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Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effects on the Academic

Performance of Student- Beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High School

A Research Paper
Presented to
Senior High School Department
Alcadesma National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2

Jhun Michael Melendrez
Danica Marie Rala
Rosenda Casapao
Raymark Falculan
Mark JM Luis Supetran
Sean Robledo


Poverty has been affecting a significant portion of the Philippine population

over many years. As a result, the government has implemented a number of social

programs and policies in an effort to at least reduce the prevalence of poverty. They

have, however, generally been shown to be unproductive and sustainable since they

are tied to single focus solutions (Son and Florente, 2008). Not until the Pantawid

Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps), one of the most popular social measures adopted

by the country was implemented in 2008. The Philippine government, through the

4Ps, provides cash grants to the marginalized or the “poorest of the poor” to improve

the health, nutrition and education of children age of 0-18 years of age.

According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (2008), 4Ps

is the largest social protection program in the Philippines, reaching the greatest

number of marginalized households. The Department of Social Welfare and

Development (DSWD) is the government agency in charge in selecting grantees and

distributing financial grants to its eligible recipients who have affirmed that they will

do and satisfy all conditions. This include enrolling children in daycare, elementary

and secondary schools, deworming school children from age 6 to 14 years old twice

a year and routine check up for pregnant women and children age 0 to 5 years old.

In addition to these, the parent beneficiaries must attend sessions on family

development and mothers’ class to improve their knowledge of fundamental values

and parental duties and to motivate them to participate in community activities

(Fernandez and Olfino, 2011).

Many families have benefitted from the program since its launch. The purpose

of the 4Ps program is to promote social development as a response to the

immediate needs of extremely poor families (Dungon, 2016). Prior to the provision of

the settlement, the DSWD examines and verifies their compliance during the

reporting period. Any conditions that are not met also result in removal from the list

of eligible recipients for that month. Payment termination and program suspension is

going to occur for continuous noncompliance (Fernandez and Olfinido, 2011).

Alcadesma National High School is eligible for the cash grant program. The

government spent billions to support the program and give financial aid to the

qualified students from low income families.

This kind of situation caught the curiosity of the researchers to investigate the

impact of the 4Ps on the students attendance academic performance of the

Alcadesma National High School students that are the grants primary recipients.

Along with analyzing the programs benefits, the study also examine how it affect

student aspiration.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to evaluate the effects of the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino

Program (4Ps) on the academic performance of the student beneficiaries in

Alcadesma National High School. Specifically, it seeks answers to the following


1) What is the perceived effects of the 4Ps program to the student’s

beneficiaries in terms of financial assistance?

2) What is the level of performance of the student’s beneficiaries in terms

1st Quarter average?

3) Is there a significant relationship between the perceived effects of 4Ps

program and performance of student’s beneficiaries in Alcadesma

National High School?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the perceived effects of 4Ps

program and level of performance of student’s beneficiaries in Alcadesma National

High School.

Significance of the Study

This study believe that the study was beneficial to the following group of


Student-Beneficiaries. The primary beneficiaries are the students

themselves. Understanding how the 4Ps impact their academic performance

will help them make informed decisions about their education.

Educational Institutions. Schools such as Alcadesma National High School,

will benefit from the studies findings by gaining insights into the needs and

challenges of student beneficiaries.

Social Welfare Agencies. This organization is responsible for implementing

social welfare programs will learn from the studies outcome to better serve the

needs of the beneficiaries.

Future Researchers. The result of the study will serve as their reference and

could give information that can be used in their studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study mainly focus on Pantawid Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effects on the

Academic Performance of Student- Beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High

School. This study includes the students of Alcadesma National High School who

are currently enrolled and beneficiaries of 4Ps during the school year 2023-2024.

Definitions of Terms

These following terms are operationally defined:

Academic Performance. This term is the overall achievement and success of

students in their educational endeavors which can be measure through various fact

factors such grade, test score, attendance and other relevant academic indicators.

Attendance. This term refers to the 1st Quarter attendance of the Student


Effects. This term refers to overall effects of 4Ps program on its student


Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps). It refers to the social assistance

program in the Philippines that offers qualified low-income families conditional cash

transfer with the goal of reducing poverty and enhancing the health and education of

the family members.

Student Beneficiaries. They are the student recipients of the benefits of financial

assistance provided by 4Ps.

Theoretical Framework

Vroom’s Expectancy theory is a psychological concept that provides insights

into how individuals make decisions and are motivated based on their expectations

of achieving specific outcomes. This theory comprises three key components:

expectancy, valence, and instrumentality. Expectancy refers to the belief of an

individual holds about the likelihood of their efforts resulting in successful

performance. Valence represent the value or desirability an individual place on the

outcomes associated with a particular performance. Finally, instrumental denotes the

belief that is successful performance will lead to desired outcome or rewards (Gbolli

and Keamu, 2017).

The study uses Vroom’s Expectancy theory in analyzing the effect of Program

on the academic performance of the students beneficiaries. The theory adopts the

idea that a person’s behavior results from conscious choices which are aim to

towards maximizing pleasure. Although performance is said to be primarily based

om individual factors such as knowledge and performance are also link to academic


Social Capital Theory is a sociological concept that delves into the value of

social relationships, network, and community connections as valuable assets for

both individuals and communities. It highlights idea that the quality and quantity of

one’s social interactions, trust, and community involvement can have a substantial

influence on various aspect of life. This theory suggests that by fostering strong

social connections, individuals can access support, information, and resources that

aid them in achieving their goals and improving their well-being (Clarige, 2018).

The social capital theory of Bourdieu (1985), which focuses on how social

networks and relationships affect people's lives, is related to this investigation. Social

capital theory suggests that the 4Ps program may affect the social networks and

relationships of student beneficiaries in the context of this study. It is hypothesized

that program participation might present chances for students and their families to

build meaningful relationships with other program participants, teachers, and

community members. Further, the theory emphasizes the sharing of knowledge and

support within these networks, which may have an impact on students' academic


Conceptual Framework


Perceived effect of the 4Ps

program to the student’s
Level of academic performance of
beneficiaries in terms of financial students in terms of 1st Quarter
assistance? average.

Figure 1: Relationship between Variables

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the research. This figure

shows the relationship between independent and dependent variable. The

independent variable refers to the perceive effects of the 4Ps program to the

student’s beneficiaries in terms of Financial assistance that affect the dependent

variable which pertains to the level of academic performance of student’s

beneficiaries in terms of 1st quarter average. The single headed arrow shows the

hypothesized relationship between the independent and dependent variable.


This chapter discusses the related literature and related study about Pantawid

Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Student-

Beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High School.

Related Literature


According to O’Niel (2012) the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs'

greatest success is keeping more children in school. Studies of the programs in

Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil all show increases in enrollment and attendance. The

effects on academic performance (as determined by standardized tests) are harder

to pin down. In fact, some studies indicate that students are falling behind as a whole

as schools struggle to accommodate the influx of students (some of whom have

dropped out and/or need more specialized instruction to bring them up to grade

level). The next critical, though challenging, step for these governments is to raise

the standard of education now that they have a larger captive audience.

Poor households are the target of CCTs, which are dependent on household

investments in health or education (such as keeping children in school or going to

prenatal checkups, etc.). By facilitating investments in the accumulation of human

capital, they combine a promotion goal to lower future poverty with a protection goal

to lower current poverty. CCTs have a significant impact on how income is

redistributed to the poor. They have well-documented effects on lowering current

poverty, raising school enrollment, decreasing child labor, and enhancing mothers'

and kids' use of health and nutrition services (Loezer, Ozler, and Premand 2021).

According to Latham (2018) conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs are

increasingly being utilized in developing countries to reduce inequality and build

human capital. Familias en Accion, a CCT in Colombia, has been found to increase

literacy and decrease grade retention among students receiving subsidies. However,

the overall increase in enrollment negatively impacts school-level math scores.

Some suggests that while CCT strategies can increase human capital and alleviate

poverty, they still allow for geographic and socio-economic differentials in academic

attainment. Further investigation is needed to address these concerns and develop

more effective CCT strategies for reducing inequality and improving school quality.

The global increase in school enrollment is a significant result of social

policies implemented by governments in low- and middle-income countries.

Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs have been instrumental in this success,

providing cash to low-income households in exchange for human capital

investments. These investments benefit society through health and education

benefits. CCTs are viewed as redistribution programs, providing income to families

and reducing the opportunity cost of sending children to schools. They are prevalent

in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Evidence of the effects of CCTs is

extensive, with one program in Mexico being implemented using randomized

assignment for rigorous evaluation. However, the long-term effects on student

achievement are less clear. The positive story of enrolment has one concern:

children and adolescents are increasingly attending school, but the results in

achievement are lacking. Additionally, there is a need for more evidence on design

issues to make CCTs more cost-effective (VoxDev,2017).

Rabesandratana (2016) stated that cash transfer programs have the most

substantial and consistent beneficial effects on school participation in 52 low- and

middle-income countries. The review found that cash transfers improved school

enrollment and attendance, cut dropout rates, and increased student completion.

However, it also showed limited improvements to learning outcomes, such as maths

and language skills.


Bonit (2021) stated that the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps) is a

conditional cash transfer program implemented in the Philippines to provide

incentives for poor families to invest in their future. However, the program has

negative disadvantages, including lack of self-discipline among beneficiaries,

corruption by politicians, and dependence on the program's budget. Many members

are unemployed or jobless, with the number of unemployed Filipinos increasing to

5.4%. The money given to the 4ps is not used for its purpose, leading to

unnecessary needs such as drinking alcohol and gambling. Additionally, the program

has led to poor students struggling with poor grades. To address these issues, the

government should consider providing jobs to the 4ps beneficiaries, allowing them to

work their way out of poverty through their own skills and community efforts. This

would allow them to say they did it themselves and improve their lives.

The 4Ps is a government tool designed to support the neediest in society.

However, it is crucial to ensure that the support is sustainable and not dependent on

the program. Strengthening the education component of the 4Ps can help improve

cognitive skills and break chronic poverty among beneficiaries. The government

should value education in various areas, such as arts, athletics, and vocations. To

make the 4Ps truly work for the education of children, it is essential to have a proper

program that propels them forward, not only now but also after their beneficiary days.

By introducing programs that build and boost cognitive skills, tapping innate talents,

assigning projects and activities that encourage community involvement, and

providing purposive mentoring, the government can make the educational

component truly work for the improvement of human capital (Yap,2022)

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, also known as the 4Ps in the

Philippines, is a means of immediately addressing the needs of the populace,

particularly in the areas of health and education. By making investments in health

and education, particularly for young children ages 0 to 18, it seeks to reduce

poverty in the Philippines. The results show that recipients are happy to use their

cash grants for educational purposes. It also demonstrates that, besides tuition, the

cost of food is covered by the cash grants that were misused (De Jesus, and

Villanueva, 2023).

Buenaguna (2021) stated that the 4Ps demonstrated desirable impacts on

most of the target education and health outcomes of children and pregnant women,

including positive impacts on household welfare such as income and food security;

large positive impacts on community participation; and awareness of basic means to

mitigate vulnerabilities such as disaster preparedness among adults. The 4Ps also

demonstrated large positive impacts on community participation.

The World Bank has highlighted the importance of quality education and

health programs in cash transfer programs like the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps). The program, which acts on the demand side, focuses on bringing

about behavioral change through conditionalities such as family development

sessions. The World Bank found that the program was effective in changing attitudes

and behaviors, such as increasing school attendance and supporting regular visits to

health clinics. However, it did not significantly affect development outcomes such as

learning, stunted growth of children, or maternal mortality. The World Bank

emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure the

program is constantly evolving. Government ownership is also crucial to sustaining

cash transfer programs, as the success of a large, nationwide social protection

program like Pantawid lies in creating and strengthening the operational and

institutional systems needed to support it (Business World,2023).

Related Studies


In the study of Behrman, Parker, Todd and Zhan (2021) the researchers

evaluate the impact of Mexico's Prospera program on educational outcomes over

grades 4-9. Results show that the program increases school enrollment and

academic achievement for lower-secondary school beneficiaries, with the largest

impacts on students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Tele secondary distance-

learning schools are a significant determinant of the program's impact.

In the study of Chico, Macours, Maluccio and Stampini (2019) the findings

show that conditional cash transfer significantly increased preschool enrollment and

academic achievement for five-year-olds. The pattern of effects indicates that

continuous program exposure may enhance preparation for primary school or

change social norms around child investment.

Miller, Riccio and Yang (2015) the researchers discovered that family

Rewards is the first Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program to be tested in the

United States. It provides financial incentives to families for their children's

education, family preventive healthcare, and parents' employment and training.

Using a randomized controlled trial, the researchers discover that during the 3 years

the prizes were given out, the program significantly reduced poverty and hardship.

Each of the three areas—education, health, and work—saw some benefits as well,

albeit they were either rather minor or only applied to select subgroups.

Saaverda, and Garcia (2012) conduct a meta-analysis of estimates for

enrollment, attendance, and dropout rates from 42 references that evaluated

conditional cash transfer programs in fifteen developing nations. All outcomes from

primary and secondary education have average impact sizes that are statistically

different from zero. Compared to primary, secondary enrollment, attendance, and

dropout have bigger average effect sizes. There is a lot of variation in effect sizes

across all outcomes and education levels. Larger primary and secondary enrollment

effects are associated with programs with more liberal transfers. Programs with

higher enrollment and attendance impacts are those that tie benefit receipt to

performance and use pay transfers less frequently than monthly. Effect sizes in

programs using random assignment are identical. The researcher discover evidence

that publication bias and selective reporting are true.

In the study of Dubois, and de Janvry (2011) the researchers look at how the

Mexican conditional cash transfer program Progresa—now called Oportunidades—

affects students' attendance at school and their ability to get passing grades. The

researchers determine the program's impact on enrollment and performance in the

first year of the program, prior to performance-induced dynamic selection, using a

randomized experiment carried out under Progresa. In contrast, the program had a

good effect on performance at the primary school level but a negative effect at the

secondary school level. We find that the program had a beneficial influence on

school enrollment at all grade levels.


According Orbeta Jr., Melad and Araos (2021) the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino program, a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving the health and

nutrition of children, has been analyzed in a study conducted as part of its 3rd wave

impact evaluation. The study, which covered 2,265 households with children born

between April 2009 and April 2013, found that timely exposure to Pantawid Pamilya

inputs during the first 1000 days of life reduced the prevalence of severe

underweight, diarrhea, and fever among children. The program also positively

impacted the age of start of schooling in first grade and cumulative number of years

of delay in schooling. Misconceptions on the start of schooling must be addressed to

ensure timely schooling and prevent delays in progression.

According to the study of Punzalan and Mertola (2018) the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a social development scheme for the poorest

Filipinos, aiming to positively impact their education. Results showed moderate

sense of belongingness among students, good academic performance among them,

and no significant relationship between their sense of belongingness and academic

performance. The program focuses on enhancing the social development of the

Filipino population

According to the study of Flores (2019) the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps) has significantly impacted the academic performance of students in

Calaba National High School, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The program,

which aims to provide cash grants to students, has been found to motivate

attendance and positively impact their socio-economic status. The study

recommends extending the program's scope, intensifying livelihood programs, and

reviewing budgets and disbursement schemes to prevent delays in grant release.

The program has led to increased school attendance and a reduced drop-out rate,

indicating its positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

The study of Villaflor, Posadas, Mallari Villamayor and Dela Cruz (2022)

discovered that the 4Ps have a positive effect on raising student attendance at

school, boosting motivation to finish the fundamentals of education, and improving

the health and nutrition of the student-beneficiaries as the cash grant was able to

help in feeding these students a variety of balanced, healthy meals on a regular


According to the recent study of Catubig and Viallano (2017) using school‐

level and student‐level enrollment data from Davao Oriental Philippines, we evaluate

the influence of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (also known as 4Ps), a

social development policy program, on the growth rates in school enrollment

outcomes. The findings show that 4Ps, on average, increased school enrollment of

children by 1.12 percent. It was also apparent that using student‐level data as

opposed to school‐level data revealed a more robust effect of 4Ps on school

outcomes. We also found some school and socioeconomic characteristics

influencing the change in school enrollments. Finally, this study highlights the role of

government intervention programs in improving access to education in the poorest

sector of the economy.



This chapter show the methods and procedures employed in this study. It

shows the important details on the instruments used for the data gathering and for

the procedures applied for the analysis and interpretation of the data.

Research Design

This study uses descriptive-correlation method of research. This study aims to

determine the Effects of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program on the Academic

Performance of Student- Beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High School.

The research design for this study will be descriptive-correlational. According

to Mugenda & Mugenda (2003) and Siedlecki (2020), a descriptive research design

is often a type of research design that aims to methodically collect data to

characterize a phenomenon, event, or population that is being researched.

Correlational research designs examine the correlations between variables

without including any control or manipulation on the part of the researcher. A

correlation shows how strongly and/or in which direction two or more variables are

related to one another. A correlation's direction could be either positive or negative.

In line with Bhandari, 2021

Sampling Techniques

The researchers use stratified random sampling technique in selecting the

respondent of this study.

Stratified random sampling, according to Hayes (2023), is a sampling

technique that entails breaking a population up into smaller subgroups known as

strata. The strata in stratified random sampling, also known as stratification, are

established according to the common characteristics or attributes of the members,

such as income or level of education.

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of the study are the 190 Students of Alcadesma National

High School who are the 4Ps beneficiaries.

Table A. Distribution of Respondents


Grade 7 53 28

Grade 8 61 32

Grade 9 59 31

Grade 10 86 45

Grade 11 42 22

Grade 12 62 32

TOTAL: 363 190

Research Instruments

The research instruments that will be uses in this study is a survey

questionnaire that is adopted from the study of Gumnas, Mindoro, Sumalpong,

Virtudazo and Jeovanny (N.D.), entitled Level of Social Security Satisfaction among

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilino Program (4P’s) Grade 12 Beneficiaries of ZNHS.

Scaling and Quantification

A Likert-scale was use in the study with four (4) as highest and one (1) as the

lowest with corresponding statistical limit and verbal description as presented in table


Table C shows the scaling that the researchers use in identifying the level of

Academic Performance of Student Beneficiaries of 4Ps.

Table B. Perceived effect of the 4Ps program to the student’s beneficiaries in

terms of financial assistance.

Score Equivalent Interpretation

4 3.5-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Agree

2 1.50 -2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Table C. Academic Performance of Student that are 4Ps Beneficiaries.

Rating Description

90-Above Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

74-Below Did not meet Expectation

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather all data needed for this research, the researchers will ask

permission to the school principal through a letter that will be sign by their research

adviser. After that the researchers will distribute the survey material (questionnaire)

to the selected respondents. Then after that the researchers will retrieve the survey

material then the computation and interpretation of the gathered data will follow.

Statistical Treatment of Data

This study utilized two forms of statistics. The first is descriptive statistics

which includes arithmetic mean, frequency and percentage. The formulation is


Arithmetic Mean


Where: x= arithmetic mean

X= sum of the values

n= number of respondents

The arithmetic mean is a measure of central tendency in descriptive statistics

which shows the average value of a characteristic in a given statistical sample. It is

used in assessing the effects 4P’s on students academic performance.

Frequency and Percentage


P = is the percentage

R = k the raw score

N = is the number of item

Inferential statistics such as Pearson's r was used to assess the relation

between the effect of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program on the Academic

Performance of Students Beneficiaries of Alcadesma National High School.

Pearson's correlation coefficient is the test statistics that measures the

statistical relationship, or association, between two continuous variables. It gives

information about the magnitude of the association, or correlation, as well as the

direction of relationships.

The formula is as follows;


N ∑ xy−∑ x ∑ y
√ ¿¿ ¿


r= Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient

x= sum of test x

y= sum of test y

xy= sum of the product of test x and y

x2 = sum of squared x scores

y2= sum of squared y scores



This chapter presented and interpreted data from the Students of Alcadesma

National that are student beneficiaries of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program.

Through the questionnaire to the problem, pointed in the study, tabular presentation

and discussion where organize basis of the sequence of the statements of specific


Part I. Perceived effect of 4P’s in terms of Financial Assistance

ITEM Mean Rank Verbal

1. I’m satisfied with the financial Strongly
assistance I received from 4P’s that 3.63 Agree
can be use for this academic year.
2. My 4P’s allowance satisfies my funds 3.36 3 Agree
for school supplies.
3. I am satisfied with the cash grant from 3.32 6.5 Agree

4P’s that I can use to pay for my
miscellaneous fees.

4. The monetary benefit from 4P’s can Strongly

satisfy my needs in buying required Agree
3.51 2
school uniforms.
5. My 4P’s allowance satisfies my needs 3.25 8.5 Agree
for making projects or output.
6. My 4P’s budget satisfies my needs for 3.25 8.5 Agree
practicums or performance tasks.
7. My 4P’s budget satisfies my financial 3.10 10 Agree
needs for out of school activities.
8. I am satisfies with the fact that I can Agree
use my 4P’s allowance for group
3.34 4
9. I am satisfied in buying things for extra 3.32 6.5 Agree
curricular activities.
10. My 4P’s budget satisfies my needs for 3.33 5 Agree
school activities payment such as
Intramural’s Buwan ng wika, etc…
Overall Mean 3.34 Agree

Table 1 Shows that Item 1 which stated the satisfaction of the cash grant that

they can use in this academic year got the highest rank with the mean result of 3.63

describe as Strongly Agree. Item 4 got the second rank among 10 items with the

mean result of 3.51 with the verbal interpretation of strongly agree. Item 2 among 10

items got the third rank with the mean result of 3.36 with a verbal interpretation of

Agree. Item 8 got fourth rank among 10 items with a mean of 3.34 with a verbal

interpretation of Agree. Item 10 got the fifth rank among 10 items with a mean of

3.33 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. Item 9 and item 3 got the same rank of 6.5

among 10 items with the mean result of 3.32 with a verbal interpretation of Agree.
Item 5 and 6 also both have the same rank of 8.5 among 10 items with a mean of

3.25 with a verbal interpretation of Agree. However, item 7 have the lowest mean

result which is 3.10 that got the lowest rank of 10. The overall mean is 3.34 with a

verbal interpretation of agree.

Rabesandratana (2016) stated that cash transfer programs have the most

substantial and consistent beneficial effects on school participation in 52 low- and

middle-income countries. The review found that cash transfers improved school

enrollment and attendance, cut dropout rates, and increased student completion.

Part II. Level of Academic Performance of Students in terms of 1 st Quarter

Rating Frequency Percentage Description

90-Above 46 24% Outstanding

85-89 72 38% Very Satisfactory
80-84 57 30% Satisfactory
75-79 11 6% Fairly Satisfactory
74-Below 4 2% Did not meet
TOTAL: 190 100%

The table above shows the academic performance of respondents in terms of

their 1st Quarter average. 72 which represents(38%) were respondents that got an

average of 85-89 with the verbal description of Very Satisfactory, 57 that represent

(30%) are respondents that got an average of 80-84 with a verbal description of

Satisfactory, 46 which represent (24%) were respondents got the average of 90 and

above with a verbal description of Outstanding,, 11 which represent (6%) were

respondents that got an average of 75-79 with a verbal description of Fairly

Satisfactory and 4 that represent (2%) of the respondents got the average of 74 and

below with a verbal description of Did not meet Expectation.

According to the study of Flores (2019) the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps) has significantly impacted the academic performance of students in

Calaba National High School, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The program has

led to increased school attendance and a reduced drop-out rate, indicating its

positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

Table III. Significant relationship between the perceived effects of 4Ps program

and academic performance of student’s beneficiaries in terms of 1 st Quarter

Average in Alcadesma National High School.


IV Academic Performance of Student Beneficiaries

Perceived effect of 0.159 -1.090 Reject Significant
4Ps In-terms of

Degree of Freedom: N-2

Level of Significance: 0.005 or 5%

There is a significant relationship between the Perceived effect of the 4Ps

program to the student’s beneficiaries in terms of financial assistance and Student

Beneficiaries 1st Quarter Average. With computed r-value of -1.090 and the critical

r-value of 0.159 which exceeds the computed r-value. So the null hypothesis is




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions, and the

further recommendation of the researcher in the study.

Summary of Findings

1. Perceived effect of 4P’s in terms of financial assistance

Most of the respondents stated that they are satisfied with the financial

assistance they received from 4P’s program that can be use for this academic year.

Which has the highest mean of 3.63 with a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree.

2. Level of academic performance of students in terms of 1st Quarter Average

Seventy two (72) of the respondents which is Thirty Eight percent (38%) of the

respondents got an average of 85-89 with a verbal description of Very Satisfactory.

3. There is a significant relationship between the perceived effects of 4Ps

program and performance of student’s beneficiaries in Alcadesma National

High School. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.


1. The student beneficiaries are very satisfied about the financial assistance

they get from 4Ps.

2. The students beneficiaries of 4Ps program, perform very satisfactory in

this Academic School Year.

3. The perceived effects of 4 Ps program directly impact the academic

performance of student’s beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High School.


1. It is recommended that the DSWD or Department of Social Welfare and

Development should do strict monitoring and compliance on the academic

performance of the students beneficiaries to ensure that they are attending


2. It is recommended that the government may continue to support the

Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program in order to reduce poverty and help

children to have quality education.

3. Future Researchers may use this study as a guide in conducting another

study on a larger proportion that focuses on the effects of Pantawid

Pamilya Pilipino Program (4P’s) on the academic performance of students


Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps): Its Effects on the Academic
Performance of Student- Beneficiaries in Alcadesma National High School

Name (optional) :_________________________________________


Direction: Encircle the following numbers that correspond to the information ask in
the following category.

4- Strongly Agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

Part I. Perceived effect of 4P’s in terms of Financial Assistance

Question 4 3 2 1
1. I’m satisfied with the financial assistance I
received from 4P’s that can be use for this 4 3 2 1
academic year.
2. My 4P’s allowance satisfies my funds for school
supplies. 4 3 2 1
3. I am satisfied with the cash grant from 4P’s that
I can use to pay for my miscellaneous fees. 4 3 2 1
4. The monetary benefit from 4P’s can satisfy my
needs in buying required school uniforms. 4 3 2 1
5. My 4P’s allowance satisfies my needs for
making projects or output.

4 3 2 1
6. My 4P’s budget satisfies my needs for
practicums or performance tasks. 4 3 2 1
7. My 4P’s budget satisfies my financial needs for
out of school activities. 4 3 2 1
8. I am satisfies with the fact that I can use my
4P’s allowance for group expenditures. 4 3 2 1
9. I am satisfied in buying things for extra curricular
activities. 4 3 3 1
10. My 4P’s budget satisfies my needs for school
activities payment such as Intramural’s Buwan 4 3 2 1
ng wika, etc…

Part II. Level of Academic Performance of Students in terms of 1 st Quarter


Direction: Write your 1st Quarter Average in the space provided below.

1st Quarter Average__________


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