstances and builds Schools the future is uncertain. Some of
these refugees are under 18. That
ruction through an investmentResilience Programme (MYRP) in their
Education for Children of Rohingya long-term resilience and ability to them may face chronic illness for the rest
means close to 400,000 children
Palestine, funded
y Education Cannot Wait (ECW) by Education Cannot Wait return
Refugees and Host Communities in to the regular school system in the of their lives; others may recover. In the
are nationless, lack consistent
(ECW), UNESCO is providing support
emented through UNICEF, Save Cox’s Bazar investment has built to all future. meantime, this flexible provision of
access to education, and live in
four of these
en, Friendship and BRAC. schools. These determination
more than 270 learning centers to education helps to achieve important
makeshift, overcrowded camps
schools provide flexible education to It is not
date, and is on track to complete an only the children in hospital who objectives. Attending classes and keeping
in the Cox’s Bazaar district of
children unable
learning center. I have to participate in regular face challenges.
additional 50 more to reach investment Teachers, nurses and up with learning creates an enhanced sense
ugh a lot classes
back inatMyanmar.
their local schools. The MoE
targets. According to families working
the latest closely with children
reports of normalcy and helps build resilience and
learn andrecognizes
play here,that children who
I feel are
(December 2018), over who25,000
have a closed
refugee prognosis, or a low life hope for the future.
While much work is being done
my heart,hospitalized
and forget what for prolonged children
periods ofaged
time 4 to 14 have received
expectancy are anxious and worried about
to protect these children by both
ened to me,” said
are at Janat Ararisk of falling
a significant accessbehind
to safe in and protective learning
the child’s future. To cope, the teachers
ame has been changedDetermination
for environments the government of Bangladesh
their studies. Schools are – thatthemselves is three times need specialized training and
protection). “When operating
I grow in Augusta more than the number of children as well as international donor
currently Victoria support to daily manage these stresses.
to work Hospital
at an NGO or at the An Najjah initiallyHospital
targeted by In the project. agencies, local non-profits and the
in Jerusalem, addition to health-related worries, the
My teacher also said United Nations System, the camps
in Nablus, thethat he
Palestine Additionally,
Medical Complexmore in than 270 and
children setstheir
of families hold concerns KEY POINTS
I could become a teacher. He early childhood development and are still a dangerous place. Girls
Ramallah and in Beit Jala. These schools all related to travel through checkpoints: often
ested thatprovide
I maybe can join an school-in-a-box kits have been shared. are particularly at riskECW/MYRP
to sexualis providing hospital
personalized education to children they must travel far from their families, who
n I am older, to teach other
receiving prolonged medical treatment. are left behind in Gaza or the West Bank -based education to 150 children
exploitation and gender-based
Burmese.” Community involvement is key in a violence. And malnutrition, disease
due to a lack of travel permits. This limits that are undergoing lengthy medical
complex context like the Rohingya and unsafe water pose health risks
“The students we teach here are often
educational emergency
the number of supportive family members
crisis. To encourage involvement from for children and adults treatment
alike. (cancer patients and
sad and depressed, and many are deeply and loved ones who are present thus placing children undergoing dialysis) in four
is making a real difference parents and community members,
frustrated because they don’t understand additional strains on all.
hospitals in East Jerusalem
the reason for their illness, or why they have
to keep |coming to the hospital”, says
#educationcannotwait one of
| @educannotwait and Hebron.
Name changed to protect identity
* | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait

these refugees are u
In all, the fast-acting 12-month learning centers where children receive
today. An estimated like Janat Ara. It all starts in the new
in need of humanitar planned. redemption is emerging for children
and around 1.3 millio and youth to be reached than originally Out of this chaos, a sense of hope and

local communities an measures, this enabled more children
seekers are putting a camps. Along with other innovative attacked by gunfire.
The new arrivals and conferences to train teachers in the girls in her native Myanmar. She’s been

started in August 20 including using podcasts and video threatening to rape and abduct young


labeled a crime agai mobilize fast education responses, to escape bandits that were reportedly
ethnic violence, whic and flexible learning models to She’s hidden in the woods for 15 days
have fled to Banglad The investment embraced innovative refugee has lost both her parents.
In her short 12-year life, the Rohingya
Around 725,000 Rohi
ROHINGYA CR exceeding most targets by 200 per mad.
that have been impacted by this crisis, hope and resilience in a world gone


youth and host community children dreamer. She’s a unique symbol of
CATION for the 400,000 Rohingya children and Photo: Save the Children/Daphnee Cook
Janat Ara is a survivor. She’s a

,, ,, “Samir
When weloves
learnsports, when
and play youI feel
here, [counsellors]
peace in my heart, and

Janat Ara, 12. Name changed to protect identity.

him towhat
join the
forget what has happened to me.happened club,tohis
me.mood A group of ex-detainee children
attending a group PSS session and
shifted, and I finally saw a smile
When we learn and play here, I feel peace in my heart, andface.changed
12. Name Sports to protect identity.
engaging in a debriefing activity.
was always his way of releasing his stress”.
is a survivor. She’s a
Photo: Save the Chil for the 400,000 Rohingya children and
She’s a unique symbol of
resilience Thein camp
a world is surrounded
youth and host community children
the separation
have been impacted provide byhim
the psychosocial support to with others positively. His view of himself
wall and a military checkpoint. As a result,
exceeding enable
most targets byhim200toper ROHINGYA
overcome the negative
also improved and he became aware of
the camp experiences constant cent.raids and of detention. Samir’s behaviors and isolation the importance of being responsible and
ort 12-year frequent
life, thearrests of children and youth.
Rohingya after detention have reflectedAround negatively 725,000
on Rohingya
being ablerefugees
to plan his daily routine. He now
as lost both herwas arrested on 6 November
parents. The investment2019 embraced
his family have fled
and their ability to deal with this
innovative to Bangladesh sincewithout
sleeps better the panicking or being in
den in theand woods for 15 days
was detained and flexible
for two months. He learningsituation.
models Samir’s
to ethnic violence,
mother expressed: “God, which some have
constant fear during the night. At the same
bandits that were reportedly
expressed to the counsellors mobilize
supported fastbyeducation
please bring Samir to how helabeled
GONE MAD was before a crime
his against
time, his humanity,
family also noted this change in
ng to rapethe and abduct young
ECW/MYRP that he wentincluding
through usinga podcasts and our
detention, video started
life at home has completely in August 2017.
behavior and was positively impacted with
er native Myanmar. She’s beenand detention
difficult interrogation conferences to trainchanged teachers in the
when TheSamir
we started to see new arrivals the andpositive
asylumresults of the intervention at the
by gunfire. camps.
experience. He was ill-treated and his basic Along with other HOPE IN A WORLD
innovative seekers
always nervous and insisting on sitting are putting
a level.on
Samir’s mother described the
human rights were denied. measures, this enabled more children local
alone. If Samir was able to improve, all our communities and resources
change in behaviour since the beginning of
s chaos, a sense of hope and and youth to be reached lives atthan
home originally
would change for andthearound
better.”1.3 million people are
the intervention as follows: “Samir was a
on is emerging for children planned.
The difficult experience he went through in need of humanitarian
person, he did not care about what
Ara. It allnegatively
starts inaffected
the newhis psychological IMPACT STORY
A counsellor engaged Samir through today. An a estimated 54 per
anyone hadcent of and he always imposed
to say,
centers where children receive
wellness and resulted in him being
In all, the fast-acting 12-month these
holistic intervention plan, starting with refugees are under 18. That
his opinion on others. Today, Samir respects
ruction through an investment Education for Children of Rohingya means
diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress psychosocial counselling sessions to close
help to 400,000
everyone children
who speaks to him. He has
y Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Refugees and Host Communities in are nationless, lack consistent
Disorder (PTSD) after his release. His promote his psychosocial resilience, release become a calmer person, completely
emented through UNICEF, Save Cox’s Bazar investment has built access to education, and live
symptoms included sadness and depression, stress, restore his psychosocial wellbeing, different frominwhat he was before. When
en, Friendship and BRAC. more than 270 learning centers to makeshift, overcrowded camps
fluctuations in behavior and mood, sleeping
date, and is on trackand equip him with coping and life skills
to complete an in thehisCox’s Bazaar
he took the remedial courses, he was
districtto ofdo well in school because he
learning center. I have and isolation. During that period, to help
additional 50 more to reach investmenthim re-integrate back into motivated
ugh a lot hebackcould not easily socialize
in Myanmar. with hisAccording
targets. family community.
to the latest In addition, the counsellor
reports felt better about being able to understand
and friends
learn and play here, I feel and was unwilling to return to worked
(December 2018), over 25,000 refugee with Samir on the academic aspects the subjects.” His mother added: “Samir
school. These symptoms made it difficult to of his reintegration to be ableWhile
to much
return to workloves
is being done
sports, when you [counsellors]
my heart, and forget what children aged 4 to 14 have received
reintegrate back to his normal life. school by providing him with to protect
educational these children
encouraged by both
him to join the sports club, his
ened to me,” said Janat Ara access to safe and protective learning
ame has been changed for environments – thatguidance is three sessions
times and enrolling thehimgovernment
into of Bangladesh
mood shifted, and I finally saw a smile on his
protection).With funding
“When from the ECW/MYRP,
I grow more than Savethe number remedial courses to help himas
of children wellupasoninternational
catch donor
face. Sports was always his way of releasing
to work the
at an Children
NGO or(SCI) is providing
at the PSS and
initially targeted by the theclasses agencies,
project.he missed while in detention. local non-profits
his stress”.and the
My teacher remedial
also said education
that hefor ex-detainee
Additionally, children During
more than 270the psychosocial
sets of United
sessions, theNations System, the camps
I could become
and childrena teacher.
underHe early childhood
home arrest. A key part development
counsellor and noticed that Samir had an a dangerous place. Girls
are still
ested thatofI this
maybe work can join an
involves school-in-a-box
supporting counsellors kitsinterest
have been shared.
in sports, are particularly
so, she encouraged him at risk to sexual
n I am older,
whoto areteach
able other
to direct children to vocational exploitation
to join a fitness club and use sports as a and KEY POINTS
Burmese.”trainings, as well as provide Community
PSS support. involvement
healthy is outlet
key infora his stress. violence. And Of the total
malnutrition, children targeted by Save
complex context like the Rohingya and unsafe water pose health
the Childrenrisks
with PSS, 84.1% reported
educational Oneemergency crisis. To encourageThroughout
involvement thefrom for children and adults alike.
is making
of the counsellors supported
a real difference parents
by the
and community members,
intervention period, Samir’s improvement in their ability to express
MYRP visited Samir’s house and talked response was noted after each session,
their feelings and stress caused by
to the family about his situation and the his relationship with his family and friends
traumatic experience that he went through. improved and he went from isolating himself
the emergency, in comparison to | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait
She also expressed to the family the need to to becoming socially capable of dealing 42.9% prior to the intervention.
Name changed to protect identity
* | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait



In Palestine, government quarantine
orders saw schools and universities closed REHAM ABU ARQOUB This situation highlights the critical role and
importance that teachers have in our societies.
and children kept everyone inside their Teacher Reham Abu Arqoub, a teacher from Yatta/Hebron
homes. This has presented unprecedented working in Al-Awda elementary school
challenges to educators, teachers, parents, emphasised the importance of using social media
and students alike. In March 2020, 1.43 platforms to facilitate communication among
million children needed to access distance students, parents, and teachers when she said,
learning, blended learning, as well as ‘the accounts of some parents on the social
media networks were also used for facilitating
Psychosocial Support (PSS). 360,000
communication with them.
children from isolated and poor areas
without internet connection faced What’s more, a special educational Facebook page
particular challenges in accessing distance was created to publish curriculum lessons and
learning. Schools and learning facilities some worksheets, to post students’ work and to
also required Water, Sanitation and Hygiene provide them with feedback on their work.”
(WASH) facilities, cleaning, and hygiene kits
as part of infection control measures. Some teachers faced challenges applying new technology to communicate with
and reach all of their students, as many of them do not have a steady access to
Teachers found themselves under the internet. “On the one hand, I encountered obstacles in communicating with
exceptional circumstances that required some students because they lacked internet access. Thus, I made an effort to
communicate with them on the phone.” Reham Abu Arqoub focused on reaching
them to provide prompt responses and
students and creating an appropriate methodology to strengthen the e-learning
adapt themselves to a different set of that was appealing to all students studying at home. For example, she made home
requirements to deliver education. This videos with her son to encourage participation from all students.
happened while they were dealing with
the day-to-day struggles and anxieties that
came as the byproduct of the pandemic.
IYAD MOUSA ABU ODEH Iyad Mousa Abu Odeh, a teacher from
Al-Tawana secondary school, indicated that
Teachers became dependent on Teacher teachers, including himself, need to dedicate
telecommunication methods to deliver many hours to analyzing and creating
their education to their students. Social appealing content for communicating with
media platforms also became important to students. It is, therefore, not surprising that
remain connected with students. teachers are overwhelmed with the process,
particularly those who are caring for their own
Furthermore, some challenges affected families and children during the lockdown.
parents as well, since they found
“I believe that the success of distance learning
themselves overwhelmed with providing requires strong motivation, good planning, and the
schooling for their children. In order to ability to analyze and make use of the information
provide more support to teachers, it is that has been examined”. Moreover, obstacles to
imperative to equip them with the the learning process are immediately recognized.
necessary training to ensure that innovative As a teacher, Mr. Iyad also expressed concerns
and inclusive education practices are related to internet accessibility and appropriate
information, communication and technology (ICT)
implemented during and after the
training for teachers, students and as well
pandemic. For this, within the Education as parents. He also stressed the difficulty to
Cannot Wait (ECW) programme, UNESCO measure learning outcomes and urged for
Ramallah Office has prepared a training continuous assessment efforts.
manual. | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait


It has been used for the inclusive Ministry’s response plan, which is the very foundation of all modern societies.
education training of around 3000 considering addressing teachers’ needs, The current pandemic has imposed a
teachers in the most vulnerable schools capacity development, distance learning different and challenging reality that
in the West Bank. platforms, infrastructure, and connectivity. requires the collaboration of different
On 4 June 2020, UNESCO and the Ministry sectors to provide the successful delivery
Moreover, UNESCO conducted an of Education conducted the first training on of education. Until the pandemic subsides,
awareness raising campaign on healthy setting up online classes from home teachers will maintain their resilience,
lifestyles, psychosocial support and for about 125 public and private school creativity and perseverance to give their
prevention of student discrimination, which teachers in Palestine. More teacher best to students, student’s parents and
will target teachers, parents and students. training workshops will follow. their communities to prepare them for
The Ministry of Education and UNESCO Teachers play an integral role in the the future and to ensure sustainable
are also leading the distance learning task educational process and learning. Their development.
force, established to implement the efforts and endeavours are necessary for


The MYRP was the first and quickest donor to offer and re-programme concrete assistance to the Ministry of Education’s COVID-19
response. This demonstrates the flexibility of the MYRP funding mechanism, as well as its agility to adapt to changing circum-
stances. Together, the MYRP partners re-programmed almost $1 million to support urgent humanitarian response efforts outlined
by the MoE National COVID-19 Response Plan and the UNRWA EiE Response Plan, in coordination with Education Cluster focusing
on distance education, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), school hygiene and WASH facilities.

ECW also committed an additional $850,000 to Save the Children and UNICEF through their First Emergency Response (FER)
window. UNRWA also mobilized additional funds from ECW to support their COVID-19 Flash Appeal to support Gaza, West Bank,
Lebanon and Jordan. $80,000 of this funding targeted the West Bank, and $480,000 targeted Gaza with a focus on self-learning
study and PSS.

105,201 children 42,966 children - 81,906 children - 370 MoE school 1,556 children - 809 2,867 children -
- 54,445 girls and 20,191 girls and 42,591 girls and counsellors girls and 747 boys 1,413 girls and
50,756 boys were 22,775 boys were 39,315 boys from received online benefited from 1,454 boys from
reached through supported by 219 MoE schools training from SCI UNESCO’s provision marginalized
COVID-19 specific UNRWA and UNDP in the most on dealing with of PSS through schools received
responses through school vulnerable stress and conducting play and four months of
implemented by the WASH and communities in emotional drama activities. internet access
ECW/MYRP partners. infrastructure Gaza received challenges from SCI.
rehabilitation. hygiene kits from associated with
UNICEF as part of the COVID-19.
the MoE Back to
School plan. | #educationcannotwait | @educannotwait

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