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Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A

Valve Inspection and Testing




Helping You
Get The Job
Done Right.""
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A

Valve Inspection and Testing

Downstream Segment




Helping You
Get The Job
Done Right:"
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


,\PI publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. With respect to partic-
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Af'l is not undertaking to m e t the duties of employers. manut'acturers, or suppliers to
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This docurnent was produced under API stantlartlmt~onprocedures that ensure appropll-
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API stanctards arc published to fjcilitate the broad availability of proven, sound engineer-
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Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A

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Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to Af'i. Standards department;
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Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


I C;F.Kb.RAl.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
1.1 Scopc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Referenced I'ublicatio~ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


2.1 Inspection at the Valve Manufacturer's Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
2.2 Inspection Outside the Valve Manufacturer's Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.3 Inspection Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.4 Ixtent of Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.5 f;xamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.6 Supplementary Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z

3 l'KESSIJRE,'I'ES'IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 'lest Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 Test Equiplnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -7
3.3 TestsRequired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.4 High-pressure Closure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
3.5 High-pressure Pneumatic Shcll Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.6 TcstFluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.7 TcstPressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.8 'Test 1)uration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.9 Test l..c.ikage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 I'RESSIJRE, TES'I PIEC)CEDIIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3
4.2 BackseatTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
4.3 ShellTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
4.4 Low-pressure Closure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.5 I-Iigh-pressurc Closurc Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5 VALVE CER'TIFIC'ATI(.)N .4N I.) RETESTIN(; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.1 (.ktificatc of Con~pliancc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.1 lie-testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

I-A Pressurc Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
1-B PressureTests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
2 Shell Test Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3 OthcrTestPrcssurcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 Duration o f Kcquircd Test Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Maximuni Allowable I. cakage Kates for Chsure Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


1. If rcquircd, tht following will be spccrficd in the purchase order:

a, Inspections by the purchaser at the valvc manufacturer's plant (see 2.1).
b. Inspections by the purchaser outside the valve manufacturer's plant (see 2.2).
c. Address for inspection notices (see 2.3).
d. Any supplcmcntary examination required (see 2.6).
c. Type of bacltseat test (see 3.2.2).
f. I.,ow-pressure closure test (see 3.3.3, 3.3.4 anti 4.4.2).
g. I-ligh-pressure closuse tcst (see 3.4 arid 4.5).
h. I--1igh-pressurepneumatic shell tcst (see 3.5).
i. Test fluid ternperature for low ternperature valves (see 3.6.1 ).
i. [Jse of a wetting agent in the test water (see 3.6.4).
k. Certificate of compliance (see 5 . I).
2. If this stantiard i s used for valves not covered by this standard. the purchaser will spccify
the extent to which the standard is to be applied.
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A

Valve Inspection and Testing

1 General
1.I.I This stantfard covers inspection. examination, supple-
mentary examinations. and pressure test requirements for 1.2.2 This standard supplements the following API valve
resilient-seated. ~ ~ o n r n e ~ l l i c(e.g.,
- s t ceramic). and metal- standards:
to-metal-seated valves of the pate, globe. plug, ball. check, and
butterfly types. Resilient seats are considered to be:
a. Soft seats. both solid and semi-solid grease type (e.g..
lubricated plugl
b. Combination soft and metal seats.
c. Any other type valvc designed to lncct resilient seat leak-
age rates as specified in 'Yable 5.
API Std 598 supple~ncntsthe API standads that refc~cncc
~ tbut
. ~tmay also bc appl~edto other typcs of w h e s by agree-
ment between the purcliawr and the vahe nianut:~ti~rer
1.I.2 The inspection requirements pertain to examinations
and testing by tlie manufacturer and any supplementary
examinations that the purchaser may require at the valve
manuFdcturer's plant. 'The test requirements cover both
required and optional pressure tests at the valve nianufac- 2 Inspection, Examination, and
turer's plant. Supplementary Examination
1.1.3 The following tests and examinations are specified in 2.1 INSPECTION AT THE VALVE
a. Shell test. 'The p~lrchaserwill specify in the purchase ordcr his inten-
b. Backseat test. tion to inspect valves and witness tests and exaniinations at the
c. Low-pressure closure test. valve manufacturer's plant. T'he purchaser's inspector shall
d. I ligh-pressure closure test. have free access to any part of the plant concerned with manu-
e. Visual exan~inationof castings. facture of the valves whenever work on the ordcr is under way.
f. High-pressure pneumatic shell test.
1.2.1 The most recent c d ~ t ~ o on sf the follown~gstanciards. When the purchaser specifics that the inspection will
codes. and spcc~ficationsarc c~tctiIn tli~s5tandaid: inclutlc shell components manut'actureti at locations other
than the valve manufacturer's plant, these conlponents shall
be subject to tlie purchaser's inspection at the location where
they are manufactured.


When iiispection by the purchaser is specified. the valve
nianufacturer shall notify thc purchaser 5 working days prior to
the required valve testing and any specified supplementary
inspections or examinations, ;iddressing the notice as stated in
'ASME Intemntional. 3 Park Avenue, NCIV\jOrk, New York 10016. tlie purchase order. 'The valw manufacturer shall also give tlie
?vlanuf:dcturers Standardi~ationSociety uf the Valve and Fittings purchaser 5 working days' notice of where and when shell
1nctust1-y,Inc.. 127 Park Street, N.F., Vienna. Virginia 22180. components manufkctured outside the valve manufactt~rer's
www.niss-hy.con1 plant may be inspected, if such inspection is required.
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


Table I-A-Pressure Tests

'lest Dcvxiption Rutrertly and

Gate Ci lobe Plug Check Floating Ball
Shell Required Required Required Required Required Recluilrd
Backseats Rcquircd Required NA NA NA NA
Low-prcssure Closure Required OptionalC Required" Optionalc Required Rcquircd
Nigh-pxssure C:losured Optional" Requirede Optionalb " Required Optional" .' Optionalc%
Notes: NA -Not applicable.
"The bachse;rt test i s required for all valves. except fbr bellows seal valves. that have the backseiit feature.
b ~ olubricated
r plug valves, the high-pressure closure tcst is mandatory and the low-pressure closure test is optional.
CWl~cn the purchaser specifies an "optional" tcst, the tcst shall be perfonned in addition to the required tests.
JThc high-pressul-eclosorc tcst of resilient-seatedvalvcs may degrade subsequent scaling performance in low-pressure service.
Vor power-operated 311d manually operated gear actuated globe valves, including non-return type globe valves. the high-pressure
closure test shall be pcrfonned at 1 10'?/0of the design differential pressure used for sizing of the operator.
('4 high-pressure closure tcst is required for all \alvcs specified to be double block and bled valves.

2.4 EXTENT OF INSPECTION fied. 'These examinations shall be made by the valve
~nanufacturer stlbject to witnessing by the purchaser's
Thc extent of inspection may be specified in the purchase
order and, unless otherwise indicated, will be limited to the
3 PressureTests
a. Inspection of the valve during assembly to ensure compli-
ance with the specifications of the purchase order. Inspection 3.1 TEST LOCATION
may include thc use of specified nondestructive n~cthods. Pressure tcsts shall be performed by the ~ a l v emanufric-
b. Witnessing of the rcqirircd and specified optional pressure turer at the valw manufiicturcr':, plant.
tests and cxaminations.
c. Witnessing of any supplementary examinations (see 2.6). 3.2 TEST EQUIPMENT
d. Review of n~illrecords and nondestructive exaniination
The equipment used by the valve n~anuhcturerto pcrfonn
records (including specified radiographs).
the required pressure tests shall not apply external forces that
affect seat leakage. If an end-clamping fixtc~reis used. the
valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the test
2.5.1 A visual examination shall be perfonned by the valve fixture does not aKect the seat sealing capability of the valve
nianufacturer of all castings of bodies. bonnets. covers, and being tested. End clamping is allowed for valves designed to
closure elements to assure conformance with MSS SP-55. function between mating flanges. such as wafer check and
wafer butterfly valves.
2.5.2 The valve manufiicturcr shall examine cach valve to
assure conipliance with this standard and the referenced pur-
chase specilication (e.g.. APl Std 590).
3.3.1 The pressure tests listed in Thble I-A or I-B shall be
2.5.3 All examinat1on5 shall be perfomled In accortk~ncc
performed on cach valve in accordance with written proce-
w t h wrltten procedures that comply w ~ t hthe applicable stan-
dures that co~nplywith this standard.
3.3.2 At the manufacturer':, opt~on,the backsedt test for
2.6 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION vahes that hake the backseat feature ma) be elther a h~gh-
pressure or a low-pressure test unlew stated othenv~se~n the
Supplementary types of examination are required only if
purchase orde~.
specified in the purchase order and only to the extent speci-
ticd. Magnetic particle, radiographic, liquid penetrant. and 3.3.3 Valves NPS 4 and snxiller having prcssurc ratings up
ultrasonic examination of steel castings or forgings shall be to and including ASME Class 1500 and valves larger than
in accordance with Part X of ASME I3 16.34 01. with the pur- NI'S 4 having pressure ratings up to and including A S M t
chaser's own procedures and acceptance criteria, if so speci- Class 600 shall be tested in accordance with Table 1-11.
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


Table I-A-Pressure Tests

'lest Dcvxiption Rutrertly and

Gate Ci lobe Plug Check Floating Ball
Shell Required Required Required Required Required Recluilrd
Backseats Rcquircd Required NA NA NA NA
Low-prcssure Closure Required OptionalC Required" Optionalc Required Rcquircd
Nigh-pxssure C:losured Optional" Requirede Optionalb " Required Optional" .' Optionalc%
Notes: NA -Not applicable.
"The bachse;rt test i s required for all valves. except fbr bellows seal valves. that have the backseiit feature.
b ~ olubricated
r plug valves, the high-pressure closure tcst is mandatory and the low-pressure closure test is optional.
CWl~cn the purchaser specifies an "optional" tcst, the tcst shall be perfonned in addition to the required tests.
JThc high-pressul-eclosorc tcst of resilient-seatedvalvcs may degrade subsequent scaling performance in low-pressure service.
Vor power-operated 311d manually operated gear actuated globe valves, including non-return type globe valves. the high-pressure
closure test shall be pcrfonned at 1 10'?/0of the design differential pressure used for sizing of the operator.
('4 high-pressure closure tcst is required for all \alvcs specified to be double block and bled valves.

2.4 EXTENT OF INSPECTION fied. 'These examinations shall be made by the valve
~nanufacturer stlbject to witnessing by the purchaser's
Thc extent of inspection may be specified in the purchase
order and, unless otherwise indicated, will be limited to the
3 PressureTests
a. Inspection of the valve during assembly to ensure compli-
ance with the specifications of the purchase order. Inspection 3.1 TEST LOCATION
may include thc use of specified nondestructive n~cthods. Pressure tcsts shall be performed by the ~ a l v emanufric-
b. Witnessing of the rcqirircd and specified optional pressure turer at the valw manufiicturcr':, plant.
tests and cxaminations.
c. Witnessing of any supplementary examinations (see 2.6). 3.2 TEST EQUIPMENT
d. Review of n~illrecords and nondestructive exaniination
The equipment used by the valve n~anuhcturerto pcrfonn
records (including specified radiographs).
the required pressure tests shall not apply external forces that
affect seat leakage. If an end-clamping fixtc~reis used. the
valve manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate that the test
2.5.1 A visual examination shall be perfonned by the valve fixture does not aKect the seat sealing capability of the valve
nianufacturer of all castings of bodies. bonnets. covers, and being tested. End clamping is allowed for valves designed to
closure elements to assure conformance with MSS SP-55. function between mating flanges. such as wafer check and
wafer butterfly valves.
2.5.2 The valve manufiicturcr shall examine cach valve to
assure conipliance with this standard and the referenced pur-
chase specilication (e.g.. APl Std 590).
3.3.1 The pressure tests listed in Thble I-A or I-B shall be
2.5.3 All examinat1on5 shall be perfomled In accortk~ncc
performed on cach valve in accordance with written proce-
w t h wrltten procedures that comply w ~ t hthe applicable stan-
dures that co~nplywith this standard.
3.3.2 At the manufacturer':, opt~on,the backsedt test for
2.6 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION vahes that hake the backseat feature ma) be elther a h~gh-
pressure or a low-pressure test unlew stated othenv~se~n the
Supplementary types of examination are required only if
purchase orde~.
specified in the purchase order and only to the extent speci-
ticd. Magnetic particle, radiographic, liquid penetrant. and 3.3.3 Valves NPS 4 and snxiller having prcssurc ratings up
ultrasonic examination of steel castings or forgings shall be to and including ASME Class 1500 and valves larger than
in accordance with Part X of ASME I3 16.34 01. with the pur- NI'S 4 having pressure ratings up to and including A S M t
chaser's own procedures and acceptance criteria, if so speci- Class 600 shall be tested in accordance with Table 1-11.
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A


Table I -B-Pressure Tests

Valves: NF'S 5 3 & ASMIi ('lass 1500
NPS 2.1& ASME C'lass 600 ;.
Valve Type

rest Oescription Ruttertly and

Gate Globe Plug Check Floating Ball Mounted Ball
Shell Required Required Required Required RequiredRequired
t3acliscata Required Required Nt2 1V.A NA Nh
Low-pressure Closulc Optionali' Optionalb Optional" Optionalt' Required Optionalb
Ifigh-pressure Closurc' Required ~cquired~ Required Required optionalh. Rcqui~ed
Notes: S.4 Not appliciible.
T h e backseat test is required fbr all vulves, except t i r bellows seal vdvz.;, that hwe the backseat feature.
hWhcn an "optional" tcst is spccitied by the purchaser. the tcst shall be perfonned in acidition to the required tcsts.
iThc high-pressure closure tcst of resilient-seated \:alves may degrade subsequent scaling perforn~ancein law-prcssure service.
d ~ opower-operated
r and manually operated gear actuated globe valves, including non-return type globe valves. the high-pressure
closure tcst shsll be pcrfor~ncdat 1 I O?/O of the design dit'icrential pressure used for sizing of the operator.
'A high-pressure closure tcqt ir rcquircct for all valves spcciticd to be double block and blcctl valvcr.

The purchaser may elect to rcqulre an "optional" pressure than that of water. Unless otherwise specified in the purchase
test 111 'liiblc I-A. requisition. the tcst fluid tcnipcraturc shall be within the range
41 "F (5%') to 122°F (50°C:).
3.3.4 Valves NPS 4 and smaller having pressure ratings
greater than rZSMtl Class 1500 and valves larger than NPS 4 3.6.2 For the low-pressure closure and low-pressure back-
having pressure ratings greater than ASMti Class 600 shall be seat tests, the test fluid shall be air or inert pas.
tested in accordance with Table 1-13.
3.6.3 When air or gas IS used foi closure, shell, or backseat
The purchaser may elect to rcqulrc an "opt~onal" pressure tcsts, the valve manufacturer shall be c;tpablc ofdcmonstiat-
test 111Table I -R ing the adequacy of the method oflcahagc dctcctmn.

3.4 HIGH-PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST 3.6.4 Water used for any test may contain water-soluble oil
I he high-pressure closure test is required for several valve
or rust inhibitor. LVhcn specified by the purchaser, a wetting
agent shall be iticluded in the water. For testing of austenitic
types, as shown in Table I-A and I-B. For the valve types for
, , . steel valves. water with chloride content not execti-
which, according to Table I-A and 1-B, the high-pressure clo- ing 100 parts per million shall be used. The valve manufac-
sure test is optional. the valves are still required to be able to
turer shall be able to document the chloride content.
pass the test (as a test of the design of the valve closure struc-
ture). Results of tests confirming the capacity of the valve 3.7 TEST PRESSURES
design to pass the high-pressure closure test shall be supplied
when requested in the inquiry purchase requisition. or by the 3.7.1 The shell tcst pressure shall be as l i ~ t e din Tiblc 2.
3.7.2 Other test pressures shsll be as llstcd in Table 3
When specified by thc purchase ordcl; a high-pressure
pneumatic shell tcst shall be perfo~med.This tcst shall be pcr- Fol each q p e of tcst, the rcquxed test pressure shall be
f o ~ ~ n eafter
d the hydrostatic shell test. using appropdzde for at least the mnuniunl tune spec~ficdIn Table 4.
safety precautions. t h e pncuniatic shell tcst pressure shall be
I 10% of the maxinium allowable pressure at 100°F (38°C')or
as specified in the purchase order. Visible leakage is not 3.9.1 Shell, Stem Seals, and Backseat
allowed. For shell tests. visually detectable leakage through
3.6 TEST FLUID the pressure boundary walls and any fixed body joint is not
3.6.1 For shell. high-pressure backseat. and high-pressure
closure tests. the test Huid shall be air, inert gas, kerosene, For backseat tests, visually detectable leakage is
water, or a non-corrosive liquid with a viscosity not higher not permitted.
Licença de uso exclusivo para CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVAÇÃO S/A

4 598

Table 2-Shell Test Pressure

I Dnct~le11on
Valve Type C laj\

3 00
Pounds per Squae Inch


NPS 13-38

NPS 2-12
NPS 12-23
F'langcd I50 2500 h

Rutt~veld 150 - 4500 b

Threaded" and Socketwcld 800 c
150 4500
- - -
i I I I I
" ASME I3 16.34 limits threadztl-end valves to Class 2500 and lower.
" Per ASMli Rl6.34.
'' For C'lass 800 valves, the shell test pressure shall be 1 I/: times the pt-essure rating at 100°F (38°C').
rounded off to the next higher increment of 25 pounds per square in. gauge (or I bar) (see Table 2 of'
API Std 602).

Table 3-Other Test Pressures

Test Pounck per Bdl

Square Inch
\Ql\ es Fvcept Buttelfly m d Check
Hlgh-pressure closure and h;tckwat " h
I o w p r e s w x closure and b,tckscatJ I 60 1 00 1 4 7
Butterfly Valvc
High-pressure closure c
Lowpressure closure I
1 60 --- 100 4.. 7
Check Valvc
High-pressure closure
Class I25 (cast iron)
NPS 2-12 200 14
NPS 14-48 150 II
Class 250 (cast iron)
NPS 2-12 500 ? -
1 I
NPS. 14-74
300 I
2 1
Clci5s I50 (duct~le~ r o n ) 250 17
Class 300 (ctuctlle iron) I 640 44
Carbon. alloy, stainless steel, cind h
special alloys
I .ow-nressure c l o s ~ r e(See Tables L A and I - R )
60 - 100 4-7

"The backseat test is leyuired ihr all valves that have this feature.
"I 10% of maximum allowable pressure at 100°F (38°C) in accordance with the

applicable purchase specification.
I0"& of design diRerential pressure at 100°F (38°C) in accordance with the appli-
cable p~lrchascspecification.
dSinglc values shown are minimum test pressures. A range of values indicates both
minimum and maximum test pressures.
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Table 4-Duration of Required Test P r e s s u r e

Minimum Test Duratiotm (Seconds)"

Shell Backseat Closure
Va 1e 5'.
I -
(NPS) All Valves
Check Valves with Backseat C e c k Valves
(API Std 594) Other Valves I'cature (API Std 594) Other Valves

Note: "The tcst duration is the period of inspection after the wlve is fully prepared and is under full

Table 5-Maximum Allowable L e a k a g e R a t e s for Closure Tests

All Metal-szatcd Valves Except Check Metal-seated Check Valves

Valve Size All Resilient ILiquid TesP (;as Tcsl (Bubbles
(NPS) Seated Valwsh (Drops Per Minute) Per Minute) I.,iquitl Test (;as T e ~ t
52 0 oh Ob d

?Ii? - 6 O 12 24 c d
8 - 12 0 20 40 c 11

2 14 0 e f C 11

:'For the liquid test. I rnillilitcr is considered cquivalcnt to 16 drops.
hThcrc shall be no leakage for thc minimum specified tcst duration (scc Iablc 4). For liquid tmt, 0 &ops
nmems no visihle leakage pcr niinirnurn ~pecifiedtest duration. For gas test, 0 buhhles rneans less than
I bubble per lninimum speciiicd test tluratinn.
"The maximuin permissible leakage rate shall be 0. I X cubic in. (3 cubic centimeters) per minute per in. of
norninal pipe s i x .
*~e maximum pevmissible leakage rate shall be I .5 standard cubic ft (0.042cubic meter) of gas per haul. per
in. cil'nominal pipe s i x .
T o r valves greater than or equal to NPS 14, the maximum pcmmissible leakage rate shall he 2 drops per
minute per in. KPS.
h r valves greater than or equal to NPS 14, the maximum pcnnissible leakage rate shall be 4 bubbles per
minute per in. NPS. For valves with adjustable stem seals, leakage 3.9.2 For both the low-pressure closure test and the high-
through the stem seals during the shell test shall not be cause pressure closure test, visual evidence of leakage through the
for rejection. However. the manufactuser shall demonstrate that disk, behind the seat rings. or past the s h a f seals (of valves
the sten1 seals are capable of retaining pressure at least equal to that have this feature) is not permitted and structural d a m
the 100°F (38°C) valve rating without visible leakage. age is not pcmlitted. (Plastic [permanent] deformation of
resilient scats and seals is not considcrcd structural dam- For valves with non-adjustable stem seals (o-rings,
agc.) The allowable rate for leakage of test fluid at the scat-
fixed single rings, and the like). visually detectable leakage
sealing surface intcrfrice, for the duration of the tests. is
during the shell test is not pemiitted.
listed in Table 5. Where no visual detectable leakage is permitted,
3.9.3 The allowable Icakage sate tbr closure tests of valves
the following definitions apply:
with nonmetallic (c.g., ceramic) seat materials shall be equal to
a. If thc test f l u d 1s a Ilqu~d,there shall be no \ ~ b l e\~denee
c that spec~ficdIn Table 5 for a metal-seated ~ a l v cof cqu~wlcnt
of dmps or \bett~ngofthc extcrn,il surfices of the test d c e size and type.
b. If the test tl~utiis air or inert gas, no leakage w ~ l lhc
re\ealcd by thc establ~\hcddetect~onmethod.
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6 598

4 Pressure Test Procedures 4.4 LOW-PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST

4.1 GENERAL 4.4.1 The low-pressure closure test shall bc perfouneci with
the seat scaling surface interhce clean and free fiom oil,
4.1 . I Valves designed to permit emergency or supplemen- grease, and sealant. if necessary to prevent galling, the seal-
tal introduction of an injectable sealant to the scat area shall ing surfaccs nxly be coated with a fihn o f oil that is not
be tested with the injection system empty and not in use. heavier than Iterosene. 7 his requirement does not apply to a
except for lubricated plug valves. valve that uses a lubricant as its primary seal (e.g.. lubricated
4.1.2 When a liquid is used as the test fluid. the valve shall plug valves).
be essentially free from trapped air during the test. 4.4.2 Any leakage at the seat sealing surface interface,
4.1.3 Required protective coatings, such as paint, which behind the seat ring. or through the disk on the open side 01'
may mask surface defects, shall not bc applied to any surtkcc the valve shall be detected when bubbles are observed com-
before inspection or pressure testing. (I'liosphatizing and sim- ing from the closure (disk. seat. and seat ring). which is either
ilar chetnical cowersion processes used to protect valve strr- covered with water or coated with a soap or similar solution.
faces are acceptable even if applied before the tests, provided As an alternative, displacement measuring devices may be
that they will not seal offporosity.) used, provided that the detectable leakage rate is equivalent to
4.1.4 Whcn closure testing valves, the valve manufac- that given in Table 5. the valve ~nanufieturercan demonstrate
turer's test procedure shall ensure that excessive force is not and validate that the procedure yields results equivalent to the
used to close the valve. The applied ibrce may be deter- requirements of this standard, and the device has been accepted
mined from the appropriate figures in MSS SP-9 1, but in by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
any case shall not exceed the values published by the valve Bubbler testing, when used for valves larger than NPS 3, shall
n~anufhcturer. only be acceptable when agreed to by the purchaser.
When volumetric devices (bubblers) are used to measure
4.1.5 l h e valve shall be visually examined t'c~r leakage leakage. the test duration shall not begin until flow through
after it has been fdly prepared and IS under full test pressure. the test tubing is established and stabilired. I'he device shall
be calibrated to yield results equivalent to the units per minute
4.2 BACKSEAT TEST listed in Table 5. Volumetric devices shall be calibrated with
4.2.1 '['he biickscat test is required for all valvcs, except for the same test fluid and at the same temperahlre as used for the
bellows seal valves. that have the backseat feature and shall prodaction tests.
be perfornied by applying pressure inside the assembled 4.4.3 When closure testing gate, plug, and ball valves, the
valve with the valve euds closed. the \,alve fully open. and the valve manufacturer shall use a method of testing seat leakage
packing gland loose or packing not installed. If the backseat that fills and fully pressurizes the body cavity to the test pres-
test is perfornied after the shell test, the packing shall be sure between the seats and the bonnet area, as applicable,
installed andor packing glands rc-tightened after the backseat with the test fluid. This will ensure that no seat leakage can
test. The successful cornplction of the backscat test shall not cscape detection because of gradual filling of these \/olumes
be construed as a recomn~endationby thc valve manufacturer during the test period.
that, while the valve is pressurized. the valve stutfing box
may bc repacked or the packing may be replaced. For a valve (other than a double block-and-bleed valve or
globe valve) designed to close against pressure from either
4.2.2 For valves 4 in. h'PS and smaller, the backseat test direction. the pressure shall be applied successively to each
may be combined with the shell test when volumetric sidc of the closed valvc with the other sitk open to the atmo-
devices are used to monitor leakage from thc shcll and back- sphere to check for leakage at the atnlospheric side of the clo-
seat. When tested by this method, the packing shall be sure. For a globe valve. pressure shall be applied in one
loose. The manufacturer shall be responsible for demon- direction with the pressure applied under the disk.
strating that the packing will not leak at the valve's rated For a valve designed to closc against pressure from one
pressure at 100°F (38°C). direction only and so marked, the pressure shall be applied on
the pressure side of the valvc only. For a check valve, the
4.3 SHELL TEST pressure shall be applied on the downstream sidc.
Except as provided in 4.2.2. the shell test shall be made by For a tfouble block-anti-bleed valve, the pressure shall be
applying thc pressure inside the assembled v;ilve with thc applied successively to each sidc of the closure through the
valve ends closed, the valve partially open, and any packing valve port. Leakage into the body cavity between the seats
gland tight enough to maintain the test pressure, thereby, shall be checked thl.ough observation at a tapped opening
except for bellows seal valves, testing the stuffing box. between the seats. Valves shall be tested with the stem in the
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vertical upright position. I.e;ikagc from the scats shall not 4.5 HIGH-PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST
exceed rates shown in T;~blt.5 .
4.5.1 The procedure for the high-pressure closure tcst shall
4 closure test is required only in one direction for butterfly
bc the same as the procedure for thc low-pressure closurc tcst
valves furnished with encapsulation or resilient internal liners
except that, in the case of a liquid tcst. leakage shall he detected
anti dcsignctl for use with C'II~SS 125 or ('lass 150 flanges when tirops. not bubbles as described in 4.4 are obse~ved.
(APl Std 609 Category A valves). For other resilicnt-seated
butterfly ~ l v c CAP1
s Std 609 Category B \ralves). thc closure
tcst is required in both directions. For valves with a prefc~~cd 5 Valve Certification and Retesting
flow direction. the closure test in the non-preferred direction 5.1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
shall be based on the reduced differential pressure rating in
that direction. When specified by the purchaser, the valve ~nanufacturer
shall suhrnit to the purchaser a certificate o f compliance as
4.4.4 Trapping test air or gas in the body cavity between required in the purchase order.
the scats of a one-piece (solid or flexible) wedge gate valvc
and subst.quently covering tho scats with water or coating 5.2 RE-TESTING
them with soap or a similar solution tfocs not constitute an
acceptable low-pressure closure tcst. A completed valve does not require re-testing unless
inspection by the purchaser is specified in the purchase
4.4.5 If a tapped connection in the body cavity is made to order. This re-testing may be waived by the purchaser's
permit testing procedures described under double block- inspector upon written certification by the manufacturer that
and-bleed valve in 4.4.3, the connection shall be in accor- the valve has been inspected. tested; and examined for con-
dance with MSS SP-45 and shall be fitted before shipment formance with the requirements of this stantfard. Painted
with a solid pipe plug (in accordance with ANSI B1h.l I) valves need not have paint removed for re-testing. Stored
whose material composition is equivalent to that of the valves shall be corntncrcially cleaned hefore re-testing anti
valvc shell. before shipment.
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