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TED 4000 [ESL] Lesson Plan Template

IMPORTANT: Please use this template for all lesson plan writing in this course

Name: Esme Arellano

Content Area: ESL

Grade Level: 9-12th grade

Language Level(s): Level 2

Nebraska English Language Proficiency Standards Addressed:

9-12.2: An ELL can . . . participate in grade appropriate oral and written exchanges of information,
ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions.

9-12.3: with support (including modeled sentences),  deliver short oral presentations  compose
written narratives or informational texts about familiar texts, topics, experiences, or events.

Nebraska State Content Standards Addressed:

LA.10.SL.1 Initiate and participate in structured discussions and collaborations about grade-level
topics and texts.

Topic of the Lesson & Rationale (Why is this important?):

For my topic I decided to focus more on SEL specifically finding ways to relax and recharge. My lesson
is directed toward high school students and many of them may have a lot on their plate so providing
this lesson will help to find ways to relax in a world full of chaos. Using Oral presentations for my
strategy is also very helpful as it will help students to feel comfortable presenting in front of peers. It
will also help to provide a safe space where students can learn from each other

Assets my MLs bring to the class:

- Coming from different backgrounds, we all find different ways to destress and relax. Some
students might find hanging out with large groups a way to relax while others might see
prayer time as relaxing. Working together to brainstorm ideas, we are all able to learn
from each other and some customs we may do that others don’t.
Materials Needed:

- Blank pieces of paper

- Vocab graphic organizer
- Markers
- Pencil

Objectives(s)(What will your students be able to do by the end of the lesson?)

Content Objective: Students will be able to create a poster with three different ways to relax and
verbally present it to another group of students

Language Objective: Students will be able to create a poster with three sentences to describe tips on
how to relax and verbally share it with another group of students.


Relax: being at ease, no stress

Calming: soothing, quiet

Peace: free from disturbance

Stress: pressure, state of worry

Busy: a lot to do

ESL Strategies Used:

- For my lesson, we will get started with vocab words, where I will be providing a guided notes
sheet. Students will write down the word, a definition and then draw a picture to go along
with it. After will start out with stretching and I will have students copy my moves. I like using
this because it will allow my students to get out of their seats and move their body. It will also
be how I will be introducing my topic. Then as a group we will discuss why we did stretch and
talk about the importance of taking a break. So students get more familiar with this topic we
will brainstorm as a whole group on some things we do to relax. This will be on the board as it
will help students with the next portion of the lesson. I will then do partner work where
students are able to collaborate and work on a poster. For this I will have all the directions on
the board and will include a sentence frame in case they need it. Students will then be asked
to share their posters with another group. This will help so students don’t feel overwhelmed
by having to share it to a whole group.


- “Are there any words that we should go over? Any new words?”
- “What do we think relax might mean? Have we heard the word relax? What might be some
- “Someone explain to me what are some emotions you felt? How would you describe it to
- “Did it make you feel happy? Sad? Calm?”
- “When or why do you think we should do these stretches?”
- “What are some things you do when you need a break?

Anticipatory Set

- As students are coming in I will have two questions on the board:

- “What are some of your hobbies?”
- “What do you like to do during your free time?”
- This will help students to start thinking about things they like to do to relax

Beginning of Lesson: I Do/We Do

To begin:

 I will have students read the objective along with me

 Together we will look and see if there are any words that we need to go over
 “Are there any words that we should go over? Any new words?”
 Then I will introduce new vocab that is relevant to what we ae learning:
 “Let’s first start with some new vocab words that you may have already heard before”
 I will provide a guided notes sheet for students to follow along and take notes
 “With the sheet of paper I will be providing, you are going to write down the word, a
definition and then draw a picture that matches the word”
 I will then go over every word and together take notes
Middle of Lesson: You Do It Together

Together we will then move on:

 I will have students stand up and copy the arm stretches I do

 “I need everyone to stand up and you are going to be copy exactly what I do”
 I will then start with some stretches and take some time to take deep breaths
 After the stretches are done, I will ask students what they felt
 “Everyone can sit back down... Someone explain to me what are some emotions you felt?
How would you describe it to someone?”
 “Did it make you feel happy? Sad? Calm?”
 Then I will explain why we did these stretches
 “When or why do you think we should do these stretches?”
 “I like to stretch whenever I’m feeling stressed or I feel like I am too busy”
 “It’s important that we all take a break so we are able to have a balanced life”
 Now lets brain storm!
 “I have shared one idea that I like to do when I am feeling too stressed and need a break”
 “Now lets brainstorm and think of other ideas we may do to feel calm”
 I will be making a list on the board of ideas that we come up with

End of the Lesson: You Do It Alone

Making posters:

 “Now its your turn to share your ideas!”

 I will then assign partners that they will work with
 “With your partner, share some ideas and tips that you do to help relax”
 “You can use some of the ideas that we came up with or you can also come up with new
 “When you have shared your ideas, talk with your partner and try to find three ideas you
both do, then together make a poster that you can share with your classmates!
 “You should have pictures or drawings and follow it with a sentence”
 On the board I will write some sentences stems that they can use to write their sentences”
 “When you are done raise your hand so you can present to me!”

Assessment Statement:

For the assessment portion: I will know students have met their objective when I hear them share
their posters out loud. I will also be collecting the posters which will help me see their work.

- Students will be asked to verbally share their posters with another group
- I will be walking around and listen to make sure students are sharing out loud
- Listeners will be asked to write down new idea that they hear from a peer

- To end class:
- Students will be asked to turn in their poster along with the sticky note that has the new idea
that they will be trying next time they need a break
- “You all did great today! We must keep in mind that taking a break from everything is
important so we can have a balanced life! Try the new idea your wrote down on the sticky
note and let me know if you liked it!”

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