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State, Inc.
General Contractors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

DC-161 Contractual Notice #45


CONTRACT NO. 026113020

Route 295/42/I-76 Direct Connection

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

November 2, 2018
Route 295 /42 /I‐76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020

Contractor Correspondence No. #244

DC‐161 Contractual Notice #45 I‐11 Slope Stability

Special Provision 104.03.04 requires the Contractor to “Immediately provide written notice to
the RE of a circumstance that is believed to be a change to the Contract. If notice is not provided
on Contractual Notice (Form DC‐161), include the following in the initial written notice:

1. A statement that this is a notice of a change.

This is a notice of Change.

2. The date when the circumstances believed to be a change were discovered.

See Attached

3. A detailed and specific statement describing the nature and circumstances of the change.
See Attached

4. If the change will or could affect costs to the Department.

The change could affect costs to the Department.

5. If the change will or could affect Contract Time as specified in 108.11.01.C.

The change could affect the Contract time.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Please accept this letter as formal notice pursuant to Sec. 104.03.04 of the General
Conditions that we believe there is an “error” in the Specifications. Sec. 105.03 requires
us to provide such notice upon our discovery of same.

Specifically, we have previously voiced our grave concerns regarding the Department’s
use of I‐11 sand +/‐ 12 feet thick below MSE Wall #22. This wall is approximately 38 feet
tall along the outer slope.

We believe the use of I‐11 in this situation is an “error”. Despite our documented
misgivings regarding this specification, we have been directed to proceed. Accordingly,
we are providing this formal notice and once more documenting our concerns and

The Background

A summary of events regarding this topic follows:

On December 6, 2017 a meeting was held at the NJDOT field office. (See Attached) NJDOT
staff and its consultant’s geotechnical engineers attended. The meeting was primarily for
CSES disputes and related geotechnical issues. SSI and Menard presented current and
forthcoming issues

During this meeting SSI and Menard informed all in attendance collective concerns
pertaining to proposed I‐11 sand slopes supporting MSE Wall #22. The potential for
liquefaction of loose sandy sloped soils is very likely. Such failures are routine and
common during flash floods and heavy rain events. Such events may occur at any time
during construction or post construction resulting in severe impacts and costs to the

Given the already elevated saturation levels present in existing conditions coupled with
flash floods and down pours as experienced thus far it is not unlikely to significant soil
losses. This is not a view exclusive to SSI and Menard others in NJDOT also agree.
However the Department deflected to its consultant (Mr. Gazzale) whom doubled down
on the design.
Equal Opportunity Employer
South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

SSI concerned, further inquired to the purpose of using a loose sand in this slope
application. It was shared that the I‐11 was incorporated to deal with existing subsurface
water conditions, ground water, run‐off perched water etc. SSI inquired for insight to the
supportive hydrology calculations so alternative analysis or options could be considered.
It was never provided.

This subject was also discussed a great length with the Department and its consultant
during Progress Meeting 21 January 23, 2018 (attached). Despite SSI efforts and NJDOT
insights the Department remained silent and inactive on the matter.

Following these events Menard provides a supplemental separate analysis pertaining to

the I‐11 slope application. (See Attached) It demonstrates an inherent slope stability issue
of the entire I‐11 slope area. It should be noted this analysis did not analyze instability
resulting from saturation or liquefaction. This analysis only further increased and
compounded the SSI concerns.

SSI has extensive experience embanking, constructing and maintaining loose sands. SSI
prior to this project recently placed over half a million tons in sloped applications for
NJTA along the Garden State Parkway. SSI contends that I‐11 loose sand in such a
structurally important application is an unnecessary risk. It’s almost inevitable a
significant rain event will washout, undermine or result in settlement to the proposed
MSE structure.

Despite Menards analysis and SSI’s concern the Department formally dismissed the
analysis. This lead to a dispute in the working drawing process. Whereas DGI Menard
refused to include the unstable I‐11 slope as part of its CSES design submission. The
Department and its consultant eventually retreated from their prior position and the
working drawing was approved as such.

On 10/22/18 The Department offered the following correspondence;

The Department is agreeable to switch to I‐15 at Wall 22. I discussed with Dewberry SSIʹs
preference to create a vertical separation between the I‐15 and the I‐11. Dewberry proposed
placing the I‐11 directly on the LTM and then I‐15.
Equal Opportunity Employer
South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Since Menardʹs working drawing utilized I‐11 in the calculations, the approved working needs to
be re‐evaluated with I‐15. There may be little to no effect on the Working Drawing calculation
results. We canʹt move forward with the idea until we receive confirmation from Menard. Iʹm
assuming there is a cost for the working drawing re‐submission. What I donʹt know is the time,
effort and cost for re‐evaluating the Working Drawing. I approached John about paying for this. I
need an idea of what the cost could be. Start discussing with Menard. I need an idea of costs
before we can commit.

Menard complied with the Departments request and provided a price to perform the
requested analysis. The Department declined from further participation. SSI was
informally informed the cost were too high. It should be noted for the record no counter
offer or attempt to negotiate occurred.

On October 30, 2018 the Department sent the following email to SSI;
The Department is electing not to participate with costs to switch to I‐15 material.


SSI provides this notice in hopes the Department will reconsider the use of I‐11 and, if
not, to formally notify the Department that it is specifically assuming all risk of any and
all potential damages (direct, consequential or otherwise) of all form should the design
fail. The Department is directing SSI to proceed as planned with full knowledge of our

Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Gaus, William
To: McCleerey, John; Agnello, Peter
Cc: Kondash, Thomas Jr.; Loftus, Thomas;;; Lewis, Michael;; Ron Sabale
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Date: Friday, November 2, 2018 10:10:01 AM
Attachments: image003.png
2018-11-02 CC#244 SSI - DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22.pdf

Have not read yet. if I have a chance to read in the next few hours and can provide a
determination in the next few hours, I will. Otherwise, it will be a generic reply until I return
on the 20th.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Sharp, Kimberly
To: Gaus, William; Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John
Subject: RE: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Date: Monday, November 5, 2018 7:13:01 AM
Attachments: image001.png


I’m fine with the letter.

Kim Sharp
Supervising Engineer, Construction
Geotechnical Engineering

From: Gaus, William

Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Sharp, Kimberly <>
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Tom, John and Kim - Please review my DC-161 # 45 reply.

Mike - some sort off response needs to go out by the 8th.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Kyle Fote <>
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Poole, Michael
To: Loftus, Thomas
Cc: Ashok Amin
Subject: [EXTERNAL] FW: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 8:40:25 AM
Attachments: image003.png
2018-11-02 CC#244 SSI - DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22.pdf
DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I‐11 Slope Stability.docx

Good Morning Tom,

Did you have a chance to look at Bill’s response? Kim Sharp has already responded she is ok with it.
I would like to send it over to SSI today.


From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John; Sharp, Kimberly
Cc: Poole, Michael;
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Tom, John and Kim - Please review my DC-161 # 45 reply.

Mike - some sort off response needs to go out by the 8th.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Poole, Michael
To: Kyle Fote; Dennis Monzo; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Ryan Agostini; Ashok Amin; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;
Agnello, Peter
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability
Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 2:40:37 PM
Attachments: DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I11 Slope Stability.pdf


Please see attached for the Department reply to DC-161 # 45.

Michael V. Poole
Transportation – Engineer
State of New Jersey
295/42/76 Direct Connect Contract 3
211 Benigno Blvd.
Suite 200, 2nd Floor
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
PHIL MURPHY Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Governor Commissioner

Lt. Governor
November 8, 2018

South State, Inc.

P.O. Box 68
Bridgeton, NJ 08032

Attn.: Dennis A Monzo, Project Manager

Re: Rt. I-295/42/I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I‐11 Slope Stability

Mr. Monzo,

This office acknowledges receipt of South State, Inc.’s (SSI) DC-161 #45, dated November 2, 2018. DC-161
#45 details discussions of the Contract designed I-11 soil aggregate shown to be placed between the Wall #22
area Column Supported Embankment System and the Retaining Wall #22 wall panel concrete base pad. SSI
also voices concerns about the I-11 used for the Wall # 22 embankment. SSI is providing DC-161 # 45 in
accordance with NJDOT Standard Specification 105.03, “Conformity With Contract.” SSI believes the
designation of I-11 soil aggregate in the described area is a Contract “error.”

The Department reviewed DC-161 #45, attached documents, the Contract Plans and the Contract Special
Provisions. The Department concluded the use of I-11 designated soil aggregate is not an “error.” The
Department has determined circumstances described in DC-161 # 45 do not constitute a change to the Contract.

If SSI does not want to pursue the I-15 material switch at SSI’s cost, SSI is to proceed with the I-11 soil
aggregate placement in accordance with the Contract. Since the placement of I-11 soil aggregate is in
accordance with the Contract documents, there is no extra cost with the I-11 placement operation. There is no
need to track and maintain complete records of the I-11 placement.

SSI included in DC-161 # 45 an email string entitled “I-15 at Wall 22.” This is the email in which I responded
“The Department is electing not to participate with costs to switch to I-15 material.” SSI also included my letter,

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

Bridge 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area, dated October 31, 2018. These
particulars of the email string and letter are now covered in SSI DC-161 Contractual Notice #46 Bridge 7 North
Abutment, dated November 2, 2018.

William E. Gaus, Resident Engineer

Cc: T. Loftus, J. McCleerey, N. Merla, P. Agnello , File (DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I‐11 Slope
Stability reply 01.doc)

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Poole, Michael
To: Gaus, William
Subject: [EXTERNAL] FW: Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability
Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 7:48:24 AM
Attachments: DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I11 Slope Stability.pdf

From: Poole, Michael

Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 2:40 PM
To: 'Kyle Fote'; Dennis Monzo; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; Mccleerey, John;; Ryan Agostini; Ashok Amin; Kondash,
Thomas Jr.; Agnello, Peter
Subject: Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability


Please see attached for the Department reply to DC-161 # 45.

Michael V. Poole
Transportation – Engineer
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; aamin (; Poole, Michael; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Lewis, Michael; Jeff Roes; Anthony Suppa; Dennis
Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#316- DC-161#45 I-11 Slope Stability and Panel Movements - Addendum #1
Date: Monday, April 8, 2019 2:47:26 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-04-08 CC#316 DC-161 #45 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Add#....pdf

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #316,
Addendum #1 DC-161#45 - Wall 22 I-11 slope stability and panel movements.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Poole, Michael []

Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 2:40 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Ron
Sabale <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; Mccleerey, John <>;; Ryan Agostini <>; Ashok Amin
<>; Kondash, Thomas Jr. <>; Agnello, Peter
Subject: Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability


Please see attached for the Department reply to DC-161 # 45.

Michael V. Poole
Transportation – Engineer
April 5, 2019

South State, Inc.

202 Reeves Rd.,
Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Attn: Dennis Monzo

Subject: Review of Current Construction of MSE Wall 22

Direct Connection, Contract 3
Rt. 295/42/I-76
NJDOT Contract No. NHP-0295(320) RECo No. 18491


The Reinforced Earth Co. (RECo) was requested by South State, Inc. (SSI) to provide technical
input on the current issues observed during the installation of Wall 22. Current issues include
measured lateral movement of Wall 22 at the base of the wall and individual panel movement
resulting in out of tolerance open joints throughout the wall.

Our technical input is based on the following information:

 Soil information on the MSE select backfill used on Wall 22

 Settlement Data along Wall 22
 Vertical Inclinometer readings along Wall 22
 As-built photos taken by RECo’s Project Manager on 3/18/2019

Reviewing the information above, RECo offers the following input:

 MSE Wall 22 was designed and constructed with I-15 backfill which is an adequate MSE
 Settlement data shows approximately 1”. This is currently within the project
 We reviewed the inclinometer data provided. This data includes lateral displacements at
the Wall 22 leveling pad elevation. The amount of lateral movement experienced is
unusual considering the current height of erected wall is only 7.50’ of a ~30’ tall wall.
 Panel misalignment could be due to different construction issues, however based on the
construction/performance of similar MSE walls throughout the project, it is unlikely that
panels misalignment is due to construction issues.
 Wall 7, which is in close proximity to Wall 22 has been constructed without any issues or
panel movements.
 Wall 22 is the only structure sitting atop a large I-11 embankment. Others are all founded
atop the ground improvement LTM.

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Ste 400
Reston, VA 20191
It is RECo’s technical opinion that the lateral displacement of the wall is due to
foundation/external stability issues. We suggest continuous monitoring of Wall 22. A typical
monitoring program would include elevation monitoring at multiple points along the wall as well
as lateral movement and joint width measurements. Monitoring should be conducted over a
period of time determined by the Owner/Geotechnical Engineer of Record in order to determine
that movement have stopped, at which point the Owner can instruct construction to continue.
Frequency of monitoring should also be specified by the Owner. We also believe an analysis
should be conducted by the Owner/Geotechnical Engineer of Record to determine the cause of
the movement and take necessary corrective measures if needed.

It is important to note that an MSE wall will perform only as well as the foundation it sits on.
Lateral movements are of particular concern. If the foundation is not adequately designed to
handle the loading applied by the MSE wall, the MSE wall performance will be compromised.

Please review and forward this letter to the necessary parties. Contact us if you have any
questions regarding this letter.


The Reinforced Earth Company

Sherif Aziz
Sherif Aziz, P.E.
Division Manager

Michael Sison
Michael Sison, P.E.
Regional Manager

Nicholas Deni, P.E.

Engineering Manager

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Ste 400
Reston, VA 20191
C17-06 Route 295-42-I76 - VI Weekly Report

2 - 24
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; aamin (; "Ron Sabale"; ""
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas;; Lewis, Michael;; Dennis
Monzo; Jeff Roes; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence No. #324 - Addendum #2
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 8:50:41 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-04-24 CC#324 DC-161 #45 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Add#....pdf

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #324, Addendum #2 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 2:47 PM
To: Dennis Monzo <>; Kyle Fote <>
Cc:; McCleerey, John <>; Loftus, Thomas
<>;; Lewis, Michael
<>; Ryan Agostini <>; Victoria Donnally
Subject: East slope change

The Department is going to change the slope work along the Wall 22 east slope. As soon as I
have more details, I will follow up with a formal Change Order, including what rip rap
thickness. We'll have to look at contract items and quantities.

Rip Rap will be placed in the swale and continue up the slope. Approximately half-way to two-
thirds. The grading currently being performed will be used for the rip rap placement.

Do not bring in the landscape sub-contract for the east slope until I provide the formal field
order with direction.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
South State, Inc.
General Contractors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

April 24, 2019

Route 295 /42 /I-76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020

Contractor Correspondence No. #324 - Addendum #2

DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Special Provision 104.03.04 requires the Contractor to “Immediately provide written notice to
the RE of a circumstance that is believed to be a change to the Contract. If notice is not provided
on Contractual Notice (Form DC-161), include the following in the initial written notice:

1. A statement that this is a notice of a change.

This is a notice of Change.

2. The date when the circumstances believed to be a change were discovered.

See Attached

3. A detailed and specific statement describing the nature and circumstances of the
See Attached

4. If the change will or could affect costs to the Department.

The change could affect costs to the Department.

5. If the change will or could affect Contract Time as specified in 108.11.01.C.

The change could affect the Contract time.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
General Contractors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451-5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Please accept this follow up letter as formal notice pursuant to Sec. 104.03.04 of the General
Conditions that we believe there is an “error” in the Specifications. Sec. 105.03 requires us to
provide such notice upon our discovery of same.

Specifically, we have previously voiced our grave concerns regarding the Department’s use of I-
11 sand +/- 12 feet in thickness below MSE Wall #22. Despite our documented misgivings
regarding this design continues to yield problems in MSE #22 and its supporting slope.

Given the saturation levels an inherit instability of the I-11 sand movements continue to occur.
Attached are recent photos showing soil losses (washout rivulets) on the slope and sinkholes at
the same locations behind the MSE wall. This is an hour glass type of effect and soil loss beneath
the structure or the slope results in soil displacement behind the wall.

South State Inc

General Contractors

Equal Opportunity Employer

Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 2:40 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>;
Ron Sabale <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; Mccleerey, John
<>;; Ryan Agostini
<>; Ashok Amin <>; Kondash, Thomas
Jr. <>; Agnello, Peter <>
Subject: Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability


Please see attached for the Department reply to DC-161 # 45.

Michael V. Poole
Transportation – Engineer
State of New Jersey
295/42/76 Direct Connect Contract 3
211 Benigno Blvd.
Suite 200, 2nd Floor
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
PHIL MURPHY Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Governor Commissioner

Lt. Governor
May 3, 2019

South State, Inc.

P.O. Box 68
Bridgeton, NJ 08032

Attn.: Dennis A Monzo, Project Manager

Re: Rt. I-295/42/I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

DC-161 Notice # 45, Addendum # 1, I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Field Order # 117 – Wall # 22 Panel Reset

Mr. Monzo,

South State, Inc. (SSI) submitted DC-161 Notice # 45 on November 2, 2018. In DC-161 Notice # 45, SSI
explained why SSI believed the use of I-11 material at Wall # 22 was an “error.” SSI presented a Menard
document that explained Menard’s evaluation of I-11 material used at Wall # 22. Menard presented a Plane
Strain Block Failure model analysis and Horizontal Displacement analysis. Menard stated that Menard was
uncomfortable with the performance of the Contract I-11 material for the Wall # 22 slope area. SSI also
documented conversations regarding the potential for loose sandy soil liquefaction.

The Department responded to DC-161 Notice # 45 on November 8, 2018. The Department concluded the I-11
was an appropriate material design at the Wall # 22 location. The I-11 designation for Wall # 22 is not an

Several events have transpired since then. SSI completed the Column Supported Embankment System under
Wall # 22 and the slope. SSI completed the I-11 embankment, installed the pocket drain and began construction
of Wall # 22. Wall # 22 construction began December 2018. Wall Construction continued through December
and January 2019. There were times during these two months when the temperatures dropped below freezing.
Material reports indicate I-11 placed was on the high end of the acceptable moisture content. SSI then stopped

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

Wall # 22 work for a few weeks in February 2019. During that time, there were several days/nights of freezing
temperatures and percipitation. SSI resumed Wall # 22 late February 2019.

It was noticed that several panels were not within Contract compliance nor Contractor’s designer/vendor
compliance. SSI was verbally informed of the panels not meeting specifications. SSI attempted to bring a few
of the panels into compliance by removing fill material, resetting the panels, resetting the straps and placing the
backfill. SSI then began investigating circumstances as to the why the panels were out of tolerance. SSI
described in DC-161 Notice # 45, Addendum # 1, steps SSI took in SSI’s investigation as to why the panels
were no longer within specification tolerances.

In Addendum # 1, dated April 8, 2019, SSI describes post construction movement in Wall #22 panels and
attributes the panel movement to, among other things, the embankment fill operation in between Wall # 22 and
Wall # 7 and the material designated by the Contract. SSI described what they see as a direct relationship
between the lateral movement, backfill height and material used. SSI states the lateral movement continues to
increase as the backfill height increases.

The Department has reviewed SSI’s information in the Addendum # 1, reviewed geotechnical reports, reviewed
Contractor’s procedures, reviewed Reinforced Earth Company’s (RECo) installation directions, reviewed
installation time frames and considered other factors. The Department has concluded that SSI’s construction
methods may have played a part in the panel movement. SSI installed the panels during the winter time with
the prescribed Contract backfill materials. The backfill was exposed to freeze thaw cycles during placement
operations and also during the winter shutdown. The high moisture content of the backfill material may have
caused embankment to expand when frozen and push the panels out of plumb. RECo, in their installation
manual, instructs Contractors that installation methods need to be adjusted based upon site conditions, including
type of material, moisture content and compaction methods. Temperatures for certain soils and conditions
would also have to be considered.

The Department disagrees with SSI’s assertions that the wall movement is a result of the Contract prescribed

SSI is to remove and reset the panels that are not in compliance with RECo’s installation manual requirements.
“Vertical and horizontal alignment tolerance, and plumbness, shall not exceed 3/4-in. when measured with a 10
ft. straight edge on a selected wall section.” SSI is to correct deviations during the panel installation so as to
prevent cumulative inaccuracies in alignment, horizontally and vertically. NJDOT Specification vertical and
horizontal alignment tolerance shall not exceed ½”, when measured with a straight edge. ¾” will be allowed as
dictated by SSI’s designer/vendor.

SSI has stated that if directed to reset wall panels, SSI will track daily costs and potential time impacts. This
obligation is part of the Department’s requirement of Specification 104.03.07, Tracking Costs when the
Contractor pursues reimbursement through a claim. 104.03.07 describes the criteria and requirements for the
paperwork associated with the daily records.

The Department is taking note that SSI is submitting DC-161 Addenda to the initial notice. SSI’s position, it
appears, is that any and all issues experienced with the Wall 22 construction, embankment, or anything else SSI
perceives as “errors” or “failures” in the Wall 22 area can be attached to the initial DC-161 # 45 notice.

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

However, each incident or Addenda information may stand on its own as a separate notice. SSI may want to
consider submitting individual notices for each “error” or “failure.”

William E. Gaus, Resident Engineer

Cc: T. Loftus, J. McCleerey, P. Agnello , N. Merla, File (DC-161 Notice # 45, I-11 Slope Stability &
Panel Movements, Field Order # 117 – Wall # 22 Panel Reset.doc)

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

State of New Jersey
295/42/76 Direct Connect Contract 3
211 Benigno Blvd.
Suite 200, 2nd Floor
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
PHIL MURPHY Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Governor Commissioner

Lt. Governor
May 6, 2019

South State, Inc.

P.O. Box 68
Bridgeton, NJ 08032

Attn.: Dennis A Monzo, Project Manager

Re: Rt. I-295/42/I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

DC-161 Notice # 45, Addendum # 2, I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Receipt Notice

Mr. Monzo,

South State, Inc. (SSI) submitted DC-161 Notice # 45 on November 2, 2018. In DC-161 Notice # 45, SSI explained
why SSI believed the use of I-11 material at Wall # 22 was an “error.” SSI presented a Menard document that
explained Menard’s evaluation of I-11 material used at Wall # 22. Menard presented a Plane Strain Block Failure
model analysis and Horizontal Displacement analysis. Menard stated that Menard was uncomfortable with the
performance of the Contract I-11 material for the Wall # 22 slope area. SSI also documented conversations
regarding the potential for loose sandy soil liquefaction.

The Department responded to DC-161 Notice # 45 on November 8, 2018. The Department concluded the I-11 was
an appropriate material design at the Wall # 22 location. The I-11 designation for Wall # 22 is not an “error.”

SSI submitted Addendum # 2, dated April 24, 2019. SSI describes saturation levels in the Wall # 22 embankment
creating an inherent I-11 instability and movement. SSI attached photographs and described the photographs as soil
losses (washout rivulets) on the slope and sinkholes at the same locations behind the MSE wall. SSI describes this a
correlation between the sinkholes and rivulets as an hour glass effect resulting in soil loss beneath the structure or in
the slope.

The Department notes SSI conclusion. However, there may be other circumstances not mentioned in SSI’s
Addendum # 2 letter as to why there are depressions at the top of the wall and the rivulets.

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

A walk along the top showed several undulations in the embankment against the wall panels. Some deeper than
others. What has not been considered is the means and methods of embankment placement directly adjacent to the
wall. As described in Reinforced Earth Company’s (RECo) installation manual, the large smooth-drum roller is to
be kept away from the wall panel itself. RECo specifies keeping the roller 3 ft. away. In the 3 ft. zone, small hand-
operated vibratory compactors are to be used. This is consistent with NJDOT Specifications which restricts the zone
to 5 ft. If the material within the specified zone is being placed in the same thickness as the material outside of the
zone, it’s possible the material within the zone was not meeting the same density requirements as the material
compacted beyond the described zone. Also, as construction progressed between Wall # 7 and Wall # 22, Wall # 7
progressed while Wall # 22 stopped. The embankment material is higher along the Wall # 7 side, which could have
caused storm water run-off to be directed towards the Wall # 22 area rather than being graded to slope away from the
back of the panels in order to divert water runoff from the structure area. The additional water could have caused
additional settlement, the undulating surface and small depressions.

A walk along the face of the wall did show a few rivulets. The rivulets are in the I-11 backfill. The rivulets were
located where the I-11 was placed up against the wall. The I-11 in this area is approximately three feet higher than
the panel bottom. One of the rivulets was located at one of the wall drain outlet pipes. Water was observed dripping
out of the pipe and into the rivulet. The rivulets were along the “flat” area adjacent to the wall. The rivulets could
be attributed to the spring rains, lack of turf establishment, and outlet drain water flow.

There is also a stretch of wall that has not been backfilled to the three foot mark. There is a berm approximately five
to six feet away from the wall. This area probably needs to be backfilled before any more panels are erected. The
slope material is a porous I-11 sand. However, backfilling this area may help with slope drainage, rather than
trapping water against the wall. RECo requires the berm to be placed against the wall immediately to prevent erosion
before the wall reaches 50% of its height or 20 feet, whichever is less.

Completing the topsoil and establishing turf from the wall to the swale may prevent rivulets from forming. It is
noted that SSI plans to continue working on the Wall # 22

William E. Gaus, Resident Engineer

Cc: T. Loftus, J. McCleerey, P. Agnello , N. Merla, File (DC-161 Notice # 45, I-11 Slope Stability & Panel
Movements, Addendum # 2 Receipt Notice.doc)

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Gaus, William
To: Michael Dipento
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence No. #324 - Addendum #2
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 7:31:51 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-04-24 CC#324 DC-161 #45 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Add#....pdf
DC-161 Notice # 45, Addendum # 2, I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Receipt Notice.pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile # Attorney-Client
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Gaus, William

Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2019 5:18 PM
To: Kyle Fote
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas;; Lewis, Michael;; Dennis Monzo; Jeff Roes; Ryan Agostini;;; Ron Sabale;; Kondash, Thomas Jr.
Subject: Re: Contractor Correspondence No. #324 - Addendum #2

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile # Attorney-Client
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 8:49 AM
To: Gaus, William; aamin (; 'Ron Sabale'; ''
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas;; Lewis, Michael;; Dennis Monzo; Jeff Roes; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence No. #324 - Addendum #2

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #324, Addendum #2 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Cell Attorney-Client
Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 2:47 PM
To: Dennis Monzo <>; Kyle Fote <>
Cc:; McCleerey, John <>; Loftus, Thomas
<>;; Lewis, Michael
<>; Ryan Agostini <>; Victoria Donnally
Subject: East slope change

The Department is going to change the slope work along the Wall 22 east slope. As soon as I
have more details, I will follow up with a formal Change Order, including what rip rap
thickness. We'll have to look at contract items and quantities.

Rip Rap will be placed in the swale and continue up the slope. Approximately half-way to two-
thirds. The grading currently being performed will be used for the rip rap placement.

Do not bring in the landscape sub-contract for the east slope until I provide the formal field
order with direction.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile # Attorney-Client
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #3
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:37:28 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-19 CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #348, Addendum #3 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
South State, Inc.
General Contractors
32 %2;  ‡ %5,'*(721 1- ‡  -  ‡ )$;  -

:ƵŶĞ ϭϯ͕ ϮϬϭϵ

Route 295 /42 /I-76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020

Contractor Correspondence No. #348- Addendum #ϯ

DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Special Provision 104.03.04 requires the Contractor to “Immediately provide written notice to
the RE of a circumstance that is believed to be a change to the Contract. If notice is not provided
on Contractual Notice (Form DC-161), include the following in the initial written notice:

1. A statement that this is a notice of a change.

This is a notice of Change.

2. The date when the circumstances believed to be a change were discovered.

See Attached

3. A detailed and specific statement describing the nature and circumstances of the
See Attached

4. If the change will or could affect costs to the Department.

The change could affect costs to the Department.

5. If the change will or could affect Contract Time as specified in 108.11.01.C.

The change could affect the Contract time.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
General Contractors
32 %2;  ‡ %5,'*(721 1- ‡  -  ‡ )$;  -

Please accept this follow up letter as formal notice pursuant to Sec. 104.03.04 of the General
Conditions that we believe there is an “error” in the Specifications. Sec. 105.03 requires us to
provide such notice upon our discovery of same.

Specifically, please find attached reports from Reinforced Earth Company (RECo’s) Technical
Advisor. This representative of The Reinforced Earth Company is assisting in the full review of SSI
construction means and methods and reporting those findings as related to Wall 22 construction.
In addition to supplement Reinforced Earth findings, attached are survey documentation from
B&B Hi-Tech Solutions and geotechnical readings from Wang Technology.

dŚĞ ƉŝĐƚƵƌĞƐ ĨŽƌ ĞĂĐŚ ƐŝƚĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ ƉĞƌĨƌŽŵĞĚ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ǀŝĞǁĞĚ ďLJ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ůŝŶŬ ďĞůŽǁ ƚŚĞŶ



South State Inc

General Contractors

Equal Opportunity Employer

June 12, 2019

South State Inc.

202 Reeves Road
Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Attn: Mr. Dennis Monzo

Re: NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Subject: Reconstruction of MSE Wall 22


It is our understanding that South State Inc, (SSI) was directed by NJDOT to remove and replace
approximately 50 percent of the partially completed MSE Wall 22 of the referenced project. This
directive was issued due to Wall movement that produced out of tolerance joint spacing and
alignment in addition to out of tolerance plumbness of the wall face.

Subsequently SSI asked the Reinforced Earth Company (RECo) to periodically observe
reconstruction of Wall 22. RECo’s representative Salvatore Calabrese, PE visited the site at
random weekly intervals since reconstruction began. This cover letter presents the first three of
the weekly observations of Wall 22 reconstruction and are presented in the attached as Site Visits
dated 05-22-19, 05-30-19 and 06-04-19.

Photographs and videos were taken on each visit and will be provided by a One Drive link sent in
a separate email. Visits will continue weekly until Wall 22 is complete or we are directed to
discontinue the visits.

Summarizing the attached three site visits, we observed that the reconstruction of MSE Wall 22
is within RECo’s recommended installation methods. Panels are set using appropriate lifting
devices and are set maintaining proper vertical joint spacing and shimmed if necessary to obtain
a level horizontal top of panel. Panels are clamped and shimmed to provide an appropriate batter.
Panels are backfilled, and the fill compacted using a steel drum roller and a walk behind plate
tamper. The walk behind plate tamper is used in the first three feet behind the wall and the steel
drum roller from the three-foot distance to the end of the MSE fill. SSI’s foreman periodically
checked panel alignment and made adjustments as necessary before moving on to the next level.

Very truly yours,

The Reinforced Earth Company

Salvatore J. Calabrese, P.E.

Attachments: 3

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Ste 400
Reston, VA 20191
SITE VISIT 05-22-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived at 8:00 AM Sunny warm

x Met Kyle Fote with South State (cell offsite and drove
to site.
x Met Wall Forman Steve DiDonato.
o Took picture of his drawings showing panels removed and replaced. Blue,
Orange and X panels were removed see PDF – Color coded drawing 05-22-19
x Met NJDOT inspector Rodney Robinson
x Walked job
x Wal 7 looked good relatively plumb and good joints
x Wall 22 looked good relatively plumb and good joints.
x Observed 3 shallow holes dug in fill placed and compacted the
previous day.
o Water level in holes about 1 ft down
o Area around holes pumping
o SS decided not to work this area.
x Videoed all walls
x Saw water seeping through pipes exiting through front face of wall
x Saw water weeping through slope about half way up
x Saw water weeping though large drainage pipe at bottom of slope
x Watched setting 5’ X 5’ panels.
x Each panel battered back at ½” in 4 ft.
x Set 7 panels red dots on PDF – Color coded drawing 05-22-19
x Brought in fill
x Watched walk behind plate tamper adjacent to wall

Site Visit 05-22-19 Page 1 of 2

x Went to field office met with several SS personnel including Dennis
Monzo & Ryan Agostini
x Went back to wall – walked job again.
x Left job about 1:30

Site Visit 05-22-19 Page 2 of 2

SITE VISIT 05-30-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived on site at 8:45 Sunny warm humid.

x Heavy rain the night before

x Met Kyle Fote apron arriving
x Fill not covered with plastic the night before- Kyle says that they sealed it before they left
last night – this may mean they rolled it pretty tight.
x Despite heavy rain, no sigh of erosion or disturbance of fill
x Panels had been set to 3rd row. (see elevation drawings attached) Panels that are set
are the ones that are colored in.
x Trucks bring in MSE fill and fill being placed to top of lower strip on highest panel.
x Fill firm i.e. no pumping per Kyle. I do not see any sign of fill pumping.
x Started walking site and met NJDOT inspector Rodney again.
x We walked front of wall together on lower bench (bottom of slope)
x Some water flowing in ditch at bottom of slope
x Water seeping thru several locations on slope nearer the abutment. Several areas of
slope sluffed off.
x Rodney and I separate, and I walk base of wall 22 by myself.
x Wall looked good i.e. plumb and good joint spaces
x Some water trickling thru a couple of the outlet pipes on face of wall
x Looks like new crack gages set on several panels.
x Back on top of wall:
o Backfill operation -loader “side” dumping on back end of straps, rolling and walk
behind tamper adjacent to back of wall (see picks)
o Panels being set with 1/2” in 4ft batter.
x Steve DiDonato lets me know that Density tests were taken by state while I’m off site
during lunch. Results are good.
x Reinforcing strips placed and backfill started. – loose lifts 15 inches compacted to 12”
x Wang Technologies on site reading settlement and slope inclinometer gages.
x Steve says they will continue to set panels and place fill and quit about 3.
x As I was leaving NJ DOT inspector (Not Rodney) says he was told to take my picture – I
said ok and he did.
x I leave site at about 1:30.

Site Visit 05-30-19 Page 1 of 1

WALL PANELS SET AS OF 8;45 05-30-19
SITE VISIT 06-04-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived on site at 8:00 AM Sunny cool with gradual warming

x Met Steve DiDonatao

x Crew placing fill at elevation (i.e. 15 ft above leveling pad) from column
63 to the abutment face.
x Fill installed in 15” +/- loose lift and rolled down to 12”
x Walked site at bottom of slope in front of Wall 22. Took video
o No apparent movement. Wall looks plumb from this distance.
o Slope has several locations as you approach abutment end that
are still seeping water about half way up slope.
x Walked base of wall. Took video
o Wall looks good, plumb and generally good joint spaces.
o Approaching abutment looks like new crack gages installed and
may be indicating some wall movement (settlement along
leveling pad). Although this is not conclusive since I don’t have
initial readings.
o At end of wall third corner panel installed has a gap along the
Wall 22 side that is opened to about 3 inches. May also be a sign
of differential movement.
x Back on top of wall – observe compaction of fill. Three passes of IR
roller without vibration. Three passes of walk behind plate tamper
within 3 ft of back face of panel. Large walk behind plate tamper used
in confined area near abutment (around caissons) and at edge of the
fill (end of reinforcing strip) where the MSE fill is higher that the
structural fill between the Wall 22 and 7. Took video.

Site Visit 06-04-19 Page 1 of 2

x NJ DOT crew runs density test at abutment and approximately every
40 ft along new fill lift. All tests pass except one near the abutment
caissons. Took video.
o Steven DiDonato compacts this area again with larger walk
behind plate tamper.
o NJDOT runs another test and it passes.
x Took pictures of Steve’s wall elevation drawing showing what panels
are in (see attached)
x After lunch met Kyle Fote working with survey crew taking leveling pad
x Kyle mentions he observed some panel movement at lower end of wall.
This is the reason South State was not filling panels from column 63 to
column 19.
x We walk to this area and I see what he means. Some minor joint
displacement. Also points out he placed more crack gauges in this
x Crew setting panels starting at abutment corner. Batter still ½” in 4
x Steve points out that the panels along Wall 22 (at abutment end) have
moved since initial placement. I observe some joint opening and
closing and some corner offset.
x Meet NJ DOT inspector Rodney Robinson – he states again that South
State doing everting correctly.
x I reply that SSI is constructing wall in conformance with RECo’s
recommendations. Installation crew is conscientious and taking great
care in the recognition of Wall 22.
x I leave site at 2:30.

Site Visit 06-04-19 Page 2 of 2

Panels set as of 8:00 AM 06-04-19


7R .\OH )RWH
&F $=,= 6KHULI &$/$%5(6( 6DOYDWRUH








5HVWRQ 9$ 

B&B Hi-Tech Solutions, LLC
409 Bloomfield Drive Unit 3 West Berlin, NJ 08091

PROJECT: Direct Connect 3 RW #22 Supplemental DMP As-Built

Sta, Offset, Elevation As-Built
Active Alignment Name: SB 295 B/L

'DWH          '(/7$ '(/7$
22112 265+68.85 -37.334 379210.6290 323344.4670 DMP-112 42.01 41.98 41.98 41.96 41.96 41.95 41.94 41.92 41.92 0.09 1.08
22111 266+15.15 -37.600 379247.4180 323374.5220 DMP-111 42.01 41.98 41.98 41.96 41.96 41.95 41.95 41.94 41.94 0.07 0.84
22110 266+49.71 -37.422 379273.9960 323398.0070 DMP-110 42.02 41.95 41.94 41.93 41.93 41.93 41.92 41.90 41.90 0.12 1.44
22109 266+83.37 -37.371 379299.4020 323421.3850 DMP-109 42.03 41.99 41.98 41.97 41.97 41.96 41.96 41.94 41.94 0.09 1.08
22108 267+17.72 -37.544 379324.9240 323445.6940 DMP-108 42.01 41.94 41.93 41.91 41.91 41.89 41.89 41.88 41.88 0.13 1.56
22107 267+51.57 -37.456 379349.3120 323470.4160 DMP-107 42.03 41.92 41.91 41.89 41.89 41.87 41.87 41.85 41.85 0.18 2.16
22106 267+90.63 -37.486 379376.8260 323499.5630 DMP-106 42.01 41.93 41.93 41.91 41.91 41.91 41.90 41.88 41.88 0.13 1.56
22105 268+14.87 -37.469 379393.4710 323518.0450 DMP-105 42.02 41.93 41.93 41.91 41.91 41.89 41.89 41.88 41.88 0.14 1.68
22104 268+63.45 -37.568 379425.9760 323555.8200 DMP-104 42.01 41.85 41.85 41.84 41.84 41.83 41.83 41.82 41.82 0.19 2.28
22103 269+11.93 -37.719 379457.1730 323594.5660 DMP-103 42.00 41.92 41.91 41.90 41.90 41.89 41.89 41.87 41.87 0.13 1.56
22102 269+60.64 -37.757 379487.1030 323634.6070 DMP-102 42.01 41.86 41.85 41.83 41.83 41.82 41.82 41.80 41.80 0.21 2.52
22101 270+09.28 -37.945 379515.7410 323675.4890 DMP-101 42.01 41.96 41.95 41.95 41.95 41.94 41.94 41.94 41.94 0.07 0.84

*Located On Level Pad (under site tube)

C17-06 Route 295-42-I76 - VI Weekly Report

New Jersey Department of Transporation

Route 295/42/I-76, Direct Connection, Contract 3

Bellmawr, New Jersey

Contract No. 026113020

Vertical Inclinometer (VI) Weekly Report

Prepared For:
South State, Inc.

Prepared By:
Wang Technology LLC
1095 Cranbury South River Rd. Suite 2
Jamesburg, NJ 08831


1 - 31
From: Gaus, William
To: Michael Dipento
Subject: Fw: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #3
Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:02:37 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-19 CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:36 PM
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo;
Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #348, Addendum #3 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Gaus, William
To: Agnello, Peter;
Cc:; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Fw: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #3
Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:03:23 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-19 CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf


William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:36 PM
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo;
Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #348, Addendum #3 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Michael Dipento
To: Gaus, William
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #3
Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:18:00 AM
Attachments: image001.png

That’s good

Michael DiPento
Project Manager
IH Engineers

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:15 AM
To: Michael Dipento <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Addendum #3

Sent. From now on, I plan to forward any and all correspondence that is DC-161 related to

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Michael Dipento <>

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:13 AM
To: Gaus, William
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Addendum #3


Dewberry needs to see DC-161 #45 – Addendum #3, immediately.



Michael DiPento
Project Manager
IH Engineers

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 8:03 AM
To: Michael Dipento <>
Subject: Fw: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:36 PM
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis
Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements
Addendum #3

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #348, Addendum #3 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #4
Date: Friday, June 21, 2019 2:58:07 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-21 CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #350, Addendum #4 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Gaus, William
To: Michael Dipento
Subject: Fw: CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #4
Date: Monday, June 24, 2019 8:31:21 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-21 CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 2:57 PM
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo;
Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #350, Addendum #4 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Gaus, William
Subject: Fw: CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #4
Date: Monday, June 24, 2019 8:31:43 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-21 CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 2:57 PM
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo;
Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#350 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #350, Addendum #4 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
Report to Dropbox © 2019 Dropbox
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; Dozier, Vincent;; Ron Sabale
Cc: McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas; Kondash, Thomas Jr.;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#352 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #5
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 7:32:41 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-07-10 CC#352 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #352, Addendum #5 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
Kyle Fote

From: CALABRESE Salvatore <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 2:56 PM
To: Kyle Fote
Cc: SISON Michael; PHILOBOS Magued; AZIZ Sherif
Subject: 18941 Direct Connect 3 Wall 22 monitoring
Attachments: 18491 07-02-19.pdf

Follow Up Flag: FollowUp

Flag Status: Flagged


Attached is our report of the second 3 site visits.

Sam Calabrese

Salvatore J. Calabrese, P.E.

The Reinforced Earth Company
12001 Sunrise Valley Drive
Suite 400, Reston VA 20191
703-547-8797 x 1139

July 2, 2019

South State Inc.

202 Reeves Road
Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Attn: Mr. Dennis Monzo

Re: NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Subject: Reconstruction of MSE Wall 22


This letter will serve as a continuation of our observations of the reconstruction of MSE Wall 22
of the referenced project. This letter presents the observations of weekly site visits by RECo’s
representative Salvatore Calabrese, PE conducted on 06-12-19, 06-19-19 and 06-26-19.

Photographs and videos were taken on each visit and will be provided by a One Drive link sent in
a separate email. Visits will continue until Wall 22 is complete or we are directed to discontinue
the visits.

Summarizing the current three site visits, we observed that the reconstruction of MSE Wall 22
continues to be within RECo’s recommended installation methods. Panels were placed using
appropriate lifting devices and were set maintaining proper vertical joint spacing and shimmed if
necessary to obtain a level horizontal top of panel. However maintaining consistent vertical joint
spacing got increasing difficult and was not always achieved as the walls settled during
construction. Panels were clamped and shimmed to provide an appropriate batter. Panels were
backfilled, and the fill compacted using a steel drum roller and a walk behind plate tamper. The
walk behind plate tamper was used in the first three feet behind the wall and the steel drum roller
from the three-foot distance to the end of the MSE fill. The required soil reinforcing strip lengths
were marked on the back of each pane. Geotextile fabric was properly glued to the back of each
panel horizontal and vertical joint. SSI’s foreman periodically checked panel alignment and made
adjustments as necessary before moving on to the next level.

During this second set of visits the wall reached and exceeded the height is was before
dismantling. As subsequent lays of fill and panels were placed the wall exhibited minor joint and
alignment distortions. To date these distortions are not unusual for walls that are expected to
settle. Throughout the entire period of reconstruction the slope at the base of the wall has
continued to weep water and several large sluffs in the slope have occurred.

12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Ste 400
Reston, VA 20191
SITE VISIT 06-12-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived at 8:15 AM Sunny warm

 Steve DiDonato and crew setting panels.

 Slope has been hydroseeded.
 Walked the job taking video at bottom of slope.
 Water still seeping thru slope toward the abutment end (approximately
column 5 of abutment). Several large sluffs in slope are wet and
seeping water.
 Walked base of wall and took video. Observed panels being placed
and batter set using 4 ft level with shim to set batter.
 Some movement in joints (Photo 1 & 2).
 No water coming thru drains in wall.
 Walked and videoed top of wall.
 Back of panels marked with proper soil reinforcing strip length
requirements. This has been SOP since my first visit but have failed
to mention it until now.
 Wall section where fill was pumping has firmed up and additional fill
 Fill has passed compacting tests and is not pumping, and panels being
set in this area.
 Several section of precast barrier for Wall 7 on site.
 After lunch some water flowing thru drains at the base of the wall. They
were not draining in the morning.
 Rest of the day scheduled for fill operations.
 Left job about 2:15

Site Visit 06-12-19 Page 1 of 2

SITE VISIT 06-19-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived at 8:30 AM Overcast and warm

 Steve DiDonato on vacation, panels being set by crew.

 Walked base of wall. Topsoil being placed on upper bench and top of
slope (Photo 1).
 Very minor flow of water from wall drains.
 Minor joint movements (Photo 2)
 Slope still weeping water at abutment end of slope. Sluffs in slope
apparent were grass isn’t growing.
 Some sound wall precast barrier units have been set on Wall 7.
Additional precast barrier units being delivered and offloaded at site.
 NJ DOT representative informs me that density tests were taken, and
all tests passed.
 Soil reinforcing strip lengths marked on the back of each panel.
 Geotextile covering the joints.
 Remainder of the day will be devoted to placing and compacting
 Loose 15 +/- inch lifts compacted to 12+/- inch lifts.
 Left job about 1:30

Site Visit 06-19-19 Page 1 of 2

SITE VISIT 06-26-19

NJDOT Direct Connect 3

Bellmawr, NJ
RECo 18491

Arrived at 8:00 AM Sunny warm

 Steve DiDonato and crew setting panels.

 Walk the job taking video and photos on top of and in front of walls.
 Back of panels continued to be marked with proper soil reinforcing strip
length requirements.
 Filter fabric being placed over vertical joints using spray glue. Laborer
applying it properly. Joint fully covered and care taken to have it flat
on panel.
 Panels waiting to be set in wall are stacked adjacent to wall. Picked
properly, set, battered and braced.
 Batter is either 5/8” or ½” in 4 feet depending on location along wall as
previously reported. Two 4 ft levels used. One with 5/8” shim and one
with ½” shim.
 Construction has progressed to where Steve now setting some top
panels (with dowels).
o Observed extended height top panel (TP36D at column 63)
braced with a kicker in addition to the clamps for extra safety
(Photo 1).
 Took picture of Steve’s plans showing the panels that were set as of
yesterday (Photos 2 & 3).
 Steve planning on filling and compacting the next lift later this
 As I drove into the jobsite, I notice extensive erosion of the slope in
front of the wall. Several large erosion swales cutting into the bench
in front of the wall and part way down the slope (Photo 4).

Site Visit 06-26-19 Page 1 of 2

 I was informed by Kyle Fote that this was the result of a severe
rainstorm last Thursday night into Friday morning June 20th and 21 st.
 Walked the lower bench (at Rte. 295 roadway grade) and took video.
 Some water flowing in lower ditch.
 Lower drains (at base of slope) almost buried from sand eroding off the
slope (Photo 5).
 Walked upper bench (at base of the wall) and took video.
 Water flowing from drains thru wall.
 Some joint distortion i.e. joints opening and or closing and some panel
to panel displacement. ½ to ¾ inch by observation – not measurement.
The distortion is consistent with walls that are expected to settle (Photo
 Settlement gages appear to show settlement. This needs to be verified
by those that installed them and have recorded ongoing
 Joint at corner panel seems to have opened more (Photo 7).
 Walked and videoed the front of abutment.
 Sever erosion (from storm) undermined the last section of Abutment
leveling pad which settled and cracked causing panels to rotate (see
Photo 8).
 Erosions also exposed soil reinforcing strips where MSE fill ends and
at the abutment end of Wall 7.
 NJ DOT density tech arrives and coordinates with Steve on when to
return to run density testing for the new lift.
 I am informed again that density are tests being conducted every 1 ft
 Talk to Steve about distortion in area of wall that originally was
pumping and where he increased the batter. It now seems that batter
is not coming out. He decides to reduce batter in this area so that now
all panels will be battered 1/2 inch in 4 feet.
 Left job about 1:45

Site Visit 06-26-19 Page 2 of 2

From: Gaus, William
To: Michael Dipento
Cc: Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Fw: CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #3
Date: Sunday, September 29, 2019 7:09:52 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-06-19 CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

not sure if you have this

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:36 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Dozier, Vincent <>; <>; Ron Sabale <>
Cc: McCleerey, John <>; Loftus, Thomas <>;
Kondash, Thomas Jr. <>;
<>; Dennis Monzo <>; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#348 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #348, Addendum #3 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Kyle Fote
To:; Gaus, William; Michael Dipento; ""
Cc: Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:35:18 PM
Attachments: RFCO 120 - Wall 22 Corrective Work #1.pdf

The additional costs incurred and as documented and provided in RFCO#120 by SSI is all known costs
as related to the MSE Wall #22 resetting per FO#117 and bookmarked under DC-161#45.
Payment is the amount of $65,334.13 is the total costs sought under this respective contractual
(This is part 1 of 2)

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Victoria Donnally

Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:14 PM
Cc: Kyle Fote <>
Subject: RE: Pending RFCO List


Please see the attached. SSI changes are in Blue.

Thank you,

Vicky Donnally
Project Engineer
South State, Inc.

From: []

Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Pending RFCO List

As I talk to you about pending RFCO, here is the list that I have a list as pending RFCO. Please let me
know if I missed any RFCO. Thanks.

Ashok Amin
Asst. Resident Engineer
Route I-295/42/I-
Direct Connect, Contract # 3

Office # 856-219-3774
E Mail:-
South State, Inc.
Ge ne r a l C ontra c tors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455- 3461

November 6, 2019

Route 295 /42 /I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3

Contract No. 026113020

Contractor Correspondence No. #402

RFCO # 120 DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Wall #22

Mr. Gaus,

South State, Inc. tracked and complies all costs related to Wall #22 Direct Connect #3 Project.

This additional cost associated with the MSE Wall #22 resetting of panels in accordance with

Field Order #117.

Attached please find all costs associated in the amount of $65,334.13. As previously discussed

with NJDOT management, South State, Inc. is pursuing the cost via the NJDOT’s DC-55a form

in conjunction with Specification Section 104.03.08.

SSI is providing a cost of $65,334.13. for this additional work.


Victoria Donnally

Project Engineer

Equal Opportunity Employer

New Jersey Department of Transportation
Force Account Summary
Project DIRECT CONNECT #3 Activity Description RFCO 120A Wall 22 Corrective Work WE 5/11/19
Date 5/11/2019


Taxable Portion
Date(s) Classification Hours OT Hours Rate OT Rate Amount Hours Rate Amount of Fringe
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 43.75 875.00 20.00 31.53 630.60 -
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 24.90 498.00 20.00 31.53 630.60 -
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 41.50 830.00 20.00 31.53 630.60 -
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 41.50 830.00 20.00 31.53 630.60 -
5/6-5/8/19 8.00 42.20 337.60 8 00 31.53 252.24 -
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 49.22 984.40 20.00 32.85 657.00
5/6-5/8/19 20.00 49.22 984.40 20.00 32.85 657.00
5/6-5/8/19 12.00 49.22 590.64 12.00 32.85 394.20
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Subtotal (A) 5,930.04 Subtotal (B) 4,482.84 -
Description Rate (%)
FICA 7.650%
Workers Compensation 9.632%
Federal Unemployement 0.600%
State Unemployement 7.150%

Total Rate 25.032%

Subtotal (C) 1,484.41

Description Rate (%)
General Liability 2.840%

Total Rate 5.330%

Subtotal (D) 316.07


Description Amount

Subtotal (E) -

Description Amount

Subtotal (F) -

Contractor Owned
Hours Monthly BB Age Adj BB Operating
Date Description Year Hours Rate/Hr Idle Rate/Hr Amount
Idle Rate Factor Cost/Hr
5/6-5/8/19 Foreman Pick Up 2016 18.50 1,255.00 0.990 7.06 3.53 23.8 570.91
5/6-5/8/19 Kawasaki 80Z Loader 2006 17.00 5,105.00 0.988 28.66 14.33 39.57 1,159.91
5/6-5/8/19 Komatsu PC228 2016 18.50 11,280.00 1.014 64.99 32.50 55.2 2,223.52
5/6-5/8/19 CAT 335 2019 12.00 16,295.00 1.000 92.59 46.30 73.18 1,989.24
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Rented Equipment
Date Description Amount

Subtotal (G) 5,943.58

Direct Labor 5,930.04
Labor Fringe 4,482.84
Materials -
10,412.88 X 10 %

Subtotal (H) 1,041.29

10,412.88 X 15 %

Subtotal (I) 1,561.93

TOTAL 20,760.15
Name Classification Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Total
Date 5/6/2019 5/7/2019 5/8/2019
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 4 20
Overtime 0
Regular 8 4 12
Overtime 0

Equipment Year Hours Hours Hours

Foreman Pick Up 2016 8.00 8.00 2.50 18.50
Kawasaki 80Z Loader 2006 6.50 8.00 2.50 17.00
Komatsu PC228 2016 8.00 8.00 2.50 18.50
CAT 335 2019 1.50 8.00 2.50 12.00


New Jersey Department of Transportation
Force Account Summary
Project DIRECT CONNECT #3 Activity Description RFCO 120B Wall 22 Corrective Work WE 5/18/19
Date 5/18/2019


Taxable Portion
Date(s) Classification Hours OT Hours Rate OT Rate Amount Hours Rate Amount of Fringe
5/16-5/17/19 13.00 43.75 568.75 13.00 31.53 409.89 -
5/16-5/17/19 11.00 42.70 469.70 11.00 31.53 346.83 -
5/16-5/17/19 13.00 41.50 539.50 13.00 31.53 409.89 -
5/16-5/17/19 13.00 49.22 639.86 13.00 32.85 427.05 -
- - -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Subtotal (A) 2,217.81 Subtotal (B) 1,593.66 -
Description Rate (%)
FICA 7.650%
Workers Compensation 9.632%
Federal Unemployement 0.600%
State Unemployement 7.150%

Total Rate 25.032%

Subtotal (C) 555.16

Description Rate (%)
General Liability 2.840%

Total Rate 5.330%

Subtotal (D) 118.21


Description Amount

Subtotal (E) -

Description Amount

Subtotal (F) -

Contractor Owned
Hours Monthly BB Age Adj BB Operating
Date Description Year Hours Rate/Hr Idle Rate/Hr Amount
Idle Rate Factor Cost/Hr
5/16-5/17/19 Foreman Pick Up 2016 13.00 1,255.00 0.990 7.06 3.53 23.8 401.18
5/16-5/17/19 CAT 335 2006 13.00 16,295.00 1.000 92.59 46.30 73.18 2,155.01
5/16-5/17/19 Plate Tampers 2016 26.00 650.00 1.020 3.77 1.89 2.9 173.42
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Rented Equipment
Date Description Amount

Subtotal (G) 2,729.61

Direct Labor 2,217.81
Labor Fringe 1,593.66
Materials -
3,811.47 X 10 %

Subtotal (H) 381.15

3,811.47 X 15 %

Subtotal (I) 571.72

TOTAL 8,167.32
Name Classification Hour Thursday Friday Total
Date 5/16/2019 5/17/2019
Regular 5 8 13
Overtime 0
Regular 5 6 11
Overtime 0
Regular 5 8 13
Overtime 0
Regular 5 8 13
Overtime 0

Equipment Year Hours Hours

Foreman Pick Up 2016 5.00 8.00 13.00
CAT 335 2019 5.00 8.00 13.00
Plate Tamper 2016 5.00 8.00 13.00
Plate Tamper 2016 5.00 8.00 13.00

Material UN QTY QTY

From: Kyle Fote
To:; Gaus, William; Michael Dipento; ""
Cc: Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:34:10 PM
Attachments: RFCO 120 - Wall 22 Corrective Work #2.pdf

(This is part 2 of 2)

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Kyle Fote

Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:27 PM
To:; Gaus, William ( <>;
Michael Dipento <>; ''
Cc: Victoria Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini
( <>
Subject: CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117

The additional costs incurred and as documented and provided in RFCO#120 by SSI is all known costs
as related to the MSE Wall #22 resetting per FO#117 and bookmarked under DC-161#45.
Payment is the amount of $65,334.13 is the total costs sought under this respective contractual
(This is part 1 of 2)

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Victoria Donnally

Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:14 PM
Cc: Kyle Fote <>
Subject: RE: Pending RFCO List


Please see the attached. SSI changes are in Blue.

Thank you,

Vicky Donnally
Project Engineer
South State, Inc.

From: []

Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Pending RFCO List


As I talk to you about pending RFCO, here is the list that I have a list as pending RFCO. Please let me
know if I missed any RFCO. Thanks.

Ashok Amin
Asst. Resident Engineer
Route I-295/42/I-
Direct Connect, Contract # 3

Office # 856-219-3774
E Mail:-
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Force Account Summary
Project DIRECT CONNECT #3 Activity Description RFCO 120C Wall 22 Corrective Work WE 5/25/19
Date 5/25/2019


Taxable Portion
Date(s) Classification Hours OT Hours Rate OT Rate Amount Hours Rate Amount of Fringe
5/20-5/24/19 40.00 43.75 1,750.00 40.00 31.53 1,261.20 -
5/20-5/24/19 40.00 42.70 1,708.00 40.00 31.53 1,261.20 -
5/20-5/24/19 32.00 41.50 1,328.00 32.00 31.53 1,008.96 -
5/20-5/24/19 40.00 41.50 1,660.00 40.00 31.53 1,261.20 -
5/20-5/24/19 40.00 49.22 1,968.80 40.00 32.85 1,314.00 -
5/20-5/24/19 32.00 49.22 1,575.04 32.00 32.85 1,051.20
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Subtotal (A) 9,989.84 Subtotal (B) 7,157.76 -
Description Rate (%)
FICA 7.650%
Workers Compensation 9.632%
Federal Unemployement 0.600%
State Unemployement 7.150%

Total Rate 25.032%

Subtotal (C) 2,500.66

Description Rate (%)
General Liability 2.840%

Total Rate 5.330%

Subtotal (D) 532.46


Description Amount

Subtotal (E) -

Description Amount

Subtotal (F) -

Contractor Owned
Hours Monthly BB Age Adj BB Operating
Date Description Year Hours Rate/Hr Idle Rate/Hr Amount
Idle Rate Factor Cost/Hr
5/20-5/24/19 Foreman Pick Up 2016 40.00 1,255.00 0.990 7.06 3.53 23.8 1,234.40
5/20-5/24/19 CAT 335 2006 30.00 1.00 16,295.00 1.000 92.59 46.30 73.18 5,019.40
5/20-5/24/19 Plate Tampers 2016 70.00 2.00 650.00 1.020 3.77 1.89 2.9 470.68
5/20-5/24/19 Komatsu PC138 2016 12.00 7,555.00 1.000 42.93 21.47 35.65 942.96
5/20-5/24/19 Komatsu PC228 2016 13.00 8.00 11,280.00 1.014 64.99 32.50 55.2 1,822.47
5/20-5/24/19 Ingersoll-Rand Roller 2002 7.00 4.00 4,530.00 1.000 25.74 12.87 40.9 517.96
5/20-5/24/19 CAT D5K2 LGP Loader 2016 7.00 5.00 6,570.00 0.999 37.29 18.65 35.85 605.23
5/20-5/24/19 Deere 650J 2012 1.00 5,835.00 1.000 33.15 16.58 34.15 67.30
- - -
- - -

Rented Equipment
Date Description Amount

Subtotal (G) 10,680.40

Direct Labor 9,989.84
Labor Fringe 7,157.76
Materials -
17,147.60 X 10 %

Subtotal (H) 1,714.76

17,147.60 X 15 %

Subtotal (I) 2,572.14

TOTAL 35,148.02
Name Classification Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total
Date 5/20/2019 5/21/2019 5/22/2019 5/23/2019 5/24/2019
Regular 8 8 8 8 8 40
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 8 8 8 40
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 8 8 32
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 8 8 8 40
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 8 8 32
Overtime 0
Regular 8 8 8 8 8 40
Overtime 0

Equipment Year Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours

Foreman Pick Up 2016 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 40.00
CAT 335 2019 4.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 30.00
CAT 335 - Idle 2019 1.00 1.00
Plate Tamper 2016 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 39.00
Plate Tamper - Idle 2016 1.00 1.00
Plate Tamper 2016 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 31.00
Plate Tamper - Idle 2016 1.00 1.00
Komatsu PC138 2016 4.00 8.00 12.00
Komatsu PC228 2016 6.00 6.00 1.00 13.00
Komatsu PC228 - Idle 2016 1.00 7.00 8.00
Ingersoll-Rand Roller 2002 2.00 1.00 4.00 7.00
Ingersoll-Rand Roller - Idle 2002 4.00 4.00
CAT D5K2 LGP Loader 2016 4.00 3.00 7.00
CAT D5K2 LGP Loader - Idle 2016 5.00 5.00
Deere 650J 2012 1.00 1.00


New Jersey Department of Transportation
Force Account Summary
Project DIRECT CONNECT #3 Activity Description RFCO 120D Wall 22 Corrective Work WE 6/1/19
Date 6/1/2019


Taxable Portion
Date(s) Classification Hours OT Hours Rate OT Rate Amount Hours Rate Amount of Fringe
5/28/2019 2.00 43.75 87.50 2 00 31.53 63.06 -
- - -
5/28/2019 2.00 41.50 83.00 2 00 31.53 63.06 -
5/28/2019 2.00 41.50 83.00 2 00 31.53 63.06 -
- - -
5/28/2019 2.00 49.22 98.44 2 00 32.85 65.70
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Subtotal (A) 351.94 Subtotal (B) 254.88 -
Description Rate (%)
FICA 7.650%
Workers Compensation 9.632%
Federal Unemployement 0.600%
State Unemployement 7.150%

Total Rate 25.032%

Subtotal (C) 88.10

Description Rate (%)
General Liability 2.840%

Total Rate 5.330%

Subtotal (D) 18.76


Description Amount

Subtotal (E) -

Description Amount

Subtotal (F) -

Contractor Owned
Hours Monthly BB Age Adj BB Operating
Date Description Year Hours Rate/Hr Idle Rate/Hr Amount
Idle Rate Factor Cost/Hr
5/28/2019 Foreman Pick Up 2016 2.00 1,255.00 0.990 7.06 3.53 23.8 61.72
5/28/2019 CAT 335 2006 2.00 16,295.00 1.000 92.59 46.30 73.18 331.54
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Rented Equipment
Date Description Amount

Subtotal (G) 393.26

Direct Labor 351.94
Labor Fringe 254.88
Materials -
606.82 X 10 %

Subtotal (H) 60.68

606.82 X 15 %

Subtotal (I) 91.02

TOTAL 1,258.64
Name Classification Hour Tuesday Total
Date 5/28/2019
Regular 2 2
Overtime 0
Regular 2 2
Overtime 0
Regular 2 2
Overtime 0
Regular 2 2
Overtime 0

Equipment Year Hours

Foreman Pick Up 2016 2.00 2.00
CAT 335 2019 2.00 2.00

Material UN QTY
From: Gaus, William
To: Kyle Fote;; Michael Dipento; ""
Cc: Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini; Ron Sabale; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Re: CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117
Date: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:46:07 PM
Attachments: image002.png
RFCO 120 - Wall 22 Corrective Work #1.pdf

The Department disagrees that the circumstances for the wall panel resetting are a changed
condition. If SSI wants to pursue these costs, submitted a DC-161 107.12 Claims Resolution
from with all costs and a TIE if time is part of the DC-161.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:27 PM
To: <>; Gaus, William <>;
Michael Dipento <>; ''
Cc: Victoria Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117

The additional costs incurred and as documented and provided in RFCO#120 by SSI is all known costs
as related to the MSE Wall #22 resetting per FO#117 and bookmarked under DC-161#45.
Payment is the amount of $65,334.13 is the total costs sought under this respective contractual
(This is part 1 of 2)

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Victoria Donnally
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:14 PM
Cc: Kyle Fote <>
Subject: RE: Pending RFCO List


Please see the attached. SSI changes are in Blue.

Thank you,

Vicky Donnally
Project Engineer
South State, Inc.

From: []

Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Pending RFCO List


As I talk to you about pending RFCO, here is the list that I have a list as pending RFCO. Please let me
know if I missed any RFCO. Thanks.

Ashok Amin
Asst. Resident Engineer
Route I-295/42/I-
Direct Connect, Contract # 3

Office # 856-219-3774
E Mail:-
From: Gaus, William
To: Kyle Fote; Dennis Monzo
Cc: Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini; Ron Sabale; Loftus, Thomas;;; McCleerey, John;; Michael Dipento; Reedy, James;;; Ashok Amin; Wright, Dennis; Kondash, Thomas Jr.
Subject: Re: CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2020 1:44:14 PM
Attachments: image002.png
DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope Stability and RFCO # 120 NJDOT Determination.pdf
FO 117 DC 161 Notice 45, Addendum 1, I 11 Slope Stability and Panel Movements.pdf
RFCO 120 - Wall 22 Corrective Work #1.pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 8:44 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; <>;
Michael Dipento <>; ''
Cc: Victoria Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini
<>; Ron Sabale <>; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Re: CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117

The Department disagrees that the circumstances for the wall panel resetting are a changed
condition. If SSI wants to pursue these costs, submitted a DC-161 107.12 Claims Resolution
from with all costs and a TIE if time is part of the DC-161.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Kyle Fote <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:27 PM
To: <>; Gaus, William <>;
Michael Dipento <>; ''
Cc: Victoria Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117

The additional costs incurred and as documented and provided in RFCO#120 by SSI is all known costs
as related to the MSE Wall #22 resetting per FO#117 and bookmarked under DC-161#45.
Payment is the amount of $65,334.13 is the total costs sought under this respective contractual
(This is part 1 of 2)

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Victoria Donnally

Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 1:14 PM
Cc: Kyle Fote <>
Subject: RE: Pending RFCO List


Please see the attached. SSI changes are in Blue.

Thank you,

Vicky Donnally
Project Engineer
South State, Inc.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Pending RFCO List


As I talk to you about pending RFCO, here is the list that I have a list as pending RFCO. Please let me
know if I missed any RFCO. Thanks.

Ashok Amin
Asst. Resident Engineer
Route I-295/42/I-
Direct Connect, Contract # 3

Office # 856-219-3774
E Mail:-
State of New Jersey
295/42/76 Direct Connect Contract 3
211 Benigno Blvd.
Suite 200, 2nd Floor
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
PHIL MURPHY Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Governor Commissioner

Lt. Governor
February 13, 2020

South State, Inc.

P.O. Box 68
Bridgeton, NJ 08032

Attn.: Dennis A Monzo, Project Manager

Re: Rt. I-295/42/I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope Stability and RFCO # 120 NJDOT Determination

Mr. Monzo,

The Department reviewed the circumstances for South State, Inc.’s (SSI) Contractual Notice DC-161 # 45 I-11 Slope
Stability, submitted November 8, 2018. SSI submitted Request For Change Order # 120, dated November 6, 2019.
RFCO # 120 documented SSI’s costs for resetting of Retaining Wall #22 panels in accordance with NJDOT Field
Order # 117.

The Department disagrees the resetting of the Wall #22 panels is an additional cost to the Department, as stated in
the Resident Engineer’s email dated November 18, 2019. The Department, furthermore, concludes the
circumstances described in DC-161 # 45 and Addenda do not constitute a change to the Contract.

If SSI disagrees with the Department’s determinations, SSI can pursue DC-161 # 45 Slope Stability and RFCO #120
through the Specification 107.12 Contractual Claim Resolution Process.

William E. Gaus, Resident Engineer

Cc: T. Loftus, J. McCleerey, N. Merla, P. Agenello, File (DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope
Stability and RFCO # 120 NJDOT Determination)

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; aamin (; ""; "";
Dozier, Vincent; Ron Sabale; Paradise, Joe
Cc: Balluch, Albert; Kneidinger, Carl; McCleerey, John; Loftus, Thomas;; Jeff Roes; Dennis
Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] #441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-161#45
Date: Friday, February 14, 2020 10:30:07 AM
Attachments: image002.png
#441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-161#45.pdf
Re CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117.msg

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached contractor correspondence #441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

February 14, 2020

RE: CC#441
Route 295 /42 /I-76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

Mr. Gaus,

SSI received your letter DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope Stability and RFCO # 120
NJDOT Determination. The letter states the following.

The Department disagrees the resetting of the Wall #22 panels is an additional cost to the Department, as
stated in the Resident Engineer’s email dated November 18, 2019. The Department, furthermore,
concludes the circumstances described in DC-161 # 45 and Addenda do not constitute a change to the

The MSE wall moved significantly, this is a result of design choices. SSI repeatedly wrote and
warned against issues with such choices. Despite their project record NJDOT doubled down on
Dewberry design choices. In addition, NJDOT was warned multiple times by multiple entities
of potential consequences by Menard, SSI and RECO. Collectively each possess NJDOT written
responses on this matter.

This MSE wall is not yet complete nor has it even stood the test of Contract time, a contract that
is also significantly delayed. The consequence of design choices belongs to NJDOT not
contractors and suppliers. SSI disagrees with NJDOT and will pursue necessary cost through
the 107.12 Contractual Claim Resolution Process.


South State Inc. Management

Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Gaus, William
To: Reedy, James
Subject: Fw: #441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-161#45
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 8:25:21 AM
Attachments: image002.png
#441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-161#45.pdf
Re CC#402 - RFCO #120 - Wall #22 Resetting Per FO #117.msg

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 10:23 AM
To: Gaus, William <>; aamin (
<>; '' <>;
'' <>; Dozier, Vincent
<>; Ron Sabale <>; Paradise, Joe
Cc: Balluch, Albert <>; Kneidinger, Carl <>;
McCleerey, John <>; Loftus, Thomas <>; <>; Jeff Roes <>; Dennis
Monzo <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] #441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-161#45

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached contractor correspondence #441 SSI Response to MSE #22 Resetting DC-

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Gaus, William
To: Kyle Fote
Cc: Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini; Victoria Donnally; Anthony Suppa; Moore, Christopher; Poole, Michael; Brian
DITTENHOFER (SJH Engineering);; Joe Paradise;; Loftus,
Thomas; Maevsky, Andrew
Subject: Re: 2021-01-26 CC#525 DC-161 #64 East Slope Stability
Date: Monday, February 8, 2021 9:05:21 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-01-26 CC#525 DC-161 #64 East Slope Stability.pdf
DC-161 Contractual Notice # 64, East Slope Stability Reply.pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:53 AM
To: Gaus, William <>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Moore, Christopher <>
Cc: Dennis Monzo <>; Ryan Agostini <>;
Victoria Donnally <>; Anthony Suppa <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] 2021-01-26 CC#525 DC-161 #64 East Slope Stability

*** CAUTION ***

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on links or attachments unless you know the sender and the content is safe. Suspicious?
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Please find attached contractual lading 2021-01-26 CC#525 DC-161 #64 East Slope Stability.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it
may contain State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended
solely for the use of the addressee only. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or
other use of this message or its attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't
be applied, take no action.
State, Inc.
General Contractors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

DC-161 Contractual Notice #64


CONTRACT NO. 026113020

Route 295/42/I-76 Direct Connection

Form DC-161 for 2007 Specifications- 11/09/2016 Project Claim Reference #




South State Inc. 202 Reeves Road

Name of Contractor Street Address

856-451-5300 856-455-3461 Bridgeton New Jersey 08302

Business Phone Number Fax Number City State Zip Code

Route 295/42/I-76 Direct Connection Contract Bellmawr New Jersey

Project Name, Section, Location and

1. Is this the first written notice made to the Department regarding this claim?
Yes; please reference as Contractor’s Project Claim # 45 or
No; this supplements the previous written notice submitted May 2, 2017 , referenced as Contractor’s Project Claim #

2. State (in a narrative) the nature of and circumstances/reasons of the act, failure to act, event, thing, occurrence, condition, cause of delay, or
alleged suspension, which gives rise to this claim (include the name, function, and activity of each individual involved in or knowledgeable
about the claim and the identification of documents and the substance of communications relating to the claim):
See Attached

3. State the specific beginning date of such act, failure to act, event, thing, occurrence, condition, cause of delay, or alleged suspension which
gives rise to this claim: See Attached (date)

4. State (in a narrative) the detailed actions taken by the Contractor to mitigate the claim:
See Attached

5. Will/could the change affect Contract Time?

No; or
Yes, but the extent of the impacts on Contract Time are not known but affects the following activity(ies): Critical Path (list); or

Yes, the change impacts Contract Time by days and affects the following activity(ies): (list);

(select one) A Time Impact Evaluation (TIE) Form DC-186: is attached; or was submitted on: (date)
(A TIE, CPM fragnet, and an approved progress schedule is required as per Subsection 108.11.01.C of the 2007 Specifications)

6. Will/could the change affect costs to the Department?

No; or
Yes, but the amount is unknown at this time; a non-binding estimate is (check applicable box): less than $20,000;
between $20,000 - $250,000; $250,000 - $500,000; $500,000 - $1,000,000; more than $1,000,000; or
Yes; the amount of this claim is $ TBD (Provide the basis for the calculation, including all types of all costs incurred)

7. State the Pay Item(s) that will/could be affected by this claim: (list)
Form DC-161 for 2007 Specifications- 11/09/2016 Project Claim Reference #

8. Identify the section(s) of the specifications on which the Contractor is basing this claim (check the applicable boxes): Increase/Decreased Quantities; New Work; Character of Work;
108.11.01- Extensions to Contract Time; 109.01- Measurement of Quantities;
✔ Other (Specify)
104.03.04 reference attached
Be advised that this does not begin the Contractual Claims Resolution Process.
9. Is the Contractor notifying the Department that the Form is complete as per Specification Subsection 104.03.04 or 107.12.01?
This Form is complete to provide written notice, or supplements a previous written notice, under N.J.S.A.59:13-1, et seq. and
Specification Subsection 104.03.04. The final impacts to Contract time and/or costs are unknown/partially unknown at this time;
This Form is complete as per 107.12.01; it is requested to begin the Contractual Claims Resolution Process. All supporting
documentation, including all costs and proof(s) thereof, and for all requests for Extensions of Contract Time, including a Time
Impact Evaluation, with a CPM fragnet diagram, as per Subsection 108.11.01.C, of the 2007 Specification are herein submitted.

I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are
knowingly or willfully false, I am subject to such punishment as may be provided by all applicable laws, including but not limited to the
New Jersey False Claims Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:32C-1, et seq.

DATED: Novemeber 2, 2018

Signature-Prime Contractor’s Authorized Representative
Dennis A. Monzo - Construction Manager
(Type - Name and Title)

If correspondence relative to this form should be sent to someone other than the Contractor, please state Name and Address:


South State, Inc.
Ge ne r a l C ontra c tors
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455- 3461

Route 295 /42 /I-76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020

Contractor Correspondence No. #525

DC-161 Contractual Notice #64 East Slope Stability
Special Provision 104.03.04 requires the Contractor to “Immediately provide written notice to the RE of
a circumstance that is believed to be a change to the Contract. If notice is not provided on Contractual
Notice (Form DC-161), include the following in the initial written notice:

1. A statement that this is a notice of a change.

This is a notice of change.

2. The date when the circumstances believed to be a change were discovered.


3. A detailed and specific statement describing the nature and circumstances of the change.
See Attached

4. If the change will or could affect costs to the Department.

Contact cost potentially. The change ought to affect something to the Department.

5. If the change will or could affect Contract Time as specified in 108.11.01.C.

Contract time potentially.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

The issue at hand is again slope stability located along the mausoleums, specifically between Bridge 7
Pier 6 and Bridge 2 Pier 4 NB. SSI has continually petitioned NJDOT to investigate the saturation and
constant water flow. NJDOT remained idle on the issue, except more recently, NJDOT contacted
Bellmawr with inquiry to no avail.

Excerpt DC-161 #01 – East Slope Issues

Currently the slope is less than likely to meet AASHTO LRFD code requirements for stability. AASHTO
requires that the Factor of Safety for overall stability shall be at least 1 .5 in accordance with AASHTO for slopes that support a structural element, such as the adjacent Mausoleums structures and
the associated proposed improvements. NJDOT would not accept this slope from a Contractor. How
then can Contractor inherit and assume responsibility for the instability and resulting settlement
Factors of Safety decrease significantly when water levels become elevated and concentrated. This is
likely happening subsurface before, during and after storm events or as a result of drainage following
construction. Factors of safety are also decreased when levels are elevated to the toe of slope.

Excerpt DC-161 #45 – Wall #22 MSE Movements/I-11

During this meeting SSI and Menard informed all in attendance collective concerns
pertaining to proposed I‐11 sand slopes supporting MSE Wall #22. The potential for
liquefaction of loose sandy sloped soils is very likely. Such failures are routine and
common during flash floods and heavy rain events. Such events may occur at any time
during construction or post construction resulting in severe impacts and costs to the

Given the already elevated saturation levels present in existing conditions coupled with
flash floods and down pours as experienced thus far it is not unlikely to significant soil
losses. This is not a view exclusive to SSI and Menard others in NJDOT also agree.
However the Department deflected to its consultant (Mr. Gazzale) whom doubled down
on the design.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Area in Question

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Observation of slope design and failure within the Direct Connect Complex is questionable. SSI
previously provided DC -161 Notices #01 and #45 for similar conditions. In addition to those areas of
concern, another major failure within the complex occurred after the close of Contract 2. Therefore,
immediate failure is not indicative of eventual failure. This area collapsed post construction and Final

February 11, 2020 - “On or about November 17, 2018, upon the Department’s Acceptance of
Contract No. 026113010 (Contract 2),

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

Actual Composite Slope Drain Failure from surface only circumstances.

Equal Opportunity Employer

South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

In summary SSI desires to be on record providing Contractual Notice questioning the proposed design.
The idea the proposed design will de-saturate the slope toe seems unlikely. The water source is
unknown yet there is reason to believe it is a result of leaking water main or a problem from Contract
2 water main installed by others. Given the saturation, proposed construction may not be possible in
running sands.

Therefore, be advised this slope contributes to the stability of the adjacent property and facilities. Be
advised the integrity of proposed future contract work may be compromised by this condition.
Further, be advised the Temporary Structure #13 may be in operation during a stability failure.

This condition may be a type 1 or Type 2 Differing Site condition. Since this area was embanked with
temporary riprap and debris during Contract 2, subsurface was not discernable.


South State Inc.

Equal Opportunity Employer

State of New Jersey
295/42/76 Direct Connect Contract 3
211 Benigno Blvd.
Suite 200, 2nd Floor
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
PHIL MURPHY Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti
Governor Commissioner

Lt. Governor
February 8, 2021

South State, Inc.

P.O. Box 68
Bridgeton, NJ 08032

Attn.: Dennis A Monzo, Project Manager

Re: Rt. I-295/42/I-76

Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

DC-161 Contractual Notice # 64, East Slope Stability Reply

Mr. Monzo,

South State, Inc. (SSI) submitted DC-161 # 64 Contractual Notice (104.03.04) – East Slope Stability on January
26, 2021. DC-161 # 64 describes SSI’s concerns about slope stability and saturated soils along the base of the
slope between Bridge 7 Pier 6 and Bridge 2 NB Pier 4.

“The issue at hand is again slope stability located along the mausoleums, specifically between Bridge 7
Pier 6 and Bridge 2 Pier 4 NB. SSI has continually petitioned NJDOT to investigate the saturation and
constant water flow. NJDOT remained idle on the issue, except more recently, NJDOT contacted
Bellmawr with inquiry to no avail.”

SSI began the I-11 embankment in the area on July 9, 2020, per the East Slope Soil Exchange agreement. I-11
was placed directly on the existing slope.

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

Some, if not most of the dark area shown in SSI’s picture in DC-161 # 64 began to show August 5, 2020,
partially due to the underlying existing slope.

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer
SSI informed me by text message, dated 12/11/2020, of the saturation occurring at the described location. I
called Bellmawr Borough, Joe Ciano, a few minutes after SSI’s text message. I met with Bellmawr Borough in
the field shortly after speaking with Joe Ciano. Bellmawr checked the meter pit at Browning Rd and did not see
any indications of flow/leaking main. I took pictures of the slope and forwarded them to Dewberry that

Monday morning, 12/14/2020, I wrote to SSI about the meter pit observation and asked when SSI was
scheduled to complete the slope work. SSI responded this work was planned in the near future after the earth
work is completed. In the same email, SSI asserted putting slope drain on top of the problem is not functional
as designed. The Department notified SSI that the Dewberry Composite Slope Drain System design is intended
to mitigate situations like this. The location shown in the SSI photographs is in the Contract documents. Red
circle is the general area of the saturated soil as shown in SSI’s photographs. Green is the outline of the
composite slope system limits between the bridge piers.

On 1/15/21, I asked “..please see how close to the B7P6 area we can go with the composite slope drain work.
Intent is to cover he slope that has been staying wet…” Prior to 1/15/2021, backfill operations showed up on
SSI’s 2-week look ahead. The 1/22/2021 look-ahead showed Composite Slope Drain starting on 1/28/2021.
However, snow and temperatures has delayed the composite slope drain work.

SSI also shows photographs of other slopes within the Direct Connection Contract.

 Wall 23 area. SSI neglects to mention the Wall 23 area slope failure was partially due to erosion starting
from the top of the slope. The drainage structures had become clogged, filling the top swale, causing
erosion around the drainage structure, and then causing a breach.

 Direct Connect 2 recent slope failure. I cannot comment at this time on the slope failure as I was not
involved with prior observations of the area nor construction of the slope.

SSI states “In summary SSI desires to be on record providing Contractual Notice questioning the proposed

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

design. The idea the proposed design will de-saturate the slope toe seems unlikely. The water source is
unknown yet there is reason to believe it is a result of leaking water main or a problem from Contract 2 water
main installed by others. Given the saturation, proposed construction may not be possible in running sands.”

“This condition may be a type 1 or Type 2 Differing Site condition. Since this area was embanked with
temporary riprap and debris during Contract 2, subsurface was not discernable.”
The Department agrees with SSI that the DC2 rip-rap slope covered the existing soils. The Department notes
SSI position questioning the Contract Composite Slope Drain design. If problems do arise with the slope, the
construction of the Composite Slope Drain System and/or stability, SSI has provided the proper notice.

Although SSI disagrees with the Contract design and intention of the Composite Slope Drain System, SSI is to
resume with the slope construction and the Composite Slope Drain System when conditions permit.


William E. Gaus, Resident Engineer

Cc: T. Loftus, A. Maevsky, P. Agnello, N. Merla (DC-161 Contractual Notice # 64, East Slope Stability

New Jersey is An Equal Opportunity Employer

From: Kyle Fote
To: Lojek, Lukasz; Gaus, William (DOT); Balluch, Albert (DOT);; Poole, Michael; Michael
Dipento; Brian DITTENHOFER (SJH Engineering);;; Laura Hazen; Abbott,
Matthew (DOT); Moore, Christopher (DOT); Loftus, Thomas (DOT); Maevsky, Andrew (DOT); Ahmadi, Hedaeatull
(DOT); Dozier, Vincent (DOT); Garbasz, Bryan; Agnello, Peter; Magliano, Gregory; Randazzo, Joseph; Dickson,
Bailey; Chung, Jinhyung; Gazzale, James
Cc: Dennis Monzo; Jeff Roes; Thaddeus Ohrenich; Matt Vanlier; Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini; Anthony Suppa
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#543 MSE Wall #22 Graham SSI Letter
Date: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:33:29 AM
Attachments: image002.png
2021-04-23 SSI Graham Letter to NJDOT.pdf

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Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #543

and confirm in writing that NJDOT has advised all its parties to abide by the safety protocols
established on DC#3 complex.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found,

you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious
content is detected, you will see a warning.
South State, Inc.
P.O. BOX 68 • BRIDGETON, NJ08302 • (856) 451- 5300 • FAX (856) 455-3461

April 23, 2021

RE: CC#543
Route 295 /42 /I-76
Direct Connection Contract 3
Contract No. 026113020
Fed. Project No. NHP-0295(320)

Mr. Gaus,

Please find the enclosed letter from the Graham Company. SSI can confirm with certainty and
empirical data merit to the serious concerns as outlined. Attached to this correspondence are
documented examples of safety violations.

SSI has established protocols and measures to monitor, escort and guide all personal requiring
access to the site. SSI has implored NJDOT and its agents to maintain safe operations. However,
multiple people have been removed from the project for violating these protocols. Despite this
reality, the infractions continue as individual’s access the site recklessly.

SSI shall make clear that that it will disclaim any liability for any personal injuries or property
damage caused or incurred by NJDOT or its agents. Prior written notice (March 25, 2021) from
SSI/Graham has not been responded to by NJDOT. Furthermore, site access and safety is
discussed at bi-weekly zoom meetings with NJDOT and its agents. Despite this routine meeting
violations continue.

Finally as discussed with NJDOT the stability of the remaining MSE Wall #22 is currently a
matter of opinion and difference between SSI and NJDOT. NJDOT has retreated from asserting
the remaining portion of the MSE structure is safe as is. Be advised in writing SSI/ Graham feel
this is a potential safety issue for further collapse.

Therefore, it must be reiterated that anyone who acts outside the South State protocols does so
at their own risk. Please confirm in writing that NJDOT has advised all its parties to abide by
the safety protocols.


South State Inc. Management

Equal Opportunity Employer

April 22, 2021

William Gaus
Resident Engineer, NJDOT


Dear Mr. Gaus:

As you are aware, we are the insurance broker for South State, Inc. We previously wrote to you
on March 25, 2021, notifying you that the collapse of the “East Slope” mechanically stabilized
wall on NJDOT Contract No. 026113020 posed an immediate and significant risk of personal injury
to any person at or near the site. In that letter, we also advised that no one beyond those
engineers with direct responsibility over evaluating the safety of the area around the collapsed
wall should be permitted on site.

Despite this warning, South State, Inc. personnel have witnessed NJDOT and Dewberry
employees driving a truck along the hazardous location and walking down open lanes of traffic
on I-295. With the knowledge of the continued danger posed by the collapsed wall, the conduct
of these employees is negligent, if not reckless.

Commercial General Liability policies have an “Expected and Intended” exclusion which provides
that there will be no coverage for “bodily injury or property damage expected or intended from
the standpoint of the insured”. With the knowledge that the collapsed wall continues to present
a safety hazard to those in its proximity, the insurance carrier could deny coverage to South State,
Inc., as well as those Additional Insureds endorsed by written contract, who anticipated that the
conduct of the NJDOT and Dewberry personnel would likely lead to bodily injury or property
damage. In other words, the negligent conduct of these employees places insurance coverage
for injuries or damages related to the present condition of the collapsed wall in jeopardy.

Since prior warnings have gone ignored, South State again reiterates that anyone who enters
the area around the collapsed wall does so at their own risk until written confirmation of the
safety of the area can be confirmed by NJDOT engineers. If individuals enter the area despite
these warnings, South State disclaims all liability for injuries or property damage which may
occur as a result of their presence on the Site.
Wall Collapse - NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 April 22, 2021
Page 2

Please confirm in writing that you have advised all NJDOT and Dewberry personnel to stay away
from the area of the collapsed wall until NJDOT Engineers provide assurances as to the safety of
the location.

Very truly yours,


Senior Vice President and General Counsel


cc Albert Balluch, Director, NJDOT (

Thomas Loftus, Regional Construction Engineer, NJDOT (
Kyle Fote, Project Engineer, South State, Inc. (
Dennis Monzo, Project Manager, South State, Inc. (
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William; Moore, Christopher; michael.poole (; Michael Dipento
(; Loftus, Thomas; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes; Dennis Monzo; Victoria Donnally; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:09:51 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf

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Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
Contractor Correspondence No. #534
DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 Slope Stability Addendum #6

Previously per DC-161 #45 and subsequent addenda SSI, Menard and RECO provided dire
warnings to NJDOT for geotechnical design choices along MSE #22.
Excerpt - DC161#45
Specifically, we have previously voiced our grave concerns regarding the Department’s use of I‐11
sand +/‐ 12 feet thick below MSE Wall #22. This wall is approximately 38 feet tall along the outer slope.

We believe the use of I‐11 in this situation is an “error”. Despite our documented misgivings regarding
this specification, we have been directed to proceed.

This subject was also discussed a great length with the Department and its consultant during Progress
Meeting 21 January 23, 2018 (attached). Despite SSI efforts and NJDOT insights, the Department
remained silent and inactive on the matter.

Despite Menards analysis and SSI’s concern, the Department formally dismissed the analysis. This
lead to a dispute in the working drawing process. Whereas DGI Menard refused to include the unstable
I‐11 slope as part of its CSES design submission. The Department and its consultant eventually
retreated from their prior position and the working drawing was approved as such.

Excerpt - DC161#45 Addendum #1

Post construction movements in MSE#22 panels were observed. Inclinometer readings were examined
the data shows lateral movement in the same direction as the pushed out wall panels. The Inclinometer
lateral movements as graphed begin at the bottom of I-11 fill zone and increase out of plumb as height
of backfill increases. The readings show movement in the same direction as the panels.

There is a direct relationship between lateral movement and height of backfill. The lateral movement
continues to increase as the backfill height increases. Looking at the graph data there is a steady
progression of lateral movement projecting to the west.

It is not difficult to understand stacking loose sand 11’-12’ in height then surcharging it with +/- 30’ of
embankments in a (3) sided condition presents inherit stability issues as warned. It is then no
coincidence the lateral movement is in the direction without constraint… the open slope face is the
path of least resistance.

The loose sand was an attempt to deal with perched subsurface water flows which remain constant
along this area. The frequency and volumes of water fluctuate. Therefore saturation levels vary
depending on subsurface flow and volume. The opportunity for liquefaction of soil, or any soil
movement is always present as saturation levels alter stability.

The loose sand and I-15 backfill moved laterally in the westerly direction. As stated in the preemptive
DC-161 #45 and the associated correspondences the Department was cautioned to the inherit risks. SSI
and its associates offered multiple alternatives including CSES LTM elevation modifications and other
soil parameters. The Department began to consider proposed changes. However decided the additional
engineering cost was not favorable and opted out.
Responses Provided by NJDOT from DC-161#45 thru Addenda 6

Seems to SSI, Menard and RECO limited liability language provided in NJDOT responses has no
effect on the ongoing geotechnical realties. NJDOT now has a significant issue to deal with in
spite of the very detailed record of warnings beginning with DC-161#45 issued November 2,
From: Gaus, William
To: Maevsky, Andrew; Loftus, Thomas; Balluch, Albert; Michael Dipento
Subject: Fw: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:55:12 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf

This came in yesterday. Job personnel saw the pavement problem Tuesday. The wall shifted
Wednesday night.

Want me to set up a Teams call?

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:07 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Moore, Christopher
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Victoria
Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

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Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

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may contain State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended
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other use of this message or its attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't
be applied, take no action.
From: Gaus, William
To: Agnello, Peter
Cc:; Magliano, Gregory; Maevsky, Andrew; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Fw: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:59:10 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf
20210325 070611.jpg

Wall 22 failure overnight.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:07 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Moore, Christopher
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Victoria
Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

*** CAUTION ***

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on links or attachments unless you know the sender and the content is safe. Suspicious?
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Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer
202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Sharp, Kimberly
To: Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 8:24:55 AM
Attachments: image003.png
2018-11-02 CC#244 SSI - DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22.pdf
DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I‐11 Slope Stability.docx

Kim ​Sharp
Supervising Engineer
Geotechnical Engineering Unit

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Sharp, Kimberly <>
Cc: <>;
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Tom, John and Kim - Please review my DC-161 # 45 reply.

Mike - some sort off response needs to go out by the 8th.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it
may contain State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended
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other use of this message or its attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't
be applied, take no action.
From: Loftus, Thomas
To: Sharp, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 8:41:00 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2018-11-02 CC#244 SSI - DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22.pdf

Reading the claim, it’s almost like they had a crystal ball.

From: Sharp, Kimberly <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 8:24 AM
To: Loftus, Thomas <>
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Kim ​Sharp
Supervising Engineer
Geotechnical Engineering Unit

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Sharp, Kimberly <>
Cc: <>;
Subject: Fw: Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Tom, John and Kim - Please review my DC-161 # 45 reply.

Mike - some sort off response needs to go out by the 8th.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile # 856-491-5010
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
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may contain State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended
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other use of this message or its attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message
in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't
be applied, take no action.
From: Shah, Atul
To: Balluch, Albert; Renman, Gregory T.; Bal, Harjit
Cc: Maevsky, Andrew; Saylor, Thomas; Patel, Snehal
Subject: FW: Rt 295/42/76 DC 3 FW: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 9:15:15 AM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf
20210325 070611.jpg


Atul Shah
Director, Division of Project Management

From: Saylor, Thomas <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 8:40 AM
To: Shah, Atul <>; Patel, Snehal <>
Cc: Maevsky, Andrew <>; Ahmadi, Hedaeatull
Subject: FW: Rt 295/42/76 DC 3 FW: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6




From: Maevsky, Andrew <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 8:16 AM
To: Saylor, Thomas <>; Ahmadi, Hedaeatull
Subject: Rt 295/42/76 DC 3 FW: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

Andrew Maevsky
Project Management Specialist 3
Division of Project Management – Team C

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:59 AM
To: Agnello, Peter <>
Cc:; Magliano, Gregory <>; Maevsky, Andrew
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>
Subject: Fw: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

Wall 22 failure overnight.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:07 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Moore, Christopher
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Victoria
Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

*** CAUTION ***

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links or attachments unless you know the sender and the content is safe. Suspicious? Forward the
message to

Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain
State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the
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immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't be applied, take no action.
From: Hussein, Mohab
To: Agnello, Peter
Cc: Sharp, Kimberly; Maevsky, Andrew;; Magliano, Gregory; Loftus, Thomas; Boudreau,
James; Gaus, William
Subject: RE: Rt 295/42/76 DC 3 FW: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 10:12:27 AM
Attachments: 2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf
20210325 070611.jpg


We recommend that Dewberry inspect the structure and provide reasoning, analyses, and
recommendations, prior to meeting with our office and the construction team.

Thank you,

Mohab A. Hussein, PE, PMP



P.O. BOX 600
TRENTON, NJ 08625-0600
5th Floor - #5346
(C): (973) 652-7973
(O):(609) 530-2383

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:59 AM
To: Agnello, Peter <>
Cc:; Magliano, Gregory <>; Maevsky, Andrew
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>
Subject: Fw: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

Wall 22 failure overnight.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:07 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Moore, Christopher
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Victoria
Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

*** CAUTION ***

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links or attachments unless you know the sender and the content is safe. Suspicious? Forward the
message to

Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain
State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the
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attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't be applied, take no action.
From: Balluch, Albert
To: Shapiro, Michele
Subject: FW: Wall 22 pictures
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 10:20:00 AM
Attachments: base of wall area.jpg
top of wall 22 looking south towards Browning Rd.jpg
Top of wall 22 looking north towards the tunnel.jpg
Wall 22 pavement looking north towards tunnel.jpg
Wall 22 looking across Rt 42.jpg
wall 22 3-23-2021.jpg

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 10:09 AM
To: Balluch, Albert <>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky,
Andrew <>
Cc: Michael Dipento <>
Subject: Wall 22 pictures

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
fax # 856-402-2094

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State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the
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attachment(s) is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
immediately and delete this message. If the disclaimer can't be applied, take no action.
From: Kyle Fote
To: Gaus, William;; Loftus, Thomas; Gaus, William; michael.poole
(; Michael Dipento (
Cc: Dennis Monzo; Jeff Roes; Anthony Suppa
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 3:59:15 PM
Attachments: image003.png
CC# 535 NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 - Notice.pdf

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Under the verbal direction provided through NJDOT Project Management, the lane closure is out
along Rt 295 NB right lane.
The lane closure will remain in effect and maintained until directed otherwise by your office.

SSI is keeping DC-54 records and this is to provide notice to your office to keep records as well per

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 3:31 PM
Cc:;; Kyle Fote <>;
Dennis Monzo <>
Importance: High
March 25, 2021

William Gaus
Resident Engineer, NJDOT


Dear Mr. Gaus:

We are the insurance broker for South State, Inc. We have been advised of the collapse of a
mechanically stabilized wall referred to as the “East Slope” on NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 on
Route 295 in Bellmawr, New Jersey (the Site). We have further been advised that various
personnel are being permitted access to the Site over South State’s strenuous objections.

The Graham Company and its insured, South State have grave concerns for the safety of any
individuals accessing the Site. We understand that the collapse of this wall may be continuing
and pose significant risk of personal injury to any person at or near the site.

In light of the above, we are requesting that the entire area of the Site be cordoned off and that
only those engineers with direct responsibility over the determination of the safety of this area
be permitted to access the Site at this time. The Site should then be reopened only upon the
written confirmation of those engineers that the Site is safe for access. The Graham Company
and South State are gravely concerned that a high potential for bodily injury to those accessing
this unprotected site may occur.

Anyone who enters the area around the collapsed wall does so at their own risk until written
confirmation of the safety of the area can be confirmed by the engineers. Further, if individuals
enter the area despite these warnings, South State disclaims all liability for injuries or property
damage which may occur as a result of their presence on the Site.

As you know, liability insurance policies have “Expected and Intended” exclusions which could
permit an insurance company to deny coverage for the liability of insureds (including additional
insureds) for losses that are expected and intended from the standpoint of the insured. We are
concerned that in the event this Site is not immediately cordoned off and injuries result,
insurance companies could seek to deny coverage for those claims on this basis.
Wall Collapse - NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 March 25, 2021
Page 2

Please confirm in writing back to the understand that all steps will be taken to immediately
cordon off the Site to ensure that no persons have access other than those engineers who are
specifically assigned to assess and confirm its safety.

Very truly yours,


Senior Vice President and General Counsel


cc Albert Balluch, Director, NJDOT (

Thomas Loftus, Regional Construction Engineer, NJDOT (
Kyle Fote, Project Engineer, South State, Inc. (
Dennis Monzo, Project Manager, South State, Inc. (
From: Hussein, Mohab
To: Gaus, William; Balluch, Albert
Subject: Fw: CC#535 DC-161#45 EAST SLOPE STABILIZED WALL 22
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:25:59 PM
Attachments: image003.png
CC# 535 NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 - Notice.pdf


From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:25 PM
To: Hussein, Mohab <>

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Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------

From: Kyle Fote <>
Date: 3/25/21 4:11 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Rory Senseman <>

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

From: Gaus, William
To: Maevsky, Andrew; Agnello, Peter
Cc: Balluch, Albert; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: Fw: CC#535 DC-161#45 EAST SLOPE STABILIZED WALL 22
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:27:49 PM
Attachments: image003.png
CC# 535 NJDOT Contact No. 026113020 - Notice.pdf

See attached.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 3:55 PM
To: Gaus, William <>;
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Gaus, William
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
Cc: Dennis Monzo <>; Jeff Roes <>; Anthony
Suppa <>

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Under the verbal direction provided through NJDOT Project Management, the lane closure is out
along Rt 295 NB right lane.
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email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is
found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content
is detected, you will see a warning.

RPost ® Patented
From: Kyle Fote <>
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Gaus, William;;; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Contractor Correspondence #244 DC-161 #45 I-11 Wall 22

Please accept attached letter and documentation as DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 I-11 at
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall#22.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

From: Gaus, William []

Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>;
Agnello, Peter <>;; Ron Sabale
<>;;;; Victoria Donnally <>
Subject: Bridges 2 and 7 Abutment Walls in Proximity to Bridge 2 Pier 4 Work Area

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Gaus, William
To: Maevsky, Andrew [DOT]; Loftus, Thomas; Sharp, Kimberly [DOT]; Hussein, Mohab [DOT]
Cc: Joe Paradise;; Michael Dipento
Subject: Fw: CC#316- DC-161#45 I-11 Slope Stability and Panel Movements - Addendum #1
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 12:43:39 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-04-08 CC#316 DC-161 #45 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Add#....pdf
FO # 117 DC-161 Notice # 45, Addendum # 1, I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements.pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Gaus, William

Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 2:49 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; McCleerey, John <>; <>; Lewis, Michael <>; Jeff
Roes <>; Anthony Suppa <>; Dennis Monzo
<>; Ryan Agostini <>; <>; Kondash, Thomas Jr.
<>; Ron Sabale <>; <>;
<>; <>
Subject: Re: CC#316- DC-161#45 I-11 Slope Stability and Panel Movements - Addendum #1

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 2:42 PM
To: Gaus, William; aamin (; Poole, Michael; Ron Sabale
Cc: Loftus, Thomas; McCleerey, John;; Lewis, Michael; Jeff Roes; Anthony
Suppa; Dennis Monzo; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#316- DC-161#45 I-11 Slope Stability and Panel Movements - Addendum #1
Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #316,
Addendum #1 DC-161#45 - Wall 22 I-11 slope stability and panel movements.
Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418
From: Poole, Michael []
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 2:40 PM
To: Kyle Fote <>; Dennis Monzo <>;
Ron Sabale <>
Cc: Loftus, Thomas <>; Mccleerey, John
<>;; Ryan Agostini
<>; Ashok Amin <>; Kondash, Thomas
Jr. <>; Agnello, Peter <>
Subject: Reply to DC-161 Contractual Notice #45 Slope Stability
Please see attached for the Department reply to DC-161 # 45.
Michael V. Poole
Transportation – Engineer
From: Agnello, Peter
To: Gaus, William
Cc: Lojek, Lukasz; Magliano, Gregory; Maevsky, Andrew; Loftus, Thomas
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6
Date: Monday, April 5, 2021 5:55:38 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2021-03-24 CC#534 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Add#6.pdf

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Hi Bill

Filing this away. Is there an Add 5? I could not find a copy of one in our project file. Can a copy be
forwarded or re-forwarded if I missed it. Thanks


Peter Agnello

From: Gaus, William <>

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 7:59 AM
To: Agnello, Peter <>
Cc: Lojek, Lukasz <>; Magliano, Gregory <>;
Maevsky, Andrew <>; Loftus, Thomas <>
Subject: Fw: C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

[CAUTION] External Email. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless expected. Please use the "Phish Alert"
button to report all suspicious emails.

Wall 22 failure overnight.

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094
From: Kyle Fote <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 12:07 PM
To: Gaus, William <>; Moore, Christopher
<>; michael.poole (
<>; Michael Dipento (
<>; Loftus, Thomas <>; Maevsky, Andrew
Cc: Jeff Roes <>; Dennis Monzo <>; Victoria
Donnally <>; Ryan Agostini <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] C#534 DC-161#45 Addendum #6

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Please accept Contractor Correspondence #534 DC-161#45 - Addendum #6.

This is preliminary documentation.

SSI has contacted Menard and will follow up with more information once known.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain
State of New Jersey legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the
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From: Gaus, William
To: Agnello, Peter
Cc: Michael Dipento;
Subject: Fw: CC#352 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum #5
Date: Monday, April 5, 2021 6:46:48 PM
Attachments: image001.png
2019-07-10 CC#352 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Moveme....pdf

William E. Gaus
Project Engineer
Region South Construction

295/76/42 Direct Connect Contract 3

211 Benigno Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 200
Bellmawr, NJ 08031
office # 856-219-3774
mobile #
fax # 856-402-2094

From: Kyle Fote <>

Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 7:30 AM
To: Gaus, William <>; Dozier, Vincent <>; <>; Ron Sabale <>
Cc: McCleerey, John <>; Loftus, Thomas <>;
Kondash, Thomas Jr. <>;
<>; Dennis Monzo <>; Ryan Agostini
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CC#352 DC-161 #45 Wall 22 I-11 Slope Stability & Panel Movements Addendum

Mr. Gaus,
Please find attached Contractor Correspondence #352, Addendum #5 DC-161#45.

Kyle Fote
Project Engineer

202 Reeves Rd., Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Fx (609) 481-2418

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