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Nutrition Empowerment Process Flow Chart

Questionnaire to identify
food patterns, health
status, wellness supports
and barriers, personal goals
and readiness

Generates Needs
Assessment menu of areas
for support and change

menu items linked to action

steps to create an Action
Plan with measurable

Connecting Council on
with SOS Action Plan links to: Developmental
Case managers, agencies, Educational videos Disabilities
caregivers, SCL
Support recommendations Supportive projects,
therapists, CLS and
Community Access programs, educational
Suggestions for activities
workers, IEP and IPP videos, and forums could be
team members could be Services offered through the
granted permission to log Council’s website as a
Council programming resource hub for
in and view client’s action
plan, and progress participants in the Nutrition
Interactive Share feature Empowerment Portal
toward goals.

Progress is tracked through

participation and outcome

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