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Creative Writing Portfolio

Muhammad Ali Bilal

Section K

Submitted to: Dr Munib Khan

Date: 29th May, 2023

Table of Contents
Embracing the transition to adulthood – Narration of an undergrad student....................................4
Significant event of Ali’s Life.............................................................................................................8
Love for Animals..............................................................................................................................9
Covid 19 Pandemic.........................................................................................................................10
The support that lasts.....................................................................................................................11
Reflection on life’s ending..............................................................................................................13
One place two stories.....................................................................................................................15
One Way........................................................................................................................................19
My Family......................................................................................................................................20
Time Is Short..................................................................................................................................21
City of Saints..................................................................................................................................21
Self love.........................................................................................................................................22

This portfolio of creative writing, where stories have profoundly shaped who I am. These stories
start from my thoughts and experiences, sometimes elaborate over their lives, yet never end to
teach valuable lessons about life. They provide me with a way to unveil the meanings behind
different aspects in the real world. These stories come together as little windows opposite my
own experiences that are translated into words that can be easily spoken in front of you. Listen
closely to the distinct voices of these people belonging to various backgrounds struggling to
understand each other through their rhythmic journeys of exploration under one big umbrella
called storytelling.
Embracing the transition to adulthood – Narration of an undergrad

I often used to wonder what it takes for someone to give up on the naiveness of life and turn into

a version of themselves who happily revolves around responsibilities. I looked up towards my

father and always used to question to myself, what did it take for him to turn into the man that he

is today from someone who would’ve just been like me? What could’ve been that turning point

of his life which made him disassociate himself from what was his regular life and turn into

someone who casually is now living a life providing for us, his family.

With every year that I grew up, I realized that I too am giving up on a lot of things. My biggest

fantasy at 15 wasn’t buying a brand-new tennis balls set anymore, something that I’d die to have

at 10, it was buying a gaming console now. I too as a teenager was evolving over the passage of

time. Different things now provided me with the same level of exuberance and joy which was

earlier provided by different things. We all evolve, it’s a constant. That’s what I had begun to

realize very early on in my age, that it is inevitable to not attain the same level of happiness

whenever it is attached to any materialistic thing.

When I came in high school, it wasn’t the fragrance of fresh new course books which excited

me, it was the steps I took into the big halls where the big boys used to study. The feeling of

finally being able to accomplish this feat now enticed the same level of excitement in me which

was earlier done by my mother and me packing a protective sheet over the new course books one

week before the start of new term at school. But it was at 18 that I began to realize all these

transitions of happiness in my life. Is it so hard to remain committed to something as a source of

happiness? If I forget the value of something so easily, am I a loyal person? Do I have what it

takes to continue a relationship for decades? Am I a misfit in this romanticized world where

strength of relationships in our lives is defined by their longevity?

With all these questions popping up in my mind, eventually pushing me into an existential crisis,

I went to my dad. I asked him straight up: “how have you loved mom only for the last 20 years

and not any other woman”. Big mistake, right? I didn’t realize it then. Thankfully, my dad sat me

down and replied in a very soft tone: “Because it was a choice to love her everyday and for me,

this has been the easiest choice I have had to make in my entire life”. It took me a few minutes to

comprehend what he just answered, obviously, I’m a 18 year old with currently in deep

existential crisis. Luckily, my dad had to answer a call which provided me the opportunity to

comprehend what he just said. I went back to my room and began to establish one solid

conclusion out of this conversation. That it’s always a choice. A choice to continue valuing

something the same way you did before. A choice to attach the same emotions to something

every day. A choice to never fall astray and making an effort to keep the constants in your life. It

was my choice to forget the value of that tennis balls set and replace it with a gaming console. It

was a choice that I made to replace the joy of getting fresh new course books with that of

walking into the big halls of high school. Somewhere deep down, it’s a very sub-conscious

choice. But we make choices like this every day. And I believe, these choices are what defines us

as a human being and play a pivotal role in how we manage the relationships with others as well

as ourselves in our lives.

When this 18-year-old walked into his university, he now had a clear lesson in mind: Make wise

choices and stick to them. Whether that be the friends that I make, the industry that I plan to

pursue a career in, the passions which I ought to follow, the majors that I decide. It’s small steps
of loyalty which eventually shape your life-long commitment to something. Now since I had to

make wise choices, I became extra particular about them. Now I felt responsible to remain

committed to what I choose, so I made the process of choosing pretty extensive. I didn’t just

make friends which I won’t remember four years from now, just like my friends from high

school whom I’m barely in contact with now. Instead, I strived to make meaningful

relationships. Relationships that I knew I could sustain for long.

I firmly began to believe that every individual adult is a product of their circumstances and the

choices they make in those circumstances. Which fosters the very thought of individuality and

indifference. No two individuals are a 100% same because there is no chance in the world that

they’ve gone through the same circumstances in life and exhibited similar reaction to each

situation, nor were the consequences of those reactions the same. Many alumni used to come and

tell us about how much they miss this time at university and how we should enjoy it to the

fullest. I disagreed with them then, I disagree with them now. These moments right here may

probably be the best that I’ve lived yet, but surely not the best that I’ll ever live. Who knows

what life has planned for me ahead? Again, it’s a choice to look at your current life with remorse

and despise the past memories that you have lived while continuing your life in a constant quest

to bring back those times. What this essentially does is that you’re never happy in your present.

You’d consistently contemplate about it because you’ve made a clear choice to do everything in

your power to bring back those times of your past. You only deem those moments as good

memories and by doing so there’s a high chance that you’re remaining completely oblivious to

the current good in your life and where is it taking you. If you constantly reminisce and regret,

you’ll probably never feel the same exuberance anymore. You’ll remain a dead plant who

consistently needs someone to water them, nurture them so that they can operate well. I don’t
want life to be like that. I want to embrace the change that’s coming. I want to embrace the

transition from teenage to adulthood. Every new phase of life now excites me. Because by the

end of the day, whether you’re ready for it or not, change is inevitable. With every passing phase

of my life, I’ll be walking out as a different product. And I just want to make sure that product is

always an improved version and never someone who becomes redundant easily. This is a choice

to live a happy life. This is a choice to remain loyal to yourself. This is a choice that I owe to the

people around me to help them grow and build upon the foundations of meaningful relationships

that I’ve laid down with them.

The responsibilities have begun to hit. I’m cognizant of the fact that I’m not the same human

being anymore and nor are the expectations from me the same. The world around me now

demands a different version of me to excel at life. Me and all my fellow comrades have two clear

options ahead: Continue living in this bubble of teenage until it bursts at shatters you down since

you won’t be able to cope up with the fast-paced adult life, or, make a choice to embrace this

change, be prepared for it and face it heads on. This time, it’s a choice for yourself.

Significant event of Ali’s Life

Ali experienced a momentous event in his life when he twice narrowly avoided death, both times

thanks in large part to the city of Islamabad.

When Ali was just 18 years old, he was saved for the first time. After a midnight party, he was

returning home, and the highways were empty. His car suddenly slammed into a drunk driver in

a speeding car, sending it spinning out of control and flipping over. Ali lost consciousness when

his head struck the windscreen. Fortunately, a passing ambulance noticed the accident and

arrived quickly. Ali required urgent treatment for a head injury at the closest hospital after being
taken there. That evening, Ali's life was spared by the advanced healthcare facilities and fast

responsive system in Islamabad.

When Ali was nineteen years old, he was saved a second time. Everything in his life was going

well, and he had recently begun college. He eventually passed out after experiencing a sudden,

severe stomach ache. After his friends took him to the hospital, the staff there determined that he

had acute appendicitis. Although the procedure was successful, Ali suffered from a serious

infection while recuperating. The physicians made every effort to keep the illness under control,

but it quickly spread and Ali's condition worsened. Islamabad's medical resources and

experience saved him once more. He was moved to a prestigious hospital in Islamabad, where he

got expert care and therapy. After being in the hospital for a month, Ali eventually recovered and

could continue his studies.

Ali became aware of the value of life and the contribution his city contributed to his survival as a

result of these two occurrences. He began to be appreciative of Islamabad's cutting-edge

facilities, skilled medical staff, and quick response system. He also vowed to himself to cherish

each moment and live life to the fullest. For Ali, Islamabad evolved into more than just a

metropolis; it became the role of his guardian angel, watching over him and keeping him safe.

Love for Animals

My love for animals developed when I was a kid , my father used to take me with him every

Sunday to his friend's house as his friend was crazy about animals. As i grew up i really wanted a

pet in my house but my mother was not willing for this to happen but somehow my father
brought me a dog named Bruno it was a Labrador. It's been 6 years since i have that dog with

me. And whenever I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is to take my dog for a walk. The

things I adore about my dog is that he is very friendly and he gets easily adjusted with the

randoms which is a very good sign. Whenever he hears the horn of my car he would come

running towards me and start jumping on me and he loves to get rubbed on its back. On Sundays

we usually get together at our farmhouse where many of my family members bring their pets

with them and I always found Bruno playing with them. And whenever I give Bruno his favorite

meal he licks my hands after that which gives me immense satisfaction. My love for Bruno will

never end, knowing the fact he cannot speak but he is the only one who stays beside me

whenever I need someone.

Covid 19 Pandemic

During the pandemic many people lost their loved ones which they thought they will never lose.

Covid changed the lives of many people as everyone was protecting themselves by just staying at

home which adversely affect the masses as they had nothing left to feed their families and many

people stored the food items in their houses due to which many people faced shortages and prices

of the commodities were drastically increased.

Apart from this I lost my grandfather in this pandemic and I still cannot believe that he is not

with us and my grandfather was my role model and my mentor , he always supported me in

every phase of my life. My grandfather was tested covid positive and he was admitted in the

hospital and we were not even allowed to meet him as he was in the covid ward.

The death of my grandfather made it very hard for me get over depression and anxiety. He

always made me feel so happy and when i used to get flashbacks about my grandfather i use to
get panic attacks. Apart from my grandfather, my best friend passed away in this pandemic

which made my life so devastating and i could never forget the condition of my family after the

loss of my grandfather and how this tragedy changed my entire family life.

The support that lasts

Countless people crossed my path in my journey of life, but the only people who stayed by my

side through thick and thin are the people I call my family. They embraced the real me. They

know all my faults and flaws but accepted me regardless. I am the only son of my parents, and It

Is my responsibility to make sure that their pride on me remains firm forever.

A glimpse of my wrongdoings and my parents rescuing me from my company is a tale that made

me who I am today. I was a young teenage bloke who joined college and was fascinated by the

new and lively life. I was very weak in my college life and since everyone was in a growing age

at that time, various boys started bullying me and I was body shamed because of my weight. I

would cry in my room and hesitate to go to the college. My father thought that it was because of

my lack of motivation and he asked me to join the best academy in town but I did not have the

guts to tell my dad that I was feeling less of myself because I never wanted him to be upset

because of me.

We all find our ways out in desperate times, and so did I. there was this group of boys who had

issues like me but they had the attention of everyone in the college because they were those ‘cool

boys’ around. They would spend most of their time in smoking and bunking their classes. I

joined their group and started feeling important as everyone would want to be my friend since I

was now that cool boy who owned a fancy car and was on drugs. My health started deteriorating
and I found an escape in the drugs. I would come home in a high state. My parents started

worrying about me as I was not on my best behavior. My progress reports started getting the red

lines that everyone was afraid of.

One day, I decided to go out and play football with my new friends and we headed towards the

park of sector B where we were playing football and a group of young girls passed by. One of

my friends cat called the girl to which she got exasperated and started walking towards us. I

quickly told my friend to apologize as I knew that this was not right. The girl stepped up and

slapped him straight on his face. My friend had anger issues and like I mentioned before, they

were all toxic. My friend tried to hit her back and the situation ended up taking up the form of a

big dispute and the police got involved. I tried to run but I couldn’t as they would not spare me if

they find out that I ran away.

I was too scared to face my parents as I waited for them in the cell. The police had found out

everything about us and I was too ashamed to see my parents. After 2 hours, I could hear my

father negotiating with the police officer. His voice was trembling as he never imagined that I

would end up doing something like this. My father bailed me out and I could not face him on our

way back/ he held my hand softly before we entered the home and said;

‘Beta, we all make mistakes. You are our only son, our only hope. We are disappointed but not

hopeless. We still believe in you and I know that my son is capable of doing something great in

life. Please don’t let me down again.’

Tears were running down my face as I could see how much my dad actually loved me. As I

entered the home, my mother stood there wearing a black shall and her ace depicted how

embarrassed she felt but she came running towards me and asked me if I was okay. What did I
do to deserve them? I promised my parents that I would never let the negativity of other affect

me ever again. My parents supported me and believed in me which is why I am where I am


My face even appeared in the news and the next day when I entered college, I could see

thousands of eyes questioning me silently but I stood tall in front of all of them and made sure

that no one ridiculed me this time. I started focusing on my education because I wanted to make

my parents proud.

During our board exams, I was shocked when I saw the woman sitting behind me in the center

during exam. It was the same girl with whom my friend had a dispute. Her face depicted fear

when she saw me but I decided to man up and own up my mistakes. I went towards her and told

her how sorry I was for everything that had happened that day and how I was willing to fix


A tear dropped down her eye and she forgave me by telling me that it was just my friend that she

wanted to hold accountable, not my whole group. After the results were announced, my parents

were so happy to see that I scored 80% marks in my college exams and that I made them proud.

From all the experiences in my life, I learnt how important the parents are and what a crucial role

they are playing in our lives. If we are blessed with understanding parents, then that is all that we

need. The whole world turn their back on you but even when you would be drowning in your

deepest mistakes, your parents and family would be there to hold your hand and help you to get

up and get back on your feet because at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water.
Reflection on life’s ending

what if I got to know that today was my last day. After this day I wouldn't live...I’ll maybe turn

into a star that shines. But will my star shine? Have I done enough good that my star can shine

brighter than the rest?

What if today was the last day I slept in my bed. What if for the rest of the eternity I had to sleep

in a grave after today..........what if today was the last day I saw myself in mirror, what if today

was the last time people saw me...and tomorrow they might open my picture in their gallery and

look at my face that is now decomposing in mud.

What If I died with or without fulfilling the purpose of my existence. What if I died and my

friends and family forget me, or what if I become the reason for their tears.

God knows when I will breath my last ... god knows when I will start my forever journey...god

knows if everyone thinks of leaving one day.

what if I die in the state of owing someone an apology or what if someone owes an apology to

me and they come meet me at my grave and ask for forgiveness ...

what if I leave with a smile and the people sitting with me are laughing and I close my eyes

seeing everyone laughing, happy and satisfied.

what if I died after fulfilling my reason of existence ...what if it was the right Time for me to

leave because if I stayed for one more moment the smiles might turn into rage and tears.

so let's not interfere in what god has planned for us ... let's live every moment as the last ...let's

not change when we can't and live

One place two stories

A day of sorrow, a day which changed my life forever Monday 6 am in the morning , 5th June

2018 my father came home on an ambulance with a dead body of my grandfather and when I

saw the dead body of my grandfather it seemed to have been standing without any ground

underneath. Hopelessness and helplessness are rather small words to describe what i went

through that day.

My grandfather mentioned in its will that he only wants to be buried in Miani sahab so me and

my father went to the graveyard to finalize the grave for him. From that day on onwards mian

sahab plays an important role in my life , at first when i used to go with my grandfather to this

graveyard i always use to ask one question from him ‘Dada jee ap qabristan kue jatay ha apko

dar nae lagta so he replied, ‘ beta jab koi apna marjata ha toh qabristan sa dar nae lagta ‘. Now i

understand what he meant. Whenever i go to this graveyard i feel different which makes my

mood flourish and i recall all the memories we had together. This was the first perspective.

On the other hand the second perspective is a little different. The perspective is of an individual

who fears going to this graveyard. His story begins in the city of Multan where his whole family

is settled. His father’s only wish was that one day one of his sons would get an admission into

Aitchison College. That day arrived as this individual got the admission and he was sent to the

schools boarding house in grade 2. It was a completely new environment for him, new people, a

whole new city and a new school to too it all off. This environmental was difficult for him to

cope with. He was getting bullied and teased every single day. Time didn’t seem to go by for

him. To end his misery his parents shifted him to his Nani’s house. From here on onwards he
developed a bond with his Nano unlike any other. His Nani was like his very own mother. She

used to feed him, listen to him and provide him with the comfort that one would get from his

very own mother. Life was going by peacefully and happily when suddenly he got the news that

his Nano was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. His world became upside down and everything

began to crumble. He could certainly not lose the one person in his life that he loved the most,

who had cared for him like his mother all his life. His Nano was admitted to the hospital and he

started spending all of his hours there. After a month of treatment her condition got worse. Soon

she was shifted to the ICU ward. There she spoke her last words to him. ‘Beta mujhe apnay aap

say dur kabhi mat karna’. His Nani jaan was 72 when she passed away. After he burried her he

came to the conclusion that he could never visit a graveyard ever again. How could he go to the

same graveyard that took his grandmother from him.


Beep, beep, beep. These sounds are a haunting side for every human being in a hospital.

Specially, for someone who isn’t ready for it. My father, admitted in a hospital for the first time

in my life. Me, well I was as clueless as I could ever be. I seemed to have been standing without

any ground underneath. Trun, trun, trunnn, his phone rang, all day long. And me, with no answer

to any of these calls, except that I’m a helpless child right now and my father will call you back

as soon as he’s in his senses. All the perceived evolution into manhood had come to a halt.

Hopelessness and helplessness are rather small words to define what I went through that one

night. My father’s health was deteriorating and so was my courage to deal with this situation.

With ambitious eyes of my family, looking towards me, pleading me to grab some courage and

step into my father’s shoes, to take control. All in one night, I went from the most frightened

man on planet earth to the most dauntless. I held my emotions and took the charge. With no
affirmation on my father’s health, I took his phone with me and went straight to the office. There

were some serious errands to be made in the office, otherwise a lifetime of devastation and regret

was to follow. A regret, that there was time, there was conscience, and all I needed to do was to

develop some courage and step out, step out for my father, step out to maintain the dignity of my

family, step out to begin the fight against the demons of fear residing inside of me.

With hands shaking, and the picture of my father lying in the ICU right in front of my eyes, I

stepped into the office. Waiting for me was my father’s chair. With the employees standing up to

greet me, and some even with perplexed faces out of not knowing who I was. None of them

anticipated the day before, to see me instead of my father. I stood by my father’s seat, for some

time, thinking. Thinking of the fact that whether am I even ready to sit in this seat? Whether am I

even competitive enough to be holding such prestige? Have I ever tried to earn this position? The

answers were all nothing but a big no. But, it was the need of the hour, and no matter how but I

had to stop doubting my skills and put the foot on the paddle, with as much throttle as I could

manage to produce.

Apart from being responsible for years of hard work of my father, sitting in that chair, I was

equally anxious about the effort he was putting in the hospital to combat a heart failure. I was

constantly being reported about how gallantly he was fighting the battle, while here was I, sitting

a room full with people I’ve seen for the first time in my life. Every news of improvement from

the hospital, produced an immense adrenaline rush, which motivated me to give my best shot at

every decision being made in the office. The enthusiasm, the zeal, the courage I had displayed at
that time made me acknowledge my capabilities and nullify and doubts whatsoever about my

abilities. I worked hard, harder than I ever could. All the office work wasn’t new to me, since I

did take interest in all of it since a very long time. But the real time situations, really brought me

down to my knees, with every news of improvement from my father’s side, giving me the

strength lift myself up.

This one night of my life changed my entire perception of myself. I always doubted my abilities,

why? Because I had never gotten a chance to judge them. I always thought that responsibilities

are proportional to your age. Been blessed to being born in a privileged house, this notion

seemed true. But that one night made me realize your true potential is only unleashed once

provided with circumstances that push you to your rock bottom and get the best out of you. From

that day onwards I strived to live every day of my life for a purpose. I adhered to the principle of

making the best out of every day. Grabbing all the opportunities that any day had for me and

capitalizing on them one by one, with the best I have in me. There is no such thing as

hypothetical manhood. By the end of our teenage we start to believe and affirm ourselves that

we’ve turned into a man, but in moments like that one night, you realize how miniature you are

in every essence and how growth is far beyond. And the first step towards growth is making

yourself believe that you’re now a part of the game.



Life is the most beautiful present from God so can’t imagine to waste it in regrets.

In my opinion, either we win or we learn.

Losing is never an option.

I want to fly, live, swim, drown, run, but never to stop!

Life is too short to wait

One Way

Stop asking her why she didn’t raise her voice over yours

Maybe she never knew she was the one in the first place

Stop asking her why she didn’t speak to someone about it

Maybe the only person she wanted to talk is you

My Family

We thought it would tighten the bond

We thought it would make us strong

But we forget that space is vital

Excess of anything is nothing but poison

It’s a test of patience and a test of heart

Whatever is yours they want it too

If I want a car they like it too

Will we now buy two or buy none

You guessed it its none of the fun

My house is our house two in the place of one

Do I call it my house am I allowed to?

Having one father was more than enough

Having two is just too much to handle

Some parts are good like a bigger lawn

I can get more eidi but it’s just once a year

This is the story of my joint family

Why is it necessary is just beyond me

Time Is Short

And while we sit and wait for life to walk hand in hand in our prefence

The world does not seize to exist

We often forget our time is short

Mortality itself lies hidden in plain sight

Only for the truest individual to truly understand

People may not be good but you can

So live, be kind and be comfort

For you, for yesterdays panic

City of Saints

In the heart of the city, buildings touch the clouds.

People move like waves, each with a destination, a dream.

Cars hum, sirens wail, life pulses,

as the city breathes in the chaos and exhales stories.


It’s the rare sighting of the people we love,

Who they were before complications clouded our lives

It’s the warmth of their smiles and the safety of their embrace that we miss

We never ask for anything more than that

A warm smile a pat on the back and an understanding conversation

Self love

A liability to you is yourself without the

Love you owe yourself

Accepted the risks of death

As to merely survive is not enough

I want to truly live

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