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xpswmm Reference Manual

Table of Contents
User's Manual 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................ 1
Language Note ................................................................................................ 1
Installing ........................................................................................................... 1
Upgrades ................................................................................................... 1
How Do I? ........................................................................................................ 2
Common Tasks ......................................................................................... 2
Common Tasks .................................................................................. 2
Export Hydrograph to Excel ................................................................ 2
1.2 The Model Structure .................................................................................. 7
1.3 Philosophy ................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Strategy ..................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Is a 2D or 2D/1D Model Feasible? ............................................................ 8
1.6 Analytical Engine ....................................................................................... 8
1.7 The User Interface ................................................................................... 10
1.7.1 The Generic Graphical User Interface ........................................... 10
1.7.2 The Window ................................................................................... 10
1.7.3 The Pointing Device ....................................................................... 11
1.7.4 The Dialog Box ............................................................................... 12
1.7.5 Dialog Icons ................................................................................... 13
1.7.6 The Menus ..................................................................................... 14
1.7.7 Tools .............................................................................................. 14
1.7.8 Layer Control Panel ....................................................................... 15
Setup Wizard ................................................................................................. 19
2.1 Building the Runoff and 1D Hydraulic Layers .......................................... 24
2.1.1 Setting the Active Mode ................................................................. 24
2.1.2 Graphical Elements ........................................................................ 25
2.1.3 Creating a Network ........................................................................ 25
2.1.4 Naming an Element ....................................................................... 26
2.1.5 Selecting an Object or a Group of Objects .................................... 27
2.1.6 Moving an Object ........................................................................... 28
2.1.7 Reconnecting Objects .................................................................... 29
2.1.8 Deleting Objects ............................................................................. 29
2.1.8 Setting Default Labels .................................................................... 29
2.1.10 Using the Layer Control Panel ..................................................... 29
Using the Layer Control Panel ......................................................... 29
Nodes ............................................................................................... 30
Import Nodes from GIS ..................................................................... 30
Export Nodes to GIS File .................................................................. 32
Catchments ...................................................................................... 32
Import Catchments ........................................................................... 33
Add Catchment to Drawing ............................................................... 35
Link Catchment to Node ................................................................... 36
Catchment Connections ................................................................... 38
Links ................................................................................................. 39
Link Properties .................................................................................. 40
Import Links from GIS File ................................................................ 41
Export Links to GIS File .................................................................... 43
Water Level Lines ............................................................................. 44
Table of Contents
Cross-Section Properties .................................................................. 46
2.2 Navigating the Network ........................................................................... 47
2.2.1 Navigation Basics .......................................................................... 47
2.2.2 The Coordinate System ................................................................. 47
2.2.3 Traversing the Network .................................................................. 48
2.2.4 Panning Around the Network ......................................................... 48
2.2.5 Re-sizing Network Objects ............................................................. 48
2.2.6 Re-scaling the Network Window .................................................... 49
2.3 Background Images ................................................................................. 49
2.3.1 Creating a Background .................................................................. 49
2.3.2 HPGL File Format .......................................................................... 49
2.3.3 Importing Background Pictures ...................................................... 51
2.3.4 Edit Background ............................................................................. 52
2.3.5 ESRI Shape File Attributes ............................................................ 54
2.3.6 World File ....................................................................................... 55
2.3.7 CAD File as Background Image ..................................................... 56
2.4 Topography Layers and Objects ............................................................. 56
Topography Layers and Objects ............................................................. 56
2.4.1 DTM Layers .................................................................................... 56
Managing DTM Layers ..................................................................... 56
Create DTM from XYZ File or XYZS File ......................................... 57
Create DTM From ESRI Grid File .................................................... 58
Load DTM File .................................................................................. 58
Export DTM Data .............................................................................. 59
DTM Properties ................................................................................ 59
DTM Legend ..................................................................................... 63
DTM Display Properties .................................................................... 64
DTM Builder ...................................................................................... 65
2.4.3 Breaklines ...................................................................................... 67
Gully and Ridge ................................................................................ 67
2.4.4 Fill Areas ........................................................................................ 73
Fill Areas ........................................................................................... 73
2.5 2D Domains ............................................................................................. 77
2.5.1 2D Domains, Boundaries and Interfaces ....................................... 77
2.5.2 2D Grid Extents .............................................................................. 78
2.5.3 Active and Inactive 2D Areas ......................................................... 80
2.5.5 1D/2D Interface .............................................................................. 81
2.5.6 1D/2D Connections ........................................................................ 83
2.5.8 2D Head Boundary ........................................................................ 83
2.5.9 2D Flow Boundary ......................................................................... 85
2.5.10 2D Rainfall/Flow Areas ................................................................ 87
2.5.11 2D Landuses ................................................................................ 88
Roughness Coefficients .......................................................................... 90
2.6 GIS Layers ............................................................................................... 91
GIS Layers .............................................................................................. 91
Adding GIS Layer ............................................................................. 91
Display Properties ............................................................................ 91
Displaying Attributes ......................................................................... 92
2.7 CAD Layers ............................................................................................. 92
Adding CAD Layers ................................................................................. 92
CAD Layer Properties ............................................................................. 93
3.1 Database Concepts ................................................................................. 95
3.2 The Permanent Database ....................................................................... 95
3.3 The Working Database ............................................................................ 95
Table of Contents
3.4 Database Integrity - test .......................................................................... 95
4.1 Using the Copy Buffer ............................................................................. 97
4.2 Copy Data From a Single Object ............................................................. 97
4.3 Copy Multiple Objects .............................................................................. 98
4.4 Copy a Single Item .................................................................................. 99
4.5 Copy a Dialog List (DLIST) Item .............................................................. 99
4.6 Copying Global Data ............................................................................. 100
5.2 SWMXP.INI File ..................................................................................... 103
5.3 File Names, Extensions and Paths ....................................................... 107
5.4 [Settings] ................................................................................................ 108
5.6 [Engine] .................................................................................................. 109
5.7 [comments] ............................................................................................ 109
5.8 [Field Defaults] ....................................................................................... 109
5.9 [Recent File List] .................................................................................... 109
MRU_COUNT .............................................................................................. 109
5.10 [STATUS] ............................................................................................. 109
Field Precision ............................................................................................. 109
5.11 [Main] ................................................................................................... 110
VERSION .............................................................................................. 110
ENGINE_VER ....................................................................................... 110
EDITOR ................................................................................................. 110
TEMPDIR .............................................................................................. 110
DIRECTORY ......................................................................................... 110
SWMXP ................................................................................................. 110
ENGINE ................................................................................................ 110
MSGBOX .............................................................................................. 111
CNF ....................................................................................................... 111
CVTHPGL ............................................................................................. 111
HELP ..................................................................................................... 111
PLOT_EXE ............................................................................................ 111
workdirectory ......................................................................................... 111
GIS_EXE ............................................................................................... 111
5.12 [Config] ................................................................................................ 112
OPT_DB_KEY ....................................................................................... 112
OPT_DB_MEM ..................................................................................... 112
OPT_DIRTYOBJ ................................................................................... 112
OPT_DRAW_LINK_LABELS ................................................................ 112
OPT_DRAW_NO_LABELS ................................................................... 112
OPT_DRAW_NODE_LABELS .............................................................. 112
OPT_FAST_DRAW ............................................................................... 113
OPT_IDX_ACCESS .............................................................................. 113
OPT_OBJ_NAME_ACCESS ................................................................ 113
OPT_PART_REC .................................................................................. 113
OPT_REDRAW ..................................................................................... 113
IO_BUF_SIZE ....................................................................................... 113
MAX_DBCARDS ................................................................................... 114
MAX_LINKS .......................................................................................... 114
MAX_NODES ........................................................................................ 114
MAX_PICTS .......................................................................................... 114
MAX_TEXTS ......................................................................................... 114
CACHE_SIZE ........................................................................................ 114
CALIBRATE .......................................................................................... 114
Table of Contents
PROJECTS ........................................................................................... 115
SOLVE .................................................................................................. 115
DATE_FORMAT ................................................................................... 115
COLOR ................................................................................................. 115
APP_FLAGS ......................................................................................... 115
YEAR_XX .............................................................................................. 115
main ...................................................................................................... 115
5.13 [Display] ............................................................................................... 116
FONTNAME .......................................................................................... 116
FONTSIZE ............................................................................................ 116
FONTWT ............................................................................................... 116
6.1 The Toolbars ......................................................................................... 117
6.2 File Management Tools ......................................................................... 118
6.3 Clipboard Tools ..................................................................................... 119
6.4 Scenario Manager Tools ....................................................................... 119
6.5 Job, Layer & Mode Control Tools .......................................................... 122
6.6 Background Image Tools ....................................................................... 122
6.7 Solve and Review Results Tools ........................................................... 122
6.8 Object Creation Tools ............................................................................ 122
6.9 Network Viewing and Navigation Tools ................................................. 124
6.10 Layer Control Panel ............................................................................. 124
6.11 Project Tools ........................................................................................ 126
6.12 Global Storms ...................................................................................... 126
THE MENU BAR ......................................................................................... 129
7.1 File ......................................................................................................... 129
7.1.1 The File Menu .............................................................................. 129
7.1.2 Open ............................................................................................ 131
7.1.3 Merge ........................................................................................... 132
7.1.4 Close ............................................................................................ 132
7.1.5 Save ............................................................................................. 133
7.1.6 Save As ........................................................................................ 133
7.1.7 Save As Template ........................................................................ 133
7.1.8 Revert ........................................................................................... 133
7.1.9 Properties ..................................................................................... 133
7.1.10 Print ............................................................................................ 138
7.1.11 Print Preview .............................................................................. 138
7.1.12 Page Setup ................................................................................ 138
7.1.13 Record to AVI ............................................................................. 140
7.1.14 Recent Files ............................................................................... 140
7.1.15 Clean Up .................................................................................... 140
7.1.16 Exit ............................................................................................. 141
7.1.17 New ............................................................................................ 141
7.1.1 New ........................................................................................ 141
New File Options ............................................................................ 141
Blank Job ........................................................................................ 141
New File from Wizard ..................................................................... 141
New File From Template ................................................................ 145
7.1.18 Import/Export Data ..................................................................... 146
Import/Export Data ......................................................................... 146
Import LandXML Data .................................................................... 147
Import XPX/EPA Data .................................................................... 147
EPA Data ........................................................................................ 147
Table of Contents
XPX ................................................................................................. 152
External Databases ........................................................................ 163
Import/Export External Databases ................................................. 163
Database Connection ..................................................................... 173
Configure Database Connection .................................................... 173
External Database Query Results .................................................. 174
Mappings ........................................................................................ 175
HEC-RAS Data ............................................................................... 176
Import HEC-RAS Data .................................................................... 176
Export XPX Data ............................................................................ 177
Export XPX Data ............................................................................ 177
Object Selection ............................................................................. 178
Variable Selection ........................................................................... 178
Export EPA 5.0 ............................................................................... 179
Export EPA 5.0 ............................................................................... 179
7.2 Edit ......................................................................................................... 182
The Edit Menu ....................................................................................... 182
7.2.1 Undo ............................................................................................. 182
7.2.2 Cut Data ....................................................................................... 183
7.2.3 Copy Data .................................................................................... 183
7.2.4 Paste Data ................................................................................... 183
7.2.5 Clear Data .................................................................................... 183
7.2.6 Delete Objects .............................................................................. 183
7.2.7 Data .............................................................................................. 183
7.2.8 Notes ............................................................................................ 183
7.2.9 Properties ..................................................................................... 184
Properties ....................................................................................... 184
Display Properties .......................................................................... 185
7.3 Project .................................................................................................... 187
The Project Menu .................................................................................. 187
7.3.1 New .............................................................................................. 188
7.3.2 Open ............................................................................................ 188
7.3.3 Edit ............................................................................................... 188
7.3.4 Details of Project .......................................................................... 190
7.3.5 Close ............................................................................................ 190
7.3.6 Save ............................................................................................. 190
7.3.7 Save As ........................................................................................ 190
7.3.8 Multi-Run ...................................................................................... 190
7.3.9 Multi Review ................................................................................. 191
7.4 View ....................................................................................................... 192
The View Menu ..................................................................................... 192
7.4.1 Quick Data View .......................................................................... 193
7.4.2 Network Overview ........................................................................ 196
7.4.3 Fit Window ................................................................................... 197
7.4.4 Redraw ......................................................................................... 197
7.4.5 Regenerate View ......................................................................... 197
7.4.6 Set Scale ...................................................................................... 197
7.4.7 Zoom ............................................................................................ 197
7.4.8 Grid .............................................................................................. 197
7.4.9 Hide Objects ................................................................................. 198
7.4.10 Show Objects ............................................................................. 198
7.4.11 Find Objects ............................................................................... 198
7.4.12 Select Objects ............................................................................ 198
7.4.13 TIN Surface ................................................................................ 199
7.4.14 Toolbar ....................................................................................... 199
7.4.15 Status Bar .................................................................................. 199
Table of Contents
7.4.16 Split ............................................................................................ 200
7.1.17 Tidy Network .............................................................................. 200
7.4.18 View Management ..................................................................... 200
Save View ....................................................................................... 200
Restore View .................................................................................. 200
Previous .......................................................................................... 200
Remove Stored Views .................................................................... 200
7.4.19 Background Images ................................................................... 200
Add Background Image .................................................................. 200
Background Picture Properties ....................................................... 201
7.5 Configuration ......................................................................................... 202
The Configuration Menu ....................................................................... 202
7.5.2 Job Control ................................................................................... 202
7.5.3 Global Data .................................................................................. 202
7.5.4 Real Time Control ........................................................................ 203
7.5.5 Mode ............................................................................................ 203
7.5.6 Units ............................................................................................. 204
7.5.7 Advanced Configuration Parameters ........................................... 204
Configuration Parameters ............................................................... 204
Configuration Keywords ................................................................. 206
0-9 ................................................................................................... 206
1993 ................................................................................................ 207
1994a .............................................................................................. 207
1994b .............................................................................................. 207
1995a .............................................................................................. 207
1995b .............................................................................................. 207
2 ...................................................................................................... 207
24HR_LOOP .................................................................................. 207
4 ...................................................................................................... 207
4TURNS ......................................................................................... 207
8 ...................................................................................................... 207
8TURNS ......................................................................................... 207
A ..................................................................................................... 208
A ..................................................................................................... 208
ADJUSTNL ..................................................................................... 208
ADVNL ............................................................................................ 208
AE ................................................................................................... 208
ALSORAIN ...................................................................................... 208
ALTEROMEGA ............................................................................... 208
ALWAYSKW ................................................................................... 208
ALWAYSNL .................................................................................... 208
ARCH_RISE ................................................................................... 208
ARCH_SPAN .................................................................................. 209
AREA_IMPLICIT ............................................................................. 209
AS ................................................................................................... 209
AUTO_PUMP ................................................................................. 209
B ..................................................................................................... 209
B ..................................................................................................... 209
BADHRAD ...................................................................................... 209
BADRECT ....................................................................................... 209
BEST97 .......................................................................................... 209
BESTPUMP .................................................................................... 209
BMEGA ........................................................................................... 210
BMH_OPTION1 .............................................................................. 210
BMH_OPTION2 .............................................................................. 210
BOLTMH ......................................................................................... 210
Table of Contents
BOLTMH1 ....................................................................................... 210
BX= ................................................................................................. 210
C ..................................................................................................... 210
C ..................................................................................................... 210
CATSLOPE .................................................................................... 210
CDM_SHAPES ............................................................................... 211
CMIN ............................................................................................... 211
CMIN=1.0 ....................................................................................... 211
CN-x ................................................................................................ 211
COMBIN ......................................................................................... 211
Combine block ................................................................................ 211
COMP ............................................................................................. 211
CONDTIME ..................................................................................... 211
CONDUIT-x .................................................................................... 211
CONVERGE ................................................................................... 211
CPOL#-x ......................................................................................... 211
CREF-x ........................................................................................... 212
CULVNEW ...................................................................................... 212
D ..................................................................................................... 212
D ..................................................................................................... 212
DEBUG ........................................................................................... 213
DEBUG_REVIEW ........................................................................... 213
DEEP-x ........................................................................................... 213
DEEPLIM ........................................................................................ 213
DELT43 ........................................................................................... 213
DEPTH ............................................................................................ 213
DEPTHX ......................................................................................... 213
DESIGN_EXT ................................................................................. 213
DESIGN_ROUGH .......................................................................... 213
DESIGN_SLOPE ............................................................................ 213
DIFFUSION .................................................................................... 214
DJREF-x ......................................................................................... 214
DWF-x ............................................................................................. 214
DYNAMIC ....................................................................................... 214
E ..................................................................................................... 214
E ..................................................................................................... 214
E405 ............................................................................................... 214
E420 ............................................................................................... 215
ECLOSS ......................................................................................... 215
Ending volume Extran changes ...................................................... 215
ENDVOL ......................................................................................... 215
ENDVOL1 ....................................................................................... 215
ENDVOL2 ....................................................................................... 215
ENERGY ......................................................................................... 215
EPA SWMM connection options .................................................... 215
EXINTIME ....................................................................................... 215
EXPORTALL .................................................................................. 215
EXPORTJPRT ................................................................................ 215
EXPORTUS .................................................................................... 215
EXOUT ........................................................................................... 216
EXOUT ........................................................................................... 216
HDR_EVAP (or EXT_EVAP) .......................................................... 216
EXTERNAL_CSV ........................................................................... 216
EXTERNAL_XLS ............................................................................ 216
EXTEST .......................................................................................... 216
EXTRA ............................................................................................ 216
Table of Contents
EXTRA1 .......................................................................................... 216
EXTRA2 .......................................................................................... 216
EXTRA3 .......................................................................................... 216
Extran BC enhancements ............................................................... 216
Extran eggshape conduit changes ................................................. 216
Extran modify conduit changes ...................................................... 217
Extran reach ................................................................................... 217
Extran time step control .................................................................. 217
EXTRANWQ ................................................................................... 217
EXTRAONE .................................................................................... 217
Extrapolation options ...................................................................... 217
F ...................................................................................................... 217
F ...................................................................................................... 217
FASNH ............................................................................................ 217
FAST_PUMP .................................................................................. 218
FASTCONV .................................................................................... 218
FIT_PUMP_CURVE ....................................................................... 218
FLAT ............................................................................................... 218
FLDCHN ......................................................................................... 218
FLIP_STORAGE ............................................................................ 218
FLOOD ........................................................................................... 218
Flooded node enhancements ......................................................... 218
Flow options ................................................................................... 218
FRICTAVG ...................................................................................... 218
FRICTGEO ..................................................................................... 218
Friction slope enhancements ......................................................... 218
FRICTMID ....................................................................................... 219
FULL_NODE .................................................................................. 219
FUZZYQ ......................................................................................... 219
G ..................................................................................................... 219
G ..................................................................................................... 219
GPM ................................................................................................ 219
GRELEV ......................................................................................... 219
H ..................................................................................................... 219
H ..................................................................................................... 219
H_TOL-x ......................................................................................... 219
HALFEC .......................................................................................... 220
HALFNL .......................................................................................... 220
HALF_AREA ................................................................................... 220
HALF_NODE .................................................................................. 220
HCONT ........................................................................................... 220
HDR_EVAP (or EXT_EVAP) .......................................................... 220
HDSLOW ........................................................................................ 220
HFRIC ............................................................................................. 220
HGLMEAN ...................................................................................... 220
Hot-Restart File changes in Extran ................................................ 220
HSLOPE ......................................................................................... 221
HYDRO ........................................................................................... 221
I ....................................................................................................... 221
I ....................................................................................................... 221
IHH .................................................................................................. 221
IMPLCT ........................................................................................... 221
IMPLICIT ......................................................................................... 221
INTERTIME .................................................................................... 221
INTERP_DWF= .............................................................................. 221
ISOL 3 option .................................................................................. 221
Table of Contents
ISOL3 .............................................................................................. 222
J ...................................................................................................... 222
J ...................................................................................................... 222
JCUBE ............................................................................................ 222
JLOOP ............................................................................................ 222
JNCORF ......................................................................................... 222
JNNODE ......................................................................................... 222
JNWEIR .......................................................................................... 222
JUNTIME ........................................................................................ 222
JUNTIME1 ...................................................................................... 222
K ..................................................................................................... 222
K ..................................................................................................... 222
KEYS .............................................................................................. 223
KINDYN1 ........................................................................................ 223
KINDYN2 ........................................................................................ 223
Kinematic wave Option ................................................................... 223
KODEA ........................................................................................... 223
KODEPR ......................................................................................... 223
KSOL-x ........................................................................................... 223
KWAVE ........................................................................................... 223
KWLOSS ........................................................................................ 223
L ...................................................................................................... 224
L ...................................................................................................... 224
L/S .................................................................................................. 224
LASTCUL ........................................................................................ 224
LASTOM ......................................................................................... 224
LAW_WEIR .................................................................................... 224
LINEAR ........................................................................................... 224
LOGNORM ..................................................................................... 224
LOOPTEST .................................................................................... 224
LRRM .............................................................................................. 224
M ..................................................................................................... 224
M ..................................................................................................... 224
MAVHEAD ...................................................................................... 225
MAKE_XPX .................................................................................... 225
MAX_YN_YC .................................................................................. 225
MAXPTS-x ...................................................................................... 225
MAXWIDE ....................................................................................... 225
MGD ............................................................................................... 225
MIN/SEC ......................................................................................... 225
MINLEN .......................................................................................... 225
MINOR43 ........................................................................................ 225
MINOR_LOSS ................................................................................ 225
MOORE_QCAL .............................................................................. 226
MTVE .............................................................................................. 226
MWPUMP ....................................................................................... 226
N ..................................................................................................... 226
N ..................................................................................................... 226
NASH .............................................................................................. 227
Natural channel SWMM enhancements ......................................... 228
NCDN ............................................................................................. 228
NCFLOOD ...................................................................................... 228
NCFLOOD1 .................................................................................... 228
NCFLOOD2 .................................................................................... 228
NCFLOOD3 .................................................................................... 228
NCMID ............................................................................................ 228
Table of Contents
NCNEW1 ........................................................................................ 229
NCNEW2 ........................................................................................ 229
NCNEW3 ........................................................................................ 229
NCNEW4 ........................................................................................ 229
NCNEW5 ........................................................................................ 229
NCNLOW ........................................................................................ 229
NCONVY ........................................................................................ 229
NCONVY1 ...................................................................................... 229
NCONVY2 ...................................................................................... 229
NCONVY3 ...................................................................................... 229
NCONVY4 ...................................................................................... 229
NCONVY5 ...................................................................................... 229
NCTWO .......................................................................................... 229
NCUP .............................................................................................. 229
NEGNC ........................................................................................... 230
NEGNC1 ......................................................................................... 230
NEVERNL ....................................................................................... 230
New features .................................................................................. 230
NEW_ERINFO ................................................................................ 230
NEW_NL_97 ................................................................................... 230
NEW_NL_98 ................................................................................... 230
NEWAES-x ..................................................................................... 231
NEWAPPEND ................................................................................ 231
NEWBOUND .................................................................................. 231
NEWCDMFILE ............................................................................... 231
NEWCDMIABS ............................................................................... 231
NEWCONV ..................................................................................... 231
NEWEGG ....................................................................................... 231
NEWEIR ......................................................................................... 231
NEWHOT ........................................................................................ 231
NEWJTIME ..................................................................................... 231
NEWNCRGH .................................................................................. 232
NEWNL ........................................................................................... 232
NEWNLTRM ................................................................................... 232
NEWNLTRM1 ................................................................................. 232
NEWOBBLE ................................................................................... 232
NEWOMEGA .................................................................................. 232
NEWPUMP ..................................................................................... 232
NEWPUMP1 ................................................................................... 232
NEWRES ........................................................................................ 232
NEWROUTE ................................................................................... 233
NEWSLOT ...................................................................................... 233
NEWSUB ........................................................................................ 233
NO_QCHECK ................................................................................. 233
NOAH_DRATIO .............................................................................. 233
NEWSUB2 ...................................................................................... 233
NO_DT_CHANGE .......................................................................... 233
NO_GW_OUT ................................................................................ 233
NO_GW_SUM ................................................................................ 233
NO_IMPLICIT ................................................................................. 234
NO_NEWEIR .................................................................................. 234
NOCVEMC ..................................................................................... 234
NODETIM ....................................................................................... 234
NODOUBLE ................................................................................... 234
NOFLAT .......................................................................................... 234
NOGRELEV .................................................................................... 234
Table of Contents
NOKEYS ......................................................................................... 234
NOMODNC ..................................................................................... 234
NONEGRAT ................................................................................... 234
NONUSE ........................................................................................ 234
NOPMPQOFF ................................................................................ 234
NOPONDCHK ................................................................................ 235
NOPLOAD ...................................................................................... 235
NOPUMPWT .................................................................................. 235
NOQALTER .................................................................................... 235
NOQEL ........................................................................................... 235
NOQMOD ....................................................................................... 235
NOQUOTE ...................................................................................... 235
NORES ........................................................................................... 235
NOSCOUR ..................................................................................... 235
NOSLOT ......................................................................................... 235
NOSQRT ........................................................................................ 236
NOSYF ........................................................................................... 236
NOSYR ........................................................................................... 236
NOSYT ........................................................................................... 236
NOSYQ ........................................................................................... 236
NO_WEIR_MOD ............................................................................ 236
NOVOMEGA .................................................................................. 236
NOZCONT ...................................................................................... 236
NOZCONT1 .................................................................................... 236
NOZCONTALL ............................................................................... 236
O ..................................................................................................... 237
O ..................................................................................................... 237
OLD_SAN_Q_DIVIDE .................................................................... 237
OLD_SHAPES ................................................................................ 237
OLDBGHRAD ................................................................................. 237
OLDBND ......................................................................................... 238
OLDBOUND1 ................................................................................. 238
OLDECOSS .................................................................................... 238
OLDEGG ........................................................................................ 238
OLDFLOOD .................................................................................... 238
OLDGTCUR ................................................................................... 238
OLDHEAD ...................................................................................... 238
OLDHOT ......................................................................................... 238
OLDHOT1 ....................................................................................... 238
OLDHOT2 ....................................................................................... 238
OLDLOSS ....................................................................................... 238
OLDOMEGA ................................................................................... 238
OLDPWT ........................................................................................ 238
OLDROUGH ................................................................................... 238
OLDSCS ......................................................................................... 239
OLDSTNS ....................................................................................... 239
OLDSTORE .................................................................................... 239
OLDTIME ........................................................................................ 239
OLDVOL ......................................................................................... 239
OLDVOL1 ....................................................................................... 239
OLDVOL2 ....................................................................................... 239
OMEGA .......................................................................................... 239
Omega options ............................................................................... 239
OMEGA-x ....................................................................................... 239
OPTIMAL97 .................................................................................... 239
ORFLEN ......................................................................................... 239
Table of Contents
ORFULL .......................................................................................... 240
Orifice options ................................................................................. 240
ORSUBN ........................................................................................ 240
P ..................................................................................................... 240
P ..................................................................................................... 240
PBSJ_PUMP .................................................................................. 240
PDX_INTERFACE .......................................................................... 241
PEAKQTOT .................................................................................... 241
PERV .............................................................................................. 241
PITLOSS ......................................................................................... 241
PL-x ................................................................................................ 241
PLUGINIT ....................................................................................... 241
POWER .......................................................................................... 241
PRECISE-x ..................................................................................... 241
Preissmann slot options ................................................................. 241
Pump options (after 1995). ............................................................. 241
PUMP4 ........................................................................................... 242
PUMP_OFF .................................................................................... 242
PUMPBEG ...................................................................................... 242
PUMPEND ...................................................................................... 242
PUMPHEAD ................................................................................... 242
PUMPIQ-x ....................................................................................... 242
PUMPITER-x .................................................................................. 242
PUMPMEAN ................................................................................... 242
PUMPMID ....................................................................................... 243
PUMPOMEGA ................................................................................ 243
PUMPTST ....................................................................................... 243
PUMPWT ........................................................................................ 243
PZERO ........................................................................................... 243
Q ..................................................................................................... 243
Q ..................................................................................................... 243
Q_TOL-x ......................................................................................... 243
QCOMPARE ................................................................................... 243
QNORM .......................................................................................... 243
QSMALL ......................................................................................... 243
R ..................................................................................................... 243
R ..................................................................................................... 244
RADISH .......................................................................................... 244
RAFTS ............................................................................................ 244
RCOUT ........................................................................................... 244
RCTOL-x ......................................................................................... 244
REACH ........................................................................................... 244
RECT_SLOT_TRANS .................................................................... 244
RESIDUAL ...................................................................................... 244
ROADFLOW ................................................................................... 244
REV_PUMP_PRESS ...................................................................... 244
S ..................................................................................................... 244
S ..................................................................................................... 245
SAMOMEGA .................................................................................. 245
SANQMULT .................................................................................... 245
SBUH .............................................................................................. 246
SCSCONT ...................................................................................... 246
SCSFIX ........................................................................................... 246
SCSIADEPTH ................................................................................. 246
SCSTB ............................................................................................ 246
SCSVAL-x ....................................................................................... 246
Table of Contents
SDTYPO ......................................................................................... 246
SEASON ......................................................................................... 246
Seasonal data file enhancements .................................................. 246
SENSE-x ......................................................................................... 246
SENSIMP1 ...................................................................................... 246
SENSIMP2 ...................................................................................... 246
SENSIMP3 ...................................................................................... 247
SENSWIDE .................................................................................... 247
SKIP_NO_Q ................................................................................... 247
SKIP_NO_QIN ................................................................................ 247
SLOWQO ........................................................................................ 247
SMQMOD ....................................................................................... 247
SNYDER ......................................................................................... 247
SPATIAL ......................................................................................... 247
Spatial weighting options ................................................................ 247
SPATIAL-x ...................................................................................... 247
SPATIAL1 ....................................................................................... 247
SPATIAL2 ....................................................................................... 247
SPATIAL3 ....................................................................................... 247
ST-x ................................................................................................ 247
STATAREA ..................................................................................... 248
Stats and Rain block ....................................................................... 248
STORAGE_97 ................................................................................ 248
STORAGE ...................................................................................... 248
STORAGE1 .................................................................................... 248
STORAGE2 .................................................................................... 248
Storage node and regular node changes ....................................... 248
Storage node Area ......................................................................... 248
STORETOP .................................................................................... 248
STREF ............................................................................................ 249
SUBNORM ..................................................................................... 249
SUM_ZERO .................................................................................... 249
Superseded runoff options ............................................................. 249
SURJUN-x ...................................................................................... 249
SURTOL-x ...................................................................................... 249
SVAP .............................................................................................. 249
SWMM "bug" fixes or enhancements ............................................. 249
SWMM esoterica ............................................................................ 250
SWMM output enhancements ........................................................ 250
SWMM SCS enhancements ........................................................... 250
SWMM version control ................................................................... 250
SYF_INT ......................................................................................... 251
SYT_INT ......................................................................................... 251
T ...................................................................................................... 251
T ...................................................................................................... 251
TABLE_E?_CSV ............................................................................ 251
THETA ............................................................................................ 251
THETA-x ......................................................................................... 252
TIDEGATE ...................................................................................... 252
TIMOLD .......................................................................................... 252
Transport DWF enhancements ...................................................... 252
Transport enhancements ................................................................ 252
TRAPEZOD .................................................................................... 252
TROMEGA ...................................................................................... 252
TRSPACE-x .................................................................................... 252
TRTHETA ....................................................................................... 252
Table of Contents
TWO_DIGIT_YEAR ........................................................................ 252
U ..................................................................................................... 252
U ..................................................................................................... 252
USE_DS_RC .................................................................................. 253
USE_ORF_CL ................................................................................ 253
USE_ORF_EQN ............................................................................. 253
USE_OUT_RC_DEPTH ................................................................. 253
USE_US_RC .................................................................................. 253
USE_XYINFO ................................................................................. 253
User defined closed conduit enhancements .................................. 253
USERINIT ....................................................................................... 253
USEROPEN ................................................................................... 253
USERTOP ...................................................................................... 253
USESMDELT .................................................................................. 254
V ..................................................................................................... 254
V ..................................................................................................... 254
VARIABLE_N ................................................................................. 254
VCOMPARE ................................................................................... 255
VE ................................................................................................... 256
Version 4.3 Extran Solution enchancements (in 1995). ................. 256
VILLEMONTE ................................................................................. 256
VS ................................................................................................... 256
W .................................................................................................... 256
W .................................................................................................... 256
WASP ............................................................................................. 256
WEIRS_45 ...................................................................................... 256
WOBBLE ........................................................................................ 256
WOBBLE4 ...................................................................................... 256
WQ enhancements ......................................................................... 256
WQEN ............................................................................................. 257
WSLOT ........................................................................................... 257
WSLOT1 ......................................................................................... 257
WSLOT2 ......................................................................................... 257
WSLOT3 ......................................................................................... 257
WSLOT4 ......................................................................................... 257
X ..................................................................................................... 257
X ..................................................................................................... 257
Y ..................................................................................................... 257
Y ..................................................................................................... 257
YSMALL .......................................................................................... 257
Z ...................................................................................................... 257
Z ...................................................................................................... 257
ZEROINV ........................................................................................ 257
ZREF= ............................................................................................ 257
7.5.8 Interface Files ............................................................................... 258
Interface File ................................................................................... 258
Hydraulics Mode: ............................................................................ 259
Runoff Mode: .................................................................................. 259
Sanitary Mode: ............................................................................... 259
Input Files ....................................................................................... 260
Output Files .................................................................................... 260
7.5.9 Mode Properties ........................................................................... 260
Mode Properties ............................................................................. 260
Current Mode .................................................................................. 261
Solve Mode ..................................................................................... 262
Hydrology Methods ......................................................................... 262
Table of Contents
Highlighted Objects ........................................................................ 263
7.6 Tools ...................................................................................................... 264
The Tools Menu .................................................................................... 264
7.6.1 Utilities .......................................................................................... 265
7.6.2 Export to AutoCAD ....................................................................... 265
7.6.2 Export Graphics ........................................................................... 265
7.6.4 Modify Elevations ......................................................................... 266
Calculate Node - Catchment Area ........................................................ 268
Generate Ground Elevations from TIN ................................................. 269
7.6.7 Application Settings ..................................................................... 269
7.6.8 Encrypt File for XP Viewer ........................................................... 271
7.6.9 Launch Application ....................................................................... 272
EPA-SWMM Data file Reader ............................................................... 272
Snap Mode ............................................................................................ 273
7.6.11 Export Graphics ......................................................................... 273
Export Graphics .............................................................................. 273
7.6.12 Calibrate Model .......................................................................... 274
PEST .............................................................................................. 274
Automatic Calibration ..................................................................... 274
Calibrate ......................................................................................... 275
Calibration Library (LIBRARY.CAL file) .......................................... 275
Calibration Parameters ................................................................... 277
Commit Calibrated Values .............................................................. 277
Control File ..................................................................................... 277
Create Files .................................................................................... 278
Instruction File ................................................................................ 278
Load Calibrated Values .................................................................. 278
Load XPX Variables ....................................................................... 278
Parameters ..................................................................................... 278
Parameter File ................................................................................ 278
Template File .................................................................................. 279
7.6.13 Calculate Conduit ....................................................................... 280
7.6.5 Calculate Conduit Lengths .................................................... 280
7.6.6 Calculate Conduit Slopes ...................................................... 280
Cross Sections ............................................................................... 280
7.7 Analyze .................................................................................................. 282
The Analyze Menu ................................................................................ 282
7.7.1 Solve ............................................................................................ 282
7.7.2 Show Errors ................................................................................. 283
7.8 Results ................................................................................................... 283
The Results Menu ................................................................................. 283
7.8.2 Browse File .................................................................................. 284
Browse File Dialog .......................................................................... 284
Sample Output File with Popup Explanations ................................ 284
7.8.3 Review Results ............................................................................ 341
Review Results ............................................................................... 341
Text / Data Export Dialog ............................................................... 344
Review results Options ................................................................... 344
Review Results Options ................................................................. 344
Customization Dialog ...................................................................... 345
Customization Dialog ...................................................................... 345
Main/Sub Title ................................................................................. 347
Subsets Tab ................................................................................... 347
Maximize ......................................................................................... 347
Axis Tab .......................................................................................... 348
Fonts Tab ........................................................................................ 348
Table of Contents
Colors Tab ...................................................................................... 348
Style Tab ......................................................................................... 349
Export Dialog .................................................................................. 349
OK/Apply Button ............................................................................. 351
Graph Customization Options ........................................................ 351
Graph Customization Options ........................................................ 351
Viewing Style .................................................................................. 352
Font Size ......................................................................................... 353
Numeric Precision .......................................................................... 353
Plotting Method ............................................................................... 353
Data Shadows ................................................................................ 354
Grid Lines ....................................................................................... 354
Undo Zoom ..................................................................................... 354
Grid in Front .................................................................................... 354
Include Data Labels ........................................................................ 354
Mark Data Points ............................................................................ 354
Show Annotations ........................................................................... 354
7.8.4 Profile Plot .................................................................................... 354
Profile Plot ...................................................................................... 354
Plot Setup ....................................................................................... 356
General Parameters ....................................................................... 357
Boxed Label Data ........................................................................... 358
Label Definition ............................................................................... 359
Manhole Data ................................................................................. 359
Pipe Data ........................................................................................ 360
Plot Parameters for Design Surface and Natural Surface .............. 361
Plot Parameters for HGL ................................................................ 361
Plot Parameters for Node Freeboard and Depth To Invert ............ 362
Plot Parameters for Pipe Inverts .................................................... 362
Plot Parameters for Road Station and Station (Chainage) ............ 363
7.8.5 Dynamic Long Section View ........................................................ 363
Dynamic Long Section View ........................................................... 363
Bird's Eye View ............................................................................... 364
Options - ......................................................................................... 365
Show Data ...................................................................................... 366
Show Diameter ............................................................................... 366
Show Flow ...................................................................................... 366
Show Grid ....................................................................................... 366
Show Velocity ................................................................................. 366
Enable Sound ................................................................................. 366
Rewind ............................................................................................ 367
Faster .............................................................................................. 367
Slower ............................................................................................. 367
Next ................................................................................................ 367
Previous .......................................................................................... 367
Play ................................................................................................. 367
Scroll Position ................................................................................. 367
Pause .............................................................................................. 367
Start ................................................................................................ 367
Stop ................................................................................................ 367
Zoom In ........................................................................................... 367
Zoom Out ........................................................................................ 367
File Menu Commands .................................................................... 367
7.8.6 Dynamic Section Views ............................................................... 368
Dynamic Section Views .................................................................. 368
Bird's Eye View ............................................................................... 369
Table of Contents
Hydrograph View ............................................................................ 370
Cross Section View ........................................................................ 371
7.8.7 Dynamic Plan View ...................................................................... 372
7.8.7 Dynamic Plan View ................................................................ 372
7.8.8 Spatial Reports ............................................................................. 374
Spatial Report ................................................................................. 374
Destination ...................................................................................... 376
Creation .......................................................................................... 377
Load Report .................................................................................... 377
Save Report .................................................................................... 377
Location .......................................................................................... 377
Redrawing ....................................................................................... 378
Text Size ......................................................................................... 378
Display Report ................................................................................ 378
Frame Display ................................................................................ 379
Frame Display Properties ............................................................... 379
Link Variables ................................................................................. 380
Link Variables ................................................................................. 380
Variable ........................................................................................... 381
Insert/Append ................................................................................. 382
Format ............................................................................................ 382
Text Attributes ................................................................................ 383
Text Formatting .............................................................................. 383
Delete ............................................................................................. 384
Node Variables ............................................................................... 384
Node Variables ............................................................................... 384
Variable ........................................................................................... 385
Insert/Append ................................................................................. 385
Format ............................................................................................ 386
Text Attributes ................................................................................ 387
Text Formatting .............................................................................. 387
Delete ............................................................................................. 387
7.8.9 Graphical Encoding ...................................................................... 387
Graphical Encoding ........................................................................ 387
Visual Entity .................................................................................... 388
Preferences .................................................................................... 388
Encode ............................................................................................ 389
Restore ........................................................................................... 389
Load ................................................................................................ 389
Save ................................................................................................ 389
Cancel ............................................................................................. 389
Node Colour ................................................................................... 389
Node Colour ................................................................................... 389
Size ................................................................................................. 390
Node Size ....................................................................................... 390
Node Size ....................................................................................... 390
By Equation .................................................................................... 391
By Linear Relationship .................................................................... 392
Graph .............................................................................................. 392
Size ................................................................................................. 392
Suggest ........................................................................................... 392
Node Label Size ............................................................................. 392
By Equation .................................................................................... 393
By Linear Relationship .................................................................... 394
Graph .............................................................................................. 394
Node Label Size ............................................................................. 394
Table of Contents
Size ................................................................................................. 395
Suggest ........................................................................................... 395
Link Width ....................................................................................... 395
Link Width ....................................................................................... 395
By Linear Relationship .................................................................... 396
By Equation .................................................................................... 396
Graph .............................................................................................. 398
Suggest ........................................................................................... 398
Link Color ........................................................................................ 398
Graph .............................................................................................. 398
Link Colour ..................................................................................... 398
Link Width ....................................................................................... 398
Graph .............................................................................................. 398
Size ................................................................................................. 399
Link Label Size ............................................................................... 399
Link Label Size ............................................................................... 399
By Linear Relationship .................................................................... 399
By Equation .................................................................................... 400
Graph .............................................................................................. 401
Suggest ........................................................................................... 401
Legend ............................................................................................ 401
Legend ............................................................................................ 401
Arrange Items ................................................................................. 402
Network Legend ............................................................................. 402
Window Legend .............................................................................. 402
7.8.11 XP-Tables .................................................................................. 402
XP-Tables ....................................................................................... 402
XP Tables Selection ....................................................................... 403
XP Tables Variable Selection ......................................................... 405
Add ................................................................................................. 405
All .................................................................................................... 406
Table Options ................................................................................. 406
Import XP Tables ............................................................................ 407
7.9 Windows ................................................................................................ 408
The Windows Menu .............................................................................. 408
7.10 Help ..................................................................................................... 408
The Help Menu ...................................................................................... 408
7.11 Pop-Up ................................................................................................. 410
POP-UP MENUS .................................................................................. 410
Node Data .................................................................................................... 413
8.1 Hydraulics Mode .................................................................................... 413
Hydraulics Node Data ........................................................................... 413
Spill Crest .............................................................................................. 414
Ponding ................................................................................................. 415
Node Invert Elevation ............................................................................ 416
Initial Depth ........................................................................................... 416
8.1.1 Inflow Data ................................................................................... 417
Constant Inflow - Flow .................................................................... 417
Constant Inflow - Pollutant Loads .................................................. 417
Time Series Inflow .......................................................................... 417
Time Series Inflow .......................................................................... 417
User Inflow ...................................................................................... 417
Gauged Inflow ................................................................................ 419
Dry Weather Flow ........................................................................... 420
Table of Contents
Interface File Flow .......................................................................... 421
8.1.2 Inlet Capacity ............................................................................... 421
Inlet Capacity .................................................................................. 421
HEC-12 Combination Grate and Curb Inlets .................................. 423
HEC-12 Curb Inlet .......................................................................... 425
HEC-12 Grated Inlet ....................................................................... 426
HEC-12 Slotted Inlet ....................................................................... 427
8.1.3 Options ......................................................................................... 428
Options ........................................................................................... 428
Plot Water Levels ........................................................................... 428
Save Overflow Results ................................................................... 428
Detail Printout ................................................................................. 428
8.1.4 Storage Node ............................................................................... 428
Storage Node Data ......................................................................... 428
Measure Depth From ...................................................................... 430
Surcharge Elevation ....................................................................... 430
Basin Optimization .......................................................................... 430
Storage Method .............................................................................. 432
Stepwise Linear Storage ................................................................ 432
Power Function Storage ................................................................. 433
Constant Area Storage ................................................................... 433
8.1.5 Outfall Data .................................................................................. 433
Outfall ............................................................................................. 433
Tide Gate (JFREE orJGATE) ......................................................... 434
Type 1 - Free Outfall (NTIDE = 1) .................................................. 434
Type 2 - Fixed Backwater ( A1) ...................................................... 435
Type 3.1 - User Tide Coefficients (NTIDE=3) ................................ 435
Type 3.2 - Computed Tide Coefficients (NTIDE=4) ...................... 436
Type 3.3 - User Stage History (NTIDE=5) ...................................... 437
Stage History (K0=0) ...................................................................... 437
Low/High Tide (K0=1) - .................................................................. 438
Coordinates .................................................................................... 439
Type 4 - Flow History (NTIDE=6) ................................................... 439
Type 5 - User Rating Curve (NTIDE=7) ......................................... 440
8.2 Runoff Mode .......................................................................................... 442
Runoff Node Data ................................................................................. 442
Save Results for Review ....................................................................... 443
Station Name ........................................................................................ 443
Station Number ..................................................................................... 443
Edit ........................................................................................................ 443
Select File ............................................................................................. 443
File Format ............................................................................................ 443
Print Flows and Concentrations (IPRNT) .............................................. 444
Subcatchment Flag ............................................................................... 444
Subcatchment Area (WAREA) .............................................................. 444
Subcatchment Percent Impervious (WW3) ........................................... 444
Subcatchment Width (WW1) ................................................................. 445
Subcatchment Slope (WSLOPE) .......................................................... 446
CUHP .................................................................................................... 446
16.1.2 CUHP Procedure ................................................................. 446
16.1.7 CUHP Print Options ............................................................. 448
16.1.6 CUHP Optional Parameters ................................................ 450
LA County ............................................................................................. 451
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method (F0601) Node Data 451
LA County Error Codes .................................................................. 452
Sacramento ........................................................................................... 454
Table of Contents
Sacramento Method ....................................................................... 454
Nolte Method .................................................................................. 455
Sacramento County Method ........................................................... 456
Lag from Travel Time ..................................................................... 458
Lag from Basin Characteristics ...................................................... 458
Channel Land Use .......................................................................... 459
Land Use and Soil Group ............................................................... 460
8.2.1 Sub-Catchment ............................................................................ 461
Sub-Catchment ............................................................................... 461
Snowmelt Flag ................................................................................ 462
Groundwater Flag ........................................................................... 462
Flow Redirection ............................................................................. 463
Rainfall Reference .......................................................................... 463
Infiltration Reference ...................................................................... 463
RDII ................................................................................................. 463
Water Quality .................................................................................. 465
Water Quality Data ......................................................................... 465
Landuse Reference ( KL) ............................................................... 466
Percentage Area (PLAND) ............................................................. 466
Curb (Kerb) Length (GQLEN) ......................................................... 466
Number of Catchbasins (BASINS) ................................................. 466
Initial Loading Reference (PSHED) ................................................ 466
Erosion Data ................................................................................... 467
Routing Method .............................................................................. 467
Routing Method .............................................................................. 467
Runoff ............................................................................................. 467
Kinematic Wave (Runoff) ................................................................ 468
Laurenson ....................................................................................... 469
Laurenson Hydrology ..................................................................... 471
SCS Hydrology ............................................................................... 471
Curve Numbers .............................................................................. 474
Rational Formula Hydrology ........................................................... 474
CUHP .............................................................................................. 476
Unit Hydrographs ............................................................................ 480
8.4 Gauged Data ......................................................................................... 484
Gauged Data ......................................................................................... 484
Gauged Flow ......................................................................................... 486
Gauged Level ........................................................................................ 487
Gauged Pollutants ................................................................................. 487
Gauged Data file management ............................................................. 488
File Name ....................................................................................... 488
Station Name .................................................................................. 489
File Format ...................................................................................... 489
Edit .................................................................................................. 491
Link Data ...................................................................................................... 493
Split Conduit
........................................................................................................ 493
Polylink ........................................................................................................ 494
9.1 Single Conduit ....................................................................................... 494
9.1.1 Single Conduit Link Data ............................................................. 494
Flow Direction (Flap Gates) .................................................................. 496
9.1.3 Design .......................................................................................... 496
Design Aids .................................................................................... 496
Pipe Design .................................................................................... 496
Box Culvert Design ......................................................................... 496
Table of Contents
Trapezoidal Channel Design .......................................................... 497
Solve for .......................................................................................... 498
9.1.4 Profile ........................................................................................... 498
Conduit Profile ................................................................................ 498
Conduit Roughness (ROUGH) ...................................................... 499
Upstream Conduit Invert Level ....................................................... 500
Conduit Depth (non-circular only) (DEEP) ..................................... 500
Downstream Conduit Invert Level .................................................. 500
Upstream Node Invert Elevation .................................................... 500
Downstream Node Invert Elevation ................................................ 500
Upstream Node Surface Level ....................................................... 500
Downstream Node Surface Level ................................................... 500
Slope ............................................................................................... 500
Length ............................................................................................. 500
Design Surface ............................................................................... 500
Natural Surface ............................................................................... 501
Other Services ................................................................................ 502
9.1.5 Special Conduit Factors ............................................................... 503
Special Conduit Factors ................................................................. 503
Advanced Routing Options ............................................................. 504
Conduit Time Weighting ................................................................. 504
Depth at which Roughness Changes ............................................. 504
Sediment Depth .............................................................................. 505
Low Flow Roughness Factor .......................................................... 505
Number of Barrels .......................................................................... 505
Contract-Expansion Loss Coefficient ............................................. 505
Entrance/Exit Loss .......................................................................... 505
Other Losses .................................................................................. 505
Pipe Extension Factor .................................................................... 505
9.1.6 Closed Conduits ........................................................................... 505
Closed Conduit Data ...................................................................... 505
Regular Closed Conduits (Circular) ................................................ 505
Upstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1- ZU) .................................... 506
Downstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1 - ZD) .............................. 506
Conduit Diameter (circular only) (C1 - DEEP) ................................ 507
Regular Closed Conduits (Rectangular) ......................................... 507
Conduit Depth (non-circular only) (DEEP) ..................................... 508
Conduit Width (non-circular only) (WIDE) ...................................... 508
Upstream Node Invert Elevation .................................................... 508
Downstream Node Invert Elevation ................................................ 508
Conduit Length (C1 - LEN) ............................................................. 508
User Defined Conduit ..................................................................... 508
Depth .............................................................................................. 509
Area ................................................................................................ 509
Wetted Perimeter ............................................................................ 509
Surface Width ................................................................................. 509
Upstream Elevation ........................................................................ 509
Graph Selection: Link Channel ....................................................... 509
Downstream Elevation .................................................................... 510
Mannings 'n' .................................................................................... 510
Length ............................................................................................. 510
Special ............................................................................................ 510
Special Closed Conduits ................................................................ 510
Egg Shaped .................................................................................... 512
Gothic ............................................................................................. 513
Cantenary ....................................................................................... 514
Table of Contents
Horseshoe ...................................................................................... 515
Semi-elliptic (Louisville) .................................................................. 516
Basket handle ................................................................................. 517
Semi Circular .................................................................................. 518
Modified Basket-handle .................................................................. 519
Rectangular-Round bottom ............................................................ 520
Rectangular-Triangular bottom ....................................................... 520
Vertical Ellipse ................................................................................ 521
Horizontal Ellipse ............................................................................ 522
Arch ................................................................................................ 524
9.1.7 Open Conduits ............................................................................. 526
Open Conduit Data ......................................................................... 526
Suppress Printed Output of Parabolic, Power and Natural Channels 526
Trapezoidal Channel ...................................................................... 527
Batter Slope .................................................................................... 527
Channel Width (WIDE) .................................................................. 527
Upstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (ZU) ...................... 527
Downstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (ZD) ................. 527
Power Function Channel ................................................................ 527
Upstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel (C1 - ZU) ........ 528
Downstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel (C1 - ZD) ... 528
Channel Width (C1 - WIDE) ........................................................... 528
Natural Channel .............................................................................. 528
Natural Channel .............................................................................. 528
HEC-2 Input .................................................................................... 529
Cross Section Name ....................................................................... 530
Channel Length .............................................................................. 530
Channel Slope ................................................................................ 531
Vertical Shift ................................................................................... 531
Horizontal Distortion Factor ............................................................ 531
Maximum Channel Depth ............................................................... 531
Upstream Invert Level of Natural Channel ..................................... 532
Downstream Invert Level of Natural Channel ................................. 532
Left Overbank Manning's 'n' ........................................................... 532
Main Channel Manning's 'n' ............................................................ 532
Right Overbank Manning's 'n' ......................................................... 532
Section Coordinates ....................................................................... 532
Main Channel Definition 'x' ............................................................. 533
Cross-Section Profile Station .......................................................... 533
Cross-Section Profile Elevation ...................................................... 533
Floodway Encroachment ................................................................ 534
Max Depth Increase Encroachment ............................................... 534
Encroachment Methods .................................................................. 534
Encroachment Station Specification ............................................... 535
Encroachment Stations .................................................................. 535
9.2 Multiple Conduits or Diversion Links ..................................................... 535
9.2.1 Hydraulics Layer .......................................................................... 535
Hydraulics Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data .......... 535
Hydraulics Layer Output Control .................................................... 536
Print Control .................................................................................... 536
Print Flow Details ............................................................................ 536
Plot Flow History ............................................................................. 537
Orifice ............................................................................................. 537
Hydraulics Layer Orifice Diversion ................................................. 537
Orifice Invert Elevation ................................................................... 538
Orifice Area ..................................................................................... 538
Table of Contents
Orifice Discharge Coefficient .......................................................... 538
Vary with Time ................................................................................ 538
Time ................................................................................................ 539
Area ................................................................................................ 539
Coefficient ....................................................................................... 539
Orifice Name ................................................................................... 539
Orifice Height .................................................................................. 539
Pump .............................................................................................. 539
Hydraulics Layer Pump Diversion .................................................. 539
Name .............................................................................................. 540
Description (Optional) ..................................................................... 540
Pump Type ..................................................................................... 540
Static Head ..................................................................................... 541
Dynamic Head ................................................................................ 541
Pump Starts (Elevation) .................................................................. 541
Pump Stops (Elevation) .................................................................. 541
Initial Depth ..................................................................................... 541
Depth in Node ................................................................................. 541
Well Volume ................................................................................... 542
Initial Well Volume .......................................................................... 542
Total Well Volume .......................................................................... 542
Weir ................................................................................................ 542
Hydraulics Layer Weir Diversion (G1) ............................................ 542
Transverse or Sideflow Weirs ......................................................... 543
Weir Name ...................................................................................... 543
Crown or Elevation of Top of Weir (RL1) (G1 - YTOP) - ................ 544
Weir Crest Elevation (RL2) (G1 - YCREST) - ................................ 544
Weir Length (G1 - WLEN) - ............................................................ 544
Discharge Coefficient (G1 - COEFF) - ........................................... 544
Reverse Flow Eliminated using Flap Gate (G1 - KWEIR) - ............ 544
Special ............................................................................................ 544
Special Conduits ............................................................................. 544
Diversion Name .............................................................................. 545
Bendable Weir ................................................................................ 545
Regulator Link/Inflatable Weir ........................................................ 546
Hydraulic Brakes ............................................................................ 546
User Defined Weir .......................................................................... 546
Special Pump (Pump Type 5) ......................................................... 547
Internal Rating Curve ...................................................................... 548
Other (for future development) ....................................................... 549
9.2.2 Runoff Layer ................................................................................. 549
Runoff Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data ................. 549
Save Results for Review ................................................................ 550
Runoff Print Control ........................................................................ 550
Print Conduit Depths (M4 - MDEEP) .............................................. 551
Print Inflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT) ............................. 551
Print Outflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT) .......................... 551
Orifice ............................................................................................. 551
Orifice Area (G2 - SPILL) ............................................................... 551
Discharge (G2 - WDIS) ................................................................... 551
Orifice Height (G2 - WELEV) .......................................................... 551
Runoff Orifice Diversions ................................................................ 551
Weir ................................................................................................ 552
Runoff Weir Diversions ................................................................... 552
Rectangular Weir ............................................................................ 552
V-notch Angle (G2 - SPILL) ............................................................ 553
Table of Contents
V-notched Weir ............................................................................... 553
Weir Discharge Coefficient (G2 - WDIS) ........................................ 554
Weir Length (G2 - SPILL) - ............................................................. 554
Weir Height (G2 - WELEV) - ........................................................... 554
Weir Sill Height (G2 - WELEV) ....................................................... 554
9.2.3 Sanitary Layer .............................................................................. 554
Sanitary Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data .............. 554
Sanitary Layer Print Control ........................................................... 555
Print Input Hydrographs and Pollutographs ................................... 556
Print Output Hydrographs and Pollutographs ................................. 556
Print Channel Depths ..................................................................... 556
Weir ................................................................................................ 556
Sanitary Layer Weir Diversion ........................................................ 556
Inflow before Weirflow .................................................................... 557
Weir Crest Height ........................................................................... 557
Weir Length .................................................................................... 557
Discharge Coefficient ..................................................................... 557
Pump .............................................................................................. 557
Sanitary Layer Pump Diversion ...................................................... 557
Los Angeles County (F0601) ....................................................................... 558
Los Angeles County Link Data .............................................................. 558
Los Angeles County Diversion Data ..................................................... 559
Job Control .................................................................................................. 561
10.1 Hydraulics Mode .................................................................................. 561
Hydraulics Mode Job Control ................................................................ 561
Title (ALPHA) ........................................................................................ 562
Save ALL Results for Review ............................................................... 562
Gauged Pollutants ................................................................................. 562
Pollutant List .......................................................................................... 562
Run Hydrology/Hydraulics Simultaneously ........................................... 563
Evaporation ........................................................................................... 563
Hot Restart (REDO) .............................................................................. 564
Time Control .......................................................................................... 564
Time Control ................................................................................... 564
Time Step (DELT) ........................................................................... 565
Start Year (B1 - IYRSTR) ............................................................... 566
Start Month (B1 - MONTH) ............................................................. 566
Start Day (B1 - NDAY) .................................................................... 566
Start Hour (B1 - NHR) .................................................................... 566
Start Minute (B1 - NMN) ................................................................. 566
Start Second (B3 - LONG) .............................................................. 566
Stop Year (B3 - LONG) .................................................................. 566
Stop Month (B3 - LONG) ................................................................ 566
Stop Day (B3 - LONG) .................................................................... 566
Stop Hour ( B3 - LONG) ................................................................. 566
Stop Minute (B3 - LONG) ............................................................... 566
Stop Second (B3 - LONG) .............................................................. 566
Simulation Tolerances .......................................................................... 566
Simulation Tolerances .................................................................... 566
Flow Tolerance ............................................................................... 567
Head Tolerance .............................................................................. 567
Minimum Orifice Length .................................................................. 568
Default Head Loss Coefficient ........................................................ 568
Default Contraction Loss ................................................................ 568
Table of Contents
Routing Control ..................................................................................... 568
Routing Control (B0, B2) ................................................................ 568
Performance Stability Factors ........................................................ 569
Under Relaxation Parameter (OMEGA) ......................................... 569
Time Weighting Parameter (THETA) ............................................. 569
Conduit Roughness Factor (FMAX) ............................................... 569
Flow Adjustment Factor (QREF) .................................................... 569
Initial Condition Smoothing (ISMTH) .............................................. 569
Minimum Courant Time Step Factor (FMIN) .................................. 569
Max. Time Step Iterations ............................................................... 570
Report Non-Convergence ............................................................... 570
Routing Method .............................................................................. 570
Dynamic Wave ............................................................................... 570
Kinematic Wave .............................................................................. 570
Version 4 Solution .......................................................................... 570
Explicit Solution (ISOL=0) .............................................................. 571
Enhanced Explicit Solution (ISOL=1) ............................................. 571
Iterative Explicit Solution (ISOL=2) ................................................. 571
Model Selects Normal Flow When in Supercritical State ............... 571
Model Selects Normal or Dynamic Flow ........................................ 571
Modify Conduits .................................................................................... 571
Conduit Equivalencing (Modify Conduits) ...................................... 571
Background Information (Modify Conduits) .................................... 572
Preprocesses 'n' Only (NEQUAL) .................................................. 573
Minimum Pipe Length for Modification (NEQUAL) ......................... 573
Maximum Pipe Length for Modification (NEQUAL) ........................ 573
Equivalent to Time Step Factor (NEQUAL) .................................... 573
Junction Defaults ................................................................................... 573
Junction Defaults ............................................................................ 573
Default Node Surface Area (AMEN) ............................................... 573
Minimum Junction/Conduit Depth .................................................. 573
Ponding Area .................................................................................. 573
Design Constraints ................................................................................ 574
Design Constraints ......................................................................... 574
Available Pipes ............................................................................... 574
Output Control ....................................................................................... 575
Output Control ................................................................................ 575
Starting Time Step for Print Cycle (NSTART) ................................ 575
Intermediate Print Cycle Interval (INTER) ...................................... 576
Summary Print Cycle Interval (JNTER) .......................................... 576
Echo Natural Section Data ............................................................. 576
10.2 Runoff Mode ........................................................................................ 576
Runoff Mode Job Control ...................................................................... 576
Title ........................................................................................................ 577
Save ALL Results for Review - ............................................................. 577
Regeneration of Horton Infiltration Capacity ......................................... 577
Gauged Pollutants ................................................................................. 578
Global Storms ....................................................................................... 578
Rational Formula Settings ..................................................................... 579
CUHP .................................................................................................... 579
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Job Control ..................... 579
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Storm Data ..................... 581
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Rainfall Data ................... 581
Sacamento ............................................................................................ 582
Sacramento Hydrology ................................................................... 582
Hydrograph Generation .................................................................. 584
Table of Contents
Design Storm .................................................................................. 584
Historical Storm .............................................................................. 585
LA County Method ................................................................................ 586
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method (F0601) Job Control 586
LA County 24 Hr Rainfall Template ................................................ 589
LA County Runoff/Infiltration ........................................................... 591
Los Angeles County Job Control Options ...................................... 593
Los Angeles County Load Location Points ..................................... 593
LA County Error Codes .................................................................. 594
Evaporation ........................................................................................... 596
Evaporation .................................................................................... 596
Direct Input (B1 - IVAP = 1 or 2) ..................................................... 596
Temperature Interface File (B1 - IVAP = 4) .................................... 597
Default Evaporation (B1 - IVAP = 0) ............................................... 597
Water Quality ........................................................................................ 597
Water Quality (Runoff) .................................................................... 597
Pollutant List ................................................................................... 598
Land Use List .................................................................................. 598
Erosion ............................................................................................ 599
Catchbasin ...................................................................................... 600
Street Sweeping ............................................................................. 600
Dry Days before Simulation ............................................................ 601
Snowmelt .............................................................................................. 601
Snow Melt (Runoff) ......................................................................... 601
Impervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC1) .............................. 602
Pervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC2) ................................. 602
Single Event - Snow Melt Simulation ............................................. 602
Continuous - Snow Melt Simulation ............................................... 602
Areal Depletion Curve .................................................................... 603
Dividing Temperature (C1 - SNOTMP) .......................................... 604
Snow Gauge Correction Factor (C1 - SCF) ................................... 604
Antecedent Temperature Weighting Index (C1 - TIPM) ................. 604
Negative Melt/Melt Coefficient Ratio (C1 - RNM) ........................... 605
Hemisphere .................................................................................... 605
Average Latitude (C1 - ANGLAT) ................................................... 605
Longitudinal Correction (C1 - DTLONG) ........................................ 605
Free Water Holding Capacity ......................................................... 605
Free Water Holding Capacity Ratio (C1 - FWFRAC3) ................... 605
Wind Speed .................................................................................... 605
Average Watershed Elevation (C1 - ELEV) ................................... 606
Print Control .......................................................................................... 606
Print Control (Runoff) ...................................................................... 606
Inlet Results .................................................................................... 607
General results ............................................................................... 607
Define Print Periods (M2 - NDET > 0) ............................................ 607
Plot Hyetographs and Inlet Hydrographs (B2 - IPRN2) .................. 607
Time Control .......................................................................................... 607
Time Control (Runoff) ..................................................................... 607
Dry days before Start ...................................................................... 608
Dry Time Step ................................................................................. 608
Transition Time Step ...................................................................... 608
Wet Time Step ................................................................................ 608
Start Year ........................................................................................ 609
Start Month ..................................................................................... 609
Start Day ......................................................................................... 609
Start Hour ....................................................................................... 609
Table of Contents
Start Minute .................................................................................... 609
Start Second ................................................................................... 609
Stop Year ........................................................................................ 609
Stop Month ..................................................................................... 609
Stop Day ......................................................................................... 609
Stop Hour ........................................................................................ 609
Stop Minute .................................................................................... 609
Stop Second ................................................................................... 609
10.3 Sanitary Mode ..................................................................................... 609
Sanitary Mode Job Control ................................................................... 609
Title ........................................................................................................ 610
Pollutant List (Sanitary Layer) ............................................................... 610
Evaporation (Sanitary and Hydraulics Mode) ....................................... 611
Monthly Pan Evaporation ...................................................................... 612
Gauged Pollutants ................................................................................. 612
Sewer Infiltration ................................................................................... 613
Dry Weather Sewer Inflow .................................................................... 613
Save ALL Results for Review ............................................................... 613
Options .................................................................................................. 613
Options (Sanitary Layer) ................................................................. 613
Kinematic Viscosity - ...................................................................... 613
Total Catchment Area - .................................................................. 613
Design Undersized Conduits .......................................................... 614
DO Cycle Simualtion ............................................................................. 614
DO Cycle Simulation ...................................................................... 614
Removal Equation Variables ................................................................. 614
Removal Equation Variables .......................................................... 614
Initial Concentration ........................................................................ 615
Concentration ................................................................................. 615
Pollutant .......................................................................................... 615
Removal Fraction ........................................................................... 615
Time Control .......................................................................................... 615
Time Control (Sanitary Layer) ........................................................ 615
Time Step ....................................................................................... 616
Start Year ........................................................................................ 616
Start Month ..................................................................................... 616
Start Day ......................................................................................... 616
Start Hour ....................................................................................... 616
Start Minute .................................................................................... 616
Start Second ................................................................................... 617
Stop Year ........................................................................................ 617
Stop Month ..................................................................................... 617
Stop Day ......................................................................................... 617
Stop Hour ........................................................................................ 617
Stop Minute .................................................................................... 617
Stop Second ................................................................................... 617
Routing Details ............................................................................... 617
Print Control .......................................................................................... 617
Print Control (Sanitary Layer) ......................................................... 617
Print Every 'x' Time Steps - ............................................................ 618
Print Total Loads and Moments Only - ........................................... 618
Include Inflow in Input Hydrograph Printouts .................................. 618
Print Error Messages - .................................................................... 618
Print Conduit Hydraulic Properties - ............................................... 618
10.4 2D Settings .......................................................................................... 618
2D Settings - General ............................................................................ 618
Table of Contents
2D Inflow Capture ................................................................................. 619
Model Output ......................................................................................... 620
Levels .................................................................................................... 622
Folder Options ....................................................................................... 623
Advanced Settings ................................................................................ 623
Projections ............................................................................................ 624
Global Data .................................................................................................. 627
Global Database Selection .......................................................................... 627
Record Name ............................................................................................... 628
Description ................................................................................................... 629
Add Record .................................................................................................. 629
Edit Record .................................................................................................. 629
Delete Record .............................................................................................. 630
Rename Record .......................................................................................... 630
Duplicate Record ......................................................................................... 630
Database Type ............................................................................................ 630
11.1 Buildup/Washoff .................................................................................. 630
Buildup/Washoff Global Data ................................................................ 630
11.1.1 Buildup ....................................................................................... 631
Buildup Method ............................................................................... 631
No Buildup (KALC = 4) ................................................................... 631
Buildup Method ............................................................................... 631
Buildup - Landuse ........................................................................... 632
Dust and Dirt Fraction (QFACT) ..................................................... 633
Buildup - Time (JX - KALC = 1-3) ................................................... 633
Limit (QFACT1) .............................................................................. 634
Buildup Dependency ...................................................................... 634
Buildup Function ............................................................................. 635
11.1.2 Washoff ...................................................................................... 636
Washoff Method ............................................................................. 636
Washoff - EMC (KWASH\=3) ......................................................... 636
Mean Concentration (WASHPO) .................................................... 636
Standard Deviation (RCOEF) ......................................................... 636
Washoff - Exponential (KWASH\=0) .............................................. 636
Coefficient (RCOEFF) .................................................................... 637
Power (WASHPO) .......................................................................... 637
Initial Buildup Quantity (PSHEDO) ................................................. 637
Washoff - Rating Curve (KWASH=1 or 2) ...................................... 637
Coefficient (RCOEF) ....................................................................... 638
Power (WASHPO) .......................................................................... 638
11.2 Erosion ................................................................................................. 638
Erosion Global Data .............................................................................. 638
Area Subject to Erosion (ERODAR) ..................................................... 639
Soil Factor 'K' (SOILF) .......................................................................... 639
Control Practice Factor 'P' (CONTPF) .................................................. 639
Crop Management Factor 'C' (CROPMF) ............................................. 640
11.3 Groundwater ........................................................................................ 641
Groundwater Global Data ..................................................................... 641
Evapo-transpiration ............................................................................... 641
Wilting Point (H3 - WP) ......................................................................... 642
Max Depth of Significant Lower Zone Transpiration (H4 - DET) .......... 642
Field Capacity (H3 - FC) ....................................................................... 642
Fraction of Evapo-transpiration Assigned to Zone Fraction (H4 - CET) 643
Upper Zone (H2 - GRELEV) ................................................................. 643
Table of Contents
Lower Zone (H2 - STG) ........................................................................ 643
Use Conduit Depth (H2 - TW = 0) ......................................................... 643
Infiltration/Percolation ............................................................................ 643
Porosity (H3 - POR) .............................................................................. 644
Initial Upper Zone Moisture (H3 - TH1) ................................................. 644
Curve Fitting Parameter (H4 - HCO) ..................................................... 644
Coeff for Unquantified Losses (H4 - DP) .............................................. 644
Tension / Soil Moisture Slope (H4 - PCO) ............................................ 645
Groundwater Outflow ............................................................................ 645
Groundwater / Channelwater Coefficient (H3 - A3) .............................. 645
Groundwater Flow Coefficient (H3 - A1) ............................................... 645
Groundwater Flow Exponent (H3 - B1) ................................................. 645
Elevation of Channel Base (H2 - BC) ................................................... 645
Constant Channel Depth (BC) (H2 - TW > 0) ....................................... 646
Channel Water Influence Coefficient (H3 - A2) ..................................... 646
Channel Water Influence Exponent (H3 - B2) ...................................... 646
11.4 Infiltration ............................................................................................. 646
Infiltration Global Data .......................................................................... 646
Zero Detention ...................................................................................... 646
Depression Storage .............................................................................. 647
Manning's Roughness ........................................................................... 647
Green-Ampt Infiltration .......................................................................... 648
Initial Moisture Deficit ............................................................................ 649
Average Capillary Suction ..................................................................... 649
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity .......................................................... 649
Horton Infiltration ................................................................................... 649
Decay Rate of Infiltration, k ................................................................... 651
Maximum (Initial) Infiltration Rate, Fo ................................................... 651
Minimum (Asymptotic) Infiltration Rate, Fc ........................................... 652
Max Infiltration Volume ......................................................................... 652
Uniform Loss ......................................................................................... 652
SCS Curve Number .............................................................................. 653
11.5 Initial Loads ......................................................................................... 654
Initial Loads Global Data ....................................................................... 654
11.6 Landuse ............................................................................................... 655
Landuse Global Data (Dust and Dirt Buildup) ....................................... 655
Buildup Dependency ............................................................................. 655
DD Limit (J2 - DDLIM) ........................................................................... 656
Street Sweeping .................................................................................... 656
Street Sweeping Efficiency (JX - REFF) ............................................... 657
Availability Factor (J2 - AVSWP) .......................................................... 657
Cleaning Interval (J2 - CLFREQ) .......................................................... 657
Days Since Last Cleaning (J2 - DSLCL) ............................................... 657
11.7 Rufoff Pollutants .................................................................................. 658
Pollutant Global Data (Runoff) .............................................................. 658
Unit ........................................................................................................ 658
Daily Decay Rate (J3 - DECAY) ........................................................... 658
Buildup/Washoff .................................................................................... 658
Add fraction ........................................................................................... 659
Landuse Specific Data .......................................................................... 659
Linkage to Snowmelt (JX - LINKUP) ..................................................... 659
Initial Catchbasin Concentration (JX - CBFACT) .................................. 659
Concentration in Groundwater (J5 - GCONC) ...................................... 660
Concentration in Precipitation (JX - CONCRN) .................................... 660
11.8 Rainfall ................................................................................................. 660
Rainfall Global Data .............................................................................. 660
Table of Contents
RAIN Interface file (JK < 0) ................................................................... 661
User Input Rainfall (JK > 0) ................................................................... 661
Constant Time Intervals ........................................................................ 662
Time ...................................................................................................... 663
Minutes (KTIME = 0) ............................................................................. 663
Hours (KTIME = 1) ................................................................................ 663
Time Interval (THISTO) ......................................................................... 663
Rainfall (RAIN) ...................................................................................... 663
Intensity (KPREP = 0) ........................................................................... 664
Depth (KPREP = 1) ............................................................................... 664
Multiplier ................................................................................................ 664
Variable Time Intervals ......................................................................... 664
Cumulative Depth (KPREP = 1) ............................................................ 665
Rainfall (RAIN) ...................................................................................... 665
Cumulative Depth (KPREP = 1) ............................................................ 665
Absolute Depth ...................................................................................... 665
Intensity (KPREP = 0) ........................................................................... 665
Time ...................................................................................................... 665
Minutes (KTIME = 0) ............................................................................. 665
Hours (KTIME = 1) ................................................................................ 665
Time (WTHIS1, REIN1) ....................................................................... 665
Duration ( WTHIS2, WTHIS3) ............................................................... 665
Rain (REIN2) ......................................................................................... 665
Tipping Bucket Gauge .......................................................................... 665
Start Date (TZRAIN) .............................................................................. 666
Start Time (TZRAIN) ............................................................................. 666
User Defined Rainfall Data ................................................................... 666
11.9 Snowmelt ............................................................................................. 667
Snowmelt Global Data .......................................................................... 667
Initial Free Water (I1 - FW1) ................................................................. 669
Initial Snow Depth (I1 - WSNOW1) ....................................................... 669
Base Temperature (I1 - TBASE1) ......................................................... 669
Single Event Snowmelt Data ................................................................ 669
Continuous Simulation Snowmelt Data ................................................. 669
Snow Covered Area .............................................................................. 670
Min. Depth for 100% Cover (Impervious) (I2 - SI1) .............................. 670
December 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMIN3) ................................................ 671
June 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMAX3) ....................................................... 671
December 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious) (I2 - DHMIN1) ......................... 671
June 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious Area) (I1 - DHMAX1) ........................ 671
Areal Depletion Fraction (I1 - SNN1) .................................................... 671
Normally Bare Impervious Area ............................................................ 671
Initial Snow Depth (I2 - WSNOW3) ....................................................... 671
Initial Free Water (I2 - FW3) ................................................................. 671
Snow Melt Base Temp (I2 - TBASE3) .................................................. 672
Plowing .................................................................................................. 672
Out of Catchment (I2 - SFRAC4) .......................................................... 672
Immediate Melt (I2 - SFRAC5) .............................................................. 672
Plowing Snow Depth (I2 - WEPLOW) ................................................... 672
Snow Covered Imp. Area (I2 - SFRAC1) .............................................. 673
Snow Covered Perv. Area (I2 - SFRAC2) ............................................. 673
11.10 Sanitary Pollutant .............................................................................. 673
Pollutant Global Data (Sanitary) ........................................................... 673
Unit ........................................................................................................ 674
Dry Weather Flow Generation .............................................................. 674
Daily Decay Rate (J3 - DECAY) ........................................................... 674
Table of Contents
Scour/Deposition ................................................................................... 674
Particle Size .......................................................................................... 675
Percentage Greater ............................................................................... 676
Max Size for Dry Weather Flow ............................................................ 676
Specific Gravity ..................................................................................... 676
11.11 Sewer Dry Weather Flow ................................................................... 676
Sewer Dry Weather Flow Global Data .................................................. 676
Temporal Variation ................................................................................ 677
Pollutant Temporal Variation ................................................................. 677
Daily Multiplier ....................................................................................... 678
Hourly Multiplier .................................................................................... 678
Temporal Variation - Pollutant .............................................................. 679
Daily Multiplier ....................................................................................... 679
Hourly Multiplier .................................................................................... 680
Study Area Data .................................................................................... 680
Consumer Price Index ........................................................................... 681
Study Area Flow and Loads .................................................................. 681
Composite Construction Cost Index ..................................................... 681
Simulation Start Week Day ................................................................... 681
Total Population .................................................................................... 681
Use Measurements ............................................................................... 681
High Income Area ................................................................................. 682
Low Income Area .................................................................................. 682
Garbage Grinder Area .......................................................................... 682
Average Income Area ........................................................................... 682
Total Study Area (Study Area Process Flow) ....................................... 682
Total Area .............................................................................................. 683
Commercial Area .................................................................................. 683
Industrial Area ....................................................................................... 683
Parkland Area ....................................................................................... 683
Industrial Area ....................................................................................... 683
Use Default Rates ................................................................................. 683
Pollutant ................................................................................................ 683
Rate ....................................................................................................... 684
Domestic Flow (Wastewater Flow per Capita) ...................................... 684
Infiltration Allowance (Flow per Capita) ................................................ 684
11.12 Sewer Infiltration Global Data ............................................................ 684
Sewer Infiltration Global Data ............................................................... 684
Dry weather infiltration .......................................................................... 685
Wet Weather Infiltration (Rinfil) ............................................................. 686
Groundwater infiltration ......................................................................... 686
Degree Days ......................................................................................... 686
Pollutant Concentration ......................................................................... 687
Residual Moisture Peak Contribution (RSMAX) ................................... 687
11.13 Waste Stream Temperature .............................................................. 688
Waste Stream Temperature Global Data ............................................. 688
11.14 Temporal Variation ............................................................................ 688
Temporal Variation ................................................................................ 688
11.15 Pump Rating Curve ........................................................................... 689
Pump Rating Curve Global Data ........................................................... 689
Pump Flow Rate .................................................................................... 690
Well Volume .......................................................................................... 690
Node Depth ........................................................................................... 690
Dynamic Head ....................................................................................... 690
11.16 Pit Rating Curve ................................................................................ 691
Pit Rating Curve Global Data ................................................................ 691
Table of Contents
11.17 Hydraulic Brake ................................................................................. 692
Hydraulic Brakes ................................................................................... 692
11.18 Pavement Crossfall ........................................................................... 693
Pavement Crossfalls ............................................................................. 693
11.19 HEC-12/HEC-22 ................................................................................ 694
HEC-22 ................................................................................................. 694
11.20 User Defined File Type ...................................................................... 696
User Defined File Type Global Data ..................................................... 696
11.21 XP Tables .......................................................................................... 696
XP Tables Global Database .................................................................. 696
11.22 Rational Formula ............................................................................... 696
Rational Formula ................................................................................... 696
AR&R 1977 IFD .................................................................................... 697
AR&R 1987 IDF .................................................................................... 699
Tabular IDF Input .................................................................................. 699
General IDF Equation ........................................................................... 700
Alameda County IDF Method ................................................................ 701
AR&R 1977 Runoff Coefficient ............................................................. 702
AR&R 1987 Runoff Coefficient ............................................................. 704
Direct Input Runoff Coefficient .............................................................. 705
Alameda County Runoff Coefficient ...................................................... 705
11.23 Natural Section Shapes ..................................................................... 706
Natural Section Shape .......................................................................... 706
11.24 2D Landuses ..................................................................................... 708
2D Landuses ......................................................................................... 708
11.25 RDII .................................................................................................... 709
RDII ....................................................................................................... 709
The xpswmm Analysis Engine ..................................................................... 711
TUFLOW Engine ........................................................................................ 711
Run Time Graphing ..................................................................................... 712
Real Time Control ........................................................................................ 713
Utilities ......................................................................................................... 715
13.1 Rainfall ................................................................................................. 715
Rainfall Utility ........................................................................................ 715
Standard Format ................................................................................... 716
Print Control .......................................................................................... 716
Input File Format ................................................................................... 717
Select File ............................................................................................. 717
RAIN Interface Output File .................................................................... 717
External Input File ................................................................................. 717
Create RAIN Interface File .................................................................... 717
More Rainfall ......................................................................................... 717
Titles ...................................................................................................... 718
Report File ............................................................................................. 718
Perform Synoptic Analysis .................................................................... 718
Save Storm Event Summary ................................................................. 719
Return Period ........................................................................................ 719
Inter-event Time .................................................................................... 720
Print Control (Storm Event Tables) ....................................................... 720
Dates ..................................................................................................... 720
User Defined ......................................................................................... 721
Time Interval ......................................................................................... 722
Table of Contents
Rainfall Multiplier ................................................................................... 722
Rainfall Unit ........................................................................................... 722
Field Format .......................................................................................... 722
Number of header lines ......................................................................... 723
Field Information (Rainfall Variables) .................................................... 723
Field Position ......................................................................................... 723
Field Width ............................................................................................ 723
Free Format .......................................................................................... 723
Rainfall Variables .................................................................................. 723
Units ...................................................................................................... 724
13.2 Temperature ........................................................................................ 724
Temperature Utility ................................................................................ 724
Standard Format ................................................................................... 725
Print Control .......................................................................................... 725
Input File Format ................................................................................... 725
Select File ............................................................................................. 725
External Input File ................................................................................. 725
TEMP Interface Output File .................................................................. 726
Create TEMP Interface File .................................................................. 726
User Defined Temperature ................................................................... 726
Field Format .......................................................................................... 726
Number of header lines ......................................................................... 727
Field Information ................................................................................... 727
Field Position ......................................................................................... 728
Field Width ............................................................................................ 728
Free Format .......................................................................................... 728
Temperature Variables ......................................................................... 728
More Temperature ................................................................................ 729
Titles ...................................................................................................... 729
Report File ............................................................................................. 729
Dates ..................................................................................................... 729
13.3 Wind Speed ......................................................................................... 730
Wind Speed Utility ................................................................................. 730
Standard Format - Wind Speed ............................................................ 731
Print Control .......................................................................................... 731
Input File Format ................................................................................... 732
Select File ............................................................................................. 732
External Input File ................................................................................. 732
TEMP Interface Output File .................................................................. 732
Create TEMP Interface File .................................................................. 732
User Defined Wind Speed .................................................................... 732
Field Format .......................................................................................... 733
Number of header lines ......................................................................... 733
Field Information ................................................................................... 734
Field Position ......................................................................................... 734
Field Width ............................................................................................ 734
Free Format .......................................................................................... 734
Wind Speed Variables .......................................................................... 734
More Wind Speed ................................................................................. 735
Titles ...................................................................................................... 735
Report File ............................................................................................. 736
Dates ..................................................................................................... 736
13.4 Evaporation ......................................................................................... 736
Evaporation Utility ................................................................................. 736
Standard Format - Evaporation ............................................................. 737
Print Control Evaporation ...................................................................... 738
Table of Contents
Input File Format ................................................................................... 738
Select File ............................................................................................. 738
External Input File ................................................................................. 738
Evaporation Coefficients ....................................................................... 738
TEMP Interface Output File .................................................................. 739
Create TEMP Interface File .................................................................. 739
User Defined ......................................................................................... 739
Field Format .......................................................................................... 740
Number of header lines ......................................................................... 740
Field Information ................................................................................... 740
Field Position ......................................................................................... 741
Field Width ............................................................................................ 741
Free Format .......................................................................................... 741
Evaporation Variables ........................................................................... 741
More Evaporation .................................................................................. 742
Titles ...................................................................................................... 742
Report File ............................................................................................. 742
Dates ..................................................................................................... 742
13.5 Statistics .............................................................................................. 743
Statistics Utility ...................................................................................... 743
Statistics Print Control ........................................................................... 744
Print 'x' events ....................................................................................... 744
Print All Events ...................................................................................... 744
Print Sequential Series ......................................................................... 744
If Memory Exceeded ............................................................................. 745
Print Truncated Series .......................................................................... 745
Analyze Truncated Series ..................................................................... 745
Statistics General Data ......................................................................... 745
Output Units .......................................................................................... 745
Position Parameter ................................................................................ 746
Minimum Inter-event Time .................................................................... 746
Cutoff Value Separating Events ............................................................ 746
Return Period ........................................................................................ 746
Return Period Units ............................................................................... 746
Rainfall Analysis Options ...................................................................... 746
Rainfall Station ...................................................................................... 747
Rainfall Statistical Options .................................................................... 747
Print Moments ....................................................................................... 748
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency .............................. 748
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency ....................................................... 748
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period ................................................. 748
Flow/Water Quality Analysis Option ...................................................... 748
Select Pollutants ................................................................................... 748
Print Moments ....................................................................................... 749
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency .............................. 749
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency ....................................................... 749
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period ................................................. 749
Flow Statistical Options ......................................................................... 749
Water Quality ........................................................................................ 750
Total Load ............................................................................................. 750
Print Moments ....................................................................................... 751
Peak Concentration ............................................................................... 751
Peak Load ............................................................................................. 751
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency .............................. 751
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency ....................................................... 751
Graph of Magnitude vs. Period ............................................................. 751
Table of Contents
Flow Weighted Average Concentration ................................................ 751
Average Load ........................................................................................ 752
Flow Statistical Options ......................................................................... 752
Files (Statistics Files) ............................................................................ 752
Start and Ending Dates ......................................................................... 752
Input Interface File ................................................................................ 753
Output File ............................................................................................. 753
Expert System Capabilities .......................................................................... 755
Network Manipulation .................................................................................. 755
Data Type Checking .................................................................................... 755
Data Range Checking ................................................................................. 756
Relational Consistency Checking ................................................................ 756
14.1 Error Checks ........................................................................................ 756
Errors .................................................................................................... 756
Hydraulics Layer Errors ........................................................................ 756
Runoff Layer Errors ............................................................................... 756
Sanitary Layer Errors ............................................................................ 758
Conduit Errors (All layers) ..................................................................... 759
Utilities ................................................................................................... 760
14.2 Warning Checks .................................................................................. 760
Warnings ............................................................................................... 760
Hydraulics Layer Warnings ................................................................... 761
Runoff Layer Warnings ......................................................................... 761
Sanitary Layer Warnings ....................................................................... 761
Conduit Warnings (All layers) ............................................................... 761
Utilities ................................................................................................... 761
14.3 Import Errors ........................................................................................ 761
IMPORT ERRORS ................................................................................ 761
Runoff Mode .......................................................................................... 761
TRANSPORT Mode .............................................................................. 762
Utilities ................................................................................................... 762
14.4 Import Warnings .................................................................................. 762
IMPORT WARNINGS ........................................................................... 762
Runoff Mode .......................................................................................... 762
TRANSPORT Mode .............................................................................. 762
Utilities ................................................................................................... 762
Theory .......................................................................................................... 763
Urban Runoff Analysis ................................................................................. 763
Urban Runoff Models ................................................................................... 763
Objectives .................................................................................................... 763
Screening Models ........................................................................................ 763
Planning Models .......................................................................................... 764
Design Models ............................................................................................. 764
Operational Models ..................................................................................... 764
Other Models ............................................................................................... 764
Origin and Historical Developments ............................................................ 764
SWWM Description ..................................................................................... 765
Overview ...................................................................................................... 765
Graph Block ................................................................................................. 766
Rain Block .................................................................................................... 766
Temp Block .................................................................................................. 766
Statistics Block ............................................................................................. 766
Table of Contents
Detailed SWMM Summary .......................................................................... 766
Input Data Requirements ............................................................................. 767
Verification and Calibration .......................................................................... 767
Metrification ................................................................................................. 767
Changes from SWMM V. 3 to SWMM V. 4 ................................................. 767
Changes from SWMM Version 4 to XP-SWMM .......................................... 769
Program Operation Requirements ............................................................... 771
When Should SWMM be Used? .................................................................. 772
Modelling Caveats ....................................................................................... 772
15.1 Extran Theory ...................................................................................... 773
EXTRAN Overview ................................................................................ 773
Introduction to EXTRAN ........................................................................ 773
Conceptualization of the EXTRAN Drainage System ........................... 775
Basic Equations of EXTRAN ................................................................. 777
Partial Differential Equations (PDE) ...................................................... 778
Finite Difference Equations ................................................................... 781
Implicit Time Weighting ......................................................................... 781
Significant Differences between EXTRAN Versions 3, 4 and 5 ............ 782
Finite Difference Solution ...................................................................... 782
Convergence in EXTRAN ..................................................................... 783
Automatic Time Step Selection ............................................................. 784
Conduit Depth Calculations .................................................................. 785
Special Conduit Flow Conditions .......................................................... 787
Flow and Head Computation during Surcharge and Flooding .............. 788
EXTRAN 2 ............................................................................................. 788
EXTRAN 3 ............................................................................................. 788
EXTRAN 4 ............................................................................................. 788
EXTRAN 5 (EXTRAN-XP) .................................................................... 789
Ground and Invert Elevations ............................................................... 789
Flow Control or Diversion Devices ........................................................ 789
Storage Devices, Ponds and Lakes ...................................................... 789
Orifices .................................................................................................. 790
Weirs ..................................................................................................... 791
Weirs with Tide Gates ........................................................................... 793
Pump Stations ....................................................................................... 793
Outfall Structures .................................................................................. 794
Boundary Conditions ............................................................................. 795
Initial Conditions .................................................................................... 796
Pit or Junction Losses ........................................................................... 796
Oscillations during a Hydraulic Jump .................................................... 797
Irregular Closed Conduits ..................................................................... 797
Irregular Open Channels ....................................................................... 797
Kinematic and Diffusion Wave Equations ............................................. 798
Special Finite Difference Approximations ............................................. 798
Inlet Control Theory ............................................................................... 800
SWMM Interface File Format ................................................................ 803
15.2 CUHP ................................................................................................... 805
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Theory ................................... 805
Regional Hydrology Methods ...................................................................... 811
16.1.1 CUHP Theory ............................................................................. 811
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................... 811
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 811
BASIC RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................... 812
Table of Contents
16.1.2 CUHP Procedure ................................................................. 815
16.1.3 CUHP Job Control ..................................................................... 818
16.1.4 CUHP Storm Data ...................................................................... 819
16.1.5 CUHP Rainfall Data ................................................................... 820
16.1.6 CUHP Optional Parameters ................................................ 820
16.1.7 CUHP Print Options ............................................................. 821
16.2 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (F0601) PROCEDURE ............................. 823
LA County 24 Hr Rainfall Template ................................................ 823
LA County Error Codes .................................................................. 824
LA County Runoff/Infiltration ........................................................... 826
16.3 Sacramento Method (Nolte curves) ..................................................... 828
Sacramento Method (Nolte curves) ...................................................... 828
17.1 Introduction to Real Time Control ........................................................ 831
17.2 Real Time Control Properties .............................................................. 833
17.3 Sensor Properties ................................................................................ 834
17.4 RTC EXAMPLES ................................................................................. 836
17.4.1 RTC Directly Using Flow as the Control Parameter .................. 836
17.4.2 RTC Directly using Diameter as the Control Parameter ............ 843
17.4.3 RTC Directly Using Pump Speed as the Control Parameter ..... 851
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling 859
2D Hydraulic Modeling ................................................................................ 859
18.1 General Considerations ....................................................................... 859
General Considerations ........................................................................ 859
Data Requirements ............................................................................... 859
1D Network Definition ........................................................................... 859
2D Cell Size .......................................................................................... 860
2D Topography ..................................................................................... 860
Recommended Boundary Conditions Arrangements ........................... 860
Calibration and Sensitivity ..................................................................... 860
Limitations and Recommendations ....................................................... 861
Check List ............................................................................................. 861
18.2 Building 2D Models .............................................................................. 863
Building 2D Models ............................................................................... 863
Model Topography ................................................................................ 864
2D Grid Orientation and Dimensions .................................................... 865
1D Boundary Conditions ....................................................................... 865
2D Boundary Condition Layers ............................................................. 866
Eddy Viscosity ....................................................................................... 870
How to Model Bridges and Box Culverts .............................................. 870
2D Upstream Controlled Flow (Weirs and Supercritical Flow) ............. 871
Computational Timestep ....................................................................... 872
Computational Timestep ................................................................. 872
2D Domains .................................................................................... 872
1D/2D Models ................................................................................. 872
18.3 2D Results ........................................................................................... 872
2D Results ............................................................................................. 872
Simulation Log File ................................................................................ 873
Check Files ........................................................................................... 873
Time-Series Output ............................................................................... 875
Identifying the Start of an Instability ...................................................... 875
Mass Balance Output ............................................................................ 875
.wor File ................................................................................................. 875
The messages.mif File .......................................................................... 875
Table of Contents
_ TUFLOW Simulations.log File ............................................................ 877
SMS (Map) Output (.dat Files) .............................................................. 877
Animations and Graphs ........................................................................ 879
2D Animations and Graphs ............................................................ 879
2D Video Controls .......................................................................... 880
Flows .............................................................................................. 882
Velocity ........................................................................................... 882
Hazard ............................................................................................ 882
Water Elevation .............................................................................. 883
Water Depth ................................................................................... 883
Legends .......................................................................................... 883
Cross Sections ............................................................................... 885
Export current results time step ...................................................... 887
Export Contours .............................................................................. 888
Properties ....................................................................................... 890
Fill Colours - vectors ....................................................................... 890
Fill Colors - Maps ............................................................................ 892
Arrows ............................................................................................. 893
Labels ............................................................................................. 894
Contours ......................................................................................... 895
References .................................................................................................. 897
Glossary 915
Index 917

User's Manual
Table of Contents
Section 1: An xpswmm Overview
Section 2: Creating A Model
Section 3: Database Concepts
Section 4: Using The Copy Buffer
Section 5: Customizing xpswmm
Section 6: The Toolstrip (Icons)
Section 7: The Menu Bar
Section 8: Node Data
Section 9: Link Data
Section 10: Job Control
Section 11: Global Data
Section 12 Engine
Section 13: Utilities
Section 14: Expert System Capabilities
Section 15: Theory
Section 16: Regional Hydrology Methods
Section 17: Real Time Control
Section 18: 2D Hydraulic Modelling
Section 19: WSPG
Section 20: References

How Do I?
Create an Urban Drainage Model
Export Hydrograph to Excel

Language Note

XP Software applications are presently sold in over 15 English speaking countries world wide. Therefore the spelling
in this manual conforms to International English (as distinct from American English).

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
XP Software is continuously adding new features and upgrading xpswmm. Users with active licenses are encouraged
to upgrade to the latest version.

On the Help menu, select Check for updates

xpswmm Reference Manual

Select Go to Downloads to obtain the latest version of the software.

Select View changes.txt to access a detailed list of software upgrades. This file may also be opened directly from
your xpswmm program folder.
How Do I?
Common Tasks
Common Tasks
This section presents tutorials demonstrating common tasks in xpswwm.

Export a hydrograph to Excel

Export Hydrograph to Excel

To export a hydrograph from a solved xpswmm model:
1. Select a link
2. Click on the Review Results tool.
3. Do one the following:
Double click on the graph and then click on the Export button on the lower right hand corner of the
dialog, or
User's Manual

right click on the graph and select Export Dialog from the pop-up menu.

4. Select Text/Data Only and the Clipboard as the Export Destination. Then click on Export.
xpswmm Reference Manual

5. Select the defaults as shown on the next dialog and click on Export.

6. Launch or switch to Excel. Paste the clipboard contents to a blank worksheet.
User's Manual

xpswmm Reference Manual

The contents of the colums are:
A Parameter
B Time Step Number
C Time
D Value

Scroll down to view the results of the other parameters.

For additional information consult the Review Results topic in the Help file and follow the links found there.

1.2 The Model Structure
The xp environment maintains a loose coupling to the analytical model (engine) and graphical and textual post-
processors, via text and binary data files. These data files are generated from the xp database when the "Solve" menu
command is issued and from the analytical engine when the network is analyzed.
When the "Solve" command is given, xp first performs the high-level database integrity checks as described in the
documentation. If these checks are passed successfully and the model data files are generated, xp then performs the
task of running the analytical engine to process the data files and generate output for the graphical post-processors to
When the analytical engine has completed its run any errors or warnings encountered in running the model are
reported and the user is placed back in the editing environment. The model results for a selection of objects can then
be viewed by using several graphical tools and reviewing text output files. Several built-in functions and utilities also
exist for the integration of model results and data to GIS, spreadsheets or other databases.

1.3 Philosophy
An expert system is "a knowledge-based reasoning system that captures and replicates the problem-solving ability of
human experts" (Boose 1986) and typically has three basic components:
a knowledge base,
an inference engine, and
a working memory.
The knowledge base is "the repository for information that is static and domain-wide" (Baffaut et al 1987). The
knowledge base may contain not only static data that will not change from one problem to the next, but may also
contain empirical and theoretical rules, and provide advice on models that may be employed as part of the solution.
The inference engine is "the reasoning mechanism containing all the procedures for manipulating, searching, and
exercising the knowledge base" (Baffaut et al 1987).
The working memory is used to solve a specific problem using the expert system. It consists of the user interface to
the expert system and the storage of specific problem information. The working memory also serves as the
explanation device for the expert system indicating legal and illegal data and suggesting parameters.
A computer-based expert system has advantages over a human expert that include:
An expert may retire and knowledge is lost.
There may be better uses of an expert's time than answering user questions.
Expertise may be expensive to deliver.
An expert may not be available when needed.
An expert is not always consistent.
In any particular application these reasons or others may be important in deciding to use an expert system.
Expert systems development has created the need for a specialist called a knowledge engineer. Knowledge
engineering is "the extraction, articulation and computerization of expert knowledge. Knowledge consists of
descriptions, relationships, and procedures in the domain of interest" (Boose 1986). The knowledge engineer provides
the interface between the human expert and the computer.
It is generally agreed that one of the largest, if not the largest, problem in expert systems development is knowledge
acquisition and knowledge engineering.
XP diverges from the traditional expert system by allowing the continuous accumulation of localised expertise to be
used within its shell with little assistance necessary from the software developer. The coupling of the Storm Water
Management Model to the XP interface with all of its graphical tools has created a Decision Support System (DSS) for
storm and wastewater management.

1.4 Strategy
The graphical XP environment is, in essence, a shell that acts as an interpreter between the user and a model. The
XP graphical interface provides the user with a very high-level interface to various numerical simulation programs
oriented towards solving problems that may be represented as some form of link-node structure.
The main theme of this interface is Decision Support Graphics. At the front end of the interface the process of creating
data for the model is made as visual as possible, with the aim of emulating real world problems as closely as possible.
For example, most dialogs contain graphics that visually link the data being entered to the physical system being
xpswmm Reference Manual
The user is given continual guidance and assistance during data entry. For parameters that are difficult to estimate,
the user may be advised of literature to aid in selecting a value, or an explanation of a parameter and some proposed
values may be shown on the screen. If there are other ways to pick the value, typically, if the parameter is a function
of other variables, the equation is shown to the user.
The user interface is intelligent and offers expert system capabilities based on the knowledge of the software
developers and experienced users. For example, as various graphical elements are connected to form a network, XP
filters the user's actions so that a network that is beyond the scope of the model is not created. This may be visible by
options being disabled as prerequisite choices have not been made. For example a Hydraulics node outfall button
cannot be selected unless there is at least one active conduit coming into the node and no conduits exiting the node.
The general philosophy is to trap any data problems at the highest possible level - at the point the users create the
At the back end of the user interface the results of model analysis and design are presented graphically to maximize
comprehension, assist in the interpretation of results and support decision-making.
1.5 Is a 2D or 2D/1D Model Feasible?
With present day computers, there are few hardware constraints in setting up a 1D model. However, for a 2D model
the first step is to decide whether it is feasible and practical to set up a model. Experienced modelers can usually
quickly determine an answer by considering the following:
1. Clearly understanding/defining the models objectives, and if known, the modeling budget.
2. Determining the minimum cell size required to model the hydraulics accurately enough to meet the studys
objectives. Preferably at least three to four cells across the major flowpaths (depending on the topography).
Minor flowpaths may be more coarsely or not represented if they play no significant role hydraulically in
regard to meeting the modeling objectives. For example, residual water drains over a floodplain may not
affect peak flood levels; in which case, it may not be necessary to model them.
3. If it is not possible to model a major flowpath with a sufficient cell resolution, the flowpath can be modeled as
a 1D branch cut through the 2D domain. This may allow a larger cell size to be used, and a greater area
modeled in 2D, or a faster simulation time. For example, the river may be modeled in 1D and the floodplain
in 2D.
4. Establish possible boundary locations for the model. These are influenced by locations that are well defined
hydraulically, and any constraints on the extent of the topographic data (DTM). Dynamically linking with a
1D domain offers significant flexibility in locating the 2D domain.
5. Determine the number of rows and columns of the grid based on the overall dimensions of the 2D domain
and the minimum cell size. Calculate the number of cells (rows by columns), and estimate the average
number of cells that would be wet.
6. In 2001, using a P3 1GHz computer, overnight simulations of models varying in cell size from 5m to 60m for
durations of 12 to 120 hours were achieved with several hundred thousand wet cells. For large models, it
may be beneficial to start with a coarser cell size to facilitate quick turnover of simulations before proceeding
to a finer cell size. This is a relatively easy process as most data input is not cell size dependent. Note that
halving the cell size typically corresponds to increasing the simulation time by a factor of eight (four
times as many cells and half the timestep).

1.6 Analytical Engine
The 1D-analytical engine performs all numerical computations for 1D-models. It is based on the EPA SWMM engine
and has significant proprietary enhancements. When the engine is running the window displays statistics on the
computational performance and progress of the simulation. Calculations may be paused (to view run time statistics)
and then continued or stopped. If stopped before the assigned simulation end the model will contain full output and
statistics up to the manually terminated point in time. The run time parameters for a link or node may be viewed

When the model contains 2D components, the 2D Results displays information regarding the progress of the 2D-
simulation. 2D flow calculations are performed by the TUFLOW engine.
TUFLOW is a computer program for simulating depth-averaged, two and one-dimensional free-surface flows such as
occurs from floods and tides. TUFLOW, originally developed for just two-dimensional (2D) flows, stands for Two-
dimensional Unsteady FLOW. The fully 2D solution algorithm, based on Stelling 1984 and documented in Syme
1991, solves the full two-dimensional, depth averaged, momentum and continuity equations for free-surface flow. The
initial development was carried out as a joint research and development project between WBM Oceanics Australia and
The University of Queensland in 1990. The project successfully developed a 2D/1D dynamically linked modelling
system (Syme 1991). Latter improvements from 1998 to today focus on hydraulic structures, flood modelling,
advanced 2D/1D linking and using GIS for data management (Syme 2001a, Syme 2001b). TUFLOW has also been
the subject of extensive testing and validation by WBM Pty Ltd and others (Barton 2001, Huxley, 2004).
TUFLOW is specifically orientated towards establishing flow patterns in coastal waters, estuaries, rivers, floodplains
and urban areas where the flow patterns are essentially 2D in nature and cannot or would be awkward to represent
using a 1D network model.
A powerful feature of TUFLOW is its ability to dynamically link to the 1D network of the xpswmm engine. In the xp
environment, the user sets up a model as a combination of 1D network domains linked to 2D domains, i.e. the 2D and
1D domains are linked to form one model.
xpswmm Reference Manual
1.7 The User Interface
1.7.1 The Generic Graphical User Interface
The generic graphical user interface utilizes the current Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing device technology as the
state-of-the-art intuitive user environment.
The user interface can also be described as object-oriented. A user first selects an object or range of objects using
the pointing device, and then performs an operation on the selection by giving a menu command. For example, to
delete a group of objects they are first selected with the mouse and the "Delete Objects" command is selected from
the Edit Menu. The user interface is an interface to a database (.XP) storing all data required for the particular model
it has been adapted. Through the user interface the database is linked to various tools for result presentation, data
exchange and manipulation.
The XP interface may be used to create a new infrastructure network as well as to edit an existing one. The XP user
interface is object-oriented, which means the user selects the object, and then selects the operation to perform on it.
The XP environment consists of:
A window with a series of menus along the top of the screen used for controlling operation of the program.
Several tool strips of icons for file operation, object creation/manipulation and short cuts to menu commands.
The elements of the interface, namely, The Window, The Icons (The Toolbar), The Dialog Box, The Layer Control
Panel, and The Pointing Device, and the method of manipulation of objects are described in the text below.

1.7.2 The Window
The Window provides the frame of reference for user interaction. The large display area provides a current view of the
created network of links and nodes and any associated background drawings and text objects. A Network Overview
dialog provides a means of changing the position of the current view of the network. The title of the current database
(model) is displayed in the window title bar and status messages describing current program activity such as a
description of the function and mouse position are displayed across the bottom of the window. This Status Bar on the
bottom of the Window can be turned on/off using the Status Bar from the View Menu.

1.7.3 The Pointing Device
The pointing device may be a typical mouse, track ball, touch pad or other mouse compatible device. For the sake of
consistency we use the term mouse to indicate a generic-pointing device. Listed below is a description of the basic
mouse techniques used within this program. The primary button is assumed to be on the left.
The following table indicates the user pointing device actions corresponding to the instructions used in this manual.
Instruction User Action
Click Position the pointer on something, and then briefly press and release the primary (left)
mouse button.
Choose Pick a command by positioning the pointer on the menu name, moving the highlighted
area down the menu to the command you want, and then clicking the primary mouse
Drag Position the pointer on or near something, press and hold down the primary mouse
button as you move the mouse to the desired position, and then release the button. A
drag allows you to move or select an object.
Double-Click Position the pointer on something, and then rapidly press and release the primary (left)
mouse button twice.
Point Position the left-pointing arrow on or just next to something you want to choose.
Select Move the cursor to an object, then left click or draw box across a group of objects.
The mouse pointer changes appearance to indicate the type of action that is taking place. The pointer icons are:
Icon xpswmm Action
xpswmm Reference Manual
Arrow You may select objects, move, re-connect or re-scale the network.
Text Annotation is being added to the network.
Node Nodes are being added to the network.
Link Single Links (solid line) are being added to the network.
Multi-Link Multi-links (dashed line) are being added to the network.
Polyline A polyline is being drawn.
Polygon A polygon is being created.
Ruler Lengths or areas are being measured from the network.
Hourglass XP is busy performing a task. The specific task is generally displayed in the status
messages area of the window
Zoom-In You are currently zooming in to an area of the network.
Zoom-Out You are currently zooming out on an area of the network.
Hand You are currently panning around the network.
Movable An object will be displaced.
Circular Arrow An object will be rotated.
Cross Section Profile Displays profile of selected cross section
Define Cross Section Creates a cross section along selected points
Edit Cross Section Begin edit mode of selected cross section
Insert Point Add a vertex to a cross section, polylink, or polygon.
Move Point Move a vertex of a cross section, polylink, or polygon.
The Mouse allows the user to select objects to operate on by pointing and clicking and similarly to initiate system
commands through Pull-down menus and to select a tool.
1.7.4 The Dialog Box
The Dialog Box is a graphical view of the attribute database. In other words the Dialog Box is to attribute data what
the Window is to the network spatial data. The Dialog Box contains different types of items or controls that represent
different types of data or modeling choices. The common items in the dialog box are described below:

Static Text Caption for Editable Text.
Editable Text Text strings or numbers. The insertion point for the text is contained in a
rectangular field. Double-clicking in the field will select all text, and subsequent
data entry will replace all existing text
Check box A square check box is a flag for a particular option. You may select none, any or
all options. A check box with underlying data is located on an action button.
Check boxes are always optional.
Choice Button The circular choice buttons (Radio Buttons) indicate a choice of one item from a
group of options. Only one option may be selected from the group. A choice
button located on an action button indicates underlying data. The selection of one
of the choice buttons is mandatory.
Action Button A rectangular action button controls dialog traversal (and therefore data structure).
The OK and Cancel Action buttons are usually mapped to the "Enter" and Esc
keys. The upper right hand corner X button on the dialog is also mapped to ESC
and abandons all edits made in the dialog if pressed. A button item in a Job
Control Dialog contains mandatory data. Other Action buttons include Run for
the Utilities and Import for the Import dialog.
Picture A picture data item is an icon or a symbol used to promote rapid comprehension.
It is not a dynamic item and is only representative of typical modeling scenarios.

One of the programs unique features is that picture items are used extensively to symbolise physical attributes
associated with the data. This allows presentation of the model to non-technical reviewers. When reviewing a model
it is good practice to close dialogs with Cancel to protect making and saving changes to the model.
Items are selected by using the mouse to position the pointer at an item then clicking or double clicking with the mouse
button. You may also optionally move through the editable text box items by using the <Tab> and <Shift-Tab> keys.
Pressing the Enter key is the same as clicking the OK button.
Pressing the <Esc> key is the same as clicking the Cancel button or selecting the red upper right hand X.
Holding down the <Shift> key while clicking an action button that would normally cascade to another dialog will only
activate the Check Box or Choice Button and not cascade to underlying dialogs.
See Also Dialog Icons
1.7.5 Dialog Icons
These Icons are present on the right hand side of each dialog. They are used to get information on and to copy
individual fields including check boxes, radio buttons and editable text in a dialog.

Copy Data Used to copy one field within a dialog so that it may be pasted into multiple
nodes or links. See also Copy A Single Item. Click on the copy icon then click
on the user field, radio button or checkbox on the dialog.
Help Click this button to get help on the current dialog.
Field Information Used to get information on one field within a dialog so that it may be used in the
creation of an XPX file. Click on the information button icon then click on the
user field, radio button or checkbox on the dialog.
xpswmm Reference Manual
1.7.6 The Menus
The pull-down menu titles appear on a menu bar displayed underneath the window title. Each menu title represents a
group of related commands. If certain commands do not make sense in the current context of what the user is doing,
they are disabled and indicated by less prominent and shaded light gray.

The most frequently used commands also have keyboard equivalents, indicated by a keyboard combination such as
Ctrl+N (New) listed in the menu. Commands that require more information, typically entered via a Dialog Box, are
indicated with three trailing dots after the menu item name.

The use of the menus is described in THE MENU BAR

1.7.7 Tools
A palette of object symbols (Icons) is provided for the creation and manipulation of objects comprising the network,
performing calculations and managing project files. These icons are called tools and are grouped as toolbars. Some
of these toolbars may be turned on and off by selecting Toolbar from the View Menu.
In xps default layout there is one toolstrip under the menu titles and two groups on the right side of the drawing
window. Each of the toolbars can also be moved from the toolstrip to form a palette and be docked to the outer sides
of the window. As a palette, clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner can turn off the toolbar.


The use of the tools is described in Toolstrip Icons.
1.7.8 Layer Control Panel
In the default setting, your program opens with the Layer Control Panel docked to the left side of the viewing area.
This panel is used to mange settings for layers in both 1D and 2D models. The layers are organized in
expandable/collapsible groups in a Windows Explorer style fashion. If your version does not have all of the modules,
some of the layers will be disabled.
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The functions of the layers are described in Layer Control Panel.

Setup Wizard
When the Setup Wizard is selected from the opening dialog window, the New Job Settings Dialog opens.

Enter a Job Title which is common to all three layers and click on Next.
The next dialog is the Job Details. Select either US Customary or Metric Units. Clicking on the Info button next to the
drop menu will display some of the common parameters and the units for both systems.
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Enter the simulation details data in the boxes. Leave blank if data are unknown. It may be changed later. Click on
The next dialog allows the user to enter Global Data where you can load default global databases containing, for
example, rainfall information or infiltration data. The program remembers files selected previously. Typical
databases can be found in the Templates folder. You can also associate units with these databases. Click on the
ellipses () to open the Windows Explorer window. Navigate to an .XPX file. In the example shown here, two storm
events have been entered into the dialog.

It is not necessary to enter all of the global database records at this time. They may be changed with the Global Data
command on the Configuration menu and new records imported in the File->Import Data->Import XPX files menu.
Click on Next to proceed to the next dialog.
The next dialog allows the user to set default values for the Node data fields. If most of the nodes have the same
value for any field, this feature will speed up the model building process. Click on the ellipses () to open the Node
Data Variable Selection Dialog. A value is required for any field that is entered. Use the Add and Delete buttons to
insert or remove fields. See Node Data for additional information on nodes. After the dialog has been completed, click
on Next.
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The next dialog allows the user to set default values for the Link data fields. If most of the links have the same value
for any field, this feature will speed up the model building process. Click on the ellipses () to open the Link Data
Variable Selection Dialog. A value is required for any field that is entered. Use the Add and Delete buttons to insert
or remove fields. See Link Data for additional information of links.
In the examples shown here all links will be circular pipes with a diameter of 1.5 feet, length of 250 feet and a
roughness of 0.013. This data will automatically be associated with the link when a new link is created by import or
being digitized.

After the dialog has been completed, click on Finish.
The final dialog is the New Job Setting Report. It presents a summary of the data collected by the Setup Wizard.
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Click on either OK to accept the data and begin building the network or Cancel to back step through the previous
dialogs. When the Setup Wizard is completed, xp displays the Opening Window with all associated data and settings
collected by the Setup Wizard.
2.1 Building the Runoff and 1D Hydraulic Layers
2.1.1 Setting the Active Mode
When a new model (.XP file) is opened, it opens in the Hydraulics (Hdr) mode. Existing models will open in the
current mode when they were last saved. The three modes are Runoff (Rnf), Sanitary (San) and Hydraulics (Hdr).
The active mode is indicated by the highlighted mode tool.

The active mode may be changed by clicking on the icon representing the desired mode.
The Runoff mode is used to perform hydrology calculations and contains many hydrology options including a
deterministic model of the hydrologic cycle named Runoff. The Sanitary mode is used to perform Kinematic wave
hydraulic routing, simulation of scour and deposition in sewers, development of dry weather flows and the simulation
of BMPs. Many of the capabilities of this mode are duplicated in the other two modes. The Hydraulics mode is used
to simulate water flow using full dynamic wave routing in 1D and 2D networks.
The mode can also be set from the Configuration Menu->Mode Properties and setting the current mode.
2.1.2 Graphical Elements
The model network is created using a set of graphical objects primarily consisting of polygons for catchments and
links and nodes for the hydraulic network. In a 2D model you may also find polylines and polygons to describe the
terrain and the boundaries and domain of the 2D model. The network of nodes is connected together by links with
some additional elements provided for annotation and background reference. The XP environment supports the
following types of objects.
Symbol Type Description

Node Used to represent physical objects such as manholes, inlets, ponds, outfalls
or junctions of various links such as natural channels or closed conduits.

Link Single connection between nodes of closed or open conduit geometry. They
represent physical elements, e.g. pipes, channels, overland flow paths, etc. A
polylink is special type of link that has vertices between the end nodes.
Pumps orifices, weirs and special links must be created with multi-link below.

Multi-link Multiple connections of conduits between nodes. Diversions such as pumps,
orifices, weirs etc. are also created in multi-links.

Text Lines of text annotation used for labeling the backgrounds.

Polyline Polylines are used to represent 1D/2D connections, 2D boundaries and
ridges and, gullies.

Polygon Polygons are used to represent catchments, landuse zones, and the 2D
domains of flooded areas.

A cross section is a temporary polyline that is draped on the DTM to create
the geometry for a natural channel.
Each element of the network has certain editable spatial and display properties and a unique name. Display
properties include the colour and line thickness of the object. Colours may be edited using the Windows colour panel.
Spatial attributes include the position and dimensions of the object. Digital images and text notes can also be
attached to nodes through the properties dialog.
2.1.3 Creating a Network
The network is created on the screen using the palette of tools (icons) contained in the tool strip in the window. To
create a network, select the node tool from the toolstrip by clicking it. The cursor shape now changes to a node object
symbol indicating a node is being created. Clicking in the window now defines the position of the node and creates it
and gives it a unique name. The display properties of the new node (color and thickness) can be changed by
choosing the pointer tool then right-click to get the pop-up menu. The pop-up menu allows you to open the
Properties dialog.
Next, create the links between nodes, selecting the link tool and then clicking on the nodes you wish to connect. The
cursor shape again changes to link object symbol indicating a link is being created. A link is directed from the first to
the second node clicked upon indicating the direction of flow from upstream to downstream. An arrow is placed on
the downstream end of the link indicating the direction of positive flow. The position of the second end of the link (the
end towards which flows are directed) is indicated by a dotted outline that tracks the mouse movement.
A default unique name is automatically created for any object requiring a name. The prefix of the name for nodes
and links can be set in the File Properties menu command. For example you may wish to preface all nodes with
mh or a basin name and links with pipe. Then as each node and link is created the names will be numbered
sequentially using the prefix such as mh1, mh2 and pipe1, pipe2 The direction of the link can be modified from
the link pop-up menu by choosing reverse direction.
As you draw a link, you may create a polylink (bent link) by holding down the <Ctrl> key as you click with the mouse.
This will create a vertex at each point at which you click. Terminate the link by clicking without holding down the
<Ctrl> key.
You may change an existing link to a polylink by first selecting the link, then right clicking and selecting Edit Vertices
from the pop-up menu. Move the cursor to the location of the vertex. Click on the vertex to move the bend in the link.
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You may remove a vertex by first selecting the link, then right clicking and selecting Edit Vertices from the pop-up
menu. Move the cursor to the vertex, right click and select Delete Vertex.

xpswmm performs a series of validity checks to verify a legal network is being created and, if the connection satisfies
all of the rules, the link is created. For example, only one link can be created between two nodes and nodes cannot
An additional feature of the link tool is the provision of a default end node. If the link tool is selected and you attempt
to create a link in free space (i.e. if you do not click on an existing node) a default node will be created. In this
manner it is not necessary to first create nodes and then join them with links, but rather perform both operations
To create a branch select the Esc key on the keyboard then continue to create links from free space to the existing
nodes or from an existing node to free space where the end node will be created.
2.1.4 Naming an Element
Every object in the network must have a unique name. No node may have a name already used by another node or
link in the database. The names are generally limited to 10 alphanumeric characters. Three methods are available
to name a network object, the last two of which invoke the Properties dialog box.
1. Highlight the node or link then double-click on the name and modify the name directly on the screen. Follow the
editing with an enter keystroke to terminate editing.
2. Select the node then click the right mouse button. This will bring up a pop-up menu. Select Properties to enter
the object name in the dialog.
3. Highlight the node or link then select Properties from the Edit menu.
If method (2) or (3) above is chosen, a dialog box similar to that shown below is then displayed. If the object selected
is a link the coordinate boxes are not shown.

Picture File
A bitmap image can be attached to a node or link by entering the name of a graphics file in the Picture File field. The
formats currently supported are BMP, DXF, EPS, FAX, IMG, JPG, PCD, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIF, WMF, WPG, XBMP,
XDCX, XEPS, XJPG, XPCX and XTIF. With an image selected the node and link pop-up menus will display an active
View Image menu item.
2.1.5 Selecting an Object or a Group of Objects
Many menu commands operate on the set of currently selected objects. Note that the ability to select objects can be
modified with the Layer Control Panel. Objects are selectable only when the check box in the third column of the
Layer Control Panel is on. A selected object is indicated by it being displayed with cyan highlighting.
Selecting a Single Object:
Choose the pointer tool from the tool strip, point to the desired object and click the primary mouse button.
Selecting a Group of Objects:
A group of objects may be selected by using any combination of the following techniques:
Click in open space and with the mouse button held down dragging a cyan colored rectangle around the
desired group. If more than half the object is included in a rectangle the object is selected.
Select individual noncontiguous objects by clicking the mouse with the <Ctrl> key held down.
All the objects in the path between two end nodes can be highlighted by clicking on the first node, and then
with the Shift key held down, clicking on the second node.
Place the mouse over a selected node and right click. Choose Select Downstream Objects from the popup
Place the mouse over a selected node and right click. Choose Select Upstream Objects from the popup
Place the mouse over a selected node and right click. Choose Select Objects from the popup menu to
launch the dialog:
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This tool may be used to identify non-connected objects or select objects base on connectivity.
The selections can be extended to include or exclude objects by using the <Ctrl> key in conjunction with the
mouse button. It has the effect of toggling the state of the object between selected and unselected.
Selecting all Node or Links:
All nodes or all links may be selected by:
Using the or the tools on the Network Viewing and Navigation toolbar.
Choose Select Objects from the View Menu.
Entering <Ctrl> A for all nodes and <Ctrl> L for all links.
Deselecting All Objects:
Objects may be deselected by clicking on any white space (away from any network object).
2.1.6 Moving an Object
A selected (highlighted) group of objects can be moved by dragging any object from the highlighted set - the rest will
follow. A dotted outline of all affected objects tracks the mouse movements until the button is released, indicating the
final position of the moved objects in real time.
Note: Objects cannot be moved unless the Movable property for the object is enabled in the Layer Control Panel.

2.1.7 Reconnecting Objects
A link can be reconnected to another node by first selecting it, then positioning the pointer near one end of the link
and dragging the end of the link to the new node. A cyan outline tracks the movement of the link in real time. Note:
The cursor changes to a conduit reconnection shape.
Creation of the new link is subject to the same connectivity rules applied during network creation, i.e. an illegal
network cannot be created through re-connection.
2.1.8 Deleting Objects
A selected (highlighted) individual object or group of objects can be removed from the model by invoking the Delete
Objects menu command, from the Edit menu or selecting the Del key on the keyboard. A confirmation dialog will be
displayed before the delete is accomplished allowing you to confirm or abandon the deletion process.
Note: A link cannot exist without both end-nodes; thus when one end-node is removed, the link is also deleted.
Note: Deleting cannot be undone. Accidental deletion of objects will require you to recreate the objects and reenter
the data or revert to a previously saved version of the model.
2.1.8 Setting Default Labels
The default prefix for new nodes and links in the network can be set in the Node Drawing and Link Drawing dialogs
accessed by selecting Properties in the File menu.
2.1.10 Using the Layer Control Panel
Using the Layer Control Panel
The Layer Control Panel can be used to manage (create, delete, edit, and access the display properties of) objects in
the xpswmm network. Make sure the layer of interest is visible and unlocked before accessing the Layer Control
Panel Features.
In a 1D network, the Layer Control Panel is used to access the following layers:
Network building and editing:
Catchment Connections
Water Level Lines

Model results:
Spatial Reports
Graphical Encoding

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See also: Layer Control Panel.
Highlight the Nodes or Node Label row and right click to launch a pop-up menu.

Properties to edit the properties of the selected node
Import from GIS File ... to add nodes from the network
Export to GIS File...
Delete All to remove all nodes from the network
Import Nodes from GIS
Use this tool to import nodes from a GIS layer (.shp of .mif file). Additional data may be imported with the
Import/Export External Databases tool.
Click on the ellipses () to open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the source file and select Open.
To import selected data, check the Import Selected Data box. Select the property from the drop list of attributes.
Specify the value of the attribute for imported nodes.
Click on Import.

For the Node Names, choose the Default Names or use the attribute data and select attribute name from the drop list.
Mappings can be made to given variables at this point in the import process. To map a GIS database variable with
the associated xp variable simply highlight the desired variable row and select the Set radio button, finally select the
variable from the available options.
Click on OK.

xpswmm will report the number of nodes Read, Invalid, and Ignored. A text file listing warnings and errors will also
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Click on OK and view the network.
Export Nodes to GIS File
Right click on the Nodes layer and select Export to GIS File from the popup menu.

Click on Export. Navigate to the export file and click on Save.

Catchment polygons may be added to a model by 3 methods:
1. Drawing with the polygon tool,
2. Importing from a GIS or CAD file.
3. Importing an XPX file with the Catchment command.
After the catchments have been added,
1. they may be linked to nodes and,
2. the areas may be calculated.

Import Catchments
To import catchment from GIS or CAD file:
1. Move the mouse over Catchments in Layer Control Panel and right click.
2. Select Import from GIS/CAD file

3. Navigate to the source file.
4. To filter the polygons in the file, select field in the Property Name drop list and enter the Property Value for
polygons to be selected. Check the box Import Selected Data.
5. Click on Import.
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6. In the Catchment Data Mappings dialog, map attributes in the shape file to model variables. The Node Name is
selected from a drop list of attributes. The Catchment Number can either be selected from an attribute or
appended as new catchment. To map a field (attribute) select the field and click on Set to open the Variable
Selection dialog. Click on Import.
The progress bar displays the status of the import. When it is completed, a message displays information on the
polygons and vertices that were imported. The application will check for vertices sharing the same x, y location and
will not allow this to happen.

To view, select and edit the catchment polygons the appropriate boxes must be checked in the Layer Control Panel.
Add Catchment to Drawing
1. Highlight Catchments in the Layer Control Panel. Use the Snap Tool to align vertices with other layers.
2. Select the Polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape
3. Draw the outline of the catchment by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the polygon.
The completed catchment polygon is shown below.

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After, the catchment polygon has been created, link the catchment to a node.
Link Catchment to Node
To link a catchment to a node:
1. The Catchments Layer must be viewable and selectable.
2. Select the Pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools set.
3. Select the catchment polygon and locate the centroid. It will be shown with a square once the catchment
polygon is selected.
4. Left click on the centroid and drag (move mouse while holding the left button down) a line to the node.
5. The cursor will change to a double lined cross at the selected node. Release the left button.

6. A pop up list will ask for the available subcatchment numbers to be linked to the node. Left click on the
subcatchment number to be selected. Note that subcatchments already assigned are disabled. A maximum
of 5 subcatchments can be assigned to a node.

To chance the Catchment Connections display properties:
1. Highlight Catchment Connections in the Layer Control Panel and right click.

2. Select Properties to launch the Catchment Connections Drawing Attributes dialog. Edit the color, style and size
of the connections.

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Catchment Connections
Highlight the Catchment Connections layer and right click to launch a pop-up menu.

Select Properties and use the dialog to adjust the display properties of the connections between runoff catchments
and nodes.

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Highlight the Links row and right click to launch a pop-up menu.

Import from GIS file ...
Export to GIS File . . . .
Delete All

Link Properties
Use this dialog to adjust the display properties of all links in the network.

The Link Label Opacity Flag causes a break in links to display the label.
The Show Link Arrow Head Flag shows an arrow at the downstream end of each link.
Import Links from GIS File
Use this tool to import links from a CAD (.dxf or .dwg) drawing or GIS layer (.shp of .mif). Note that xpswmm requires
a valid network at all times. The upstream and downstream node fro each link must exist in the database when it is
imported. Additional data may be imported with the Import/Export External Databases tool.
Click on the ellipses () to open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the source file and select Open.
To import selected data, check the Import Selected Data box. Select the property from the drop list of attributes.
Specify the value of the attribute for imported nodes.
Click on Import.
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For the Link Names, choose the Default Names or use the attribute data and select attribute name from the drop list.
Select the Upstream and Downstream Nodes from the drop lists.
Mappings can be made to given variables at this point in the import process. To map a GIS database variable with
the associated xp variable simply highlight the desired variable row and select the Set radio button, finally select the
variable from the available options.
Click on OK.

xpswmm will report the number of links Read, Invalid, and Ignored. A text file listing warnings and errors will also

Click on OK and view the network.
Export Links to GIS File
Right click on the Links layer and select Export to GIS File from the popup menu.
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Click on Export. Navigate to the export file and click on Save.

Water Level Lines

Water Level Lines are polylines used to display 1D open channel and 2D results together. They extend from the left
bank to the right bank of the channel. These polylines are used to create a TIN from the 1D node results which is
spatially displayed as a flood map. Water level lines may be manually added or generated automatically.

To manually add a single Water Level Line to given link perform the following:
1. Select and right click on a Link. Hover over Water Level Lines and choose Add Water Level Line from the
popup menu.
2. An x will appear next to the cursor, Click once to add a vertex on the left bank.
3. Continue adding vetexes by clicking.
4. Double click on the right bank to complete the polyline.

Water Level Lines can be automatically generated by using the Generate Water Level Lines option.

For an example on how the flood map is generated from the Water Level Lines please review the following:


Consider the diagram above.
At a time step t
WSEL at u/s node = WSEL1
WSEL at the d/s node = WSEL2
Y1= (WSEL1+WSEL2)/L*X1
Y2= (WSEL1+WSEL2)/L*X2
For all the vertices along WLL1, the WSEL = Y1
For all the vertices along WLL2, the WSEL = Y2
Finally the TIN will be created.

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Cross-Section Properties
Highlight the Cross-sections row and right click to launch a pop-up menu.

Select Properties and use the dialog to adjust the display properties of cross-sections.

2.2 Navigating the Network
2.2.1 Navigation Basics
Numerous zoom and pan tools allow the user to quickly navigate across the model. There are also icons to select All
Links and Nodes. Node and link labels can be shown or hidden by selecting the viewable property in the layer control
panel for node and link labels. Also, the network view can be adjusted by changing settings on the layer control
panel. Very large networks will redraw quickly and look much cleaner without the clutter of object labels.
2.2.2 The Coordinate System
The screen network is essentially open-ended and unbounded in any direction. The coordinate system has its origin
(0,0) at the lower left corner of the opening window and increases to the right and up. In the present implementation,
the coordinates are stored in double precision format with up to 20 significant figures to enable the retention of real
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world coordinates. The coordinates are used in specifying the location of a node, text item, or the bounding rectangle
of a background picture.
2.2.3 Traversing the Network
The network can be traversed by using the <Tab> key starting from any selected link or node. The <Shift-Tab> key
or key moves to the previous upstream object.
Alternatively the user may select Find Object... from the View Menu or use the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut and enter
the name of the required node or link. The user may specify whether the search is for a node, link or text, or whether
the object name is case sensitive or a partial word search.
While employing the multi-selection option successive searches will add to the selection set.
When the user clicks Find the requested object name is searched for. If found it is highlighted and displayed in the
centre of the screen at the currently selected scale.
Large networks are easily traversed using the Network Overview capability.
2.2.4 Panning Around the Network
The user can access the Pan tool by any of three methods
1. Select the Pan tool (hand) located on the toolstrip then click on the network and drag the mouse.
2. Right mouse click and drag within the network window. This moves the entire screen image the distance
between the two points in the dragged direction.
3. Click and drag the red window box from within the network overview window.
2.2.5 Re-sizing Network Objects
When a large network is displayed on the screen it can appear extremely cluttered. To allow the total network to be
viewed (and comprehended) the size of the text and objects may be tied to the scale of the displayed window. The
Display Properties dialog is used to adjust the size nodes, links, labels and text strings. To access this dialog:
For a single node or link
Using the Pointer tool, move the curser over the object and click. The curser will be change to a 4 arrowed
Right click and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
Click on Display Properties in the Node or Link Properties dialog.
For a Text object
Using the Pointer tool, move the curser over the text object and click. The curser will be change to a 4
arrowed cross.
Right click and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
For multiple objects
Select the objects of interest.
Select Properties from the Edit menu.
2.2.6 Re-scaling the Network Window
When a network window is rescaled the size of nodes and labels remains fixed, the nodes being symbols that
represent the centre of the object, or the junction of links. When the scale of a picture changes so that the text
becomes unreadable it is displayed as a black box showing the location of the text but not the actual characters.
The size of the viewed window can be changed in six ways:
1. With the pointer tool selected, roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in and backwards to zoom out. Zooming is
centered at the location of the pointer.
2. Right mouse click in the Network Overview and drag to zoom in and out
3. The Set Scale menu command on the View menu
4. The Zoom In X2 or Zoom Out X2 tools on the Network Viewing and Navigation toolstrip
5. The Window Area In or Window Area Out tools on the Network Viewing and Navigation toolstrip
6. The Fit Window tool Network Viewing and Navigation toolstrip or View->Fit Window menu command
7. The View -> Zoom -> Zoom In: Factor and View -> Z oom -> Zoom Out: Factor menu commands
2.3 Background Images
2.3.1 Creating a Background
Background pictures are special objects that can be created to act as passive backdrop on which the rest of the
network may be overlaid.
Pictures are stored as files on disk and only a reference to the file and the path is stored in the .XP file. These
Picture files must be present for the background to be drawn. There is neither a limit to the number of background
pictures that may be loaded into the network nor to the size of an individual picture. Pictures can be selected,
deleted, moved, hidden, etc
Five background picture types are supported: These include AutoCAD .DWG, and .DXF files, ESRI ArcView Shape
files, digital photos such as .BMP, .JPG, .TIFF. and HPGL (HPGL/1) files which must be translated to a .PIC (a
native XP Software format) using the supplied converter CVTHPGL.EXE.
See also: Importing Background Pictures and Editing Background Pictures.
Note: ESRI shape files and MapInfo files may also be added to and xpswmm model as a GIS Layer.
2.3.2 HPGL File Format
Previous versions converted HPGL/1 files to a proprietary .PIC format. This feature is no longer supported as the
interface now allows native .DWG and .DXF files to be used as backgrounds without requiring conversion.
The HPGL/1 file is usually created by configuring your CAD program (or other drawing programs) to send the HPGL
output to a file instead of directly to the plotter.
The CVTHPGL utility will create a .PIC file that can be displayed by this version of the program.
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Pen Number HP Plotter pen number that is mapped to a particular color of your choice. Double-click on the color
to choose different color mapping.
Pen Color Color that is mapped to a particular HP plotter pen number.
Plotter Limits Plotter pen limits in the X and Y directions. These coordinates are in plotter units. The P1
and P2 units should be equal or greater than the plotter units settings of your HP Plotter. To obtain a higher
resolution picture it is recommended that the plot be sent to fit the page and the page size be large. If the P1 and
P2 limits specified are less than the P1 and P2 settings on your plotter than the background picture will be clipped.
Load Plotter Defaults This will load the plotter settings (pen mappings and limits) from a file that was earlier
saved by the corresponding Save button.
Save Plotter Defaults This will save the existing settings (pen mappings and limits) to a file.
When using a HPGL/1 file the prime objective in creating a background picture is to maximize the detail while
minimizing the size of the HPGL plotter file and hence re-draw performance. Some practical tips:
When generating a plot file from a CAD package, apply any plotting scale factors that minimize the plotted size of
the drawing. Remember that HPGL plotters have a resolution of 0.025mm, so that very small plots can still
provide reasonable resolution, however, the resolution is coarser with smaller size plots.
Transform splines to lines if possible. Splines generate lots of plotted points. Transforming spline vertices to Line
Polygon vertices dramatically decreases the number of generated vectors while retaining acceptable resolution.
This transformation can usually be achieved by exporting the drawing in some text format, editing it, then
importing again, eg. DXF format from AutoCAD.
Any number of individual files may be imported as background pictures and overlaid or tiled.
The mapping between plotter pen numbers and picture colors can be altered from the default by editing the plotter
default file (by default, PL_DEF) used by CVTHPGL. This will avoid making any modifications to the CAD package
Minimize the amount of unnecessary text or other drawn objects in the background file. Since text takes more
time to draw than most lines this will increase performance and drawing file size
HPGL/1 format:
The background may also be imported from an HPGL/1 plot file that may be created via most CAD packages, or via
numerous design packages that provide output to Hewlett Packard plotters.
To create a background, an HPGL/1 plot file must be generated (from a CAD package, for example). This HPGL/1 file
is then converted to the picture format via the CVTHPGL utility supplied with XP. CVTHPGL is invoked from the Get
Background Menu.
The procedure involved in creating a picture from a CAD package is as follows:
1. Create the drawing in the CAD package;
2. Ensure your CAD package is configured with a Hewlett Packard plotter for output. This must be in HPGL/1
format such as used for HP7580, HP7586, Draftsmaster etc. Newer Inkjet plotters like the HP650C, 700 series
etc can be configured to accept input in HPGL/2 format (the default) or HPGL/1 format. This converter cannot
use the HPGL/2 format.
3. Plot the desired rectangle of interest, noting the co-ordinates of the boundaries. If you wish to retain the scale
of your drawing package then the XP destination coordinates must correspond to the top-left and bottom-right
corner (extreme points) of the drawing in your drawing package. It is also recommended to import your
background picture before creating a database.
4. Select Get Background from the Special Menu and choose the HPGL format. When you select OK the
CVTHPGL program will convert the HPGL/1 file into the internal XP picture format (PIC).
An error log is created which lists any HPGL commands the program has been unable to translate.
The plotter defaults file "PL_DEF" defines the mapping of pen numbers to colors in a table at the head of the file.
The first line of the file contains the number of pens, the following lines contain the mapping of pen number to
color name. Pen number zero, the null pen, is also required to be mapped to a color.
This pen color transformation allows customization for particular CAD packages. See the default file PL_DEF
included with this program, for details.
Once the HPGL file has been converted to a picture file, it is incorporated into the network as an XP Metafile. The
user is prompted for the picture file name and destination-bounding rectangle via Dialog Box shown above.

By default, the bounding rectangle fills the display window at the currently selected scale. To maintain the original
proportion of the drawing, the user must recall the co-ordinates of the frame originally plotted and use these for the
destination-bounding rectangle.
2.3.3 Importing Background Pictures
Background data in the form of aerial photos, ESRI GIS Shape files, contour maps or subdivision layouts may be
imported to facilitate the creation of the network.
1. If a CAD file (.dxf or .dwg) is imported as a background image it will be moved to the CAD layer. When
xpswmm encounters a file created on earlier version with a CAD file in a background layer, the file will be
moved to the CAD layer.
2. Shape files may also be imported as GIS layers.
3. .dxf and .dwg files should be added as CAD Layers.
To import a background select Background Images Add Background Image from the View menu or choose the
Add Background Image icon from the toolstrip. Alternatively, you can right mouse click on the Background Images in
the Layer Control Panel and choose Add Background Image.
xpswmm Reference Manual

To load a background file select the button with the three points to navigate and find the file. Select the file or type in
the name of the file and then choose open. The coordinates of the Shape file will be automatically used. If the digital
image has a world file the coordinates will be obtained from them. For digital images without world files use the
appropriate coordinates for the project when positioning the photo.
Destination Rectangle
The outer corners (Top, Left, Bottom and Right) where the non-CAD or Shape file will be imported. The coordinates
of and ESRI shape files are automatically read and placed in these fields. If importing a digital image format file then
the rectangle corresponds to the real world coordinate edges of your drawing in the graphics package. These
coordinates determine the aspect ratio and scale of the imported background.
If a world file is located in the same folder as the image file, the coordinates will be automatically entered.
xpswmm uses double precision coordinates with up to 20 significant figures. This enables map coordinates to be
retained. Once a picture has been imported it is treated in the same manner as any other element of the network.
2.3.4 Edit Background
To edit existing background images select Background Images->Properties from the View menu or choose the Image
Properties icon from the toolstrip. Alternatively, you can right mouse click on the Background Images in the Layer
Control Panel and choose Properties.


New This button will open the Add Background Image dialog.
Delete This button will delete the highlighted background picture from the XP database.
Up This button will move the selected background picture up one level in the list.
Down This button will move the selected background picture up one level in the list.
Properties If an ESRI Shape file is selected then this button will open the ESRI Shape File Attributes dialog to
allow attribute encoding.
Show This button will toggle the display or hiding of the selected background picture.
Real World Extents The outer corners (Top, Left, Bottom and Right) where the background image file resides.
For non-CAD or Shape files these coordinates determine the aspect ratio and scale of the imported background.

XP uses double precision coordinates with up to 20 significant figures. This enables map coordinates to be retained.
Once a picture has been imported it is treated in the same manner as any other element of the network.

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2.3.5 ESRI Shape File Attributes

Shape Filename The name of the Shape file that is being Encoded.
Dbase Filename This is the name of the database file that contains the attributes being encoded.
Encode Attributes This is a checkbox to turn on/off the encoding of the selected attribute.
Encoding Field This combo box allows the user to select the attribute in the database file for encoding.
Color This is a column of colors assigned to the field value of the same row. Selecting the on
the cell brings up the Windows Color palette shown below.
Field Values This is a column of the selected attributes from the database file. To the right is the color
assigned to that shape file element.


2.3.6 World File
Many times TIF, JPG and BMP image files are accompanied by a world file that provides basic georeferencing
information (but not all information) about the image file. xpswmm recognizes files with the following extensions as
world files:
.tfw (when a .tif file is opened)
.jgw, .jpegw or .jpw (when a .jpg file is opened)
bpw (when a .bmp file is opened)
The world file provides basic (but not complete) georeferencing information that allows xpswmm to automatically fill in
the coordinates of the Destination Rectangle in the Image Properties dialog.
A World file is a simple ASCII text file that contains the X and Y pixel size, the rotation, and the registration coordinate
of the center of the upper-left corner pixel in the image. Following is a sample World file with descriptions.
4.75000 X pixel size
0.0 Rotation term for row
0.0 Rotation term for column
-4.75000 Y pixel size, negated to represent upper-left of image
2760000.00000 X coordinate of center of upper-left pixel
39142000.00000 Y coordinate of center of upper-left pixel
The pixel size and registration coordinates are expressed in units of meters or feet. (The Y pixel size is usually a
negative value to account for the differences between the origin of image and non-image data.
World files do not contain some georeferencing information including:
Geodetic Datum A spheroid and tie point, this defines the local variation in the shape of the earth's surface in
that area of the world
Map Projection The model used to translate spherical earth coordinates onto a flat 2-D surface (the map).
Common projections include Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Transverse Mercator, Lambert Conformal
Conic, and many others.
Units The measurement units used for coordinates in the selected map projection.
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2.3.7 CAD File as Background Image

2.4 Topography Layers and Objects
Topography Layers and Objects
xp uses layers and objects to define the topography of models. These layers are accessed from the Layer Control
Panel. The following layers are used to support 1D, 2D and, 1D/2D models.

DTM Layers
Breaklines (Gullies and Ridges)
Fill Areas
Dynamic Elevation Shapes Trigger Points
Elevation Shapes
2.4.1 DTM Layers
Managing DTM Layers
Elevation data may be integrated into any xpswmm 1D, 2D or 1D/2D model with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in the
form of Triangular Irregular Network (TIN).
A variety of tools are available to import, export and manage the display of DTM layers. To access these tools, move
the mouse over DTM Layers in the Layer Control Panel and right click. A popup menu will appear.

To add a DTM, select one of the options:
Load a DTM File
Create a DTM From XYZ File
Create a DTM from ESRI Grid file
Launch the DTM Builder tool
After the DTM layer has been added select an option:
Adjust the Display Properties may be adjusted
Adjust the Color Range if the fills or contour lines
Add or customize the Legend
Export DTM data
Create DTM from XYZ File or XYZS File
This option allows an XYZ or and XYZS file delimited file to be triangulated and loaded into you project. The file can
be delimited by space or comma and should be in the form:
XYZ File
X1, Y2, Z1
X2, Y2, Z2
Such as:
100.2, 347.2, 213.2
2001., 347.4, 199.4
X1, Y2, Z1, S1
X2, Y2, Z2, S2
Such as:
100.2, 347.2, 213.2, 610
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2001., 347.4, 199.4, 610
where: S1 and S2 indicate points on a breakline
The Windows Explorer dialog will open. Navigate to and open the data file. The dialog will close and triangulation will
begin. The progress bar monitors the triangulation.
A series of files will be created named aaaaa.tin.X where
aaaaa = name of source XYZ or XYZS file
X = a number indicating one of several files created to make the TIN. The file ending in 0 is the principle file.
The color coded TIN will appear in the network window and the path to the TIN file will be indicated in a new line in
the layer control panel.
Create DTM From ESRI Grid File
Use this tool to create a DTM from an ESRI Grid file. Launch the tool by right clicking on the DTM Layers row in the
Layer Control Panel.
A Windows Explorer window will open. Navigate to the source file. Click on Open.

Load DTM File
This option allows the user to load an existing TIN file that was created by xp or the 12D model software packages.
When selecting a file select the file ending in .tin.0. When a Tin file is selected xp will report the number of triangles,
points, and also indicates the real world extents.

Export DTM Data
Use this tool to export all or a single TIN file to a txt file. Launch the tool by right clicking on the DTM Layers row in
the Layer Control Panel.

DTM Properties
The DTM Properties dialogue is used to manage the DTM layers.
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The top window lists active DTM layers. Select a layer to perform any of the options:
Load Load a new DTM file
Create Create a TIN from various sources including an XYZS file
Color Range Adjust the color display
Up/Down Adjust the order of display for the DTM layers
Delete Remove the DTM from the model
Show Toggle the display of the layer (same effect as the visible check box on the Layer Control Panel)
Display Legend Toggle the display of the DTM legend in the Network View.
Edit Legend Edit the display of the DTM legend in the Network View.

Information Tab
The Information tab of DTM Properties displays the following field groups:

General Attributes:
Number of Triangles Lists the number of triangles in the DTM
Number of Points Number of individual data points contained within the DTM
Elevation (Min/Max) Displays the minimum and maximum elevations contained within the DTM

Real World Extents:
Top Location of the top of the DTM extents
Bottom Location of the Bottom of the DTM extents
Left Location of the Left of the DTM extents
Right Location of the Right of the DTM extents

Display Tab
The Display tab of DTM Properties displays the following field groups:
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Draw Parameters:
Fill Color on Height Range [Flag] Enables the color filling of the DTM based upon the height range
Contours and Style Allows the toggling of major and minor contours and the selection of contour styles
Note: If both color shading and contours are desired it is important to increase the transparency of the colors in order
to visualize the contours.

Contour Labels Tab
The Contour Labels tab of DTM Properties displays the following field groups:

Contour Labels: Contour labels can be turned on or off with the Show check box. The user can select the label
interval such as every 100m.
Font: The font and color can be selected for the contour label.
Align: Select the desired contour alignment using the radio button.

DTM Legend
To access DTM Legend dialog, highlight the Topography Legends line in the Layer Control Panel and right click.
Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
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DTM Display Properties
The DTM Properties dialogue is used to adjust the elevation gradient colors of the DTM layers. To open this dialog,
click on the Color Range button in the DTM Properties dialog.

DTM Builder
The DTM builder allows a spreadsheet view of the data points to be triangulated to create the TIN. This spreadsheet
view can be directly edited or copied and pasted into to generate and modify the points. Selecting the Create DTM
button will triangulate the points and display and add the TIN to the Layer Control Panel.

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There are several data formats which can be imported to populate the DTM Creator spreadsheet. These format
types are described below and can be selected from the right side of the DTM Creator dialog.

Read Node Ground Elevations
This option loads all of the X, Y, and GRELEV (Spillcrest or Ground Elevation) fields of the nodes in the model.
Essentially creates a crude TIN from the manhole rims.

Read XYZS File
Load a file of easting, northing, elevation, and string name. Similar to the previous option of creating a TIN from XYZ
file but the data will be able to be edited in the spreadsheet view before triangulation. This option will allow the import
of *.xyz, *.xyzs, *.txt and *.csv format files.

Read GIS File
Reads the elevation points from a MapInfo MIF file (*.mif) or ESRI Shape file (*.shp).

Read ESRI Grid File
This import option allows the import of ESRI format files (*.asc and *.txt) into the DTM Builder.

Read 12DAscii File
Allows the import of 12DAscii format files (*.12da and *.txt) into the DTM Builder.

LandXML File
An existing TIN from a LandXML file can be imported using the File->Import/Export Data->Import LandXML menu
item. In this file type the triangulation will be preserved and does not need to be processed through the DTM Builder.

Note: The Check for Duplicate Points option will check for duplicate x,y points already read. If duplicates are found
only, the first one read will be used. This option will slow the DTM Creator. If there are no duplicates in the
input data file, leave it disabled.
2.4.3 Breaklines
Gully and Ridge
Gullies and ridges are breaklines that cause discontinuities in the surface of 2D active areas. They are represented
as polylines. Effectively the elevations of the cells lying below the polyline are raised or lowered to correspond to the
polyline. Within the modeling environment the minimum thickness of breakline is 1 cell.
2D Breaklines are defined as a gully (or ridge) polyline with a fixed elevation throughout. 3D breaklines are specified
as a gully (or ridge) polyline with a specified elevation at each vertex.
When the elevation (z value) derived from the DTM and the user defined elevation differs, xpswmm defines the
breaklines using:
Gully: minimum value
Ridge maximum value
For a gully, z values are modified only if the user defined z values are lower than the current DTM value.
For a ridge, z values are modified only if the user defined z values are higher than the current DTM value.
To add a gully or ridge polyline using the graphical interface:
1. Highlight the layer name in the Layer Control Panel and check the visible, movable and selectable boxes.

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2. Select the polyline tool from the Object Creation Tools.
3. Move the mouse to the first vertex and left click.
4. Left click on each vertex. Double click on the last vertex.
5. The gully or ridge data dialog will appear

6. Elevations along the polyline extracted from the DTM are shown in the table as a reference. Use the radio
buttons to define the gully (or breakline) is either 2D (at a specified contour) or 3D using the elevations derived
from the DTM. New elevations may be added or copied and pasted into the Elevation column.
7. Click OK.
To import gullies or ridgelines from a GIS or CAD file:
1. Highlight the layer name in the Layer Control Panel and check the visible, movable and selectable boxes.
2. Right click and select Import from GIS/CAD file from the pop-up menu

3. In the next dialog, navigate to the source GIS/CAD file. To import only selected data, check the box next to
Import Selected Data, select a property (or attribute) from the drop menu, and specify the value for selected

4. In the next dialog, click the radio button corresponding to the desired elevation option. To read the elevation
from the Attribute Data, use the drop list to select the appropriate attribute in the source file.
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5. A report of the import operation is displayed. Click on OK.

To modify the layout of a gully or ridge polyline:
1. The viewable, movable, and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools.
3. Move the mouse to the object and left click, the mouse will change to the 4 arrowed cross when it is moved over
a vertex.
4. Hold the left button down and drag to move a vertex.
5. Right click to open one of the following popup menus.

To modify the display properties of the gully or ridge polylines:
All gully and all ridge polylines have the same display properties (Drawing Attriburtes). Make sure the gully or ridge
visible, moveable, and selectable boxes are checked the Layer Control Panel.
To modify, do one of the following:
move the mouse over a gully or ridge and right click. Select Properties from the popup menu, or
move the mouse over the Gully or Ridge line in the Layer Control Panel and right click. Select Properties from
the popup menu.

xpswmm Reference Manual

To edit the elevation data of a gully ridge
Make sure the gully or ridge visible and selectable boxes are checked the Layer Control Panel.
Double click on a polyline or select polyline, right click and select Edit Data from the popup menu to launch the edit

2.4.4 Fill Areas
Fill Areas
An entire region of the 2D model can be raised or lowered by using fill areas. These polygons can be used to
simulate levees, buildings, ponds and other features missing in the DTM.
Each fill area polygon is assigned a constant elevation. Effectively all of the grid cells within the fill area 2D model will
be raised or lowered. The entire cell must be within the fill area to be affected. If the fill area elevation is higher, the
area will not be flooded until the water level is above its elevation. If the fill area elevation is lower (representing a
pond), the area will fill with water until the surface reaches the elevation the surrounding cells.
Where fill areas overlap the DTM, xpswmm2D assigns the elevation of the fill area to the model cell.
To add a fill area polygon
1. Highlight Fill Areas in the Layer Control Panel.
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2. Select the polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape.
3. Draw the outline of the roughness category polygon by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the
To import fill areas from a shape file
1. Move the mouse over Fill Areas in Layer Control Panel and right click.
2. Select Import from GIS/CAD file

3. Navigate to the target shape file.
4. To filter the polygons in the shape file, select field in the Property Name drop list and list the value for polygons
to be selected. Check the box next to Import Selected Data.
5. Click on Import.
The progress bar displays the status of the import. When it is completed, a message displays information on the
polygons and vertices that were imported.

The application will check for vertices sharing the same x, y location and will not allow this to happen.

To modify a fill area polygon
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools and select the polygon.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.

4. Select an option:
Insert Vertex
Edit Data
Delete Selected Polygon

The data dialog is used to edit the elevation of the fill area
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The display properties dialog is used to modify the perimeter and fill pattern of the fill area polygon
Note: All fill area polygons exist in a single data layer and have the same display properties. Editing the display
properties of a single polygon will modify the display properties of all fill are polygons.

2.5 2D Domains
2.5.1 2D Domains, Boundaries and Interfaces
2D and 1D/2D models require domains, boundaries and interfaces that define areas where 1D or 2D flow occurs and
connections or boundary conditions exist. These objects are defined in xpswmm as layers comprised of polygons or
The following objects may be used in a 2D or 1D/2D model:
Layer Object Description or Purpose
xpswmm Reference Manual
2D Grid polygon Ultimate boundary of 2D model, properties
include grid vertical cell size and orientation
and display properties
Active 2D areas polygon Areas where 2D flow can occur
Inactive 2D areas polygon Areas where 2D flow cannot occur such as
buildings or raised fill or channels modeled in
Initial water levels polygon Areas where the grid cells are assigned an
initial water surface elevation
1D/2D interface polyline Interface between 1D channel and 2D flood
plain that lies along the edge of an active 2D
1D/2D connections polyline Defined between the 1D node and the 1D/2D
interface, it links the 1D node level to interface
between the1D channel and the 2D floodplain
2D / 2D interfaces polyline Interface between two 2D Grid domains and
lies along the respective shared grid
2D head boundary polyline Time dependent 2D head boundary that lies
along the edge of an active 2D area
2D flow boundary polyline Time dependant 2D flow boundary that lies
along the edge of an active 2D area
2D Rainfall/Flow Area polygon Areas of a rainfall, runoff hydrograph oor user
defined hydrograph. Flow id directed to cell
with lowest elevation.
2D Landuse polygon Areas with defined infiltration and/or roughness

2.5.2 2D Grid Extents
These polygons define the boundary of a domain in the 2D model. A grid with equal horizontal and vertical cell size
and orientation extends over the polygon. Multiple 2D Grid Extents are possible depending on software licensing. To
check for this capability go to Help->License to check for 2D multiple domains in the License Details.
To add a 2D Grid Extent polygon:
1. Highlight the Grid Extent layer in the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape.
3. Draw the outline of the 2D area extent polygon by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the
polygon. The polygon and the grid will be visible.
Note: 2D Grid Extent Polygons can also be created by importing the polygon shape from GIS

To modify the 2D Area Extent Polygon:
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Toolbar and select the polygon.

3. Move the cursor to the blue circle and left click. Its appearance will change to a curved arrow. Hold the left
button down to rotate the polygon.
4. Move the cursor over a vertex. It will change to a 4-arrowed cross.
To move a vertex, hold the left button down and drag.
To delete a vertex, right click and select delete.
5. Move the cursor over a line segment and right click to access the pop-up menu. Select an option:
Insert a vertex
Delete selected polygon

Use the properties dialog to modify the grid size and display properties.
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Multiple Grid Extent polygons
Multiple 2D domains (Grid Extent polygons) are supported as an additional licensed module. Each domain has its
own grid extents, grid cell size and orientation. Domains may be linked by 2D / 2D Interface polylines.
Grid Extent layers may be moved up and down from the right-click menu, to allow ordering of multiple domains. A
domain takes precedence over all domains above it in the list, where there are overlaps in extent polygons (i.e. the
bottom most layer is the overriding one).
2.5.3 Active and Inactive 2D Areas
These polygons define the area where 2D flow can and cannot occur. A model may have multiple 2D active and
inactive areas. An inactive area is considered to be bounded by a vertical wall with an infinite height.
The default area type determines if Active or Inactive 2D areas should be defined. The default area type is specified
in 2D Job Control Settings. Additional 2D cells first take on the default area type and then can be altered by Active or
Inactive areas. In a case where multiple polygons overlap the cell will take on the default area,
Default Area Type User defined areas
Active Inactive
Inactive Active

Polygons can be imported from GIS or AutoCAD files.
To add an Active 2D area or Inactive 2D area extent polygon:
1. Highlight the layer name in the Layer Control Panel.

2. Select the polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape.
3. Draw the outline of the 2D area extent polygon by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the
polygon. The polygon will be visible and display according to its properties.

To modify an Active 2D area or Inactive 2D area extent polygon:
1. The viewable, movable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Object Creation Tools and select the polygon.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.
4. Select an option:
Inset a vertex
Delete selected polygon
Set Active (or Inactive ) 2D Area
2.5.5 1D/2D Interface
The 1D/2D interface is a polyline indicating the boundary between the 2D floodplain (Active 2D area) and the top of
the 1D channel.
Notes: A 1D/2D interface must overlay the boundary of an Active 2D area i.e., the vertices of the 2 objects must
A 1D/2D connection extends from a vertex of a 1D/2D interface to a 1D node
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Each end of the 1D/2D interface must have a 1D/2D connection.

To add a 1D/2D Interface polyline:
1. Turn the Snap Mode on.
2. Highlight 1D/2D Interface on the Layer Control Panel
3. Select the polyline tool from the Object Creation Tools. The cursor will show the polyline shape.
4. Move the mouse to the first vertex of an active 2D polygon and left click. If the cursor is not on a vertex,
xpswmm will report Not Vertex.
5. Left click on each vertex. Double click on the last vertex.
6. Alternatively, after the first vertex is selected, hold the shift key down, move the mouse to the end of the polyline
and double click. The 1D/2D interface will include all vertices between the first and last (following the Active 2D
Area polygon in a clockwise direction). To construct a 1D/2D interface in a counter clockwise direction, use the
Ctrl key.

To modify a 1D/2D Interface polyline:
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools and select the polygon.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.
4. Select an option:
Delete selected Polyline
Set to 2D Head Boundary
Set to 2D Flow Boundary
Inset a vertex

2.5.6 1D/2D Connections
1D/2D Connections are polylines representing hydraulic links between 2D Active Layer vertices and 1D nodes. At
each time step, the HGL in the 2D Active Layer vertex and the 1D link must be equal.
Notes: 1D/2D Interface polyline(s) should be defined before 1D/2D Connections are created.
The 1D/2D Interface must be viewable and selectable for the Snap Mode to function properly.

To add a 1D/2D Connection polyline:
1. Turn the Snap Mode on.
2. Highlight 1D/2D Connection on the Layer Control Panel.
3. Select the polyline tool from the Object Creation Tools. The cursor will show the polyline shape.
4. Move the curser to a vertex in the 1D/2D Interface. The curser will show the cross hairs. Click.
5. Move the cursor to the target 1D Node. The curser will show the cross hairs. Click.

To modify a 1D/2D Interface polyline:
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools and select the polyline.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.
4. Select an option:
2.5.8 2D Head Boundary
The 2D head boundary is a polyline representing a time dependant head at an edge of a 2D Active Area. Vertices of
a 2D head boundary must be coincident with vertices of a active 2D area.
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To add a 2D Head Boundary polyline:
1. Turn the Snap Mode on.
2. Highlight 2D Head Boundary on the Layer Control Panel
3. Select the polyline tool from the Object Creation Tools. The cursor will show the polyline shape.
4. Move the mouse to the first vertex and left click or use the follow on ability to create the polyline between two
5. Left click on each vertex. Double click on the last vertex.

To modify a 2D Head Boundary polyline:
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools and select the polyline.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.
4. Select an option:
Properties edit display properties
Edit Data: enter data to represent the flow time series
Delete selected Polyline: deletes the polyline
Set to 1D/2D Boundary
Set to 2D flow Boundary
Inset a vertex
When Edit Data is selected, the dialog appears.

Use this dialog to specify the time dependency of the boundary condition.
Choose insert button to create blank rows.
Enter the data in the cells or copy and paste from other application such as text file or a spreadsheet.
Time is decimal hours since the start of the 2D simulation
2.5.9 2D Flow Boundary
column is the head (ft or m).

The 2D flow boundary is a polyline representing a time dependant flow at an edge of a 2D active area. Vertices of a
2D Flow boundary must be coincident with vertices of an active 2D area.
To add a 2D Flow Boundary polyline:
1. Turn the Snap Mode on.
2. Highlight/2D Flow Boundary on the Layer Control Panel
3. Select the polyline tool from the Object Creation Toolbar. The cursor will show the polyline shape
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4. Move the mouse to the first vertex and left click or use the follow on ability to create the polyline between two
5. Left click on each vertex. Double click on the last vertex.

To modify a 2D Flow Boundary polyline:
1. The viewable and selectable boxes must be checked on the Layer Control Panel.
2. Select the pointer tool from the Object Creation Tools and select the polygon.
3. Right click to access the pop up menu.
3. Select an option:
Properties: edit display properties
Edit Data: enter data to represent the flow time series
Delete selected Polyline: deletes the polyline
Set to 1D/2D Boundary: converts the polyline to a 1D/2D Flow Boundary
Set to 2DHead Boundary: converts the polyline to a 1D/2D Head Boundary
Inset a vertex
When Edit Data is selected, the dialog appears. Use this dialog to specify the time dependency of the boundary

Use this dialog to specify the time dependency of the boundary condition.
Choose insert button to create blank rows.
Enter the data in the cells or copy and paste from other application such as text file or a spreadsheet.
Time is decimal hours since the start of the 2D simulation
2.5.10 2D Rainfall/Flow Areas
column is the flow (ft^3/s or m^3/s).

2D Rainfall Flow Ares are polygons used to define area of rainfall, runoff hydrographs or users defined hydrograph
To add a 2D Rainfall Flow Area polygon:
1. Highlight the 2D Rainfall Flow Area line in the Layer Control Panel. Make sure the visible box is checked.
2. Select the polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape.
3. Draw the outline of the by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the polygon. The polygon and the
grid will be visible.
To edit the data for a 2D Rainfall Flow Area polygon:
1. Select the polygon, right click and choose Edit from the popup menu

2. Select 1 radio button indicating the type of data. Enter the required data:
For Rainfall, select a rainfall from the Global Database
For Hydrograph, select a Runoff node.
For User Defined Flow Hydrograph, enter the times series flow data.
xpswmm Reference Manual

2.5.11 2D Landuses
2D Landuses are polygons used to define areas of constant infiltration and/or roughness characteristics. 2D Lands
Uses are defined in the Global Database.
To add a 2D Landuse polygon:
1. Highlight the target 2D Landuse Layer in the Layer Control Panel. Make sure the visible box is checked.
2. Select the polygon tool from the Object Creation Tools set. The cursor will show the polygon shape.
3. Draw the outline of polygon by clicking on each vertex. Double click to complete the polygon.

To edit the Landuse polygon data
1. Select the polygon(s) right-click and choose Properties from the popup menu.
2. Select the data tab to enter roughness and optional Infiltration. Suggested roughness values can be found
here: Roughness_Coeficients
Note: infiltration is for 2D Rainfall on Grid simulations.

3. To change the associated Global Database record for the polygon choose Landuse from the pop-up menu then
select the Landuse from the list.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Roughness Coefficients
The following roughness coefficients for overland flow were suggested by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the
Flood Runoff Analysis Engineering Design Manual, EM 1110-2-1417, August 1994.

Surface n Value
Asphalt & concrete 0.05 - 0.15
Bare packed soil free of stone 0.10
Fallow - no residue 0.008 - 0.012
Conventional tillage - no residue 0.06 - 0.12
Conventional tillage - with residue 0.16 - 0.22
Chisel plow - no residue 0.06 - 0.12
Chisel plow - with residue 0.10 - 0.16
Fall disking - with residue 0.30 - 0.50
No till - no residue 0.04 - 0.10
No till (20 - 40 percent residue cover) 0.07 - 0.17
No Till (60 - 100 percent residue cover) 0.17 - 0.47
Sparse rangeland with debris:
0 percent cover 0.09 - 0.34
20 percent cover 0.05 - 0.25
Sparse vegetation 0.053 - 0.13
Short grass prairie 0.10 - 0.20
Poor grass cover on moderately rough bare
Light turf 0.20
Average grass cover 0.40
Dense turf 0.17 - 0.80
Dense grass 0.17 - 0.30
Bermuda grass 0.30 - 0.48
Dense shrubbery and forest litter 0.40
2.6 GIS Layers
GIS Layers
GIS files may be added to an xpswmm model as separate layers. Files types include ESRI shape files and MapInfo
mif files. The display properties of each layer may be adjusted and the attributes of any selected object may be
viewed. Nodes and links and most polylines and polygons may be snapped to vertices of GIS arcs and polygons
loaded through the GIS Layers. To snap to these items in the background ensure that the Snap has been turned on
from the Job, Layer & Mode Control tools.

Adding GIS Layer
To add a GIS layer, highlight the GIS Files line in the Layer Control Panel. Right click and select Load GIS File from
the popup menu. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the target GIS file. Click on Open. Additional layers may be
added using the same procedure.
Display Properties
To adjust the display properties of a GIS layer, in the Layer Control Panel, right click on the name of the layer. Select
Properties from the popup menu.
Adjust the Fill and/or Line properties for layers containing polygons. Adjust only the Line properties for layers
containing polylines or points.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Displaying Attributes
Attributes are displayed in the Quick Data View panel. On the View menu, select Quick Data View and check the
Show/Hide line. Select the GIS tab at the bottom of the table.
Highlight the desired row in the GIS layer. Note that only one GIS layer can be viewed at a time. On the network
view, select the desired GIS object. The attributes are displayed in the Quick Data View table. The data may be
copied to the Windows clipboard. However the attribute tables may not be edited.
2.7 CAD Layers
Adding CAD Layers
xpswmm can import CAD files and toggle off/on the display of selected layers.
On the Layer Control Panel, click the visible box for CAD Files. Highlight the CAD File Layer and right click. From
the popup menu choose Load CAD file.

In the Windows Explorer dialog navigate to the .dxf or .dwg file. Select if and click on open,
CAD Layer Properties
The adjust the display of CAD layers, On the Layer Control Panel, click the visible box for CAD Files. Highlight the
CAD File Layer and right click. Choose Properties from the popup menu.

Toggle off/on the display of selected layers by clicking on the check box.

3.1 Database Concepts
xpswmm maintains an internal database that integrates the spatial data associated with an object with the attribute
data required by the model engine.
The graphical network creation and manipulation can be considered as a specialized function dealing with the purely
graphical attributes of objects, such as; display symbols, spatial coordinates, and connectivity.
The method of creating the model-specific attribute data is through the Dialog Box or by some of the many available
import methods.

3.2 The Permanent Database
The data managed by XP is permanently stored on disk in a "database" file, as an ordinary operating system file. This
file should normally have an .XP extension. Data is only committed to this file during a Save command.

The database stores both the graphical and non-graphical attributes of all objects in the network, and also the non-
specific or general control data associated with a network, such as job title and time steps for the solution procedure,
mode of analysis, links to external interface files etc.

When using the Scenario Manager all of the model differences that create scenarios are stored in a Microsoft Access
.MDB file. When sharing the model between users it will be necessary to give both the .XP and .MDB files.
3.3 The Working Database
To increase the size of networks able to be efficiently created and manipulated by XP, the program utilises a
combination of memory and disk space to manage data.
In editing sessions, the Permanent Database stored on the disk is not interacted with directly. All changes made are
done to an internal working copy of the Permanent Database, known as the Working Database which is stored in

The Working Database is established when the Permanent Database is opened. The Permanent Database is updated
only when the Working Database is "saved". Copies of the Working Database can be saved under different names at
any time, the default name being the name of the Permanent Database when originally "opened".
The Working Database is the active database to which all data editing changes are made. There can only be one
active database at any time.
Using the working database provides an error recovery procedure. Since almost all changes to the database are
immediately recorded in the working database, catastrophic failures can be recovered from with a minimum of agony.
Additionally, if you would like to revert to the permanent database and disregard changes made since the last save,
choose Revert from the File pull-down menu.
Additional information on file types may be found in File Extensions.
3.4 Database Integrity - test
As far as possible, data committed to the Working Database via the Dialog Box interface is checked and filtered to
maintain the integrity and consistency of the database.
In general, text strings entered by users are the most dangerous type of dialog item because they are a human-
readable encoding of some fundamental data type such as a number. This encoding and decoding to and from text
strings done by users and computers is a rich source of errors. XP checks all strings at three levels to ensure they can
be interpreted correctly.
xpswmm Reference Manual
1. Absolute Validity
2. A numerical string, for example, cannot contain invalid non-numeric characters.
3. Absolute Range Checking Outside of range generates an error
4. Once a numerical string can be interpreted properly, its value is checked for validity in the context of
the model, eg. A negative pipe length would not be accepted.
5. Reasonable Range Checking Outside of range generates a warning
6. If a data item is within the absolute range it is also compared to a reasonable range defined by the
Expert Engineer. If the data is between the absolute and reasonable range, a warning is generated
and the user is asked to confirm that the data entered is correct and is not a typographical error. The
user can ignore the warning and proceed to enter more data. If the data is outside of the absolute
range, an error is generated and the user is required to fix the offending input before committing the
data with the OK button on the dialog and continuing to enter additional data.
These checks are applied to individual data items and are classed as low-level consistency checks. High-level
consistency checks are also made, which generally involve placing constraints on relationships between data items.
Because these checks rely on the existence of independent data items, often there is insufficient data for XP to
perform these high-level checks interactively. These integrity checks are therefore performed off-line at the point of
generating the data file for the model to solve.

4.1 Using the Copy Buffer
The XP system uses an internal buffer to move or copy information between objects, cells in lists and fields in dialogs.
Data may be copied, in which case the original data remains unchanged, or it may be cut. In the case of cutting
data, the data is copied into the copy buffer and after the data is subsequently pasted the data in the copied object is
cleared and reset to its default value.

Copying or cutting of object data is restricted to either one item of a dialog or to the entire data structure of a node
or link. Data can only be pasted into similar objects i.e. node data cannot be pasted into any object except for the
same type of node. This is transparent to the user so you may select a multitude of different types of objects before
pasting and the data will only be pasted into objects of the same type and mode as the parent.

Data within the buffer remains active until the program is ended or another copy command is executed, whereupon the
buffer data is overwritten with a new copy or cut command. Data may be copied between databases by closing the
current database, opening the new one and then Pasting from the Copy buffer.

Copy Data From a Single Object
Copy Multiple Objects
Copy a Single Item
Copy a Dialog List (DLIST) Item
Copy Global Data
4.2 Copy Data From a Single Object
To copy all of the data associated with a node or link to one or more other similar items in one operation, first select
the node or link to be copied and then select Copy from the Edit menu. The copied data is all data for the current
mode. A keyboard equivalents of <Ctrl>+C and also exists for this command. After selecting an object the Copy
and Paste is also available from the popup menu using a right mouse click. If the copy operation is successful
xpswmm will then reports how many records have been copied into the buffer. For example:
xpswmm Reference Manual

To cut the data including the object from the model and have the contents reside in the buffer for a paste operation
simply choose the Cut command from the Edit menu or use the <Ctrl>+X. If an object of similar type is selected then
pasting will copy the cut data into the new object. If no object is selected then pasting will recreate the object with all
of the cut data.

To paste the copied data select one or more objects (by holding down the <Shift> key and clicking on multiple objects
or by dragging a dotted rectangle around the selected objects) and hit <Ctrl>+V or select Paste from the Edit menu.
xpswmm will now report to the screen the number of objects data has been pasted into and the number of records
pasted. For example:

When a multi-link is copied and pasted to a single conduit link, xpswmm will ask which conduit is to be copied from.
The user must specify the conduit number before the paste is completed. Selecting Cancel will not copy the data to
any multi-links in the selection set.
4.3 Copy Multiple Objects
To copy both the graphical attributes plus all the data associated with a node or link, first select one or more objects by
either dragging a box around them, or individually selecting objects using the <Ctrl> key. Copy the objects by
selecting "Copy" from the Edit menu or <Ctrl>+C. If the operation is successful XP will report the number of database
record and objects copied. For Example:

Many types of objects can be copied, including nodes, links, and text elements. When a link is copied the end nodes
are also copied (because a link cannot exist without end nodes) so that pasting into an empty selection will properly
create the copied link. A single link copied can still be pasted into a multiple selection in the usual way.

To create new objects deselect all objects by clicking in open space then select "Paste" from the Edit menu or
<Ctrl>+V. New objects will be created slightly offset from the original location and will be highlighted. They will also
have new names automatically created by adding .1 to the name if that name is not already in use. It may be
necessary to clean up the screen by selecting "Redraw" from the toolstrip or from the "View" Menu. The objects can
be renamed if the new name is not suitable before solving.

When objects are pasted into a different database than that copied from, global database references are maintained
but the actual data for the global database records (the global database definitions) are not pasted. These Global
Data bases can be merged from one .XP project to another or single global database records can be copied from a
source database into the copy buffer and then pasted into a target project. The merge command is located in the File
menu. It is also possible to export global database records from one file and import them into another.
4.4 Copy a Single Item
To copy an individual item, open up the Dialog Box for the source object, select the copy icon (white multi-page) in the
upper right-hand corner of the dialog then select the field or button by clicking on it. All text items, radio buttons or
checkboxes can be copied in this manner. Close the Dialog Box.

To paste the copied data select one or more objects (by holding down the <Ctrl> key and clicking on multiple objects
or by dragging a dotted rectangle around the selected objects) and select Paste from the Edit Menu or hit the
<Ctrl>+V keys. All links and all nodes can be selected by using the All Links and All Nodes icons on the toolstrip or
the View->Select Objects menu commands.

When copying a field or string value, the value is checked as if it were to be saved to the database before copying.
For Radio Button items, only the active item in the group of buttons can be copied. For both Radio Buttons and
Checkboxes with underlying data, only the flag itself and not the whole underlying data structure will be copied. Only
single data items can be copied, structures including all underlying data cannot be copied as single items. However,
when copying all of the data for an object all the underlying data is copied to the copy buffer and can be pasted to
another object.
4.5 Copy a Dialog List (DLIST) Item
To copy a single cell in a dialog list (DLIST) first move the text insertion point to the cell you wish to copy. Select the
text or numerical string by double-clicking or depressing the mouse and dragging over the entire string. Right mouse
click to get a Windows pop-up dialog and select Copy from the list. Alternatively using <Ctrl>+C will copy the selected
string. Next move to the text insertion point to the cell(s) where you wish to insert the data and paste the data from the
buffer using the right mouse click pop-up dialog or <Ctrl>+V and repeat as many times as necessary. If the DLIST is
blank it will be necessary to Insert a row so that the right mouse button can display the pop up menu including the
copy, cut and paste commands. Copying many cells or one cell to many is permissible in the DLIST using the
spreadsheet style grid.

xpswmm Reference Manual

4.6 Copying Global Data
Single records of a global database can be copied using the Copy button from the Global Database. In the example
shown here, all of the Rainfall records in the source database are copies into the paste buffer.


After opening up a new target database the records are pasted by selecting Paste from the Edit menu. When pasting
database records, new records are always created in the current database. If record names clash with existing
names, unique names based on the original name and a numerical extension will be generated.

All Global Databases from one xpswmm file can be copied into the current xpswmm file by using the Merge command.

Another alternative to copy and paste of Global Database items is to export them from the File->Export Data menu.
This will allow a selection of global database records that can be exported to an XPX file.

5.2 SWMXP.INI File
The file format consists of a number of lines of the form:
BLOCK_NAME is a header for the VARIABLE & VALUE that follows it must be one of: [Main], [Config], [Display],
[Settings], [Engine] [web], [STATUS], [Recent File List], [Field Precision], [Field Defaults], [Pest], or [Comments].
VARIABLE is not case-sensitive. VALUE is a string of characters relevant to the variable and is also not case-
sensitive (see descriptions below). Comments may be included in the file by inserting a pound (#) character anywhere
on a line. Any characters on a line following the pound are ignored.
SWMXP_BIN =C:\XPS\xpswmm2011\swmm.bin
# CNF=C:\XPS\XPSWMM2010\swmxp.cnf (superseded in version 2011 by line below)

IO_BUF_SIZE = 4096
MAX_NODES = 8000
MAX_LINKS = 8000
xpswmm Reference Manual
MAX_DBCARDS = 200000
DATE_FORMAT = mm/dd/yy


FONTWT = 400




Set 1 Style=0
Set 1 Colour=16744448
Set 2 Style=1
Set 2 Colour=16744703
Set 3 Style=2
Set 3 Colour=33023
Set 4 Style=3
Set 4 Colour=4259584
Set 5 Style=4
Set 5 Colour=4227200
Set 6 Style=5
Set 6 Colour=32768
Set 7 Style=6
Set 7 Colour=65535
Set 8 Style=7
Set 8 Colour=4194368
Set 9 Style=8
Set 9 Colour=16512
Set 10 Style=9
Set 10 Colour=8421440

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[Field Defaults]

[Field Precision]


[Most Recently Used Files]

FILE1=C:\XPS\XP-SWMM\work\Sample Files\BASIC1.XP

TEMPDIR/DIRECTORY/SWMXP environments are modified from the registry entry on program
OPT_DB_KEY = ON/OFF # use database indexing
OPT_DB_MEM = ON/OFF # load database in memory
OPT_REDRAW = ON/OFF # faster redraws via image restores
OPT_IDX_ACCESS=ON/OFF # object direct idx access
OPT_DIRTYOBJ = ON/OFF # saving of dirty objects only
OPT_PART_REC = ON/OFF # saving of dirty objects only
IO_BUF_SIZE = 4096 # size of temporary database file buffer (bytes)
MAX_NODES = 200 # maximum number of nodes
MAX_LINKS = 220 # maximum number of links
MAX_TEXTS = 40 # maximum number of texts
MAX_PICTS = 20 # maximum number of pictures
MAX_DBCARDS = 430*15 # maximum number of database cards
CACHE_SIZE = 16 # maximum number of database cache records
PROJECTS = OFF # project management (handling group of xp files)
DATE_FORMAT = mm/dd/yy
APP_FLAGS = "" # M = Malaysian version, E = Extran only

5.3 File Names, Extensions and Paths

The default location for files is the folder containing the .xp files (project folder). Files created by xpswmm are located
in this folder. Alternative locations for many files can be mapped in the dialogs where these files are selected. It is
strongly recommended that the project folder be located on a local drive.
The maximum path length (number of characters in folder name + file name) is 246 characters. For 2D models the
maximum path length is 128.
xpswmm uses the following file naming conventions. Additional files are produced in 2D analysis.

The working copy of the XP database. This file is located in the directory pointed to by the TMP or
XPTMP environment variable. This file is normally deleted when you Quit the program.
A snapshot of the current state of the working database (DB file). It is created when XP runs
another program, eg. to Solve. This file is normally deleted when the XP file is re-opened.
A file used. This file is deleted upon termination of the child process.
The message box used to transfer executions between modules. This file is deleted upon
termination of the child process.
The main database. This file is updated whenever Save is selected.
An XP template file. Essentially an XP file but it is used as a seed for subsequent .XP models
XP variable list file.
A backup of the main database. This file is created when a .XP file is opened.
An Access database file. This file is created by xpswmm when a .xp file is opened. If the model
contains scenarios, the scenario information is stored in this file.
A file to prevent multiple user access of an opened .XP file. This file is created on open.
The projects database. This file is updated whenever Save is selected.
A text file in the XP eXchange format for import and export.
The text output file generated when a database is solved.
A specialized formatted output file.
A specialized formatted output file.
A specialized formatted output file.
A specialized formatted output file for spreadsheet import.
A specialized formatted output file for spreadsheet import.
A specialized formatted output file.
An intermediate file containing new pipe diameters when using the design undersized conduits
An ASCII file containing the tabular XPX format. Created using the MAKE_XPX Configuration
A plot definitions file.
Background pictures or a file generated by Export Graphics.
An AutoCAD drawing file
An AutoCAD drawing file.
An AutoCAD Script file generated by the Export Graphics menu command.
An ESRI ArcView GIS file
A MapInfo GIS file.
A MapInfo GIS file.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Temporary scratch files used by xpswmm.
XP-SWMM configuration file.
HEC-2 Data input.
HEC-RAS Geometry input file.
Hot start files.
Interface files.
A RAIN Interface file.
A temperature interface file.
Mode setup file.
Spatial Report Setup file.
Graphical Encoding Setup file.
Tabular Report Setup file.
Profile Plotting Setup file.
Functions as the intermediate between the xpswmm graphical interface and the calculating
engine. Dat files are text files containing commands. File is generated when the model is
calculated. Previous versions are overwritten. File will contain sections starting with $RUNOFF,
$TRANSPORT and $EXTRAN corresponding to the Runoff, Sanitary and Hydraulics modes.

Primary Results Files

The text output file generated when a database is solved.
An optional condensed output file generated when a database is solved.
An intermediate results file used by the program.
An intermediate results file used for plotting.
An intermediate results file used for plotting and for reviewing results (Hydraulics).
An intermediate results file used for reviewing results (Runoff).
An intermediate results file used for reviewing Hydrology results (Runoff).
An intermediate results file used for reviewing results (Sanitary).
An intermediate results file used for reviewing hydraulics water quality results (Hydraulics).

Scenario Results Files
These will be appended to the filename and found before the file extension of the files above for
the scenarios. First scenario gets SC_200 second gets SC_400 etc.

Global Storm Results Files
These will be appended to the filename and found before the file extension of the files above for
global storm runs. First storm gets SC_100 second gets SC_110 etc.

Topography Files
A text file containing survey data in the form of X, Y, Z or X, Y, Z, S where S indicates points on a
breakline. Used to create a DTM.
Files created to form a TIN. aaaa is the name of the source XYZ or XYZS file. X = a number with 0
being the principal file.
5.4 [Settings]
Use: Display of the current options permitted for this copy of XP-SWMM/XP-STORM.
Value: Not to be edited by the user. All items should be 0 or 1.
Description: These items are either 1 or 0 as yes or no. It is an echo of what is found in the SWMXP.XCF or
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
5.6 [Engine]
Use: Header for any Configuration Parameters to use for every model run.
Value: List of Configuration Parameters.
Description: Place any configuration parameters you wish to always use in this section.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
5.7 [comments]
Use: Header for comments that follow.
Value: Lines of text.
Description: This is the block that contains explanations of the variables and values in the SWMXP.INI file.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
5.8 [Field Defaults]
Use: Header for the user defined defaults for XP-SWMM/XP-STORM variables.
Value: XPX field names and default values.
Description: Allows the user to specify the field defaults to use in lieu of the current existing values embedded in
the program. Uses the syntax of XPX fieldname=value.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
5.9 [Recent File List]
Use: Superceded by [STATUS].
Value: File and Path Names.
Description: Automatically displays the file and path names of the last 4 .XP files opened. This file list is
displayed in the File menu of the program.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Maximum number of files that can be displayed in the Recent Files list.
Value: Integer.
Description: Automatically displays the file and path names of the last MRU_COUNT .XP files opened. This file
list is also displayed in the opening banner.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.

5.10 [STATUS]
Use: Header for the last MRU_COUNT files opened.
Value: File and Path Names.
Description: Automatically displays the file and path names of the last MRU_COUNT .XP files opened. This file
list is displayed in the opening banner.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.

Field Precision
Used to specify display precision of fields. In the first line NUM_FIELDS specifies the number of fields specified. Two
lines are required for each field. PREC_FLD_1 is used to declare the field name. PREC_VAL_1 defines the display
xpswmm Reference Manual

5.11 [Main]
Use: Display of the current version of the XP interface.
Value: Current version number.
Description: Automatically displays version number, do not edit.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Display of the current version of the SWMM analysis engine.
Value: Current version number.
Description: Automatically displays version number, do not edit.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Default Editor used by Browse and for reporting errors and warnings.
Value: NOTEPAD.EXE (default), or any text editor.
Description: The editor used when the Browse menu command is used for viewing text files and for reporting
errors and warnings. EDITPAD.EXE and NOTEPAD.EXE (Notepad+), postcard-ware programs
are automatically installed but must be selected by the user, you can also used Wordpad, Word,
Word Perfect, etc..
Memory: Program dependent.
Comments: None.
Use: Location of temporary files.
Value: The name of any directory.
Description: Used to locate the temporary files such as the DB, XP, ZZ etc. files.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Location of home directory or installation directory.
Value: The name of any directory.
Description: Used for files such as the XP, BAK, SYF, SYT, SYR OUT etc. files used by the model.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Location of resource files used by the main executable.
Value: The name of any directory.
Description: Used for files such as the BIN, RSC, HLP etc. files used by the main executable.
Memory: None.
Comments: Setup during the installation process and should not normally be changed.
Use: Change the engine used by the program.
Value: null (default), or SOLVE.BAT (including the full path to this file.
Description: Inversions prior to 6.0 the interface used SWMENG.DLL as its engine (invoked when solve is
selected). If speed of execution is critical or the automatic calibration option is being used the
DOS engine can be invoked by enabling the Solve=DOS command.
Memory: None.
Comments: Important to use the UNLOCK program contained in SOLVE.BAT to delete the LOCK file when
execution terminates or the interface will not know the DOS engine has finished running.

Use: Display of the current version of the SWMM analysis engine.
Value: Current version number.
Description: Automatically displays version number, do not edit.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Display of the current version of the xpswmm analysis engine.
Value: Current version number.
Description: Automatically displays version number, do not edit.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Obsolete item as of version 8.0. Contains the file and pathname assigned to the HPGL conversion
Value: c:\xps\xp-swmm\cvthpgl.exe or wherever the program has been installed.
Description: Contains file and path of the HPGL conversion utility.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Contains the file and pathname assigned to this help file.
Value: c:\xps\xp-swmm\xpswmm.hlp or wherever the help file has been installed.
Description: File and Pathname of the Help file.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Contains the file and pathname assigned to the profile plotting routine.
Value: c:\xps\xpprofileplot.exe or wherever it is installed.
Description: Launches the program contained in the value as the profile-plotting program.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Display the last directory used for XP models.
Value: File and path name.
Description: Automatically displays the last directory and makes it the current directory.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Contains the file and pathname assigned to the GIS Link item in the Tools menu.
Value: c:\xps\xp-swmm\gis.exe or wherever the module was installed.
Description: Launches the PCSWMM GIS for xpswmm module.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Memory: None.
Comments: Other application could be substituted.
5.12 [Config]
Use: Used for optimizing database searches.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables access optimizations.
Description: This optimization creates a binary tree index of database keys, which significantly decreases the
time in searching for database records. The index requires extra memory to operate. If
insufficient memory is available, a message will appear whenever a database is created or
opened, and the index will not be created.
Memory: About 4k per 1000 database records, or 50k per 1000 nodes.
Comments: Use this option, as memory requirement is small.
Use: Used for optimizing database I/O.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables a memory load.
Description: The entire database is maintained in memory, generally in expanded or extended memory where
available. This option will improve any database access substantially, but requires a large
amount of memory. However, the option removes the need for a ram drive to store the database
work file, as it is now directly in memory. If insufficient memory is available, a message will
appear whenever a database is created or opened, and a work file will be used instead.
Memory: About 130k per 1000 database records, or about 1.5Mb per 1000 nodes.
Comments: Use this option if extended/expanded memory is available.
Use: Optimize saving of network objects.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables saving of dirty objects only.
Description: Only saves the nodes & links that have been altered - this optimizes saving the network. An
internal flag is maintained for each object which indicates if the objects graphical attributes have
altered from the time the database was opened.
Memory: None.
Comments: Always use this option.
Use: Allows the user to show or hide link labels
Value: ON (default)or OFF.
Description: Object labels are normally showing. A button on the toolstrip allows an interface to this value.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Allows the user to show or hide object labels
Value: ON or OFF (default).
Description: Object labels are normally showing. Other options exist to individually show/hide object names.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Allows the user to show or hide node labels
Value: ON (default) or OFF.
Description: Object labels are normally showing. A button on the toolstrip allows an interface to this value.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Speeds up recalculation of object boundaries.
Value: ON (default) or OFF.
Description: Allows faster redrawing by retrieving object boundaries.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Optimize internal access to network objects.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables faster access.
Description: This options uses a binary index to access objects internally, speeding access times significantly.
No significant additional memory is required.
Memory: None.
Comments: Always use this option.
Use: Speeds up idx access from xpx.
Value: ON (default), OFF.
Description: ON enables faster import of XPX files
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Optimize database record I/O by accessing partial records.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables accessing partial records.
Description: Internally, accessing a database field always required accessing the whole record first. This
optimization allows accessing any field within the database record directly, saving the amount of
data transfer required.
Memory: None.
Comments: Always use this option.
Use: Optimizing network redraw by restoring screen image.
Value: ON (default), OFF - ON enables image restores.
Description: Network display can now occur in two ways: regeneration or restore. Regeneration is the mode
used up to now, which causes every network objects display to be regenerated when the network
window is redrawn. Restore mode restores a saved bit-mapped image of the network window,
which takes a constant amount of time and is much quicker than a regenerate, but requires more
memory. Restore is used as much as possible when the network window needs to be updated.
The Redraw menu command now forces a regeneration to occur. If insufficient memory is
available, a message will appear the first time a database is opened or created, and the option will
be disabled.
Memory: 1 byte per screen pixel; for VGA(640x480), 300k.
Comments: Use this option if extended/expanded memory is available.
Use: Optimize database temporary buffer transfer times.
Value: 0 - 32767 (4096 by default).
Description: The size of the temporary database file buffer (in bytes). This option allows the user to speed up
database loads and saves by setting the size of the temporary file buffer. There is an optimum
size which depends on the local file system. If insufficient memory is available, a smaller buffer
size will be used.
Memory: The buffer size, but allocated dynamically during the Load or Save operation.
Comments: Always use this option, as the memory requirements are transient. The default buffer size should
provide reasonable performance for most file systems.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Use: Set the maximum number of database records.
Value: 0 - 200000 (10 times MAX_LINKS by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of database records that XP may contain at any time.
Memory: 6k per 1000 database records, or about 10k per 1000 nodes. There is an additional work file
requirement of 130k per 1000 database records, or about 1.8Mb per 1000 nodes, which is a disk
file requirement normally, but may be a direct memory requirement if OPT_DB_MEM is ON.
Comments: None
Use: Set the maximum number of links for the network.
Value: 0 - 32767 (10 by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of links that the XP network can contain.
Memory: Approx. 250k per 1000 links for the extended version.
Comments: This value if set beyond the licensed value will be reset automatically.
Use: Set the maximum number of nodes for the network.
Value: 0 - 32767 (10 by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of nodes that the XP network can contain.
Memory: Approx. 250k per 1000 nodes.
Comments: This value if set beyond the licensed value will be reset automatically
Use: Set the maximum number of background pictures for the network.
Value: 0 - 32767 (20 by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of background picture objects that the XP network can contain.
Memory: 130k per 1000 pictures for the extended version.
110k per 1000 pictures for the standard version.
Comments: None
Use: Set the maximum number of text strings for the network.
Value: 0 - 32767 (20 by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of text annotation objects that the XP network can contain.
Memory: 250k per 1000 texts for the extended version.
150k per 1000 texts for the standard version.
Comments: None
Use: Set the size of a special database cache.
Value: 0 - 32767 (16 by default).
Description: Sets the maximum number of database records in a special cache that XP may use. The special
cache optimizes database record access by reducing the number of file transfers required to the
database work file.
Memory: 130 bytes per cache record.
Comments: None
Use: Turns on or Off the Automatic Calibration Module.
Value: ON or OFF (default).
Description: Module requires purchase from XP Software.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Allow grouping of XP files into projects of up to 100 files.
Value: ON, OFF (default)
Description: See THE PROJECT MENU.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Directs the software to the selection of available compiled analysis engines.
Value: WIN (default), DLL, or DOS.
Description: Selects the type of compiled SWMM analysis engine. Latest engine is of type WIN and is a true
Windows executable.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Used for defining a country-specific format for date.
Value: MM-DD-YY month-day-year format
DD-MM-YY day-month-year format
YY-MM-DD year-month-day format
Two digit numbers must be supplied for days and months. Years may be two or four digit. If
years are two digits, the 20th century is assumed. The separator between digits may be any non-
digit character, so that the first format could be entered as mm/dd/yy which requires a forward
slash character to be used as the separator in the actual date.
Description: The definition is used to configure the program for various countries. Any date entered in a dialog
must conform to the format defined by this variable.
Memory: None.
Comments: Year 2000 compliance requires 4-digit year entry. This variable is not usually modified.
Use: Allows the background color of to be set by the user.
Value: =XP (default) or =SYSTEM.
Description: Selecting system allows the user to pick a background color by changing the item in the
Appearance Tab in the Display Properties in the Windows operating system.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Change the configuration.
Value: (default), E - EXTRAN Mode only, M - Malaysian Mode (Intl only), U UDD Only.
Description: Restrict XP-SWMM to EXTRAN, UDD or enable the Malaysian Hydrology.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Forces 2 digit years to be in the 21
2000 or 1900.
Description: Default is off or 1900, allowing 2 digit years to be assumed to be in the 20
Comments: None.
Use: Contains the http address of the website assigned to the XP Software Home Page item in the help
xpswmm Reference Manual
Description: Launches your default browser and directs it to XP Softwares web site.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
5.13 [Display]
Use: Name of the font used in most dialogs.
Value: System Font Name.
Description: Changes the weight of text in xpswmm dialogs. Not recommended to be altered by the user.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Font size of the font used in most dialogs.
Value: Positive Integer.
Description: Changes the size of text in xpswmm dialogs. Not recommended to be altered by the user.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.
Use: Weight of the font used in most dialogs.
Value: Positive Integer.
Description: Changes the weight of text in XP-SWMM dialogs. Not recommended to be altered by the user.
Memory: None.
Comments: None.

6.1 The Toolbars
xpswmm opens with a row of menus across the top of the window. The second row contains the icons grouped into
tool strips.

Additional tool strips are usually located against the right edge of the window.

The tool strips may be moved to any location in the window by left clicking on gray parallel lines on the left or top of the
tool strip and dragging. The strips may be returned to original position (docked) by clicking on the blue header and
dragging the tool strip to the desired location.

Icons are grayed out when the tools are inactive. For convenience the Icons have all been presented in their active

The tool strips are:

File Management Tools

xpswmm Reference Manual
Clipboard Tools

Scenario Tools
Job, Layer & Mode Control Tools

Background Image Tools
Solve and Review Results Tools

Object Creation Tools

Network Viewing & Navigation Tools

Global Storms

If xpswmm is launched in the project mode, the

Project Tools tools will appear to the left of the File Tools.

See Also
6.2 File Management Tools
The Menu Bar
The icons in this tool strip are used for file management functions.
This tool strip may be moved to any location in the active window by left clicking on gray parallel lines on the left or top
of the tool strip and dragging. The strip may be returned to original position (docked) by clicking on the blue header
and dragging the tool strip to the desired location.

New File This icon is used to create a new database.
Open File This icon is used to open an existing database.
Save File This icon is used to save an existing database.
Browse File This icon provides a shortcut to the Browse File command under the Results Menu
Print Network Prints the current view of the network to the default Windows printer.
Help Load the xpswmm on-line help (this file and associated resources)

See Also The File Menu

6.3 Clipboard Tools

These tools perform the standard Windows Cut, Copy and, Paste functions.

6.4 Scenario Manager Tools

The Scenario Manager allows you to create up to 50 scenarios. A scenario can have different . Each child scenario
inherits the attributes of its parent. To view the existing scenarios or top create a new scenario, select the ellipsis ()
adjacent to the Base Scenario list box.

The checkbox is used to indicate which scenarios are active when the model is Solved or when Review Results or
XP Tables is selected. If the checkbox is not ticked then this scenario will not be solved. Turn on a scenario to
include its results in graphical or tabular output.

New is used to create a new scenario. The new scenario is created as a child to the currently selected (highlighted)

Delete is used to permanently remove an existing scenario. To temporarily disable a scenario remove the tick from
the checkbox.

Rename is used to change the name of an existing scenario.

Properties is used to display the changes between a child scenario and its parent.
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The currently active scenario is displayed in the Scenario Report listbox. This report may be printed or copied to
another application. Although the cells may be edited, the edits are not saved when the report is closed with the OK

The scenario selected here is the active scenario and the one to which changes in network topology or data will be
applied. This scenario will be used for data in Dynamic Section Views, Dynamic Long Section, Dynamic Plan Views
and, Perspective View.

However, in Review Results, a drop menu is used to select any or all scenarios. This tools are useful for comparing
scenario results.


XP Tables show data for the currently active scenario plus results for all scenarios.

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6.5 Job, Layer & Mode Control Tools
These tools are used to access the Job Control dialog, toggle the Layer Control Panel (show/hide) and, to set the
xpswmm active mode.

Job Control Used to access the Job Control Dialog Box
Layer Control This icon toggles show/hide of the Layer Control Panel
Snap Tool Toggles the snapping mode off/on. Use to snap vertices of model links and polygons
to existing vertices of these objects and vertices in GIS Layers.
Runoff This icon is used change the mode to Runoff.
Sanitary This icon is used change the mode to Sanitary.
Hydraulics This icon is used change the mode to Hydraulics.

6.6 Background Image Tools
The Icons in this Toolbar are used to manipulate any background images that may be present.

Add Background Image Use this icon to add a new image
Background Picture Image View or edit the properties of the background

Background images may also by managed using the Layer Control Panel.
6.7 Solve and Review Results Tools
These cons provide shortcuts to the more commonly used menu commands that are associated with reviewing model

XP-Tables Shortcut to the XP-Tables command under the Results Menu.
Quick Data View Toggle the Quick Data View panel visible/hide. Quick Data View settings may be
accessed from the View Menu.
Graphical Encoding Shortcut to the Graphical Encoding command under the Results Menu.
Spatial Reports Shortcut to the Spatial Reports command under the Results Menu.
Review Results Shortcut to the Review Results command under the Results Menu.
Dynamic Long Section Shortcut to the Long Section command under the Results Menu.
Dynamic Section Views Shortcut to the Dynamic Section Views command under the Results Menu.
Dynamic Plan View Shortcut to the Dynamic Plan View command under the Results Menu.
Perspective View Shortcut to the Perspective View command under the Results Menu.
Solve Shortcut to the Solve command under the Analyze Menu.

A separate set of tools are used to review 2D model results.
6.8 Object Creation Tools

Icon Function
This tool is used to select objects, move objects, reconnect links, re-scale the window, change object
attributes and to enter data. At the network level the Pointer tool is used specifically to manipulate the
current selection, move the current selection around, reconnect links and for re-scaling. At the dialog
level it is used to select a data item or to position the cursor for editing text.
The "current selection" is the set of objects which many menu commands operate upon. Objects that
are members of a selection are indicated in inverse video (bright magenta). To make a single object the
current selection, just point to it and click.
To select a group of objects in a single operation the mouse button is held down and the dotted outline of
a box is dragged around the desired group. To deselect everything, the mouse is clicked in open space.
All the objects in a path between two nodes can be selected by first clicking on one node, then, with the
<Ctrl> key held down, clicking on the other end node.
To extend a selection, the <Shift> key is held down in conjunction with the selection operation. The
<Shift> key causes new selections to be toggled.
This tool is used to annotate the network by placing text objects on the network. The selection of the text
tool causes the cursor to change to an arrow with word TEXT below it. The user moves to the location
to enter the text, presses the mouse button, inserts the text, terminating it with the <Enter> or <cr> key.
xpswmm remains in the text input mode until another object creation tool is selected.
The text serves as a comment or notation for the network and may be moved or modified in the same
manner as any other object. The attributes of the text such as color and font can be edited by double-
clicking on the text string with the pointer tool.
This tool is used to create nodes on the network. These may physically represent a manhole or pit, an
inlet for a catchment, a junction of links, a pond or retarding basin an outfall or a Best Management
Practice (BMP). Selecting the node tool changes the cursor to the node shape and places you in a
mode for creating node objects. Clicking anywhere inside the window will create a new node at that point
with default display attributes.
In some cases the node shape may change to represent different physical structures. Triangular nodes
have storage properties other than the system defaults.
This tool is used to create an open or closed conduit between two nodes. Links cannot exist without
nodes at the end points, and have a sense of direction indicated by an arrow line. When the link tool is
selected, the cursor changes to a link shape, and the user is in a mode for creating links between nodes.
The first click in the window defines the node from which the link emanates. The next and subsequent
mouse clicks identify the node to which the link joins. A straight line is then drawn between these two
nodes with an arrow indicating direction.
If the mouse is not clicked on an existing node, then a default node is created at that point for the new
link. Following each mouse click in the drawing area, a dotted line tracks the mouse's movements,
indicating how the new link will appear. This is the most effective way of creating a new network.
The drawn link between nodes does not need to be straight and can support vertices if it is drawn as a
This tool is used to create a link that joins two nodes in a network by more than one conduit such as a
dual drainage model with a street and a closed conduit between each node. This type of link includes
the choice of up to 7 open and closed conduits applicable to the link tool but in addition includes
diversion structures such as pumps, weirs, orifices, regulators and other real time control elements. To
create a multi-link, select the multi-link tool and the cursor changes to a pointer with broken link
An existing link may be converted to a multi-link selecting it, right clicking and selecting Multi Link from
the pop-up menu. Also an existing multi-link may be converted to a link (single conduit shape) by
selecting it, right clicking and selecting Single Link from the pop-up menu.
A polylink is a special type of link that has vertices between the two end-nodes. It may be used to define
the path of a river, or to indicate a curved pipe, or in any situation where the end-nodes are not
connected in a straight path.
The drawn multi-link between nodes does not need to be straight and can support vertices if it is drawn
as a polylinkPolylink.
Draws a polyline (line with multiple vertices). Polylines are used to represent 2D boundaries, 1D/2D
connections and breaklines. Before creating the polyline the user must select the type of polyline by
selecting the appropriate layer in the layer control panel. The layer also needs to be visible, movable and
Draws a polygon (enclosed area). Polygons are used to create catchments for the Runoff mode, and
specific types of areas within the 2D domain. Before creating the polygon the user must select the type of
polygon by selecting the appropriate layer in the layer control panel. The layer also needs to be visible,
movable and selectable.
Ruler Used to measure distance between two points, the length of a polyline or the perimeter and area of a
xpswmm Reference Manual
tool polygon. Select the Ruler tool and draw line segments on the network.
Used to cut a temporary free hand cross section on the TIN and display the result in a graphic
See Also Creating a Network, Navigation Basics and Layer Control Panel
6.9 Network Viewing and Navigation Tools

Icon Function
+ (Plus) Adds selected object(s) to the active mode
- (Minus) Removes selected object(s) from the active mode
Select All Nodes This icon provides a shortcut to the Select All Nodes command under the View Menu
Select All Links This icon provides a shortcut to the Select All Links command under the View Menu
Fit Window Re-scales the network to fit the current window (Fit Window
Regenerates the network without changing the current location or scale.
Zoom In X2 Magnify your view of the network by a factor of 2X (or halve the scale).
Zoom Out X2 Shrink your view of the network by a factor of 2X (or double the scale).
Window Area In Magnify your view of the network by a user defined factor which is set by selecting this
icon and dragging a box around the area you wish to see.
Window Area Out Shrink your view of the network by a user defined factor which is set by selecting this icon
and dragging a box inside which the current view of the network will fit.
Pan Move your view of the network by a user defined offset which is set by selecting this icon
and dragging the network from the old location to the new location.
See Also: The View Menu
6.10 Layer Control Panel

In the default setting, xpswmm opens with the Layer Control Panel docked to the left side of the viewing area. This
panel is used to mange settings for layers in both 1D and 2D models. The layers are organized in
expandable/collapsible groups in a Windows Explorer style fashion. If your version does not have all of the modules,
some of the layers will be disabled.

Viewing the Layer Control Panel

Clicking on the Layer tool on the Job, Layer and Mode Control tool strip toggles the (show/hide) attribute of the Layer
Control Panel.

When the Layer Control Panel is showing, clicking on the (x) on the right corner of the header will hide the panel.

Layer Control Panel Layout

The Layer Control Panel has two layout modes: docked and undocked. The default layout is docked to the left border of
the main xpswmm window.

The panel may be undocked by double clicking on the header or dragging it to a new location. It may be docked to the
left or right border of the main window. When it is undocked, the panel may be resized by moving the mouse over an
edge or corner. When the pointer changes to a double headed arrow, depress the left button and drag the edge or side.
When the panel is docked, its width may be adjusted by selecting the right edge, holding the left button down and
dragging to the desired position.

The layers are grouped. Group headers are indicated by a +/- check. The groups may be expanded/collapsed by
clicking on the check box or double clicking on the layer name.

Managing Layers

Each layer name is preceded by two graphics. The check box toggles the display of the layer off/on. The second is
either an icon for the layer or a locked symbol. When the icon is a filled square, it indicates the current display
properties of the layer.

A layer is locked by highlighting the layer name, right clicking and selecting Lock Layer from the pop-up menu. When a
layer is locked, it cannot be edited in the graphical interface. Data associated with objects in the layer may be edited.
Other tasks are accessed by right clicking on the name of the layer. The menu varies according to the function of the

The boxes preceding the names of the layers indicate their display color. The absence of a color box indicates that the
layers display properties have not been selected.

Layer Properties

The display properties of any layer may be adjusted by moving the mouse over the name of the layer and right clicking.
Note that this dialog is different for layers that are polylines, polygons or vectors.

Descriptions of layers

1D Network Layers
Nodes Represent manholes, catch basins, inlets, wet wells, junctions, ponds or
Node Labels Text strings representing the name of nodes
Catchments Polygons of areas draining to specific runoff nodes (inlets)
Catchment connections Line from centroid of a catchment to a runoff node (inlet)
Links Represent open channels, closed conduits, pumps weirs, orifices and
special structures
Cross-sections Polylines showing layout for a cross section (requires a DTM)
Link Labels Text strings representing the name of links
Water Level Lines Polylines use to display 1D and 2D results map simultaneously
Link Labels Text strings representing the name of nodes
Texts User defined annotation
Spatial Reports Boxes, brackets or drop shadows of object data and results
Graphical encoding Thematic mapping or changing the display properties of objects according
to user defined criteria

2D Domains
2D Grid Polygon boundary of the 2D model, cell location and orientation
Active 2D Areas Polygon boundaries of the active cells in the 2D model or 2D floodplain
Inactive 2D Areas Polygon boundaries of the cells excluded for 2D analysis or polygons for
the 1D floodplain
Initial Water Levels Polylines within the 2D Grid which set initial water surface elevation for
the given polygon areas
1D/2D Interfaces Polylines along active 2D area polygons that share water level with 1D
1D/2D Connection Polylines from nodes to the 1D/2D interface vertices
2D/2D Interfaces Polylines along the boundary between two grid domains which
xpswmm Reference Manual
hydraulically connects these domains
2D Head boundary Polylines where constant or time series head boundaries are specified
2D Flow boundary Polylines where constant or time series flow boundary conditions are
2D Rainfall/Flow Areas Polygons used to define areas of a rainfall, runoff hydrograph or user
defined hydrograph
Landuses Polygons of defined landuses

DTM Layers Digital terrain models (TIN)
Breaklines Polylines indicating topographic boundaries
Gully Polylines indicating locations of gullies
Ridges Polylines indicating location of ridges or topographic divides
Fill Areas Polygons indicating areas above the DTM filled to a constant elevation
Dynamic Elevation Shapes Polygons or Polylines which can modify cell levels based on time or
Trigger Points
Trigger Points Points which can be linked to Dynamic Elevation Shapes
Elevation Shapes Polygons or Polylines which can modify cell levels

Listed individually MapInfo Interchange Files showing 2D georeferenced error

Flows Arrows (vectors) showing flow direction and magnitude for the 2D grid
Velocity Arrows (vectors) showing velocity direction and magnitude for the 2D grid
Water Depth Color coded water depths of the 2D cells
Water Elevation Color coded water surface elevation of the 2D cells
Hazard Color coded hazard (water depth velocity) of the 2D cells
Plot Output Lines Lines where 2D time series plots are referenced
Plot Output Point Locations where 2D time series plots are referenced
Legends Legends for the 2D vectors and maps
Fly through paths User defined polylines used to describe path for 3D viewer
Diagnostics MapInfo Interchange Files showing 2D georeferenced error messages

GIS Files
Listed individually ESRI or MapInfo files

Background Images
Listed individually GIS, CAD, orthophotos, and other georeferenced image files

CAD Files
Listed individually .dxf or .dwg files

6.11 Project Tools
This Toolbar is only enabled if Projects is enabled in the SWMXP.INI file or the checkbox is on in the License Details
dialog of the Help Menu.

New Project This icon is used to create a new project database.
Open Project This icon is used to open an existing project database.
See Also Project Menu .

6.12 Global Storms

The Global Storms tool is used to simultaneously solve the Runoff Mode for multiple storms.


The Global Storms drop list appears when the Global Storms is checked in the Runoff Job Control settings.

The Global Storms dialog is launched be either selecting the Global Storms button in the Runoff Job Control dialog or
clicking on the ellipses () on the Global Storms Tool Bar.

The dialog contains a row for each storm in the Global Database. Check the box for each storm to be included in the
analysis. Contents of the remaining fields are described in Runoff Job Control settings.

When Global Storms are used, do not check the Run Hydrology/Hydraulics Simultaneously in the Hydraulics Job
Control settings.

The menu bar displays the titles of ten menus. Many of the menus, File, Edit, Project, View, Analyze, Window and
Help are common to all systems utilizing the XP interface. The Configuration, Tools and Results menu is specific to
the application. Whenever you work with XP you enter commands by pointing to a menu, then dragging down to
highlight the command you want. Any commands in the menu that are disabled are displayed as dimmed or
bracketed. A disabled menu item indicates that the command is not available in the current context, and that some
other action is required before it can be invoked.

As a short cut, keyboard equivalents are available for the most frequently used commands. The keyboard equivalent
is indicated by an underlining _ of the letter appropriate to this command. To invoke commands from a menu use the
<Alt> key in conjunction with the character, for example <Alt-F> to invoke the File menu. Once the menu is displayed
press the underlined character of the menu to select the command, for example N to open a New file or R acces
Recent files.
Some commonly used commands use the <Ctrl> key in conjunction with the appropriate menu command as an
additional shortcut, for example <Ctrl-O> to open a new file. All of the Results menu items and some other commands
use the Function keys as keyboard shortcuts, for example F5 to solve a model or F6 to Browse the output file.
Menu commands that are followed by a dialog box are indicated by an ellipsis "..." after the menu item name.

7.1 File
7.1.1 The File Menu
The "File" menu lists commands that relate to your entire database. You can create, open, merge and close a
database. While working on a database, you can save your editing changes, return to the last saved version or exit
the application.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Descriptions of the available file menu commands may be found in the following links.
Blank Job
Use Setup Wizard
Create From Template
Save As
Save As Template
Import/Export Data
Import XPX/EPA Data
Import/Export External Databases
Import HEC-RAS Data
Import LandXML Data
Export XPX Data
Export EPA 5.0
Print Preview
Page Setup
Record to AVI File
Recent Files
Clean Up
7.1.2 Open
This command is used to open an existing database and make it active. When this command is selected the Open
Document dialog will be shown with a default mask of (*.xp). To slect a file, double-click on the of the file. Use the
windows tools to navaigate to a different folder.

If the Projects option is enabled, the Files in Project dialog will only display files that are part of the current project
xpswmm Reference Manual

7.1.3 Merge
Choose this option to append an existing XP database to the existing currently opened database. Nodes and Links,
Global Databases and Job Control data can be imported from the merged XP file.

After selecting this option you will be prompted for the name of the XP file whose data you wish to import. Any number
of databases may be merged, subject to the node and link limitations of the application.
7.1.4 Close
Choose this option if you are finished with this database and want to open another existing file or create a new one. If
no changes have been made to the current file, it will be closed immediately, otherwise a "Save Changes?" prompt will
appear, allowing you the option of closing without saving changes, or cancelling the "Close" operation. Unless
merging files the active database must be closed before opening another one.
When the database is closed the temporary work file is copied to the original database. Until close is selected you
may revert to your original unchanged database by selecting the "Revert" command from this menu.
A file may also be closed by clicking on the (x) "close box" on the right end menu bar.
7.1.5 Save
XP maintains an internal working copy of the database for editing sessions. Changes made while editing are not
committed to the permanent database unless explicitly instructed by using the Save command. The Save command
commits all changes made to the working database to the permanent database whose file name is the window title.
The current view is also saved, so that when re-opened, the display will be in the same state as when the database
was saved.
7.1.6 Save As
Copies of the working database (see Save command) can be saved under different names by issuing this command. A
dialog box prompts for the new database name; the copy is then made and the new name becomes the current
The "Save As" and "Save" commands give you flexible control over the timing and permanence of data changes.
7.1.7 Save As Template
The easiest way to create a new job is from a Template. Select this command to save the current XP file as a
Template. The new Template contain all of the parameter used by XP including settings such as, fonts, XP Table
Settings, Spatial Report and Graphical Encoding settings, Job Control parameters, rainfall data...
When selected, this command will prompt for an XPT file name.
See Also New File From Template
7.1.8 Revert
By choosing "Revert" the working database will revert to the last "Saved" version. There is an additional dialog asking
confirmation of this action to ensure there is no unintentional change.
7.1.9 Properties
The File Properties and Options page contains information regarding the number of links, nodes, background images
and text strings plus the maximum number allowed in your current configuration. Use the expandable/collaspible tree
in the left panel to navigate to the desired dialog.
The first panel displays statistics about the current model. The maximum number of nodes is controlled by license. The
maximum number of images and text strings can be modified through the Application Settings menu command or by
directly editing the SWMXP.INI file.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Default display and naming parameters for new nodes are specifed in the Node Drawing Defaults dialog. New nodes
are named with the prefix and a number starting with the counter value. The counter value is automatically updated as
new nodes are added to the model.

Default display and naming parameters for new links are specifed in the Link Drawing Defaults dialog. New links are
named with the prefix and a number starting with the counter value. The counter value is automatically updated as
new nodes are added to the model.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Default values for selected Node fields are specified in the Node Data dialog.

Default values for selected link fields are specified in the Link Data dialog.
xpswmm Reference Manual

7.1.10 Print
Print the current view of the network.
7.1.11 Print Preview
Preview how the current view of the network will appear when printed.
7.1.12 Page Setup

Use this dialog to define the layout for printing the network layout.

Clicking on the format button opens the Header/Footer dialog.

xpswmm Reference Manual

7.1.13 Record to AVI

Use this command to record an AVI file.

7.1.14 Recent Files
This command allows you to open one of your recently open files. The number of files in the list is controlled by the
MRU_COUNT variable in the SWMXP.INI file or from the Application Settings under the tools menu.
7.1.15 Clean Up
The "Clean Up" command removes the temporary files used for plotting, graphical review of results, the analysis
engine, etc. The files removed when this option is selected are those with the extensions BAK, CDM, CON, DAT,
To prevent the unintentional deletion of files there is an additional dialog providing the option to confirm the removal of
each individual files. xpswmm provides a count of the nmber of files that were deleted.
7.1.16 Exit
The "Exit" menu option ends the current session and returns to the operating system. xpswmm will give you the option
to save any opened database whose changes have not been saved, or to cancel the "Exit" command and remain in
the XP environment.
Note that changes to the database are not restricted to just data. Any change in scale, location or highlighting of an
object will also cause the "Save Changes?" dialog to be invoked.
7.1.17 New
7.1.1 New
There are now three ways of creating a new file:
Starting from an Blank Job,
Starting from using the New File Wizard, and
Starting from an existing New File From Template.

New File Options
Blank Job
When you start from this option you will be prompted with the Windows Explorer dialog asking for a file name and
folder. The second step wil ask the user to dclare US customary or Metric units for the model. Select the desired units
and click on OK. A blank network will view open.
This method is the most flexible but contains no pre-defined data.
New File from Wizard
This menu command is used to create a new database. Upon selecting this command a dialog box requesting the
name of the new database appears. If the name of an existing file is entered, confirmation to overwrite it is requested
and, if granted, the existing file is destroyed. Once a new name is entered a New File wizard is started. You can
select Finish at any time.

The initial dialog allows you to enter the Job Title which is common to all three layers.
xpswmm Reference Manual

When you select Next you will be asked to enter the simulation details.

The Next button now takes you to the Global Database dialog where you can load default global databases containing,
for example, rainfall information or infiltration data. The databases shown by default are those located in the
Templates directory. You can also associate units with these databases.

The Next button now takes you to the Default Node Data dialog where you can enter default node data for your project.
Press the + icon to add new fields.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The Next button now takes you to the Default Link Data dialog where you can enter default link data for your project.
Press the + icon to add new fields.

The Finish button will now display a summary of the data you have entered and allow you to edit the data if desired.

The program then displays the name of the new empty database in the window title and proceeds to enable and
disable appropriate menu commands. Only one database can be active at any one time. Although not mandatory it is
good practice to give the new file a .XP extension. This makes retrieval of the file more straightforward when using the
"Open" command.
New File From Template
Every XP file is based on a template. A template determines the basic structure for a file and may contain settings
such as, fonts, XP Table Settings, Spatial Report and Graphical Encoding settings, Job Control parameters, rainfall
data and almost any other parameter used by XP.
When selected, this command will prompt for an XP file name followed by the template to be used for this job.
This is the easiest way to create a new job, and a new Template can be created from any XP file at any time. A
template file has an .XPT extenstion. Templates are created by the Save As Template command.
xpswmm Reference Manual

This command is used to open an existing database and make it active. When this option is selected the Open
Document dialog box below will be shown with a default mask "*.xp To select a file, double-click on the name or type
the complete name instead of the mask.
If the Projects option is enabled the Get File dialog box will only display files that are part of the current project as
shown below.

When a database is successfully opened, a backup file with the extension ".BAK" is created and appropriate menu
commands are enabled and disabled. The backup is not updated until the database is closed and reopened. Only
one database can be opened at any one time and its name is displayed in the window title.
7.1.18 Import/Export Data
Import/Export Data
The Import/Export data options are:
Import data in XPX/EPA Format
Import eport or define an active link)to data in any OLE/DB or ODBC database using Import/Export External
Databases wizard
Import HEC-RAS Data.
Import LandXML Data
Export XPX Data
Export to an EPA SWMM 5 model
EPA SWMM 4.4 and 5.0 files may be converter to XPX files using the standalone EPA-SWMM Data File Reader. This
program may be accessed via the Tools Launch Application menu.
Import LandXML Data
xpswmm can import pipe networks (nodes and links and associated data) and TINs. Launch this option to open the
Windows Explorer dialog. Navigate to the .xml file and click on open.
Import XPX/EPA Data
EPA Data
Data to Import
This group of parameters controls which subsets of the SWMM data file will be ignored and which will be imported.
This provides a means of masking out different SWMM modules within the data file. Further options are available to
refine the importation of data within individual modules.

This flag controls the import of Runoff data. If this flag is off any Runoff data in the input file will be ignored. If this flag
is selected you will be given the option of selecting specific Runoff data to be imported.

This flag controls the import of Transport (Sanitary) data. If this flag is off any Transport data in the input file will be
ignored. If this flag is selected you will be given the option of selecting specific Transport data to be imported.

This flag controls the import of Extran (Hydraulics) data. If this flag is off any Extran data in the input file will be
ignored. If this flag is selected you will be given the option of selecting specific Extran data to be imported. At present
ALL Extran data is imported.

This flag controls the import of Storage/treatment (Sanitary) data. If this flag is off any Storage/treatment data in the
input file will be ignored. If this flag is selected you will be given the option of selecting specific Storage/treatment data
to be imported.

The JNS variable is used to identify the node name to import into. If this name is empty or zero, then a node may be
generated with a name of N_<x>, where <x> is a number which makes the name unique. If this name is not empty,
then a match will be sought with this name, observing the usual rules for Object Control.
EPA-SWMM 4.2 Data File
Select this option to import an EPA-SWMM version 4.0 - 4.2 data file. Using this option, data for specific modules and
specific data within each module may be imported. Part of a network may also be imported by only importing into
existing or highlighted objects. The SWMM blocks that are supported are Runoff, TRANSPORT, EXTRAN,
STORAGE/TREATMENT. Import automatically detects which block is within the data file. If multiple modes are
imported EXTRAN should be imported first, on its own, and the other nodes added by re-importing the data file a
second time.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Although data checking is performed on the input file, it is generally assumed the input file is a valid EPA-SWMM file
which will run under version 4.2 of SWMM without error.

The name of EPA-SWMM data file may be entered manually or selected using the select button.

Import Object Control
Use these options to control how objects are created from the data file and which objects will be imported into. If the
default values of 'Create objects' on and 'Import into all objects' are used, all objects in the input file will be imported.

Create Objects
This flag controls the import of objects found in the input file that do not already exist in the network. If this flag is OFF,
data for objects will be imported only if that object already exists. If this flag is ON, objects will be created if they do
not already exist. Note that the 'Import into selected objects' option overrides this option if it is ON. In that case, data
is only imported into currently highlighted objects.

Import into all Objects
This option allows any existing object to be imported into, regardless of whether or not the object has been highlighted.

Import into Selected Objects
This option is quite powerful and restrictive in that it only allows network objects that are currently highlighted to have
data imported into them. New objects cannot be created from the data file. This option is particularly useful when
incrementally creating a network and importing a data file several times. The new objects can be highlighted and
import restricted to only these objects.
Use this button to perform the import when the desired parameters have been entered.

When you select Import you will be given an Import Warning. This warning dialog is simply to remind you that import
can overwrite existing data and should be used with caution. If you want to continue with the import simply hit return
or the OK button.

If you wish to save the current version of the database before import or change the import parameters, hit the Escape
key or the Cancel button to be returned to the import parameters dialog.
Runoff Import
This dialog allows specific runoff data to be imported or ignored. Generally all data should be imported, although there
may be cases where some data is not required. For example, 'Channel/pipe data' may not be required if the conduit
data is to be imported from an Extran data file.


Import Interface Files
This flag controls the import of Runoff input and output interface files.

Import Descriptive Titles
This flag controls the import of the two descriptive title lines.

Import Control Parameters
This flag controls the import of Runoff Control parameters. If this flag is off the control parameters will be read, and
used later in the import, but not written.

Import General Snowmelt Parameters
This flag controls the import of Runoff Job Control Snowmelt data. Turning this flag off could cause inconsistencies
with the subcatchment snowmelt data.

Import Precipitation Data
This flag controls the import of Runoff rainfall data.

Import Evaporation Data
This flag controls the import of Runoff evaporation data.

Import Channels/Pipes Data
This flag controls the import of all channel, pipe, inlet and dummy conduit data.

Import Subcatchments
This flag controls the import of Runoff subcatchment data.

Import Water Quality Data
xpswmm Reference Manual
This flag controls the import of pollutant, landuse and erosion data.

Import Print Control
This flag controls the import of Runoff print control.

Transport Import
This dialog allows specific transport data to be imported. Generally all data should be imported, although there may
be cases where some data is not required.

Import Descriptive Titles -
This flag controls the import of the two descriptive title lines.

Import Transport Control Parameters
This flag controls the import of Transport Control parameters. If this flag is off the control parameters will be read, and
used later in the import, but not written.

Import Element Data
This flag controls the import of Transport element data comprising all conduits and non-conduits.

Import Pollutant Data
This flag controls the import of Transport pollutants.

Import Internal Storage Elements
This flag controls the import of Transport internal storage elements.

Import Node Control Data
This flag controls the import of Transport node control data. This data comprises output control for Transport elements
to SWMM interface files and the output tables.

Import Infiltration Data
This flag controls the import of Transport infiltration data. This data determines the amount of additional flow into the
sewer system via infiltration from various sources.

Import Sewer Inflow Data
This flag controls the import of sewer inflow data. This data comprises the daily and weekly temporal patterns for
sewer inflows.

Import Study Area Data
This flag controls the import of Transport study area data. This data comprises overall measurements of sewer inflows
for the whole of the catchment. Predicted flows are adjusted to match study area measurements for the whole
drainage basin.

Import Process Flow Data
This flag controls the import of Transport process flow data. This data comprises direct inflows and pollutant
concentrations into Transport manholes.

Import Sub-area Data
This flag controls the import of Transport sub-area data. This data comprises dry weather flow generation, using
catchment and land use properties to estimate water use.

Hydrograph and Pollutograph Input
This flag controls the import of Transport Hydrograph and Pollutograph input. Data comprises direct input of
hydrographs and pollutant concentrations to manholes.

Storage Treatment Import
This dialog allows specific Storage/Treatment data to be imported. Generally all data should be imported, although
there may be cases where some data is not required.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Import Simulation Data
This flag controls the import of the title lines, date, time, time steps and number of time steps.

Import Print Control Data
This flag controls the import of print control data. This data comprises flags controlling the amount of printout for
analysis of a treatment plant.

Import Evaporation Data
This flag controls the import of Storage/Treatment evaporation data.

Import Pollutant Data
This flag controls the import of Storage/Treatment pollutant data. This data characterises pollutants and their removal
from internal storage/treatment units.

Import Treatment Unit Data
This flag controls the import of treatment unit data. This data comprises the connectivity of internal units in a
storage/treatment plant, with flow directions and capacities of flow paths.

Import Detention Unit Data
This flag controls the import of detention unit data. Detention units have storage associated with them.

Import Unit Cost Data
This flag controls the import of unit cost data.

Import Flow & Concentration Time Series
This flag controls the import of flow and concentration time series directly into a storage/treatment plant.

Tidy up Network
If this flag is selected the network will be optionally rearranged after import to minimise conduits crossing over one
another. This option is useful; as nodes created by import are placed in an approximate grid and the network can
become quite messy when the links connecting the nodes are created. The tidy up procedure works best with purely
dendritic networks.

Import XPX/EPA Data
This feature provides the facility to import SWMM data files created for EPA-SWMM Version 4. It can be used to
import data into a new network or to append to an existing network. This function has only been implemented for data
files from Version 4.00 through 4.20 coded in accordance with the format described in the USEPA Stormwater
Management Model, Version 4 User's Manual (June 1988). It may be extended to include Version 3 files in a future
release depending on user demands.

Although every attempt has been made to implement the undocumented features implemented in a
variety of customized programs, we offer no guarantee that data will be imported exactly as originally

Import is offered as a tool to assist in creating your database. All imported data MUST be verified to
ensure it is a true representation of the original information before any attempt is made to use the
generated results.

XPX Format File
XPX Options
EPA-SWMM 4.2 Data File
Import Object Control
Tidy up Network
Data to Import
EPA SWMM 4.4 and 5.0 files may be converter to XPX files using the standalone EPA-SWMM Data File Reader. This
program may be accessed via the Tools Launch Application menu.
XPX Format File
Select this option to import a file in XPX format. XPX format is designed to facilitate import of external databases into
XP databases. The file format is described in detail in a separate documentation file. Basically, a simple command-
line syntax is implemented to allow the creation of network elements and associated data.

The name of XPX format file may be entered manually or selected using the Select button.

See Also XPX Command Reference and SPREADSHEET IMPORT
XPX Command Reference
The format is described in pseudo-EBNF notation. Note that the file format is pure token stream; tokens are separated
by white space, i.e. spaces, commas and/or tabs. Keywords (shown uppercase) are not case sensitive.

xpx_file = {command}

xpswmm Reference Manual
The XPX file consists of a series of commands with various parameters assigned to them to operate on. There are ten
types of XPX commands. They are:

1. The node command
2. The link command
3. The data command
4. The table command
5. The global database command
6. The global database item command
7. The global database data command
8. The makemulti command
9. The link vertex command
10. The cross section vertex command
11. The Catchment command


Any references to objects must already be defined i.e. NODE commands must appear before LINK commands which
reference them, and similarly DATA commands must appear after the object references are defined.
An un-named global object is defined by an empty string ().

Notes: 1. Object names are not case-sensitive.
2. Strings with embedded white space can be enclosed in double-quotes ().
3. Data can be commented out using 'C' style comments i.e. /* This is a comment */
XPX Node Command

DESCRIPTION: The node command defining a particular node must appear in the XPX file before any
reference can be made to data or links associated with it. There is no rigid structure to the
order that these command appear in provided the above rule is complied with. The
node_command consists of the word NODE followed by a node_type, a node_name and
an X and Y value which represent it coordinates.

SYNTAX: NODE node_type node_name x y


Node_type (Integer) The node_type is an integer value which specifies the shape and colour the node will
appear in its screen representation when the XPX file is imported. The various values and
shapes for node_type are listed below. In the current implementation of xpswmm all
resulting nodes will be circular and take on the default property specified in the File-
>Properties dialog. A node will automatically become triangular in shape when storage
data is active.

Node Type Shape
0 Circle
130 Circle
132 Circle
133 Circle
134 Circle
135 Circle

Node_name (String) The node_name must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is an alphanumeric string
representing the name of this node and will appear adjacent to the screen representation
of the node.

X (Real) The X value is the horizontal plane coordinate (right is positive) used to locate the node
object on the screen. This value may be a real world coordinate value or simply an
arbitrary value to locate the node schematically. This is a real number of up to 20
significant figures. This number must be specified.

Y(Real) The Y value is the vertical plane coordinate (up is positive) used to locate the node object
on the screen. This value may be a real world coordinate value or simply an arbitrary
value to locate the node schematically. This is a real number of up to 20 significant
figures. This number must be specified.

command node_type node_name X Y
EXAMPLE: NODE 134 mh a1 45634.945 120341.012
XPX Link Command

DESCRIPTION: The link command consists of the word LINK followed by the link_type which specifies its
screen appearance, the link_name, the node_from and the node_to.

SYNTAX: LINK link_type link_name node_from node_to


Link_type (Integer) The link_type is an integer value which specifies the type of line which will be used to
represent the link on-screen. The link_type will determine whether this link (link_name)
represents a sinkgle conduit (solid line) or multiple conduits or diversions (dashed line).
The table below specifies the valid values for link_type and there meanings.

Link_type Line type Conduit type
0 Line Single Conduit
136 Line Single Conduit
137 Boldline Single Conduit
138 Dashline Diversion/Multi Conduit

Link_name (String) The link_name must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is an alphanumeric string
representing the name of this link and will appear on the screen representation of the link.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Node_from (String) The node_from parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is an
alphanumeric string representing the name of the upstream connecting node for the link
specified in link_name.

Node_to (String) The node_to parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is an
alphanumeric string representing the name of the downstream connecting node for the
link specified in link_name.

The node_from and node_to nodes must have been specified earlier in the XPX file using
the NODE comand above. A link must be specified before any dat may be defined which
is associated with the link.

command node_type link_name node_from node_to
EXAMPLE: LINK 136 Link 1 mh a1 mh b1
XPX Data Command

DESCRIPTION: The data_command is used to assign data attributes to objects (links and nodes) which
have been defined earlier in the XPX file. It must begin with the word DATA and be
followed by a field_name, and object_name to attach the data to, an instance , a count
and data_string, the actual data being defined.

SYNTAX: DATA field_name object_name instance count {data_string}


Field_name (String) The data field_name is any name that is pertinent to this type of object, either a link or
node. The name is not case-sensitive

The appropriate field name may be found in this reference or by using the Get Field Info
facility in XP (using the Dialog Icon )

Object_name (String) The object_name is any quoted string which has been previously defined as a link or node
using the LINK or NODE command. The data_string will be assigned to this object_name
and placed in the database field called field_name. If the field_name is a global value and
not associated with an object then the object_name is defined as a pair of double quotes
(i.e. )

Instance (Integer) The instance is an integer value which allows for multiple instances of the same data type
for the one object. For example, multiple conduits in one link. The first instance of a data
type is assigned a value of 0 (zero). the second instance is 1 (one) and so on. For a data
type which has only one instance the value will be 0 (zero).

Count (Integer) This value specifies how many data items to expect in the following data_string. Normally
this is 1 (one) except for list data. For example, user inflow hydrographs have more than 1
(one) data point. If there were 25 points in the hydrograph you would specify a count of 25
and then follow with a data string containing 25 values.

Data_string (String) This is a string of value(s) which will be placed in the database field specified by the
field_name string attached to the object specified by the object_name string. There must
be as many data items in the data string as is specified by the value of the count variable
and they must be separated by at least 1 (one) space.

EXAMPLE: /* Add a hydrograph to a node named MHA1*/
DATA TEO MHA1 0 5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
DATA QCARD MHA1 0 5 0.0 21.8 63.3 44.1 1.2

/* Import the length of a conduit named Link1*/
DATA LEN Link1 0 1 135.5

/*set link LB3 active in HDR Mode*/

/*set node MHB1 active in RNF Mode*/

/*set node MHB1 inactive in SAN Mode*/

XPX Global Database Command
An enhancement of this command is provided by the GLDBITEM and GLDBDATA commands, which remove the
Instance dependency and instead, search on the database name.


DESCRIPTION: The GLDB command is used to enter Global Database data.

SYNTAX: GLDB gldb_type_name_string instance gldb_name_string


gldb_type_name_string The gldb_type_name_string is the type of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

Instance (Integer) The instance is an integer value which allows for multiple instances of the same data type
for the one object. For example, multiple database records. The first instance of a data
type is assigned a value of 0 (zero). the second instance is 1 (one) and so on.

gldb_name_string The gldb_name_string is the record name of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

EXAMPLE: GLDB Pump Ratings 0 Pump #1
xpswmm Reference Manual
GLDB Pump Ratings 1 Pump #2
GLDB Pump Ratings 2 Pump #3
GLDB Pump Ratings 3 Pump #4
GLDB Pump Ratings 4 Pump #5
DATA PRATEX 0 3 40.000 30.000 10.000 /* Pump Param */
DATA PRATEX 1 3 40.000 35.000 12.000
DATA PRATEX 2 3 50.000 40.000 20.000
DATA PRATEX 3 3 60.000 50.000 40.000
DATA PRATEX 4 3 60.000 50.000 40.000
DATA PRATEY 0 3 10.000 50.000 1000.000 /* Pump Flow */
DATA PRATEY 1 3 10.000 50.000 1000.000
DATA PRATEY 2 3 10.000 50.000 1000.000
DATA PRATEY 3 3 10.000 50.000 1000.000
DATA PRATEY 4 3 10.000 50.000 1000.000

XPX Global Database Item Command

DESCRIPTION: The GLDBITEM command is an enhancement to the GLDB command that uses the
Global Database name rather than the instance for entering the data. It provides a much
easier mechanism for updating global data.

SYNTAX: GLDBITEM gldb_type_name_string gldb_name_string


gldb_type_name_string The gldb_type_name_string is the type of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

gldb_name_string The gldb_name_string is the record name of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

EXAMPLE: GLDBITEM Rainfall SCS Spillway Design

XPX Global Database Data Command

DESCRIPTION: The GLDBDATA command is an enhancement to the DATA command that uses the
Global Database name rather than the instance for entering the data. It provides a much
easier mechanism for updating global data.

SYNTAX: GLDBDATA field_name gldb_type_name_string gldb_name_string count


Field_name (String) The data field_name is any name that is pertinent to this type of global database. The
name is not case-sensitive.

The appropriate field name may be found in this reference or by using the Get Field Info
facility in XP (using the Dialog Icon )

gldb_type_name_string The gldb_type_name_string is the type of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

gldb_name_string The gldb_name_string is the record name of global database to be imported. The string
must be enclosed in double quotes ().

Count (Integer) This value specifies how many data items to expect in the following data_string. Normally
this is 1 (one) except for list data. For example, rainfall hyetographs have more than 1
(one) data point. If there were 50 points in the hydrograph you would specify a count of 50
and then follow with a data string containing 50 values.

Data_string (String) This is a string of value(s) which will be placed in the database field specified by the
field_name string attached to the object specified by the object_name string. There must
be as many data items in the data string as is specified by the value of the count variable
and they must be separated by at least 1 (one) space.

EXAMPLE: GLDBITEM Rainfall SCS Spillway Design
GLDBDATA R_ROPT "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 0 /* User defined rainfall */
GLDBDATA R_KTYPE "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 0 /* Constant rainfall */
GLDBDATA R_KPREPC "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 2 /* Cumulative Depth */
GLDBDATA R_RMULT "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 1 /* Rainfall Multiplier */
GLDBDATA R_HOFF "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 0 /* User defined rainfall */
GLDBDATA R_KTIMEC "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 1 /* Time Interval in Hours */
GLDBDATA R_THISTO "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 0.02 /* Time Interval */
GLDBDATA R_TZRDT "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 "1/1/2001" /* Storm Start Date */
GLDBDATA R_TZRTM "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 1 "00:00" /* Storm Start Time */

/* Rainfall Values Read Left to Right and Top to Bottom */
GLDBDATA R_REIN "Rainfall" "SCS Spillway Design" 50
0.0080 0.0162 0.0246 0.0333 0.0425 0.0524 0.0630 0.0743 0.0863 0.0990
0.1124 0.1265 0.1420 0.1595 0.1800 0.2050 0.2550 0.3450 0.4370 0.5300
0.6030 0.6330 0.6600 0.6840 0.7050 0.7240 0.7420 0.7590 0.7750 0.7900
0.8043 0.8180 0.8312 0.8439 0.8561 0.8678 0.8790 0.8898 0.9002 0.9103
0.9201 0.9297 0.9391 0.9483 0.9573 0.9661 0.9747 0.9832 0.9916 1.0000

XPX Table Command

DESCRIPTION: XPX format has been enhanced to allow the import of CSV files. The format of the file is
as below: The first line signifies the beginning of the table format. The second line
contains all the XP variable names. The remaining lines (except the last) contains the
object name, instance of data (usually 0), index (usually 1), and then the data for each

xpswmm Reference Manual
object_name, instance, count, {data_string}


Field_name_string The field_name_string is any name pertinent to this type of object, either link or node. The
name is not case-sensitive. Any number of variables can be included in the string.

The appropriate field_name_string may be found by using the Get Field Info facility
(using the Dialog Icon )

Object_name (String) The object_name is any quoted string which has been previously defined as a link or node
using the LINK or NODE command.

Instance (Integer) The instance is an integer value which allows for multiple instances of the same data type
for the one object. For example, multiple conduits in one link. The first instance of a data
type is assigned a value of 0 (zero). the second instance is 1 (one) and so on.

Count (Integer) This value specifies how many data items to expect in the following data_string. Lists
cannot be entered in a table so the Count is always 1 (one).

Data_string (String) This is a string of values which will be placed in the database field names specified by the
field_name_string. There must be as many data items in the data_string as are specified
by the field_name_string. They must be separated by at least 1 (one) space or comma.

/* , , , DS Elev, US Elev, Length, Depth, Rougnness, Width, Side 1, Side 2 */
"LA5", 0, 1, 102.0, 102.5, 300, 9, 0.015, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0
"LA6", 0, 1, 101.5, 103.0, 300, 9, 0.015, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0

XPX Options
The XPX options allow the user to make Inactive data active and echo additional feedback on the imported data.


Inactive Data
Inactive data is data that is not needed for the simulation due to a particular option not being taken. The data in the XP
database is hierarchical. So if a element in the hierarchy is taken out then the data beneath that will become Inactive.

Make Imported Data Active
If an Imported data is Inactive after all the data in the XPX file is imported then each data will be made Active
in order they appear in the file.

Report Data made Active
This will create a report file containing information on all the data that had to be made Active.

Warning if Data is Inactive
No action will be taken if data is Inactive. It will still be Inactive after the Import. It will only become Active if the
parent data flag is manually changed to make this data Active. The data will be imported and a warning
message will be generated.

No Action
No action will be taken if data is Inactive. It will still be Inactive after the Import. It will only become Active if the
parent data flag is manually changed to make this data Active. The data will be imported with no warnings.

Report Successful Data Imports
This will report on all the data that were successfully imported.

Initialise Objects
Initialises the data fields in the database ready for solve. This function checks all necessary dialog boxes of the
selected field type, and confirms that data will exist in that field.

Switches on all data flags necessary for node type data

xpswmm Reference Manual
Switches on all data flags necessary for link type data

RNF data variable
Switches on all flags for run-off layer data

TRN data variable
Switches on all flags for sanitary layer data

HDR data variable
Switches on all flags for hydraulic layer data

XPX Catchment Command


DESCRIPTION: The catchment command defines a catchment polygon and links it to a node. The
particular node must appear in the XPX file before any reference can be made to it.

SYNTAX: CATCHMENT node_name s n
for 1 to n
CatchPoly_Pt1_X CatchPoly_Pt1Y
CatchPoly_Pt2_X CatchPoly_Pt2Y
CatchPoly_Pt3_X CatchPoly_Pt3Y
CatchPoly_Ptn_X CatchPoly_PtnY


Node_name (String) The node_name must be enclosed in double quotation marks. It is an alphanumeric string
representing the name of this node.

s (integer) The s value is the node subcatchment number (1 5).

n (integer) The n value is the number of vertices in the polygon.

Command node_name s n

1032150 352400
1032550 352400
1032500 352700
1032300 352600
1032100 352500

Spreadsheet Import
Spreadsheet information may be imported by using the XPX Table Command and adding the $TABLE keyword to the
spreadsheet file, then creating a CSV (comma separated variable) file and importing this file using the XPX import

The format comprises a set of commands (keywords) followed by parameters. The commands allow the creation of
objects (nodes, links), and assigning of data to these objects.

External data may be imported into all XP applications (e.g. xpswmm, xp-udd, xp-storm, xp-rafts) via the Import
Data... command under the Special menu. The command prompts the user for a text filename with a suggested
.XPX extension (to indicate an XP-Exchange format file). Once a file is selected, the data specifications in that file
are imported into the XP network and database.

To obtain the Field Name and Instance for database fields, you need to use the Get Field Info facility in XP. To do
this, the database field is first selected by holding down the <CTRL> key and clicking in the dialog item linked to it with
the mouse (this is the same preamble as COPYing a data item prior to PASTEing). Then, press the <ALT> key and
the <I> key simultaneously to Get Info on the selected data item. A dialog window pops up, displaying the info you
need. You can get help on this dialog in the usual way by holding down the <ALT> key and clicking on the item of
interest with the mouse.

External Databases
Import/Export External Databases
Data can be obtained from many different ODBC compliant databases, through this function.

Note: You must have installed the MDAC drivers from your installation CD prior to using this function. Only users with
the GIS module will be able to access this menu function.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Any number of databases can be linked to the XP model. When you select the new database option an Import wizard
is invoked. Once databases have been defined they can be edited, re-mapped, deleted or moved up or down in the
import hierarchy.

If you choose to select an existing file you will be asked to select from a list of known database types, these include
Access, dBase, Excel and other ODBC databases.


If your database is not recognized you will need to define your own database connection. Select the Choose a
database connection option. You may need your database administrator to help you through this process.

Once a database has been selected you will need to select the table that will be linked to the XP database.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Select Preview Table Data to view the data in the currently selected database table.


Once a table has been selected the database/table combination can be defined for Import (read-only access) for
Import and Export whereby the table can be updated with changes made in XP or for Export only in which case the
results from XP are saved in the database for use in reviewing results from an external program.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The next step is to define whether Imported and Exported objects (nodes and links) are created in the database (either
the XP or external database) if they dont exist, or whether only existing objects are modified.


The next step requires defining the mandatory data for a node or link object.

For a node that may be created if it does not exist, you will need to enter the field defining the node name and also the
fields defining the X and Y coordinates of the node location. If the node is using the Update Only option then only
the field defining the node name must be entered.

For a link that may be created if it does not exist, you will need to enter the field defining the link name and also the
fields defining the upstream and downstream of the node names in order to define the link connectivity. If the link is
using the Update Only option then only the field defining the link name must be entered.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The next step is to enter the mapping of the external database name to the XP variable name. Any or all of the fields
may be mapped


You are now finished the procedure for one table. To connect to multiple tables select the New Database Connection

xpswmm Reference Manual

Use New to add tables to the Database Connection list.
Click on Delete to remove a table.
Click on Close to exit Database Connection Wizard.
Select a table in the Database Connections list. To check or modify the field mappings, select the Mapping button.
Use the Configure button to adjust your database connection settings.
Highlight a table and click on Import or Export. The data will displayed.
If the data have been successfully mapped and no errors have occurred, a message will present a tally of the

Database Connection
This dialog box contains the relevant ODBC database driver library for the database that you wish to import. You
should select from the existing driver list loaded onto your machine or create a new definition file for your ODBC

First select a OLE DB Provider then click on Next.
Click on the Help button for Microsoft Data Link Help.
Once the database type has been selected you will then hit the OK button, which will take you to the External
Database Connection Wizard
Configure Database Connection

Use this dialog to adjust your database connection settings.
Click on OK to return to the Database Connection Wizard.

xpswmm Reference Manual

External Database Query Results
Once you have selected the table for import you will be presented with the Import/Export Data table.Use the tools to
navigate through the data. Click on OK to complete the import or export step.
Click on OK to return to the Database Connection Wizard.


Variables from each database need to be mapped prior to importing the raw data from the source database. Listed in
this dialog are the full set of source database variables which can be used to match those in the xp database.
You need to select variables for the selected object type. Data from each object type should be mapped separately.
Select the variable that you wish to import and then hit the Set button to choose a variable for the software database.
This procedure should be repeated for all elements in the source database that you wish to import.
There are Mandatory Data requirements for each object type:
Object type Mandatory data
Node Node name, X pos, Y pos
xpswmm Reference Manual
Link Link, US Node, DS Node
Global Database GLDB Name
Pump Pump Name, US Node, DS Node
Weir Weir Name, US Node, DS Node
Oriface Oriface Name, US Node, DS Node
Special Special Name, US Node, DS Node
Multi Link Channel/Conduit, US Node, DS Node

Use the Options drop list to set the exchange capabilites to Import, Export or both each object type.
For Import and Export set the rules for object creation.
Click on OK to return to the Database Connection Wizard.

Import HEC-RAS Data


To import a HEC-RAS file proceed as follows:
1. Create the network.
2. Select the appropriate HEC-RAS file.
3. To include a cross-section in the Natural Section Global Database select the checkbox beside the cross-section.
4. Change the Global Database name in the Shape field if necessary
5. Associate the cross-section with a Link. If there is no link name selected the cross-section is simply saved in the
Global Database.
6. Select OK.
Export XPX Data
Export XPX Data
Data may be written to a text file in an XPX format using this option. For each variable group to be included, click on
the check box. Then select either the select or the all variables radio button.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Object Selection
Variable Selection
Use Save and Load to create and use variable list files.
Object Selection

All Objects
All objects (links and nodes) in the network will be exported.

Selection Only
Only the objects (links and nodes) in the currently highlighted selection will be exported.
Variable Selection
Data variables may be exported for links, nodes, Job Comtrol or, Global Databases. Use the controls to add variables
from the list in the left panel to the right panel.

Export EPA 5.0
Export EPA 5.0

Use this option to export an xpswmm model to an EPA SWMM 5.0 model. A file xxxx.inp will be created where xxxx =
xpswmm file name in the same folder as the xpswmm file.
Users should be aware that an xpswmm model may contain features that the EPA SWMM 5.0 software does not
support. In addition, the EPA SWMM calculation engine is different than the xpswmm calculation. Accordingly, it is
unreasonable to expect that the EPA SWMM software will yield identical results as xpswmm.
The export tool is accessed by selecting Import/Export Data Export EPA 5.0 on the File menu.
The name of the file created and the number of objects and tables created are reported.

xpswmm Reference Manual

A text file xxxx.elf will be created in the project folder which reports features in the xpswmm model that could not
An EPA SWMM 5 project file is a plain text file that contains all of the model data and the options used to analyze it.
The file is organized in sections, where each section begins with a keyword enclosed in brackets. The keywords are:
[TITLE] project title
[OPTIONS] analysis options
[REPORT] output reporting instructions
[FILES] interface file options

[RAINGAGES] rain gage information
[HYDROGRAPHS] unit hydrograph data used to construct RDII inflows
[EVAPORATION] evaporation data
[TEMPERATURE] air temperature and snow melt data

[SUBCATCHMENTS] basic subcatchment information
[SUBAREAS] subcatchment impervious/pervious sub-area data
[INFILTRATION] subcatchment infiltration parameters
[AQUIFERS] groundwater aquifer parameters
[GROUNDWATER] subcatchment groundwater parameters
[SNOWPACKS] subcatchment snow pack parameters

[JUNCTIONS] junction node information
[OUTFALLS] outfall node information
[DIVIDERS] flow divider node information
[STORAGE] storage node information

[CONDUITS] conduit link information
[PUMPS] pump link information
[ORIFICES] orifice link information
[WEIRS] weir link information
[OUTLETS] outlet link information
[XSECTIONS] conduit, orifice, and weir cross-section geometry
[TRANSECTS] transect geometry for conduits with irregular cross-sections
[LOSSES] conduit entrance/exit losses and flap valves
[CONTROLS] rules that control pump and regulator operation

[POLLUTANTS] pollutant information
[LANDUSES] land use categories
[COVERAGES] assignment of land uses to subcatchments
[BUILDUP] buildup functions for pollutants and land uses
[WASHOFF] washoff functions for pollutants and land uses
[TREATMENT] pollutant removal functions at conveyance system nodes

[INFLOWS] external hydrograph/pollutograph inflow at nodes
[DWF] baseline dry weather sanitary inflow at nodes
[PATTERNS] periodic variation in dry weather inflow
[RDII] rainfall-derived I/I information at nodes
[LOADINGS] initial pollutant loads on subcatchments

[CURVES] x-y tabular data referenced in other sections
[TIMESERIES] time series data referenced in other sections

The sections can appear in any order and not all sections must be present. A portion of a sample file is shown below.
Example EPA SWMM 5.0 Project

START_DATE 8/6/2007
END_TIME 18:00
WET_STEP 00:15:00
DRY_STEP 01:00:00

;;Name Format Interval SCF DataSource SourceName


;;Name Raingage Outlet Area %Imperv Width Slope
AREA1 GAGE1 NODE1 2 80.0 800.0 1.0
AREA2 GAGE1 NODE2 2 75.0 50.0 1.0

;;Subcatch N_Imp N_Perv S_Imp S_Perv %ZER RouteTo
AREA1 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.1 20.0 OUTLET
AREA2 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.1 20.0 OUTLET

;;Subcatch Suction Conduct InitDef
AREA1 4.0 1.0 0.34
AREA2 4.0 1.0 0.34

xpswmm Reference Manual
;;Name Elev
NODE1 10.0
NODE2 10.0
NODE3 5.0
NODE4 5.0
NODE6 1.0
NODE7 2.0

EPA SWMM 4.4 and 5.0 files may be converter to XPX files using the standalone EPA-SWMM Data File Reader. This
program may be accessed via the Tools Launch Application menu.
7.2 Edit
The Edit Menu
The "Edit" menu lists commands for undoing, re-doing, and standard editing, plus some additional commands for
copying and pasting selected node and link data.
This menu deals with management of both the graphical attributes and data associated with the network. This data
comprises the attributes of network objects required by the specific model. For example, pipe diameters, catchment
areas, plus text fonts, sizes, colours, etc.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands.

Descriptions of the available edit menu commands may be found in the following links.

Cut Data
Copy Data
Paste Data
Clear Data
Delete Objects
7.2.1 Undo
This command generally undoes previously performed "Edit" commands such as "Clear Data".
The current implementation, however, has a restricted scope. Undo can undelete attribute data only, not graphical
data. Thus the "Clear Data" command can be undone, but not the "Delete Objects" and the "Cut Data" commands.
The Undo menu title is greyed out as a guide you regarding which operations can be undone.
7.2.2 Cut Data
Performs a "Copy" and then a "Clear" operation on the currently selected link or node data. Data may be copied from
one or multiple selected object(s). If multiple objects are selected, restrictions are placed on the "paste" command.
See Copy and Paste for a more detailed description of this function.
7.2.3 Copy Data
Copies the current selection into an internal buffer. This data is then available for "pasting" into a further selection of
network objects. This "Copy-Paste" mechanism is an extremely effective way of generating data or making
modifications to a large number of objects.
See Copy and Paste for a more detailed description of this function.
7.2.4 Paste Data
Copies the data from the internal buffer to the currently selected objects. For data to be successfully transferred
between objects, both source and destination must be of the same class and type. Thus, circular node data can only
be pasted into circular node data.
After the "Paste" operation, the number of objects and database records affected are reported. "Paste" cannot be
undone in this version.
The copy buffer may be pasted into multiple objects by holding down the <Shift> key to make a multiple selection and
then selecting "Paste" from the Edit Menu.
Data can also be pasted between databases.
See Copy and Paste for a more detailed description of this function.
7.2.5 Clear Data
Deletes all the attribute data from the current selection. The objects are left in an empty state, as if just created. The
graphical attributes, such as name, colour, and line type are unaffected.
This operation can be undone. When attribute data is deleted it is not permanently erased and recovery is possible.
7.2.6 Delete Objects
Removes the current selection from the network and all associated database information. Note that from the definition
of a link it cannot exist without end nodes; thus, removing either of a link's end nodes will remove the link also.
Note that this operation cannot be undone in the current version of XP.
7.2.7 Data
Allows direct editing of the link or node attribute data for the selected object. This is an alternative to "double-clicking"
on an object with the mouse. Note that only a single object at a time can be edited this way.
The dialog that appears will depend on the current mode and whether a link or node has been selected. See Node
Data and Link Data for a complete description of Node and Link data.
7.2.8 Notes
A "notepad" is attached to each node and link. This notepad can be activated by selecting Notes from the Edit Menu,
or Notes from the Pop-up menu. When Notes are selected a dialog similar to that shown below will be displayed.
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A note is edited or added to the current list using the Edit field beneath the list of notes.
Appends a note to the end of the list. Enter the note in the Edit field and then click Add.

Inserts a note before the currently highlighted note. Enter the note in the Edit field and then click Insert.

Removes the currently highlighted note.

Changes the currently highlighted note.

7.2.9 Properties
Allows editing of the properties of the selected object(s). The dialog launched by this command depends on the
network object(s) selected when it is involked.
If more than one object type is selected, a dialog with radio buttons will ask the user to specify the object type for
editing of the display properties. Click on OK to launch the appropriate Display Properties dialog.

If multiple objects of the same type are selected, xpswmm will open the appropriate Display Properties dialog.
If a single node is selected, the Node Properties dailog will display the screen coordinates of the node and allow for
editing. The dialog allows for editing of the Name and Description fields and for mapping to an image field for the
node. Note that each node must have a unique name.

If a single link is selected, the Link Properties dialog allows for editing of the Name and Description fields and for
mapping to an image field for the link. Note that each link must have a unique name.

Display Properties
Use this dialog to edit the display properties of link(s), node(s), or text object(s).
If Real World Size is selected, the text and object sizes are in real world units. When a scale too small to display is
selected the text will be drawn as a box and will only appear after zooming in. If display size is selected, text and
object sizes are set in decimal inches or millimeters independent of the scale selected.
For each property, the Modify box must be checked in order for the change to take effect
The display Font may be modified by selecting the corresponding drop list. A preview of the font is displayed in the
Select Font dialog. .
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7.3 Project
The Project Menu

The Project Menu will only be active if the parameter PROJECTS=ON is present in the SWMXP.INI file.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands

Projects are composed of files that are grouped together. The files are not interdependent in any way. An XP file can
be included in different project groups.
When in Project mode the opening of files is restricted to project files only. Files can be added to and deleted from a
project when the project is edited. On creating a new XP file or saving an existing file under another name it is
automatically added to the project.
Multi-runs can be set up to solve a selection (or all) files in the project. If a current file is open it will be closed first.
The selected files will then be loaded and the data checked for errors. If there are errors in the data then that data set
will not be solved. After a multi-run has completed the last XP file to be processed by the multi-run is loaded. The
results from the run are loaded for this file only. The results for the other XP files that were part of the multi-run are not
updated to the XP file straight after a multi-run. The next time the file is opened the results from the multi-run are
Project files can also be loaded from the command line (when project mode is on).
If project management is enabled, the Open command under the File Menu will only list the files contained in the
current project as shown in the following dialog.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Descriptions of the available project menu commands may be found in the following links.
Save As
Multi Review

7.3.1 New
This menu command is used to create a new project database. Upon selecting this command a dialog box requesting
the name of the new database appears. If the name of an existing project is entered, confirmation to overwrite it is
requested and, if granted, the existing project is destroyed.

The program then proceeds to enable and disable appropriate menu commands. Only one project can be active at any
one time. Although not mandatory it is good practice to give the new file a .XPP extension. This makes retrieval of the
file more straightforward when using the "Open" command.
7.3.2 Open
This command is used to open an existing project database and make it active.

When this option is selected the Get File dialog box below will be shown with a default mask "*.xpp". To select a
project, double-click on the name or type the complete name instead of the mask. If the file selected was not created
by XP, the results are unpredictable.

7.3.3 Edit
Use this item to add, delete or modify the files associated with the project. There are no limitations on the make-up of
the project files. They can have any network configuration and can be located in any directory.

File Description
Enter a one-line description relating to the highlighted file.

Select this button to show a list of XP files that may be added to the project. You can navigate your way through
directories using the normal file selection process.

Select this button to delete the currently highlighted file.

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7.3.4 Details of Project

The Description, Client, Officer and Modeler are alphanumeric strings used to describe the project.
"Date Created" and "Last Modified" are set by the program and cannot be modified by the user.
7.3.5 Close
Choose this option if you are finished with this project database and want to open another existing project or create a
new one. If no changes have been made to the current project, it will be closed immediately, otherwise a "Save
Project?" prompt will appear, allowing you the option of closing without saving changes, or cancelling the "Close"
7.3.6 Save
XP maintains an internal working copy of the project database for editing sessions. Changes made while editing are
not committed to the permanent database unless explicitly instructed by using the Save command. The Save
command commits all changes made to the working database to the permanent database.
7.3.7 Save As
Copies of the working database (see Save command) can be saved under different names by issuing this command.
A dialog box prompts for the new database name; the copy is then made and the new name becomes the current

The "Save As" and "Save" commands give you flexible control over the timing and permanence of data changes.
7.3.8 Multi-Run
Multi-run allows you to solve any (or all) of the files in the project in a single batch run. A highlighted file may be
tagged or untagged by clicking on the file name


When Run is selected each tagged (highlighted) file is opened and solved (ie., the data file generated) in the sequence
shown in the Project files list. If an error is encountered in generating the .DAT file the Multi-run is terminated and an
error log describing the problem is created. If no errors are found the SWMM engine begins execution and each of the
files is solved.
7.3.9 Multi Review
Allow you to Review Results of any of the Multi-Run results.

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7.4 View
The View Menu
The "View" menu enables rescaling and zooming of the displayed graph. Panning is handled by means of the scroll
bars located at the bottom and right hand side of the screen or by other methods described in Panning Around the
Network Zooming is handled via the zooming tools, the "Scale" menu command or one of the methods described in
Re-scaling the Network Window .

These menu commands, in conjunction with other mechanisms described in Building the Network control your view of
the network through the window shown on the screen. They help you "change your view" of the network.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands

Descriptions of the available view menu commands may be found in the following links.

Quick Data View
Network Overview
Fit Window
Regenerate View
Save View
Restore View
Remove Stored Views
Set Scale
Hide Objects
Show Objects
Show/Hide Labels
Lock Nodes
Find Object
Select Objects
Select All Nodes/Links
Background Images
Tool Bar
Status Bar
Tidy Networks
7.4.1 Quick Data View
The Quick Data View provides one-click access to node and link data and results. When you click on a node or link
the data for the table listed in the combo box will be shown. Data can be updated by editing the appropriate field. The
fields displayed can be edited or updated using the same procedure as used for XP Tables.
The Table being displayed may be changed with the drop menu and the disply for links or nodes may be changed by
the tabs on the bottom of the panel.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The Quick Data View panel is dockable and movable. The default mode is docked. The mode may be toggled by
double clicking on the header. When it is in the movable mode, the panel may be resized by Moving the cursor to an
edge and grabbing when the double arrow appears.
If the selected link is a multi-link, the Quick Data View shows drop menus to select the link (or diversion) type and the
link number.

Quick data View Settings may be adjusted by either selecting the View Settings command or clicking on the Settings
button in the Quick Data View panel.
xpswmm Reference Manual

7.4.2 Network Overview
Selecting the network overview brings up a thumbnail view of the entire network. Superimposed on this is a red
rectangle which indicates the view currently selected in the main window. You can move around the network by
dragging the red box around the overview window with the left mouse button held down.

You can change the scale of the main window by holding the right button down and moving the mouse to the left to
make the box smaller and increase detail in the main window, or to the right to show the network at a larger scale.


7.4.3 Fit Window
Select "Fit" to automatically rescale the network display to fit within the current window. The extremities of the network
elements (the network's "world") are defined by a thin grey outline which will be seen in full when a "Fit Window" is
7.4.4 Redraw
Redraws the current screen. This command is useful for cleaning up a messy display following some object
movements such as Pasting objects and when calculating areas and lengths using the polygon tool.

7.4.5 Regenerate View
This command is similar to the Redraw command except that all coordinates are re-generated.

7.4.6 Set Scale
Allows the user to input a new scale via a dialog box. The scale factor is a mapping or engineering form of scale with
real-world units in metres (or feet). The default scale at which the network of a new database is initially created is
1:1000. This type of absolute zooming is done about the centre of the display window.

7.4.7 Zoom
A number of preset zoom factors can be selected using this menu option. See also Network Overview, Set
7.4.8 Grid
The "Grid" command allows the user to specify a horizontal and vertical grid interval, the origin of the grid, whether
objects should "snap" to the grid and whether the grid is visible.

xpswmm Reference Manual
The grid is shown as dashed lines and may be plotted using the "Export Graphics" menu command.

7.4.9 Hide Objects
Hides any currently selected object. The object is only displayed as a dotted outline but may still be selected in the
normal manner. This command is particularly useful for improving zooming and scrolling performance when
background pictures are active, or for hiding the names of nodes in a crowded network or hiding nodes for which data
has not yet been entered.

Use the <Ctrl> key to select a background picture you may wish to hide.
7.4.10 Show Objects
This command displays any currently selected object that may have been hidden using the "Hide Objects" command

Use the Background Picture command to show or hide background images.
7.4.11 Find Objects
This command enables the user to find and directly go to any named object in the network. The user types in the
name to search for and specifies whether it is a link, node, text or whether it is case sensitive or only part of a name.

When OK is clicked, the named object is searched for and, if found, it is highlighted and displayed in the centre of
the screen at the currently selected scale. When the Multi-selection box is clicked, the found object is added to the
current slection set.
When Next is clicked and the the Multi-selection box is unchecked, xpswmm will go to the next object meeting the
criteria, highlight it and deselect any other highlighted objects. When Next is clicked,and the Multi-selection box is
checked, xpswmm will go to the next object meeting the criteria, and add it to the current selection set.
7.4.12 Select Objects
Use this menu command, or the toolbar icons, to select all the nodes or all the links. This is particularly useful for
copying and pasting a single item to all nodes or links.

7.4.13 TIN Surface
Use this command to add a Triangular Irregular Network data model (TIN). A TIN is an efficient way for representing
surfaces as a series of linked triangles. Although both grids and tins can be created can be used for surface
representations, tins are especially useful for representing surface elevation, subsurface elevation and terrain
modeling especially when the surfaces are highly variable and contain discontinuities and breaklines.
TIN files may be obtained from other sources or they may be generated from the ground surface elevations in the
When the command is executed the Add Tin Surface dialog box appears. Navigate to the location of the tTIN file and
click OK.

7.4.14 Toolbar
The toolbar can be turned on or off by selecting this menu option. The toolbar can also be torn off the window and
allowed to float or attached to one of the other window borders.

7.4.15 Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the main window can be set to visible or hidden selecting by this command. The check
mark indicates that the stats bar is visible.

The status bar has 7 boxes. From left to right, the information displayed is:
1. Progress bar (only displayed during selected operations)
2. X, Y & Z coordinates of cursor (Z displayed if a TIN layer is active)
3. The active mode
4. The current scale
5. Status of the Caps Lock keyboard toggle
6. Status of the Num Lock keyboard toggle
7. Status of the Insert/Overlay keyboard toggle
xpswmm Reference Manual
Note that the status bar is completely displayed only when the xpswmm window is utilizing the complete width of the
monitor. Also, the status bar may be partially hidden when the Object Creation tools or the Network Viewing and
Navigation tools palettes are dock to the right margin of the main window.

7.4.16 Split
Display multiple views of the network using this option. This option is not implemented in this version of the software.

7.1.17 Tidy Network
If this option is selected the existing network will be rearranged to minimize conduits crossing over one another. This
option is useful; as nodes created by import are placed in an approximate grid and the network can become quite
messy when the links connecting the nodes are created. The tidy up procedure works best with purely dendritic
networks. The network connectivity and data is not changed by this tool, only the location of nodes is changed to
create straight branches and create a reasonable flow schematic.

7.4.18 View Management
Save View
When you select this option you will be prompted for a name for this view. The Restore View menu command will
display a list of these saved views.

Restore View
When you select this option a list of these Saved Views will be displayed. Select the appropriate view.

This command returns the display to the previous scale and location. It performs an "Undo" operation for viewing. This
is a convenience method of toggling between a large-scale and small-scale view of the network.

Remove Stored Views
This command removes ALL saved views with the exception of the Previous view.

7.4.19 Background Images
Add Background Image

Background Picture Properties

xpswmm Reference Manual
7.5 Configuration
The Configuration Menu
The "Configuration" menu lists commands that are related to the overall modeling project. These include data that is
global in nature (applying to many objects) and related to the control of the simulation such as time step, start and end
times and which layers to solve.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands

Descriptions of the available configuration menu commands may be found in the following links.
Job Control
Global Data
Real Time Control
Mode Properties
Configuration Parameters
Interface File
7.5.2 Job Control
This item is used to define all of the job control data used by the Runoff, Sanitary, Hydraulics and 2D Settings.
The "Job Control" command allows the management of Control Data associated with the specific application. The
data is global and not specific to any individual object.

A full description of the parameters used by xpswmm is provided in Section 10 - Job Control . A complete description
of the solution technique is provided in Section 14 - SWMM Theory .
7.5.3 Global Data
Global databases are records of data which provide an environment for the whole network. They allow the editing of
databases which are global to the network and which can be referenced from any objects within the network. This
facility allows common data to be shared amongst many objects and thus reduces redundancy of data dramatically.

A full description of the parameters used by xpswmm is provided in Section 11 - Global Network Data.


7.5.4 Real Time Control
See Section 17 for more detail and examples of Real Time Control.

7.5.5 Mode
This command defines the current mode for editing and the mode or modes to solve for.
xpswmm can operate in different modes: Runoff, Sanitary and Hydraulics. The modes are controlled via the "Modes"
command under the Configuration menu. The 3 modes are provided to segment the model into logical parts and thus
reduce the complexity of the user interface.
The 3 modes have the following functions:
Runoff: Rainfall/Runoff/Water Quality generation, simple hydraulics.
Sanitary: Sewer loading, sewer treatment, retarding basin/BMP design, kinematic wave hydraulics.
Hydraulics: Dynamic flow routing, complex hydraulics.

The xpswmm mode can be set 3 ways:
(i) selecting the Rnf, San or Hdr tool from the toolstrip in the main window
(ii) selecting Mode Properties form the Configuratin Menu. In the SWMM Mode of Operation dialog select the
Runoff, Sanitary or Hrdraulics radio button from the Current Mode Group.
(iii) selecting Mode from the Configuration menu and then selecting Runoff, Sanitary or Hrdraulics.

The ability to define different modes has several advantages. It allows sub-branches of the network to be defined in
Runoff mode, for instance, and the main branch in EXTRAN Mode. Thus the complex hydraulic analysis is done on a
smaller, more hydraulically sensitive network with significantly shorter run durations.

Note: When generating flows from a Runoff file containing a number of discrete un-connected nodes xpswmm will,
by default, only solve for one network, ie. one set of connected nodes and links. To enable all nodes to be solved
within the one network, connect the nodes together in any order and delete the links from the runoff mode. The
network will then appear to be contiguous but will behave as a series of discrete, unconnected elements.
xpswmm Reference Manual
7.5.6 Units
This Dialog allows you to select between Metric and U.S. Standard units for the model. When a NEW database is
created, the units will be prompted for. If units are changed after a database is created, then data conversions are
NOT done. It is important to set the units expected to be used at the time a database is created.

7.5.7 Advanced Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameters
These are special command line arguments for advanced users that can be used to fine-tune the way in which the
analysis engine works.
Configuration parameters are global. There is no means of setting a configuration parameter to apply to only one link
or node. e.g. if you set USE_ORF_EQN to force the use of the orifice equation instead of creating an equivalent pipe
then ALL orifices must use the orifice equation.
You can set default configuration parameters in the [Engine] section of the SWMXP.INI file. These parameters will
then be used for all files unless overwritten by values set in the shown below dialog.

A configuration parameter is edited or added to the current list using the Edit field beneath the list of parameters.
Add: Adds a parameter to the list and sorts the list alphabetically.
Insert: Inserts a note before the currently highlighted note.
Enable: Enable a previously disabled parameter in the list.
Disable: Disable a parameter in the list. This allows a parameter to be turned off without removing it from the list. A
parameter is disabled by inserting a # character before the parameter name.

Configuration parameters used in the calculation are reported in the output file. Names beginning with $ are default
parameters. The 2
column indicates the value of the argument (if applicable, otherwise 0.0000). The 3
and 4

columns are internal values and counters. Below is an excerpt from an output file showing some parameters:

$spatial = 0.90 0.9000 5 124
$weirlen = 50 50.0000 1 153
HDR_EVAP 0.0000 1 244
$new_nl_97 0.0000 2 290
USE_ORF_EQN 0.0000 1 304
$q_tol = 0.01 0.0001 1 316
$new_storage 0.0000 1 322
$old_iteration 0.0000 1 333
MINLEN=10 10.0000 1 346
$min_ts = 0.5 0.5000 1 407
$design_restart = on 0.0000 1 412

Grouped and Indexed list of parameters
The available configuration parameters are indexed and grouped. Use the flowing links to browse.
2 , 4 , 8 , A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z .

SWMM version control
Storage node and regular node changes
Extran modify conduit changes
SWMM "bug" fixes or enhancements
xpswmm Reference Manual
Hot-Restart File changes in Extran
Ending volume extran changes
Natural channel SWMM enhancements
SWMM SCS enhancements
SWMM output enhancements
Extran eggshape conduit changes
Flow options added on 2/17/94
Storage node Area Options added in 9/30/94\
Transport enhancements
Transport DWF enhancements
Seasonal data file enhancements
Extran BC enhancements
User defined closed conduit enhancements
Flooded node enhancements
WQ enhancements
Preissmann slot options
Extran time step control
Pump options after 1995
Version 4.3 Extran Solution enchancements in 1995
ISOL 3 option added in 1995
Friction slope enhancements
Omega options
Extran reach options added in 1995.
Stats and Rain block options added in 1995
Combine block options added in 1995
New features
Kinematic wave options added in 1995
Orifice options added in 1995
Extrapolation options added in 1995
EPA SWMM connection options added in 1995
Spatial weighting options added in 1995
SWMM esoterica mainly for XP-WP Software
Superseded runoff options

Configuration Keywords
For a full description of the keywords used in xpswmm see the help for Configuration Parameters. If a # precedes a
keyword then this feature is not changed. The default option is used by the model. The keyword by itself means this
feature is turned on and will be active in XP-SWMM. If you have any questions please contact XP-Software @ or telephone number 1-888-554-5022 (USA) or 1-877-533-4533 (Canada) or +61-2-6253-1844

XP-SWMM Version in 1993.
Keywords associated with this option are:
XP-SWMM Version first half of 1994.
Keywords associated with this option are:
XP-SWMM Version second half of 1994.
Keywords associated with this option are:
XP-SWMM Version first half of 1995.
Keywords associated with this option are:
XP-SWMM Version second half of 1995.
Keywords associated with this option are:
This option repeats the first 24 hours of the user input hydrographs at a node for all days of the simulation. Same
words: 24HOUR_LOOP, 24HOURLOOP, 24HOURS. The repeated user inflows are entered in the Hydraulics layer
of xpswmm.

4 halvings of the time in isol=2 and isol=3 solutions. The default is 2 halvings of the time step.
8 halvings of the time in isol=2 and isol=3 solutions. The default is 2 halvings of the time step.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Calculate the non-linear term based on the minimum difference between the upstream area and the downstream cross
sectional area or the default method. The default is to use the difference between the upstream and the downstream
cross sectional area.
Calculate the non-linear term based on the max difference between the upstream area and the middle cross sectional
area, or the downstream and middle. The default is to use the difference between the upstream and the downstream
cross sectional area.
Area/elevation in variable storage areas.
If this option is used in the SWMM Configuration Parameters dialog box then rainfall and flow are compared in one
table in the STATS Module output file. This allows the user of the STATS Module to analyze the rainfall and flow
totals, averages and peaks in all of the events generated by runoff and saved in the SWMM interface file.

The program default is to start lowering the value of omega when it detects oscillations in the solution. This will only
be for oscillations occurring for iterations above 5 in the current time step solution. Oscillations may occur in the node
water surface elevation and the sum of the flow into the node.

Always use kinematic wave routing for all conduits no matter what the conduit factors dialog is defined as in the
Always use non-linear term routing for all conduits no matter what the conduit factors dialog is defined as in the
If this option is used then the major axis in an ARCH conduit is the span.

If this option is used then the major axis in an ARCH conduit is the rise.

If this option is used then the area of the node at the new time step always uses the implicit time step. In other words,
the new node depth calculation does not use the old time step area value but only the new time step area.

Area/stage in variable storage areas. Default.
Same as the old configuration parameter FALLON. If the AUTO_PUMP feature or option is used and the option
PUMPHEAD is used then the downstream node and downstream conduit flow from the pump is automatically
calculated by the program. The user defined inflow hydrograph is actually used to turn the pump on and off. The flow
that the pump will pump is based on the choice the user defines by using the options: PUMPBEG, PUMPMID and

Problem before 5/96 involving the hydraulic radius calculations of surcharged rectangular conduits for full initial
conditions. Hrad was pinned to the fudge value. Default is the correct Hrad calculation.
Problem before 5/96 involving the hydraulic radius calculations of surcharged rectangular conduits. Default is the
correct Hrad calculation.
In Extran solve all conduits connected to node, then all boundary conditions at the node and finally the nodal depths
during any one time step. The default method is to solve one nodal depth and any associated conduits and boundary
conditions during one time step.

Best features for pump optimization.
These features will achieve the best continuity error and execution speed for Extran models with many pumps. This
flag will signal the use of NOZCONT1 and PUMPWT keyword options.
xpswmm Reference Manual
On use omega from bb line for ISOL=2 solution. Off don't use omega. This is a way to change the omega
underrelaxation parameter in the ISOL=2 solution.
If this option is used then the displayed water surface elevation in a bolted manhole is the ground elevation + 0.1 This
is the same as option BOLTMH

If this option is used then the displayed water surface elevation in a bolted manhole is the actual water surface
elevation. This is the same as option BOLTMH1

If this option is used then the displayed water surface elevation in a bolted manhole is the ground elevation + 0.1 This
is the same as option BMH_OPTION

If this option is used then the displayed water surface elevation in a bolted manhole is the actual water surface
elevation. This is the same as option BMH_OPTION1

Set the B multiplier used by the RAFTS hydrology.

Set the Catchment Slope as percentage or unitless.

This item is superceeded by the interface as elliptical and arch pipes can now be explicitly selected. If this option is
used then a gothic conduit in the interface is modeled as a Horizontal elliptical conduit in the SWMM engine. If this
option is used then a catenary conduit in the interface is modeled as a vertical elliptical conduit in the SWMM engine.
If this option is used then a semi-elliptical conduit in the interface is modeled as an ARCH conduit in the SWMM
engine. Other older configuration parameters H_ELLIPSE, V_ELLIPSE and ARCH made these switches singularly.

Off old FACT defaults for ISOL=2. On new FACT defaults for ISOL=2. Options added in 2/5/95.
Command line argument to change the internal time step in Extran.
This option changes the default curve number for the impervious area in SCS Hydrology. For example use CN=99 to
change the default CN of 98 to a CN of 99. If you are using SCS hydrology and use the impervious area data field in
the watershed dialog box then the program will created a composite CN based on the value of the CN for pervious
area that you entered and a CN of 98 for impervious area. This options allows you the flexibility to change the default
impervious CN.

On means use unformmated files in the combine block. Off means use binary files in the combine block - 8/4/95.
Combine block
Options added in 1995.

Composite CN in SCS hyrology with the % Impervious ignored. Value entered in Pervious CN is the weighted CN.
PERV is the default CN option.
Adjust the Extran time step based on conduits with rapidly changing conduit flows. 6/96.
Default conduit shape in Extran.


Off means use default method for non-convergent junctions. On use new method and smaller iterations to reach
xpswmm Reference Manual

The CPOL#= values are the constant concentrations for the constant user inflow in the Hydraulics Mode of xpswmm.
The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc refer to the order of the pollutants in the pollutant list. This feature was added before the
concentrations and Temporal Patterns were explicitly defined in the interface.

All of the pollutant concentrations in Extran are set to this concentration. This option can be used in conjunction with
the option CPOL?=value











The CPOL?= values are the constant concentrations for the constant user inflow in the Hydraulics layer of XP-
SWMM. The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc refer to the order of the pollutants in the pollutant list. This feature was added before
the concentrations were explicitly defined in the xpswmm interface.

Do not use the exit loss coefficient for culverts except for situations in which the culvert is outlet controlled. If the
culvert is inlet controlled then the program will use a value of 0.0 for the exit loss even though the exit loss coefficient
is entered by the user in the conduit factors dialog.

Set DEBUG to have XP-Culvert2000 generate .DBG file.

For XP Software internal use for debugging the review results linkage with XP-SWMM.

Default conduit depth in Extran. . For example DEEP=1.0
Use 7.5 ft(m) for max nc depth in modify conduits. On means use 7.5 ft(m) for the natural channel depth limitation in
Extran modify conduits. Off means use 17.5 ft(m) for the natural channel depth limitation in Extran modify conduits.
On means change the time step dynamically in version 4.3 (ISOL=2). Off is the default - use a constant time step.
Options added in 1/28/95
Option added in 5/27/95. Off use 2, 26 for loop in depthx. On use 1,26 for loop in subroutine depthx. The loop of 2,26
is used in epa-swmm.
Option added on 7/7/95. Off use new do loops as done in the 1995 version of Extran subroutine head. On use do
loops as done in 1993 and 1994 versions of Extran. Basically, a loop of 2,26 for normal depth and 1,26 for critical
depth for trapezoidal channels only. All other channels used 1,26 for both normal and critical depth.
This option is now explicitly in the job control interface of Hydraulics. The program will increase the pipe size of any
conduit that surcharges. The definition of surcharging is that the water depth at any end of the conduit is equal to or
above the 0.96 * diameter level. The pipe sizes will increase by 2 inches to 1 foot, 3 inches to 2 feet and 6 inches
above a diameter of 2 feet.

The program will decrease the roughness of any conduit that surcharges. If the conduit surcharges, then the program
will decrease the roughness so that more flow can pass though the conduit. The definition of surcharging is that the
water depth at any end of the conduit is equal to or above the 0.96 * diameter level.

The program will increase the slope of any conduit that surcharges. If the conduit surcharges, then the program will
increase the roughness so that more flow can pass though the conduit. The definition of surcharging is that the water
depth at any end of the conduit is equal to or above the 0.96 * diameter level.

xpswmm Reference Manual
If this option is used then the diffusion wave solution is used in Hydraulics Layer (Extran).
Change the itertion allowance in Extran to x for nodal depth changes at any one iteration. For example
Options added in 12/03/94

Off do not use new FILTH options in transport. On use new FILTH options in transport. Use sewage flow in dwf at at
transport node as mean flow. Users can now select this method in the interface as Direct.

Options added in 12/12/94 Off do not use new FILTH options in transport. On use this new FILTH options in transport.
Use sewage flow in dwf as (cfs/person)*area*(people/area) or (liters/s/person)*area*(people/area) at transport node as
mean flow. Users can now select this method in the interface as Census-Based.

Off do not use new FILTH options in transport. On use this new FILTH options in transport. Use sewage flow in dwf as
(cfs/acre)*area or (cms/hectare)*area at a transport node as mean flow. Users can now select this method in the
interface as Unit Flow Rate.
Never use kinematic wave in Hydraulics (Extran). Option added in 1/16/95. Off use kinematic wave under some
conditions in Hydraulics. On never use kinematic wave, use only dynamic wave in Hydraulics.
Use version SWMM 4.05 natural channel solution. Default is version 4.30 solution.
Use version SWMM 4.20 natural channel solution. Default is version 4.30 solution.
Use correction for expansion/contraction flow direction. On means use correction to expansion/contraction loss for the
flow direction. Off means do not use the correction.
Ending volume Extran changes
Option added in 11/17/94. Off use old ending volume calculation. On use new ending volume calculation.
Option added in 7/2/95. Off use old ending volume calculation. On use newer ending volume calculation.
Option added in 9/21/95. Off use old ending volume calculation. On use the smaller continuity error of the old or the
newer ending volume calculation.
On use energy grade line profile in review results and plot. Option added in 5/6/95. Off use HGL water surface profile
in review results and xsect plot. On use energy grade line profile in review results and xsect plot.
EPA SWMM connection options
Added in 1995.

If this option is used then the starting time of the day of the simulation is taken from the interface file. For example, if
the starting time of the interface file is 6 hours then the model will start at 6 hours. The starting time from Hydraulics
Job Control is ignored.

If you use this option (or EXPORT_ALL) then all of the nodes of Hydraulics will be saved to the created interface file
from Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be saved to the interface file. If this option is not used
then only the outfall nodes will be saved to the interface file.

If you use this option (or EXPORT_JPRT) then only the nodes with Detailed Printout Flag enabled in of Hydraulics
Layer will be saved to the interface file created from the Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be
saved to the interface file. If this option is not used then only the outfall nodes will be saved to the interface file.

If you use this option (or EXPORT_US) then only the most upstream nodes of Hydraulics Layer will be saved to the
interface file created from the Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be saved to the interface file. If
this option is not used then only the outfall nodes will be saved to the interface file.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Print elevations in conduit summary table not offsets. Printout of Extran conduit elevations in the conduit summary
table - 9/11/95. Off for new printout. On for old printout.

Print elevations in conduit summary table not offsets. Printout of Extran conduit elevations in the conduit summary
table - 9/11/95. Off for new printout. On for old printout.
Use this option to model the evaporation loss from storage nodes in Hydraulics. The program will use the evaporation
data entered in the Hydraulics layer Job Control of xpswmm.

If you use this option then instead of saving the detailed node and conduit data information to the output file of SWMM,
it will be saved to an external file. The detailed node and conduit data is saved if the detailed printout checkbox is
clicked on in the node dialog (under options) and/or the Print Flow Details under Output Control on the conduit dialog.
The filename will be the .XP filename with a .CSV extension. The file will be a comma delimited text file. The frequency
of the reporting is controlled by Configuration->Job Control->Hydraulics using the settings under Output control-
>Summary Interval.

If you use this option then instead of saving the detailed node and conduit data information to the output file of SWMM,
it will be saved to an external file. The detailed node and conduit data is saved if the Detailed Printout checkbox is
clicked on in the node and conduit dialogs. The file will have the same name as the .XP file but will have an .XLS
extension. It will be comma delimited text file. See also EXTERNAL_CSV.
Run concurrent runs of the comparison between EXTRA and default solution.
Extrapolate node depths and conduit flows based on past time.
Extrapolate node depths and conduit flows based on past time.
Extrapolate node depths and conduit flows based on past time.
Extrapolate node depths and conduit flows based on past time.
Extran BC enhancements

Extran eggshape conduit changes

Extran modify conduit changes

Extran reach
Options added in 1995.

Extran time step control

Extran WQ routing. Options added in 1/28/95. Off no Extran water quality for interface file. On Extran water quality
routing using data from the interface file. This is now selected in the Hydraulics Job Control of the user interface.
Test Extrapolation of node depths and conduit flows.
Extrapolation options
Added in 1995.
Off means don't use fasnh factor in subroutine head. On means use fasnh factor in subroutine head.
xpswmm Reference Manual
If used then the pbsj or energy pipe solution is used for the first pipe downstream from a pump. This also activates the
PUMPOMEGA option. If the FAST_PUMP option is used then the model will not restrict the pump flows to only
change by 10 percent at each iteration. Allowing only the pumps to change by 10 percent at each time step is the
default. An iterative solution is used to match the pump flow to the pump curve.

Reduce omega during iteration cycle for iterations > 10.

On to artificially increase the friction slope of flat slopes (0%) in Extran. Options added in 2/28/95. On Control over
very flat slopes. Control was the default in 1993 and 1995, during part of 1994 the default was no control.
Correction to storage ponding area calculation. Use ground z. On means no correction. Off means correction.
Remove the coefficient from the surface ponding equation in subroutine bound - 9/29/94
There are two ways to model the outlets from storage nodes in the Sanitary layer (transport). In one way the first
equation goes to the downstream conduit and the second equation flow goes to the diversion conduit. This is the
default method. The option FLIP_STORAGE makes the second equation go to the downstream conduit and the
overflow go to the diversion conduit.

On - Use only ground elevation in flooded node calculations. Option added in 5/18/95. Off use actual flood depth in
Flooded node enhancements

Flow options

On means use friction slope based on mean of up and down link conditions. Off means use friction slope based on
harmonic mean estimate.
On means use friction slope based on geometric function. Off means use friction slope based on harmonic mean
Friction slope enhancements

On means use friction slope based on middle of conduit. Off means use friction slope based on harmonic mean
estimate which is the default friction slope calculation.
If this option is used then at each time step the node and only the nodes use a time weighting value of 1.0 new time
step no matter what the value of the time weighting parameter is in Hydraulics Job Control. The time weighting value
in Job Control only applies to the Hydraulics Conduits. This means the model is completely implicit.

Alternate between the default dynamic wave solution and the solution defined in the command word NEWROUTE.
Flow in gpm in syf file and output file
Change the ground elevation of open channels to match the max depth + invert elevation in the node. This was the
default option before 1998. It is now an option and the non-change of the ground elevation is the default (see

Allows the simulation tolerance for head to be relative rather than fixed. For example, H_TOL=1 is a 1% tolerance and
H_TOL=0.5 is a 0.5% tolerance.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Calculate the non-linear term based on the difference between the upstream area and the middle cross sectional area.
The default is to use the difference between the upstream and the downstream cross sectional area.
Do not use the continuity equation in the Extran momentum equation. Default is to use the combined continuity &
momentum equation.
Off older subcritical junction option for natural channels. On newer subcritical junction option for nchannels, half of
channel area assigned to upstream and downstream nodes under all conditions. This feature is used if a large open
channel is unstable due to oscillating between critical upstream and critical downstream. The default is the assigning
of all conduit area to either the upstream or downstream node for all critical node situations.

If this option is used then at each time step the node and only the nodes use a time weighting value of 0.5 for the old
time step and the new time step no matter what the value of the time weighting parameter is in Hydraulics Job Control.
The time weighting value in Job Control only applies to the Hydraulics Conduits.

On means do not use omega weighted non-linear term. Off means do use omega weighted non-linear term. This
affects the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of
Use this option to model the evaporation loss from storage nodes in Hydraulics. The program will use the evaporation
data entered in the Hydraulics layer Job Control of xpswmm.

The maximum number of points in a SCS unit hydrograph. For example, if you were simulating a 24 hour storm with a
1 minute time step this value would be 1440.

On means do not use omega weighted friction slope. Off means do use omega weighted friction slope. This affects
the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of XP-
Previously created the .riz file data. Now it also activates the creation of the .riz file. Before only the keyword
PUMPMEAN would create the .riz, .pbs. .pbp and .pbt files. Either of these keywords now also activates the
PUMPMEAN keyword. Now use just one keyword to make the four pbsj files.

Hot-Restart File changes in Extran

On means do not use omega weighted water surface slope. Off means do use omega weighted slope. This affects
the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of XP-
Use a hydrologic time step whenever the total system has no inflow and the flow is near zero in your Extran model.
The default hourly values in the rain module have to be between 0 and 23. Hourly values in the rain module have to
be between 1 and 24 if this option is used in the rainfall analysis.

Off not to use implicit time step check for conduits. Option added in 11/15/94. Off do not use implicit time step check.
On do use implicit time step check as an upper bound for the time step. Extran works better with this enabled. On for
1993 or 1994 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for 1995 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM.
Off not to use implicit time step check for conduits. Option added in 11/15/94. Off do not use implicit time step check.
On do use implicit time step check as an upper bound for the time step. Extran works better with this enabled. On for
1993 or 1994 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for 1995 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM.

If this option is used then the date and time from the interface file is ignored by the program. This is important if you
are reading an RAFTS interface file or an interface file with a predefined starting date. If this option is used then the
simulation date from the Extran job control is used as the date on the interface file.

Use as INTERP_DWF=ON or OFF. On is the default since Version 8 which means that the DWF temporal pattern is
interpreted linearly from one hour to the next. Older versions had a constant peaking factor for the entire hour. Use
OFF to reproduce older version DWF results.

ISOL 3 option
Options added in 1995.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Means use the ISOL=3 solution for the ISOL=2 solution. Vary the courant time step factor, theta, and omega.
If this option is used then the flow event totals are in units of cfs and cms; not units of inches and millimeters in the
STATS Module tables. This is a feature of EPA SWMM 4.4 that is not in the interface of XP- SWMM.

Off means run the junction loop from 1 to nj and back again. On means run the junction loop from 1 to nj. On for
1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM.
Allow old bug for lower junction of a created bottom orifice to be above the invert elevation of the equivalent pipe.
Fixed on 11/12/95.
Allow old bug for lower junction of a created bottom orifice to affect the operation of a storage node at the upstream
end of the orifice. Fixed on 1/25/96.
Allow old bug for lower junction of a created bottom orifice to affect the weir crest of any connecting weir. Fixed on
Check for junction time step limitation at each time step, using factor of 0.10. Default is no junction time step checking.
This is the post 1995 preferred method for Extran.
Check for junction time step limitation at each time step, using factor of 0.25. Default is no junction time step checking.
Superceeded option as the Analysis Engine now has a Stop button. Allow checking of function keys during the
Allow no oscillations between normal flow and dynamic flow after 3 iterations on 10/14/95. Default is after 3 iterations
and between time steps.
Allow oscillations between normal flow and dynamic flow after any iterations on 10/14/95. Default is after 3 iterations
and between time steps.
Kinematic wave Option
Options added in 1995.

This is a feature of EPA SWMM 4.4 that is not in the interface of XP- SWMM. This option deals with the treatment of
cumulative rainfall values in the RAIN Module. KODEA = 0, DON'T INCLUDE NCDC CUMULATIVE VALUES IN



This is a feature of EPA SWMM 4.4 that is not in the interface of XP- SWMM. The option deals with the printing of


Command line argument to change the solution technique in Extran. KSOL=0 - dynamic wave solution. KSOL = 2,3,4
EPA solutions.. For example KSOL=1
Use kinematic wave overland flow routing.
If you use this option the entrance and exit loss slopes are added to the water surface slope in the kinematic wave or
normal wave solution.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Flow in l/s in syf file and output file
Save culvert (include non-culvert shapes) information for all time steps for steady state comparison. The default is
only all closed conduits.
Off means use 0.04 for the cutoff value of omega. This is default value in 1994 and 1995. On means use 0.01 for the
cutoff value of omega. This is default value in 1992 and 1993.
In the transport layer only let the flow go over the weir and not the secondary conduit. The normal or default is to allow
both primary or secondary flow.

options added 12/16/94 Off do not use new linear reservoir option in runoff for subcatchments or watersheds. On
use new linear reservoir option in runoff for subcatchments or watersheds
Option added in 2/16/95
Switch for lognormal or normal emc in water quality. Use the lognormal distribution for emc calculations. Off use the
normal distribution for emc calculations.
Run Extran twice to test variable initialization.
Use non-linear cascading reservoirs.

Extrapolation is based on the formula:

Yn = Yn + [ (Yn Yn-1) + (Yn-1 Yn-2) ] / 2

This applies to the flows and node heads.

Creates a .EXP file from a solve containing the system topography in the XPX format. Very useful in importing the
lengths of conduits calculated using the USE_XYINFO configuration parameter. Discontinued in Version 10.
As the name suggests: At an outfall node use the maximum of the ycritical or ynormal depth instead of the minimum
of the ycritical or ynormal depth.

Number of points to use in Review Results. For example MAXPTS=2000. Default=500
Change the Preissmann slot width for user defined conduits on 10/12/95. Off is the new default. On is the old default
of 0.01 conduit width.
Flow in mgd in syf file and output file of Hydraulics (Extran). The default is either units of cfs or cms.
On - Use seconds for on-screen Extran printout (time to go). Off - Use minutes.
This parameter is used to alter the minimum length of conduits within the Analysis Engine. Currently the minimum is
30 feet.

Use minor losses in epa Extran solutions. On means use minor losses in conduit factors dialog in the epa Extran
solutions. Off means do not use minor losses in epa Extran solutions.
Estimates the loss terms in the explicit solution or the epa swmm solution. Calculate pit loss terms - added to version 4
solutions - 7/15/95. DELQ5 is the sum of the loss at both ends of the conduit ANH = Used in Exit loss, it uses the
current time step velocity. ANL = Used in Entrance loss, it uses the current time step velocity The loss = [1/2*K*V^2/g]
is factored into the momentum equation similarly to the friction slope The loss momentum term = g*A * [1/2*K*V^2/g]
= g*A * [1/2*K*Q/A*Q/A/g]
= g * [1/2*K*|Q/A| /g] * Q
The loss term is then solved for implicity at each time step.

xpswmm Reference Manual
This is the default method in EPA SWMM for weirs that surcharge. The weir that surcharges equivalent rectangular
orifice is based on the theoretical head and flow that the weir can handle rather than the default current weir flow.

Generate intemediate Extran printout for MTVE or epa-swmm compatible intermediate output. Incomplete.
The default pump solution uses the difference between the downstream and upstream node water surface elevations.
If the option MWPUMP is used then the pump curve interpolation will use the difference between the upstream and
downstream pump node water surface elevations to interpolate the pump flow based on the dynamic head. This is
another alternative way to simulate pumping downhill.

These options added in 10/10/94 Off regular SCS Curvilinear Hydrograph. On use the NASH hydrograph. This was
an earlier option, now the user can select this runoff method in the xpswmm interface.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Natural channel SWMM enhancements

Use the composite channel roughness calculated from the depth at the downstream end of the channel. Default
value prior to 6/4/96.
Treat the left, center and right overbanks as separate channels with a vertical wall between the different sections.
Option added 1/10/96.
Treat the left, center and right overbanks as separate channels with a vertical wall in the calculation of the left and right
channel hydraulic radius. Option added 1/10/96.
Treat the left, center and right overbanks as separate channels with a vertical wall in the calculation of the center
channel hydraulic radius. Option added 1/10/96.
Treat the left, center and right overbanks as separate channels with no vertical wall in the calculation of the center, left
and right channel hydraulic radius. Option added 1/10/96.
Use the composite channel roughness calculated from the depth at the middle of the channel. (DEFAULT)
Option added on 7/2/95. Off use new getcur or natural channel calculations. On use old getcur for natural channels if
statements that preceded Feb 19, 1994.
Option added on 7/2/95. Off use new getcur or natural channel calculations. On use old getcur for natural channels if
statements that preceded November, 1993.
Option added on 7/2/95. Off use new getcur or natural channel calculations. On use old getcur for natural channels if
statements that preceded 1/11/1994.
Option added on 7/10/95. Off use new getcur or natural channel calculations. Use 0.02 instead of 0.01 for cutoff of
natural channel cross sectional area.
Option added on 12/12/95. On use old method for nc small width.
Use conveyance modified roughnesses less than the center channel roughness. The default is to use as a minimum
the center channel roughness in a natural channel.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the actual left, right and center hydraulic radius in the
calculation of the weighted roughness. Option added 1/25/96. Use vertical walls in the calculation of the left, center
and right hydraulic radius.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the actual left, right and center hydraulic radius in the
calculation of the weighted roughness. Option added 1/25/96. Use vertical walls in the calculation of the left and right
hydraulic radius.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the actual left, right and center hydraulic radius in the
calculation of the weighted roughness. Option added 1/25/96. Use vertical walls in the calculation of the center
hydraulic radius.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the actual left, right and center hydraulic radius in the
calculation of the weighted roughness. Option added 1/25/96. Don't use vertical walls in the calculation of the left,
center and right hydraulic radius.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the actual left, right and center hydraulic radius in the
calculation of the weighted roughness. Option added 1/25/96. Don't use vertical walls in the calculation of the left,
center and right hydraulic radius. Use adjusted left, center and right roughness.
Alter the calculation of the weighted roughness by using the sum of the conveyances of the left and right overbanks to
calculate the weighted roughness for each vertical slice. Option added 2/5/96. Same as NCONVY4 but for each slice
instead of only at full depth. Don't use vertical walls in the calculation of the left, center and right hydraulic radius.
Double the number of data points used in natural channels by linear interpolation. Option added on 1/23/96.
Use the composite channel roughness calculated from the depth at the upstream end of the channel.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Correction to negative natural elevations on 9/20/95. On for previous version. Off for new version of natural channel
negative depth correction.
Correction to negative natural elevations on 12/12/95. On for previous version. Off for new version of natural channel
negative depth correction.
Never use non-linear term routing for all conduits no matter what the conduit factors dialog is defined as in the
New features
Options added in 1996.
New earthinfo format - 12/06/97 Format for new EarthInfo format modeled as IFORM=14 format in the rainfall block of

This option changes how the non-linear term is calculated in the Extran solution. The equation is IF(ANH.LT.10.0*ANL)
DELQ3(1) =
+ -2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(AMID-ANL)/(A(N)*A(N)*LEN(N))
IF(ANH.GE.10.0*ANL) DELQ3(1) =
+ -2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(ANH-AMID)/(A(N)*A(N)*LEN(N))
where ANH is the downstream area, ANL is the upstream area and AMID is the mid conduit area. This is the same
option as NEWNLTRM1

This option changes how the non-linear term is calculated in the Extran solution. The equation is
2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(AMID-ANL)/(ANL*AMID*LEN(N)), where ANH is the downstream area, ANL is the upstream area
and AMID is the mid conduit area. This is the same option as NEWNLTRM

Alphanumeric new AES rainfall format with a "9" added for the year field. Similar to WCH IFORM=13. 6/96

Alphanumeric new AES rainfall format with a "19" added for the year field. Different from WCH IFORM=13. 6/96
If this option is used then instead of adding newly read rainfall station information as another rainfall station in the
already existing rainfall interface file the new rainfall information is appended to the already existing station on the
interface file. The proper sequence of events in the use of this option is to make one interface file with the oldest
rainfall data first, followed by the new stations using the SWMM configuration parameter NEWAPPEND.
This is now the default. Calculate the boundary conditions for each node individually rather than all nodes at one time.
New bound subroutine for individual j - 7/6/97 after this date this is the default.

Prints out a file with the extension file .CDM that contains the final heads and flows. A simple Hot-Restart option

This is the upper limit of the infiltration loss in Runoff. The units are either inches or millimeters. This applies to
Horton infiltration in the Runoff layer of xpswmm. A storm event will not have more than this loss.

Alternate omega during iteration cycle.
Newer treatment of area in eggshaped conduits, similar to epa swmm, the input area is not ignored.
Only calculate the weir flow based on the first iteration head differences. The default is to calculate every iteration.
New Hot-Restart for CDM - 12/12/96. Automatic generation of a Hot-Restart file in two passes through Hydraulics
(Extran). This automatically warms up your model.

A new way to calculate the junction time step in Extran. Change to sumqs not qin of juntime on 8/26/97

TMJUN = 0.10*Y(J)*AS(J)/ABS(SUMQ(J))

xpswmm Reference Manual

Use the upstream roughness with the upstream cross sectional area. Use the downstream roughness with the
downstream cross sectional area. Use the middle roughness with the middle cross sectional area in non-linear slope
calculations. 6/96
Calculate the non-linear term based on the minimum difference between the upstream area and the downstream cross
sectional area or the default method. This method is similar to ADJUSTNL but uses a different variation of the non-
linear term. The default is to use the difference between the upstream and the downstream cross sectional area.
This option changes how the non-linear term is calculated in the Extran solution. The equation is
2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(AMID-ANL)/(ANL*AMID*LEN(N)), where ANH is the downstream area, ANL is the upstream area
and AMID is the mid conduit area. This is the same option as NEW_NL_98

This option changes how the non-linear term is calculated in the Extran solution. The equation is IF(ANH.LT.10.0*ANL)
DELQ3(1) =
+ -2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(AMID-ANL)/(A(N)*A(N)*LEN(N))
IF(ANH.GE.10.0*ANL) DELQ3(1) =
+ -2.0*BELT*Q(N)*(ANH-AMID)/(A(N)*A(N)*LEN(N))
, where ANH is the downstream area, ANL is the upstream area and AMID is the mid conduit area. This is the same
option as NEW_NL_97

These options activate different ways to estimate the wobble parameter an estimate of conduit flow instability. The
wobble equation for NEWOBBLE is
Wobble = |Qn - (Qn+1 + Qn-1)/2|

Reduce omega by half during the iteration cycle for mfail/2.
On means do not use time dampened pumps. Off means use time dampened pumps. On means do not use omega
weighted pump dynamic head. Only allow pump flows to change by 10 percent at each iteration. Default is to allow
any change in flow during an iteration. Allow more than one iteration for each pump time step. Allow more than one Q
calculation per time step for each junction connected to the pump.
On means do not use time dampened pumps. Off means use time dampened pumps. On means do not use omega
weighted pump dynamic head. Default is to allow any change in flow during an iteration. Allow more than one
iteration for each pump time step. Allow more than one Q calculation per time step for each junction connected to the
pump. This is not a good method.
New .RES file forHydraulics (Extran) pump diversions. Get rid of extran diversions in output res file - 11/16/96 It
would eliminate the pump diversions for the .RES file

In Extran solve all conduits, then all boundary conditions and finally all nodal depths during any one iteration. The
default method is to solve one nodal depth and any associated conduits and boundary conditions during one time
If the NEWSLOT option is used then whenever the conduit is surcharged the program will not use the non-linear term
in the dynamic wave equation. The non-linear term is the partial (Q^2/A)/partial (X) term in the dynamic wave

Off older subcritical junction option for natural channels. On newer subcritical junction option for nchannels, half of
channel area assigned to upstream and downstream nodes under all conditions. This feature is used if a large open
channel is unstable due to oscillating between critical upstream and critical downstream. The default is the assigning
of all conduit area to either the upstream or downstream node for all critical node situations.
The default node stopping criterion for the node solution during each time step is the change in the node continuity
equation. If the option NO_QCHECK is used then the differences in node depth alone are used as the stopping
criterion not the node continuity equation.

Instead of saving the dry time for a conduit save the maximum depth in a conduit to the .RES file. You then printout
the maximum depth in the conduit using the conduit dry time in report generation.

If this option is used then the program will not switch back from the half area option to critical upstream or critical
downstream until value*the long time step in seconds has passed. The area options usually cause instabilities when
on successive iterations or time steps the area of the conduits switches from half upstream and half downstream to all
upstream or all downstream. If you use this option then the same area option will be used on successive time steps
instead of oscillating between area options

Means do not allow the model to change the time step based on the number of iterations used in the previous time
step. If this option is not used then the model will for those situations in which the pumps turn on and off causing a
large number iterations use a smaller time step than the input time step.

This configuration parameter suppresses all groundwater output in the output file.

This configuration parameter suppresses the groundwater summary in the output file.

xpswmm Reference Manual
If this option is used then do not use the implicit time step check for conduits. The implicit time step is found by finding
the smallest value of conduit length divided by velocity. The default is to use the smallest implicit time step to limit the
largest internal time step size

Calculates the weir flow based on the head difference at the each iteration in a time step solution. The default is to
calculate every iteration. This option should be used if the weirs are stable or if the use of the NEWEIR option causes
a continuity error in the model.

Always use zero coefficient of variation for emc wq calculations - 9/28/95
On means use 0.5 for time weighting in node area calculations. Off means use theta weighted area calculations. This
affects the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of
Do not double the conduit calculations in dyanmic wave soln. Off means use double calculations for conduits in the
solution. On means use only one calculation for the conduit in the time step.
No Effect. Superceded by FLAT 2/28/96. Off for no control over flat slopes in Extran. Options added in 1/28/95. Off
no control over very flat slopes. On Control over very flat slopes. Control was the default in 1993 and 1995, during
part of 1994 the default was no control.
Do not change the ground elevation of open channels to match the max depth + invert elevation. 6/96.
Superceede option as the Analysis Engine now has a Stop button. On means no checking of function keys during the
simulation. Off means use f10 key to stop the simulation and print summary results. On means no checking for
function for use with the PEST model. This is a feature that is needed for use with Windows'95. The defualt was
changesd 5/96. Now nokeys is the default.
Do not modify the length of natural channels in Extran. Option added in 5/19/95. Off modify natural channels with
nequal parameter. On do not modify natural channels with nequal parameter or modify conduits dialog.
The new default for rating curve conduits is to allow negative flow through rating curve conduits. If you use the option
NONEGRAT then a flow reversal will not be allowed in a rating curve conduit.

Don't let the model change the internal time step when more than 10 iterations are used in the previous time step.
If this option is used then when the pump flow is below the value of PQ_LIM the pump will still be turned on. This
option supersedes the option PQ_LIM or the pump flow limitation can entered in the pump discharge dialog in the fourth
row, first column of the special pump dialog box). This is the default option for pumps.

Same as NOAUSECHK. If this option is not used then the area of a node is not allowed to change more than 25
percent in any one iteration. The area of a node includes both the actual node area and the connecting conduit area.
If this option is used then the new area at each iteration is not controlled.

If this option is used then the precipitation load is not added to the pollutant washoff load. This will be true even if the
user enters a precipitation concentration in the interface.

This the default option. The pumps are iterated just as any other element in Extran until the flow difference in
iterations meets the stopping criteria (i.e. the flow tolerance). This option should be combined with the FAST_PUMP

In the default program solution the model will average the last time steps conduit flow value and the current conduit
flow value when the number of iterations exceed the value of the user defined maximum number of iterations. If the
option NOQALTER is used then the last conduit flow value calculated in the iteration process is used as the next time
steps conduit flow and no averaging is performed.

On means do not use omega weighted denom and numerator. Off means do use omega weighted denom and
The use of this configuration parameter means that the flows in the non-pbsj conduits are not controlled at each
iteration. Normally, the flow is only allowed to change by 25 percent in each iteration during a time step. The non-pbsj
conduits are those conduits that are not immediately downstream of the pumps in the Fast_Pump solution option for
pumps and force mains.

On means do not use quotes in output file. Off means use quotes in output file.
Off means create a results file (.res) for Extran. On means do not create the results file for Extran. The
results file allows the output of the model to be used by XP-SWMM in spatial reports, graphical encoding, and design
If this option is used then the scour/deposition Shields diagram options will not be used in the Hydraulics water quality

If this keyword is used then the width of the Preissmann slot is zero. This may slow the model down significantly when
there is a lot of surcharged conduits.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Do not print warning message about courant condition at the beginning of the Extran output.
Options added in 1/28/95. Off create Hydraulics (Extran) syf binary file. On do not create Hydraulics (Extran) syf
binary file. The syf file, syr file and syt files are used with review results and HGL animation.
Suppresses the creation of the Runoff binary file for the Review Results graphing tool. Sometimes used to limit the
amount of copious output when space is limited.

Suppresses the creation of the Sanitary binary file for the Review Results graphing tool. Sometimes used to limit the
amount of copious output when space is limited.

Suppresses the creation of the Hydraulics Water Quality binary file for the Review Results graphing tool. Sometimes
used to limit the amount of copious output when space is limited.

This option changes how the flow over a weir is allowed to change in the model. The default is to only allow the weir
flow to change by 5 percent in each iteration during the solution. This option will allow the flow to change by any
amount in one iteration.

The velocity in a conduit is calculated as a byproduct of the node head and conduit flows. The new center velocity is
calculated after the iterations for the new node head and conduit flow has converged. The velocity uses the
underrelaxation parameter so the new estimated velocity is a function of the last time steps velocity and the current
time steps velocity. If the NOVOMEGA option is used then the underrelaxation parameter is not used and the new
time step value of velocity is calculated as Q / A where A is the center channel or conduit cross sectional area.

No iteration checks on maximum depth changes in a manhole. The default is a modulated depth change restricted to
1/25 of the diameter or depth of the smallest connecting conduit. This should be on for models with many pumps as
the nodal depth needs to change very fast for pumps that turn on and off frequently.
No iteration checks on maximum depth changes in a manhole for nodes connected a pump. The default is a
modulated depth change restricted to 1/25 of the diameter or depth of the smallest connecting conduit. This should be
on for models with many pumps as the nodal depth needs to change very fast for pumps that turn on and off
The use of this option means that the heads or depths at a node are not controlled at each iteration. Normally, the
head is only allowed to change 0.1 feet or meters at each time step. If this option is not used it would mean that if a
pump turned on and wanted to increase the head by 10 feet at a downstream node it would take 100 iterations.

In older version of XP-SWMM Sanitary layer flow dividers allowed the flow in excess of the flow threshold to travel in
the primary conduit and the flow less than the threshold to be in the secondary. This has been changed in newer
versions of the software so that the primary conduit receives up to the threshold and the excess flows travel in the
secondary. Use this configuration parameter to be compatible with old versions.

If this option is used then a gothic conduit in the interface is modeled as gothic conduit in the SWMM engine. If this
option is used then a catenary conduit in the interface is modeled as a catenary conduit in the SWMM engine. If this
option is used then a semi-elliptical conduit in the interface is modeled as a semi-elliptical conduit in the SWMM
engine. This is the default.

Fixes a bug in the EPA SWMM solution for initial conditions. Change YO to RADMAX for initial condition printout -

xpswmm Reference Manual
Previous calculations of boundary condition for tide gates. The default changed in 4/96.
If the calculation of the boundary conditions at the beginning of the simulation interferes with the reading of the
hot_restart file then do not calculate the boundary conditions but use the value from the hot-restart file.

Don't use correction for expansion/contraction flow direction. Off means use correction to expansion/contraction loss
for the flow direction. On means do not use the correction.
Older xpswmm treatment of area in eggshaped conduits, there is no use of the input area, the default area is used by
the model. This is the default. Change made on 9/13/94.
Off - Use only ground elevation in flooded node calculations. Option added in 5/18/95. On use actual flood depth in
Switch for epa swmm getcur or natural channel solutions. Changes to natural channel solution in epa solution. On
older than 8/25/94 natural channel GETCURX in epa solution. Off newer than 8/25/94 natural channel GETCURX
On to disable fix to epa swmm head calculations. Date implemeted -> 3/25/94 Off is for a fix to subroutine head in
epa solution. On is for old subroutine head calculation in epa solution.
Option added in 2/15/95. On use old hot start file variables. Off use new hot start file variables.
Option added in 7/5/95. Off use old hot start file variables. On use new hot start file variables. This is the second
modification to the hot start file.
Option added on 10/10/95. Off use old hot start file variables. On use new hot start file variables. This is the third
modification to the hot start file. Flag for normal flow conduits was added to the hot-start data file.
Off for 1994 correction to minor loss calculations. On for 1993 and post 1994 calculations of minor losses.
Off means use 0.04 for the cutoff value of omega. This is default value in 1994 and 1995. On means use 0.01 for the
cutoff value of omega. This is default value in 1992 and 1993. This flag will turn off the meaning of the flag LASTOM.
The OLDPWT Option was added on 1/16/97. Only use one iteration during a time step and do not solve for the pump
flow the second time the pump was solved for in the current time step. A pump is usually solved twice: (1) once when
the upstream node is being solved and (2) once when the downstream node of the pump is being solved.

Use the downstream roughness for natural channels in Extran. No longer the default after 6/96.
Off for scscont and scstb activated. On for scscont and scstb not activated.
Option added in 10/26/94. On use old natural channel method for nearest stations. Off use new natural channel
method for nearest stations.
Automatically add interpolated data points to storage nodes. Date implemeted -> 9/8/94. On is for the old treatment of
storage nodes. Off is for the new treatment of storage nodes. Automatically add more data points to eliminate or
minimize any continuity errors
On not to use implicit time step check for conduits and the Junction time step limitation check with 0.10 as the
coefficient. Off is the default of IMPLCT and JUNTIME.
Option added in 11/17/94. On use old ending volume calculation. Off use new ending volume calculation. Disable
option added 12/18/95. This takes the place of ENDVOL.
Option added in 7/2/95. On use old ending volume calculation. Off use newer ending volume calculation. Disable
option added 12/18/95. This takes the place of ENDVOL1.
Option added in 9/21/95. On use old ending volume calculation. Off use the smaller continuity error of the old or the
newer ending volume calculation. Disable option added 12/18/95. This takes the place of ENDVOL2.
On use new omega weighting for ISOL=2 solution. Off don't use the omega weighting but the default of 0.65
Omega options

Command line argument to change the iteration factor in Extran.. For example OMEGA=0.65
In Hydraulics (Extran) solve all conduits, then all boundary conditions and finally all nodal depths during any one
iteration. The default method is to solve one nodal depth and any associated conduits and boundary conditions during
one time step.

Makes the new orifice conduit based on the value of the largest time step and not the current time step. This bug fix
was implemented on 7/30/96. Previously, the current (small time step) was used to calculate the new equivalent
orifice for time varying orifices. Now the default is to use the user entered maximum time step to make a equivalent
conduit when the orifice area, coefficient of discharge or depth changes with time.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Even though Hydraulics layer (Extran) makes an equivalent conduit for all orifices this option will modify the behavior
of the orifice when the orifice is full. Normally in the program the equivalent surcharged pipe will handle more than the
full orifice flow because the head difference is greater between the upstream and downstream nodes than the depth in
the orifice. If the option ORFULL is used then the peak flow through the equivalent orifice will be calculated from the
orifice equation.

Orifice options
Added in 1995 and 1996

The program default is to use the subcritical condition for bottom orifices. This has been the default since 8/1/96. This
means that half of the surface area of the equivalent conduit is assigned to the upstream and downstream nodes of
the orifice. If the parameter USE_ORF_EQN is used as an option the normal condition of assigning the conduit
surface area based on critical upstream, critical downstream and the normal subcritical half area will apply

If used then the pbsj or energy pipe solution is used for the first pipe downstream from a pump. This also activates the
PUMPOMEGA option. If the FAST_PUMP option is used then the model will not restrict the pump flows to only
change by 10 percent at each iteration. Allowing only the pumps to change by 10 percent at each time step is the
default. An iterative solution is used to match the pump flow to the pump curve.

This parameter forces all of the interface file node names to be alphanumeric even if all node names are numeric.

Substitute total conduit flow for dry time in Extran spatial reports. 5/96
Pervious CN with CN = 98 for impervious area in SCS hydrology. xpswmm will create a weighted CN using the %
Impervious entered in the subcatchment dialog.
Configuration paramenter (or Keyword) entered in the Configuration Parameters dialog. Use PITLOSS to reduce
instability in pipes casued by a sudden change in downstream condtions.

This configuration has been added on 4/6/1994 to minimize the spikes in simulation resulting from significantly higher
local loss (entrance/exit loss) contribution to momentum equation. How it works:

1. Default always uses full local loss contribution when PITLOSS is not used.
2. Local loss contribution can be maximum of 10 times of friction loss contribution when PITLOSS is used. This was
the default setting in versions Pre- 4/6/1994.

On for 1994 correction to minor loss calculations. Off for 1993 and post 1994 calculations of minor losses.

Note: PITLOSS option would underest imat e t ot al loss when frict ion slope is very small compared t o local losses.
For model versions 10. 6 and lat er t his configurat ion paramet er is not recommended.
Number of plugs in a storage treatment unit in transport layer. Feature added on 12/16/95. For example PL=1000.
Default is 1000 plugs. Enter any number of plugs between 1 and 20000.
Initialize initial storage in plug units with a particle size distribution as defined in the nodal ST/Plant data dialog.
Default is no initialization.
Option added in 6/16/94. On use old power function area calculations. Off use the default correct area calculations
for power function conduits.
Change the output table precision in some Extran tables. Precision based on the integer value of precise= line. For
example PRECISE=3.
Preissmann slot options

Pump options (after 1995).

xpswmm Reference Manual
Options added in 11/28/94 Off do not use new pump 4 options from CH2MHILL. On use new pump 4 options from
If this option is used then when the pump flow is below the value of PQ_LIM the pump will be turned off. This option
should be used with option PQ_LIM or the pump flow limitation can be entered in the pump discharge dialog in the
fourth row, first column of the special pump dialog box

Whenever a pump turns on it must first estimate what the new pumping rate should be based on the data in the user
defined pump curve table. If the option used is PUMPBEG then the first value in the user defined pump curve table is
the pump flow for the first iteration after the pump turns on.

Whenever a pump turns on it must first estimate what the new pumping rate should be based on the data in the user
defined pump curve table. If the option used is PUMPEND then the last value in the user defined pump curve table is
the pump flow for the first iteration after the pump turns on.

If the AUTO_PUMP feature or option is used and the option PUMPHEAD is used then the downstream node and
downstream conduit flow from the pump is automatically calculated by the program.

Is the guess for the flow in the pump for the situations in which the pump starts out dry and wants to pump some flow.
The value of PUMPIQ is multiplied by the maximum flow the pump can pump as the first estimate of the pump flow.

Is the number of iterations the pump is allowed to use to reach convergence between the predicted and actual pump
curve point. If the number of iterations is not specified at the pump special conduit level then the value of PUMPITER
will used for that pump. The default number of iterations is 10.

Same as PBS_FILE. In older versions it meant make the the .pbs and .pbt files only. Now it will create the .pbs, .pbt,
.pbp and .riz files.

.pbs is saved on nscrat(2)
.pbt is saved on nscrat(8)
.riz is saved on nscrat(3)
.pbp is saved on nscrat(10)


Whenever a pump turns on it must first estimate what the new pumping rate should be based on the data in the user
defined pump curve table. If the option used is PUMPMID then the midpoint value in the user defined pump curve
table is the pump flow for the first iteration after the pump turns on.

If used then the pbsj or energy pipe solution is used for the first pipe downstream from a pump. This also activates the
PUMPOMEGA option. If the FAST_PUMP option is used then the model will not restrict the pump flows to only
change by 10 percent at each iteration. Allowing only the pumps to change by 10 percent at each time step is the
default. An iterative solution is used to match the pump flow to the pump curve

Run concurrent runs of the comparison between EXTRA and default solution.
On means do not use omega weighted pump dynamic head. Off means do use omega weighted pump slope. This
affects the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of
XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Only allow pump flows to change by 10 percent at each iteration. Default is to allow any
change in flow during an iteration. The default and the option PUMPWT only use one iteration for the pump flow and
one Q calculation per time step. The best method should have this feature activated.
Initialize the value of RISAVE to prevent continuity error - 6/29/95 This is the default. The previous bug affected
snowmelt calculations

Allows the simulation tolerance for flow to be relative rather than fixed. For example, Q_TOL=1 is a 1% tolerance and
Q_TOL=0.5 is a 0.5% tolerance.

Printout the dynamic flow terms at intermediate time steps.
On means use 0.5 for time weighting in qnorm calculations. Off means use theta weighted qnorm calculations. This
affects the dynamic wave solution. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of
Off means use 1.0e-5 as the smallest flow value. On use fudge or minimum depth as the smallest flow value.
xpswmm Reference Manual
On means do not use omega weighted area and hydraulic radius. Off means do use omega weighted area and
hydraulic radius.
Use non linear cascading reservoirs or laurenson method for all modeled watersheds. This was an earlier option, now
the user can select the runoff method in the XP- SWMM interface. The cascading reservoir method was taken from
the RAFTS model (Goyen, 1990).

On use elevation in rating curve outfalls. Off for depth. Option added in 4/19/95. Off use depth in rating curve outfalls.
This is now the default in xpswmm.
Define the Rating Curve Tolerance for Culvert output file

Options added in 1/17/95. Off do not use total flow in the reach. On do use total flow in the reach.
Use this parameter to adjust the height of transition from the top a rectangular closed top conduit to the Preissmann
Slot. This height is RECT_SLOT_TRANS width of the conduit. Allowable values range from 0.01 to 0.25 with the
default set to 0.01.

Versions 9.5 and earlier used a value of 0.25.

Always withdraw residual flow from storage/treatment. Off is the swmm default of waiting for no inflow or outflow.
Effects the assingn of conduit surface areas to nodes for nc. Off means always use subcritical assignment of conduit
surface area to both the upstream and downstream nodes. On use critical upstream, critical downstream as well as
subcritical. Default is always off.
Changes the Review Results time series of HGL at adjacent nodes of a pump to be the pump pressure based on the
pump curve.

Always use the same omega during the simulations - no reduction.
This configuration parameter allows all flows in the Sanitary layer to be multiplied by the factor following this
confiduration parameter. For example, SANQMULT=2 will double all of the constant and user-defined hydrograph
inflows in the Sanitary layer.

xpswmm Reference Manual
These options added in 9/30/94. Off regular SCS Curvilinear Hydrograph. On Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph. This
was an earlier option, now the user can select this runoff method in the xpswmm interface.
SCS continuous hyetograph enhancement - September, 1995. On turn off reinitializing of unit hydrographs in scs
hydrology. Off reinitialize after 175000 seconds of no rainfall.
Always sets the evaporation to zero when you are running SCS hydrology. The default is to activate the evaporation
for all hydrology methods.

Pre xpswmm2009 SP3: Fixes a bug in the initial abstraction, but makes it optional. You must use this parameter to fix
the bug for SCS initial abstraction with a constant depth. This does not apply to the situation in which the initial
abstraction is a function of the soil storage (S). The fix is for those situations in which the total rainfall is less than the
initial abstraction.
Post xpswmm2009 SP3: This parameter is no longer recommended. The fix for initial abstraction has been made
permanent without the use of the configuration parameter. In order to reproduce the old answer and reintroduce the
bug after xpswmm2009 SP3 you will need to add this configuration parameter.

Allow shape factors up to 950 in scs hydrology. Option added in 4/12/95. Off use new method of calculating base time
using scs hydrology. This allows shape factor to extend to 950. On use old method of calculating base time using scs
The maximum number of points in a SCS unit hydrograph. For example, if you were simulating a 24 hour storm with a
1 minute time step this value would be 1440.

This was a bug fix on 1/30/96 regarding a calculation in the natural channels. The typo set variable SDIFF to 1.0e-4
whenever SDIFF was less than 3. It should have set SDIFF equal to 1.0E-4 whenever SDIFF was less than 1.0e-4

Options added in 12/16/94 Off do not use new SEASON.DAT data file On do use new SEASON.DAT data file.
Allows Runoff parameters to be changed by monthly factors.
Seasonal data file enhancements

Automatic sensitivity generation of 23 parameters in runoff. +/- the value given in the sense= line. (June, 1996). For
example SENSE=.25
Automatic sensitivity generation of the first infiltration parameter in runoff. (June, 1996).
Automatic sensitivity generation of the second infiltration parameter in runoff. (June, 1996).
Automatic sensitivity generation of the third infiltration parameter in runoff. (June, 1996).
Automatic sensitivity generation of the width parameter in runoff. (June, 1996).
When using the hydro option wait until there is no flow in any conduit before skipping the dry time periods in

Skip Hydraulic Layer time steps in which there was no inflow from the interface file.

Allow the iteration changes in conduit flows to be based solely on the nth time step flow. The default is the n+1
step flows.
Allow the flows in Hydraulics layer (Extran) to change by 5 percent in each iteration of the solution.

Options added in 10/12/94. Off regular SCS Curvilinear Hydrograph. On use the SNYDER hydrograph. This was an
earlier option, now the user can select this runoff method in the xpswmm interface.
Change spatial conduit weighting to 0.50 upstream, 0.5 downstream. Default is 0.55 upstream, 0.45 downstream.
Spatial weighting options
Added in 1995.

Change the upstream weighting to an arbitray value (x). For example SPATIAL=0.55
Change spatial conduit weighting to 0.60 upstream, 0.4 downstream. Default is 0.55 upstream, 0.45 downstream.
Change spatial conduit weighting to 0.45 upstream, 0.55 downstream. Default is 0.55 upstream, 0.45 downstream.
Change spatial conduit weighting to 0.4 upstream, 0.6 downstream. Default is 0.55 upstream, 0.45 downstream.
Number of storm events in rain and stats block - 12/16/95. For example ST=30000. Default is 5000 storms. Enter any
number of storms using this parameter.
xpswmm Reference Manual
On means ask the user for a new tributary area in stats. Off means do not ask the user for a new tributary area in
Stats and Rain block
Options added in 1995.

This is now the default storage node option in Hydraulics. Quadruple the number of stage area points

Automatically add interpolated data points to storage nodes. Date implemeted -> 9/8/94. Off is for the old treatment of
storage nodes. On is for the new treatment of storage nodes. Automatically add more data points to eliminate or
minimize any continuity errors
Automatically add interpolated data points to storage nodes. Date implemeted -> 9/8/94. Off is for the old treatment of
storage nodes. On is for the new treatment of storage nodes. Automatically add more data points to eliminate or
minimize any continuity errors. The number of data points is quadrupled or a factor of 4

Automatically add interpolated data points to storage nodes. Date implemeted -> 9/8/94. Off is for the old treatment of
storage nodes. On is for the new treatment of storage nodes. Automatically add more data points to eliminate or
minimize any continuity errors. The number of data points is increased by a factor of 8.

Storage node and regular node changes

Storage node Area
Options added in 9/30/94\

Four options for entering storage node data in Extran.
AS , VS , AE , VE
Allow old bug for top of storage nodes below ground elev. Fixed on 11/03/95.
Intermediate negative natural channel fix on 9/23/95. Superseded by fix on 12/12/95.
Always use subcritical head calculations with non-linear flag. On means use subcritical head calculations for conduits
with always use non-linear flow term even under critical flow conditions. This flag is found in the conduit factors. Off
means use normal head calculations as described in the SWMM documentation. On for 1993 version of XP-EXTRAN
or XP-SWMM. Off for post 1994 version of XP-EXTRAN or XP-SWMM.
The stopping criteria for a node is not the change in water surface elevation between iterations but the change in the
sum of flow through the node. The default Extran solution says that the iterations will stop during a time step when the
difference between successive water surface elevations is less than the head tolerance. If this option is used then the
time step iterations will stop when the sum of the flow through the node in successive iterations is less than the value
of the head tolerance. If this option is used and the head tolerance is 0.01 then the iterations will stop when the
change between successive iterations is less than 0.01 cfs.

Superseded runoff options
These options are now available in the RUNOFF layer interface.

Command line argument to change the junction tolerance in Extran.. For example SURJUN=0.01
Command line argument to change the conduit tolerance in Extran.. For example SURTOL=0.01
This option comes from WCH (CDM, Chuck Moore), 10/5/93. If this option is used then the model will use zero
evaporation during any time step with precipitation. Evaporation from the subcatchment that will be set to zero if it is
raining or snowing. Evaporation from channel surfaces will be set to zero if there is rain or snow over any
subcatchment in the model.

SWMM "bug" fixes or enhancements

xpswmm Reference Manual

SWMM esoterica
Mainly for XP-Software.

SWMM output enhancements

SWMM SCS enhancements

SWMM version control
1993 XP-SWMM Version in 1993. The 1993 versions of xp-swmm were versions 1.0 to 1.03.
1994a XP-SWMM Version first half of 1994.
1994b XP-SWMM Version second half of 1994. The 1994 versions of xp-swmm were versions 1.04 to 1.42.
1995a XP-SWMM Version first half of 1995.
1995b XP-SWMM Version second half of 1995. The 1995 versions of xp-swmm were versions 1.43 to 2.02.
This is now controlled in the interface through the Hydraulics Job Control. Allows the Hydraulics Review results to be
at a specified interval of time. For example:

SYF_INT=1H is a 1 hour interval.
SYF_INT=30S is a 30 second interval.
SYF_INT=15M is a 15 minute interval.

The interval selected must be equal to or greater than the time step and if larger be an integer multiple of the time

Allows the Sanitary Review results to be at a specified interval of time. For example:

SYT_INT=1H is a 1 hour interval.
SYT_INT=30S is a 30 second interval.
SYT_INT=15M is a 15 minute interval.

The interval selected must be equal to or greater than the time step and if larger be an integer multiple of the time

This parameter grouping includes all Extran tables in the output file from 1 to 22. Usage is as follows:


Each Table listed will be sent to a comma-delimited file with a .CSV extension. This parameter will create a comma-
delimited file of the tables in the Hydraulics portion of the output file.

Off old theta defaults for ISOL=2. On new theta weighting for ISOL=2. Options added in 1/28/95.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Command line argument to change the time weighting factor in Extran.. For example THETA=0.65
Allow old bug for tidal gate boundary condition - fixed on 11/12/95.
Eliminate duplicate call stime and time + rdelt - 7/22/96 in Hydraulics (Extran). The default is just to call stime once

Transport DWF enhancements

Transport enhancements

Switch for correct y norm in trapezoidal channels. Option added in 5/27/95. On use old equation for ynorm in
subroutine depthx for trapezoidal channels. Off use improved equation for ynorm in depthx for trapezoidal channels.
This option allows the user of the Sanitary Layer to control the internal underrelaxation parameter in the Sanitary Layer
flow routing. The default value of the underrelaxation parameter is 0.5 in Transport. If you adjust this for models with
instabilities or continuity errors then by using a value greater than 0.5 you may eliminate the instability or continuity

This option allows the user of the Sanitary layer (Transport) to control the internal spatial weighting parameter in the
Sanitary Layer flow routing. The default value of the spatial weighting parameter is 0.5 in Transport. If you adjust this
for models with instabilities or continuity errors then by using a value greater than 0.5 or lower than 0.5 you may
eliminate the instability or continuity error

This option allows the user of the Sanitary Layer to control the internal time weighting parameter in the Sanitary Layer
flow routing. The default value of the time weighting parameter is 0.6 in Transport. If you adjust this for models with
instabilities or continuity errors then by using a value greater than 0.6 you may eliminate the instability or continuity

Delete 1900 from the Year used in creation of the Rainfall interface fall (.RIN file) created by the Rainfall Utility

Use the depth in the downstream node as the control for the Rating Curve. The default is to use the difference in
elevations at the upstream and downstream nodes.
Instead of using the equivalent pipe for the orifice flow to route the flow through the orifice the actual orifice equation is
used by the model. The total head at the upstream nodes of the orifice is calculated at each time step and this total
head is used to calculate the orifice flow. Only positive orifice flow is calculated by the model.

Instead of using the equivalent pipe for the orifice flow to route the flow through the orifice the actual orifice equation is
used by the model. The head difference between the upstream and downstream nodes of the orifice is calculated at
each time step and this head difference is used to calculate the orifice flow. Only positive orifice flow is calculated by
the model. Negative head differences or zero head differences results in zero flow through the orifice.

Allows the rating curve outfall to be a flow and depth rating as opposed to the default, which is a flow and elevation
rating. The depth is measured from the node invert.

Use the depth in the upstream node as the control for the Rating Curve. The default is to use the difference in
elevations at the upstream and downstream nodes.
Calculate the link lengths from the upstream node and downstream node x,y,z coordinates in the program. The new
lengths will be printed in the output file, used during the course of the simulation but not changed in the interface
database. Using the configuration parameter MAKE_XPX can allow these lengths to be imported. Discontinued in
Version 10.
User defined closed conduit enhancements

Option added on 7/7/95. Off use new initialization of variables for user defined closed conduits. On use old method of
no variable initialization. Initialization is the default method.
On for elevation in user defined conduit data dialog. Option added in 5/27/95. Off use depth in user defined closed
conduits. On use elevation in user defined closed conduits.
Add a top to the wetted perimeter of a user defined closed section.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Try using a variable time step in the ISOL=1 and ISOL=0 solutions of EPA SWMM.

If OLD_VARIABLE_N is invoked then Mannings roughness, varying according to depth, will be calculated for all closed
conduits using the method described by Zaghloul(1998). Implemented 1/23/98 1/24/98.

VARIABLE_N uses the graphs described in Open Channel Hydraulics Ven Te Chow, and the City of Spokane
Design Standards (Jan 2000) in versions later than 9.26 (Dec 2004).


Compare the dynamic flow velocity and manning's eqn vel.
Depth Varying Roughness
1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300


xpswmm Reference Manual
Volume/elevation in variable storage areas.
Version 4.3 Extran Solution enchancements (in 1995).

Uses the Villemonte weir submergence coefficient instead of the default Rohbeck solution in Hydraulics (Extran) when
a weir submerges.

Volume/stage in variable storage areas.
Options added in 9/30/94 If this keyword is not used then there is no WASP linkage file. If it is used then the WASP
linkage file is created in the transport interface file.
If this option is used then all of the modeled weirs in your network will have an exponent of 2.5. The default weir
exponent is 1.5 for weir types 1 and 2 and 1.6667 for weir types 3 and 4.

New wobble parameter for graphical encoding on 8/29/95. On for old wobble = sinuosity parameter.
These options activate different ways to estimate the wobble parameter an estimate of conduit flow instability. The
wobble equation for WOBBLE4 is
Wobble = |Qn - (Qn+1 + Qn-1 + Qn)/3|

WQ enhancements

Modified rating curve coefficient and exponent for wq. For On a 1 is added to the exponent and
the coeficient is multiplied by the appropriate coefficient. Off means nothing is done.
On means use 0.01 conduit width for the slot width in the Preissmann slot. This is for the 1993 version. Off means
use 0.005 for the slot width. Off for post 1994 versions.
On means use 0.001 conduit width for the slot width in the Preissmann slot. This is an enhancement for the slot
On means use 0.0001 conduit width for the slot width in the Preissmann slot. This is an enhancement for the slot
On means use 0.00001 conduit width for the slot width in the Preissmann slot. This is an enhancement for the slot
On means use 0.1 for the slot width in the Preissmann slot. This is an enhancement for the slot width.

Allow only changes of 0.001 feet or 0.001 m per iteration in solving for the nodal depth. 7/96
Automatically calculate nodal inverts based on the lowest connecting conduit. Handy for missing XPX import data.
Enter the backwater elevation that will be used to caclulate the initial depth and volume at all the nodes and links in the
network. If a fixed backwater boundary condition is used without the ZREF keyword and the network starts dry then at
the first time step of the simulation there will be reverse flow while the network fills up through the outlet node.

For example: ZREF=120.5 will set the starting water surface elevation at all nodes to be 120.5
xpswmm Reference Manual
7.5.8 Interface Files
Interface File
Interface files are used for exchanging rainfall, temperature, flow, and water quality data between the Runoff, Sanitary or
Hydraulics modes or with another program, XP-RAFTS for example.

xpswmm interface files may contain the following information:

(1) Descriptive titles
(2) The simulation starting date and time
(3) The name of the module generating the interface file
(4) The total catchment or service area
(5) The number of hydrograph locations
(6) The number of pollutants
(7) The location identifiers for transferred flow and pollutant data
(8) The pollutant and unit names
(9) The type of pollutant concentration units
(10) Flow conversion factor
(11) Flow and pollutant data for each time step for each location

The dialog is used to define the interface files read or created by xpswmm.

In this example, flows to a combined sewer are generated in both the Runoff and Sanitary modes. In the Runoff Mode,
the file is created. This file is read in the Sanitary mode and the file containing both runoff and
sanitary flows is created. is read by the Hydraulics mode.

The Runoff interface file is not created if Run Hydrology/Hydraulics Simultaneously is checked in the
Hydraulics Job Control Dialog.
Sanitary outflows are including in the Sanitary interface file only if Save Outflows to SWMM Interface file is
checked in the Sanitary Node Data dialog.
Files created in either the Sanitary or Hydraulics modes must be different from the ones that are read.

Hydraulics Mode Interface Files
Runoff Mode Interface Files
Sanitary Mode Interface Files

See Also SWMM Interface File Format
Hydraulics Mode:
The Hydraulics layer provides the facility to create and/or use one type of interface file. An interface file is used or
created if a name exists in the filename field. To prevent the use or creation of an interface file disable the appropriate
checkbox. Several Configuration Parameters can be used to control the format of the Interface File and in particular
which nodes are included to the Interface File.

EXPORTALL (or EXPORT_ALL) causes all of the nodes of Hydraulics Layer to be saved to the interface file created
from Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be saved to the interface file.

EXPORTUS (or EXPORT_US) causes only the most upstream nodes of Hydraulics Layer to be saved to the interface
file created from Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be saved to the interface file.

EXPORTJPRT (or EXPORT_JPRT) causes only the nodes with Detailed Printout Flag enabled in the Hydraulics Layer
to be saved to the interface file created from Hydraulics layer. The sum of the flow into the node will be saved to the
interface file.

By default only the nodes at the extremities of the network will be saved to the interface file. i.e. the outfall nodes and
the most upstream nodes in the network.

Runoff Mode:

The Runoff module is capable of both creating and using Rainfall interface files plus using a Temperature interface file
created by the Utilities module and creating an Interface file for use by other SWMM modules.

Sanitary Mode:
The Sanitary layer provides the facility to create and/or use one type of interface file. An interface file is used or
created if the checkbox is enabled and a name exists in the filename field. To prevent the use or creation of an
interface file, disable the appropriate checkbox.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Input Files

Only one RAIN interface file may be used to enter precipitation data. The checkbox may be enabled or disabled to
indicate whether or not the RAIN Input Interface file is to be used.
The rain input file will be used for rainfall data whenever "Rain Interface file" is selected from a Rainfall Global

The file must exist and should have been created by a previous Runoff run or by the Rainfall utility. You can use the
select button to display or list available files or you can enter the name directly if preferred.

The TEMP interface file is used for temperature, evaporation, and/or wind speed data in the Runoff simulation.
Temperature and Wind Speed data are used by Runoff in the snow melt simulation. Evaporation data is used in the
general runoff process. The checkbox may be enabled or disabled to indicate whether or not the TEMP Input
Interface file is to be used.

The file must exist and should have been created by the Utilities module. You can use the select button to display or
list available files or you can enter the name directly if preferred.
Output Files

The Rainfall gauge data directly entered in the Runoff module will be used to generate a RAIN interface file by the
Runoff module. This option is a useful way of saving the Rainfall gauge data for more rapid processing in future
Runoff runs. The RAIN interface file can then be shared amongst other networks as well. The checkbox may be
enabled or disabled to indicate whether or not the RAIN Output Interface file is to be created. The select button may
be used to suggest a name for the output interface file.

Output SWMM File Flag (JOUT)
This interface file will contain flows and concentrations at all the Inlet points in the Runoff mode. Inlets in Runoff are
defined as nodes with no outgoing (active) links. Note that an active link is a link that is a member of the Runoff mode.
The interface file is generally used for subsequent analysis using Sanitary or Hydraulics modes. Runoff may be used
to generate local hydrographs for more rigorous hydraulic analysis using either Sanitary or Hydraulics. The checkbox
may be enabled or disabled to indicate whether or not the SWMM Output Interface file is to be created. The select
button may be used to suggest a name for the output interface file.
7.5.9 Mode Properties
Mode Properties
A set of objects is defined for each mode. Any object can belong to any, none or all modes. In this manual, sub-
networks can be defined for any mode. For example, it is possible to use the runoff layer to generate flows for all
nodes and then use the hydraulics layer to perform sophisticated hydraulic analysis on all or only some of the


This dialog handles the interaction of the three layers (modes) of the program - Runoff, Sanitary and Hydraulics. The
3 modes are provided to segment the model into logical parts and thus reduce the complexity of the user interface.
Each network object may belong to none, any or all of the modes.

Use this dialog to set the Current Mode (which defines the subset of Dialogs that will appear when editing), the Mode
to be solved for (this need not be the same as the Current Mode), and to define which objects belong to which modes.
When the Current Mode is defined, those network objects not belonging to the Current Mode appear dashed or hidden
in the network window. However, their data may still be edited.
Current Mode
Solve Mode
Highlighted Objects
Current Mode
The current mode is used to control the editing of node and link data. Only data appropriate to the current mode is
displayed for nodes, links and Job Control.

Runoff Mode
This option sets the currently active mode to the Runoff mode. The Runoff module deals with hydrology and water
quality generation and with simple network hydraulics. When editing a node or link, only the relevant Runoff data will
be visible.

Sanitary Mode
This option sets the currently active mode to the Sanitary mode. Transport handles sewer loading and treatment, with
kinematic wave hydraulics. When editing a node or link, only the relevant Transport data will be visible.

Hydraulics Mode
This option sets the currently active mode to the Hydraulics mode. Extran handles complex dynamic network flow
routing. When editing a node or link, only the relevant Hydraulics data will be visible.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Highlight Objects
If this flag is selected all objects that are members of the Current Mode will be highlighted when the OK button is hit.
Only these objects will be highlighted.

See Also Node Data and Link Data.
Solve Mode
A solve may be performed for the Current Mode or any combination of modes. When the 'Current Mode' flag is ON
the other flags are made inactive and will be ignored. At least one of the four flags must be selected.

Note that there may be multiple disconnected networks defined within the one XP file. In this case the network to
which the first highlighted object belongs will be the network solved.

Solve for Current Mode
This flag controls the mode of data solved for. When this flag is ON, only objects belonging to the Current Mode and
belonging to the network being solved will be analyzed. When this flag is OFF, then the modes to be solved for are
selected manually with the flags below, which will become activated. The latter option also allows for more than one
mode to be solved for in one analysis.

Solve for Runoff Mode
This flag controls whether Runoff mode will be solved for. This flag will only be active if the 'Solve for Current Mode'
flag is OFF. When multiple modes are solved for, Runoff is the first in the sequence that is analyzed.

Solve for Sanitary Mode
This flag controls whether the Sanitary mode will be solved for. This flag will only be active if the 'Solve for Current
Mode' flag is OFF. When multiple modes are solved for, Sanitary follows Runoff and precedes Hydraulics in the
sequence of analysis.

Solve for Hydraulics Mode
This flag controls whether Extran mode will be solved for. This flag will only be active if the 'Solve for Current Mode'
flag is OFF. When multiple modes are solved for, Hydraulics follows Sanitary in the sequence of analysis.

Hydrology Methods

This dialog allows the user to specify the hydrologic method used in the Runoff Mode. Select 1,


The Sub-Catchment dialog will vary based on which Hydrology Methods are specified. In an xpswmm runoff model.
Sub-catchments may have different routing methods as long as they are in the same Hydrology Methods group. The
hydrologic routing methods are grouped as:
SWMM Methods
Kinematic Wave
SCS Hydrology
Unit Hydrograph
Rational Formula
Sacramento Method
Method developed for Sacramento County, California USA
Colorado Urban Hydrology Method
Los Angeles County Method
When this option is involked, the EPA SWMM5 engine is used for hydraulic routing calculations. Note that in
runoff all subcatchments must use the Runoff hydrologic routing method.
Highlighted Objects
This section allows manipulation of the set of objects that belong to the current mode. There are three sets of objects
that exist; one for each mode. There is a Runoff set, a Sanitary set, and an Hydraulics set. Each network object
(node/link) may be a member of any, none or all of these object sets. Note that only those objects which are members
of a particular mode set can be solved for in that mode.

Set of Highlighted Objects
These are the currently selected (highlighted) objects in the network window.

Set of Objects in Current Mode
xpswmm Reference Manual
These are the set of network objects which are members of the Current Mode.

Add to Current Mode Objects
This button adds all the currently highlighted objects into the set of objects belonging to the Current Mode. If a
selected network object is not already a member of the set, it will be added to that set. If a selected object is already a
member of that set, no action is taken. Subsequently, these network objects will be not 'hidden'. An object or group of
objects can also be added to the current set by typing CTRL-A.

Delete From Current Mode Objects
This button removes all the currently highlighted objects from the set of objects belonging to the Current Mode. If a
selected network object is already a member of the set, it will be removed from that set. If a selected object is not
already a member of that set, no action is taken. These network objects will subsequently be 'hidden'. An object or
group of objects can also be deleteted from the current set by typing CTRL-D.

Replace Current Mode Objects
This button replaces all objects in the Current Mode set with those network objects currently highlighted. This action
effectively first clears or removes all members from the Current Mode Set, and then adds all currently highlighted
objects to the same set.

Load Object Modes
This button loads the sets of network objects belonging to each mode from a disk file previously saved with the "Save
>>" button. The Load/Save button combination allows different mode sets to be stored and recalled.

Save Object Modes
This button will allow the set of network objects in all Mode Sets to be permanently saved to a disk file allowing
different sets to be defined and stored.

7.6 Tools
The Tools Menu
The "Tools" menu lists commands that usually work externally to the database and are not part of the model
calculations, in this case SWMM.
Descriptions of the available Tools menu commands may be found in the following links.
Export to AutoCAD
Export Graphics
Calibrate Model
GIS Link
Modify Elevations
Calculate Conduit
Calculate Conduit Slopes
Calculate Conduit Lengths
Cross Sections
Water Level Lines
Calculate Node Catchment Areas
Generate Ground Elevations From TIN
CatchmentSIM Integration
Application Settings
Encrypt File for Viewer
Launch Application
Snap Mode
Dual Drainage Batch Converter
7.6.1 Utilities
This command invokes external utilities. These utilities allow manipulation of SWMM Interface Files and statistical
post-processing of Interface Files.

A full description of the parameters used by SWMM is provided in Section 12 - Utilities.

7.6.2 Export to AutoCAD

This option opens an Explorer window that allows the user to specify the name and location of the dxf file. This tool
exports the 1D objects of the network to a single file. Separate layers for links, nodes, link labels, nodes labels,
catchments, and text items are produced.

7.6.2 Export Graphics
This command allows for the network to be output to several graphic type formats. These are: Enhanced Windows
Metafile (EMF), JPG GIF and BMP graphic files.
Note that when the entire network is exported, MS Windows Enhanced Metafile is the only format available. When the
current view is exported, all four format options are available. To export the entire network as a JPEG, GIF or BMP;
use the the Fit Window tool.
When you select this command the following dialog will be displayed.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Select Export and assign a target file name.
7.6.4 Modify Elevations
Modify Elevations (previously named Change Inverts) allows you to raise, lower or grade the inverts of a selected set
of links and nodes. Check boxes at the bottom of the dialog allow the inclusion of edits to nodes and links and
recalculation of conduit slopes.

Type of Modification select one option by clicking on the radio button
Raise Inverts by
Allows the invert elevations (nodes and links) to be raised or lowered (using a negative number) by the amount
entered in the adjacent edit field.

Generate Intermediate Inverts
If this option is selected the Inverts of both nodes and links can be graded with a uniform slope between the two
extremes of the selected line. The definition of a line is a continuous set of links and nodes without any

Drop Inverts From Node Spill Crest
This option sets the node inverts below the spill crest (ground level) by the value entered in the adjacent edit

Raise Ground Elevations
This option adds the value in the adjacent edit field to the existing node spill crest (ground level). Using a
negative value in the edit field lowers the spill crest (ground level).

Read Inverts From TIN Files
Node and link inverts are set to the value obtained from the location of the node derived from the active TIN.

Set Node Invert to Lowest Connected Link Invert
This option adjusts node inverts to the lowest invert of any connected link. This tool can lower or raise the node
invert to be flush with the lowest connected link invert.
xpswmm Reference Manual

MultiConduit Number
If any links in the selection set are multi-links, this edit box allows the command only to apply to conduits on this row (1-

Check Boxes
Regenerate Slopes
If checked, xpswmm will recalculate and enter into the database the revised conduit slopes.
Set Node Inverts
Allows nodes to be included in the modification of inverts.
Set Link Inverts
Allows links to be included in the modification of inverts.

Calculate Node - Catchment Area
From the Tools Menu, select Calculate Node, then Catchment Areas.
The dialoge will display the new values. Edit as appropriate and then click on OK.


Generate Ground Elevations from TIN
With an active TIN xpswmm can automatically generate ground elevations for selected nodes found within the area of
the TIN.

7.6.7 Application Settings
This menu item provides access to the settings saved in the SWMXP.INI file. Editing data from this dialog is the same
as manually editing the INI file. The settings are grouped into the following categories.
Automatic Backup
Launch Applications
Most Recently Used Files
xpswmm Reference Manual
Dialogs for two of the more commonly used groups are shown here.


7.6.8 Encrypt File for XP Viewer
This option allows users to create files that can be used by the XP Viewer application.

XP Viewer
XP Viewer is a standalone application. It is identical to xpswmm with the exception that the Solve and File Save
features are disabled. XP Viewer can only open files that have been encrypted and are accompanied by a file with the
same name as the xpswmm model and a .vcf extension.
The installation file may be downloaded from Contact your sales representative for the
password required to unlock the file. XP Viewer and xpswmm can be installed on the same machine. However, the
programs require different .xcf files.
It is recommended that the program be installed in a folder such as C:\XPS\XPVIEWER.

Encrypting xpswmm Models
On the tools menu, select Encrypt File for Viewer. The Alert Window will ask Save Changes? Click on Yes. The
program will report File Encoded successfully for XP-Viewer Configuration File. A file with the same name as the
xpswmm model and a .vcf extension will be created.

Distributing Files for XP Viewer
To enable viewing the .xp and the .vcf files must be distributed together. To enable viewing of Review Results Graphs
and the Dynamic Section views results files should also be distributed. Suggested distribution files include:

Extension Contents
xpswmm Reference Manual
.out Output text file
.syf Hydraulics results
.syr Runoff results
.syh Runoff results
.syt Sanitary results
.syq Hydraulics water quality results

7.6.9 Launch Application
Allows you to launch another application from within xpswmm. Several default applications are provided and they
1) CUHPtoXPXw.exe - a converter for CUHP data files to XPX files for import into xpswmm.
2) EpaSwmmReader.exe - an EPA-SWMM data file converter. Converts most Hillsborough County SWMM,
SWMM4.4 and SWMM5 data files to XPX files.
3) InterfaceUtils.exe a utility for converting xpswmm interface files and binary results files to comma-delimeted
text files. The utility also allows graphing and export capabilities.
4) XPXConverter_RatToSWM.exe - a utility to convert XP-RatHGL data sets to XPX files for import to xpswmm.

Additional applications can be added either by editing the SWMXP.INI file or by selecting the Launch Application item
from the Application Settings dialog. For example, you can add menu items to launch programs that you would use in
combination with xpswmm such as receiving water quality programs, GIS and other engineering applications.

EPA-SWMM Data file Reader

The EPA-SWMM Data File Reader program is a standalone Windows application. It may be run outside of xpswmm.
It can also be launched via the Tools Launch Application menu command.
This tool is capable of converting EPA SWMM version 4.4 and 5.0 files to XPX format files. These files may be
converted to an xpswmm project file with the Import XPX/EPA Data tool.
Notes: This program converts data files on a line by line basis. The converted xpswmm model may by slightly
different than the EPA-SWMM source model.
Because the EPA-SWMM and the xpswmm calculation engines are different, results of the two calculations
will not be identical. Results are expected to be comparable.

To convert an EPA-SWMM data file, enter data into the dialog:
1. Select format of the EPA SWMM file from the drop menu.
2. The Sort Network check box applies only to Version 4.4 files.
3. Select the EPA SWMM file by clicking on the Select button and navigating to the file. Version 5.0 files have
an .inp extension.
4. Select or choose the default XPX output file.
5. The Create xpswmm Results File option applies only to version EPA SWMM version 4.4 files. It will read
EPA SWMM results and display them with the xpsmm tools. Select the input and output files.
6. Node Coordinates from DXF file applies only to Verions 4.4 files.
Click on Run. The program will execute the conversion and close.

Snap Mode
This tool is used to navigate to a vertex or link of a selectable layer. When active the cursor changes from a diagonal
arrow to a double lined cross as a target vertex or node is approached.
Access from the Tools Menu or the Job, Layer & Mode Control tools.
7.6.11 Export Graphics
Export Graphics
This dialog allows for the network (or selected portion) to be output to a graphics file. When you select this command
the following dialog will be displayed.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Note that when the entire network is exported, MS Windows Enhanced Metafile is the only format available. When the
current view is exported, all four format options are available. To export the entire network as a JPEG, GIF or BMP;
use the the Fit Window tool.
7.6.12 Calibrate Model
Pest is great (See Tony).

Automatic Calibration
This module is an option that may be purchased from XP Software. Contact XP Software Sales to obtain pricing or an
authorized copy of XP-SWMM with the automatic calibration tools. This module facilitates automated calibration by
interfacing XP-SWMM with PEST , a non-linear parameter optimization engine. The sum of squared differences
between modeled results and observed or target results is minimized in the weighted least squares sense. For
example the difference between many points on a measured outfall hydrograph and a computed outfall hydrograph
can be minimized to yield a high degree of fit.

The PEST engine accomplishes this by taking control of your model. It will rerun the model with updated input data
based on sensitivity gradients foe all of the Parameters selected by the user. These calibration parameters can be
bound to reasonable engineering limits and the estimated parameter values can then be imported as the final
calibrated model.

Observation Table
This table is used to store each observation with its measured and computed value. The observation IDs will become
automatically loaded into the Instruction File and the PEST Control File . The following functions operate on the table.
The parameters to be used in the calibration are entered using the Parameters button and execution commences
when Calibrate is selected.

The row number for the set of observations contained in the observation table.

Observation Id
The unique alphanumeric 4 character ID for the observation. This observation ID will be used in the
instruction file to pull computed results from the output file or other text file(s). The observation ID will also be
used in the PEST Control File along with the Model Value.

Observation Value
The field, measured, or target value for the observation. PEST will optimize the model to predict this value by
minimizing the weighted sum of squared difference of all observations in the least squares sense.

Model Value
The current model value that corresponds to the Observation ID. Typical sources of this information would be
from Spatial Reports or User Defined Reports .

This button plots all of the observation data measured vs. Computed. Graphically a 45-degree line represents perfect
correlation between measured and computed data.

Update Model Values
Loads the current Model Value computed from the last simulation run into the observation table. These results are
compared to the observation value to determine the degree of fit.

Insert/Delete/Append Row
Inserts, deletes or appends a row in the observation table.
This button launches the calibration process by sending the generated control file to the PEST engine designated in
the SWMXP.INI file. Calibration of the model must follow the generation and checking of all of the template files,
instruction files, and PEST control file.
Calibration Library (LIBRARY.CAL file)

This file contains the current set of XPX variables that are enabled for automatic calibration. The columns within the
file contains instructions for the software to locate object names and the location of the variable in the data file (.DAT).
Not all XPX variables or xpswmm parameters are suitable calibration parameters.

The LIBRARY.CAL file below contains the most common and most suitable XP variables that can be used for

#XPX_Name Layer Row Column Name_Locator
xpswmm Reference Manual

The XPX variable name of the calibration parameter. R_ usually precedes RUNOFF variables T_ precedes most
TRANSPORT variables. Consult the XPX references in the help or manual for more information on an individual

The mode of xpswmm to which the variable applies. This column also identifies the section of the data file to find the
variable. The software uses this field to index to the appropriate section of the data file.

The data file (.DAT) card or row label that contains the calibration parameter. These labels correspond to xpswmms
data file structure and is very similar to that of EPA SWMM.

The ith column where i is the integer representing which column in the data file will contain the calibration parameter.
For example, R_WIDTH (the subcatchment width) is located on the H1 card of the data file in the 5th column. In other
words it is the fifth item on the H1 line. The software uses this column to index to the correct location to place the

Similar to the Column data the Name_Locator instructs the software where to find the object name on the data line. In
a few cases such as RUNOFF water quality data the object name appears on a previous line. A value of -1 is used in
this case. A value of 0 is used when the variable is not related to any object such as Job Control parameters.
Calibration Parameters

Calibration Parameters Table
This table is used to store each calibration parameter with the Object and XP Variable it is derived from, its unique 4
character alphanumeric PEST ID and the parameters initial value. The following functions operate on the table.

The row number for the calibration parameter that PEST will adjust in the calibration process.

The network object that the calibration parameter is associated such. The object column contains the link or
node name. Some of the object names are indexed such as 103#2 which represents the second
subcatchment of a node in the Runoff Layer.

XP Variable
This column contains the XP variable name (XPX field name) for the calibration parameter.

A unique alphanumeric 4 character ID for the calibration parameter.

Initial Value
The initial or starting value of the calibration parameter for the calibration process. This value is also the
current numerical value of the calibration parameter if the parameter was imported through an XPX file.

Calibrated Value
The value of the parameter that has been estimated by a PEST analysis. These values are held in the .REC
or record file and are loaded into the table by executing the Load Calibrated Values command.

Replace the contents of the highlighted cell in the calibration table with the user enter value.

Insert/Delete Row
Inserts or deletes a selected row from the observation table.

Commit Calibrated Values

Control File

Generates a default PEST control file using the MAKES CTL function designated in the SWMXP.INI file. This file will
include default values for the input parameters of PEST, the calibration parameters in the parameter file, and will
reference the instruction file and template file you have created. It will then need to be edited to replace default values
and commands with ones appropriate for your modeling.

Loads the current PEST control file into the current editor. The file must then be modified by replacing default values
with appropriate PEST input parameters.

Reads the PEST Control file, making sure that all necessary items of information are present on this file and that every
item is consistent with every other item. It also checks that all parameters and observations cited in the PEST control
xpswmm Reference Manual
file are also cited in the template file(s) and instruction file(s) referenced in the PEST control file, and that parameters
and observations cited in the template file and instruction file are also listed in the PEST control file.

Create Files
Creates the template file which PEST uses to create an updated data file (.DAT) to send to the SWMM engine by
substituting the PEST ID for the numerical value contained in the DAT file. In addition, a parameter file is created to
generate the starting values for the first PEST execution of the model and these string values are used in the creation
of the PEST control file. After the creation of these files a CALIBRAT.LOG file will be displayed in the current editor
listing any errors in the creation of the template file. Such errors may include parameters that are not currently
supported in the calibration procedure or objects that cannot be located in the data file.

Note: Two conditions must be met for the insertion of a calibration parameter into the template file. The first is that
the object and SWMM input parameter referenced by the XPX variable must be found in the data file. In other words,
no substitution of PEST IDs will be performed if the object and corresponding variable are not found in the data file.
The second condition requires that the XP variable be contained in the calibration library file . This file contains all of
the default XP variables that can be used in the automatic calibration option of XP-SWMM.

Instruction File

Generates the first line of an instruction file and places all of the observation variables from the observation table on
separate lines.

Loads the current instruction file with all of the observation variables into the editor designated in the SWMXP.INI file.
The file must then have relevant search text appropriately entered to locate these variables in the output file(.OUT)
and/or other text file(s).

Checks the syntax and searching capabilities of the instruction file with the output file (.OUT). This is accomplished
by sending the instruction file name and path along with the output file (.OUT) name and path to the CHK
INSTRUCTION function designated in the SWMXP.INI file. A INSCHEK.LOG file is then created and displayed in your
current editor displaying all warnings, errors and confirmation messages,

Load Calibrated Values

Load XPX Variables

This button imports an XPX file into the calibration parameter table. The use of an XPX file for the import of calibration
parameters is a novel approach. The export of an XPX file is a very powerful function that allows the user to export a
selection of variables and objects. For example the user may highlight a particular branch of the network and choose
the % impervious of each subcatchment and the pipe roughness used in the EXTRAN layer. This XPX file can then
be imported and a PEST ID would be assigned for each of these parameters. A large amount of parameters can be
selected and easily imported in this fashion to generate the template that PEST will use. In essence, the XPX file
contains all of the parameters you are freeing up so that PEST may adjust them in the calibration process.

This button opens the Calibration Parameters dialog for imputing all of the calibration parameters to be adjusted by
PEST in the calibration process. In addition, the generation of the template and parameter file is handled by this

Parameter File

Loads the current parameter file into the editor. Initial values of each calibration parameter could be modified in the
editor or changed in the calibration parameter table.

Selecting the radio button on Single or Double instructs PEST to write parameters to model input files using single
precision or double precision protocol. For single precision the parameter values will never be greater than 13
characters in length (even if the parameter space allows for a greater length) and the exponentiation character is e.
For double precision parameter values are written to model input files using double precision protocol; the maximum
parameter value length is 23 characters and the exponentiation symbol is d. Double precision is suitable for
extremely large and extremely small numbers. These controls refer to the PEST PRECIS parameter.

Note: XP-SWMM prepares template files with 10 spaces for PEST to write the parameter values. In some cases more
spaces to represent very large or small numbers in double precision may be required. In these cases load the
template file into the editor and manually add more spaces.

Selecting the radio button on Point or Nopoint instructs PEST to always use or omit the decimal point in the
representation of a number if it can when writing the data file. These controls refer to the PEST DPOINT parameter.

Note that if a parameter space is 13 characters wide or greater and the precision is single, PEST will include the
decimal point regardless of the setting of DPOINT, for there are no gains to be made in precision through leaving it
out. Similarly, if PRECIS is set to double, no attempt is made to omit a decimal point if the parameter space is 23
characters wide or more.

The table below shows how the setting of DPOINT affects the representation of the number 12345.67. In examining
this table, remember that PEST writes a number in such a way that the maximum possible precision is squeezed into
each parameter space.

Template File

Loads the current template file into the editor designated in the SWMXP.INI file. The file will be similar to the data file
(DAT) but have PEST IDs inserted throughout the file separated by a delimiter. Subsequent editing or modification of
the template file can then be performed within the editor if required.

Checks the syntax of the template file and prepares a data file using the calibration parameter values contained in the
parameter file. This is accomplished by sending the template file name and path, the data file (DAT) name and path
along with the parameter file name and path to the CHK_TEMPLATE function designated in the SWMXP.INI file. A
TEMPCHEK.LOG file is then created and displayed in your current editor displaying all warnings, errors, and
confirmation messages.

xpswmm Reference Manual
7.6.13 Calculate Conduit
7.6.5 Calculate Conduit Lengths
The lengths of all conduits or of the selected conduit(s) can be calculated from the node coordinates by selecting this

7.6.6 Calculate Conduit Slopes
The slopes of all conduits or of the selected conduit(s) can be calculated from the conduit invert elevations by selecting
this command.

The slopes can be modified, if so desired, prior to accepting the result.

Cross Sections
This tool requires an active DTM layer. It is used to generate shapes of links that are Natural Channels and/or layouts
of cross-sections. The generated cross-sections are straight lines perpendicular to the the channel centerline,
represented by link.

Apply to options are:
All natural shape links
Selected natural shape links

Create options are:
Layout then Shape from DTM - Both the layout and the shapes are generated. The user defines:
Cross-section location as offset from:
Upstream Node
Downstream node

Offset percentage
Cross-section width as left and right distance (in ft or m) from the centerline looking downstream.

Layout from Shape - Layouts of cross-section are generated from user defined location data. Width of the
existing shape is used and the lowest point in the section data is the centerline of the station.

Shape using Layout and DTM - the shapes are developed from predefined layouts of the cross-sections. The
options on crossection location are disabled.

The successlly generated cross-sections are reported.
xpswmm Reference Manual

To view the layouts of the cross-sections the Cross-sections layer must be enabled on the Layer Control Panel. To
edit the cross-sections, select the link, right click and select Edit Cross-section from the pop-up menu. The Cross-
sections Layer must Visible, Movable and Selectable in order to graphically edit the polyline.
7.7 Analyze
The Analyze Menu

7.7.1 Solve
7.7.2 Show Errors
7.7.1 Solve
This menu command is used to commence analysis of the network. The data is first checked for consistency and, if it
is found to be sound, the network can be analysed and the analysis engine is invoked. Otherwise a window showing
all the data inconsistency errors is displayed. The errors and warnings shown may be re-displayed by selecting the
"Show Errors " menu command.

The mandatory consistency checks performed at this stage generally concern relationships between data items and
are outlined in more detail in Utilities.

If no errors or warnings are detected no error log is generated. The user is next prompted for the name of a text-
based output file. The default name will be the database file name with a .out extension. Although the output file may
be directed to a different directory than the .XP file, all other files produced at run time will be located in the same
directory as the .XP file being solved.

When Save is clicked the analysis engine is loaded and when the analysis is complete any errors or warnings
encountered are reported.


7.7.2 Show Errors
Show Errors will re-display the "error.log" file that is created when a network is solved. This enables the user to
systematically correct any errors encountered without the need to print the error log or to re-solve the network.

7.8 Results
The Results Menu
The review results menu contains all data review and display of results functions
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the menu commands.

Descriptions of the available Results menu commands may be found in the following links.

Browse File
Review Results
xpswmm Reference Manual
Profile Plot
Dynamic Long Section View
Dynamic Section Views
Dynamic Plan View
Spatial Report
Graphical Encoding
Perspective View
Tabular Report
7.8.2 Browse File
Browse File Dialog
This command allows the user to browse any text file on the system. This command is intended to allow users to view
their output files without leaving the XP environment but can be used for any ASCII text file.

When you select a filename Notepad.exe, or the editor referred to in SWMXP.INI will be loaded. See the Help menu
of your selected editor for more information.
To review the output file open the filename.out file with the Browse File Dialog. This file is located in the same folder
as the xpswmm project file.
Sample Output File with Popup Explanations

Click on any underlined text for documentation of that item in the file.

Current Directory: C:\XPS\XP-SWMM
Engine Name: C:\XPS\XP-SWMM\swmmengw.exe
Read 1 line(s) and found 1 items(s) from your cfg file.
Input File : C:\XPS\XP-SWMM\Samples\TESTEXT1.XP

| Storm and Wastewater Management Model |
| Interface Version: 9.50 |
| Engine Version: 9.28 |
| |
| Developed by |
| |
| XP Software |
| |
| XP Software November, 2004 |
| Data File Version ---> 11.7 |
| Serial Number: 42-xxx-0000 |
| XP Software (Evaluation) |

Engine Name: C:\XPS\XP-SWMM\swmmengw.exe
xpswmm Reference Manual

| Input and Output file names by Layer |

Input File to Layer # 1 JOT.US
Output File to Layer # 1 JOT.US

| Special command line arguments in XP-SWMM2000. This |
| now includes program defaults. $Keywords are the program|
| defaults. Other Keywords are from the SWMMCOM.CFG file.|
| or the command line or any cfg file on the command line.|
| Examples include these in the file xpswm.bat under the |
| section :solve or in the windows version XPSWMM2 in the|
| file solve.bat |
| |
| Note: the cfg file should be in the subdirectory swmxp |
| or defined by the set variable in the xpswm.bat |
| file. Some examples of the command lines possible|
| are shown below: |
| |
| swmmd swmmcom.cfg |
| swmmd my.cfg |
| swmmd nokeys nconv5 perv extranwq |

$powerstation 0.0000 1 2
$perv 0.0000 0 4
$oldegg 0.0000 0 7
$as 0.0000 0 11
$noflat 0.0000 0 21
$oldomega 0.0000 0 24
$oldvol 0.0000 1 28
$implicit 0.0000 1 29
$oldhot 0.0000 1 31
$oldscs 0.0000 0 33
$flood 0.0000 1 40
$nokeys 0.0000 0 42
$pzero 0.0000 0 55
$oldvol2 0.0000 2 59
$storage2 0.0000 3 62
$oldhot1 0.0000 1 63
$pumpwt 0.0000 1 70
$ecloss 0.0000 1 77
$exout 0.0000 0 97
xpswmm Reference Manual
$spatial = 0.90 0.9000 5 124
$djref = -1.0 -0.1000 3 143
$weirlen = 50 50.0000 1 153
$oldbnd 0.0000 1 154
$nogrelev 0.0000 1 161
$ncmid 0.0000 0 164
$new_nl_97 0.0000 2 290
$best97 0.0000 1 294
$newbound 0.0000 1 295
Q_TOL=0.001 0.0000 1 316
$new_storage 0.0000 1 322
$old_iteration 0.0000 1 333
$minlen=30.0 30.0000 1 346
$review_elevation 0.0000 1 383
$use_half_volume 0.0000 1 385
$min_ts = 0.5 0.5000 1 407
$design_restart = on 0.0000 1 412
$zero_value=1.e-05 0.0000 1 415
$relax_depth = on 0.0000 1 427

| Parameter Values on the Tapes Common Block.These are the |
| values read from the data file and dynamically allocated |
| by the model for this simulation. |

Number of Subcatchments in the Runoff Block (NW).... 0
Number of Channel/Pipes in the Runoff Block (NG).... 0
Runoff Water quality constituents (NRQ)............. 0
Runoff Land Uses per Subcatchment (NLU)............. 0
Number of Elements in the Transport Block (NET)..... 0
Number of Storage Junctions in Transport (NTSE)..... 0
Number of Input Hydrographs in Transport (NTH)...... 0
Number of Elements in the Extran Block (NEE)........ 10
Number of Groundwater Subcatchments in Runoff (NGW). 0
Number of Interface locations for all Blocks (NIE).. 10
Number of Pumps in Extran (NEP)..................... 0
Number of Orifices in Extran (NEO).................. 0
Number of Tide Gates/Free Outfalls in Extran (NTG).. 1
Number of Extran Weirs (NEW)........................ 0
Number of scs hydrograph points..................... 1
Number of Extran printout locations (NPO)........... 0
Number of Tide elements in Extran (NTE)............. 1
Number of Natural channels (NNC).................... 1
Number of Storage junctions in Extran (NVSE)........ 0
Number of Time history data points in Extran(NTVAL). 0
xpswmm Reference Manual
Number of Variable storage elements in Extran (NVST) 0
Number of Input Hydrographs in Extran (NEH)......... 3
Number of Particle sizes in Transport Block (NPS)... 0
Number of User defined conduits (NHW)............... 10
Number of Connecting conduits in Extran (NECC)...... 20
Number of Upstream elements in Transport (NTCC)..... 10
Number of Storage/treatment plants (NSTU)........... 0
Number of Values for R1 lines in Transport (NR1).... 0
Number of Nodes to be allowed for (NNOD)............ 10
Number of Plugs in a Storage Treatment Unit......... 1

# Entry made to the HYDRAULIC Layer(Block) of SWMM #
# Last Updated October,2000 by XP Software #

Example 1

| These are the more important tables in the output file. |
| You can use your editor to find the table numbers, |
| for example: search for Table E20 to check continuity. |
| This output file can be imported into a Word Processor |
| and printed on US letter or A4 paper using portrait |
| mode, courier font, a size of 8 pt. and margins of 0.75 |
| |
| Table E1 - Basic Conduit Data |
| Table E2 - Conduit Factor Data |
| Table E3a - Junction Data |
| Table E3b - Junction Data |
| Table E4 - Conduit Connectivity Data |
| Table E4a - Dry Weather Flow Data |
| Table E4b - Real Time Control Data |
| Table E5 - Junction Time Step Limitation Summary |
| Table E5a - Conduit Explicit Condition Summary |
| Table E6 - Final Model Condition |
| Table E7 - Iteration Summary |
| Table E8 - Junction Time Step Limitation Summary |
| Table E9 - Junction Summary Statistics |
| Table E10 - Conduit Summary Statistics |
| Table E11 - Area assumptions used in the analysis |
| Table E12 - Mean conduit information |
| Table E13 - Channel losses(H) and culvert info |
| Table E13a - Culvert Analysis Classification |
xpswmm Reference Manual
| Table E14 - Natural Channel Overbank Flow Information |
| Table E14a - Natural Channel Encroachment Information |
| Table E14b - Floodplain Mapping |
| Table E15 - Spreadsheet Info List |
| Table E15a - Spreadsheet Reach List |
| Table E16 - New Conduit Output Section |
| Table E17 - Pump Operation |
| Table E18 - Junction Continuity Error |
| Table E19 - Junction Inflow Sources |
| Table E20 - Junction Flooding and Volume List |
| Table E21 - Continuity balance at simulation end |
| Table E22 - Model Judgement Section |

Time Control from Hydraulics Job Control
Year......... 1996 Month....... 1
Day.......... 1 Hour........ 0
Minute....... 0 Second...... 0

Control information for simulation

Integration cycles................. 480
Length of integration step is...... 60.00 seconds
Simulation length.................. 8.00 hours
Do not create equiv. pipes(NEQUAL). 0
Use U.S. customary units for I/O... 0
Printing starts in cycle........... 1
Intermediate printout intervals of. 500 cycles
Intermediate printout intervals of. 500.00 minutes
Summary printout intervals of...... 500 cycles
Summary printout time interval of.. 500.00 minutes
Hot start file parameter (REDO).... 0
Initial time....................... 0.00 hours

Iteration variables: Flow Tolerance. 0.00010
Head Tolerance. 0.00050
Minimum depth (m or ft)......... 0.00001
Underrelaxation parameter....... 0.85000
Time weighting parameter........ 0.85000
Conduit roughness factor........ 1.00000
Flow adjustment factor.......... 1.00000
Initial Condition Smoothing..... 0
Courant Time Step Factor........ 1.00000
Default Expansion/Contraction K. 0.00000
Default Entrance/Exit K......... 0.00000
xpswmm Reference Manual
Routing Method.................. Dynamic Wave
Default surface area of junctions... 12.57 square feet.
Minimum Junction/Conduit Depth...... 0.00001 feet.
Ponding Area Coefficient............ 5000.00
Ponding Area Exponent............... 1.0000
Minimum Orifice Length.............. 300.00 feet.
NJSW input hydrograph junctions..... 3
or user defined hydrographs....

Natural Cross-Section information for Channel la6
Cross-Section ID (from X1 card) : 1.0 Channel sequence number : 1

Left Overbank Length : 4500.0 ft Maximum Elevation : 9.00 f
Main Channel Length : 4500.0 ft Maximum depth : 9.00 ft.
Right Overbank Length : 4500.0 ft Maximum Section Area : 45.0
000 ft^2
Maximum hydraulic radius : 1.96 ft.
Manning N : 0.013 to Station 5.0 Max topwidth : 5.10 ft.
" " : 0.013 in main Channel Maximum Wetted Perimeter : 2.29E
+01 ft
" " : 0.013 Beyond station 10.0 Max left bank area : 0.00 ft^2
Max right bank area : 0.45 ft^2
Allowable Encroachment Depth : 0.00 ft Max center channel area : 44
.5500 ft^2

| Table E1 - Conduit Data |

Inp Conduit Length Conduit Area Manning Max Width Dep
th Side
Num Name (ft) Class (ft^2) Coef. (ft) (ft) Slopes
---- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- --------- ----- -------
1 la1 1800.0000 Circular 12.5664 0.0150 4.0000 4.0000
2 la2 2075.0000 Circular 15.9043 0.0150 4.5000 4.5000
3 la3 5000.0000 Circular 14.6761 0.0150 5.0000 3.5000
4 la4 500.0000 Circular 28.2743 0.0150 6.0000 6.0000
5 la5 300.0000 Trapezoid 243.0000 0.0150 0.0100 9.0000 3.0
000 3.0000
6 la6 4500.0000 Natural 45.0000 0.0130 5.1000 9.0000
7 lb1 5100.0000 Circular 15.9043 0.0150 4.5000 4.5000
8 lb2 3500.0000 Circular 15.9043 0.0150 4.5000 4.5000
9 lb3 5000.0000 Circular 23.7583 0.0154 5.5000 5.5000
Total length of all conduits .... 27775.0000 feet

| Table E2 - Conduit Factor Data |
xpswmm Reference Manual

Time Low Flow Depth at
Conduit Number Entrance Exit Exp/Contc Weighting Roughness
Which Flow
Name of Barrels Loss Coef Loss Coef Coefficnt Parameter Factor n Ch
anges Routing
--------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------
la3 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8500 1.0000 0.0000 Standar
d - Dynamic Wave
lb2 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.6500 1.0000 0.0000 Standar
d - Dynamic Wave

| If there are messages about (sqrt(g*d)*dt/dx), or |
| the sqrt(wave celerity)*time step/conduit length |
| in the output file all it means is that the |
| program will lower the internal time step to |
| satisfy this condition (explicit condition). |
| You control the actual internal time step by |
| using the minimum courant time step factor in the |
| HYDRAULICS job control. The message put in words |
| states that the smallest conduit with the fastest |
| velocity will control the time step selection. |
| You have further control by using the modify |
| conduit option in the HYDRAULICS Job Control. |

Conduit Courant
Name Ratio
--------------- ---------
la1 0.38
la2 0.35
la3 0.13
la4 1.67 ===> Warning ! (sqrt(wave celerity)*time step/conduit len
la5 2.41 ===> Warning ! (sqrt(wave celerity)*time step/conduit len
la6 0.22
lb1 0.14
lb2 0.21
lb3 0.16

| Conduit Volume |

Full pipe or full open conduit volume
Input full depth volume............ 6.7411E+05 cubic feet

xpswmm Reference Manual
| Table E3a - Junction Data |

Inp Junction Ground Crown Invert Qinst Initial Interface
Num Name Elevation Elevation Elevation cfs Depth-ft Flow (%)
--- --------------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ---------
1 mh a1 142.0000 128.6000 124.6000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
2 113 135.0000 135.0000 118.3000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
3 mh a3 155.0000 119.0000 112.3000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
4 mh a4 125.0000 108.8000 102.8000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
5 mh a5 120.0000 111.0000 102.0000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
6 mh a6 111.0000 110.6000 101.6000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
7 outlet 100.0000 98.9000 89.9000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
8 mh b1 137.0000 132.7000 128.2000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
9 mh b2 130.0000 122.0000 117.5000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
10 mh b3 125.0000 117.0000 111.5000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000

| Table E3b - Junction Data |

Inp Junction X Y Type of Type of Maximum Pavem
Num Name Coord. Coord. Manhole Inlet Capacity Sha
pe Slope
--- --------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------- -------
1 mh a1 29.7714 470.8815 No Ponding Normal 0 0.
2 113 66.2360 470.8785 Flooded Normal 0 0.000
3 mh a3 66.2360 426.9716 No Ponding Normal 0 0.
4 mh a4 66.2360 391.9716 No Ponding Normal 0 0.
5 mh a5 108.9179 391.9716 No Ponding Normal 0 0
6 mh a6 148.9179 391.9716 No Ponding Normal 0 0
7 outlet 218.8668 391.9716 No Ponding Normal 0 0.
8 mh b1 217.7331 424.4535 No Ponding Normal 0 0
9 mh b2 158.7037 424.4535 No Ponding Normal 0 0
10 mh b3 108.7037 424.4535 No Ponding Normal 0

| Table E4 - Conduit Connectivity |
xpswmm Reference Manual

Input Conduit Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream

Number Name Node Node Elevation Elevation
====== ================ ============== =============== ==
======= =========
1 la1 mh a1 113 124.6000 118.3000 No Design
2 la2 113 mh a3 118.3000 114.5000 No Design
3 la3 mh a3 mh a4 113.8000 104.3000 No Design
4 la4 mh a4 mh a5 102.8000 102.0000 No Design
5 la5 mh a5 mh a6 102.0000 101.6000 No Design
6 la6 mh a6 outlet 101.6000 89.9000 No Design
7 lb1 mh b1 mh b2 128.2000 117.5000 No Design
8 lb2 mh b2 mh b3 117.5000 111.5000 No Design
9 lb3 mh b3 mh a5 111.5000 102.0000 No Design


Outfall at Junction....outlet has boundary condition number... 1



---------------- ---------------- ----------------
FREE # 1 outlet BOUNDARY

| Boundary Condition Information |
| Data Groups J1-J4 |

BC NUMBER.. 1 has no control water surface.

| Table E4a - Dry Weather Flow Data |

| Daily Dry Weather Flow Patterns |
xpswmm Reference Manual

Day Pattern #
1 2 3
1 MON 1.000 1.150 1.000
2 TUE 1.000 1.250 1.000
3 WED 1.000 1.200 1.000
4 THU 1.000 1.200 1.000
5 FRI 1.000 1.100 1.000
6 SAT 1.000 0.700 1.000
7 SUN 1.000 0.400 1.000

| Hourly Dry Weather Flow Patterns |

Hour Pattern #
1 2 3
1 1.000 0.400 1.000
2 1.000 0.300 1.000
3 1.000 0.400 1.000
4 1.000 0.500 1.000
5 1.000 0.900 1.000
6 1.000 1.300 1.000
7 1.000 1.800 1.000
8 1.000 1.600 1.000
9 1.000 1.500 1.000
10 1.000 1.300 1.000
11 1.000 1.200 1.000
12 1.000 1.300 1.000
13 1.000 1.200 1.000
14 1.000 1.200 1.000
15 1.000 1.100 1.000
16 1.000 1.100 1.000
17 1.000 1.200 1.000
18 1.000 1.300 1.000
19 1.000 1.100 1.000
20 1.000 1.000 1.000
21 1.000 0.800 1.000
22 1.000 0.600 1.000
23 1.000 0.500 1.000
24 1.000 0.400 1.000

| Manhole Dry Weather Flow Pattern |

xpswmm Reference Manual
Node Flow Area Density Peaking Units Method Flow Patte
rn #
Name Rate Factor (cfs) Flow
--------------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ----- -------- ------ ------
113 96.0000 1.2000 22.0000 1.0000 GPD 3 0.0039 2

| Table E4b - Real Time Control Data |

RTC Element Control: Flow Control
Time (hrs) Time (mins)
Type Object Name RTC Type Start End Ramp Up Ramp Down
Min Value Max Value # Sensors
======= =============== ================== ====== ======== =
======== ========= ============ ============ =========
Link la Conduit Flow 0.000 12.0000 1.0000 5.0000 30.0000(%
) 100.0000(%) 2

Sensor Name Type Object Name Control Type Value Type Objec
t Name Control Type Value
--------------- ------ --------------- ------------ ----------- ------- --------------- ------------
Water Level in mNode mh a3 Depth > 5.000

Minimum Flow AchLink la4 Flow > 5.000

# Header information from interface file: #

Title from first computational layer:
Example 1

Title from immediately preceding computational layer
Example 1

Name of preceding layer:................ Runoff Layer
Initial Julian date (IDATEZ)...................... 1995001
Initial time of day in seconds (TZERO)............ 0.0
No. Transfered input locations.................... 1
No. Transfered pollutants......................... 0
Size of total catchment area (acres).............. 1.00

# Element numbers of interface inlet locations: #
xpswmm Reference Manual

mh a1

Conversion factor to cfs for flow units on interface file. Multiply by: 1.00000

######## Important Information ########
Start date/time of interface file was.. 1995001 0.0000 hours
Start date/time of the simulation was.. 1995001 0.0000 hours

| XP Note Field Summary |

XP Note for: mh a1 Ground Elevation estimated from plans

| Conduit Convergence Criteria |

Conduit Full Conduit
Name Flow Slope
----------------- ---------- ----------
la1 73.6498 0.0035
la2 72.9335 0.0018
la3 63.9541 0.0019
la4 146.8162 0.0016
la5 2312.9959 0.0013
la6 411.4767 0.0026
lb1 78.0640 0.0021
lb2 70.5644 0.0017
lb3 123.5640 0.0019

| Initial Model Condition |
| Initial Time = 0.02 hours |

Junction / Depth / Elevation ===> "*" Junction is Surcharged.
mh a1/ 0.00 / 124.60 113/ 0.00 / 118.30 mh a3/ 0.00
/ 112.30
mh a4/ 0.00 / 102.80 mh a5/ 0.00 / 102.00 mh a6/ 0.00
/ 101.60
outlet/ 0.00 / 89.90 mh b1/ 0.00 / 128.20 mh b2/ 0.00
/ 117.50
mh b3/ 0.00 / 111.50

Conduit/ FLOW ===> "*" Conduit uses the normal flow option.
xpswmm Reference Manual
la1/ 0.00 la2/ 0.00 la3/ 0.00
la4/ 0.00 la5/ 0.00 la6/ 0.00
lb1/ 0.00 lb2/ 0.00 lb3/ 0.00
FREE # 1/ 0.00

Conduit/ Velocity
la1/ 0.00 la2/ 0.00 la3/ 0.00
la4/ 0.00 la5/ 0.00 la6/ 0.00
lb1/ 0.00 lb2/ 0.00 lb3/ 0.00

Conduit/ Cross Sectional Area
la1/ 0.00 la2/ 0.00 la3/ 0.00
la4/ 0.00 la5/ 0.00 la6/ 0.00
lb1/ 0.00 lb2/ 0.00 lb3/ 0.00

Conduit/ Hydraulic Radius
la1/ 0.00 la2/ 0.00 la3/ 0.00
la4/ 0.00 la5/ 0.00 la6/ 0.00
lb1/ 0.00 lb2/ 0.00 lb3/ 0.00

Conduit/ Upstream/ Downstream Elevation
la1/ 118.30/ 118.30 la2/ 112.30/ 112.30 la3/ 102.80/
la4/ 102.00/ 102.00 la5/ 101.60/ 101.60 la6/ 89.90/
lb1/ 117.50/ 117.50 lb2/ 111.50/ 111.50 lb3/ 102.00/

######## Important Information ########
Start time of user hydrographs was... 0.000000000000000E+000
Start time of the simulation was..... 0.000000000000000E+000
Found a match between user hydrograph and simulation start time.

===> System inflows (data group K3) at 0.00 hours ( Junction / Inflow,cfs )

mh a1 / 0.00E+00 mh a3 / 0.00E+00 mh b1 / 0.00E+00
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
===> System inflows (data group K3) at 0.02 hours ( Junction / Inflow,cfs )

mh a1 / 6.50E+01 mh a3 / 3.20E+01 mh b1 / 5.00E+01
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
===> System inflows (data group K3) at 0.25 hours ( Junction / Inflow,cfs )

mh a1 / 6.50E+01 mh a3 / 3.20E+01 mh b1 / 5.00E+01
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
===> System inflows (data group K3) at 3.00 hours ( Junction / Inflow,cfs )
xpswmm Reference Manual

mh a1 / 0.00E+00 mh a3 / 0.00E+00 mh b1 / 0.00E+00
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
===> System inflows (data group K3) at 3.25 hours ( Junction / Inflow,cfs )

mh a1 / 0.00E+00 mh a3 / 0.00E+00 mh b1 / 0.00E+00
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

| Table E5 - Junction Time Limitation Summary |
| (0.10 or 0.25)* Depth * Area |
| Time step = ------------------------------ |
| Sum of Flow |
| The time this junction was the limiting junction |
| is listed in the third column. |

Junction Time(.10) Time(.25) Time(sec)
----------------- --------- --------- ---------
mh a1 2.9140 7.2850 8880.0000
113 2.2622 5.6556 1140.0000
mh a3 0.6186 1.5464 18180.0000
mh a4 25.7435 64.3588 420.0000
mh a5 72.9974 182.4936 0.0000
mh a6 78.8772 197.1931 0.0000
outlet 600.0000 600.0000 0.0000
mh b1 39.4949 98.7373 180.0000
mh b2 133.6925 334.2314 0.0000
mh b3 89.3258 223.3144 0.0000
The junction requiring the smallest time step a3

| Table E5a - Conduit Explicit Condition Summary |
| Courant = Conduit Length |
| Time step = -------------------------------- |
| Velocity + sqrt(g*depth) |
| |
| Conduit Implicit Condition Summary |
| Courant = Conduit Length |
| Time step = -------------------------------- |
| Velocity |
| The 3rd column is the Explicit time step times the |
xpswmm Reference Manual
| minimum courant time step factor |
| |
| Minimum Conduit Time Step in seconds in the 4th column |
| in the list. Maximum possible is 10 * maximum time step |
| |
| The 5th column is the maximum change at any time step |
| during the simulation. The 6th column is the wobble |
| value which is an indicator of the flow stability. |
| |
| You should use this section to find those conduits that |
| are slowing your model down. Use modify conduits to |
| alter the length of the slow conduits to make your |
| simulation faster, or change the conduit name to |
| "CHME?????" where ????? are any characters, this will |
| lengthen the conduit based on the model time step, |
| not the value listed in modify conduits. |

Conduit Time(exp) Expl*Cmin Time(imp) Time(min) Max Qchange
Wobble Type of Soln
-------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ------------
la1 61.6441 61.6441 271.5736 21.0000 -
9.1911 3.4619 Normal Soln
la2 72.2411 72.2411 399.4717 0.0000 12.4290 4.1635 Normal S
la3 156.5599 156.5599 600.0000 0.0000 3.3083 3.2224 Normal
la4 30.6401 30.6401 83.9580 9.0000 2.3793 1.3953 Normal So
la5 26.2926 26.2926 66.0310 450.0000 2.5101 0.1263 Normal S
la6 241.1460 241.1460 600.0000 0.0000 1.7440 0.7068 Normal
lb1 341.2057 341.2057 600.0000 0.0000 2.2322 1.3645 Normal
lb2 241.8491 241.8491 600.0000 0.0000 1.0465 1.4483 Normal
lb3 319.0218 319.0218 600.0000 0.0000 0.8676 0.8131 Normal
The conduit with the smallest time step limitation was..la5
The conduit with the largest wobble was.................la2
The conduit with the largest flow change in any
consecutive time step...................................la2

* Hydraulic design routine final results. *

<-------- Original --------> <--------- Designed -------->
Conduit Name Height Width Barrels Height Width Barrels
la3 3.5000 3.5000 1.0000 5.0000 5.0000 1.0000
xpswmm Reference Manual

| Table E6. Final Model Condition |
| This table is used for steady state |
| flow comparison and is the information|
| saved to the hot-restart file. |
| Final Time = 8.017 hours |

Junction / Depth / Elevation ===> "*" Junction is Surcharged.
mh a1/ 0.00 / 124.60/ 113/ 0.02 / 118.32/ mh a3/ 2.60
/ 114.90/
mh a4/ 0.08 / 102.88/ mh a5/ 0.37 / 102.37/ mh a6/ 0.
10 / 101.70/
outlet/ 0.03 / 89.93/ mh b1/ 0.03 / 128.23/ mh b2/ 0.1
0 / 117.60/
mh b3/ 0.14 / 111.64/

Conduit/ Flow ===> "*" Conduit uses the normal flow option.
la1/ 0.00*/ la2/ 0.01*/ la3/ 0.07 /
la4/ 0.08*/ la5/ 0.39 / la6/ 0.42 /
lb1/ 0.01*/ lb2/ 0.08*/ lb3/ 0.17*/
FREE # 1/ 0.42 /

Conduit/ Velocity
la1/ 0.14 / la2/ 0.10 / la3/ 0.44 /
la4/ 0.43 / la5/ 1.06 / la6/ 0.89 /
lb1/ 0.34 / lb2/ 0.66 / lb3/ 0.70 /

Conduit/ Width
la1/ 1.57 / la2/ 1.84 / la3/ 4.82 /
la4/ 2.40 / la5/ 2.05 / la6/ 1.31 /
lb1/ 1.76 / lb2/ 1.76 / lb3/ 2.21 /

Junction/ EGL
mh a1/ 0.00 / 113/ 0.02 / mh a3/ 2.60 /
mh a4/ 1.50 / mh a5/ 0.37 / mh a6/ 0.12 /
outlet/ 0.04 / mh b1/ 0.03 / mh b2/ 0.10 /
mh b3/ 0.14 /

Junction/ Freeboard
mh a1/ 17.40 / 113/ 16.68 / mh a3/ 40.10 /
mh a4/ 22.12 / mh a5/ 17.63 / mh a6/ 9.30 /
outlet/ 10.07 / mh b1/ 8.77 / mh b2/ 12.40 /
mh b3/ 13.36 /

Junction/ Max Volume
mh a1/ 207.28 / 113/ 15133.58 / mh a3/ 267.52 /
mh a4/ 46.31 / mh a5/ 47.94 / mh a6/ 51.66 /
xpswmm Reference Manual
outlet/ 37.78 / mh b1/ 35.86 / mh b2/ 37.63 /
mh b3/ 30.72 /

Junction/Total Fldng
mh a1/ 0.00 / 113/ 15997.36 / mh a3/ 0.00 /
mh a4/ 0.00 / mh a5/ 0.00 / mh a6/ 0.00 /
outlet/ 0.00 / mh b1/ 0.00 / mh b2/ 0.00 /
mh b3/ 0.00 /

Conduit/ Cross Sectional Area
la1/ 0.00 / la2/ 0.09 / la3/ 0.17 /
la4/ 0.19 / la5/ 0.37 / la6/ 0.47 /
lb1/ 0.04 / lb2/ 0.12 / lb3/ 0.25 /

Conduit/ Final Volume
la1/ 7.37 / la2/ 194.69 / la3/ 855.69 /
la4/ 94.40 / la5/ 110.65 / la6/ 2126.74 /
lb1/ 211.67 / lb2/ 414.61 / lb3/ 1241.36 /

Conduit/ Hydraulic Radius
la1/ 0.01 / la2/ 0.05 / la3/ 0.06 /
la4/ 0.08 / la5/ 0.16 / la6/ 0.08 /
lb1/ 0.03 / lb2/ 0.07 / lb3/ 0.11 /

Conduit/ Upstream/ Downstream Elevation
la1/ 124.60/ 118.32 la2/ 118.32/ 114.90 la3/ 114.90/
la4/ 102.88/ 102.37 la5/ 102.37/ 101.70 la6/ 101.70/
lb1/ 128.23/ 117.60 lb2/ 117.60/ 111.64 lb3/ 111.64/

| Table E7 - Iteration Summary |

Total number of time steps simulated............ 480
Total number of passes in the simulation........ 3257
Total number of time steps during simulation.... 1235
Ratio of actual # of time steps / NTCYC......... 2.573
Average number of iterations per time step...... 2.637
Average time step size(seconds)................ 23.320
Smallest time step size(seconds)................ 0.619
Largest time step size(seconds)................ 60.000
Average minimum Conduit Courant time step (sec). 41.670
Average minimum implicit time step (sec)........ 22.731
Average minimum junction time step (sec)........ 22.731
xpswmm Reference Manual
Average Courant Factor Tf....................... 22.731
Number of times omega reduced................... 0

| Table E8 - Junction Time Step Limitation Summary |
| Not Convr = Number of times this junction did not |
| converge during the simulation. |
| Avg Convr = Average junction iterations. |
| Conv err = Mean convergence error. |
| Omega Cng = Change of omega during iterations |
| Max Itern = Maximum number of iterations |
Junction Not Convr Avg Convr Total Itt Omega Cng Max Itern Ittrn >10
Ittrn >25 Ittrn >40
-------------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
mh a1 0 2.77 3418 0 179 14 4 2
113 0 3.26 4029 0 63 16 4 3
mh a3 0 3.51 4338 0 49 12 3 2
mh a4 0 3.67 4535 0 14 9 0 0
mh a5 0 3.94 4865 0 16 9 0 0
mh a6 0 3.72 4589 0 14 4 0 0
outlet 0 3.19 3941 0 12 1 0 0
mh b1 0 2.28 2820 0 30 2 1 0
mh b2 0 2.67 3296 0 17 1 0 0
mh b3 0 3.63 4489 0 7 0 0 0
Total number of iterations for all junctions.. 40320
Minimum number of possible iterations......... 12350
Efficiency of the simulation.................. 3.26
Good Efficiency

| Extran Efficiency is an indicator of the efficiency of |
| the simulation. Ideal efficiency is one iteration per |
| time step. Altering the underrelaxation parameter, |
| lowering the time step, increasing the flow and head |
| tolerance are good ways of improving the efficiency, |
| another is lowering the internal time step. The lower the|
| efficiency generally the faster your model will run. |
| If your efficiency is less than 1.5 then you may try |
| increasing your time step so that your overall simulation|
| is faster. Ideal efficiency would be around 2.0 |
| |
| Good Efficiency < 1.5 mean iterations |
| Excellent Efficiency < 2.5 and > 1.5 mean iterations |
xpswmm Reference Manual
| Good Efficiency < 4.0 and > 2.5 mean iterations |
| Fair Efficiency < 7.5 and > 4.0 mean iterations |
| Poor Efficiency > 7.5 mean iterations |

| The Maximum area is only the area of the node, it |
| does not include the area of the surrounding conduits|

Uppermost Maximum Time Feet of Maximum
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Ground PipeCrown Junction of Surcharge Freeboard Juncti
on Gutter Gutter Gutter
Junction Elevation Elevation Elevation Occurence at Max of node
Area Depth Width Velocity
Name feet feet feet Hr. Min. Elevation feet ft^2 feet
feet ft/s
--------------- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------- -------
-- ---------
mh a1 142.0000 128.6000 141.0953 3 59 12.4953 0.9047 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
113 135.0000 122.8000 136.3825 3 0 13.5825 0.0000 19923.724
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh a3 155.0000 119.0000 133.5888 3 0 14.5888 21.4112 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh a4 125.0000 108.8000 106.4857 3 0 0.0000 18.5143 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh a5 120.0000 111.0000 105.8152 3 0 0.0000 14.1848 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh a6 111.0000 110.6000 105.7114 3 1 0.0000 5.2886 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
outlet 100.0000 98.9000 92.9065 3 1 0.0000 7.0935 12.5660 0
.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh b1 137.0000 132.7000 131.0535 0 30 0.0000 5.9465 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh b2 130.0000 122.0000 120.4950 0 58 0.0000 9.5050 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh b3 125.0000 117.0000 113.9444 1 37 0.0000 11.0556 12.5660
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

| Note: The peak flow may be less than the design flow |
| and the conduit may still surcharge because of the |
| downstream boundary conditions. |
| |
| * denotes an open conduit that has been overtopped |
| this is a potential source of severe errors |

xpswmm Reference Manual
Conduit Maximum Maximum Time Maximum Time R
atio of Maximum Depth Ratio
Design Design Vertical Computed of Computed of Max. t
o at Pipe Ends d/D
Conduit Flow Velocity Depth Flow Occurence Velocity Occurence
Design Upstream Dwnstrm US DS
Name (cfs) (ft/s) (in) (cfs) Hr. Min. (ft/s) Hr. Min. Flow (f
t) (ft)
--------------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -----
--- ----- -----
la1 73.6498 5.8609 48.0000 67.0896 0 21 6.6313 0 24 0.9109 14
1.0953 136.3825 4.123 4.520
la2 72.9335 4.5858 54.0000 75.8351 3 9 5.1951 0 37 1.0398 13
6.3825 133.5888 4.018 4.242
la3 63.9541 4.3577 42.0000 95.7218 3 0 6.6944 3 0 1.4967 133
.5879 106.5261 5.653 .6360
la4 146.8162 5.1926 72.0000 95.7175 3 0 5.9667 0 56 0.6520 10
6.4856 105.8152 .6143 .6359
la5 2312.996 9.5185 108.0000 145.6672 3 0 4.5439 0 57 0.0630 1
05.8152 105.7114 .4239 .4568
la6 411.4767 9.1439 108.0000 145.6253 3 1 7.3615 3 3 0.3539 1
05.7114 92.9065 .4568 .3341
lb1 78.0640 4.9084 54.0000 53.2659 0 40 5.2744 0 40 0.6823 13
1.0536 120.4950 .6341 .6655
lb2 70.5644 4.4368 54.0000 50.9842 1 10 4.7030 1 27 0.7225 12
0.4950 113.9444 .6655 .5432
lb3 123.5640 5.2009 66.0000 50.3197 1 38 4.6213 1 23 0.4072 1
13.9444 105.8152 .4444 .6937
FREE # 1 Undefnd Undefnd Undefn 145.6260 3 1


| Table E11. Area assumptions used in the analysis|
| Subcritical and Critical flow assumptions from |
| Subroutine Head. See Figure 17-1 in the |
| manual for further information. |

Duration Duration Durat. of Durat. of
of of Sub-
Upstream Downstream Maximum Maximum Maximum
Conduit Dry Critical Critical Critical Hydraulic X-Sect Vel*D
Name Flow(min) Flow(min) Flow(min) Flow(min) Radius-
m Area(ft^2) (ft^2/s)
--------------- ---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
la1 0.2500 479.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.2086 13.1229 87.6651
la2 0.2500 450.5000 0.0000 29.2500 1.3551 16.5999 79.9969
la3 1.1134 8.8095 0.0000 470.0771 1.1677 14.2988 73.6853
la4 16.0000 464.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6860 18.2849 19.6326
la5 0.7500 479.2500 0.0000 0.0000 1.8246 44.4095 13.3715
la6 17.6667 462.3333 0.0000 0.0000 1.5297 19.7841 26.1968
lb1 0.2500 479.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.2659 10.3511 14.4652
lb2 0.2500 479.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.2908 10.9107 12.6351
lb3 0.5000 479.5000 0.0000 0.0000 1.3049 10.9159 14.3442

xpswmm Reference Manual
| Table E12. Mean Conduit Flow Information |
Mean Total Mean Low Mean Mean Mean Mea
Conduit Flow Flow Percent Flow Froude Hydraulic Cross
Name (cfs) (ft^3) Change Weightng Number Radius Area R
--------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- ------- ---------
la1 24.4243 703419.50 0.1042 0.9992 0.6365 0.6052 6.6672 0.01
la2 23.9694 690318.23 0.1221 0.9984 0.3730 0.7059 8.7211 0.01
la3 35.4553 1021112.9 0.0966 0.8955 0.4856 0.7089 8.6298 0.01
la4 35.5806 1024722.3 0.0979 0.8947 0.4270 1.0265 9.7597 0.01
la5 54.3182 1564364.0 0.1465 0.8931 0.3954 1.0411 20.8166 0.01
la6 54.3036 1563944.7 0.1518 0.8915 0.7784 0.9280 10.4177 0.01
lb1 18.9340 545298.80 0.0602 0.9992 0.7006 0.7333 5.3485 0.01
lb2 18.9374 545396.03 0.0614 0.9984 0.7355 0.7946 6.0137 0.01
lb3 18.8224 542085.82 0.0504 0.9984 1.0069 0.8024 5.9533 0.01
FREE # 1 54.3115 1564170.5

| Table E13. Channel losses(H), headwater depth (HW), tailwater |
| depth (TW), critical and normal depth (Yc and Yn). |
| Use this section for culvert comparisons |

Conduit Maximum Head Friction Critical Normal HW TW

Name Flow Loss Loss Depth Depth Elevat Elevat
--------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
la1 67.0700 0.0000 6.1457 2.4721 2.9983 127.6640 121.0545 Max
la2 75.7573 0.0000 3.9600 2.5417 3.8760 135.2001 131.2066 Max
la3 95.7218 0.0000 22.3117 2.2261 3.5000 133.5879 106.5261 Ma
x Flow
la4 95.7175 0.0000 0.6958 2.6297 3.5315 106.4856 105.8151 Max
la5 145.6617 0.0000 0.1475 2.7003 3.1849 105.8151 105.7113 Ma
x Flow
la6 145.6243 0.0000 10.5874 3.0065 3.8416 105.7113 92.9065 Ma
x Flow
lb1 53.2659 0.0000 10.6218 2.1132 2.7287 130.9371 120.2243 Ma
x Flow
lb2 50.9842 0.0000 5.5715 2.0650 2.8356 120.4738 113.8720 Max
xpswmm Reference Manual
lb3 50.3197 0.0000 8.0123 1.9294 2.4438 113.9444 105.7578 Max

| and the time the culvert was in a particular |
| classification during the simulation. The time is |
| in minutes. The Dynamic Wave Equation is used for |
| all conduit analysis but the culvert flow classification |
| condition is based on the HW and TW depths. |
Mild Mild Steep Mild Mild
Slope Slope TW Slope TW Slug Flow Slope Slope
Critical D Control Insignf Outlet/ TW > D TW <= D
Conduit Outlet Outlet Entrance Entrance Outlet Outlet Outlet
Inlet Inlet
Name Control Control Control Control Control Control Control
Control Configuration
--------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------

la1 19.0000 316.0000 0.0000 0.0000 145.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00
00 None
la2 17.0000 306.0000 0.0000 0.0000 157.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00
00 None
la3 126.0000 182.0000 15.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 157.0000 0.0
000 None
la4 19.0000 445.0000 16.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00
00 None
la5 260.0000 203.0000 17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00
00 None
la6 217.0000 246.0000 17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00
00 None
lb1 29.0000 451.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
0 None
lb2 50.0000 430.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
0 None
lb3 11.0000 469.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
0 None

| Kinematic Wave Approximations |
| Time in Minutes for Each Condition |

Conduit Duration of Slope Super- Roll
Name Normal Flow Criteria Critical Waves
--------------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------
la1 287.5000 315.9167 9.0000 0.0000
la2 272.0000 292.6667 1.8333 0.0000
la3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
la4 151.8333 407.6667 8.0000 0.0000
xpswmm Reference Manual
la5 0.5000 174.3333 5.5000 0.0000
la6 0.0000 0.0000 4.5000 0.0000
lb1 439.3333 440.0000 11.0000 0.0000
lb2 282.3333 282.3333 21.0000 0.0000
lb3 457.8148 458.0000 15.3333 0.0000

| Table E14 - Natural Channel Overbank Flow Information |

<---- Maximum Velocity -----> <------ Maximum Flow -------> <------
Maximum Area ------> <--- Max. Storage Volume --->
Conduit Left Center Right Left Center Right Left Center
Right Left Center Right Maximum
Name Velocity Velocity Velocity Flow Flow Flow Area Ar
ea Area Area Area Area Depth
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
----- --------- --------- ---------
la6 0.0000 7.3925 0.3442 0.0000 145.5946 0.0306 0.0000 19.6950
0.0889 0.0000 88627.328 400.2457 4.0012

| Table E14a - Natural Channel Encroachment Information |

<------- Existing Conveyance Condition -------> <-----
Encroachment Conveyance Condition -----> <- % Volume --> <--
Encroachment Data -->
Conduit Left Centre Right Total Left Right Left Centre Right Total
Left Right Reduction Depth
Name Bank Channel Bank Station Station Bank Channel Bank
Station Station Left Right Incr. Method
------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----
-- ------- ------- ---------------
la6 0.0000 3822.6 0.8037 3823.4 5.0555 10.044 0.0000 3822.6 0.8037 3823.4
5.0555 10.044 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 None

| Table E14b - Floodplain Mapping |

Conduit Upstream Downstream Channel Center <----- Left Offsets ----
--> <----- Right Offsets ------> <- Channel Widths->
Name WS Elev. WS Elev. Length Station Natural Encroach Ban
k Natural Encroach Bank Total Encroach.
--------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- --------- ---------
la6 105.7114 92.9065 4500.0000 10.0000 4.9445 4.9445 5.0000 0.0
445 0.0445 0.0000 4.9889 4.9889

xpswmm Reference Manual
| Conduit Flow and Junction Depth Information for use in |
| spreadsheets. The maximum values in this table are the |
| true maximum values because they sample every time step.|
| The values in the review results may only be the |
| maximum of a subset of all the time steps in the run. |
| Note: These flows are only the flows in a single barrel.|

Conduit Maximum Total Maximum Maximum ## Junct
ion Invert Maximum
Name Flow Flow Velocity Volume ## Name Ele
vation Elevation
(cfs) (ft^3) (ft/s) (ft^3) ## (ft) (ft)
--------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ## ---------------- --------- ----
la1 67.0896 703419.4970 6.6313 23126.3806 ## mh a1 124
.6000 141.0953
la2 75.8351 690318.2291 5.1951 33682.5572 ## 113 118.
3000 136.3825
la3 95.7218 1021112.859 6.6944 13460.6794 ## mh a3 112
.3000 133.5888
la4 95.7175 1024722.280 5.9667 9292.4278 ## mh a4 102.
8000 106.4857
la5 145.6672 1564364.010 4.5439 14154.9650 ## mh a5 10
2.0000 105.8152
la6 145.6253 1563944.720 7.3615 20248.6700 ## mh a6 10
1.6000 105.7114
lb1 53.2659 545298.7977 5.2744 14890.8147 ## outlet 89.
9000 92.9065
lb2 50.9842 545396.0345 4.7030 14057.0840 ## mh b1 12
8.2000 131.0535
lb3 50.3197 542085.8203 4.6213 27504.6350 ## mh b2 11
7.5000 120.4950
FREE # 1 145.6260 1564170.493 0.0000 0.0000 ## mh b3 1
11.5000 113.9444

| Peak flow and Total Flow listed by Reach or those |
| conduits or diversions having the same |
| upstream and downstream nodes. |

Upstream Downstream Maximum Total
Node Node Flow Flow
(cfs) (ft^3)
--------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------
mh a1 113 67.0896 703419.497
113 mh a3 75.8351 690318.229
mh a3 mh a4 95.7218 1021112.86
xpswmm Reference Manual
mh a4 mh a5 95.7175 1024722.28
mh a5 mh a6 145.6672 1564364.01
mh a6 outlet 145.6253 1563944.72
mh b1 mh b2 53.2659 545298.798
mh b2 mh b3 50.9842 545396.035
mh b3 mh a5 50.3197 542085.820

# Table E16. New Conduit Information Section #
# Conduit Invert (IE) Elevation and Conduit #
# Maximum Water Surface (WS) Elevations #

Conduit Name Upstream Node Downstream Node IE Up IE Dn W
S Up WS Dn Conduit Type
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------------
la1 mh a1 113 124.6000 118.3000 141.0953 136.3825 Circu
la2 113 mh a3 118.3000 114.5000 136.3825 133.5888 Circu
la3 mh a3 mh a4 113.8000 104.3000 133.5879 106.5261 Cir
la4 mh a4 mh a5 102.8000 102.0000 106.4856 105.8152 Cir
la5 mh a5 mh a6 102.0000 101.6000 105.8152 105.7114 Tra
la6 mh a6 outlet 101.6000 89.9000 105.7114 92.9065 Natu
lb1 mh b1 mh b2 128.2000 117.5000 131.0536 120.4950 Cir
lb2 mh b2 mh b3 117.5000 111.5000 120.4950 113.9444 Cir
lb3 mh b3 mh a5 111.5000 102.0000 113.9444 105.8152 Cir

| Table E18 -
Junction Continuity Error. Division by Volume added 11/96 |
| |
| Continuity Error = Net Flow + Beginning Volume -
Ending Volume |
| ------------------------------------------------- |
| Total Flow + (Beginning Volume + Ending Volume)/2 |
| |
| Net Flow = Node Inflow - Node Outflow |
| Total Flow = absolute (Inflow + Outflow) |
| Intermediate column is a judgement on the node continuity error. |
| |
| Excellent < 1 percent Great 1 to 2 percent Good 2 to 5 percent |
| Fair 5 to 10 percent Poor 10 to 25 percent Bad 25 to 50 percent |
| Terrible > 50 percent |
xpswmm Reference Manual

Junction <------Continuity Error -------
> Remaining Beginning Net Flow Total Flow Failed to
Name Volume % of Node % of Inflow Volume Volume Thru
Node Thru Node Converge
--------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
mh a1 -870.3196 -0.0619 0.0548 9.7886 0.0000 -
860.5310 1405878.932 0
113 12469.4871 0.8946 0.7849 307.3122 0.0000 12776.7993 139
3737.726 0
mh a3 13865.9795 0.6739 0.8728 489.5162 0.0000 14355.4957 20
57257.271 0
mh a4 -3738.0351 -0.1827 0.2353 258.1989 0.0000 -
3479.8362 2045835.139 0
mh a5 1752.1781 0.0559 0.1103 1186.4355 0.0000 2938.6136 313
1172.110 0
mh a6 -17.9918 -
0.0006 0.0011 694.5142 0.0000 676.5224 3128308.729 0
outlet -656.2196 -
0.0210 0.0413 665.6892 0.0000 9.4695 3128115.212 0
mh b1 -5212.4150 -0.4801 0.3281 177.7477 0.0000 -
5034.6673 1085652.210 0
mh b2 -1033.7785 -0.0948 0.0651 418.7357 0.0000 -
615.0428 1090694.832 0
mh b3 1886.1170 0.1733 0.1187 1298.2993 0.0000 3184.4163 10
87481.855 0
The total continuity error was 18445. cubic feet
The remaining total volume was 5506.2 cubic feet
Your mean node continuity error was Excellent
Your worst node continuity error was Excellent

| Table E19 - Junction Inflow Sources |
| Units are either ft^3 or m^3 |
| depending on the units in your model.|

Constant User Interface DWF Inflow RNF Layer
Junction Inflow Inflow Inflow Inlow through Inflow
Outflow Evaporation from
Name to Node to Node to Node to Node Outfall to Nod
e from Node from Node 2D Layer
--------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -
---------- -----------
mh a1 0.0000 702000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
mh a3 0.0000 345600.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
outlet 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 1.564
2E+06 0.0000 0.0000
mh b1 0.0000 540000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

| Table E20 - Junction Flooding and Volume Listing. |
| The maximum volume is the total volume |
xpswmm Reference Manual
| in the node including the volume in the |
| flooded storage area. This is the max |
| volume at any time. The volume in the |
| flooded storage area is the total volume|
| above the ground elevation, where the |
| flooded pond storage area starts. |
| The fourth column is instantaneous, the fifth is the|
| sum of the flooded volume over the entire simulation|
| Units are either ft^3 or m^3 depending on the units.|

Out of Passed to 2D cell
1D System OR Volume Stored
Junction Surcharged Flooded Flooded Maximum in allowed
Name Time (min) Time(min) Volume Volume Pond of 1D-
--------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- -----------------
mh a1 137.3593 0.0000 0.0000 207.2802 0.0000
113 142.0000 134.5306 0.0000 15133.5765 15997.3648
mh a5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47.9412 0.0000
mh a6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 51.6644 0.0000
mh a3 157.0000 0.0000 0.0000 267.5154 0.0000
mh a4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 46.3135 0.0000
outlet 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 37.7798 0.0000
mh b1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 35.8581 0.0000
mh b2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 37.6347 0.0000
mh b3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 30.7162 0.0000

| Simulation Specific Information |
Number of Input Conduits.......... 9 Number of Simulated Conduits......
Number of Natural Channels........ 1 Number of Junctions............... 10
Number of Storage Junctions....... 0 Number of Weirs................... 0
Number of Orifices................ 0 Number of Pumps................... 0
Number of Free Outfalls........... 1 Number of Tide Gate Outfalls...... 0

| Average % Change in Junction or Conduit is defined as: |
| Conduit % Change ==> 100.0 ( Q(n+1) - Q(n) ) / Qfull |
| Junction % Change ==> 100.0 ( Y(n+1) - Y(n) ) / Yfull |

The Conduit with the largest average change was..FREE # 1 with 0.167 per
xpswmm Reference Manual
The Junction with the largest average change a3 with 2.150 perce
The Conduit with the largest sinuosity was.......la2 with 4.164

| Table E21. Continuity balance at the end of the simulation |
| Junction Inflow, Outflow or Street Flooding |
| Error = Inflow + Initial Volume - Outflow - Final Volume |

Inflow Inflow Average
Junction Volume,ft^3 Inflow, cfs
--------------- ------------ -------------
mh a1 702459.4354 24.3910
mh a3 345826.1836 12.0079
outlet 0.0003 0.0000
mh b1 540353.4119 18.7623
outlet -1.564E+06 -54.3115

Outflow Outflow Average
Junction Volume,ft^3 Outflow, cfs
--------------- ------------ ------------
outlet 1.56417E+06 54.3115

| Initial system volume = 0.0000 Cu Ft |
| Total system inflow volume = 1.587600E+06 Cu Ft |
| Inflow + Initial volume = 1.587600E+06 Cu Ft |
| Total system outflow = 1.564170E+06 Cu Ft |
| Volume left in system = 5506.2375 Cu Ft |
| Evaporation = 0.0000 Cu Ft |
| Outflow + Final Volume = 1.569677E+06 Cu Ft |

| Total Model Continuity Error |
| Error in Continuity, Percent = 1.1290 |
| Error in Continuity, ft^3 = 17923.270 |
| + Error means a continuity loss, - a gain |

# Table E22. Numerical Model judgement section #
xpswmm Reference Manual

Your overall error was 1.1290 percent
Worst nodal error was in node mh a3 with 0.6740 percent
Of the total inflow this loss was 0.8734 percent
Your overall continuity error was Great
Good Efficiency
Efficiency of the simulation 3.26
Most Number of Non Convergences at one Node 0.
Total Number Non Convergences at all Nodes 0.
Total Number of Nodes with Non Convergences 0.

===> Hydraulic model simulation ended normally.
===> XP-SWMM Simulation ended normally.
===> Your input file was named : C:\XPS\XP-
===> Your output file was named : C:\XPS\XP-

| SWMM Simulation Date and Time Summary |
| Starting Date... May 4, 2005 Time... 11:23: 2:32 |
| Ending Date... May 4, 2005 Time... 11:23: 4: 7 |
| Elapsed Time... 0.02917 minutes or 1.75000 seconds |
7.8.3 Review Results
Review Results
This tool provides graphical post-processing and presentation of the xpswmm/xpstorm analysis. Graphical display of
input data and hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality results on a user defined set of network elements is provided.
To use this tool the links and/or nodes you wish to examine must be:
active and,
See Selecting an Object to define the desired selection set then select Review Results from the Results Menu (or F7).
The graphs are titled:
Node: Node - name of node
Conduit: Conduit name of link from upstream node to downstream node
Diversion: Diversion name of link from upstream node to downstream node
For conduits and diversions, upstream and downstream nodes are determined by flow direction.
Depending on the modes used in the model and the types of links, up 12 different graphs may be constructed. The
parameters that may be plotted for each Element Mode combination are listed in the table below.

Water Quality

Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
HGL (Stage)
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Level

Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Rainfall Excess
Groundwater Flow
Groundwater Stage


Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
Upstream HGL
Downstream HGL
Gauged Flow
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration


Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration
Gauged Flow
Gauged Flow
Pollutant load
Pollutant concentration

xpswmm Reference Manual

When more than one scenario is active, only one parameter is plotted. Drop menus are used to select the parameters
and which scenarios results are plotted.


The following tools may be used to navigate though the graphs and to customize the graphs.
Display first graph
Display previous graph
Display next graph
Display last graph
Display graph for nodes
Display graph for conduits (pipes and channels)
Display graph for diversions (pumps, wiers and orifices)
Open Review Results Options dialog
Print graph
Print preview graph
Open new window with Runoff graph
Open new window with Sanitary graph
Open new window with Hydraulics graph
Open new window with Water Quality graph
xpswmm Reference Manual
Close the graph window

To move from one element type (node, link or diversion) to the next use the icons for nodes, links or diversions.
To move within a category use the arrow keys. To go to the beginning of a category use the icon. To go to the
end of a category use the icon.

Multiple graphs (1, 2, 4, 9 or 16) may be shown on one page. To change the number of graphs or the parameters
plotted, select the Review Results Options icon.
Note: This is a multi-document interface (MDI). Each time you select one of the Rnf, San, Hdr or WQ icons another
window will be created.

From any graph, 2 additional sets of graphics opitions are available:
Doubling clicking the primary mouse button wil launch the Customization Dialog.
Right clicking will launch the Graph Options pop-up menu.
The user may zoom in on any section of the graphic by drawing a box over the graph with the primary mouse button.
Undo the zoom by right clicking and selecting Undo Zoom from the pop-up menu.

Text / Data Export Dialog
Data to Export
You can export all the information from the object, or export only that data which you select in the two listboxes
(Subsets to Export, & Points to Export.) If you choose to select the information to export, leaving a listbox empty of
selections will cause all the information to be exported.

What to Export
You can export the data with or without subset and point labels. Depending on the object, you are offered several
possible selections of data to export.

Export Format
You can export the information in two formats;

1. Table Format - which exports the information in a grid fashion in either a Subset by Point or Point by Subset style.

2. List Format - which exports the information one record per line. The data fields can either be separated by tabs or

Export Precision
The data's export precision can either be the current precision state of the object, or 7 decimal positions (the maximum
precision stored by the object).

Review results Options
Review Results Options

The Review Results Dialog allows the user to specify how graphs are constructed and displayed.


When Start Time and Stop Time are set to automatic, the graphs present the complete simulation period. For other
time periods, set the Start and Stop times to the number of days from the beginning of the model.
The Y-Axis scales may be displayed as Normal (arithmetic), log scale or allowing xpswmm to automatically select the
appropriate scale.
The drop list allows the user to select 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 or 16 graphs per page.
The check boxes allow the user to select which parameters are plotted. Note: only the parameters that are appropriate
for the element type and mode are plotted. See Review Results.
For Runoff, Sanitary and Water Quality plots, the list of parameters in the modelare displayed in the right column. The
user may select any, some or all of the pollutants for the box.

Customization Dialog
Customization Dialog
The Customization Dialog is launched by double clicking the primary button on a graph.
xpswmm Reference Manual

General Tab
Main/Sub Title
Viewing Style
Font Size
Show Annotations
Numeric Precision
Graph Grid Lines
Grid in front of data

Plot Tab
Plotting Style
Data Shadows
Subsets Tab
Axis Tab
Fonts Tab
Colors Tab
Style Tab

Customization Dialog Buttons
OK/Apply Button
Export Button
Maximize Button
Main/Sub Title
These two edit-boxes allow adding, editing, and deletion of main and sub titles. If no title is present, entering one will
add one. If you remove all the characters from a title it will be deleted from the image.

Subsets Tab

This group allows the user to view subset information is a variety of ways.

1. If nothing is selected in the listbox and Scrolling Subsets equals zero, then the object will display all subset
information (14 subsets graph maximum, and no limit on the amount of subsets tabled.)
2. If there are selections in the listbox and Scrolling Subsets equals zero, then the object will display only those
subsets selected.
3. If nothing is selected in the listbox and Scrolling Subsets is non-zero, then the object will scroll through subset
information by the amount defined by Scrolling Subsets.

4. If there are selections in the listbox and Scrolling Subsets is non-zero, then the object will maintain those
selected subsets as permanent subsets and revolve through the remaining subsets in increments of Scrolling

The following table summarizes the Subsets to Graph variations.
Selected Scrolling
Subsets Subsets Result
no no Display all subsets.
yes no Display only those selected subsets.
no yes Scroll through all subsets.
yes yes Permanent selected subsets & scroll through remaining subsets.
Maximization is the process of resizing the object to use the entire video display.
xpswmm Reference Manual

When maximizing the object, the object is actually copied to a maximized dialog. The dialog (maximized object) can
be closed by pressing 'Escape' or by using the mouse to Click the title bar. Making customizations to the maximized
object will not affect the original (non-maximized) object.

Axis Tab
The Axis tab allows the control of the axis type and range.

Possible Axis Types:


Possible Axis Range Control:

Auto Graph automatically determines min and max based on data.
Min Manually set Min and automatically set Max.
Max Manually set Max and automatically set Min.
Min/Max Manually set both the Min and Max.

Depending upon the Auto, Min, Max, and Min/Max item selected, the appropriate text boxes will be enabled allowing
you to set the axis range.
Fonts Tab
The graph only supports True Type fonts (because theyre scaleable). The user can select fonts for the:
Main Title
Sub Title
Labels Including, X-axis label, Y-axis label,
X-axis grid numbers or point labels,
Y-axis grid numbers.
Tabular Data Data labels included into the graph.

For the Main Title, Sub Title, and Labels, the user can also select font attributes of Boldness, Italics, and Underline.
Colors Tab
The graph supports two sets of color parameters. A Monochrome color set and a Color color set. Depending on the
Viewing Style, the Colors Dialog will customize the appropriate set.

To adjust colors:

1. Select the desired object attribute in the Graph Attributes section. The corresponding color for that attribute will be
highlighted in the color selection grid.

2. To change the color, either use the mouse to click an alternate color, or use the keyboard arrow keys to move to
adjacent colors. As the highlighted color selection changes position, the sample image will be updated with the newly
selected color.

3. Finally, Pressing the OK button will update the color parameters of the object.

Desk Background
This is the color that surrounds the bounding rectangle of the graph's grid.

Desk Foreground
This is the color that is used when placing text onto the Desk Background. This includes the main title, sub title,
subset labels, grid numbers, and axis labels.

Shadow Color
The rectangle that makes up the graph's grid is bounded at the bottom/right edges with shadows. To remove the
shadows, choose the same color as the Desk Background.

Graph Background
This is the color used as the background color of the graph's grid.

Graph Foreground

Style Tab
This is the color used for the bounding rectangle of the grid, and the grid-lines.
The Style tab allows the control of subset color, subset line style, and subset point style.

1. Select the desired subset in the Subsets list box. The corresponding color and possible line and point styles are
then highlighted in their respective controls.

2. To change the color, either use the mouse to click an alternate color, or use the keyboard arrow keys to move to
adjacent colors. Adjust the subset line and point styles as desired.

3. Finally, Pressing the OK button will update the objects image.

Export Dialog
The Export Dailog allows the user specify the format and the destination of the graph(s)

xpswmm Reference Manual

Graphs may be exported in the following formats to the listed destinations.

Metafile Clipboard, File, and Printer.
Bitmap, JPG, PNG Clipboard, and File.
Text / Data Clipboard, and File.

How to
By Pressing 'X' when the object has the focus, or selecting the Export button from the Customizations Dialog.
1. Select the type of export desired.
2. Select the destination of the export.
3. If available, select the size of the image to export.
4. Press the Export/Print button.

File Destination
If information is to be exported to a file, then you must enter a target filename. Click the mouse over the Browse
button to show the File Save As Dialog. Enter a filename and select OK to close the File Save As dialog.
Printer Destination
If youre exporting a metafile to the printer, pressing the Print button will show the Print Dialog. Use the Print Dialog to
make changes to the selected printer, orientation, paper bin, and other printer options.
Exporting Text /Data
When exporting Text/Data, pressing the Export button launches the Text/Data Export Dialog.
OK/Apply Button
All objects have their own individual customization dialogs. The customization dialogs allow the user to adjust visual
and functional attributes of the object as well as gain access to the Export and Maximization dialogs.

Custom and Original Parameters
All objects store two sets of customization parameters. The first set is known as the Original set. The Original set is
programmed into the control and the user cannot adjust these parameters. The second set is called the Custom set.
The Custom set can be adjusted through the customizations dialog. While the object has the input focus, PRESSING
T will toggle between the Original and Custom parameter sets.

Showing the Customizations Dialog
DOUBLE-CLICKING the MOUSE over the object, or
PRESSING SPACEBAR while the object has the input focus will show the customization dialog.

How to
When the customization dialog is shown, the parameters it shows reflect the current state of the object. By making
adjustments to the customization dialog and then pressing the OK Button, the user updates the Custom set of
parameters controlling the object. By pressing the Original Button the object will show the object with the Original set
of parameters.

The Apply button is similar to the OK button but does not close the customization dialog.

The Color Tab and Font Tab allow adjustment of color and font attributes. To change colors or fonts, press the tab to
show the dialog, make your adjustments and then press the OK/Apply Button to update the image.

**Note, the customization dialog can not be used to toggle between the Original and Custom set of parameters. This
is because pressing the OK Button creates a new Custom set of parameters. To toggle between Original and Custom
sets of parameters, press the T key while the object has the input focus.
Graph Customization Options
Graph Customization Options
Right click on the graph to invoke the pop-up menu.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Viewing Style
Font Size
Numeric Precision
Plotting Method
Data Shadows
Grid Lines
Grid in Front
Include Data Labels
Mark Data Points
Show Annotations
Undo Zoom
Customization Dialog
Export Dialog
Viewing Style
Review Results supports three viewing styles.

Monochrome with Symbols

This customization allows you to quickly adjust the image to best suite printing on a monochrome printer. If fewer than
four subsets are to be included in a graph, then the Monochrome setting will probably be the best choice. If four or
more subsets are to be included in the graph, then Monochrome with Symbols will help distinguish the different

Font Size
Review Results supports three font sizes, Large, Medium, and Small. Depending on the size of the graph, the user
can select the font size that is most readable. When printing the graph, a font size of Medium or Small is suggested.

There are occasions, (mainly when attempting to generate an image for a highly rectangular graph) the graph may
automatically reduce the size of the font in order to produce a higher quality image.

Numeric Precision
When placing data labels onto the graph, or exporting Text/Data from the Export Dialog, the number of decimal
positions can be between 0 to 3.

Plotting Method
Review Results supports 15 plotting methods;

Box Plot (Candle Stick)
High-Low Line
High-Low Bar
Points plus Best Fit Curve
Points plus Best-Fit-Line
Points plus Spline

The Polar/Smith Chart Object supports 4 plotting methods.
Points + Line

Depending on the implementation, some plotting methods may not be available. Also, many but not all of these
plotting styles can be set for a secondary comparison plotting style.

If the graph has multiple y axes, then you can control plotting and comparison plotting styles for each individual axis by
selecting the axis in the axis-button group.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The graph can display up to 14 subsets at once, however, it is suggested that no more than three subsets should be
displayed at any one time.

If the Comparisons as Normal checkbox is checked, the secondary comparison plotting style is ignored and all subsets
are plotted in the primary plotting style.

Data Shadows
Depending on the Plotting Method, this option will draw shadows behind bars, points, and the area of an area graph.
The shadow is always black.

Grid Lines
The graph can contain vertical grid lines, horizontal grid lines, both vertical and horizontal grid lines, or no grid lines.

Undo Zoom
Zooming is the process of using the mouse to select new extents of the graphs grid.

To Zoom:
1. Press and hold the Shift key.
2. Press the left mouse button and drag the cursor to select the new extents.
3. Release the mouse button.

To Undo the Zoom:
Press the Z key or use the popup menu to select the Undo Zoom menu item.

Grid in Front
By checking this option, the graph's grid is placed in front of the data graphics. Otherwise, the data graphics are
drawn on top of the graph's grid.
Include Data Labels
If this option is checked then the object's plotting method will include Data Labels into the graph. Depending upon the
implementation, Data Labels will either be numeric values, or text descriptors.

Mark Data Points
Depending on the Plotting Method, this option will mark each data point with a black filled circle.

Show Annotations
If the graph contains annotations then this check box allows you to remove/add the annotations from the image.
7.8.4 Profile Plot
Profile Plot
The Runoff and Sanitary layers do not require elevations to be entered and therefore plotting is only relevant to the
Hydraulics layer. To produce a plotted profile:

(i) Select a line to be plotted by using any of the techniques in Selecting an Object or Group of Objects. The
direction of the plot will be determined by the first link or node selected. This link or node will be plotted on the
left-hand side of the sheet.
Normally a dashed link cannot be selected for plotting, however you are able to force the selection by holding
down the <Ctrl> and <Shift> keys while selecting the link. If the dashed link is a multiple conduit the selection
will be accepted and the link with the "plot" radio button selected will be plotted. However, if there is no conduit
data present the selection will not be permitted.

(ii) Select Plot from the SWMM menu and fill in the following dialog box.

(iii) Select Setup and a dialog box similar to that shown here will be displayed.

(v) Set the horizontal and vertical size for the plot. Selecting the "Auto-Size" button will cause the horizontal and
vertical scales to be set such that the plot will fit on the sheet size selected. The scales selected will be a
multiple of 1, 2, 2.5 and 5.

(vii) Set the Elevation of the datum line for the plot.

The plotting datum dialog will show the start and end location of the drainage line being plotted with a default

The datum may be split at any location by entering a station (chainage) and a new datum elevation. To break a
datum at a pit use the "Suggest" button, enter an approximate station (chainage) then the "Previous" and "Next"
buttons to locate the nodes before and after the selected location.

(viii) Enter the "Starting Location" for the plot on the sheet by:

Entering coordinates in the x and y coordinate boxes. The coordinates entered refer to the hot spot of the
plotted profile.


Alternatively you may set the starting location interactively by selecting the Interactive button. A window scaled
to the selected sheet size will be displayed and the plot may be interactively located on the sheet.

Move the outline of the plot around the screen using the mouse and click with the mouse button at the selected
location. Press any key to return to the plot control dialog box.
xpswmm Reference Manual

(ix) To Preview the plot without changing its starting location use the Preview button.

To zoom in on an area of the plot hold down the <Alt> key and drag a dotted rectangle around the area of
interest (see Section 2.12). Hold the <Ctrl> key down and click the mouse button to return to the original scale.

To pan around the plot hold down the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys and drag the mouse to the new location for the point
(see Section 2.11).

(x) Click on Plot Subscript to provide annotation of Date, Time, File Name and Scale.

(xi) Click on Envelope of Maximums to show the Hydraulic Grade Line, or the maximum flow or velocity on your

(xii) Press "Plot" to begin plotting to the selected destination device.

If output to a DXF file has been chosen a dialog box for the name of the DXF file will be displayed.

(xi) Press "Done" to return to the main window.
Plot Setup
Plotting parameters such as line types, pen numbers, character sizes, precision, format of data titles and even the type
of data to be presented may be changed by using this command. Note that because this facility requires invert and
surface elevations to plot the profile, and all this information is not available in the Runoff or Sanitary layers, this
command is only available when the current mode is the Hydraulics layer. The type of data that can be plotted is
shown below.

The four main groups of data are the General , Manhole , Box Label and Attribute Data . The General data is
mandatory, all other information is optional and will be plotted if the check box is enabled.


Click on the number or the checkbox or description to view the appropriate dialog box

(i) Load:
This command allows you to load a previously defined plot setup file (. DEF file) and saves the necessity of
re configuring the plotting parameters for every plot.

(ii) Save:
This command may be used to save the plotting parameters as a plot definition file for future use. It removes
the necessity to define these parameters every time a plot is needed.

General Parameters
xpswmm Reference Manual

The data for the General Format is mandatory and allows, all other information is optional and will be plotted if the
check box is enabled. All distances and size are measured in millimeters or inches.

The Pen numbers selected for plotting map to the following colors:

1 Black
2 Red
3 Green
4 Blue
5 Cyan
6 Yellow
7 Magenta
8 Black

Boxed Label Data

Boxed label data falls into two categories - hydraulic information (HGL and Freeboard) and construction information. If
hydraulic information is not required, the network may be plotted without having to first be solved.

Up to eight boxed labels may be plotted on a single long section. A boxed label will be plotted if the check box is
enabled with the order of the labels defined by the numbers shown in the "row order" column. Any number may be
entered in the row order box provided the numbers are not repeated. Boxed labels are plotted in ascending order
according to the row order from the bottom up.


Click on the number or the descriptions to view the appropriate dialog boxes

If the Intermediate Elements checkbox is enabled all intermediate elevations for Design and
Natural Surfaces will be shown. Otherwise only the natural or design surface line and manhole
cover elevations (design surface) will be plotted.

Label Definition

Manhole Data
xpswmm Reference Manual

Pipe Data

Pipe data falls into two categories-Hydraulic Data (Fiction Grade, Head Loss, Flow and Velocity) and Construction
Data (Length, Pine Grade, Diameter and Class).

Up to eight individual lines may be plotted, or all eight items of information may be plotted on the same line depending
on the data order columns e.g. 1.X denotes the data will be plotted on the first line, 2.X the second line, etc.

X.0 indicates this is the first item of information on Line X, X.1, the second item of Line X, etc. The numbering system
need not be sequential but must be unique.


Plot Parameters for Design Surface and Natural Surface

Plot Parameters for HGL

xpswmm Reference Manual

Plot Parameters for Node Freeboard and Depth To Invert

Plot Parameters for Pipe Inverts


Plot Parameters for Road Station and Station (Chainage)

7.8.5 Dynamic Long Section View
Dynamic Long Section View
The Runoff and Sanitary layers do not require elevations to be entered and therefore plotting is only relevant to the
Hydraulics layer. To produce a plotted profile:
(i) Select a line to be plotted by using any of the techniques in Selecting an Object or Group of Objects. The
direction of the plot will be determined by the first link or node selected. This link or node will be plotted on the
right side of the sheet.
(ii) A multilink (indicated by a dashed link) can be selected for dynamic and profile plotting, however within the
multilink dialog you must indicate the conduit or diversion to be plotted. The conduit within the multilink with the
"plot" radio button selected (on the multilink dialog) will be plotted. To plot a diversion such as a pump, orifice or
weir make the appropriate selection using the Plot button in the lower right hand corner of the multilink dialog
xpswmm Reference Manual
and assign a length to be used in profile since no such physical length exists. In the Dynamic Long Section and
Dynamic Section Views tools the diversions will be indicated using appropriate symbols. Only open and closed
conduits can be included in the Profile Plot. An error will be generated if diversions are attempted to be included
in a Profile Plot.
(iii) Select Dynamic Long Section from the Results menu and a profile similar to that shown below will be

(Click on the icons in the window above for additional help)

The red line shown on the profile is the maximum depth water reaches during the simulation. This depth is
independent of any MAXPTS value you might set in Configuration Parameters and is the true envelope of the
maximum HGL.
The Rewind, Previous, Pause, Next, Play and Stop controls are used to start and stop the animation. The Slide
Control can be used to move to a particular time step in the animation. The Faster and Slower icons are used to
increase and decrease the speed of animation.
The Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit to Window and Bird's Eye View tools are used to manage the scale of the long-section
view. You can pan around the window by clicking and dragging the mouse.
The Show Grid, Show Data, Show Flow, Show Diameter tools are used to change the display of the profile.
On the File Menu, the Customize command is used to access other display options.
Bird's Eye View
Use this icon to open the Birds eye window as shown below. Use the handles around the grey shaded area to zoom
in on the area of interest.

Options -
The "Options" button allows you to control the display format. You are able to display Flow and Velocity in a conduit,
water levels and depths in a node plus the node and conduit names with an optional scale.

The simulation parameters entered here control the dynamic replay of results.

Display Text Size
You may change the size of the text being displayed and printed, the major impact of this feature however is only
appreciated when using true type fonts.

Display Font
You may change the font of the text being displayed by selecting a font. The normal Windows conventions regarding
bitmap and true type fonts are supported.

Step Sensitivity
You may change the number of steps that are skipped as the simulation is played back. The default value is to show
each step of the simulation.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Note: To reduce the size of the intermediate files the number of steps in the simulation is modified to be a maximum
of 500 cycles, i.e. if the simulation consists of 2,500 time steps, the 1st, 6th, 11th, etc. time steps will be
printed as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. cycles.

Start Cycle No.
The first cycle number to be used in replaying the simulation.

End Cycle No.
The last cycle number to be used in replaying the simulation.

Delay (seconds)
The delay between successive cycles when replaying the simulation.

Display Mode
The simulation parameters entered here control the dynamic replay of results.

Dynamic Display
When this option is selected the results of the simulation are replayed for each time-step or multiple of time steps of
the simulation.

Envelope of Maximums
If this option is selected an envelope showing the maximum value the selected parameter reached during the
simulation, regardless of its time of occurrence.

The parameter may be Manhole Depth, Conduit Flow or Conduit Velocity.

Display Data
The Flow, and Velocity in a conduit and the Depth and Level (Elevation) in a node can be displayed by enabling the
appropriate check box. Node Names, Conduit Names and Scales can be turned on or off by toggling these check
boxes. When a check box is clicked on a pop-up menu is displayed from which you can select the colour in which the
selected data is to be displayed.
Show Data
This icon can be used to turn on and off the data in the table beneath the Dynamic Long Section view.
Show Diameter
This icon can be used to turn on and off the diameter shown in the table beneath the Dynamic Long Section view.
Show Flow
This icon can be used to turn on and off the flow value shown in the table beneath the Dynamic Long Section view.
Show Grid
This icon can be used to turn on and off the grid in the long-section view.
Show Velocity
This icon can be used to turn on and off the velocity value shown in the table beneath the Dynamic Long Section view.
Enable Sound
This icon can be used to turn on and off the siren that sounds when the water elevation exceeds the ground elevation.
Use this control to reset the animation to the start of the simulation replay. If the simulation replay is currently running
it will change to time step 1 and then automatically advance.
Use this control to speed up the animation. Each time you click this icon it will add 1 to the time step gap. i.e. click it
once and you will see time steps 1, 3, 5 etc. click it tem times and you will see time steps 1, 11, 21 and so on.
Use this control to slow down the animation. Each time you click this icon it will subtract 1 from the time step gap.
Use this control to advance the animation to the next time step. If the simulation replay is currently running it will
change to the next time step and then automatically advance. You would normally pause the simulation replay before
using this control
Use this control to reset the animation to the previous time step. If the simulation replay is currently running it will
change to the previous time step and then automatically advance. You would normally pause the simulation replay
before using this control
Use this control to commence or resume the animation the water surface profile. The water surface will move up and
down the nodes as the simulation proceeds.
Scroll Position
Use this control to move to a particular time step in the animation. Use the Play, Previous or Next icons to resume the
replay or to single step through it.
Use this control to pause the animation. Use the Play, Previous or Next icons to resume the replay or to single step
through it.

Select "Start" to begin displaying the water surface profile. The water surface will move up and down the nodes as the
simulation proceeds.

Use this control to stop the animation
Zoom In
Select this icon and drag a rectangle around the area of interest to zoom in on that area. You can pan around the
window by clicking and dragging the mouse.
Zoom Out
Select this icon and drag a rectangle around the area of interest. You can pan around the window by clicking and
dragging the mouse.

File Menu Commands
Additional commands may be accessed from the File Menu when the Dynamic Long Section View window is active.
Select Print. to send the current window to your currently selected output device. The screen will be printed as it
appears on the screen, i.e. at the same scale and with the same display options.
Select Print to access three options:
xpswmm Reference Manual
Print current view
Print full in current Scal
Print fit to page

Select Print Review to access three options:
Print preview current view
Print preview full in current Scal
Print preview fit to page

Select Print Setup to open the Windows Print Setup dialog.
Select Customize to display the Long Section Customization Dialog.

7.8.6 Dynamic Section Views
Dynamic Section Views

The mechanism for selecting the profile to be plotted and the zooming and simulation controls are the same as those
provided in the Dynamic Long Section View.
The Dynamic Section View launches in a new window with 3 panes separated by movable dividers. The top pane is
identical to the Dynamic Long Section View. The lower left pane shows cross sections of the downstream end of the
conduits in the selection set. The lower right panel shows the hydrographs of each conduit int the selection set. The
hydrograph and cross section views can be modified in the same way as the graphs displayed using the Review
Results option.
The results of the model are displayed in synchronized animation.

Bird's Eye View
Use this icon to open the Birds eye window as shown below. Use the handles around the grey shaded area to zoom
in on the area of interest.
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Hydrograph View
When you select this icon you will be presented with hydrographs of the selected conduits. The vertical red dashed
line shows the current time step in the long-section and cross-section animation.

The animation controls in the birds eye, long-section, cross-section and hydrograph views are all synchronized such
that you can use the controls in any window to manage the animation of results.

Cross Section View
When you select this icon you will be presented with a cross-section view of the selected conduits. The cross-section
shows the shape of the section and the maximum depth reached during the simulation (the horizontal red dashed
line). The maximum water elevation is the maximum found during the simulation NOT just the maximum value
calculated during the replay of the simulation.

The animation controls in the birds eye, long-section, cross-section and hydrograph views are all synchronized such
that you can use the controls in any window to manage the animation of results.
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7.8.7 Dynamic Plan View
7.8.7 Dynamic Plan View
The Dynanmic Plan view launches in a 2-pane view. The upper view is the Bird's Eye View tool. The lower pane
shows the color coded view of the network, the model time step and the legend.
Network objects are color coded to indicate the values of various parameters during model simulation. The display
options are:
Object Options
Nodes Stage, off
Links Flow, Velocity, off
Display is controlled by the buttons labled Node, Flow, and Vel.
The display of node and link labels is toggled with the button lableled with a flag.
While the animation is running, flow in conduits is indicated by moving slugs. The width of each conduit is proportional
to the flow or velocity.
Flooding of nodes is indicated by the graphic.


The color coding of the nodes varies by node type as indicated by the table below (for Freeboard = 0).

On the File Menu, select Properties to open the Plan Section Properties dialog. Click on a colored rectangle to
customize the 15-category Link scale or the 5-category Node scale.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Freeboard is the distance from a user defined safety elevation to the spill crest. If a value greater than 0 is entered,
then the interpretion of the node color coding is indicated by the following table.

7.8.8 Spatial Reports
Spatial Report

Spatial reports of model data and simulation results can be displayed in text boxes onscreen, sent to a printer or
plotter or, exported to a graphics file.


The report attributes dialog may be accessed via:
the Results -> Spatial Reports menu,
key F11,
the Spatial Reports icon on the Solve and Review Results toolstrip or,
highlighting the Spatial Reports line on the Layer Control Panel and right clicking
This command allows you to specify the display format of the Spatial Reports by selecting the physical attributes of the
reports and the data to display in each report. This dialog specifies data for all the reports.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Node Frame Display
Link Frame Display
Node Variables
Link Variables
Text Sizes

Use this dialog to specify the destination of the Spatial Report.


When new nodes or links are created the location of the Spatial Reports is controlled using the options described

Locate Interactively
When this option is on, the user defines the location of the Report Boxes interactively when the Nodes or Links are

Use Default Offset
When this option is invoked, the reports are created in a default location, as opposed to you explicitly placing them.

Hide on Creation
When you select this option, the Reports are hidden when a Link or Node object is created. Otherwise, the Reports
are displayed as they are created.
Load Report
This button loads the report settings from a user-specified file. All the global attributes excluding the flags on this
dialog are loaded.
Save Report
This button saves the report settings to a user - specified file. All the global attributes excluding the flags on this dialog
are saved.
These two radio buttons define the location of the spatial report data.

Real World Coordinates
When you select this option, the location for each report box is fixed in the coordinate space of the network. This
means that a change of scale affects the position of each report on the screen, but not on the coordinate plane.

Display Offset from Attachment Point
When you select this option, the location for each report box is a given offset from the attachment point to the relevant
object. The offset is independent of the scale of the displayed network.

Note: These items can be used to modify the relative offsets of the Spatial Reports. To do this:
(i) Set the location to real-world coordinates then hit OK.
(ii) Zoom in or zoom out your network view until the attachment lines are an acceptable length.
xpswmm Reference Manual
(iii) Open the Spatial Reports dialog and set the location to display offset.
(iv) Return to the network window and the Spatial Reports should be correctly displayed. If not then repeat this

These options control the speed of redrawing and the appearance of the spatial reports.

Minimize Memory
When you select this option, reports occupy the minimum space in memory, thus allowing you to load a greater
number of nodes. Selecting this option may significantly increase the time taken for redraws.

Maximize Speed
When you select this option, reports are drawn significantly faster than the Minimize Memory Option. The trade-off is
that more memory is required and hence a smaller number of nodes can be handled.

Hide Inactive Fields
This field controls whether fields with no data will be displayed. If this flag is OFF fields without data will be displayed
as blank lines within the report.

Hide Blank Reports
This flag controls whether reports with no data will be displayed, ie all the fields are blank. Objects with no data will
then not display any Spatial Report.

Note that an object with no attached Spatial Report on the screen does not imply that there is no data there. Spatial
Reports can also be hidden/shown from the Display Reports menu command, and may also be hidden if the Hide on
Creation flag is enabled when the node/link is created. Thus, to confirm whether data exists, you need to Show
Spatial reports for that node/link; if no Spatial Report appears, then you can safely assume no data exists.
Text Size

Display Size
With this option selected the text size is shown in a constant size (mm or inches) regardless of the scale selected.

Real World Coordinates
When this option is selected the text will be shown relative to the scale of the drawing. As you zoom in the text will get
Display Report

This list controls the hidden or show status of Spatial Reports, in much the same way as other layers are controlled.
To acces the list, highlight the Nodes or Links line in the Spatial Reports section of the Layer Control Panel.


Select one option:
Show Spatial Reports as Tooltip a report pops up when the mouse is moved over the node or link
Show Spatial Reports for all Objects
Show Spatial Reports for Selected Objects
Hide Spatial Reports
Note: to display the Spatial Reports, the visible box must be for nodes or links.
Frame Display
Frame Display Properties

Use this dialog to set display properties of the text boxes in Spatial Reports. It is used for links and nodes

xpswmm Reference Manual

In the left panel toggle the +/- (expand/collapse) box next to Nodes or Links and highlight Frame.
In the Backgroung section, select the Frame type and click Transparent. When Transparent is checked, a slider bar
will appear to allow adjusting the transparency form 0 (left) to 100% (right).
Click on the Font button to select the desired font.
Click on OK to exit.

Link Variables
Link Variables
This button loads the Data Variables dialog which allows you to select the data fields you wish to display in the Spatial
Report for Links. The list displayed in the following dialog contains the names of all data items that will be included in
your spatial report for links.


The variable list displayed when one of these buttons is selected shows the data and results that are available for
graphical encoding. If the variable selected has multiple instances (ie. Conduit 1, Conduit 2,etc.) then a combination of
Variable and Instances must be selected. To show all instances of a selected variable all combinations of Variable:
Instance must be selected.

xpswmm Reference Manual

These buttons allow you to insert a report data variable before the highlighted field in the list, or at the end of the list
When you select either of these buttons the following dialog showing all available data is displayed. When OK is
selected the highlighted field is added to the list shown in the preceding (parent) dialog.
If the variable selected has multiple instances (ie. Conduits, Pumps, etc.) then a combination of Variable and Instance
must be selected. To show all instances of a selected data item, all combinations of Variable: Instance must be


This button takes you to a format dialog that allows you to select the format of the highlighted variable (the format
specification is always attached to the data variable, even when that variable is removed from the list).

The description of the variable to be formatted is shown in the title bar of the dialog.


Text Formatting
Text Attributes
Text Attributes

This allows you to specify the font in which you wish to display the currently selected variable of the Spatial Report.
The normal Windows conventions regarding birmap and true type fonts are supported.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font style will be applied to all the spatial report data for links.

The height of the text (in mm) in the report line is entered here.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font size will be applied to all the spatial report data for links.

Text Colour
These buttons allow you to set the colour of the report text.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font colour will be applied to all the spatial report data for links.
Text Formatting

xpswmm Reference Manual
This value specifies the number of places after the decimal point to display on the Spatial Report.

This value specifies the tolerance of the displayed data.

This allows you to add a mnemonic to the start of each line of data displayed in the Spatial Reports.

This allows you to add a unit to the end of each line of data displayed in the Spatial Reports.

The delete button removes a report data variable from the list.
Node Variables
Node Variables

This button loads the Data Variables dialog which allows you to select the data fields you wish to display in the Spatial
Report for nodes. The list displayed in the following dialog contains the full names of all data items that will be
included in your spatial report for nodes.


The variable list displayed when one of these buttons is selected shows the data and results that are available for
graphical encoding. If the variable selected has multiple instances (ie. Catchment 1, Catchment 2, etc.) then a
combination of Variable and Instances must be selected. To show all instances of a selected variable all combinations
of Variable: Instance must be selected.


These buttons allow you to insert a report data variable before the highlighted field in the list or at the end of the list
When you select either of these buttons the following dialog showing all available data is displayed. When OK is
selected the highlighted field is added to the list shown in the preceeding (parent) dialog.
If the variable selected has multiple instances (ie. Catchments, Pumps, etc.) then a combination of Variable and
Instance must be selected. To show all instances of a selected variable all combinations of Variable: Instance must be

xpswmm Reference Manual


This button takes you to a format dialog which allows you to select the format of the highlighted variable (the format
specification is always attached to the data variable, even when that variable is removed from the list).

The description of the variable to be formatted is shown in the title bar of the dialog.

Text Formatting
Text Attributes
Text Attributes

This allows you to specify the font in which you wish to display the currently selected variable of the Spatial Report.
The normal Windows conventions regarding birmap and true type fonts are supported.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font style will be applied to all the spatial report data for nodes.

The height of the text (in mm) in the report line is entered here.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font size will be applied to all the spatial report data for nodes.

Text Colour
These buttons allow you to set the colour of the report text.

Apply to All
If this checkbox is enabled then this font colour will be applied to all the spatial report data for nodes.
Text Formatting

This value specifies the number of places after the decimal point to display on the Spatial Report.

This value specifies the tolerance of the displayed data.

This allows you to add a mnemonic to the start of each line of data displayed in the Spatial Reports.

This allows you to add a unit to the end of each line of data displayed in the Spatial Reports.

The delete button removes a report data variable from the list.
7.8.9 Graphical Encoding
Graphical Encoding
Graphical Encoding, often also called thematic viewing or plotting, allows variables (or themes) to be displayed using
graphical entities of objects. Currently three entities are supported for both links and nodes. These are; Colour, Size
or Width, and Text Label Size. The variables (or themes) include all input data plus selected results of the SWMM
xpswmm Reference Manual

Visual Entity. Three graphical entities, color, size and text height, are available for each of the two object types.
Node Color
Node Size
Node Label Size
Link Color
Link Width
Link Label Size

Visual Entity
Three graphical entities, colour, size and text height, are available for each of the two object types.
Node Color
Node Size
Node Label Size
Link Color
Link Width
Link Label Size
Hide Arrows
This check box causes the network to be redrawn with arrowheads suppressed.

Fill Nodes
This check box causes the network to be shown with nodes filled with a solid fill pattern of the selected Node Color.

Hide Link Labels
This check box causes the link labels not to be shown.

Encode causes the network to be redrawn with the currently selected "Graphical Encoding" Attributes. A "G" will be
displayed in the status bar area of the network window (to the left of the bottom scroll bar) indicating the current view
in which the network is drawn includes graphically encoded attributes.
This button will remove the graphical encoding attributes from the network window.
This button allows you to load a pre-defined (saved) set of graphical encoding attributes.
This button allows you to save the current attributes for re-use in this or other projects.
This button cancels any changes to this dialog and restores the previous network view.
Node Colour
Node Colour
Node colour is defined in ranges using an open-ended dialog list (DLIST). A colour is selected by clicking in the
appropriate field and selecting a colour from the dialog that appears. The list follows the standard rules for a DLIST.

xpswmm Reference Manual

You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow
keys. Any number of rows can be included in the list but only 16 colours are supported.

The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value <= High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.

The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into 5 equal partitions and allocate a pre-
determined colour to each.

If this option is selected the size of the text will be in mm regardless of scale.

Real World
If this option is selected the text size will be displayed relative to the network scale.

Node Size
Node Size
The node size can be used to represent the value of the data variable in one of two ways, either by an equation or by
a stepwise linear function.

By Equation -
By Linear Relationship -
Graph -
Size Interpretation -
Suggest -
By Equation
If this option is selected the node size is defined in terms of X, where X is the variable being shown. In its simplest
form the equation is size = X, however arbitrary expressions can also be built with the syntax described here. Terms in
the expression can consist of:

numeric constants
variable names
arithmetic operators
pre-defined functions

The following binary arithmetic operators are supported:

+ : addition
- : subtraction
* : multiplication
/ : division
% : remainder
^ : exponentiation (raise to power)

Variables and numeric values can be used and parentheses () can also be used to any level of nesting. Expressions
can be sequenced and separated by semicolons, with intermediate variables used. Variable names are alphanumeric
strings and are not case-sensitive. White space (blank, tab, new line, etc) has no significance.

The following pre-defined functions are supported. These words are reserved and cannot be used as variable names:

abs(n) - absolute value of n
acos(x) - arc cosine of x, in radians
asin(x) - arc sine of x, in radian
atan(x) - arc tangent of x, in radians
ceil(x) - smallest integer >= x
cos(x) - cosine of x (x in radians)
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine of x (x in radians)
E10(x) - 10 raised to the power x
exp(x) - exponential function of x
floor(x) - largest integer <= x
log10(x) - base-10 logarithm of x
log(x) - natural logarithm of x
sin(x) - sine of x (x in radians)
xpswmm Reference Manual
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x) - square root of x
tan(h) - tangent of x (x in radians)
tanh(h) - hyperbolic tangent of x (x in radians)
j0(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 0
j1(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 1
y0(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 0
y1(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 1
max(x1,x2) - larger of x1 and x2
min(x1,x2) - smaller of x1 and x2

Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
e.g. sin(y), not siny or sin y.

The function names are not case-sensitive. There are no user-defined functions as yet.
Examples: 2.5*a^2/b + 1.2*c^2/sin(d)

By Linear Relationship
The node size will be displayed in a stepwise linear function using the Data Value/Node Size relationship entered in
the following DLIST.

You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow

The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value <= High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.

The graph button will display the data entered in the value/size DLIST as a XY graph.

If this option is selected the size of the node will be in mm regardless of scale.

Real World
If this option is selected the node size will be displayed relative to the network scale.
The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into either a linear relationship or a linear
equation depending on the option selected.
Node Label Size
By Equation
If this option is selected the text size is defined in terms of X, where X is the variable being shown. In its simplest form
the equation is size = X, however arbitrary expressions can also be built with the syntax described here. Terms in the
expression can consist of:

numeric constants
variable names
arithmetic operators
pre-defined functions

The following binary arithmetic operators are supported:

+ : addition
- : subtraction
* : multiplication
/ : division
% : remainder
^ : exponentiation (raise to power)

Variables and numeric values can be used and parentheses () can also be used to any level of nesting. Expressions
can be sequenced and separated by semicolons, with intermediate variables used. Variable names are alphanumeric
strings and are not case-sensitive. White space (blank, tab, new line, etc) has no significance.

The following pre-defined functions are supported. These words are reserved and cannot be used as variable names:

abs(n) - absolute value of n
acos(x) - arc cosine of x, in radians
asin(x) - arc sine of x, in radian
atan(x) - arc tangent of x, in radians
ceil(x) - smallest integer >= x
cos(x) - cosine of x (x in radians)
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine of x (x in radians)
E10(x) - 10 raised to the power x
exp(x) - exponential function of x
floor(x) - largest integer <= x
log10(x) - base-10 logarithm of x
log(x) - natural logarithm of x
sin(x) - sine of x (x in radians)
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x) - square root of x
tan(h) - tangent of x (x in radians)
tanh(h) - hyperbolic tangent of x (x in radians)
j0(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 0
j1(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 1
xpswmm Reference Manual
y0(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 0
y1(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 1
max(x1,x2) - larger of x1 and x2
min(x1,x2) - smaller of x1 and x2

Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
e.g. sin(y), not siny or sin y.

The function names are not case-sensitive. There are no user-defined functions as yet.
Examples: 2.5*a^2/b + 1.2*c^2/sin(d)

By Linear Relationship
The text size will be displayed in a stepwise linear function using the Data Value/Node Size relationship entered in the
following DLIST.

You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow

The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.
The graph button will display the data entered as an XY graph.
Node Label Size
The size of the text used for the node name can be used to represent the value of the data variable in one of two
ways, either by an equation or by a stepwise linear function.


By Equation -
By Linear Relationship -
Graph -
Size Interpretation -
Suggest -

Display -
When selected the size of the text is in inches (or mm) regardless of scale.

Real World -
When selected the text size is displayed relative to the network scale.

The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into either a linear relationship or a linear
equation depending on the option selected.
Link Width
Link Width
The Link width can be used to represent the value of the data variable in one of two ways, either by an equation or by
a stepwise linear function.

xpswmm Reference Manual

By Equation -
By Linear Relationship -
Size Interpretation -
Suggest -
By Linear Relationship
The link width will be displayed in a stepwise linear function using the Data Value/Node Size relationshhhip entered in
the following DLIST.

You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow

The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.
By Equation
If this option is selected the link width is defined in terms of X, where X is the variable being shown. In its simplest
form the equation is size = X, however arbitrary expressions can also be built with the syntax described here. Terms
in the expression can consist of:

numeric constants
variable names
arithmetic operators
pre-defined functions

The following binary arithmetic operators are supported:

+ : addition
- : subtraction
* : multiplication
/ : division
% : remainder
^ : exponentiation (raise to power)

Variables and numeric values can be used and parentheses () can also be used to any level of nesting. Expressions
can be sequenced and separated by semicolons, with intermediate variables used. Variable names are alphanumeric
strings and are not case-sensitive. White space (blank, tab, new line, etc) has no significance.

The following pre-defined functions are supported. These words are reserved and cannot be used as variable names:

abs(n) - absolute value of n
acos(x) - arc cosine of x, in radians
asin(x) - arc sine of x, in radian
atan(x) - arc tangent of x, in radians
ceil(x) - smallest integer >= x
cos(x) - cosine of x (x in radians)
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine of x (x in radians)
E10(x) - 10 raised to the power x
exp(x) - exponential function of x
floor(x) - largest integer <= x
log10(x) - base-10 logarithm of x
log(x) - natural logarithm of x
sin(x) - sine of x (x in radians)
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x) - square root of x
tan(h) - tangent of x (x in radians)
tanh(h) - hyperbolic tangent of x (x in radians)
j0(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 0
j1(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 1
y0(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 0
y1(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 1
max(x1,x2) - larger of x1 and x2
min(x1,x2) - smaller of x1 and x2

Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
e.g. sin(y), not siny or sin y.

The function names are not case-sensitive. There are no user-defined functions as yet.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Examples: 2.5*a^2/b + 1.2*c^2/sin(d)
The graph button will display the data entered in the value/size DLIST as a XY graph.
The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into either a linear relationship or a linear
equation depending on the option selected.
Link Color
The graph button will display the data entered in the value/size DLIST as an XY graph.
Link Colour
Link colour is defined in ranges using an open-ended dialog list (DLIST). A colour is selected by clicking in the
appropriate field and selecting a colour from the dialog that appears. The list follows the standard rules for a DLIST.
You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow
keys. Any number of rows can be included in the list but only 16 colours are supported.

The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.

The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into 5 equal partitions and allocate a pre-
determined colour to each.
Link Width
The graph button will display the data entered in the value/size DLIST as a XY graph.

When selected the width of the link is in inches (or mm) regardless of scale.

Real World
If this option is selected the link width will be displayed relative to the network scale.
Link Label Size
Link Label Size
The size of the text used for the link name can be used to represent the value of the data variable in one of two ways,
either by an equation or by a stepwise linear function.

By Equation -
By Linear Relationship -
Graph -
Size -
Suggest -
By Linear Relationship
The node size will be displayed in a stepwise linear function using the Data Value/Node Size relationship entered in
the following DLIST.

You can insert and delete rows using the Insert and Delete keys and you can scroll through the list using the arrow

xpswmm Reference Manual
The data is presented in discrete stepped ranges. Data is plotted in a selected colour provided it falls within the range:
Low Value < Data Value High Value.

The Data Range shown in this dialog shows the maximum and minimum value of the selected variable currently
contained within all objects in the database.
By Equation
If this option is selected the text size is defined in terms of X, where X is the variable being shown. In its simplest form
the equation is size = X, however arbitrary expressions can also be built with the syntax described here. Terms in the
expression can consist of:

numeric constants
variable names
arithmetic operators
pre-defined functions

The following binary arithmetic operators are supported:

+ : addition
- : subtraction
* : multiplication
/ : division
% : remainder
^ : exponentiation (raise to power)

Variables and numeric values can be used and parentheses () can also be used to any level of nesting. Expressions
can be sequenced and separated by semicolons, with intermediate variables used. Variable names are alphanumeric
strings and are not case-sensitive. White space (blank, tab, new line, etc) has no significance.

The following pre-defined functions are supported. These words are reserved and cannot be used as variable names:

abs(n) - absolute value of n
acos(x) - arc cosine of x, in radians
asin(x) - arc sine of x, in radian
atan(x) - arc tangent of x, in radians
ceil(x) - smallest integer >= x
cos(x) - cosine of x (x in radians)
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine of x (x in radians)
E10(x) - 10 raised to the power x
exp(x) - exponential function of x
floor(x) - largest integer <= x
log10(x) - base-10 logarithm of x
log(x) - natural logarithm of x
sin(x) - sine of x (x in radians)
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt(x) - square root of x
tan(h) - tangent of x (x in radians)
tanh(h) - hyperbolic tangent of x (x in radians)
j0(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 0
j1(x) - bessel function of first kind, order 1
y0(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 0
y1(x) - bessel function of second kind, order 1
max(x1,x2) - larger of x1 and x2
min(x1,x2) - smaller of x1 and x2

Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.
e.g. sin(y), not siny or sin y.

The function names are not case-sensitive. There are no user-defined functions as yet.
Examples: 2.5*a^2/b + 1.2*c^2/sin(d)
The graph button will display the data entered in the value/size DLIST as a XY graph.
The Suggest button will break the minimum and maximum data range into either a linear relationship or a linear
equation depending on the option selected.
This check box allows a legend showing the graphical attributes to be shown on the network.

Arrange Items -
Window Legend -
Network Legend -
xpswmm Reference Manual
Arrange Items
The visual entities making up the graphical encoding may be arranged horizontally (in a single row), Vertically (in a
single column) or Automatically (in a table depending on width and height requirements of each entity), depending on
which radio button is selected.
Network Legend
The network legend is shown in a fixed location on the network, regardless of the current window view. This legend is
printed and plotted in the same manner as the network.

This allows you to specify the font in which you wish to display the window legend. The normal Windows conventions
regarding birmap and true type fonts are supported.

Display - When selected the size of the text is in inches (mm) regardless of scale.
Real World - When selected the text size is displayed relative to the network scale.

Show Frame
When selected a rectangular frame is drawn around the legend.

Show Heading
If this option is selected the legend title is shown.

Opaque Legend
If this option is selected a legend title will be shown.

Window Legend
The window legend is shown in a fixed location on the screen independent of panning or zooming.

When enabled a non-printable legend is shown on the screen.

Display Size
The text in the window legend will be shown at the size (in mm or inches) entered in this field.

7.8.11 XP-Tables
XP-Tables allows the user to create a spreadsheet for data entry and manipulation in the model. The XP-Tables view
is used to generate and manipulate data quickly and easily in the model. This format can be used to view results and
create networks.
XP Tables is launched from the main window by selcting the XP Tables tool from the Solve and Review Results
toolstip, selecting XP Tables from the Results menu or pressing F2. A table similar to the one displayed here will

XP Tables are selected by clicking on the XP Tables icon in the center of the toolstrip.
Click on the Setup Table Variables icon to edit the columns in the current table.
Click on the Table Display Options button to open the Table Options dialog.

XP Tables Selection
This dialog is used to manage the tables in your project.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Object Selection is used to define the slection set for the table. The options are:
All Objects in Model
All Objects in Current Network

The Explorer like (expandable/collapsible) panel displays the currently available tables grouped according to:
Global Database Tables
Global Tables
Node Tables
Link tables

The View buttom displays the currently selected table. Check boxes next to the table names indicate the other tables
included in the workbook tabs.
The Cancel button closes the dialog and returns to the XP Tables window.
The Up and Down arrows are used to resore the list of tables.
Add is used to define a new table.
Edit opens the Variable Selection dialog.
Rename is used to edit the name of the currently selcted table.
Delete removes the currently slected table.
Import opens the Import dialog.
XP Tables Variable Selection
Use this dialog to define the variable in your table.

Add a new table to the XP-Table selection list. The table can be for Links, Nodes, Global Database or Global.
xpswmm Reference Manual

A name must be entered for the new table.
Click on OK to go to the Variable Selection dialog.

If the all toggle is selected then ALL objects in the database will be defined in the table.

Table Options


Import XP Tables
Use this dialog to import predefined tables from another XP project or a template. Many tables are shipped with
xpswmm and are available in the Basic-Tables.xpx file in the Templates folder.

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7.9 Windows
The Windows Menu

Cascade: Displays all opened windows within the program by stacking and offsetting the windows.
Tile: Displays all XP opened windows with equal area within the main window.
7.10 Help
The Help Menu


Launches this help file at the Table of Contents level.

Launches this help file at the Search level.

Check for Updates:
This check the Web for available updates. Click on View Changes to see a list of changes in the latest version. Click
Go to Downloads to download the latest version from the Web.

XP Software Home Page:
Opens the web site defined by the line in the [web] section in the SWMXP.INI using
your default web browser.

Displays your product license details and also provides an interface to turn on the Project Menu and System Color
Settings which can also be controlled in the the SWMXP.INI.

Displays the About Box dialog showing the product name and the licensee name and license number.

If for some reason you cannot find help on a particular dialog try searching from the parent
dialog or from the node, link or menu. See the Table of Contents for a complete listing.

xpswmm Reference Manual
7.11 Pop-Up
Pop-up menus are the mechanism provided to alter the display properties of objects and perform common operations
on the objects. The node and link pop-ups are shown below.
To use the pop-up menu commands click the right mouse button on the selected object to be altered. A list of
commands will "pop-up in a menu next to the object. The appropriate menu item is then selected in the normal way.
To cancel the pop-up menu, click outside the region of the menu.

Node Pop-up Dialog

Node Pop-up Dialog commands:
Properties This will access the Properties dialog for the object
Edit Data Equivalent to double-click to access the data dialogs
Delete, Copy, Paste Delete the object, copy all data in current mode and paste data into object
Review Results Launches the Review Results tool to graph the time series results for this
Notes Add or view Notes (comments). Notes can also be edited in XP-Tables
View Image View images attached to objects
Select Downstream Objects Selects all objects (node and links) downstream of the selected node
Select Upstream Objects Seletcs all objects (node and links) upstream of the selected node

Link Pop-up Dialog

Link Pop-up Dialog commands:
Properties This will access the Properties dialog for the object
Edit Data Equivalent to double-click to access the data dialogs
Edit Vertices Move, add and delete the vertices that create a polylink
Edit Cross Section Edit the vertices of the polyline outlining the cross section location
Define Cross Section Layout Create the polyline that is used to generate the cross section with the DTM
Delete Cross Section Delete the polyline that is used to generate the cross section
Delete Link, Copy, Paste Delete the object, copy all data in current mode and paste data into object
Notes Add or view Notes (comments). Notes can also be edited in XP-Tables.
View Image View images attached to objects
Single Link Convert the multi-link to a single link. Link data will exchange with conduit 1 of
Multi Link Convert the link to a multi-link. Link data will exchange with conduit 1 of multi-
Review Results Launches the Review Results tool to graph the time series results for this
Conduit Profile Open the conduit profile dialog for the single link
Reverse Direction Swaps the upstream and downstream node for the link and changes the arrow
Split Conduit The Split Conduit command inserts a new node on an exsiting link

xpswmm Reference Manual
To change the display attributes for an object such as the colour, size and text font select the Properties item from the
pop-up menu. XP also uses this dialog to edit the name for nodes and links as well as the position of nodes.
When the properties for a single or set of objects is modified, the change is local to the selection. To change the
default display properties for all future objects select the File->Properties menu item and change the defaults for
nodes, links and text. Previously created objects do not change because the defaults have changed. However a set
of objects can be changed by first being selected then second choosing Properties from the Edit menu.
Notes can be added or altered from the pop-up menu and an image can be attached to the object. With the image
linked to the object the Picture File can then be displayed using the View Image command from the pop-up menu.
A link type may be changed from a Single Conduit to a Multiple Conduit or vice versa by selecting the appropriate item
from the pop-up menu.
Note: If a link is already selected and the <Ctrl> key is held down and the link clicked on with the mouse, the link will
change to a Polylink and a vertex will be inserted at the location where the mouse was clicked. Ensure the link
is not highlighted before attempting to pop-up a menu.

Node Data

Hydraulics Mode Node Data
Runoff Mode Node Data
Sanitary Mode Node Data

8.1 Hydraulics Mode
Hydraulics Node Data
To input or edit the attribute or model data associated with a node either; double click on the node or select the node
and press on the Enter key.

The Hydraulics mode uses a link-node network to describe the collection/conveyance system and thereby the
mathematical solution of the gradually varied unsteady flow equations that form the basis of the solution.
Nodes are the storage elements and correspond to manholes or pipe and channel junctions. The calculated variables
associated with the node are volume, head and surface area. Inflows such as hydrographs and outflows such as weir
diversions, pumps and flooding take place at the nodes.
Node data are required for every node in the network including regular nodes, storage and diversion (orifice and weir)
nodes, pump nodes, and outfall nodes.
Occasionally it is necessary to perform routing on the water that floods onto the ground. A new conduit is constructed
by the user to transport the flooded water from the ground elevation of the upstream junction to the ground elevation of
the downstream junction. It is not necessary to simulate manholes as vertical pipes in order to transport water. With
this arrangement, water may surcharge (move vertically out of a manhole-pipe) and return to the sewer system at a
downstream location through another manhole-pipe after traversing an overland channel.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Inlet Capacity can be invoked to limit the amount of water received by the node from the interface file and overland
conduits as a maximum capacity or a rating of approach vs. captured flow. In this construct dual drainage can be
simulated with flow overland and only partial flow in subsurface conduits.
Inflow constrictions by inlets etc. can also be simulated as orifices or rating curves if their hydraulic characteristics are
known. With this extra effort, dual "major" (street surface) and "minor" (sub-surface sewer network) drainage systems
can be simulated using a parallel system restricting flow in both directions.
Spill Crest
Inlet Capacity
Node Invert Elevation
2D Inflow Capture
Initial Depth
Inflow Data
Constant Inflow
Pollutant Loads
Time Series Inflow
User Inflow
Gauged Inflow
Dry Weather Flow
Use Interface File Flow
Gauged Data
Spill Crest
The spill crest (ground elevation) of a node (ft or m) is the physical top of the junction. This may be either a real or
conceptual upper limit to the junction.

The surcharge elevation of a node is computed automatically by the Hydraulics mode during the simulation. For a
node connected only to closed top conduits (i.e. pipes), it is defined as the crown elevation of the highest connecting
If an open channel is connected to a node, the spill crest (elevation where surface flooding occurs) should be set at
the elevation where the HGL exceeds the defined maximum depth of the cross-section. A run time error will be
generated if it is not. If the spill crest elevation is higher than the top of the bank of a connecting open channel and the
water level is above the top of the channel, Table E10 of the output file a warning indicating this as a source of model
error. It is important that cross-sections are defined to be large enough to convey the peak flow.
The configuration parameter VERT_WALLS causes xpswmm to add vertical walls to the ground elevation specified by
the spill crest of the nodes.
The spill crest is used to define upper boundary of HGL in the network. Normally this is the street or ground elevation;
however, if the manholes are bolted down the spill crest should be set sufficiently high so that the simulated water
surface elevation does not exceed it. This can be automated at the node by selecting the Sealed option for ponding
and no adjustment of the spill crest is required.
When the hydraulic head must exceed the spill crest to maintain continuity at the node, the program allows the excess
flow to overflow onto the ground and depending on the Ponding value selected it may become lost to the system for
the remainder of the simulation period. These assumptions may be modified using the surface ponding options in this
Ponding is the management of the water when the HGL reaches the spill crest (ground elevation). The available
ponding options are:
The default mechanism is for surcharged water that breaks the ground surface to be lost from the network. The
duration and amount of water lost is tabulated in the output file in Table E20 and is also available using most of the
Results decision support tools (DSS) located in the Results menu.

xpswmm Reference Manual
This option is for junction flood storage. Using this option, the flooded water will be stored at this node until the
connected conduits can handle the excess flow.
By enabling this check box an artificial storage is created at the surface level of this node. The storage is of the form:
Ponding Area = A e ^ (B * Surface Depth)
Water is allowed to pond until there is sufficient hydraulic capacity within the system for it to rejoin the network. The
coefficient A and exponent B for the above equation may be modified in the Junction Defaults section of the Job
Control Dialog. The values are reported in the Job Control Section of the output file.
This should only be used as a quick estimate of flood storage. If a significant volume of water is ponded then a more
detailed Storage Node should be entered at this location to represent the actual storage relationship.

Using this option the hydraulic grade line will rise above the ground surface spill crest but no volume is lost. It is
accomplished internally by projecting the default node area upward to contain the water, which allows the HGL to rise
above the surface, which creates pressure but no flow is lost. It is most commonly used for the connection of pumps
to force mains and nodes that are placed for welded joints in siphons.

Link Spill Crest to 2D
Using this option the water that would normally spill out of the system is linked and passed to the 2D grid for overland
flow routing. At this location there is a continuity balance with the 2D grid as the water leaving the node is the amount
of water received by the grid at the common cell. In addition 2D grid flows can enter the node if the HGL is below the
surface level of the node. Flows can be restricted into the node using the 2D Inflow Capture. It is important in this
type of model construct that the spill crest of the node match the cell elevation. This ensures that the node does not
rise above the 2D grid like a smokestack preventing water to be captured unless a very large depth is on the surface.
A tool is available to generate ground elevations from a TIN.
Note: When a node is linked to a 2D cell and Inlet Capacity option is invoked, the Rated by Approach Depth and the
Calculate Depth by Node Storage Characteristics are recommended options.
This option must also be selected in 1D/2D river simulations. If there is a node with 1D/2D Connections then the Link
Spill Crest to 2D must also be selected in order to create a valid 2D boundary condition with the node. Simply
connecting the node with the 1D/2D Connection polyline is not enough.

Link Invert to 2D
This special case is used to connect culverts to the 2D Grid. The water that is flowing on the 2D Grid can directly
enter the upstream node of the culvert using the node invert. Ideally this invert matches the cell elevation. The culvert
upstream invert can be above this level if it is perched above the ground. To link the culvert exit to the 2D grid the
downstream node would also have the Link Invert to 2D. The invert elevations can be set to the TIN elevation using
the Tools->Modify Elevations->Read Inverts from TIN files.
Node Invert Elevation
The junction invert elevation (ft or m) is defined as the physical bottom of the junction. It is not necessary to have one
conduit with an invert elevation equal to the node invert elevation. However, the conduits must not have invert
elevations below the node invert.
The node invert elevation is usually defined as the invert elevation of the lowest link connected to the junction. Below
this level water would need to accumulate before flow could leave the junction.
Initial Depth
Initial node depth (ft or m).
Initial water depths at junctions are optional. They are depths from the node invert and not an elevation value. If they
are entered they will be used to begin the simulation in conjunction with initial flows entered for the conduit in the
"Conduit Data" dialog box. If initial heads are omitted but initial flows are entered, then initial heads will be estimated
on the basis of normal depth in adjacent conduits.
Globally all nodes in a model can be initialized to the same elevation by using the Configuration Parameter ZREF or
by having a fixed backwater elevation outfall that does not have a tide gate. Data entered in
Constant inflows may be input to the system and the "initial conditions" established by letting the model run for enough
time steps to establish steady-state flows and heads. The hot start capability may then be used to store these initial
conditions for use at the beginning of additional simulations.
8.1.1 Inflow Data
Constant Inflow - Flow
Constant flow to a hydraulics node (ft/s or m/s).
Constant Inflow - Pollutant Loads
Net constant flow entering (positive) or leaving (negative) the node (ft/s or m/s). Using a negative value results in a
withdrawal from the node. Negative constant inflows can only work if the flow rate being demanded exists.
If the Pollutant List check box is enabled under Hydraulics Job Control you will also be able to enter constant pollutant
concentrations at this location in the dialog shown below. This allows for hourly and/or daily peaking factors to be
used. With this dialog a second diurnal pattern can be added to a single node.
A common application for constant inflows is to represent a base flow in storm water systems and infiltration/inflow to
manholes in Sanitary Systems.

Time Series Inflow
Time Series Inflow
Time series inflow may be added to a node using any or all of the following options:
a User Inflow hydrograph, or may be input from
a Gauged Inflow using a user defined file,
a Dry Weather flow, or
an Interface File.
User Inflow
The Hydraulics layer provides for manual input of inflow hydrographs in cases where you wish to run the Hydraulics
layer alone without the use of an Interface

xpswmm Reference Manual

Time of day in decimal hours, 0 is midnight on the starting day of the simulation entered in the Hydraulics Job Control
dialog. The time does not re-start at zero and should increase past 24 if necessary.

Flow Rate
Flow rate for the corresponding time (ft/s or m/s).
It may also be used to add additional input hydrographs, either at the same or different nodes to those available in the
Interface File. Hydrograph time input points can be specified at any convenient time. Only one user hydrograph is
permitted per node. When multiple flows must enter a node they must be summed external to the program or passed
to the node through an interface file or other pathway.
If the Pollutant List check box is enabled under Hydraulics Job Control you will also be able to enter pollutant
concentrations at the corresponding time as shown in the dialog below.

Gauged Inflow
Use this dialog to define a file containing gauged data .

This can be any name, however the file type must be a text file, fixed space or free format (space or comma delimited).
The data is considered valid if the station name entered in this dialog matches the station field entered in the file
format. If the station is blank all data in the file will be used.
File Format
This is a Global Database record used to define the structure of the file. When you click on the select button you will
be presented with a list of available records from which you should make a selection.
Select the file format of the file containing the inflow data.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Edit will show the data, as it will be interpreted from reading the text file.

Dry Weather Flow

Dry weather flows can be calculated using hourly and weekly peaking factors. These flows may be constant for the
hour by using the configuration parameter INTERP_DWF=OFF or interpolated from one hour to the next (default). Dry
weather flow can be generated using one of 3 methods:

Direct Flow
The Flow Rate, Peaking Factor and Temporal Variation are the only mandatory data required. The flow rate is in the
units specified in this dialog. The peaking factor is dimensionless. The flow rate and peaking factor are multiplied
together to give the total flow, which is multiplied by the hourly and daily temporal variation to give the model flow for
the current time step.

Unit Flow Rate
The Flow Rate, Area and Peaking Factor and Temporal Variation are the only mandatory data required. The flow rate
is in the units specified in this dialog per area unit. The area is in the same units as the flow rate and the peaking
factor is dimensionless. The flow rate, area and peaking factor are multiplied together to give the total flow, which is
multiplied by the hourly and daily temporal variation to give the model flow.

The Flow Rate, Area, Density, Peaking Factor and Temporal Variation are all required for this method. The flow rate is
in the units specified in this dialog per area unit. The area is in the same units as the flow rate and the peaking factor
is dimensionless. The flow rate, area and peaking factor are multiplied together to give the total flow, which is
multiplied by the hourly and daily temporal variation to give the model flow.

For example, using the data from the dialog above:
If the method was Direct Flow, then Q = 300 liters/day x 1 (peaking factor)
If the method was Unit Flow Rate, then Q = 300 liters/day/hectare x 4.21 hectares x 1
= 1,263 liters/day
If the method was Census-Based, then Q = 300 liters/day/person x 4.21 hectares x 21 persons/hectares x 1
= 26,523 liters/day

The units presented in the output after the simulation will be ft/s or m/s.
Interface File Flow
This item is inactive unless an interface file is selected for the Hydraulics Mode. When checked the node is permitted
to receive inflows from the interface file. Entering a percentage of 0 to 100 percent allows the user to limit the amount
of flow entering a node.
8.1.2 Inlet Capacity
Inlet Capacity
xpswmm Reference Manual

The Inlet Capacity option allows for flow to subsurface conduits downstream of a node to be restricted by an Inlet
Rating Curve (IRC). For these calculations, inlet flow is the sum of the Times Series Inflow (User Inflow + Gauged
Inflow + Dry Weather Flow) + Interface File Flow + flow routed to node in open channels).
The Inlet Rating Curve works as follows:
If Ponding None and no surface conduits - Divert flow according to the selected IRC method and lose
If Ponding None with surface conduits - Divert flow according to the selected IRC method and excess
distributed according to hydraulic properties of surface conduits. Any excess that cannot be re-distributed is
If Ponding Allowed and no surface conduits - Divert flow according to the selected IRC method with excess
ponding at the surface. Ponded surface water is added to the diverted flow at a flow rate equivalent to the
volume of surface water divided by the time step. The maximum total diverted flow however is capped at
either the "Maximum Capacity" or at the maximum value entered in the rating curve so do not enter
unrealistically high capture rates even if they have equally unrealistic approach flows because the approach
flow is ignored when determining the absolute maximum allowed.
If Ponding Allowed with surface conduits - Divert flow according to the selected IRC method and excess
distributed according to hydraulic properties of surface conduits. Any excess that cannot be re-distributed is
ponded as per 3 above with the total diverted flow increased accordingly.
If the underground conduit has a constriction that causes reverse flow through the inlet then all the excess
underground flow discharges back to the surface regardless of the inlet's maximum capacity (it blows its lid).
Whenever Inlet Capacity is turned on at a node, a second node is created, for computational purposes, with the text $I
appended to the name. This new node is connected to the closed conduit and receives flow by an internal rating curve
based on the inlet capacity. Results for this node are reported in the output file. In the Review Results graphical
display, the new node is labeled as [Subsurface].

Maximum Capacity
The Inlet Capacity of a manhole or pit may be constrained to a Maximum Capacity whereby all flow is captured up to
the entered value after which all excess flow bypasses, ponds or is lost from the system depending on what type of
Ponding is enabled and the existence of overland flow conduits. If there is ponded water at the surface and no
approach flow, water will be captured at this capacity.

Efficiency Factor
The Inlet Capacity of a manhole or pit may affected by blocking (an efficiency factor < 1) or installing multiple inlets (an
efficiency factor > 1). Enter the appropriate factor here.

Inlet Capacity Type:
The Inlet may be defined by Maximum capacity only, by approach flow, by approach depth or by a HEC-12/HEC-22
For the Approach Flow and HEC-22 options, when flow = 0, the Maximum Capacity value is used.
When node is linked to a 2D cell use the Rated by Approach Depth and the Calculate Depth by Node
Storage Characteristics options.

Rated by Maximum Capacity Only
If this option is selected flow up to the Maximum Capacity entered above is captured. Flow in excess of this
amount will be lost or diverted according to the type of Ponding is selected.
Rated by Approach Flow
The Inlet Capacity may be entered as a manhole or pit rating curve of Approach Flow versus Captured Flow.
The Captured component of the rating curve is adjusted by the Efficiency Factor entered in this dialog.
A couple of side effects are that, firstly, if ponding is allowed the maximum diverted flow may be greater than
expected particularly if using an inlet rating curve, and secondly, the flow in the conduit may be greater than
the diverted inflow. This is because a volume of water (equivalent to the flow rate) is diverted and this water
is then converted to a flow rate in the conduit according to the pipes hydraulic characteristics. If the pipe is
initially dry you might see a higher peak in the pipe flow rate than the flow rate being diverted. Secondly, the
rating curve should have a zero, zero pair so that with no approach flow there will not be any captured flow. A
non zero value for captured flow will be introduced with no approach flow resulting in continuity error if the first
pair of data is 0, X with X being a non zero captured flow.
In versions prior to 9.0 the configuration parameter DEPTH_IRC was used to re-define the Approach Flow vs
Captured Flow curve to be Approach Depth vs Captured Flow. This parameter is still active.
Rated by Approach Depth
The Inlet Capacity may also be entered as a manhole or pit rating curve of Approach Depth versus Captured
Flow. The Captured component of the rating curve is adjusted by the Efficiency Factor entered in this
The depth may be defined by:
(i) the storage capacity of the node; either the depth of the storage node if Storage is selected, or by
the ponding area/depth defined under Junction Defaults, or
(ii) the Pavement Characteristics used to calculate gutter depth in the Calculate Gutter Spread option.
Note: the rating curve should have a zero, zero pair so that with no depth there will not be any captured
flow. A non zero value for captured flow will be introduced with 0 depth resulting in continuity error if the
first pair of data is 0, X with X being a non zero captured flow.
The third alternative utilizes the HEC-12/HEC-22 inlet capacity procedures. This requires the selection a
HEC-22 Inlet and a Pavement Crossfall from the Global Database.
Calculate Gutter Spread
If this option is selected the gutter width, depth and velocity is calculated according to the pavement crossfall
HEC-12 Combination Grate and Curb Inlets
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This type of inlet consists of both a curb-opening inlet and a grate inlet usually located side-by-side, although the curb
opening may be partially located upstream of the grate.

Curb Length (Lc)
The length (ft, m)of the curb opening.

Curb Height (H)
The height (ft, m)of the curb opening. The inlet operates as a weir at depths up to the curb opening height and as an
orifice at depths greater than 1.4 times the height. At depths between 1.0 and 1.4 times the height the flow is
transitioned. For curb openings other than vertical see the separate HEC-12 documentation for the effective height.

Grate Length (Lg)
The nominal length (ft, m) of the grate.

Grate Width (W)
The nominal width (ft, m) of the grate.

Grate Offset (Dg)
The distance (ft, m) between the downstream end of the curb opening and the downstream end of the grate.

Type of Grate
Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on center and 3/8-in diameter lateral rods spaced at 4-in on center (see
figure 8 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on centre (See figure 8 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Parallel bar grate with 1-1/8-in on centre bar spacing (see figure 9 of the HEC-12 documentation).

30 degree Tilt Bar
30 degree tilt bar grate with 3-1/4-in and 4-in on centre longitudinal and lateral bar spacing respectively (see figure 12
of the HEC-12 documentation).

45 degree Tilt Bar
45 degree tilt bar grate with 2-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-in transverse bar spacing on centre (see figure 11 of the
HEC-12 documentation).

Curved Vane
Curved vane grate with 3-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-1/4-in transverse bar spacing on centre (see figure 10 of the
HEC-12 documentation).

"Honeycomb" pattern of lateral bars longitudinal bearing bars (see figure 13 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Note: A separate addendum consisting of the complete FHWA documentation for HEC-12 "Design of Highway
Pavements" is provided as part of the documentation for user training courses. Contact your account
representative for additional information.

HEC-12 Curb Inlet

Curb-opening inlets are vertical openings in the curb covered by a top slab.

Height (H)
xpswmm Reference Manual
The height (ft, m) of the curb opening. The inlet operates as a weir at depths up to the curb opening height and as an
orifice at depths greater than 1.4 times the height. At depths between 1.0 and 1.4 times the height the flow is
transitioned. For curb openings other than vertical see the separate HEC-12 documentation for the effective height.

Length (L)
The length (ft, m) of the curb opening.

Note: A separate addendum consisting of the complete FHWA documentation for HEC-12 "Design of Highway
Pavements" is provided as part of the documentation for user training courses. Contact your account
representative for additional information.

HEC-12 Grated Inlet

A grated inlet consists of an opening in the gutter covered by one or more grates, usually metal.

The nominal width (ft, m) of the grate.

The nominal length (ft, m) of the grate.

Type of Grate
Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on centre and 3/8-in diameter lateral rods spaced at 4-in on centre (see
figure 8 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Parallel bar grate with bar spacing 1-7/8-in on centre (See figure 8 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Parallel bar grate with 1-1/8-in on centre bar spacing (see figure 9 of the HEC-12 documentation).

30 degree Tilt Bar
30 degree tilt bar grate with 3-1/4-in and 4-in on centre longitudinal and lateral bar spacing respectively (see figure 12
of the HEC-12 documentation).

45 degree Tilt Bar
45 degree tilt bar grate with 2-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-in transverse bar spacing on centre (see figure 11 of the
HEC-12 documentation).

Curved Vane
Curved vane grate with 3-1/4-in longitudinal bar and 4-1/4-in transverse bar spacing on centre (see figure 10 of the
HEC-12 documentation).

"Honeycomb" pattern of lateral bars longitudinal bearing bars (see figure 13 of the HEC-12 documentation).

Note: A separate addendum consisting of the complete FHWA documentation for HEC-12 "Design of Highway
Pavements" is provided as part of the documentation for user training courses. Contact your account
representative for additional information.

HEC-12 Slotted Inlet

A slotted inlet is a special type of gutter inlet consisting of a pipe cut along the longitudinal axis with a grate of spacer
bars to form slot openings.

Slot Length (Lg)
xpswmm Reference Manual
The length (ft, m) of the slot.

Slot Width (W)
The nominal width (ft, m) of the slot. Slotted inlets function in essentially the same manner as curb opening inlets, ie.
as a weir with flow entering from the side.

8.1.3 Options
Select the options for generating output.

Detail Printout
Plot Water Levels
Save Overflow Results

Plot Water Levels
Enable this flag to obtain a line-printer style plot of the water elevations at this node in the output file.
Save Overflow Results
Not implemented in this release.
Detail Printout
Enable this flag to obtain a detailed printout showing the Time, Elevation, Depth, Total Area, Node Area, Volume,
Inflow, Outflow, and Continuity Error at the Summary time step interval defined in the Job Control - Output Control.

If the EXTERNAL_XLS or EXTERNAL.CSV Configuration Parameter is set then the output will be saved in a file
named <your_file_name>.XLS or .CSV. These are comma-separated files that can be imported into a spreadsheet.

8.1.4 Storage Node
Storage Node Data

Storage devices may be in-line or off-line and act as flow control devices by providing for storage of excessive
upstream flows, thereby attenuating and lagging the hydrograph from the upstream area. A storage node may be
placed at any number of junctions in the network. The elevation of the top of the storage (Node Surcharge Elevation)
must be at least as high as the highest crown at the junction. In most cases when modeling open storage i.e. ponds,
lakes, wetlands the spill crest level is the top of bank. For the case of underground storage the spill crest level is the
crown or top of the storage.
The only difference between a storage node and a regular node is that an additional surface area of the amount
entered here is added to that of the connecting pipes. All nodes have a default surface area defined in the Job
Control->Junction Defaults. Note also that the crown is set at the top of the storage "tank". When the hydraulic head
at a node exceeds this crown, the node goes into surcharge. Unless the "Ponding" flag is enabled, flow is lost from
the system when the water level reaches the spill crest.
If ponding is Allowed then the invert elevation of the Storage Node set at the Spill Crest elevation and the spill crest is
set to the original spill crest plus the maximum depth specified for the storage node.
If surcharge level is defined below ground level, storage function does not work once water level reaches above this
level and default manhole area is used from here on. Water is lost at HGL > node Spill Crest and if Ponding is set to
None. Water is not lost and HGL continue rising using default manhole area if Ponding is Allowed. These conditions
are summarized in the table below.
Ponding HGL Result
None < Surcharge Elevation Water stored according to Storage Method
None > Spill Crest Water lost from network
Allowed < Surcharge Elevation Water stored according to default manhole area
Allowed > Surcharge Elevation Water stored according to Storage Method

Note: the default ponding curve is not used for the storage node.
Storage Method
Stepwise Linear Storage
Power Function Storage
xpswmm Reference Manual
Constant Area Storage
Surcharge Elevation
Measure Depth From
Measure Depth From
The elevation at which the storage node becomes effective may be set to either the node invert or the spill crest
depending on which radio button is selected.
If Node Invert is selected the storage volume is effective starting from the node invert. If Spill Crest is selected, then
the default manhole area is used until the water elevation reaches the spill crest whereupon the additional storage
volume is added (with the default manhole area no longer included).
Surcharge Elevation
Elevation of upper limit of storage as calculated by the Storage Method. Above this level the surface area of the node
is the default manhole surface area. This must be higher than the crown of the highest pipe connected to the storage
junction (ft or m). If this value is 0 it is set equal to the Spill Crest Elevation.
The Node Surcharge Elevation is set below the ground elevation for an underground storage tank.
Basin Optimization

The Basin Optimization tool has four design options which are discussed below. To use the Basin Optimization design
tool select an optimization option, enter the value(s), and click on OK. The result including new conduit size, if
applicable, will appear after the next model solve.

Design Option 1: Resize d/s pipes
Required Input: Maximum Water Level of Storage Node Basin
Method Result: The software will design (resize) the downstream pipe(s) such that the Maximum Water Level at the
storage node is the user defined value. The algorithm will increase the pipe size and restart the simulation when the
Maximum Water Level is exceeded. If the water level exceeds the specified maximum HGL, the size of basin outlet
conduit(s) are increased. If pipe sizes are available from Available Pipes dialog in Hydraulics Job Control settings, the
next larger pipe will be selected. If no pipe sizes have been defined, the diameter (width for rectangular and
trapezoidal pipes) will be increases by the following offset values.

Metric units: US units:
5cm if the diameter is < 0.15m
7.5cm if the diameter is < 0.9m
15cm in all other cases

1 inch if the diameter is < 4 inches
2 inches if the diameter is < 1ft
3 inches if the diameter is < 2.5ft
6 inches in all other cases

Design Option 2: Limit d/s discharges
Required Input: Maximum Flow Values for Outlet conduits
Method Result: The software will limit the discharge from the storage node to be the user defined Max Flow. All links
directly downstream of storage node appear in the Outlet Pipe table. The resulting maximum outflow from the storage
node is the sum of the flows in the conduits in this table. If the maximum flow is exceeded, the outlet pipe size(s) will
be decreased. If pipe sizes are available from Available Pipes dialog in Hydraulics Job Control settings, the next
smaller pipe will be selected. If no pipe sizes have been defined, the diameter (width for rectangular and trapezoidal
pipes) will be decreased by the following offset values

Metric units: US units:
5cm per default
7.5cm if the diameter is 0.9m

1 inch per default
2 inches if the diameter is 1ft
3 inches if the diameter is 2.5ft

Note: If no smaller pipes are available or the offset decrease would result in a negative diameter, no further decrease
will be conducted

Design Option 3: Resize Basin
Required Input: Maximum Water Level of Storage Node Basin
Method Result: If the basins maximum HGL is exceeded, the basin will be resized. For the different storage types the
following resizing operations are performed:

Constant area: The Constant Storage Area will be
multiplied by the increasing factor
Power function: The Power function coefficient will be
multiplied by the increasing factor
Stepwise linear: Each surface Area will be multiplied by
the increasing factor
The basin resizing algorithm runs in two phases, the exponential search phase and the fine tuning phase. In the
exponential search phase the increase factor is 2. If a sufficient basin size is found, the algorithm will revert to the last
insufficient size (divide by 2) and switch to the fine tuning phase. If the basin size is found to be insufficient in the fine
tuning phase, the basin will be increased by 5%.The increase in the fine tuning phase can be controlled via a
configuration parameter: BASIN_INCRFAC=1.05 would correspond to 5%. The lower limit is 1.001 and the upper limit
is 1.25.

Design Option 4: Resize of d/s Pipes and Basin
Required Input: Maximum Water Level of Storage Node Basin and Maximum Flow Values for Outlet conduits
Method Result: This method first designs the basin as outlined in Design Option 3 (Resize Basin). If a sufficient size
is found, the flows on the out conduits are checked. If a flow limit is exceeded, the pipe size is decreased as in Design
Option 2 (Limit d/s Discharges) and the method restarts with designing the basin. The complete restart is necessary
since decreasing the outflow will cause an increase of the HGL.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Note: This method can require a lot of restarts. However, asymptotically it will produce results that come close to the
specified values. If the pipes were replaced every time a flow limit is exceeded, less restarts would be required,
however, this replacement might not have been necessary as the basin could have been replaced later causing the
HGL to fall and subsequently the outflow making the replacement unnecessary. That is the reason why the above
method has been chosen.

Storage Method
Stepwise Linear Storage

Click on Insert to add blank rows to table. Enter data as:
Depth above the node invert or (spill crest) as defined in the Storage Node Data dialog.
Surface area of storage node (acres or hectares).
The depth-area data are integrated to determine the depth-volume relationship for the junction. The first area value
should be a non-zero value. To approximate zero, use a small value, such as 0.0001.
There are a number of Configuration Parameters that can be used to define how the area and depth variables are
used during the analysis, these include:
AS Use area (acres or hectares) and stage (ft or m) to define the storage node (default).
VS Use volume (ft or m) and stage (ft or m) to define the storage node.
AE Use area (acres or hectares) and elevation (ft or m) to define the storage node.
VE Use volume (ft or m) and elevation (ft or m) to define the storage node.

Area refers to the area of the reservoir at the given stage or elevation.
Volume is the total volume between the datum and the given elevation.
Power Function Storage
A power function is given by
Area = Coeff x Depth ^

Area = Surface Area (ft or m).
Depth = depth above junction invert (ft or m).
Coeff and
are supplied by the user.

The coefficient of the power function for determining storage volume.
The exponent of the power function for determining storage volume.
Constant Area Storage
Constant Surface Area - Constant surface area (ft or m) i.e. storage volume per ft (or m) of depth.
Conceptually, storage junctions are "tanks" of constant surface area over their depth. A storage tank may be placed at
any node in the system, either in-line or off-line.
8.1.5 Outfall Data

Four types of outfall configurations can be simulated in the Hydraulics layer:
a single conduit with or without a tide gate,
and a diversion (orifice, weir, pump etc.) with or without a tide gate.
While you can have any number of outfalls, you cannot have multiple conduits connected to the same outfall.

The outfall boundary condition can be described in 5 different ways shown below. Boundary conditions may be free,
fixed backwater, tidal, flow history or rating curve.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Type 1 - Free Outfall
Type 2 - Fixed Backwater
Type 3.1 - User Tide Coefficients
Type 3.2 - Computed Tide Coefficients
Type 3.3 - User Stage History
Type 4 - Flow History
Type 5 - User Rating Curve
Tide Gate

The outfall is a conduit which discharges to a receiving water body under given backwater conditions. The free outfall
may be truly "free" if the elevation of the receiving waters is low enough, or it may consist of a backwater condition. In
the former case, the water surface at the free outfall is taken as critical depth, normal depth or whichever is less. If
backwater exists, the receiving water elevation is taken as the water surface elevation at the free outfall unless the
normal or critical depth is greater.

A weir outfall is a weir which discharges directly to the receiving waters according to relationships given in the weir
section. This outfall type is further described in Section 9 - Hydraulics Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data .
Tide Gate (JFREE orJGATE)
If this flag is enabled the outfall is assumed to have a tide (flap) gate and back-flow is not permitted. When there is a
tide gate on an outfall conduit, a check is made to see whether or not the hydraulic head at the upstream end of the
outfall pipe exceeds that outside the gate. If it does not, the discharge through the outfall is equated to zero. If the
driving head is positive the water surface elevation at the outfall junction is set in the same manner as that for a free
outfall subjected to a backwater condition.

If the tide gate is not checked and the user has selected the Fixed Backwater condition then the entire model will be
initialized to the fixed backwater level at the beginning of the simulation.

Type 1 - Free Outfall (NTIDE = 1)

No water surface at an outfall (elevated discharge). The elevation of the receiving waters is low enough that a
backwater condition may be disregarded. The water surface at the free outfall is taken as critical or normal depth or
whichever is less as specified in the above dialog. The default (preferred) condition is to use the minimum of Yc or Yn.
Type 2 - Fixed Backwater ( A1)

The elevation of a fixed backwater condition (feet or metres). The elevation actually used is the maximum of the value
entered and the Normal/Critical depth criterion entered above.

If the tide gate is not checked and the user has selected the Fixed Backwater condition then the entire model will be
initialized to the fixed backwater level at the beginning of the simulation.
Type 3.1 - User Tide Coefficients (NTIDE=3)

A tide whose period and amplitude are described by user supplied tide coefficients.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The function form used by the Hydraulics layer for the tide is:

TIDE = A1+A2*sin(wT)+A2*sin(2wT)+A4*sin(3wT)

where TIDE = elevation of outfall water surface (feet or metres)
T = current time (hours)
w = angular frequency 2*pi/W (radians/hr)
W = tidal period (hours)
A1 - A7 = coefficients (feet or metres)
Type 3.2 - Computed Tide Coefficients (NTIDE=4)

A tide which will be computed by the Hydraulics layer based on a curve fitted to a specified number of stage-time
points describing a single tidal cycle.

Convergence Criterion (DELTA)
The convergence criterion used for iteratively fitting the tidal function (feet or metres).

Tidal Period (W)
The tidal period in hours.

Echo Results (NCHTID)
Print control for tidal information. Echo the information on stage/history to the text output file.

Stage History (J3 - K0=0) -
Low/High Tide (J3 - K0=1) -
Type 3.3 - User Stage History (NTIDE=5)
A stage-history of water surface elevations input by the user. The program uses linear interpolation between data
points. This is a common option for outfalls in rivers, especially when modeling high return period events when the
level of the receiving water will impact the outfall.

Echo Results (NCHTID)
Print control for tidal information. Information on stage/history will be echoed to the text output file if this flag is

Stage History (K0=0)
The type of tidal input. Input is in the form of a time series of tidal heights. The tidal coefficients are calculated
iteratively achieve a best fit using the equation shown above.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Time (TT)
Time of day in hours. Increase past 24 hours if necessary.

Stage (YY)
Tidal stage for the time shown in the adjacent cell (feet or meters).

Low/High Tide (K0=1) -
The type of tidal input. Input is in the form of high and low water values found in the tide tables (HHW, LLW, LHW and
HLW). The tidal coefficients are calculated iteratively to achieve a best fit using the above equation.



Time (TT)
Time of day in decimal hours. Increase past 24 hours if necessary.

Stage (YY)
Tidal stage for the time shown in the adjacent cell (feet or meters).

Type 4 - Flow History (NTIDE=6)
xpswmm Reference Manual

Time (TT)
Time of day in decimal hours. Increase past 24 hours if necessary.

The flow rate corresponding to the adjacent time (ft
/s or m

A flow history Boundary Condition may be used as a demand function on the drainage system. Examples of this
would be wastewater treatment plants, pumps or water diversion for irrigation.
Type 5 - User Rating Curve (NTIDE=7)

Flow rate in (m^3/s or ft^3/s).

The elevation corresponding to the flow entered in the adjacent cell (ft or metres). If the USE_OUT_RC_DEPTH
Configuration Parameter is set then the stage can be entered as a depth rather than an elevation.

A rating curve Boundary Condition is used to fix both the stage at the outfall node and the flow in the connecting
conduit. The model will iterate until the flow and stage are in balance. It can be used to connect two Hydraulics layer
models together.
xpswmm Reference Manual
8.2 Runoff Mode
Runoff Node Data

Subcatchment Flag
Subcatchment Area
Subcatchment Percent Impervious
Subcatchment Width
Subcatchment Slope
More Sub-Catchment Information
Print Flows and Concentrations
Save Results for Review
Gauged Data

To input or edit the attribute or model specific data associated with a node either; "double-click" on the node, select
the node and choose the "DATA" command from the Edit Menu, or select the node and press the <Enter> key.

This dialog allows the entry of subcatchment data and node printing parameters.

There are five major types of Hydrograph Generation techniques available in Runoff. They are:

1. SWMM Runoff Non-linear Reservoir Method
2. Kinematic Wave Method
3. Laurenson Non-linear Method/Rafts
4. SCS Unit Hydrograph Method
5. Other Unit Hydrograph methods, Nash, Snyder (Alameda), Snyder, Rational Formula, Time/area, and
Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph.

Depending on the option you choose some data fields may have different meanings or be ignored.
Save Results for Review
Save results for the node for later graphical post-processing. This option is provided locally for each node to allow
minimizing of the intermediate results files generated which can be quite large. It is overridden by the Save ALL
Results for Review flag in the Runoff Job Control.
Station Name
If you choose "Select Station" a list of all available stations in the selected file will be displayed, and the appropriate
station may be selected from the list as shown below. If you are using xpswmm to create a new station type in your
own Station Name.

Station Names can be alphanumeric up to 8 characters.

A time series file can contain any number of stations, so that multiple time series can be stored within the same file.
New stations may be added to the file by entering any alphanumeric name not contained in the above list. Note that
editing processing efficiency diminishes as the number of stations within a time series file increases.

Note that a single file may contain a number of time series from different stations and of different type.
Station Number
If the file contains data for multiple sites the station number defined in the field below should be entered here.
Selecting the "Edit" button allows you to modify or create data for the Station and File name defined above. If a current
file does not exist a new file is created. Similarly, if a station of the selected name does not exist a new station is

While in this dialog you may move through the data using <Pg Up>, <Pg Down>, <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> or
"Go To" a particular row number. You may also insert and delete data using <Ins> and <Del> and sort data in
chronological order. OK will save data to the currently selected file.

Note: Since data is loaded into memory from disk it may not always be possible to load very large time series for
editing. Should this prove to be a problem a sub-set of the data may be loaded by selecting the starting and finishing
date of the data you wish to edit using the "Edit Date Range" option. This option is not yet implemented in this version.
Select File
When "Import Data" is chosen the standard "Get File" dialog box will be shown with a default mask "*.dat". This will
cause all files with the extension .dat to be shown in the list beneath. To display another type of file, type in a new
mask eg. *.* to show all files. This mask is the same as the DOS mask for listing files (as used in the DIR command
for example). The list of files is sorted in alphabetical order with directories shown first in upper case and all other files
in lower case. If there are more files than will fit in a window you may scroll through the list using the arrow keys,
<Home>, <End> and <PgUp>, <PgDown>.
File Format
At present only the Raf-Hydsys format is available. This format is readily available from Hydsys of Hydsys-wq. Should
you wish to manipulate output from other programs or create a file using an external editor the format of the file is fixed
as follows:

Station Variable Year Month Day Hr Min Value
a8 f7.0 I4 I2 I2 I2 I2 f12.0

The format as described above is a fixed format, which can be created or edited with any text editor. An example of
an HIS format file for flows in a link is shown below:
xpswmm Reference Manual
l6 140.00200109040600 0
l6 140.00200109040630 0.3
l6 140.00200109040700 0.05
l6 140.00200109040730 0.04
l6 140.00200109040800 0.8
l6 140.00200109040830 0.1
l6 140.00200109040900 0.04
l6 140.00200109040930 0.02

In the sample above, l6 is an alpha numeric up to 8 characters to identify the object. 140.00 indicates that the
following values will be flows. 200109040730 represents the data and time. The corresponding flow for each time is
right-justified, ending in the 40
Print Flows and Concentrations (IPRNT)
The variable defines whether the value is rainfall (mm), runoff (m
/s) or undefined.

Variable 10 = Rainfall
140 = Runoff
-1 = Undefined Data Type (eg. Depth, Pollutant)

For constant runoff the variable type should be 140.
Print total inflows and concentrations through the node in the output file. The frequency the data is written to in the
output file is controlled in the Job Control->Print Control: General Results. All printed values are instantaneous at the
end of the preceding time step.
Subcatchment Flag
Flag for defining a subcatchment. If this flag is set all the data in the given column must be entered, as well as the
data in the underlying dialog(s). If the data exists and the flag is not active the subcatchment data will not be exported
and the flows will not be generated for that node.

Subcatchment Area (WAREA)
Drainage area of subcatchment, acres [ha]. The same meaning for all hydrology methods.
Subcatchment Percent Impervious (WW3)
Percentage of subcatchment that is impervious.

Note: When using the SCS and SBUH methods a curve number of 98 will be used for this amount of
impervious area and a composite number will be generated internally. Use a value of 0 if you wish xpswmm
to use your composite number entered as the Pervious CN.

The impervious areas must be hydraulically (directly) connected to the drainage system. Rooftops draining onto
adjacent pervious areas should not be treated as effective impervious areas.

The percent impervious data is used to split the subarea into respective impervious and pervious components. It
should be noted that Horton or Green Ampt infiltration is only applied to pervious component. The only losses applied
to impervious component are depression storage losses. To apply Horton type losses to both components requires
the use of two subareas and the setting of both percent impervious values to zero. This will allow the Horton type
infiltration to be applied to the full area of each subarea.

The following regression equation relating imperviousness to population density, known as the New Jersey equation
(Stankowski, 1974), is perhaps the most representative:

I = 9.6 PD
(0.53 - 0.0391 log10 PD)

I = imperviousness, percent
PD = population density in developed portion of the urbanized area, persons/acre.

The "developed portion" excludes large segments of undeveloped lands that may lie within the area being simulated.
The above relation was developed for large (city-wide) areas as a whole so its use may be tenuous for small
Subcatchment Width (WW1)
Width of subcatchment, ft [m]. This parameter is only applicable to the Runoff and Kinematic Wave routing methods.
For all other methods enter any valid number (>0), the parameter will not impact the solution.

If overland flow is visualized as running down-slope off an idealized rectangular catchment, then the width of the
subcatchment is the physical width of overland flow. Since real subcatchments will not be rectangular with properties
of symmetry and uniformity other procedures are required.

The subcatchment width is a key calibration parameter, one of the few that can significantly alter the hydrograph
shape, rather than just runoff volume. A good estimate for the width is the area of the subcatchment divided by the
average path length of overland flow.

For rainfall durations less than the time of concentration, increasing the width increases the flow peak and decreases
time to peak. For rainfall durations greater than the time of concentration, the peak flow is affected only marginally.
The time of concentration is reduced slightly for larger widths.

Irregularly shaped catchments with drainage channels off-centre can be handled by computing a skew factor:

Sk = (A2 - A1) / A
W = (2 - Sk) * L
Sk = skew factor
A1 = area to one side of the channel
A2 = area to other side of the channel
A = total area
W = subcatchment width
L = length of main drainage channel

When using Laurenson Hydrology the subcatchment width is by default not used. The catchment roughness utilised
when calculating the storage delay parameter B is taken from the pervious Manning "n" value for the sub-catchment
included with the infiltration information. A second method is available by including the Configuration parameter RAFTS
under the tools menu. This allows % imp to be set to 0 and 0 in the first two separate sub areas. This will allow the
infiltration equation to be applied to the total subareas. Width is then used as a factor to control the B computation by
inputting 0.0 and 100.0 respectively for the fully pervious and impervious sub areas. Appropriate infiltration can then be
applied to the respective subareas.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Subcatchment Slope (WSLOPE)
Average slope of the subcatchment, non dimensional (m/m or ft/ft). For example a 1% slope is entered as 0.01. The
subcatchment slope should reflect the average along the pathway of overland flow to inlet locations. For simple
geometry, the calculation is simply the elevation difference divided by the length of flow. For more complex shapes,
several overland flow paths may be delineated, their slopes determined, and a weighted slope computed using a path-
length weighted average. Alternatively, it may be sufficient to simulate the hydrologically dominant slope for the
conditions being simulated. It is possible to include a Configuration parameter to change the slope to a percentage if

To enter slope in percent use the CATSLOPE=% Configuration Parameter .

16.1.2 CUHP Procedure

Hydrograph Type
(Card C ICIA)
Rational Formula option for smaller basins:
Rational Formula - (Card C ICIA = 1)
Use if the basin is less than 90 acres and larger than 5 acres. A storm hydrograph will be estimated
using the time of concentration (Card D TC), specified in this dialog. The peak flow will also be
estimated using Rational Formula. Use the 1-hour design storm (Card B2) for rainfall.

Hydrograph (CUHP) - (Card C ICIA = 0)
Use if the basin is larger than 90 acres. The hydrograph will be calculated using the Colorado
Urban Hydrograph Procedure described in the UD&FCD Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. If
you also use the 1-hour design storm (Card B2) and specify the Time of Concentration in this dialog
(Card D - TC), peak flows will also be estimated using Rational Formula.

(IDWB = 0)
The Basin Identification Number that will be used as basin identification by the UDSWM2-PC program. Any
three digit number from 001 through 399 is valid. This field is mandatory with the last 3 Print Options (NSW =
7, NSW = 8, and NSW = 9).

The Basin Description or Comment (max. 60 characters).
If Print Options "Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File", "Storm Hydrographs and Excess
Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File" or, "Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File" (NSW
= 4, NSW = 5, or NSW = 6).are selected, only the first 34 characters in this field will be used by the HEC-
program for its basin comment card.

Save Results to Interface File
If this flag is selected results for this node will be written to an Interface File for later use by xpswmm.
Save Results for Review
If this flag is selected results for this node will be available for use with the "Review Results " component of
Print Options
Allows you to define the level of detail written to the output file and the optional creation of output files.

Optional Parameters
If this flag is on then optional hydrograph shape factors may be entered.

The basin area in square miles.
The basin length in miles.

Distance To Centroid
The distance to the basin centroid in miles. The distance along main flow path from outlet to point opposite
(i.e. normal) to the basin centroid.

Impervious % -
The basin imperviousness In percent.
The weighted basin slope in feet per foot.

Time of Concentration - (TC) the time of concentration in minutes.
This is an optional entry if you selected a CUHP Hydrograph type (i.e. Card C - ICIA=O). If a non-zero value is
entered for TC, the program will also display an estimate of the runoff peak using Rational Formula. The storm
hydrograph will also be calculated using the CUHP procedure.
xpswmm Reference Manual
A non-zero value is mandatory for if you selected the Rational Formula method (i.e. Card C - ICIA=1). Note, the 1-
hour rainfall depth also has to be entered (Card B2). The program will compute and display the hydrograph estimated
using TC, and the peak flow using Rational Formula.

Impervious to Pervious Flow - (D) the fraction of impervious to pervious flow.

Ignore Global Correction Factors - (XNUL) If this flag is enabled all values of Initial Infiltration Rate, Hortons Decay
Rate, Final Infiltration Rate and Depression Loss Storage (Card B1 and B2 - CINFL, CDECAY, CFNINF and CRET)
entered in the Storm Data will be ignored.

Pervious Depression Storage - (POET) the average maximum depression storage on pervious surfaces in inches.

Impervious Depression Storage - (IDET) the average maximum depression storage on impervious surfaces in

Initial Infiltration Rate - (INFL) the initial infiltration rate In inches per hour. If the decay rate and final infiltration rate
(i.e. the next 2 fields DECAY and FNINFL) are zero or blank, the initial rate entered here is treated as uniform
infiltration rate throughout the storm.

Horton Decay Rate - (DECAY) Horton's exponential decay rate coefficient in 1/second.

Final Infiltration Rate - (FNINFL) the final infiltration rate In inches per hour.

Level of DCIA - (NDCIA) the level of directly connected impervious area.

DCIA - (R) the fraction of directly connected impervious area.

Unit Duration - (TU) Unit duration of rainfall increments and of the unit hydrograph If design storm 1-hour depth is
used, you are limited to 5-or 10-minute unit duration. Use the 5-minute duration in all cases unless a longer unit is
clearly (i.e. very large basin) justified.
The Node Name is used as the Basin Identifier (IDBAS).
There is currently a limit of 399 basins in this method.
See also CUHP Theory.

16.1.7 CUHP Print Options

Print Options:
Storm Hydrograph (Card C NSW = 0) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Hyetograph, Storm Hydrograph,
Peak Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (Card C NSW = 1) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph,
Hyetograph, Tabular Calculation of Excess Precipitation, Storm Hydrograph, Peak Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Standard (Card C NSW = 2) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Peak Flows, and Runoff Volume. (No
storm hydrograph).

Standard and Peak Flows to File (Card C NSW = 3) Print: Same as Standard Option (NSW=2) above. Write all
peak flows to disk file for use with the "Flood Flow Frequency Analysis" program.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 4) Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph
(NSW=0) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with HEC-1 flow routing routines.

Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 5) Print:
Same as Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file as
in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above

Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 6) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2) above.
Write all storm hydrographs to disk file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 7) Print: Same as Storm
Hydrograph (NSW=0) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with UDSWM2-PC program flow routing

xpswmm Reference Manual
Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 8) -
Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk
output file as in (NSW=7) above.

Standard Print and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 9) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2)
above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk output file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File
(NSW=7) above.

Note: For the last 3 options (NSW = 7, NSW = 8 and NSW = 9) you may process up to 399 basins, but be sure to use
only one storm for any one computer run. Assign a new output file name for each run.

16.1.6 CUHP Optional Parameters

These are optional basin parameters which can be used to override unit hydrograph parameters Ct and Cp and unit
hydrograph widths calculated by the CUHP procedure. Enter data only into those fields for which unit hydrograph
variables are to be overridden. Leave all other fields blank.
Coefficient Ct - (Card D1 CT) overrides the program generated value for Ct.

Coefficient Cp - (Card D1 CP) overrides the program generated value for Cp.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 50% - (Card D1 W50) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 50% in minutes.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 70% - (Card D1 W75) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 70% in minutes.

Fraction Of W50 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K50) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W50
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.35).

Fraction Of W75 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K75) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W75
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.45).

Water Quality Capture Volume - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality capture volume in inches.

Water Quality Drain Time - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality drain time in minutes.

LA County
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method (F0601) Node Data

xpswmm Reference Manual

LA County Error Codes

Runoff Coefficient Curve and Rainfall Mass Curve Data Editor (Program FO601M)
Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) on first card of a curve not 009 (runoff coefficient curve) or 010
(rainfall mass curve).
2 Number in Column 7 on the first card outside the range 1-5.
3 Total number of points indicated for the curve exceeds 14 (runoff coefficient curve) or 199 (rainfall
mass curve).
4 On cards following the first card of a curve either (a) The card code (Column 1-3) not equal to 009
(runoff coefficient curve) or 011 (rainfall mass curve), (b) The curve number in Column 4-6 does
not match or (c) The curve number in Column 7 does not match.
5 The number of points on a card exceeds the total number indicated on the first card.
6 The cards are out of sequence.
7 Initial data card not zero, negative runoff coefficient curve number, or points on rainfall mass curve
not in chronological or cumulative sequence.
8 The curve number (Column 4-6) listed on the first card, not (a) 002 through 199 For runoff
coefficient curve, (b) A through I in Column 4 and 01 through 99 in Column 5-6, for selected storm
rainfall mass curve, (c) J through M in Column 4 and 10, 25, or 50 in Column 5-6 for standard
design storm rainfall curve, or (d) T in Column 4 and 01 in Column 5-6 for thunderstorm
(convective storm) rainfall mass curve.

D-5.2 Subarea and Hydrograph 0ara Editor (Program FO6010)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following Form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) of a subarea card not 006.
2 Subarea data not in ascending sequence (hydrograph input may be specified on the same card,
and hydrograph modification may be specified on the preceding card), or a thunderstorm specified
in Column 67 and Line A not specified in Column 15.
3 Column 15 (primary storage location), Column 17-19 (runoff coefficient curve) or Column 29-31
rainfall mass curve contains all blanks or an invalid value.
4 Secondary hydrograph is specified and (a) alphameric character other than A through F listed in
Column 16, (b) hydrograph computation is also specified, (c) read hydrograph also specified, (d)
number in Column 60 outside the range 0-4, (e) number in Column 63 outside range O-l, or (f)
negative number in Column 53-59.
5 Hydrograph input and hydrograph computation both indicated.
6 Hydrograph computation specified and (al time of concentration not listed in Column 27-28 or
hydrograph input, (b) confluence output also specified, (c) hydrograph modification also specified,
(d) control Q also specified, or (e) negative number in Column 20-28. Read hydrograph specified
with confluence output, hydrograph modification or control Q specified also results in error 6
7 Routing errors with (a) number in Column 32 outside range 0-6, (b) 1-6 specified in Column 32
with slope and channel length not specified in Column 33-43 or, (c) 6 specified in Column 32 and
combination of Column 47-52 and Column 74-75, Column 47-52 and Column 76-77, or Column
74-75 and Column 76-77 not specified, (d) number specified in Column 74-73 outside range 0-29,
or (e) negative number in Column 33-52 or Column 68-77.
8 Location card instruction errors with (a) number in Column 61 inconsistent or outside range 0-3,
(b) number in both Column 61 and Column 67 other than 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 specified in Column 67,
(c) other than alphabetic code A through G specified in Column 64, or (d) negative number in
Column 65.
9 Hydrograph header card errors with (a) card code (Column l-3) not 007, (b) missing job or location
number in Column 4-14, (c) drain A through F not specified in Column 15, (d) number in Column
24-26 outside range 1-200, (e) number in Column 27-30 outside range 1-1500, (f) negative
number in Column 16-23 or Column 31-38, (g) number in Column 39-41 outside range 1-200, or
(h) number in Column 42-44 outside range 1-4.
10 Hydrograph data card errors with (a) card code (Column 1-31 not 008, (b) number of points on
card less or greater than total number indicated on header card, or (c) data cards not in sequence.
11 Hydrograph error affecting the associated subarea data set.
12 Initial hydrograph data card not zero, or points on hydrograph not in chronological sequence.
13 Total hydrograph data points not equal to number of points specified on header card.
14 The card code (Column 1-3) not 005 on first page heading card.
15 Hydrograph output specified and (a) the associated page heading card is missing, (b) the card
code (Column 1-3) not 005 on associated page heading card, or (c) the location name on the
associated page heading card and location point card not identical.
16 More than l000 cards submitted for job.
18 End of job not specified by number 2 in Column 65.

D-5.3 Hydrologic Computation (Program FO601A)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
2 Device failure has occurred while reading from direct or magnetic tape. Job should be resubmitted.
3 The name on a runoff coefficient curve or rainfall mass curve does not match the one called for on
a location point card or the number of points exceeds the maximum allowable points.
4 Failure in search of table for partially full pipe sections when computing wave velocities. 5
Hydrograph input indicated and the referenced hydrograph not in the input stream.
6 The number or time of points for an input hydrograph not identical with points used in job.
7 The specified time of concentration is greater than the interval between zero time and the first time
specified on the rainfall mass curve.
8 Failure in search for bottom width of trapezoidal channel.
9 Failure in search for depth while computing wave velocities in trapezoidal channel.
10 Failure in search for area reduction factor during computation of subarea hydrograph.
11 Failure in search for runoff rate during computation of subarea hydrograph.
xpswmm Reference Manual
12 Failure in hydrograph routing due to magnitude of channel flow rate.
99 Recycle past the beginning of the job during thunderstorm computations attempted, or more than
1000 location point and page heading cards were submitted.

Sacramento Method
Sacramento County, California, USA has been estimating runoff flows for the design of drainage facilities since the
early 1960's using charts and equations developed by George S. Nolte Consulting Civil Engineers. Use of these charts
and equations has historically been referred to as the Nolte method. The City of Sacramento has used constant unit
discharge rates similar to those given on the Nolte charts for small areas.
More recently, the City and County of Sacramento have developed the Sacramento method, based on the Bureau of
Reclamation urban unit hydrograph. The new method takes advantage of the advances in computer modeling
techniques and the availability of current rainfall and runoff data. The Sacramento method can be used for all drainage
design but is especially suited for design of large drainage facilities and masterplanning studies.
To invoke the Sacramento Hydrology open the swmxp.ini file with a text editor and add the following block of text.

SAC_FLOW_FILE = c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\Rnf_SacFlows.txt
SACH_TABLE4_1= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_1.txt
SACH_TABLE4_4= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_4.txt
SACH_TABLE4_5= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_5.txt
SACH_TABLE4_6= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_6.txt
SACH_TABLE4_7= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_7.txt
SACH_TABLE4_8= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\4_8.txt
SACH_TABLE6_1= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\6_1.txt
SACH_TABLE5_1= c:\xps\xpswmm\templates\SACH\5_1.txt

Verify that the text files containing the tabular data are located in the proper folder.
Set the mode to Runoff.
On the Configuration menu, select Job Control then Mode Properties. Click on Methods and select Sacramento

Note that the Runoff Job Control dialog has been switched to Sacramento Hydrology. Use this dialog to specify either
the Nolte Method or the Sacramento County Method. In the Runoff Mode, the node data dialogs will deferent
depending on which Method is selected.
Nolte Method
Runoff Mode data dialog for Nolte Method.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Enter data for each subcatchment.

Flag check if subcatchment is active
Area subcatchment area, acres
select value from drop list
Flow Nolte calculated when Update button is clicked
Add add another subcatchment
Delete removed selected subcatchment

Sacramento County Method

General subcatchment parameters
Area, acres
Mean Elevation, ft
Precipitation zone, select 1, 2 or 3 from the drop list

Lag, select one
Compute with Travel Time
Compute with basin Mannings n value
Specify time, minutes

Infiltration options
Loss rate
xpswmm Reference Manual
Compute from Land Use
Specify, in/hr
Impervious Area
Compute from Land Use
Specify, per cent
Lag from Travel Time
Use this dialog to compute the travel time as the sum of travel times for the three flow paths.

Check to include each flow path in the calculation and enter the required data.
Upstream land use. Select the land use category and enter the slope, ft/ft.
Gutter Flow. Enter the length, ft, side slope ft/ft and the longitudinal slope, ft/ft
Channel and pipe flow. Insert a row for each pipe segment. Select channel type from the drop list. Enter the
length, ft, slope ft/ft, diameter, ft, design flow, cfs, and Mannings n.
Lag from Basin Characteristics
Use this dialog to enter the basic characteristics for the lag time calculation.

Enter the length of the longest catchment, ft.
Enter the length along the longest catchment, ft
Enter the subcatchment slope, ft/ft
For the Mannings n value, select either
Compute, or
Specify a value.
Channel Land Use
Use this dialog to define the distribution of land use for calculation of Mannings n. This value is used for travel time
calculation in Sacramento County runoff method.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Enter the values in the Land Use rows in per cent or acres. Check the appropriate radio button.
Land Use and Soil Group

Use this dialog to define the distribution of land use for calculation of Loss Rate and Impervious Area. For each land
use, enter the area in Soil Groups A, B, C or D as a percent or in acres.


Click on OK to return to the Sacramento County Method Hydrology dialog.

8.2.1 Sub-Catchment
The majority of the subcatchment data is entered as global data and simply referenced from within this dialog. This
makes data entry easier when a number of subcatchments share common data.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Routing Method
Water Quality Data
Snow Melt Flag
Groundwater Flag
Flow Redirection
Snowmelt Flag
Flag indicating that snowmelt is to be simulated for this subcatchment. If this item is greyed out it can be activated by
selecting Snow Melt from within Job Control.
When the associated Snow Melt Reference button is selected a list of available Snow Melt Global Data lists is
displayed, from which one is chosen.
Groundwater Flag
Flag indicating ground water is to be simulated for the subcatchment. The state of this flag is used to verify whether
the data in the entire Subcatchment dialog has been checked. It must be included (as off or on) in imported XPX files
or missing data error messages will be generated on an attempt to solve.
When the associated Groundwater Reference button is selected a list of available Groundwater Global Data lists is
displayed, from which one is chosen.

Conduit Name Where Groundwater Drains (H2 - NGWGW)
Two radio buttons control whether groundwater drains to another node or conduit, or whether flow is lost from the

Drain to node or conduit
Enter the name of the node or conduit to where groundwater from this subcatchment will drain. This node or conduit
must be active in the Runoff layer. The drainage name may or may not be the current node name. If this name is left
blank the groundwater outflow will be 'lost' from the simulation, although it will be accounted for in the continuity check.

Drain out of system
Groundwater outflow will be 'lost' from the simulation, although it will be accounted for in the continuity check.
Flow Redirection
This option applies to the Runoff Routing Method only. It provides for directing runoff from one overland flow sub-area
to another. Input of this data is optional and required only if redirection of overland flow is desired.
In the Runoff Routing Method, each subcatchment may be modeled with a percent impervious to create multiple
surfaces of pervious and impervious area. To model a situation where the impervious area is not directly connected
and runs on to the pervious and may be directed to another subcatchment the user may employ the Flow Redirection
This flow redirection requires that the subcatchments routed to and from are either 100% or 0% impervious. Flow
redirection using mixed catchment is not possible.

Node Name: Enter the node name that will receive the redirected runoff hydrograph from this subcatchment.

Subcatchment Number: Enter the subcatchment number for the Node Name entered above to receive the directed
Rainfall Reference
A reference to the Rainfall Global Database. When this button is selected a list of available Rainfall Global Data lists
is displayed, from which one is chosen. Rainfall records can be copied from one subcatchment and pasted to all other
catchments with the same index (subcatchment number).
For copying and pasting see: Copy a Single Item.
Infiltration Reference
A reference to the Infiltration Global Database. When this button is selected a list of available Infiltration Global Data
records is displayed, from which one is selected. New infiltration records may be created and existing records may be
Infiltration records can be copied from one subcatchment and pasted to all other catchments with the same index
(subcatchment number). See: Using the Copy Buffer.
In the Runoff Mode, the Sub-Catchment dialog allows for selecting the Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration (RDII)
method for modeling wet weather flows in combined sewers. This method utilizes the Unit Hydrograph (UH). It is also
referred to as the RTK method as the UH is defined by three parameters:

R the fraction of rainfall volume that enters the sewer network
T the time from the beginning of rainfall to the peak UH, hours
K the ratio of time to recession of the UH to time to peak

The UH is divided three components:
xpswmm Reference Manual

Short term or rapid
Long term

Each component is modeled as a triangular shaped hydrograph, all beginning at the same time and each having its
with its own R, T and K parameters. R values are defined such that

R = R1 + R2 + R3

R = fraction of total rainfall entering the sewer network, and

R1, R2, R3
= fraction of total rainfall entering sewer network in the short, intermediate and long term hydrographs

At any time, the total RDII is the sum of the three component UHs.

The xpswmm RDII method is based on the the method used in EPA SWMM version 4.4.

The RDII dialog is used to set the hydrograph parameters.

Use the drop list to select an RDII record from the Global Database.

Click on the Edit button to open the Global Database dialog

The area used for the calculating runoff may be set to the area of the subcatchment or a user defined area in ac (ha).

Water Quality
Water Quality Data
This dialog allows the entry of subcatchment water quality data. The subcatchment may be broken up into several
landuses. If no landuse data is entered for a subcatchment, all runoff from the subcatchment will be considered to be
free of pollutants. Erosion data is also optionally entered from within the water quality dialog. If this button is greyed
out it can be activated by selecting Water Quality from within Job Control.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Landuse Reference (KL)
Percentage Area (PLAND)
Curb (Kerb) Length (GQLEN)
Number of Catchbasins (BASINS)
Initial Loading Reference ( PSHED)
Erosion Data
Landuse Reference ( KL)
A reference to the Global Database of landuse data . The land use list defined in the 'Water Quality' dialog in Job
Control is displayed and the appropriate landuse selected from this list.
Percentage Area (PLAND)
This item specifies the percentage of the subcatchment accounted for by a particular landuse. The total of these
percentages must equal exactly 100% (unless no landuses are selected).

This item must be greater than 0.0 for each line where a landuse has been selected.
Curb (Kerb) Length (GQLEN)
The total curb (kerb) length within a subcatchment land use, in hundreds of feet [km]. This parameter is required for a
landuse if dust and dirt buildup for the landuse is dependant on curb length. This parameter is also required if any
pollutant buildup for the particular landuse depends on curb length directly.
Number of Catchbasins (BASINS)
The number of catchbasins in the subcatchment. This parameter is only required if some catchbasin storage exists for
the subcatchment land use. It allows catchbasins to contribute to the first flush of pollutants in significant high intensity
storms. The number of catchbasins is used as a multiplying factor, ie. entering 2.5 catchbasins will have the same
effect as a single catchbasin with a total volume of 2.5 times the volume of the Typical Catchbasin defined in Job
Control - Water Quality.
Initial Loading Reference (PSHED)
A reference to the Global Database of pollutant initial loadings . When this button is selected a list of available Initial
Loading Global Data lists is displayed from which one is chosen. If an Initial Loading is not selected the initial
concentration for each pollutant will default to zero.
Erosion Data
This flag controls the generation of erosion data for the subcatchment. If the flag is OFF, no erosion is generated. If
erosion is selected the total number of pollutants available is reduced by one.

Erosion Reference
A reference to an Erosion Global Database. When this button is selected a list of available Initial Erosion Global
DataEROSION_GLOBAL_DATA>main lists is displayed, from which one is chosen.

Erosion Flow Distance (K1 - ERLEN)
Flow distance (feet or metres) from the point of origin of overland flow over erodible area to the point at which runoff
enters the channel/pipe or inlet.
Routing Method
Routing Method
There are seven major types of Hydrograph Generation techniques available in Runoff. They are:
1. SWMM Runoff Non-linear Reservoir Method
2. Kinematic Wave Method
3. Laurenson Non-linear Method/Rafts
4. SCS Unit Hydrograph Method
5. Other Unit Hydrograph methods: Nash, Snyder (Alameda), Snyder, Rational Hydrograph, Time/area, and
Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph.
6. Rational Formula
7. UK Hydrology: New UK, Wallingford, ReFH, FEH, FSR
Depending on the routing method selected, some data fields may have different meanings or be ignored. For
example, infiltration is integrated into the calculation for the Rational Formula and SCS Hydrology methods and the
Infiltration button is disabled. An infiltration Global Database record must be specified when using the other routing
Kinematic Wave
SCS Hydrology
Unit Hydrographs
Rational Formula
UK Hydrology
Subcatchments are modeled as idealized rectangular areas with the slope of the catchment perpendicular to the width.
Each subcatchment is classified into 3 or 4 subareas as indicated in the following table.
Subarea Perviousness
Snow Cover and Extent
Single Event Continuous
A1 Impervious Yes Bare Normally bare, but may have snow cover
on 100% of A1 plus A3
A2 Pervious Yes Constant Snow covered subject to fraction of area
areal depletion curve which is snow
A3 Impervious No Bare Same as A1
A4 Impervious Yes 100%
Snow covered subject to areal depletion
xpswmm Reference Manual

Flow from each sub-area moves directly to a node and does not travel over any other sub-area. The width of the
pervious sub-area, A2, is the entire subcatchment width, whereas the width of the impervious sub-areas A1, A3, A4
are in proportion to the ratio of their area to the total impervious area. Subcatchments are analyzed as spatially
lumped non-linear reservoirs. The routing is performed separately for each of the four sub-areas (A1-A4) of the
Kinematic Wave (Runoff)
The kinematic wave method for overland flow applies only the kinematic wave component of the St Venant shallow
flow equations for momentum and continuity. Similar to the Runoff procedure the Subcatchments are modelled as
idealised rectangular areas with the slope of the catchment perpendicular to the width. The width parameter is used
as per the Runoff procedure. Both the Runoff and Kinematic wave procedures only apply either the Horton or Green
Ampt loss to the pervious percentage of the subarea, as defined by the % impervious data item. The only loss applied
to the impervious component is via the depression storage defined for the impervious area in the infiltration dialog.
Additional depression loss (defined with infiltration information) can also be applied to the pervious component. This
will be an additional loss to the Horton or Green Ampt loss.
Henderson and Wooding (1964) and Wooding (1965) developed a theory for the overland and stream hydrograph. All
flows are assumed to obey the equations of continuity and momentum. The continuity and momentum equations for
overland kinematic waves reduce to the following two equations, respectively:
Continuity Equation -
ie i
= = +

Momentum Equation
q = ay
= 1.49/N So y

y = y(x,t) = depth of overland flow (ft),
q = q(x,t) = rate of overland flow/unit width,
i-f = ie = net rainfall rate,
a = conveyance factor = (1/N)So1/2 when obtained from Mannings equation,
m = 5/3 when obtained from Mannings equation,
N = effective roughness coefficient,
So = average overland slope,
Yo = mean depth of overland flow.
After Bedient and Huber, 1992
The required data for this method is similar to the EPA Runoff method including area (ha or acres), impervious %,
subarea width (m or ft) and slope (m/m or ft/ft).

When using Laurenson Hydrology the subcatchment width is by default not used. The catchment roughness utilised
when calculating the storage delay parameter B is taken from the pervious Manning "n" value for the sub-catchment
included with the infiltration information. A second method is available by including the Configuration parameter RAFTS
under the Configuration menu. This allows % imp to be set to 0 and 0 in the first two separate sub areas. This will allow
the infiltration equation to be applied to the total subareas. Width is then used as a factor to control the B computation
by inputting 0.0 and 100.0 respectively for the fully pervious and impervious sub areas. Appropriate infiltration can then
be applied to the respective subareas.
The default procedure (without the RAFTS configuration parameter active) only applies either the Horton or Green Ampt
loss to the pervious percentage of the subarea, as defined by the % impervious data item. There is currently no loss
applied to the impervious component as the depression storage defined for the impervious area in the infiltration dialog
is not active with either the Laurenson or time/area runoff procedures
Routing for a particular subcatchment is carried out using the Muskingum procedure. The storage, however, is a non-
linear function of the discharge, ie:

s = K(q) q (3)
s = volume of storage, (hrs m/s)
q = instantaneous rate of runoff, (m/s)
K(q) = storage delay time as a function of q (hours).

The storage function is used in the continuity equation in finite difference form thus:

+ i
) t/2 - (q
+ q
) t/2 = s
- s
, i
= inflow at beginning and end of routing period (m/s)
t = routing interval (hrs)
= outflow from the storage at beginning and end of routing period (m/s)
= storage volume at beginning and end of routing period (hrs m/s).

Substituting s
and s
in Equation (4) from Equation (3) gives:

= C
+ C
+ C
xpswmm Reference Manual
= C
= t/(2K
+ t) (6)
= (2K
- t)/(2K
+ t) (7)

An iterative solution to Equation (5) is required due to the interrelation between C
, C
, C
, K
and q
. K
, K
defined via Equation (8).

Storage-Discharge Relationship - Each sub-area is treated as a concentrated conceptual storage. Each storage
has a storage delay time described thus:

K(q) = Bq^
K(q) = subarea storage delay time (hours) as a function of q
q = discharge (m
B = storage delay time coefficient
n = storage non-linearity exponent.

Substituting Equation (8) into Equation (3) gives:

s = Bq^
+ 1 (9)

(i) Non-linearity Exponent "n"
The default value for the non-linearity exponent in RAFTS is -.285. RAFTS-XP provides the mechanisms to alter this
value, usually in respect to rare events involving significant subcatchment overbank flood routing, by:

directly entering an amended value of "n". A value of zero (-.001) would indicate linear catchment
response and equate with unit hydrograph theory, or
entering an n as a function of Q for each rating curve
It would be expected that the default "n" would prevail up to bank full and then, possibly, progressively drop back
towards zero during PMF.

Coefficients B and n - B is either directly input for each subcatchment or estimated from Equation (10) which was
derived by Aitken (1975). The value of B for each subarea is assumed to equal the average value of B for the
B = mean value of coefficient B for subcatchment
A = subcatchment area (km)
U = fraction of catchment that is urbanised. (Where U = 1.0, the catchment is fully urbanised and when
U = 0.0, the catchment is completely rural)
Sc = main drainage slope of subcatchment (%). (The longest path of the subcatchment, starting at
subcatchment outlet running up the main channel then if necessary branching off at the furthest
tributary, to the top of the subcatchment.)
This equation was initially derived from six urban catchments in Australia with the following ranges applying:
A varied from 0.8 km to 56 km
U varied from 0.0 to 1.00
Sc varied from 0.22% to 2.90%.
However over the last fourteen years a wide range of areas, slopes and urbanisation outside these ranges have been
tested with a high degree of success. See Sobinoff et al (1983).
For gauged catchments, deduced B values, evaluated as the average value from recorded rainfall/runoff events,
should be used in preference to generalised regression estimates.
As 'U' in certain instances can be rather vague, data input in this respect has been amended to include a % impervious
parameter for each subcatchment in place of the 'U' term.
The model interprets U in terms of %I based on the following ratios:
I% U
0 0
30 0.7
50 1.0
100 2.0*

* This value is extrapolated from the original data based on limited results from fully impervious areas.

B Modification Factors - Where gauged rainfall/runoff data is available for a range of events it should be used in
preference to the above regression equation with modifying factors.
(i) PERN
The original regression equation (Equation (10)) does not differentiate between catchments with the same
urbanisation but different roughness. An additional empirical parameter has therefore been added to take pervious
subcatchment roughness into account.
The parameter PERN is input as an Mannings 'n' representation of the average subcatchment roughness. B is then
modified in accordance with the following table. If PERN is left blank then B is unchanged.

Manning"n" Multiplication Factor

.010 0.4
.015 0.5
.025 1.0
.100 3.0
(ii) BX
During calibration of a gauged catchment an additional parameter BX in the header data is included to modify the
calculated or input B by a further multiplication factor. The parameter BX will then uniformly modify all subcatchment B
values previously computed, or set (Equation (10)). To invoke BX within this program it is necessary to utilise a
Configuration Parameter selectable from the Tools menu.
To set a BX to a value of 1.5 for example add the Configuration Parameter BX=1.5.
Laurenson Hydrology
When using Laurenson Hydrology the subcatchment width is by default not used. The catchment roughness utilised
when calculating the storage delay parameter B is taken from the pervious Manning "n" value for the sub-catchment
included with the infiltration information. A second method is available by including the Configuration parameter RAFTS
under the tools menu. This allows % imp to be set to 0 and 0 in the first two separate sub areas. This will allow the
infiltration equation to be applied to the total subareas. Width is then used as a factor to control the B computation by
inputting 0.0 and 100.0 respectively for the fully pervious and impervious sub areas. Appropriate infiltration can then be
applied to the respective subareas.

SCS Hydrology
As an alternative to the non-linear runoff routing method employed by Runoff, hydrographs may optionally be
generated by the SCS method described in the SCS National Engineering Handbook - Section 4 (NEH-4).
xpswmm Reference Manual

Pervious Area Curve Number
The runoff curve number as described in NEH-4 Chapter 9. Typical values vary from 20 for regions with high
infiltration and interception capacities to 98 for impervious areas.

Note: This CN number is applied only to the pervious area. Internally, an area weighted composite number is
generated using this number for the pervious area and 98 for the impervious area.

It is a dimensionless number depending on hydrologic soil group, cover type, treatment, hydrological condition, and
antecedent moisture conditions. This number has a valid range from 0 to 100 with typical values from 60 to 90 and 98
for impervious surfaces.

Shape Factor
The shape factor or peak rate factor as defined in NEH-4 Chapter 16. The typical value is 484 for a hydrograph where
the volume under the falling side of the triangular unit hydrograph is equal to 1.67 times the volume under the rising
limb of the curvilinear unit hydrograph. Actual values may vary from 100 in very flat swampy country to 800 in steep
rocky terrain.

The Soil Conservation Service has been determined the hydrograph shape factor to be 484 for most watersheds. This
was the result of analyzing many watersheds of various size and geographic location. It is used in the formulation of
peak discharge and the peak of the unit hydrograph:


in which Qp is the peak discharge in cfs A is the drainage area mi^2 and tp is the time to peak in hr. Several other
values have been used for shape factor within Florida and other areas of the country for wetlands, sandy soils and
steep terrain. Typical values in Florida include 323 or 256 and values as low as 100. Effectively, the hydrograph
shape factor will lengthen the time base of the unit hydrograph and lower the peak. If you are using real rainfall data
this parameter can be used for calibration. For example the falling limb time base of the hydrograph will be double
when using a shape factor of 300 instead of 484.

A curvilinear or triangular shape may be chosen by selecting the appropriate button. Both shapes are supported for
the entire range of hydrograph shape factors.

Time of Concentration
The time of concentration as described in NEH-4 Chapter 15 (in mins) is defined in two ways; the time for runoff to
travel from the furthermost point of the watershed to the point in question, and the time from the end of excess rainfall
to the point of inflection on the trailing limb of the unit hydrograph. Tc can be estimated from several formula such as
Kinematic-wave. For a constant excess rainfall can be described as:

Tc=C(n^0.6 L^0.6/i^0.4 S^0.3)

in which L is the distance from the upper end of the plane to the point of interest (usually the inlet) n is the Manning
resistance coefficient, i is the excess rainfall rate, S is the dimensionless slope of the surface, and C is a constant that
depends on units of the other variables. For tc in minutes, i in inches/hr and L in feet C equals 0.938. For tc in
minutes i in mm/hr and L in meters C equals 6.99.

Another formula for determining tc is the lag equation

Tc = L/0.6 where L= l^0.8(S+1)^0.7/1900Y^0.5

Tc = time of concentration in hours
L = lag time in hours
I = hydraulic length of the watershed in feet
Y = Average land slope in percent
S = Potential maximum retention in inches
CN = weighted Curve Number

The time of concentration is required as input although internally the time to peak is used in creating the unit
hydrograph. Tp=2/3 Tc for shape factor 484.

Calc: The time of concentration can be calculated using the TC_Calculator

Initial Abstraction
The initial abstraction from the precipitation may be represented as an absolute number, that is the total depth of
precipitation that is less (in mm or inches) or as a fraction of the amount of precipitation (between 0 to 1).

Initial Abstraction, Ia, contains all the loss terms prior to beginning of runoff. All though it was found to be highly
variable for many small agricultural watersheds it was found that

Ia = 0.2 S
Where S = (1000/CN)-10
S is the potential maximum abstraction.
XP allows the user to use a fraction with .2 being the default or the Initial abstraction can be a depth in inches or mm.

References for more information:
James 1998, Editor "Modeling the Management of Stormwater Impacts" Volume 6 Chapter 23 Author Ashok Pandit
and Joanie Regan What is the Impervious Area Curve Number. Publisher CHI Guelph Ontario Canada.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Viessman W. et al 1977, "Introduction to Hydrology", Harper&Row Publishers New York
USDA National Resources Conservation Service, 1986, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release
WEF 1992, Manaual of Practice FD-20 "Design and Construction of Urban Stromwater Management Systems" ASCE
and WEF ISBN 0-87262-855-8
Curve Numbers
The following table presents suggested Curves Numbers for use with SCS hydrology. For additional information, see
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55, United States Department of Agriculture, June 1986.
Land Use
Hydrologic Soil Group
Urban Areas
Parking lots, roofs, driveways and streets 100 98 98 98 98
Commercial development 85 89 92 94 95
Industrial development 72 81 88 91 93
Residential development
1/8 acre lots or less 65 77 85 90 92
1/4 acre lots 38 61 75 83 87
1/3 acre lots 30 57 72 81 86
1/2 acre lots 25 57 70 80 85
1 acre lots 20 51 68 79 84
Pervious Areas
Lawns, parks, golf course, cemeteries - 39 61 74 80
Pasture for grazing (not mowed) - 39 61 74 80
Meadows (mowed for hay) - 30 58 71 78
Brushy areas - 30 48 65 73
Woods - 30 55 70 77

Rational Formula Hydrology


Runoff Coefficient
Pervious Runoff C - The Runoff Coefficient will be required if the Direct or Alameda method for
calculating C is selected in the Rational Formula Global Database.
Runoff Curve Number - The Runoff Curve Number will only be required if AR&R 1977 (the Ordon Curve
method) is selected in the Rational Formula Global Database.

TC Calculation
Additional Travel Time - Travel time from outlet of subcatchment to the connecting node (minutes). This
option allows for defining odd shaped catchments, or catchments whose flow
concentrates at points remote to the node itself. This time does NOT represent the
gutter time component of a time of concentration, but the additional time beyond the
time of concentration. The typical use of this value is to represent a remote
catchment connected by a pipe or drain without explicitly modeling the connecting
conduit itself. To allow for gutter travel time, an equivalent length of overland path
should be added to the overland flow length.

Time of concentration - Time of Concentration, Tc can be input as a constant value (minutes) or calculated
using one of the equations listed in our TC_Calculator. A minimum Time of
Concentration value of 5 minutes is customary and required.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Time of Constant Flow - The program creates a hydrograph from the rational formula. The duration of the
rising and recession limbs of the hydrograph are each equal to the time of
concentration. The duration of the period of constant flow is entered in this field (in
minutes). To simulate constant flow enter a duration equal to or longer than the Job
Control simulation time in this field.

Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure

Hydrograph Type (ICIA) - Rational Formula option for smaller basins.

Rational Formula - (ICIA = 1) Use if the basin is less than 90 acres and larger than 5 acres. A storm hydrograph will
be estimated using the time of concentration (TC), specified in this dialog. The peak flow will also be estimated using
Rational Formula. Use the 1-hour design storm for rainfall.

Hydrograph (CUHP) - (ICIA = 0) Use if the basin is larger than 90 acres. The hydrograph will be calculated using the
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure described in the UD&FCD Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. If you also
use the 1-hour design storm (Card B2) and specify the Time of Concentration in this dialog (Card D - TC), peak flows
will also be estimated using Rational Formula.

UD-SWMM2-PC Name - (IDWB = 0) The Basin Identification Number that will be used as basin identification by the
UDSWM2-PC program. Any three digit number from 001 through 399 is valid. This field is mandatory with the last 3
Print Options (NSW = 7, NSW = 8, and NSW = 9).

Description - (COM2) The Basin Description or Comment (max. 60 characters). If Print Options Storm Hydrographs
and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File, Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File
or, Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW = 4, NSW = 5, or NSW = 6).are selected, only the first 34
characters in this field will be used by the HEC-program for its basin comment card.

Save Results to Interface File If this flag is selected results for this node will be written to an Interface File for later
use by xpswmm.

Save Results for Review If this flag is selected results for this node will be available for use with the Review
Results component of xpswmm.

Print Options Allows you to define the level of detail written to the output file and the optional creation of output files.

Optional Parameters - (IOPT) If this flag is on then optional hydrograph shape factors may be entered.

Area - (AREA) the basin area in square miles.

Length - (XL) the basin length in miles.

Distance To Centroid - (CAL) the distance to the basin centroid in miles. The distance along main flow path from
outlet to point opposite (i.e. normal) to the basin centroid.

Impervious % - (PERIMP) the basin imperviousness In percent.

Slope - (SLOPE) the weighted basin slope in feet per foot.

Time of Concentration - (TC) the time of concentration in minutes.
This is an optional entry if you selected a CUHP Hydrograph type (i.e. Card C - ICIA=O). If a non-zero value is
entered for TC, the program will also display an estimate of the runoff peak using Rational Formula. The storm
hydrograph will also be calculated using the CUHP procedure.
A non-zero value is mandatory for if you selected the Rational Formula method (i.e. Card C - ICIA=1). Note, the 1-
hour rainfall depth also has to be entered (Card B2). The program will compute and display the hydrograph estimated
using TC, and the peak flow using Rational Formula.

Impervious to Pervious Flow - (D) the fraction of impervious to pervious flow.

Ignore Global Correction Factors - (XNUL) If this flag is enabled all values of Initial Infiltration Rate, Hortons Decay
Rate, Final Infiltration Rate and Depression Loss Storage (Card B1 and B2 - CINFL, CDECAY, CFNINF and CRET)
entered in the Storm Data will be ignored.

Pervious Depression Storage - (POET) the average maximum depression storage on pervious surfaces in inches.

Impervious Depression Storage - (IDET) the average maximum depression storage on impervious surfaces in

Initial Infiltration Rate - (INFL) the initial infiltration rate In inches per hour. If the decay rate and final infiltration rate
(i.e. the next 2 fields DECAY and FNINFL) are zero or blank, the initial rate entered here is treated as uniform
infiltration rate throughout the storm.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Horton Decay Rate - (DECAY) Horton's exponential decay rate coefficient in 1/second.

Final Infiltration Rate - (FNINFL) the final infiltration rate In inches per hour.

Level of DCIA - (NDCIA) the level of directly connected impervious area.

DCIA - (R) the fraction of directly connected impervious area.

Unit Duration - (TU) Unit duration of rainfall increments and of the unit hydrograph If design storm 1-hour depth (Card
B2) is used, you are limited to 5-or 10-minute unit duration. Use the 5-minute duration in all cases unless a longer unit
is clearly (i.e. very large basin) justified.

The Node Name is used as the Basin Identifier (Card C - IDBAS).

There is currently a limit of 399 basins in this method.

See also CUHP Theory.
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Optional Parameters

These are optional basin parameters which can be used to override unit hydrograph parameters Ct and Cp and unit
hydrograph widths calculated by the CUHP procedure. Enter data only into those fields for which unit hydrograph
variables are to be overridden. Leave all other fields blank.

Coefficient Ct - (Card D1 CT) overrides the program generated value for Ct.

Coefficient Cp - (Card D1 CP) overrides the program generated value for Cp.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 50% - (Card D1 W50) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 50% in minutes.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 70% - (Card D1 W75) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 70% in minutes.

Fraction Of W50 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K50) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W50
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.35).

Fraction Of W75 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K75) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W75
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.45).

Water Quality Capture Volume - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality capture volume in inches.

Water Quality Drain Time - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality drain time in minutes.

Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Print Options

Print Options:
Storm Hydrograph (NSW = 0) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Hyetograph, Storm Hydrograph, Peak
Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW = 1) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Hyetograph,
Tabular Calculation of Excess Precipitation, Storm Hydrograph, Peak Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Standard (NSW = 2) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Peak Flows, and Runoff Volume. (No storm

xpswmm Reference Manual
Standard and Peak Flows to File (NSW = 3) Print: Same as Standard Option (NSW=2) above. Write all peak flows to
disk file for use with the "Flood Flow Frequency Analysis" program.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW = 4) Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph (NSW=0) above.
Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with HEC-1 flow routing routines.

Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW = 5) Print: Same as Storm
Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file as in Storm
Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above

Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW = 6) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2) above. Write all storm
hydrographs to disk file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (NSW = 7) Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph (NSW=0)
above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with UDSWM2-PC program flow routing routines.

Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (NSW = 8) - Print: Same
as Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk output file as
in (NSW=7) above.

Standard Print and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (NSW = 9) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2) above. Write
all storm hydrographs to disk output file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (NSW=7)

Note: For the last 3 options (NSW = 7, NSW = 8 and NSW = 9) you may process up to 399 basins, but be sure to use
only one storm for any one computer run. Assign a new output file name for each run.

Unit Hydrographs
Unit Hydrographs

The unit hydrograph and quasi unit hydrograph procedures currently available include:

Rational Hydrograph (Triangular Unit Hydrograph)
Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph
Snyder (Alameda modified)
Time Area

When one of the above methods requires a Time to Peak or Time of Concentration this can be calculated using the
Nash Unit Hydrograph Procedure
Nash in 1957 proposed a conceptual catchment model by considering a drainage basin with a series of identical linear
reservoirs in series. By routing a unit inflow through the reservoirs, a mathematical equation for instantaneous unit
hydrograph can be derived. Two items of data are required to apply this method. These include an Exponent and a
Time of concentration. This method requires calibration data to base input data.

Rational Hydrograph
The Rational method as applied by this method uses a unit hydrograph approach applying a deterministic form of the
Rational formula Q = CIA. The two items of data needed for this procedure are the sub-area runoff coefficient C and
time of concentration tc. The method utilizes the rainfall concurrent to the time step being computed. The unit
hydrograph incorporates a base length equal to two times the time of concentration.

This method is currently not recommended without calibration data or for models with storage nodes and significant

This method is NOT recommended as it requires a new Rainfall event for every Tc in the model and Tcs must be
calculated by hand. If the Rational method is needed then the Rational Formula method should be used.

Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Procedure

The SBUH method, like the Soil Conservation Service Urban Hydrograph (SCSUH) method, is based on the curve
number (CN) approach, and also uses SCS equations for computing soil absorption and precipitation excess. The
SCSUH method works by converting the incremental runoff depths (precipitation excess) for a given basin and design
storm hydrographs of equal time base according to basin time of concentration and adds them to form the runoff
hydrograph. The SBUH method, on the other hand, converts the incremental runoff depths into instantaneous
hydrographs which are then routed through an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the basin time of
The SBUH method was developed by the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District,
California. The SBUH method directly computes a runoff hydrograph without going through an intermediate process
(unit hydrograph) as the SCSUH method does.
The SBUH method uses two steps to synthesize the runoff hydrograph:
Step one computing the instantaneous hydrograph, and step two computing the runoff hydrograph.

The instantaneous hydrograph, I(t), in cfs, at each step, dt, is computed as

I(t) = 60.5 R(t) A/dt

xpswmm Reference Manual

R(t) = total runoff depth (both impervious and pervious runoffs) at time
increment dt, in inches (also known as precipitation excess)

A = area in acres
dt = time interval in minutes*

* NOTE: A maximum time interval of 10 minutes should be used for all design storms of 24-hour
duration. A maximum time interval of 60 minutes should be used for the 100-year, 7 day design storm.

The runoff hydrograph, Q(t), is then obtained by routing the instantaneous hydrograph I(t), through an imaginary
reservoir with a time delay equal to the time of concentration, Tc, of the drainage basin. The following equation
estimates the routed flow, Q(t):

Q(t +1) = Q(t) + w[I(t) +I(t +1) 2Q(t)]


w = dt/(2T + dt)
dt = time interval in minutes

Snyder Unit Hydrograph Procedure
Snyder (1938) was the first to develop a synthetic unit hydrograph based on a study of watersheds in the Appalachian
Highlands. In basins ranging from 10 to 10,000 mi
. Snyders relationships are

Tp = Ct(LLc)
tp = basin lag
L = length of the main stream from the outlet to the divide,
Lc = Length along the main stream to a point nearest the watershed centroid,
Ct = coefficient usually ranging from 1.8 2.2 (Ct has been found to vary from 0.4 in mountainous areas to 8.0 along
the Gulf of Mexico),

Qp = 640CpA/tp, (2)


Qp = peak discharge of the unit hydrograph
A = drainage area
Cp = storage coefficient ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 where larger values of Cp are associated with smaller values of Ct,

Tb = 3 + tp/8, (3)

Where Tb is the time base of the hydrograph. For small waterheds, Eq 3 should be replaced by multiplying tp by a
value of from 3 to 5 as a better estimate of Tb. Eqns. 1,2 and 3 define points for a unit hydrograph produced bt an
excess rainfall odf duration D = tp/5.5. For other rainfall excess durations D, an adjusted formula for tp becomes
Tp = tp + 0.25 (D D) (4)
where tp is the adjusted lag time for duration D. Once the three quantities tp, Qp, and tb are known, unit hydrograph
can be sketched so that the area under the curve represents 1,0 in of direct runoff from the watershed.
In this application the two items of data are:
Cp = Storage coefficient plus
Tp = catchment lag
Snyder (Alameda) Unit Hydrograph Procedure
The Snyder (Alameda) method is the Snyder procedure as applied by Alameda County in California where the
individual parameters more suited to Alameda region are computed from catchment characteristics.
This method requires four items of data:

Stream Length (L) mile
Centroid Length (Lc) mile
Stream Slope (S) ft/mile
Basin N (roughness)


Lag = K.N ( (L . Lc) / S
Time Area Method

This data allows the other Synder parameters of tp, Qp, and Tb to be computed directly.

Time-area methods utilise a convolution of the rainfall excess hyetograph with a time-area diagram representing the
progressive area contributions within a catchment in set time increments. Separate hydrographs are generated for the
impervious and pervious surfaces within the catchment. These are combined to estimate the total flow inputs to
individual sub-catchment entries to the underground urban drain network.
The time-area method dates from the research of Ross in 1922. Networked urban drainage adoptions of the
procedure however only date back to 1963. This computerised program known as the TRRL Method was developed
by the U.K. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, described by Watkins (1963). In the U.S. Terstriep and Stall
(1974) further developed the method to include pervious runoff. In South Africa Watson (1981) made a number of
additional changes particularly to the way infiltration was estimated. Between 1982 and 1986 OLoughlin (1988) using
Watsons model as a basis carried out extensive changes once again to formulate a computerised package known as
ILSAX. Over the intervening years to the present the ILSAX model has had wide usage throughout Australia
particularly for routine urban drainage design. The sub-catchment runoff estimating procedure still utilises the basic
time-area method to estimate both pervious and impervious portion runoff.
In this application the time/area procedure assumes a linear time area relationship for the subarea and is based on an
input time of concentration. It is recommended in urban catchments to define two subarea elements one each to
represent the impervious and pervious areas respectively. Values for Impervious% should both be set to 0 (zero) so
the input infiltration using either Horton or Green Ampt applies to the full defined area of each. Depression storage
loss as defined in the infiltration dialog is currently unused.
The only input necessary for this procedure is the time of concentration for the subarea.
Clark Unit Hydrograph
xpswmm Reference Manual
Tc, time of concentration, min for the subcatchment
R, storage coefficient, hr, must be => 0.5 Runoff time step.

The Clark method (1945) requires three parameters to calculate a unit hydrograph: Tc, the time of concentration for
the basin, R, a storage coefficient, and a time-area curve. A time-area curve defines the cumulative area of the
watershed contributing runoff to the subcatchment outlet as a function of time (expressed as a proportion of Tc).
xswmm utilizes a dimensionless time area curve:
AI = 1.414 T ^1.5 for 0 <= T < 0.5
1 AI = 1.414 (1 T) ^1.5 for 0.5 < T <1

AI = cumulative area as a fraction of total subcatchment area and
T = fraction of time of concentration.

The ordinates of the time-area curve are converted to volume of runoff per second for unit excess and interpolated to
the given time interval. The resulting translation hydrograph is then routed through a linear reservoir to simulate the
storage effects of the basin; and the resulting unit hydrograph for instantaneous excess is averaged to produce the
hydrograph for unit excess occurring in the given time interval.
The linear reservoir routing is accomplished using the general equation:
Q(2) = CA I CB Q(1)

The routing coefficients are calculated from:
CA = Delta T / (R + 0.5 Delta T)
CB = 1 - CA
Qungr = 0.5 [Q(1) + Q(2)]

Q(2) = instantaneous flow at end of period,
Q(1) = instantaneous flow at the beginning of period,
I = ordinate of the translation hydrograph,
Delta T = computation time interval in hours (also duration of unit excess),
R = basin storage factor in hours, and
Qungr = the unit hydrograph ordinate at end of computation interval.

The computation of unit hydrograph ordinates is terminated when its volume exceeds 0.995 inch (mm) or 150
ordinates, whichever occurs first.
8.4 Gauged Data
Gauged Data
Measured time series data can be entered directly at a node or link for comparison with model results. This time
series is displayed on graphs created with the Review Results tools. Note that the scales of the x (time) and y (values)
axes on the review results graphs are based on the ranges of the model results. Gauged data outside the ranges of
the model results will not appear on the plots.

Check boxes in this dialog will be enabled or disabled depending on the calling (parent) dialog. Eg. A node in the
Hydraulics mode supports levels and not flows but the same node in Runoff supports flows and not levels.

Supported data types
Mode Nodes Links
Hydraulics levels flow, pollutants
Runoff flow, pollutants flow, pollutants
Sanitary flow, pollutants flow, pollutants

Note that Gauged Pollutant List must be enabled in the Job Control settings in order to enable Gauge Pollutants at a
node or link

Gauged Flow
Gauged Level
Gauged Pollutants

xpswmm Reference Manual
Gauged Flow
A flow time series can be entered directly at a node or link for comparison with model results. This time series is
displayed on graphs created with the Review Results tools.

File Name
Station Name
File Format

Gauged Level
In the Hydraulics mode, a time series of the stage (elevation of the water surface) can be entered directly at a node for
comparison with model results. This time series is displayed on graphs created with the Review Results tools.

File Name
Station Name
File Format
Gauged Pollutants
A pollutant load or concentration time series can be entered directly at a node or link for comparison with model
results. This time series is displayed on graphs created with the Review Results tools.

Gauge Pollutant graphing is available in the Runoff and Sanitary modes. Gauged Pollutants must be checked in the
Job Control settings to enable tagging pollutant data to a node or link.

xpswmm Reference Manual

File Name
Station Name
File Format
Gauged Data file management
File Name
Click on the Select File button to open a Windows Explorer dialog. Navigate to the location of the data file.

A new file may be created for the HYDSYS format only.
Station Name
If you choose "Select Station" a list of all available stations in the selected file will be displayed, and the appropriate
station may be selected from the list as shown below. If you are using xpswmm to create a new station then type in
your own Station Name.

A time series file can contain any number of stations, so that multiple time series can be stored within the same file.
New stations may be added to the file by entering any alpha-numeric name not contained in the above list. Note that
editing processing efficiency diminishes as the number of stations within a time series file increases.

Note that a single file may contain a number of time series from different stations and of different type.

File Format
Gauged data files are text files. There are four predefined formats. Users may select or modify any of these formats
for inputting level, flow or pollutant data at a node or link.

In the Gauged Flow, Gauged Level or Gauged Pollutant dialog, check the User Defined radio button and click on the
adjacent box. The Select User Defined Files dialog opens.

Select a file format. Click on Edit to view or modify the format. To create a new format, enter the name in the box at
the bottom of the dialog. Click on Add and then Edit.

xpswmm Reference Manual


Selecting the "Edit" button allows you to modify or create data for the Station and File name defined above. If a
current file does not exist a new file is created. Similarly, if a station of the selected name does not exist a new station
is created.
xpswmm Reference Manual

While in this dialog you may move through the data using <Pg Up>, <Pg Down>, <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> or
"Go To" a particular row number. You may also insert and delete data using <ins> and <Del> and sort data in
chronological order. OK will save data to the currently selected file.

Note: Since data is loaded into memory from disk it may not always be possible to load very large time series for
editing. Should this prove to be a problem a sub-set of the data may be loaded by selecting the starting and finishing
date of the data you wish to edit using the "Edit Date Range" option.

Link Data
Single Conduit Link Data
Hydraulics Layer Multiple Conduit/Diversion Link Data
Runoff Layer Multiple Conduit/Diversion Link Data
Sanitary Layer Multiple Conduit/Diversion Link Data

Conduit data is shared amongst all three modes: Runoff, Sanitary, and Hydraulics. Each layer (module) routes flow
differently, increasing in complexity in the order above. The Sanitary layer uses a Kinematic Wave approach for
conduit routing, in which disturbances are allowed to propagate only in the downstream direction. As a consequence,
backwater effects are not modeled beyond the realm of a single conduit, and downstream conditions (eg. tide gates,
diversion structures) do not affect upstream computations.

Surcharging is modeled by storing excess flows, above the full flow conduit capacity at the upstream node until
capacity exists to accept the stored volume. Pressure flow conditions are not explicitly modelled and no attempt is
made to determine if ground surface flooding exists. If the network has extensive interconnections or loops, flow
reversals, significant backwater effects, or pressure flows, then the Hydraulics layer (module) should be used for flow

This tool is accessed via the link pop-up menu (select a link and right click).

Split Conduit

xpswmm Reference Manual

Generate Elevations Computes new values for slope and invert based on existing values

A polylink is a special type of link that has vertices between the two end-nodes. It may be used to define the path of a
river, or to indicate a curved pipe, or in any situation where the end-nodes are not connected in a straight path. To
create a polylink, select the link tool as normal and hold the <Ctrl> key down while clicking at the location at which you
want a vertex.

An existing straight single link or multi-link may be converted to a polylink and a polylink can be reshaped by right
mouse click on the link and select Edit Vertices from the pop-up menu. Then the following options are possible:

1) Move a vertex: Drag the vertex of the highlighted link to the new location and release the mouse button.
2) To delete a vertex: Right mouse click on the vertex and select delete vertex from the pop-up menu.
3) To insert a vertex: Click on the link in the location where you want the vertex to be created then drag the vertex to a
new location.

Note that the network may be re-scaled or panned without the need of re-selecting the pointer tool. See PANNING
9.1 Single Conduit
9.1.1 Single Conduit Link Data
Each link in xpswmm may be defined as one of nineteen different types of conduits. By clicking on one of the various
radio buttons presented in the conduit data dialog box the user may specify the type of conduit and enter the
necessary data.


Conduit Factors
Conduit Profile
Print Control
Conduit Flows: (Flow Direction or Flap Gates)
Closed Conduits
Special Closed Conduits
Egg Shaped
Modified Basket-handle
Rectangular - Round bottom
Rectangular - Triangular bottom
Vertical Ellipse
Horizontal Ellipse
Trapezoidal Chanel
Parabolic Chanel
Natural (Arbitrary) Chanel
xpswmm Reference Manual
Flow Direction (Flap Gates)
Conduit flows in the Hydraulics layer (mode) may be specified as free to flow in any direction or uphill or downhill only.
The uphill or downhill direction is determined from the invert levels, however it is recommended that the arrowhead of
the link be at the lowest end of the conduit. By restricting flow in one direction you can simulate a flap gate.
9.1.3 Design
Design Aids
Simple design aids are provided to allow simple conduit sizing using Manning's formula. At present circular,
rectangular and trapezoidal conduit design procedures are available.

Circular Conduit Design
Rectangular Conduit Design
Trapezoidal Channel Design
Pipe Design
This dialog allows the user to calculate the full pipe flow in a channel according to Manning's formula. You may solve
for any of the parameters listed in the dialog by selecting the appropriate radio button.

If the network has previously been solved the peak flow in both directions will be displayed in the dialog. You may
also adjust the conduit profile from within this dialog. If you select OK the conduit invert levels, node surface levels
and conduit length will be updated for the appropriate conduit type.

Box Culvert Design
This dialog allows the user to calculate the full pipe flow in a channel according to Manning's formula. You may solve
for any of the parameters listed in the dialog by selecting the appropriate radio button.

If the network has previously been solved the peak flow in both directions will be displayed in the dialog. You may
also adjust the conduit profile from within this dialog. If you select OK then the conduit invert levels, node surface
levels and conduit length will be updated for the appropriate conduit type.

Trapezoidal Channel Design
This dialog allows the user to calculate the normal depth in a channel according to Manning's formula. You may solve
for any of the parameters listed in the dialog by selecting the appropriate radio button.

If the network has previously been solved the peak flow (in both directions) will be displayed in the dialog. You may
also adjust the conduit profile from within this dialog. If you select OK then the conduit invert levels, node surface
levels and conduit length will be updated for the appropriate conduit type.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Solve for
To facilitate the design of a new network you may step through the network, solving for conduit levels, length of slopes
as you proceed.

To solve for downstream invert, upstream invert, slope or length click on the appropriate radio button and select the
Solve button.
9.1.4 Profile
Conduit Profile
The conduit profile provides elevation information that is common to all of the conduit types plus the node invert and
ground spill level.

This dialog may be used to enter all the information required for junction nodes in which case data entry within that
dialog will be unnecessary. The data in this dialog is generally duplicated in other dialogs. However, if a Special
Closed Conduit is being used this is the only location where conduit profile information may be entered.

Notes: The xpswmm engine uses the end with the highest invert as the upstream end regardless of the definitions in
this dialog. If both ends have the same elevation, the upstream and downstream ends defined in this dialog
are used.

The Review Results graphic display tool uses the calculated direction of flow to designate upstream and
downstream ends.


This dialog contains data appropriate to the selected conduit and both connecting nodes. Data that may be modified
here includes:
Upstream Node Invert Elevation
Downstream Node Invert Elevation
Upstream Node Surface Level
Downstream Node Surface Level
Upstream Conduit Invert Level
Downstream Conduit Invert Level
Mannings n

The conduit invert elevations, length or slope can be calculated by selecting the appropriate radio button and pressing

Data that are displayed in the Profile Plot may be entered in:

Design Surface
Natural Surface
Other Services

Conduit Roughness (ROUGH)
Conduit roughness as described by Manning's n. The roughness may be modified to account for entrance, exit,
expansion and contraction losses or these may be entered in the Special Conduit Factors dialog box. Mannings n is a
calibration parameter for hydraulic models and a range of values can be expected.

Typical values for Manning's n can be found from hydraulic texts and other engineering references. A sample table
from the United States Department of transportation Federal Highway Administration showing a typical range of
Mannings n values for closed conduits can be found here with typical open channel roughness values are discussed

xpswmm Reference Manual
Ackers P (Hydraulics research paper no. 1, HMSO, London, 1958) showed that if the relative roughness R/k lies
between 7 and 130 then Manning gives a good approximation to Colebrook-White for:

n = k

R is Hydraulic Radius,
k is roughness value used in the Colebrook-White equation (mm),
n is the dimensional friction coefficient used in Manning.

Upstream Conduit Invert Level
The elevation (ft or metres) of the upstream end of the conduit connected to the upstream node.
Conduit Depth (non-circular only) (DEEP)
Vertical depth of conduit (feet or metres).
Downstream Conduit Invert Level
The elevation (ft or metres) of the downstream end of the conduit connected to the downstream node.
Upstream Node Invert Elevation
The upstream node invert elevation (ft or metres). This information is shared with the upstream node data in the
Hydraulics mode.
Downstream Node Invert Elevation
The downstream node invert elevation (ft or metres). This information is shared with the downstream node data in the
Hydraulics layer.
Upstream Node Surface Level
The upstream node spill crest level (ft or metres). This is the level at which flooding occurs. This information is shared
with the upstream node data in the Hydraulics layer.
Downstream Node Surface Level
The downstream node spill crest level (ft or metres). This is the level at which flooding occurs. This information is
shared with the downstream node data in the Hydraulics layer.
The conduit slope (%).
The conduit length (ft or metres).
Design Surface

Use this dialogue to enter the profile of the design surface along the conduit. The profile may be viewed with the
Profile Plot tool.


Use Insert to add data rows, delete to remove.
Offset (x) is distance from the upstream node
Elevation is the design surface elevation (ft or m).
Use the graph button to display the profile.

Natural Surface

Use this dialogue to enter the profile of the natural surface along the conduit. The profile may be viewed with the
Profile Plot tool.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Use Insert to add data rows, delete to remove.
Offset (x) is distance from the upstream node
Elevation is the natural surface elevation (ft or m).
Use the graph button to display the profile.

Other Services

Use this dialog to add data about other hydraulic features in a conduit located between nodes. Note that in an
xpswmm model, flow can only enter (or exit) a network at a link. The other services described in this dialog will be
displayed in the Profile Plot.


Use Insert to add data rows, delete to remove.
Description is the text label assigned to the service
Diameter (in ft or m) is the size of the service.
Invert elevation (in ft or m) is the elevation of inside of the bottom of the connecting pipe.
Distance (in ft or m) is the length along the axis of the conduit from the reference point.
Location is a drop list to specify either the upstream or downstream node as the distance reference point.

9.1.5 Special Conduit Factors
Special Conduit Factors
Data entered in this dialog may be used to override the global Job Control Information. Information not available in a
particular mode is shown greyed out.

Note that the entrance loss is calculated for the upstream node (end of conduit with higher invert) and exit loss is
calculated for the downstream node (with lower invert) regardless of flow direction.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Low Flow Roughness Factor
Depth at which Roughness Changes
Contract-Expansion Loss Coefficient
Inlet Type
Conduit Time Weighting Factor
Number of Barrels
Sediment Depth
Pipe Extension Factor
Design Undersized Conduit
Advanced Routing Options
Entrance/Exit Loss
Advanced Routing Options
By default the Hydraulics layer uses the widely accepted procedure of ignoring the Non-linear acceleration term in the
St Venant equation (or simply using normal flow) when the flow becomes super-critical. However, this approach is not
always valid. This flag should be enabled when there is an abrupt change in area between adjacent conduits or when
the friction slope approaches zero. Refer to the discussion in the SWMM theory Section for further information
(Hydraulics layer only).
Conduit Time Weighting
The implicit time weighting for this conduit alone. This replaces the global time weight parameter. Typically, this
parameter should have a value between 0.55 and 1.0. This parameter is used to decrease the oscillations in hunting
and seeking mode (Hydraulics layer only).
Depth at which Roughness Changes
The depth in the conduit at which the vertical discretization changes in the conduit. This may be 0.0 for no vertical
discretization. There are only two levels of vertical roughness (Hydraulics layer only).
Sediment Depth
The sediment depth represents a restriction in the conduit and changes the hydraulic properties of the conduit based
on the amount of silt buildup.

Low Flow Roughness Factor
Multiplier for the lowest vertical roughness level, when vertical roughness discretization is being used in the model.
The roughness in the lowest level is increased by the factor (Hydraulics layer only).
Number of Barrels
Number of barrels for this conduit. This parameter is used to model multiple culverts as one computational link. This
increases the numerical stability of the model by substituting a single computational link for multiple computational
links. The total flow in the conduit is Q*Number of barrels, where Q is the flow in the single computational link. The
default is one barrel.
Contract-Expansion Loss Coefficient
The abrupt cross section shape changes from one conduit to the next creating turbulence. The loss in velocity from
this change can be modelled by using a contraction/expansion loss coefficient. This coefficient is conduit specific
(Hydraulics layer only).
Entrance/Exit Loss

Energy Loss Coefficient
The Entrance and Exit Loss Coefficients are the multipliers of the squared velocity (k*V
/2g) applied to entrance and
exit of the conduit. The loss is actually modelled in the conduit momentum equation since only a continuity equation is
used at the junctions. This coefficient is both conduit and layer specific (Hydraulics layer (HDR) only).

Pressure Change Coefficient
The Pressure Change Coefficient (Ku) is converted to and Energy Loss and modelled using the conduit Momentum
equation as follows:

B = Vu/Vo where, Vu and Vo are upstream and downstream velocities respectively.

K = Ku 1 + B
where K is the equivalent energy loss

Other Losses
This field allows the inclusion of additional loss coefficients as the multipliers of the squared velocity (k*V^
/2g) applied
to the of the conduit. The loss is actually modelled in the conduit momentum equation since only a continuity equation
is used at the junctions. This coefficient is both conduit and layer specific (Hydraulics layer (HDR) only).

Pipe Extension Factor
Lengthening a conduit can also mimic minor losses. This field holds a multiplier to be used on the conduit length. The
additional friction losses from this added length should equal the expected minor losses from bends, misalignment and
entrance/exit losses. This field has been added for compatibility with developments in EPA SWMM. This coefficient is
both conduit and layer specific (Hydraulics Mode (HDR) only).

9.1.6 Closed Conduits
Closed Conduit Data
There are 3 types of closed conduits:
Regular Closed Conduits consisting of Circular and Rectangular conduits,
User Defined Conduits where the conduit is defined in terms of Depth, Area, Wetted Perimeter and Surcace Width,
Special Closed Conduits consisting of the more esoteric shapes, Egg-shaped, Horseshoe, Gothic, etc.
Regular Closed Conduits (Circular)
xpswmm Reference Manual

A circular Conduit is defined in terms of its Upstream Invert Elevation , Downstream Invert Elevation , Diameter ,
Length and Roughness

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Diameter

Upstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1- ZU)
Elevation or Reduced Level (R.L.) of the conduit invert at the upstream node (feet or metres). The xpswmm
convention is to define the upstream end of the conduit as the conduit end with the higher elevation.
Downstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1 - ZD)
Elevation (R.L.) of the conduit invert at the downstream node (feet or metres). The xpswmm convention is to define
the downstream end of the conduit as the end of the link with the arrow head shown on the plan view.
Conduit Diameter (circular only) (C1 - DEEP)
Diameter of the circular conduit (feet or metres).
Regular Closed Conduits (Rectangular)

A rectangular Conduit is defined in terms of its Upstream Invert Elevation , Downstream Invert Elevation , Depth
, Width , Length and Roughness

xpswmm Reference Manual

Note: Maximum width = Diameter (Height)

Conduit Depth (non-circular only) (DEEP)
Vertical depth of conduit (feet or metres).
Conduit Width (non-circular only) (WIDE)
Maximum width of conduit (feet or metres).
Upstream Node Invert Elevation
The upstream node invert elevation (ft or metres). This information is shared with the upstream node data in the
Hydraulics mode.
Downstream Node Invert Elevation
The downstream node invert elevation (ft or metres). This information is shared with the downstream node data in the
Hydraulics layer.
Conduit Length (C1 - LEN)
Length of the closed conduit (feet or metres).

The length of the shortest conduit does directly determine the maximum time step which, in turn, controls the run time
of the simulation.

The use of longer pipes may be facilitated through use of equivalent sections and slopes in cases where significant
changes in pipe shape, cross sectional area and gradient must be represented in the model. Bear in mind that very
short, steep pipes have a negligible effect on routing (since water is transported through them almost "instantaneously"
compared to the overall routing) and may ordinarily be aggregated or omitted from the simulation, if it is perceived that
doing so will not significantly affect model results.
User Defined Conduit
A user defined closed conduit is described in terms of its Depth (from the lowest point of the conduit) and the
cumulative Area , wetter perimeter (WP) and Surface Width at that depth.
This dialog is also used to define Mannings n, Length, Upstream Elevation and Downstream Elevation.
User defined open topped channels should be defined as Natural sections.
The diagram displays the definition of a 2 2 rectangle.

xswmm interpolates the data. Input as many rows as required to define the shape of the conduit. Additional data rows
may be added with the arrow down key. Up to 25 points may be used to define the conduit.
The graph selection button is used to open a graphing dialog.
The depth of water in the conduit (ft or m) measured from the bottom (invert) of the conduit. The depth is cumulative
and must increase.
The cross-sectional area of the conduit (ft or m) at the depth shown in the adjacent column of this row of the table.
Wetted Perimeter
The wetted perimeter of the conduit (ft or m) at the depth shown in the adjacent column of this row of the table.
Surface Width
The surface width of the conduit (ft or m) at the depth shown in the adjacent column of this row of the table.
Upstream Elevation
Elevation or Reduced Level (R.L.) of the conduit invert at the upstream node (ft or m). The xpswmm convention is to
define the upstream end of the conduit as the conduit end with the higher elevation.
Graph Selection: Link Channel

xpswmm Reference Manual

Downstream Elevation
Elevation (R.L.) of the conduit invert at the downstream node (ft or m). The xpswmm convention is to define the
downstream end of the conduit as the end of the link with the arrowhead shown on the plan view.
Mannings 'n'
Conduit roughness as described by Manning's n. The roughness may be modified to account for entrance, exit,
expansion and contraction losses or these may be entered in the Special Conduit Factors dialog box. Mannings n is a
calibration parameter for hydraulic models and a range of values can be expected.

Typical values for Manning's n can be found from hydraulic texts and other engineering references. A sample table
from the United States Department of transportation Federal Highway Administration showing a typical range of
Mannings n values for closed conduits can be found here with typical open channel roughness values are discussed

Ackers P (Hydraulics research paper no. 1, HMSO, London, 1958) showed that if the relative roughness R/k lies
between 7 and 130 then Manning gives a good approximation to Colebrook-White for:

n = k

R is Hydraulic Radius,
k is roughness value used in the Colebrook-White equation (mm),
n is the dimensional friction coefficient used in Manning.

Length of the closed conduit (ft or m).

The length of the shortest conduit does directly determine the maximum time step which, in turn, controls the run time
of the simulation.

The use of longer pipes may be facilitated through use of equivalent sections and slopes in cases where significant
changes in pipe shape, cross sectional area and gradient must be represented in the model. Bear in mind that very
short, steep pipes have a negligible effect on routing (since water is transported through them almost "instantaneously"
compared to the overall routing) and may ordinarily be aggregated or omitted from the simulation, if it is perceived that
doing so will not significantly affect model results.
Special Closed Conduits
A variety of special closed conduit shapes are available in xpswmm. These shapes are provided primarily to retain
compatibility with EPA SWMM.

All special conduit shapes, Egg-shaped, Gothic, Catenary, Horseshoe, Semi-elliptic, Basket-handle, Modified Basket-
handle, Semi-circular, Rectangular-rounded bottom and Rectangular-triangular bottom require the entry of the
Maximum conduit depth and conduit roughness. The Modified Basket-handle and Rectangular round and triangular
bottomed conduits also require the conduit width and the latter two conduits require the depth to the change in cross-
section shape.

The hydraulic properties of the special conduit shapes are hard-wired in the SWMM engine. The actual hydraulic
properties may be obtained by reference to the USEPA-SWMM Version 4 User's Manual. If coding a new data file and
you are unsure of the hydraulic properties of a particular special conduit shape, the conduit can be entered as a user-
defined conduit with parameters entered directly.

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile" dialog. The parameters defined in some of these special conduit
dialogs varies from that described in the EPA-SWMM manual. This is not an error, but an attempt to provide
consistency in data entry. Data is converted on import and expert to retain compatibility with SWMM results.

Egg Shaped
Modified Basket-handle
Rectangular - Round bottom
Rectangular - Triangular bottom
Vertical Ellipse
Horizontal Ellipse
xpswmm Reference Manual
Egg Shaped

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height / 1.5

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height x 0.8236

xpswmm Reference Manual

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height x 0.9057


Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height

xpswmm Reference Manual
Semi-elliptic (Louisville)

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height

Basket handle

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height

xpswmm Reference Manual
Semi Circular

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Height x 1.623

Modified Basket-handle

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Note: The total height of the Modified Basket-Handle is the height of the vertical wall plus the radius of the semi-
circle. The radius of the semi-circle is the width/2. The width and the height are entered in this dialog.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Rectangular-Round bottom

The conduit is described by a width (WIDE), a total height (DEEP) and a height representing only the rectangle portion
of the conduit cross section (AFULL). All of these fields are entered as m or ft depending on the project units.

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Rectangular-Triangular bottom

The conduit is described by a width (WIDE), a total height (DEEP) and a height representing only the rectangle portion
of the conduit cross section (AFULL). All of these fields are entered as m or ft depending on the project units.

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

Vertical Ellipse

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

When the value of the major axis is entered the hydraulic properties for the minor axis, full flow area and full flow
hydraulic radius used are as shown in the table below. For metric units the Imperial sizes are converted to equivalent
metric dimensions. If the value entered is not available in the table below the next larger conduit is selected. If a
value larger than the largest size available is entered then the largest conduit in the table is used.

Major Axis Minor Axis Area Hydraulic Radius
(in) (in) (ft) (ft)
23 14 1.8 0.367
30 19 3.3 0.490
34 22 4.1 0.546
38 24 5.1 0.613
42 27 6.3 0.686
xpswmm Reference Manual
45 29 7.4 0.736
49 32 8.8 0.812
53 34 10.2 0.875
60 38 12.9 0.969
68 43 16.6 1.106
76 48 20.5 1.229
83 53 24.8 1.352
91 58 29.5 1.475
98 63 34.6 1.598
106 68 40.1 1.721
113 72 46.1 1.845
121 77 52.4 1.967
128 82 59.2 2.091
136 87 66.4 2.215
143 92 74.0 2.340
151 97 82.0 2.461
166 106 99.2 2.707
180 116 118.6 2.968

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Minor Axis value from table

Horizontal Ellipse

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

When the value of the major axis is entered a corresponding value for the minor axis and the hydraulic properties for
the full flow area and full flow hydraulic radius is determined from the table below. For metric units the Imperial sizes
are converted to equivalent metric dimensions. If the value entered is not available in the table below the next larger
conduit is selected. If a value larger than the largest size available is entered then the largest conduit in the table is


Major Axis Minor Axis Area Hydraulic Radius
(in) (in) (ft) (ft)
23 14 1.8 0.367
30 19 3.3 0.490
34 22 4.1 0.546
38 24 5.1 0.613
42 27 6.3 0.686
45 29 7.4 0.736
49 32 8.8 0.812
53 34 10.2 0.875
60 38 12.9 0.969
68 43 16.6 1.106
76 48 20.5 1.229
83 53 24.8 1.352
91 58 29.5 1.475
98 63 34.6 1.598
106 68 40.1 1.721
113 72 46.1 1.845
121 77 52.4 1.967
128 82 59.2 2.091
136 87 66.4 2.215
143 92 74.0 2.340
151 97 82.0 2.461
166 106 99.2 2.707
180 116 118.6 2.968

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Minor Axis value from table
xpswmm Reference Manual

Since no profile information (length, upstream and downstream elevations) is entered in the Special Conduit dialogs
this data must be entered in the "Conduit Profile " dialog.

When the value of the minor axis is entered the hydraulic properties for the major axis, full flow area and full flow
hydraulic radius used are as shown in the table below. For metric units the Imperial sizes are converted to equivalent
metric dimensions. If the value entered is not available in the table below the next larger conduit is selected. If a value
larger than the largest size available is entered then the largest conduit in the table is used.

Minor Axis Major Axis Area Hydraulic Radius
(in) (in) (sq ft) (ft)
11 18 1.1 0.25
13 17 1.1 0.324
13.5 22 1.65 0.3
15 21 1.6 0.374
15.5 26 2.2 0.36
18 24 2.2 0.449
18.25 28.5 2.8 0.45
20 28 2.9 0.499
22.5 36.25 4.4 0.56
24 35 4.5 0.598
26.625 43.75 6.4 0.68
29 42 6.5 0.723
31 40 7 0.773
31.25 46 9.4 0.773
31.3125 51.125 8.8 0.8
33 49 8.9 0.823
36 58.5 11.4 0.9
38 57 11.6 0.947
40 65 14.3 1.01
41 53 12.3 1.022
43 64 14.7 1.072
45 73 17.7 1.13
46 60 15.6 1.147
47 71 18.1 1.171
51 66 19.3 1.271
52 77 21.9 1.296
54 88 25.6 1.35
55 73 22 1.371
55.25 73 23.2 1.371
57 76 24 1.421
57.25 83 26 1.421
59 81 26 1.471
59.25 81 27.4 1.471
61 84 28 1.52
62 102 34.6 1.57
63 87 31 1.57
63.25 87 32.1 1.57
65 92 33 1.62
67 95 35 1.67
67.5 95 37 1.67
69 98 38 1.72
71 103 40 1.77
71.5 103 42.4 1.77
72 115 44.5 1.77
73 106 43 1.82
75 112 46 1.869
75.5 112 48 1.869
77 114 49 1.919
77.5 122 51.7 1.92
79 117 52 1.969
79.5 117 54.2 1.969
81 123 55 2.019
83 128 58 2.069
83.5 128 60.5 2.069
85 131 61 2.119
87 137 64 2.168
87.125 138 66 2.17
87.5 137 67.4 2.168
89 139 67 2.218
91 142 71 2.268
91.5 142 74.5 2.268
xpswmm Reference Manual
93 148 74 2.318
95 150 78 2.368
96.875 154 81.8 2.42
97 152 81 2.418
100 154 85 2.493
101 161 89 2.517
103 167 93 2.567
105 169 97 2.617
106.5 168.75 99.1 2.65
107 171 101 2.667
109 178 105 2.717
111 184 109 2.767
112 159 97 2.792
113 186 113 2.817
114 162 102 2.841
115 188 118 2.866
116 168 105 2.891
118 170 109 2.941
118.25 190 122 2.941
119 197 126 2.966
120 173 114 2.991
121 199 131 3.016
122 179 118 3.041
124 184 123 3.091
126 187 127 3.141
128 190 132 3.19
130 195 137 3.24
132 198 142 3.29
134 204 146 3.34
136 206 151 3.39
138 209 157 3.44
140 215 161 3.49
142 217 167 3.539
144 223 172 3.589
146 225 177 3.639
148 231 182 3.689
150 234 188 3.739
152 236 194 3.789
154 239 200 3.838
156 245 205 3.888
158 247 211 3.938

Note: Width = f (depth of flow)
Maximum width = Major Axis value from table
9.1.7 Open Conduits
Open Conduit Data
3 types of open channels are supported:

Trapezoidal Channels
Power Function Channels
Natural Channels
Suppress Printed Output of Parabolic, Power and Natural Channels
This flag suppresses printed output of normalized cross-section properties and the data echo of input data for
Parabolic, Power and Natural Channels.
Trapezoidal Channel
An open channel with a regular trapezoidal cross-section.

Area = Height* (Bottom Width+Height/Average side slope)

A trapezoidal channel is defined in terms of its Batter Slope , Width , Depth , Length , Upstream Elevation ,
Downstream Elevation and Mannings n .
Batter Slope
Slope of the left-hand-side of the trapezoid (C1 - STHETA). Slope of the right-hand-side of the trapezoid (C1 - SPHI).
This value is calculated by the horizontal distance divided by the vertical distance. For vertical walls enter a zero (0).
Channel Width (WIDE)
Bottom width of the trapezoidal channel (feet or metres).

Channel Depth, Channel Length and Channel Roughness are the same for all conduit types.
Upstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (ZU)
Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the upstream node (feet or metres). By convention in xpswmm the upstream
end of a conduit is the end which, on the plan view, does not have the arrow head. (Not necessary in Runoff or
Sanitary layers.)
Downstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (ZD)
Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the downstream node (feet or metres). By convention in xpswmm the
downstream end of a conduit is the end which, on the plan view, has the arrow head. (Not necessary in Runoff or
Sanitary layers.)
Power Function Channel
An open conduit whose shape may be defined by a parabola or a power function. The exponent in the shape function
defines the channel shape. The default 0.5 indicates a parabola.
xpswmm Reference Manual

A Power Function Channel is defined in terms of its Maximum Width , Maximum Channel Depth , Length ,
Upstream Elevation , Downstream Elevation and Mannings n .
Upstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel (C1 - ZU)
Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the upstream node (feet or metres). By convention in xpswmm the upstream
end of a conduit is the end which, on the plan view, does not have the arrow head.
Downstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel (C1 - ZD)
Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the downstream node (feet or metres). By convention in xpswmm the
downstream end of a conduit is the end which, on the plan view has the arrow head.
Channel Width (C1 - WIDE)
Top width of the parabolic channel (feet or metres).

Channel Depth, Channel Length and Channel Roughness are the same for all conduit types.
Natural Channel
Natural Channel
An open channel with an irregular cross-section described in a HEC2 style format.


A Natural Channel is defined in terms of its:
Section No.
Main Channel Stations
Maximum Channel Depth
Channel Length
Channel Slope,
Upstream Elevation
Downstream Elevation
Left Overbank Manning's 'n'
Right Overbank Manning's 'n'
Main Channel Manning's 'n',
Horizontal Distortion Factor
Vertical Shift.

The cross section profile is defined by Section Coordinates which may be input from a HEC-2 file using the HEC-2
Input option or by selecting the Edit button. The cross-section may also be altered using a Floodway Encroachment.

HEC-2 Input
HEC-2 Section Coordinates may be directly input from a HEC-2 file by selecting this option.

Enter the Cross Section No. from the HEC-2 data file and then use the select button to point to the HEC-2 data file
from which you wish to extract the Cross Section information.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Cross Section Name
(SECNO) - Cross-section identification number is provided for compatibility with HEC-2 only. A unique cross-section
identification number is generated when the model is solved.
Channel Length
(LEN) - Length of channel reach represented by this cross-section (feet or metres).

The distance weighted reach length, L, is calculated as:

rob ch lob
rob rob ch ch lob lob
+ +
+ +
rob ch lob
L L L , , = cross section reach lengths specified for flow in the left overbank, main channel, and right
overbank, respectively

rob ch lob
Q Q Q , , = arithmetic average of the flows between sections for the left overbank, main channel, and right
overbank, respectively.

Cross Section Subdivision for Conveyance Calculations.

The determination of total conveyance and the velocity coefficient for a cross section requires that flow be subdivided
into units for which the velocity is uniformly distributed. The approach used in this program is that used in HEC-RAS.
This approach is to subdivide flow in the overbank areas using the input cross section n-value break points (locations
where n-values change) as the basis for subdivision (see figure below). Conveyance is calculated within each
subdivision from the following form of Manning's equation (based on Metric units):

5 . 0
KS Q =

3 / 2
K =

where: K = conveyance for subdivision
n = Manning's roughness coefficient for subdivision
A = flow area for subdivision
R = hydraulic radius for subdivision (area / wetted perimeter)

The program sums up all the incremental conveyances in the overbanks to obtain a conveyance for the left overbank
and the right overbank. The main channel conveyance is normally computed as a single conveyance element. The
total conveyance for the cross section is obtained by summing the three subdivision conveyances (left, channel, and

Default Conveyance Subdivision Method

Channel Slope
(SPHI) - The average channel slope for this cross-section. This slope is used only for developing a rating curve for the
channel. Routing calculations use invert elevation differences divided by length.
Vertical Shift
(PXSECE) - A constant value (+ or -) to be added to the elevation data in the "section coordinates" dialog box to raise
or lower the cross-section.
Horizontal Distortion Factor
(PXSECR) - Modification factor for the data in the Section Coordinates dialog box. The distances between adjacent
stations (chainages) are multiplied by this factor to expand or narrow a cross-section.
Maximum Channel Depth
(DEEP) - This parameter is used to denote the maximum height of a natural channel and will exclude points above this
level for analysis. It is a shared field with other conduit shapes and represents the diameter of circular or the height of
other shapes.

By default this value is zero and the maximum channel depth is computed as the difference between the high point of
the cross-section and low point of the cross-section (as described below). A non-zero value may be entered to reduce
the total cross-section depth if the maximum depth of flow for a particular simulation is significantly less than the
maximum cross-section depth. This will increase the accuracy of the interpolation performed by the model. If the spill
crest level at any connecting node is greater than the derived elevation from maximum depth plus invert then the
conduit could be under pressure since the HGL could be above its height. This is reported in the output file Table E10
with a * at the end of the line.

Obviously, a pressurized natural channel is not a common physical occurrence and this is avoided by allowing vertical
walls to be created up to the node spillcrest elevations while using the configuration parameter VERT_WALLS. One
application of allowing this to occur would be for flow under a bridge deck.

The low point in the cross-section is the lowest point between the left and right Main Channel Stations. The high point
is the highest point of the cross-section coordinates. If the left-most or right-most elevations are less than the high
point, vertical sides are projected up to the high point to complete the section shape.

The following checks are made for this parameter:

1. No warnings or errors are given in dialogs or XP Tables for DEEP.

2. On solving all conduits except natural channels are checked for DEEP < 0.01m (metric models) or 0.03ft (imperial
models). An error message is given for any conduits failing this limit.
xpswmm Reference Manual

3. On solving all conduits except natural channels are checked for 0.05m <= DEEP <= 30.0m (metric models) or 0.15ft
<= DEEP <= 100.0ft (imperial models). A warning message is given for any conduits failing this.

4. If the configuration parameter NATDEEP_0.05 is present, natural channels are treated the same as other conduits
in #2 and #3 above.

Upstream Invert Level of Natural Channel
Channel (ZP) - Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the upstream node (feet or metres). By convention in XP-
SWMM the upstream end of a conduit is the end that, on the plan view, does not have the arrowhead.
Downstream Invert Level of Natural Channel
(ZP) - Elevation (R.L.) of the channel invert at the downstream node (feet or metres). By convention in XP-SWMM the
downstream end of a conduit is the end that, on the plan view, has the arrowhead. (Not necessary in Runoff or
Sanitary layers.)
Left Overbank Manning's 'n'
(XNL) - Channel roughness of the left-hand overbank as described by Manning's n.

Typical values for Manning's n can be found from hydraulic texts and other engineering references. A sample table
from the United States Department of transportation Federal Highway Administration showing a typical range of
Mannings n values for open channels can be found here.

Main Channel Manning's 'n'
(XNCH) - Channel roughness of the main channel as described by Manning's n.

Typical values for Manning's n can be found from hydraulic texts and other engineering references. A sample table
from the United States Department of transportation Federal Highway Administration showing a typical range of
Mannings n values for open channels can be found here.

Right Overbank Manning's 'n'
(XNR) - Channel roughness of the right-hand overbank as described by Manning's n.

Typical values for Manning's n can be found from hydraulic texts and other engineering references. A sample table
from the United States Department of transportation Federal Highway Administration showing a typical range of
Mannings n values for open channels can be found here.

Section Coordinates


HEC-2 type natural surface cross-section coordinate pairs. Elevations are used only to determine the shape of the
cross-section. Invert elevations are defined in the node data dialog box and also by the Upstream and Downstream
Elevations shown in this dialog.

The low point in the cross-section is the lowest point between the left and right Main Channel Stations. The high point
is the highest point of the cross-section coordinates. If the left-most or right-most elevations are less than this value,
vertical sides are projected up to the high point. Total cross-section depth is computed as the difference between the
high point of the cross-section and low point of the cross-section (as described above).

The profile is defined in terms of station (x) and stage (elevation).
Main Channel Definition 'x'
(C3 or X1 - STCHL, X1 - STCHR) - The station (chainage) of the left bank and right bank of the main channel (feet or
metres). The station (chainage) should be the same as one of the values in the "Section Coordinates" dialog box. If
an invalid station is entered an interpolated value is inserted at the station entered.
Cross-Section Profile Station
(STA..) - Station (chainage) of the cross-section (feet or metres). Stations must be in increasing order progressing
from left to right across the section. Cross-sections are normally orientated looking downstream.
Cross-Section Profile Elevation
(EL) - Elevation of the cross-section (feet or metres) for the adjacent station. Cross-sections are normally orientated
looking downstream. The actual elevations used are calculated from the upstream and downstream invert elevations.
The elevations entered here are only used to describe the shape of the cross-section.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Floodway Encroachment
The natural channel cross-section can be directly altered by filling in the section to the entered encroachment stations
or the encroachment stations can be automatically calculated using a maximum depth increase and 5 different
encroachment options.

Max Depth Increase Encroachment
In lieu of explicitly entering the encroachment stations, they can be computed by specifying in this field the maximum
depth (feet or meters) that the water surface can change from encroachment by one of the five available options.

Encroachment Methods

The cross-section will be modified to produce an increase in water surface based on the Max Depth Increase value by
one of the following five methods:
1) Left Bank Only: The left bank will be reduced by imposing a vertical wall from the lowest station and
moving to the right until the maximum depth increase has been met.

2) Right Bank Only: The right bank will be reduced by imposing a vertical wall from the greatest station
and moving to the left until the maximum depth increase has been met.

3) Equal Left and Right Bank Reduction: The left and right banks will be reduced by imposing vertical
walls from the farthest stations and moving in equal distance until the maximum depth increase has been

4) Symetrical About Centerline: The left and right banks will be reduced by imposing vertical walls equal
distance from the centerline of the channel and moving in until the maximum depth increase has been

5) Equal Left and Right Conveyance Reduction: The left and right banks will be reduced by imposing
vertical walls that cause equal conveyance reduction in both overbanks and moving in until the maximum
depth increase has been met.

Encroachment Station Specification
Two options exist for the specification of Encroachment Stations. Select Use Existing Encroachment Stations to
directly enter the Encroachment Stations or select Calculate Encroachment Stations to have the encroachment
stations to be determined from a maximum rise in water surface.

Encroachment Stations
The station (chainage) of the left and right encroachment stations (feet or metres). The station (chainage) should be
the same as one of the values in the "Section Coordinates" dialog box. If an invalid station is entered an interpolated
value is inserted at the station entered. There is no flow area outside of these stations, only the area between the
stations is used to compute the hydraulics of the conduit.

9.2 Multiple Conduits or Diversion Links
9.2.1 Hydraulics Layer
Hydraulics Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data
A diversion or a multiple conduit in the Hydraulics layer is a special type of link object shown in a network as a dashed
line. A diversion is used to divert sanitary sewage out of the storm drainage system or to relieve the storm load on
sanitary interceptors. In the Hydraulics layer, all diversions are assumed to take place at a node and are handled as
internodal transfers.

Multiple conduits may be entered by enabling the Conduit checkbox and entering an appropriate name. These
conduits are fully described in the section on Single Conduit Link Data

The Hydraulics layer supports five different types of diversions:
Weirs - Side and Transverse
Special - Structures including Regulators, Bendable Weirs, Internal Rating Curves

ONLY the conduit uses the Name entered in this dialog. The pump, orifice, weir and special conduit do NOT use this

xpswmm Reference Manual
The Plot radio button allows you to plot across Pump, Weir and Orifice diversions by specifying a length for the
diversions. This length is used for plotting profiles and in the Dynamic Plan View. Select the Plot radio button
corresponding to a row of diversions. Click on the button to open the following dialog:

Select the diversion type to be plotted and enter the length be used in plots.

Hydraulics Layer Output Control

Print Flow Details
Plot Flow History
Save Results for Review
Print Control
The Print Control command allows detailed printout to be obtained for a specific link. Output is extensive and
voluminous and should be used sparingly. It is normally used when there is suspicion that a conduit is behaving

Hydraulics Layer Print Control
Runoff Layer Print Control
Sanitary Layer Print Control
Print Flow Details
This flag is used to select detailed printout for this location. The detailed printout is a time series of the conduit's
hydraulic properties at a regular time interval and will be located in the output file after a model has been run. The
time interval is controlled as a factor of time steps in the Hydraulics Mode->Job Control->Output Control: Summary
Interval value. This option should be used sparingly as it can generate a large amount of output. It should only be
used for debugging particularly complex networks, or to create a time series file to link to another application.

With this flag is enabled and using the configuration parameter EXTERNAL_CSV a file named "yourfile.csv" will be
created containing the time series and the time series will not be found in the output file. Where yourfile is the name of
your modeling project. This file contains the Time, Flow, Velocity, X-section Area, Hydraulic Radius, Head at the
Upstream Junction, Head at the Downstream Junction, Elevation at the Upstream End of the Conduit, the Elevation at
the Downstream End of the Conduit and, the Volume of Water in the Link. This file is comma-delimited and is suitable
for input to a spreadsheet.
Plot Flow History
A flag to control line-printer style graphical presentation of hydrographs and depths. Review Results is a much-
preferred alternative to this option.
Hydraulics Layer Orifice Diversion
Orifices are regularly shaped submerged openings that are designed to control flow. Typical applications of these
devices include:
combined sewers were an orifice is used to divert sanitary wastewater out of the collection/conveyance
system during dry weather periods and to restrict the entry of stormwater into the sanitary interceptors
during periods of runoff, and
detention pond outlets were one or more orifices are used to slowly drain stored runoff after precipitation has
In an xpswmm link-node model, orifices are located in multilinks. A multilink may contain a single orifice or any
combination orifices, weirs, pumps and conduits. An orifice may divert the flow to another pipe, a pumping station or
an off-line storage tank.
Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the dialogs, check boxes, and radio buttons.

Two geometric configurations are allowed:
a Bottom Outlet or sump orifice, and
a Side Outlet orifice.
The shape of the orifice may be circular or rectangular. If rectangular, the height of the opening (in feet or meters)
must be entered.
The Hydraulics layer simulates both types of orifice by converting the orifice to an equivalent pipe.
The orifice pipe is assumed to be nearly flat, the invert of the discharge side being set 0.01 feet (0.003 meters) lower
than the invert on the inlet side. In addition, for a bottom orifice, the pipe invert is set a distance 0.96 times the orifice
diameter (0.96 time the height of a rectangular orifice) below the junction invert so that the orifice pipe is flowing full
before any outflow from the junction occurs in any other pipe. For side outlet orifices, the user specifies the elevation
of the orifice invert.
xpswmm Reference Manual
The Orifice Data section of the output file shows the data used for the equivalent pipe.
CONDUIT NAME........................... rectangle
Upstream node........................... Pond
Downstream node......................... Riser
PIPE DIAMETER........................ 0.50
PIPE LENGTH.......................... 1000.00
MANNINGS ROUGHNESS................... 0.0025

To apply the orifice equation instead of an equivalent pipe, use the Configuration Parameter USE_ORF_EQN.
Both orifice types require Orifice Area and Discharge Coefficient data be entered. An option to Vary with Time these
two parameters is also provided.
To add a plot of measured time series data to the Review Results graphs use the Gauged Data option.
Orifice Invert Elevation
Elevation of the invert of the node floor for a bottom outlet or elevation of bottom edge of a side outlet orifice (feet or
Orifice Area
The orifice area (sq feet or sq meters).
Orifice Discharge Coefficient
The orifice discharge coefficient.
Vary with Time
The orifice discharge coefficient and area may be varied with time to simulate external controls. Orifice settings should
not be closed "too fast" because this can cause numerical instabilities that mimic hydraulic instabilities that would
occur in the model.

The orifice is defined in terms of Time , Coefficient and Area .
First time (hours) that the orifice discharge coefficient and area change in value from the initial settings of the previous
dialog box or from the previous values in this window.

Time zero refers to midnight on the first day of the simulation. Increase hours past 24 for multiple day simulations.
New value for the orifice area (sq feet or sq meters) to come into effect at the time shown in the adjacent cell.
New value for the orifice discharge coefficient to come into effect at the time shown in the adjacent cell.
Orifice Name
Name of orifice to appear in Review Results and Output file.

Orifice Height
For Rectangular orifices only, the distance from the top to the bottom of the weir (feet or meters).

Hydraulics Layer Pump Diversion
A pump station is conceptually represented as either an in-line lift station, or an off-line node representing a
wet-well, from which the contents are pumped to another node in the system according to a programmed rule curve.
Up to seven pumps may entered for a diversion. The pumps may be selected in any order.

Pumps may be one of five types:
(i) Pump Rated by Well Volume: An in-line or off-line pump station with a wet well; the rate of pumping depends
upon the volume (level) of water in the wet well.
(ii) Pump Rated by Depth in Node: An in-line or off-line lift station that pumps according to the level of the water
surface at the junction being pumped.
(iii) Pump Rated By Dynamic Head: An in-line or off-line pump that pumps according to the head difference over the
pump using a multi point pump curve and starting and stopping elevations.
(iv) Pump Rated By Static Head: An in-line or off-line pump that pumps according to the head at the upstream node
using a multi point pump curve and starting and stopping elevations.
(v) A dynamic head pump that uses a rule curve to modify the behavior of the dynamic head pump based on the
depth at either an adjacent or non-adjacent node.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Description (Optional)
Pump Type

Pump Rated By
A pump may be in-line or off-line and rated by Dynamic Head, Static Head, Well Volume or, Depth in Node.
Gauged Data

Note: depth in the Hydraulics mode is relative to inverts
elevation or stage in hydraulics is relative to zero
The Hydraulics layer now allows you to specify the pump name explicitly. The analysis engine no longer uses PUMP
#1, PUMP #2, PUMP #3 etc. depending on where in the model the pump is located. These names were liable to
change when a pump was added to or removed from the network and have therefore been replaced with an explicit
Description (Optional)
Enter a pump description applicable to this link and pump.
Pump Type
The pump type is selected from a global database of Pump Rating Curves.

Pump Type (Rating Curve)
Select the global database containing the Pump Rating Curve applicable to this pump.

Pump Speed Factor
Enter the factor by which the Flow Rate of the rating curve will be modified when the model is solved.

The new rating curve is modified such that:

New Flow = Old Flow x Pump Factor, and
New Head = Old Head x Pump Factor^2
Static Head
An in-line or off-line pump that pumps according to the head at the wet well.

The depth in the upstream node determines the pumping rate according to a multi-point head-discharge relationship
(rating curve) for the pump. The operating condition (i.e., on/off) for the pump is determined from the wet well
elevation from the previous half-step computation.

If the model detects that a pump is on then its flow is computed from the head at the upstream node based on a
linearized pump operating curve as shown below.

The pump's operating range is limited to the range between the low-rate head and the high-rate head regardless of the
detected dynamic head. Pump rate will remain fixed at either the low-rate head or the high-rate head until the system
returns to the normal operating range of the pump.

A static head pump is defined in terms of its Initial Depth , Pump Starting and Pump Stopping elevations.

Dynamic Head
An in-line or off-line pump that pumps according to the head difference over the pump.

The dynamic head difference between the upstream and downstream nodes determines the pumping rate according
to a multi-point head-discharge relationship (rating curve) for the pump. The operating condition (i.e., on/off) for the
pump is determined from the wet well elevation from the previous half-step computation.

If the model detects that a pump is on then its flow is computed from the dynamic head difference based on a
linearized pump operating curve as shown below.

The pump's operating range is limited to the range between the low-rate head and the high-rate head regardless of the
detected dynamic head. Pump rates will remain fixed at either the low-rate head or the high-rate head until the
system returns to the normal operating range of the pump.

A dynamic head pump is defined in terms of its Initial Depth , Pump Starting and Pump Stopping elevations.

Note: A dynamic head pump will not operate unless there is a positive head difference; i.e. the downstream water
elevation is above the upstream node (wet well) elevation.

Pump Starts (Elevation)
Elevation (RL) in pump inflow node at which pump turns on (feet or metres). Used by Dynamic and Static Head
Pump Stops (Elevation)
Elevation (RL) in pump inflow node at which pump turns off (ft or m). Used by Dynamic and Static Head Pumps

Pumps are set initially to "OFF" and do not start pumping until the water level is greater than the designated starting
Initial Depth
Enter the initial depth in the pump inflow node (ft or m). This depth is measured from the node invert and is not an
elevation value. Used by Dynamic and Static Head Pumps. The init ial dept h must be ent er ed in t he upst r eam
node in addit ion t o t his field since t he init ial dept h in t he wet well is der ived from t he node init ial dept h.
Depth in Node
An in-line (usually) lift pump. The rate of pumping depends on the level of water, i.e., depth, in the node being

For an in-line station, the pump rate is based on the water depth at the pump junction. The Pump Rate rule is as

xpswmm Reference Manual
R1 for 0 < Y < Y1
R2 for Y1 < Y < Y2
Rn for Yn-1 < Y < Yn

For Y = 0, the pump rate is the inflow rate to the pump junction.
Well Volume
An off-line (usually) pump station with a wet well. The pump must be supplied from their own wet well, i.e., only one
conduit must be connected to the node at which the pump is located. The rate of pumping depends on the volume of
water in the well.

The program sets the node invert elevation (level) to -100.

Note that only one conduit may be connected to the node from which this type of pump operates.

Inflows to the off-line pump must be derived from the main sewer system through an orifice, a weir, or a pipe. The
influent to the wet-well node must be a free discharge regardless of the diversion structure. The pump rating curve is
based on the volume of water in the storage node.

A multi-point volume/flow rate rating curve is prespecified for each pump station: V1 < V2 < Vn, where Vn is the
maximum capacity of the wet well. The pump rate is selected automatically by the Hydraulics layer depending on the
volume in the wet-well.

A mass balance of pumped outflow and inflow is performed in the wet-well during the model simulation period.

If the wet-well goes dry, the pump rate is reduced below rate R1 until it just equals the inflow rate. When the inflow
rate again equals or exceeds R1, the pumping rate goes back to operating on the rule curve. If Vn is exceeded in the
wet-well, the inflow to the storage node is reduced until it does not exceed the maximum pumped flow.

A wet well pump station is defined in terms of its Total Volume and Initial Volume .
Initial Well Volume
Enter the initial well capacity (ft or m).
Total Well Volume
Enter the total well capacity (ft or m).
Hydraulics Layer Weir Diversion (G1)
Weir diversions provide relief to the drainage system during periods of storm runoff. The following types of weirs can
be simulated:

internal diversions (from one junction to another via a transverse or sideflow weir),
outfall weirs which discharge to the receiving waters. These weirs may be transverse or sideflow types, and
may be equipped with flap gates that prevent backflow
special weir types including Inflatable Weirs (regulators), Bendable Weirs and User-defined Weirs .

Transverse weir and sideflow weirs are distinguished in the Hydraulics layer by the value of the exponent to which the
head on the weir is taken. For transverse weirs, head is taken to the power of 1.5 while for sideflow weirs the
exponent is 1.667.


Weirs are defined in terms of Weir Length, Weir Crown, the Weir Crest Elevation and the Discharge Coefficient .
Reverse Flow can also be prevented.
More Weir Information
Gauged Data

A detailed discussion of Weirs and Weirs with Tide Gate Theory is discussed at the associated link locations.
Transverse or Sideflow Weirs
When the water depth at the weir junction exceeds the surcharge level (RL 1) the weir functions as an orifice i.e. the
exponent is 0.5. The discharge coefficient for the orifice flow conditions is computed internally in the Hydraulics layer.
An equivalent pipe automatically replaces the weir for the duration of surcharge.

Stability problems can be encountered at weir junctions. If this happens or is suspected of happening, the weir may
be represented as an equivalent pipe. To do this, equate the pipe and weir discharge equations, e.g.,

= CwWH

where m = 1.486 for units of feet and 1.0 for units of metres.
n = Manning's n for the pipe
A = Cross-sectional area
R = Hydraulic radius
S = Hydraulic grade line for the pipe
H = Head across the weir
Cw = Weir discharge coefficient
W = Weir length
Weir Name
An alpha-numeric name for the weir.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Crown or Elevation of Top of Weir (RL1) (G1 - YTOP) -
Crown or Top of weir is the elevation where the weir would commence orifice flow calculations. Orifice flow will occur
when this elevation is reached if the weir is in a closed structure. A weir not in a closed structure may also require an
elevation to commence orifice flow if it is a horizontal opening for an outlet structure of a pond. To eliminate orifice
flow calculations set this elevation equal to the upstream node spillcrest value. Elevation of the weir crown uses units
of (feet or metres).

Weir Crest Elevation (RL2) (G1 - YCREST) -
Elevation of the weir crest (feet or metres).
Weir Length (G1 - WLEN) -
Length of weir (feet or metres).

Discharge Coefficient (G1 - COEFF) -
Coefficient of discharge for the weir.
Reverse Flow Eliminated using Flap Gate (G1 - KWEIR) -
Frequently, weirs are installed together with a tide gate at points of overflow into the receiving waters. Flow across the
weir is restricted by reducing the effective driving head across the weir according to an empirical factor published by
Armco(3). Note that the flap gate is only effective for a weir at an outfall node. A flap gate is ignored for a weir
between two internal nodes.
Special Conduits
Six special conduits are available for use in simulating real time control in a drainage network. They are:
Regulator Link/Inflatable Weir
Bendable Weir
Special Pump (controlled by remote node depth)
User Defined Weir
Internal Rating Curve
Other (for future use and development)

Up to 7 may be defined for one reach with each given a unique Diversion Name .


Diversion Name
A 10 character alphanumeric name of the diversion.
Bendable Weir
Use this option to control the flow through a conduit according to the depth in a given node. If this option is selected a
conduit must also be selected within the same multi-link.

Node Name
This is the name of the node whose depth controls the flow over the weir. If this name is left blank the upstream node
is used by default.

xpswmm Reference Manual
This is the depth of flow in the "Node Name" above.

Bend Factor
This factor (0 or 1) determines whether or not the weir will bend at this depth. A value of 1 indicates flow over the weir.
A value of 0 indicates no flow.

Rebound Factor
This factor (0 or 1) determines whether or not the weir will "bounce back" after being bent. A value of 1 indicates the
weir stays down and does not rebound.
Regulator Link/Inflatable Weir
Use this option to control the flow through a conduit according to the depth in a given node. If this option is selected a
conduit must also be selected within the same multi-link.

Node Name
Enter the name of the node which will control the flow in this conduit. The depth at this node will be used to control the
flow according to the adjacent table. This node may be anywhere in the system.

Depth Vs Multiplier
This table is a look-up table to determine the multiplier to use for the flow in the link. The depth at the nominated node
is used to look up this table to determine the appropriate multiplier to apply to this conduit.
Hydraulic Brakes
The hydro brake uses the most basic laws of physics and fluid mechanics and how they relate to the natural spiraling
action within a vortex. The energy of the water rushing into the hydro brake and the rate of the flow is throttled or
slowed. Data for the hydro-brake is entered via the Hydraulic Brakes Global Database.
User Defined Weir
A User Defined Weir can be specified by entering a weir length, exponent and discharge coefficient for a series of
corresponding depths.

This is the depth of flow above invert of conduit.

This is the length of weir sill at the adjacent depth.

This is the weir exponent to use for the sill at the nominated depth.

Discharge Coefficient
This is the discharge coefficient to use at the nominated depth.

Special Pump (Pump Type 5)
A Pump 5 pumping system (the Pump 5 name comes from CH2MHill in Portland) uses a dynamic head pump and a
rule curve to modify the behaviour of the dynamic head pump based on the depth at either an adjacent or non-
adjacent node. The flow through the pump will always be the minimum of the flow calculated by the dynamic head
pump and the flow calculated using the special pump. If this option is selected a dynamic head pump must also be
entered within the current multi-link.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Node Name
Enter the name of the node that will control the flow in this conduit. The depth at this node will be used to control the
flow according to the adjacent table. This node may be anywhere in the system.

Depth Vs Flow
This table of depth at the nominated node versus flow in the special pump is used to determine the flow through this
pump. The depth in the nominated node is used to look up the corresponding flow.

This is the weighting factor for the pump start-up and stop. It is used to dampen the start-up or shut down. Its range
must be between 1 and 2 with 1.12 the recommended value.

Internal Rating Curve
Select this item to define an internal rating curve for a diversion.


Depth Vs Flow -
This table is used to look up the flow in this conduit for given depths in the upstream node. During simulation the
upstream node depth is used to look up the corresponding flow in the conduit.

By default the depth used by rating curve uses the difference between the water elevations at the upstream and
downstream nodes. To use the depth in the upstream node only, use the Configuration Parameter USE_US_RC.
Other (for future development)
This item is used to enter data for new special diversion types that have not yet been made available explicitly in the
interface. This could include recent enhancements to the analysis engine or specific enhancements made for a
particular client.
The data entered in the underlying dialog will depend on the type of diversion being entered. As no data checking is
performed on this data extra care must be taken when using this option.

Column #1 - Column #4
The meaning of these Columns will depend on the diversion type selected.

Factor #1 - Factor #3
The meaning of this factor will depend on the diversion type selected.

Type Number
When a new diversion type is added to the engine a four digit number will be allocated to that diversion type. This
number must be entered in this field.

9.2.2 Runoff Layer
Runoff Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data
A diversion in Runoff is a special type of link object shown in a network as a dashed line. This special link dialog is
used to enter multiple conduits and/or conduits with orifices and/or conduits with weirs between the same pair of

In Runoff a weir or orifice is a modification to the outflow characteristics of a modelled channel. The weir/orifice is a
control structure attached to the bottom end of the conduit. Runoff supports two different types of diversions -
Conduits with an Orifice
xpswmm Reference Manual
Conduits with Weirs

Multiple conduits may be entered by enabling the Conduit checkbox and entering an appropriate name (up to 10
alpha-numeric characters). These conduits are fully described in the section on Single Conduit Link Data

Conduit with Orifice Flag
Flag enabling a Conduit with Orifice . If this flag is set a unique name must be entered for the conduit. In Runoff an
orifice is a control structure at the downstream end of a conduit.

Conduit with Weir Flag
Flag enabling a Conduit with Weir . If this flag is set a unique name must be entered for the conduit. In Runoff a weir
is a control structure at the downstream end of a conduit.

Runoff uses a non-linear reservoir method of conduit routing. Flow routing is performed by coupling the continuity
equation with Manning's equation to produce a non-linear reservoir; the procedure is entirely analogous to that for
overland flow. Since the conduit acts as a reservoir with water surface parallel to the invert, inflows are automatically
"distributed" along its length. This may lead to considerable flattening of a hydrograph peak when routed through a
cascade of conduits. No backwater effects can be simulated.

If groundwater is simulated then the stored channel water may affect the groundwater flow via the tailwater flow
equation. Open conduits such as trapezoidal, parabolic, and natural sections also lose water through evaporation.
Save Results for Review
Save results for the conduit for later graphical post-processing. This option is provided locally for conduit node to allow
minimizing of the intermediate results files generated, which can be quite large. This flag is over-ridden by the Save
ALL Results for Review flag in Job Control.
Runoff Print Control
Runoff print control parameters for a conduit.


Print Inflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT)
Print Outflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT)
Print Channel Depths
Save Results for Review
Print Conduit Depths (M4 - MDEEP)
This flag will output flow depths for the conduit.
Print Inflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT)
Print total inflows to the channel/pipe and the outflow concentrations. All printed values are instantaneous at the end
of the preceding time step. Zero flows are omitted to avoid voluminous output in long simulations.
Print Outflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT)
Print total outflows to the channel/pipe and the outflow concentrations. All printed values are instantaneous at the end
of the preceding time step. Zero flows are omitted to avoid voluminous output in long simulations.
Orifice Area (G2 - SPILL)
Cross sectional area of the outflow orifice, ft [m].
Discharge (G2 - WDIS)
Discharge coefficient for the orifice.
Orifice Height (G2 - WELEV)
Height of the geometric centreline of the orifice from the bottom of the conduit, ft [m]. The orifice height may be used
to store water in a conduit.
Runoff Orifice Diversions
In Runoff an orifice is a control structure at the bottom of a conduit which affects the outflow characteristics of the
conduit. Data must be entered for both the orifice and the conduit.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The orifice is defined in terms of its Area , Height and Discharge. Conduit Data must also be entered.

An orifice is either a dropout or sump orifice, or a side outlet orifice. A standard orifice equation is used for both types:

Q = Cd . A . (2 . G . (H - Hc))^0.5
Q = outflow, cfs [cms]
Cd = orifice discharge coefficient, dimensionless
A = orifice cross-sectional area, ft^2 [m^2]
G = gravitational acceleration = 32.2 ft/sec^2 or 9.8 m/sec^2
H = hydraulic head above the orifice, ft [m]
Hc = orifice centreline depth, ft [m]
Runoff Weir Diversions
In Runoff a weir is a control structure at the bottom of a conduit which affects the outflow characteristics of the conduit.
Data must be entered for both the weir and the conduit . Runoff supports two different types of weir diversions -
Rectangular Weirs
V-notched Weirs

Rectangular Weir
This option uses a broad-crested weir control structure at the bottom of the conduit. A weir equation is used to control
the outflow from the conduit instead of Manning's equation.


The weir is defined in terms of its Length , Height and Discharge Coefficient. Conduit Data must also be entered.

The broad-crested equation used is:
Q = C . L . (H - Hc)^1.5
Q = outflow, cfs [cms]
C = weir coefficient, ft^0.5/sec [m^0.5/sec]
L = weir length, ft [m]
H = hydraulic head, ft [m]
Hc = weir crest depth, ft [m]

V-notch Angle (G2 - SPILL)
Angle, in degrees, of the notch opening in a V-notch weir.
V-notched Weir
This option uses a V-notch weir control structure at the bottom of the conduit. A weir equation is used to control the
outflow from the conduit instead of Manning's equation. The triangular opening of a V-notch weir is assumed to have
no upper limit.

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The weir is defined in terms of its:
Height, and
Discharge Coefficient.
Conduit Data must also be entered.

The equation for V-notch weirs used is:

Q = C . TAN(A/2) . (H - Hc)^2.5
Q = outflow, cfs [cms]
C = weir coefficient, ft^0.5/sec [m^0.5/sec]
A = angle of notch (angle of opening), degrees
H = hydraulic head, ft [m]
Hc = weir crest depth, ft [m]
Weir Discharge Coefficient (G2 - WDIS)
Discharge coefficient of the weir. Note that this parameter is shared for both rectangular and triangular weir options.

Weir Length (G2 - SPILL) -
Length of rectangular broad-crested weir (eg. width of spillway), ft [m].
Weir Height (G2 - WELEV) -
Height of weir crest from bottom of conduit, ft [m]. The weir height may be used to store water in a conduit.
Weir Sill Height (G2 - WELEV)
Height of bottom of V-notch from bottom of conduit, ft [m]. The weir height may be used to store water in a conduit.
9.2.3 Sanitary Layer
Sanitary Layer Multiple Conduit and Diversion Link Data
A diversion in the Sanitary layer is a special type of link object shown in a network as a dashed line. This special link
dialog is used to enter multiple conduits and/or conduits with orifices and/or conduits with weirs between the same pair
of nodes.

The Sanitary layer supports two different types of diversions -

Multiple conduits may be entered by enabling the Conduit checkbox and entering an appropriate name (up to 10
alpha-numeric characters). These conduits are fully described in the section on Single Conduit Link Data

Pump Flag
If the pump flag is set a unique name must be also be entered for the pump, in addition to the pump data. The pump
data is not shared with that from Hydraulics layer (mode) and is also simplified. However, the pump flag is shared.

Sanitary Layer Print Control
This dialog controls the conduit output generated in the output text file during the simulation. The printout occurs at
the end of the simulation.

Print Channel Depths -
xpswmm Reference Manual
Print Input Hydrographs and Pollutographs -
Print Output Hydrographs and Pollutographs -
Suppress Printed Output of Parabolic, Power and Natural Channels -
Save Results for Review
Print Input Hydrographs and Pollutographs
This flag causes printout of input (at the upstream end) hydrographs and pollutographs for this conduit .
Print Output Hydrographs and Pollutographs
This flag causes printout of output (at the downstream end) hydrographs and pollutographs for this conduit.
Print Channel Depths
This flag causes printout of maximum flow depths for this conduit.
Sanitary Layer Weir Diversion
If the weir flag is set a unique name must be entered. The weir data is not shared with that from the Hydraulics layer
and is also simplified. However, the weir flag is shared.

This dialog defines a Sanitary layer weir. Sanitary layer weirs are distinct from Hydraulics layer weirs and do not share
data. Sanitary layer weirs are treated as flow diversion structures, as the data requirements of a threshold flow

The diagram represents the weir at the upstream node and is shown as a side weir. Flow enters the weir once a
certain threshold flow is exceeded. This flow must correspond to a flow depth of the weir crest height at the node.
Above the crest, the broad-crested weir equation is used:

Q = C * L * DH^1.5
Q = flow over weir, cfs [cms]
C = weir coefficient
L = weir length, ft [m]
DH = depth of flow over the weir crest, ft [m]

If multiple weirs exist along the link, the threshold flow calculations for higher weirs must take into account the
diversions already occurring in lower weirs. These data entry requirements may seem tedious, but are required due to
the simpler nature of Sanitary layer weirs as compared to Hydraulics layer weirs.

The data requirements for a TRANSPORT Weir are its Crest Height , Length , Discharge Coefficient and the
description of any Inflow before Weirflow

Gauged Data
Inflow before Weirflow
The total flow at the upstream node before flow occurs over the weir, cfs [cms]. This flow corresponds to a node flow
depth equal to the weir crest height. You must perform this calculation yourself, since the Sanitary layer does not
explicitly maintain node flow depths. The weir is thus treated as a flow diversion structure.

Weir Crest Height
The height of the weir, before flow over the weir, ft [m].
Weir Length
The length of a broad-crested weir, ft [m].
Discharge Coefficient
The discharge coefficient used to compute flow over a broad-crested weir.
Sanitary Layer Pump Diversion
The pump has a constant pumping rate between certain depths. The pump begins operating from empty when the
depth within it exceeds the first depth. If the depth then exceeds a second value, a second flow rate will apply until the
depth drops below that value. The pump then continues to operate at the first flow rate until the depth drops below a
stopping level.

Depth for Q1
Depth at which the first pumping rate begins, ft [m].

Depth for Q2
xpswmm Reference Manual
Depth at which the second pumping rate begins, ft [m].

Pump Rate 1 (Q1)
Pumping rate when the water depth within the pump exceeds the first depth, but is less than the second depth, in cfs
[cms]. This rate applies while the depth is below the second depth and the pump is still operating.

Pump Rate 2 (Q2)
Pumping rate when the water depth within the pump exceeds the second depth, in cfs [cms]. This rate applies only
while the depth exceeds the second depth.

Stop Pumping Depth
The depth below which all pumping stops, ft [m].

Average Cross-Section Area
The average cross-sectional area of the pump well used to determine the pump well volume, ft^2 [m^2].

Gauged Data
Los Angeles County (F0601)
Los Angeles County Link Data

Los Angeles County Diversion Data

Job Control
This command allows the management of Control Data associated with the specific mode. The data is global and not
specific to any individual object.

The Job Control parameters differ for each of the 3 modes Runoff, Sanitary, Hydraulics, and for 2D hydraulic models.
10.1 Hydraulics Mode
Hydraulics Mode Job Control
The Job Control facility is for data that is not specific to any node or link, but is required to control the simulation run.
A full description of the parameters used by the Hydraulics Layer follows.

Job Control data consists of the:
Simulation Tolerances
Routing Control
Modify Conduits
Junction Defaults
Output Control
Gauged Pollutants
Hot Re-start
Pollutant List
Design Constraints
Save Results for Review
Run Hydrology/Hydraulics Simultaneously
xpswmm Reference Manual
Time Control

The Title and the Simulation control fields are optional. Time Control data are required.
Title (ALPHA)
Description for simulation run (2 lines - 80 characters maximum). This will be printed as the title in the output file. The
first line is common for all layers; the second line is specific to the Hydraulics layer.
Save ALL Results for Review
This flag will save all the results for nodes and conduits from analysis to a special file for later graphical post-
Gauged Pollutants

This flag and the associated dialog allows the definition of the list of pollutants to be used in the Gauged Pollutant List.
If this flag is OFF, no gauge pollutants are shown. If this flag is ON, a list of pollutants is selected from the list of
gauged pollutants shown in the Pollutants Global Database.

The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the Pollutants Global Database. Any number of pollutants
may be defined. To add a pollutant to the "Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant List (left-
hand list), then select the "Add" button. To remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from
the "Use Pollutants" list (right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.

The pollutant load and concentrations may be generated in the Hydraulics, Runoff or Sanitary Layer, or read in from
an interface file.

Pollutant List
Select the pollutants to be added to or deleted from the current simulation run.

Run Hydrology/Hydraulics Simultaneously

Check this box to make xpswmm calculate the Hydrology and the Hydraulics simultaneously at each time step. Under
this option, the Solve Mode (under Configuration Mode Properties) and the Flow Interface File (under Configuration
Interface Files) settings are ignored.

Enter the monthly evaporation rates.

Evaporation is used to renew surface depression storage and is also subtracted from rainfall and/or snowmelt at each
time step. It has a negligible effect on single event simulation (ie. less than a week long), but is important for
continuous simulation.

Evaporation is not used to deplete the snow pack, ie., it does not also act as sublimation, nor does it affect
regeneration of infiltration capacity. The evaporation input to Hydraulics Mode also acts as an upper bound for evapo-
transpiration losses from groundwater and soil moisture. Evaporation also occurs from open channels, ie.,
trapezoidal, parabolic or natural channels.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Hot Restart (REDO)
A hot restart facility allows a file to be read and/or created to establish initial conditions for a run. This may avoid re-
running of, for example, dry-weather flow conditions prior to the start of a storm runoff simulation.

The user can create a hot start file from a normal run or from a previous hot start run. Only one hot start file can be

Start Cold, Create Hot-Start File
If this option is selected then the model does not use a hot restart file to set initial conditions and creates a hot restart
file for the next simulation run.

Start Hot Using Hot-Start File
If this option is selected then the model uses a hot start file to set initial conditions and does not create a new hot
restart file for the next simulation run.

Start Hot, Create New Hot-Start File
If this option is selected then the model uses a hot restart file to set initial conditions and then creates a new hot restart
file for the next simulation run.

Time Control
Time Control
The Time Control section of the Hydraulic Job Control contains the following time control input fields.

Simulation Start Time (TZERO)
Start and end of the simulation are defined by entering the year month, day, hour, minute and second. For the
Simulation Start Time (TZERO), enter the starting date and time of the simulation.

Simulation End Time (TSL)
For the Simulation End Time (TSL), enter the ending date and time of the simulation.

While it is only necessary to enter the last two digits of the year it is good practice to use four digits to remove any year
2000 ambiguity.

Simulation Time Step (DELT)
The simulation Time Step (DELT) is input as seconds into the Time Control section of the Hydraulic Job Control and
discussed further in the Time Step (DELT) section. The simulation results values calculated at the simulation Time
Step are reported in the *.out file and in XP-Tables.

Save Results Every (SAVERES)
The Save Results Every time step can be input as either seconds or minutes and is the time step used to produce the
hydrographs reported in Review Results, Dynamic Long Section and Dynamic Section Views. The hydrographs
produced for Review Results, Dynamic Long Section and Dynamic Section Views only report data points at the time
interval selected in Save Results Every. The Save Results Every time step will be larger than the simulation Time
Step and will produce hydrographs with fewer points than what is calculated in the simulation. This will cause the
reported peak results values in Review Results, Dynamic Long Section and Dynamic Section Views to be less than
the actual peak values taken from the entire simulation, which are reported in the *.out file and within XP-Tables.

Time Step (DELT)
The length of the time step in seconds. Dynamic wave models run best between 1 & 2 times the Courant time step.
Since the velocity, area, and depth of flow in a conduit varies with time, the time step should be adjusted dynamically
during the simulation. A fixed time step model will not allow for the necessary reduction in time step required to
ensure stability unless a small time step guaranteed to be lower than any possible required time step is used.

This version of xpswmm uses a variable time step. The time step entered is the maximum allowable time step that the
program will use during the simulation. The program will select the current time step and iterate to a converged
solution taking into account the under-relaxation parameter, omega. The solution is expected to converge in any given
time step, provided at least 50 to 100 time step iterations [MFAIL] are allowed by the user.

The time step specified here has little effect on the stability of the simulation run provided you do not force a very short
time step. The time step should be selected according to the following guidelines:

(1) An excessive number of iterations at a junction is a sure indication that the time step you have chosen is too
large and that for optimal results the largest time step (DELT) should be reduced.

(2) The summary printout lists the average time step used during the simulation. You may use this as a basis for
selecting a new time step. For example, having selected a target time step of 30 seconds you find that the
average time step was approximately 17 seconds. A better target time step may be 15 seconds because the
solution will converge faster and the simulation run time will be reduced.

(3) The summary printout lists the average number and total number of iterations at each node. Nodes with a high
number of iterations should be investigated and may indicate a problem.

The model will select the current time step based on the smallest conduit Courant time step at the beginning of each
long time step. It then determines the number of equal length small time steps required to equal the length of the long
time steps.

During the simulation the model will check each conduit for the surface wave criterion and adjust the time step used
accordingly using the value of ratio which is the ratio

ratio = t * (gD/L)^1/2

for enclosed conduits, and

ratio = t * (gA/T /L)^1/2

for open channels,

where t = the time-step,
g = acceleration due to gravity,
D = conduit height or pipe diameter,
A = maximum cross sectional area,
xpswmm Reference Manual
T = full flow top width, and
L = conduit length.

Numerical accuracy constraints in the Hydraulics Mode require that the time step specified under Job Control be no
longer than the time it takes for a dynamic wave to travel the length of the shortest conduit in the transport system.

This check should result in a saving in computation time and a higher degree of stability for a given situation. This
solution technique is described in detail in the theory section of this manual.
Start Year (B1 - IYRSTR)
Year of start of simulation. Enter only the last two digits of the year.
Start Month (B1 - MONTH)
Month of start of simulation.
Start Day (B1 - NDAY)
Day of start of simulation.
Start Hour (B1 - NHR)
Hour of start of simulation.
Start Minute (B1 - NMN)
Minute of start of simulation.
Start Second (B3 - LONG)
Second of start of simulation.
Stop Year (B3 - LONG)
Year of end of simulation. Enter only the last two digits of the year.
Stop Month (B3 - LONG)
Month of end of simulation.
Stop Day (B3 - LONG)
Day of end of simulation.
Stop Hour ( B3 - LONG)
Hour of end of simulation.
Stop Minute (B3 - LONG)
Minute of end of simulation.
Stop Second (B3 - LONG)
Second of end of simulation.
Simulation Tolerances
Simulation Tolerances

The following tolerances may be used to control the simulation:
Flow Tolerance
Head Tolerance
Minimum Orifice Length
Default Head Loss Coefficient
Default Contraction Loss
Flow Tolerance
The iterative solution technique uses an under-relaxation technique to solve the dynamic flow equation and continuity
equation. The convergence criterion for this method is related to the maximum number of iterations and relative
accuracy, specified in the Job Control dialog.

This is the convergence criterion used during flow iterations. If the difference in both conduit flow and cross-sectional
area between successive iterations is less than this value (SURTOL) and the number of iterations is less than the
maximum allowable (ITMAX), then convergence is deemed to have occurred. The convergence error for flow is given

Error = (Qnew - Qold) / Qnew

where Qnew = Current iteration value of flow in the conduit,
Qold = Previous iteration value of flow in the conduit,

Typical values used in simulations are 0.001 to 0.005. Conduits that appear to have small instabilities in flow or
velocity can be fixed by using a smaller flow tolerance.

The flow convergence is tested for all CONDUITS, WEIRS, ORIFICES, PUMPS, and OUTFALLS in the model.

Head Tolerance
This is the convergence criterion used in the continuity equation at junctions. If the difference between successive
iterations of junction depth is less than this value (SURJUN) and the number of iterations is less than the maximum
allowable (ITMAX), then convergence is deemed to have occurred. The convergence error for junction depth is given

Error = (Ynew - Yold) / Ycrown

where Ynew = Current iteration value of depth at the junction,
Yold = Previous iteration value of depth at the junction,
Ycrown = Total depth of the junction, ground - invert elevation.

Typical values used in simulations are 0.001 to 0.005.
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Minimum Orifice Length
The minimum orifice length in m(ft) for creating an equivalent circular or rectangular conduit for orifices. Typical values
are 100 m to 300 m.
Default Head Loss Coefficient
The junction head loss coefficient. This multiplier of the velocity head applies both to entrance and exit losses at a
junction. The loss is actually modelled in the conduit momentum equation since only a continuity equation is used at
the junctions. This coefficient is global and applies to all conduits, unless a value is also entered in the special conduit
dialog for that conduit.
Default Contraction Loss
The abrupt cross section shape change from one conduit to the next creates turbulence. The loss in velocity from this
change can be modelled by using a contraction/expansion loss coefficient. This coefficient is global and applies to all
conduits unless a value is also entered in the special conduit dialog.
Routing Control
Routing Control (B0, B2)
By selecting Routing Control you may control the stability of the model results and the speed of execution of the run.
This dialog contains the normalised tolerances the program uses to decide whether a conduit or junction has achieved

Performance and Stability are affected my a number of factors including:
Under Relaxation Parameter (OMEGA)
Time Weighting Parameter (THETA)
Conduit Roughness Factor (FMAX)
Flow Adjustment Factor (QREF)
Initial Condition Smoothing (BB - ISMTH)
Minimum Courant Time Step Factor (FMIN)
Max. Time Step Iterations (MFAIL)
Report Non-Convergence
The Routing Methods used include:
Dynamic Wave
Kinematic Wave , and
EPA Version 4 Solutions
Performance Stability Factors
This version of xpswmm uses an enhanced version of the EPA-SWMM Version 4 Iterative Explicit Solution to solve the
gradually varied unsteady flow (St Venant) equations. The convergence criteria for this method is related to the
maximum number of iterations and the relative accuracy of model and conduit computations as specified in the
simulation tolerances dialog.

Convergence is deemed to be satisfied if, within the maximum number of iterations specified, successive iterations
yield results within the tolerance specified by the relative accuracy.

Explicit methods are "conditionally" stable and often require short time steps. Experience has found that the program
will be numerically stable when the time step chosen is limited to the time required by a dynamic wave to propagate
the length of the shortest conduit.

This is known as the Courant time step and it is printed in a table in the output file. The user should ensure that the
time step chosen is less than or equal to the Courant time step listed in the output file.

The Iterative Method uses a variable time step. The time step entered by the user in the Job Control Dialog is set as
the maximum allowable time step used during the simulation. The model will select a time step based on the smallest
conduit Courant time step at the beginning of each long time step. The model then determines the number of equal
length small time steps required to equal the long time steps. This results in a saving in computation time and a higher
degree of stability for a given situation.
Under Relaxation Parameter (OMEGA)
The under relaxation parameter used during the simulation. It typically has values between 0.60 and 0.85 and should
be used in conjunction with the Time-weighting factor (THETA) to minimise hunting and seeking behaviour. The
parameter is used in the following way in the program:

Newest = New * omega + (1-omega)*Old

where Old = Value at previous iteration,
New = New iteration value, and
Newest = Weighted new value after under-relaxation.
Time Weighting Parameter (THETA)
The implicit time weighting for all conduits. Typically, this parameter should have a value between 0.55 and 1.0. This
parameter is used to decrease the oscillations in hunting and seeking.
Conduit Roughness Factor (FMAX)
A global adjustment to conduit roughness. Used as an aid in calibration of your model. The conduit roughness is
multiplied by this factor (i.e. a value of 1.20 increases the roughness by 20 percent). The default value = 1.0, or no
Flow Adjustment Factor (QREF)
A global adjustment factor for all flows from the interface file and user-defined time series. This allows the user to
globally alter the inflows to the model by a constant factor.
Initial Condition Smoothing (ISMTH)
Instead of using a hot start file to make the initial conduit conditions smoother it is now possible to use a new
parameter, ISMTH, to dampen oscillations arising from the choice of initial conditions. This parameter works as

ISMTH = 0 All conduits use their normal roughness.

ISMTH > 0 All conduits have their roughness increased by a factor of ten for ISMTH time steps.

The increase in roughness has a dampening effect on the potential buildup of initial transients. Typical values of
ISMTH would be 10 to 100 time steps.
Minimum Courant Time Step Factor (FMIN)
xpswmm Reference Manual
As part of the solution the model calculates the minimum courant time step at each big time step based on the
previous conduit depth and velocity. The time step used in the model is based on the calculated courant time step
multiplied by the courant time factor. The default time step factor is 1.0, and typical values are 0.5 to 3.0.
Max. Time Step Iterations
The maximum number of iterations allowed during a time step. Typically, the maximum number should be 50 to 100.
If convergence is not achieved by this number of iterations then the model moves on to the next time step and
accepts the last value computed.
Report Non-Convergence
By selecting this option the model will display, during run-time, those junctions that fail to reach convergence by the
time the maximum number of iterations it reached. The model reports to the screen the junction name and the
junction heads of the current and previous iteration. If no junctions are reported then all junctions reached
Routing Method
Several options are provided for the flow routing method as follows:
Dynamic Wave
This option implements all terms in the St Venant equations as discussed in the theory section of this manual and
automatically adjusts the time step as mentioned above. This option is the default method and is recommended where
there is any chance of a backwater effect in the system or where tidal boundary conditions are being modelled.
Kinematic Wave
This option implements a sub-set of the dynamic wave option above and is discussed in the theory section of this
manual. The kinematic wave method does not allow for backwater effects or modelling of tidal boundary conditions.
Version 4 Solution
By selecting Version 4 Solution you may -
(i) Select one of the three different solution techniques offered by SWMM 4 - EXTRAN (ie. Explicit, Enhanced
Explicit and Iterative Explicit).
(ii) Determine when EXTRAN will use the assumption of NORMAL flow.

SWMM Version 4 EXTRAN includes three different solution techniques to the gradually varied, one-dimensional
unsteady flow equations for open channels. They can be used by selecting one of the buttons presented above. A
complete description of the solution methods is available in the EXTRAN Addendum of the US-EPA SWMM 4 User

The three techniques are the -
Explicit (default)
Enhanced Explicit (more stable, ie. longer time step allowed)
Iterative Explicit (combined Implicit/Explicit solution using a variable time step)

Model Selects Normal or Dynamic Flow
Model Selects Normal Flow When in Supercritical State
Explicit Solution (ISOL=0)
The Explicit method is the default solution technique for the gradually varied, one-dimensional unsteady flow equations
for open channels. This method is fully described in Appendix A of the US-EPA SWMM-4 EXTRAN Addendum.

The Explicit method uses the Modified Euler technique to arrive at a solution to the St Venant equations. The modified
Euler method yields a totally explicit solution in which the motion equation is applied to discharge in each link and the
continuity equation to head at each node, with implicit coupling during the time step.
Enhanced Explicit Solution (ISOL=1)
The Enhanced Explicit solution differs from the default Explicit solution in the representation of the gradually varied,
one-dimensional unsteady flow equations for open channels. The main advantage of this technique over the default
Explicit method is an increase in the stability of the calculations. Consequently the user may select longer time steps
for the simulation with a corresponding saving in computation time. This method is fully described in Appendix A of
the EXTRAN Addendum of the US-EPA SWMM-4 manual.

The Enhanced Explicit method uses the same solution technique as the Explicit method, that is the Modified Euler
technique, to arrive at a solution to the St Venant equations. The modified Euler method yields a totally explicit
solution in which the motion equation is applied to discharge in each link and the continuity equation to head at each
node, with implicit coupling during the time step.
Iterative Explicit Solution (ISOL=2)
The Iterative Explicit solution technique uses an under-relaxation iterative matrix technique to solve the dynamic flow
equations. The convergence criterion for this method is related to the maximum number of iterations and relative
accuracy specified in the Job Control dialog.

Convergence is deemed to be satisfied if, within the maximum number of iterations specified, successive iterations
yield results within the tolerance specified by the relative accuracy.

The Iterative method uses a variable time step. The time step entered by the user in the Job Control Dialog is set as
the maximum allowable time step EXTRAN should use during the simulation. EXTRAN will select a time step based
on the smallest conduit Courant number at the beginning of each long timestep. EXTRAN determines the number of
equal length small time steps required to equal the long time steps.

This should result in a saving in computation time and a higher degree of stability for a given situation. This solution
technique is described in full in Appendix C of the EXTRAN Addendum of the US-EPA SWMM-4 manual.
Model Selects Normal Flow When in Supercritical State
If this option is selected then EXTRAN uses the Froude number to determine the switch to Normal (supercritical) flow.
When the Froude number exceeds 1.0 the conduit Normal flow is calculated from Mannings equation.
Model Selects Normal or Dynamic Flow
If this option is chosen then Normal (supercritical) flow is assumed when all of the following conditions occur -
Flow is positive
Water surface slope is less than the conduit slope
The flow calculated by the Manning equation is less than the flow calculated using dynamic flow equations.
Modify Conduits
Conduit Equivalencing (Modify Conduits)
The user can modify the pipe length and roughness below or above limits specified in this dialog box. The model will
automatically create an equivalent longer or shorter pipe for the affected conduits.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The user specifies the minimum and maximum length below or above which the model will create equivalent pipes.
This can be limited to modifying Manning's n only and/or the full extent of pipe hydraulic characteristics.

Options available include:
Preprocesses 'n' Only
Minimum Conduit Length for Modification
Maximum Conduit Length for Modification
Program Changes Pipe Characteristics Equivalent to Time Step Factor

Background Information
Background Information (Modify Conduits)
An equivalent pipe is the computational substitution of an actual element of the drainage system by an imaginary
conduit which is hydraulically identical to the element it replaces (except for volume). Usually, an equivalent pipe is
used when it is suspected that a numerical instability will be caused by the element of the drainage system being
replaced in the computation.

Weirs and short conduits are known at times to require short time steps and thus may occasionally be replaced by an
equivalent pipe. Orifices are automatically converted to equivalent pipes by the model.

The equivalent pipe substitution used by the model involves the following steps. First the flow equation for the
element in question is set equal to the flow equation for an "equivalent pipe". In effect, this says that the head losses
in the element and its equivalent pipe are the same. The length of the equivalent pipe is computed using the
numerical stability equation.

Then, after making any additional assumptions, which may be required about the equivalent pipe's dimensions, a
Manning's 'n' is computed based on the equal head loss requirement. In the case of orifices, this conversion occurs
automatically, but in those cases where short pipes or weirs are found to cause instabilities, the user must make the
necessary decision and select the appropriate equivalent pipe option.

The desired equivalent pipe length is either no shorter than one quarter or 1/5 of the length of the longest pipe in the
system, or large enough to give a delta tc within the range indicated above. Through experience, the user will be able
to determine the pipe length changes required to achieve the desired result and an acceptable time-step for the

By choosing a value of 1.0 for the equivalent pipe option the model will automatically adjust the pipe or channel
lengths using an equivalent longer length to achieve a delta tc in balance with the user-selected time-step (delta t). All
pipes in which (delta t)/(delta tc) exceeds 1.0 will be adjusted, with the new pipe/channel lengths and roughness

When a value greater than 1.0 is used an equivalent pipe or channel length will be created based on this value (in
seconds). For example, specifying a value of 15 will create an equivalent pipe based on a time step of 15 seconds. A
before and after analysis of the full flow-system volume is printed by the model for values greater than 1. This enables
the user to estimate the effect of the increase in system volume from using equivalent pipes or channels.
Preprocesses 'n' Only (NEQUAL)
When this option is set the model modifies the Manning's n value for all pipes that are below the minimum or above a
maximum threshold set in adjacent fields in this dialog box.
Minimum Pipe Length for Modification (NEQUAL)
Minimum pipe length below which the model will make equivalent pipe assumptions by modifying Manning's n and/or
pipe characteristics to optimise stability for particular time steps.
Maximum Pipe Length for Modification (NEQUAL)
Maximum pipe length above which the model will make equivalent pipe assumptions by modifying Manning's n and/or
pipe characteristics to optimise performance for particular time steps.
Equivalent to Time Step Factor (NEQUAL)
When this option is set the model modifies the pipe characteristics for pipes that have a Courant time step below the
value set in the adjacent field in this dialog box. The characteristics are optimised for particular time step ratios to
improve performance.
Junction Defaults
Junction Defaults
Default values relating to junctions such as depth and ponding area volume parameters.

Default Junction Surface Area
Minimum Junction/Conduit Depth
Ponding Area
Default Node Surface Area (AMEN)
This is the default surface area for all manholes in ft
(or m
). It is used for surcharge calculations in the model. The
manhole default diameter is 4ft (or 1.22m).
Minimum Junction/Conduit Depth
Enter the smallest allowable junction and conduit depth (feet or metres).
Ponding Area
This is used to define the mechanism used for junction flood storage. The default mechanism is for surcharged water
that breaks the ground surface to be lost from the network. However, using this option will store the flooded water at
this node until the conduit can handle the excess amount of water.

The coefficient used in the exponential equation for the ponded area of the flooded junction has a typical value of
1,000 to 5,000.

The exponent used in the exponential equation for the ponded area of the flooded junction has a typical value of 1.0 to
xpswmm Reference Manual
Design Constraints
Design Constraints

Use this option to allow xp to select pipe sizes based on user defined criteria. Units are m or ft.

Available pipes

The options for design are:

No Design pipe diameters are not changed
Diameters are selected base on a maximum % of depth
Minimum freeboard and cover (m or ft)

Available Pipes

Use this dialog to define the catalog of pipe diameters in (m) available for design.


Output Control
Output Control

Starting Printout Time Step
Intermediate Interval
Summary Interval
Echo Natural Section Data
Starting Time Step for Print Cycle (NSTART)
This is the cycle number at which the intermediate printout facility will begin its output. Intermediate printouts will then
be continued at intervals specified below. The starting printout is a hold-over from previous versions of EXTRAN and
was used for an intermediate review of the model in a search for the source(s) of problems.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Intermediate Print Cycle Interval (INTER)
This value is specified as a number of cycles.

This is the interval between intermediate print cycles during the simulation. The intermediate printouts start at the
cycle specified in the start print field and are repeated at intervals specified by this value.

This value controls the interval at which heads, velocities, and flows are printed during the simulation (intermediate
printout), beginning at the starting time step specified above (NSTART). Surcharge information during the simulation
is also printed at these intervals.

Intermediate printout is produced for all junctions and conduits, whereas the summary printouts are only produced for
those specified by the user. The intermediate printout is very useful in case an error occurs before the program
reaches its desired simulation length, however it tends to produce bulky output.

If intermediate printout is to be avoided entirely, set this value to a number greater than total number of cycles in the
simulation period. Nodal water depth, elevation, conduit flow, and velocity are all printed in the intermediate printout.

The output looks better if the starting cycle for intermediate printouts and this value are selected so that the first and
subsequent output occurs at an even number of minutes or half-minutes.
Summary Print Cycle Interval (JNTER)
This value is specified as a number of cycles.

This is the interval between time-history summary print cycles at the end of the simulation. The number of cycles
printed is equal to the total number of cycles in the simulation period divided by this value.

Summary printouts are only produced for those nodes and conduits specified by the user whereas the intermediate
printout is produced for all junctions and conduits.
Echo Natural Section Data
If this flag is enabled any HEC-2 style conduits that are present in your network will have their Station and Elevation
data echoed in the output file.
10.2 Runoff Mode
Runoff Mode Job Control
The Runoff Job Control dialog allows the entry of all data which is used to control the Runoff simulation. A full
description of the parameters used by Runoff follows.

Move cursor over image and click to view descriptions of the dialogs and options.


Note: If the Runoff Mode is not solved, do not check Global Storms.

Job Control data consists of the:
Water Quality
Snow Melt
Regeneration of Horton Infiltration Capacity
Time Control
Print Control
Save Results for Review
Gauged Pollutant List
Global Storms
Rational Formula
The first title line is used across all xpswmm modes.

The second title line, the Runoff Title, is specific to the Runoff mode.
Save ALL Results for Review -
This flag will save all the results for nodes and conduits from analysis to a special file for later graphical post-
Regeneration of Horton Infiltration Capacity
Flag indicating a regeneration value is required. If this flag is OFF, then no regeneration of infiltration capacity occurs.

For continuous simulation, infiltration capacity is regenerated using the Horton type exponential rate constant equal to
REGEN*DECAY, where DECAY is the Horton rate constant read in for each infiltration Global Database. This flag has
no effect if Green-Ampt infiltration is used for a catchment.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Gauged Pollutants

This flag and the associated dialog allows the definition of the list of pollutants to be used in the Gauged Pollutant List.
If this flag is OFF, no gauge pollutants are shown. If this flag is ON, a list of pollutants is selected from the list of
gauged pollutants shown in the Pollutants Global Database.

The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the Pollutants Global Database. Any number of pollutants
may be defined. To add a pollutant to the "Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant List (left-
hand list), then select the "Add" button. To remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from
the "Use Pollutants" list (right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.

The pollutant load and concentrations may be generated in the Hydraulics, Runoff or Sanitary Layer, or read in from
an interface file.

Global Storms

Name This field is used in the Review Results display and also in XP Tables.

Return Period This field is used for display purposes only.

Rainfall The Rainfall Global Database record corresponding to the storm to be analyzed.

Override Multiplier The value entered in this field replaces (overrides) the value entered in the Constant Time
Interval dialog of the global database. This value will only be active if the rainfall type is Absolute Depth or Cumulative

Multiplier The new multiplier for the Absolute or Cumulative Depth.

Rational Formula Settings

The Rational Formula data is selected from the Rational Formula settings in the Global Database.

Return Period to Analyze is the Recurrence Interval of the storm being analyzed.

Use Partial Areas, if enabled this option uses the partial area hydrology effects to locate the critical storm duration
that produces the maximum peak flow draining to each node. This may result in a storm duration less than the time of
concentration for the total catchment above a node, and hence the term partial area. For large contributing areas this
approach will generally yield higher peak flows.

If disabled, the program uses a storm duration corresponding to the time of concentration for each contributing
subcatchment in the calculation of peak flows.
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Job Control
xpswmm Reference Manual

Description (Card A COM) Enter the Job Identification and/or Comment (max. 72 characters).

Rainfall Input Type:
Hyetograph (Card A ISET = 1) Select this value if detailed hyetograph(s) will be entered (using Record Set B1).
1-Hr Rainfall Depths (Card A ISET = 2) Select this value if only the 1-hour rainfall depth(s) will be entered using
(using Record Set B2).

Storm List
The All Storms database contains the names of all the storms that are available in the XP database. The Storms to
Analyze list is a subset of the All Storms list and lists all the storms that will be analyzed when the model is solved.
There is no limit to the number of storms that can be created and stored in the XP database but only 99 storms can be
analyzed in a single run.
Add Allows you to create a new storm and add it to the All Storms database.
Rename Renames the currently selected storm.
Duplicate Duplicates the currently selected storm.
Del Deletes the currently selected storm.
Edit Allows you to create or edit data for the currently selected storm.
>> Allows you to add the currently selected storm to the Storms to Analyze list.
<< Allows you to remove the currently selected storm from the Storms to Analyze list.

Simulation Start/End
The respective starting and ending year, month, day, hour, minute, and second of the simulation. This data is only
used by the Interface File when you are simulating the hydraulics using XPSWMM.

See also CUHP Theory.

Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Storm Data

Return Period (Card B2 IRP) Enter the storm return period (2, 5, 10, 50, or 100).

Description (Card B1 or B2 NDT11, NDT12, NDT13) Enter the Storm Identification (date or return period, e.g.
6/11/1938 or 100-Year) (max. 10 characters).

Interface File The name of the Interface File which will store the flows generated by this storm. The Interface File is
used by the Statistics, Sanitary and Hydraulics layers of xpswmm and would typically be used for hydraulic routing of
the storm flows through the pipe or channel network.

Correction Factors:
Initial Infiltration Rate (Card B1 or B2 CINFL) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Initial (or Uniform)
Infiltration Rate.
Hortons Decay Rate (Card B1 or B2 CDECAY) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Horton's Infiltration
Decay Exponent.
Final Infiltration Rate (Card B1 or B2 CFNINF) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Final Infiltration Rate.
Depression Loss Storage (Card B1 or B2 CRET) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Depression Loss

Rainfall Data:
1-Hr Rainfall Depth (Card A ISET = 2, Card B2)
Design Depth (Card B2 ROH) Enter the storm return period (2, 5, 10, 50, or 100).

Hyetograph (Card A ISET = 1, Card B1) - Each hyetograph is limited to 72 unit time increment rainfall depths. If you
will use Print Options 7, 8 or 9; namely, write an output file for eventual routing using UDSWM2-PC, then enter only
one hyetograph and run each separately. Up to 99 hyetographs may be solved in a single run.
Edit Depths Allows you to enter the incremental rainfall depths.

Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Rainfall Data
xpswmm Reference Manual

Rainfall Depths (Card B1 XR) - Each hyetograph is limited to 72 unit time increment rainfall depths.
Insert Row Inserts a row above the currently selected cell.
Delete Row Deletes the currently selected cell.

Sacramento Hydrology

Use this dialog to specify start and stop times of the simulation and the parameters for the Nolte or Sacramento
County methods.


Nolte Method Options:
Zone Select Zone 1, Zone 2 or Zone 2 from the drop list
Ramp Time Enter the time in minutes for the runoff rate to reach the Nolte Method value
Generate User Defined Hydrograph in Hydraulics

xpswmm Reference Manual
Sacramento County Method Options:
Design Storm or
Historical Storm
Hydrograph Generation
When the model is solved, xpswmm will generate a ramped user inflow hydrograph for each runoff node. Switch to
Hydraulics Mode to view.

Design Storm
Use this dialog to specify the Recurrence Interval and the Duration of the design storm in the Nolte Method.


Adjustments to design storm:
Select Storm Area
Use Watershed Area, or
Specify Storm Area, acres
Check to Use Frequency Factor
Historical Storm
Use this dialog to specify an Historical Storm in the Nolte Method.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Click on the ellipses () to open a Windows Explorer window. Navigate to the file containing the storm data.
Enter the initial loss, in.
Check the box to use a lag frequency factor for 1, 2 or 3 year design.
LA County Method
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method (F0601) Job Control

Days To Analyze
Either the fourth day or all four days of the LA County Modified Rational Method procedure may be analyzed by
selecting the suitable radio button. The factor applied to the dimensionless storm is entered in the appropriate fields
for Days 1 through 4.

Storm Frequencies
The base frequency and the rainfall multiplier is entered in this field.

Simulation Start Time
The starting year, month, day, hour, minute, and second of the simulation. This data is only used by the Interface File
when you are simulating the hydraulics using xpswmm. The duration of the run is determined by the number of days
being analyzed.

24 Hr Rainfall Template is for the entry of the dimensionless (normalized) rainfall pattern.

The infiltration data is entered in the Runoff/Infiltration dialog.

Load Location Points
This option allows you to load data from an existing MORA file. The format of this file is shown below.

Location Card Data (See Figure D-6. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
Column Entry Description
1-3 006 Card code number.
4-9 numeric Location number of point in the watershed where a calculation is to be made.
Location numbers must be listed in the sequence calculations are to be made.
10-14 numeric If hydrograph in main line of the drainage system located in primary storage.
15 A If hydrograph In principle Lateral B located in primary storage.
B If hydrograph in Lateral C located in primary storage.
C If hydrograph in Lateral O located in primary storage
D If hydrograph in Lateral E located in primary storage.
F If hydrograph in Lateral F located in primary storage.
The alphabetic code identifies the drain where flow rate is to be modified by: (1) addition of
a hydrograph from a lateral or subarea; (2) separation of flow junction with relief drain; or (3)
flood routing and channel storage effects. A letter must be listed on each data card.
16 B If hydrograph in principle Lateral B to be combined with hydrograph in the main line.
C If hydrograph in Lateral C to be combined with hydrograph in Line A or B.
D If hydrograph in Lateral D to be combined with hydrograph in Lines A, B, or C.
E If hydrograph in Lateral E to be combined with hydrograph in Lines A, B, C, or D.
F If hydrograph in Lateral F to be combined with hydrograph in Lines A, B, C, D, or E.
For relief drains (see Column 53-59) the alphameric code indicates the lateral receiving flow
separated from the primary drain.
17-19 numeric Soil type number. (See Figures C-6,) A soil type number must be listed on all cards.
20-22 numeric Effective imperviousness of subarea in percent.
23-26 numeric Subarea tributary drainage in acres.
27-28 numeric Time of concentration in minutes. An arbitrary time for a zero acre subarea in
Column 23-26must be shown if flood routing through a reach with no tributary area is
29 alphabetic If storm pattern A through I for other than design storm rainfall to be used.
J If J zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
K If K zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
L If L zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
M If M zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
T If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
The letter must be listed in Column 29 of each data card.
30-31 numeric If A through I storm pattern to be used, an identification number between 1 and 99
must also be used.
01 If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
xpswmm Reference Manual
10 If 10-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
25 If 25-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
50 If 50-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
The number must be listed in Column 30-51 of each data card.
32 1 If mountain channel reach to be used. (See Figure C-12.5.)
2 If natural valley channel reach to be used. (See Figure C-12.4.)
3 If typical 36-foot road width--8-inch curb street to be used. (See Figure C-12.3.)
4 If circular pipe size to be specified, or if street flow is undesirable.
5 If rectangular channel base width or depth to be specified.
(Trapezoidal section side slope can be specified.)
6 If trapezoidal channel side slope, maximum peak velocity,
and either width or depth to be specified.
32 blank If the system is to begin flood routing in street section.
Change from street to pipe section when flow depth reaches the property line, From pipe to
rectangular channel when pipe diameter of 8 feet is exceeded, and from the hydraulically
most efficient rectangular section to a maximum depth of 13 feet when that depth is
reached. (This change in conveyance is also automatic if either street (3) or pipe (4, with no
size listed) is specified.)
The trapezoidal channel (6) may involve composite lining with unlined bottom to facilitate
channel percolation, or for economic or other design considerations. In steeper areas
where scour of the channel bottom could occur, the system routes flow by adjusting channel
slope as necessary (drop structures assumed) to not exceed the specified maximum
velocity at peak flow rate. Specified values would be: (1) maximum velocity and maximum
depth; or (2) maximum velocity and base width.
33-37 numeric Length of channel reach between subarea collection points in feet.
38-43 numeric Slope of drain in feet per foot.
44-46 numeric If trapezoidal channel (6 in Column 32).
Computed as horizontal projection of channel wall divided by depth in feet per foot.
blank If rectangular section.
47-52 numeric If specified circular pipe diameter in feet is to be used (4 in Column 32).
numeric If specified bottom width of rectangular channel in feet is to be used (5 in Column 32).
numeric If specified bottom width of trapezoidal channel in feet is to be used (6 in Column 32).
53-59 numeric Peak flow rate in second feet to remain in main line or lateral listed in
Column 15 at junction with relief drain specified (1, 3, 4 in Column 60).
Numeric Percent to be applied to hydrograph ordinate to obtain the hydrograph to remain
in the main line or lateral listed in Column 15 at junction with relief drain (2 in Column 60).
60 1 If hydrograph in drain listed in Column 15 to be proportioned on percentage basis
such that hydrograph remaining in drain has peak flow listed in Column 53-59 with residual
flow transferred to relief drain listed in. Column 16.
2 If hydrograph in drain listed in Column 15 to be proportioned on percentage basis
such that hydrograph remaining in drain has percentage of total Flow specified in Column
53-59 with excess flow transferred to relief drain listed in Column 16.
3 If hydrograph in drain listed in Column 15 to be separated such that all flow up to
peak flow rate listed in Column 53-59 remains in the drain with excess flow transferred to
relief drain listed in Column 16.
4 If hydrograph in drain listed in Column 15 to be separated such that only Flow
above a base value (equal to the peak flow rate minus the flow rate listed in Column 53-59)
remains in the drain with all flow below the base value transferred to relief drain listed in
Column 16.
61 1 If hydrograph for all four days of a four-day design storm to be computed.
2 If hydrograph for second, third, and fourth days of four-day design storm to be computed.
3 If hydrograph for third and fourth days of four-day design storm to be computed.
Blank If hydrograph for only fourth day (maximum day rainfall) of four-day design storm
to be computed, or hydrograph for thunderstorm, or other selected storm rainfall to be
62 1 If hydrograph print-out only desired. (See Figure E-5.7.)
2 If hydrograph print-out plus card punched hydrograph desired.
63 1 Confluence Q print-out listing peak flow and time for each lateral and combined
peak and time at downstream end of confluence. (See Figure E-5.6.)
64 A If hydrograph stored in Line A to be erased.
B If hydrograph stored in Line B to be erased.
C If hydrograph stored in Line C to be erased.
D If hydrograph stored in Line D to be erased.
E If hydrograph stored in Line E to be erased.
F If hydrograph stored in Line F to be erased.
G If all hydrographs stored in system to be erased.
65 1 If project description heading at beginning of print-out and heading for
hydrograph print-out (See D-3.4.) sheets desired.
2 If end of job.
66 A Hydrograph data cards read into main line or lateral listed in Column 15. (See D-3.5.)
67 1 If main line flow to be recomputed using area reduction factor for total
drainage area and initially computed drain sizes.
2 If Lateral B flow to be recomputed using area reduction factor for total
drainage area and initially computed drain sizes.
3 If Lateral C flow to be recomputed using area reduction factor for total
drainage area and initially computed drain sizes.
4 If Lateral D Flow to be recomputed using area reduction factor for total
drainage area and initially computed drain sizes.
5 If Lateral E flow to be recomputed using area reduction factor for total
drainage area and initially computed drain sizes.
7 If area reduction to be set at 1.0.
68-70 blank If n of .O14 to be used for channel bottom.
numeric If higher n value for rougher channel bottom to be used.
71-73 blank If n of .014 to be used for channel side walls.
numeric If higher n value for rougher surface to be used.
74-75 blank If rectangular or trapezoidal channel maximum depth of 13 feet to be used.
numeric If rectangular or trapezoidal channel, maximum channel depth in whole feet
other than 13 feet to be used.
76-77 numeric Maximum velocity in whole feet per second when trapezoidal channel (6)
specified in Column 32.
LA County 24 Hr Rainfall Template
xpswmm Reference Manual

A dimensionless (normalized) rainfall pattern is entered in this dialog. A default sample rainfall file (LARAIN.DAT) is
included in the Templates sub-directory.

Rainfall Mass Curve Header Card (See Figure D-3 of LA County Hydrology Manual)
Column Entry Description
1-3 010 Card code number.
4 alphabetic If storm pattern A through I to be used for storm of record or other various storm
patterns (other than J, K, L, M, and T standard design storm rainfall patterns).
J If J zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.1. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
K If K zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.2. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
L If L zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.3. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
M if M zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.4. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
T If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
5-6 numeric If A through I storm pattern to be used, an identification number
between 1 and 99 must al so be used.
01 If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
10 If l0-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
25 If 25-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
50 If 50-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
If J, K, L, M zone design storm rainfall pattern is specified in Column 4,
either 10, 25, or 50 year frequency rainfall must be specified in Column 5-6.
7 3 if J through M zone rainfall is used.
4 If T0I storm pattern is used.
5 If A02 through A99 storm pattern is used.
8-10 40 If JI0 through M50 storm patterns are used.
Numeric Total number of points (maximum of 200) used to define the rainfall
mass curve of all other storm patterns.

Rainfall Mass Curve Data Cards (See Figure D-3. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
Column Entry Description
1-3 011 Card code number.
4 alphabetic Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 4.
5-6 numeric Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 5-6.
7 numeric Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 7.
8-10 numeric Must be identical to the rainfall mass curve header card Column 8-10.
The maximum point number must be listed on all data cards.
11-13 numeric Maximum cumulative point number appearing on each card.
14-17 numeric Selected storm time in minutes. The initial point on the first card must be 0000.
18-22 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall in inches corresponding to storm time listed in
Column 14-17. The initial point on the first card must be 0000.
23-26 numeric Selected storm time.
27-31 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 23-26.
32-35 numeric Selected storm time.
36-40 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 32-35.
41-44 numeric Selected storm time.
45-49 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 41-44
50-53 numeric Selected storm time.
54-58 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 50-53.
59-62 numeric Selected storm time.
63-67 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 59-62.
68-71 numeric Selected storm time.
72-76 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 68-71.

LA County Runoff/Infiltration
xpswmm Reference Manual

The infiltration data is entered in this dialog. A default sample soil file (LASOIL.DAT) is included in the Templates
sub-directory. This file provides infiltration data for the standard LA County soil types.

D-3.1 Runoff Coefficient Curve Card(s) (See Figure D-2)
Column Entry Description
1-3 009 Card code number.
4-6 numeric Soil type number specified by Code 002 through 199. (See Figure C-6.)
7 1 If runoff coefficient curve is used.
2 If infiltration rate (loss rate) curve is used.
8-10 numeric Total number of points (maximum of 14) used to define runoff coefficient
(or infiltration rate) curve. This number must appear on all cards.
11-13 numeric Maximum cumulative point number appearing on each card.
14-17 numeric Runoff coefficient as decimal or infiltration rate in inches per hour corresponding
to rainfall intensity listed in Column 18-22. The initial point on first card must be 0000.
18-22 numeric Rainfall intensity in inches per hour corresponding to point value listed in
Column 14-17. The initial point on first card must be 0000.
23-26 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 27-31.
27-31 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 23-26.
32-35 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 36-40.
36-40 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 32-35.
41-44 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 45-49.
45-49 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 41-44.
50-53 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 54-58.
54-58 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 50-53.
59-62 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 63-67.
63-67 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 59-62
68-71 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 72-76.
72-76 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 68-71.

Los Angeles County Job Control Options

Los Angeles County Load Location Points

xpswmm Reference Manual

LA County Error Codes

Runoff Coefficient Curve and Rainfall Mass Curve Data Editor (Program FO601M)
Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) on first card of a curve not 009 (runoff coefficient curve) or 010
(rainfall mass curve).
2 Number in Column 7 on the first card outside the range 1-5.
3 Total number of points indicated for the curve exceeds 14 (runoff coefficient curve) or 199 (rainfall
mass curve).
4 On cards following the first card of a curve either (a) The card code (Column 1-3) not equal to 009
(runoff coefficient curve) or 011 (rainfall mass curve), (b) The curve number in Column 4-6 does
not match or (c) The curve number in Column 7 does not match.
5 The number of points on a card exceeds the total number indicated on the first card.
6 The cards are out of sequence.
7 Initial data card not zero, negative runoff coefficient curve number, or points on rainfall mass curve
not in chronological or cumulative sequence.
8 The curve number (Column 4-6) listed on the first card, not (a) 002 through 199 For runoff
coefficient curve, (b) A through I in Column 4 and 01 through 99 in Column 5-6, for selected storm
rainfall mass curve, (c) J through M in Column 4 and 10, 25, or 50 in Column 5-6 for standard
design storm rainfall curve, or (d) T in Column 4 and 01 in Column 5-6 for thunderstorm
(convective storm) rainfall mass curve.

D-5.2 Subarea and Hydrograph 0ara Editor (Program FO6010)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following Form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) of a subarea card not 006.
2 Subarea data not in ascending sequence (hydrograph input may be specified on the same card,
and hydrograph modification may be specified on the preceding card), or a thunderstorm specified
in Column 67 and Line A not specified in Column 15.
3 Column 15 (primary storage location), Column 17-19 (runoff coefficient curve) or Column 29-31
rainfall mass curve contains all blanks or an invalid value.
4 Secondary hydrograph is specified and (a) alphameric character other than A through F listed in
Column 16, (b) hydrograph computation is also specified, (c) read hydrograph also specified, (d)
number in Column 60 outside the range 0-4, (e) number in Column 63 outside range O-l, or (f)
negative number in Column 53-59.
5 Hydrograph input and hydrograph computation both indicated.
6 Hydrograph computation specified and (al time of concentration not listed in Column 27-28 or
hydrograph input, (b) confluence output also specified, (c) hydrograph modification also specified,
(d) control Q also specified, or (e) negative number in Column 20-28. Read hydrograph specified
with confluence output, hydrograph modification or control Q specified also results in error 6
7 Routing errors with (a) number in Column 32 outside range 0-6, (b) 1-6 specified in Column 32
with slope and channel length not specified in Column 33-43 or, (c) 6 specified in Column 32 and
combination of Column 47-52 and Column 74-75, Column 47-52 and Column 76-77, or Column
74-75 and Column 76-77 not specified, (d) number specified in Column 74-73 outside range 0-29,
or (e) negative number in Column 33-52 or Column 68-77.
8 Location card instruction errors with (a) number in Column 61 inconsistent or outside range 0-3,
(b) number in both Column 61 and Column 67 other than 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 specified in Column 67,
(c) other than alphabetic code A through G specified in Column 64, or (d) negative number in
Column 65.
9 Hydrograph header card errors with (a) card code (Column l-3) not 007, (b) missing job or location
number in Column 4-14, (c) drain A through F not specified in Column 15, (d) number in Column
24-26 outside range 1-200, (e) number in Column 27-30 outside range 1-1500, (f) negative
number in Column 16-23 or Column 31-38, (g) number in Column 39-41 outside range 1-200, or
(h) number in Column 42-44 outside range 1-4.
10 Hydrograph data card errors with (a) card code (Column 1-31 not 008, (b) number of points on
card less or greater than total number indicated on header card, or (c) data cards not in sequence.
11 Hydrograph error affecting the associated subarea data set.
12 Initial hydrograph data card not zero, or points on hydrograph not in chronological sequence.
13 Total hydrograph data points not equal to number of points specified on header card.
14 The card code (Column 1-3) not 005 on first page heading card.
15 Hydrograph output specified and (a) the associated page heading card is missing, (b) the card
code (Column 1-3) not 005 on associated page heading card, or (c) the location name on the
associated page heading card and location point card not identical.
16 More than l000 cards submitted for job.
18 End of job not specified by number 2 in Column 65.

D-5.3 Hydrologic Computation (Program FO601A)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
2 Device failure has occurred while reading from direct or magnetic tape. Job should be resubmitted.
3 The name on a runoff coefficient curve or rainfall mass curve does not match the one called for on
a location point card or the number of points exceeds the maximum allowable points.
4 Failure in search of table for partially full pipe sections when computing wave velocities. 5
Hydrograph input indicated and the referenced hydrograph not in the input stream.
xpswmm Reference Manual
6 The number or time of points for an input hydrograph not identical with points used in job.
7 The specified time of concentration is greater than the interval between zero time and the first time
specified on the rainfall mass curve.
8 Failure in search for bottom width of trapezoidal channel.
9 Failure in search for depth while computing wave velocities in trapezoidal channel.
10 Failure in search for area reduction factor during computation of subarea hydrograph.
11 Failure in search for runoff rate during computation of subarea hydrograph.
12 Failure in hydrograph routing due to magnitude of channel flow rate.
99 Recycle past the beginning of the job during thunderstorm computations attempted, or more than
1000 location point and page heading cards were submitted.

Monthly evaporation rates.

Evaporation is used to renew surface depression storage and is also subtracted from rainfall and/or snowmelt at each
time step. It has a negligible effect on single event simulation (ie. less than a week long), but is important for
continuous simulation.

Evaporation is not used to deplete the snow pack, ie., it does not also act as sublimation, nor does it affect
regeneration of infiltration capacity. The evaporation input to Runoff also acts as an upper bound for evapo-
transpiration losses from groundwater and soil moisture. Evaporation also occurs from open channels, ie.,
trapezoidal, parabolic or natural channels.

Direct Input
TEMP Interface File
Use Default of 0.1 inch/day
Direct Input (B1 - IVAP = 1 or 2)
This option provides for entering evaporation rates directly, as either a daily rate or a total monthly rate.

Evaporation (F1 - VAP)
Evaporation rate for the given month, expressed either as an average daily rate or a monthly rate (in./day [mm/day] or
in./month [mm/month]).

Daily Values (B1 - IVAP = 1)
This option specifies a daily evaporation rate in units of in./day [mm/day]. This option is ignored if 'Direct Input' has not
been selected.

Monthly Values (B1 - IVAP = 2)
This option specifies a monthly evaporation rate in units of in./month [mm/month]. This option is ignored if 'Direct
Input' has not been selected.
Temperature Interface File (B1 - IVAP = 4)
This option allows the evaporation rates to be read from the TEMP interface file.
Default Evaporation (B1 - IVAP = 0)
.This option uses a default evaporation rate of 0.1 in/day [3 mm/day].
Water Quality
Water Quality (Runoff)
If the water quality simulation flag (this flag) is ON water quality data can be optionally entered at each subcatchment
and the water quality related Global Databases are enabled. Otherwise water quality data cannot be selected from a
subcatchment or defined in the water quality Global Databases (ie. Buildup/Washoff, Erosion, Initial Loads, Pollutants
and Landuses).

The generation of non-point source water quality constituents (ie. pollutants) in storm water can only be included from
the Runoff module in SWMM.

Water Quality parameters include:
Pollutant List
Landuse List
Erosion (Optional)
Catchbasins (Optional)
Street Sweeping (Optional)
Dry Days Before Simulation

Several methods constitute the genesis of stormwater quality, most notably Buildup and Washoff. In an impervious
urban area it is usually assumed that a supply of constituents is built up on the land surface during dry weather
preceding a storm. With the storm the material is then washed off into the drainage system.
xpswmm Reference Manual

As an alternative to the use of a buildup-washoff formulation, quality loads may be generated by a rating curve
approach. Another quality source is catchbasins. These are treated as a reservoir of constituents in each
subcatchment available to be flushed out during a storm. Erosion of "solids" may be simulated directly by the
Universal Soil Loss Equation. SWMM adapts this method for storm events. A final source of constituents is in the
precipitation itself. SWMM permits a constant concentration of constituents in precipitation.

Many constituents can appear in either dissolved or solid forms and may be absorbed into other constituents. To treat
this situation, any constituent may be computed as a fraction ("potency factor") of another.

When conduits are included, quality constituents are routed through them assuming complete mixing within each
conduit at each time step. No scour, deposition, or decay-interaction during routing is simulated in the Runoff module.

Pollutant List
List of pollutants to be used in the simulation. Any number of pollutants may be defined, but a maximum of 20 may be
used in any particular simulation (This is the typical configuration but if errors are encountered the SWMM.PAR file
should be checked for the actual maximum number allowed).

The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the 'Pollutants' Global Database. To add a pollutant to the
"Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant list (left-hand list), then select the "Add" button. To
remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from the "Use Pollutants" list (right-hand list),
then select the "Delete" button.
Land Use List
List of landuses to be used in the simulation. Any number of landuses may be defined, but normally a maximum of 10
may be used in any particular simulation (This is the typical configuration but if errors are encountered the
SWMM.PAR file should be checked for the actual maximum number allowed).


The available land uses are those defined in the 'Land Use' Global Database. Land uses for the subcatchment 'Water
Quality' dialog are chosen from this list. To add a landuse to the "Use Landuses" list, highlight the landuse required in
the Landuse list (left-hand list), then select the "Add" button. To remove a landuse from the list select the landuse you
wish to delete from the "Use Landuse" list (right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.

Flag indicating erosion of suspended solids is to be simulated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation. When this flag
is ON, the Erosion Global Database is enabled and the subcatchment erosion data is used.

Erosion is added as an additional water quality constituent, so that one fewer Pollutants can be simulated.
Futhermore, if Erosion is simulated, at least one other (arbitrary) pollutant must be simulated. No particular soil
characteristics (eg. particle size distribution) are assigned to the erosion parameter, and its name is "EROSION", with
units of "mg/l".

Add Erosion to Constituent
Flag indicating erosion is to be added to the pollutant whose name appears in the button on the right (often suspended
solids). This list of possible Pollutants is defined by the 'Pollutant' Global Database. This addition is done before
pollutant fractions are distributed (see the Runoff Pollutant Global Database). If this flag is OFF, erosion is not added
to any pollutant, but is accounted for separately.

Maximum 30 minute storm intensity (J1 - RAINIT)
Highest average 30 minute rainfall intensity during the year, in./hr [mm/hr].

xpswmm Reference Manual
This typical catchbasin will be used as the single unit catchbasin when defining subcatchments. Each subcatchment
may have a multiple number of the catchbasins.

Catchbasins generally have a negligible effect on most simulation results. Although catchbasins contribute to a first
flush effect, the most important task in most simulations is to obtain a correct total storm load, to which catchbasins are
seldom strong contributors. Hence, excessive effort to define catchbasin parameters is seldom required.

Storage Volume (J1 - CBVOL)
Average individual catchbasin storage volume, ft^3 [m^3].

Recharge Time (J1 - DRYBSN)
Dry days required to recharge catchbasin concentrations to initial values from a zero load. The initial concentrations
are defined in the Pollutant-Landuse Dialog under the Pollutant Global Database.

Street Sweeping
Street sweeping data for calculating dust and dirt removal.


Start Month (J1 - KLNBGN)
Month of the year when street sweeping starts, 1 - 12.

Start Day (J1 - KLNBGN)
Day of the month when street sweeping starts, 1 - 31.

Stop Month (J1 - KLNEND)
Month of the year when street sweeping finishes, 1 - 12.

Stop Day (J1 - KLNEND)
Day of the month when street sweeping finishes, 1 - 31.

Street Sweeping Efficiency (J1 - REFFDD)
Percentage of dust and dirt removed by Street Sweeping. This removal efficiency is applied during the mini-simulation
that occurs prior to the initial storm or start of simulation.

Dry Days before Simulation
Number of dry days before the start of simulation. A 'dry day' is not well defined but may be considered as the number
of days prior to the start of simulation in which the cumulative rainfall is less than a specified value, eg. 0.1 in. [2.5
Snow Melt (Runoff)
If the snow melt flag (this flag) is ON snowmelt data can optionally be entered for each subcatchment. Otherwise
snowmelt data will not be able to be entered from a subcatchment or from the Snowmelt Global Database.

The general snow melt data defines the overall mode and degree of sophistication of computations as either single
event or continuous, the holding capacity of snow in general, and the average wind speed effects of the whole area.

Snow Melt is defined by the following parameters:
The simulation type - Single Event or Continuous
xpswmm Reference Manual
Free Water Holding Capacity
Wind Speed Data
Average Watershed Elevation
Impervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC1)
Percentage of free water holding capacity to snow depth (in. [mm] water equivalent) for snow on snow covered
impervious area.

Using this parameter the snow is treated by the model as a reservoir for liquid melt before it is released as runoff.
Pervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC2)
Percentage of free water holding capacity to snow depth (in. [mm] water equivalent) for snow on snow covered
pervious area.

Using this parameter the snow is treated by the model as a reservoir for liquid melt before it is released as runoff.
Single Event - Snow Melt Simulation
For single event SWMM, snow covered areas are constant (areal depletion curves are used only for continuous
SWMM) and input parameters are fewer. In addition, snowfall quantities are not computed on the basis of air
temperatures but may only be input, if desired, as negative precipitation intensities. Melt coefficients are constant and
there is no maintenance of the cold content of the snow pack, nor is there redistribution (ie plowing) for normally bare

For single-event mode, air temperatures are entered directly on a constant time interval basis.

Air Temperature (C5 - TAIR)
Air temperature during the given time interval, F [C]. Air temperatures are considered constant over the air time step.

Time Interval (C5 - DTAIR)
Time interval in hours between air temperature readings. This time interval is independent of the simulation time steps.

Continuous - Snow Melt Simulation
For continuous SWMM, areal depletion curves are used to compute snow-covered areas. Snowfall quantities are
computed on the basis of air temperatures. Melt coefficients vary daily, from a maximum on June 21 to a minimum on
December 21 (or vice-versa for the Southern Hemisphere). Melt coefficients vary daily, from extremes on June 21
and December 21. The snow pack cold content is maintained and redistribution (ie. plowing) for normally bare areas
occurs. Both models use the same melt equations and melt routing procedures.

In continuous mode, air temperatures are read from the TEMP interface file.

The parameters used to define continuous event snow melt are:
Areal Depletion Curve
Dividing Temperature (C1 - SNOTMP) -
Snow Gauge Correction Factor (C1 - SCF) -
Antecedent Temperature Weighting Index (C1 - TIPM) -
Negative Melt/Melt Coefficient Ratio (C1 - RNM) -
Hemisphere -
Average Latitude (C1 - ANGLAT) -
Longitudinal Correction (C1 - DTLONG) -
Free Water Holding Capacity Ratio (C1 - FWFRAC3 -
Areal Depletion Curve
The areal depletion curve (ADC) accounts for the variation in actual snow covered area that occurs following a
snowfall. In most snowmelt models, it is assumed that there is a depth above which there will always be 100% cover.
In SWMM, this depth (call it SI) remains constant. The ADC is a non-dimensional plot of relative area that is snow-
covered against snow depth (water equivalent) relative to SI.

The ADC curves are employed when the snow depth becomes less than the depth for 100% cover (SI).

Areal depletion curves are used to compute snow-covered areas. Snowfall quantities are computed on the basis of air
temperatures. Melt coefficients vary daily, from extremes on June 21 and December 21. The snow pack cold content
is maintained and redistribution (ie. plowing) for normally bare areas occurs.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Relative Snow Depth
This parameter is the ratio of the depth (water equivalent) of snow over the snow covered areas of the catchment to
the depth required for 100% cover.

Area Snow Cover (Perv) ASC (C4 - ADCP)
Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0 of the pervious area covered by snow.

Area Snow Cover (Imperv) ASC (C3 - ADCI)
Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0 of the impervious area covered by snow.

Dividing Temperature (C1 - SNOTMP)
Dividing temperature between snow and rain, F [C]. Precipitation occurring at air temperatures above this value will be
rain, at or below will be snow.

In natural areas, a temperature of 34-35F (1-2C) provides the dividing line between equal probabilities of rain and
snow. However, this parameter may need to be somewhat lower in urban areas, due to warmer surface temperatures.
Snow Gauge Correction Factor (C1 - SCF)
The snow gauge correction factor accounts for the error in snow gauge measurement.

The factor is usually greater than 1.0 (the gauge tends to underestimate the catch) and increases as a function of wind
speed. In practice, the snow gauge correction factor can be used as a calibration factor to account for gains or losses
of snow that cannot be determined from the available data. For example, snow losses such as interception and
sublimation can be accounted for.
Antecedent Temperature Weighting Index (C1 - TIPM)
During non-melt periods the temperature of the snow pack follows the temperature of the air, but with a delay, since
temperature changes cannot occur instantaneously. The Antecedent Temperature Weighting Index is an indicator of
the surface layer of the snow pack and is used to account for this time delay.

Values of TIPM <= 0.1 give significant weight to temperatures over the past week or more and would indicate a deep
'surface layer' (thus inhibiting heat transfer). Values of TIPM greater than 0.5 would essentially only give weight to
temperatures during the past day. The pack will both warm and cool faster (ie. track the air temperature) with higher
values of TIPM. A value of 0.5 has been shown to give reasonable results for natural catchments (Anderson, 1973).
Negative Melt/Melt Coefficient Ratio (C1 - RNM)
Ratio of negative melt coefficient to melt coefficient. "Negative melt coefficient" is used when snow is warming or
cooling below the base melt temperature without producing runoff.

Heat transfer within the snow pack is less during non-melt periods due to the presence of liquid water in the pack for
the latter case. This parameter multiplies the normal melt coefficients to produce a lower coefficient for use during
non-melt periods. The negative melt coefficient is usually <= 1.0 with a typical value of 0.6 for natural areas. Values
for urban areas are likely to be somewhat higher because of the higher density of urban packs. The higher the value,
the more rapid the heat gain or loss of the pack in response to air temperature changes.
The hemisphere item is used to indicate whether the average latitude is in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Average Latitude (C1 - ANGLAT)
Average latitude of watershed, degrees north or south from the equator. This parameter is used to compute daylight
hours for the catchment.
Longitudinal Correction (C1 - DTLONG)
Longitude correction, standard time minus mean solar time, minutes (of time). This parameter is used to compute the
hours of daylight for the catchment. Moderate errors in this parameter have little effect on the results.

Compute DTLONG as follows: Determine standard meridian (SM) for the time zone of the catchment (eg. in the USA
EST=75W, CST=90W, MST=105W and PST=120W). Let theta = average longitude of catchment, and delta =
theta - SM. Then DTLONG = 4 x delta. Eg. Minneapolis at theta = 93W has DTLONG = +12 minutes (of time). Note
that one degree of longitude is equal to 4 minutes of time.
Free Water Holding Capacity
The free water holding capacity of a snow pack is the volume of water (as a depth) within the pack that can be held as
liquid melt prior to releasing runoff. It acts as an intermediate reservoir; the larger its volume, the greater the delay in
the appearance of runoff following the conversion of snow to liquid water. Some available information is given in the
following table (from Anderson, 1973; Corps of Engineers, 1956).

Snowpack Conditions Ratio of free water - covered area
holding capacity
to snow depth on snow

Typical deep pack (> 10 in.) 0.02-0.05
Typical shallow early winter pack 0.05-0.25
Typical shallow spring pack 0.20-0.30
or with slush layer

Note that the fraction increases as pack density increases, pack depth decreases, slush layer increases, or ground
slope decreases. Snowpack depths are in units of water equivalent; one inch of snow water equivalent equals a depth
of approximately 11 inches of new snow on the ground surface.

Percentage of free water holding capacity is entered for both Pervious and Impervious areas.
Free Water Holding Capacity Ratio (C1 - FWFRAC3)
Percentage of free water holding capacity to snow depth (in. [mm] water equivalent) for snow on normally bare
impervious area.

Using this parameter the snow is treated by the model as a reservoir for liquid melt before it is released as runoff.
Wind Speed
Wind speeds are used for melt calculations during periods of precipitation. The higher the values of wind speed, the
greater are the convective and condensation melt terms. Of course, if the simulation covers a large area, the wind
speeds can only be considered as gross estimates of highly variable speeds.

TEMP Interface File
xpswmm Reference Manual
Read wind speed data from the TEMP interface file defined in Utilities.

Monthly Wind Speeds
Average monthly speeds are often available from climatological summaries.

Wind speed averaged for the given month, miles/hr [km/hr].

Average Watershed Elevation (C1 - ELEV)
Average watershed elevation, ft [m]. This is used only to compute average atmospheric pressure, and has a minimal
effect on results.
Print Control
Print Control (Runoff)
This dialog controls all the 'general' (not node or conduit specific) output options.

Inlet Results
General Results
Define Print Periods for General Results
Plot Hyetographs and Inlet Hydrographs
Inlet Results
This parameter controls the amount of output generated for each inlet in the system. An inlet is the drainage point for
any sub-network.

Print Summary at end of Simulation (B2 - IPRN3 = 0)
Do not print daily, monthly, or yearly totals.

Print Monthly and annual totals (B2 - IPRN3 = 1)
Print monthly and annual totals only, one year per page.

Print Daily, monthly and annual totals (B2 - IPRN3 = 2)
Print daily, monthly and annual totals, two months per page. Daily totals are printed whenever there is non-zero
precipitation and/or runoff.

General results
These parameters control the output of non-zero flows and concentrations from conduits or nodes flagged for output.
All printed values are instantaneous at the end of the preceding time step. Zero flows are not printed to avoid
voluminous output in long simulations.

Statistical summary only (M1 - INTERV = 0)
Print a statistical summary only, rather than detailed time step printouts.

Print every 'x' time steps (M1 - INTERV > 0)
Print detailed output to the text output file at the interval defined here.

Define Print Periods (M2 - NDET > 0)
Set the print periods to the periods entered below, for General Results.

Start Date (M2 - STARTP)
The print period start and end dates must be entered in a specific format. The date format is set by the
DATE_FORMAT variable in the SWMM.CFG file.

End Date (M2 - STARTPR)
The print period start and end dates must be entered in a specific format. The date format is set by the
DATE_FORMAT variable in the SWMM.CFG file.

Plot Hyetographs and Inlet Hydrographs (B2 - IPRN2)
Flag for whether or not to plot to a line printer, an inlet hydrograph and a hyetograph for each rain gauge.
Time Control
Time Control (Runoff)
Time control allows the entry of the simulation start/stop date and time and time step durations.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The Use Simulation Start Time for Rainfall Event check box applies to user input Constant Time Intervals and Variable
Time Intervals rainfall data. When the rainfall data specifies a start time, this check box is ignored.

Dry Time Step
Transition Time Step
Wet Time Step
Simulation Start Year , Month , Day , Hour , Minute , Second
Simulation End Year , Month , Day , Hour , Minute , Second
Dry days before Start
The total number of dry days prior to the simulation during which solids were not flushed from the system. This allows
an initial settled mass in each conduit to be computed at the start of the simulation for subsequent scour/deposition
Dry Time Step
Dry time step in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to the wet time step. The dry time step is used to update the
infiltration parameters, generate groundwater flow, and to produce a time step value for the interface file. The dry time
step should be 1 day to a week and generally longer in drier climates.

A dry time step is used when there is no precipitation or surface storage. However, there may be groundwater flow.
Transition Time Step
Transition time step in seconds. Must be less than or equal to the Dry time step and greater than or equal to the Wet
time step.

A transitional time step is used when there is no precipitation input on any subcatchment, but the subcatchment(s) still
have water remaining in surface storage. The Runoff overland flow routing technique loses water through infiltration,
evaporation, and surface water outflow during the transition periods.
Wet Time Step
Wet time step in seconds. Must be greater than or equal to 1.0 and less than or equal to the transition time step.

A wet time step is used when any of the subcatchments have precipitation input. Typically the WET time step should
be a fraction of the rainfall interval. Five minute rainfall should have wet time steps of 1, 2.5 or 5.0 minutes, for
example. It can be longer but information is lost by averaging over a longer time period.
Start Year
Year of start of simulation. Enter four digits of the year.
Start Month
Month of start of simulation.
Start Day
Day of start of simulation.
Start Hour
Hour of start of simulation.
Start Minute
Minute of start of simulation.
Start Second
Second of start of simulation.
Stop Year
Year of end of simulation. Enter the four digits of the year.
Stop Month
Month of end of simulation.
Stop Day
Day of end of simulation.
Stop Hour
Hour of end of simulation.
Stop Minute
Minute of end of simulation.
Stop Second
Second of end of simulation.
10.3 Sanitary Mode
Sanitary Mode Job Control
A full description of the parameters used by the model follows. This information is also available through the on-line
help facility described in Section 5. The bracketed description in each heading refers to the card number and variable
name used in the TRANSPORT data file.

xpswmm Reference Manual

This dialog defines data that is global to the whole Sanitary Mode simulation, and controls the simulation process.
The parameters used to define the simulation are:
Pollutant List
Gauged Pollutant List
Sewer Infiltration
Dry Weather Sewer Inflow
Removal Equation Variables
DO Cycle Simulation
Time Control
Print Control
Save ALL Results for Review
The first title line is shared between all SWMM modules. The second title line is reserved for the Sanitary Layer only.
Pollutant List (Sanitary Layer)
This flag and the associated dialog allows the definition of the list of pollutants to be used in the simulation. If this flag
is OFF, no pollutant routing is done. If this flag is ON, a list of pollutants is selected from the list of pollutants defined
in the Pollutants Global Database.


The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the 'Pollutants' Global Database. Any number of pollutants
may be defined, but a maximum of 20 may be used in any particular simulation. (This is the typical configuration but if
errors are encountered the SWMM.PAR file should be checked for the actual maximum number allowed). To add a
pollutant to the "Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant list (left-hand list), then select the
"Add" button. To remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from the "Use Pollutants" list
(right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.
Evaporation (Sanitary and Hydraulics Mode)
A flag in the Job Control controls whether evaporation data will be defined for the Sanitary and Hydraulics mode.
Evaporation data is only required if a Storage/Treatment plant (or BMP) or Storage Node is defined in the network.

Evaporation data is used within detention units in storage/treatment plants (BMP) and by Sanitary storage nodes.

Evaporation can also be computed in Hydraulics mode if the Evaporation is enabled and the configuration parameter
HDR_EVAP is used. In this case all nodes have evaporation computed based on node area. Since manholes have a
small area negligible evaporation occurs from them and storage nodes such as lakes and ponds have appreciable
amounts of evaporation computed. Total evaporation from nodes is reported in the output file in Table E19.

Monthly evaporation rates are required to correct for evaporation from storage treatment detention units.

Note that this data is not shared with the Runoff module, and so must be re-entered.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Monthly Pan Evaporation -
Monthly Pan Evaporation
Pan Evaporation Data is input as average values for each month in./day [mm/day]. This data is only required if there
are detention units in any storage/treatment plant or a storage node defined within the network. Values of evaporation
only need to be entered for the months during which the simulation occurs; others may be left blank.
Gauged Pollutants

This flag and the associated dialog allows the definition of the list of pollutants to be used in the Gauged Pollutant List.
If this flag is OFF, no gauge pollutants are shown. If this flag is ON, a list of pollutants is selected from the list of
gauged pollutants shown in the Pollutants Global Database.

The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the Pollutants Global Database. Any number of pollutants
may be defined. To add a pollutant to the "Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant List (left-
hand list), then select the "Add" button. To remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from
the "Use Pollutants" list (right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.

The pollutant load and concentrations may be generated in the Hydraulics, Runoff or Sanitary Layer, or read in from
an interface file.

Sewer Infiltration
This flag controls whether sewer infiltration will be simulated. If this flag is OFF, no wet-weather infiltration of sewer
drains will be assumed to occur. If this flag is ON, catchment-wide characteristics are selected from the Sewer
Infiltration Global Database. The total catchment sewer infiltration is distributed amongst individual conduits.
Dry Weather Sewer Inflow
This flag controls whether dry-weather sewage inflow will be generated. If this flag is OFF, no sewage inflow
calculation will be performed, although inputs can still be entered directly at nodes. If this flag is ON, associated data
requirements at nodes will be required, and computations will be performed to generate dry-weather sewer inflows.
Additionally, an overall Dry Weather Flow characteristic must be selected from the Dry Weather Flow Global
Database. This database type deals with temporal variations of generated sewer flows and pollutant concentrations,
certain land use characteristics, and gauged results to compare against for the total catchment.
Save ALL Results for Review
This flag will save all the results for nodes and conduits from analysis to a special file for later graphical post-
Options (Sanitary Layer)
This button provides for the definition of additional Job Control Options required for the simulation.

Kinematic Viscosity of Water
Total Catchment Area
Design Undersized Conduits
Kinematic Viscosity -
This flag controls the definition of kinematic viscosity for water. This parameter is used to calculate the settling of
particles transported in conduits throughout the sewer system. Kinematic viscosity is only required if any pollutant
used in the simulation has a scour/deposition relation, as defined in the Pollutants Global Database. If this flag is
OFF, the internal default of 1E-5 ft^2/sec [1E-2 cm^2/sec] will be used. If this flag is ON, the value entered in the
adjacent field will be used.
Total Catchment Area -
This flag controls whether a total catchment area, in acres [ha], is to be entered. Entering a total catchment area is
only required if dry-weather flow is being modelled, and an input SWMM Interface File is not used. If a SWMM
Interface File is used, this value will be ignored and data from the Interface file is used.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Design Undersized Conduits
This flag controls whether a conduit will be resized automatically by the model if it has insufficient flow carrying
capacity. When a surcharge condition is encountered (flow exceeds full flow capacity), the conduit is increased in size
in 6-inch [150 mm] increments of diameter (for circular pipes, or width for rectangular conduits), until capacity exists to
accept the flow. Conduits that are neither circular nor rectangular will be converted to circular if they need to be
resized. A message is printed indicating the resizing, and a table of final conduit dimension is printed at the end of the

The design operation will effectively eliminate surcharging but will also minimize in-system storage within manholes,
etc. The net effect is to increase hydrograph peaks at the downstream end of the system. This can create a conflict
between controls aimed at curing in-system hydraulic problems, and controls aimed at pollution abatement procedures
at the outfall that make use of in-system storage.
DO Cycle Simualtion
DO Cycle Simulation
This dialog is for

Removal Equation Variables
Removal Equation Variables
This flag allows the definition of variable names to be used in removal equations for Storage/Treatment plants. This
flag needs to be ON if there are any Storage/Treatment plants (or BMP's) in the network, otherwise it may be OFF.

The dialog contains the variable names to be used when constructing removal equations for a Storage/Treatment
plant. The variables are completely user-definable, but it is recommended that short mnemonics be used to identify
the combination of pollutant name and variable type.


The pollutants that appear in this dialog are those from the 'Use Pollutants' list in Job Control. Each variable name
must be defined and be unique. The variable names may be any combination of ASCII characters, without embedded

Initial Concentration
Removal Fraction
Initial Concentration
This column contains the user-defined variable names representing Initial Concentrations for each pollutant. It is
recommended that the variable name be a short mnemonic, perhaps comprising the prefix "IC" followed by a pollutant
This column contains the user-defined variable names representing Concentrations for each pollutant. It is
recommended that the variable name be a short mnemonic, perhaps comprising the prefix "C" followed by a pollutant
This column contains the list of the Sanitary Layer Pollutants, defined in the 'Use Pollutants' list in Job Control.
Removal Fraction
This column contains the user-defined variable names representing Removal Fractions for each pollutant. It is
recommended that the variable name be a short mnemonic, perhaps comprising the prefix "R" followed by a pollutant
Time Control
Time Control (Sanitary Layer)
This button provides for simulation periods and other flow routing control parameters such as convergence tolerance
and iteration limits that must be defined.

If the simulation period is greater than that defined in any input SWMM Interface Files, the simulation ends earlier,
controlled by the Interface File. Although there is no limit on the simulation length, output is geared towards single
xpswmm Reference Manual
events; daily or monthly totals are not printed and zeroes are not suppressed. Also, the start of simulation may be
superseded by that in any input SWMM interface file.

Dry Days Before Start
Time Step
Simulation Start Year , Month , Day , Hour , Minute , Second
Simulation End Year , Month , Day , Hour , Minute , Second
Routing Details -
Time Step
Size of the time step for computation in the simulation (seconds). The Sanitary Layer uses a constant time step. The
size of the time step does not have to correspond to that of another module, eg. Runoff, or of that defined in input
SWMM Interface Files. If the time step is not the same for other modules the input hydrograph and pollutograph
ordinates are estimated by linear interpolation of the input series on the Interface File. Interpolation is simplified if the
time step is an integer multiple or integer fraction of the Interface File time step. If the Interface File contains a
variable time step (eg. from Runoff), the shortest of the variable time steps should be used to compute the integer

Sensitivity tests show that the Sanitary Layer is fairly insensitive to time step size, except for very small values (10
sec). Between values of 2 minutes and 30 minutes, hydrograph ordinates varied by less than 1%. For very short time
steps, the peak flow moved downstream faster and showed some attenuation. Note that continuity errors can
occasionally arise if the time step is longer than about twice the travel time through any conduit.
Start Year
Year of start of simulation. Enter four digits of the year.
Start Month
Month of start of simulation.
Start Day
Day of start of simulation.
Start Hour
Hour of start of simulation.
Start Minute
Minute of start of simulation.
Start Second
Second of start of simulation.
Stop Year
Year of end of simulation. Enter the four digits of the year.
Stop Month
Month of end of simulation.
Stop Day
Day of end of simulation.
Stop Hour
Hour of end of simulation.
Stop Minute
Minute of end of simulation.
Stop Second
Second of end of simulation.
Routing Details
These parameters deal with accuracy and control of the flow routing algorithms employed.

Number of Iterations
This defines the maximum number of iterations allowed in conduit flow routing. This parameter helps to eliminate flow
oscillations. Flatter pipe slopes (less than 0.1%) require more iterations in the flow routing simulation to help dampen
these oscillations. Four iterations have proven to be sufficient in most cases.

Convergence Tolerance
The allowable error for convergence of iterative methods in the routing procedures (dimensionless). Convergence of
the flow routing procedure should not normally be a problem. The default value of 0.0001 will provide sufficient
accuracy with marginal extra computational effort. Convergence problems may occur when flow enters a dry conduit,
which may occur at the beginning of a storm with little or no baseflow. In this case, warning messages describing the
problem will be printed if the Print Error Messages flag in the Print Control dialog is ON. Continuity errors resulting
from this condition are usually very small (a fraction of a percent).

Print Control
Print Control (Sanitary Layer)
This dialog deals with control of the output sent to the text output file during a Sanitary Layer simulation.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Print Every 'x' Time Steps
Print Total Loads and Moments Only
Include Inflow in Input Hydrograph Printouts
Print Error Messages
Print Hydraulic Properties of Conduit Shapes
Print Every 'x' Time Steps -
This option results in printing input data and results at each element at each specified time step. The value entered is
the number of time steps between printouts.
Print Total Loads and Moments Only -
This option results in only the loads and moments for each element being printed. Results during the simulation are
not printed.
Include Inflow in Input Hydrograph Printouts
Echo inflow hydrographs in the output file.
Print Error Messages -
This flag controls the generation of error messages occurring during the flow routing simulation. Such errors may
result from non-convergence conditions, for example. Except in unusual cases, these errors will only indicate that a
small continuity error has occurred. These can usually be cured by shortening the time step. If this flag is OFF,
messages are suppressed, otherwise they are printed.
Print Conduit Hydraulic Properties -
This flag controls the printing of flow routing parameters for any of the conduits that may be simulated. If this flag is
OFF, the printout will be suppressed, otherwise about 500 lines of output will be generated. The output comprises
normalized hydraulic properties for each conduit type.
10.4 2D Settings
2D Settings - General
The 2D Job Control settings dialog has a tree control in the left panel. Use this control to display the desired section in
the right panel.


Check the box next to 2D Model Active to indicate you want xpswmm to calculate the 2D hydraulics.
Specify the 2D Time Step. This 2D Time Step is for all Grids when multiple domains are used. Different time steps
can be used by overriding the Time Step in each 2D Grid Extent. A good starting value is the cell size divided by 2 for
metric and divided by 6 for US Customary units.
Use the drop list to select a Landuse Category in the 2D Active Area. The list of available Landuses is in the Global
Database. These categories may be edited by clicking on Edit button.
Use the Default Area Type to toggle areas within the 2D Domain as Active or Inactive when not specified by a
polygon. Since Version 2011 new models have Active as the default area type (existing models keep their original
setting). Cells outside of the polygon defining the grid extents are always inactive and cells inside the polygon are
either active or inactive depending on this setting.
Set the minimum cell depth for a cell to be considered as wet in the 2D calculation.
Select the option to Always use double-precision solver. This is the default solver when 2D Rain polygons are used.
Check the box for 2D Inflow Capture to be included and select the calculation method.
Select 1 of 2 options for the Eddy Viscosity Formulation:
Constant user defined. It is not recommended that a value other than 1 m/s be used for the constant
viscosity formulations. The US Customary units are ft/s.
Use the Smagorinsky formula. The Smagorinsky factor is typically between 0.06 and 1.0.

The dialogs for additional 2D Job Control settings are:

Model Output
Folder Options
Advanced Settings
2D Inflow Capture

xpswmm Reference Manual

Use this dialog to specify the default method for simulating inflow from a 2D cell to a 1D linked node.

The Pre-2009 Method is:
Q = Area of Manhole (2D water depth Node Spill Crest)/2D time step

The alternative is a user-defined power curve.

Q (cfs, cms) = coefficient 2D cell depth (ft, m) ^ exponent

coefficient > 1
The inlet capacity setting at individual nodes may be defined with the 2D Capture Flow setting in the
Hydraulics Node D
Model Output


The Map Output Interval specifies the time interval used for animation of 2D results.

Check the box next to Mass Balance Output to specify that the cumulative mass error calculations are saved. A file
XXX__MB.CSV (where XXX = project file name) is created in the results folder. The file contains information at each
display time step. The time, inflows, outflows, volume, predicted volume error and the mass and cumulative mass
errors as a percentage for all 2D domains and each individual 2D domain are tabulated.

Specify the Results Type to be included in animations:
Head (HGL elevation)
Hazard (Depth Velocity)
xpswmm Reference Manual

The initial water level for all cells is set to the elevation specified.

The default value water level used to detect instabilities is 1 m (3.28 ft) higher than the highest cell elevation of all cells
(whether wet, dry or permanently dry). If the box is checked, the user specified value is used to detect instabilities.

2D Cell Checks
If 2D cells along the 1D/2D interface are lower than the Channel Bed:

Ignore Do nothing and allow the model to run with inappropriate
levels where 1D and 2D are connected, erroneous
results may be produced.
Report Only Model will not run if this situation happens and errors will
be produced which can be displayed using the
diagnostics layer. These messages are also contained
in the [model name]_messages.mif file.
Adjust (Raise if
Cell center elevation (Zc) will be raised up to the
interpolated Channel bed level. This fixes the model
from having the floodplain elevations below the lowest
river cross section elevation.

2D cell at 1D node connection is above 1D Node Spill Crest the 1D node

Ignore Do nothing and allow the model to run with inappropriate
levels where 1D and 2D are connected, erroneous
results may be produced.
Report Only Model will not run if this situation happens and errors will
be produced which can be displayed using the
diagnostics layer. These messages are also contained
in the [model name]_messages.mif file.
Adjust (Raise if
Cell center elevation (Zc) will be raised up to the node
spill level. This fixes the model from having the manhole
rim below the idealized ground elevation from the 2D

Notes: Units are m (metric) and ft (US Customary)
Node spillcrest levels can be set equal to the elevation of the DTM by using the generate ground elevations
from TIN command on the Tools Menu.
Folder Options

This dialog allows the user to specify where 2D data and results are stored. If unchecked, the results are written to the
same folder as the .xp fole.

Advanced Settings

xpswmm Reference Manual



This dialog is used to define the geographic projects for all GIS input and output.

Note: The projection must be in meters!

Header Delimiter specifies the field delimiter for the Header Projections input string

Header Charset specifies the character set for the Header Projections input string

Click on the Load from Mapinfo MIF file to upload this information.

Global Data
This command allows the management of databases of information that may be referenced from individual nodes or
links. This reduces data redundancy dramatically and associated problems of updating at many places when changes
are made.

Each global Database Type relates to a grouping of related data items. There can be any number of database records
for each database type.

Each database record has a name, which will be referenced from a node or link dialog (or Job Control), and a
description. Hitting the EDIT button causes the dialog containing the data for the highlighted Database Type and
database Record Name to be displayed.

Database Type
Record Name
Duplicate Record
Add Record
Rename Record
Edit Record
Delete Record

Global Database Selection
Global Database records are selected from a data dialogue associated with a node or link. For a field corresponding
to one database type, when you click on the selection button you will be presented with a list of all currently available
global database records.

In the example shown below, in the data dialogue for Sub-catchment #1 of Node MH1, clicking on the selection button
for Rainfall opens the Rainfall Global Data selection. Clicking on the selection button for Infiltration opens the
Infiltration Global Data selection.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The Database Type shown in the selection list box will depend on the context of the parent node or link.

Select Will select the currently highlighted record and display this name in the selection button of the parent
(calling) dialog.
Cancel Will cancel the selection and leave the selection button of the parent (calling) dialog unchanged.
Edit Will allow you to edit the information for this record of the Database Type shown. All nodes referencing
this database record will inherit the edited data.
Clear Will clear the database record name shown in the selection button of the parent (calling) dialog.
Rename Will rename the highlighted database record however all nodes referencing the existing database record
will have an undefined reference and will generate an error on solving if not individually updated.
Delete Will delete the highlighted database record and all nodes referencing the existing database record will
have an undefined reference and will generate an error on solving.
Duplicate Will create a copy of the highlighted database record with the existing name plus a .1, .2 etc suffix.
Add Will create a new database record of the name shown in the edit field below the record name listbox.

Record Name
This scrollable list displays the available records from the current Database Type. This list is manipulated by the
buttons on the right-hand side of the list. You can add, delete, rename, and duplicate records to this list using these
buttons. This list can be navigated in the same way as the database type list, ie. arrow keys, <page-up>, <page-
down>, etc.

The edit item immediately below the Record Name List contains the name of the currently highlighted database
record. Edit this item before adding or renaming a database record. This name will be used when the database
record is referenced from an Object or Job Control dialog.
Description of the database record. This item may be any meaningful description of the current database record of the
current database type. This field is for annotation, it is not used by the model.
Add Record
Hit this button to add a database record, of the currently highlighted type, with the name and description entered
below. Note that this action is not committed until OK is hit or another database type is selected.
Edit Record
Hit this button to edit the data for the currently highlighted database record. This button may sometimes be inactive
(greyed out), which indicates that, in the current context, editing of the currently highlighted database type is not
available. The following table indicates the conditions required to make editing available for each database type.

Database Type Conditions Required to make Database Editable

(R) BUILDUP/WASHOFF Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control is ON
(R) Erosion Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control is ON and 'Erosion' under 'Water Quality'
is ON
(R) Groundwater None required
(R) Infiltration None required
(R) Initial Loads Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control is ON
(R) Landuse Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control is ON
(R) Pollutant Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control is ON
(R) Rainfall None required
(R) Snow Melt Runoff 'Snow Melt' in Job Control is ON
(S) Pollutant Sanitary 'Pollutant List' in Job Control is ON
(S) Sewer DWF Sanitary 'Pollutant List' in Job Control is ON and Sanitary 'Dry Weather Flow' in
Job Control is ON
(S) Sewer Infiltration Sanitary 'Pollutant List' in Job Control is ON and Sanitary 'Sewer Infiltration' in
Job Control is ON
(S) Waste Stream Temperature Sanitary 'Pollutant List' in Job Control is ON
(SH) Temporal Variation None Required
(H) Pump Rating Curve None Required
(H) Pit Rating Curve None Required
(H) Hydraulic Brakes None Required
(H) Pavement Crossfalls None Required
(H) HEC-22 None Required
(H) User Defined File Types None Required
XP Tables None Required
(R) Rational Formula None Required
(H) Natural Section Shape None Required
Roughness Categories 2D model involked

(R) Runoff Layer, (S) Sanitary Layer (H) Hydraulics Layer

xpswmm Reference Manual
Delete Record
Hit this button to delete the currently highlighted database record. The action is performed when OK is hit or another
database type is selected.
Rename Record
Hit this button to rename the currently highlighted database record with the name entered. The command is executed
when OK is hit or another database type is selected.
Duplicate Record
Hit this button to duplicate the highlighted database record. This facility has not yet been implemented.
Database Type
Several types of database records are available; these are displayed in the left-hand side scrollable list below this
heading. As each database type is selected, the list of available records in that database is displayed in the list to the
right. This list is created and maintained by the user. The list to which keystrokes, such as arrow keys, <page-up>,
<page-down>, <home>, <end>, <insert>, <delete>, etc. will be directed is highlighted with a bounding rectangle. Either
list can be made the active list by clicking in it.

The available database types are described briefly below. (R) denotes a database used by the Runoff layer, (S)
denotes a database used by the Sanitary layer and (H) denotes a database used by the Hydraulics layer.

Database Type Description
(R) Buildup/Washoff Runoff pollutant buildup and washoff
(R) Erosion Runoff subcatchment erosion
(R) Groundwater Runoff subcatchment groundwater
(R) Infiltration Runoff subcatchment infiltration
(R) Initial Loads Runoff pollutant initial loads/unit area
(R) Landuse Runoff land uses
(R) Pollutant Runoff pollutants
(R) Rainfall Runoff subcatchment precipitation
(R) Snow Melt Runoff subcatchment snowmelt
(R) RDII Unit hydrograph parameters for Rainfall Derived Inflow/Infiltration
(S) Pollutant Sanitary pollutant data
(S) Sewer DWF Sanitary dry weather flow generation
(S) Sewer Infiltration Sanitary sewer infiltration
(S) Waste Stream Temperature Sanitary treatment plant temperatures
(SH) Temporal Variation DWF hourly and daily temporal pattern variation
(H) Pump Rating Curves Hydraulics Pump Rating Curves
(H) Pit Rating Curve Hydraulics Inlet Rating Curves
(H) Hydraulic Brakes Depth vs Flow Rating Curve
(H) Pavement Crossfalls Pavement cross-section data
(H) HEC-22 HEC-12/HEC-22 Curb and Grate inlet parameters
(H) User Defined File Types Hydraulics user-defined inflows
XP Tables Field definitions of tabulated data and results from all layers
(R) Rational Formula IDF and Runoff Coefficient parameters
(H) Natural Section Shape User-defined cross-section profile
2D Landuses Roughness values for polygons in the 2D domain

(R) Runoff Mode, (S) Sanitary Mode (H) Hydraulics Mode

11.1 Buildup/Washoff
Buildup/Washoff Global Data
Runoff 'Water Quality' in Job Control must be ON

Global pollutant buildup and washoff data. This Global Database is referenced from the 'Pollutant-Landuse Data'
dialog under the Runoff 'Pollutant' Global Database . Buildup/washoff characteristics are defined for each combination
of Landuse and Pollutant.

Several methods constitute the genesis of stormwater quality, most notably Buildup and Washoff. In an impervious
urban area, it is usually assumed that a supply of constituents is built up on the land surface during dry weather
preceding a storm. With the storm the material is then washed off into the drainage system.

As an alternative to the use of a buildup-washoff formulation, quality loads may be generated by a rating curve or EMC

Washoff is the process of eroding or dissolving of constituents from a subcatchment surface during a period of runoff.
Buildup Method -
Washoff Method -
11.1.1 Buildup
Buildup Method
Several methods of Pollutant buildup are available. The pollutant buildup can be directly related to the buildup of dust
and dirt, or may build up using a similar formulation with independent parameters for each pollutant/landuse
combination. Buildup need not be specified at all; washoff can be defined directly. Some Buildup and Washoff
methods are mutually exclusive. Where this is the case invalid combinations are greyed out.

Buildup - Landuse
Buildup - Time (JX - KALC = 1-3)
No Buildup (KALC = 4)
No buildup required. In this case, washoff is generated by a rating curve approach, with no upper limit.
Buildup Method
Three methods are available to calculate the buildup of dust and dirt on a sub-catchment:

Power Linear Function (J2 - METHOD = 0)
Calculate the dust and dirt buildup using the power linear function to the right of this item. Linear buildup is simply a
subset of a power function buildup.

Power Linear Factor (J2 - DDFACT)
The multiplication factor in the power-linear form. The unit of this parameter depends on the Buildup Dependency
option, as follows:

Dependency Unit of DDFACT in power-linear form
xpswmm Reference Manual
Area lb/acre/day^DDPOW [kg/hectare/day^DDPOW]
Curb Length lb/(100 ft curb/day^DDPOW) [kg/(km curb)/day^DDPOW]
Constant lb/day^DDPOW kg/day^DDPOW

DDPOW = Power in the power-linear form

Power (J2 - DDPOW)
The power in the power-linear formulation. This parameter has no units. Linear buildup can be simulated by setting
this parameter to 1.0.

Exponential Function (J2 - METHOD = 1)
Calculate the dust and dirt buildup using the exponential function to the right of this item. This form of buildup has an
asymptotic trend.

Exponent (J2 - DDPOW)
This parameter is the familiar exponential decay constant in units of 1/day. This type of relation will be evidenced by a
semi-log plot of buildup versus time indicating a linear relationship.

Michaelis Menton Function (J2 - METHOD = 2)
Calculate the dust and dirt buildup using the Michaelis Menton function to the right of this item. This form of buildup
has an asymptotic trend. Generally, this formulation rises steeply (in fact linearly for small values of time) and then
approaches the asymptote slowly.

Michaelis Menton Factor (J2 - DDFACT)
This parameter, in days, is interpreted as the half-time constant, ie. the time at which buildup is half of the maximum
(asymptotic) value.

Buildup - Landuse
(JX - KALC = 0) - Buildup of pollutant may be specified as a fraction of the dust and dirt for each landuse. The land
use names are those entered in the Landuse Global Database . If Buildup by Landuse is being used the Landuse
types must first be defined in the Landuse Global Database . The following table indicates the quantity of pollutant per
gram of dust and dirt for four Chicago land uses (American Public Works Association, 1969).

Fraction of Pollutant in Dust and Dirt
Total Total Total
Land Use Type BOD5 COD Coliforms N PO4
mg/g mg/g MPN/g mg/g mg/g

Single-Family Residential 5.0 40.0 1.3E6 0.48 0.05
Multi-Family Residential 3.6 40.0 2.7E6 0.61 0.05
Commercial 7.7 39.0 1.7E6 0.41 0.07
Industrial 3.0 40.0 1.0E6 0.43 0.03


Dust and Dirt Factor
Dust and Dirt Fraction (QFACT)
The Dust and Dirt Fraction is the quantity of pollutant in the Dust and Dirt. The units of this factor depend on the
pollutant units as shown in the following table:

Pollutant Unit Dust and Dirt Factor Unit

mg/litre pound/gramme [kg/gramme]
'other'/litre 10^6/gramme [10^6/gramme]
other ft^3 [m^3]

If the pollutant has units of 'other'/l (eg. MPN/l) the Dust and Dirt factor entered is in millions in order to facilitate the
entry of large numbers. If the pollutant units are 'other', then "buildup" of such parameters is rarely referred to; instead
a much more viable option is the use of a rating curve that gives load directly as a function of flow.
Buildup - Time (JX - KALC = 1-3)
Cumulative pollutant buildup specified as a function of time. This formulation is similar to the dust and dirt buildup
equations, except that units for pollutant buildup parameters depend on the units for the pollutant. If the pollutant units
are in mg/l, then buildup units are given as mass units. If the pollutant has units of 'other'/l (eg. MPN/l) the Dust and
Dirt parameters are in millions, to facilitate the entry of large numbers. If the pollutant units are 'other', then "buildup"
of such parameters is rarely referred to; instead a much more viable option is the use of a rating curve that gives load
directly as a function of flow.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Buildup Dependency
Buildup Function
Limit (QFACT1)
Upper limit for the pollutant buildup. The units for this parameter depend on the Buildup Dependency variable, as

Buildup Dependency Unit for Pollutant Buildup Limit
Catchment Area Q1/acre [Q1/hectare]
Constant Q1 Q1
Curb Length Q1/(100 ft curb) [Q1/(km curb)]

Q1 = Pollutant quantity, that depends on the pollutant units as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Q1
mg/litre lb [kg]
'other'/litre 10^6 [10^6]
other ft^3 [m^3]

For the Exponential or Michaelis-Menton formulations, this value becomes the asymptote; this limit is imposed for the
Power-Linear form.
Buildup Dependency
This parameter defines the dependent variable 'X' in the buildup equations formulated in this dialog. Pollutant buildup
can depend on the subcatchment area, curb length, or neither (the value of 'X' is always 1.0 in this case).

Buildup by Catchment Area (JX - KACGUT = 1)
Pollutant buildup is calculated using the landuse area (subcatchment area or part thereof).

Constant Buildup (JX - KACGUT = 2)
Pollutant builds up at the same rate regardless of the size of the subcatchment.

Buildup by Curb (Kerb) Length (JX - KACGUT = 0)
Pollutant buildup is calculated using the curb (kerb) length entered for the subcatchment, in units of 100 ft [km].

Buildup Function

Power Linear Function (JX - KALC = 1)
Calculate the pollutant buildup using the power linear function to the right of this item. Linear buildup is simply a
subset of a power function buildup.

Power Linear Factor (JX - QFACT3)
The multiplication factor in the power-linear form. The unit of this parameter depends on the Buildup Dependency
option, as follows:

Buildup Dependency Unit of Factor in power-linear form
Area Q1/acre/day^POW [Q1/hectare/day^POW]
Curb Length Q1/(100 ft curb/day^POW) [Q1/(km curb)/day^POW]
Constant Q1/day^POW Q1/day^POW

POW = Power in the power-linear form
Q1 = Pollutant quantity, that depends on the pollutant units as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Q1
mg/litre lb [kg]
'other'/litre 10^6 [10^6]
other ft^3 [m^3]

Power (JX - QFACT2)
The power in the power-linear formulation. This parameter has no units. Linear buildup can be simulated by setting
this parameter to 1.0.

Exponential Function (JX - KALC = 2)
Calculate the pollutant buildup using the exponential function to the right of this item. This form of buildup has an
asymptotic trend.

Exponent (JX - QFACT2)
This parameter is the familiar exponential decay constant. This type of relation will be evident by a semi-log plot of
buildup versus time indicating a linear relationship. Thus the unit of this parameter is 1/day.

Michaelis Menton Function (JX - KALC = 3)
Calculate the pollutant buildup using the Michaelis Menton function to the right of this item. This form of buildup has
an asymptotic trend. Generally, this formulation rises steeply (in fact linearly for small values of time) and then
approaches the asymptote slowly.

Michaelis Menton Factor (JX - QFACT3)
This parameter has the interpretation of the half-time constant, ie. the time at which buildup is half of the maximum
(asymptotic) value. Thus, the unit of this parameter is days.

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11.1.2 Washoff
Washoff Method
Washoff is the process of erosion and/or solution of constituents from a subcatchment surface during a period of

Washoff - EMC (JX-KWASH=3)
Washoff - Exponential (JX-KWASH=0)
Washoff - Rating Curve (JX-KWASH=1 or 2)
Washoff - EMC (KWASH\=3)
Event Mean Concentration. The amount of pollutant being washed off is proportional to the amount of runoff, although
the concentration varies from the mean using a given standard deviation. The EMC approach is a special case of the
'Rating Curve' approach, with a power of 1.0 and a coefficient which has a probability distribution with a given mean
and standard deviation. The EMC is assumed to vary with a log probability distribution.

This option is only available when 'None' is specified for the 'Buildup Method'.

Standard Deviation (JX - RCOEF)
Mean Concentration (JX - WASHPO)
Mean Concentration (WASHPO)
Mean concentration of pollutant in the runoff water, in the units defined for the current pollutant.
Standard Deviation (RCOEF)
Statistical standard deviation from the mean pollutant concentration, in the units for the current pollutant.
Washoff - Exponential (KWASH\=0)
Cumulative pollutant washoff is specified as an exponential function of time. This method requires some buildup of
pollutant to occur during dry periods prior to a storm. With rainfall, the pollutant is washed off with an exponential
relationship, ie. approaching the amount built up asymptotically. The quantity PSHED0 is the quantity of pollutant built
up, and thus available for washoff.

This option is available only when a buildup method other than 'None' is selected.

The variation from the simple exponential relation is that the exponential coefficient varies with the runoff in a power

Initial Buildup Quantity (PSHEDO)
Coefficient (JX - RCOEFF)
Power (JX - WASHPO)
Coefficient (RCOEFF)
The coefficient in the power equation for the exponent, in units of (in/hr)^-POW [(mm/hr)^-POW], where POW is the
power used in this equation. Note that the runoff rate is spread over the subcatchment in units of in/hr [mm/hr].
Power (WASHPO)
The power in the equation for the exponential coefficient.
Initial Buildup Quantity (PSHEDO)
The quantity of pollutant built up, and thus available for washoff.
Washoff - Rating Curve (KWASH=1 or 2)

The rating curve is a function of instantaneous washoff against instantaneous runoff. This method is generally easiest
to use when only total runoff volumes and pollutant loads are available for calibration.

The cumulative pollutant washoff will always be limited to the amount of pollutant built up if buildup has been specified
(ie. if the buildup criteria is other than 'None'). The maximum amount that can be removed is the amount built up prior
to the storm. Once the limit is reached, concentrations drop to zero, until dry weather allows buildup.

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Coefficient (JX - RCOEF)
Power (JX - WASHPO)
Coefficient (RCOEF)
The coefficient in the rating curve equation, with units of Q1/(cfs^POW) [Q1/cumec^POW],

POW = power in the power rating curve
Q1 = Pollutant quantity, that depends on the pollutant units as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Q1
mg/litre lb [kg]
'other'/litre 10^6 [10^6]
other ft^3 [m^3]

Power (WASHPO)
The exponent in the rating curve equation, non-dimensional. If this value is more than one the concentration of
pollutant in the runoff will increase as the runoff increases. Otherwise the concentration of the pollutant will decrease
as the runoff increases.
11.2 Erosion
Erosion Global Data
Global subcatchment erosion data. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been adapted for use in SWMM for
erosion computations. The adapted USLE estimates average soil loss for a given storm or time period.

Erosion is computed using factors 'K', 'C' and 'P' (soil factor, cropping management factor and control practice factor
respectively). A value of the "sediment delivery ratio" may also be included in the erosion computations. Since it is
merely another multiplier, if desired it may be incorporated into the 'K', 'C' or 'P' factors.

Erosion is added as an additional water quality constituent, so that one fewer Pollutants can be simulated.
Futhermore, if Erosion is simulated, at least one other (arbitrary) pollutant must be simulated. No particular soil
characteristics (eg. particle size distribution) are assigned to the erosion parameter, and its name is "EROSION", with
units of "mg/l".


Fraction of Area Subject to Erosion

Management Factors
Soil Factor 'K'
Control Practice Factor 'P'
Crop Management Factor 'C'
Area Subject to Erosion (ERODAR)
Fraction of subcatchment area subject to erosion. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0. This fraction is normally up to the
pervious fraction of the subcatchment and could indicate land that is barren or under construction.
Soil Factor 'K' (SOILF)
Soil factor, K, is a measure of the potential erodibility of a soil, in units of tons per unit of rainfall factor 'R'. This factor
can be estimated using an erodibility nomograph (Wischmeir et al., 1971). However, a preferable and often simpler
alternative is to use the soil survey interpretation sheet from the Local Agricultural Research Service and Soil
Conservation Service.
Control Practice Factor 'P' (CONTPF)
This factor is similar to the crop management factor except it accounts for the erosion-control effectiveness of super-
imposed practices such as contouring, terracing, compacting, sediment basins and control structures. Estimates for
this factor for construction sites are given in the following table (Ports, 1973).

Surface Condition with no Cover Factor P
Compact, smooth, scraped with bulldozer or scraper up and down hill 1.30
Same as above, except raked with bulldozer root, raked up and down hill 1.20
Compact, smooth, scraped with bulldozer or scraper across the slope 1.20
Same as above, except raked with bulldozer root, raked across the slope 0.90
Loose, as in a disk plowed layer 1.00
Rough irregular surface, equipment tracks in all directions 0.90
Loose with rough surface > 12 in. depth 0.80
Loose with smooth surface > 12 in. depth 0.90

Structures Factor P
1. Small sediment basins: 0.04 basin/acre 0.50
0.06 basin/acre 0.30
xpswmm Reference Manual
2. Downstream sediment basins: with chemical flocculants 0.10
without chemical flocculants 0.20
3. Erosion control structures: normal rate usage 0.50
high rate usage 0.40
4. Strip building 0.75
Crop Management Factor 'C' (CROPMF)
This factor is dependent upon the type of ground cover, the general management practice and the condition of the soil
over the area of concern. This factor is set to 1.0 for continuous fallow ground which is defined as land that has been
tilled and kept free of vegetation and surface crusting. Values for the cropping management factor are given in the
following tables (Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources, 1973).

Type of cover C Value
None (fallow) 1.00
Temporary seedings: First sixty days 0.40
After sixty days 0.05
Permanent seedings: First sixty days 0.40
After sixty days 0.05
Sod (laid immediately) 0.01

Rate of Max. Allowable
Application Slope Length
Mulch (tons/acre) C Value (feet)
Hay or straw 0.5 0.35 20
1.0 0.20 30
1.5 0.10 40
2.0 0.05 50

Stone or gravel 15.0 0.80 15
60.0 0.20 80
135.0 0.10 175
240.0 0.05 200

Chemical mulches
First ninety days * 0.50 50
After ninety days * 1.00 50

Woodchips 2.0 0.80 25
4.0 0.30 50
12.0 0.10 100
20.0 0.06 150
25.0 0.05 200

Note: * = as recommended by manufacturer
11.3 Groundwater
Groundwater Global Data
Global Database of subcatchment groundwater data. This group of parameters is referenced from individual

Groundwater flows only (no water quality) are routed. Infiltration may be routed through an unsaturated zone lumped
storage, followed by routing through a saturated zone lumped storage. Outflow may occur from the saturated zone to
conduits or may be lost from the simulation to deep groundwater. Evapo-transpiration from both the upper and lower
zone may also be simulated.

The groundwater table is dynamic. If it rises to the surface, the upper zone disappears and infiltration is stopped. If it
drops below the bottom elevation of the conduit, groundwater outflow will cease.

Any water routed through the subsurface zones will be clean and thus act to dilute concentrations in downstream

Upper Zone
Lower Zone
Use Conduit Depth
Constant Channel Depth (BC)
Elevation of Channel Base (H2 - BC)
Groundwater Outflow
Groundwater evaporation/transpiration parameters. Evapo-transpiration from the upper zone represents soil moisture
lost via cover vegetation and by direct evaporation from the pervious area of the subcatchment. Evapo-transpiration
from the lower zone is typically small compared to other terms.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Potential Evaporation available for subsurface water loss is the difference between total evaporation input to the model
and evaporation used by the surface routing.

Wilting Point (H3 - WP) -
Field Capacity
Fraction of Evapo-transpiration Assigned to Zone Fraction
Max Depth of Significant Lower Zone Transpiration
Wilting Point (H3 - WP)
The soil moisture content at which plants can no longer obtain enough moisture to meet transpiration requirements; they
wilt and die unless water is added to the soil. The moisture content at a tension of 15 atmospheres is accepted as a
good estimate of wilting capacity. Wilting point must be less than the field capacity, since it occurs at higher tensions.
The following table indicates typical values (Linsley et al, 1982).

Soil Type Wilting Point
(fraction moisture content)
Sand 0.03
Sandy Loam 0.07
Loam 0.14
Silt Loam 0.17
Clay Loam 0.19
Clay 0.26
Peat 0.30

Max Depth of Significant Lower Zone Transpiration (H4 - DET)
Maximum depth over which significant lower zone transpiration occurs, ft [m]. Lower zone evapo-transpiration occurs
after upper zone evapo-transpiration by removing the remaining fraction linearly as a function of depth to the water
table. If the water table drops below this depth no lower zone evapo-transpiration occurs.

Field Capacity (H3 - FC)
The amount of water a well-drained soil holds after free water has drained off, or the maximum amount it can hold
against gravity, expressed as a moisture content fraction. This occurs at soil moisture tensions of anywhere from 0.1
to 0.7 atmospheres; often the moisture content at a tension of 0.33 atmosphere is used.

Field capacity must be greater than the wilting point (since it occurs at lower tensions), and less than 0.9 times the
porosity. Typical values of field capacity are given in the following table (Linsley et al, 1982).

Soil Type Field Capacity
(fraction moisture content)
Sand 0.08
Sandy Loam 0.17
Loam 0.26
Silt Loam 0.28
Clay Loam 0.31
Clay 0.36
Peat 0.56

Fraction of Evapo-transpiration Assigned to Zone Fraction (H4 - CET)
Fraction of maximum Evapo-transpiration rate assigned to the upper zone. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0. The upper
zone evapo-transpiration is computed by multiplying this parameter with the available evaporation. Available
evaporation is the difference between total evaporation and evaporation used by surface routing.
Upper Zone (H2 - GRELEV)
The initial depth of the water table below the ground surface, ft [m].
Lower Zone (H2 - STG)
The initial depth of the water above the aquifer base, ft [m].
Use Conduit Depth (H2 - TW = 0)
This option uses the depth of water in the drainage conduit at the end of the previous time step to simulate the effect
of conduit tailwater levels on groundwater outflow.
Groundwater infiltration percolation parameters. Percolation represents the flow of water from the unsaturated zone to
the saturated zone, and is the only inflow for the saturated zone. The percolation equation is given by:

PERC = HKTH * (1 + PCO*(TH-FD)/(DWT1/2))
PERC = percolation rate (positive downward) (zero if TH < FD)
HKTH = hydraulic conductivity
* HKSAT = saturated hydraulic conductivity
* HCO = calibration parameter
* TH = moisture content
* PR = porosity
* FD = field capacity
* DWT1 = depth of water table below surface

Note that parameters with an asterisk (*) are entered as part of the groundwater parameter set.

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Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (H3 - HKSAT)
Curve Fitting Parameter
Initial Upper Zone Moisture
Coeff for Unquantified Losses
Average Slope of Tension vs Soil Moisture Curve
Porosity (H3 - POR)
Porosity expressed as a fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.

Porosity should be greater than the initial upper zone moisture in order to give a positive initial available groundwater
volume. Porosity is critical for percolation computations because of its role in determining moisture storage.
Initial Upper Zone Moisture (H3 - TH1)
Initial upper zone moisture expressed as a fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.

Initial upper zone moisture should be less than the porosity in order to give a positive initial available groundwater
Curve Fitting Parameter (H4 - HCO)
Hydraulic conductivity vs. moisture content curve-fitting parameter, dimensionless. This parameter can be estimated
from an exponential fit of hydraulic conductivity to soil moisture, assuming such data is available. This parameter is a
sensitive calibration parameter for movement of unsaturated water into the saturated zone.
Coeff for Unquantified Losses (H4 - DP)
Coefficient for unquantified losses, in./hr [cm/hr]. Deep percolation represents a lumped sink term for unquantified
losses from the saturated zone. The two primary losses are assumed to be percolation through the confining layer,
and lateral outflow to somewhere other than the receiving water. The model provides for a first order decay, typical of
water table recession curves.
Tension / Soil Moisture Slope (H4 - PCO)
Average slope of tension versus soil moisture curve, ft/fraction [m/fraction]. This parameter can also be used for
calibration, since it is likely that a better estimate of this parameter can be obtained than for the curve fitting (HCO)
Groundwater Outflow
Global groundwater outflow calculation parameters. Groundwater discharge represents lateral flow from the saturated
zone to the receiving water. To this end, a general equation is provided to formulate the groundwater flow. The
variables used in the equation are defined in the parent dialog. Note that if the water table becomes less than the
channel invert, then flow is set to zero.

Because of the general nature of the equation, a variety of functional forms can be approximated. A linear reservoir
can be selected by setting the Groundwater Flow Exponent (B1) to 1 and the Channel Water Influence Coefficient (A2)
and the Groundwater/Channel Water Coefficient (A3) to 0.

One very important rule to remember, regardless of the functional form chosen, is that the groundwater flow should
never be allowed to be negative. Although negative flow may occur in reality (ie. bank recharge), SWMM cannot
subtract flow from the channel, since flow routing is not coupled to groundwater flow routing.

A simple way to ensure positive groundwater flow is to set Groundwater Flow Coefficient (A1) >= Channel Water
Influence Coefficient (A2) and Groundwater Flow Exponent (B1) >= Channel Water Influence Exponent (B2).

Groundwater Flow Coefficient
Groundwater Flow Exponent
Channel Water Influence Coefficient
Channel Water Influence Exponent
Groundwater / Channelwater Coefficient
Groundwater / Channelwater Coefficient (H3 - A3)
Coefficient for the cross product of water table depth above conduit invert and water depth in the conduit.
Groundwater Flow Coefficient (H3 - A1)
Coefficient to the term dealing with the depth of the water table above the conduit invert.
Groundwater Flow Exponent (H3 - B1)
Exponent to the term dealing with the depth of the water table above the conduit invert.
Elevation of Channel Base (H2 - BC)
Depth of the channel bottom relative above the aquifer base.
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Constant Channel Depth (BC) (H2 - TW > 0)
If the 'Constant BC' option is set enter the average depth of water in the conduit for the duration of the run. This depth
is used to simulate the effect of tailwater levels on groundwater outflow. This option assumes a constant depth of flow
in the drainage conduit to simulate the effect of conduit tailwater levels on groundwater outflow.
Channel Water Influence Coefficient (H3 - A2)
Coefficient to the term dealing with the depth of water in the conduit.
Channel Water Influence Exponent (H3 - B2)
Exponent to the term dealing with the depth of water in the conduit.
11.4 Infiltration
Infiltration Global Data
Global subcatchment infiltration data. This data is referenced from individual subcatchments.

Infiltration from pervious areas may be computed by either the Horton (1933, 1940) or Green-Ampt (1911) equations
or as a uniform loss. Parameters required by the two methods are quite different. Depression storage is also related
to infiltration, especially for pervious areas. Manning's roughness relates more to runoff routing and is grouped with
subcatchment infiltration parameters.

Infiltration Method
Horton Infiltration
Green-Ampt Infiltration
Uniform Loss
SCS Curve Number
Depression Storage
Manning's Roughness
Zero Detention
Zero Detention
Percentage of the subcatchment impervious area with zero detention (immediate runoff), 0.0 - 100.0 percent. This
parameter assigns a percentage of the impervious area a zero depression storage in order to promote immediate
Depression Storage
The volume, in inches [mm], that must be filled prior to the occurrence of runoff. It represents the loss or "initial
abstraction" caused by such phenomena as surface ponding, surface wetting, interception and evaporation.
Depression storage may be treated as a calibration parameter, particularly to adjust runoff volumes. Separate
depression stores are required for pervious and impervious areas.

When a subarea impervious% value > 0 is used the subarea is divided into two components representing the
impervious and pervious portions. Horton or Green Ampt losses are only applied to the pervious portion of the
subarea. In some runoff procedures including the EPA runoff, kinematic wave method, and some unit hydrograph
methods currently excluding the time/area method also include additional depression storage loss. Impervious
depression storage loss is the only loss applied to the impervious portion.

Separate Horton or Green Ampt losses can be applied to both impervious and pervious portions of a sub-catchment
by defining two subareas each with impervious% set to 0 (zero). Then use the pervious parameters within the
infiltration dialog to define each impervious and pervious areas respectively.

Impervious Depression Storage
Impervious area depression storage, in. [mm]. Water stored as depression storage on impervious areas is depleted
by evaporation. A relationship for depression storage versus catchment slope has been developed as follows (Kidd,

Dp = 0.0303 * S ^ -0.49 (Correlation coefficient 0.85)
Dp = depression storage, inch.
S = catchment slope, percent.

Pervious Depression Storage
Pervious area depression storage, in. [mm]. Water stored as depression storage is subject to both infiltration and
evaporation. This parameter is best represented as an interception loss, based on the type of surface vegetation. For
grassed urban surfaces, a value of 0.10 in. (2.5 mm) is typical.
Manning's Roughness
The Manning's roughness for the subcatchment pervious and impervious areas. Values of Manning's roughness
coefficient are not as well known for overland flow as for channel flow because of the considerable variability in ground
cover, transitions between laminar and turbulent flow, very small depths, etc. Some estimates of Manning's roughness
are given in the following tables. The user is advised to refer appropriate texts for values applicable to their project.

The following table was compiled by Crawford and Linsley by calibration using the Stanford Watershed Model.
Ground Cover Manning's n*
Smooth Asphalt 0.01
Asphalt or concrete paving 0.014
Packed clay 0.03
Light turf 0.20
Dense turf 0.35
Dense shrubbery and forest litter 0.4

The next table was compiled by Engman (1986) by kinematic wave and storage analysis of measured rainfall-runoff

Ground Cover Manning's n* Range
Concrete or asphalt 0.011 0.01 - 0.013
Bare sand 0.01 0.01 - 0.016
Gravelled surface 0.02 0.012 - 0.033
Bare clay-loam (eroded) 0.02 0.012 - 0.033
Range (natural) 0.13 0.01 - 0.32
Bluegrass sod 0.45 0.39 - 0.63
Short grass prairie 0.15 0.10 - 0.20
Bermuda grass 0.41 0.30 - 0.48

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n* is akin to Mannings n but usually higher.
Green-Ampt Infiltration
Data required for using the Green Ampt infiltration method. Although not as well known as the Horton equation, this
method has physically based parameters that can be predicted.

The Mein-Larson (1973) formulation of the Green-Ampt equation is a two-stage model; the first step predicts the
volume of water which will infiltrate before the surface becomes saturated; from this point, infiltration capacity is
predicted by the Green-Ampt equation. The algorithm is described as follows:

f = i
IF i > Ks THEN
Fs = (Su * IMD) / (i/Ks - 1)
f = Fp
Fp = Ks * (1 + Su * IMD / F)

f = infiltration rate, ft/sec
Fp = infiltration capacity, ft/sec
i = rainfall intensity, ft/sec
F = cumulative infiltration volume, this event, ft
Fs = cumulative infiltration volume required to cause surface saturation, ft
* Su = average capillary suction at the wetting front, ft water
* IMD = initial moisture deficit for this event, ft/ft
* Ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, ft/sec

Note: parameters preceded by an asterisk (*) are parameters required to be entered by the user. Infiltration is thus
related to the volume of water infiltrated and the moisture conditions in the surface soil zone.

Average Capillary Suction
Initial Moisture Deficit
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
Initial Moisture Deficit
The fractional difference between soil porosity and actual moisture content, non-dimensional. This parameter is the
most sensitive of the three. Values for dry antecedent conditions tend to be higher for sandy soils than clay soils
because the water is held weakly in the soil pores of sandy soils. The following table gives typical values for various
soil types (Clapp and Hornberger, 1973).

Soil Texture
Typical Initial Moisture Deficit at Soil
Wilting Point (in.)
Sand 0.34
Sandy Loam 0.33
Silt Loam 0.32
Loam 0.31
Sandy Clay Loam 0.26
Clay Loam 0.24
Clay 0.21

For single event simulations these values would apply only to very dry antecedent conditions. For moist or very wet
antecedent conditions, lower values should be used. Note that since sandy soils drain more quickly than clayey soils,
the value for sandy soil will be closer to the above tabulated values than it would be for clayey soil for the same period
since the previous event.
Average Capillary Suction
The average capillary suction, in. (mm) of water is perhaps the most difficult parameter to quantify. The following table
summarizes several published values.
Soil Texture
Typical Values for
Capillary Suction, in.
Sand 4
Sandy Loam 8
Silt Loam 12
Loam 8
Clay Loam 10
Clay 7

This parameter can be derived from soil moisture conductivity data if available.
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, in./hr [mm/hr]. This parameter is the same as the corresponding Horton
Horton Infiltration
This dialog is used to define a Global Database record for Horton infiltration parameters.

Horton's model is empirical and is perhaps the best known of the infiltration equations. Many hydrologists have a
"feel" for the best values of its three parameters despite the lack of published information.

Horton gives infiltration capacity as a function of time as:

( )
t k
C 0 C P
e F F F F

+ =

Fp = infiltration rate into soil, in./hr (mm/hr)
Fc = minimum or asymtopic value of Fp, in./hr (mm/hr)
Fo = maximum or initial value of Fp, in./hr (mm/hr)
t = time from beginning of storm, sec
k = decay coefficient, 1/sec

xpswmm Reference Manual
This equation describes the familiar exponential decay of infiltration capacity evident during heavy storms. However,
the program uses the integrated form to avoid an unwanted reduction in infiltration capacity during periods of light

Special values of k are used to specify the:
Proportional Loss rate,
Initial Loss/Continuing Loss rate,
Initial Loss/Proportional Loss rate, or
infiltration methods.

Continuous Simulation

For continuous simulation, infiltration capacity will be regenerated during dry weather. The recovery of the infiltration
rate during dry weather is calculated by the equation:
( )
( )
w D
t - t k
C 0 0 P
e F F F F


kp = decay coefficient for the recovery curve = k REGEN
tw = projected time at which Fp = Fo, sec
REGEN = coefficient of soil regeneration

The value of for REGEN is typically << 1, suggesting that soil regeneration rate is much slower that initial decay rate.
The input of REGEN is located in the Runoff Job Control dialog. The default value is 0.01. Further information may be
found in Appendix V of the EPA SWMM Users Manual for Version 4.

Maximum (Initial) Infiltration Rate
Minimum (Asymptotic) Infiltration Rate
Decay rate of Infiltration
Max Infiltration Volume

Decay Rate of Infiltration, k
The rate of decrease of infiltration capacity k, 1/sec. This parameter is independent of initial moisture content. The
following table shows the rate of decay of infiltration for a range of parameter values.

Decay Rate
Percent of decline of
infiltration capacity towards limiting
value after 1 hour
2 0.00056 76
3 0.00083 95
4 0.00115 98
5 0.00139 99

k can vary between 0.67 to 49/hr (0.000186 to 0.0136/sec). Most reported values are in the range 3 to 6 /hr (0.00083
to 0.00167/sec). If no field data is available an estimate of 4.14/hr (0.00115/sec) could be used (Akan, 1993).

Proportional Loss rate
Proportional loss rates are applied by selecting the Horton loss method and setting the decay rate to 1.
The Maximum Infiltration Rate s then recorded as the proportional loss as a fraction of the rainfall loss to infiltration.

Initial loss / Continuing Loss rate
Initial loss / Continuing Loss rates are applied by selecting the Horton loss method and setting the decay rate to 2.
The Max Infiltration Rate and Asymptotic Infiltration Rate are then recorded as the initial loss (in. or mm) and
continuing loss (in. or mm /hr) rate respectively.

Initial Loss / Proportional Loss rate
Initial loss / Proportional Loss rates are applied by selecting the Horton loss method and setting the decay rate to 3.
The Max Infiltration Rate and Asymptotic Infiltration Rate are then recorded as the initial loss (mm/inch) and continuing
proportional loss (fraction of rainfall lost to infiltration) rate respectively.
Maximum (Initial) Infiltration Rate, Fo
The maximum or initial infiltration capacity, in./hr [mm/hr]. This parameter depends primarily on soil type, initial
moisture content and surface vegetation conditions. For single event simulation the initial moisture content is
important. The values listed in the following table can be used as a rough guide.

Representative values of Maximum (Initial) Infiltration Capacity, F0
A. DRY soils (with little or no vegetation) in./hr mm/hr
Sandy soils 5 127
Loamy soils: 3 76.2
Clay soils 1 25.4
B. DRY soils
Multiply values given in A by 2
C. MOIST soils (for single event simulation)
Soils which have drained but not dried out:
Divide values from A and B by 3
Soils close to saturation:
Choose value close to saturated hydraulic conductivity
Soils partially dried out:
Divide values from A and B by 1.5 2.5

Values of suggested by Akan (1993):

Maximum (Initial) Infiltration
Capacity, F0
xpswmm Reference Manual
Soil Type (in/hr) (mm/hr)
Dry sandy soils with little or no vegetation 5.0 127
Dry loam soils with little or no vegetation 3.0 76.2
Dry clay soils with little or no vegetation 1.0 25.4
Dry sandy soils with dense vegetation 10.0 254
Dry loam soils with dense vegetation 6.0 152
Dry clay soils with dense vegetation 2.0 51
Moist sandy soils with little or no vegetation 1.7 43
Moist loam soils with little or no vegetation 1.0 25
Moist clay soils with little or no vegetation 0.3 7.6
Moist sandy soils with dense vegetation 3.3 84
Moist loam soils with dense vegetation 2.0 5.1
Moist clay soils with dense or no vegetation 0.7 18

Minimum (Asymptotic) Infiltration Rate, Fc
The minimum or ultimate value of infiltration capacity, in./hr [mm/hr]. This parameter is essentially the saturated
hydraulic conductivity, or "permeability", of soils. The following table lists ranges of this parameter for various soil
groups (Musgrave, 1955).

Minimum (Asymptotic) Infiltration Rate, Fc
Hydrologic Soil Group (in/hr) (mm/hr)
A 0.30 - 0.45 7.6 - 11.4
B 0.15 - 0.30 3.8 - 7.6
C 0.05 - 0.15 1.3 - 3.8
D 0.00 - 0.05 0.0 - 1.3

Note that the Hydrological Soil Group corresponds to the classification given by the Soil Conservation Service. Well
drained sandy soils are "A"; poorly drained clayey soils are "D". The texture of the layer of least hydraulic conductivity
in the soil profile should be considered. Caution should be used in applying values from the above table to sandy soils
(Group A) since reported values are often much higher.

Values of Horton Equation parameters have been suggested by Akan (1993):
Minimum (Asymptotic) Infiltration Capacity, Fc
Soil Type (in/hr) (mm/hr)
Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty
clay, clay
0.00 - 0.05 0.00 - 1.3
Sandy clay loam 0.05 - 0.15 1.3 - 3.8
Silt loam, loam 0.15 - 0.30 3.8 7.6
Sand, loamy sand, sandy loam 0.30 - 0.45 7.6 11.4
The minimum (asymptotic) infiltration rate is often close to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil.
Max Infiltration Volume

Max infiltration volume is accumulative. The infiltration rate becomes zero once max volume is attained. Zero in the
max volume cell means that no max volume will be attained.
Uniform Loss

The uniform loss method allows for simulating infiltration as an initial amount followed by a constant rate.

The initial loss in. (mm) specifies the depth of rainfall that infiltrates before any runoff occurs.
The continuing loss occurs after the initial loss has been satisfied. It may be defined as an absolute value, in./hr
(mm/hr) or as a rate proportional to rainfall, 0.0 1.0.
SCS Curve Number

The SCS Curve Number Method for simulating infiltration may be used with the following routing methods:
Runoff (EPA SWMM procedure)
Unit Hydrography
xpswmm Reference Manual
Synder (Alameda)
A curve number is selected for the pervious area in the subcatchment.
The initial abstraction can be quantified as an absolute depth (in. or mm) or as a fraction of the precipitation depth.
When this infiltration method is selected, Depression Storage, Mannings n and Zero Detention % entries in the
Infiltration dialog are ignored.
For further in information see SCS Hydrology.

11.5 Initial Loads
Initial Loads Global Data
Global Database of pollutant loadings at the start of simulation. It is referenced from the subcatchments.

The name of pollutant comes from the Runoff Pollutant Global Database. The unit for the "Loading" depends on the
Pollutant Unit entered in the Runoff Pollutant Global Database.

The list of Pollutant names is defined in the RUNOFF Pollutant Global Database

Initial Concentration
Load per unit area or initial concentration for each pollutant. The area is defined in the Subcatchment Water Quality
dialog. The unit for 'load' depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for load
mg/litre lb [kg]
'other'/litre 10^6 [10^6]
other 10^6.ft^3 [10^6.m^3]

11.6 Landuse
Landuse Global Data (Dust and Dirt Buildup)
Global landuse data. This Global Database allows the definition of any number of land uses. The actual land uses
employed for a given simulation must be chosen from the 'Landuse List' button in the 'Water Quality' dialog under Job
Control. The land use names are used as column headings in the tabular output.

This dialog is used in the calculation of dust and dirt buildup (and removal by street sweeping) for the land use. In
turn, this is used in calculating pollutant concentrations, where pollutant buildup is specified by its concentration within
the dust and dirt.

If none of the pollutants rely on the landuse to calculate pollutant buildup then the landuse data is not important.

DD Limit
Buildup Dependency -
Buildup Method -
Street Sweeping
Buildup Dependency
This parameter defines the dependent variable 'X' in the buildup equations formulated in this dialog. Dust and dirt
buildup can depend on the subcatchment area, curb length, or neither (the value of 'X' is always 1.0 in this case).

Buildup by Catchment Area (J2 - JACGUT = 1)
Dust and dirt buildup is calculated using the landuse area (subcatchment area or part thereof).

Constant Buildup (J2 - JACGUT = 2)
Dust and dirt accumulates at the same rate regardless of the size of the subcatchment.

Buildup by Catchment Curb (Kerb) Length (J2 -JACGUT = 0)
xpswmm Reference Manual
Dust and dirt buildup is calculated using the curb (kerb) length entered for the subcatchment, in units of 100 ft [km].
The following table (American Public Works Association, 1969) displays measured accumulations of dust and dirt for
the Chicago area, as a function of land use and curb length.

Dust and Dirt
Land Use Pounds/Dry Day/100 ft-curb
Single Family Residential 0.7
Multi Family Residential 2.3
Commercial 3.3
Industrial 4.6
Undeveloped or Park 1.5

Note that this table implies that dust and dirt buildup is a linear function of time.

DD Limit (J2 - DDLIM)
Upper limit for the buildup of dust and dirt. The units for this parameter depend on the Buildup Dependency variable,
as follows:

Buildup Dependency Unit for Dust and Dirt Limit
Area lb/acre [kg/hectare]
Curb Length lb/(100 ft curb) [kg/(km curb)]
Constant lb [kg]

For the Exponential or Michaelis-Menton formulations, this value becomes the asymptote; for the Power-Linear form,
this limit is imposed.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping parameters are used to calculate the removal of dust and dirt for a landuse. This Dialog displays the
buildup of dust and dirt for a typical landuse during a dry period.

If this button is greyed out it can be reactivated by selecting street sweeping from within the Job Control, Water Quality

Availability Factor
Cleaning Interval
Days Since Last Cleaning
Street Sweeping Efficiency (JX - REFF)
Fraction of the pollutant removed by street sweeping. The effect of multiple passes must be included in the value of
this parameter. Removal efficiencies from a Street Cleaner path for various street cleaning programs are provided in
the following table (Pitt, 1979).

Street Cleaning Estimated Removal Percentage
Program and
Street Surface Total Pesti-
Loading Conditions Solids BOD5 COD KN PO4 cides Pb
Vacuum Street Cleaner
1 pass; 20-200 31 24 16 26 8 33 40
lb/curb mile total solids
2 passes 45 35 22 37 12 50 59
3 passes 53 41 27 45 14 59 68

Vacuum Street Cleaner
1 pass; 200-1000 37 29 21 31 12 40 59
lb/curb mile total solids
2 passes 51 42 29 46 17 59 68
3 passes 58 47 35 51 20 67 75

Vacuum Street Cleaner
1 pass; 1000-10000 48 38 33 43 20 57 63
lb/curb mile total solids
2 passes 60 50 42 54 25 72 77
3 passes 63 52 44 57 26 75 82

Mechanical Street Cleaner
1 pass; 180-1800 54 40 31 40 20 40 49
lb/curb mile total solids
2 passes 75 58 48 58 35 60 71
3 passes 85 69 59 69 46 72 82

Flusher 30 a a a a a a

Mechanical Street Cleaner
followed by a flusher 80 b b b b b b

Note: a = 15-40 percent estimated
b = 35-100 percent estimated
Availability Factor (J2 - AVSWP)
Percentage of the landuse area within a subcatchment where street sweeping is available. This may relate to the
percentage of curb available for sweeping when dealing with parked cars, for example.
Cleaning Interval (J2 - CLFREQ)
Average number of days between cleaning.
Days Since Last Cleaning (J2 - DSLCL)
Number of days before the start of simulation since street sweeping was performed. This parameter is used to
estimate the buildup prior to the start of the simulation.
xpswmm Reference Manual
11.7 Rufoff Pollutants
Pollutant Global Data (Runoff)
Global pollutant data. This Global Database allows the definition of any number of water quality constituents

In order to model pollutants for a simulation, pollutants must be chosen from the 'Pollutant List' button in the 'Water
Quality' dialog under Job Control. The pollutant names are used as column headings in the tabular output.

Daily Decay Rate
Add fraction
Landuse Specific Data
Options for concentration units are reasonably broad and broken into three categories.

mg/l (J3 - NDIM = 0)
This option defines pollutant units of mg/l. If this item is selected the unit label is ignored. All parameters for
which the quantity is measured as a mass should be suited to this option.

Most pollutants are measurable in this unit. Although parameters such as metals, phosphorus or trace organics
are often given as micrograms per litre, SWMM output is to 3 decimal places and is expected to be compatible
with typical values of these parameters.

'Other'/l (J3 - NDIM = 1)
Used when the pollutant has some per litre units other than mg/l. eg a bacteria count such as MPN/l. This unit
accounts for pollutants defined by a count per unit volume.

Other (J3 - NDIM = 2)
This option covers parameters with specialised concentration-type units such as pH, conductivity (umho),
turbidity (JTU), colour (PCU), temperature (C), etc. For these parameters, interpretation of concentration results
is straightforward, but "total mass" or "buildup" is mostly conceptual. Since loads are transmitted in terms of
concentration times flow rate, whichever concentration units are used, proper continuity of parameters is easily

Unit Label (J3 - PUNIT)
Unit used as heading for tabular output for units other than mg/l.
Daily Decay Rate (J3 - DECAY)
Decay rate of pollutant in units specified per day.
A reference to the Global Database of buildup and washoff data (for the highlighted Landuse).
Add fraction
This flag indicates a fraction of this pollutant in the range 0.0 - 1.0 is to be added to another pollutant. Many
constituents can appear in either dissolved or solid forms and may be absorbed into other constituents. To treat this
situation, any constituent may be computed as a fraction ("potency factor") of another.

Fractional contributions are added after computing and summing all loads except those resulting from precipitation.
The fraction added to the referenced pollutant will not, however, be removed from the current pollutant. If this flag is
OFF, then none of the current pollutant is added to another.

To (J4 - F1)
Reference to the pollutant to add fractional contributions to.

Fractional contributions are added after computing and summing all loads except those resulting from precipitation.
However, the fraction added to the referenced pollutant will not be removed from the current pollutant.
Landuse Specific Data
Part of the pollutant data is also dependent on the landuse. The data fields should be entered, in turn, for each of the
landuses highlighted.

Buildup/Washoff -
Linkage to Snowmelt
Concentration in Precipitation
Concentration in Groundwater
Street Sweeping Efficiency
Initial Catchbasin Concentration (JX - CBFACT) -
Linkage to Snowmelt (JX - LINKUP)
Constituent buildup during dry weather only when snow is present on impervious surface of subcatchment (for the
highlighted Landuse). For instance, if chlorides are simulated, they might only be applied for street salting when snow
is present but the rate of buildup will not be a function of the amount of snow. This flag will be ignored if snowmelt is
not being simulated, or no buildup is specified.
Initial Catchbasin Concentration (JX - CBFACT)
Initial concentration of pollutant within catchbasins (for the highlighted Landuse). Concentrations will be regenerated to
this value during dry periods. The time to recharge concentrations is defined in the 'Typical Catchbasin' dialog under
'Water Quality' under Job Control.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Concentration in Groundwater (J5 - GCONC)
Concentration of the pollutant in the groundwater (for the highlighted landuse).
Concentration in Precipitation (JX - CONCRN)
Concentration of pollutant in the precipitation (for the highlighted landuse). All runoff, including snowmelt, is assumed
to have at least this concentration. The precipitation load is always added regardless of the washoff mechanism
utilized. A summary of concentrations observed in rainfall is given in the following table (Brezonik, 1975)

Typical Range of
Parameter Concentration in Rainfall
Acidity (pH) 3 - 6
BOD5, mg/l 1 - 13
COD, mg/l 9 - 16
TOC, mg/l 1 - 3 (a)
Inorg C, mg/l 0 - 2 (a)
Color, PCU 5 - 10 (a)
Total Solids, mg/l 18 - 24 (a)
Suspended Solids, mg/l 2 - 10 (a)
Turbidity, JTU 4 - 7 (a)
Org. N, mg/l 0.05 - 1.0
NH3-N, mg/l 0.01 - 0.04 (a)
NO2-N, mg/l 0.00 - 0.01 (a)
NO3-N, mg/l 0.05 - 1.0
Total N, mg/l 0.2 - 1.5
Orthophosphorus, mg/l 0.0 - 0.05
Total P, mg/l 0.02 - 0.15
Pesticides, ug/l Few
Heavy metals, ug/l Few
Lead, ug/l 30 - 70

Note: (a) = data for Ft. Lauderdale (Mattraw and Sherwood, 1977)

11.8 Rainfall
Rainfall Global Data
Rainfall data is the single most important group of hydrologic data required by xpswmm. A hyetograph of rainfall
intensities versus time is required for the period of the simulation. For single event simulation, the data is usually
entered for a gauge directly as a synthetic design storm. For continuous simulation, an historical rainfall sequence is
normally used.

Each subcatchment references a single rain gauge. The data for each rain gauge may be input manually or defined to
come from an external interface file. It is allowable to use a combination of manually entered rain gauges and some to
be read in from an external interface file.

Spatial variability in rainfall is handled by assigning different rainfall gauges to different subcatchments. Storm motion
may significantly affect hydrographs at the catchment outlet.


When the Use Simulation Start Time for Rainfall Event box in the Runoff Time Control dialog is checked, input to the
start date/time boxes is disabled. When the rainfall data specifies a start time, the data in the date/time boxes is

RAIN Interface file (JK < 0)
User Input Rainfall

RAIN Interface file (JK < 0)
This option allows the rainfall data to be read in from an interface file (as specified within the 'Interface Files' menu
option), and is usually associated with continuous simulation.

The interface file may have been created by a previous run of the Runoff module or by the Rainfall utility. These
mechanisms allow use of National Weather Service and Atmospheric Environment Service data for many stations.
These time series are usually available in hourly or 15-min intervals.

Continuous simulation offers an excellent, if not the only method of obtaining the frequency of events of interest, be
they related to quantity or quality. Continuous simulation, however, has the disadvantages of higher cost and the need
for a continuous rainfall record.

Station Number (JK)
An integer number representing the rain station. Use the select button to read the station numbers from the interface
file and allow one to be selected.

If an error occurs reading the interface file it may be because the file is not in the expected format. If the interface file
was not created by xpswmm it may need to be converted.
User Input Rainfall (JK > 0)
This option allows rainfall intensity sequences to be directly entered. This method is most appropriate in a single
event simulation, where a "design storm" is used. Design events can be obtained by considering historical events or
generating synthetic events. Synthetic events may be constructed by the following steps:
xpswmm Reference Manual

1. A storm duration is chosen, either arbitrarily or to coincide with the assumed catchment time of concentration.
Note that time of concentration also depends on rainfall intensity and other parameters.

2. A return period is chosen in order to select the total storm depth for the specified duration from intensity-
duration-frequency (IDF) curves.

3. A time history, or shape, for the storm is assumed, usually on the basis of historical percentage mass curves.

4. The continuous hyetograph thus produced is discretised into a histogram for input into the model. Some of the
conceptual problems associated with this procedure for constructing synthetic hyetographs are:

IDF curves themselves may consist of components of several different storms, thus not representing the time history of
any storm. IDF curves cannot be used to assign frequencies to storm volumes independent of duration. Antecedent
conditions must be chosen arbitrarily.

Constant Time Intervals
Variable Time Intervals
Tipping Bucket Gauge
User Defined Rainfall
Constant Time Intervals

If constant time intervals is selected a fixed interval must be entered and a rainfall amount must be entered for each
interval, starting at time zero (the Start Time entered below).

Periods of zero rainfall must be explicitly entered as zeros. The list is open-ended and may be navigated by using the
arrow keys, <pg up>, <pg down>, <home> and <end>. The row number of the current cursor location is displayed as
the current item at the bottom of the dialog.


Time Interval
The time interval may be entered as hours or minutes depending on the option selected.
Minutes (KTIME = 0)
Enter the rainfall interval as a number of minutes.
Hours (KTIME = 1)
Enter the rainfall interval as a number of hours.
Time Interval (THISTO)
Number of hours or minutes between consecutive rainfall data intervals. This time interval should be at least equal to
the wet computation time step (from the Time Control dialog under Job Control), or an integer multiple thereof.
Information may be lost by averaging over discrete rainfall intensities.
Rainfall (RAIN)
Each rainfall amount is an Intensity or Depth for the sequence corresponding to the Item Number.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Intensity (KPREP = 0)
Enter rain data in in./hr [mm/hr]
Depth (KPREP = 1)
Enter rainfall data as a depth over the interval, in. [mm].

The start time of the top left item is the rain gauge Start Date and Start Time. The start time increases by the interval
specified as the item number increases. Any items left blank will be ignored rather than treated as zero. Periods of zero
rainfall must be explicitly entered as zeros.

Units are in./hr [mm/hr] for intensity OR in. [mm] for depth.

If single event snow melt is being simulated, snowfall during an interval may be entered as a negative value, in./hr
[mm/hr] or in. [mm] water equivalent.
This item allows the user to easily multiply the rainfall values by a given amount allowing input of dimensionless
temporal patterns. All rainfall values entered will be multiplied by this amount.
Variable Time Intervals
Rainfall data over variable time intervals. If variable time intervals is selected a start time and duration is required for
each rainfall amount. This option eliminates the necessity of entering zero values for periods of no rainfall. Care must
be taken to ensure rainfall intervals do not overlap. The list is open-ended and may be navigated by using the arrow
keys, <pg up>, <pg down>, <home> and <end>. The row number of the current cursor location is displayed as the
current item at the bottom of the dialog.

Cumulative Depth
Absolute Depth -
Hours (KTIME = 1)
Cumulative Depth (KPREP = 1)
This option defines rainfall data as a cumulative depth over the interval, in. [mm].
Rainfall (RAIN)
Each rainfall amount is a cumulative or absolute depth or an Intensity or Depth for the sequence depending on the
option selected.
Cumulative Depth (KPREP = 1)
This option defines rainfall data as a cumulative depth over the interval, in. [mm].
Absolute Depth
This option defines rainfall data as an absolute depth over the interval.
Intensity (KPREP = 0)
This option defines rain data as an intensity, in./hr [mm/hr].
The time interval may be entered as hours or minutes depending on the option selected.
Minutes (KTIME = 0)
This option defines rainfall interval start times and durations in decimal minutes.
Hours (KTIME = 1)
This option defines rainfall interval start times and durations in decimal hours.
Time (WTHIS1, REIN1)
The start time of the rainfall interval is the Rain Gauge Start Date and Start Time (as entered in the previous dialog).
This may be entered in minutes or decimal hours depending on the option chosen.
Duration ( WTHIS2, WTHIS3)
Duration of the interval of measured rainfall. This may be entered in minutes or decimal hours depending on the
option chosen.
Rain (REIN2)
Rainfall over the specified interval in in./hr [mm/hr] for intensity OR inches [mm] for depth.

If single event snow melt is being simulated, snowfall during an interval may be entered as a negative value, in./hr
[mm/hr] or in. [mm] water equivalent.
Tipping Bucket Gauge
This allows input of tipping bucket rain gauge rain data.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Date on which rainfall value was recorded.

Time at which rainfall value was recorded.

Total depth of rainfall since last value.

Start Date (TZRAIN)
The start date of the Rain Gauge data must be entered in a specific format. The date format is set by the
DATE_FORMAT variable in the SWMM.CFG file. This parameter is provided to assist the definition of an historical
Start Time (TZRAIN)
The Rain Gauge data start time can be entered in 12 or 24 hour formats, HH:MM or HH:MMpm. This parameter is
provided to assist the definition of an historical event.
User Defined Rainfall Data


11.9 Snowmelt
Snowmelt Global Data
Catchment snowmelt is a Global Database which can be optionally referenced from each of the subcatchments. The
parameters defined here are adopted for each subcatchment that references this Global Database.

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When snowmelt is simulated, a fourth sub-area is added to each subcatchment. Its main purpose is to permit part of
the impervious area to be continuously snow covered (eg. due to windrowing or dumping) and part to be "normally
bare" (eg. streets and sidewalks that are plowed or otherwise cleared). During single event simulation this sub-area
retains 100% snow cover until it has all melted. During continuous simulation an areal depletion curve is used.

Subcatchment surfaces are classified into 4 sub-areas as in the following table:

Snow Cover and Extent
Type Perviousness Single Event Continuous
1 Impervious Bare Normally bare, but may
have snow cover over 100%
of Type 1 plus Type 3 area

2 Pervious Constant fraction Snow covered subject to
of area is snow areal depletion curve

3 Impervious Bare Same as Type 1

4 Impervious 100% covered Snow covered subject to
areal depletion curve

During periods of no rainfall, snowmelt is computed by a degree-day or temperature index equation.

SMELT = snowmelt rate, in./hr [mm/hr] water equivalent.
DHM = melt coefficient, in./hrF [mm/hrC] water equivalent.
TA = air temperature, F [C].
TBASE = snowmelt base temperature, F [C].

There is no melt when TA <= TBASE.

Initial Snow Depth
Initial Free Water
Base Temperature
Single Event Snowmelt Data
Continuous Simulation Snowmelt Data
Initial Free Water (I1 - FW1)
Initial free water on snow covered pervious and impervious areas respectively, in. [mm]. No liquid runoff will leave the
snow pack until its free water holding capacity (due to its porosity) has been exceeded. The initial free water (FW)
should maintain the relation:

FWFRAC = fraction of snow depth, from Job Control
WSNOW = initial snow depth

Initial Snow Depth (I1 - WSNOW1)
Initial snow depth of the pervious and impervious areas respectively that is normally snow covered, in. [mm] water
equivalent. This is likely to be the only source of snow for a single event simulation although snowfall may also be
added as negative precipitation. During continuous simulation, the effect of initial conditions will die out, given a
simulation of a few months.
Base Temperature (I1 - TBASE1)
Temperature (F [C]) at which snow will begin to melt on a snow covered pervious and impervious areas respectively.
Single Event Snowmelt Data
This button leads to additional snow-melt parameters for the single event mode. This button is made active by
selecting the 'Single Event' option from the 'Snow Melt' Dialog under Job Control.

Fraction 100% Covered
Fraction of pervious and impervious areas remaining 100% snow covered.

Melt Coefficient
Melt coefficient for snow covered pervious and impervious areas, in./hrF [mm/hrC] water equivalents. The melt
coefficient is constant.
Continuous Simulation Snowmelt Data
This button leads to additional snow-melt parameters for the continuous mode. This button is made active by
selecting the 'Continuous' option from the 'Snow Melt' Dialog under Job Control.

Global data for continuous snowmelt simulation consists of information concerning plowing (or similar clearing),
normally snow covered area and normally bare impervious surfaces.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Each subcatchment that references the current Snowmelt Global Database adopts these parameters.

Snow Covered Area
Normally Bare Impervious Area
Snow Covered Area
Mandatory data relating to the subcatchment Snow Covered Area. This part of a catchment is continuously snow
covered, due to windrowing or dumping for example. During continuous simulation, the whole pervious area is subject
to the areal depletion curve.

June 21 Melt Coeff.
December 21 Melt Coeff.
Min. Snow Depth for 100% Cover
Fraction Subject to Areal Depletion
Min. Depth for 100% Cover (Impervious) (I2 - SI1)
Snow depth above which there is 100 percent snow cover on snow covered pervious and impervious areas, in. [mm]
water equivalent.
December 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMIN3)
Minimum annual melt coefficient for normally bare impervious area, in./hrF [mm/hrC] (Maximum if in the Southern
Hemisphere) The melt coefficient varies sinusoidally to reflect seasonal changes.
June 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMAX3)
Maximum annual melt coefficient for normally bare impervious area, in./hrF [mm/hrC] (Minimum if in the Southern
Hemisphere). The melt coefficient varies sinusoidally to reflect seasonal changes.
December 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious) (I2 - DHMIN1)
Minimum annual melt coefficient for snow covered pervious and impervious areas, in./hrF [mm/hrC] water
equivalents (Maximum if in the Southern Hemisphere). The melt coefficient varies sinusoidally to reflect seasonal
June 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious Area) (I1 - DHMAX1)
Maximum annual melt coefficient for snow covered pervious and impervious areas, in./hrF [mm/hrC] water
equivalents (Minimum if in the Southern Hemisphere). The melt coefficient varies sinusoidally to reflect seasonal
Areal Depletion Fraction (I1 - SNN1)
Fraction of impervious area subject to areal depletion. All of the pervious area is subject to areal depletion.
Normally Bare Impervious Area
Mandatory data relating to the Normally Bare Impervious Area.

"Normally Bare" implies surfaces such as roads and footpaths that receive snowfall but are subject to early snow

Initial Snow Depth
Initial Free Water
Snow Melt Base Temperature
Initial Snow Depth
Initial Free Water
Initial Snow Depth (I2 - WSNOW3)
Initial depth of snow on normally bare impervious area, in. [mm] water equivalent. During continuous simulation, the
effect of initial conditions will die out, given a simulation of a few months.
Initial Free Water (I2 - FW3)
Initial free water on normally bare impervious area, in. [mm]. No liquid runoff will leave the snow pack until its free
water holding capacity (due to its porosity) has been exceeded.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Snow Melt Base Temp (I2 - TBASE3)
Temperature (F [C]) at which snow will begin to melt on a normally bare impervious area.
Mandatory data relating to the Snow Plowing.

SWMM allows snow that falls on the normally bare impervious areas to be redistributed to other parts of a
subcatchment or out of the system. This is intended to simulate plowing and snow removal practices in urban areas.

The snow plowing data required is the depth of snow at which plowing will be instigated and the distribution of the
plowed snow. The sum of the four distribution fractions must total exactly 1.0.

No pollutants are transferred with the snow. The transfers are assumed to have no effect on pollutant washoff and
generation. In addition, all the parameters of this process remain constant throughout the simulation and can only
represent averages over a snow season.

The redistribution simulation does not account for snow management processes using chemicals, eg. roadway salting.
This is handled using the melt equations.

Snow Covered Imp. Area
Snow Covered Perv. Area
Out of Catchment
Immediate Melt
Minimum Depth to Instigate Plowing
Out of Catchment (I2 - SFRAC4)
Fraction of plowed snow being transferred out of the subcatchment. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.
Immediate Melt (I2 - SFRAC5)
Fraction of plowed snow melting ie. not being transferred to any of the regions. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.
Plowing Snow Depth (I2 - WEPLOW)
Depth of snow (in. [mm] water equivalent) before snow plowing will be instigated. Once plowing is initiated it is
assumed that snow will be plowed to zero depth and distributed according to the fractions above. Some guidelines for
the value of this snow depth are provided in the following table (Richardson et al, 1974).

Snow depth to Max Snow Depth
Road Classification Start Plowing on Pavement
(inches) (inches)
1. Low-Speed Multilane 0.5-1 1
Urban Expressway
2. High Speed
4-lane Divided Highways 1 2
ADT > 10,000
3. Primary Highways 1 2.5
ADT 500-5000
4. Secondary Roads 2 3
ADT < 500

Snow Covered Imp. Area (I2 - SFRAC1)
Fraction of plowed snow being transferred to the snow covered impervious area. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.
Snow Covered Perv. Area (I2 - SFRAC2)
Fraction of plowed snow being transferred to the snow covered pervious area. Fraction in the range 0.0 - 1.0.
11.10 Sanitary Pollutant
Pollutant Global Data (Sanitary)
This dialog contains pollutant-specific information that the Sanitary layer uses when displaying and routing pollutants.
Pollutant names and basic descriptions are shared between Runoff and Sanitary modes. The list of pollutants to be
used in analysis is, however, defined independently for the Runoff and Sanitary layers. The 'Pollutant List' item in Job
Control controls the list of pollutants for analysis.

Water quality routing through conduits in both the Sanitary and Runoff layers is accomplished by assuming complete
mixing within the conduit in the manner of a continuously stirred tank reactor. With this procedure, the concentration
of the pollutant in the conduit is assumed to be equal to the outflow concentration. The calculations are based on a
mass balance, under the assumption that pollutants are removed at a rate proportional to the concentration in the
conduit. An integrated form of the solution to the governing equation is used to avoid inaccuracies due to relatively
small conduit volumes.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Daily Decay Rate
Dry Weather Flow Generation
Options for concentration units are reasonably broad and broken into three categories.

mg/l (J3 - NDIM = 0)
This option defines pollutant units of mg/l. If this item is selected the unit label is ignored. All parameters for which the
quantity is measured as a mass should be suited to this option.

Most pollutants are measurable in this unit. Although parameters such as metals, phosphorus or trace organics are
often given as micrograms per litre, SWMM output is to 3 decimal places and is expected to be compatible with typical
values of these parameters.

'Other'/l (J3 - NDIM = 1)
Used when the pollutant has some per litre units other than mg/l. eg a bacteria count such as MPN/l. This unit accounts
for pollutants defined by a count per unit volume.

Other (J3 - NDIM = 2)
This option covers parameters with specialised concentration-type units such as pH, conductivity (umho), turbidity
(JTU), color (PCU), temperature (C), etc. For these parameters, interpretation of concentration results is
straightforward, but "total mass" or "buildup" is mostly conceptual. Since loads are transmitted in terms of concentration
times flow rate, regardless of the concentration units used, proper continuity of parameters is easily maintained.

Unit Label (J3 - PUNIT)
Unit used as heading for tabular output for units other than mg/l.

Dry Weather Flow Generation
These parameters control the method used to generate sub-area dry weather loads.

Use Volume Rate
If this option is selected dry weather loads from sub-areas are based on a load per unit volume.

Use Per Capita Rate
If this option is selected dry weather loads from sub-areas are based on a load per capital rate.
Daily Decay Rate (J3 - DECAY)
Decay rate of pollutant in units specified per day.
If this flag is ON, Scour/Deposition is modelled for this pollutant during conduit routing. Scour/deposition relates to the
deposition of material during dry-weather flow and subsequent scour during wet-weather flow. This phenomenon is
assumed to form a significant contribution of solids to combined sewer overflows, and is also evident in the first flush
(high solids concentrations at the beginning of storm events) found in many sewer systems.


Particle Size
Percentage Greater
Specific Gravity
Max Size for Dry Weather Flow

The Sanitary layer utilises a fixed particle size and specific gravity distribution for each pollutant characterised this
way. This distribution is applied to source pollutant loads entering a conduit. The Sanitary layer maintains a time
history of the maximum particle size in suspension and the minimum particle size in the bed for each conduit. Mass-
weighted values of the particle size distribution of particles in motion are routed downstream for entry into subsequent

Several assumptions are made in the development of the algorithm. Solids in the sewer system are assumed to
behave like ideal non-cohesive sediment. No distinction is made between particle size and specific gravity
distributions resulting from different pollutant sources, eg. dry-weather flow and storm water. Only one distribution is
used for each pollutant. Shields criterion is used to determine the dividing particle size between motion and no
motion. Once in motion, no distinction is made between bed and suspended load. Particles in motion (suspension)
are routed downstream in each conduit by complete mixing, in the same manner as other pollutants.

When a critical diameter is determined for scour, all particles having a diameter smaller than the critical diameter are
eroded. Armouring or erosion of the bed layers is not simulated. Scour-deposition is considered only in conduits, it is
not simulated in non-conduits, or Storage nodes. The effect of deposited sediment on the bed geometry is not
considered. When the hydraulic radius (an important parameter) is calculated to determine the critical diameter for
motion, the bed is assumed to have the geometry of the conduit. This may lead to some underestimation of deposited
material, mainly at low flows.

For each conduit, the critical diameter is determined as a function of velocity, roughness and specific gravity. At the
same time, the maximum diameter of the suspended fraction and the minimum diameter of the settled fraction is
maintained. If the critical diameter is less than the maximum of the suspended material, more is settled; similarly, if
the critical diameter is greater than the minimum of the settled material, more is suspended.

Continuity of pollutant mass is maintained during scour and deposition. In addition, larger particles can settle
upstream in flat conduits and be unavailable for downstream settling. No layering within the sediment is possible; a
uniform distribution with sediment depth is assumed.

Particle Size
Each entry in the column below represents a particle size division, in mm. Only the metric unit is available.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Percentage Greater
This data represents the percentage of the particle size distribution that is above the particle size in the adjacent
Max Size for Dry Weather Flow
The maximum particle size contained in dry-weather flow input, in mm. Only the metric unit is available. This will apply
to direct inflows into manholes or inflows generated by the dry-weather flow module.
Specific Gravity
The average specific gravity for the given particle size range. Decreasing specific gravities increases the amount
suspended. Typical values of specific gravities of particulate matter in sewers range from 1.1 for volatile matter to 2.7
for sand and grit.
11.11 Sewer Dry Weather Flow
Sewer Dry Weather Flow Global Data
Dry weather flow can be generated for sub-areas in the network from pre-defined residential, commercial, and
industrial urban areas.

Sewage inflow estimates are made at discrete locations along the trunk sewers of any specified drainage basin.
These estimates are calculated from data describing drainage basin subdivisions (referred to as sub-areas) under
which the trunk sewer passes. Dry weather flow calculations are unnecessary when modelling separate storm sewers,
unless it is desired to generate a base flow with dry weather flow characteristics.

This version of xpswmm allows one such sub-area per node, so that the predominant land use category loading the
trunk sewer must be defined. The model calculates a daily sewage flow and pollutant concentration averaged over the
entire year for each sub-area. If study area data is available, the estimates for individual sub-areas are adjusted by a
constant fraction to match the total area records. These estimates are adjusted during the simulation by factors that
depend on the day of the week and hour of the day, to account for temporal variation.

This dialog allows the definition of these daily and hourly temporal variations, and the total study area data to which
estimated sub-area flows will be adjusted by the model to match.

Pollutant Temporal Variation
Flow Temporal Variation
Study Area Data
Study Area Flow and Loads
Use Measurements
Use Default Rates
Temporal Variation
This button allows for the definition of daily and hourly temporal correction factors for the dry weather flows generated.
The factors are ratios of the actual value to the average value for the time period. These numbers may be derived
from observed flow variation patterns.

Daily Multiplier
Hourly Multiplier
Pollutant Temporal Variation
This button allows for the definition of daily and hourly correction factors for the pollutant loads generated from dry
weather flow. The pollutant list shown is that defined in the Sanitary or Hydraulics Pollutant Global Database.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Daily Multiplier
Hourly Multiplier

Daily Multiplier
Multiplier of the average daily value for the value on a particular day of the week. In other words, the ratio of the daily
value to the mean daily value. Typical flow variations are shown in the following table:

Day Ratio of Mean Flow
Sunday 0.96
Monday 1.08
Tuesday 1.04
Wednesday 0.92
Thursday 1.03
Friday 1.00
Saturday 0.96
Hourly Multiplier
Multiplier of the average hourly value for the value on a particular hour in the day. i.e. the ratio of the hourly value to
the mean hourly value. A representative hourly flow variation is shown in the following table:

Hour of Day Ratio of Mean Flow
12 am 0.62
1 0.52
2 0.50
3 0.50
4 0.52
5 0.77
6 0.77
7 1.38
8 1.48
9 1.48
10 1.38
11 1.38
12 noon 1.35
1 pm 1.30
2 1.30
3 1.20
4 1.20
5 1.10
6 1.10
7 0.95
8 0.95
9 0.80
10 0.80
11 0.60

Temporal Variation - Pollutant
This dialog deals with the daily and hourly correction factors for pollutant loads. The factors are ratios of the actual
value to the average value for the time period. These numbers may be derived from observed load variation patterns.

Daily Multiplier
Hourly Multiplier -
Daily Multiplier
Multiplier of the average daily value for the value on a particular day of the week. i.e. the ratio of the daily value to the
mean daily value. Typical daily flow variations are shown in the following table:

Day Ratio of Mean Flow
Sunday 0.96
Monday 1.08
Tuesday 1.04
Wednesday 0.92
Thursday 1.03
Friday 1.00
xpswmm Reference Manual
Saturday 0.96

Hourly Multiplier
Multiplier of the average hourly value for the value on a particular hour in the day. In other words, the ratio of the
hourly value to the mean hourly value. A representative hourly flow variation is shown in the following table:

Hour of Day Ratio of Mean Flow
12 am 0.62
1 0.52
2 0.50
3 0.50
4 0.52
5 0.77
6 0.77
7 1.38
8 1.48
9 1.48
10 1.38
11 1.38
12 noon 1.35
1 pm 1.30
2 1.30
3 1.20
4 1.20
5 1.10
6 1.10
7 0.95
8 0.95
9 0.80
10 0.80
11 0.60
Study Area Data
This button allows the definition of certain adjustment factors used in calculation of individual sub-area dry-weather
flow contributions.

Total Population
Consumer Price Index
Composite Construction Cost Index
Week Day of Simulation Start
Consumer Price Index
The current consumer price index, where a value of 100 corresponds to the year 1963. This index is used to adjust
water price used in estimations of water use for residential areas.
Study Area Flow and Loads
These options control how study area flows and load data are used to adjust sub-area flows in the generation of dry
weather flow. If the Use Default Data option is selected default values for average dry weather flows and pollutant
concentrations are used to calculate individual sub-area contributions, otherwise further Measured data describing the
total study area will be required.

Composite Construction Cost Index
The composite construction cost index, relative to an index of 100 for the year 1960. This index is used to adjust
house valuations used in the estimation of dry weather flows from residential areas.
Simulation Start Week Day
The day of the week at which simulation is to begin. The day ranges from 1 to 7, with Sunday being day number 1.
This parameter is required to synchronize the appropriate day in the temporal patterns for flow and pollutant load to
the simulation.
Total Population
The total population in all sub-areas, in thousands.
Use Measurements
This dialog deals with data required for the total study area, if records are available to be used in estimating sewage
quality. This data is used to derive the dry-weather flows from the entire area under study. Contributions from
individual sub-areas are adjusted by the model to match these values.

Firstly, the average daily values of flow and pollutant concentrations are used to calculate the total loads of pollutant
for the study area. Infiltration (computed by the model) is then subtracted from the daily average flow. Next, the
known process flow contributions (defined locally at nodes) are deducted from the daily totals, yielding further
corrected characteristics. Loads are then corrected for personal income variations, degree of commercial use,
garbage grinder usage, and population. Average concentrations of all pollutants are then computed. These values
are used as the basis for adjusting sub-area concentrations.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Industrial Area
Commercial Area
Parkland Area
Total Area
High Income Area
Average Income Area
Low Income Area
Garbage Grinder Area
Total Study Area
High Income Area
The total contributing residential area where the household income is above $15,000 (in 1963 dollars), in acres [ha].
Low Income Area
The total contributing residential area where the household income is below $7,000 (in 1963 dollars), in acres [ha].
Garbage Grinder Area
The total residential area that contributes additional waste from garbage grinders, in acres [ha].
Average Income Area
The total contributing residential area where the household income is above $7,000 but below $15,000 (in 1963
dollars), in acres [ha].
Total Study Area (Study Area Process Flow)
This dialog provides for the entry of measured flows and pollutant concentrations for the total study area. These
values are used as a basis for adjusting calculated dry-weather flows from sub-areas.

Study Area Flow
The total study area average sewage flow, cfs [cms]. This value would typically be obtained from treatment plant

These are the pollutants as selected in the 'Pollutant List' item in Job Control.

Study Area Pollutant Concentration. The concentration is given in units consistent with the pollutant, as defined in the
Pollutants Global Database.
Total Area
The total area of the study area, acres [ha]. This is the total watershed area being divided into sub-areas at nodes.
Commercial Area
The total contributing Commercial area, acres [ha].
Industrial Area
The total contributing Industrial area, acres [ha].
Parkland Area
The total area of park and open space within the study area, acres [ha].
Industrial Area
The total contributing Industrial area, acres [ha].
Use Default Rates
If data is not available to adequately define the total watershed study area the default rates should be used to
generate the dry weather flow.

Domestic Flow (Wastewater Flow per Capita)
Infiltration Allowance (Flow per Capita)
Pollutant -
Rate -
These are the pollutants as selected in the 'Pollutant List' item in Job Control.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Study Area Pollutant Rate. The rate is given in units consistent with the pollutant, as defined in the Pollutants Global
Database. The rate will be a concentration if the pollutant is defined to use volume or a per capita rate if the pollutant is
defined in terms of population. Typical values are: E-COLI 200 *10^9 MPN per capita per day
SS 263 mg /l
BOD 241 mg/l
Domestic Flow (Wastewater Flow per Capita)
The total study area average sewage flow per capita, cfs [cms]. This value would typically be obtained from treatment
plant records and is used in the conversion of loads based on population to concentrations.
Infiltration Allowance (Flow per Capita)
The total study area average infiltration flow per capita, cfs [cms]. This value plus the wastewater flow is used to
define the total dry weather flow.
11.12 Sewer Infiltration Global Data
Sewer Infiltration Global Data
This dialog deals with data to estimate infiltration in a sewer system based upon existing information about the sewer,
its surrounding soil and groundwater, and precipitation.

1. Sewer infiltration is added in the sanitary mode.
2. In the Sanitary Job Control dialogue, Sewer Infiltration should be checked and the appropriate sewer
infiltration global database record should be selected.
3. The sewer infiltration flows are added to the upstream nodes of links that are active in the sanitary node.

Rinfil (Wet Weather Infiltration)
RSMax (Residual Moisture Peak Contribution)
Dry Weather Infiltration
Groundwater Infiltration
Degree Days
Pollutant Concentration

Infiltration is classified into four categories:

miscellaneous sources causing a base dry weather inflow,
frozen residual moisture,
antecedent precipitation, and
high groundwater.

Infiltration is defined as:

QINF = DINFIL + RINFIL + SINFIL for low groundwater
QINF = GINFIL, for high groundwater
QINF = total infiltration
DINFIL = dry weather infiltration
RINFIL = wet weather infiltration
SINFIL = melting residual ice and snow infiltration
GINFIL = groundwater infiltration.

The totals for the study area must be entered; the model then apportions these flows to each conduit. The criterion
chosen for apportionment is an opportunity factor which represents the relative number and length of openings
susceptible to infiltration. Pipe joints constitute the primary avenue for entry of infiltration. The number and length of
joints is assumed to be proportional to the relative surface area of each conduit. The fraction of total infiltration is
calculated as:

OPINF = Af * DIST / (Af * DIST)
OPINF = fraction of total infiltration to a conduit
Af = cross-sectional area of conduit
DIST = conduit length
The summation in the denominator is for all conduits.

The apportioned infiltration enters the system at the node immediately upstream of the conduit. This procedure
allocates the most infiltration to the largest and longest conduits. It is also possible to enter infiltrations directly at
manholes, if local information dictates otherwise.

Note: When GINFIL is greater than 0 (high groundwater condition), DINFIL, RINFIL, and SINFIL (low groundwater
condition) are ignored.

Dry weather infiltration
The total base infiltration for the study area in dry weather, cfs [cms]. If the study area has been gauged, base dry-
weather infiltration can be taken from inspection of the flow data. In the absence of flow data, an estimate of the unit
infiltration rate (gpm per inch-diameter per mile) must be obtained from local professionals. From data in this form, the
following equation can be used:

DINFIL = dry weather infiltration, gpm
DIAM = average sewer diameter, inch
PLEN = pipe length, mile
XLOCAL = unit infiltration rate, gpm/inch-diameter/mile

Values of XLOCAL range from 250 to 600 gpm/in-diam/day and may be even higher for laterals with many stubs. The
importance of local data cannot be over-emphasised.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Wet Weather Infiltration (Rinfil)
The rainwater infiltration, in cfs [cms]. This parameter depends on antecedent precipitation occurring within the nine
day period prior to an estimate. If antecedent rainfall is unavailable or less than about 0.25 in. (6.4 mm), the rainwater
contribution to total infiltration is usually small.

For larger antecedent rainfall contributions, regression techniques offer a suitable method for estimating this
parameter. Three study areas in which sewer flow data were not affected by melting were shown to satisfy the
following linear relationship:

RINFIL = ALF + SUM (ALF[n] * RN[n]), for n=0,9
RINFIL = rainwater infiltration, gpm
ALF[n] = coefficient to rainfall for n days prior to estimate, gpm/in
RN[n] = precipitation on n days prior to estimate, in.
SWFLOW = daily average sewer flow excluding surface runoff, gpm
SMMDWF = otherwise accounted for sewage flow, gpm
DINFIL = dry weather infiltration, gpm

To determine the coefficients, a multiple linear regression should be run on existing flow and rainfall data. Some
results are given in the following table (Lentz, 1963; Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971):

Rainfall coefficient
Bradenton, 4.1 2.9 17.5 15.0 12.8 13.0 10.4 13.2 10.1 11.8 9.5
Baltimore, 2.4 11.3 11.6 5.5 6.4 4.8 3.6 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.9
Springfield, 2.0 18.3 13.9 8.9 5.5 6.7 16.0 5.2 4.6 4.4 1.3
Groundwater infiltration
That component of total infiltration originating from groundwater, cfs [cms]. For locations and times of the year where
the groundwater table is above the sewer invert, groundwater infiltration supersedes contribution from all other sources.
Groundwater infiltration can be determined from historical sewer flow data, by inspection, or regression analysis. For
example, a regression analysis could involve determination of the BETA coefficient in the following formulation:

GINFIL = groundwater infiltration.
GWHD = groundwater table elevation above sewer invert
BETAn = coefficient for term n

Degree Days
The sum of deviations of temperatures below 65 degrees fahrenheit. Only deviations below 65 degrees are counted.
Figures for various cities in the United States can be obtained from the Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Guide,
American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers. Sample values for various cities are shown in the
following table, from that source:

State Station Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Ala Montgomery 0 0 0 55 267 458 483 360 265 66 0 0
Ariz Phoenix 0 0 0 13 182 360 425 275 175 62 0 0
Calif Los Angeles 0 0 17 41 140 253 328 244 212 129 68 19
D.C. Washington 0 0 32 231 510 831 884 770 606 314 80 0
Fla Tampa 0 0 0 0 60 163 201 148 102 0 0 0
Ill Chicago 0 0 90 350 765 1147 1243 1053 868 507 229 58
Kan Wichita 0 0 32 219 597 915 1023 778 619 280 101 7
La New Orleans 0 0 0 5 141 283 341 223 163 19 0 0
Mass Boston 0 7 77 315 618 998 1113 1002 849 534 236 42
Mich Detroit City 0 8 96 381 747 1101 1203 1972 927 558 251 60
Nev Reno 27 61 165 443 744 986 1048 804 756 519 318 165
N.Y. New York 0 0 31 250 552 902 1001 910 747 435 130 7
Ohio Cleveland 0 9 60 311 636 995 1101 977 846 510 223 49
Ore Portland 13 14 85 280 534 701 791 594 515 347 199 70
Tenn Memphis 0 0 13 98 392 639 716 574 423 131 20 0
Texas Houston 0 0 0 0 162 303 378 240 166 27 0 0
Wyo Cheyenne 33 39 241 577 897 1125 1225 1044 1029 717 315 100
Pollutant Concentration
This dialog provides for the input of constant concentrations of pollutants in inflows. Although infiltration is often
assumed to be "clean" due to its origin in the soil layers, in-conduit measurements usually indicate non-zero levels of
most parameters.

Pollutant Name
Pollutant name reference. These pollutants are defined from the 'Pollutant List' item in Job Control.

Pollutant Concentration
The constant concentration of the given pollutant in the inflow from infiltration. The concentration is given in units
consistent with the pollutant, as defined in the Pollutants Global Database.
Residual Moisture Peak Contribution (RSMAX)
This infiltration arises from residual precipitation such as snow as it melts following cold periods. Published data in the
form of degree-days (sum of deviations below 65 degrees fahrenheit) provide an excellent index as to the significance
of this parameter. The onset and duration of melting can be estimated by noting the degree-days above and
immediately below a value of 750.

The maximum contribution from residual moisture can be determined from previous gauging of the study area or local
estimates. This parameter is used in the infiltration calculation as follows:

SINFIL = 0.0, if NDYUD is not in melting period or if NDD never exceeds 750
SINFIL = melting residual ice and snow infiltration
xpswmm Reference Manual
RSMAX = residual moisture peak contribution, gpm
NDYUD = day on which infiltration estimate is required, day
MLTBE = day on which melting period begins, day
MLTEN = day on which melting period ends, day
NDD = number of degree-days for the month

Note that degree-day information is also required in calculating this infiltration.

11.13 Waste Stream Temperature
Waste Stream Temperature Global Data
Water temperature has a direct effect on the settling velocity of a particle through the viscosity of the wastewater.
Waste Stream Temperature is referenced from the "More" dialog in a Sanitary layer Storage Treatment Node.

Waste Stream Temperature Data is input as average F [C] values for each month.

11.14 Temporal Variation
Temporal Variation
This allows for the definition of daily and hourly temporal correction factors used for dry weather flows and pollutants.
The factors are ratios of the actual value to the average value for the time period. These numbers may be derived
from observed flow variation patterns.


Daily Multiplier -
Hourly Multiplier -

11.15 Pump Rating Curve
Pump Rating Curve Global Data
A pump rating curve is defined in terms of the pump flow rate and either Node Depth, Dynamic Head or Well Volume.
The pump rating curve is selected from the pump dialog with no restrictions as to the pump type/rating curve
relationship. A rating curve using well volume may be used with a pump rated by dynamic head with no warnings
generated. The user is responsible for ensuring these errors do not occur.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Pump Flow Rate
Node Depth
Dynamic Head
Well Volume
Pump Flow Rate
Pump flow rate (feet
/sec or metres
/sec). The pump's operating range is limited to the range between the lowest
pumping rate and the highest pumping rate regardless of the detected dynamic head. Pump rates will remain fixed at
either the lowest pumping rate or the highest pumping rate head until the system returns to the normal operating range
of the pump.

Well Volume
An off-line pump station with a wet well. The pump must be supplied from its own wet well, ie. only one conduit must
be connected to the node at which the pump is located. The rate of pumping depends on the volume of water in the

The program sets the node invert level to -100.

Note that only one conduit may be connected to the node from which this type of pump operates.

Inflows to the off-line pump must be derived from the main sewer system through an orifice, a weir, or a pipe. The
influent to the wet-well node must be a free discharge regardless of the diversion structure. The pumping rule curve is
based on the volume of water in the storage node.

Wet-well volumes are specified as input data for each pump station: Vl < V < Vh, where Vh is the maximum capacity of
the wet well. The pumping rates are specified as input data for each station. The pump rate is selected automatically
depending on the volume in the wet-well.

A mass balance of pumped outflow and inflow is performed in the wet-well during the model simulation period.

If the wet-well goes dry, the pump rate is reduced below rate Rl until it just equals the inflow rate. When the inflow rate
again equals or exceeds Rl, the pumping rate goes back to operating on the rule curve. If Vh is exceeded in the wet-
well, the inflow to the storage node is reduced until it does not exceed the maximum pumped flow.

Node Depth
An in-line lift pump. The rate of pumping depends on the level of water, ie. depth, in the node being pumped.

For an in-line station, the pump rate is based on the water depth at the pump junction. The rule is as follows:

Pump Rate = Rl for 0 < Y < Yl
= Ri Yi < Y < Yi+1
= Rh Yh-1 < Y < Yh

For Y = 0, the pump rate is the inflow rate to the pump junction.

Dynamic Head
An in-line or off-line pump that pumps according to the head difference over the pump, i.e. uses a multi point pump
curve. The rate of pumping depends on the level of water in the node being pumped.

This type of pump station uses a storage node upstream for a wet well (Multiple pumps with different characteristics
may be connected to the same storage node to simulate more than one pump in a pumping station).

The dynamic head difference between the upstream and downstream nodes determines the pumping rate according
to a three-point head-discharge relationship for the pump. The operating condition (i.e., on/off) for the pump is
determined from the wet well elevation from the previous half-step computation.

If the model detects that a pump is on then its flow is computed from the dynamic head difference based on a
linearized pump operating curve as shown below.

The pump's operating range is limited to the range between the low-rate head and the high-rate head regardless of the
detected dynamic head. Pump rates will remain fixed at either the low-rate head or the high-rate head until the system
returns to the normal operating range of the pump.

11.16 Pit Rating Curve
Pit Rating Curve Global Data

Inlet Rating Curves are used to -define a gutter approach flow versus captured flow rating curve.

Gutter Flow
Enter the surface flow (m3/s, ft3/s) approaching this inlet that corresponds to the captured flow in the adjacent column.
The coordinates should start at zero although this is not mandatory, as the table will be extrapolated to predict any
required value. The data also does not have to be entered in sequential increasing order since the data is sorted
when OK or SORT is chosen.

Captured Flow
Enter the inlet capture flow (m3/s, ft3/s) corresponding to the Gutter Flow in the adjacent column. If this value is
greater than the Gutter Flow then all approach flow is captured.

Inlet Rating Curves may also be used to -define a gutter approach depth versus captured flow rating curve.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The data associated with the rating curve database may be accessed from either the Global Data menu or from a local
node using the selection list function

Gutter Depth
Enter the surface depth (m, ft) at this inlet that corresponds to the captured flow in the adjacent column. The
coordinates should start at zero although this is not mandatory, as the table will be extrapolated to predict any required
value. The data also does not have to be entered in sequential increasing order since the data is sorted when OK or
SORT is chosen.

The way in which the inlet depth is calculated depends on the status of the Calculate Gutter Spread flag. If the flag is
checked then the depth is calculated according to the pavement crossfall characteristics

Captured Flow
Enter the inlet capture flow (m3/s, ft3/s) corresponding to the Gutter Depth in the adjacent column

11.17 Hydraulic Brake
Hydraulic Brakes


Enter the surface depth (m, ft) that corresponds to the flow in the adjacent column. The coordinates should start at
zero although this is not mandatory, as the table will be extrapolated to predict any required value. The data also does
not have to be entered in sequential increasing order since the data is sorted when OK or SORT is chosen.

Enter the flow (m3/s, ft3/s) corresponding to the Depth in the adjacent column.

11.18 Pavement Crossfall
Pavement Crossfalls
When runoff exceeds inlet capacity, the spread, depth and velocity of ponded water may be calculated from the
geometry and hydraulic properties of the cross section.

In an xpswmm model, Pavement Crossfalls may be stored in the Global Database. A Pavement Crossfall record is
assigned to a hydraulics inlet node using the Inlet Capacity Dialog.

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As shown in the above diagram, the Pavement Crossfalls are defined as a section extending from the boundary line
(representing the edge of the drainage) to the pavement centerline. It consists of three regions:

Verge region between the boundary and the gutter
Gutter channel draining to drainage inlet, lowest point designated as invert
Pavement roadway surface extending from the lip to the centerline (or highpoint)

The terms in the dialog are defined as:

A Verge Distance (Boundary to Back of Curb) (ft, m)
B Verge Slope (Boundary to Back of Curb) (%)
n-verg Verge Roughness (Manning's n)
C Width of Top of Back of Curb (ft, m)
D Distance from Face of Curb to Nominal Curb Line
E Distance from Nominal Curb Line to Gutter Invert (ft, m)
F Distance from Gutter Invert to Curb Lip (ft, m)
G Depth from Back of Curb to Gutter Invert (ft, m)
H Depth from Back of Curb to Gutter/Pavement Lip (ft, m)
n-gutter Gutter Roughness n
I Pavement Width (Lip to Road Centerline) (ft, m)
J Pavement Crossfall (Lip to Road Centerline) (%)
n-pave Pavement Roughness n

11.19 HEC-12/HEC-22


A separate addendum consisting of the complete FHWA documentation for HEC-12 "Design of Highway Pavements"
is provided as part of the documentation for user training courses. Contact your account representative for additional

This implementation of HEC-12 supports;

Grated Inlets,
Curb Inlets,
Slotted Inlets, and,
Combinations of grate and curb inlets.

The capture efficiency of an inlet can be increased by having a locally depressed gutter section (inches, mm).

The inlets may be located on either continuous grades or in sumps.

xpswmm Reference Manual
11.20 User Defined File Type
User Defined File Type Global Data

Number of Header Lines Enter the number of lines at the beginning of the file, that are to be ignored.
Free Format (CSV) A flag indicating the file is in free format (i.e. comma separated).
Introduce Time Interval A flag indicating the file has no date or time fields (or that the fields are to be ignored).
This flag would be turned on if the file is simply a list of flows.
Start Date Enter the date of the first value in the file. The date should be in the date format
specified in the SWMXP.INI file (e.g. dd/mm/yy).
Start Time Enter the time of the first value in the file.
Start Time Enter the time interval (decimal minutes) between the values in the file.
Field Information Enter the station name, flow rate, flow velocity, water depth, rainfall depth, date and
time, each in a variety of formats, or enter a dummy field to ignore a record. If the file
is in fixed format (i.e. not Free Format) enter the field width (the number of characters
wide the column is). Otherwise enter any value greater than zero as the field width.
Use the Add, Insert, Update and Delete buttons to add or modify the date in the field
11.21 XP Tables
XP Tables Global Database

This allows you to Edit existing XP Table file definitions.

11.22 Rational Formula
Rational Formula


There are currently 5 different Intensity-Duration-Frequency methods and 4 different Runoff Coefficient methods

Rainfall intensity may be calculated in one of five ways:
Using the method described in AR&R, 1977 (Pattison, 1977);
The method described in AR&R, 1987 (Pilgrim, 1987);
By using a user defined Intensity-Frequency-Duration Table;
A Generalized Equation; and
The Alameda County Public Works (California) method.

The coefficient of runoff may be calculated by one of five methods:
The method described in AR&R, 1977 (Pattison, 1977), (Ordon, 1954);
The method described in AR&R, 1987 (Pilgrim, 1987), (Australia only),
Entering a Constant Runoff Coefficient for each subcatchment, and,
The Alameda County Public Works (California) method.

There are no restrictions on combining any runoff coefficient with any intensity calculation method.

AR&R 1977 IFD

xpswmm Reference Manual

This method follows the 1977 Australian Rainfall & Runoff procedures with polynomial coefficients obtained from that
publication (Pattison, 1977).

Each rainfall intensity-frequency-duration curve can be represented by a polynomial equation as shown below:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
6 5 4 3 2
ln ln ln ln ln ln ln t g t f t e t d t c t b a I + + + + + + =

where I = rainfall intensity in mm/h
t = duration of rainfall in hours
I ln = natural logarithm of I
t ln = natural logarithm of t
a, b...g are coefficients

The coefficients a, b, c, d, e, f and g are extracted from the 1977 edition of AR & R for the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100
AEP's. The intensities are then calculated as required for each catchment and each return interval requested.
Coefficients must be entered for all return intervals (ie. 1 to 100), regardless of what return period is being analyzed.

The table below displays some typical data:

R P a b c d e f g
1 2.8390000 -.6530000 -.0475000 .0264700 .0012400 -.0021070 .0002041
2 3.0970000 -.6689000 -.0541000 .0299400 .0019060 -.0024570 .0002390
5 3.3670001 -.7178000 -.0741000 .0451000 .0037260 -.0041352 .0004227
10 3.4970000 -.7300000 -.0853000 .0446200 .0055280 -.0039794 .0003366
20 3.6510000 -.7471000 -.0928000 .0486800 .0063370 -.0044000 .0003738
50 3.8100000 -.7659000 -.1036000 .0526300 .0075960 -.0048175 .0003939
100 3.9190000 -.7775000 -.1095000 .0547800 .0083970 -.0049816 .0003921

Typical Rainfall-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Polynomial Coefficients (After AR&R, 1977)

Although this procedure has been superseded by the method described in the 1987 edition of AR&R it is probably still
the most up to date method for calculating intensities as the Bureau can supply the latest polynomial coefficient
information for any area in Australia.

AR&R 1987 IDF

This method follows the 1987 Australian Rainfall & Runoff procedure (Pilgrim, 1987). To use this procedure it is
necessary to extract nine values from Volume 2 of 1987 AR&R. These are the 1 Hr, 12 Hr and 72 Hr intensities for
both the 50 Yr and 2 Yr events, plus the Location Skew value and the F2 (events < 2 years) and F50 (events > 50
years) Frequency Factors.

Tabular IDF Input

xpswmm Reference Manual

The user creates a table of ARI (Average Recurrence Intervals) versus duration (in minutes). Both the ARI's and the
durations are user definable and if the table does not cover the specific event then the program will linearly interpolate
or extrapolate a value.

General IDF Equation


The Intensity is calculated from the equation:

( )
( )
D t

I = intensity (in/hr, mm/hr)
t = rainfall duration (min)
ARI = return period (yr)
B, D, E and F = user coefficients

Note that when F = 0, the equation becomes:
( )
D t

Alameda County IDF Method

xpswmm Reference Manual

The Rainfall Intensity for the appropriate time of concentration is computed from the equation:

( )( )
56253 . 0
1006 . 0 249 . 0 091144 . 0 33 . 0

+ + = Ti Kj MAP Ij

Ij = Rainfall Intensity for Return Period (frequency) j and storm duration i. (mm/hr, in/hr)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (mm, in)
Ti = Storm Duration (hrs)
Kj = Frequency Factor
AR&R 1977 Runoff Coefficient


The 1977 Australian Rainfall & Runoff Runoff Coefficients for urban catchments are based on Ordon Curves (1953).

The runoff coefficients for urban catchments are calculated from the following equation:

C = 91 . 0

C = Runoff coefficient
X = Calibrated constant
Y = Calibrated exponent
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)

The values of the constants X and Y for each urban catchment category are tabulated below:

Category Description X Y
1 Semi Impervious Areas 5.81 1.47
2 Surface Clay, Poor Paving, Sandstone Rock 4.46 0.96
3 Bare Earth 3.22 0.70
4 Earth with Sandstone Outcrops 3.14 0.594
5 Bare Loam 2.91 0.483
6 Ordinary Loam 2.31 0.376
7 Park Lawns & Meadows 2.09 0.313
8 Cultivated Fields with Good Growth Sand Strata 1.94 0.266

Parameters for Urban Pervious Runoff Coefficients (After Ordon, 1953)
xpswmm Reference Manual

A constant coefficient for impervious areas can also be entered directly.

AR&R 1987 Runoff Coefficient

The user enters the 1 hour, 10 Yr intensity in this dialog. The coefficient of runoff is for the pervious portion of the
catchment is calculated on the fly as the intensity is calculated. The coefficient of impervious runoff is input directly.

The figure relates the runoff coefficient for a 10 Year ARI, C10, to the pervious and impervious fractions of a
catchment and to its rainfall climate characterized by the 10 Year ARI, 1 hour duration rainfall intensity (AR&R, 1987).
For areas where the 10 Year, 1 hour intensity is between 25 and 70 mm/hr a line is linearly interpolated between the
upper and lower bound curves.

For average recurrence intervals other than 10 years the C10 value is multiplied by frequency factors presented in the
table below:

ARI (Years) Frequency Factor

1 0.8
2 0.85
5 0.95
10 1.0
20 1.05
50 1.15
100 1.2

Frequency Factors for Rational Method Runoff Coefficients (After AR&R, 1987)


Direct Input Runoff Coefficient

A constant runoff coefficient may be directly entered. When this option is selected a global runoff coefficient for all
impervious surfaces is entered in Job Control with the pervious runoff coefficient entered at each sub-catchment.

Alameda County Runoff Coefficient

The Alameda County Public Works Department Method uses 3 components to calculate the Pervious C value:

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) | |
( )


+ +
+ =

+ + =
1 ln
1 8 . 0
1 ln 8 . 0
5 . 0
Cs C Ci
Ci Cs C C


C = Design Runoff Coefficient
C = Base C (entered at the sub-catchment level)
Cs = Slope adjustment factor
Ci = Intensity adjustment factor
xpswmm Reference Manual
S = Average ground slope (%)
I = rainfall intensity (in/hr)
11.23 Natural Section Shapes
Natural Section Shape

In all versions of the software since version 9.0 the natural section profile data has been stored in a global database.
This allows profiles of, for example channel improvements or roadway cross-sections to be re-used in multiple links.

The data is defined by HEC-2 type natural surface cross-section coordinate pairs (C4 or GR). Elevations are used
only to determine the shape of the cross-section. Invert elevations are defined in the node data dialog box and also by
the Upstream and Downstream Elevations shown in the appropriate link dialog.

The low point in the cross-section is the lowest point between the left and right Main Channel Stations. The high point
is the highest point of all the cross-section coordinates. If the left-most or right-most elevations are less than this
(maximum) value, vertical sides are projected up to the high point. Total cross-section depth is computed as the
difference between the high point of the cross-section and low point of the cross-section (as described above).

The profile is defined in terms of station (x) and stage (elevation).

New points are inserted in the table using the Insert button. The new points can be inserted anywhere in the section
and can sorted in order of the Station (X) when focus is moved from one of the empty cells (a non-empty field is
selected with the mouse).

Deletes the currently selected row.

Left Overbank Station
Enter the Station (X) defining the left overbank section. You can also click the LB button then click on the point on the
graph representing the left overbank point.

Right Overbank Station
Enter the Station (X) defining the right overbank section. You can also click the RB button then click on the point on
the graph representing the right overbank point.

Left Overbank Roughness
Enter Manningss n for the left overbank.

Main Channel Roughness
Enter Manningss n for the main channel.

Right Overbank Roughness
Enter Manningss n for the right overbank.

Graph Window
There are 8 ways of manipulating data interactively using the graph window:

Set the graphics mode back to Normal. To Zoom In hold down the shift key and drag the
mouse. To zoom out right-click the mouse and select Undo Zoom.

Extend the cross section by adding to the left or right extremities of the section. Click the
mouse at the location of the new point.

Modify the cross section by inserting a new point between two existing points. Click the
mouse at the location of the new point.

Delete a point from the cross-section. Click the mouse on the point to be deleted.

Modify the cross section by moving an existing points. Click the mouse and drag the point to
its new location.

Click the mouse on the point representing the Left Overbank station.

Click the mouse on the point representing the Left Overbank station.

Modify the display properties of the graph. See the Review Results Graph Customization

xpswmm Reference Manual
11.24 2D Landuses
2D Landuses
Set the Mannings n values and infiltration parameters for polygons in the 2D domain.

The Description is the name as it appears in the Layer Control Panel.
The Roughness Priority is used when roughness category polygons overlap. xpswmm uses the category with the
highest priority.
Check Infiltration if it is to be included in the calculation. Enter the Initial Loss, in (mm) and the Continuing Loss in/hr
Mannings n may be defined as constant or as a function of depth in the 2D cell. Select the appropriate radio button.
Variable enter the dry and wet n values and the cutoff depths, ft (m).
The following table presents ranges of roughness coefficients for overland flow (Sheetflow).

Type of cover
Values of roughness coefficient, n
Minimum Maximum
Vegetated Areas
Dense turf 0.17 0.80
Bermuda and dense grass 0.17 0.48
Average grass cover 0.20 0.40
Poor grass cover on rough surface 0.20 0.30
Short prairie grass 0.10 0.20
Shrubs and forest litter 0.30 0.40
Sparse vegetation 0.05 0.13
Sparse rangeland with debris
0% cover 0.09 0.34
20% cover 0.05 0.25
Plowed or tilled fields
Fallow no reside 0.008 0.012
Conventional tillage 0.06 0.22
Chisel plow 0.06 0.16
Fall disking 0.30 0.50
No till no residue 0.04 0.10
No till (20 -40% residue cover) 0.07 0.17
No till (100% residue cover) 0.17 0.47
Other surfaces
Open ground with debris 0.10 0.20
Shallow flow on asphalt or concrete 0.10 0.15
Fallow fields 0.08 0.12
Open ground, no debris 0.04 0.10
Asphalt or concrete 0.02 0.05

Adopted from Mays, 2001.

In a 2D hydrodynamic study in a highly urbanized area of Yorkshire, UK, Crowder, et al (2006) used the following
roughness coefficients:

Land Use Mannings n
Industrial and commercial (roads, paths, car parks, some grass) 0.020
Residential (roads, alleys, gardens) 0.030
Playing fields and parks (soil grass, isolated vegetation) 0.035
Brownfield land underdevelopment (soil, grass, isolated vegetation) 0.035

11.25 RDII
This dialog allows for editing of a Global Database record for the Unit Hydrograph (UH) method for modeling Rainfall
Derived Inflow and Infiltration (RDII) in combined sewers. This method is also referred to as the RTK method. It is
selected in the Sub-Catchment dialog in Runoff Mode.

xpswmm Reference Manual

The options for moths are:

A default UH for All Months, or
Separate UH for any month

If a month is not checked, the All Months UH Method will be used during the simulation in that month.

For each of the three component UHs enter:

fraction of total rainfall entering the system (R)
time from the beginning of the rainfall to the hydrograph peak, hr (T)
ratio of time of recession to time to peak (K)
initial subcatchment abstractions, in (mm)
initial subcatchment storage, in (mm)
recovery rate of storage (initial abstractions) during dry time steps, in/day (mm/day)

In the drop list next to rainfall select a rainfall record from the Global Database.

The xpswmm Analysis Engine


xpswmm Reference Manual

Run Time Graphing


Real Time Control

xpswmm Reference Manual

This command allows the conversion of various data files to Runoff input files and allows statistical analyses to be
performed on xpswmm interface files. In order to run a utility enter the required data from this dialog and hit the 'Run'
button while the desired utility is selected.

A number of utility functions are available:

Rainfall - The Rain utility is used to read long time series of precipitation records, perform an optional storm event
analysis, and generate a precipitation interface file for input into Runoff.

Temperature - The Temperature utility is used to convert temperature data of various formats to a format accessible to
Runoff. Temperature data is used by Runoff for the snow melt simulation.

Wind Speed - The Wind Speed utility is used to convert wind speed data of various formats to a format accessible to
the Runoff module. Wind speed data is used by Runoff for snow melt simulations.

Evaporation - The Evaporation utility is used to convert evaporation data of various formats to a format accessible to
the Runoff block. Evaporation data is used by Runoff for the rainfall/runoff simulation.

Statistics - The Statistics utility performs complex statistical analyses on rain data or flow data. Both quantity and
quality of flow data can be analysed.

Run - This button runs the currently selected utility. The required data for the selected utility must be entered first.

13.1 Rainfall
Rainfall Utility
The purpose of the rain block is to read long time series of precipitation records, to perform a storm event analysis,
and/or generate a precipitation interface file for input into Runoff.

This dialog allows the entry of all Rainfall utility parameters. In order to run the utility, once the parameters have been
entered, OK this dialog and hit the Run button from the main Utilities dialog.

xpswmm Reference Manual

External Input File
Input File Format
User Defined
Standard Format
RAIN Interface Output File
Create RAIN Interface File
Select File
More (Rainfall)
Standard Format

As an alternative to the user-defined format a number of pre-defined formats including many of the National Weather
Service hourly precipitation data formats are available. These are shown in the dialog below.

Print Control
These parameters control the amount of output generated in the report file. This file contains the printable output,
which can be voluminus depending on the options selected in this dialog. The output options include an echo of
precipitation data, an annual storm event summary, a statistical summary (always generated), and synoptic analysis
return period tables.

Echo Print Rainfall
This flag controls the echo of rainfall input in the output report file. The month/day/year and hour/rainfall are printed,
five across a line, for each non-zero rainfall. This may generate one to three pages of output per year.

Print Storm Event Summary
This flag controls the printing of a storm event summary in the output report file.

The output table has the storm volume, average intensity, storm duration, beginning storm date, previous seven days
rainfall, missing data, and number of meter malfunctions. One to two pages of output per year is generated depending
on the actual number of storms per year.
Input File Format

The format of the external input file must be either selected from a list of 'Standard' file formats, or defined using the
'User Defined' format option.

Select File
Filename of RAIN interface file to be created. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the required
file to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.

RAIN Interface Output File
Filename of Rainfall output interface file. This is the name of the file which will be used later as input to the Runoff
block (if 'Create RAIN Interface File' has been selected). Append will cause the RAIN output file to be appended to if a
file of the given name already exists. Replace will cause the RAIN output file to overwrite any existing file of the same

External Input File

Select File
Filename of external input time series file. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the required file
to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.

Station Number
Integer station number, up to six digits long.

This parameter is the National Weather Service station number for NWS format files. Alternatively, for a user-defined
format time series, this is the number used to identify the rainfall time series when the Runoff Block reads the RAIN
interface file.
Create RAIN Interface File
This flag indicates a RAIN interface file is to be created. If this flag is ON the name of the file to create must be
entered below. If this flag is OFF the 'Perform Synoptic Analysis' flag (under the More Rainfall button) must be turned
ON, as at least one output option is required.

More Rainfall

Additional mandatory rainfall utility parameters are entered in this dialog. These parameters control the simulation
period, options for output, and the output file selection.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Print Control
Report File
Perform Synoptic Analysis
Two descriptive title lines of up to 80 characters. Either or both titles may be left blank. These descriptive titles will be
printed at the top of each page of output.

The simulation period can be entered manually. Otherwise the start and end dates can be taken from the first and last
data records belonging to the requested station number in the input file.

Report File
Name of the report file to be created. This file contains the printable output, which can be voluminus depending on the
options selected in this dialog. The output options include an echo of precipitation data, an annual storm event
summary, a statistical summary (always generated), and synoptic analysis return period tables.

Perform Synoptic Analysis

This flag controls synoptic analysis output to the report file. If this flag is ON then another screen of mandatory data
will be displayed. If this flag is OFF the 'Create RAIN interface file' flag in the previous dialog must be ON, as at least
one output option is required.

The synoptic analysis consists of generation of return period tables for storm volume, average intensity, duration, and
inter-event time. Output is extensive, each return period table may be 10 to 20 pages long for a 30-year rainfall

Return periods are calculated on the basis of the equation given in this dialog. Calculations are made of estimates for
the mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and coefficient of skewness for each requested


Inter-event Time
Return Period
Print Control (Storm Event Tables)
Save Storm Event Summary
Save Storm Event Summary
This flag indicates a storm event summary is to be output to an additional file. This file can then be read by a
spreadsheet, database, or statistical program for further analysis. The output file has the same appearance as the
normal printed storm event summary. Additionally, at the head of each column of numbers on the first line a short
description of the variable is included.

Select Event Summary File
This button allows the naming of the output file for the additional Storm Event Summary. The file name can also be
entered directly and should be different to the report output file name.

If the select button is clicked the default filename is the XP filename with a .out extension, or alternatively the filename
may be entered manually.

Return Period
Empirical return period (plotting position) is calculated by the following equation:

T = (NYRS + 1 - 2*A) / (M - A)
xpswmm Reference Manual
T = return period, years
NYRS = simulation duration, years
M = rank of event (in descending order)
A = position parameter

Position Parameter -
Parameter for return period calculation, it is dimensionless. Empirical return period (plotting position) is calculated by
the above equation.

A value of A = 0 gives the familiar Weibull plotting position, often used in hydrology, but criticised by Cunnane (1978)
who suggested a value of A = 0.4 as a good compromise for the customary situation in which the underlying frequency
distribution of the parameter is unknown.

Inter-event Time
Minimum number of zero-rainfall hours to constitute separate rainfall events, ie. this number of hours with zero rainfall
is required between two rainfall values for the values to be treated as separate storms. Dry periods of duration less
than this value may exist within an event, preceded and followed by wet periods. If a value of 1 is chosen, every
contiguous rainfall sequence will be viewed as a separate event.

Values of 3 to 30 hours are often used to separate rainfall events. Another approach uses the coefficient of variation
(CV) of inter-event time (defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean). The inter-event time giving a CV
around 1.0 is usually chosen. This method assumes inter-event times have an exponential distribution, so that two
trial values are used and corresponding CV values determined through two runs of the RAIN utility; a plot will give a
good estimate of the minimum inter-event time for which CV is around 1.0.

Print Control (Storm Event Tables)
The sorted events from largest to smallest may be printed for storm volume, average intensity, storm duration, and
inter-event duration. These parameters govern which tables are printed, and how much of each table is printed to the
report file.

This flag controls the output of the table of rainfall depths/volumes by return period.

This flag controls the output of the table of rainfall intensity by return period.

Storm Duration
This flag controls the output of the table of storm duration by return period.

Inter-event Duration
This flag controls the output of the table of inter-event duration by return period.

Print 'x' Events
This option causes the specified number of storm events, ranked in order from highest return period to lowest, to be
printed out in the report file.

Print All Events
This option causes all storm events, ranked in order from highest return period to lowest, to be printed out in the report

These options are used to define the period of the selected time series file that will be used on output.

Start Date
Start of analysis date. The program starts processing data from this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date' option is selected.

Use First Date
This option sets the analysis starting date to that of the first data record belonging to the requested station number in the
selected time series input file.

Ending Date
End of analysis date. The program will stop reading data beyond this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date' option is selected.

Use Last Date
This option sets the analysis ending date to that of the last data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

User Defined
This option should be selected if the input file does not match any of the standard formats. If this option is selected,
the definition and width of each input field must be entered in the underlying 'Field Format' dialog.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Rainfall Multiplier
Time Interval
Field Format
Time Interval
Time interval, in minutes, between rainfall values. Each rainfall value is assumed to be constant over this time
Rainfall Multiplier
Value to multiply each input rainfall value by. This item can be used to convert non-standard units to standard units or
to enter a dimensionless temporal pattern as a design storm.
Rainfall Unit
Specify the unit, depth or intensity, used to define rainfall values in the input time series file.

Select 'Intensity' if the input data is specified as an intensity, in standard units of in./hr [mm/hr]. Note: other units (eg.
mm/min) may be used by setting the 'Rainfall Multiplier' appropriately.

Select 'Depth' if the input data is specified as a depth of rainfall over the interval, in standard units of in. [mm]. Note:
other units (eg. hundredths of an inch) may be used by setting the 'Rainfall Multiplier' appropriately.
Field Format
This dialog allows a user-defined file format to be specified. The file format includes header definitions and
descriptions of the sequence and widths of fields within data records in the input file.

Free Format
Number of header lines
Information (Rainfall Variables)
Field Width
Number of header lines
Number of lines of the input file to skip before reading field data. Set this item to a non-zero value if the input file
contains header lines which should be ignored.
Field Information (Rainfall Variables)
Name of field to be read in from this position in the input file.

Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined as column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute, and precipitation.

Field Position
The field position is the sequence number of the field within an input line. Note that dummy fields can be defined to
allow for skipping of spaces and/or unused information.

Field Width
Number of characters defining the data for this field. In Fixed format, all fields are concatenated on the input line. In
Free format, the field width is irrelevant; as many characters as define each number are processed.

Free Format
This flag specifies an input file format of either free or fixed format.

When this flag is ON the input file must be a FORTRAN free format file. In this format, numbers are separated by
commas and/or spaces, and the actual column position within the line is not important; only the ordering of fields within
the line matters. When this flag is OFF the input file format is fixed, where each relevant field must be within the
column range specified.
Rainfall Variables
Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined as column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute, and precipitation.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Specify the units, metric or U.S. customary, of the data in the input time series file. If the units are metric, then the
standard rainfall intensity unit is mm/hr, or depth in mm. If the units are U.S. customary, the standard rainfall intensity
unit is in./hr, or depth in inches.
13.2 Temperature
Temperature Utility
The purpose of the Temperature utility is to convert temperature data of various formats to a format accessible to the
Runoff block.

This dialog allows the entry of all Temperature utility parameters. In order to run the utility, once the parameters have
been entered, OK this dialog and hit the Run button from the main Utilities dialog.

This utility manipulates a TEMP interface file. TEMP interface files are used for temperature, evaporation, and wind
speed data in the Runoff module. Thus, the 'Evaporation' and 'Wind Speed' utilities also manipulate TEMP interface

External Input File
Input File Format
User Defined Temperature
Standard Format
TEMP(erature) Interface Output File
More Temperature
Standard Format

This option allows one of the standard file formats, recognised by the xpswmm model, to be selected. The formats
supported include many of the National Weather Service hourly precipitation data.

Only two National Weather Service standard formats are currently support; NSW3200F and NWS3200V.

Print Control
These parameters determine the extent to which input data will be echoed to the output file. Three options exist for
echoing input data in the output file, no echo, summary only or all data and summary. The summary tables contain
the minimum, mean, and maximum values read in by month and/or year.

No Echo
This option does not echo input data in the output file. This eliminates the echo of the raw data input and the summary

Print all data and summary
This option will result in voluminous output containing all the input data and the summary tables.

Print Summary only
This option prints only the monthly/yearly summary tables. This option is recommended.
Input File Format
The format of the external input file must be either selected from a list of 'Standard' file formats, or defined using the
'User Defined' format option.
Select File
Filename of TEMP interface file to be created. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the
required file to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.
External Input File

Select File
xpswmm Reference Manual
Filename of external input time series file. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the required file
to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.

Station Number
Integer station number, up to six digits long.

This parameter is the National Weather Service station number for NWS format files. Alternatively, for a user-defined
format time series, this is the number used to identify the rainfall time series when the Runoff Block reads the TEMP
interface file.
TEMP Interface Output File
Filename of Temperature output interface file. This is the name of the file which will be used later as input to the
Runoff block (if 'Create TEMP Interface File' has been selected). Append will cause the TEMP output file to be
appended to if a file of the given name already exists. Replace will cause the TEMP output file to overwrite any other
file of the same name which already exists.
Create TEMP Interface File
This flag indicates a TEMP interface file is to be created. If this flag is ON the name of the file to create must be
entered below.
User Defined Temperature
This option should be selected if the input file does not match any of the standard formats. If this option is selected,
the definition and width of each input field must be entered in the underlying 'Field Format' dialog.

Use this dialog to enter parameters specific to a user-defined format for temperature data. These parameters include
the temperature unit and file format. The temperature unit used is entered on this dialog. The positioning of data in
the input file is specified via the 'Field Format' button.

Temperature Units
This parameter defines the unit of temperature to interpret values in the input time series file. It may be either degrees
Fahrenheit, F or degrees Celsius, C.

This option indicates data in the input file is specified in degrees Fahrenheit, F.

This option indicates data in the input file is specified in degrees Celsius, C.

Field Format
Field Format
This dialog allows a user-defined file format to be specified. The file format includes header definitions and
descriptions of the sequence and widths of fields within data records in the input file.


Free Format
Number of header lines
Field Width
Number of header lines
Number of lines of the input file to skip before reading field data.

Set this item to a non-zero value if the input file contains header lines which should be ignored.
Field Information
Name of field to be read in from this position in the input file.

Hit this item to display a list of fields to select from. The field types supported are the station number, year, month,
day, hour, minute, precipitation and dummy.

Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute, and minimum and
maximum temperatures.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Field Position
The field position is the sequence number of the field within an input line. Note that dummy fields can be defined to
allow for skipping of spaces and/or unused information in fixed format files.

Field Width
Number of characters defining the data for this field. In Fixed format, all fields are concatenated on the input line. In
Free format, the field width is irrelevant; as many characters as define each number are processed.
Free Format
This flag specifies an input file format of either free or fixed format.

When this flag is ON the input file must be a FORTRAN free format file. In this format, numbers are separated by
commas and/or spaces, and the actual column position within the line is not important; only the ordering of fields within
the line is important. When this flag is OFF the input file format is fixed and field must be within the column range
Temperature Variables
Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute, and minimum and
maximum temperatures.

More Temperature
Additional mandatory temperature utility parameters are entered here. These parameters control the simulation
period, options for output, and the output file selection.

Echo Print Control
Report File
Two descriptive title lines of up to 80 characters. Either or both titles may be left blank. These descriptive titles will be
printed at the top of each page of output.

The simulation period can be entered manually. Otherwise the start and end dates can be taken from the first and last
data records belonging to the requested station number in the input file.

Report File
Name of the report output file to be created. The 'Select' button can also be used to enter a file name. If the select
button is clicked the default filename will be the XP filename with a .out extension. The filename, however, can also
be entered directly and should be different to the report o5tput file name. This file contains the printable output, which
can be voluminus depending on the Print Control options selected in this dialog.
These options are used to define the period of the selected time series file that will be used on output.

Start Date
Start of analysis date. The program starts processing data from this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

xpswmm Reference Manual
The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date' option is selected.

Use First Date
This option sets the analysis starting date to that of the first data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

Ending Date
End of analysis date. The program will stop reading data beyond this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date' option is selected.

Use Last Date
This option sets the analysis ending date to that of the last data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.
13.3 Wind Speed
Wind Speed Utility
The purpose of the Wind Speed utility is to convert wind speed data of various formats to a format accessible to the
Runoff block.

This dialog allows the entry of all Wind Speed utility parameters. In order to run the utility, once the parameters have
been entered, OK this dialog and hit the Run button from the main Utilities dialog.

This utility manipulates a TEMPerature interface file. TEMP interface files are used for temperature, evaporation, and
wind speed data in the Runoff module. Thus, the 'Temperature' and 'Evaporation' utilities also manipulate TEMP
interface files.


External Input File
Input File Format
User Defined Wind Speed
Standard Format - Wind Speed
TEMP(erature) Interface Output File -
More Wind Speed
Standard Format - Wind Speed
This option allows one of the standard file formats, recognised by the xpswmm model, to be selected. The formats
supported include some of the National Weather Service hourly precipitation data.

Only two National Weather Service standard formats are currently support; NSW3200F and NWS3200V.

Print Control
These parameters determine the extent to which input data will be echoed to the output file. Three options exist for
echoing input data in the output file, no echo, summary only or all data and summary. The summary tables contain
the minimum, mean, and maximum values read in by month and/or year.
xpswmm Reference Manual

No Echo
This option does not echo input data in the output file. This eliminates the echo of the raw data input and the summary

Print all data and summary
This option will result in voluminous output containing all the input data and the summary tables.

Print Summary only
This option prints only the monthly/yearly summary tables. This option is recommended.

Input File Format
The format of the external input file must be either selected from a list of 'Standard' file formats, or defined using the
'User Defined' format option.

Select File
Filename of TEMP interface file to be created. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the
required file to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.
External Input File
Select File
Filename of external input time series file. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the required file
to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.

Station Number
Integer station number, up to six digits long.

This parameter is the National Weather Service station number for NWS format files. Alternatively, for a user-defined
format time series, this is the number used to identify the rainfall time series when the Runoff Block reads the TEMP
interface file.
TEMP Interface Output File
Filename of Temperature output interface file. This is the name of the file which will be used later as input to the
Runoff block (if 'Create TEMP Interface File' has been selected). Append will cause the TEMP output file to be
appended to if a file of the given name already exists. Replace will cause the TEMP output file to overwrite any other
file of the same name which already exists.
Create TEMP Interface File
This flag indicates a TEMP interface file is to be created. If this flag is ON the name of the file to create must be
entered below. If this flag is OFF the 'Perform Synoptic Analysis' flag (under the More button) must be turned ON, as
at least one output option is required.
User Defined Wind Speed
This option should be selected if the input file does not match any of the standard formats. If this option is selected,
the definition and width of each input field must be entered in the underlying 'Field Format' dialog.


Specify the units, metric (km/hr) or U.S. Customary (miles/hr), of the data in the input file.

Wind Speed Multiplier
Floating point value to multiply each input wind speed value by. This item can be used as a conversion factor (eg m/s
=> km/hr).

Field Format
Field Format
This dialog allows a user-defined file format to be specified. The file format includes header definitions and
descriptions of the sequence and widths of fields within data records in the input file.

Free Format
Number of header lines
Field Width
Number of header lines
Number of lines of the input file to skip before reading field data.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Set this item to a non-zero value if the input file contains header lines which should be ignored.
Field Information
Name of field to be read in from this position in the input file.

Hit this item to display a list of fields to select from. The field types supported are the station number, year, month,
day, hour, minute, precipitation and dummy.

Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required.

Field Position
The field position is the sequence number of the field within an input line. Note that dummy fields can be defined to
allow for skipping of spaces and/or unused information in fixed format files.

Field Width
Number of characters defining the data for this field. In Fixed format, all fields are concatenated on the input line. In
Free format, the field width is irrelevant; as many characters as define each number are processed.

Free Format
This flag specifies an input file format of either free or fixed format.

When this flag is ON the input file must be a FORTRAN free format file. In this format, numbers are separated by
commas and/or spaces, and the actual column position within the line is not important; only the ordering of fields within
the line is important. When this flag is OFF the input file format is fixed, and each field must be within the column
range specified.
Wind Speed Variables
Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute, and wind speed.


More Wind Speed
Additional mandatory Wind Speed utility parameters. These parameters control the simulation period, options for
output and the output file selection.

Echo Print Control
Report File
Two descriptive title lines of up to 80 characters. Either or both titles may be left blank. These descriptive titles will be
printed at the top of each page of output.

The simulation period can be entered manually. Otherwise the start and end dates can be taken from the first and last
data records belonging to the requested station number in the input file.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Report File
Name of the report output file to be created. The 'Select' button can also be used to enter a file name. If the select
button is clicked the default filename will be the XP filename with a .out extension. The filename, however, can also
be entered directly and should be different to the report output file name. This file contains the printable output, which
can be voluminus depending on the Print Control options selected in this dialog.

These options are used to define the period of the selected time series file that will be used on output.

Start Date
Start of analysis date. The program starts processing data from this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date' option is selected.

Use First Date
This option sets the analysis starting date to that of the first data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

Ending Date
End of analysis date. The program will stop reading data beyond this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date' option is selected.

Use Last Date
This option sets the analysis ending date to that of the last data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

13.4 Evaporation
Evaporation Utility
The purpose of the Evaporation utility is to convert evaporation data of various formats to a format accessible to the
Runoff block.

This dialog allows the entry of all Wind Speed utility parameters. In order to run the utility, once the parameters have
been entered, OK this dialog and hit the Run button from the main Utilities dialog.

This utility manipulates a TEMP interface file. TEMP interface files are used for temperature, evaporation, and wind
speed data in the Runoff module. Thus, the 'Temperature' and 'Evaporation' utilities also manipulate TEMP files.


External Input File
Input File Format
User Defined
Standard Format - Evaporation
Evaporation Coefficients
TEMP(erature) Interface Output File
More Evaporation
Standard Format - Evaporation
This option allows one of the standard file formats recognised by the xpswmm model to be selected. The formats
supported include some of the National Weather Service hourly precipitation data.

Only two National Weather Service standard formats are currently supported; NSW3200F and NWS3200V.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Print Control Evaporation
These parameters determine the extent to which input data will be echoed to the output file. Three options exist for
echoing input data in the output file, no echo, summary only or all data and summary. The summary tables contain
the minimum, mean, and maximum values read in by month and/or year.

No Echo
This option does not echo input data in the output file. This eliminates the echo of the raw data input and the summary

Print all data and summary
This option will result in voluminous output containing all the input data and the summary tables.

Print Summary only
This option prints only the monthly/yearly summary tables. This option is recommended.

Input File Format
The format of the external input file must be either selected from a list of 'Standard' file formats, or defined using the
'User Defined' format option.

Select File
Filename of TEMP interface file to be created. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the
required file to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.
External Input File

Select File
Filename of external input time series file. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the required file
to be selected. The filename can also be entered directly.

Station Number
Integer station number, up to six digits long.

This parameter is the National Weather Service station number for NWS format files. Alternatively, for a user-defined
format time series, this is an arbitrary integer station identifier.
Evaporation Coefficients
Pan evaporation coefficients are required to convert the pan evaporation estimates to free-water-surface evaporation
estimates required by the Runoff block. The pan estimates are multiplied by the coefficients to obtain the free-water-
surface estimates. Pan evaporation coefficient is entered for the given month. The unit is dimensionless.


TEMP Interface Output File
Filename of Temperature output interface file. This is the name of the file which will be used later as input to the
Runoff block (if 'Create TEMP Interface File' has been selected). Append will cause the TEMP output file to be
appended to if a file of the given name already exists. Replace will cause the TEMP output file to overwrite any other
file of the same name which already exists.
Create TEMP Interface File
This flag indicates a TEMP interface file is to be created. If this flag is ON the name of the file to create must be
entered below. If this flag is OFF the 'Perform Synoptic Analysis' flag (under the More button) must be turned ON, as
at least one output option is required.
User Defined
This option should be selected if the input file does not match any of the standard formats. If this option is selected,
the definition and width of each input field must be entered in the underlying 'Field Format' dialog.

Use this dialog to specify a format for the evaporation input file. The units and a multiplying factor are entered on this
dialog. The positioning of data in the input file is specified via the 'Field Format' button.

Specify the units, metric (mm/day) or U.S. Customary (in/day), of the data in the input file.

Evaporation Multiplier
xpswmm Reference Manual
Floating point value to multiply each input evaporation value by. This item can be used as a conversion factor (eg
mm/month => mm/day).

Field Format
Field Format
This dialog allows a user-defined file format to be specified. The file format includes header definitions and
descriptions of the sequence and widths of fields within data records in the input file.

Free Format
Number of header lines
Information -
Field Width -
Number of header lines
Number of lines of the input file to skip before reading field data.

Set this item to a non-zero value if the input file contains header lines which should be ignored.
Field Information
Name of field to be read in from this position in the input file.

Hit this item to display a list of fields to select from. The field types supported are the station number, year, month,
day, hour, minute, precipitation and dummy.

Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required.


Field Position
The field position is the sequence number of the field within an input line. Note that dummy fields can be defined to
allow for skipping of spaces and/or unused information in fixed format files.
Field Width
Number of characters defining the data for this field. In Fixed format, all fields are concatenated on the input line. In
Free format, the field width is irrelevant; as many characters as define each number are processed.
Free Format
This flag specifies an input file format of either free or fixed format.

When this flag is ON the input file must be a FORTRAN free format file. In this format, numbers are separated by
commas and/or spaces, and the actual column position within the line is not important; only the ordering of fields within
the line is important. When this flag is OFF the input file format is fixed and each field must be within the column
range specified.
Evaporation Variables
Up to 10 field definitions can be entered. Each definition represents a column of character positions in the input file.
The left most column is defined by column number 1 and so on. If the input file contains blank spaces or data that is
not required, the DUMMY field type can be used to skip these positions. The DUMMY field type can be used multiple
times if required. The field types supported are the station number, year, month, day, hour, minute and evaporation.

xpswmm Reference Manual
More Evaporation
Additional mandatory Evaporation utility parameters. These parameters control the simulation period, options for
output and the output file selection.

Echo Print Control
Report File
Two descriptive title lines of up to 80 characters. Either or both titles may be left blank. These descriptive titles will be
printed at the top of each page of output.

The simulation period can be entered manually. Otherwise the start and end dates can be taken from the first and last
data records belonging to the requested station number in the input file.

Report File
Name of the report output file to be created. The 'Select' button can also be used to enter a file name. If the select
button is clicked the default filename will be the XP filename with a .out extension. The filename, however, can also
be entered directly and should be different to the report output file name. This file contains the printable output, which
can be voluminus depending on the Print Control options selected in this dialog.

These options are used to define the period of the selected time series file that will be used on output.

Start Date
Start of analysis date. The program starts processing data from this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date' option is selected.

Use First Date
This option sets the analysis starting date to that of the first data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

Ending Date
End of analysis date. The program will stop reading data beyond this date. All dates must be entered in one of the
following formats, depending on your country configuration.

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the xpswmm.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date' option is selected.

Use Last Date
This option sets the analysis ending date to that of the last data record belonging to the requested station number in
the selected time series input file.

13.5 Statistics
Statistics Utility
This utility is used to perform statistical analyses on continuous or single event data.

Both water quantity and quality parameters may be analysed. The options available include separation of events with
a table depicting the sequential series of events, a table of magnitude, return period and frequency of events, a graph
of magnitude versus frequency, and the first three moments of the event data.

The Statistics utility operates on any xpswmm interface files and any RAIN interface files. The analysis will be
performed for all selected nodes in the network that have results generated for them in the interface file.

This dialog allows the entry of all Statistics utility parameters. In order to run the utility, once the parameters have been
entered, OK this dialog and hit the Run button from the main Utilities dialog.

The utility operates by reading data from the interface file, printing descriptive information from the file header, and
then printing a summary of the input file. The data is then separated into events. There is an internal limit to the
number of events that can be analysed per location. After the entire simulation period has been examined, a table of
the sequential series of events is printed, if requested. Tables of magnitude, return period, and frequency are then
printed followed by graphs of magnitude versus return period or frequency. Finally, the mean, variance, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation and coefficient of skewness of the event data are calculated and printed.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Analysis Options
Rainfall Analysis Options
Flow/Water Quality Analysis Option
Print Control
Print All Events
Print 'x' events
Print Sequential Series
If Memory Exceeded
Analyze Truncated Series
Print Truncated Series
General Data
Statistics Print Control
These options control the amount of results printed in the report file. The sequential series of events is controlled, as is
the number of events, in the output tables of magnitude, return period and frequency.
Print 'x' events
Select this option to print the top 'x' events in the table of magnitude, return period, and frequency. This table shows the
date and time that each event began, the magnitude of the event being analysed, the return period (in years or
months), and the percentage of occurrences that are less than or equal to the given magnitude. The table is sorted in
descending order of magnitude.
Print All Events
Select this option to print all events in the table of magnitude, return period, and frequency. This table shows the date
and time that each event began, the magnitude of the event being analysed, the return period (in years or months), and
the percentage of occurrences that are less than or equal to the given magnitude. The table is sorted in descending
order of magnitude.
Print Sequential Series
This flag controls printing of a sequential time series. If this flag is selected a table of the original series of events before
any sorting has taken place will be printed. The table depicts the original time series after the time steps have been
grouped into events. The table includes the date and time of day that each event began, flow volume of each event,
total rainfall during the flow event, duration of each event, and inter-event duration (time from the end of the previous
If Memory Exceeded
The options in this box will only become relevant if the number of events exceeds the maximum number allowable.
Since the maximum is normally set reasonably high, it is unlikely these options will be invoked.

If the number of events exceeds the internal limit, and the 'Analyse Truncated Series' flag is ON, the table will still be
printed, ignoring the rest of the series. If the 'Analyse Truncated Series' flag is OFF and memory is exceeded, this flag
will be ignored. In this case printing of the series will depend on the 'Print Truncated Series' flag.
Print Truncated Series
This flag controls printing of a sequential time series if memory is exceeded. If this flag is selected and memory is
exceeded a table of the events read so far will be printed.

If the 'Analyse Truncated Series' flag is ON this flag will be ignored. In this case printing of the series will depend on the
'Print Sequential Series' flag.
Analyze Truncated Series
If this flag is selected and memory is exceeded, analysis will still be performed on the truncated series. Selecting this
option will cause the 'Print Truncated Series' flag to be ignored. Printing of the truncated series will then depend on the
'Print Sequential Series' flag.
Statistics General Data
These mandatory parameters define the criteria for an event and units for data to be presented in tables.

Cutoff Value Separating Events
Minimum Inter-event Time
Return Period
Position Parameter
Return Period Units
Output Units
Output Units
This parameter indicates the system of units in which output is reported, metric or US Customary.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Position Parameter
Parameter for return period calculation, dimensionless. Empirical return period (plotting position) is calculated from the
above equation.

A value of A = 0 gives the familiar Weibull plotting position, often used in hydrology, but criticised by Cunnane (1978)
who suggested a value of A = 0.4 as a good compromise for the customary situation in which the underlying frequency
distribution of the parameter is unknown.
Minimum Inter-event Time
Minimum number of dry hours between separate events. Minimum period of zero values (or values less than the base
value) before any new values will be considered part of a separate event.

If a value of zero is chosen for this value, every wet time step will be viewed as a separate event. Values less than the
base value will be considered as part of an inter-event period.

Values of 3 to 30 hours are often used to separate rainfall events. Another approach uses the coefficient of variation
(CV) of inter-event time (defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean). The inter-event time giving a CV
around 1.0 is usually chosen. This method assumes inter-event times have an exponential distribution, so that two
trial values are used and corresponding CV values determined through two runs of the Statistics utility; a plot will give
a good estimate of the minimum inter-event time for which CV is around 1.0. Depending upon the site, this definition
applied to the runoff time series can yield large values in the order of 100 hours.
Cutoff Value Separating Events
Events are separated using a base or cutoff value. Values greater than this threshold are part of the event; conversely
values less than or equal to this threshold are part of the inter-event period. The value may be interpreted as a flow,
volume or intensity, depending on the type of analysis being done.

The units depend on what the interface file contains. The units for rainfall intensity are in./hr [mm/hr]. The units for
rainfall volume are in. [mm]. The units of flow are cfs [cumec].
Return Period
Empirical return period (plotting position) is calculated by the following equation:

T = (NMY + 1 - 2*A) / (M - A)
T = return period, months or years
NMY = simulation duration, months or years
M = rank of event (in descending order)
A = position parameter

The frequency computed for each event is the percent of total events less than or equal to the given magnitude:

FREQ = 100 * (1 - (M - 1)/N)
FREQ = percentage not greater than a given magnitude
M = rank of event (in descending order)
N = total number of events within the period of analysis
Return Period Units
Return periods will be calculated using either months or years as the basic time unit.
Rainfall Analysis Options
This option allows statistics to be performed on rain gauge data. If this option is selected the input file must be a rain
interface file generated from either the Runoff block or the Rainfall utility.


Statistical Options
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Print Moments
Rainfall Station
Rainfall Station
An integer number representing the rain station. Use the select button to read the station numbers from the interface.
Station numbers are read from the file specified as the input file in the Files dialog.

If an error occurs reading the interface file it may be because the file is not in the expected format. If the interface file
was not created by xpswmm it may need to be converted.
Rainfall Statistical Options
These flags determine which variables will be reported on various output tables and graphs.

Total Volume
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on total rainfall volumes. Event volumes are reported as
inches [mm].

Average Intensity
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on average rainfall intensities, reported as in./hr [mm/hr].

Peak Intensity
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on peak rainfall intensities, reported as in./hr [mm/hr].

Event Duration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on event durations, reported in hours.

Inter-event Duration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on inter-event durations, reported in hours.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Print Moments
Select options in this column to calculate and print unbiased estimates for the mean, variance, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation and coefficient of skewness for different variables.
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Select options in this column to print tables of magnitude, return period and frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against period for different variables.
Flow/Water Quality Analysis Option
This dialog allows the entry of flow and water quality analysis options. The options selected will be performed on each
of the highlighted nodes. It is assumed the input file is a xpswmm interface file generated for the current network.

Only nodes which exist in the input file should be selected while running flow statistics. The nodes created in the file
will depend on which xpswmm mode created the file. For Runoff and Extran all end nodes (nodes with no outgoing
conduits for that mode) will be created. For Transport the nodes created will be all those with the 'Save Outflows to
xpswmm Interface File' flag selected.

Flow Statistical Options
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Print Moments
Water Quality
Select Pollutants
Select Pollutants
Hit this button to select the list of pollutants to perform quality analysis on. This data is required only if water quality
analysis is to be performed.

Any number of pollutants may be defined, but a maximum of 20 may be used in any particular simulation. (this is the
typical configuration but if errors are encountered the SWMM.PAR file should be checked for the actual maximum
number allowed). The pollutants to be used are chosen from those defined in the 'Pollutants' Global Database. To
add a pollutant to the "Use Pollutants" list, highlight the pollutant required in the Pollutant list (left-hand list), then select
the "Add" button. To remove a pollutant from the list select the pollutant you wish to delete from the "Use Pollutants"
list (right-hand list), then select the "Delete" button.

Print Moments
Select options in this column to calculate and print unbiased estimates for the mean, variance, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation and coefficient of skewness for different variables.
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Select options in this column to print tables of magnitude, return period and frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against period for different variables.
Flow Statistical Options
These flags determine which variables will be reported on various output tables and graphs.

Total Flow
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on total flow. Event flows are reported as cfs [cms].

Average Flow
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on average flow, reported as cfs [cms].

Peak Flow
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on peak flow, reported as cfs [cms].

Event Duration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on event durations, reported in hours.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Inter-event Duration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on inter-event durations, reported in hours.

Water Quality
This flag and the underlying dialog allows the statistical analysis options to be selected for each pollutant being
analysed. Enter the analysis you wish to perform for the highlighted pollutant and repeat for each pollutant in the list.
Exit this dialog and enter the 'Select Pollutants' dialog to select the list of pollutants to analyse.

If the input interface file was generated by Extran the 'Water Quality Analysis' parameters will be ignored, since Extran
currently does not route water quality.

Statistical Options
Total Load
Average Load
Peak Load
Flow Weighted Average Concentration
Peak Concentration
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Graph of Magnitude vs. Period
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Print Moments
Total Load
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on the total pollutant loads. The unit that the results are reported
in depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Total Load
mg/litre lb [kg]
'other'/litre Quantity [Quantity]
other ft^3*PUNIT [litre*PUNIT]

Quantity = quantity of the pollutant involved
PUNIT = label for given pollutant unit
Print Moments
Select options in this column to calculate and print unbiased estimates for the mean, variance, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation and coefficient of skewness for different variables.
Peak Concentration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on the peak pollutant concentrations. The unit that the results
are reported in depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Peak Concentration
mg/litre mg/l [mg/l]
'other'/litre PUNIT [PUNIT]

PUNIT = label for given pollutant unit
Peak Load
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on the peak pollutant loads. The unit that the results are
reported in depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Peak Load
mg/litre lb/hr [kg/hr]
'other'/litre Quantity/hr [Quantity/hr]
other cfs*PUNIT [litre/sec*PUNIT]

Quantity = quantity of the pollutant involved
PUNIT = label for given pollutant unit
Table of Magnitude, Return Period and Frequency
Select options in this column to print tables of magnitude, return period and frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against frequency for different variables.
Graph of Magnitude vs. Period
Select options in this column to graph on a line printer magnitude against period for different variables.
Flow Weighted Average Concentration
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on the Flow weighted average pollutant concentrations (event
mean concentration). The unit that the results are reported in depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Unit for Flow Weighted
Pollutant Unit Average Concentration
mg/litre mg/l [mg/l]
'other'/litre PUNIT [PUNIT]

PUNIT = label for given pollutant unit
xpswmm Reference Manual
Average Load
Select options in this row to perform statistical analysis on the average pollutant loads. The unit that the results are
reported in depends on the pollutant unit as follows:

Pollutant Unit Unit for Average Load
mg/litre lb/hr [kg/hr]
'other'/litre Quantity/hr [Quantity/hr]
other cfs*PUNIT [litre/sec*PUNIT]

Quantity = quantity of the pollutant involved
PUNIT = label for given pollutant unit
Flow Statistical Options
These flags determine which variables will be reported on various output tables and graphs.
Files (Statistics Files)
Input and output files for the statistics utility and the period of analysis to be extracted from the input file (if the entire
period covered by the file is not required).

Input Interface File
Start and Ending Dates
Start and Ending Dates

Start Date
Start of analysis date. All dates must be entered in one of the following formats, depending on your country

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the SWMM.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date and Time' option is selected.

Start Time
Start of analysis time. The time can be entered in either 12 or 24 hour format, (HH:MM or HH:MMpm).

This item is ignored if the 'Use First Date and Time' option is selected.

Use First Date and Time
This option sets the analysis starting date and time to the first value found in the input interface file.

End Date
End of analysis date. All dates must be entered in one of the following formats, depending on your country

Day, Month, Year DD/MM/YY
Month, Day, Year MM/DD/YY
Year, Month, Day YY/MM/DD

The date format is defined by the DATE_FORMAT variable in the SWMM.CFG configuration file.

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date and Time' option is selected.

End Time
End of analysis time. The time can be entered in either 12 or 24 hour format, (HH:MM or HH:MMpm).

This item is ignored if the 'Use Last Date and Time' option is selected.

Use Last Date and Time
This option indicates that analysis should continue to the end of the available record in the interface file.
Input Interface File
Filename of SWMM or RAIN interface input file. Use the select button to display a directory listing and allow the
required file to be selected or alternatively enter the name manually.
Output File
Name of the report file to be created. This file contains the printable output, which may include a sequential series of
events, tables of magnitude, return period, and frequency, graphs of magnitude versus return period or frequency, and
three moments of selected parameters.

Expert System Capabilities
The user is given continual guidance and assistance during data entry. For parameters that are difficult to estimate
the user may be advised of literature to aid in selecting a value, or an explanation of a parameter and some proposed
values may be shown on the screen. If there are other ways to pick the value, typically if the parameter is a function of
other variables, the equation is shown to the user.

The user interface is intelligent and offers expert system capabilities based on the knowledge of the software
developers and experienced users. For example, as various graphical elements are connected to form a network, XP
filters the users actions so that a network that is beyond the scope of the model is not created. The general
philosophy is to trap any data problems at the highest possible level - at the point the data is created by the users.

In addition to the well-known and accepted benefits of input and output graphics the xpswmm environment provides
the user with expert data checking facilities. In the case of xpswmm, these checks include:

Runoff Mode
Conduits (All modes)
Runoff Mode
Conduits (All modes)
Runoff Mode
Runoff Mode

Network Manipulation
Knowledge based data filtering prevents the creation of an illegal network or modifications that would result in an
illegal network. The network is checked to meet the following constraints:

Number of links connected at a node not greater than 7.
Double links not allowed - a multi-link must be used.
Data Type Checking
Data entered via text items is checked against the data type expected for that item. If a number is expected then the
text string entered is interpreted to see it follows the rules for numerical strings. For example, if an integer (whole
number) is expected, then invalid characters such as non-digits, decimal points etc, are trapped and the data is not

Pure text strings or comments are accepted as entered.
xpswmm Reference Manual

The syntax for numerical strings follows the usual rules. Larger-magnitude numbers can be entered via exponential

XP indicates floating-point numerical items by adding a decimal point if you haven't already done so.
Data Range Checking
As data is entered it is filtered on two levels:

Data is checked to ensure it is within a "reasonable" range
eg. Mannings 'n' has a reasonable range of 0.005 to 0.5. If data outside the reasonable range is entered a
warning message is issued, with the reasonable range indicated and the data is accepted.

Data is checked to ensure it is within an absolute limit
eg. Mannings 'n' cannot be less than zero. If data is outside the absolute range an error message is issued,
with the valid range indicated, and the data not accepted. Execution cannot continue unless a valid value is
entered or "Cancel" is selected.
Relational Consistency Checking
After all the data has been entered and the user attempts to solve the networks the inter-relationship of all data is
checked for consistency, again at two levels:

Warning messages are generated for data outside reasonable constraints, or missing data for which default
parameters have been provided, but the network can still be solved, and

Error messages are generated for data outside the absolute range, or data that is illegal in its context with other
parameters, and the network can not be solved until these errors are corrected.
14.1 Error Checks
Hydraulics Layer Errors
1. Elevation in pump, weir or orifice below node invert.
2. Missing input hydrograph data.
3. Storage data missing.
4. Node data missing.
5. Ground elevation below node invert.
6. User tide coefficients undefined.
7. Undefined outfall boundary condition.
8. Not enough points in input hydrographs.
9. Insufficient points in input hydrographs.
10. Node storage elevation above spill elevation.
11. Run control parameters missing.
12. Unconnected node present in network.
13. Unnamed node present in network.
14. Node storage elevation below highest crown elevation.
Runoff Layer Errors
1. Unable to open the rainfall interface file.
2. Error reading the number of stations from the rainfall interface file.
3. More than the maximum number of user defined global rainfall records referenced.
4. Rainfall input interface file not specified.
5. Rainfall station name not found in the input interface file.
6. Time control data missing.
7. Invalid simulation start or end date.
8. Simulation end earlier than simulation start.
9. Invalid start date or start time entered in rainfall record.
10. The maximum number of inlets has been exceeded.
11. Invalid print period date encountered.
12. Node downstream of channel not specified as a runoff node.
13. The maximum number of subcatchments has been exceeded.
14. The maximum number of subcatchments with Groundwater compartments has been exceeded.
15. Rainfall data not selected for a subcatchment.
16. Infiltration data not selected for a subcatchment.
17. Groundwater data not selected for a subcatchment.
18. Groundwater drainage name, selected for a subcatchment, is not a valid runoff node or conduit.
19. Groundwater Field Capacity must be greater than the Wilting Point.
20. Snowmelt data has not been selected for a subcatchment.
21. At least one pollutant must be specified for water quality.
22. More than the maximum number of pollutants have been specified in water quality.
23. At least one landuse must be specified when simulating water quality.
24. More than the maximum number of landuses have been specified in water quality.
25. Buildup parameters not specified for pollutant.
26. Washoff calculation cannot be set to Exponential when buildup calculation is set to None.
27. Washoff calculation cannot be set to EMC unless buildup calculation is set to None.
28. Erosion details for a subcatchment not selected.
29. Street sweeping data for Water Quality missing.
30. Print control data missing.
31. Water quality data for a subcatchment missing.
32. Subcatchment data missing.
33. Job control snow melt data missing.
34. Job control snow melt single event data missing.
35. Job control continuous snow melt data missing.
36. Global pollutant data missing.
37. Global landuse data missing.
38. Global snowmelt snow covered area data missing.
39. Global snowmelt normally bare impervious area data missing.
40. Global snowmelt snow plowing data missing.
41. Global snowmelt areal depletion curve missing.
42. Global groundwater data missing.
43. Global groundwater outflow calculation data missing.
44. Global groundwater evapo-transpiration data missing.
45. Global groundwater infiltration/percolation data missing.
46. Global infiltration data missing.
47. Global infiltration Horton data missing.
48. Global infiltration Green-Ampt data missing.
49. Global rainfall data missing.
50. Global rainfall gauge input missing.
51. Global buildup/washoff data missing.
52. Global buildup/washoff time data missing.
53. Global buildup/washoff exponential data missing.
54. Global buildup/washoff rating curve data missing.
55. Global buildup/washoff EMC data missing.
56. Global erosion data missing.
57. Job control data missing.
58. Global snowmelt data missing.
59. Global snowmelt single event data missing.
60. Job control water quality erosion data missing.
61. Job control water quality data missing.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Sanitary Layer Errors
1. Dry Weather Flow reference missing in Job Control
2. Evaporation Data Missing
3. Evaporation must be entered with storage units
4. Invalid Treatment Plant print period start date or end date encountered
5. Invalid simulation start date or end date
6. Number of Input Hydrographs exceeds maximum allowed
7. Number of Nodes in Network exceeds maximum allowed
8. Number of Particle Sizes exceeds maximum allowed
9. Number of Pollutants exceeds maximum allowed
10. Number of Settling Velocities exceeds maximum allowed
11. Number of Storage Elements exceeds maximum allowed
12. Number of Storage Treatment Plants exceeds maximum allowed
13. Number of Storage Treatment Units exceeds maximum allowed
14. Number of Transport Elements exceeds maximum allowed
15. Number of Transport Hydrograph Points exceeds maximum allowed
16. Number of Upstream Conduits exceeds maximum allowed
17. Bypass Flow Threshold data missing
18. Capital Cost variable missing
19. Dry Weather Flow dialog data missing
20. Constant Pumping dialog data missing
21. Depth Outflow Table data missing
22. Flow Divider dialog data missing
23. Job Control Evaporation dialog data missing
24. Job Control Print Control dialog data missing
25. Job Control Removal Equation Variables dialog data missing
26. Node data missing
27. Outflow Power Equation dialog data missing
28. Particle Size Distribution dialog data missing
29. Particle Size Ranges dialog data missing
30. Plug Flow dialog data missing
31. Pollutant Particle Size Distribution data missing
32. Pollutant Scour / Deposition data missing
33. Pollutant Study Area Process Flow data missing
34. Pollutant data missing
35. Pollutant; Critical Particle Size data missing
36. Pollutant; Critical Settling Velocity data missing
37. Pollutant; Removal Option data missing
38. Print Control dialog data missing
39. Removal Equation dialog data missing
40. Residential Sewer Area dialog data missing
41. Residual Power Equation dialog data missing
42. Screen Process Removals dialog data missing
43. Screen Process dialog data missing
44. Second Outflow Power Equation dialog data missing
45. Settling Velocities dialog data missing
46. Settling Velocity Range dialog data missing
47. Sewer Dry Weather Flow data missing
48. Sewer Input Time Series dialog data missing
49. Sewer Inputs dialog data missing
50. Storage Node Initial Concentrations dialog data missing
51. Storage Node Outflow Power Equation dialog data missing
52. Storage Node dialog data missing
53. Storage Treatment More dialog data missing
54. Storage Treatment Plant data missing
55. Storage Unit data missing
56. Subarea Process Flow dialog data missing
57. Operational & Maintenance Cost variable missing
58. Plug Flow Sludge Pollutant data missing
59. Screen Unit Cost data missing
60. Sewer Dry Weather Flow Study Area data missing
61. Sewer Dry Weather Flow Temporal Variation data missing
62. Storage Unit Cost data missing
63. Storage Unit Hydraulic Properties data missing
64. Storage Unit Residual Flow data missing
65. Waste Stream Temperature reference missing
66. No Detailed Print Periods Entered
67. No Storage Treatment Units Entered
68. Pollutant %Greater values must decrease
69. Removal Equation Variable is duplicated
70. Removal Equation Variables must all be unique
71. Residential Landuse must be selected to Estimate Dry Weather Flow
72. Sewer Dry Weather Flow Land-use areas do not add up to total area
73. Sewer Infiltration reference missing in Job Control
74. Simulation Time Step must not be zero
75. Simulation end date earlier than simulation start date
76. Undefined Removal Equation Variable for pollutant
77. Storage Treatment Unit has a circular output reference
78. Storage Treatment Unit is duplicated
79. Storage Treatment Unit references an unknown output unit
80. Upstream node not in transport mode
81. Use of Removal requires Equation Variables flag in Job Control
82. Waste Stream Temperature Data Missing
83. You must select some Pollutants in Job Control to export Storage Treatment Plants
Conduit Errors (All layers)
1. Conduit invert below node invert.
2. Only one connecting conduit to outlet node.
3. Pump data missing.
4. Pump head-discharge data missing.
5. Inline lift pump data missing.
6. Offline wet-well pump data missing.
7. Weir data missing.
8. Flagged orifice time history missing.
9. Orifice data missing.
10. More than one conduit connected to an offline pump.
11. At least one conduit connected to an inline pump.
12. Must be a weir outfall only (no combination of conduits/weirs).
13. Channel data missing.
14. Unnamed Natural Channel cross section.
15. Conduit data missing.
16. Conduit obvert above ground surface elevation.
17. Unnamed conduit present in network.
18. The maximum number of channels and pipes has been exceeded.
19. Multiple conduit data missing.
20. Natural channel section coordinates not found.
21. The maximum number of natural channels has been exceeded.
22. Station position of the left bank not found in natural channel section coordinates.
23. Station position of the right bank not found in natural channel section coordinates.
24. User defined conduit data not found.
xpswmm Reference Manual
25. Maximum user defined conduit depth above ground surface level.
26. Circular conduit height cannot be zero.
27. Special conduit type data missing.
28. Special conduit height cannot be zero.
29. Special conduit width cannot be zero.
30. Conduit cross section data missing.
31. Conduit profile data missing.
32. Zero length conduit.
33. The maximum number user defined cross-sections exceeded.
1. Hotstart Data undefined
2. Undefined Hot-Start file name
3. File does not exist
4. RAIN Input Interface file doesnt exist
5. RAIN Output Interface file isnt valid
6. Rainfall Synoptic Analysis Event Summary file isnt valid
7. Rainfall Output report file isnt valid
8. A standard format has not been selected for RAIN interface file
9. Invalid format string entered
10. Neither synoptic analysis nor interface file output selected. At least one output type must be selected.
11. Invalid start date or end date entered.
12. Year field not specified in user defined format.
13. Month field not specified in user defined format.
14. Day field not specified in user defined format.
15. Hour field not specified in user defined format.
16. Minute field not specified in user defined format.
17. Precipitation field not specified in user defined format.
18. User defined precipitation field must be specified in the first or last position.
19. Rain data not entered.
20. User defined data not entered.
21. User defined format fields not entered.
22. Synoptic analysis options not entered.
23. Additional rain data not entered.
24. A valid input file must be entered
25. A valid output file must be entered
26. A report output file must be entered
27. An input station name must be entered
18. Statistics Input Interface file doesnt exist
29. Statistics Output file isnt valid
30. Statistics Start date/time is after End date/time
31. Statistics Node name undefined
32. TEMP Input Interface file doesnt exist
33. Temperature Output Interface file isnt valid
34. Temperature Output report file isnt valid
35. Temperature Invalid format string entered
36. Minimum Temperature field not specified in user defined format.
37. Evaporation estimate field not specified in user defined format.
38. Wind Speed field not specified in user defined format.
39. Minimum Temperature field not specified in user defined format.
14.2 Warning Checks
Hydraulics Layer Warnings
1. Hydrograph shorter than simulation period - constant extrapolation for hydrograph.
2. Number of input hydrographs greater than maximum number of inputs allowed.
3. Number of nodes for detail printing greater than maximum number of print nodes allowed.
4. Number of nodes for detail plotting greater than maximum number of print nodes allowed.
5. Number of nodes for flow-history printing greater than maximum number of print nodes allowed.
6. Number of nodes for flow-history plotting greater than maximum number of print nodes allowed.
7. Number user input hydrographs greater than maximum number of inputs allowed.
8. Defaulting to imperial units.
9. Hotstart option flagged but undefined.
Runoff Layer Warnings
1. Rain interface file not in the format expected.
2. Number of Stations specified in the Rainfall interface file exceeds the maximum allowed.
3. Groundwater Field Capacity is greater than 0.9 x POROSITY.
4. Subcatchment water quality initial loading reference missing. Using default initial loadings of zero.
5. Units missing, defaulting to METRIC.
6. Catchbasin data missing.
7. Evaporation data not entered. Using defaults.
8. Global landuse Street sweeping data missing.
9. Node data has not been entered.
10. Groundwater Porosity should be greater than Initial Upper Zone Moisture to give a positive initial
available volume.
Sanitary Layer Warnings

1. Job Control Options data not entered. Using defaults.
2. Sum of Sub-areas does not equal Total Catchment Area
Conduit Warnings (All layers)
1. Pump on level less than off level.
2. Number of conduits for head plotting greater than maximum number of print nodes allowed.
3. Conduit flows can only run uphill using Extran. Uphill only flag ignored.
4. Conduit slope inconsistent with length and invert levels. Invert levels ignored.
1. Mode data not entered. Exporting runoff mode data by default.
2. Runoff, Transport or Extran interface files not specified
14.3 Import Errors
Runoff Mode
1. Subcatchment name referenced on I1 card not found or not in the same order as subcatchment names
on the H1 cards.
2. Attempt to import more than the maximum number of pollutants.
3. Attempt to import more than the maximum number of landuses.
4. Invalid pollutant number reading J4 lines.
5. Non-existent subcatchment name on K1 line. Erosion data not imported.
6. Non-existent subcatchment name on L1 line. Surface quality data not imported.
7. M3 line contained the unknown object.
8. M4 line contained the unknown object.
9. ROPT = 1 and a rainfall interface file has not been specified.
xpswmm Reference Manual
10. Rain interface file not in the format expected.
11. Number of Stations specified in the Rainfall interface file exceeds the maximum.
12. Invalid hyetograph number on H1 card.
13. Attempted to import more than the maximum number of subcatchments into a node.
1. Backwater type 25 will use manhole element
2. Conduit element has multiple upstream non-conduit elements: subsequent connections ignored
3. Conduit element has upstream conduit and non-conduit elements - non-conduits ignored
4. Element has undefined upstream element
5. Element in process flow data is not defined
6. Element in subarea is not defined
7. Element not found (I2 cards)
8. Element not imported
9. Error encountered reading E4 lines
10. Error encountered reading GR lines
11. Errors in input file - import abandoned
12. Flow divider type 24 not yet supported - will use flow divider type 21
13. Import Equation in error
14. Lift Stations not yet supported - will use manhole element
15. No Nodes to import into - import abandoned
16. Non-conduit element has an upstream non-conduit element - connection ignored
17. Number of pollutants must be 3 or 4 if Dry Weather Sewage Inflow is to be estimated
18. Pollutant with selector has been given new name
19. Undiverted flow destination conduit not defined
20. Storage Treatment Unit number not recognised
1. Attempting to import a node. A link with this name already exists.
2. Attempting to import a link. A node with this name already exists.
14.4 Import Warnings
Runoff Mode
1. G1 line with empty name string ignored.
2. Subcatchment name on H2 line does not match the preceding H1 line.
1. Dummy Node created
2. Hydraulic design disable flag ignored
3. Storage Treatment should have at least one pollutant
4. Cannot extract pollutants from interface file.
1. No Nodes selected for Statistics
2. Invalid number of blocks specified on the SW card
3. Invalid number of scratch files specified on the MM card
4. Interface file on the SW line given a file name
5. Quote option not implemented.
6. Graph module not implemented. Use Review Results.

SWWM Description
Changes from SWMM V. 3 to SWMM V. 4
Changes from SWMM Version 4 to XP-SWMM
xpswmm Upgrades
Program Operation Requirements
When Should SWMM be Used?
Modelling Caveats
EXTRAN Overview
Inlet control theory
SWMM Interface File Format
Urban Runoff Analysis
Urban runoff quantity and quality constitute problems of both a historical and current nature. Cities have long
assumed the responsibility of control of Stormwater flooding and treatment of point sources (e.g., municipal sewage)
of wastewater. Within the past two decades, the severe pollution potential of urban non-point sources, principally
combined sewer overflows and Stormwater discharges, has been recognized, both through field observation and
federal legislation. The advent of modern, high speed computers has led to the development of new, complex,
sophisticated tools for analysis of both quantity and non-point pollution problems. The EPA Storm Water Management
Model, SWMM, developed in 1969-71, was one of the first of such models, it has been continually maintained and
updated, and is perhaps the best known and most widely used of the available urban runoff quantity/quality models.

Many of the changes that have occurred in SWMM during the past 15 years have been poorly documented and were
not readily visible to users. This volume includes documentation of major changes to the model since its original
development. Theory that underlies unchanged parts of the model may still be reviewed in the original documentation
(Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971a, 1971b, 1971c, 1971d) plus intermediate reports (Huber et al., 1975; Heaney et al.,
1975). This volume supersedes Version 4 documentation (Huber et al., 1988) and includes essentially all material
from that manual plus enhancements to the model made by WP Software.

Urban Runoff Models
Objectives -
Screening Models -
Planning Models -
Design Models -
Operational Models -
Other Models -
Models are generally used for studies of quantity and quality problems associated with urban runoff in which four
broad objectives may be identified: screening, planning, design and operation. Each objective typically produces
models with somewhat different characteristics with the different models overlapping to some degree.
Screening Models
Screening models are preliminary, "first-cut" ("Level I"), desktop procedures that require no computer. They are
intended to provide a first estimate of the magnitude of urban runoff quantity and quality problems, prior to an
investment of time and resources into more complex computer based models. Examples of screening models include
SWMM Level I procedures (Heaney et al., 1976; Heaney and Nix, 1977) and others: Howard (1976), Hydroscience
(1976, 1979), Chan and Bras (1979).
xpswmm Reference Manual
Planning Models
Planning models are used for an overall assessment of the urban runoff problem as well as estimates of the
effectiveness and costs of abatement procedures. They may also be used for "first-cut" analyses of the rainfall-runoff
process and illustrate trade-offs among various control options. They are typified by relatively large time steps (hours)
and long simulation times (months and years), i.e., continuous simulation. Data requirements are kept to a minimum
and their mathematical complexity is low.

SWMM has had this capability since 1976, following the earliest work of the Stanford Watershed Model (Crawford and
Linsley, 1966) and the latter widely-used Corps of Engineers STORM model (Roesner et al., 1974; HEC, 1977a).

A planning model may also be run to identify hydrologic events that may be of special interest for design or other
purposes. These storm events may then be analyzed in detail using a more sophisticated design model (Huber et al.,
1986). SWMM can be used in both the planning and design mode. Planning or long-term models may also be used
to generate initial conditions (i.e., antecedent conditions) for input to design models. They may occasionally be
coupled to continuous receiving water models as well; for example, SWMM and STORM may be used as input to
Medinas (1979) Level III Receiving Water Model.
Design Models
Design models are oriented toward the detailed simulation of a single storm event. They provide a omplete
description of flow and pollutant routing from the point of rainfall through the entire urban runoff system and often into
the receiving waters as well. Such models may be used for predictions of flows and concentrations anywhere in the
rainfall/runoff system and can illustrate the detailed and exact manner in which abatement procedures or design
options affect them. As such, these models are a highly useful tool for determining least-cost abatement procedures
for both quantity and quality problems in urban areas. Design models are generally used for simulation of a single
storm event and are typified by short time steps (minutes) and short simulation times (hours). Data requirements may
be moderate to very extensive depending upon the particular model employed.

In its original form (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971a, 1971b, 1971c, 1971d), SWMM was strictly a design model.
However, as described above, it may now be used in both a planning and design mode. In addition, it has acquired
additional design potential through inclusion of the Extended Transport Model, Extran, developed by Camp, Dresser
and McKee (formerly Water Resources Engineers). Extran is probably the most sophisticated program available for
detailed hydraulic analysis of sewer systems (Shubinski and Roesner, 1973; Roesner et al., 1981; Roesner et al.,
Operational Models
Operational models are used to produce actual control decisions during a storm event. Rainfall is entered from
telemetered stations and the model is used to predict system responses a short time into the future. Various control
options may then be employed, e.g., in-system storage, diversions, regulator settings.

These models are frequently developed from sophisticated design models and applied to a particular system; Schilling
(1985) provides a review. Examples are operational models designed for Minneapolis-St. Paul (Bowers et al., 1968)
and Seattle (Leiser, 1974).
Other Models
SWMM is by no stretch of the imagination the only urban runoff model available, or necessarily the preferred one
under many circumstances. Many other urban runoff models have been described in the literature and are too
numerous to list here. However, good comparative reviews are available, e.g., Brandstetter (1977), Chu and Bowers
(1977), Huber and Heaney (1980, 1982), Kibler (1982), Kohlhaas (1982), EPA(1983a), Whipple et al. (1983) and Hall
(1984). EPAs water quality models are reviewed by Barnwell (1984). A general review of methods available for
urban quality modelling and six operational urban quality models is provided by Huber (1985, 1986). Many more
models are available for purely hydrologic and hydraulic analysis.
Origin and Historical Developments
Under the sponsorship of the Environmental Protection Agency, a consortium of contractors Metcalf and Eddy,
Incorporated, the University of Florida, and Water Resources Engineers, Incorporated developed, in 1969-71, the
Storm Water Management Model, SWMM, capable of representing urban stormwater runoff and combined sewer
overflow phenomena. Both quantity and quality problems and control options may be investigated with the model, with
associated cost estimates available for storage and/or treatment controls. Effectiveness can be evaluated by
inspection of hydrographs, pollutographs, pollutant loads, and modelled changes in receiving water quality.

The original project report is divided into four volumes. Volume I, the "Final Report" (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971a),
contains the background, justifications, judgments, and assumptions used in the model development. It further
includes descriptions of unsuccessful modelling techniques that were attempted and recommendations for forms of
user teams to implement systems analysis techniques most effectively. Although many modifications and
improvements have since been added to SWMM, the material in Volume I still accurately describes much of the theory
behind updated versions. Documentation of some of the procedures included in the 1975 Version II (Huber et al.,
1975) release of SWMM is also provided by Heaney et al. (1975).

Volume II, "Verification and Testing," (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971b), describes the methods and results of the
application of the original model to four urban catchments.

Volume III, the "Users Manual" (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971c) contains program descriptions, flow charts,
instructions on data preparation and program usage, and test examples. This was updated in 1975 by the Version II
Users Manual (Huber et al., 1971) and in 1981 by the Version 3 Users Manuals (Huber et al., 1981; Roesner et al.,
1981). This present report supersedes all of these previous documents.

Volume IV, "Program Listing" (Metcalf and Eddy et al., 1971d), lists the entire original program and Job Control
Language (JCL) as used in the demonstration runs. Since many routines in the updated version are similar or
identical to the original, it is still a useful reference, but on the whole should be disregarded since the present coding
is, in most cases, completely different.

An extensive bilbiography of SWMM usage is available (Huber et al., 1985) and is highly recommended for new users.
Case studies mentioned in the bibliography are especially useful.

EXTRAN the program had its origin in the early 1960s as a model of San Francisco Bay [Shubinski, 1965]. Its early
mode was a link-node receiving water model. In the early development of EXTRAN, a constant velocity approach was
used, but this was later found to produce highly unstable solutions. Additional capability was added in the early 1970s
to simulate the upland areas contributing stormwater runoff to San Francisco Bay.

This new model called EXTRAN was developed for the City of San Francisco in 1973 (Shubinski and Roesner, 1973;
Kibler et al., 1975). At that time it was called the San Francisco Model and (more properly) the WRE Transport Model.
Water Resources Engineers became wholly integrated into Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. in 1980. In 1974, EPA
acquired this model and incorporated it into the SWMM package, calling it the Extended Transport Model - EXTRAN -
to distinguish it from the Transport Block developed by the University of Florida as part of the original SWMM

Another big increase in the model capabilities occurred in the middle 1980s when CDM undertook the simulation of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A., an area with multiple tidal bays and flat areas. The ability to model natural channels
with arbitrary cross sections, variable storage areas (i.e., lakes and detention ponds) and multiple tidal boundaries was
added to the EXTRAN Model by CDM in the middle 1980s.

Since the release of EXTRAN 2, the model has been refined, particularly in the way the flow routing is performed
under surcharge conditions. EXTRAN 2 used surge tanks to model surcharged flow. EXTRAN 3 used an iterative
solution to model surcharged flow based on a point junction formulation. EXTRAN 4 added a "Preissmann" slot to
model surcharged flow as open channel flow. Most importantly in the 1980s, especially after the release of EXTRAN
4 in 1988, much experience has been gained in the use and misuse of the model by practicing engineers.
SWWM Description
Graph Block
Rain Block
Temp Block
Statistics Block
Input Data Requirements
Verification and Calibration
SWMM simulates real storm events on the basis of rainfall (hyetograph) and other meteorological inputs and systems
(characterization , catchment, conveyance, storage/treatment) to predict outcomes in the form of quantity and quality
xpswmm Reference Manual
values. Since study objectives may be directed toward both complete temporal and spatial detail as well as to gross
effects (such as total pounds of pollutant discharged in a given storm), it is essential to have both time series output,
i.e., hydrographs and "pollutographs" (concentrations versus time) and daily, monthly, annual and total simulation
summaries (for continuous simulation) available for review.

In simplest terms the program is constructed in the form of "blocks" as follows:

(i) The input sources: The Runoff Block generates surface and subsurface runoff based on arbitrary rainfall
(and/or snowmelt) hyetographs, antecedent conditions, land use, and topography. Dry-weather flow and
infiltration into the sewer system may be optionally generated using the Transport Block.

(ii) The central cores: The Runoff, Transport and Extended Transport (Extran) Blocks route flows and
pollutants through the sewer or drainage system (Pollutant routing is not currently available in the Extran Block).
Very sophisticated hydraulic routing may be performed with Extran.

(iii) The correctional devices: The Storage/Treatment Block characterizes the effects of control devices upon
flow and quality. Elementary cost computations are also made.

(iv) The effect (receiving waters): SWMM does not include a receiving water model. The Receiving Water
Block (Receiv) is no longer included within the SWMM framework. However, a linkage is provided for the EPA
WASP and DYNHYD models (Ambrose et al., 1986).

Quality constituents for simulation may be arbitrarily chosen for any of the blocks. The Extran Block is the only block
that does not simulate water quality.

The Transport, Extran and Storage/Treatment Blocks may all use input and provide output to any block, including
themselves. The Runoff Block uses input from no other computational block but may receive input from Rain and
Temp Blocks for meteorological input.
Graph Block
Plots of hydrographs, pollutographs and other time series output may be obtained using the Graph Block. Measured
as well as predicted time series may be plotted. Alternatively, the user may access the time series file (known in this
manual as the "interface file") for plots by other graphics software.
Rain Block
Continuous simulation relies upon precipitation input using long-term data available on magnetic tapes from the
National Weather Service (NWS) National Climatic Data Center in the United States or Atmospheric Environment
Service in Canada. The Rain Block processes NWS tapes for input into the Runoff Block. A synoptic statistical
analysis may also be performed on rainfall data, similarly to the EPA SYNOP program (Hydroscience 1976, 1979).
Temp Block
In a similar manner, the Temp Block processes NWS long-term temperature data for input into the Runoff Block for
snowmelt calculations.
Statistics Block
Output from continuous simulation can be enormous if results for every time step are printed. Even the monthly and
annual summaries contain more information than may easily be assimilated. The Statistics Block has the capability to
review the time step output from a continuous (or single event) simulation, separate output into discrete storm events,
rank the events according to almost any desired criterion (e.g., peak or average runoff rate, pollutant load, etc.), assign
empirical frequencies and return periods to runoff and pollutant parameters, tabulate and graph the results, and
calculate statistical moments. Output from this block can thus be used to identify key events for further study and for
many other screening and analytical purposes.

This manual provides a description of program operation, documentation of most algorithms used within the block (or
reference to earlier documentation), and instructions on data preparation with input requirements for each block.
Detailed SWMM Summary
A concise description of most features of SWMM is given in Table 1-1, adapted from similar tables prepared by Huber
and Heaney (1980, 1982). An indication of almost all modelling techniques is included in the table.

Input Data Requirements
As will be seen from a review of following sections, the data requirements for SWMM may be extensive. Collection of
the data from various municipal and other offices within a city is possible to accomplish within a few days. However,
reduction of the data for input to the model is time consuming and may take up to three man-weeks for a large area
(e.g., greater than 2000 acres). On an optimistic note, however, most of the data reduction is straight forward (e.g.,
tabulation of slopes, lengths, diameters, etc., of the sewer system).

SWMM is flexible enough to allow different modelling approaches to the same area and a specific, individual modelling
decision upstream in the catchment will have little effect on the predicted results at the outfall. Furthermore, a lumped
approach may often be used for preliminary modelling in which catchment properties are aggregated and only minimal
data is needed. The user should realise that only portions of the overall model (e.g., one block) need be run at any
one time.
Verification and Calibration
Calibration is the adjustment of model parameters using one set of data. Verification is the testing of this parameter
selection by using an independent data set. Although the simulation of many of the urban runoff processes found in
SWMM is physically based, the concept fails in practice because the input data and the numerical methods are not
accurate enough for many real applications. Furthermore, many computational procedures within the model are
based upon limited data themselves and highly empirical, especially surface quality predictions. As a result, it is
essential that local verification/calibration data be available at specific application sites to lend credibility to the
predictions of any urban runoff model.

Calibration and verification data are usually in the form of measured flows and concentrations at outfalls or combined
sewer overflow locations. However, it is important to note that detailed short-time-increment pollutographs during a
storm are seldom needed for analysis of recieving water quality. Hence, total storm event loads or event mean
concentrations are usually sufficient for quality calibration and verification (Note that quality concentrations without
accompanying flows are of little value). SWMM has sufficient parameters that may be "adjusted," particularly in the
Runoff Block, such that calibrating the model against measured data is usually readily accomplished.

Quantity (hydrograph) predictions are often "within the ball park" on the first try, given decent rainfall, area and
imperviousness data. However, initial quality estimates may be off by orders of magnitude (Huber, 1985). Hence,
quality predictions are not credible without adequate site-specific data for calibration and verification. At best, relative
effects of pollution abatement alternatives may be studied if such data is not available.
Use of metric units for input and output of data and results is an option in all blocks as an alternative to U.S. customary
units. In the Runoff and Transport Blocks, metric units are used strictly for I/O; all internal quantity calculations are still
performed in units of feet and seconds (Feet-second units also apply to program generated error messages printed
during the simulation). However, when used, the Storage/Treatment and Extran Blocks use metric units for internal
calculations also. Most quality calculations use conventional concentration units (e.g., mg/l) and loads may be given in
both pounds and kilograms, depending on the particular subroutine, although pounds will not be used if metric I/O is

No attempt has been made to conform to SI standards or even customary metric units for some parameters. For
instance, because of output format complications, metric pipe diameters are requested and printed in meters instead
of the more usual millimeters. However, all units are clearly stated for both input and output. It should be a simple
task to convert to other metric alternatives.

Changes from SWMM V. 3 to SWMM V. 4
Many enhancements to SWMM were accomplished since SWMM 3.0 was released in 1981 (Roesner et al., 1981) and
the release of EXTRAN 4 in 1989. These include:

(1) Errors have been corrected for all blocks as best they are known and convergence problems improved.

(2) "Hot Start" capability (restart from end of previous run).

(3) Minor improvements to surcharge and flow routing routines.

(4) Automatic adjustment of short pipe lengths.
xpswmm Reference Manual

(5) SWMM output may be linked to the DYNHYD4 (water quantity) and WASP4 (water quality) programs for
receiving water quality simulation (Ambrose et al., 1986). Runoff, Transport, Storage/Treatment, and Extran
interface files can be read by both DYNHYD4 and WASP4. DYNHYD reads only the flows from the interface
file. WASP4 reads water quality loading rates from Runoff, Transport, and Storage/Treatment. A model of an
estuary therefore can include Runoff to generate surface pollutant loadings, Transport or Extran for detailed
simulation of surface routing network, DYNHYD4 for simulating a link-node estuary model, and WASP4 for
simulating the water quality of the estuary under the stress of the Runoff or Transport pollutant loadings.

(6) The microcomputer version permits greater manipulation of interface files and other scratch and I/O files. The
program may be used to convert any interface file to formatted (ASCII/text) files capable of being read by
programs such as Lotus 1-2-3 or other software. All interface files can be permanently saved and retrieved.
Users can input their own interface files.

(7) A subsurface routing package (quantity only) has been added to the Runoff Block. A separate accounting is
made for the unsaturated and saturated zones, and the water table elevation can fluctuate. Baseflow to Runoff
channel/pipes may be generated from the saturated zone.

(8) The Runoff Block (through access to the Rain Block) will read the new National Weather Service format for
precipitation tapes. In general, continuous simulation is easier, with several options for input of precipitation
data and other time series. User-defined input time series may also be used. Continuous simulation is capable
of using up to 10 rain gauges.

Instead of processing continuous meteorological data in the Runoff Block, two new blocks have been added;
Rain and Temp. These provide additional statistical analysis similar to the SYNOP program of Hydroscience
(1976, 1979). It is also possible to process rainfall data with the SWMM Statistics Block.

(9) Numerical methods have been improved in the Runoff Block. A variation of the extrapolation method (Press et
al., 1986) is used to couple the nonlinear reservoir equations, evaporation, infiltration, and groundwater flow.
There is no longer any distinction between single event and continuous. Runoff uses a wet, dry and
intermediate (wet/dry) time step defined by the user.

(10) This version of SWMM tries to use more Fortran primitives. There is one subroutine to read interface files, one
subroutine to write interface files, one clock subroutine, one file opening routine etc. for all blocks. The common
functions of all blocks are exactly the same.

(11) This version can be made more modular than the EPA Version 3 for the microcomputer. It is possible to run
files containing only the blocks of interest, saving the interface file for use by the next block. This permits file
compression for ease of distribution and much faster execution times.

(12) The Graph Block is no longer limited to 200 data points. An unlimited number of points for both measured and
predicted graphs can be plotted. Graph plots loadographs (mass/time versus time) and pollutographs
(concentration versus time).

(13) The user has more control over printout in this version of SWMM. Most printout can be bypassed at the users
discretion. Error messages are summarized at the end of a run instead of being printed every time step.

(14) Microcomputer users will see the current time or time step printed on the screen during the simulation as well as
other program messages.

(15) Input and simulation of channels with irregular cross-sections, using either selected HEC-2 data lines or user
generated input lines (in HEC-2 format). EXTRAN input lines (or data groups) have identifiers in columns 1 and
2, and all input is free format.

(16) Power function cross sections for conduits (e.g., parabolic and elliptic channels).

(17) Variable-sized storage junctions, input as stage-area data.

(18) Pump operating curves, or dynamic head pumps.

(19) Use of different boundary conditions at each outfall.

(20) Interpolated stage time series boundary condition at an outfall, or h(t) boundary conditions.

(21) Variable orifice discharge coefficients and orifice areas over time.

(22) Flap gates are simulated in interior conduits.

(23) "Hot start" input and output using saved files. This permits a restart of SWMM from the "middle" of a previous

(24) Optional metric or American standard units. The program was converted to optional metric units (used both for
input/output and internal calculations when employed).

(25) Calculation errors in rectangular conduits have been fixed.

(26) Alphanumeric conduit and junction names (instead of pure numbers) became optional in SWMM.

(27) Output summaries and input error checking were substantially improved over version 3.0. Input and output
have been enhanced to reflect a likely microcomputer environment.

(28) Inclusion of data group identifiers on data input lines and free format input.

(29) Surcharged weirs are included in the surcharge algorithm.

(30) Two additional flow solutions were included in the model.

The goal of these modifications was the enhancement of the model capabilities and addressing the concerns of the
model users. For example, EXTRAN problems described in the literature included the sole use of American units
(Metric added), lag in updating (still a problem), program "bugs" (fixed), the program is too large to understand, and
the program exceeds available computer memory (FORTRAN code changed to FORTRAN 77 and the advent of
microcomputers) [Sjoberg, 1981].

Changes from SWMM Version 4 to XP-SWMM
Many enhancements to SWMM have been accomplished since SWMM 4.0 was released in 1989 (Huber et al., 1989,
Roesner et al., 1989). The majority of these changes have been accomplished in 1992/1993 by WP Software Pty Ltd.
These include:

(1) Several hundred bug fixes to the original SWMM code.

(2) Vertically differentiated roughness in closed and open channels. Each conduit has two regions of roughness; a
higher roughness when the depth is less than a predefined depth and normal roughness from the predefined
depth to the crown of the conduit.

(3) Shock losses from the transition from subcritical to supercritical flow.

(4) The approach velocity in the side flow weir equations is now accounted for in the program.

xpswmm Reference Manual
(5) Two EXTRAN simulations can be linked via a stage boundary condition. The time history of stage and flow is
connected to the stage and flow history of a previous EXTRAN simulation. EXTRAN now has the ability to
interface with EXTRAN.

(6) The transition between open channel flow to pressure flow at weirs has been modified to enhance the stability of
the solution.

(7) A demand curve for outfalls, or a Q(t) boundary condition.

(8) Natural channels have automatically defined "floodplains" to account for flows above the maximum channel

(9) Ponded flood water at EXTRAN nodes may optionally be returned to the main system.

(10) The connection between closed conduits and open conduits has enhanced stability because of adjustments to
junction ground elevations.

(11) Greatly enhanced stability in the EXTRAN solution of conduit flows and junction depths.

(12) Expansion/contraction losses due to changes in cross sectional area are simulated in conduits.

(13) Entrance/exit losses at junctions are simulated in conduits.

(14) The depth at an outfall is calculated one of three ways:

Outfall depth is fixed at the normal depth. This applies especially to natural channels.
Outfall depth is fixed at the critical depth.
Outfall depth is the minimum of the normal depth or the critical depth based on the conduit flow.

(15) Rating curve boundary conditions for outfall, or a Q(h) boundary condition.

(16) Irregular shaped closed conduits.

(17) EXTRAN generates a better error analysis and continuity check.

(18) Water quality in EXTRAN has begun to be implemented.

(19) User defined weir exponents.

(20) Transition to equivalent conduits when a weir surcharge was modified for increased stability.

(21) User defined weir lengths as a function of depth.

(22) User defined rating curves for weir flows.

(23) One solution was implemented as the solution in XP-SWMM. It is an amalgam of the previous solutions in
EXTRAN 4. The multiplicity of solutions affected program maintenance, and the surcharge iterations used for
the first two solutions were the biggest cause of slow execution times in EXTRAN. The existing Version 4
solutions have been retained to provide compatibility with existing calibrated models.

(24) The number of pollutants has been increased to 20 for all modules.

(25) All modules can route all pollutants.

(26) Number of landuses has been increased to 10 for all modules.

(27) The Storage/Treatment module has been integrated into Transport allowing multiple STP's and BMP's within the
one network.

(28) STP's and BMP's are no longer constrained to the outlet of the system.

(29) Utilities (Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Statistics, etc.) are incorporated within the overall interface.

(30) The number of hydraulic elements has been increased to 26 for all modules.

(31) Weirs, Pumps and Orifices are consistent across all modules.

(32) Infiltration method and parameters are now catchment dependent.

(33) Rainfall Gauges may start at different times and include an optional multiplier.

(34) Pollutant characteristics are local.

(35) Flow divides now have explicitly defined flow paths.

(36) Process (point-source) and constant flow are allowed for each pollutant.

(37) Sophisticated user-defined equations are available for pollutant removal.

(38) Time units are more flexible.

(39) All modules can route flows through all conduit types.

(40) The SCS method of hydrograph generation is now provided.

(41) An EMC (Event Mean Concentration) method is now available for pollutant generation.
Program Operation Requirements
SWMM was originally programmed for the UNIVAC 1108 in FORTRAN IV. Later versions of the FORTRAN code were
compatible with the IBM FORTRAN LEVEL G compiler and the extended compiler used on CDC 6600 series
equipment. The model was subsequently installed on IBM, CDC, VAX, DEC 20, and several other computers.
Version 4 refinements to the model were done on a Zenith Z-248 AT-compatible microcomputer in FORTRAN-77
using Ryan-McFarland Professional Fortran. Later versions were VAX and Lahey compatible. XP-SWMM is written in
Microsoft-FORTRAN and Microsoft C using the Rational Systems DOS/16M Extended Memory Manager and is most
suited to 386 and 486 micro-computers with extended memory.

Execution times for SWMM are roughly proportional to the number of system conduits and the number of time-steps in
the simulation period. For example, the first EXTRAN example in this document takes 35 seconds on a 486/33 Mhz
microcomputer, 25 seconds on a 486/50 Mhz microcomputer, and 300 seconds on a 286/12 Mhz microcomputer. An
additional speedup is available through the use of a disk and memory caching program to speed up the I/O of reading
and writing the data, interface and output files.

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When Should SWMM be Used?
SWMM is a large, relatively sophisticated hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality simulation program. XP-SWMM
combines the sophistication of SWMM modeling with the ease of use of simple standard techniques (e.g., units
hydrographs, linear reservoirs) described in hydrology texts and suitable for programmable hand-held calculators (e.g.,
Croley, 1977) or microcomputers (e.g., Golding, 1981). Many other smaller Fortran programs are available for urban
hydrologic simulation and may be entirely suitable for a given problem. HSPF (Johanson et al., 1980) is one
alternative for catchments that are primarily non-urban or that require more sophisticated simulation of pollutant

SWMM is certainly powerful both in terms of its size and capabilities. Who, then, should use SWMM and for what
purposes? Some criteria for usage are given below:

(1) The engineer should be knowledgeable in modelling techniques such as; non-linear reservoirs, kinematic
waves, St. Venant equations, buildup-washoff equations. An appreciation for how physical processes may be
simulated in a Fortran program is a necessity. As a corollary, the engineer is assumed to be familiar with the
problem to be solved and with customary techniques for handling it. A clear problem definition is a prerequisite
to any solution methodology.

(2) By virtue of the problem size (e.g., sewer system with hundreds of pipes) or complexity (e.g., hydraulic controls,
backwater) a simpler technique or model will not work. It may be borne in mind, however, that if
calibration/verification data is available, SWMM may also be used as a very simple "black box" model with
minimal input data.

(3) Quality is to be simulated. Although there are other models that also simulate quality, SWMM is perhaps the
most flexible of any. Of course, SWMM is often applied just to quantity problems.

A large body of literature on theory and case studies is available for SWMM. Since the model was originally
introduced in 1971, a wealth of such information is available, including citation in hydrology texts (e.g., Viessman et al.,
1977; Wanielista, 1978; Kibler, 1982). A bibliography of SWMM-related literature is available (Huber et al., 1985).

While any number of examples could be presented for when SWMM should not be used, attention is drawn to just
one: when the user is already competent with an adequate alternative technique or model. It is far more important for
the engineer/user to understand the methodology being utilized than it is for a model such as SWMM to be employed
on the premise of a more sophisticated technique. XP-SWMM, of course, has the advantage that training in the model
intricacies can be reduced by an order of magnitude compared with typical text-oriented programs, enabling a user to
gain proficiency at a prodigious rate. In the final analysis, the engineer/analyst is responsible for the decisions made
using any technique of analysis; the technique or model is only a tool that must be clearly understood by those using

Modelling Caveats
The preceding section may be summarized by a few caveats for modelling in general and use of SWMM in particular.

(1) Have a known project and modeling objective at the outset of work. Do not let the model capabilities or lack of
them dictate the objective.

(2) Use experienced personnel. A knowledge of engineering fundamentals is essential to proper model use and

(3) Use the simplest model suitable for the job. Although SWMM can be run in a very simple (e.g., minimal data)
manner, there may be alternative models that require less initial effort to install. Sometimes a conclusion will be
apparent simply from a review of data and prior studies, with no modelling necessary.

(4) Start simple when learning. Obtain model familiarity by simulating very simple configurations for which the
result is known, e.g., runoff from a steady rainfall onto an impervious surface.

(5) Models are poor substitutes for data collection. Do not use the model to generate "real" data.

(6) Examine the results critically. Is continuity preserved? Are predictions physically realistic? If not, review
parameter estimates and model assumptions. Perhaps the model cannot simulate a particular physical process
of interest.

(7) Use one set of data for calibration and an independent set for verification of parameter choices.

(8) Absolute magnitudes of quality predictions by SWMM or any other model are not to be trusted without
calibration and verification data. At best, relative comparisons can be made between runs with differing
conditions. Urban runoff quality processes involve too many unknown physical, chemical and biological factors
to be simulated accurately.

15.1 Extran Theory
EXTRAN Overview
EXTRAN is a hydraulic flow routing model for both open channel and closed conduits in dendritic and looped
networks. EXTRAN receives hydrograph input at specific nodal locations by interface file from an upstream block
(e.g., the Runoff Block) and/or by direct user input. The model performs dynamic routing of stormwater and sanitary
flows throughout the major storm drainage system to the outfall points of the receiving water system.

Since the flow in sewers is usually non-uniform, turbulent, and subject to backwater and surcharge, a model is
required that simulates all of the terms in the one dimensional dynamic flow equation. The EXTRAN Model will
simulate branched or looped networks, backwater due to tidal or non-tidal conditions, free-surface flow, pressure or
surcharge flow, flow reversals, flow transfer by weirs, orifices and pumping facilities, and pond or lake storage. Types
of channels that can be simulated include circular, rectangular, horseshoe, eggshape, baskethandle pipes,
trapezoidal, parabolic, natural (irregular) channels, circular and rectangular orifices, and arbitrary closed conduit
shapes. Simulation output takes the form of water surface elevations and discharge at selected network locations.

Introduction to EXTRAN
Conceptualization of the EXTRAN Drainage System
Basic Equations of EXTRAN

Introduction to EXTRAN
A conceptual overview of EXTRAN is shown in Figure 1-1. As shown there, the specific function of EXTRAN is to
route inlet hydrographs through the network of pipes, junctions, and flow diversion structures of the main storm water
system to the treatment plant interceptors and receiving water outfalls.

Please note that the boundary between the Runoff (or TRANSPORT) and EXTRAN Blocks is dependent on the
objectives of the simulation. EXTRAN must be used whenever it is important to represent severe backwater
conditions and special flow devices such as weirs, orifices, pumps, storage basins, and tide gates. Normally, these
conditions occur in the lower reaches of the drainage system when pipe diameters exceed roughly 20 inches (500
mm). The Runoff Block, on the other hand, is well suited for the simulation of overland and small pipe flow in the
upper regions of the system where the nonlinear reservoir assumptions of uniform flow hold.

EXTRAN simulates the following elements: pipes, manholes (pipe junctions), weirs, orifices, pumps, storage basins,
and outfall structures. These elements and their associated properties are summarized in Tables 14-1 and 14-2.
Output from EXTRAN takes the form of:

(1) Discharge hydrographs and velocities in selected conduits in printed and plotted form, and

(2) Flow depths and water surface elevations at selected junctions in printed and plotted form. Hydrographs may
be supplied to a subsequent block on the output interface file.

Storm sewers are usually designed to be dendritic or trellislike but over time, as more connections are built and the
population grows larger, the sewer system may become a looped system. From a hydrodynamic viewpoint the flow in
a storm sewer system is one of the most complicated and difficult problems [Pansic and Yen, 1981].
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EXTRAN is based on the St. Venant equations for gradually varied one dimensional flow and handles dendritic and
looped systems with backwater. However, some flow situations such as roll waves, bores, surges, supercritical flow
and hydraulic jumps violate the assumption of gradually varied flow. EXTRAN allows the simulation of these
exceptional flow situations by implementing the following procedures when they occur in the course of the simulation:

(1) The propensity for roll waves is tested by calculating the conduit Vedernikov number (French, 1986). Conduits
with Vedernikov numbers < 1 are simulated using the kinematic wave equation.

(2) The simulation of supercritical flow in conduits is done by the kinematic wave equation. This is used when all
the following conditions occur -

- Flow is positive
- Water surface slope is less than theconduit slope
- The flow calculated by the Manning equation is less thatn the flow calculated using dynamic flow equations.

(3) Surges or bores are simulated with some attenuation of the wave front using the full dynamic equation.

(4) A stationary hydraulic jump is simulated in EXTRAN through a combination of the kinematic wave equation for
the supercritical conduit and the full dynamic equation for the critical conduit.

This version of EXTRAN is a combination of implicit and explicit finite difference formulations for solving the nodal
continuity equation, combined conduit momentum and continuity equation, and the boundary conditions of the solved
network. Briefly the difference between explicit and implicit methods of solution is as follows:

(1) An explicit method uses only known information to calculate the unknown value at the new time step, or y = f(x).

(2) An implicit method solves for the unknown value at the new time step based on known and unknown
information, or f(x,y) = 0.

The nodal continuity equation is solved explicitly based on the last time step and value of the last iterations nodal
depth and surface area. The boundary conditions are solved based on the last iteration value of flow in the outfall
conduits. The flow in conduits is solved implicitly using the full dynamic flow equation. The kinematic wave flow is
solved iteratively using the value of the last iterations upstream conduit cross sectional area and hydraulic radius.

EXTRAN can thus be characterized as a point iterative method that utilizes the stability of an implicit method and the
flexibility of an explicit method. Some of the advantages and power of explicit methods are:

(1) An explicit method eliminates convoluted numerical techniques for modeling boundary conditions required with
implicit methods (Wubs, 1987).

(2) The flexibility afforded by eliminating the need for matrix solutions required by fully implicit models allows the
creation of specialized conduit and diversion structures.

(3) The speed benefit from an implicit method is on the order of 5 to 10 based on the time step size, but not
considering the added computational burden of implicit over the explicit methods and the accuracy limitations of
implicit methods, which require time steps 1 to 2 times the Courant number. Thus the computational speed of
an explicit model is comparable to an implicit model considering the computational overhead.

(4) Implicit methods are limited by the travel time a disturbance would take to traverse the conduit's computational

Conceptualization of the EXTRAN Drainage System
EXTRAN uses a link-node description of the sewer network or system. This description in EXTRAN facilitates both the
finite difference representation of the physical prototype and the mathematical solution of the gradually-varied
unsteady flow (St. Venant) equations which form the mathematical basis of the model.

The conduit system is idealized as a series of links or conduits which are connected at nodes or junctions. Links and
nodes have well-defined properties which, taken together, permit representation of the entire pipe network. Moreover,
the link-node concept is very useful in representing flow control devices. The specific properties of links and nodes are
summarized in Table 14-2.

Links transmit flow from node to node. The primary dependent variable in the links is the discharge, Q, which is
calculated at the center of the conduit. Properties associated with the links are roughness, length, cross-sectional
area, hydraulic radius, conduit depth, and surface width. Velocity, hydraulic radius, and the cross-sectional area of
flow, or depth, are variable in the link and computed at the upstream and downstream ends of the conduit.

The cross sectional area, surface width, and hydraulic radius are functions of the instantaneous depth of flow at the
upstream and downstream ends of the conduit. The solution uses the average flow in each link during one iteration to
calculate the cross sectional area, surface width, and hydraulic radius.

Modified basket-handle
Rectangular, triangular bottom
Rectangular, round bottom
Power function
Irregular (natural)
Horizontal ellipse
Vertical ellipse
Rating curve
Point Junction (confluence)
Pumps rated by depth in node
Pumps rated by well volume
Pumps rated by dynamic head
Variable speed pumps
Pumps rated by static head
Pumps controlled by telemetry
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Check valves
Inflatable weirs
Bendable weirs
V-notch weirs
Compound trapezoidal weirs
Transverse weirs
Sideflow weirs
User-defined weirs
Bottom outlet orifice
Side outlet orifice
Circular orifice
Rectangular orifice
Time history orifice
Gated orifice
Orifice modeled as equivalent pipe
Orifice modeled using orifice equation
STORAGE STRUCTURES Constant area storage
Power function storage
Stepwise-linear storage
Storage starts from node invert
Storage starts from ground surface
Fixed backwater outfall
Tidal coefficients outfall
Low/high tidal outfall
Stage history outfall
Flow history outfall
Rating curve outfall

Table 14-1 Types of Elements Available in EXTRAN

Constraint Sum Q = Change in Storage

Properties computed at each time-step Volume, Surface Area

Constant Properties Invert, Crown and Ground Elevations

Constraint Qin = Qout

Properties computed at each time-step for Cross-sectional Area, Hydraulic Radius,
Upstream and Downstream ends of conduit Surface Width, Flow Velocity

Properties computed at each time-step for Cross-sectional Area, Hydraulic Radius,
Mid-point of conduit Surface Width, Conduit Flow

Constant Properties Loss Coefficients, Conduit Shape,
Conduit Length, Slope and Roughness

Table 14-2 Properties of Nodes and Links in EXTRAN

Nodes are the storage elements of the system and correspond to manholes or pipe junctions in the physical system.
The variables associated with a node are the nodal head and surface area. The nodal volume is related internally by
the program to depth and surface area. The volume of the node at any time is equivalent to the water volume in the
half conduit lengths connected to the node. Similarly, the surface area of the node at any time is equivalent to half of
the water surface area of the connecting conduits.

The primary node dependent variable is the head (H), or the node invert elevation plus water depth. The head is
assumed to be changing over time but constant throughout any one node. (Note: A plot of head versus distance along
the sewer network yields the hydraulic grade line, HGL, which can be plotted using the XSECT program invoked using
Plot from the Extran menu).

Inflows, such as inlet hydrographs, and outflows, such as weir diversions, take place at the nodes of the network. The
node volume changes over time due to surface inflow, and the balance of flow entering and leaving the conduit. This
change in nodal volume during a given time step, t, forms the basis of head and discharge calculations in EXTRAN.
The derivation and the solution of these connected node and conduit equations are discussed in Basic Equations of

Basic Equations of EXTRAN
The basic differential equations for solving sewer flow in EXTRAN and other open channel unsteady flow problems are
derived from the gradually varied, one-dimensional, unsteady flow equations for open channels, otherwise known as
the St. Venant or shallow water equations (Lai, 1986). They are non-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations and
analytical solutions are unknown or unwieldy except in simplified situations. Numerical methods must be used to solve
the equations since no general analytical solution exists. In addition to a numerical solution the equations require that
upstream and downstream boundary conditions (BC) and initial conditions (IC) be defined by the user. The St. Venant
equations are valid as long as the flow is a gradually varied one-dimensional flow; vertical acceleration is neglected;
hydrostatic pressure; and the frictional resistance is the same as for steady flow.

This release of Extran has an updated solution to the gradually varied, one-dimensional unsteady flow equations for
open channels. The solution is implicit for conduit flow and explicit for junction depth. The program solves for the new
time step flow implicitly using a point iteration scheme and combines the best points of the EXTRAN Version 3 and
EXTRAN Version 4 solutions. The solution is iterative since it uses the conduit values at the n
and n+1
time steps
to calculate the new time flow and head differential equations.

Partial Differential Equations (PDE) -
Finite Difference Equations -
Implicit Time Weighting -
Significant Differences Between EXTRAN Versions 3, 4 and 5 -
Finite Difference Solution -
Convergence in EXTRAN -
Automatic Time Step Selection -
Special Conduit Flow Conditions -
Flow and Head Computation During Surcharge and Flooding -
Ground and Invert Elevations -
Flow Control or Diversion Devices -
Storage Devices, Ponds and Lakes -
Orifices -
Weirs -
Weirs with Tide Gates -
Pump Stations -
Outfall Structures -
Boundary Conditions -
xpswmm Reference Manual
Initial Conditions -
Pit or Junction Losses -
Oscillations During a Hydraulic Jump -
Irregular Closed Conduits -
Irregular Open Channels -
Kinematic and Diffusion Wave Equations -
Special Finite Difference Approximations -

Partial Differential Equations (PDE)
The EXTRAN Model uses the momentum equation in the links and a special lumped continuity equation for the nodes.
Thus, momentum is conserved in the links and continuity in the nodes. The model utilizes the relation Q = AV
frequently in the solution and the derivation of the differential equations used in the solution.

The basic unsteady flow continuity equation with lateral inflow and with cross-sectional area (A) and flow (Q) as
dependent variables is (Yen, 1986; Lai, 1986):

A/t + Q/x = q (1)

where, q is the lateral inflow. In EXTRAN this term is zero and the inflows enter the network at the nodes. (The
notation for the variables used in this section are listed in Table 14-3).

As Surface Area of Node
C# Courant Number for the Conduit
D Current Conduit Depth
V Average Conduit Velocity
A Conduit Cross-sectional Area
T Conduit Flow Width
g Gravitational Acceleration
n Mannings Roughness
R Hydraulic Radius
H Hydraulic Head (z + h)
h Water Depth in Conduit
Q Conduit Flow
Qf Conduit Design Flow
Hf Distance between Junction Invert and Junction Crown
Sc Expansion/Contraction Loss Slope
Se Entrance/Exit loss in Junctions
Sf Friction (Energy) Slope
Under-relaxation Parameter
L Distance along the Conduit
t Time step
z Invert Elevation
y Water Depth in Conduit
(Bold annotation denotes Mean values)

Table 14-3 Variable Notation for Section 14

The conduit momentum equation may be written in several forms depending on the choice of dependent variables.
Using dependent variables flow [Q] and hydraulic head [H] the momentum equation is written (Lai, 1986):

0 ) S S S (S A g x y/ A g x /A)/ (Q t Q/
o f c
= + + + + + (2)

Equation 2 is the form of the momentum equation used in EXTRAN. The seven terms in the momentum equation are,

1. Local inertia [Q/t],
2. Convective inertia [(Q
3. Pressure slope [gAy/x],
4. Entrance/exit loss (S
), and
5. Contraction/expansion loss (S
6. Friction slope (S
7. Bed slope (S

In the EXTRAN Model the bottom slope (S
, or h/x) is incorporated into the gradient of H, with H/x defined as -
h/x + y/x. The revised momentum equation using these definitions of bottom slope can be written as:

Q/t + (Q
/A)/x + gAH/x + gA(S
+ S
+ S
) = 0 (3)

This momentum equation must be modified to suit the requirements of EXTRAN. The purpose of these modifications
to the continuity and momentum equations used by EXTRAN are:

1. Eliminate the need for the Q/x term in the continuity equation. EXTRAN uses a mean or center Q in conduits
and the term Q/x is not strictly valid.

2. Eliminate one equation from the solution by creating a combined continuity-momentum equation.

3. Linearize (Q
/A)/x by expanding the partial differential.

The possible substitutions are numerous and found by substituting AV for Q or Q/V for A in the (Q
/A)/x term in
Equation 3:

/A)/x = (V
A)/x (4)

/A)/x = (QV)/x (5)

and linearizing the equations,

A)/x = 2QV/x + VA/x (6)

(QV)/x = QV/x + VQ/x (7)

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Equation 7 is the conservative form of the convective inertia term. After substituting equation 7 into equation 3 the
equivalent form of the momentum equation follows:

Q/t + QV/x + VQ/x + gAH/x + gA(S
+ S
+ S
) = 0 (8)

The continuity equation 1 may be manipulated to replace the third term of equation 8 as follows:

-A/t = Q/x (9)

Substituting equation 9 into equation 8 to eliminate Q/x leads to the following equation:

Q/t + gA(S
+ S
+ S
) - VA/t + QV/x + gAH/x = 0 (10)

The friction slope, S
, is defined by Mannings equation and is calculated based on the center hydraulic radius, R and
alternatively the upstream and downstream hydraulic radius, R
and R
, respectively, as follows:

3 / 4 2

= (11)

where k = (n/1.49)
for U.S. customary units and n
for metric units. By using the absolute value of the velocity term S

is a directional quantity and ensures that the frictional force always opposes the flow.

R 2
k g
R 2
k g
S A g
3 / 4
3 / 4

= (12)

Equation 11 is used whenever R
and R
vary by greater than 300 percent, and equation 12 otherwise. This is a
very important term in the momentum equation because the primary balance to the pressure and bed slope is the
friction slope. This slope is calculated two ways to better handle the change from a steep water surface slope to a
flatter water surface slope.

Incorporating the formulation for S
(equation 11) into equation 10 yields:

H A g
Q Q k g
4 / 3


This is the form of the momentum equation used by EXTRAN and it has the dependent variables Q, A, V, and H.
Equation 13 is still a partial differential equation and must be translated into a finite difference form for its solution
using EXTRAN. The finite difference formulation is discussed in the next section.

Additional terms are incorporated into the dynamic wave equation for the entrance/exit loss from junctions and the
expansion/contraction loss in conduits. The expansion/contraction conduit slope (S
) is given by (Fread, 1977):

) A / Q (
g 2


where, K
is the expansion contraction coefficient, and the expansion/contraction losses are

) A / Q (
g 2
K A g


Expansion and contraction losses between conduits in the program are calculated using the expression
(VV)/x, where A is the mean of the current conduit and either the conduit immediately upstream or
downstream. The squared velocity difference is the difference between the mean velocities of the three conduits.

The entrance/exit conduit slope is given by:

g 2


where, K
is the entrance-exit loss coefficient, and the expansion/contraction losses are:



The entrance and exit head loss is actually calculated in the conduit by adding an additional term to the dynamic flow
equation. The velocity at both the upstream and downstream end of the conduit is used to calculate the entrance and
exit loss depending on the flow direction.

Equations 14 and 16 are added to the combined continuity-momentum equation to account for these additional losses
in head. The losses are also used when the kinematic wave equation is used for supercritical flow. These losses are
computed but not listed in the following discussions of the finite difference approximations of the partial differential
Finite Difference Equations
Expressing equation 13 in fully implicit finite difference form (i.e., all Q values are at the t+t time step, or =1:
Note: Henceforth all bold variables are the mean conduit values:

= Q
- gkt|Vt|Qt+ t /R
- V (A/t)t + Qt+ t [1/Aup-1/Adn]/L
- gA[(Hdn-Hup)/L]t (18)

Solving equation 18 for Qt+ t gives the final finite difference form of the fully implicit dynamic flow equation (excluding
terms for S
and S

| |
| |
t ) A / 1 A / 1 ( Q t k g
t L / ) H H ( g t T / A Q
dn up t
3 / 4
up dn t
t t


(A/T) is the average area time derivative from time step n.

Implicit Time Weighting
A common point of discussion in the comparison of hydraulic models is explicit time weighting versus implicit time
weighting. The meaning of explicit and implicit is summarized in Table 14-4 and time step symbols are summarised in
Table 14-5.
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Explicit: = 0.0 Only values from the previous time-step are used in the solution
Implicit: = 0.5 The average of the old and new time-step values for R, V and A are used to solve for
Qt+ t
Implicit: > 0.5 A weighted average of old and new time-step values are used in the simulation.
Typical values of are 0.55 to 0.85
Fully Implicit: = 1.0 Only values from the new time-step are used in the solution

Table 14-4 Explicit and Implicit Time Weighting and Time Weight Parameters

N Last time-step value at time t and first estimate of N +
N+1/2 Last iteration value estimate for time t+t
N+1 New time-step value at time t+t

Table 14-5 Time step and Iteration Symbols

As an example of using the time weighting parameter, , consider the calculation of the gradient head term in the
dynamic flow equation:

- Hup
)/L]t + (1-)gA
- Hup
)/L]t (20)

Significant Differences between EXTRAN Versions 3, 4 and 5
The significant differences between this finite difference solution and the finite difference solution in EXTRAN versions
3 and 4 are:

1. The (Q
/A)/x term in the momentum equation has a different derivation in EXTRAN Version 3 and Version 4
and 5, and

2. An additional Q
is factored out of equation 18.

3. The finite difference approximation of the friction slope S
is an average of the friction slope at the upstream and
downstream end of the conduit, or the conduit center friction slope.

4. An additional bound on the iterated values of junction head and conduit flows is used in EXTRAN version 5.
The change in head is restricted <1 percent in any one iteration. The change in Q is restricted <10 percent in
any one iteration.

The main consequence of the above differences occurs during the rising and falling portions of the hydrograph.
During steady flows the momentum equation reduces to a balance of the hydraulic head slope and friction slope.
However, as the flow is increasing or decreasing the convective acceleration term increases in importance.

Finite Difference Solution
The values V, R, and A in equation 18 are weighted averages of the conduit upstream, middle and downstream values
at time t and/or t+t. The values at time t+t are the values for the current iteration. At the first iteration they are equal
to the previous time steps values. A
, A
, H
, and H
are respectively the conduit cross-sectional area and
conduit depths at the upstream (up) and downstream (dn) nodes. V(A/t) is the conduit average area time
derivative and conduit average velocity. A is the change in cross-sectional area of the conduit between two time

The basic unknowns in equation 12 and 18 are Q
, H
and H
. The variables V, R, and A in turn are all related
to the center conduit Q and conduit end values of H. The equation relating the conduit flows to the node H is the
continuity equation at a node:

t t t
t t t
As 5 . 0 As 5 . 0
Q 5 . 0 Q ) 5 . 0 (


Equations 13 and 21 can be solved iteratively to determine the discharge in each link and the head at each node at
the end of a time-step t. The numerical integration of these two equations is accomplished by using an iterative
solution using under-relaxation of the linearized momentum and linear continuity equation.

It should be noted that equation 13 has been linearized by:

1. Using the product of Q
and Q
in the convective inertia term of the dynamic wave equation.

2. 2. Using equation 11 for calculating the value of S
, which does not use the quadratic Q.

Convergence in EXTRAN
The iterative method uses an under-relaxation factor of for the first iteration and subsequent iterations until the
convergence criteria is satisfied. The notation used in the iterative process is listed in Table 14-3. The first iteration
estimate of Y
and Q
are Y
and Q
, respectively. Typical ranges of are 0.5 to 0.75. The new estimate of
at each iteration is:

= (1-)Q
+ Q

and the estimated new junction depth at each iteration is:

= (1-)Y
+ Y

The new time step solution is deemed solved when all the estimated conduit flows and junction depths satisfy their
convergence criterion (parameters Maximum Head Change (SURTOL) and Maximum Flow Change (SURJUN) on the
Job Control dialog). Reasonable values for SURTOL are 0.001 and 0.005 for most simulations. The convergence
criteria for conduit flows and junction depths are:

- Q
< SURTOL (24)

- A

<SURTOL (25)

- Y
< SURTOL (26)

- V
< SURTOL (27)

, the reference full conduit flow, is defined by the user in the Job Control dialog and allows a more realistic
convergence criteria for large conduits.
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The convergence of the conduit cross section area as well as the conduit flow is tested to prevent the decoupling of A
and Q, since the estimate of A is based on the last iteration value of the connecting node depths. Please note that the
magnitude of A
is assumed equal to the magnitude of Q
and is not entered in a dialog.

An additional bound on the iterated values of junction head and conduit flows is used in EXTRAN version 5. The
change in H is restricted <1 percent in any one iteration, and the change in Q is restricted <10 percent in any one

This depth computation is based on the current net inflows to each node and the average nodal surface areas
computed for the last time step and the current iteration. The new water surface elevation in the junction must be
within the limits defined by the ground and invert elevations. The new junction elevation is calculated by weighting the
last and current iteration using an under-relaxation parameter (). The change in depth is additionally constrained to
be less than 1 percent in any one iteration. Larger changes are adjusted to 105 or 95 percent of the calculated depth.

The continuity equation at the nodes is tested for convergence using the global parameter, SURJUN (Maximum Flow
Change), defined in the JOB CONTROL dialog. The nodal convergence check constrains the error in the nodal
continuity equation divided by the crown depth (Node ground elevation minus invert elevation) to be less than the
value of SURJUN. Typical values of SURJUN are 0.005 and 0.001 (ft or m).
Automatic Time Step Selection
This method uses a variable time step. The time step the user enters on the Job Control dialog, t, is the maximum
allowable time step the program should use during the simulation. The program will select the current time step based
on the minimum of the smallest conduit Courant number at the beginning of each long time step t, and the smallest
junction time step. The model determines the number of equal length small time steps required to equal t.

The conduit Courant number (C#) is:

C# = L / [V + (gD)] (28)

for enclosed conduits, and

C# = L / [V + (gA/T)] (29)

for open channels.

The junction time step (J#) is:

J# = 10[Y
- Y


If the smallest C# or J# equals or exceeds t the program will use only one small time step. If the smallest C# or J# is
less than t the program will then compute the number of small time steps required to equal t. The procedure used

1. At the start of the simulation a time step of t/2 is used, or 2 small time steps.

2. Subsequently, the small time step is based on the current smallest conduit C# or junction time step J#.

3. When convergence fails the time step is halved.

5. In summary, the model works between minimum [0.9C#, J#] and t. The number of small time steps is always
a whole number.

The sequence of flow computations in the links and head calculations at the nodes can be summarized as:

1. Determine the next time step size. Find the new step based on the preceding time steps conduit velocity and
depth using equations 28, 29 and 30 depending on the type of conduit. Find the number of time steps within
this time step based on the calculated minimum C#, and the t input on the Job Control dialog.

2. Compute the first iteration discharge at t+t in all links based on preceding time step values of the head at
connecting junctions.

3. Compute the first iteration flow transfers by weirs, orifices, and pumps at time t+t based on preceding time step
values of head at transfer junctions.

4. Compute the first iteration head at all nodes at time t+t based on the average of initial time step flow and first
iteration flow in all connecting conduits, plus flow transfers at the current time step.

5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 with new estimates for conduit flows and junction heads until all conduits and
junctions converge. If the number of iterations exceeds ITMAX halve the time step.

Conduit Depth Calculations -

Conduit Depth Calculations
This section discusses the EXTRAN translation from nodal depths to upstream and downstream conduit depths. The
linking of conduit flows and junction depths discussed previously cannot be applied without modification to every
conduit for the following reasons:

1. The invert elevations of conduits which join at a node may be different since stormwater and sanitary sewer
systems are frequently built with invert discontinuities.

2. Critical depth may occur in the conduit and thereby restrict the discharge.

3. Normal depth in the conduit may control the flow.

4. The conduit may be dry.

In all of these cases, or combination of cases, the flow must be computed by special techniques. Figure 14-2 shows
each of the possibilities and describes the way in which surface area is assigned to the nodes.

Figure 14-2 EXTRAN Special Cases

EXTRAN converts the nodal water depth to the depth of flow above the invert of the connecting conduits then
classifies the conduit as having a dry, subcritical, critical upstream, or critical downstream regime based on the
following criteria:

1. If the flow is positive, then the conduit is assumed:

subcritical if the invert elevation of the downstream node is equal to the invert elevation of the downstream
end of the conduit, and subcritical or critical otherwise,
critical downstream if the minimum of the critical or normal conduit depth is greater than the downstream
conduit depth,
subcritical if the maximum of the critical or normal conduit depth is less than the downstream conduit depth,
otherwise critical downstream and the value of variable FASNH must be calculated.

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2. If the flow is negative, then the conduit is assumed

subcritical if the invert elevation of the upstream node is equal to the invert elevation of the upstream end of
the conduit, and subcritical or critical otherwise,
critical upstream if the critical conduit depth is greater than the upstream conduit depth, and subcritical if the
critical conduit depth is less than the upstream conduit depth.

3. If the upstream depth is positive and the downstream depth is zero then the conduit is dry if the upstream HGL
is less than the invert of the downstream end of the conduit. The conduit is assumed sub-critical if the invert
elevation of the downstream junction is equal to the invert elevation of the downstream end of the conduit, and
critical downstream otherwise.

4. If the downstream depth is positive and the upstream depth is zero then the conduit is dry if the downstream
HGL is less than the invert of the upstream end of the conduit. The conduit is assumed subcritical if the invert
elevation of the upstream junction is equal to the invert elevation of the upstream end of the conduit, and critical
upstream otherwise.

Next, based on the flow regime of the conduit, EXTRAN computes the conduit surface width and then assigns the
conduit surface area to the upstream and downstream nodes according to the following criteria:

1. For the normal situation in which both pipe inverts are submerged and the flow is sub-critical throughout the
conduit, the surface area of that conduit is assigned equally to the two connecting junctions. The surface area
is calculated as the product of the mean of the upstream and downstream top widths multiplied by half the
conduit length.

2. If a critical flow section is detected at the downstream end of a conduit, then the entire surface area for that
conduit is assigned to the upstream node.

3. If a critical section occurs at the upstream end, then the entire conduit surface area is assigned to the
downstream node.

4. In the case of a dry pipe (pipe inverts unsubmerged), the surface area is zero, the velocity is set equal to zero,
and cross-sectional area and hydraulic radius are set to the minimum conduit depth defined in the "Modify
Conduits" dialog under Job Control.

5. If the pipe is dry only at the upstream end, then all surface area for the conduit is assigned to the downstream

Note that adverse flow in the absence of a critical section is treated as in (1) immediately above. If a critical section
occurs upstream, then all surface area for the adverse pipe is assigned downstream as in (3).

The assignment of nodal surface area, based on the top width and length of the conduit, is essential to the proper
calculation of head changes computed at each node from the junction mass continuity equation. Following the surface
area assignment, EXTRAN computes the current weighted average values of cross-sectional area, velocity, and
hydraulic radius for each conduit.

EXTRAN also computes the depth at orifice junctions for all sump orifices that are not flowing full. The condition of the
sump orifices are either critical downstream or subcritical.

Once these depth and surface area corrections are applied, the computations of head and discharge can proceed in
the normal way for the current time-step. Note that any of these special situations may begin and end at various times
and places during simulation. EXTRAN detects these automatically in Subroutine HEAD.

EXTRAN prints a summary of the special hydraulic cases illustrated in Figure 14-2.

EXTRAN prints the time in minutes that a conduit was:

1. dry (depth less than the minimum conduit depth [ ft or m],
2. normal,
3. critical depth upstream, and
4. critical depth downstream.

It should be noted that these designations refer strictly to the assignment of upstream and downstream nodal surface
area and conduit depths.

EXTRAN computes the critical and normal depths corresponding to a given flow in a conduit using the critical flow and
Manning uniform flow equations, respectively. Tables of normalized values for the cross-sectional area, hydraulic
radius and surface width of each conduit class are initialized to speed the computations of critical and normal depth.

The dimensionless tables for each conduit class consists of 26 numbers or 25 increments of depth for cross sectional
area and topwidth. The depths range from 0.0 to 1.0 with increments of 0.04. The critical depth is calculated from
setting the Froude number to 1 and finding the position of the critical depth corresponding to the conduit flow. The
normal depth is calculated from Mannings equation and finding the position of the normal depth corresponding to the
conduit flow. The depths are then interpolated linearly using the two nearest depth levels.
Special Conduit Flow Conditions
Switching between the normal flow and dynamic flow equation for a conduit is controlled automatically by EXTRAN.
The Froude number or the Vedernikov number of the conduit determines the use of the normal flow equation or the
dynamic flow equation. Froude numbers > 1.0 (supercritical flow) cause the conduit flow to be calculated from
Mannings equation using the upstream cross-sectional area and hydraulic radius of the conduit. Vedernikov numbers
< 1.0 (roll wave formation) also trigger the use of Mannings equation.

Automatic switching based on the Froude number or Vedernikov number is new to EXTRAN 5. All versions of
EXTRAN had automatic switching to the normal flow equation when all of the following three conditions occur in a

1. Positive Flow - This criterion is necessary because EXTRAN automatically designates the highest invert
elevation as the upstream node and the lowest as the downstream node. This adjustment (if made) is printed
out by the model. Positive flow is always from the upstream to the downstream node. Any initial flow entered by
the user is multiplied by -1 if the upstream and downstream nodes are changed by the model.

2. The water surface slope in the conduit is less than the conduit slope.

3. The flow calculated from Mannings equation using the upstream cross-sectional area and hydraulic radius is
less than the flow calculated by the full dynamic flow equation.

When all three conditions are met the flow is considered "normal". Normal flow is labeled with an asterisk in the
intermediate printout, and the conduit summary lists the number of minutes the normal flow assumption was used for
each conduit.

The equation used to calculate the normal flow, Q
, is:

= (gS


The Froude number (F#) is calculated as:

F# = V/(gD) (32)

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where, D = the depth of water in the conduit, and the Vedernikov number (V#) for turbulent flow is calculated as:

V# = 2/3F#(1 - R)R

where, R
= Full flow hydraulic radius, and
= Full flow cross sectional area.
Flow and Head Computation during Surcharge and Flooding
When the flow in a conduit becomes pressurized the free surface condition is maintained by using a fictitious slot (i.e.,
the Preissmann slot) to account for compressibility effects during surcharging. The width of the narrow slot
characterizes the elastic properties of the water and sewer walls. The slot width is calculated by assuming a speed for
the surcharged flow. A few examples used by other models include 50 m/s [Sjoberg, 1981]. The default value in
EXTRAN is 0.005W, where W is the conduit width.

Surcharge is a condition in which closed conduit flows full and under pressure. Sewer simulation is the prediction of
the heads, velocities, and flows in an existing or predetermined network. Sewer design is the sizing of new sewer
diameters that will not allow surcharging. The prevention of street flooding has a longer return period than the design
of a sewer system which has the goal of preventing surcharge.

The solution of the conduit momentum equation and junction continuity equation when surcharge occurs has changed
often between the different versions of EXTRAN:

A surge tank was used at surcharged nodes. This maintained the flow continuity at nodes at the cost of failing to
predict surcharge and flood elevations realistically.

A surcharge iteration was implemented to realistically predict surcharge heads. The assumptions were: (1) the nodal
surface was zero when the node was surcharged, and (2) the net flow into the node was zero. The conduit flow was
calculated as though the water surface extended to the surface with zero surface width. A Taylor series expansion
was used to estimate H/Q for conduits and diversion structures. Drawbacks to this solution included convoluted
rules for setting the junction surcharge level.

A default surface area for all nodes was included in the model to alleviate strictures on the junction surcharge level.
This was used in all solutions. One solution in EXTRAN avoided the application of a different set of governing
equations during surcharge by retaining a small pseudo-surface area for each conduit. A transition of conduit surface
area is provided between the "almost full" conduit and a small "Priessmann slot" to maintain free-surface flow.

The transition zone is from the 96 percent conduit depth to a point 1.25 times conduit diameter above the top. The
conduit width (W) decreases quadratically from the conduit width at 0.96W to a width equal to 0.01W at a depth of
1.25 diameters. The conduit cross sectional area increases but the hydraulic radius remains equal to R

When the junction head is greater than 1.25 times the junction crown elevation the width stays constant at 0.5 percent
of the conduit width (or vertical dimension) allowing the same free-surface flow equations 12 and 18 to be used during
the entire simulation.

The surcharge iteration used in EXTRAN 3 and continued in EXTRAN 4 was discontinued. A "Priessmann slot"
technique for linking open channel and surcharged flow is used exclusively by the model. Warning messages
concerning gaps between conduits at a node were eliminated.

Special conditions accounted for are surcharged closed conduits, overtopping open channels, and rectangular culvert
calculations for wetted perimeter.

When a closed conduit is surcharged EXTRAN assumes that a vertical slot is present at the top of the conduit. This
Priessmann slot allows the same conduit momentum equation to be used during both surcharged and non-surcharged
flow. The width of the slot is given by the product of the conduit width (WIDE) and the parameter WSLOT described
above. When the depth is greater than 1.25 the conduit depth (DEEP) is used. When the depth is between
1.25*DEEP and DEEP the width of the slot is a quadratic function of the top width and WSLOT*WIDE.

Open channels that overtop their banks are modeled as weir flow over the sides of the channel. The overflow is
assigned to the upstream junction and is listed in the summary output as weir discharge. This replaces the HYDRAD
messages of previous versions of EXTRAN, which simply set the depth of the open channel to the maximum conduit

Two results are now possible when the water surface elevation of the junction breaks the ground elevation, a flooded
junction with surface outflow of excess water, and a ponded junction that allows the flooded water access to the
network when capacity is available. These parameters are defined in the "Junction Defaults" dialog under Job Control.

Ground and Invert Elevations
The ground elevation of a junction is the elevation at which the assumption of pressure flow is no longer valid.
Normally, this is the street or ground elevation; however, if the manholes are bolted down, the ground elevation should
be set sufficiently high so that the simulated water surface elevation does not exceed it. When the hydraulic head
must exceed the ground elevation to maintain continuity at the junction, the program allows the excess junction inflow
to "overflow onto the ground" and become lost from the system for the remainder of the simulation period (but the
"lost" water is included in the final continuity check).

If an open channel (trapezoidal or irregular cross section) is connected to a junction, EXTRAN will compute the ground
elevation (GRELEV). The elevation where surface flooding occurs is set at the elevation where the HGL exceeds the
defined cross section. It is important that cross-sections are defined to be large enough to convey the peak flow.

Nodal flooding of open-channel systems should only be allowed if the HGL elevation cannot significantly rise above a
certain elevation. Occasionally it is necessary to perform routing on the water that surcharges onto the ground. In
this case, the ground surface (e.g., a street and gutter system) must be simulated as a conduit in order to route the
flows and maintain continuity. In addition, manholes must be simulated as vertical pipes in order to transport water to
and from the surface channel. Since an infinite slope (vertical) is not permitted, equivalent pipes are used for the
manholes. With this arrangement, water may surcharge (move vertically out of a "manhole-pipe) and return to the
sewer system at a downstream location through another "manhole-pipe." Inflow constrictions by inlets etc. can be
simulated as orifices if their hydraulic characteristics are known. With this extra effort, dual "major" (street surface)
and "minor" (subsurface sewer network) drainage systems can be simulated.

Flow Control or Diversion Devices
The concept of link-node can be extended to include devices which divert stormwater out of a combined sewer system
or relieve the storm load on interceptors. In EXTRAN, all diversions are assumed to take place at a node and are
handled as inter-nodal transfers. Diversion devices modeled by EXTRAN include: Weirs (both side-flow and
transverse), orifices, pumps, and outfalls. These are discussed in the paragraphs below.

Storage Devices, Ponds and Lakes
In-line or off-line storage devices act as flow control devices by providing for storage of excessive upstream flows
thereby attenuating and lagging the wet weather flow hydrograph from the upstream area. Examples of in-line storage
are dry and wet detention ponds, and lakes.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Conceptually, storage junctions are "tanks" of constant surface area over their depth. A storage "tank" may be placed
at any node in the system. The elevation of the top of the tank is specified in the storage junction data and must be at
least as high as the highest pipe crown at the junction. If this condition is violated, the system will go into simulated
surcharge before the highest pipe is flowing full.

Note that the only difference between a storage junction and a regular junction is that added surface area in the
amount defined for the storage node (ASTORE) is added to that of the connecting pipes. Note also that the conduit
obvert (ZCROWN) is set at the top of storage. When the hydraulic head at junction exceeds ZCROWN, the junction
becomes surcharged, and a small slot (Priessman slot) as described elsewhere in this section is used by the model.

The surface area of the storage junction is either constant or variable. If variable the relationship of area versus depth
may be defined by a power function:

Area = Carea Depth ^ Earea

where, Area = area [acres, hectares],
Carea = coefficient [acres, hectares], and
Earea = exponent.

or, an arbitrary stage-area-volume relationship may be input using the dialogs to represent detention ponds and lakes.
The depth-area data is integrated to determine the depth-volume relationship for the junction. Routing is performed by
ordinary level-surface reservoir methods. This type of storage facility should not be allowed to surcharge. The user
should guarantee that the pond will not surcharge by setting the ground elevation of the node to the topmost stage of
the pond.

Note the large variation in surface area units between constant and variable storage areas. Constant storage has
units of ft^2 or m^2 and variable storage has units of acres or hectares.

The purpose of the orifice generally is to divert excess stormwater from the stormwater system during dry weather
periods and to restrict the entry of stormwater into the sanitary interceptors during periods of runoff. The orifice may
divert the flow to another pipe, a pumping station or an off-line storage tank.

The Orifice Diversion dialog shows two typical diversions:

1. a dropout or sump orifice, and
2. a side outlet orifice.

EXTRAN simulates both types of orifice by converting the orifice to an equivalent pipe. The conversion is made as
follows. The standard orifice equation is:

= C
(2gh) (35)

where, C
= discharge coefficient (a function of the type of opening and the length of the orifice tube),
= cross-sectional area of the orifice,
g = gravitational acceleration, and
h = the hydraulic head on the orifice.

Values of C
and A
are specified by the user. To convert the orifice to a pipe, the program equates the orifice
discharge equation and the Manning pipe flow equation, i.e.,

= C
(2gh) (36)

where m = 1.486 for U.S. customary units and 1.0 for metric units, and S
is the bed slope.

The orifice conduit is assumed to have the same diameter or depth, D, as the orifice and to be nearly flat, the invert on
the discharge side being set 0.01 ft (3 mm) lower than the invert on the inlet side. In addition, for a sump orifice, the
pipe invert is set by the program 0.96D below the junction invert so that the orifice conduit is flowing full before any
outflow from the junction occurs in any other pipe. For side outlet orifices, the user specifies the height of the orifice
invert above the junction floor.

If the slope, S, is written as H
/L where L is the pipe length, then H
will be identically equal to h when the orifice is
submerged. When it is not submerged, h will be the height of the water surface above the orifice centerline while H

will be the distance of the water surface above critical depth (which will occur at the discharge end) for the pipe.

For practical purposes, it is assumed that H
= h for this case also. Thus, letting S = h/L and substituting R = D/4
(where D is the orifice diameter) for circular conduits into equation 31 and simplifying gives,

) L g 2 ( C
) 4 / D ( m
3 / 2

= (37)

The length of the equivalent pipe is computed as the maximum of the value entered in the "Simulation Tolerances"
dialog in Job Control or

L = 2t(gD) (38)

to ensure that the celerity (stability) criterion for the pipe is not violated. Mannings n is then computed according to
equation 35. This algorithm produces a solution to the orifice diversion that is not only as accurate as the orifice
equation but also much more stable when the orifice junction is surcharged. A similar procedure is used for
rectangular orifices with appropriate modifications to the hydraulic radius calculations.

A schematic illustration of flow transfer by weir diversion between two nodes is shown in the Weir Diversion dialog.
Weir diversions provide relief to the sanitary system during periods of storm runoff. Flow over a weir is computed as:

= C
[ (h+V
] (39)

where C
= discharge coefficient,
= weir length (transverse to overflow),
h = driving head on the weir,
V = approach velocity, and
a = weir exponent, 3/2 for transverse weir and 5/3 for side-flow weirs.

Both C
and L
are input values for transverse weirs. For side-flow weirs, C
is a function of the approach velocity
and the program uses the current linking conduit velocities in calculating the weir flow. Normally, the driving head on
the weir is computed as the difference h = Y
, where Y
is the water depth on the upstream side of the weir and
is the height of the weir crest above the node invert. However, if the downstream depth Y
also exceeds the weir
crest height, the weir is submerged and the flow is computed as:

xpswmm Reference Manual
= C


where C
is a submergence coefficient representing the reduction in driving head, and all other variables are as
defined above.

The submergence coefficient, C
, is taken from Roesserts Handbook of Hydraulics (in German, reference
unavailable) by interpolation from Table 14-6, where C
is defined as:

= (Y
) (41)

and all other variables are as previously defined. The values of C
and C
are computed automatically by
EXTRAN without further need for data input. If the weir is surcharged it will behave as an orifice and the flow is
computed as:

= C
- Y
)(2gh) (42)

where Y
= distance to top of weir opening,
h = maximum(Y
), and
= weir surcharge coefficient.

0 1.0
0.1 0.99
0.2 0.98
0.3 0.97
0.4 0.96
0.5 0.95
0.6 0.94
0.7 0.91
0.8 0.85
0.85 0.8
0.9 0.68
0.95 0.4
1.0 0.0

Table 14-6 Values of C
as a Function of Weir Submergence

The weir surcharge coefficient, C
, is computed automatically at the beginning of surcharge. When the weir begins to
surcharge, the preceding weir discharge just prior to surcharge is equated to Q
in equation 35 and equation 36 is
then solved for the surcharge coefficient, C
. Thus, no input coefficient for surcharged weirs is required.

Since an orifice is modeled as equivalent pipes the same technique is used for surcharge and flooding as for circular
and rectangular conduits. Weirs under surcharge are also converted to equivalent pipes and the flow in a surcharged
weir (Q
) is assumed to behave as an orifice:

= CA(2gH) (43)

where C = calculated equivalent-roughness pipe coefficient,
A = cross-sectional area of equivalent conduit, and
H = driving head on the weir.

A weir, like an orifice, is represented as an equivalent conduit by equating the conduit and weir discharge equations:

S = C


where, m = 1.486 for U.S. customary units and 1.0 for metric units,
n = Mannings roughness coefficient,
A = cross-sectional area (WH),
H = head across the weir,
R = hydraulic radius,
S = slope of the hydraulic grade line (H/L), and
W = weir length.

If R is set as the value of the hydraulic radius when the head is half way between Y
and Y
and L is defined based
on the Courant number then the roughness, n, can be computed as:

3 / 2

= (45)

Finally, EXTRAN detects flow reversals at weir nodes which cause the downstream water depth, Y
, to exceed the
upstream depth, Y
. All equations in the weir section remain the same except that Y
and Y
are switched so that
remains as the "upstream" head. Also, flow reversal at a side-flow weir causes it to behave more like a transverse
weir and consequently the exponent a in equation 33 is set to 1.5.

Weirs with Tide Gates
Frequently, weirs are installed together with a tide gate at points of overflow into the receiving waters. Flow across the
weir is restricted by the tide gate, which may be partially closed at times. This is accounted for by reducing the
effective driving head across the weir according to an empirical factor published by Armco (undated):

h = h - (4/g)V
exp(-1.15V/h) (46)

where h is the previously computed head before correction for flap gate and V is the mean velocity of flow in the
upstream conduit.

Pump Stations
An EXTRAN pump station is conceptually represented as either an in-line lift station or an off-line node representing a
wet-well, from which the contents are pumped to another node in the system according to a programmed rule curve.
Alternatively, either in-line or off-line pumps may use a three-point pump curve (head versus pumped outflow). For an
in-line lift station, the pump rate is based on the water depth, Y, at the pump junction. The step-function rule is as

Pump Rate = R
for 0 < Y < Y

xpswmm Reference Manual

Y < Y

Y < Y

When Y = 0, the pump rate is the inflow rate to the pump junction.

Inflows to the off-line pump must be diverted from the main sewer system through an orifice, a weir, or a pipe. The
influent to the wet-well node must be a free discharge regardless of the diversion structure. The pumping rule curve is
based on the volume of water in the storage junction. A schematic presentation of the pump rule is shown in the Pump
Diversion dialog. The step-function rule operates as follows:

1. Up to three wet-well volumes are prespecified as input data for each pump station: V
< V
< V
, where V
the maximum capacity of the wet well.

2. Three pumping rates are prespecified as input data for each station. The pump rate is selected automatically by
EXTRAN depending on the volume, V, in the wet-well, as follows:

Pump Rate = R
for 0 < V < V

V < V


V < V


3. A mass balance of pumped outflow and inflow is performed in the wetwell during the model simulation period.

4. If the wet-well goes dry, the pump rate is reduced below rate Rl until it just equals the inflow rate. When the
inflow rate again equals or exceeds R
, the pumping rate goes back to operating on the rule curve.

5. If V
is exceeded in the wet-well, the inflow to the storage node is reduced until it does not exceed the maximum
pumped flow. When the inflow falls below the maximum pumped flow, the inflow "gates" are opened. The
program automatically steps down the pumping rate by the operating rule of (2) as the inflows and wet-well
volumes decrease over time.

A conceptual head-discharge curve for a pump is shown in the Pump Diversion dialog. When this method is used for
either type of pump, an iteration is performed until the dynamic head difference between the upstream and
downstream nodes on either side of the pump corresponds to the flow given on the pump curve. In other words, the
pump curve replaces equation 12.

Outfall Structures
EXTRAN simulates both weir outfalls and free outfalls. Either type may be subject to a backwater condition and
protected by a tide gate. A weir outfall is a weir which discharges directly to the receiving waters according to
relationships given previously in the weir section. The free outfall is simply an outfall conduit which discharges to a
receiving water body under given backwater conditions. The free outfall may be truly "free" if the elevation of the
receiving waters is low enough (i.e., the end of the conduit is elevated over the receiving waters), or it may consist of a
backwater condition. In the former case, the water surface at the free outfall is taken as critical or normal depth,
whichever is less. If backwater exists, the receiving water elevation is taken as the water surface elevation at the free

Up to 50 different head versus time relationships can be used as boundary conditions. Any outfall junction can be
assigned to any of the 50 boundary conditions.

When there is a tide gate on an outfall conduit, a check is made to see whether or not the hydraulic head at the
upstream end of the outfall pipe exceeds that outside the gate. If it does not, the discharge through the outfall is
equated to zero. If the driving head is positive, the water surface elevation at the outfall junction is set in the same
manner as that for a free outfall subjected to a backwater condition. Note that even if the tide gate is closed, water can
still enter and fill an empty outfall pipe as sometimes happens at the beginning of a simulation.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions are modeled by the EXTRAN Model:

1. H level functions at internal nodes and outfall nodes.

Free Outfall - The free outfall boundary condition has been modified to allow critical depth, normal depth, or
the minimum of critical and normal depth. The previous solution (EXTRAN 4) calculated the minimum of the
critical or normal depth in the conduits connecting to an outfall node.
Constant elevation.
Stage history tabulated functions, H(t).
Tidal (sinusoidal) time series, H(t).

2. Q level functions at internal and outfall nodes, Q(t).

3. Rating curves, Q = ay
, at internal and outfall nodes.

4. Rating tables of Q versus y at internal and outfall nodes.

EXTRAN computes the current value of hydrograph inflow to each input node in the sewer system at each large time-
step. It then reads current values of hydrograph ordinates from an external interface file if the Runoff Block (or any
other block) immediately precedes the EXTRAN Block, and/or from line input runoff hydrographs (from the user inflow
dialog). EXTRAN then performs a linear interpolation between hydrograph input points and computes the discharge at
each input node at the full time step, t+t.

EXTRAN provides for input of up to 100 inflow (standard value, actual value is defined in SWMM, CFG files)
hydrographs as input data lines in cases where it is desirable to run EXTRAN alone without prior use of an upstream
model or to add additional input hydrographs, either at the same or different nodes, to those computed by the
upstream model.

EXTRAN computes seven tide coefficients (if needed), Al through A7, which are in turn used to compute the current
tide elevation according to the Fourier series:

HTIDE = A1 + A2 sin wt + A3 sin 2wt + A4 sin 3wt
+ A5 cos wt + A6 cos 2wt + A7 cos 3wt

where, t = current time, hours (units of seconds are used internally),
w = angular frequency 2 pi radians/W (radius/hr), and
W = tidal period in hours.

Typical tidal periods are 12.5 or 25 hours. The coefficients A2 through A7 are developed by an iterative technique in
which a sinusoidal series is fitted to the set of tidal stage-time points supplied as input data.

EXTRAN evaluates the tidal equations, or interpolates the stage history boundary condition, or uses a lookup table for
an outfall defined by a rating curve. It determines the tidal coefficients during the simulation to determine the current
tidal elevation for multiple boundary conditions.

Generally, the boundary conditions are calculated using the following procedures:
xpswmm Reference Manual

1. Compute current elevation of receiving water backwater. Depending on the tidal index, the backwater
condition will be constant, tidal or below the system outfalls (effectively non-existent). The tidally-varied backwater
condition is computed by a Fourier series about a mean time equal to the first coefficient, A1. There are six possible
boundary conditions:

(i) Free discharge defined by the normal depth, critical depth, or the minimum of the normal or critical

(ii) Constant elevation. The depth never falls lower than the depth defined by the outfall elevation, but
higher depths are possible depending on the flow in the outfall conduit.

(iii) Tidal boundary conditions calculated from coefficients supplied by the user of the model, or generated
by the model from tidal data. The tidally-varied backwater condition is computed by a Fourier series
about a mean time equal to the first coefficient, A1.

(iv) Stage history, or h(t) calculated by interpolating the time series.

(v) Flow history, or Q(t) calculated by interpolating the time series.

(vi) A rating curve is used to set the node depth, Q(h). The program interpolates the node depth based on a
calculated Q.

2. The outfall depth can be assigned in one of three ways: normal depth, critical depth, or the minimum of normal
or critical depth for the flow in the outfall conduit. These three options apply to all boundary conditions.

3. A conduit that is surcharged has an upper limit of the conduit depth as the depth boundary condition. This may
be a cause of physical oscillations as a reflective wave travels backward through the network system.

3. 3. For outfall conduits with tide gates there is no flow when the computed junction depth is less than the
boundary depth.

Initial Conditions
Initial flows in conduits may be input by the user using the conduit dialog. For each conduit, EXTRAN then computes
the normal depth corresponding to the initial flow. Junction heads are then approximated as the average of the heads
of adjacent conduits for purposes of beginning the computation sequence. The initial volume of water computed in this
manner is included in the continuity check. A more accurate initial condition for any desired set of flows may be
established by letting EXTRAN "warm up" with the initial inflows and restarted using the "hot start" feature explained
earlier in the manual.

Initial heads at junctions may be input by the user with the conduit dialogs. The model does not estimate the initial
conduit flow if the conduit flow is entered as zero. Initial heads at junctions with a sump orifice are increased by 0.96
times the equivalent pipe diameter of the orifice at the start of the simulation.

Pit or Junction Losses
EXTRAN uses a point junction formulation for calculating the depth of water in a junction. The use of a point junction
formulation has been questioned by Joliffe [1981] who suggests a momentum junction formulation is superior for
predicting the combination of pipe flows, and a weir formulation is superior to the point junction formulation for dividing
flows. The point junction formulation is only adequate when the head loss at pits are small [Price, 1981]. An energy
balance at manhole (j) for all incoming and outgoing conduits (i) can be formulated as:

+ =

g 2
h H
g 2
m j

The lost head is given by:

g 2
Ke Hj

= (50)

The loss coefficient of the junction is related to the following parameters and variables:

1. The depth of flow in the connecting conduits.

2. The depth of flow in the manhole.

3. The angle between the incoming and outgoing conduits. This is assumed to be 180in the EXTRAN Model.

4. The type of flow (subcritical or supercritical flow).

4. 4. The geometry of the manhole and conduit.

Oscillations during a Hydraulic Jump
A hydraulic jump is simulated in EXTRAN by switching between the normal flow equation and the dynamic flow
equation. This is automatically done by the program. The criteria the program uses is discussed in the section on
Normal Flow.

Numerical difficulties in modelling a moving hydraulic jump include [Sjosberg, 1981]:

1. The moving on the jump from one calculation reach to another within one time step, t.

2. Large oscillations from the storage and release of water occur from moving hydraulic jumps.

During supercritical flow the junction does not allow a hydraulic jump and the inflow to the junction is similar to a free
outfall. The reason it is a free outfall is that during supercritical flow a wave cannot travel upstream (i.e., no
information from downstream junctions and conduits can be used for the upstream solution).

Irregular Closed Conduits
At user selected depths the program uses cross sectional area, wetted perimeter, and top width to calculate the
dimensionless curves for cross-sectional, top width, and hydraulic radius. The wetted perimeter is calculated as the
square root of the hypothenuse.

Irregular Open Channels
For channels, EXTRAN reads data in HEC-2 format then computes normalised values of cross-sectional area,
hydraulic radius (with variable Mannings n), and top width. Interpolation of these curves during an EXTRAN
simulation is identical to that performed for regular cross sections where the normalised curves have been
predetermined and stored in Block Data. You should be aware that the dimensionless curves consist of 25 depth
increments, and the cross sectional area, wetted perimeter, and top width entered are interpolated to fill out the table.
Sufficient information should be entered to define the properties of the channel accurately when translated into the
dimensionless table.

Irregular cross-section data is entered in the same format as used in the HEC-2 computer program. In fact, the
relevant data may be extracted from an existing HEC-2 input data file using the option on the conduit dialog.

EXTRAN also provides two subsidiary functions:
xpswmm Reference Manual

(i) the wetted perimeter of a power function cross section Romberg integration, and

(ii) calculates the arc length of a power function curve between two points.

Two questions often asked about EXTRAN in connection to natural channels is the relation between the conduit depth
and the cross-section elevations, and the purpose of entering a conduit slope.

1. The connection between the depth entered on the conduit dialog and the elevations entered as part of a cross
section is as follows:

DEEP = 0.0 Max Depth = ELMAX - ELMIN

where, DEEP = Depth entered on conduit dialog,
ELMIN = Minimum cross section elevation, and
ELMAX = Maximum cross section elevation.

Subsequently, the value of Max Depth is used to construct the dimensionless curves for the conduit.

2. 2. The conduit slope is used in the calculation of the normalised hydraulic radius using Mannings equation for
the velocity of flow in the composite channel.

Kinematic and Diffusion Wave Equations
The Diffusion wave equations are obtained from the unsteady flow continuity equation and momentum equation by
neglecting the local inertia and convective acceleration terms in the momentum equation [Sjosberg, 1981]:

A/t + Q/x = 0 (51)

gAH/x + gAS
= 0 (52)

(Note: that the bottom slope is incorporated into the gradient of H). An advantage of the diffusion wave equation is the
absence of wave characteristics and hence no distinction must be made between subcritical and supercritical flows.
The solution will be continuous because a hydraulic jump cannot develop.

The kinematic wave assumption is even simpler than the diffusion wave approximation since the pressure term is also
ignored in the solution. The kinematic solution is bed slope equals friction slope, or S
= S

EXTRAN uses the Kinematic Wave equation for special flow situations.

Special Finite Difference Approximations
A flow retardation parameter, f, is used for conduits that have slight or flat slopes. The definition of a slight slope as
used in the model is conduits with slopes < 1/10,000. The default value of f (currently 0.05) is used to moderate the
solution of the conduit flow. It is used as follows in EXTRAN:

1 n n 1 n
= +

+ +

where, LHS = dynamic wave equation variables at the new time step or iteration, and
RHS = dynamic wave equation variables at the old time step or iteration.

Generally, the solution of the flow at the new time step (Q
) is solved as follows:

t LHS f 1
1 n
+ +

This solution is further moderated by using under-relaxation on the new values of RHS and LHS. This control makes
the solution smoother and eliminates the growth of potential instabilities.

= (1-w)LHS
+ wLHS


= (1-w)RHS
+ wRHS


The combined pressure-bed slope term in the dynamic wave equation is solved at the new and old time step by
factoring out a Q from the A in gAH/x as follows:

2 / 1 n
2 / 1 n
1 n

EXTRAN uses an iterative solution to solve the gradually varied unsteady flow (St. Venant) equations. The
convergence criteria for this method is related to the maximum number of iterations and the relative accuracy of nodal
and conduit computations as specified in the simulation tolerances dialog.

The weighting coefficient for the non-linear momentum equation is calculated based on the conduit Froude number.
Furthermore, when both ends of the conduit are surcharged the non-linear acceleration term is neglected by the

The finite difference approximation for the VA/t term is calculated as follows in EXTRAN:

First Iteration:

) t t ( 2
t ) A A (
) V V (
1 n n n
dn up



Subsequent Iterations:

) t t (. 2
t ) A A (
) V V (
n 2 / 1 n n
dn up


The model does not allow a flow reversal in one time step. The intervening flow is 1/1000 the previous conduit flow.
This prevents oscillations in the conduit from arising from alternating positive and negative flows. This reversal check
is performed on all conduits as well as orifices, pumps and weirs. The minimum flow in any conduit or diversion is set
at 1.0e-10 (cms or cfs) to prevent underflow and overflow errors using MICROSOFT FORTRAN.

Control over the flow direction is also possible with internal flap gates in conduits that only allow flow either from the
upstream to the downstream node or from the downstream to the upstream node.

xpswmm Reference Manual
The vertical differentiation of conduit roughness as defined by the special conduit factor dialog is a quadratic equation
ranging from the peak at zero depth to normal roughness at the transition depth.

Initial transients in the model are dampened by increasing the roughness coefficient of each conduit by a factor of ten.
This optional technique decreases oscillations at the beginning of a simulation. If used, the transition to normal
roughness takes 9 large time steps (t).

The combined momentum-continuity equation uses the difference of the average cross-section area (A) at the n-1 and
n+1 time steps with the denominator being the larger t plus the sum of the smaller time steps (t). The numerator
uses the average velocity at the current iteration.

Inlet Control Theory
The design equations used to develop the inlet control nomographs are based on the research conducted by the
National Bureau of Standards (NBS) under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Public Roads (now the Federal Highway
Administration). Seven progress reports were produced as a result of this research. Of these, the first and fourth
through seventh reports dealt with the hydraulics of pipe and box culvert entrances, with and without tapered inlets
(4,7 to 10) These reports were one source of the equation coefficients and exponents, along with other references and
unpublished FHWA notes on the development of the nomographs. (56,57)

The two basic conditions of the inlet control depend upon whether the inlet end of the culvert is or is not submerged by
the upstream headwater. If the inlet is not submerged, the inlet performs as a weir. If the inlet is submerged, the inlet
performs as an orifice. Equations are available for each of the above conditions.

Between the unsubmerged and the submerged conditions there is a transition zone for which the NBS research
provided by drawing a curve between and tangent to the curves defined by the unsubmerged and submerged
equations. In most cases, the transition zone is the short and the curve is easily constructed.

Table I1 contains the unsubmerged and submerged inlet control design equations. Note that there are two forms of the
unsubmerged equation. Form (1) is based on the specific head at critical depth, adjusted with two correction factors,
Form (2) is an exponential equation similar to a weir equation. Form (1) is preferable from a theoretical standpoint, but
form (2) is easier to apply and is the only documented form of equation for some of the inlet control nomographs.
Either form of unsubmerged inlet control equation will produce adequate results.

Table I1
Inlet Control Design Equations.



HWi Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, metres or feet
D Interior height of culvert barrel, metres or feet
Hc Specific height of culvert barrel, metres or feet
Q Discharge, m3/s or ft3/s
A Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, metres2 or feet2
S Culvert barrel slope m/m or ft/ft
K, M, c, Y Constants form table I2

NOTES: 1. Equations for unsubmerged apply up to about Q/AD0.5 = 3.5
2. For mitered inlets use + 0.75 instead of 0.55 as the slope correction factor.
3. Equation for submerged applies above about Q/AD0.5 = 4.0.

Constants for inlet control design equations
Inlet Nomograph Data
Type Material Shape Inlet Description
1 Concrete Circular Square Edge with Headwall
2 Concrete Circular Groove End with Headwall
3 Concrete Circular Groove End Projecting
4 Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall
5 Corrugated Metal Circular Mitered to Slope
6 Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting
7 Concrete Circular 45 deg Beveled Ring
8 Concrete Circular 33.7 deg Beveled Ring
9 Concrete Rectangular 30 to 75 deg Wingwall Flares
10 Concrete Rectangular 90 and 15 deg Wingwall Flares
11 Concrete Rectangular 0 deg Wingwall Flares
xpswmm Reference Manual
12 Concrete Rectangular 45 deg Wingwall Flares
13 Concrete Rectangular 18 to 33.7 deg Wingwall Flares
14 Concrete Rectangular 90 deg Headwall with .75inch Chamfer
15 Concrete Rectangular 90 deg Headwall with 45 deg Bevels
16 Concrete Rectangular 90 deg Headwall with 33.7 deg Bevels
17 Concrete Rectangular .75inch Chamfers with 45 deg Skewed Headwalls
18 Concrete Rectangular .75inch Chamfers with 30 deg Skewed Headwalls
19 Concrete Rectangular .75inch Chamfers with 15 deg Skewed Headwalls
20 Concrete Rectangular 45 deg Bevels with 10 to 45 deg Skewed Headwalls
21 Concrete Rectangular .75 in Chmfr, 45 deg non-offset Wingwalls
22 Concrete Rectangular .75 in Chmfr, 18.4 deg non-offset Wingwalls
23 Concrete Rectangular .75 in Chmfr, 18.4 deg non-offset w/w, 30 deg Skewed Barrel
24 Concrete Rectangular Top Bevel with 45 deg offset Wingwall Flares
25 Concrete Rectangular Top Bevel with 33.7 deg offset Wingwall Flares
26 Concrete Rectangular Top Bevel with 18.4 deg offset Wingwall Flares
27 Corrugated Metal Rectangular 90 deg Headwall
28 Corrugated Metal Rectangular Thick Wall Projecting
29 Corrugated Metal Rectangular Thin Wall Projecting
30 Concrete Horiz. Ellips e Square Edge with Headwall
31 Concrete Horiz. Ellips e Groove End with Headwall
32 Concrete Horiz. Ellips e Groove End Projecting
33 Concrete Vert. Ellipse Square Edge with Headwall
34 Concrete Vert. Ellipse Groove End with Headwall
35 Concrete Vert. Ellipse Groove End Projecting
36 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, 90 deg Headwall
37 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, Mitered to Embankment
38 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, Projecting
39 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, Projecting
40 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, No Bevels
41 Corrugated Metal Arch 18 inch Corner, 33.7 Bevels
42 Corrugated Metal Arch 31 inch Corner, Projecting
43 Corrugated Metal Arch 31 inch Corner, No Bevels
44 Corrugated Metal Arch 31 inch Corner, 33.7 Bevels
45 Corrugated Metal Arch 90 deg Headwall
46 Corrugated Metal Arch Mitered to Embankment
47 Corrugated Metal Arch Thin Wall Projecting
48 Concrete Throat Circular Smooth Tapered Inlet
49 Corrugated Metal Throat Circular Rough Tapered Inlet
50 Concrete Throat Elliptical Tapered Inlet, Beveled Edges
51 Concrete Throat Elliptical Tapered Inlet, Square Edges
52 Concrete Throat Elliptical Tapered Inlet, Thin Edge Projecting
53 Concrete Throat Rectangular Tapered Inlet
54 Concrete Throat Rect. Side-tapered, Less Favorable Edges
55 Concrete Throat Rect. Side-tapered, More Favorable Edges
56 Concrete Throat Rect. Slope-tapered, Less Favorable Edges
57 Concrete Throat Rect. Slope-tapered, More Favorable Edges

SWMM Interface File Format
Documentation of the SWMM routines may be found in the EPA SWMM Users Manual (Huber and Dickinson, 1988).
The output is either in U.S. customary units or metric units depending on the value of parameter METRIC on data
group B2.

Hydrographs stored on the SWMM interface file may be accessed through a program written by the user or by
conversion to an ASCII/text file by the Combine Block. The structure of this file is described in Appendix B and in
Section 2 of the EPA SWMM Users Manual (Huber and Dickinson, 1988). This file structure must be followed if the
user wishes to create an interface file containing input hydrographs generated by a program external to SWMM or if
you wish to use another program to access the Interface File generated by SWMM.

The Interface File is a binary Unformatted FORTRAN file. Unfortunately the construction of the file header for binary
files is not consistent across compilers and therefore a binary file created by one brand of compiler cannot be read by
any other brand of compiler. XP-SWMM uses MICROSOFT (or Digital, or Compaq) VISUAL FORTRAN to generate
its interface files and therefore any external program creating or reading an interface file must also be compiled using

Subroutine INFACE.FOR reads or writes the header information for a SWMM 5.0 or EXTRAN 5.0 interface file. Note
that the time step, t, or DELT is single not double precision.

C Read interface headers.
xpswmm Reference Manual
C Read and write interface headers.
C Read sequence of location numbers.
C Write interface headers.

15.2 CUHP
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Theory


The CUHP program was originally developed in 1971 by Ben Urbonas and Stewart McGuire (URS/KEN R. WHITE
COMPANY). The program has been regularly revised for the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District by a number of
companies and individuals including, Gary Walkovitz (URS COMPANY), Ben Urbonas and David Lombard (UDFCD), C.
R. Wuerz (Merrick and Company), Young S. Yoon and Nien-Sheng Hsu (Boyle Engineering Corporation).

The permission of the Urban Drainage Flood Control District to use and reproduce their source code and printed material
is gratefully acknowledged.


The Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Computer Program (CUHPD) has been continually updated since 1971 under
the direction of Ben Urbonas of Urban Drainage and Flood Control District.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Some of the major modifications incorporated into the PC version are as follows:

1. Variable infiltration with time,
2. Modifying infiltration by storm event,
3. Overriding of unit hydrograph shape.
4. Write output to file for use with flood flow frequency analysis program.
5. Write storm hydrographs to an output file for subsequent use with Multi-Plan River Routing Routine of HEC-1.
6. Compile with FORTRAN compiler for IBM PC,
7. Write storm hydrographs to output file for subsequent use with the routing routine portion of UDSWM2-PC (a modified
version of the Runoff Block of EPA's SWMM).
8. Modify input format to agree with the 1984 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) revisions.
9. Dimensional and common statements and some of the logic in the earlier version were modified to be adoptable on an
10. Plotting routines included in the earlier version are eliminated.
11. Some input data requirements are simplified to facilitate data preparation effort. It is no longer necessary to define
entire hyetographs or to define basin parameters Ct and Cp.
12. The program has, as an option, a capability of estimating hydrographs for small drainage areas (generally less than
90 acres) for which the original CUHP method is not applicable. The resulting flood peaks in many cases are generally
comparable, but not identical to those estimated by the Rational Formula as specified in the Urban Storm Drainage
Criteria Manual. To exercise this option, input the time of concentration (Tc) as computed by the rational formula
procedure described in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual.
13. The program can, as an option, create an input data file containing storm hydrograph values for the purpose of
combining and routing these hydrographs through the application of UDSWM2-PC, a version of the runoff block of the
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) originally developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and
modified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


A. Rainfall

The program requires the input of the design storm either as a detailed hyetograph or, as an option, as a 1-hour depth
from which a detailed distribution is computed. The user is referred to the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual for the
recommended methodology of developing a design storm. Once the design storm is input or computed, rainfall losses are
calculated by the program in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual and account for retention and depression
storage and for infiltration. See Section 2 in the "Runoff" chapter of the Criteria Manual for the excess precipitation
algorithm used by this program.

1. The infiltration rate can be handled in two ways for each basin:

a) A constant infiltration rate throughout the storm can be specified. To use a constant infiltration rate, the user
needs to enter only the initial infiltration rate (INFL).

b) A variable infiltration rate based on Horton's equation can be calculated.

Horton's equation is:
( )
i o
f f f f

+ =

Where f = infiltration rate in inches/hour
f = initial infiltration rate in inches/hour
f = final infiltration rate in inches/hour
a = decay coefficient in per second units
t = time in seconds

2. Infiltration and depression losses can be varied from storm to storm. To do so, the user inputs multiplying factors with
rainfall data for each storm to change the initial and final infiltration decay rate and depression storage values entered with
basin data.

For example, if the user wishes to use Horton's equation with
f = 3.0 inches/hour,
f = 0.5 inches/hour and a 0.0018
per second for the 2-year and 5-year storm and then wants to reduce the infiltration to a constant 0.5 inch/hour rate for the
10-year through 100-year storms, let the Initial Infiltration Rate Correction Factor (CINFL) = 0.17 on the 10-year through
100-year rainfall (storm) data (card B-2) and leave all other correction factors blank. This will multiply
f = 3.0 in/hr by
0.17 and reduce the initial infiltration rate to 0.51 in/hr, which will then decay rapidly to the final infiltration rate of 0.50
in/hr. If the user has entered rainfall loss adjustment factors with the rainfall data and does not wish to use them for a
given basin during a computer run, he can nullify these correction factors by enabling the Ignore Global Correction
Factors Flag (XNUL) for the individual basin data (card D). Enabling XNUL will cause the computer to use only the rainfall
loss factors entered with basin data.

3. Depression storage is entered independently for the pervious and impervious areas. A single correction factor is
permitted with each rainstorm input if the user wishes to vary depression storage between storms.

4. If the user does not enter any rainfall loss adjustment factors.(leave blanks in the adjustment factor columns) for a given
storm, the infiltration and depression storage parameters entered with basin data will be used. Adjustment factors are
provided to permit the user to account for the effects of antecedent precipitation on rainfall abstractions.

5. Up to 72 rainfall increments may be input for each storm hyetograph. If a detailed storm hyetograph is to be input, the
user needs to identify the storm and then input incremental rainfall depths for each time increment of the hyetograph. If
the 1-hour depth input option is to be used, the user needs to identify the design storm and then enter the 1-hour depth
and the return period (i.e. 2-, 5-, 10-, 50-, or 100-year). The design hyetograph will then be computed by the program
using the 2-hour storm distribution recommended in the District's Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. The unit time
specified under basin data (use only 5-minute or 10-minute unit time with the 1-hour option) has to be consistent with
the time increment used for the tabulation of the design storm. Namely, if a 5-minute unit hydrograph is to be used, then
the rainfall data should also be entered using 5-minute time increments.

6. A user may input up to 99 rainstorms. Any consecutive block of rainstorms may be called for processing by the basin
data. It is possible to input several sets of rainstorms developed for different parts of the metropolitan area and then to
specify the specific rainstorms to be used by a given basin. It is also possible to input 5-minute and 10-minute rainstorms
and then call the appropriate ones, depending on the unit hydrograph used, for a given basin.

B. Unit and Storm Hydrograph

The computer program will generate a unit hydrograph column matrix for each basin. It will then set up an excess
precipitation row matrix for each storm called by the basin card which it then cross-multiplies with the unit hydrograph
matrix. The resultant storm hydrographs are then printed out. Unit hydrographs are developed using basin parameters of
imperviousness and area and the equations in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual as revised in 1984. As an
option, the values of Cp and Ct, if known or predetermined, can be input directly to override the values computed using
the Criteria Manual procedure.

Unlike the earlier version (i.e. CUHPD), CUHPE/PC utilizes the following equation for tp as found in the 1984 revision to
the Criteria Manual:

48 . 0

C t
t p

It is no longer necessary to modify the Ct coefficient as was the case with CUHPD.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Because of the speed of the computer, it is not necessary to vary the unit duration of the unit hydrograph in order to save
manual calculation time. It is recommended that a 5-minute unit hydrograph be used for all work; however, the user has
the option of using any unit time provided the rainfall data used has the same unit time and a hyetograph is defined by the

If the 1-hour rainfall input option is used, the user may choose either 5-minute or 10-minute unit duration only; however
the 5-minute duration is recommended for all 2-hour storms.
The user needs to input the following basin parameters to generate a unit and storm hydrograph:

1. 1. Input Parameters.
The following basin parameters are needed for the program to generate a unit and storm hydrograph.
a) Area - Basin area in square miles
b) Basin Length - The length in miles from the downstream design point of the basin or sub-basin along the main
drainageway to the high point on its respective basin or sub-basin. When a basin is subdivided into a series of
sub-basins, the sub-basin length used shall include the distance required for runoff to reach the major channel
from the farthest point in the sub-basin.
c) Centroid Distance - Distance in miles from the design point of the basin or sub-basin along the main
drainageway to its respective basin or sub-basin centroid.
d) Percent Impervious - Portion of the basin surface which is impervious in percent.
e) Basin Slope - Weighted average slope of the basin in feet per foot. See instructions in the Urban Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual to determine the weighted slope.
f) As an option for small urbanized areas, (e.g. less than 90 acres), you may enter time of concentration in
minutes. Procedure for estimating time of concentration is given in the Criteria Manual. By specifying the time of
concentration, hydrograph peaks will be computed and displayed using both the CUHP method and the
Rational Formula. This option will be exercised only if the 1-hour rainfall depth option is used for storm data
(Card B2).
g) Pervious retention - Maximum depression storage on pervious surfaces in inches.
h) Impervious retention - Maximum depression storage on impervious surfaces in inches.
i) Infiltration rate - Initial infiltration rate for pervious surfaces in the basin in inches per hour. If this entry is used
by itself, it will be used as a constant infiltration rate throughout the storm. If the next two entries are made, then
this value will be used as the initial infiltration rate in Horton's equation.
j) Decay Exponential decay coefficient in Horton's equation in "per second" units.
k) Final infiltration - Final infiltration rate in Horton's equation in inches per hour.
l) Nullifier of Rainfall Loss Adjustment Factors Entered with Rainfall - To be used if rainfall loss adjustment factors
entered with rainfall data are to be nullified (optional).

2. Optional Input Parameters For Hydrograph Shaping.
The unit hydrograph is developed by the computer using the algorithm used in the 1984 revision of the Urban Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual. As noted before, the coefficients C t and C p are computed by the program; however, they
can be specified by the user as an option.

The shaping of the unit hydrograph also relies on proportioning the widths at 50% and 75% of the unit hydrograph
peak. The proportioning is based on 0.35 of the width at 5010 of peak being ahead of the "time to peak" and 0.45 of
the width at 75% of peak being ahead of the "time to peak". These proportioning factors were selected after
observing a number of unit hydrographs derived from the rainfall/runoff data collected by the U.S.G.S. for the District.

It is possible for the user to override the unit hydrograph widths and the proportioning of these widths built into the
program. For drainage and flood studies within the District, the program values shall be used. If the user has derived
unit hydrographs from reliable rainfall-runoff data for a study basin and can develop a "calibrated" unit hydrograph for
this basin, this option permits reshaping the unit hydrograph accordingly.

C. Rational Formula Option For Small Catchments

The Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) is applicable for basins that are generally larger than 90 acres. When
the procedure is applied to smaller basins, it has a tendency to overestimate or underestimate peak runoff rates. The
Colorado Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual" suggests the use of the
Rational Method for such small basins. In the CUHPE/PC version, an optional routine is incorporated which computes
peak runoff rates based on the Rational Method. In addition to basin parameters required for the CUHP, the user may
specify the time of concentration for the basin of interest and the CUHPE/PC will then compute and display both peak
runoff rates as computed by the CUHP and the Rational Method for comparison purposes. The program also contains a
routine which modifies the CUHP procedure for generating hydrographs in such a way that their peaks
become compatible with those by the Rational Method for small drainage areas.

1. 1. Calculation of Peak Runoff Rates Based on the Rational Method.

The Rational Method is based on the following formula:


In which,
Q is defined as the maximum rate of runoff in cubic feet per second;
C is a runoff coefficient;
I is the average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour for a duration equal to the time of concentration; and
A is the drainage area in acres.

To estimate peak runoff rates using the above rational formula, the following relationships were developed and
incorporated in the CUHPE/PC:

The rainfall intensity-duration relationship specified in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual is as follows:

DURATION (Minutes) RATIO TO 1-Hour Rain Depth
5 0.28
10 0.45
15 0.57
30 0.79
60 1.00

Based on the above relationship, the average intensity for any given duration can be estimated by:

it = 28.51 60 /(t+10) 0.786
( )
786 . 0
5 . 28

In which,
I is the average intensity in inches per hour for a duration of t minutes;
t is the rain duration in minutes; and
I is the rain depth in inches for a 1-hour duration.

The Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual provides a table specifying values of the runoff coefficient, C, to be used
for various land use and storm frequency conditions. In the CUHPE/PC, these values are approximated by

C = Re /Rt

In which, Re is the effective rainfall and Rt is the total rainfall for a 2-hour storm as used in the CUHP method.

A value of the runoff coefficient as determined by the above equation is dependent upon rainfall magnitude,
imperviousness, depression loss, and the Horton's infiltration equation parameters. On the other hand, the runoff
coefficients specified in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual only vary with imperviousness and storm
xpswmm Reference Manual
frequency. However, when typical values of rainfall intensity for a given frequency and depression loss are used, the
runoff coefficients generated by the program generally agree with the values of C specified in the Urban Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual.

When the user specifies the time of concentration and the 1-hour rain depth, the CUHPE/PC will automatically
calculate and display a peak runoff rate based on the above Rational procedure. However, when this procedure is
used for a drainage area larger than 160 acres, which is not recommended by District, a warning statement will
appear in the output along with the estimated peak.

2. 2. Modification of the CUHP Procedure

As mentioned earlier, the peak runoff rates developed by the CUHP may not be consistent with those by the Rational
Method for smaller drainage areas. This inconsistency results from different procedures used to calculate the time to
peak used for the CUHP and the time of concentration for the Rational Formula. The differences, however, become
small or almost negligible when the following relationship is used to relate the two variables.

tp = 9( F i 2_ 0.36F i +0.07 ~(T 6Fi) 0.3 . F i 2_0.49F i +0~141 % c
( )
i c
i i
i i
t 6
14 . 0 49 . 0
07 . 0 36 . 0
39 . 0


In which,
tp is the time to peak in minutes,
Tc is the time of concentration in minutes, and
Fi is the impervious area, as a fraction.

In the CUHPE/PC, the above relationship is incorporated to estimate the time to peak for a given value of the time of
concentration provided by the user, replacing the CUHP for estimating the time to peak. This optional procedure
should be only utilized for small drainage areas (the recommended threshold drainage area is 90 acres). When the
procedure is utilized for larger drainage areas greater than 90 acres, a warning statement will appear in the output.

3. 3. Rational Method Options.

The CUHPE/PC program has two options under which it will generate peak flows using the Rational Method.

Under the Rational Formula option (i.e. ICIA = 0 on Card C), if the user does not input a time of concentration (Tc ),
the program will only generate a hydrograph using the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) procedure;
however, if the user inputs a value of TC and the 1-hour rainfall depth, the program will generate a hydrograph
using the USDCM procedure and will also calculate the peak flow using the Rational Method as explained earlier.

Under the second option (i.e. ICIA = I on Card C) the user is required to provide an input value for TC and the 1-
hour rainfall depth. The program will then generate a storm hydrograph that has been modified using the input TC
and will also calculate the peak flow using the Rational Method. This second option is recommended only for areas
smaller than 90 acres and should not be used at all for areas larger than 160 acres. Also, this second option has only
been tested for areas larger than 10 acres in size and should not be used for smaller sub-catchments.

Regional Hydrology Methods
Regional hydrology methods are stand-alone methods that, whilst containing all of the normal post-processing and
data import features of the xpswmm interface, are not as completely integrated into the XP engine. For example,
although they produce results that are used in the sanitary and hydraulics layer via interface files they cannot be run
simultaneously with the hydraulics layer and must be run sequentially. Of the 14 hydrology methods available in the
software there are currently two methods implemented in this manner;
the Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) and,
the LA County Procedure. (F0601).

16.1.1 CUHP Theory
The CUHP program was originally developed in 1971 by Ben Urbonas and Stewart McGuire (URS/KEN R. WHITE
COMPANY). The program has been regularly revised for the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District by a number
of companies and individuals including, Gary Walkovitz (URS COMPANY), Ben Urbonas and David Lombard
(UDFCD), C. R. Wuerz (Merrick and Company), Young S. Yoon and Nien-Sheng Hsu (Boyle Engineering

The permission of the Urban Drainage Flood Control District to use and reproduce their source code and printed
material is gratefully acknowledged.

The Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Computer Program (CUHPD) has been continually updated since 1971
under the direction of Ben Urbonas of Urban Drainage and Flood Control District.
Some of the major modifications incorporated into the PC version are as follows:
1. Variable infiltration with time,
2. Modifying infiltration by storm event,
3. Overriding of unit hydrograph shape.
4. Write output to file for use with flood flow frequency analysis program.
5. Write storm hydrographs to an output file for subsequent use with Multi-Plan River Routing Routine of
6. Compile with FORTRAN compiler for IBM PC,
7. Write storm hydrographs to output file for subsequent use with the routing routine portion of
UDSWM2-PC (a modified version of the Runoff Block of EPA's SWMM).
8. Modify input format to agree with the 1984 Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) revisions.
9. Dimensional and common statements and some of the logic in the earlier version were modified to be
adoptable on an IBM PC-XT.
10. Plotting routines included in the earlier version are eliminated.
11. Some input data requirements are simplified to facilitate data preparation effort. It is no longer necessary
to define entire hyetographs or to define basin parameters Ct and Cp.
12. The program has, as an option, a capability of estimating hydrographs for small drainage areas
(generally less than 90 acres) for which the original CUHP method is not applicable. The resulting flood
peaks in many cases are generally comparable, but not identical to those estimated by the Rational
Formula as specified in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. To exercise this option, input the time
of concentration (Tc) as computed by the rational formula procedure described in the Urban Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual.
13. The program can, as an option, create an input data file containing storm hydrograph values for the
purpose of combining and routing these hydrographs through the application of UDSWM2-PC, a version
of the runoff block of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) originally developed by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and modified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

xpswmm Reference Manual
A. Rainfall
The program requires the input of the design storm either as a detailed hyetograph or, as an option, as a 1-hour depth
from which a detailed distribution is computed. The user is referred to the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual for
the recommended methodology of developing a design storm. Once the design storm is input or computed, rainfall
losses are calculated by the program in accordance with the Drainage Criteria Manual and account for retention and
depression storage and for infiltration. See Section 2 in the "Runoff" chapter of the Criteria Manual for the excess
precipitation algorithm used by this program.
1. The infiltration rate can be handled in two ways for each basin:
a) A constant infiltration rate throughout the storm can be specified. To use a constant infiltration rate,
the user needs to enter only the initial infiltration rate (INFL).
b) A variable infiltration rate based on Horton's equation can be calculated.
Horton's equation is:
( )
i o
f f f f

+ =

Where f = infiltration rate in inches/hour
f = initial infiltration rate in inches/hour
f = final infiltration rate in inches/hour
a = decay coefficient in per second units
t = time in seconds
2. Infiltration and depression losses can be varied from storm to storm. To do so, the user inputs
multiplying factors with rainfall data for each storm to change the initial and final infiltration decay rate
and depression storage values entered with basin data.
FOR EXAMPLE, if the user wishes to use Horton's equation with
f = 3.0 inches/hour,
f = 0.5
inches/hour and a 0.0018 per second for the 2-year and 5-year storm and then wants to reduce the
infiltration to a constant 0.5 inch/hour rate for the 10-year through 100-year storms, let the Initial
Infiltration Rate Correction Factor (CINFL) = 0.17 on the 10-year through 100-year rainfall (storm) data
(card B-2) and leave all other correction factors blank. This will multiply
f = 3.0 in/hr by 0.17 and
reduce the initial infiltration rate to 0.51 in/hr, which will then decay rapidly to the final infiltration rate of
0.50 in/hr. If the user has entered rainfall loss adjustment factors with the rainfall data and does not wish
to use them for a given basin during a computer run, he can nullify these correction factors by enabling
the Ignore Global Correction Factors Flag (XNUL) for the individual basin data (card D). Enabling XNUL
will cause the computer to use only the rainfall loss factors entered with basin data.
3. Depression storage is entered independently for the pervious and impervious areas. A single correction
factor is permitted with each rainstorm input if the user wishes to vary depression storage between
4. If the user does not enter any rainfall loss adjustment factors.(leave blanks in the adjustment factor
columns) for a given storm, the infiltration and depression storage parameters entered with basin data
will be used. Adjustment factors are provided to permit the user to account for the effects of antecedent
precipitation on rainfall abstractions.
5. Up to 72 rainfall increments may be input for each storm hyetograph. If a detailed storm hyetograph is to
be input, the user needs to identify the storm and then input incremental rainfall depths for each time
increment of the hyetograph. If the 1-hour depth input option is to be used, the user needs to identify the
design storm and then enter the 1-hour depth and the return period (i.e. 2-, 5-, 10-, 50-, or 100-year).
The design hyetograph will then be computed by the program using the 2-hour storm distribution
recommended in the District's Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. The unit time specified under
basin data (use only 5-minute or 10-minute unit time with the 1-hour option) has to be consistent with the
time increment used for the tabulation of the design storm. Namely, if a 5-minute unit hydrograph is to be
used, then the rainfall data should also be entered using 5-minute time increments.
6. A user may input up to 99 rainstorms. Any consecutive block of rainstorms may be called for processing
by the basin data. It is possible to input several sets of rainstorms developed for different parts of the
metropolitan area and then to specify the specific rainstorms to be used by a given basin. It is also
possible to input 5-minute and 10-minute rainstorms and then call the appropriate ones, depending on
the unit hydrograph used, for a given basin.

B. Unit and Storm Hydrograph
The computer program will generate a unit hydrograph column matrix for each basin. It will then set up an excess
precipitation row matrix for each storm called by the basin card which it then cross-multiplies with the unit hydrograph
matrix. The resultant storm hydrographs are then printed out. Unit hydrographs are developed using basin parameters
of imperviousness and area and the equations in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual as revised in 1984. As an
option, the values of Cp and Ct, if known or predetermined, can be input directly to override the values computed
using the Criteria Manual procedure.
Unlike the earlier version (i.e. CUHPD), CUHPE/PC utilizes the following equation for tp as found in the 1984 revision
to the Criteria Manual:

48 . 0

C t
t p

It is no longer necessary to modify the Ct coefficient as was the case with CUHPD.
Because of the speed of the computer, it is not necessary to vary the unit duration of the unit hydrograph in order to
save manual calculation time. It is recommended that a 5-minute unit hydrograph be used for all work; however, the
user has the option of using any unit time provided the rainfall data used has the same unit time and a hyetograph is
defined by the user.
If the 1-hour rainfall input option is used, the user may choose either 5-minute or 10-minute unit duration only; however
the 5-minute duration is recommended for all 2-hour storms.
The user needs to input the following basin parameters to generate a unit and storm hydrograph:

1. Input Parameters.
The following basin parameters are needed for the program to generate a unit and storm hydrograph.
a) Area - Basin area in square miles
b) Basin Length - The length in miles from the downstream design point of the basin or sub-basin along the
main drainageway to the high point on its respective basin or sub-basin. When a basin is subdivided into
a series of sub-basins, the sub-basin length used shall include the distance required for runoff to reach
the major channel from the farthest point in the sub-basin.
c) Centroid Distance - Distance in miles from the design point of the basin or sub-basin along the main
drainageway to its respective basin or sub-basin centroid.
d) Percent Impervious - Portion of the basin surface which is impervious in percent.
e) Basin Slope - Weighted average slope of the basin in feet per foot. See instructions in the Urban Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual to determine the weighted slope.
f) As an option for small urbanized areas, (e.g. less than 90 acres), you may enter time of concentration in
minutes. Procedure for estimating time of concentration is given in the Criteria Manual. By specifying the
time of concentration, hydrograph peaks will be computed and displayed using both the CUHP method
and the Rational Formula. This option will be exercised only if the 1-hour rainfall depth option is used for
storm data (Card B2).
g) Pervious retention - Maximum depression storage on pervious surfaces in inches.
h) Impervious retention - Maximum depression storage on impervious surfaces in inches.
i) Infiltration rate - Initial infiltration rate for pervious surfaces in the basin in inches per hour. If this entry is
used by itself, it will be used as a constant infiltration rate throughout the storm. If the next two entries
are made, then this value will be used as the initial infiltration rate in Horton's equation.
j) Decay Exponential decay coefficient in Horton's equation in "per second" units.
k) Final infiltration - Final infiltration rate in Horton's equation in inches per hour.
l) Nullifier of Rainfall Loss Adjustment Factors Entered with Rainfall - To be used if rainfall loss adjustment
factors entered with rainfall data are to be nullified (optional).
2. Optional Input Parameters For Hydrograph Shaping.
The unit hydrograph is developed by the computer using the algorithm used in the 1984 revision of the Urban
Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. As noted before, the coefficients C t and C p are computed by the program;
however, they can be specified by the user as an option.
The shaping of the unit hydrograph also relies on proportioning the widths at 50% and 75% of the unit
hydrograph peak. The proportioning is based on 0.35 of the width at 5010 of peak being ahead of the "time to
peak" and 0.45 of the width at 75% of peak being ahead of the "time to peak". These proportioning factors
were selected after observing a number of unit hydrographs derived from the rainfall/runoff data collected by
the U.S.G.S. for the District.
xpswmm Reference Manual
It is possible for the user to override the unit hydrograph widths and the proportioning of these widths built into
the program. For drainage and flood studies within the District, the program values shall be used. If the user
has derived unit hydrographs from reliable rainfall-runoff data for a study basin and can develop a "calibrated"
unit hydrograph for this basin, this option permits reshaping the unit hydrograph accordingly.

C. Rational Formula Option For Small Catchments
The Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) is applicable for basins that are generally larger than 90 acres.
When the procedure is applied to smaller basins, it has a tendency to overestimate or underestimate peak runoff rates.
The Colorado Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual" suggests the use
of the Rational Method for such small basins. In the CUHPE/PC version, an optional routine is incorporated which
computes peak runoff rates based on the Rational Method. In addition to basin parameters required for the CUHP, the
user may specify the time of concentration for the basin of interest and the CUHPE/PC will then compute and display
both peak runoff rates as computed by the CUHP and the Rational Method for comparison purposes. The program
also contains a routine that modifies the CUHP procedure for generating hydrographs in such a way that their peaks
become compatible with those by the Rational Method for small drainage areas.

1. Calculation of Peak Runoff Rates Based on the Rational Method.
The Rational Method is based on the following formula:
In which,
Q is defined as the maximum rate of runoff in cubic feet per second;
C is a runoff coefficient;
I is the average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour for a duration equal to the time of concentration; and
A is the drainage area in acres.
To estimate peak runoff rates using the above rational formula, the following relationships were developed
and incorporated in the CUHPE/PC:
The rainfall intensity-duration relationship specified in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual is as follows:
DURATION (Minutes) RATIO TO 1-Hour Rain Depth
5 0.28
10 0.45
15 0.57
30 0.79
60 1.00

Based on the above relationship, the average intensity for any given duration can be estimated by:
it = 28.51 60 /(t+10) 0.786
( )
786 . 0
5 . 28

In which,
I is the average intensity in inches per hour for a duration of t minutes;
t is the rain duration in minutes; and
I is the rain depth in inches for a 1-hour duration.

The Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual provides a table specifying values of the runoff coefficient, C, to
be used for various land use and storm frequency conditions. In the CUHPE/PC, these values are
approximated by
C = Re /Rt
In which,
Re is the effective rainfall and;
Rt is the total rainfall for a 2-hour storm as used in the CUHP method.
A value of the runoff coefficient as determined by the above equation is dependent upon rainfall magnitude,
imperviousness, depression loss, and the Horton's infiltration equation parameters. On the other hand, the
runoff coefficients specified in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual only vary with imperviousness and
storm frequency. However, when typical values of rainfall intensity for a given frequency and depression loss
are used, the runoff coefficients generated by the program generally agree with the values of C specified in
the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual.
When the user specifies the time of concentration and the 1-hour rain depth, the CUHPE/PC will automatically
calculate and display a peak runoff rate based on the above Rational procedure. However, when this
procedure is used for a drainage area larger than 160 acres, which is not recommended by District, a warning
statement will appear in the output along with the estimated peak.

2. Modification of the CUHP Procedure
As mentioned earlier, the peak runoff rates developed by the CUHP may not be consistent with those by the
Rational Method for smaller drainage areas. This inconsistency results from different procedures used to
calculate the time to peak used for the CUHP and the time of concentration for the Rational Formula. The
differences, however, become small or almost negligible when the following relationship is used to relate the
two variables.
tp = 9( F i 2_ 0.36F i +0.07 ~(T 6Fi) 0.3 . F i 2_0.49F i +0~141 % c
( )
i c
i i
i i
t 6
14 . 0 49 . 0
07 . 0 36 . 0
39 . 0


In which,
tp is the time to peak in minutes,
Tc is the time of concentration in minutes, and
Fi is the impervious area, as a fraction.
In the CUHPE/PC, the above relationship is incorporated to estimate the time to peak for a given value of the
time of concentration provided by the user, replacing the CUHP for estimating the time to peak. This optional
procedure should be only utilized for small drainage areas (the recommended threshold drainage area is 90
acres). When the procedure is utilized for larger drainage areas greater than 90 acres, a warning statement
will appear in the output.

3. Rational Method Options.
The CUHPE/PC program has two options under which it will generate peak flows using the Rational Method.
Under the Rational Formula option (i.e. ICIA = 0 on Card C), if the user does not input a time of concentration
(Tc), the program will only generate a hydrograph using the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual
(USDCM) procedure; however, if the user inputs a value of TC and the 1-hour rainfall depth, the program will
generate a hydrograph using the USDCM procedure and will also calculate the peak flow using the Rational
Method as explained earlier.
Under the second option (i.e. ICIA = I on Card C) the user is required to provide an input value for TC and the
1-hour rainfall depth. The program will then generate a storm hydrograph that has been modified using the
input TC and will also calculate the peak flow using the Rational Method. This second option is recommended
only for areas smaller than 90 acres and should not be used at all for areas larger than 160 acres. Also, this
second option has only been tested for areas larger than 10 acres in size and should not be used for smaller
16.1.2 CUHP Procedure
xpswmm Reference Manual

Hydrograph Type
(Card C ICIA)
Rational Formula option for smaller basins:
Rational Formula - (Card C ICIA = 1)
Use if the basin is less than 90 acres and larger than 5 acres. A storm hydrograph will be estimated
using the time of concentration (Card D TC), specified in this dialog. The peak flow will also be
estimated using Rational Formula. Use the 1-hour design storm (Card B2) for rainfall.

Hydrograph (CUHP) - (Card C ICIA = 0)
Use if the basin is larger than 90 acres. The hydrograph will be calculated using the Colorado
Urban Hydrograph Procedure described in the UD&FCD Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual. If
you also use the 1-hour design storm (Card B2) and specify the Time of Concentration in this dialog
(Card D - TC), peak flows will also be estimated using Rational Formula.

(IDWB = 0)
The Basin Identification Number that will be used as basin identification by the UDSWM2-PC program. Any
three digit number from 001 through 399 is valid. This field is mandatory with the last 3 Print Options (NSW =
7, NSW = 8, and NSW = 9).

The Basin Description or Comment (max. 60 characters).
If Print Options "Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File", "Storm Hydrographs and Excess
Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File" or, "Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File" (NSW
= 4, NSW = 5, or NSW = 6).are selected, only the first 34 characters in this field will be used by the HEC-
program for its basin comment card.

Save Results to Interface File
If this flag is selected results for this node will be written to an Interface File for later use by xpswmm.
Save Results for Review
If this flag is selected results for this node will be available for use with the "Review Results " component of
Print Options
Allows you to define the level of detail written to the output file and the optional creation of output files.

Optional Parameters
If this flag is on then optional hydrograph shape factors may be entered.

The basin area in square miles.
The basin length in miles.

Distance To Centroid
The distance to the basin centroid in miles. The distance along main flow path from outlet to point opposite
(i.e. normal) to the basin centroid.

Impervious % -
The basin imperviousness In percent.
The weighted basin slope in feet per foot.

Time of Concentration - (TC) the time of concentration in minutes.
This is an optional entry if you selected a CUHP Hydrograph type (i.e. Card C - ICIA=O). If a non-zero value is
entered for TC, the program will also display an estimate of the runoff peak using Rational Formula. The storm
hydrograph will also be calculated using the CUHP procedure.
A non-zero value is mandatory for if you selected the Rational Formula method (i.e. Card C - ICIA=1). Note, the 1-
hour rainfall depth also has to be entered (Card B2). The program will compute and display the hydrograph estimated
using TC, and the peak flow using Rational Formula.

Impervious to Pervious Flow - (D) the fraction of impervious to pervious flow.

Ignore Global Correction Factors - (XNUL) If this flag is enabled all values of Initial Infiltration Rate, Hortons Decay
Rate, Final Infiltration Rate and Depression Loss Storage (Card B1 and B2 - CINFL, CDECAY, CFNINF and CRET)
entered in the Storm Data will be ignored.

Pervious Depression Storage - (POET) the average maximum depression storage on pervious surfaces in inches.

Impervious Depression Storage - (IDET) the average maximum depression storage on impervious surfaces in
xpswmm Reference Manual

Initial Infiltration Rate - (INFL) the initial infiltration rate In inches per hour. If the decay rate and final infiltration rate
(i.e. the next 2 fields DECAY and FNINFL) are zero or blank, the initial rate entered here is treated as uniform
infiltration rate throughout the storm.

Horton Decay Rate - (DECAY) Horton's exponential decay rate coefficient in 1/second.

Final Infiltration Rate - (FNINFL) the final infiltration rate In inches per hour.

Level of DCIA - (NDCIA) the level of directly connected impervious area.

DCIA - (R) the fraction of directly connected impervious area.

Unit Duration - (TU) Unit duration of rainfall increments and of the unit hydrograph If design storm 1-hour depth is
used, you are limited to 5-or 10-minute unit duration. Use the 5-minute duration in all cases unless a longer unit is
clearly (i.e. very large basin) justified.
The Node Name is used as the Basin Identifier (IDBAS).
There is currently a limit of 399 basins in this method.
See also CUHP Theory.

16.1.3 CUHP Job Control

Description (Card A COM) Enter the Job Identification and/or Comment (max. 72 characters).

Rainfall Input Type:
Hyetograph (Card A ISET = 1) Select this value if detailed hyetograph(s) will be entered (using Record Set B1).
1-Hr Rainfall Depths (Card A ISET = 2) Select this value if only the 1-hour rainfall depth(s) will be entered using
(using Record Set B2).

Storm List
The "All Storms" database contains the names of all the storms that are available in the XP database. The "Storms to
Analyze" list is a subset of the "All Storms" list and lists all the storms that will be analyzed when the model is solved.
There is no limit to the number of storms that can be created and stored in the XP database but only 99 storms can be
analyzed in a single run.
Add Allows you to create a new storm and add it to the "All Storms" database.
Rename Renames the currently selected storm.
Duplicate Duplicates the currently selected storm.
Del Deletes the currently selected storm.
Edit Allows you to create or edit data for the currently selected storm.
>> - Allows you to add the currently selected storm to the "Storms to Analyze" list.
<< - Allows you to remove the currently selected storm from the "Storms to Analyze" list.

Simulation Start/End
The respective starting and ending year, month, day, hour, minute, and second of the simulation. This data is only
used by the Interface File when you are simulating the hydraulics using XPSWMM.

See also CUHP Theory.

16.1.4 CUHP Storm Data

Return Period (Card B2 IRP) Enter the storm return period (2, 5, 10, 50, or 100).
Description (Card B1 or B2 NDT11, NDT12, NDT13) Enter the Storm Identification (date or return period, e.g.
6/11/1938 or 100-Year) (max. 10 characters).
Interface File The name of the Interface File which will store the flows generated by this storm. The Interface File is
used by the Statistics, Sanitary and Hydraulics layers of XPSWMM and would typically be used for hydraulic routing of
the storm flows through the pipe or channel network.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Correction Factors:
Initial Infiltration Rate (Card B1 or B2 CINFL) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Initial (or Uniform)
Infiltration Rate.
Hortons Decay Rate (Card B1 or B2 CDECAY) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Horton's Infiltration
Decay Exponent.
Final Infiltration Rate (Card B1 or B2 CFNINF) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Final Infiltration Rate.
Depression Loss Storage (Card B1 or B2 CRET) Enter the (Optional) Correction Factor for Depression Loss

Rainfall Data:
1-Hr Rainfall Depth (Card A ISET = 2, Card B2)
Design Depth (Card B2 ROH) Enter the storm return period (2, 5, 10, 50, or 100).

Hyetograph (Card A ISET = 1, Card B1) - Each hyetograph is limited to 72 unit time increment rainfall depths. If you
will use Print Options 7, 8 or 9; namely, write an output file for eventual routing using UDSWM2-PC, then enter only
one hyetograph and run each separately. Up to 99 hyetographs may be solved in a single run.
Edit Depths Allows you to enter the incremental rainfall depths.
16.1.5 CUHP Rainfall Data

Rainfall Depths (Card B1 XR) Each hyetograph is limited to 72 unit time increment rainfall depths.
Insert Row Inserts a row above the currently selected cell.
Delete Row Deletes the currently selected cell.

16.1.6 CUHP Optional Parameters

These are optional basin parameters which can be used to override unit hydrograph parameters Ct and Cp and unit
hydrograph widths calculated by the CUHP procedure. Enter data only into those fields for which unit hydrograph
variables are to be overridden. Leave all other fields blank.
Coefficient Ct - (Card D1 CT) overrides the program generated value for Ct.

Coefficient Cp - (Card D1 CP) overrides the program generated value for Cp.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 50% - (Card D1 W50) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 50% in minutes.

Unit Hydrograph Width at 70% - (Card D1 W75) overrides the program generated value for the width of the unit
hydrograph at 70% in minutes.

Fraction Of W50 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K50) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W50
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.35).

Fraction Of W75 Ahead Of Tp - (Card D1 K75) overrides the program generated value for the fraction Of W75
Ahead of Tp (Default = 0.45).

Water Quality Capture Volume - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality capture volume in inches.

Water Quality Drain Time - (Card D1 XWQCV) the water quality drain time in minutes.

16.1.7 CUHP Print Options
xpswmm Reference Manual

Print Options:
Storm Hydrograph (Card C NSW = 0) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Hyetograph, Storm Hydrograph,
Peak Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (Card C NSW = 1) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph,
Hyetograph, Tabular Calculation of Excess Precipitation, Storm Hydrograph, Peak Flow, and Runoff Volume.

Standard (Card C NSW = 2) Print: Basin Parameters, Unit Hydrograph, Peak Flows, and Runoff Volume. (No
storm hydrograph).

Standard and Peak Flows to File (Card C NSW = 3) Print: Same as Standard Option (NSW=2) above. Write all
peak flows to disk file for use with the "Flood Flow Frequency Analysis" program.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 4) Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph
(NSW=0) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with HEC-1 flow routing routines.

Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 5) Print:
Same as Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file as
in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above

Standard Print and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (Card C NSW = 6) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2) above.
Write all storm hydrographs to disk file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to HEC-1 File (NSW=4) above.

Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 7) Print: Same as Storm
Hydrograph (NSW=0) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk file for use with UDSWM2-PC program flow routing

Storm Hydrographs and Excess Precipitation Info and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 8) -
Print: Same as Storm Hydrograph and Excess Precipitation Info (NSW=1) above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk
output file as in (NSW=7) above.

Standard Print and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File (Card C NSW = 9) Print: Same as Standard (NSW=2)
above. Write all storm hydrographs to disk output file as in Storm Hydrographs and Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File
(NSW=7) above.

Note: For the last 3 options (NSW = 7, NSW = 8 and NSW = 9) you may process up to 399 basins, but be sure to use
only one storm for any one computer run. Assign a new output file name for each run.

LA County 24 Hr Rainfall Template

A dimensionless (normalized) rainfall pattern is entered in this dialog. A default sample rainfall file (LARAIN.DAT) is
included in the Templates sub-directory.

Rainfall Mass Curve Header Card (See Figure D-3 of LA County Hydrology Manual)
Column Entry Description
1-3 010 Card code number.
4 alphabetic If storm pattern A through I to be used for storm of record or other various storm
patterns (other than J, K, L, M, and T standard design storm rainfall patterns).
J If J zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.1. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
K If K zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
xpswmm Reference Manual
(See Figure C-3.2. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
L If L zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.3. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
M if M zone design storm rainfall pattern to be used.
(See Figure C-3.4. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
T If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
5-6 numeric If A through I storm pattern to be used, an identification number
between 1 and 99 must al so be used.
01 If thunderstorm (convective storm) design rainfall pattern to be used.
10 If l0-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
25 If 25-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
50 If 50-year frequency rainfall for J, K, L, M zone rainfall to be used.
If J, K, L, M zone design storm rainfall pattern is specified in Column 4,
either 10, 25, or 50 year frequency rainfall must be specified in Column 5-6.
7 3 if J through M zone rainfall is used.
4 If T0I storm pattern is used.
5 If A02 through A99 storm pattern is used.
8-10 40 If JI0 through M50 storm patterns are used.
Numeric Total number of points (maximum of 200) used to define the rainfall
mass curve of all other storm patterns.

Rainfall Mass Curve Data Cards (See Figure D-3. of LA County Hydrology Manual)
Column Entry Description
1-3 011 Card code number.
4 alphabetic Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 4.
5-6 numeric Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 5-6.
7 numeric Must be identical to rainfall mass curve header card Column 7.
8-10 numeric Must be identical to the rainfall mass curve header card Column 8-10.
The maximum point number must be listed on all data cards.
11-13 numeric Maximum cumulative point number appearing on each card.
14-17 numeric Selected storm time in minutes. The initial point on the first card must be 0000.
18-22 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall in inches corresponding to storm time listed in
Column 14-17. The initial point on the first card must be 0000.
23-26 numeric Selected storm time.
27-31 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 23-26.
32-35 numeric Selected storm time.
36-40 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 32-35.
41-44 numeric Selected storm time.
45-49 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 41-44
50-53 numeric Selected storm time.
54-58 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 50-53.
59-62 numeric Selected storm time.
63-67 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 59-62.
68-71 numeric Selected storm time.
72-76 numeric Cumulative storm rainfall corresponding to storm time listed in Column 68-71.

LA County Error Codes

Runoff Coefficient Curve and Rainfall Mass Curve Data Editor (Program FO601M)
Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) on first card of a curve not 009 (runoff coefficient curve) or 010
(rainfall mass curve).
2 Number in Column 7 on the first card outside the range 1-5.
3 Total number of points indicated for the curve exceeds 14 (runoff coefficient curve) or 199 (rainfall
mass curve).
4 On cards following the first card of a curve either (a) The card code (Column 1-3) not equal to 009
(runoff coefficient curve) or 011 (rainfall mass curve), (b) The curve number in Column 4-6 does
not match or (c) The curve number in Column 7 does not match.
5 The number of points on a card exceeds the total number indicated on the first card.
6 The cards are out of sequence.
7 Initial data card not zero, negative runoff coefficient curve number, or points on rainfall mass curve
not in chronological or cumulative sequence.
8 The curve number (Column 4-6) listed on the first card, not (a) 002 through 199 For runoff
coefficient curve, (b) A through I in Column 4 and 01 through 99 in Column 5-6, for selected storm
rainfall mass curve, (c) J through M in Column 4 and 10, 25, or 50 in Column 5-6 for standard
design storm rainfall curve, or (d) T in Column 4 and 01 in Column 5-6 for thunderstorm
(convective storm) rainfall mass curve.

D-5.2 Subarea and Hydrograph 0ara Editor (Program FO6010)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following Form:

Error Number Description
1 The card code (Column 1-3) of a subarea card not 006.
2 Subarea data not in ascending sequence (hydrograph input may be specified on the same card,
and hydrograph modification may be specified on the preceding card), or a thunderstorm specified
in Column 67 and Line A not specified in Column 15.
3 Column 15 (primary storage location), Column 17-19 (runoff coefficient curve) or Column 29-31
rainfall mass curve contains all blanks or an invalid value.
4 Secondary hydrograph is specified and (a) alphameric character other than A through F listed in
Column 16, (b) hydrograph computation is also specified, (c) read hydrograph also specified, (d)
number in Column 60 outside the range 0-4, (e) number in Column 63 outside range O-l, or (f)
negative number in Column 53-59.
5 Hydrograph input and hydrograph computation both indicated.
6 Hydrograph computation specified and (al time of concentration not listed in Column 27-28 or
hydrograph input, (b) confluence output also specified, (c) hydrograph modification also specified,
(d) control Q also specified, or (e) negative number in Column 20-28. Read hydrograph specified
with confluence output, hydrograph modification or control Q specified also results in error 6
7 Routing errors with (a) number in Column 32 outside range 0-6, (b) 1-6 specified in Column 32
with slope and channel length not specified in Column 33-43 or, (c) 6 specified in Column 32 and
combination of Column 47-52 and Column 74-75, Column 47-52 and Column 76-77, or Column
74-75 and Column 76-77 not specified, (d) number specified in Column 74-73 outside range 0-29,
or (e) negative number in Column 33-52 or Column 68-77.
8 Location card instruction errors with (a) number in Column 61 inconsistent or outside range 0-3,
(b) number in both Column 61 and Column 67 other than 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 specified in Column 67,
(c) other than alphabetic code A through G specified in Column 64, or (d) negative number in
Column 65.
9 Hydrograph header card errors with (a) card code (Column l-3) not 007, (b) missing job or location
number in Column 4-14, (c) drain A through F not specified in Column 15, (d) number in Column
24-26 outside range 1-200, (e) number in Column 27-30 outside range 1-1500, (f) negative
number in Column 16-23 or Column 31-38, (g) number in Column 39-41 outside range 1-200, or
(h) number in Column 42-44 outside range 1-4.
10 Hydrograph data card errors with (a) card code (Column 1-31 not 008, (b) number of points on
card less or greater than total number indicated on header card, or (c) data cards not in sequence.
11 Hydrograph error affecting the associated subarea data set.
12 Initial hydrograph data card not zero, or points on hydrograph not in chronological sequence.
13 Total hydrograph data points not equal to number of points specified on header card.
14 The card code (Column 1-3) not 005 on first page heading card.
xpswmm Reference Manual
15 Hydrograph output specified and (a) the associated page heading card is missing, (b) the card
code (Column 1-3) not 005 on associated page heading card, or (c) the location name on the
associated page heading card and location point card not identical.
16 More than l000 cards submitted for job.
18 End of job not specified by number 2 in Column 65.

D-5.3 Hydrologic Computation (Program FO601A)

Error messages produced by this program are of the following form:

Error Number Description
2 Device failure has occurred while reading from direct or magnetic tape. Job should be resubmitted.
3 The name on a runoff coefficient curve or rainfall mass curve does not match the one called for on
a location point card or the number of points exceeds the maximum allowable points.
4 Failure in search of table for partially full pipe sections when computing wave velocities. 5
Hydrograph input indicated and the referenced hydrograph not in the input stream.
6 The number or time of points for an input hydrograph not identical with points used in job.
7 The specified time of concentration is greater than the interval between zero time and the first time
specified on the rainfall mass curve.
8 Failure in search for bottom width of trapezoidal channel.
9 Failure in search for depth while computing wave velocities in trapezoidal channel.
10 Failure in search for area reduction factor during computation of subarea hydrograph.
11 Failure in search for runoff rate during computation of subarea hydrograph.
12 Failure in hydrograph routing due to magnitude of channel flow rate.
99 Recycle past the beginning of the job during thunderstorm computations attempted, or more than
1000 location point and page heading cards were submitted.

LA County Runoff/Infiltration

The infiltration data is entered in this dialog. A default sample soil file (LASOIL.DAT) is included in the Templates
sub-directory. This file provides infiltration data for the standard LA County soil types.

D-3.1 Runoff Coefficient Curve Card(s) (See Figure D-2)
Column Entry Description
1-3 009 Card code number.
4-6 numeric Soil type number specified by Code 002 through 199. (See Figure C-6.)
7 1 If runoff coefficient curve is used.
2 If infiltration rate (loss rate) curve is used.
8-10 numeric Total number of points (maximum of 14) used to define runoff coefficient
(or infiltration rate) curve. This number must appear on all cards.
11-13 numeric Maximum cumulative point number appearing on each card.
14-17 numeric Runoff coefficient as decimal or infiltration rate in inches per hour corresponding
to rainfall intensity listed in Column 18-22. The initial point on first card must be 0000.
18-22 numeric Rainfall intensity in inches per hour corresponding to point value listed in
Column 14-17. The initial point on first card must be 0000.
23-26 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 27-31.
27-31 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 23-26.
32-35 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 36-40.
36-40 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 32-35.
41-44 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 45-49.
45-49 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 41-44.
50-53 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 54-58.
54-58 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 50-53.
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59-62 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 63-67.
63-67 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 59-62
68-71 numeric Runoff coefficient or infiltration rate point value corresponding to
rainfall intensity listed in Column 72-76.
72-76 numeric Rainfall intensity corresponding to point value listed in Column 68-71.

16.3 Sacramento Method (Nolte curves)
Sacramento Method (Nolte curves)

In order to use the Sacramento Method, xpswmm must access the curve data. A text file, Rnf_SacFlows.txt is loaded
to the Templates folder during the installation of xpswmm. The swmxp.ini file must to be modified to contain:

SAC_FLOW_FILE = c\xps\xp-swmm\templates\Rnf_SacFlow.txt (or path to the curve data file)

To use the Sacramento Method:

In the Configuration Menu, select Mode Properties, then Methods.

Select the Sacramento Method (Nolte Curves) radio button.

Set the Mode to runoff and Select a node edit the data.


17.1 Introduction to Real Time Control

Real Time Control (RTC) allows the user to simulate physical changes in the network structure
i.e. change speed of pumps, opening and closing of gates etc to both control the flows and water elevation throughout
a distribution network.

For example, this would allow for large wet weather events and either to redirect flows to an offline storage and/pr
another less loaded portion of the network to prevent either floods or sewage overflow at specific points.

The RTC model is selected from the Configuration Menu.

After the Real Time Control is selected the following dialog box appears. Within the dialog is all data pertaining to
both RTC control elements and their associated sensors.
The dialog box is made up of 3 main sections

A definition of RTC elements and their associated sensors (located in the top left hand corner)

Properties of each RTC control element (bottom half of the dialog box)

Properties of each sensor (top right section)

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An RTC control element can consist of a conduit, node, pump, weir orifice or rating curve. Depending on the input
RTC control properties these elements are controlled between minimum and maximum operating conditions. The
change in operation over input ramp times is linear.

Similarly, sensors can consist of either a conduit, node, pump, weir or orifice element.

Real-Time control consists of two components, the real-time control element and one or more sensors used to control
this element. All control elements have an input rate of change between minimum and maximum operating values.
When the combined sensors condition changes from false to rue (on) the control will ramp from its current value
towards the minimum value over the specified ramp time. When the combined sensor condition then changes from
true to false (off) will ramp from the minimum value towards the maximum value. Each control element also has a time
period over which the real-time control applies. This is between Time Start and Time End.

The Parameter may be subject to either the absolute minimum and/or maximum values or to a percentage of the input
maximum value at the commencement of the simulation or the ongoing calculated maximum value, depending on the

Additionally, there is an area in the left corner to define Control Type. This is currently under development. It is
intended in a future release to simulate the behavior range of electronic sensors utilizing Proportional, Integral and
Derivative (PID) algorithms to control the opening and closing of RTC elements. At the present time data is not
required or utilized.

Order of Data
Data is usually input in the following order:

I. Enter the configuration of desired RTC elements and their associated sensors. The arrangement will be
indicated in the resulting tree structures. When multiple sensors are used for any one RTC control element it is
important to order them correctly. Section 2 indicates the operating algorithms and comparative methods that
can be affected by sensor order.

II. Enter the data in the bottom half of the dialog to define the RTC control element types and their operating
conditions. Highlight the respective RTC element in the tree diagram to show is respective data.

III. Enter in the top right hand corner the data that describes each sensor. Highlight the respective RTC element in
the tree diagram to show its respective data.

PLEASE NOTE There are also icon based tools to reorder and/or delete individual RTC control elements or

17.2 Real Time Control Properties

The types of elements subject to RTC and the Parameters capable of being controlled are:

Element Parameter
Conduit Flow, Roughness, Diameter (or depth)
Node Depth, Elevation
Pump On Elevation, Off Elevation, Speed Factor, Pump Flow Rate, Well Volume
Flow, Weir Crest Elevation, Weir Surcharge Elevation, Weir Length, Discharge
Weir Flow, Weir Crest Elevation, Weir Surcharge Elevation, Weir Length, Discharge
Orifice Area Discharge Coefficient
Rating Curve Flow

Select the type of element that will be subjected to real-time control. The available options are Conduit, Node, Pump,
Weir, Orifice and Rating Curve.

Once the type of element has been chosen, this list will display all the objects of this type available in the network.
Select one of the objects.

Once the type of element has been chosen, this list will display the types of parameters able to be controlled for this
element. Select one of the parameters.

Use Percent
If this flag is enabled then the maximum and minimum values are entered as a percentage of the value calculated prior
to application of real-time control.

Min Value
The absolute minimum value to be used while real-time control is active. The value is a percentage of the pre-RTC
value if the use percent flag is active.

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Max Value
The absolute maximum value to be used while real-time control is active. The value is a percentage of the pre-RTC
value if the use percent flag is active.

Time of Start
The time (in hours) before which real-time control will not activate.

Time of End
The time (in hours) after which real-time control will not activate. Real-time control is only active between the start and
end times specified here.

Time to Ramp On
The time (in minutes) over which the real-time control turns on.

Time to Ramp Off
The time (in minutes) over which the real-time control turns off.

17.3 Sensor Properties

Every RTC element in the network can be controlled by any or all of the other elements in the network. There is no
limit to the number of controlling elements (sensors).

The type of sensors available for RTC and the Parameters capable of being controlled are:

Sensor Parameter
Conduit Flow, Velocity
Node Water depth, Water Elevation
Pump Pump flow rate
Weir Flow Rate
Orifice Flow rate, Velocity

Once the type of sensor has been chosen, this list will display all the objects of this type available in the network.
Select one of the objects.

Once the type of sensor has been chosen, this list will display the types of parameters able to be used to control the
RTC element. Select one of the parameters.

The control parameter is compared with a user-defined value, or the value of another sensor, using a relational
condition. The available operators are:

Operator Relationship
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
= Equal to
/= Not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to

The relational expression consists of the sensor value compared to either a constant value or another sensor to
determine whether the relationship stated by the relational operator is satisfied. The result of the relational expression
is True if the relation specified by the operator is satisfied; the result is False if the relation specified by the operator is
not satisfied.
Sequential expressions are compared using Additive Operators.

Additive Operators

Multiple sensors are compared using logical expressions consisting of one or more logical operators and logical,
numeric, or relational operands. The following are logical operators:

Operator/Example Meaning
AND (A AND B) Logical conjunction: the expression is true if both A and B are true.
OR (A OR B) Logical disjunction (inclusive OR): the expression is true if either A, B, or both,
are true.
NEQV (A NEQV B) Logical inequivalence (exclusive OR): the expression is true if either A or B is
true, but false if both are true.
XOR (A XOR B) Same as NEQV.
EQV (A EQV B) Logical equivalence: the expression is true if both A and B are true, or both are
Logical negation: the expression is true if A is false and false if A is true.

NOT is a unary operator.
Multiple sensors are evaluated from top to bottom in the list.

The sensor can be compared to a constant value or to the value of another sensor.

Sensor (comparative)
The comparative sensors available for RTC and the Parameters capable of being controlled are the same as for the
primary sensor:

Sensor Parameter
Conduit Flow, Velocity,
Node Water depth, Water elevation
Pump Pump flow rate
Weir Flow rate
Orifice Flow rate, Velocity

Object (comparative)
Once the type of comparative sensor has been chosen, this list will display all the objects of this type available in the
network. Select one of the objects.

Parameter (comparative)
Once the type of comparative sensor has been chosen, this list will display the types of parameters able to be used to
control the RTC element. Select one of the parameters.

Operator (comparative)
The value of the sensor parameter may be mathematically modified by a constant value using one of the following

Operator Relationship
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide

Constant (comparative)
The value of the sensor parameter may be mathematically modified by using the comparative operator above
combined with this constant value.
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17.4.1 RTC Directly Using Flow as the Control Parameter

The following example uses RTCflow.xp located in the work file.

The link being subjected to RTC control is la5, the parameter being controlled is flow and the RTC control starts at
2:30am and ends at 8:00am. The RTC control takes 5 minutes to turn on (minimize) and 2 minutes to turn off
(maximize). The minimum flow is 10% of the flow at the time step with the RTC condition changing from false to true.
The maximum flow is 100% of the flow at commencement of last false to true change.

So, if the water elevation at mh a1 is >= 132.5 AND the water depth at mh b1 is >= 2.8 and the time is between
2:30am and 8:00am then the flow in link la5 will be restricted to 10% of its calculated value at the time step when the
RTC control condition changes to true.

The following two dialogs indicate the required data to represent the control element (la5) and its two sensor nodes at
(mh a1) and (mh b1)

The bottom half of the dialog is common for all sensors controlling the RTC element.

Sensor 1 Definition


Sensor 2 Definition

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Results for Link to La5 without RTC applied.


Mh a1

Mh b1
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Mh a5

Results for link La5 with the RTC applied.

Link La5


Mh b1

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Mh a5


After time 2:30am the RTC control commences operation. At that time the Levels at mh a1 and mh a5 are already
above the test levels. The conduit la 5 reduces from its current flow rate to 10 % thereof over a ramp period of 5
minutes. (from 114 m
/s down to 14.5 m
/s). At 3:10am the level at mh a1 goes below 132.5. so the flow rate
commences back up towards its original value of 114m
/s over a two (2) minute ramp time to 3:12am.
Between 3:12am and 3:14am the high and low flow peaks over two time steps is simply a reflection of the built up
head at node mh a5.

After clearing this head difference between the upstream and downstream ends of link la 5 by 3:14am the flow then
remains at 100% of natural flow to the end of simulation as mh a1 and mh a5 remain below the set elevation of 132.5
and depth of 2.8 respectively.

PLEASE NOTE: When using flow as a percentage it is important to only commence the RTC
control after the flow has reached the amount from which you want to it

17.4.2 RTC Directly using Diameter as the Control Parameter

The following example uses RTCdia.xp

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Water level limits at node02, node04 and node06 are set to H2, H4 and H6 respectively.

Gate 01 that is normally closed will be released if the water depth in node02 goes above H2

Gate 02 that is normally closed will be released if the water depth in node04 goes above H4

Both Gate 01 and Gate 02 will only remain open when the water elevation at node 06 is also below H6

For this example H2 is set to a water depth of 2.00, H2 is also set to a water depth of 2.00 and H6 is set to a water
elevation of 0.75.

The following four dialogs provide all the data to describe the operation of RTC controls Gate-01 and Gate-02 with
their respective sensors node02 - node 06 and node 04 - node 06.

RTC Element Gate01

Sensor Node02

Sensor Node06


RTC Element Gate02

Sensor Node 04

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Sensor Node 06


Both links Gate01 and Gate02 are circular pipes with nominal diameter of 1.30m.

While the water levels are below their respective set maximums the pipes are effectively blocked by some form of gate
within the pipe itself. In this example the closed position will still let through a small trickle flow representative of real
conditions (diameter equal to 0.06m). When fully open the pipe diameter is set to the full 1.30m.

Opening and closing time in this example is set to 0.017 minutes or 1 second. This ramping time could be adjusted to
match real gate movement conditions.

In this example it is also assumed that the RTC controls are operational over the full simulation period
Result for Gate 01 and Gate 02 without RTC applied.

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Results at node02, node04 and node 06 without RTC applied.


Results for Gate01 and Gate02 with RTC applied.

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Results for node02, node04 and node06 with RTC applied


17.4.3 RTC Directly Using Pump Speed as the Control Parameter

The following example uses RTCpump.xp

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This example utilizes a pump RTC (utilizing pump speed) to redirect flows when the level of water at a specified node
is exceeded.

In this example normal flow will be along the conduits L1, L2, L3 to outlet outo1

However, if the water depth at node02 is higher than say 0.50m and the water elevation in node05 is still less than RL
2.00m the pump in link pump01 will turn on to redirect water away from link L3 and through links L4 and L5 to
outlet outlet out02.


Sensor Node02


Sensor Node05

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Results for Pump01 without RTC applied


Results for Node02 and Node05 without RTC applied.

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Results for L3 and L4 with RTC applied.

Results for Pump01 with RTC applied.


Results for Node02 and Node05 with RTC applied.

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After the first time steep of the simulation H2 is less than (<) 0.5 depth and H5 is less than (<) 2.0 elevation.
Consequently the pump speed over 6 seconds ramps down to zero (0.0).

At time 13 minutes H2 >= 0.5 depth and H5 still < 2.0 elevation, so pump speed ramps from zero to 100.0 percent (%)
of original value of 1.0 (i.e. pump turns on to maximum).

Between 13 and 21 minutes the pump speed alternates from zero 0% immediately after H5 > 2.0 elevation and back to
100% pump speed when H5 < 2.0 elevation. Note the pump speed is applied to the defined pump curve. Ramp on
and off time is set at 6 seconds (0.1 minutes).

After 21 minutes the pump works at 100% pump curve speed to the end of simulation as H5 is always < 2.0, while H2
> 0.5 depth.

It should be noted that the actual head at H5 between 13 and 21 minutes oscillates around elevation 2.0 and in fact
goes as high as 2.6. This is caused by the delayed head build up during the ramping times. This is common to
control devices that do not instantaneously turn on and off and propagate surges to adjacent nodes. PID control
technologies are often applied to control or optimize these oscillations. In practical terms some over-shoot in control
level needs to be taken into consideration. The ramp times for on to off and off to on can play a significant role in the
oscillation magnitude.

It is also important to have a smaller simulation time step than the ramp period.

PLEASE NOTE: Initial pump speed in pump dialog should be set to 1.0. This infers 1.0 times
pump operating data.

SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
2D Hydraulic Modeling
You can build 2D or 1D/2D hydraulic models in xpswmm. This section presents an overview of the 2D modeling
process. Topics in this section are:

General considerations in developing a 2D model.
Building 2D models
2D model results

Other help topics relevant to 2D models:

Is a 2D or 1D/2D model feasible?
The building of elements in a 2D model is described in Topographic Layers and Objects.
Job control settings for 2D calculations are described in 2D Settings.

18.1 General Considerations
General Considerations
Topics in this section are:
Data Requirements
1D Network Definition
2D Cell Size
2D Topography
Recommended Boundary Condition Arrangements
Calibration and Sensitivity
Limitations and Recommendations
Check List

Data Requirements
The minimum data requirements for setting up a 2D/1D hydraulic model are:
1. A DTM with sufficient resolution and accuracy to depict the topography of all flowpaths and storage areas in
the 2D domain(s). The vertical accuracy depends on the modeling objectives and budget constraints.
However, for large scale models 0.2m is preferred, whilst for fine-scale urban models < 0.1m is
recommended. The vertical accuracy is dependent on the typical depths of inundation in key areas.
2. Cross-sections for any 1D flowpaths.
3. If bed resistance varies over the model, geo-corrected aerial photography or other GIS layer from which
material (land-use) zones are digitized for setting Mannings n values.
4. Boundary conditions (e.g. ocean water levels, catchment inflows, rainfall, evaporation, etc).
5. Calibration data locations as points in a GIS layer. Peak levels should be attached as attributes to the
calibration points.
6. Surveys of key hydraulic controls such as levees / embankments (3D breaklines), culverts, bridges, etc.
1D Network Definition
1D link-node networks are developed in xpswmm with the graphic toolset. Alternatively, a 1D network may be
imported or dynamically linked to an external database.
The adequacy of the 1D domains is primarily dependent on the network representation adopted. In general, the finer
the resolution the more accurate the model, but the longer the computing time. For stability reasons, the timestep for
xpswmm Reference Manual
computation is normally controlled by the minimum channel length. The end result may require a compromise
between the level of detail and the computational effort.
Different timesteps can be specified for 1D and 2D domains largely removing this constraint.
The first step in setting up a model is to define the flow patterns and to use each identified flow path as the basis for a
channel of the network. Following this step the flow paths are linked at junctions, or nodes, and each node is
considered as a storage element, which accepts the flow from the adjoining channels. In this way, the model is built
up as a series of interconnected channels and nodes with the channels representing the flow resistance
For compatibility with the mathematical assumptions, the channels would ideally have more or less uniform cross-
sections with constant bottom slope and a minimum of longitudinal curvature. In practice this requirement cannot
always be met, particularly where a fine resolution of detail is not required in a portion of the study area. In this case,
a flow path is represented by an equivalent channel. Experience has indicated that in most cases an adequate
calibration can be achieved by deriving a single channel equivalent to a number of series or parallel channels using
the steady state Manning's relation for deriving the equivalent channel characteristics.
All nodes and channels are labeled with an ID. No two nodes or two channels can have the same ID. A node and a
channel cannot have the same ID.
2D Cell Size
The cell sizes of 2D domains need to be sufficiently small to reproduce the hydraulic behavior. In xpswmm2D, all cells
are square and the same size with a defined orientation. The cells are defined and edited with the 2D Area Extent tool
in the Layer Control Panel.
2D Topography
2D domains are created by building them through a series of layers using the Layer Control Panel. The layers may be
constructed using xpswmms graphic tools, imported or dynamically linked to a number of database formats. These
layers contain or accesses from other files information on the size and orientation of the grid, bed/ground elevations,
bed material type or flow resistance value, and other data.
A 2D domain is automatically discretised as a grid of square cells. Each cell is given characteristics relating to the
topography such as ground/bathymetry elevation, bed resistance value and initial water level, etc.
Recommended Boundary Conditions Arrangements
Hydraulic models typically have water level boundaries at the downstream end and flow boundaries at the upstream
For tidal models, the only boundaries may be ocean water level boundaries with pre-defined flows into or out of the
system. For flood models, there are major flows into the upstream boundaries representing the catchment runoff.
Occasionally, an upstream water level boundary is used in the absence of reliable river flow estimates. Where the
downstream boundary is not at a well-defined water level (e.g. ocean), a stage-discharge relationship may be
specified. In some situations, a hydraulic structure that is inlet controlled acts as the downstream control, in which
case, the water level specified downstream of the structure has no influence on the results.
For 2D domains, water level boundaries exhibit the greatest stability (Syme 1991). Flow or velocity boundaries are
difficult to specify as the flow direction and distribution across the boundary needs to be defined by the user. Wetting
and drying of flow boundaries is also prone to instabilities.
Specifying boundaries oblique to the grid (i.e. not parallel to the grid axes or not at 45 to the axes) is also difficult in
2D fixed grid domains. However, xpswmm2D has an oblique boundary method that stabilizes water level boundaries.
This facility is by default on, but can be adjusted using Oblique Boundary Method. For details of the method see Syme
The recommended approach for 2D flow boundaries is to dynamically link a 1D node to a 1D/2D interface boundary
and apply the flow to the 1D node (Syme 1991). The inflow to the 1D node, generates a flow into the 2D domain
across the 1D/2D interface boundary. This combination benefits from the stability, wetting and drying performance
and the oblique boundary flexibility of water level boundaries. The velocity distribution and direction across the 1D/2D
interface boundary is automatically determined by the flow regime that develops in the 2D domain.
2D boundary conditions line along the edge of 2D active areas jus as outfalls are connected to the end of a 1D
network. When creating boundaries, use the snap tool so that the polyline coincides with the vertices of the active
Calibration and Sensitivity
Models are usually calibrated against known flood or tidal conditions with the bed resistance coefficient (eg. Mannings
n) adjusted until calculated water levels and flows are consistent with recorded field measurements. Where there is
poor or insufficient topographic data the calibration procedure may also involve adjustments to the model topography
to provide an adequate representation of the recorded flow behavior. This is more common in 1D domains (where
there is a choice of cross-sections to define a flowpath). There is usually little opportunity to adjust topography (from
that surveyed) in 2D domains.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Ideally, the model would be calibrated for conditions similar to those under investigation although this is not always
possible, particularly when major floods are being considered. In these situations, a sensitivity analyses maybe
carried out by increasing and decreasing calibration factors such as Mannings n.
Limitations and Recommendations
xpswmm/xpstorm 2D is designed to model free-surface flow in coastal waters, estuaries, rivers, creeks, floodplains
and urban drainage systems. Flow regimes through structures are handled by adaptation of the 1D St Venant
Equations and the 2D Shallow Water Equations using standard structure equations. Supercritical flow areas can be
Limitations and recommendations to note are:
1. In areas of super-critical flow through the 2D and 1D domains, the results should be treated with caution,
particularly if they are in key areas of interest. Hydraulic jumps and surcharging against obstructions may occur in
reality these highly 3D localized effects are not modeled.
2. Where the 2D cell size is less than the water depth, the Smagorinsky viscosity formulation is preferred over the
default constant viscosity formulation to model sub-cell turbulence (Barton 2001). It is always good practice to
carry out sensitivity tests to ascertain the importance of the viscosity coefficient and formulation.
3. Caution should be used when using 2D cell sizes less than 2m, particularly when the flow depth exceeds the cell
width (Barton 2001).
4. Modelling of hydraulic structures should always be cross-checked with desktop calculations or other software,
especially if calibration data is unavailable. All 1D and 2D schemes are only an approximation to the complex
flows that can occur through a structure, and regardless of the software used should be checked for their
performance (Syme 1998, Syme 2001).
5. There is no momentum transfer between 1D and 2D connections. Although in most situations this is not of
concern, it does influence results where a large structure (relative to the 2D cell size) is modelled as a 1D element.
Check List
The table below presents a generalized list to help guide reviewers and modelers in carrying quality control checks on
the modeling. This list is not exhaustive, and experienced modelers who know what to look for must at all times carry
out the reviews.
Quality Control Check List

Item Description Checked
Modeling Log A modeling log is highly recommended and should be a requirement on all
projects. The log may be in Excel, Word or other suitable software. A review
of the modeling log is to be made by an experienced modeler. It should
contain sufficient information to record model versions during development
and calibration, along with observations from simulations. A model version
naming and numbering system needs to be designed prior to the modeling.
The version numbering system should be reflected in input data filenames to
allow traceability and the ability to reproduce an old simulation if needed.

File Naming,
Structure and
A review of the data file management should check:
files are named using a logical and appropriate system that allows easy
interpretation of file purpose and content;
a logical and appropriate system of folders is used that manages the files;
relative path names to be used for input files (eg. ..\model\geometry.tgc)
so that models are easily moved from one folder to another.
documentation of the above in, for example, the projects Quality Control
Document and/or Modeling Log.

2D Cell Size Check whether the 2D cell size is appropriate to reproduce the topography
needed to satisfactorily meet the objectives of the study.

Topography The topography review should focus on:
correct interrogation of DTM;
correct datum;
modifications to the base data (eg. breaklines) have been checked.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Item Description Checked
Regarding the latter, this is effectively carried out by producing a _zpt GIS
check file using Write Check Files. The _zpt layer contains all modifications
including any flow constriction adjustments. A DTM can be created from the
Zpts using Vertical Mapper, or other 3D surface software, to aid in the
review. Note: Reviewing the elevations in the .2dm file is not appropriate as
only the ZH Zpt is represented in the .2dm file (the ZH elevation is not used
in the hydrodynamic calculations).

Bed Resistance
Bed resistance values are to be reviewed by an experienced modeller. The
review should focus on checking at least one of:
Roughnees Categories in the Global Database;
the grid Mat or Manning_n values in the _grd GIS check file; or
specifying weir output using the weir approach.
The reviewer should be looking for:
relative consistency between different land-use (material) types; and
values are within accepted calibration values.

Calibration /
Check that the model calibration or validation is satisfactory in regard to the
study objectives. Identify any limitations or areas of potential uncertainty that
should be noted when interpreting the study outcomes.

Standard practice is to place PO flow lines at a minimum of several locations
through the model. They are typically aligned roughly perpendicular to the
flow direction. The locations should include lines just inside each of the
boundaries. Other suitable locations are upstream and downstream of key
structures, through structures and areas of particular interest.
The flows are graphed and conservation of mass checked (i.e. the amount of
water entering the model equals the amount leaving allowing for any
retention of water in the model). Check that any 1D flowpaths crossed by a
PO line are also included in the mass check.
In dynamic simulations, an exact match between upstream and downstream
will not occur due to retention of water, however, examination of the flow
lines should reflect this phenomenon.
For steady-state simulations, demonstration of reaching steady flow
conditions is demonstrated when the flow entering the model equals the flow
leaving the model.

Free-Overfall &
Weir Flow
Especially if Supercritical is set to OFF, the percentage of free-overfall and
weir flow velocity points should be checked. The review should seek to
check that excessive number of points are not free-overfalling, and if so:
that this is in accordance with the expected flow (e.g. weir flow over a levee)
check that the weir option is on if significant weir flow exists; and/or the
affect on the overall flow patterns is minimal.
The review is best carried out by:
Monitoring the numbers after CS or FO on the screen or in the .tlf file
Specifying flow regime output to generate the _R.dat file. This file shows
the flow regime.
The presence of significant areas of supercritical and/or weirs can be
acceptable in large areas of sheet flow. However, care should be taken in
interpreting the flow behavior in these areas, particularly if the flow is
supercritical as complex hydraulic processes (e.g. hydraulic jumps,
surcharging against buildings) can occur.
Typically, most supercritical and weir flow occurs:
around the edge of a model where it is wetting and drying and has little
influence over the general flow behavior; or
down steep slopes or over significant drops (eg. over a levee).

SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Item Description Checked

Head losses through a structure need to be validated through:
Calibration to recorded information (if available).
Crosschecked using desktop calculations based on theory and/or
standard publications (eg. Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways).
Crosschecked with results using other hydraulic software (e.g. HEC-
Simple checks can be made by calculating the number of dynamic head
losses that occur and checking that this in accordance with that expected
It is important to note that contraction and expansion losses associated with
structures are modeled very differently in 1D and 2D schemes. 1D schemes
rely on applying form loss coefficients, as they cannot simulate the horizontal
or vertical changes in velocity direction and speed. 2D schemes model these
horizontal changes and, therefore, do not require the introduction of form
losses to the same extent as that required for 1D schemes. However, 2D
schemes do not model losses in the vertical or fine-scale horizontal effects
(such as around a bridge pier) and, therefore, may require the introduction of
additional form losses. See Syme 2001b for further details.

Eddy Viscosity Check that the eddy viscosity formulation and coefficient is appropriate

18.2 Building 2D Models
Building 2D Models
1D/2D or 2D hydraulic models require domains, boundaries, and interfaces that define areas where 1D or 2D flow may
occur. Their connections and boundary conditions can be further described using the tools within the interface. The
model must be integrated with a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to provide elevation vaules to the modeling objects.
Topographic layers are used to further define 2D flow properties.

Topographic Layers
Fill Areas
Dynamic Elevation Shapes
Trigger Points
Elevation Shapes

2D Domains
2D Grid Extent
Active and Inactive 2D Areas
1D/2D Interface
1D/2D Connections
2D / 2D interfaces
2D Head Boundary
2D Flow Boundary
2D Rainfall/Flow Areas

Additional considerations in 2D models include:
xpswmm Reference Manual
Model Topography
2D Grid Orientation and Dimensions
1D Boundary Conditions
2D Boundary Condition Layers
Eddy Viscosity
How to Model Bridges and Box Culverts
Upstream Controlled Flow
Computational Time Step

Model Topography
The 2D model topography is defined by elevations at the cell centers, mid sides and corners. Each cell has the
following elevations assigned to it:
C Zpt (ZC) middle of cell
U Zpt (ZU) middle right of cell
V Zpt (ZV) middle top of cell
H Zpt (ZH) top right hand corner of cell
One of most important aspects of xp2D modeling is to understand the roles of the elevation points.
The ZC point:
defines the volume of active water (cell volume is based on a flat square cell that wets and dries at a height
of ZC);
controls when a cell becomes wet and dry (note that cell sides can also wet and dry); and
is used to determine the bed slope when testing for the upstream controlled flow regime

The ZU and ZV points control how water is conveyed from one cell to another. If the cell has dried (based on the ZC
point) the four ZU and ZV points on the cell sides are deactivated. ZU and ZV points also wet and dry independently
of the cell wetting or drying.
ZH points play no role hydraulically. However, they elevations that are written to allow the 2dm mesh file, to be visible
in other modeling programs suca as SMS by ESRI.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling

2D Grid Orientation and Dimensions
Each 2D domain is a rectangle at any orientation. The orientation and dimensions are defined using the 2D Area
Extent dialog. For the orientation it is recommended that the X-axis falls between 90and 90of East as it is
preferable to view the 2D grid within this range and some post-processing software only operate within this range.
Several options are available for setting the grid location and orientation via an imported file. The options are:
Using a four-sided polygon in a GIS layer to define the 2D grid orientation and dimensions.
Using a line (two vertices only) in a GIS layer to define the orientation of the X-axis (see Read MI Location),
and Grid Size (N,M) or Grid Size (X,Y) to set the 2D grid X and Y dimensions.
Using Origin, Orientation or Orientation Angle, and Grid Size (N,M) or Grid Size (X,Y). No GIS layers are
required for this option.
It is not essential at any point to specify dimensions that are an exact multiple of Cell Size.
1D Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions for the 1D link-node network are defined in the Hydraulics Node dialog. Boundary conditions may
xpswmm Reference Manual
Initial water levels
Constant or time variant inflow
Tailwater (several options)
2D Boundary Condition Layers
2D domain boundary conditions, including links and interfaces to both 1D and additional 2D domains, are defined
using one or more 2D Boundary Condition GIS layers. Fixed field text inputs are also supported for backward
compatibility. The different types of boundaries and links are described in the table.
The GIS layers may contain points, lines, polylines and regions, noting that for regions only the centroid is used. Each
object has several attributes as described in table below.

2D Boundary Condition Types and Links to 1D Nodes

Type Description Comments
Water Level Boundaries
2D Links two 2D domains Stitches two 2D domains together by a series of water level control
points. Momentum across the link is preserved provided the Zpt
elevations along the selected cells in both 2D domains are the same or
HS Sinusoidal (Tidal)

Water Level (m)
A sinusoidal wave based on any number of constituents. Four columns
of data are required in the source file if using .csv files. The four
columns in order are the mean water level (m), amplitude (m), phase
difference () and period (h). Each row of data represents the
harmonics of one wave. Any number of harmonics can be specified
within the one HS boundary.

HT Water Level (Head)

versus Time (m)
Assigns a water level to the cell(s) based on a water level versus time
HX Water Level (Head)

from an eXternal

Source (ie. a 1D model)
One or two 1D nodes provide a water level every half timestep.
Automatically creates 1D QX boundaries at the node(s), which receive a
flow from the 2D domain every half timestep. 2D HX boundaries are
linked to 1D nodes using CN connections (see below).

Tip: A common cause for instabilities is that the starting water level in
the 1D node is different to those in the adjacent 2D cells.

Treatment Cell(s) can be wet or dry. It is not a requirement that at least one cell is

HT lines can be oblique to the X-Y axes, in which case, Oblique
Boundary Method should be set to ON (this is the default).

The water level can vary in height along a line of cells.

Tip: A common cause of instabilities at or near head boundaries at the
start of a simulation is the initial water level specified at the adjacent
cells is different to the head value. If your model immediately goes
unstable at the boundary, check your initial water levels. If it is a 2D HX
boundary the water levels in the 1D node and the 2D cells should be

Any number of water level boundaries can be assigned to the same
cell(s). The water level used is the sum of the water levels assigned.
For example, a storm tide may be specified as a combination of a tidal
HS boundary, a HT boundary of the storm surge and another HT
boundary of the wave setup. The HS boundary would be water
elevations and the two HT boundaries water depths.

The exception is that a 2D HX boundary, being a dynamically linked
one, cannot be summed with another H boundary. In earlier versions of
TUFLOW, if you accidentally specify a 2D HX boundary and a 2D HT or
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Type Description Comments
HS boundary at the same cell, the 2D HX boundary prevails and no
warning is given.

Flows (2D Flows With A Direction Component)
QC Constant Flow (m
/s) A constant flow boundary. At present, QC boundaries must be entered
using the fixed field approach. The velocity is determined from the flow
value and the model water levels. The direction of flow is required.
QT Flow versus Time (m
/s) Assigns a velocity and a flow direction to the sides of the cell(s) based
on a flow versus time curve. The velocity is determined from the flow
value and the water depths. The direction of flow is required.
VC Constant Velocity (m/s) Same as for a constant flow boundary (see QC above) except a velocity
is specified.
VT Velocity versus Time (m/s) Same as for a QT boundary (see above) except a velocity is specified.
Treatment Cell(s) can be wet or dry, however, it is recommended that cells remain
wet, otherwise the quantity of flow is dependent on the number of wet
cell(s) along the boundary.
QT lines should be specified along lines parallel or 45to the X-Y axes.
These boundaries are rarely used, as dynamic links with 1D models
are preferred with the flow boundary applied to the connecting 1D
Tip: It is strongly recommended to use a 1D node linked to a 2D HX
boundary (see above) in preference to using a flow boundary, especially
in flood models where there is major wetting and drying. This
arrangement is far more practical, stable and flexible (the boundary can
wet and dry, can lie oblique to the grid, and the velocity distribution and
flow direction across the boundary is automatically determined).
Combinations Any number of flow and velocity boundaries can be assigned to the
same cell(s). The final velocity is the sum of the velocities assigned.
Sources (2D Flows With No Direction Component)
SA Flow versus Time (m
over an area,
Rainfall versus Time (mm)
Applies the flow directly to the cells within a polygon as a source.
Negative values remove water directly from the cell(s). Most commonly
used to model rainfall runoff directly onto 2D domains with each polygon
representing the sub-catchment of a hydrology model. SA boundaries
have their own command, Read MI SA, and own GIS layer.
The default option is to apply the boundary as a flow hydrograph as
follows. Within each SA catchment (region), if all the 2D cells are dry,
the flow is directed to the lowest cell based on the ZC elevations. If one
xpswmm Reference Manual
Type Description Comments
or more cells are wet the total flow is distributed over the wet cells.
A rainfall hyetograph can be applied. The rainfall time-series data must
be in mm versus hours, and is converted to a hydrograph to smooth the
transition from one rainfall period to another. This approach applies a
rainfall depth to every active cell (ie. Code 1 cells) within each region,
and essentially replaces the need to use a hydrological model. Initial
and continuing losses can be applied on a material-by-material basis.
Note, this approach is being trialled and tested as of the time of writing
and is considered an under-development feature that may be subject to
SH Flow versus Head (m
/s) Extracts the flow directly from the cells based on the water level of the
cell. Used for modelling pumps or other water extraction. Flow values
must not be negative. SH boundaries can be connected to another 2D
cell or a 1D node, to model, for example, the discharge of a pump from
one location in a model to another. The connection is made using a
SC line (see below). In the boundary database, the Column 1 data
would be head or water level values and the Column 2 data would be
flow. The flow value is the rate per 2D cell. If the 2D cell becomes dry,
no flow occurs.
ST Flow versus Time (m
/s) Applies the flow directly to the cells as a source. Negative values
remove water directly from the cell(s). Can be used to model
concentrated inflows, pumps, springs, evaporation, etc.
SX Source of flow from a 1D
2D SX cell(s) are connected to a 1D node using a single CN connection
(see below). The net flow into/out of the 1D node is applied as a source
to the 2D cells. For example, a 1D pipe in the 2D domain sucks water
out of the upstream cell(s) and pours water back out at the
downstream cell(s) using 2D SX boundaries. 2D SX boundaries can
also be used to model pumps.
Treatment Sources are applied to all the specified cell(s) whether they are wet or
dry, except for SA and SX, which apply only to wet cells, or the lowest
dry cell if all the SA or SX cells are dry.
Combinations Any number of source boundaries can be assigned to the same cell(s)
whether they are SA, SH, ST or SX. The source rate applied is the sum
of the individual sources.
Connection of 2D HX and
2D SX boundaries to 1D
Used in GIS 2d_bc layers to connect 2D HX and 2D SX boundaries to
1D nodes. A line or polyline is digitised that snaps the 2D HX or SX
object to the 1D node. The 1D node would be in a 1d_nwk layer. If the
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Type Description Comments
2D HX or 2D SX snaps to the 1D node, no connection object is required.
Alternatively a CN point object could be used.
As of Build 2003-06-AA, an ERROR occurs if a CN object is not
snapped to a 2D HX or 2D SX object, or is redundant (ie. not needed).
For backward compatibility, use Unused HX and SX Connections (.tcf
file) or Unused HX and SX Connections (.tbc file) to change the ERROR
to a WARNING. Note that for connections to 2D SX objects only one (1)
CN object is required. Whereas 2D HX objects must have a minimum of
two (2) connections one at each end.
SC Connection of 2D SH
Used for connecting 2D SH boundaries to another 2D cell or 1D node
(eg. modelling the pumping of water from one location to another).
Wind Stresses
WT Unsupported feature on PC version.
Variable Geometry
VG Undocumented feature.
CD Objects in a GIS 2d_bc layer used to define the grids cell codes using
Read MI Code BC as an alternative to Read MI Code. The code value
is set using the f attribute.
The boundary lines are snapped to CD regions so that if the boundary
location is adjusted, the boundary line and code region can move
IG An object in a GIS 2d_bc layer can elected to be ignored by using the
IG type.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Eddy Viscosity
Two options exist for specifying eddy viscosity for the 2D domains to approximate the effect of small-scale motions
that cannot be modelled directly. Enter data using the Viscosity dialog in the 2D Job Control settings.
The first method is to supply a constant value, E, which is used throughout the model. This is generally
satisfactory when the cell size is much greater than the depth or when other terms are dominant (e.g. high bed
The second method (Viscosity Formulation == Smagorinsky) is an approximation to the Smagorinsky
formulation. This formulation is preferred where the cell size is similar or less than the depth.
Testing by Barton 2001 indicates that 2D schemes using very fine elements (less than 2m) may have difficulty
predicting correct flow behavior. Results from models with less than 2m cell size should be treated with caution,
particularly if the depths are greater than the cell size and/or the friction forces are low (i.e. low Mannings n).

How to Model Bridges and Box Culverts
Bridges, box culverts and other structures that constrict flow can be modeled in 2D rather than using 1D elements
provided the flow width of the structure is of similar or larger size than the 2D cell size. Cells are modified in their
height (invert and obvert) and width. For bridges, additional losses associated with flow reaching the underside of the
deck is specified. For box culverts, the additional resistance for vertical walls is specified. Additional form losses
(energy head losses) can be specified for all FCs.
Weir flow (across levees and other embankments) is modeled in 2D domains by default, but can be changed using
options in the Free Overfall command. Weirs may also be modeled using 1D elements.
Modeling hydraulic structures in 2D domains must be carried out with a good understanding of the limitations of
different approaches and the different flow regimes possible. The modeler must understand why and where the
energy losses occur when assigning form losses to a 2D cell or contraction and expansion losses to a 1D element
(Syme 2001b).
It is important to note that contraction and expansion losses associated with structures are modeled very differently in
1D and 2D schemes. 1D schemes rely on applying form loss coefficients, as they cannot simulate the horizontal or
vertical changes in velocity direction and speed. 2D schemes model these horizontal changes and, therefore, do not
require the introduction of form losses to the same extent as that required for 1D schemes. However, 2D schemes do
not model losses in the vertical or fine-scale horizontal effects (such as around a bridge pier) and, therefore, may
require the introduction of additional form losses. See Syme 2001 for further details.
It is strongly recommended that the losses through a structure be validated through:
Calibration to recorded information (if available).
Crosschecked using desktop calculations based on theory and/or standard publications (e.g. Hydraulics of Bridge
Waterways, US FHA 1973).
Crosschecked with results using other hydraulic software.

To validate structure flows and energy losses:
Specify time-series output (PO) lines of flow (Q_) and flow area (QA) across the structure. Upstream and
downstream water levels may also be specified or taken from the map (SMS) output.
Using the upstream and downstream water levels, determine whether flow is upstream or downstream controlled
and estimate the flow using theoretical equations or other method.
Using publications such as Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways (US FHA 1973), determine the energy loss
coefficient and compare this with the total energy loss calculated in the model. The total energy loss () is the
upstream head minus the downstream head divided by the dynamic head based on the depth and width
averaged velocity () (i.e. Q_/QA) as given below. Clearly, any energy losses associated with bed resistance (e.g.
Mannings equation) need to be allowed for by taking this amount out of the term.

Using other software (eg. HEC-RAS) create a check model using the flow and downstream water level as
boundaries and compare the calculated upstream water levels.

Hydraulic Structure Modeling Approaches
Structure 1D Approach 2D Approach
Box Culvert
(For culverts with a steep slope, use a 1D element)
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Structure 1D Approach 2D Approach
Circular Culvert OK N/A
Bridge OK OK
Weirs OK OK

1D Approach - Preferred approach where the total structure width is less than the cell size.

Entry and/or exit losses may need to be reduced where the structure width is significant compared with the cell size
(Syme 2001b).

Momentum is not transferred into or out of the 1D element from the 2D domain. Suppressed flow patterns in the 2D
domain occur at the structure outlet when using 1D elements, especially if the structure width is significant compared
with the cell size. The water tends to spread out evenly, rather than jet out as occurs if using a 2D representation.
This may be overcome by applying wing walls in the 2D domain at the structure outlet by assigning flood free
elevations to the ZU and ZV Zpts either side of where the 1D element discharges into the 2D domain.

2D Approach - Preferred where the total structure width is greater than the cell size. The flow area must be
adequately represented by the 2D Zpts and any adjustments to cell widths. The head drop across the structure during
different flow regimes should be validated against other methods and/or literature.

Some additional form losses are normally required to achieve correct head drop (see Syme 2001b). Where the cell
size is less than the depth, use the Smagorinsky Viscosity formulation. Care should be exercised using cell sizes less
than 2m (Barton 2001).

Momentum is transferred through the structure, providing far more realistic flow patterns than using a 1D element.
2D Upstream Controlled Flow (Weirs and Supercritical Flow)
Where flow in the 2D domain becomes upstream controlled, xp automatically switches between either weir flow and/or
upstream controlled friction flow.
If Supercritical is set to ON the following rules apply. Note: the bed slope at ZU and ZV points is determined as the
slope from the upstream ZC point to the ZU or ZV point in the direction of positive flow.
Where the bed slope at a ZU or ZV point is in the same direction as the water surface slope, tests are carried out
to determine whether the flow is upstream controlled or downstream controlled. The adopted flow regime is
determined by comparing the upstream and downstream controlled regime flows (preference to the lower flow)
and whether the Froude No exceeds 1 (unless changed by Froude Check). The equation used for upstream
controlled flow is the Manning equation with the water surface slope set to the bed slope. The Froude It is
recommended that the Froude No check be used (which is the default setting) as it provides more accurate
switching. A further check that phases out the Froude Check as the water surface approaches the horizontal
(otherwise in some situations, the flow would remain in the upstream controlled regime). This check can be
disabled for backward compatibility using Froude Depth Adjustment.
Weir flow only occurs if the bed slope is adverse (different direction) to the water surface slope. Weir flow across
2D cell sides is modeled by first testing whether the flow is upstream or downstream controlled. If upstream
controlled, the broad-crested weir flow equation is used to replace the calculations for downstream controlled
(sub-critical) flow conditions. Weir flow maybe switched off using the Free Overfall options.
xp produces an increase in water level at transitions from supercritical flow to subcritical flow as occurs with a
hydraulic jump. It does not, however, model the complex 3D flow patterns that occur at a hydraulic jump, as it uses a
2D horizontal plane solution. Results in areas of transition should be interpreted with caution. It is also important to
be careful presenting results in areas of supercritical flow as complex flows (such as surcharging against a house)
may occur that would yield higher localised water levels it is good practice to also view the energy levels when
providing advice on flood planning levels.
If Supercritical is set to OFF, and Free Overfall is set to ON (the default), weir flow may occur on both adverse and
normal bed slopes.
The weir flow switch may be varied spatially over the grid by setting a weir factor of zero where there is to be no
automatic weir flow. The weir factor also allows calibration or adjustment where the broad-crested weir equation is
applied. The broad-crested weir equation is divided by the weir factor. Therefore, a factor of 1.0 represents no
adjustment, while a factor greater than one will decrease the flow efficiency. Note: the weir factor is not the broad-
crested weir coefficient. For further information, refer to Syme 2001b.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Computational Timestep
Computational Timestep
The selection of the timestep is critically important for the success of a model. The run time is directly proportional to
the number of timesteps required to calculate model behavior for the required time period, while the computations may
become unstable and meaningless if the timestep is greater than a limiting value. This is known as the Courant
stability criterion.
The computation timestep in the Job Control settings.
Note that time controls for 1D calculations are set in the Hydraulics Layer Control. Time controls for 2D calculations
are set in the General section of the 2D Job Control settings.
See additional recommendations for computational time steps in:
2D Domains
1D/2D Models

2D Domains
For the 2D scheme, the Courant Number generally needs to be less than 10 and is typically around 5 for most real-
world applications (Syme 1991). The computation timestep in the Job Control settings and should be set in
accordance with this criterion as given in the equation below.

As a rule, the timestep is typically half the cell size. For steep models with high Froude numbers and supercritical flow,
smaller timesteps may be required. It is strongly advised to not simply reduce the timestep if the model is unstable,
but rather to establish why it is unstable and, in most instances, adjust the model topography, initial conditions or
boundary conditions to remove the instability.
If the model is operating at high Courant numbers (>10), sensitivity testing with smaller timesteps to demonstrate no
measurable change in results should be carried out.
The occurrence of high mass errors is also an indicator of using too high a timestep.

1D/2D Models
It is recommended that the time step of the 2D engine be equal to or an integer multiple of the time step of the 1D
calculations (set in HydraulicsLayer Job Control).
18.3 2D Results
2D Results
Topics in this section are:
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling

Output files
Check Files
Simulation Log File
Times Series Output
Identifying the Start of Instability
Mass Balance Output
.wor File
The messages.mif file
SMS (MAP) Output (.dat files)

Animations and Graphs
Simulation Log File

xpswmm2D produces a log file (.tlf file) containing a record of the simulation. The file is very useful for establishing
data input problems and identifying instabilities.
At key stages during the model development and application search the file for any WARNING, CHECK or NOTE
messages. WARNING messages in particular should be checked regularly. An ERROR keyword indicates an
unrecoverable error and causes the simulation to stop. As many errors as possible are trapped before stopping.
An XY: at the beginning of a line indicates the error, warning, check or other message has also been redirected to a
.mif file. Opening the .mif file in the GIS often provides a far more rapid location of the message within the model
domain(s) than via other ways.
Check Files
xp produces check files for quality control of a models input data. It is strongly recommended that models are quality
controlled through reviews of the check files.
Effective use of the check files can save days during a models development and application.

Filename or Prefix/Suffix Description
2D Domains
_2d_bc_tables_check.csv Tabular data as read from the boundary condition database via any 2d_bc layers and
after any adjustments (eg. time shift). Provides full traceability to original data source.

_dom_check.mif Contains a rectangle for each 2D domain.

_grd_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final 2D grid. Represents the final grid including all
modifications from the .tgc file, boundary specifications and flow constrictions.
Can also be written at different stages within a .tgc file. The file contains all
modifications to the 2D grid at the point in the .tgc file that it is written.

_bc_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final 2D boundary conditions (BC). Note, the layer does not
include any 2D/1D connections (CN type).

_fc_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final arrangement of flow constrictions (FC). The flow
constrictions are written as individual square cells of the same shape as the grid cells,
even if the FC was specified using points or lines/polylines.

_glo_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of any gauge level output (GLO) location.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Filename or Prefix/Suffix Description
_lp_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of any 2D longitudinal profile(s).

_po_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of any 2D plot output location(s). The layer shows points and lines
occurring from the cell centres, rather than their exact locations in the original file(s).

_zpt_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final 2D Zpts. Represents the final Zpts including all
modifications from the .tgc file, and any flow constrictions in the .tcf file.
Can also be written at different stages within a .tgc file. The file contains all
modifications to the 2D Zpts at the point in the .tgc file that it is written. This allows
checking of the elevations at different stages of building the topography.

1D Domains
_1d_bc_tables_check.csv Tabular data as read from the boundary condition database via any 1d_bc layers and
after any adjustments (eg. time shift). Provides full traceability to original data source.

_1d_ta_tables_check.csv Tabular data as read from tables via the 1d_ta layers for cross-section, storage and
other data. Provides full traceability to original data source and additional information
such as hydraulic properties determined from a cross-section profile.

_bc_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final 1D boundary conditions (BC). If no boundary conditions
were specified, empty .mif/.mid files are written that can be used to set up a new layer.

_1d_hydprop_check.mif Contains the hydraulic properties at the top of the hydraulic properties tables as
attributes of the 1D channels. Other information such as the primary Mannings n is also
provided. Very useful for carrying out quality control checks on the 1D channels.

_1d_inverts_check.mif Contains the inverts of the 1D nodes and at the ends of the 1D channels. Very useful for
checking for smooth transitions from one channel to another and with the nodes.

_iwl_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the initial water levels at the 1D model nodes.

_nwk_check.mif GIS .mif/.mid files of the final 1D model network. The channels are not written as
exactly the same polylines as this information is not retained during the data input
Note that the Use_Chan_Storage_at_Nodes attribute is always shown as F (false), and
information supplied in the Topo_ID, Branch, Chainage and some other fields maybe not
be as per the original data as this information is not available at the time the check file is
As of Build 2005-05-AN the following additions/changes occurred:
Node symbology is displayed as a red circle for nodes connected to two or more
channels, a larger magenta circle for nodes connected to one channel and a large
yellow square for nodes not connected to a channel. This is very useful for checking for
channel ends or nodes that are not snapped.
Any generated pit channels are shown as a small channel flowing from north to south
into the pit node. The upstream pit channel node that is generated is also shown. The
length of the pit channel is controlled by Pit Channel Offset.
The top and bottom elevations of the NA table at nodes is now shown using the
Upstream_Invert and Downstream_Invert attributes.

2D/ 1D Model s
_1d_to_2d_check.mif Displays the 2D cells connected to 1D nodes via 2D HX and 2D SX 2d_bc objects.
Cells connected to the same node are given the same colour to allow for easy
visualization of whether the right connections have been made. Additional information is
supplied through the attributes.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling

Time-Series Output
Time series data output is available in the following forms:
_PO.csv and _LP< name>.csv files (also referred to as plot output (PO) or longitudinal profile (LP) data)
created using 2d_po and 2d_lp layers). These files are typically used in spreadsheet software for graphing
and analysing time-series results.
In the _TS.mif file (2d_po locations only). The _TS.mif file also contains all 1D time based output. This file
is used for graphing time series output within a GIS.

Use Model Output in the 2D Job Control Settings to control the output times.
Identifying the Start of an Instability
Instabilities usually start with a one or a few computational points bouncing as a result of poor convergence of the
mathematical equations being solved. To help identify the start of an instability, negative depth warnings are issued if
the depth in a 2D cell or a 1D node becomes falls below 0.1m. Negative depth warnings are usually a pre-cursor to
an instability. It is not uncommon, particularly in areas of rapid wetting and drying for negative depths to occur before
the computational point is made dry (inactive). Hence a buffer of 0.1m is used before reporting a WARNING.
The WARNINGs are sent to the _messages.mif file. Bring these into your GIS and they point directly at the location of
the negative depth. If the number of these warnings are substantial (eg. if a model remains stable but with minor
instabilities), select some of the first negative depth warnings in the attribute data (Browser Window in MapInfo) and
display just those. The warnings are in order of occurrence. By tracing through the negative depth warnings in the
vicinity of the instability, the trigger point of the instability can often be located.
Mass Balance Output
Mass balance information is generated by checking the box in the Model Output in the 2D Job Control Settings. The
cumulative mass error (CE) appears at the far right of the display lines on the DOS Window for each timestep
displayed to the screen. A _MB.csv file is also created in the results folder. The file contains information at each
display time on the inflows and outflows, volume, predicted volume error and the mass and cumulative mass errors as
a percentage, for all 2D domains and each individual 2D domain.
The mass error values are based on dividing the estimated volume error by the average inflow/outflow through the
domains. At the startup of a model, particularly when there is little or no flow, and or the model rapidly becomes wet,
the cumulative mass error can appear high, however, this should drop away as the model settles down. The mass
error is displayed as zero while there is less than 1m
/s of water moving through the model.
The majority of models should fall within +/-1% cumulative mass error. If a model experiences higher mass errors this
maybe due to using too large a timestep and/or areas of the model are sensitive or slightly unstable. Models with
significant areas of complex, steep flows and/or rapid wetting and drying usually experience higher mass errors than
those with predominantly more benign, sub-critical flows.
Note that the estimation of mass errors is in itself a prediction and has errors associated with the estimation process.
It is also recommended that conventional mass balance checks be carried out to cross-check.
.wor File
This file is a MapInfo workspace and is created for every simulation. It is named XXX.wor (XXX = xp project name)
and is written to the project folder. The workspace contains all GIS layers used as input to the simulation, and is an
excellent way of ascertaining which GIS layers were used to set up a model, particularly large models with many GIS
The .wor file when opened in MapInfo simply opens the .tab layers. No Map or Browser windows are automatically
opened. The file may also be viewed in a text editor.

The messages.mif File
The polygons and connectors created may have violated some of the required conditions for 2D modeling. In this case
the 2D model may not run and become unstable. The messages and other information are written to a file called
<.xpswmm filename>_messages.mif located in the project folder. These messages are georeferenced and can be
viewed in the Diagnostics layer.
See Diagnostics for instructions on managing the display of messages files.

xpswmm Reference Manual

To modify the display of the diagnostic messages
1. Right click on the name of the messages.mif file in the layer control panel and select Properties
2. On the Drawing Attribute tab, edit the display properties of the georeference point
3. On the Data Tab modify the display of the error messages

Typical messages with their meaning and suggested solutions are given below.

Diagnostic Message Explanation Solution

ERROR - Could not find a
connection at the end of HX
line with name
The end of the 1D/2D interface (HX
code) must have a connector. FIX THIS
Make sure both ends of the 1D/2D
interface string have a connector to a 1D
Could not find a 1D node
connected to EC or CN line
with name
Node - Link invert to 2d must be
ERROR - Connection object
unused or not snapped to 2D
HX or 2D SX object.
The 1D/2D connector no longer
connects to the 1D/2D interface
Delete the connector and create a new
one so that the snap will work
ERROR - Unresolvable
connections to 1D Nodes:
Node15, Node15, Node11,
The 1D/2D connector no longer
connects to the 1D/2D interface
Delete the connector and create a new
one so that the snap will work
CHECK - Repeat application
of HX boundary to 2D cell
Two of the 1D/2D interfaces lines go
through one cell
Turn on the 2d domain so you can see
the cells. Move or Delete one of the 1d/2d
interface lines.
ERROR - ZC level of 157.6
at 2D HX cell is below
interpolated node bed level
of 157.9
The 2d cells that form the banks along
the 1D/2D interface must be higher than
the nodes inverts of the 1D channel.
Test levels along the 1D/2D interface
are interpolated from the invert levels of
the connected nodes. The cell centers
along the interface string must be above
these test levels.
First, check the invert levels of the nodes
you have connected to the 1D/2D
If these are correct then consider adding
more 1D/2D connectors so that the
1D/2D interface line has more points to
interpolate between.
Next, check if the 1D/2D interface has
been drawn through a low point and not
stayed up on top of the bank (i.e. lower
than the nodes)
if this error is at a cell centre that you
thought was inactive then check the
boundaries and the 50% rule. (see What
makes a cell active?)
Adjust the inactive/active boundary. Add
the 2dactive and inactive layers on with
the 2d domain to see where the active
cells are.

What makes the cell active? Default mode is changed by Active and
Inactive area polygons
If 50% of a cell side is on the active side
then the cell is active

Cannot move 1D/2D
connector and get a snap
delete the connector and create a new
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Diagnostic Message Explanation Solution
onto the interface even
though selectable and snap
is turned on?

It just will not run 2d check the *.2dlog file for error messages
if not try the *.tlf file

mif errors in *.2dlog and/or
*.tlf file
the polygons in xpswmm are not valid.
Most likely small polygons have been
created by mistake
look through the *.mif files with a text
editor to find one that ends with odd
characters. Check the file name to find
out the data type. Only show this one
layer in xpswmm and use the select
rectangle to select all of the polygons.
Now that they are all selected, small
unwanted polygons may appear. Delete
Too many messages are
you can limit the number of messages Right click in layer control on the
diagnostic file and change setting on data

_ TUFLOW Simulations.log File
The _ TUFLOW Simulations.log file is a text file containing a record of every simulation initiated from that folder. It is
located in the same folder as the .tcf file. Information contained in the file is the date and time the simulation started
and finished, the TUFLOW Build Version and if the simulation became unstable based on the water level exceedance
It is strongly recommended this file is not deleted or edited as it could provide a valuable traceback to old simulations.
SMS (Map) Output (.dat Files)
xpswmm 2D produces the files described in table below. The range of .dat files is controlled by ??????.
The envelope of maximum and/or minimum values is available for some output types using the options in ??????
Minimums are assigned a time of 99999.0 and maximums a time of 99999.0. For water level output (_h.dat), the
time at which the maximum water level occurred is also provided and assigned a time of 99999.1.
Note that for some data types such as velocity (_V.dat), the minimum and maximum output is the velocity when the
minimum or maximum water level occurs (not when the minimum or maximum velocity occurs). This is because high
velocities can briefly occur during the wetting process, and are not particularly representative of the peak velocity.
The SMS super (.sup) file containing the various files and other commands that make up the output from a single
simulation. Opening the .sup file in SMS opens the .2dm file containing the model mesh and the any of the _h, _V, _q
and _d .dat files. Other .dat files (whether from the same simulation or another simulation) are opened in SMS using
File, Open. If the .sup file is not used to open the results, the .2dm file must be opened before opening any .dat files.
If opening .dat files from another simulation, the number and location of non-land (Code 0) cells must be the same in
both simulations. The SMS Data Calculator feature is useful for comparing the results of different simulations.

SMS (Map) Output Files
Suffix & Extension Description Flag
.sup SMS super file containing the various files and other commands that make up
the output from a single simulation. Opening this file in SMS opens the .2dm
file and the _h, _V, _q and _d .dat files.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Suffix & Extension Description Flag
.2dm An SMS two-dimensional mesh file containing the information on elements
and nodes location, shape and the connectivity between elements and nodes.
It also contains information on the different materials and cell codes (display
the SMS mesh materials). Note that the elevations (bathymetry) in the .2dm
file only show the ZH values (ie. top right corner of cell). Other Z-points
cannot be shown (as yet).
Additional information for each element that is not used by SMS, is used by
the utility program sms_to_mif.exe to convert the .2dm file to a GIS layer.
In the TUFLOW .2dms present format, nodes only occur at the corners of the
cells (elements). The bed elevations at the nodes are set to the ZH values.
All hydraulic parameters are interpolated to the nodes (cell corners).

_d.dat SMS scalar data file containing water depths at the nodes (cell corners). The
depths are calculated as the interpolated water level at the nodes (see _h.dat
below) less the ZH value. The interpolated water level may occasionally lie
below the ZH value, in which case a negative depth may result which is set to
zero by default (see Zero Negative Depths in SMS). Both maximum and
minimum output is available.

_E.dat SMS scalar data file containing the energy levels at the element nodes (cell
corners). The energy levels are based on the interpolated water levels
calculated at the cell centers plus the dynamic head (V
/2g). Due to the
interpolation, occasionally an increase in energy can occur - an alternative
approach to correctly display energy without interpolation is planned for a
future release.
Maximum and minimum energy levels were incorporated in Build 2003-03-AE.
The maximum and minimum output is for when the maximum and minimum
water level occurs.

_F.dat SMS scalar data file containing the Froude Number at the element nodes (cell
corners). No maximum and minimum output is available at this stage.

_h.dat SMS scalar data file containing water levels at the nodes (cell corners). The
water levels are interpolated from the water levels calculated at the cell
centers. Both maximum and minimum output is available.

_q.dat SMS vector data file of unit flow (m
/s, i.e. flow per unit width) at the nodes
(cell corners). The resulting flow vector is calculated from the surrounding u
and v-points and the depth determined in _d.dat above.
Unit flow may also be used as a measure of flood hazard (ie. velocity by depth
or VxD).
Note: The maximum and minimum unit flow output (times 99999.0 and
-99999.0) is for when the maximum and minimum water level occurs.

_R.dat SMS scalar data file containing a number indicating the flow regime. The
value is 0 (zero) for normal (sub-critical flow with momentum); greater than 1
for upstream controlled friction flow (e.g. supercritical flow); -1.5 for broad-
crested weir flow; and 1 for submerged flow through a flow constriction. No
maximum and minimum output is available at this stage.

_SS.dat The net source/sink inflows. Note the flow rate for a cell is shown at the ZH
point (top right of the cell).

_t.dat SMS scalar data file containing the variation in eddy viscosity coefficient. This
is useful for checking the Smagorinsky coefficient values. No maximum and
minimum output is available at this stage.

SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Suffix & Extension Description Flag
_V.dat SMS vector data file of flow velocities at the nodes (cell corners). The
resulting velocity vector is calculated from the surrounding u and v-points.
Note: The maximum and minimum velocities (Times 99999.0 and -99999.0)
are when the maximum and minimum water level occurs.

_Z1.dat Flood hazard category based on the Australian NSW Floodplain Management
Manual. The output is a number from 1 to 3 as follows and as illustrated in the
figure below.
1 Low Hazard
2 Intermediate Hazard (dependent on site conditions)
3 High Hazard
Note: The maximum hazard value (Time 99999.0) is monitored throughout
the simulation and is not necessarily when the maximum water level occurs as
with some other output.

_Z2.dat Flood hazard mapping approach to be documented.

_Z3.dat Flood hazard mapping approach to be documented.

_ZH.dat Elevations at the cell corners (ZH points). This information is already
contained in the .2dm file, however, this option is useful if the models
bathymetry varies over time if using variable geometry (VG) boundaries or for
morphological modeling. No maximum and minimum output is available at
this stage.
Animations and Graphs
2D Animations and Graphs
2D model results can be displayed in animations and graphs. Results may be exported as maps or csv data files.
The results graphics may be accessed and managed with the Layer Control Panel.
Click on the icon in the Toolstrip to toggle the display of the Layer Control Panel. Double click on the Layer
Control Panel title bar to toggle from fixed position to floating. Expand the Results folder to access the editing and
display controls.
Check the box in front of the Reporting layer the results layer to display the 2D results. If the 2D model has been
solved of the video controls are displayed.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Results are grouped as:
2D Vectors:
2D Maps
Plot Outputs
Plot Output Lines
Plot Output Points
Fly-through Paths

After the results layer display properties are set, use the video control buttons (located at the bottom of the Layer
Control Panel) to step through the results or to show in a continuous animation.
2D Video Controls
The visible check box for Results toggles the display of the Video Control toolbar containing buttons used to control
the animation of 2D model results.

SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
This toolbar is may be docked to an edge of the panel or displayed as a floating window. The display modes are
toggled by double clicking on parallel lines (docked mode) or the window title bar (floating mode).

The functions of the Video Controls are:
Control button Description

Rewind to beginning of simulation

Move one time step backward


Move one time time step forward



Speed up video play

Slow down video play

Slider bar to move time step

Simulation time in days:hours:minutes:seconds

Display minimum values for all parameters

Display maximum values for all parameters

Toggle start/stop of recording of .avi file.

To record the display of 2D results in an .avi file, click on the start tool.

A Windows Explorer dialog will open. Navigate to the desired folder location and enter the name of the .avi file that
will be created.
Select the video cpmpression from the drop list in next dialog.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Use the video controls to run the animation of the2D model results. Click on the start/stop control to stop the
recording. Xpswmm will display:

When the visible radio button is checked, flows (m/s or ft/s) are displayed as vectors. Right click on the layer name to
access the properties dialog. Options are:
Fill Colors

When the visible radio button is checked, flows (m/s or ft/s) are displayed as vectors. Right click on the layer name to
access the properties dialog. Options are:
Fill Colors
When the 2D maps visible and the Hazard radio button is enabled, hazard level (Hazard = velocity depth in units of
m/s or ft/s) will be displayed. Right click on the layer name to access the properties dialog.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Hazard maps are useful for identifying potential locations of severe erosion, inertial forces and locations where
humans and other mammals would be swept away by the force of overland flow.
Options are:
Fill Colors
Water Elevation
When the visible radio button is checked, water elevation (m or ft) is displayed as a vector. Right click on the layer
name to access the properties dialog. Options are:
Fill Colours
Water Depth
When the visible radio button is checked, water depth (m or ft) is displayed as a vector. Right click on the layer name
to access the properties dialog. Options are:
Fill Colours
The Legends Properties dialog is used to adjust the legends for 2D results and the timestamp for the animations. It is
accessed in the Results section of the Layer Control Panel.
Check the Visible box to display legends.
To enable the legends properties, right click the name: Legends.

xpswmm Reference Manual

Select the tab corresponding to the results layer for which the legends properties are to be set.
Click on the radio button corresponding to the selected Background.
Pick the legend location from the drop list. All distances are measured to the top left corner of the legend.
The World Coordinates option uses the x and y coordinates of the model. Legend is fixed to specified
location. Coordinates of a point are obtained from the status bar.
Screen relative is the distance from the upper left corner of the screen. Legend will float with panning.
To Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, and Bottom Right will place the legend in a corner of the screen. Legend
will float with panning.

Edit the Title field, set the Font and Color for the legend title
Set the Font and Color for the numerical Values in the legend.

To adjust the timestamp settings, select the timestamp tab.

SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling

Check the Display Results Timestamp to enable the appearance of the timestamp on the network view.
Click on the Font tab to adjust the font of the timestamp display
Click on the Color tab to adjust the color of the timestamp display.

Cross Sections

Check the Visible box to display Cross Sections.
To create a Cross Section:
Check the Movable and Visible boxes
Right click Cross Sections line in the Layer Control Panel and select Define Cross-section Layout.
Left click to add a vertex, double click to complete a Cross Section.
Draw another Cross Section of select the point tool to exit the drawing mode.
xpswmm Reference Manual
A new line will appear in the Layer Control Panel for each Cross Section.

To adjust the Cross Section display properties
Right click on the name: Cross Sections in the Layer Control panel.

To display a graph of a Cross Section:
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Double click on the visible box for the selected Cross Section.

Right click on the graph to open the graph options dialog.

Export current results time step

The results of the current time step can be exported to a comma separated variable (csv) text file. To generate the
file, place the cursor over the 2D vectors or the 2D Maps line in the Layer Control Panel and right click.

xpswmm Reference Manual
Select Export Current Results Time Step. A Windows Explorer dialog will open. Navigate to the desired folder
location, enter the file name, and click on Open.
A text file will be generated. The first line indicates the time step. The second line contains column headers. The
results for each cell in the 2D Area Extent begin with row 3.

The first two columns are the counters for the 2D Area Extent Grid.
The x and y columns are the coordinates of the cell. Zero values indicate that there is no 2D Active Area in the cell.
The contents of the fifth column depend on which 2D Maps radio button is checked. The contents are the center cell
value of:
Water Depth (ft or m),
Water Elevation (ft or m), or
Hazard = depth velocity (ft/s or m/s)
velocity = the vector sum of the x and y velocity components
velocity = SQRT (Vx + Vy)

The sixth and seventh columns depend on which 2D Vectors radio button is checked. The contents are the magnitude
of the x-component (across the left and right sides) and the y-component (across the bottom and top sides) of:
Flow (ft/s or m/s discharge per unit width) or
Velocity (ft/s or m/s).

Note: The maximum values for each cell may be exported by clicking on the Maximum Values button on the 2D
Results Video Controls tool bar.
Export Contours
A contour map of the Water Depth, Water Elevation or, Hazard value at the current simulation time step (or the
maximum values) can be exported to a MapInfo file. To generate the file:
1. Use the Video Control tools to set the results to the desired time step. Alternatively, the green arrow icon
will display the maximum.
2. Ensure the visible box in the 2D Maps in the Results section of the Layer Control Panel.
3. Check the radio button corresponding to the desired parameter (Water Depth, Water Elevation, or Hazard).
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
4. Right click on the selected layer and select Properties. Set the display to Contours using the Contours tab.
5. Right click on the 2D Maps line and select Export Contours.

6. In the Windows Explorer dialog, choose the desired location for the output files.
7. xpswmm reports the export results.

8. Click on OK.
xpswmm Reference Manual

Fill Colours - vectors
Flows and Velocity results may be displayed will cell color coding over the simulation period. Highlight the Flows or
Velocity row in the Layer Control Panel, right click. Select Properties then click on the Fill Colours Tab. Use this dialog
to customize the display.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling

Check the radio button corresponding to the selected Fill Style: a ramp of a colour mix, an intensity scale of a single,
user defined color, or a single colour. When either of the last two options are selected a drop list will appear to allow
for selection desired colour
When the Ramp Fill Style is selected, the Color Peg dialog appears to allow the user to defined style. The styles may
be save as a .cip file and reloaded for later use.
Use the Reverse button to invert the colour style.
The histogram on the left side of the dialog indicates the range of values in the results. The display may be restricted
to a user defined range.
Use the legends properties dialog to customize the legend for flow and velocity.
xpswmm Reference Manual
Fill Colors - Maps
Water Depth, Water Elevation and Hazard results may be displayed will cell color coding or contouring over the
simulation period. Highlight the Flows or Velocity row in the Layer Control Panel, right click. Select Properties then
click on the Fill Colours Tab. Use this dialog to customize the display.

Check the radio button corresponding to the selected Fill Style: a ramp of a colour mix, an intensity scale of a single,
user defined color, or a single colour. When either of the last two options are selected a drop list will appear to allow
for selection desired colour
When the Ramp Fill Style is selected, the Color Peg dialog appears to allow the user to defined style. The styles may
be save as a .cip file and reloaded for later use.
Use the Reverse button to invert the colour style.
Use the drop lisp under Display to select a filled and/or contour display.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
The histogram on the left side of the dialog indicates the range of values in the results. The display may be restricted
to a user defined range.
Use the legends properties dialog to customize the legend for Water Depth, Water Elevation and Hazard.
Arrows (displayed as 2D Vectors) are used to show flow and velocity results over the simulation period. Highlight the
Flows or Velocity row in the Layer Control Panel, right click. Select Properties then click on the Arrow tab. Use this
dialog to customize the display of the arrows.

The arrow head may be displayed with a fixed or scaled size. Check the box to display a filled arrow head.
The total length of the arrow may be displayed with a fixed length, scaled length or with defined range (in mm).
xpswmm Reference Manual
The shaft width may be displayed as fixed or scaled.
The histogram on the left side of the dialog indicates the range of values in the results. The display may be restricted
to a user defined range.
Use the legends properties dialog to customize the legend for flow and velocity.
The values of Flows, Velocity, Water Depth, Water Elevation and Hazard during the simulation period may be
displayed. Highlight the selected parameter row in the Layer Control Panel, right click. Select Properties then click on
the Labels tab. Use this dialog to customize the display of the labels.

The display of the Results Values and/or Number for each 2D cell l at the simulation time steps can be toggled off/on
with the check boxes. Select the font and skip fill in box to enhance the readability.
SECTION 18: 2D Hydraulic Modeling
The display of the cell number can be toggled off/on. Select the font to enhance the readability.
The histogram on the left side of the dialog indicates the range of values in the results. The display may be restricted
to a user defined range. Values outside of the range are left blank.

Water Depth, Water Elevation and Hazard results may be displayed will cell color coded contouris over the simulation
period. Highlight the Flows or Velocity row in the Layer Control Panel, right click. Select Properties then click on the
Contours Tab. Use this dialog to customize the display.

Check the radio button corresponding to the selected Style: a ramp of a colour mix, an intensity scale of a single, user
defined fill colours, or a single colour. When either of the last two options are selected a drop list will appear to allow
for selection desired colour. When a selection is made, the corresponding drop list appears.
xpswmm Reference Manual
In the Contour Steps box, select either the number of contours or the contour interval. Enter the value in the box next
to the drop list.
Enter the desired pen width and then select units of pixels or millimeters.
The histogram on the left side of the dialog indicates the range of values in the results. The display may be restricted
to a user defined range.
Use the legends properties dialog to customize the legend for Water Depth, Water Elevation and Hazard.


Adams, B.J. and Howard, C.D.D., The Pathology of Design Storms, Publication 85-03, University of Toronto, Dept.
of Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, January 1985.

Alley, W.M., An Examination of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Surface-Runoff-Quality Algorithms,
Proceedings Storm Water Management Model Users Group Meeting, January 1980, EPA-600/9-80-017 (NTIS PB80-
177876), Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, March 1980, pp. 93-110.

Alley, W.M., Estimation of Impervious-Area Washoff Parameters, Water Resources Research, Vol. 17, No. 4, August
1981, pp. 1161-1166.

Alley, W.M., Dawdy, D.R. and Schaake, J.C., Jr., Parametric-Deterministic Urban Watershed Model, Journal of the
Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. HY5, May 1980a, pp. 679-690.

Alley, W.M. and Ellis, S.R., Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of Flow and Total Nitrogen from Two Localities in the Denver,
Colorado Metropolitan Area, Proceedings Storm Water Management Model Users Group Meeting, May 1979, EPA-
600/9-79-026 (NTIS PB80-105663), Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1979, pp. 362-403.

Alley, W.M., Ellis, F.W. and Sutherland, R.C., Toward a More Deterministic Urban Runoff-Quality Model,
International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, July 1980b, pp. 171-182.

Ambrose, R.B., Vandergrift, S.B. and Wool, T.A., WASP3, A Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model Model
Theory, Users Manual and Programmers Guide, EPA/600/3-86/034, Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA,
September 1986.

American National Standards Institute, American National Standard Programming Language FORTRAN, ANSI X3.9-
1978, New York, NY, 1978.

American Public Health Association, American Public Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation,
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 13th Edition, American Public Health Association,
Washington, DC, 1971.

American Public Works Association, Water Pollution Aspects of Urban Runoff, Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration, Contract WP-20-15, Washington, DC, 1969.

American Public Works Association, Managing Snow Removal and Ice Control Programs, Special Report No. 42,
American Public Works Association, Chicago, IL, 1974.

American Society of Civil Engineers and Water Pollution Control Federation, Design and Construction of Sanitary and
Storm Sewers, Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington, DC, 1969.

American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Guide, New York,
NY, Annual Publication (superseded by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Ventilating Engineers

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Report No. 17, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, June 1968.

Zison, S.W., Sediment-Pollutant Relationships in Runoff From Selected Agricultural, Suburban and Urban
Watersheds, EPA-600/3-80-022, Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA, January 1980.


import from gis:

2.5.8 2D Rainfall/Flow Areas 87
2.8.9 2D Landuses 88
2D Head Boundaries 83, 85
2D Inflow capture 619
2D Settings 618
2D Video Controls 880
Abatement 897
Deposition 897
Ablation Model 897
About Box dialog 408
Above-Ground Runoff 897
Characteristics 897
ABS 231, 391, 393, 396, 400
Absolute95, 197, 391, 393, 396, 400, 471, 664, 665, 756, 772, 778, 831, 833
Limit 756
Range Checking 95
Validity 95
Absolute Depth - 664, 665
Absolute Range Checking 95
Absolute Validity 95
Absolute value 391, 393, 396, 400, 778
n 391, 393, 396, 400
velocity 778
Academic Press 897
Accuracy383, 387, 531, 565, 567, 569, 571, 617, 773, 798
Acidity 897
Urban Precipitation 897
Active 160
Active 2D Areas 80
Adams 897
Adaptation 897
ADC 603
ADC curves 603
ADCI 603
ADCP 603
Add11, 48, 51, 122, 147, 162, 178, 183, 187, 188, 200, 204, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234, 23
795, 818, 834
Button 629
Erosion to Consituent 599
Fraction 658
Record 630
to Current Mode Objects 263
Add Background Image 51, 52, 122, 200
Add Catchment to Drawing 35
Add Erosion 599
Constituent 599
Add Erosion to Constituent - 599
Add fraction - 658, 659
Add Record - 627, 629
Add to Current Mode Objects - 263
Add Will 627
Adding CAD Layers 92
Adding or Creating a DTM Layer 56
Additional Travel Time 474
Additive Operators 834
Address 115
website 115
ADJUSTNL 208, 232, 249
Adrian 897
ADT 672
ADT 500-5000 672
Advanced Routing Options 503, 504
Advanced Routing Options - 504
Advances 897
ADVNL 208, 249
Aerial Photos 200
Agricultural Engineers 897
American Society 897
Agricultural Handbook 282 897
Agricultural Lands 897
Agricultural Runoff Management Model Version II 897
Agricultural Sciences 897
Agriculture 897
Agronomy 897
American Society 897
Agronomy Series No 897
Air Conditioning Engineers 686, 897
Air Conditioning Guide 686, 897
Air Temperature 602, 604, 605, 667
Air Temperature (C5 - TAIR) - 602
Air temperature during 602
Aitken 468
Ala Montgomery 686
Alameda County IDF 701
Alameda County Runoff Coefficient 705
Alameda Method 474
Aldrich 897
ALF 686
Algorithmics 897
All7, 10, 25, 27, 28, 95, 108, 129, 133, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 159, 160, 162, 17
444, 445, 446, 448, 450, 463, 465, 468, 471, 476,
478, 479, 481, 489, 493, 498, 510, 527, 528, 535,
551, 557, 562, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573,
576, 577, 579, 606, 607, 610, 613, 627, 631, 639,
658, 659, 660, 664, 667, 671, 672, 674, 681, 684,
686, 715, 720, 723, 724, 725, 728, 729, 730, 731,
734, 736, 738, 741, 742, 743, 744, 748, 752, 755,
756, 758, 759, 761, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 769,
773, 781, 783, 784, 785, 787, 788, 789, 791, 795,
796, 798, 805, 815, 818, 820, 821, 831, 833, 834,
836, 843
applies 568
apply 383, 387, 795
All connecting conduits 784
All Data and Summary 725, 731, 738
All incoming 796
All layers 562
xpswmm Reference Manual
All Links 198
All modelling 766
All Nodes 198, 240
ALL objects 406
All Objects - 178
ALL orifices 204
All values 446, 476, 815
All XPX variables 275
Alley 897
Allowed163, 251, 378, 414, 415, 476, 579, 581, 818, 819
HGL 415
Hiding 378
Sanitary Review 251
Alogrtithms 831
ALT 162
Alt-F 129
Although catchbasins 600
ALWAYSKW 208, 223
ALWAYSNL 208, 223
Ambrose 765, 767, 897
America 897
Proceedings Soil Science 897
American 767
American Elsevier Publishing Co 897
American Geophysical Union 897
Fall Meeting 897
American National Standard Programming Language
American National Standards Institute 897
American Public Health Association 897
American Public Works Association 632, 655, 897
American Society 686, 897
Agricultural Engineers 897
Agronomy 897
Civil Engineers 897
Heating 686, 897
American units 767
Amherst 897
AMID 230, 232
AMID-ANL 230, 232
Ammon 897
Ampt 897
Amy 897
An Approach to Urban 897
An Approach Toward 897
Analyse 743, 745
Analyse Truncated Series 745
Analyse Truncated Series - 745
Analysed 282, 467, 715, 743, 744, 750
Analysis7, 95, 115, 140, 151, 203, 204, 221, 222, 225, 234, 260, 262, 277, 282, 341, 387, 432, 448, 479, 540, 549, 562, 572, 577, 613, 673, 686, 71
An Expert System 897
Options 745
Analysis Engine8, 115, 140, 204, 222, 225, 234, 282, 540, 549, 711
analytical engine 7, 8
Analytical Model 7
Analyze Menu 122
Analyzing Natural Systems 897
Anderson 604, 605, 897
ANGLAT 602, 605
Angle 553
Angular Frequency 435, 795
Angular frequency 2*pi/W 435
ANH 230, 232
ANH.GE.10.0*ANL 230, 232
ANH.LT.10.0*ANL 230, 232
ANH-AMID 230, 232
Animations and Graphs 879
ANL 225, 230, 232
ANL*AMID*LEN 230, 232
Ann Arbor 897
Ann Arbor Science 897
Ann Arbor Science Publishers 897
Annapolis 897
Annotation 11, 25, 114, 345, 351, 354, 629, 778
to remove/add 354
Annual 607, 671, 716, 718, 765, 766, 897
Annual Publication 897
ANSI X3.9-1978 897
Antecedent471, 602, 604, 649, 661, 684, 686, 764, 765, 805
Conditions 649
Temperature Weighting Index 604
Antecedent Temperature Weighting Index (C1 -
TIPM) - 604
APP_FLAGS 103, 115
Appalachian Highlands 482
Appearance Tab 115
Append 132, 152, 183, 231, 274, 717, 726, 732, 739
Appendix 571
a Simplified Stormwater Management Model 897
EXTRAN avoided 788
Application Settings 269
Applied Hydraulics 897
C.V. Handbook 897
Applied Hydrogeology 897
Applied Hydrology 897
Handbook 897
Applies 383, 387, 568, 795
all 383, 387, 568, 795
Apply button 350
Apply to All 383, 387, 568, 795
Approach Flow 421
Approx 114
Aquifer 643, 645
AR 543
AR&R 1977 IFD 697
AR&R 1977 Runoff Coefficient 702
AR&R 1987 IDF 699
AR&R 1987 Runoff Coefficient 704
Arbitray 247
Arch 210, 494, 510, 523, 775, 800
ARCH conduit 208, 210
Area10, 11, 182, 197, 208, 209, 211, 214, 219, 220, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 247, 248, 256, 258, 353, 354, 363,
647, 655, 656, 657, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673,
676, 681, 682, 683, 684, 686, 756, 758, 764, 767,
769, 773, 775, 778, 781, 782, 783, 785, 787, 788,
789, 790, 791, 797, 800, 805, 815, 831, 833
Snow Cover (Imperv) ASC 603
Snow Cover (Perv) ASC 603
Subcatchment 444
Subject to Erosion 638
U.S.A. 764
Area - 432
Area (F2 - VORIF) - 539
Area holding 605
Area lb/acre 656
Area lb/acre/day^DDPOW 631
Area provides 10
Area Q1/acre 634
Area Q1/acre/day^POW 635
Area Simulator 897
Area Snow Cover (Imperv) ASC (C3 - ADCI) - 603
Area Snow Cover (Perv) ASC (C4 - ADCP) - 603
Area Subject 638, 639, 671
Area Subject to Erosion (K1 - ERODAR) - 639
Area/elevation 208
Area/stage 209
Areal 467, 602, 603, 667, 670, 671, 756
Depletion 467
Curve 605, 670
Fraction 670
Areal Depletion 670
Areal Depletion Curve 467, 602, 603, 667, 670, 756
Areal depletion curve missing 756
Areal Depletion Fraction 671
Areal Depletion Fraction (I1 - SNN1)- 671
Areas contributing stormwater 764
Areas remaining 100 669
Areawide Assessment Procedures Manual 897
Aref 783
Arial 103
Arid Zone Research XXIX 897
Ariz Phoenix 686
Armco 544, 793
Armouring 674
Army Corps 805
Engineers 805
Arnell 897
Arrange Items 401, 402
Arrange Items - 402
Arrow11, 25, 29, 154, 341, 348, 349, 388, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 443, 491
Arrow Tool 117
Arrowhead 388, 496, 510, 532
Arrows 893
Artificial Grasses 897
ASAE Publ 897
ASC 603
ASCE 471, 897
ASCE Combined Sewer Separation Project Tech 897
ASCE Convention 897
ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Program
Tech 897
ASCE Water Resources Engineering Meetings 897
ASCII text file 284
ASCII/text 767
ASCII/text file 803
Asin 391, 393, 396, 400
Asn+1/SQn+1 784
Assessment 897
Loading Functions 897
Mathematical Models 897
Statistical Method 897
Assingn 244
Assoc 897
Associated Effects 897
Associates 897
ASTORE 433, 789
Asymptotic Infiltration Rate 649, 651, 652
Asymptotic Infiltration Rate (H1 - WLMIN) - 652
Atan 391, 393, 396, 400
Athens 897
Atlantic Industrial Research Institute 897
Atmosphere 897
Atmospheric Administration 897
Atmospheric Environment Service 661, 766
Atmospheric Precipitation 897
Attachment Line - 379
Attachment Line Colour 379
Data 95
Attributes25, 26, 48, 54, 95, 112, 156, 182, 183, 184, 185, 348, 350, 356, 374, 377
data comprises 182
Attributes This 54
Attributes excluding 377
flags 377
Attributes include 25
colour 25
Attributes Menu 184
Aup 782
AupRup2/3 787
Australia 206, 468, 483, 897
Auto 348
AUTO_PUMP 209, 242
AutoCAD 49
AutoCAD 25, 49, 51
xpswmm Reference Manual
AutoCADScript File - 273
Automatic110, 114, 231, 246, 274, 275, 278, 767, 777, 784, 787
Automatic Calibration 110, 114, 274, 275, 278
Automatic Calibration Module 114
Automatic switching 787
Automatic Time Step Selection 777, 783, 784
Automatic Time Step Selection - 784
Automatically 402
Auto-Size 354
Availability Factor 656, 657
Availability Factor (J2 - AVSWP) - 657
Available Pipes 574
AVCO Economic Systems Corporation 897
Average208, 235, 445, 446, 468, 471, 476, 531, 557, 565, 596, 599, 600, 601, 602, 605, 606, 608, 612, 638, 643, 645, 646, 648, 649, 657, 663, 672
Capillary Suction 648
Cross-Section Area 557
Income Area 682
Intensity 718, 720
Latitude 605
Load 752
Study Area 682
to equal 468
Watershed Elevation 601
Average Capillary Suction (H1 - SUCT) - 649
Average Cross-Section Area - 557, 798
Average cross-sectional 557
Average Flow - 681, 749, 775
Average Income Area - 681, 682
Average Intensity - 716, 718, 720, 747, 805
Average Latitude 602, 605
Average Latitude (C1 - ANGLAT) - 605
Average Load - 750, 752
Average values 612, 677, 679, 785
cross-sectional area 785
time 677, 679
Average Watershed Elevation 601, 606
Average Watershed Elevation (C1 - ELEV) - 606
AWRA 897
Axis Tab 345, 348
Axis tab allows 348
control 348
Aym 468
B Modification Factors 468
B.P. Teukolsky 897
Backflow 542
Background10, 11, 14, 25, 47, 51, 114, 115, 122, 192, 198, 201, 348, 571, 572, 764
Background color 115, 348
Default 115
graph s 348
Background Images 51, 192
Background Information 571, 572
Background Information (Modify Conduits) 572
Background Picture 14, 47, 49, 52, 114, 122, 198, 201
Background Picture command 198
Background Picture Icons 122
Background Picture Properties 201
Background Picture Properties Bring 122
Backwater257, 416, 433, 434, 435, 493, 549, 570, 762, 772, 773, 775, 794, 795
Backwater Effect 570
BADHRAD 209, 249
BADRECT 209, 249
Baffau 897
Baffaut 7
Baldwin 897
Balmat 897
Baltimore 686, 897
Barnwell 764, 897
Barrels 503, 505
Base Temperature 667, 669, 671
Base Temperature (I1 - TBASE1) - 669
Base-10 391, 393, 396, 400
Baseflow 767
Basic 775, 777
Basic Equations of EXTRAN 777
Basin area 805
Basin Description 446, 476, 815
Basin Identification Number 446, 476, 815
Basin Identifier 446, 476, 815
Basin Length - The length 805
Basin Optimization 430
Basin Slope - Weighted 805
Basin/acre 0.30 639
Basin/acre 0.50 639
Basin/BMP 203
retarding 203
BASINS 465, 466
Basket handle 516
Baskethandle 494, 510, 773
Basta 897
Batter Slope 527
Batter Slope - 527
BB 568, 569
BC 641, 645, 646, 777
Bed slope 778, 790, 798
Bedient 468, 897
Behaviour 547, 569
seeking 569
Ben Urbonas 805
Urban Drainage 805
Benabdallah 897
Bend Factor 545
Bend Factor - 545
Bendable Weir 544, 545
Benefits 897
Bengston 897
Benjes 897
Bennett 897
Benoit 897
Berg 897
Berkheiser 897
Bermuda 647
Bessel 391, 393, 396, 400
Best Fit Curve 353
BEST97 209
Best-Fit-Line 353
BETA 686
BETA coefficient 686
BETA2*GWHD^2 686
BETA3*GWHD^0.5 686
BETAn 686
Betson 897
BETSPUMP 209, 241
Beveled Edges 800
Bevels 800
Beyerlein 897
Bilbiography 764
SWMM 764
BIN 110
Binary Arithmetic Operators 391
Bird s 364, 369
Bird's Eye View 363, 364, 369
Birmap 383, 387, 402
regarding 383, 387, 402
Bitmap 365
regarding 365
Bitmap Clipboard 349
Black 25
Blank Job 141
Block 795
Block Data 797
Block_name 103
BMEGA 209, 221
BMH_OPTION1 209, 210
BMH_OPTION2 209, 210
BMP 25, 26, 49, 611, 614
BMP s 614, 769
BOD 241 mg/l 684
BOD5 660
Boldline 155
Boldness 348
BOLTMH 209, 210
BOLTMH1 209, 210
Boose 897
Boose 1986 7
Boregowda 897
Bosmajian 897
Boston 897
Both CW 791
Both Gate 01 843
Both links Gate01 843
Bottom Width+Height/Average 527
Bottom/right 348
Boundary Conditions237, 251, 257, 433, 439, 440, 756, 767, 769, 777, 794, 795
Boundary Conditions - 795
Bounding Rectangle 47, 49, 51, 348, 349, 630
Bouwer 897
Bowers 764, 897
Box13, 48, 49, 54, 132, 160, 196, 348, 349, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 363, 365, 37
to make 196
Box allows 54, 401
Box causes 388
link 388
Box Culvert Design 496
Box Label 356
Boxed Label Data 358
Boyd 897
Boyle Engineering Corporation 805
Bqn 468
Bracketed 129, 182, 561, 576, 609
Bradenton 686
Bradford 897
Brakensiek 897
Brandstetter 764, 897
Bransby Williams Method 474
Bras 763, 897
Brater 897
Brazauskas 897
Brezonik 660, 897
Broad Shallow Grassed Channels 897
Broad-crested Weir 552, 554, 556, 557
Brooks 897
Broward County 897
Browse 14, 110, 129, 283, 284, 349
Browse File 283, 284
Browse File Menu 284
Bt 482
Buffering During 897
Bug 249
Building 639
0.75 639
Building 2D Models 863
Buildup466, 505, 569, 597, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 655, 656, 657
and Washoff 597, 630, 659
Equations 772
by Catchment Area 634
by Curb (Kerb) Length 634
Dependency 634, 656
Method 630, 655
to calculate 631
to estimate 657
Buildup - Landuse 631, 632
Buildup - Time (JX - KALC \= 1-3) 633
Buildup - Time (JX - KALC = 1-3) 633
Buildup by Catchment Area (J2 - JACGUT = 1) - 655
Buildup by Catchment Curb (Kerb) Length (J2 -
JACGUT = 0) - 655
xpswmm Reference Manual
Buildup Dependency - 631, 633, 634, 635, 655, 656
Buildup during dry 659
Buildup Function 633, 635
Buildup Method - 630, 631, 636, 655
Buildup/Washoff - 597, 630, 658, 659, 756
Buildup/washoff characteristics 630
Buildup-washoff equations 772
Bulk Precipitation 897
Bureau 800
Public Roads 800
Burlington 897
Burney 897
BX 209, 210, 468
By Equation 393, 394, 395, 396, 399, 400
By Equation - 390, 391, 393, 394, 396, 400
By Linear Relationship 399, 400
By Linear Relationship - 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 399
Bypass 421, 758, 767
Bypass Flow Threshold 758
C Value 640
C.S. Blanc 897
C.T. Sodek 897
C.V. Handbook 897
Applied Hydraulics 897
C.W. Grizzard 897
C.W. Jr 897
C.W. Shubinski 897
CACHE_SIZE 103, 114
CAD 25, 49, 51, 56, 273
CAD Drawings 200
CAD Layer Properties 93
Calculate 534
Calculate Conduit Lengths 280
Calculate Conduit Slopes 280
Calculate Node - Catchment Area 268
Caldwell 897
Calibrate103, 114, 264, 274, 275, 277, 278, 767, 769, 805, 897
Calibrated Model 264, 897
Simulation 897
Calibrated Value 277, 278
Calibrating Stormwater Models 897
Methodology 897
Calibration274, 275, 277, 278, 279, 445, 468, 471, 481, 569, 604, 637, 643, 644, 645, 647, 767, 772, 897
Automatic 274
Data 767, 772
Parameter 445, 644, 647
Calibration (PEST) 274
Calibration factor to 604
Calibration Library (LIBRARY.CAL file) 275
Calibration Parameters208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234
Calibration/verification data 772
Calif Los Angeles 686
California 481
Called 350, 764
Custom 350
San Francisco Model 764
Cambridge University Press 897
Camp 764
Camp Dresser 764
Canada 206, 766
Cancel132, 141, 148, 190, 387, 389, 402, 410, 627, 756
Cancel Will 627
Candle Stick 353
Cantenary 513
Capece 897
Capillary 648, 649
Suction 649
Capillary Suction 648, 649
Capita 683, 684
Capital 674, 758
Captured 421
Captured Flow 421
Card A COM 579, 818
Card A ISET 579, 581, 818, 819
Card B1 446, 476, 581, 815, 819, 820
Card B2 446, 476, 581, 805, 815, 819
Card C 805
Card C COM2 446, 476, 815
Card C ICIA 446, 476, 815
Card C - IDBAS 446, 476, 815
Card C IDWB 446, 476, 815
Card C NSW 448, 479, 821
Card C TU 446, 476, 815
Card D AREA 446, 476, 815
Card D CAL 446, 476, 815
Card D DECAY 446, 476, 815
Card D FNINFL 446, 476, 815
Card D IDET 446, 476, 815
Card D INFL 446, 476, 815
Card D IOPT 446, 476, 815
Card D NDCIA 446, 476, 815
Card D PERIMP 446, 476, 815
Card D POET 446, 476, 815
Card D SLOPE 446, 476, 815
Card D TC 446, 476, 815
Card D XL 446, 476, 815
Card D XNUL 446, 476, 815
Card D1 450, 478, 820
Carea 789
Carlisle 897
Case Sensitive 48, 153, 198
Catchbasin 466, 597, 599, 600, 659, 761, 897
Catchbasin Technology Overview 897
Catchbasins 465, 466, 597, 600, 659
Catchbasins to 466
Catchment 672
Out 672
Catchment Area 634, 655
Catchment Behavior 897
Mathematical Models 897
Catchment Connections 38
Catchment Curb 655
Catchment Retardance 474
Time of Concentration 474
Catchment Roughness 474
Time of Concentration 474
Catchment Slope 210, 647
Catchment snowmelt 667
Catchments 32
Categories-Hydraulic Data 360
Catenary 210, 237, 494, 510, 513, 775
CATSLOPE 210, 446
Cause 717
RAIN 717
Caveats 763, 772
Modelling 763, 772
Cavender 897
Cd 163
CDC 771
CDC 6600 771
CDECAY 446, 476, 581, 815, 819
CDM 140, 231, 249, 764
New Hot-Restart 231
Ceil 391, 393, 396, 400
Celsius - 726
Census-Based 214, 420
Centre 48, 49, 197, 198
represent 49
screen 48, 198
Centreline 551
orifice 551
Centroid 446, 476, 482, 805, 815
Centroid Distance 805
CET 643
CFG 795
CFNINF 446, 476, 581, 815, 819
Cfs222, 225, 249, 481, 551, 552, 553, 556, 557, 682, 684, 685, 686, 746, 749, 798
Cfs A 471
Cfs/acre 214
Cfs/person 214
Cfs^POW 638
CH2MHill 241, 547
Chainage 354, 363, 533, 535
Chainages 531
Chalmers University 897
Technology 897
Chan 763, 897
Chanel 494
Change7, 10, 11, 25, 48, 49, 95, 110, 115, 116, 117, 129, 132, 133, 141, 148, 160, 183, 190, 192, 196, 204, 206, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217
764, 767, 769, 775, 778, 782, 783, 785, 787, 788,
805, 831, 836
Inverts 365
Change Inverts Menu 266
Change YO to RADMAX 237
Changes from SWMM V. 3 to SWMM V. 4 767
Changes from SWMM Version 4 763, 769
XP-SWMM 763, 769
Changes from SWMM Version 4 to XP-SWMM 763, 769
Changes from XP-SWMM Version 5.01 763
version 6.3 763
Changes from XP-SWMM version 5.01 to version 6.3763
Changes shape to 11
Changesd 5/96 234
Channel25, 148, 213, 219, 220, 228, 229, 233, 234, 236, 238, 246, 249, 252, 413
Depth 527, 528
Design 496
Length 531
Roughness 527, 528
Water Influence
Coefficient 645
Exponent 646
Width 527, 528
Channel according 496, 497
Channel Base 641, 645
Channel Design 496, 497
Channel Land Use 459
Channel Length 527, 528, 530, 572
Channel Roughness 527, 528
Channel Slope 528, 530, 531
Channel Water Influence Coefficient (H3 - A2) - 646
Channel Water Influence Exponent (H3 - B2) - 646
Channel Width (C1 - WIDE) - 527, 528
Channel/pipe 467, 551
Channel/pipe data 148
Channelwater Coefficient 645
Chapter 23 Author Ashok Pandit 471
Chapter XII 897
Characklis 897
Character Sizes 356
Characteristics410, 551, 552, 573, 599, 613, 638, 681, 690, 763, 798, 897
Above-Ground Runoff 897
conduit 551, 552
Characterization 765, 897
Discharges 897
Characterizing 897
Charles 897
Charles E 897
Check 95
Checkbox12, 13, 54, 126, 216, 259, 260, 341, 353, 356, 358, 383, 387, 535, 549,
Chedoke Creek Flood Storage Computed 897
Chemical Composition 897
Particulate Fractions 897
Chemical Rubber Company 897
Chemistry 897
Lake Waters 897
Precipitation 897
Chen 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Chicago 632, 897
Chicago area 655
Chmfr 800
Choice Button 12
Chong 897
Choose11, 25, 27, 51, 95, 132, 133, 175, 190, 278, 344, 348, 413, 442, 443, 467, 488, 489, 572, 651, 805
Choose Pick a 11
Chow 897
Christensen 897
Christianson 897
Chu 764, 897
Chuck Moore 249
Chun 897
CIA 481, 805
Cincinnati 897
CINFL 446, 476, 581, 805, 815, 819
Circle 154
Circular183, 211, 494, 496, 505, 507, 537, 568, 614, 758, 759, 773, 775, 790, 791, 800, 843
Conduits consisting 505
Circular Groove End 800
Circular Groove End Projecting 800
Circular Square Edge 800
City 764
San Francisco 764
Civil Engineering 897
American Society 897
Civil Engineering Department 897
Civil Engineering Dept 897
Civil Engineering Transactions 897
Clapp 649, 897
Clark 897
Clark Unit Hydrograph 483
Class 360
Clay Loam 642, 649
Clay Loam 0.31 642
Clay Loam 10 649
Clean Up 129, 140, 197
Clean Up Menu 140
Cleaning Interval 656, 657
Cleaning Interval (J2 - CLFREQ) - 657
Clear 182, 183, 263, 402, 627, 667, 669, 772, 836
Clear Data 182, 183
Clear Data Menu 183
Clear Will 627
Cleveland 897
Click11, 13, 14, 25, 27, 29, 48, 117, 132, 162, 190, 198, 216, 282, 341, 347, 348, 349, 354, 356, 358, 363, 365, 367, 389, 398, 410, 413, 419, 494, 4
Click Position 11
pointer 11
Clift 897
Clipboard Toolstrip 119
Close Menu 132
Close Project Menu 190
Closed25, 129, 132, 187, 190, 204, 224, 253, 254, 347, 349, 350, 494, 498, 505, 5
Conduit 494
Closed Conduit Data 505
Closed conduit enhancements 253
Closed Conduits204, 253, 494, 498, 505, 508, 510, 773, 788, 789
Clrl-O 129
Cm/hr 644
CMIN 210, 211, 221
CMIN=1.0 211
CMIN-x 210, 230
Cms222, 225, 551, 552, 553, 556, 557, 682, 684, 685, 686, 749, 798
Cms/hectare 214
CN 211, 241, 471, 481
value 211
CN number 471
CN=99 211
CNF 103, 111
CN-x 210, 211
Co 790
Values 790
COD 660
Coeff - 433, 643, 644
Coeff for Unquantified Losses (H4 - DP) - 644
Coefficient212, 218, 234, 239, 256, 257, 446, 450, 505, 538, 539, 552, 553, 556, 5
for Unquantified Losses 644
of Skewness 718, 743, 748, 749
of Variation 718, 748, 749
To determine 686
Coefficient (F2 - VORIF) - 539
Coefficient (JX - RCOEF) - 638
Coefficient (JX - RCOEFF) - 637
Coefficient Cp 450, 478, 820
Coefficient Ct 450, 478, 820
Coefficient ranging 482
Coefficient representing 791
Coefficients415, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 468, 471, 476, 478, 481, 482, 503, 505,
B and n 468
Coefficients A2 795
Coefficients during 795
Coeficient 257
Collins 897
Color 115
Color This 54
Colorado Metropolitan Area 897
Colorado State University 897
Colorado Urban Drainage 805
Colorado Urban Hydrograph 811
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure446, 476, 478, 479, 579, 581, 805, 815
Job Control 579
Node Data 476
Optional Parameters 478
Print Options 479
Rainfall Data 581
Storm Data 581
Theory 805
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Computer
Program 805
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Optional
Parameters 478
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Storm Data 581
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure Theory 805
Colorado Urban Hydrograph Theory 811
Colors Dialog 348
Colors Tab 345, 348, 350
Colour25, 48, 51, 103, 183, 365, 379, 383, 387, 388, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 410, 658
attributes include 25
Thickness 410
Colours 182, 389, 398
Columbia University Press 897
Columbus 897
Column #1 549, 767
Column #2 549
Column #3 549
Column #4 549
Columns 275, 549
Colyer 897
COMBIN 206, 207, 210, 211
Combine block 204, 211, 803
Combined Sewer Management 897
Combined System Overflow Based 897
Computing 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Analysis Handbook 897
Use 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Control 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Control 897
Flushing 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Storage 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment 897
Combined Sewer Overflows 897
Disinfection 897
Nationwide Evaluation 897
Combined Sewerage Systems 897
Combining Continuous 897
COMMAND 154, 155, 156
Comma-separated 428
Commerce 897
Commercial 381, 632, 655, 676, 681, 683
Area 683
Commercial Area - 681, 683
Commit Calibrated Values 277
Common Tasks 2
COMP 210, 211, 250
Company 805
Comparison 353, 897
Pollutant Mass Loads 897
Compilation 897
Water Resources Computer Program Abstracts 897
Complete Mixing 674
Complex 203, 261, 446, 536, 715, 763
Dynamic Flow Routing 261
Hydraulics 203
Composite CN 211
Composite Construction Cost Index 680, 681
Composite Construction Cost Index - 681
Composition 897
Domestic Sewage 897
Compressibility 788
to account 788
Computation Time 561, 565, 569, 571, 663
Computational Hydraulics Inc. Dept 897
Compute DTLONG 605
Computed 433, 436, 897
Combined System Overflow Based 897
The Spirit 897
Computer 897
Computer Programs 897
Computer Simulation Techniques 897
Computerised 483
Computerization 7
Computing Urban Runoff 897
A Method 897
CON 140
Concentration150, 151, 211, 212, 235, 260, 341, 417, 442, 444, 445, 446, 471, 47
in Groundwater 660
in Precipitation 659
of Pollutant Precipitation 660
within Dust and Dirt 655
Concentration - 615, 682
Concentration in Groundwater (J5 - GCONC) - 660
Concentration in Precipitation (JX - CONCRN) - 660
Concentration tc 481
Concentrations drop to 637
Conceptualization of the EXTRAN Drainage System773, 775
Concrete Circular 45 deg Beveled Ring 800
Concrete Horiz 800
Concrete Rectangular 800
Concrete Rectangular 18 to 33.7 deg Wingwall Flares800
Concrete Rectangular 30 to 75 deg Wingwall Flares 800
Concrete Rectangular 45 deg Bevels 800
Concrete Rectangular 45 deg Wingwall Flares 800
Concrete Rectangular 90 deg Headwall 800
Concrete Rectangular Top Bevel 800
Concrete Sewers 897
Construction 897
Concrete Throat Circular Smooth Tapered Inlet 800
Concrete Throat Elliptical Tapered Inlet 800
Concrete Throat Rect 800
Concrete Throat Rectangular Tapered Inlet 800
Concrete Vert 800
CONDTIME 210, 211, 217
Conductivity 643, 644, 648, 649, 651, 652, 658, 674
Conduit148, 150, 152, 155, 156, 159, 204, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217
546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 561,
562, 567, 568, 569, 571, 572, 573, 576, 577, 597,
608, 613, 614, 616, 617, 643, 646, 673, 674, 684,
xpswmm Reference Manual
748, 755, 756, 762, 771, 773, 775, 777, 778, 781,
782, 783, 784, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 793, 794,
795, 796, 797, 798
characteristics 551, 552
Depth 507
Calculation 784
Diameter 506
Equivalent 568
Flag 549
Invert Level 506
Kinematic Wave approach 493
Length 508
Name 468
Roughness 508
Factor 569
Save results 550
Slope 797
time step check 221, 233, 239
vertical differentiation 798
Width 500, 508
with Weir 549
Conduit ANH 225
Conduit Cross-sectional Area 778, 782
Conduit Depth (non-circular only) (C1 - DEEP) -500, 508
Conduit Depth Calculations - 785
Conduit determines 787
use 787
Conduit Diameter 507
Conduit Diameter (circular only) (C1 - DEEP) - 507
Conduit Equivalencing 571
Conduit Equivalencing (Modify Conduits) 571
Conduit Factors 494
Conduit Flow209, 232, 235, 236, 240, 242, 256, 365, 567, 576, 617, 769, 775, 777, 778, 783, 785, 787, 788, 796, 798, 833, 834
Conduit flow routing 617
Conduit Length (C1 - LEN) - 508
Conduit Name Where Groundwater Drains (H2 -
NGWGW) - 462
Conduit Profile494, 496, 497, 498, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 522, 523, 759
Conduit Roughness 499
Conduit Roughness (C1 - ROUGH) - 499
Conduit Roughness Factor 568, 569
Conduit Roughness Factor (FMAX) - 569
Conduit routing 549
Conduit Shapes 617, 775
Hydraulic Properties 617
Conduit Time Weighting - 504
CONDUIT TYPES Circular 775
Conduit Velocity 365, 778, 784
Conduit Warnings 761
Conduit weighting to 0.4 upstream 247
Conduit weighting to 0.45 upstream 247
Conduit weighting to 0.50 upstream 247
Conduit weighting to 0.60 upstream 247
Conduit Width (non-circular only) (C1 - WIDE) - 508
Conduit with Orifice Flag - 549
Conduit with Weir Flag - 549
Conduits (All modes) Errors 759
Conduits (All modes) Warnings 761
Conduits according 545
Conduits and/or conduits 549, 554
Conduits connecting 795
Conduits consisting 505
Circular 505
more 505
Conduits require 510
Conduits/weirs 759
CONDUIT-x 211, 230
Confiduration parameter 245
Config 103
Configuration 109, 129, 202
Configuration Keyword 206
Configuration Keywords 206
Configuration Menu 831
Configuration parameter FALLON 209
Configuration parameter suppresses 233
Configuration Parameter USE_US_RC 548
Configuration Parameter ZREF 416
Configuration Parameters109, 204, 206, 209, 225, 231, 233, 235, 237, 245, 253, 3
Configure Database Connection 173
Consistency 11, 95, 282, 510, 756
Constant113, 211, 212, 213, 221, 245, 246, 378, 391, 393, 396, 400, 413, 416, 41
Buildup 634
Channel Depth (BC) 643
Pumping 554
Constant Area Storage (E1 - ASTORE) 433
Constant BC 646
Constant Buildup (J2 - JACGUT = 2) - 655
Constant Channel Depth (BC) (H2 - TW > 0) - 646
Constant equal to REGEN*DECAY 577
Constant Flow - 769
Constant lb/day^DDPOW kg/day^DDPOW 631
Constant Properties Invert 775
Constant Properties Loss Coefficients 775
Constant Q1 Q1 634
Constant Q1/day^POW Q1/day^POW 635
Constant Time Intervals 602, 662
Constant Time of Concentration 474
Constant value 834
Constituent 599
Add Erosion 599
Constraint Qin 775
Constraint Sum Q 775
Construction 471, 897
Concrete Sewers 897
Sanitary 897
Urban Stromwater Management Systems 471
Construction Data 360
Construction Sites 897
Consult 275, 414
XPX 275
Consumer Price Index 680, 681
Consumer Price Index - 681
Contains 111, 568
file 111
normalised 568
Contents 1, 408
Continuing Loss rate 651
Continuity209, 215, 220, 233, 234, 238, 239, 243, 248, 252, 414, 462, 468, 505, 549, 567, 568, 571, 616, 617, 618, 658, 674, 769, 772, 773, 778, 78
Equation 782
Errors 616
Momentum 778
Continuity Equation220, 233, 468, 505, 549, 567, 568, 571, 773, 778, 782, 783, 785, 788, 798
Continuity-momentum 778
Continuity-momentum equation 778
Continuous7, 245, 467, 577, 596, 601, 602, 640, 660, 661, 667, 669, 670, 671, 743, 756, 764, 765, 766, 767, 798
Hyetograph 661
Simulation 596, 661, 667, 670, 764, 766, 767
Snow Melt Simulation 602
Continuous - Snow Melt Simulation 602
Continuous Hydrologic 897
Continuous Hydrological Time Series Discretization 897
Continuous hyetograph 661
Continuous Mass-Balance 897
Pollutant Build-up Processes 897
Continuous Models Essential 897
Continuous Simulation Snowmelt Data (Continuous
Snowmelt) 669
Contour Maps 51
Contours 895
Contract WP-20-15 897
Contract-Expansion Loss Coefficient 503, 505
Contract-Expansion Loss Coefficient - 505
Contraction 499, 510, 566, 568, 778
and Expansion Loss 504, 778
Loss 499
Contraction Loss 566, 568
Contraction/expansion 778
Contributions 897
Urban Roadway Usage 897
Control10, 95, 133, 147, 148, 150, 151, 190, 192, 202, 203, 212, 218, 234, 235, 236, 250, 252, 261, 262, 274, 275, 277, 278, 348, 349, 350, 353, 35
765, 767, 772, 775, 777, 785, 787, 789, 798, 800,
805, 831, 833, 834, 836, 843, 851, 897
Axis tab allows 348
Data 202, 561, 627
Practice Factor 638, 639
Preliminary Planning 897
Structure - Weir 552
Style tab allows 349
to represent 836
Control File 274, 275, 277, 278
Control makes 798
Control nomographs 800
Control Parameter 851
17.4.3 RTC Directly Using Pump Speed as 851
Control Planning 897
Control Practice Factor 638, 639
Control Practice Factor 'P' (K1 - CONTPF) - 639
Controlling Urban Runoff 897
Controls Gate-01 843
Controls refer 278
Convective Inertia 778, 782
Convective inertia term 782
CONVERGE 210, 211, 239
Convergence211, 242, 436, 561, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 615, 617, 767, 777, 78
Criterion 436, 567
Error 567
in EXTRAN 782
Convergence Criterion 436
Convergence Criterion (J3 - DELTA) - 436
Convergence fails 784
Convergence in EXTRAN - 777, 783
Convergence Tolerance - 615, 617
Convert Graphics 51
Convert HPGL/1 file 49
Conveyance 229, 468, 534, 765
Coordinate System 47
2.9 47
Coordinates47, 51, 95, 154, 184, 253, 354, 377, 378, 414, 437, 439, 528, 529, 53
Coordinates determine 51
Copy13, 95, 97, 108, 132, 133, 182, 183, 190, 198, 273, 274, 347, 463, 627
and Paste 183
Buffer 97, 183
Copy Data Menu 183
COPYing 162
Copy-Paste 183
Corner 800
Corps 605, 764
Engineers 605
Engineers STORM 764
Correction Factors 581, 819
Depression Loss Storage 581, 819
Final 581, 819
Initial 581, 819
Corresponding 720, 746
CV 720, 746
Corrugated Metal Arch 18 800
Corrugated Metal Arch 31 800
Corrugated Metal Arch 90 deg Headwall 800
Corrugated Metal Arch Mitered to Embankment 800
Corrugated Metal Arch Thin Wall Projecting 800
Corrugated Metal Circular Headwall 800
Corrugated Metal Circular Mitered 800
Corrugated Metal Circular Projecting 800
Corrugated Metal Rectangular 90 deg Headwall 800
Corrugated Metal Rectangular Thick Wall Projecting 800
xpswmm Reference Manual
Corrugated Metal Rectangular Thin Wall Projecting 800
Corrugated Metal Throat Circular Rough Tapered
Inlet 800
Cos 391, 393, 396, 400
Cost 151, 661, 758, 764, 765, 788, 897
Reducing 897
Cost Assessment 897
Cost Estimating Manual 897
Count 156, 159, 658, 674, 686
per unit volume 674
Count per Unit Volume 658, 674
Courant221, 235, 565, 568, 569, 571, 573, 773, 778, 784, 791
Number 561, 564, 784
Time Step 561
Courant Number 570, 571, 773, 778, 784, 791
Covered 669, 670
Cp 450, 478, 482, 805, 820
value 450, 478, 482, 805, 820
CPOL 211, 212
CPOL#-x 210, 211
CPOL?value 212
CPOL1 211, 212
CPOL2 211, 212
CPOL3 211, 212
CPOL4 211, 212
CPOL5 211, 212
CPOL6 211, 212
CPOL7 211, 212
CPOL8 211, 212
CPOL9 211, 212
values 791
Crawford 647, 764, 897
Create7, 10, 25, 29, 95, 112, 113, 126, 129, 132, 140, 141, 148, 152, 160, 162, 172, 175, 183, 184, 187, 188, 190, 204, 211, 215, 220, 222, 225, 23
an Object 148
RAIN Interface File 717, 718, 726, 732, 739
Create and/or use 259
Create Configuration File options 204
Create DTM From ESRI Grid File 58
Create DTM From XYZ File 57
Create Files 278
Create Hot-Start File 564
Create Objects - 148
Create RAIN Interface File - 715, 717, 718
Create TEMP Interface File - 726, 732, 739
Creating a Background 49, 52
Creation13, 14, 29, 51, 95, 117, 153, 162, 220, 235, 236, 252, 259, 278, 374, 377, 378, 446, 476, 755, 773, 815
to facilitate 51
CREF-x 210, 212
Crest Height 556
CRET 446, 476, 581, 815, 819
Criteria Manual 805
Critical110, 213, 220, 233, 240, 244, 248, 433, 434, 644, 674, 758, 769, 773, 785, 790, 794, 795, 800
EXTRAN computes 785
to determine 674
Under Relaxation Parameter (BMEGA) 569
Critical Particle Size - 758
Critical Settling 758
Criticised 719, 746
Croley 772, 897
Crop Management Factor 638, 639, 640
Crop Management Factor 'C' (K1 - CROPMF) - 640
Cropland East 897
Rocky Mountains 897
Cross 154, 897
Cross Section371, 505, 528, 529, 530, 568, 759, 783, 789, 797
Name 533
Elevation 533
Station 532
Cross Section Name 530
Cross section Romberg 797
Cross Section View 371
Cross Sections 280, 885
Cross-multiplies 805
Cross-Section363, 368, 370, 371, 414, 510, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 53
Cross-Section Profile Elevation 533
Cross-Section Profile Station 533
Cross-Section Properties 46
Cross-section View 363, 371
Cross-sectional 509, 684, 775, 782, 785, 790, 791, 797
values 785
Cross-sectional area 543, 567, 775, 778, 785, 791, 797
average values 785
Crown 414, 428, 430, 756, 769, 775, 778, 783, 788, 789
CST 605
CSUB 791
Values 791
Csur 791
CsurLw 791
CSV 159, 216, 251, 428, 696
CT 450, 478, 482, 805, 820
value 450, 478, 820
values 482
Ct coefficient 805
CTRL 162
Ctrl+N 14
CUHP446, 448, 450, 476, 478, 479, 579, 581, 805, 811, 815, 818, 819, 820, 821
Job Control 579
Node Data 476
Optional Parameters 478
Print Options 479
Rainfall Data 581
Storm Data 581
Theory 805
CUHP Optional Parameters 450, 820
CUHP Print Options 448, 821
CUHP Procedure 446, 805, 815
CUHP Rainfall Data 820
CUHP Theory 446, 476, 579, 811, 815, 818
Culvert 244
CULVNEW 210, 212
Cumec 746
Cumulative Depth 665
Cumulative Depth (E1 - KPREP \= 1) - 665
Cumulative Pollutant Washoff 636, 637
Cunnane 719, 746, 897
Cunningham 897
Curb 466, 634
Curb (Kerb) Length 466
Curb (Kerb) Length (L1 - GQLEN) - 466
Curb/day^DDPOW 631
Curb/day^POW 635
Current10, 13, 14, 25, 48, 95, 108, 109, 110, 111, 117, 129, 132, 133, 138, 141, 148, 163, 182, 183, 187, 190, 197, 203, 204, 208, 225, 235, 236, 23
EXTRAN computes 785, 795
Mode 261, 262, 263
shows reflect 350
Current existing 109
Current Mode 260
Current Mode - 183, 203, 258, 263, 356
Current Mode Group 203
Current Selection 48, 183
Current tool 117
to reflect 117
Current values 795
hydrograph 795
Current View - 10, 133, 138, 389
Current working 95
Cursor Shape 25
Curve211, 217, 226, 240, 242, 243, 244, 353, 413, 436, 444, 471, 481, 482, 487, 494, 539, 540, 541, 547, 602, 603, 630, 643, 644, 645, 661, 689, 6
Fitting Parameter 644
Number 471
Curve fitting 645
Curve Fitting Parameter 643, 644
Curve Fitting Parameter (H4 - HCO) - 644
Curve Number 474
Runoff Coefficient 474
Curve Numbers 474
Curves during 797
Custom 350
called 350
Custom set 350
Customization Dialog 345, 349, 350, 351
Customization Dialog Buttons 345
Cut 10, 97, 129, 182, 183
Data 182
Cut Data Menu 183
Cutoff Value Separating Events 745, 746
Cutoff Value Separating Events - 746
CV 720, 746
corresponding 720, 746
CVTHPGL 49, 51, 103, 111
Cw 543, 791
CWLW 791
CwWH3/2 791
CwWH 543
Cypress Creek 897
Water Resources 897
D Interior 800
D.A. Dickinson 897
D.A. Water 897
D.C. 686
D.C. Davis 897
D.L. Terry 897
D.R. Schaake 897
DA 782
DA/Dt 781, 782
Daily150, 420, 596, 602, 603, 607, 615, 630, 658, 673, 674, 676, 677, 678, 679, 6
data comprises 150
Decay Rate 674
Daily Decay Rate (J3 - DECAY) - 658, 674
Daily Multiplier - 677, 678, 679
Daily Values 596, 678, 679, 681
flow 681
Daily Values (B1 - IVAP = 1) - 596
Dalrymple 897
Darling 897
Dashline Diversion/Multi Conduit 155
Dat 140, 155, 275, 278, 279, 443
DAT file 190, 278
Multi-run 190
Data Clipboard 349
Data Active 160
Data appropriate 261, 498
Data characterises pollutants 151
Data checking 147, 549, 755
Data committed 95
Data comprises 150, 151, 182
attributes 182
daily 150
Data describing 681
Data describing drainage 676
Data determines 150
Data field_name 156
DATA field_name object_name 156
Data files 715
Data filtering 755
Data Labels 351, 354
Data Menu 183
Data missing 756, 758, 759, 761
Data MUST 152
Data needed 481
Data pertaining to 831
Data present 354, 363
xpswmm Reference Manual
Data Range389, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 401, 756
Data relating 670, 671, 672
Data represents 676
percentage 676
Data Requirements 765, 767
Data Shadows 345, 351, 354
Data string 156
Data Used 13
Data Value 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399
Data Value/Node Size 392, 394, 399
Data Value/Node Size relationshhhip entered 396
Data Variables (Link) 377, 380
Data Variables (Node) 384
DATA ZP1 156
Data_command 156
Data_string 156, 159
following 156, 159
Database7, 10, 54, 95, 103, 112, 113, 114, 126, 129, 132, 133, 141, 148, 152, 153, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 172, 174, 175, 183, 188, 190, 202
a sequence 95
Internal 95
Type 627
List 627
Database allows 655, 658
Database containing 540, 579, 818
names 579, 818
Database Editable 629
Database indexing 103
Database need to 175
Database ready 160
solve 160
Database records 627, 629
name 627
Database Type 172, 613, 627, 628, 629, 630
Database Type Conditions Required to 629
Database Type relates 627
Date -221, 231, 238, 248, 443, 483, 491, 581, 607, 665, 666, 696, 716, 717, 718, 720, 729
Date back to 1963 483
Date implemeted 238, 248
Date Range 443, 491
DATE_FORMAT103, 115, 607, 666, 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
Dates115, 151, 190, 354, 729, 735, 736, 742, 744, 752, 756, 819
table includes 744
Dates - 720, 729, 736, 742
David Lombard 805
Davidson 897
Davis 897
Dawdy 897
Day Ratio 678, 679, 680
Day YY/MM/DD 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
Day^DDPOW 631
Day^POW 635
Days Since Last Cleaning 656, 657
Days Since Last Cleaning (J2 - DSLCL) - 657
DB 110
DB1 95
Dbase Filename This 54
DBF 140
DBG file 213
DCIA 446, 476, 815
Level 446, 476, 815
DD Limit 655, 656
Dd/mm/yy 696
Dd-mm-yy 115
DEBUG 212, 213
DEC 20 771
Decay446, 476, 577, 581, 631, 635, 644, 649, 651, 658, 673, 674, 805, 815, 819
Coefficient 649
Rate of Infiltration 652
Decay rate of Infiltration (H1 - DECAY) - 651
Decay-interaction 597
December 21 602, 603
December 21 Melt Coeff 670, 671
December 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMIN3) - 671
December 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious) (I2 - DHMIN1)
- 671
Decision Making 897
Decision Support Graphics 7
Decoupling 783
to prevent 783
DEEP159, 213, 500, 507, 508, 531, 604, 605, 641, 644, 789, 797
Groundwater 641
Percolation 644
DEEPLIM 207, 212, 213, 217
DEEP-x 212, 213, 230
DEF 140
DEF file 356
Default25, 95, 103, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 148, 188, 203, 204, 206, 207, 2
596, 597, 613, 617, 676, 681, 683, 719, 729, 736,
742, 756, 761, 788, 798, 820
Contraction Loss 568
Evaporation 597
Head Loss 568
Icon 11
Surface Area 573
Default CN 211
98 211
Default CN option 211
Default Contraction Loss - 568
Default Editor 110
Default Evaporation (B1 - IVAP \= 0) - 597
Default Head Loss Coefficient - 568
Default Node Surface Area (B2 - AMEN) - 573
Default Rohbeck 256
Default value 148, 252, 277, 468, 617, 681, 798
0.0001 617
f 798
time 252
underrelaxation parameter 252
Define115, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 163, 175, 204, 208, 209, 211, 212, 219, 225, 230, 235, 241, 242, 244, 253, 258, 260, 262, 263, 273, 274, 347, 3
614, 615, 616, 617, 630, 631, 632, 634, 636, 640,
645, 647, 655, 658, 659, 660, 665, 667, 673, 674,
676, 677, 681, 682, 683, 684, 687, 689, 696, 715,
717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 727, 728, 730,
732, 734, 736, 741, 745, 746, 748, 752, 756, 759,
760, 762, 767, 769, 777, 778, 783, 785, 789, 791,
795, 797, 798, 800
Define Print Periods (M2 - NDET > 0) - 607
Defined File 630, 696
Defined rating 769
Defining subcatchments 600
Definition 836
Defualt 234
Deg 800
Deg Bevels 800
Deg Headwall 800
Deg Skewed Barrel 800
Deg Skewed Headwalls 800
Deg Wingwall Flares 800
Degree Day 667, 684, 686, 687
Degree Days - 686
Deicing Chemicals 897
Manual 897
Deicing Compounds 897
Environmental Impact 897
Del 443, 491
Del 579
Del 818
Delay 365, 445, 468, 471, 481, 604, 605, 851
Delay equal 481
Delete10, 25, 29, 110, 182, 183, 187, 188, 203, 252, 263, 274, 277, 347, 380, 384, 387, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 402, 443, 491, 494, 562, 578
Button 630
from Current Mode Objects 263
Object 10
Record 629
Delete From 263
Delete From Current Mode Objects - 263
Delete Objects Menu 183
Delete Record - 627, 630
Delete Row 581, 820
Delete Will 627
Deleteted 263
Delleur 897
DELQ3 230, 232
DELQ5 225
DELT 565
DELT43 212, 213, 221
Deltat 565
Demonstration 897
Non-point Pollution Abatement Through Improved
Street Cleaning Practices 897
Dendritic 773
Dendritic networks 152
Denom 235
Denver 897
Denver Board 897
Water Commissioners 897
Denver Metropolitan Area 897
Denver Regional Council 897
Governments 897
Depending 414
Ponding 414
Deposition 897
Abatement 897
Deposition data 758
Depression Loss Storage 446, 476, 581, 815, 819
Correction Factor 581, 819
Depression Storage444, 467, 468, 476, 483, 596, 646, 647
Depression Storage - 446, 646, 647, 805, 815
Dept 433
Depth159, 209, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233,
667, 669, 670, 671, 672, 690, 696, 720, 722, 724,
758, 759, 769, 773, 775, 777, 778, 782, 783, 784,
785, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 793, 794, 795, 796,
797, 798, 800, 805, 815, 818, 819, 820, 833, 834,
836, 843, 851
a function 254, 769
at which Roughness Changes 505
for Q2 557
iteration value 567
Q1 557
Q2 557
Depth -413, 415, 428, 432, 433, 434, 435, 440, 443, 468, 471, 476, 481, 484, 545
Depth (E1 - KPREP \= 1) - 664
Depth (E1 - KPREP = 1) - 664
Depth at which Roughness Changes - 504
Depth Calculations 784, 785
Depth equal 557
Depth exceeds 557
Depth for Q1 - 557
Depth for Q2 - 557
Depth in Node - 218, 238, 539, 775
Depth needs 236
Depth rating 253
Depth specified 414, 415, 430
Depth Vs Flow - 547, 548
Depth Vs Multiplier 545
Depth Vs Multiplier - 545
Depth Ydn 791
Depth^Earea 789
Depths corresponding 785, 796
Depths during 209, 232, 239
DEPTHX 206, 207, 212, 213, 249, 252
Derivative 831
DES 140
Desbordes 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Description7, 10, 11, 25, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 129, 154, 155, 156, 183, 188, 190, 202, 206, 265, 356, 358, 382, 386, 44
Description - 629
Description (Optional) - 540
Description relating 188
Design7, 153, 203, 235, 358, 361, 446, 471, 476, 481, 483, 494, 496, 498, 503, 581, 613, 614, 660, 661, 722, 762, 763, 764, 773, 778, 788, 800, 80
Mode 764
Model 764
Storm 661
To facilitate 498
Design Aids 496
Design Constraints 574
Design hyetograph 805
Design Methods 897
Design Models 763, 764
Design Models - 764
Design Storm 584
Design Surface 500
Design Undersized Conduit 503, 613, 614
Design Undersized Conduits - 614
DESIGN_EXT 212, 213
Desk Background 348
Desk Foreground 348
Destination 349, 376
Destination Conduit 762
Destination Device 354, 376
Destination Rectangle 51
DET 642
Detail Printout 413, 428
Detail Printout - Hdr 428
Detailed126, 153, 183, 188, 190, 196, 216, 282, 408, 413, 415, 428, 446, 476, 494, 536, 565, 579, 607, 615, 617, 756, 758, 761, 764, 765, 766, 767
Printout 536
Detailed hyetograph 579, 805, 818
Detailed short-time-increment pollutographs 767
Detailed SWMM Summary - 766
Detention 151, 611, 612, 764, 789
Determining 471
tc 471
Deterministic Modeling 897
Urban 897
Development 897
Extension 897
Impacts 897
Improved Stormwater Quality Models 897
Dew 897
Prediction 897
DH 556
DH^1.5 556
DHM 667
DHM x 667
DHMAX1 671
DHMAX3 671
DHMIN1 671
DHMIN3 671
Di Toro 897
Dialog Box12, 14, 48, 95, 129, 133, 141, 172, 175, 184, 188, 190, 197, 208, 211, 2
Dialog box contains 172
Dialog box prompts 133, 190
Dialog box requesting 141, 188
name 141, 188
Dialog Icons 13, 14, 156, 159
Dialogs 258
DIAM 685
Dickinson 897
DIFFUSION 212, 214, 798
Diffusion Wave Equations 777, 798
Digiano 897
Digital Simulation 897
Digitizer 11
Dimmed 129
DINFIL 684, 685, 686
Diniz 897
DIR 443
Direct25, 103, 114, 115, 150, 183, 214, 282, 420, 482, 596, 630, 641, 676, 688, 7
Input 596
Direct idx 103
Direct Input (B1 - IVAP \= 1 or 2) - 596
Direct Input (B1 - IVAP = 1 or 2) - 596
Direct Input Runoff Coefficient 705
DIRECTORY 103, 110
Disable14, 113, 129, 141, 182, 188, 204, 238, 239, 259, 260, 484, 762
Disabled depending 484
Discharge234, 239, 242, 433, 434, 468, 471, 482, 537, 538, 539, 542, 543, 544, 5
Characterization 897
Coefficient 557
non-linear function 468
Discharge (G2 - WDIS) - 551
Discharge Coefficient537, 538, 539, 542, 543, 544, 546, 551, 552, 553, 554, 556,
Discharge Coefficient - 546, 557
Discharge Coefficient (G1 - COEFF) - 544
Discharge hydrographs 773
Discharge-Depth 897
Discrete Technical 897
Discretised 661
Discretization 505
Disinfection 897
Combined Sewer Overflows 897
Display10, 11, 14, 25, 27, 48, 49, 95, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 129, 133
725, 727, 732, 734, 738, 740, 753, 805, 815, 833,
Attributes 25, 410
Size 48
Text Size 365
Display following 197
Display Font 48, 365
Display Mode 365
Display Offset from Attachment Point 377
Display Properties 115
Display Report 378
Display Size 48, 378, 402
Displayed press 129
Disposal 897
DIST 684
Distance 805
Distributed 897
Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model 897
User s Guide 897
District 805
District s Urban 805
Diurnal Pattern 677
Diversion155, 218, 232, 341, 413, 433, 439, 493, 535, 537, 539, 542, 544, 545, 548, 549, 551, 552, 554, 556, 557, 690, 764, 773, 775, 777, 788, 78
Diversion Devices 777, 789
Diversion Name 544, 545
Diversion structures 773, 775
Dividing Temperature 602, 604
Dividing Temperature (C1 - SNOTMP) - 604
DJREF-x 212, 214, 248
DLEVEL.GT.1.0 254
DLIST 99, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 401
DLL 115
Dn 782
DO Cycle Simulation 614
Domestic Flow 684
Domestic Sewage 897
Composition 897
Domestic Sewage Fractions 897
The Composition 897
DomesWastewater Flow per Capita - 684
DomeWastewater Flow per Capita - 684
DomWastewater Flow per Capita - 684
Donigian 897
Dorsch 897
DOS 110, 115, 443
DOS mask 443
Double 278
Double Precision 47, 51, 278
Double-click 11, 12, 183, 188, 341, 413, 442
Double-click Position 11
pointer 11
DoWastewater Flow per Capita - 684
Down Arrow 443, 491
Downhill 226, 496
Downstream25, 155, 208, 209, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 247, 253, 413, 493, 498, 5
Conduit Invert Level 500
Elevation 532
Node 506, 527, 532
Invert Elevation 500
Surface Level 500, 508
Downstream Conduit Invert Level - 498, 500
Downstream connecting 155
Downstream Elevation 508, 510, 527, 528
Downstream HGL 785
Downstream Invert Level 532
Natural Channel 532
Downstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1 - ZP) - 506
Downstream Invert Level of Natural Channel 532
Downstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel
(C1 - ZP) - 528
Downstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (C1
- ZP) - 527
Downstream Node Invert Elevation - 498, 500, 508
Downstream Node Surface Level - 498, 500
Downstream settling 674
Doyle 897
DP 644, 647
Drag Position 11
pointer 11
Dragging 11, 27
Drain 462
node or conduit 462
Drain out 462
system 462
Drain out of system 462
Drain to node or conduit 462
Drainage150, 354, 363, 413, 439, 444, 445, 446, 462, 468, 471, 476, 481, 482, 48
Channel 445
Name 468
Drainage Criteria Manual 446, 476, 805, 815
Drainage Criteria Manual to 805
Drainage Division 897
Drainage Engineering 897
Drainage Model 897
Florida Conditions 897
Drainage Systems 897
Drake 897
Driscoll 897
Dry150, 233, 240, 242, 246, 257, 413, 420, 537, 597, 600, 601, 607, 608, 609, 61
before Simulation 597
before Start 615
Time Step 607
Weather Flow 765
Generation 676
Global Database 613
Infiltration 684, 765
Dry Days Before Simulation 597, 601
Dry Days Before Start 608, 615
Dry Weather Flow150, 413, 420, 613, 629, 630, 673, 674, 676, 677, 681, 683, 684
Max Size 674, 676
Dry Weather Flow - Hdr 420
Dry weather flow characteristics 676
Dry Weather Flow Generation - 150
Dry Weather Flow Land-use areas 758
Dry Weather Sewage Inflow 762
xpswmm Reference Manual
Dry-Weather Deposition 897
DS Elev 159
DSS 7, 415
Dt 468, 481
Dt/2 468
DTLONG 602, 605
DTM Builder 65
DTM Display Properties 64
DTM Legend 63
DTM Properties 59
DUMMY 723, 727, 728, 734, 740, 741
Dummy Conduits 148, 442
Duplicate 251, 402, 498, 579, 627, 628, 630, 758, 818
Button 630
Record 629
Duplicate 579
Duplicate 818
Duplicate Record - 627, 630
Duplicate records to 628
Duplicate Will 627
Duration203, 415, 445, 446, 476, 481, 482, 543, 607, 646, 661, 664, 665, 687, 716, 718, 719, 720, 744, 746, 747, 749, 805, 815
Duration equal 805
During 468, 600
mini-simulation 600
PMF 468
Dust and Dirt 466, 600, 631, 632, 633, 655, 656
Buildup 466, 631, 633, 655, 656
Fraction 632
Landuse 656
Removal 600
Dust and Dirt Factor 632
Dust and Dirt Factor Unit 633
Dust and Dirt Fraction (JX - QFACT) - 633
DWastewater Flow per Capita - 684
DWF 214, 221
DWF temporal 221
DWF-x 212, 214, 252
DWG 25, 49
DWT1 643
DWT1/2 643
DXF 25, 26, 49, 140
DXF file 354
DXF File Format 273
DXF format 49
DXF Format File 273
Dyanmic 234
Dynamic12, 27, 122, 203, 212, 214, 219, 220, 223, 226, 232, 233, 234, 243, 255, 261, 283, 363, 365, 368, 539, 541, 547, 565, 567, 568, 569, 570, 5
Flow Routing 203
Head 690
Wave 778
Dynamic Cross-Section 368
Dynamic Head 226, 232, 243, 690, 767, 775, 793
Dynamic Head - 539, 541, 547, 689, 690
Dynamic Long Section Shortcut 122
Dynamic Long-Section 363
Dynamic Plan View 283, 372
Dynamic Replay 354, 363, 365
Dynamic routing 773
stormwater 773
Dynamic Section 122, 283
Dynamic Section Views 122, 283
Dynamic Section Views Shortcut 122
Dynamic Sectional Views 368
Dynamic Wave 564, 565, 568, 569, 570
Dynamic Wave -214, 219, 220, 223, 233, 234, 243, 570, 778, 782, 798
Dynamics Model 897
Urban Runoff 897
DYNHYD 765, 767
E 103, 115, 204, 214, 278, 629, 630, 800, 805
E1 433, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666
E10 391, 393, 396, 400
E2 432, 665
E3 663, 665
E4 762
reading 762
E404 214, 227
E405 214, 227
E420 214, 215, 227
Eagleson 897
Earea 789
Echo108, 160, 436, 437, 526, 575, 576, 618, 716, 718, 725, 729, 731, 735, 738, 7
options include 716, 718
Results 436, 437
Echo Natural Section Data - 575, 576
Echo Print Rainfall - 716
Echo Results 436, 437
Echo Results (J3 - NCHTID) - 436, 437
ECLOSS 214, 215, 256
Ecole Polytechnique 897
E-COLI 200 684
Ecological Sciences 897
Eddy 686, 763, 764, 897
Edit7, 10, 29, 49, 95, 108, 110, 111, 129, 133, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 190, 202,
Button 627, 629
Command 182
Menu 97
Record 630
Edit - 443, 491
Edit Background 49
EDIT button 627
Hitting 627
Edit Drawings 201
Edit Project Menu 188
Edit Record - 627, 629
Edit Will 627
Editable Text 12
Static Text Caption 12
Editing processing 443, 489
EDITOR 103, 110
Editor Modeling 471
Management 471
Effect 646, 897
tailwater 646
Turbulence 897
Urbanization 897
Effluents 897
Process Classification 897
Eg25, 95, 443, 484, 489, 493, 554, 599, 601, 605, 616, 633, 638, 667, 672, 674, 722, 756
Eg a 658, 674
Eg m/s 732
Eg mm/month 739
Egg Shaped 494, 510, 511
Eggshape 773
Eggshaped conduits 231, 238
EL 533
Elements Available 775
ELEV 606
Elevation208, 210, 216, 218, 219, 222, 226, 229, 230, 234, 238, 244, 249, 253, 257, 266, 354, 356, 358, 363, 365, 366, 371, 413, 414, 415, 416, 42
789, 794, 795, 797, 831, 833, 834, 836, 843, 851
of Channel Bottom 646
Elevation according 795
Elevation corresponding 440
Elevation exceeds 366
Elevation of Channel Base(H2 - BC) - 645
Elevation of Weir Crest (RL2) (G1 - YCREST) - 544
Elevation of Weir Top(RL1) (G1 - YTOP) - 543
Elevation rating 253
Ellips e Groove End 800
Ellips e Groove End Projecting 800
Ellips e Square Edge 800
Ellipse 520, 522, 800
Ellipse Groove End 800
Ellipse Groove End Projecting 800
Ellipse Square Edge 800
Ellis 897
ELMIN Max Depth 797
ELSE 648
Elsevier 897
Elsevier Applied Science Publishers 897
EMC 224, 630, 636, 756, 769
Emc wq 234
EMF 265
Emmett 897
Empirical 897
Employing 48
multi-selection 48
Empty State 183
Enable47, 51, 110, 112, 113, 115, 126, 141, 187, 188, 192, 198, 203, 204, 221, 259, 260, 275, 283, 348, 356, 357, 358, 365, 366, 378, 383, 387, 40
Enable Sound 366
Enabled allowing 348
Enables rescaling 192
Enabling XNUL 805
Encode 54, 95, 122, 235, 256, 283, 381, 387, 389, 402
on/off 54
Encode causes 389
Encoding Shortcut 122
Encountered 598, 610, 748
SWMM.PAR file 598, 610, 748
Encroachment 534, 535
Encroachment Methods 534
Encroachment Station Specification 534
Encroachment Stations 534, 535
Encrypt File 264, 271
Viewer 264, 271
Encrypt File for Viewer 264, 271
End7, 25, 27, 29, 141, 183, 202, 204, 213, 215, 222, 225, 228, 229, 239, 341, 354
Cycle No 365
Date 752
Time 752
End Cycle No 365
End Date - 752
End Date (M2 - STARTPR) - 607
End date/time 760
End Time - 752
End values 782
H 782
End Year 607, 615
Ending Date -564, 607, 720, 729, 736, 742, 752, 756, 758, 760
Ending volume Extran changes 215
ENDVOL 214, 215, 239
ENDVOL1 214, 215, 239
ENDVOL2 214, 215, 239
ENERGY 214, 215, 250
Energy Budget Studies 897
Energy Loss 505
Energy Loss Coefficient 505
Engine8, 95, 103, 109, 110, 115, 210, 237, 274, 275, 278, 510, 549
Solve 110
ENGINE_VER 103, 110
Engineer/analyst 772
Engineer/user to 772
Engineering Foundation Conference 897
Proceedings 897
Engineering Hydraulics 897
Engineering Scale 197
Engineering Technical 897
Master 897
Engineering Thesis 897
Master 897
Engineers 605, 805, 897
Army Corps 805
Corps 605
Foundation Conference 897
Laboratory 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Engineers STORM 764
Corps 764
England 897
Englewood Cliffs 897
Engman 647, 897
Enhanced Explicit 570, 571
Solution 570
Enhanced Explicit Solution 571
Enhanced Explicit Solution (B0 - ISOL\=1) 571
Enhanced Windows Metafile 265
Enhancements 249
Enterance/exit losses 505
Entered refer 354
Entrance 223, 225, 499, 505, 510, 568, 778, 800
Exit Loss 778
Loss 499
Coefficient 505
to account 499, 510
to calculate 778
Entrance/exit 778
Entrance/Exit Loss 503, 505
Entrance/Exit Loss Coefficients 505
Entrance/exit losses 769
Envelope 354
Envelope of Maximums 365
Envirogenics Company 897
Environment 897
Ontario Ministry 897
Environment Canada 897
Environmental Engineering 897
Journal 897
Environmental Engineering Division 897
Journal 897
Environmental Engineering Sciences 897
Environmental Impact 897
Deicing Compounds 897
Nonpoint Source Pollution 897
Environmental Modeling 897
Environmental Protection Agency 764, 805, 897
Environmental Protection Service 897
Environmental Quality Management 897
Environmental Science 897
EPA204, 214, 215, 222, 223, 225, 237, 238, 253, 275, 468, 505, 568, 647, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 803, 805
Epa Extran 225
Epa swmm 225
EPA SWMM connection options 215
Epa swmm getcur 238
Switch 238
EPA Version 767
EPA Version 4 Solutions 568
EPA-SWMM 147, 152, 213, 226, 510, 569
4.2 Data File 153
EPA-SWMM 4.2 Data File - 147, 152
EPA-SWMM Data file Reader 272
EPA-SWMM Version 569
EPA-SWMM Version 4 152
EPD 140
Eq 482
Eqns 482
Equal Left 534
Equation7, 204, 218, 220, 225, 230, 232, 233, 239, 252, 253, 256, 390, 391, 392,
791, 793, 795, 797, 798, 800, 805
Continuity 778
Momentum 778
to obey 468
Equation depending 392, 395, 398, 401
Equation ranging 798
Equation reduces 782
Equation relating 444
000000feffffff0000000000000000ffffffffffffff 791
Equations Predict Land Slope Developments 897
Equivalent14, 129, 204, 222, 225, 239, 240, 253, 505, 508, 510, 520, 522, 523, 53
Conduit 790
Pipe 543, 571, 790
Time Step 573
Equivalent equals 605
Equivalent form 778
Equivalent to Time Step Factor (B2 - NEQUAL) - 573
Equivalent-roughness 791
EQV 834
Erature 724, 730, 736
Erodible Area 467
Flow 467
Erosion148, 465, 467, 597, 598, 599, 629, 630, 636, 638, 639, 674, 756, 761, 897
Data 466, 467
Flow Distance 467
Reference 467
Erosion and/or 636
Erosion Data - 148, 465, 467, 599, 638, 756, 761
Erosion data missing 756
Erosion Reference 467
Erosion-control 639
Error7, 95, 110, 147, 187, 190, 209, 215, 234, 238, 239, 243, 248, 252, 278, 279,
Log 51
Messages 756
Recovery 95
Error checking 767
Error Codes LA County 452, 594, 824
Error log 283
Error Messages 617, 618
Error reading 756
number 756
Error.log 283
ERRORS 755, 756
Errors resulting 617
Escape 347
Escape key 148
hit 148
ESRI ArcView Shape 49
ESRI Shape 25
ESRI Shape file 52
Properties If 52
ESRI Shape File Attributes 54
ESRI Shape File Attributes dialog to 52
Estimate 482, 651, 805, 897
Estimated Water Use - 150
Estimating Nutrient Loadings 897
Lakes 897
Estimation 897
Impervious-Area 897
Imperviousness 897
Estuary Model 767
Etc.Memory 110
Evaluating Runoff-Quality 897
A Model 897
Evaluation 897
Magnitude 897
Evaporation148, 151, 216, 220, 245, 249, 260, 549, 576, 596, 597, 608, 609, 611, 612, 641, 643, 647, 715, 724, 730, 736, 738, 739, 741, 742, 758,
Multiplier 739
to activate 245
to correct 611
to model 216, 220
Utility 715
Variables 740
Evaporation during 249
Evaporation (F1 - VAP) - 596
Evaporation (Runoff) 596
Evaporation (Sanitary Layer) 611
Evaporation Coefficients 738
Evaporation Hydraulics 563
Evaporation Multiplier - 739
Evaporation Variables - 741
Evapo-transpiration 596, 641, 642, 643, 756
Evapo-transpiration Assigned to Zone Fraction 641, 643
Event208, 222, 231, 247, 437, 467, 468, 596, 597, 601, 602, 615, 636, 648, 649, 651, 660, 661, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 674, 715, 716, 718, 719, 7
Mean Concentration 636, 767
rank 719, 746
Simulation 764
Event Duration - 747, 749
Events exceeds 745
Events involving 468
Examination 897
Standard Methods 897
Example 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 897
Excel File Output 216
Excess Precipitation 448, 479, 821
Tabular Calculation 448, 479, 821
Excess Precipitation Info 446, 448, 476, 479, 815, 821
Excluding 647
time/area 647
Executive 897
EXINTIME 214, 215
Existing 769
Version 769
Exit 141, 225
Exit Loss 499, 505
Coefficient 504
Exit Loss Coefficients 505
EXOUT 206, 207, 214, 216, 250
EXP 140, 391, 393, 396, 400, 643
EXP file 225
Expansion 499, 510, 778, 788
and Contraction Loss 778
Loss 499
Expansion/contraction 215, 238, 778
Expansion/contraction losses 769, 778
EXPERT 756, 760, 761, 762
System 7
Expert Engineer 95
EXPERT SYSTEM CAPABILITIES755, 756, 760, 761, 762
Expert System Design 897
Expertise Transfer 897
Expertise Transfer 897
Expert System Design 897
Explicit 225, 540, 569, 570, 571, 773, 777, 781
Solution 570
Time Weighting 781
Explicit Solution 571
Explicit Solution (B0 - ISOL\=0) 571
Exponent 415, 433, 546, 635
Exponent - 546
Exponent -257, 433, 468, 481, 527, 542, 543, 546, 573, 581, 631, 635, 637, 638,
Exponent (J2 - DDPOW) - 631
Exponential391, 393, 396, 400, 446, 476, 573, 577, 631, 634, 635, 636, 637, 644,
Buildup 656
Decay 631, 635, 649
Distribution 720
Formulations 634
Function 635
Exponential fit 644
Exponential Function 391, 393, 396, 400, 631, 635, 636
time 636
x 391, 393, 396, 400
Exponential Function (J2 - METHOD = 1) - 631
Export 2, 197, 349, 350, 353
OLE 349
Text/Data 349, 353
Export Button 345, 349
pressing 349
Export contours 888
Export current resultstime step 887
Export Data 129, 177, 351
Export Data Menu 177
Export Dialog 349, 351, 353
xpswmm Reference Manual
Export DTM Dara 59
Export Enhanced Metafile 264, 265
Export EPA 5.0 179
Export Graphics 273
Export Graphics Menu 273
Export Hydrograph 2
Excel 2
Export Links to GIS File 43
Export to AutoCAD 265
Export to GIS File 32
Export/Print button 349
Press 349
EXPORTALL 214, 215
Exposition 897
EXT_EVAP 214, 216, 220
Extended Transport 765
Extended Transport Blocks 897
Extended Transport Model 764
Extended/expanded memory 112, 113
Extension 897
Development 897
Extent 467, 667
External Database Query Results 172, 174
External Input File715, 717, 724, 725, 730, 732, 736, 738
EXTERNAL_XLS 214, 216, 250, 428
EXTEST 214, 216, 217
EXTRA 214, 216, 217, 243
EXTRA1 214, 216, 217
EXTRA2 214, 216, 217
EXTRA3 214, 216, 217
EXTRAN115, 147, 202, 203, 275, 278, 561, 570, 571, 575, 755, 763, 764, 767, 769, 771, 773, 775, 777, 778, 782, 783, 785, 787, 788, 789, 790, 79
Block 147, 765, 767
Introduction 773
Mode 258, 261, 262
Print Control 536
Set of Objects 263
Extran -103, 147, 148, 204, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 240
EXTRAN 2 - 764, 788
EXTRAN 3 - 764, 788, 789
EXTRAN 4 - 764, 767, 769, 788, 789, 795
EXTRAN 5 - 787, 788, 789
EXTRAN Addendum 570, 571
US-EPA 570
EXTRAN allows 773
simulation 773
EXTRAN avoided 788
application 788
Extran BC 204
Extran BC enhancements 216
Extran Block 765
EXTRAN Blocks 773
Extran Blocks use 767
EXTRAN computes 785, 795
critical 785
current 785, 795
EXTRAN Conduit Equivalencing (Modify Conduits) 571
EXTRAN converts 785
EXTRAN depending 793
volume 793
EXTRAN determines 571
number 571
Extran eggshape 204, 216
Extran eggshape conduit changes 216
EXTRAN evaluates 795
EXTRAN generates a 769
EXTRAN Junction Defaults 573
EXTRAN Mode 115, 203, 259, 755
EXTRAN Mode Errors 756
EXTRAN Mode Warnings 761
EXTRAN Model 764, 773, 778, 795, 796
Extran modify conduit changes 217
DATA 535
EXTRAN Orifice Diversion (F1) 537
EXTRAN Outfall Node Data 433
EXTRAN Overview 763, 773
EXTRAN Print Control 536
EXTRAN provides 795
input 795
Extran reach 204, 217
EXTRAN takes 773
Extran time step control 204, 217
EXTRAN Version 777, 782
EXTRAN Version 4 777
EXTRAN Weir Diversion (G1) 542
Extran WQ 217
EXTRANWQ 214, 217, 256
EXTRAONE 214, 217
Extrapolation options 217
Extreme Probability Paper 897
Plotting Rule 897
F 204, 217, 602, 604, 648, 667, 669, 672, 688, 726,
773, 787, 798, 805
default value 798
F.A. Adrian 897
F0601 452, 586, 589, 591, 594, 811, 823, 824, 826
F0601 Node Data 451
F1 537, 538, 596, 659
F2 538, 539
F5 129
F6 129
Facility Requirements Division 897
Facility Planning 897
FACT 211
Factor 222, 635
0.10 222
0.25 222
Factor #1 549
Factor #2 549
Factor #3 549
Factors Affecting 897
Factors Affecting Stormwater 897
Factors.leave 805
Fahrenheit - 686, 687, 726
Falk 897
Fall Meeting 897
American Geophysical Union 897
False 834
Farmland 897
A Soil Erodibility Nomograph 897
Farnsworth 897
FASNH 217, 249, 785
FAST_PUMP 217, 235, 240, 243
FASTCONV 217, 218, 239
Faster 103, 113, 363, 367, 378, 565, 604, 616, 767
Faster redrawing 113
FC 642, 649
FD 643
Feb 19 228
Federal Aviation Authority Method 474
Federal Highway Administration 800
Feet2 800
Feet3/sec 690
FHWA 800
Fi 805
Fiction Grade 360
Field12, 13, 51, 54, 103, 109, 110, 113, 156, 159, 160, 162, 183, 204, 211, 231, 259, 266, 275, 277, 344, 378, 380, 382, 384, 385, 389, 398, 402, 41
Capacity 642, 643
Format 721, 722, 726, 732, 739
Information 723, 728, 734, 741
Position 723, 727, 733, 740
Width 723, 728, 734, 741
Field This 54
Field allows 505
Field Capacity 641, 642, 756, 761
Field Capacity (H3 - FC) - 642
Field Format 721, 722, 726, 732, 733, 739, 740
Field holds 505
Field Info 156, 159, 162
Field Information - 13, 696, 723, 727, 734, 740
Field Information (Rainfall Variables) - 723
Field Information Used 13
Field listbox 696
Field Position - 723, 728, 734, 741
Field Precision 109
Field value 54
Field Values This 54
Field Width -696, 722, 723, 726, 728, 733, 734, 740, 741
Field_name 156
Field_name_string 159
Field_name_string The field_name_string 159
Fields DECAY 446, 476, 815
Fields including 13
Figure 1-1 773
Figure 14-2 785
File 133
flag indicating 696
File Description 188
File Format51, 103, 153, 419, 443, 486, 487, 489, 722, 726, 733, 740
File Format - 443, 489
File Icons 14
File menu 129, 187
File Name -133, 190, 282, 354, 443, 486, 487, 488, 491, 719, 729, 736, 742, 760,
File Properties 133
File Save As Dialog 349
File Tools 118
File1 103
File2 103
File3 103
File4 103
Files 95, 109, 111, 129, 163, 283, 349, 752
Contains 111
to access 163
Files (Statistics Files) 752
Files dialog 747
Fill Areas 73
Fill Colours - Maps 891
Fill Colours - vectors 890
Fill Nodes 388
Fill Nodes - 388
Final 581, 819
Correction Factor 581, 819
Final infiltration - Final 805
Final Report 764, 897
Find 48, 51, 192, 198, 233, 275, 565, 784, 785
Find Object 48, 192, 198
Finite Difference 468, 773, 775, 777, 778, 781, 782, 798
Implicit 781
Solution 778
Finite Difference Approximations 777, 798
Finite Difference Equations - 781
Finite difference form 778, 781
Finite Difference Solution - 777, 782
Finnemore 897
First Edition 897
Fit 197, 363
Window 363
Fit to Window 363
Fit window 124
Fit Window 49, 192, 197
xpswmm Reference Manual
Fit Window Menu 197
Fitch 897
Fixed49, 204, 219, 222, 237, 238, 239, 243, 246, 248, 249, 251, 257, 377, 402, 433, 434, 435, 440, 443, 489, 541, 565, 567, 662, 674, 690, 696, 72
Format 723, 728, 734, 741
Fla Tampa 686
Flag12, 112, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 160, 209, 238, 248, 260, 262, 377, 378, 428, 434, 437, 443, 444, 446, 462, 467, 476, 504, 526, 536, 537, 549
attributes excluding 377
Flag allows 614
Flag indicates a RAIN 717
Flag indicating462, 577, 599, 659, 696, 719, 726, 732, 739
file 696
Flag indicating erosion 599
Flag needs to 614
Flag specifies 723, 728, 734, 741
Flap Gate 496, 544, 793
Flap Gates 494, 496
FLAT 206, 207, 217, 218, 234, 249
FLDCHN 206, 207, 217, 218
Fleming 897
FLIP_STORAGE makes 218
Flocculants 0.10 639
Flocculants 0.20 639
Flood 217, 218, 479
Flood Volumes 897
Flood Control 897
Flood Control District 805, 897
Flood Control District s 805
Flood Plain Revision 534
Flood Routing Program 897
Flooded node enhancements 218
Flooding 448, 777, 788, 821, 897
Floodplain 534, 769
Floodway Encroachment 528, 534
Florida 471, 686, 764, 897
University 764, 897
Florida Conditions 897
Drainage Model 897
Flow150, 151, 157, 204, 208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 24
570, 571, 572, 576, 607, 608, 613, 614, 615, 617,
633, 641, 643, 645, 646, 674, 676, 677, 678, 679,
680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 690, 696, 715,
746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 758, 761, 762, 764, 765,
767, 773, 775, 777, 778, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785,
787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 793, 795, 796, 797, 798,
14am 836
Adjustment Factor 569
Control 789
daily values 681
iteration value 567, 773
Oscillations 617
Peak 445
Rainfall-Runoff Modeling 897
Rate 417
Reversal 790
Statistical Options 748, 750
Tolerance 566
Velocity Effects 897
Weighted Average Concentration 752
Flow according 545, 547
Flow Adjustment Factor 568, 569
Flow Adjustment Factor (QREF) - 569
Flow and Head Computation During Surcharge and
Flooding - 788
Flow carrying 614
Flow Conditions 777, 787
Flow Control or Diversion Devices - 789
Flow corresponds 557
Flow Direction 215, 238, 494, 496, 778, 798
Flow Direction (Flap Gates) 496
Flow Distance 467
Flow Divider 758, 762
Flow during 232, 243
iteration 232, 243
Flow excluding 686
Flow History 433, 439
Flow options 218
Flow Path Length 474
Time of Concentration 474
Flow Path Slope 474
Time of Concentration 474
Flow Rate (K3 - QCARD) - 417
Flow Redirection 463
Flow Resistance 897
Flow routing203, 252, 261, 448, 479, 493, 549, 617, 618, 645, 764, 767, 773, 821
Flow routing simulation 618
Flow Statistical Options - 749, 752
Flow Temporal Variation 676, 677
Flow Threshold - 237
Flow Through Vegetation 897
Flow Tolerance - 235, 566, 567
Flow Weighted 750, 751
Flow Weighted Average Concentration - 751
Flow When 570, 571
Flow/unit width 468
Flow/Water Quality Analysis Option 743, 748
Flowrates 897
Flows 882
Fluids 897
Flusher 30 657
Flushing 897
Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Control 897
FMAX 568, 569
FMIN 568, 569
FNINFL 446, 476, 815
Fo 649
Folder Options 623
Following 156, 159
data_string 156, 159
Font48, 116, 182, 184, 345, 348, 350, 351, 353, 365, 383, 387, 402, 410
to specify 383, 387, 402
Font Size 116, 345, 351, 353, 383, 387
FONTNAME 103, 116
Fonts Tab 345, 348, 350
FONTSIZE 103, 116
FONTWT 103, 116
Foot3/foot 433
Forecasting Stormwater Quality 897
Format47, 49, 51, 115, 152, 153, 159, 162, 230, 231, 273, 344, 349, 356, 365, 374, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 402, 443, 489, 607, 661, 666
Conversion 51
Format comprizes 162
Format string entered 760
Formats including 716
Formats recognised 737
Forms 800
unsubmerged 800
Fort Collins 897
FORTRAN 767, 771, 772, 805, 897
FORTRAN-77 771
Foundation Conference 897
Engineering 897
Four Urban Sites Near Miami 897
Fourier 795
Fp 648, 649
initial value 649
value 649
Fraction446, 450, 467, 468, 471, 476, 478, 597, 599, 603, 605, 608, 615, 616, 617, 632, 633, 638, 639, 641, 642, 643, 644, 649, 651, 657, 659, 667
Fraction 100% Covered - 669
Fraction of Evapo-transpiration Assigned to Zone
Fraction (H4 - CET) - 643
Fraction Of W50 Ahead Of Tp 450, 478, 820
Fraction Of W75 Ahead Of Tp 450, 478, 820
Fraction Subject 670
Frame 10, 374, 379, 402
The Window provides 10
Frame Display 374, 379, 383
Frame Display (Nodes) 379, 387
France 897
Franz 897
Fread 778
Free25, 278, 433, 434, 465, 496, 601, 602, 605, 640, 642, 667, 669, 671, 690, 696, 722, 723, 726, 728, 733, 734, 740, 741, 767, 775, 788, 793, 794
Format 722, 723, 726, 728, 733, 734, 740, 741
Outfall 794
Water Holding Capacity 606
Ratio 605
Free Format -696, 722, 723, 726, 728, 733, 734, 740, 741, 767
Free Water Holding Capacity - 605
Free Water Holding Capacity Ratio (C1 - FWFRAC3 -605
Freeboard 358
Free-water-surface 738
to obtain 738
FREQ 746
Frequency444, 448, 479, 661, 719, 743, 744, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753, 766, 805, 821, 897
Distribution 719, 746
FRICTAVG 217, 218
FRICTGEO 217, 218
Friction Slope204, 218, 219, 220, 225, 504, 778, 782, 798
Friction slope The 225
Friction slope enhancements 218
Friction slope Sf 782
FRICTMID 217, 218, 219
Friedland 897
Friends Equation 474
Froude Number 570, 571, 785, 787, 798
Fs 648
Fs THEN 648
Ft 660
Ft/fraction 645
Ft/ft 446, 468, 648, 800
FT/FT 210
Ft/sec 648, 649
Ft/sec^2 551
Ft^0.5/sec 552, 553
Ft^2 509, 551, 557
Ft^3 600
Ft^3/s 420
Ft2 789
Ft3/s 417, 439, 440, 800
Full Pipe Flow 496
FULL_NODE 217, 219
Fully Implicit 781
Fully Sewered Catchments 897
Function 129
Futhermore 599, 638
Future 897
Resources 897
FUZZYQ 217, 219, 249
FW 669
FW1 669
FW3 671
FWFRAC3 602, 605
G 204, 219, 225, 389, 551, 565, 771, 805
G*A 225
G.E. Corey 897
G.L. Queiroz 897
GA/T 784
GA 781
GAH/x 798
GASf 798
GAn 781
GD 784, 787
GSo/k 787
G1 542, 543, 544
G1 line 762
G2 551, 553, 554
GA/T 565
xpswmm Reference Manual
Gagliardo 897
Gainesville 897
Garbage Grinder 681, 682
Area 682
Garbage Grinder Area - 681, 682
Gary Walkovitz 805
Gate 01 843
Result 843
Gate 02 843
Gate01 843
Results 843
Gate02 843
Gate-02 843
Gauged Data 484
Gauged Data (Depths) 484
Gauged Flow 484, 486
Gauged Flow - 486
Gauged Inflow 413, 417, 419
Gauged Level 484, 487
Gauged Pollutant List 561, 562, 576, 578, 609, 612
Gauged Pollutants 487, 561, 562, 576, 578, 609, 612
Gauged Pollutants - 487
GD/L 565
Geiger 897
Geinopolos 897
GEN 140
General 356
General Considerations 859
General data 356
General Format 357
General IDF Equation 700
General Nature 897
Soluble 897
General Parameters 357
General Results 444, 606, 607
Print Periods 606
General results - 607
Generalized Computer Program 723-S8-L7520 897
Generalized Computer Program 723-X6-L202A 897
Generate Ground Elevations from TIN 269
Generate intemediate Extran 226
Generate Intermediate Levels 266
Generate Intermediate Levels - 266
Generating 805
hydrographs 805
Generation 897
Generic Graphical User Interface 10
1.6.1 10
Geological Survey 897
Geological Survey Professional Paper 269 897
Geophysical Research 897
Journal 897
Geophysical Research Letters 897
German 791
Get 13, 25, 156, 159, 162, 188, 232, 378, 443, 488
File 284
Get Background Menu 49
Get File 188, 443, 488
Get Info 162
Get rid 232
Getcur 228, 229
Geyer 897
GGG 254
GIF 25
GINFIL 684, 686
GIS 7, 51, 111, 163, 264
GIS Layers 91
GIS Link 111, 264
GIS Shape 51
GIS_EXE 103, 111
GLDB 157
Gldb_name_string 157
Gldb_name_string The gldb_name_string 157
Gldb_type_name_string 157
Gldb_type_name_string The gldb_type_name_string157
Global153, 156, 157, 202, 204, 260, 377, 419, 446, 461, 462, 463, 466, 467, 476,
Buildup/Washoff 630
Database 597, 654, 655, 667
Pollutant 658
Rainfall Data 660
Global Correction Factors 446, 476, 815
Global Data Menu 202
Global Database Selection 627
Global Storms 126, 578
Go To 48, 218, 341, 443, 491
Go To Menu 198
Golding 772, 897
Goteborg 897
Gothic 210, 237, 494, 505, 510, 512, 775
Governments 897
Denver Regional Council 897
Goyen 244
Gpm 218, 219, 685, 686, 687
Gpm/in 686
Gpm/inch-diameter/mile 685
Gpm/in-diam/day 685
GQLEN 465, 466
GR 532, 533, 762
reading 762
Gradient 274, 508, 510, 778, 781, 798
Head 781
Gradually-varied 775
Graf 897
Graph2, 192, 235, 236, 274, 341, 345, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 354, 390, 392, 39
Block 765
of Magnitude vs.
Frequency 748, 749, 751
Period 748, 749, 751
Graph - 392, 394, 398, 401
Graph Block - 765, 766, 767
Graph Cusomization Options 351
Graph Foreground 348
Graph Grid Lines 345
Graph of Magnitude vs. Frequency - 748, 749, 751
Graph of Magnitude vs. Period - 751
Graph of Magnitude vs. Return Period - 748, 749
Graph s 348
background color 348
Graph Selection Link Channel 509
Graphical7, 10, 25, 95, 112, 122, 140, 182, 183, 184, 235, 256, 283, 341, 381, 387, 388, 389, 401, 402, 443, 537, 550, 562, 577, 613, 755
XP environment 7
Graphical Elements 25
Graphical Encoding 387
Graphical post-processing 341, 443, 550, 562, 577, 613
Graphical post-processors 7
Graphical review 140
Graphical view 12
Graphics 7, 25, 197, 264, 273, 354, 755, 766
Tablet 11
Gravitational Acceleration 778
Greater 758
Green Ampt 468, 483
Green Ampt infiltration 444, 648
Green Ampt losses 647
Green-Ampt 577, 646, 648, 756, 897
Equation 646
Infiltration 577
GRELEV 219, 414, 643, 789
GREMU-79/02 897
Greyed out 462, 465, 503, 629, 631, 656
Button 468, 480
Grid 197
Grid in Front 345, 351, 354
Grid Lines 354
Grid Menu 197
Griffin 897
Grigg 897
Gringorten 897
Ground210, 218, 219, 234, 238, 248, 366, 413, 414, 415, 462, 493, 498, 567, 573, 605, 640, 643, 756, 759, 769, 775, 777, 783, 789
Elevation 414, 789
Surface 573
Ground and Invert Elevations - 789
Ground Cover 647
Ground elev 248
Groundwater233, 461, 462, 468, 549, 596, 608, 629, 630, 641, 643, 644, 645, 646, 659, 660, 684, 686, 756, 761, 767, 897
Channelwater Coefficient 646
Discharge 645
Drains 468
Evaporation/Transpiration 641
Flow 641, 645
Coefficient 645
Exponent 645
Global Database 641
Infiltration 687
and Percolation 643
Percolation 644
Reference 468
Table 641
Groundwater / Channelwater Coefficient (H3 - A3) - 645
Groundwater drains to 462
Groundwater evaporation/transpiration parameters 641
Groundwater Flag - 461, 462
Groundwater Flow Coefficient (H3 - A1) - 645
Groundwater Flow Exponent (H3 - B1) - 645
Groundwater infiltration - 643, 684, 686
Groundwater Outflow 462, 641, 643, 645, 646, 756
Groundwater Reference button 462
Groundwater/Channel 645
Gulf 482
Mexico 482
Gully 67
Gumbel 897
Gupta 897
GWHD 686
H 204, 219, 391, 393, 396, 400, 543, 551, 552, 553,
630, 767, 769, 775, 782, 783, 791, 793, 795, 798,
end values 782
H.P. American Sewerage Practice 897
H/Q 788
conduits 788
H/L 791
H_TOL 103, 219
H_TOL-x 219
H+V2/2g 791
H1444, 445, 446, 463, 646, 647, 648, 649, 651, 652, 660, 661, 761
H1 line 275, 762
H2 462, 641, 643, 645, 646, 843, 851
H2 line 762
H3 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646
H4 642, 643, 644, 645, 843
H5 851
H6 843
Haan 897
Haasan 897
HALF_AREA 219, 220
HALF_NODE 219, 220
HALFEC 219, 249
HALFNL 219, 220, 249
Halifax 897
Halifax River 897
Hall 764
Halvings 207
time 207
Hamilton 897
Han 897
Handbook 897
Applied Hydrology 897
Principles 897
Handle 897
Hansen 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Harbaugh 897
Harel 897
Harper&Row Publishers New York 471
Harremoes 897
Hazard 882
Hazen 897
Hc 551, 552, 553
Hc Specific 800
HCO 643, 644, 645
HCONT 206, 219, 220, 249
Hdn 782
Hdn-Hup 781
Hdnn 781
Hdnn+1/2 781
HDR 160, 341, 505
Hdr tool 203
HDR_EVAP 216, 220
Hdrograpy Generation 584
HDSLOW 219, 220
Head213, 217, 219, 225, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 248, 249, 253, 360, 402, 413, 414, 434, 506, 527, 528, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 551, 5
Difference 539
time step values 784
to increase 236
Tolerance 567
Head Computation During Surcharge 777, 788
Head Loss 360
Head Loss Coefficient 566, 568
Head Tolerance - 249, 566, 567
Header 696
Header lines 723, 727, 733, 740
Heading refers 561, 576, 609
Headwall 800
Heaney 763, 764, 766, 897
Heating 686, 897
American Society 686, 897
HEC 764, 897
HEC-1 805
Multi-Plan River Routing Routine 805
HEC-1 flow 448, 479, 821
HEC-12 421
HEC-12 Combination Grate and Curb Inlets 423
HEC-12 Curb Inlet 425
HEC-12 Grated Inlet 426
HEC-12 Slotted Inlet 427
HEC-2 528, 529, 530, 532, 576, 767, 797, 897
HEC-2 Input 528, 529, 533, 797
HEC-2 Section Coordinates 529
HEC-22 694
HEC-program 446, 476, 815
Helfgott 897
Helliwell 897
Help13, 14, 103, 111, 115, 126, 129, 162, 192, 206, 275, 284, 352, 363, 408, 609, 617
Facility 202, 374, 561, 576
Help distinguish 352
Help File 111
Pathname 111
Hemisphere 602, 605
Hemisphere - 605, 671
Henderson 468
Hendry 897
Henniker 897
Heukelekian 897
Hewlett Packard 49
Hf Distance 778
HFRIC 206, 219, 220, 249
HGL 235, 244, 358, 361, 363, 414, 415, 775, 789
allows 415
HGL elevation 789
HGLMEAN 219, 220
HH 666, 752
HHW 438
Hicks 897
Hidden/shown 378
Hide 112, 192, 198, 377, 378, 388
on Creation 377
Hide Arrows 388
Hide Arrows - 388
Hide Blank Reports 378
Hide Inactive Fields 378
Hide Link Labels 388
Hide Objects Menu 198
Hide on Creation 377, 378
Hide Reports 378
Hiding 378
allows 378
High274, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 414, 437, 438, 466, 468, 471, 531, 532, 5
14am 836
Income Area 683
Pump 689
Water 438
High Income Area - 681, 682
High Rate Pumps (H1 - PRATE) - 690
High value 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399
Highlight11, 27, 28, 29, 48, 117, 129, 141, 147, 148, 178, 183, 188, 190, 198, 204
Objects 261
Highlight Objects 260
Highlighted Objects - 263
High-Low Bar 353
High-Low Line 353
High-Low-Close 353
High-water-table Watersheds 897
Highways 897
Hillel 897
Hillslope Hydrology 897
HIS 488
Historic 897
Selection 897
Historical 897
Historical Developments 764
Historical Rain Series 897
Historical Rainfall 660
Historical Storm 585
Hitting 148, 175, 627, 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
EDIT button 627
Escape key 148
Run button 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
HKTH 643
HLP 110
HLW 438
Hold 354
Shift key 354
Home arrow key icon 341
Horizontal Distortion Factor 528, 531, 532
Horizontal Ellipse 494, 510, 522, 775
Hornberger 649, 897
Horseshoe 494, 505, 510, 514, 773, 775
Horton231, 444, 446, 468, 476, 483, 577, 581, 646, 647, 648, 649, 651, 756, 805, 815, 819, 897
Equation 646
Horton Infiltration 231, 581, 646, 649, 805, 819
Horton Infiltration Capacity 576, 577
Regeneration 576, 577
Hot 140, 238, 354, 561, 564, 569, 767, 796
Start 767, 796
Hot Restart 564
Hot Re-start Files 561
Hot spot 354
Hot_restart file 237
reading 237
Hot-Restart File changes 204, 220
Hot-Restart File changes in Extran 220
Hot-Restart option 231
Hotstart 761
Hotstart Data 760
Houck 897
Hour/rainfall 716
Hourglass Icon 11
Hourly Multiplier 677, 678, 679
Hourly Multiplier - 678, 679, 680
Hours207, 215, 220, 221, 246, 250, 251, 417, 420, 435, 436, 437, 439, 446, 468, 471, 476, 538, 564, 566, 579, 602, 605, 607, 609, 615, 616, 617, 6
to compute 605
Hours (E1 - KTIME \= 1) - 663, 665
Hours (E1 - KTIME = 1) - 665
Hours depending 665
option 665
Houston 897
How Much 897
Howard 763, 897
HP Plotter 49
HP650C 49
HP7580 49
HP7586 49
HPGL 25, 49, 51, 111
HPGL File Format 49
HPGL/1 49
HPGL/1 plot file 49
HPGL/2 format 49
Hrad 209
Hrdraulics 203
Hrs 468
Hs 790
Hs/L 790
HSLOPE 206, 219, 220, 249
HSPF 772, 897
Huber 468, 763, 764, 766, 767, 769, 772, 897
Huggins 897
Huibregtse 897
Hunter 897
Hup 782
Hupn 781
Hupn+1/2 781
HWi Headwater depth 800
HY1 897
HY3 897
HY4 897
HY5 897
HY7 897
HY9 897
replaces 789
Hydraulic147, 160, 202, 203, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 22
630, 643, 644, 648, 649, 651, 652, 674, 677, 756,
758, 761, 762, 764, 765, 769, 772, 773, 775, 778,
781, 782, 785, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 794, 797,
798, 800, 818, 819, 897
Analysis 764
Conductivity 643, 644, 648, 652
network yields 775
Results 341
Roessert s Handbook 791
to compute 535
Hydraulic Brakes 546, 692
Hydraulic characteristics 413, 571, 789
Hydraulic Computations on Small Programmable
Calculators 897
Hydraulic Engineering Series 897
Hydraulic Grade Line 354
Hydraulic Jump 777, 797
Oscillations During 777, 797
Hydraulic Layer Pump 541
Hydraulic Layer time 247
Hydraulic Properties 617, 618
Conduit Shapes 617
Hydraulic Properties data 758
Hydraulic Radius 520, 522, 523, 775, 778
Hydraulic Replay 363
Hydraulic Research 897
Iowa Institute 897
Hydraulic routing 581, 765, 819
xpswmm Reference Manual
Hydraulics Division 897
Hydraulics Inc 897
Hydraulics Inlet Rating Curves 630
Hydraulics layer207, 211, 212, 214, 435, 535, 536, 561, 565, 581, 819
tide 435
XP-SWMM 212, 581, 819
XP-SWMM2000 207, 211
Hydraulics Layer Errors 756
Hydraulics Layer Orifice 537
Hydraulics Layer Pump 539
Hydraulics Layer Routing Control 568
Hydraulics Layer Warnings 761
Hydraulics Layer Weir 542
Hydraulics Mode 258, 259, 261, 262, 421
Hydraulics Mode Interface Files 258
Hydraulics Node Data 413
Hydraulics portion 251
Hydraulics Print Control 536
Hydraulics Research Station 897
Hydraulics Water Quality 235, 236, 562
Hydraulics water quality routing 235
Hydro 217, 219, 221, 546
Hydro option 246
Hydro-brakes 775
Hydrocomp 897
Hydrograph2, 150, 156, 209, 220, 227, 245, 246, 247, 258, 274, 363, 370, 371, 417, 442, 445, 446, 448, 450, 467, 468, 471, 476, 478, 479, 480, 48
current values 795
Input 417
Shape 445
Hydrograph If 446, 476, 815
Hydrograph Generation 442, 467, 769
Hydrograph incorporates a 481
Hydrograph Printouts 617, 618
Hydrograph values 805
Hydrograph View 363, 370
Hydrographs150, 260, 370, 413, 417, 471, 537, 556, 660, 764, 765, 766, 773, 775, 795, 805
estimating 805
generating 805
more 260
Hydrographs to HEC-1 File446, 448, 476, 479, 815, 821
Hydrographs to UDSWM2-PC File 448, 479, 821
Hydrologic Engineering Center 897
Hydrologic Modeling 897
Small Watersheds 897
Hydrologic Soil Ultimate 652
Hydrologic Transport Modelling Symp 897
Hydrological Simulation Program 897
User s Manual 897
Hydrological Soil Group 652
Hydrologically 446
Hydrology115, 210, 245, 246, 261, 444, 471, 719, 746, 772, 897
Institute 897
Hydrology Methods262, 461, 467, 468, 471, 480, 481, 482, 483
Hydrology Paper No 897
Hydroscience 763, 767, 897
SYNOP program 767
Hydroscience 1976 766
Hydsys 443, 489
Hydsys-wq 443, 489
Hydsys-wq 443, 489
Hydsys 443, 489
Hyetograph448, 479, 483, 579, 581, 765, 805, 818, 819, 820, 821
time increment 805
Hyetographs 581, 661, 765, 805, 819
I 162, 203, 204, 221, 354, 356, 363, 377, 444, 468,
471, 481, 537, 539, 570, 648, 763, 764, 765, 795,
797, 805, 831
I 2_0.49F i 805
I.e.m/n 790
I/I 421
I/Ks 648
I/O 112, 113, 767, 771
I1 433, 468, 669, 671, 761
I1-JFREE 433, 434
I2 433, 468, 670, 671, 672, 673, 762
I2-JGATE 433, 434
Ia 471
IBFL 468
IBM 771
IBM PC 805
IC 615, 777
Ice Control Programs 897
ICIA 805
Icon10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 51, 117, 122, 126, 198, 341, 363, 364, 366, 367, 369, 3
Icon Multi-links 11
Icon You 11
ICONS 13, 14, 122, 126
ID 274, 277, 278
ID s 274
Idealised 467, 468
Identification 897
Independent Rainstorms 897
IDF 661
IDF Alameda County 701
IDF curves 661
IDF Generat Equation 700
IDF Polynomial Coefficients 697
IDF Table 699
Idx 113
Ie 25, 29, 153, 190, 203, 258, 378, 381, 382, 385,
466, 468, 570, 596, 597, 602, 603, 604, 628, 631,
635, 636, 637, 645, 690, 720
I-f 468
IF 230, 231, 232, 254
IF F 648
IF i 648
If Memory Exceeded - 745
Ignore Global Correction Factors Flag 805
IHH 221
II 831
III 831
Ill Chicago 686
Illinois State Water Survey 897
Illudas Model 897
present 483
IMD 648
Immediate Melt 672
Immediate Melt (I2 - SFRAC5) - 672
Impact Assessment 897
Impacts 897
Development 897
Imperial sizes 520, 522, 523
Imperv 603
Impervious211, 241, 278, 442, 444, 445, 446, 467, 468, 471, 476, 481, 483, 597, 602, 603, 605, 630, 646, 647, 659, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 7
Area 444, 467, 672
Free Water 605
Depression Storage 647
to represent 483
Impervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC1) - 602
Impervious Bare 667
Impervious Bare Same 667
Impervious CN 211
Impervious Depression Storage (H1 - WSTORE1) - 647
Impervious values to 444
Impervious-Area 897
Estimation 897
Imperviousness 897
Estimation 897
IMPLCT 217, 221, 239
Implications 897
Dynamic Flow Equation 781
Time Weighting 781
Implicit Time Weighting 781
Implicit Time Weighting - 781
Implicit/Explicit 570
Import12, 49, 51, 95, 113, 129, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154, 157, 159, 160, 162, 225, 253, 274, 277, 278, 428, 443, 462, 510, 761, 762
Data 147, 152
EXTRAN Data 147
All Objects 148
Selected Objects 148
Object Control 147
to allow 159
to perform 148
Warning 148
XPX file 278
Import - 147, 148, 150, 151, 163, 172, 175
Import Catchments 33
Import Channels/Pipes Data 148
Import Data 146
Import Data Menu 152
Import Descriptive Titles 148, 150
Import Element Data 150
Import External Databases 129
Import General 148
Import HEC-RAS Data 176
Import Interface Files 148
Import into all Objects - 148
Import into Selected Objects - 148
Import Links from GIS/CAD File 41
Import LnadXML Data 147
Import Nodes from GIS/CAD File 30
Import Object Control - 148, 152
Import Sub-area Data 150
Import Subcatchments 148
Import Transport 150
Import Warning 148
Import XP Tables 407
Import_External_Databases 163
Imported XPX 462
Importing Background Pictures 51
Improved Stormwater Quality Models 897
Development 897
In./day 596, 612
In./hr599, 644, 649, 651, 652, 664, 665, 667, 722, 724, 746, 747
In./hrF 669, 671
In./hrF 667
In./month 596
In/day 597, 739
In/hr 637, 651, 652, 805
Inactive 160
Inactive data 160
Inc 764
Inch/day 596
Inch/hour 805
Inches/hour 805
Inches/hr 471
Include Data Labels 354
Include Inflow 618
Include Inflow in Input Hydrograph Printouts 618
Inconsistencies 148
Increments 785
0.04 785
Independent Rainstorms 897
Identification 897
Index 681
100 681
Indianna 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Individual Homes 897
Industrial 632, 655, 676, 681, 683, 897
Area 681
Industrial Area - 681, 683
Industrial Wastes 897
Inference Engine 7
Infiltrate 648
Infiltration150, 231, 246, 444, 445, 446, 461, 463, 468, 471, 476, 483, 577, 581, 596, 608, 613, 629, 630, 641, 643, 646, 647, 648, 649, 651, 652, 68
Capacity 577, 648, 649
Flow per Capita 684
Global Database 468
Rate 648
Reference 468
The Role 897
Volume 648
Infiltration AFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration AlFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration AllFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration AlloFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration AllowaFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration Allowance 683, 684
Infiltration AllowFlow per Capita - 684
Infiltration Capacity 651, 897
Physical Interpretation 897
Infiltration During 897
Unsteady Rain 897
Infiltration Flow per Capita - 684
Infiltration originating 686
Infiltration Reference - 463
Infiltration/inflow 417
Infiltration/Percolation 641, 643, 756
INFL 805
Inflatable Weir 544
Inflow 417
before Weirflow 557
Inflow before Weirflow - 556, 557
Inflow hydrographs 417, 618
Inflow Reduction 421
Inflow/Infiltration 421 206
Information Clearinghouse 897
Information Needs 897
Infrastructure 10
INI File 115, 269
Initial209, 237, 241, 246, 257, 277, 278, 413, 416, 446, 465, 466, 467, 471, 476, 538, 541, 564, 568, 569, 581, 597, 600, 608, 614, 615, 629, 630, 63
Buildup Quantity 636
Catchbasin Concentration 657
Concentration 615, 654
Condition 416, 795
Condition Smoothing (BB - ISMTH) 569
Correction Factor 581, 819
Flow 416
Free Water 669, 671
Heads 416, 796
Infiltration Capacity 651
Load 597, 630
Loading Reference 466
Moisture Deficit 649
Snow Depth 667, 671
Upper Zone Moisture 644
Initial / Continuing Loss 652
Initial Abstraction 246, 471, 647
Initial Buildup Quantity (PSHEDO) - 637
Initial Catchbasin Concentration (JX - CBFACT) - 659
Initial Concentration - 466, 614, 615, 659
Initial Condition Smoothing 568, 569
Initial Condition Smoothing (BB - ISMTH) - 569
Initial Conditions - 237, 568, 569, 777, 796
Initial Depth 257, 416
Initial Depth - 257, 413, 541, 643, 671
Initial Free Water (I1 - FW1) - 669
Initial Free Water (I2 - FW3) - 671
Initial Loading Reference (L1 - PSHED) - 466
Initial loads/unit area 630
Initial Moisture Deficit (H1 - SDMAX) - 649
Initial Snow Depth (I1 - WSNOW1) - 669
Initial Snow Depth (I2 - WSNOW3) - 671
Initial Upper Zone Moisture (H3 - TH1) - 644
Initial value 277, 278, 649
Fp 649
Initial Volume 542
Initial Volume - 796
Initial Well Volume 542
Initialise Objects 160
Initialises 160
Inland Waterways 897
Navigation 897
Inlet Nomograph Data 800
Inlet Capacity 413, 421
Inlet Control Theory 763, 800
Inlet Hydrographs 606, 607
Inlet points 260
Inlet Rating Curve 691
Inlet Results 606, 607
Inline 759
In-line 433, 539, 541, 690
In-line 789
In-line 793
Lift Pump Station 793
Inline pump 759
Inorg C 660
Input147, 148, 150, 197, 207, 231, 233, 238, 258, 260, 274, 277, 278, 350, 387, 4
764, 765, 766, 767, 772, 773, 784, 789, 791, 793,
795, 796, 805, 818, 831
EXTRAN provides 795
Format 717, 732, 738
RAIN 259
TEMP 259
Hydrographs 417
Interface File 752
to provide 805
Input 5-minute 805
Input Data Requirements - 767
Input File Format715, 717, 723, 724, 725, 728, 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 741
Input Files -147, 148, 260, 715, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742,
Input hydrographs 207, 417, 756, 758, 761, 795
Input Interface File - 260, 750, 752, 753, 756, 760
Input missing 756
Input TC 805
Input values 791
Input/output 767
Inputs multiplying 805
Ins 443
Insert103, 183, 204, 274, 277, 279, 382, 385, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 410, 443, 491, 533, 535, 581, 630, 696, 820
Insert Before 384, 387
hit 175
Insert Row 581, 820
Insert/Append 380, 382, 384, 385
Insert/Delete Row 277
Insert/Delete/Append Row 274
In-Sewer 897
Installed 163
MDAC 163
Instance156, 157, 159, 162, 203, 381, 382, 385, 468, 659, 767
Instantaneous 444, 468, 481, 551, 607, 637, 775
Runoff 637
Washoff 637
Instantaneous hydrographs 481
Institute 897
Hydrology 897
Instruction File 274, 277, 278
Instrumentation 897
INT 140
INT 154 897
Int l 115
Integrity Checks 7
Intensity466, 599, 602, 648, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 720, 722, 724, 746, 747, 805
Intensity - 722
Intensity (E1 - KPREP \= 0) - 664, 665
Intensity (E1 - KPREP = 0) - 664
Intensity during 599
Intensity OR 664, 665
Intensity sequences to 661
Intensity-Duration-Frequency 661
Interaction 897
Interactive button 354
Interception 471, 604, 647
Interconnections 493
Inter-event 718, 720, 744, 746, 747, 749
Duration 720, 744
Period 746
Time 718
Inter-event Duration - 720, 744, 747, 749
Inter-event Time - 718, 720, 746
Inter-event time giving a CV 720, 746
Interface 274
Field 274
Interface File202, 208, 215, 217, 221, 231, 240, 247, 256, 258, 259, 260, 265, 413
statistical post-processing 265
Interface file containing input hydrographs 803
Interface File contains 616
Interface file exceeds 761
maximum 761
Interface File Flow 413, 421
Interface file generated 748
Interface File Menu 258
Intermediate226, 243, 248, 266, 358, 365, 391, 393, 396, 400, 443, 481, 550, 575
Print Cycle 575
Printout 576
starting cycle 576
Intermediate Elements 358
Intermediate files 365
number 365
Intermediate Interval 575
Intermediate Levels 266
Intermediate Print Cycle Interval (B1-INTER) - 576
Intermediate review 575
Internal95, 112, 113, 133, 150, 151, 183, 190, 211, 213, 233, 234, 252, 542, 544,
Buffer 97, 183
Diversions 542
XP maintains 133, 190
Internal access 113
Internal buffer 183
Internal Rating Curve 544, 546, 548
Internal underrelaxation parameter 252
Internal working 95
International Association Great Lakes Research 897
International Symposium on Urban 897
International Symposium on Urban Hydrology 897
INTERP_DWF= 221, 420
Inter-relationship 756
Introduction 773, 805
Introduction to EXTRAN 773
Introduction to Soil Physics 897
Invalid hyetograph 761
Invert219, 222, 234, 257, 264, 266, 356, 362, 414, 415, 416, 430, 433, 496, 497, 4
Elevation 532
Invert discontinuities 785
Invert Level 506, 527, 528, 538
Conduit 506
Inverts unsubmerged 785
IO_BUF_SIZE 103, 113
Iowa 897
Iowa City 897
Iowa Institute 897
Hydraulic Research 897
IPRN2 607
xpswmm Reference Manual
IPRN3 607
IPRNT 444, 550, 551
IRP 581, 819
Irregular414, 528, 639, 767, 769, 773, 775, 777, 789, 797
Closed Conduits 797
Cross Section 528
Open Channels 797
Irregular Closed Conduits - 797
Irregular Open Channels - 797
Irrigation 897
Journal 897
ISMTH 568, 569
values 569
ISMTH time 569
ISOL 207, 209, 211, 213, 221, 239, 251, 253, 571
omega weighting 239
weighting 251
ISOL 3 option 204, 221
ISOL3 221
Item Number 663
Iteration during 235, 236, 238
Iteration estimate 783
Yn+1/2 783
Iteration Symbols 781
Iteration value 567, 773, 783
depth 567
flow 567, 773
Iterations208, 211, 214, 217, 218, 223, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 247, 249, 257, 565, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 615, 61
flow during 232, 243
Maximum Allowable (ITMAX) 567
oscillations occurring 208
Iterations exceed 235
Iterations meets 235
stopping 235
Iterative 569, 571
Iterative Explicit 569, 570, 571
Solution 570
Iterative Explicit Solution 561, 569, 571
Iterative Explicit Solution (B0 - ISOL\=2) 571
Iteratively 436, 437
Iteratively to 438
Itertion 214
ITMAX 567, 784
Its Relationship to Soil Loss 897
IVAP 596, 597
IYRSTR 566, 609, 616
Izzards Formula 474
J 204, 222, 231, 784, 805
J.A. Didriksson 897
J.A. Smith 897
J.B. Carroll 897
J.C. Campbell 897
J.L.H. Applied Hydrology 897
J.P. Aggidis 897
J.P. Huber 897
J.P. Medina 897
J.P. Nix 897
J.R. Peltz 897
J.W. Aleti 897
J.W. Knapp 897
J.W. Lewis 897
J0 391, 393, 396, 400
J1 391, 393, 396, 400, 433, 436, 437, 599, 600
J1 NTIDE 433, 434
J1-NTIDE 433, 435, 439, 440
J2 433, 435, 436, 631, 655, 656, 657
J3 433, 436, 437, 438, 658, 674
J4 433, 437, 439, 659
J5 660
James 1998 471
JCL 764
Jennings 897
Jens 897
Jewell 897
JIN 260
JK 463, 660, 661
JLOOP 206, 222, 249
JNCORF 206, 207, 222, 239
JNNODE 222, 239
JNS variable 147
JNWEIR 222, 239
Joanie Regan What 471
Job Control148, 202, 213, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 250, 261, 275, 415, 417, 428,
Los Angeles County Method 586
Snowmelt 669
Job Control Dialog 12, 415, 569, 571, 783
Job Control Information 503
Job Control Language 764
Job Control Menu 202
Job Control->Print Control 444
Job Identification and/or Comment 579, 818
Johansen 897
Johanson 772, 897
John Wiley 897
Johns Hopkins University 897
Johnson 897
Joliffe 796
Joseph 897
Journal 897
Agricultural Sciences 897
Biochemical 897
Environmental Engineering 897
Environmental Engineering Division 897
Geophysical Research 897
Irrigation 897
Research 897
Sanitary Engineering Division 897
Soil 897
Technical Councils 897
Journal American Water Works Association 897
Journal Research U.S. 897
JOUT 260
JPG 25, 49
JTU 658, 674
JTU 4 660
Junction49, 211, 220, 222, 231, 232, 233, 239, 249, 413, 414, 415, 416, 428, 430, 432, 433, 434, 498, 505, 536, 537, 539, 541, 542, 543, 561, 565,
Crown Elevation 430
Flood Storage 415
Invert Elevation 416
means run 222
Junction breaks 789
Junction Defaults 573
Junction exceeds 543
surcharge 543
June 246
June 1988 152
June 21 602, 603
June 21 Melt Coeff 670, 671, 672
June 21 Melt Coeff (I2 - DHMAX3) - 671
June 21 Melt Coeff. (Impervious Area) (I1 - DHMAX1)
- 671
JUNTIME 217, 222, 231, 239
qin 231
JUNTIME1 217, 222
JX631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 657, 659, 660
JX-KWASH 636, 637
K mg/l 658, 674
K Michaelis Menton Factor 631
K Michaelis Menton Function 631
K Soil_Factor_K_K1_SOILF 638
K*V^2/2g 505
K0 436, 437, 438
K1 467, 468, 639, 640
K1 line 761
K2 468
K3 417
K50 450, 478, 820
K75 450, 478, 820
KALC 631, 632, 633, 635
Kan Wichita 686
Kec 778
Kee 778
Keifer 897
Kentucky 897
Kerb 465, 466, 634, 655
Kerbys Equation 474
Key to 183, 341
Keyboard Equivalent 129
KEYS 222, 250
Keywords153, 162, 204, 206, 207, 209, 220, 235, 256, 257
Kg/gramme 633
Kg/hectare 656
Kg/hectare/day^DDPOW 631
Kg/hr 751, 752
Kibler 764, 772, 897
Kidd 647, 897
Kincaid 897
KINDYN1 222, 223
KINDYN2 222, 223
Kinematic203, 204, 208, 214, 223, 261, 442, 445, 467, 468, 493, 568, 570, 613, 6
Viscosity 613
Wave 772
Equations 797
Hydraulics 203, 261
Kinematic and Diffusion Wave Equations - 798
Kinematic Viscosity - 613
Kinematic Wave203, 204, 208, 214, 223, 261, 474, 773, 778, 798
Time of Concentration 474
Kinematic Wave -223, 442, 445, 467, 468, 493, 568, 570, 647
Kinematic Wave (Runoff) 468
Kinematic Wave approach 493
conduit 493
Kinematic Wave Method 442, 467, 468, 570, 647
Kinematic Wave routing 208, 445
Kinematic-wave 471
Kipp T.M. 897
Kirkby 897
Kirpichs Equation 474
KL 465, 466
Kluesener 897
Km/hr 605, 732
Km2 468
Km2 to 56 km2 468
Knowledge Base 7
KODEA 222, 223
KODEPR 222, 223
Kohler 897
Kohlhaas 764, 897
KPREP 662, 664, 665
Kramer 897
Ks 648
Ks THEN 648
KSOL 223
KSOL-x 222, 223, 230
Kt 649
KTIME 663, 664, 665
Ku 505
KWAVE 222, 223, 249
KWEIR 543, 544
KWLOSS 222, 223
L 204, 223, 445, 471, 482, 552, 556, 565, 684, 778,
781, 784, 790, 791, 805
L Distance 778
L.A. Aldrich 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
L.A. Nichandros 897
L.A. Shubinski 897
L.G. Environmental Systems Engineering 897
L/0.6 471
L/2 543
L/S 218, 223, 224
L^0.8 471
L1 465, 466, 851
L1 line 761
L2 851
L3 851
Results 851
L4 851
L5 851
LA County 811
LA County Error Codes 452, 594, 824
LA County Modified Rational Method 589, 591, 823, 826
24Hr Rainfall Template 589, 823
Runoff/Infiltration 591, 826
LA County Modified Rational Method F0601 586
LA County Public Works 586
LA CountyModified Rational Method 452, 594, 824
Error Codes 452, 594, 824
La5 159, 836
LA6 159
Label Definition 359
Labels 348, 894
Labels Including 348
Lag from Basin Charactistics 458
Lag from Travel Time 458
LaGraff 897
Lahey 771
Lai 777, 778
Lake Hefner Studies 897
Lake Waters 897
Chemistry 897
Lakes 777, 789, 897
Estimating Nutrient Loadings 897
Lakewood 897
Laliberte 897
Land 598
Land Surface 897
Land Use and Soil Group 460
Land Use List 466, 598
Landuse148, 465, 466, 597, 598, 629, 630, 632, 634, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 708, 756, 758, 761
Global Database 598
List 598
Percentage 466
Reference 480
used in the Simulation 598
Landuse during 656
Landuse List 597, 655
Landuse Reference 465, 466
Landuse Reference (L1 - KL) - 466
Landuse Specific Data 658, 659
Landuse Street 761
Landuses 465, 597, 598, 756, 761, 769
Landuses highlighted 659
Landuses to 598
Language Note 1
Larger-magnitude numbers 755
Larson 897
Last Modified 190
LASTCUL 223, 224, 250
LASTOM 206, 207, 223, 224, 238, 249
Lateral 644, 645, 685, 778
Flow 645
Outflow 644
Lauderdale 660
Launch Application 272
Laurenson 244, 442, 445, 467, 468, 471
Laurenson Hydrology 445, 468, 471
Laurenson Hydrology - 471
Laurenson Non-linear Method 442
LAW_WEIR 223, 224
Layer Control Icons 122
Layer Control Panel 15
Lb/curb 657
Lc 482
LE.18 254
Lee 897
Left Bank Only 534
Left Overbank 528, 532
Left Overbank Manning's 'n' 532
Legend 388, 401, 402
Legend - 401
Legends 883
Leiser 764
LEN 159, 230, 232, 508, 530
Length280, 445, 446, 465, 466, 471, 476, 481, 482, 498, 500, 505, 507, 508, 510,
Length -11, 95, 159, 197, 225, 233, 234, 253, 278, 360, 363, 377, 446, 496, 497, 4
to equal 565
to propagate 569
Length equal to 481
Length Q1 634, 635
Lentz 686, 897
Less Favorable Edges 800
Level 365, 446, 476, 815, 836
DCIA 446, 476, 815
Level I 897
Level I - Comparative Evaluation 897
Storage-Treatment 897
Level III 764, 897
Lexington 897
LHS 798
LHSn 798
LHSn+1 798
LHW 438
Library 103, 163, 172, 275, 278
LIBRARY.CAL 103, 275
License 1
License Details dialog 126
LID 463
Like 481
Soil Conservation Service Urban 481
Limit49, 231, 233, 235, 236, 273, 274, 347, 413, 414, 421, 446, 468, 476, 541, 553, 569, 571, 579, 581, 615, 631, 633, 634, 637, 651, 656, 690, 743
Limit (JX - QFACT1) - 634
Line25, 48, 103, 109, 148, 150, 151, 155, 159, 183, 187, 197, 209, 211, 215, 223, 239, 241, 246, 249, 251, 266, 273, 274, 275, 278, 344, 345, 349,
Types 356
Line clipping 273
Line depending 360
data 360
Line following 103
Line signifies 159
Line Type 155, 183
Linear223, 224, 229, 244, 249, 348, 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 401, 432, 437, 468, 481, 483, 616, 631, 635, 645, 655, 686, 772, 782, 795, 8
Buildup 635
Reservoir 645
Linear cascading reservoirs 244
Linear Factor 631, 635
Linear Function 631, 635, 655
time 655
Link7, 10, 11, 13, 25, 27, 29, 48, 49, 95, 103, 112, 114, 117, 132, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162, 178, 182, 183, 184, 198, 203, 204, 218, 2
box causes 388
Frame Display 374
to represent 155
Tool 25
LINK 136 155
Link Catchment ot Node 36
Link Color 387, 388
Link Colour 394, 398
Link drag 494
vertex 494
Link during 775
Link indicating 25
Link la5 836
Link Label 387, 388, 399
Link Label Size 387, 388, 398, 399
LINK link_type link_name node_from node_to 155
Link Properties 40
LINK variables 175
Link Width 387, 388, 395, 396, 398, 399
Link_name 155
Link_type 155
values 155
Link1 156
Linkage 659
Snowmelt 659
Linkage to Snowmelt 658, 659
Linkage to Snowmelt (JX - LINKUP) - 659
Linked Process Routing Models 897
Links 39
Links and/or nodes 178, 341
Links connecting 152
nodes 152
Linsley 642, 647, 764, 897
Listbox 344, 347, 627
Listboxes 344
Literature 897
A Review 897
Liters/s/person 214
Litre 658, 674
Litre*PUNIT 750
Litre/sec*PUNIT 751, 752
Litres/day 420
Litres/day x 420
Litres/day/hectare x 4.21 420
Litres/day/person x 4.21 420
Little 897
Littleton 897
LLc 482
LLW 438
Load49, 51, 103, 112, 113, 172, 187, 203, 235, 263, 274, 277, 278, 279, 282, 284
Object Modes 263
Per Unit Area 654
Load Calibrated Values 278
Load DTM File 58
Load Object Modes - 263
Load Plotter Defaults 49
Load Report 377
Load XPX Variables 278
Load/Save button 263
Loaded portion 831
Loading Functions 897
Assessment 897
Loading Conditions Solids BOD5 COD KN PO4 cides
Pb 657
Loading Reference 465, 466
Local Agricultural Research Service 639
Local Inertia 778, 798
Localised 7
Locate Interactively 377
Location11, 25, 47, 48, 49, 110, 141, 200, 258, 275, 354, 374, 377, 402, 410, 413
Offset from Attachment Point 377
Real World Coordinates 377
to identify 414
LOCK file 110
Log10 391, 393, 396, 400
Log10 PD 444
Logical inequivalence 834
LOGNORM 206, 207, 223, 224, 256
Lognormal 224
Switch 224
Lognormality 897
Point 897
London 897
LONG 566, 609, 617
Long Section 122
Long Section Plot 363
Long Section Plotting 363
xpswmm Reference Manual
Longitudinal Correction 602, 605
Longitudinal Correction (C1 - DTLONG) - 605
Long-Section View 283
LOOPTEST 223, 224, 249
Los Angeles County 451, 586, 811
24Hr Rainfall Template 589, 823
Node Data 451
Los Angeles County Diversion Data 559
Los Angeles County Error Codes 452, 594, 824
Los Angeles County Job Control Options 593
Los Angeles County Link Data 558
Los Angeles County Load Location Points 593
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method589, 591, 823, 826
Runoff/Infiltration 591, 826
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method F0601586
Los Angeles County Modified Rational Method F0601
Node Data 451
Losses225, 238, 241, 444, 499, 505, 510, 568, 572, 596, 604, 643, 644, 647, 769, 777, 778, 796, 805, 897
Lotus 1-2-3 767
Louisiana 897
Louisville 515
Low389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 433, 434, 438, 471, 503, 505, 531, 532, 674, 681, 682, 684, 764, 794, 836
Flow Roughness Factor 503
Income Area 682
Water 438
Low Flow Roughness Factor - 503, 505
Low Income Area - 681, 682
Low Value 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399
Low/high 775
Low/High Tide 436, 437, 438
Low/High Tide (J3 - K0\=1) - 438
Low/High Tide (J3 - K0=1) - 438
Lower Zone 641, 642, 643
Evapo-transpiration 642
Lower Zone (H2 - STG) - 643
Low-Speed Multilane 0.5-1 672
LRRM 223, 224, 249
Lulea 897
LW 791
M 103, 115, 204, 213, 224, 257, 445, 468, 537, 543,
551, 552, 553, 554, 556, 557, 568, 606, 642, 643,
719, 746, 783, 785, 790, 791, 800
M.A. Doyle 897
M.A. Huber 897
M.A. Jr 897
M.A. Peltz 897
M.E. Stormwater Modeling 897
M.F. Geyer 897
M.J. Sullivan 897
M.K. Bollinger 897
M.L. Bender 897
M.M. Ure 897
M.P. Nix 897
M.P. Stormwater Management-Quantity 897
M/fraction 645
M/m 210, 446, 468
M/n 543, 791
M/s 788
M/sec^2 551
M^0.5/sec 552, 553
M^2 509, 551, 557
M^3 600, 633, 634, 635, 638
M^3/s 420
M1 607
M2 607, 789
M3 444, 550, 551
M3 line 761
M3/s 417, 439, 440, 443, 468, 489, 800, 836
M4 551
M4 line 761
Machine Data Source 172
MacLaren 897
Madison 897
Magnitude414, 743, 744, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753, 763, 767, 772, 783, 805, 8
Evaluation 897
table 743, 744, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753
Magnitude vs 748, 749, 751
Maher 897
main7, 103, 110, 115, 196, 203, 235, 347, 348, 354, 356, 408, 445, 446, 468, 476
Main Channel 468, 528, 531, 532, 533
Main Channel Definition 528, 533
'x' 533
Main Channel Manning's 'n' 532
Main drainageway 805
Main drainageway to 805
Main groups 356
data 356
Main stream 482
Main Utilities dialog 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
Main Window 354
Main/Sub Title 345, 347
Maintenance 897
Major Axis Minor Axis 520, 522
Make 163
SQL 163
MAKE_XPX 224, 225, 253
Malaysian 103
Malaysian Hydrology 115
Malaysian Mode 115
Mallon 897
Management 471
Editor Modeling 471
Management Factors 638
Manaual 471
Practice FD-20 471
Mandatory Data 175
Mangarella 897
Manhole25, 150, 210, 236, 341, 356, 358, 359, 365, 413, 414, 421, 430, 573, 614
Manhole Data 359
Manhole Depth 365
Manhole Rating Curve 691
Manning 471, 785, 790
Manning equation 571, 773
Manning n 468
Manning s eqn vel 255
Manning s n and/or pipe characteristics to optimise 573
Manning s n value 573
Manning's255, 468, 496, 497, 499, 508, 510, 527, 532, 543, 549, 552, 553, 571, 572, 573, 646, 756, 778, 785, 787, 790, 791, 797, 897
Equation 496, 497, 499, 571, 573, 785
Roughness 646, 647
Mannings n 647, 708
Mannings 'n'468, 499, 508, 510, 527, 528, 532, 543, 571, 572, 573, 756, 790, 797
Manning's Roughness - 646, 778, 791, 897
Manual 897
Deicing Chemicals 897
Map Coordinates 51
Mappings 49, 174, 175
Mark 354
Mark Data Points 354
Marsalek 897
Maryland 686
Maryland Department 897
Natural Resources 897
Maryland Dept 640
Maryland Water Resources Administration 897
Mass Balance Model 897
Mass Boston 686
Mass curves 661
Mass Transfer Between 897
Mass/time 767
Massachusetts 897
Master 897
Engineering Technical 897
Engineering Thesis 897
Materials Balance 897
Solids Fractions 897
Mathematical 897
Mathematical Models 897
Assessment 897
Catchment Behavior 897
Mattraw 660, 897
MAVHEAD 224, 225
Max 348, 570, 640, 642, 651, 797
value 797
Max Depth 797
Max Depth Increase 534
Max Depth Increase Encroachment 534
Max Depth of Significant Lower Zone Transpiration
(H4 - DET) - 642
Max Infiltation Volume 652
Max Infiltration Rate (H1 - WLMAX) - 651
Max Manually set Max 348
Max Size 674, 676
Dry Weather Flow 674, 676
Max Size for Dry Weather Flow - 674, 676
Max Value 833
Max. Time Step Iterations (MFAIL) - 570
MAX_DBCARDS 103, 114
MAX_LINKS 103, 114
MAX_NODES 103, 114
MAX_PICTS 103, 114
MAX_TEXTS 103, 114
MAX_YN_YC 224, 225
Maximization 350
Maximize 7, 345, 347, 351, 378, 836
Maximize Button 345
Maximize Speed 378
Maximum103, 114, 220, 225, 233, 235, 236, 239, 242, 246, 278, 344, 347, 354, 3
815, 831, 833, 836, 843, 851, 897
30 min. Storm Intensity 599
Time Step 564
Infiltration Rate 649
interface file exceeds 761
Pipe Length for Modification 573
Size for Dry Weather Flow 676
Maximum 30 minute storm intensity (J1 - RAINIT) - 599
Maximum Capacity 421
Maximum Channel Depth 527, 528, 530, 531, 769
Maximum discharge 430
Maximum Domestic Sewage 897
Maximum operating 831
Maximum Pipe Length for Modification (B2 -
NEQUAL) - 573
Maximum value 365
Maximum value to 833
Maximum water level 430
MAXPTS 103, 225, 363
MAXPTS-x 224, 225, 249
MAXWIDE 206, 207, 224, 225, 241
McDonald 897
McElroy 897
McGraw-Hill 897
McKee 764
McMaster University 897
McPherson 897
MDAC 163
installed 163
MDI 341
Meadows 897
Mean10, 147, 192, 204, 206, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 22
Concentration 636
Mean Concentration (JX - WASHPO) - 636
Mean value 468
Means ask 247
user 247
Means run 222
junction 222
Measure11, 253, 274, 357, 484, 509, 639, 655, 658, 665, 674, 681, 682, 766, 767
xpswmm Reference Manual
Measure Depth From 430
Measured rainfall-runoff data 647
Measured Sorptivity 897
Simplified Infiltration Prediction 897
Mechanical Street Cleaner 657
Medina 897
Medium 353
Mein 897
Mein-Larson 648
Melt Coefficient 602, 605, 667, 669
Melt Coefficient - 669, 671
Memory7, 95, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 378, 443, 491, 743, 745, 767, 771
Exceeded 745
Memory caching 771
Memory Exceeded 743, 745
Menu10, 11, 14, 27, 29, 95, 109, 110, 111, 115, 122, 126, 129, 132, 141, 162, 163, 182, 183, 187, 188, 192, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 264, 282, 283
Merge 132
Merge Menu 132
Merrick 805
Merrill 897
Metafile 349
Metafile Clipboard 349
Metcalf 686, 763, 764, 897
Methodology 897
Calibrating Stormwater Models 897
Metre 433
Metre3/metre 433
Metres432, 433, 435, 436, 440, 467, 500, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 527, 528, 530, 532, 533, 535, 538, 541, 543, 544, 573, 800
Metres2 800
Metres3/sec 690
Metric 204
Metric units 675, 676, 767
Metrification - 765, 767
Metropolitan Master Planning 897
Mexico 482
Gulf 482
Meyer 897
MFAIL 565, 568, 570
Mfail/2 232
Mg/g mg/g MPN/g mg/g mg/g 632
Mg/l 599, 633, 638, 658, 660, 674, 751, 767
mg/l (J3 - NDIM = 0) - 658, 674
Mg/l 0.0 660
Mg/l 0.00 660
Mg/l 0.01 660
Mg/l 0.02 660
Mg/l 0.05 660
Mg/l 0.2 660
Mg/l 18 660
Mg/litre 634, 635, 638, 750
Mg/litre lb/hr 751, 752
Mg/litre mg/l 751
Mg/litre pound/gramme 633
MGD 218, 224, 225
Mh a1 154, 155, 836
Mh a5 836
Mh b1 155, 836
Mha1 836
Mhz 771
MI 897
Mi2 482
Mich Detroit City 686
Michaelis Menton 631, 635
Michaelis Menton Factor 635
Michaelis Menton Factor (J2 - DDFACT) - 631
Michaelis Menton Function 635
Michaelis Menton Function (J2 - METHOD = 2) - 631
Michaelis-Menton 634, 656
Buildup 656
Factor 635
Formulations 634
Function 635
Microbiological Technology 897
Micro-computers 771
Microsoft C 771
Microsoft-FORTRAN 771
Microstraining 897
Mid Rate Pump 690
Miles/hr 605, 732
Miller 897
Millimetres 48
Min 348, 391, 393, 396, 400, 670
Min Manually set Min 348
Min Value 833
Min. Depth for 100% Cover (Impervious) (I2 - SI1) - 670
Min/Max item selected 348
Min/Max Manually set 348
MIN/SEC 224, 225, 250
Minimise Memory 378
Minimize Memory 378
Minimum95, 208, 225, 229, 232, 243, 378, 389, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 401
for 100% Cover 671
Inter-event Time 746
Orifice Length 567
Pipe Length 573
tables contain 725, 731, 738
user specifies 571
Minimum and/or maximum 831
Minimum Courant Time Step Factor (FMIN) - 569
Minimum Inter-event Time - 720, 745, 746
Minimum Junction/Conduit Depth - 573
Minimum Orifice Length - 566, 568
Minimum Pipe Length for Modification (B2 - NEQUAL)
- 573
Minimum value 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399
Minimum value to 833
Mini-simulation 600
during 600
MINLEN 224, 225
Minneapolis 605, 897
Minneapolis-St 764
Minnesota 897
Minor Axis Major Axis 523
MINOR_LOSS 224, 225
MINOR43 224, 225, 256
Mins 471
Minutes 471, 476, 478, 481, 665
Minutes -220, 225, 246, 250, 251, 446, 450, 564, 566, 576, 579, 599, 605, 607, 608, 609, 615, 616, 617, 662, 663, 664, 665, 696, 722, 723, 727, 72
Minutes (E1 - KTIME \= 0) - 663, 665
Minutes (E1 - KTIME = 0) - 665
Minutes depending 663, 665
Minutes H2 851
Missouri 686
MM 666, 752, 762
Mm/day 596, 597, 612, 739
Mm/dd/yy 103, 115
Mm/hr471, 599, 637, 649, 651, 652, 664, 665, 667, 722, 724, 746, 747
Mm/hrC 669, 671
Mm/hrC 667
Mm/inch 651
Mm/inch/hr 651
Mm/min 722
Mm/month 596
Mm-dd-yy 115
MMpm 666, 752
Mnemonic 383, 387, 614, 615
Mockus 897
MOD 140
Mode14, 95, 113, 115, 147, 163, 187, 202, 203, 258, 260, 262, 263, 341, 496, 503, 504, 554, 561, 601, 602, 669, 673, 748, 755, 761, 764
Mode Menu 203
Mode Properties 202
Model 571, 763, 764, 772
Caveats 763, 772
Planning 763, 764
Model Application 897
Model Directory 897
Model Selects
Normal Flow When in Supercritical State 570
Normal or Dynamic Flow 570
Model Selects Normal Flow When in Supercritical
State - 571
Model Selects Normal or Dynamic Flow - 571
Model Structure 7
1.2 7
Model Theory 897
Model Value 274
Modeler 190
Modeling Infiltration During a Steady Rain 897
Modeling Non-point Pollution 897
Modeling Stormwater Storage/Treatment Transients897
Modeling Urban 897
Modelling Caveats 772
Modes 260
Modification 571, 573, 897
Modified Basket-handle 494, 510, 518, 775
Modified Euler 571
Modified Euler Technique 570, 571
Modified Rational Method 586
Los Angeles 586
Modified roughnesses 229
Modify25, 48, 103, 115, 188, 190, 204, 213, 217, 229, 234, 239, 257, 277, 278, 36
Pipe Length 571
Roughness 571
Modify Conduits 204, 217, 571
MODRAT 586, 591, 826
Moisture471, 596, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 648, 649, 651, 684, 687, 761
Content 643, 649
Deficit 648
Moisture Deficit 648, 649
Moments617, 618, 743, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753, 766
Moments Only 617, 618
Momentum220, 225, 468, 505, 568, 773, 778, 782, 788, 789, 796, 798
Momentum-continuity 798
Monke 897
Monochrome 352
Monochrome setting 352
MONTH 566, 609, 616
Month/day/year 716
Monthly246, 596, 605, 607, 611, 612, 615, 765, 766, 897
Pan Evaporation 611
Values 596
Monthly Pan Evaporation - 611, 612
Monthly Values 596
Monthly Values (B1 - IVAP = 2) - 596
Monthly Wind Speeds 605
Monthly Wind Speeds - 605
Monthly/yearly 725, 731, 738
Montreal 897
MOORE_QCAL 224, 225
More14, 27, 113, 122, 141, 156, 183, 188, 203, 213, 231, 232, 234, 238, 239, 248
Button 717, 732, 739
Conduits consisting 505
hydrographs 260
Section 2.5 354, 363
More Deterministic Urban Runoff-Quality Model 897
More Evaporation 736, 742
More Favorable Edges 800
More Fortran 767
More like 791
More Rainfall 717
More straightforward 141, 188
More Temperature 724, 729
More Wind Speed 730, 735
Morin 897
Most Recently Used Files 109
Mouse10, 11, 12, 25, 27, 28, 48, 117, 162, 183, 196, 341, 347, 348, 349, 350, 354
xpswmm Reference Manual
objects tracks 28
Mouse allows 11
Moving 28
Object 28
Moving Objects 28
MPN/l 633, 658, 674
MS 897
MSGBOX 103, 111
MST 605
MTVE 215, 224, 226
Multi Family Residential 2.3 655
Multi Review 187, 191
Multi-Family 632
Multi-Plan River Routing Routine 805
HEC-1 805
Multiple13, 25, 147, 155, 156, 157, 159, 183, 184, 200, 250, 251, 341, 353, 354, 363, 365, 381, 382, 385, 410, 417, 433, 443, 489, 505, 535, 538, 54
Conduit 354, 410
Objects 183
Multiple STP s 769
Multiple views 200
network 200
Multiplication Factor 468
Multiplier 421, 505, 545, 568, 638, 662, 664
Multiplier - 210, 664, 678, 679, 680, 769
Multiplying 482
tp 482
Multi-Run 187, 190
DAT file 190
Multi-Run Menu 190
Multi-selection 48
employing 48
Murphy 897
Musgrave 652, 897
Muskingum 468
Muskingum Method 468
MWPUMP 224, 226
N 204, 226, 230, 232, 254, 391, 393, 396, 400, 445,
468, 471, 543, 571, 573, 632, 660, 686, 746, 778,
781, 791, 897
absolute value 391, 393, 396, 400
N Last 781
N.B. Linde-Jensen 897
N.H. 897
N.S. Grizzard 897
N.Y. 686
N/1.49 778
N^0.6 L^0.6/i^0.4 S^0.3 471
N_<x 147
N+1 New 781
N+1 time 798
N+1/2 Last iteration 781
N+1st 247
N+1st time 777
N-1 798
N2 778
Nakamura 897
Name -11, 14, 25, 48, 51, 54, 95, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 129, 133, 141, 147, 15
658, 673, 717, 718, 719, 723, 726, 727, 729, 732,
734, 736, 739, 740, 742, 753, 756, 761, 762, 767,
815, 818, 819, 821, 833
database contains 579, 818
database record 627
dialog box requesting 141, 188
next prompted 282
ON 717, 726, 732, 739
Name becomes 133, 190
Name string 762
Name Where Groundwater Drains 462
Name_Locator 275
Named DBxxx 95
Names representing 615
Naming an Element 26
Nash 226, 227, 249, 442, 467, 480, 481
Nash Unit Hydrograph 481
Nash Unit Hydrograph Procedure 481
National Bureau 800
Standards 800
National Climatic Data Center 766
National Engineering Handbook 471
National Oceanic 897
National Weather Service661, 716, 717, 725, 731, 732, 737, 738, 766, 767, 897
National Weather Service River Forecast System 897
Nationwide Evaluation 897
Combined Sewer Overflows 897
Nationwide Urban 897
Results 897
NATO ASI Series 897
Natural25, 204, 213, 214, 215, 220, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 234, 238, 246, 248,
Channel Slope 797
reasonable results 604
Shape 494
Upstream Invert Level 532
Natural Channel204, 213, 214, 215, 227, 228, 229, 230, 238, 248, 528, 532, 534,
Downstream Invert Level 532
Natural channel GETCURX 238
Natural channel SWMM enhancements 227
Natural Resources 640, 897
Maryland Department 897
Natural Section Shape 706
Natural spiraling 546
Natural Surface 501
Natural Watersheds 897
Navigation 124, 897
Inland Waterways 897
NBS 800
NC 229, 244, 532
Nc depth 213
NCDN 226, 227, 228
NCFLOOD 226, 227, 228
NCFLOOD1 226, 227, 228
NCFLOOD2 226, 227, 228
NCFLOOD3 226, 227, 228
Nchannels 220, 233
NCHTID 436, 437
NCMID 226, 227, 228
NCNEW1 206, 207, 226, 227, 228
NCNEW2 206, 207, 226, 227, 229
NCNEW3 206, 207, 226, 227, 229
NCNEW4 206, 207, 226, 227, 229
NCNEW5 206, 207, 226, 227, 229
NCNLOW 226, 227, 229
NCONVY 226, 227, 229
NCONVY1 226, 227, 229
NCONVY2 226, 227, 229
NCONVY3 226, 227, 229
NCONVY4 226, 227, 229
NCONVY5 226, 227, 229
NCTWO 226, 227, 229
NCUP 226, 227, 229
NDAY 566, 609, 616
NDD 687
NDET 607
NDIM 658, 674
NDT11 581, 819
NDT12 581, 819
NDT13 581, 819
NE.0.0 231
Negative Melt/Melt Coefficient Ratio 602, 605
Negative Melt/Melt Coefficient Ratio (C1 - RNM) - 605
NEGNC 206, 207, 226, 227, 229
NEGNC1 206, 207, 226, 227, 230
NEH-4 471
NEH-4 Chapter 471
NEH-4 Chapter 15 471
NEH-4 Chapter 16 471
Nequal parameter 234
NEQV 834
Network7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 25, 26, 29, 47, 48, 49, 51, 95, 112, 113, 114, 124, 138, 147, 148, 152, 153, 162, 178, 182, 183, 188, 192, 196, 197, 198, 2
795, 819, 831, 833, 834, 897
multiple views 200
objects comprising 14
Panning Around 48
text strings 114
Traversing 48
Network including 413
Network Legend - 401, 402
Network Overview 10, 48, 192, 196, 197
Network yields 775
hydraulic 775
Nev Reno 27 61 165 443 744 986 1048 804 756 519
318 165 686
NEVERNL 223, 226, 230
New10, 11, 14, 25, 29, 48, 122, 126, 129, 132, 133, 141, 148, 152, 172, 175, 187
787, 788, 798, 818, 821, 897
Database 133, 141
Jersey Equation 444
New AES 231
New Construction 897
New Custom 350
New earthinfo format 230
New estimate 783, 784
Qn+1 783
New FACT 211
New features 230
New File 141, 145
Blank Job 141
From Template 145
New File From Template 145
New File From Wizard 141
New FILTH options 214
New getcur 228, 229
New Hot-Restart 231
CDM 231
New Hot-Start File 564
New Jersey equation 444
New Menu 141
New Orleans 686
New pipe/channel lengths 572
New Project This icon 126
New Project Menu 188
New SEASON.DAT data file 246
New SEASON.DAT data file On 246
New value 539, 798
RHS 798
New York 686
NEW_ERINFO 226, 230
NEW_NL_97 226, 230, 232
NEW_NL_98 226, 230, 232
NEWAES-x 226, 230, 231
NEWAPPEND 226, 231
NEWBOUND 226, 231
NEWCONV 226, 231, 239
NEWEGG 216, 226, 231
NEWEIR 226, 230, 231, 234
NEWHOT 226, 231
NEWJTIME 226, 231
NEWNCRGH 226, 227, 231
NEWNL 226, 232, 249
NEWNLTRM 226, 230, 232
NEWNLTRM1 226, 230, 232
NEWOBBLE 226, 232
NEWOMEGA 226, 232, 239
xpswmm Reference Manual
NEWPUMP 226, 232, 241
NEWPUMP1 226, 232, 241
NEWRES 226, 232
NEWROUTE 219, 226, 232, 249
NEWSLOT 226, 233
NEWSUB 226, 233, 249
NEWSUB2 226, 233
Newton Raphson iteration 468
Next7, 11, 25, 95, 187, 221, 235, 282, 341, 354, 363, 367, 410, 420, 446, 476, 505, 520, 522, 523, 564, 568, 570, 681, 767, 778, 784, 785, 805, 815
Next prompted 282
name 282
NH3-N 660
NHR 566, 609, 616
Niemczynowicz 897
Nien-Sheng Hsu 805
Nix 763, 897
NKLASS 494, 510
NMN 566, 609, 616
NMY 746
No48, 108, 113, 132, 133, 152, 154, 160, 188, 190, 204, 208, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 228, 230, 234, 235, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 246, 2
608, 610, 612, 613, 615, 617, 631, 635, 638, 639,
641, 642, 651, 659, 664, 667, 669, 671, 672, 674,
689, 696, 725, 731, 738, 748, 758, 759, 762, 763,
764, 765, 767, 769, 772, 777, 789, 791, 795, 797,
798, 800, 805, 818, 821, 834, 897
Buildup 631
Echo 725
No Bare Same 467
No Action 160
No baseflow 617
No Bevels 800
No Buildup (JX - KALC \= 4) - 631
No Buildup (JX - KALC = 4) - 631
No checking 234
No Cover Factor P 639
No Echo - 725, 731, 738
No Effect 234
No gains to 278
No landuses 466
No layering 674
No modelling 772
No outgoing 260, 748
No stretch 764
NO_DT_CHANGE 226, 233
NO_GW_OUT 226, 233
NO_GW_SUM 226, 233
NO_IMPLICIT 103, 226, 233
NO_NEWEIR 226, 234
NO_QCHECK 226, 233
NO_WEIR_MOD 226, 236
NO2-N 660
NO3-N 660
NOAA Tech 897
NOAA Technical 897
NOAH_DRATIO 226, 233
NOAUSECHK 226, 234
NOCVEMC 226, 234, 256
NOD 140
Node153, 154, 156, 159, 175, 182, 184, 185, 192, 208, 209, 214, 215, 216, 217, 2
577, 606, 607, 611, 613, 627, 674, 676, 681, 683,
684, 688, 689, 690, 743, 748, 755, 756, 758, 759,
760, 761, 762, 769, 775
Label 184
Properties 775
Results 606
Save results 443
Surcharge Elevation 428
NODE 134 154
Node Used to 25
Node Color 387, 388
Node Colour 388, 389
NODE comand 155
Node containing 538
orifice 538
Node Data 183, 413, 500, 508, 532, 756, 758, 761
Node data missing 756, 758
Node Depth 209, 233, 416, 548, 689, 690, 795, 833
Node Display Attributes 185
Node Freeboard 362
Node Invert253, 413, 416, 428, 430, 432, 498, 538, 542, 690, 756, 759, 775, 791
Node invert corresponding 432
Node invert level to 690
Node Label 387, 388, 394
Node Label Size 387, 388, 392, 394
Node mh a5 836
Node Name 462, 476, 545
Node Name -147, 184, 277, 394, 446, 545, 547, 760, 815
NODE node_type node_name 154
Node or conduit 462
Drain 462
Node representing a 539, 793
Node Size 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 399
Node Surcharge Elevation 430
Node/link 263, 378
Node_command 154
Node_from 155
Node_from parameter 155
Node_name 154
Node_to 155
Node_to nodes 155
Node_to parameter 155
Node_type 154
shapes 154
Node_type link_name node_from node_to 155
Node_type node_name 154
Node02 843, 851
Results 843, 851
Node04 843
Node05 851
Node06 843
Nodes30, 103, 112, 114, 147, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162, 175, 1
links connecting 152
to locate 354
Nodes according 785
Nodes determines 541, 690
Nodes referencing 627
Nodes/links 378
NODETIM 206, 207, 226, 234, 248
NODOUBLE 226, 234, 249
NOFLAT 226, 234, 249
NOGRELEV 219, 226, 234, 248
NOKEYS 226, 234, 250
Nolte Method 455
NOMODNC 217, 226, 234
Nomograph 639
Nomographs 800
Non-CAD 51, 52
Noncircular 897
Non-convergence 618
Non-dimensional 638, 649
None12, 95, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 263, 415, 629, 631, 636, 637, 640, 655, 659, 756
NONEGRAT 226, 234
Non-linear208, 219, 220, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 248, 274, 442, 467, 468, 471, 504, 549, 772, 777, 798
Reservoir 467, 549, 772
Equation 767
Routing 549
Non-linear cascading reservoirs 224
Non-linear function 468
discharge 468
Non-linear Method/Rafts 442, 467
Non-Linearity 468
Exponent " 468
Non-pbsj conduits 235
Non-point Pollution Abatement Through Improved
Street Cleaning Practices 897
Demonstration 897
Nonpoint Source 897
Nonpoint Source Pollution 897
Environmental Impact 897
Non-point Sources 897
Non-Urban Land Surfaces 897
NOPLOAD 226, 235
NOPMPQOFF 226, 234
Nopoint 278
NOPONDCHK 226, 234
NOPUMPWT 226, 235
NOQALTER 226, 235
NOQEL 226, 235, 249
NOQMOD 226, 235
NOQUOTE 226, 235, 250
NORES 226, 235, 250
Normal188, 198, 213, 223, 224, 238, 240, 248, 353, 365, 383, 387, 402, 410, 416, 433, 434, 446, 476, 494, 497, 504, 541, 564, 569, 570, 571, 605,
Depth 497
Flow 787
parameter multiplies 605
Normal emc 224
NORMAL flow 570
Normal operating 541, 690
Normal run 564
Normal subcritical 240
Normal/Critical depth 435
Normalised 568, 797
contains 568
Normalised curves 797
Normalised hydraulic 797
Normally Bare467, 602, 603, 605, 667, 669, 671, 672, 756
Impervious Area 671
Normally Bare Impervious Area 605, 669, 671, 672, 756
Norris 897
North Pacific Division 897
Northern 605
Northwood Gaging Installation 897
NOSCOUR 226, 235
NOSLOT 226, 235
NOSQRT 226, 230, 235
NOSYF 226, 235, 250
NOSYQ 226, 236
NOSYR 226, 235
NOSYT 226, 236
NOT 204, 371, 834
NOT A 834
NOT use 535
NOT1 834
Notation 153, 755, 778, 783
NOTE 481
notepad.exe 103, 110, 284
NOTES 183, 800
Notes Menu 183
November 229
NOVOMEGA 226, 236
Novotny 897
Now nokeys 234
NOZCONT 226, 236, 248
NOZCONT1 209, 226, 236, 248
Nscrat 242, 260
NSTART 575, 576
NSTL Station 897
NSW 446, 448, 476, 479, 815, 821
NSW3200F 725, 731, 737
NTIDE 433, 436, 437
NTIS PB-236152 897
NTIS PB84-198431 897
NTIS PB-151660 897
NTIS PB-184701 897
NTIS PB-19528l 897
NTIS PB-203289 897
NTIS PB-203290 897
NTIS PB-203291 897
NTIS PB-203292 897
NTIS PB-213118 897
NTIS PB-214408 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
NTIS PB-223964 897
NTIS PB-224677 897
NTIS PB-234312 897
NTIS PB-235771 897
NTIS PB-241689 897
NTIS PB-242001 897
NTIS PB-242290 897
NTIS PB-245854 897
NTIS PB-253325 897
NTIS PB-253410 897
NTIS PB-257142 897
NTIS PB-257809 897
NTIS PB-258074 897
NTIS PB-259597 897
NTIS PB-259916 897
NTIS PB-265321 897
NTIS PB-265671 897
NTIS PB-266005 897
NTIS PB-266359 897
NTIS PB-270092 897
NTIS PB-270212 897
NTIS PB-272107 897
NTIS PB-275264 897
NTIS PB-276585 897
NTIS PB-279248 897
NTIS PB-281006 897
NTIS PB-291936 897
NTIS PB80 897
NTIS PB80-105663 897
NTIS PB80-108988 897
NTIS PB80-118524 897
NTIS PB80-134406 897
NTIS PB80-177876 897
NTIS PB80-190507 897
NTIS PB82 897
NTIS PB83-223321 897
NTIS PB84-185552 897
NTIS PB84-198423 897
NTIS PB85-186500 897
NTIS PB86-136041/AS 897
NTIS PB87-117438/AS 897
Number12, 49, 95, 103, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117, 132, 147, 151, 154, 159, 183, 197, 203, 206, 211, 220, 225, 229, 233, 235, 241, 242, 246, 247, 24
618, 627, 633, 655, 657, 658, 661, 662, 663, 664,
677, 679, 681, 684, 687, 696, 715, 716, 717, 719,
720, 722, 723, 725, 726, 727, 728, 732, 733, 734,
740, 741, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 755, 756,
758, 759, 761, 762, 767, 769, 771, 772, 773, 784,
785, 787, 798, 805, 815, 818, 834
Error reading 756
EXTRAN determines 571
intermediate files 365
of Header Lines 723, 728, 734, 741
summary lists 787
Number depending 471
Number of Barrels - 505
Number of Catchbasins (L1 - BASINS) - 466
Number of header lines - 723, 733, 740
Number of header lines - 727
Number of Iterations - 617
Number reading J4 lines 761
Number representing 661, 747
Numeric Precision 345, 351, 353
Nutrient Loading 897
Nutrients 897
NWS 717, 725, 732, 738, 766, 897
NWS HYDRO-17 897
NWS3200V 725, 731, 737
NY 897
NYRS 719
O 204, 236, 446, 476, 815
O Donnell 897
O Loughlin 483
O Shaughnessy 897
Object7, 10, 11, 14, 25, 27, 28, 29, 48, 49, 95, 103, 112, 113, 114, 117, 141, 147,
a group 10, 48
Icon 11
Moving 28
Oriented 10
precision state 344
selected group 48
Sizes 48
Object clipping 273
Object creation/manipulation 10
Object Drawing Tools 122
Object Filter - 378
Object Manipulation Icons 14
Object requiring 25
Object Selection 378
Object Selection - 177, 178
Object_name 156, 159
Object_name to 156
Objectives - 763, 765, 772, 773
Object-oriented 10
Objects belonging 263
Objects belonging to 263
Objects comprising 14
network 14
Objects including 410
Objects tracks 28
mouse 28
Observation Id 274
Observation Value 274
ODBC 163
ODBC database 163, 172
Of W50 Ahead 450, 478, 820
Tp 450, 478, 820
Of W75 Ahead 450, 478, 820
Tp 450, 478, 820
OFF103, 112, 113, 114, 115, 148, 214, 221, 224, 227, 241, 246, 420, 467, 541, 56
OFF fields 378
Office 897
Water Resources Research 897
Offline 759
Off-line 95, 433, 537, 539, 541, 542, 690
Pump 539
Off-line 789
Off-line 790
Wet Well 793
Off-line 793
Offline pump 759
Offline storage and/pr 831
Offsets 377
Spatial 377
Ogrosky 897
OH 897
Ohio Cleveland 686
OK12, 48, 148, 172, 198, 204, 348, 349, 350, 377, 382, 385, 443, 491, 496, 497, 629, 630, 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
OK/Apply Button 345, 350
Okun 897
Old 569
OLD_SHAPES 236, 237
OLDBGHRAD 236, 237
OLDBND 230, 236, 237
OLDBOUND1 236, 237
OLDECLOSS 206, 207
OLDECOSS 236, 238, 256
OLDEGG 206, 207, 216, 236, 238
Older xpswmm 238
OLDFLOOD 206, 207, 218, 236, 238
OLDGTCUR 206, 207, 227, 236, 238
OLDHEAD 206, 207, 236, 238, 249
OLDHOT 206, 207, 220, 236, 238
OLDHOT1 220, 236, 238
OLDHOT2 220, 236, 238
OLDLOSS 207, 236, 238, 249
OLDOMEGA 206, 236, 238, 249
OLDPWT 236, 238
OLDROUGH 227, 236, 238
OLDSCS 206, 207, 236, 238, 250
OLDSTNS 206, 207, 227, 236, 238
OLDSTORE 206, 207, 236, 238, 248
OLDTIME 206, 207, 217, 236, 239
OLDVOL 206, 207, 215, 236, 239
OLDVOL1 207, 215, 236, 239
OLDVOL2 215, 236, 239
OLE 349
Exporting 349
OLE Object Clipboard 349
Omega204, 208, 209, 218, 220, 221, 224, 231, 232, 235, 236, 238, 239, 243, 244, 245, 547, 565, 568, 569
Omega - 547
Omega during 245
Omega during iteration 218, 231
Omega options 239
Omega underrelaxation parameter 209
Omega weighting 239
ISOL 239
OMEGA-x 230, 236, 239
Omplete 764
ON103, 112, 113, 114, 115, 148, 187, 221, 562, 578, 597, 599, 601, 610, 612, 61
name 717, 726, 732, 739
ON enables 112, 113
On a 257
On Sedimentation 897
On/off 10, 54, 103, 541, 690
encoding 54
One-dimensional 570, 571, 777
On-line 609
Lift Station 539
ONLY 204, 535, 573, 781
Onstad 897
Ontario 897
Ontario Ministry 897
Environment 897
Ontario Research Program 897
Opaque 402
Open27, 47, 51, 95, 109, 112, 113, 126, 129, 131, 132, 140, 141, 163, 187, 188, 1
Channel 494
Open Conduit Data 526
Open Exclusive 163
Open Project This icon 126
Open Project Menu 188
Open-channels 494, 789, 897
Open-File Report 78-410 897
Open-High-Low-Close 353
Operation10, 25, 113, 132, 182, 183, 190, 200, 222, 260, 614, 763, 766, 771, 831
SWMM Mode 260
to affect 222
to describe 843
Operation Requirements 763
Operational & Maintenance 758
Operational Models 763, 764
Operations Research Models 897
Operator Relationship 834
Operator/Example Meaning 834
OPT_DB_KEY 103, 112
OPT_DB_MEM 103, 112, 114
OPT_FAST_DRAW 103, 113
xpswmm Reference Manual
OPT_PART_REC 103, 113
OPT_REDRAW 103, 113
OPTIMAL97 236, 239
Optimised 573
Option allows 113, 252, 597, 661
user 252
Option assumes 646
Option BMH_OPTION 210
Option causes 234, 720
Option CPOL?value 212
Option eliminates 664
Option For Small Catchments 805
Option implements a 570
Option PQ_LIM 234, 242
option supersedes 234
Option provides 596
Option removes 112
Option repeats 207
Option specifies 596
Option supersedes 234
option PQ_LIM 234
Options 428
Order 746
100 746
Ordon Curves 702
ORFLEN 236, 239
ORFULL 236, 239
Org 660
Orifice25, 222, 225, 239, 240, 253, 413, 433, 535, 537, 538, 539, 542, 543, 549, 551, 554, 568, 571, 572, 690, 756, 759, 767, 769, 773, 775, 777, 78
Area 538, 551
centreline 551
Control Structure 551
Discharge Coefficient 538
Height 551
Invert 537
node containing 538
Pipe 537
Orifice Area (F1 - AORIF) - 538
Orifice Area (G2 - SPILL) - 551
Orifice centreline depth 551
Orifice cross-sectional area 551
Orifice Discharge Coefficient (F1 - CORIF) - 538
Orifice Height 539, 551
Orifice Height (G2 - WELEV) - 551
Orifice Invert Level (F1 - ZP) - 538
Orifice Name 539
Orifice options 239
Orifice Time-History 538
Orifices -204, 790, 791, 793, 796, 798, 800, 831, 833, 834
Orifices and/or conduits 549, 554
Origin 47, 197, 467, 687, 764
Original 350
Original Button 350
pressing 350
Original Parameters 350
Original set 350
Orlando 897
ORSUBN 236, 240
Orthophosphorus 660
Osantowski 897
Oscillations208, 223, 504, 569, 617, 777, 795, 796, 797, 798, 851
to decrease 504, 569
Oscillations arising 569
Oscillations During 777, 797
Hydraulic Jump 777, 797
Oscillations During a Hydraulic Jump - 777, 797
Oscillations occurring 208
iterations 208
Other7, 11, 12, 51, 111, 112, 129, 147, 187, 192, 199, 209, 210, 213, 235, 259, 26
805, 820, 834, 897
Models 764
Other (J3 - NDIM = 2) - 658, 674
Other cfs*PUNIT 751, 752
Other (for future development) 548, 549
Other /litre 10^6 634, 635, 638
Other /litre 10^6/gramme 633
Other /litre PUNIT 751
Other /litre Quantity 750
Other /litre Quantity/hr 751, 752
Other Action 12
Other Biologically Active Substances 897
Other Contaminants 897
Other ft^3 633, 634, 635, 638
Other ft^3*PUNIT 750
Other layers 417
SWMM 417
Other Losses 505
Other Management Practices 897
Other Models 763, 764
Other Models - 764, 772
Other parts 672
Other programs 443, 489
Other PUNIT 751
Other Services 502
Ottawa 897
Otte 897
Out 140, 278
Catchment 672
Out of Catchment 672, 673
Out of Catchment (I2 - SFRAC4) - 672
Out02 851
Outfall25, 225, 244, 253, 274, 413, 433, 434, 435, 437, 440, 535, 542, 544, 614, 756, 759, 767, 769, 773, 775, 777, 789, 794, 795, 797
Structures 793
Weirs 542
Outfall Structures - 794
Outflow244, 413, 428, 468, 537, 542, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 608, 641, 644, 673, 690, 748, 758, 775, 789, 790, 793
Outflow - Power Equation 758
Outflow characteristics 549
a 549
Outflow during 608
Outo1 851
Output7, 129, 148, 150, 204, 208, 216, 219, 224, 225, 226, 232, 233, 235, 236, 241, 244, 250, 251, 253, 258, 260, 265, 273, 274, 278, 282, 284, 35
760, 765, 766, 767, 771, 773, 789, 805, 815, 819,
File 752
RAIN 260
SWMM 260
Interface File 260
SWMM File Flag 260
Units 746
Output containing 725, 731, 738
Output Control 150, 428, 561, 575
Output Control EXTRAN Job Control 575
Output enhancements 250
Output File 414
Output File -129, 208, 216, 219, 224, 225, 233, 235, 244, 251, 253, 260, 274, 278, 282, 415, 428, 436, 437, 444, 446, 448, 476, 479, 531, 562, 569,
statistics 752
Output file during 617
Output Files - 260
Output generated 607
Output takes 773
Output Units - 745, 758
OVER 223
Overbank 532
Overbanks 228, 534
Overbanks to 229
Overcash 897
Over-emphasised 685
Overflow Abatement Alternatives Selected 897
Overflows 897
Overland flow 647, 708
Overland Flow25, 223, 421, 445, 446, 463, 467, 468, 549, 608, 897
Overland flow routing 223, 608
Overton 897
Overview 765
Overview - 196, 765, 773, 897
Overwrite 141, 148, 188, 717, 726, 732, 739
Overwrite existing data 148
Oxon 897
P 204, 240, 638, 639, 660, 805
P.B. Harned 897
P.D. Chaplin 897
P.H. Costello 897
P.K. Bhargava 897
Page Setup 138
Palette 14, 25, 54, 117
Palo Alto 897
Pan 124
Pan Evaporation 612, 738, 897
Pan evaporation estimates to free-water-surface
evaporation 738
Pan tool 48
Panning 48, 192
Panning Around 48
Network 48
Pansic 773
Parabolic 526, 555
Parabolic Chanel 494
Parabolic Shape 494
Parameter assigns 646
Parameter Estimation 897
Parameter File 277, 278, 279
Parameter grouping 251
Parameter indicates 745
Parameter METRIC on data 803
Parameter Modification 713
Parameter multiplies 605
normal 605
Parameters7, 109, 147, 148, 150, 153, 155, 162, 187, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 21
638, 641, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 651,
652, 655, 656, 657, 658, 660, 661, 666, 667, 669,
672, 674, 681, 686, 687, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719,
720, 724, 725, 726, 729, 730, 731, 732, 735, 736,
738, 742, 743, 745, 746, 750, 753, 755, 756, 766,
767, 769, 772, 778, 781, 783, 789, 796, 798, 803,
805, 815, 820, 821, 831, 833, 834, 836, 843, 897
to write 278
Parameters Ct 450, 478, 805, 820
Parameters determine 725, 731, 738
Parameters differ 561
Parameters For Hydrograph Shaping 805
Parameters H_ELLIPSE 210
Parameters include 726
Parameters missing 756
Parametric-Deterministic Urban Watershed Model 897
Paris 897
Park 1.5 655
Parkinson 897
Parkland 681, 683
Area 683
Parkland Area - 681, 683
Partial Differential Equations 777, 778
Partial Differential Equations (PDE) - 778
Particle 241, 599, 613, 638, 674, 675, 676, 688, 758
Size 674
Distribution 674
Particle Size - 241, 599, 638, 674, 675, 676, 758
Particle Size Distribution 241, 599, 638, 674, 676, 758
xpswmm Reference Manual
Particle Size Ranges dialog data 758
Particles having a 674
Particulate Fractions 897
Chemical Composition 897
Particulate Organics 897
Particulates 897
Settling Characteristics 897
Paste 97, 182, 183, 349
Paste Data Menu 183
Pasting 97
Pasting objects 197
Path Names 109
Pathname 111
Help file 111
Patry 897
Paul 764
Paulhus 897
Pause 363, 367
Pavement Crossfalls 693
Paving 647
PB81-173858 897
Pbp 220, 242
Pbs 140, 220, 242
PBS_FILE 240, 242
Pbsj 217, 220, 240, 243
Pbt 140, 220, 242
PC 805
PCD 26
PCO 643, 645
PCU 658, 660, 674
PCX 26
PD 444
PDE 777, 778
Peak208, 221, 239, 420, 445, 446, 448, 471, 476, 479, 482, 496, 497, 549, 614, 616, 684, 687, 747, 749, 750, 751, 766, 789, 798, 805, 815, 821, 83
Concentration 752
Load 752
Rate Factor 471
Peak Concentration - 750, 751
Peak Contribution 684, 687
Peak Flow -239, 445, 446, 448, 476, 479, 496, 497, 616, 749, 789, 805, 815, 821
Peak Intensity - 747
Peak Load - 750, 751
Peaking Factor 221, 420
PEAKQTOT 230, 240
Pen Color Mapping 357
Pen Numbers 51, 356
Pentech Press 897
People/area 214
PERC 643
Percent Impervious - Portion 805
Percentage210, 421, 444, 446, 465, 466, 468, 600, 602, 605, 646, 657, 661, 674,
Area 466
data represents 676
Greater 675
Percentage Area (L1 - PLAND) - 466
Percentage Greater - 674, 676
Perform Synoptic Analysis 717, 718, 732, 739
Performance Stability Factors 569
Pergamon Press 897
Permanent Database 95
3.3 95
Permanent seedings 640
Permanent selected 347
Permeability 652
Permit Information Manual 897
PERN 468
Persons/acre 444
Perv 206, 207, 211, 240, 241, 250, 603
Pervious211, 241, 444, 445, 446, 467, 468, 471, 476, 481, 483, 602, 603, 605, 63
Area 444, 467, 670
Free Water 602
Depression Storage 647
Fraction 639
Pervious Area Free Water (C1 - FWFRAC2) - 602
Pervious CN 211, 241, 444
Pervious Depression Storage (H1 - WSTORE2) - 647
Pervious Manning 445, 468, 471
Pervious portion 647
Pervious Runoff C 474
PEST 234, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279
PEST ID 275, 277, 278
to place 275
PEST ID s 278
PEST ID s inserted 279
PEST writes 278
Pesticides 897
Pethick 897
Petryk 897
Pg 662, 664
Pg Down 443, 491
Pg Up 443, 491
PgDown 443
PgUp 443
pH 658, 660, 674
Ph.D. 897
Phase I - Characterization 897
Phase II 897
Phase III 897
Physical 7, 25, 374, 413, 445, 772, 775, 795, 831, 897
to describe 413
Physical Interpretation 897
Infiltration Capacity 897
Physical Principles 897
Water Perculation 897
Physics 897
PIC 25, 51
PIC format 49
Picture 12, 25, 26, 49, 51, 103, 114, 122, 198, 410
Re-Scaled 49
Picture Bounded 25
Picture File 26, 410
PID 831
PID control 851
Pilgrim 897
Pine Grade 360
Pipe25, 95, 148, 182, 204, 210, 213, 217, 222, 239, 240, 243, 253, 278, 360, 362, 413, 414, 434, 494, 496, 505, 508, 510, 537, 538, 542, 543, 565,
Design 497
Length 571
pipe characteristics 573
Roughness 571
Pipe Characteristics 571, 573
pipes 573
Pipe Data 360
Pipe Design 496
Pipe Extension Factor 505
Pipe Systems 897
Pisano 897
Pit 225, 354, 421, 630, 691, 777, 796
Losses 796
Pit Inlet 421
Pit or Junction Losses - 796
Pit Rating Curve 691
PITLOSS 206, 207, 240, 241, 249
Pitt 657, 897
PL 241
PL_DEF 49, 51
Plan Section 122, 372
Plan Section Shortcut 122
PLAND 465, 466
Planning 763, 764, 897
Mode 764
Models 763, 764
Planning Models - 764, 897
Plant151, 439, 611, 612, 614, 630, 642, 682, 684, 758, 773
Play 363, 365, 367, 851
PLEASE NOTE 836, 851
PLEN 685
Plot111, 140, 197, 215, 273, 274, 345, 351, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362, 363, 387, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 402, 413, 428, 535, 536
Direction 354
To Preview 354
What 273
Where 273
Plot Button 535
Plot Flow History - 536, 537
Plot Hyetographs 606, 607
Plot Hyetographs and Inlet Hydrographs (B2 - IPRN2)
- 607
Plot Parameters for Design Surface and Natural
Surface 361
Plot Parameters for HGL 361
Plot Parameters for Node Freeboard and Depth To
Invert 362
Plot Parameters for Pipe Inverts 362
Plot Parameters for Road Station and Station
(Chainage) 363
Plot Profile 354, 359, 363
Plot Setup 356
Plot Subscript to 354
Plot Water Levels - Hdr 428
PLOT_EXE 103, 111
Plots loadographs 767
Plotted ensuring 354, 363
Plotting Method 345, 351, 353, 354
Plotting Rule 897
Extreme Probability Paper 897
Plowing 602, 671, 672
Snow Depth 672
Plowing Snow Depth (I2 - WEPLOW) - 672
PLT 140
Plug Flow 758
PLUGINIT 240, 241, 256
PL-x 240, 241, 256
PM 211A 897
PMF 468
during 468
PNG 26
Point7, 10, 11, 25, 27, 48, 51, 95, 129, 156, 220, 225, 229, 238, 242, 246, 248, 26
Lognormality 897
Point Energy 897
Point Position 11
Point/Nopoint 278
Pointer 11, 12, 25, 27, 29, 117, 494
Click Position 11
Double-click Position 11
Drag Position 11
to position 12
Tool 27
Device 10
Points describing 436
Polar/Smith Chart Object 353
Pollutant148, 150, 151, 211, 212, 235, 258, 341, 417, 443, 465, 466, 467, 484, 48
Buildup 634
Concentration 636, 686, 687
Global Database 598, 599, 610, 748
in Stormwater 597
List 601
Name 687
Temporal Variation 676
Used in the Simulation 598
Washoff 637
xpswmm Reference Manual
Pollutant - 615, 682, 683
Pollutant Sanitary 629, 630
Pollutant Build-up Processes 897
Continuous Mass-Balance 897
Pollutant characteristics 769
Pollutant Concentration 687
Pollutant Concentration - 258, 636, 676, 682, 684, 687
Pollutant during conduit 674
Pollutant List211, 212, 562, 597, 598, 609, 610, 614, 615, 629, 658, 673, 677, 682, 683, 687, 748
Pollutant List (Sanitary Layer) 610
Pollutant Mass Loads 897
Comparison 897
Pollutant Name - 614, 687
Pollutant routing 610, 764, 765
Pollutant Scour 758
Pollutant Temporal Variation 677
Pollutant Temporal Variation - 676, 677
Pollutant/landuse 631
Pollutant-Landuse Data 630
Pollutant-Landuse Dialog 600
Pollutants characterised 674
Pollutants List - 417, 562, 578, 612
Pollutant-specific 673
Pollution 897
Significance 897
Pollution Attributable 897
Pollutograph 616
Pollutograph Input 150
Pollutographs 556, 764, 765, 766, 767
Polmann 897
Polygon Tool 117, 197
Polylink 25, 29, 410, 494
Ponding 413, 414, 415, 421, 428, 430, 769
Allowed 414
Area 573
depending 414
Ponding Allowed - 415
Ponding Area - 218, 415, 573
Ponding options 415
Population Density 444
Popup 354
Pop-up Menu 25, 26, 183, 365, 410
POP-UP MENUS 129, 410
POR 644
Porosity 642, 643, 644, 649, 669, 671, 761
Porosity (H3 - POR) - 644
Porous Media 897
Porson 897
Port Washington 897
Porting Mainframe-Based Numerical Models to
Microcomputers 897
Portion 805
Portland 547, 897
Portland Cement Association 897
Position Parameter 719, 745, 746
Position Parameter - 746
Positive Flow - This 787
Positive Integer 116
Possible Axis Range Control 348
Possible Axis Types 348
Post-processors 7
Potency Factor 597, 659
POW 635, 637, 638
Power206, 207, 227, 240, 241, 391, 393, 396, 400, 433, 526, 527, 528, 542, 555,
Function 433
Power (J2 - DDPOW) - 631
Power (JX - WASHPO) - 637, 638
Power function 433
Power Function Channel 527, 528
Power Function Channel (C1 - NKLASS\=7) 527
Power Function Channels 526
Power Function Storage 428, 433, 775
Power Linear Factor (J2 - DDFACT) - 631
Power Linear Function (J2 - METHOD = 0) - 631
Power-Linear 631, 634, 635, 656
Buildup 656
Factor 635
Formulations 634
Function 635
PQ_LIM 234, 242
value 234, 242
PR 643
Practice 897
A Manual 897
Practice FD-20 471
Manaual 471
Preceeding 385
Precipitation148, 235, 249, 260, 446, 448, 471, 476, 479, 481, 597, 602, 604, 605
Chemistry 897
Data 716
Interface File 715
Precipitation and/or runoff 607
Precipitation occurring 604, 686
PRECISE-x 230, 240, 241
Precision 241, 278, 344, 356, 383, 387
Precision state 344
object 344
Predicting Rainfall-Erosion Losses 897
Prediction 897
Dew 897
Preferences 387, 388, 389, 468
Preissmann 225, 235, 241, 257, 764, 788
Preliminary Planning 897
Control 897
Prentice-Hall 897
Preprocesses 573
Preprocesses n Only 571
Preprocesses 'n' Only (B2 - NEQUAL) - 573
Pre-RTC 833
Present 483
Prespecified 542, 793
Press Done 354
Pressing 349, 350
Export button 349
Export/Print button 349
Original Button 350
Pressure Change Coefficient 505
Pressure Slope 778
Preview button 354
PreviewPages 103
Previous48, 192, 200, 229, 230, 233, 234, 237, 243, 260, 275, 354, 363, 367, 389, 538, 541, 564, 567, 569, 570, 575, 643, 649, 661, 665, 687, 690,
Previous gauging 687
Previous Menu 200
Previous run 661
Runoff 661
Priessman 789
Priessmann Slot 788, 789
Priessmann slot allows 789
Primary Highways 672
Principles 897
Handbook 897
Print14, 129, 138, 148, 151, 216, 223, 231, 234, 235, 253, 283, 341, 349, 352, 353, 367, 402, 436, 437, 442, 444, 446, 448, 476, 479, 494, 526, 536
All Data and Summary 738
All Events 720
Channel Depths 555
Depths 551
Hydraulic Properties 618
Control 718, 729, 736, 742
Error Messages 618
Events 720
and Concentrations 446
Details 536
History 536
Inflows & Concentrations 550
Input Hydrographs and Pollutographs 556
Interval 617
Moments 748, 749, 751
Outflows & Concentrations 551
Output Hydrographs and Pollutographs 556
Results 341
Sequential Series 745
Summary Only 731, 738
Total Loads and Moments Only 618
Truncated Series 745
Print - 365, 367
Print all data and summary - 725, 731, 738
Print All Events - 744
Print Channel Depths - 556
Print Conduit Depths (M4 - MDEEP) - 551
Print Conduit Hydraulic Properties - 618
Print Control 536
Print Control -148, 151, 436, 437, 494, 536, 555, 576, 606, 609, 617, 716, 717, 71
Print Control (Runoff) 606
Print Control (Sanitary Layer) 617
Print Control (Storm Event Tables) - 720
Print Control (TRANSPORT) 617
Print Control Evaporation 738
Print Cycle 575
Starting Time Step 575
Print Cycle Interval 576
Print Cycle Interval entered 536
Print Daily 607
monthly and annual totals (B2 - IPRN3 = 2) - 607
Print Dialog 349
Print Error Messages - 618
Print Every 617, 618
Print Every 'x' Time Steps - 618
Print every 'x' time steps (M1 - INTERV > 0) - 607
Print Flow Details - 536
Print Flows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT) - 444
Print Inflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT) - 551
Print Input Hydrographs and Pollutographs - 555, 556
Print Moments - 748, 749, 751
Print Monthly and annual totals (B2 - IPRN3 = 1) - 607
Print Network 138
Print Outflows and Concentrations (M3 - IPRNT) - 551
Print Output Hydrographs and Pollutographs - 555, 556
Print Periods 606, 607
General Results 606
Print Periods Entered 758
Print Preview 129, 138
Print Sequential Series - 743, 744, 745
Print Setup 129
Print Storm Event Summary - 716, 719
Print Summary at end of Simulation (B2 - IPRN3 = 0)
- 607
Print Summary only - 725, 731, 738
Print Total Loads and Moments Only - 618
Print Truncated Series - 745
Print warning 235
Print 'x' events - 744
Printed during 576, 767
simulation 576, 767
Printed indicating 614
Printer 349, 352, 607, 748, 749, 751
Printer Destination 349
Printing Office 897
Probability Model 897
Stream Quality Due 897
Problems 897
An Evaluation 897
Proc 897
Proceedings 897
Engineering Foundation Conference 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Second International Conference 897
Proceedings International Workshop 897
Proceedings ASCE 897
Proceedings International Conference 897
Proceedings International Conference on Urban 897
Proceedings International Symposium on Urban 897
Proceedings National Symposium on Urban
Hydrology 897
Proceedings Soil Science 897
America 897
Proceedings Symposium on Atmospheric
Contribution to 897
Process Classification 897
Effluents 897
Process Flow 150, 681, 682, 758, 762
Profile Plot 27, 283, 354, 359
Program 103, 897
Program Listing 764, 897
Program Operation Requirements 771
Programmer s Guide 897
Project 187, 190
Project Details 190
Project Icons 126
Project Menu 187, 408
Projects 103, 115, 126, 187
Properties 133, 775, 897
Nodes 775
Unsaturated Porous Media 897
Proportional 831
utilizing 831
Proportional Loss 652
Proportional Loss rate 651
Pseudo-EBNF notation 153
PSHED 465, 466, 654
PSHEDO 636, 637
PST 605
Public Roads 800
Bureau 800
Public Works Research Institute 897
Publication UKY BU109 897
Publisher CHI Guelph Ontario Canada 471
Pull-down menus 11
Pump25, 157, 204, 209, 217, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 382, 385, 413, 415, 433, 439, 535, 537, 539, 540, 541, 54
Curve 539
Flag 557
Hydraulics Layer 539
Rate 2 (Q2) 557
Station 539, 793
to turn 209
Pump On Elevation 833
Pump - Static Head 541
Pump corresponds 793
Pump exceeds 557
Pump Factor 540
Pump Factor^2 540
Pump Flag - 554
Pump Flow Rate 689, 690, 833, 834
Pump operating curve 541, 690, 767
Pump operating data 851
Pump options (after 1995). 241
Pump Param 157
Pump Rate 1 (Q1) - 557
Pump Rate 2 (Q2) - 557
Pump Rated 539
Pump Rated By 539
Pump Rated By - 539
Pump Rated By Static Head 539
Pump Rating Curves 540, 630
Pump Ratings 157, 630
Pump Ratings None Required 629
Pump s operating 541, 690
Pump Speed Factor - 540
Pump Starts (Elevation) - 541
Pump Stations - 537, 539, 542, 690, 790, 793
Pump Stops (Elevation) - 541
Pump Type - 539, 540, 547
Pump Type (Rating Curve) - 540
Pump type/rating curve 689
PUMP_OFF 240, 242
Pump01 851
Results 851
PUMP4 240, 241
PUMPBEG 209, 240, 242
PUMPEND 209, 240, 242
PUMPHEAD 209, 240, 242
value 242
PUMPIQ-x 240, 242
value 242
PUMPITER-x 240, 242
PUMPMEAN 220, 240, 242
PUMPMID 209, 240, 242
PUMPOMEGA 217, 240, 243
Pumps according 539, 541, 690
PUMPTST 240, 241, 243
PUMPWT 209, 240, 241, 243
PUNIT 658, 674, 750, 751, 752
Purdue University 897
Purdue University Water Resources Research Center
Technical 897
PZ 646
PZERO 240, 243
Q 204, 225, 232, 236, 243, 420, 468, 481, 505, 551,
552, 553, 556, 769, 775, 781, 782, 783, 795, 798,
800, 805
a function 468
Q*Number 505
Q/x 798
Q/AD0.5 800
Q^2/A 233
Q_TOL 103, 243
Q_TOL-x 243
QgAn+1/2 781
Q1 468, 557, 634, 635, 638
Depth 557
Q1/cumec^POW 638
Q1/hectare 634
Q1/hectare/day^POW 635
Q2 468, 557
Depth 557
Q2/A 782
QCOMPARE 243, 250
Qf 778
QFACT1 633, 634
QFACT2 635
QFACT3 635
Qin 231
juntime 231
QINF 684
Qn 232, 256, 783
Qn+1 232, 256, 783, 798
new estimate 783
Qn+1/2 783
Qn+1/2|/Qn+1 783
Qn-1 232, 256
Qnew 567
QNORM 206, 207, 223, 243, 787
Qo 790
Qold 567
Qout 775
Qp 471, 482
QQS 897
QREF 568, 569, 783
QSMALL 243, 249
Qt 781, 782
Qt - gkDt|Vt|Qt 781
Qt+Dt 781, 782
Quality203, 353, 597, 630, 661, 681, 715, 743, 748, 761, 763, 764, 765, 767, 772, 897
Statistical Analyses 715
Quality Enhancement Technology 897
Quality Management By Real-Time Control 897
Quality modelling 764, 897
Urban Stormwater Management 897
Quantities tp 482
Quantity482, 602, 603, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 658, 661, 674, 715, 743, 750, 751, 752, 763, 764, 765, 767, 772, 778, 897
Quantity PSHED0 636
Quantity/hr 751, 752
Quantity-Quality Simulation 897
Quebec 897
Quick 897
Quick Data View 193
Quick HEC-12 421
utilizing 421
Quit Menu 141
QW 791
Qweir 791
R 204, 243, 446, 476, 481, 543, 615, 629, 630, 639,
781, 782, 787, 790, 791, 805, 815
R.A. Mattraw 897
R.B. Cohen 897
R.B. Vandergrift 897
R.C. Imhoff 897
R.C. Metzger 897
R.E. Hammond 897
R.H. Cohn 897
R.H. Hurst 897
R.K. Jr 897
R.K. Kohler 897
R.L. 506, 509, 510, 527, 528, 532
R.P. Feldman 897
R_WSTOR1 103
R_WSTOR2 103
R1 542, 793
R2 Y1 Y 793
R2 V1 V 793
R3 Y2 Y 793
R3 V2 V 793
R4/3 781
Radians/hr 435
Radians/W 795
Radio Button12, 13, 99, 178, 203, 278, 354, 363, 402, 496, 497, 498
RADISH 243, 244, 249
Radius/hr 795
Raf-Hydsys format 443, 489
RAFTS 210, 221, 243, 244, 445, 468, 471
Rain221, 247, 249, 260, 604, 607, 660, 661, 663, 664, 665, 666, 715, 717, 720, 74
Block 765, 766
cause 717
File 260, 660, 743, 746
Input File 753
Output File 716
Output File
Append 717
Replace 717
runs 720
Utility 715
Rain (E3 - REIN2) - 665
xpswmm Reference Manual
Rain Block - 715, 765, 766, 767
RAIN File 260
Rain Gauge 665, 666
Rain Gauge data 666
RAIN Interface file (H1 - JK < 0) - 661
RAIN Interface Output File - 715, 717
RAIN Module 223
Rainfall443, 445, 461, 463, 468, 471, 476, 481, 482, 483, 489, 579, 581, 596, 599, 601, 608, 629, 630, 636, 639, 648, 649, 651, 660, 661, 662, 663,
Durations 445
Events 720
Global Database 468
Intensity 648
Multiplier 722, 724
Reference 468
Station 748
Statistical Options 746
Unit 721
User Defined 666
utilises 481
Utility 661, 746
Variables 723
Rainfall -148, 208, 221, 223, 230, 231, 245, 246, 252, 259, 260, 446, 665, 667, 686, 696, 715, 716, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 732, 743
Rainfall (E3 - RAIN) - 663, 665
Rainfall Analysis Options 746
Rainfall and/or snowmelt 596
Rainfall block 230
SWMM 230
Rainfall depths/volumes 720
Rainfall during 744
Rainfall Energy 897
Rainfall factor 639
Rainfall Gauges 769
Rainfall gauges to 660
Rainfall intensity-duration 805
Rainfall Loss Adjustment Factors Entered 805
Rainfall Multiplier - 721, 722
Rainfall odf 482
Rainfall Reference 463
Rainfall Reference (H1 - JK) - 463
Rainfall Station - 231, 746, 747, 756
Rainfall Statistical Options - 747
Rainfall Unit - 722
Rainfall Utility 252, 715
Rainfall values 720
Rainfall Variables - 723
Rainfall/runoff 764
Rainfall/runoff data 468, 805
Rainfall/runoff events 468
Rainfall/runoff simulation 715
Rainfall/Runoff/Water Quality 203
Rainfall-runoff 764, 805
Rainfall-Runoff Modeling 897
Flow 897
Rainfall-Runoff Processes Over Urban Surfaces 897
Rainwater Infiltration 686
Raise Inverts by 266
Raise Inverts by - 266
Ram Disk 95
Randall 897
Range dialog data 758
Rank 719, 746
event 719, 746
Rank of Event 719, 746
Rapid Fractionation 897
Rate417, 420, 439, 440, 468, 471, 476, 539, 540, 541, 542, 546, 557, 577, 581, 5
Rate -214, 242, 446, 684, 685, 690, 696, 766, 767, 772, 793, 805, 815, 819, 831,
Rate according 541, 690
Rate Correction Factor 805
Rate corresponding 439
Rate In 446, 476, 815
Rate R1 542
Rate Rl 690, 793
Rates Based 805
Rational Method 805
Rating Curve234, 244, 253, 257, 421, 433, 440, 531, 540, 541, 542, 544, 548, 597
Equation 638
RATIO TO 1-Hour 805
Rational 481, 805
Rational Formula442, 446, 467, 474, 476, 480, 481, 696, 697, 699, 700, 701, 704
Rational Formula Job Control 579
Rational Method 805, 897
Rates Based 805
Some Notes 897
Rational Method Options 805
Rational Systems DOS/16M Extended Memory
Manager 771
Rawls 897
RCOEF 636, 637, 638
RCOEFF 636, 637
RCOUT 216, 243, 244
RCTOL-x 243, 244
Rdelt 251
RDEP 254
RDF 140
RDII 463, 709
Re /Rt 805
REACH 217, 243, 244
Read Only 163
Reading 237, 762
E4 762
GR 762
hot_restart file 237
Reading Interface File 803
Real Time Control 202, 203, 544, 713, 831, 833
17.1 Introduction 831
Real Time Control Properties 833
Real World7, 47, 48, 154, 377, 378, 390, 392, 395, 399, 402
Units 48
Real world coordinate value 154
Real World Coordinates 154, 377, 378
Real World Extents The 52
Realise 767
Real-Time control 831
Reasonable 95, 113, 274, 604, 756, 783
Range 756
Checking 95
Reasonable engineering limits 274
Reasonable Range 95
Reasonable results 604
natural 604
Reasonable value 783
Reasoning System 7
Rebound Factor 545
Rebound Factor - 545
REC 277
Receiv 765
Receive237, 413, 421, 434, 437, 542, 544, 644, 645, 671, 764, 765, 767, 773, 793, 794, 795, 897
Receiving Water437, 644, 645, 764, 765, 767, 773, 794, 795, 897
Models 764
Quality 767
Simulation 767
Receiving Water Block 765
Receiving Water Model 764
Receiving Water Response 897
Recent Files 103, 109, 129, 140
Recharge 600, 645, 659
Concentration 659
Time 600
Recharge Time (J1 - DRYBSN) - 600
Recieving 767
Recognised 725, 731, 762
Recommendations 764
Reconnecting 28
Record Name 157, 627, 628, 630
List 628
Record Name - 628
Record Name List 628
Record name listbox 627
Record Set B1 579, 818
Record Set B2 579, 818
Record to AVI 140
Rectangular12, 132, 209, 211, 225, 353, 402, 445, 467, 468, 494, 496, 505, 507, 510, 537, 552, 554, 568, 614, 767, 773, 775, 789, 790, 791, 800
Round bottom 494
Triangular bottom 494
Rectangular - Round bottom 494, 510, 519
Rectangular - Triangular bottom 494, 510, 520
Rectangular Top Bevel 800
Rectangular Weir (G2 - WTYPE = 0) - 552
Rectangular-Round bottom 519
Rectangular-rounded 510
Rectangular-triangular 510
Rectangular-Triangular bottom 520
Redfern 897
Redirected Surface 463
REDO 564
Redraw 197
Redraw Menu 113, 197
Redrawing 377, 378
Reduced Level 506, 509
Reducing 897
Cost 897
REFF 657
Regarding 365, 383, 387, 402
birmap 383, 387, 402
bitmap 365
Regenerate 124
Regenerate View 197
Regeneration 113, 576, 577, 596
Horton Infiltration Capacity 576, 577
of Horton Infiltration Capacity 577
Regeneration of Horton Infiltration Capacity - 576, 577
Regional Hydrology Methods 811
Regional Residuals 897
Regression 444, 468, 686, 897
Analysis 468
Equation 468
Regular 248, 505, 507
Regular Closed Conduits (Circular) 505
Regular Closed Conduits (Rectangular) 507
Regulator Link 544
Regulator Link/Inflatable Weir 544, 545
REIN1 665
REIN2 665
Relative Snow Depth - 603
Remote Node 544
Removal140, 151, 600, 609, 614, 615, 655, 656, 657, 671, 672, 758, 769, 897
Fraction 615
to calculate 656
to confirm 140
Removal Equation Variables 614, 758
Removal Fraction - 614, 615
Remove Stored Views 200
Rename 402, 579, 627, 628, 630, 818
Button 630
Rename 579
Rename 818
Rename Record - 627, 630
Rename Will 627
Replace Current Mode Objects 263
Replace Current Mode Objects - 263
Replaces 789
Report7, 110, 122, 160, 178, 183, 233, 235, 240, 274, 282, 374, 377, 378, 379, 38
File 720, 725, 731, 738
Non-Convergence 570
Report EPA/600/3-85-077 897
Report File -160, 716, 717, 718, 720, 729, 735, 736, 742, 744, 753, 760
Report file containing 160
xpswmm Reference Manual
Report Generation 233
Report Label Definiion 359
Report Menu 378
Report Non-Convergence - 568, 570
Report o5tput 729
Report Series A 897
Report Successful 160
Report UKY BU131 897
Reports 378
Reports Shortcut 122
Represent 49
centre 49
RES 140
RES file 232, 233
RES file forHydraulics 232
Rescale 197
Re-scale 11, 49, 192, 197
Re-scale 494
Rescaled 49
size 49
Rescaling 197
Research 483, 897
Journal 897
Ross 483
Reservoir224, 244, 467, 481, 549, 597, 602, 605, 645, 767, 772, 773, 789
Residential 381, 632, 655, 676, 681, 682, 758, 897
Residual 243, 244, 256, 684, 687, 758, 897
Moisture 687
Peak Contribution 686
Residual Flow 244, 758
Residual Moisture Peak Contribution (RSMAX) - 687
Resize 430
Re-sizing 48
Resources 897
Future 897
Restore 103, 113, 387, 389
Restore View 200
Restrepo-Posada 897
Results 415, 843, 851, 897
Gate 01 843
Gate01 843
L3 851
Nationwide Urban 897
node02 843, 851
Pump01 851
Results Categories 341
Results menu 122, 129, 363, 415
Retarding 203
basin/BMP 203
Return Period437, 581, 661, 716, 718, 719, 720, 743, 744, 746, 766, 788, 805, 819
Units 746
Return Period -719, 720, 743, 744, 745, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753
Return Period Units - 746
Reverse Flow 257, 542, 543, 544
Reverse Flow Eliminated using 544
Reverse Flow Eliminated using Flap Gate (G1 -
KWEIR) - 544
Revert 95, 129, 132, 133
Revert Menu 133
Review250, 442, 443, 446, 476, 536, 550, 555, 561, 562, 576, 577, 609, 613, 815
Save ALL Results 562, 577, 609, 613
Save Results442, 443, 446, 476, 536, 550, 555, 561, 576, 815
Review flag 443, 550
Save ALL Results 443, 550
Review Icons 14, 122
Review Results122, 225, 283, 341, 352, 353, 446, 476, 537, 815
Review Results graphing tool 235, 236
Review Results menu 341
Review Results Options 344, 351
Review Results Shortcut 122
Review Results time 244
Revised 805
Urban 805
Rewind 363, 367
Rf 787, 788
Rf/Af 787
Rh Yh-1 690
RHS 798
new values 798
RHSn 798
RHSn+1 798
Ri Yi 690
Richardson 672, 897
Rickert 897
Right 51
Right Bank Only 534
Right Bank Reduction 534
Right Conveyance Reduction 534
Right Mouse Button 341
Right Overbank 528, 532
Right Overbank Manning's 'n' 532
Right-hand-side 527
RIN file 252
Rinfil 684, 686
RISAVE to 243
Riz 140, 220, 242
Riz file 220
Riz file data 220
RL 541, 543, 690
RL 2.00m 851
RL1 542, 543
RL2 542, 544
RN 686
RNF 160, 203, 341
RNM 602, 605
Road Classification Start Plowing on Pavement 672
Road Research Laboratory 483
Road Station 363
ROADFLOW 243, 244, 249
Roadway Salting 672
Robinson 897
Rocky Mountains 897
Cropland East 897
Roesner 764, 767, 769, 897
Roessert s Handbook 791
Hydraulics 791
ROH 581, 819
Rooftops 444
Rooftops draining 444
ROPT 761
Ross 483
research 483
ROUGH 103, 159, 254, 499
Roughness 505, 507, 775, 897
Roughness Categories 708
Roughness Changes 503
Roughness Coeficients 90
Rougnness 159
Routing 897
Details 566
Method 468, 570
Routing Control 561, 568, 615
Routing Details 617
Routing Details - 617
Routing Method 461, 467, 471, 568, 570
Routing Method - 570
Row 897
RPT 140
RRAT 254
RSC 110
RSMax 684, 687
Rt 805
RTC 203, 713, 831, 833, 834, 836, 843, 851
RTC Directly using Diameter 843
RTC Directly Using Flow 836
RTC Element Gate01 843
RTC Element Gate02 843
Run 12, 190, 712, 715, 720
RAIN 720
Run - This button 715
Run button 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
hit 715, 724, 730, 736, 743
Run Hydrology/Hyraulics Simutaneously 563
Run Time Graphing 712
Run Utility 715
Runoff147, 148, 202, 203, 204, 208, 216, 220, 224, 227, 231, 235, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 275, 277, 341, 354, 356,
686, 715, 717, 724, 725, 726, 730, 732, 736, 738,
739, 746, 748, 755, 756, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765,
766, 767, 772, 773, 790, 791, 795, 805, 815, 821,
Block147, 717, 724, 725, 726, 730, 732, 736, 738, 739, 746, 765, 766, 767
Define Print Periods 607
End Date 607
General Results 607
Input 715
Mode 260, 261, 262
Interface Files 259
Module 260, 261, 661
Orifice 551
Plot Hyetographs and Inlet Hydrographs 607
previous run 661
Print Control 537
Save ALL Results for Review 577
Set of Objects 263
Special Link 549
to beginning 471
Volume 445
Water Quality 597
Weir 552
Runoff Pollution 897
Runoff Quality-Impact 897
Runoff Block717, 725, 732, 746, 765, 766, 767, 773, 795, 805
snowmelt 766
Runoff channel/pipes 767
Runoff Coefficient 474
Runoff Coefficient 1977 702
Runoff Coefficient 1987 704
Runoff Coefficient Alameda County 705
Runoff Coefficient Curve Number 474
Runoff Coefficient Direct Input 705
Runoff Due to Moving Rainstorms 897
Runoff estimating 483
Runoff Evaluation 897
Runoff following 605
Runoff From 897
Runoff From Selected Agricultural 897
Runoff hydrographs 795
Runoff Import - 148
Runoff Layer 216, 220, 231, 277, 536, 549
XP-SWMM2000 216, 220, 231
Runoff Layer Errors 756
Runoff Layer Warnings 761
Runoff Mode 203, 259, 261, 755, 756, 761, 762
Runoff Mode - 258, 259, 260
Runoff Mode Import Errors 761
Runoff Mode Import Warnings 762
Runoff Mode Interface Files 258
Runoff Mode Warnings 761
Runoff Model 897
DATA 549
Runoff Orifice Diversions 551
Runoff Print Control 148, 550
Runoff quantity/quality 763
Runoff routing 646
Runoff run 260
Runoff Weir Diversions 552
xpswmm Reference Manual
Runoff/Infiltration 591, 826
Run-on 463
Ryan-McFarland Professional Fortran 771
S 156, 183, 204, 244, 246, 274, 277, 278, 444, 468,
471, 543, 575, 579, 608, 630, 647, 651, 790, 791,
800, 805, 818
S Culvert 800
S.J. Dickinson 897
S.R. Weidner 897
S.S. Engineering Hydrology 897
S.Y. Nebgen 897
S+1 471
S1 468
S2 468
Substituting 468
Sacramento Method 454
Sacramento County Method 456
Sacramento Hydrology 582
Sacramento Method Nolte curves 828
SAMOMEGA 239, 244, 245
SAN 203, 341
San Francisco 764, 897
City 764
San Francisco Bay 764
a model 764
San Francisco Model 764
called 764
Sandy Clay Loam 649
Sandy Loam 642, 649
Sanitary202, 236, 260, 262, 341, 354, 356, 363, 561, 609, 629, 673, 677, 897
Construction 897
Sanitary Engineering 897
Sanitary Engineering Division 897
Journal 897
Sanitary Layer160, 218, 237, 245, 252, 259, 493, 536, 554, 555, 556, 557, 562, 578, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 615, 616, 617, 630, 673, 674, 688, 75
Sanitary layer maintains 674
Sanitary layer provides 259
Sanitary Layer Pump 557
Sanitary layer utilises 674
Sanitary Layer Warnings 761
Sanitary Layer Weir 556
Sanitary Mode 259
Sanitary Mode Interface Files 258
Sanitary modes 258, 259, 261, 262, 673
Sanitary Print Control 555
Sanitary Review 251
Allows 251
Sanitary Sewer System Design 897
Sanitary Systems 417
Sanitary Wastewaters 897
SANQMULT 244, 245
Santa Barbara County Flood Control 481
Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph245, 442, 467, 480, 481
Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Procedure 481
Sartor 897
Saturated 641, 643, 644, 645, 648, 649, 651, 652, 767
Hydraulic Conductivity 643, 649
Zone Lumped Storage 641
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (H1 - HYDCON) - 649
Saturated zone 641, 645
Save95, 103, 112, 113, 129, 132, 133, 141, 148, 187, 190, 208, 216, 224, 233, 24
ALL Results for Review 443, 550, 613
Changes 132
Object Modes 263
Results for Review 444, 551
Storm Event Summary 720
Save ALL Results 443, 550, 562, 577, 609, 613
Review 562, 577, 609, 613
Review flag 443, 550
Save ALL Results for Review - 562, 577, 613
Save As 129, 133, 187, 190
Save As Menu 133
Save As Project Menu 190
Save As Template 133
Save Menu 133
Save Object Modes - 263
Save Overflow Results 413, 428
Save Project 190
Save Project Menu 190
Save Report 377, 378
Save Results442, 443, 446, 476, 536, 550, 555, 561, 576, 815
conduit 550
node 443
Review442, 443, 446, 476, 536, 550, 555, 561, 576, 815
Save Results for Review - 443, 550
Save Storm Event Summary 718, 719
Save View 200
SBUH 244, 245, 249, 444, 481
Sc 468, 781
Sc Expansion/Contraction Loss Slope 778
Sc-0.50 468
Scale14, 48, 49, 51, 141, 192, 196, 197, 198, 200, 354, 363, 365, 367, 377, 378, 3
to manage 363
Scale affects 377
Scaleable 348
Scaling Tools 117
Scenario Manager 119
SCF 602, 604
Schaake 897
Scheckenberger 897
Schilfgaarde 897
Schilling 764
Scholl 897
Scour 897
Scour/Deposition 235, 608, 613, 673, 674
Scour/deposition relates 674
Scour/deposition Shield s 235
Scour-deposition 674
SCR 140
Screen7, 10, 25, 26, 47, 48, 113, 154, 155, 184, 192, 197, 198, 354, 367, 377, 378, 402, 570, 718, 755, 758, 763, 766, 767, 897
centre 48, 198
Screen during 767
simulation 767
Screen Process dialog data 758
Screen Process Removals dialog data 758
Screen Unit Costs 758
Screening 766
Models 763
Screening Models 763
Screening Models - 763
Screening Procedures 897
Scroll192, 198, 347, 367, 389, 392, 394, 396, 398, 399, 443
Bars 10, 48, 192
Scroll Position 367
Scrollable list 628, 630
Scrolling Subsets 347
SCS 246, 444, 471, 769
SCS continuous hyetograph 245
SCS Curve Number 653
SCS Curvilinear Hydrograph 227, 245, 247
SCS Hydrology 211, 241, 245, 246, 467, 468, 471
SCS hyrology 211
SCS National Engineering Handbook 471, 897
SCS Unit Hydrograph Method 442, 467
SCSCONT 238, 244, 245, 250
SCSFIX 244, 245
SCSTB 238, 244, 246, 250
SCSVAL-x 244, 246
SDTYPO 244, 246
Se 781
Se Entrance/Exit 778
Sealed 414
Search 408
SEASON 244, 246
Seasonal data file enhancements 246
Seattle 764
Second 805
2-year 805
Second Edition 897
Second International Conference 897
Proceedings 897
Second International Conference on Urban 897
Secondary Effluent 897
Secondary Roads 672
Section 156, 433, 504, 531, 533, 535, 609
SECTION 10 202
SECTION 11 202
SECTION 12 265
SECTION 13 282
SECTION 14 202, 778
SECTION 15 897
Section 2.11 354
Section 2.12 354
Section 2.5 354, 363
more 354, 363
Section 4 471
Section Coordinates 528, 531, 532
Sediment 897
Sediment Control 897
Sediment Depth 505, 674
Sediment Retention Basins 897
Sediment Transport 897
Sediment Transport Technology 897
Sedimentation 897
Sedimentation Engineering 897
Sediment-Pollutant Relationships 897
See Also 153, 258
See Also Icons 117
See Also Project Menu 126
See Section 183, 805
See SECTION 13 756, 760, 761, 762
See Sections 8 183
See Sobinoff 468
See Tony 274
Seeking 569
behaviour 569
Seepage 897
Event Summary File 719
File 487, 491, 717, 725, 726, 732, 738, 739
Pollutants 750, 751
Select Data Source 163, 172
Select Field 160
Select File -443, 488, 489, 491, 715, 717, 724, 725, 730, 732, 736, 738
Select Global Database Record 627
Select Move 11
Select Objects 27, 183, 198, 263
Select Pollutants 748
Select Record 627
Select Review Results 341
Select Setup 354
Select Will 627
Selected according 565
Selected Florida Soils 897
Selected group 48
objects 48
Selected results 387, 446, 476, 815
Selecting Notes 183
Selection 897
Historic 897
Selection Only - 178
Semi Circular 517
Semi-circular 494, 510, 775
Semi-elliptic 494, 510, 515, 775
xpswmm Reference Manual
Seminar 897
Seminar Publication 897
SENSE-x 230, 244, 246
SENSIMP1 230, 244, 246
SENSIMP2 230, 244, 246
SENSIMP3 230, 244, 246
Sensor Node02 843, 851
Sensor Node05 851
Sensor Node06 843
Sensor Properties 834
SENSWIDE 230, 244, 246
Senturk 897
Separate hydrographs 483
September 245
Seq 897
Sequential Series 743, 744, 745, 753
Set27, 28, 48, 113, 114, 115, 162, 175, 187, 190, 192, 197, 203, 204, 210, 212, 213, 245, 246, 249, 257, 261, 263, 274, 275, 278, 348, 350, 352, 35
795, 796, 798, 805, 818, 836, 843, 851
of Objects in Current Mode 263
Set equal 572
Set equal to 785
Set Max 348
Set Min 348
Set of Highlighted Objects - 263
Set of Objects in Current Mode - 263
Set Scale Menu 197
Set SDIFF 246
Setting Default Lables 29
Settling Characteristics 897
Particulates 897
Settling Tanks 897
Settling Velocities 758, 897
Subroutine 897
Sewage 897
Sewage Flow Variations 897
Sewer150, 203, 261, 413, 542, 609, 613, 629, 630, 674, 676, 684, 685, 686, 690, 758, 763, 764, 765, 767, 772, 773, 775, 777, 785, 788, 789, 793, 7
Dry Weather Flow 630
Infiltration 610, 630
Loading 203, 261
Overflow 764
Treatment 203
Sewer DWF Sanitary 629, 630
Sewer Infiltration - 609, 613, 629, 630, 684, 758
Sewer Infiltration Sanitary 629, 630
Sewer Inputs 758
Sewer System Evaluation 897
Sewerage Cleaning 897
Sewered Catchments 897
Sf 778, 782, 798
Sf Friction 778
SFRAC1 673
SFRAC2 673
SFRAC4 672
SFRAC5 672
SH 630
Shadow Color 348
Shaheen 897
Shallow Flow 897
Shallow Water Equations 777
Shape 154
node_type 154
Shape Factor 246, 471
Shape file 51, 54
Shape File Encoding 54
Shape Filename The 54
Sharma 897
Sheet Flow 897
Sherwood 660, 897
Shift 12, 25, 27, 29, 183, 341, 354, 363, 494
Shift key 27, 354
hold 354
Shift-key 27
Short10, 129, 508, 510, 565, 569, 572, 614, 615, 616, 719, 764, 767, 800, 897
Conduits 571
Cut 129
Short Course Proceedings-Applications 897
Stormwater Management Models 897
Show48, 49, 112, 174, 188, 192, 196, 198, 278, 282, 283, 345, 349, 350, 351, 354
Show Annotations 354
Show Data 366
Show Diameter 366
Show Errors Menu 283
Show Flow 366
Show Frame 402
Show Grid 366
Show Heading 402
Show Objects Menu 198
Show Velocity 366
Show/hide 112
Show/Hide Labels 192
Shows reflect 350
current 350
Shtifter 897
Shubinski 764, 897
SI 603
SI1 670
Side Outlet Orifice 537, 538, 551, 775, 790
Sideflow 535, 542, 543, 775
Weir 542, 790
Significance 897
Pollution 897
Significant 641, 642
Significant Differences Between EXTRAN Versions777, 782
Silt 505, 642, 649
Silt Loam 642, 649
Simons 897
Simple Hydraulics 203
Simple Models For Nonlinear Runoff Routing 897
Simplified Infiltration Prediction 897
Measured Sorptivity 897
Simulation7, 151, 160, 202, 207, 215, 219, 221, 222, 234, 237, 243, 245, 253, 257, 258, 260, 274, 363, 365, 367, 371, 414, 417, 420, 434, 435, 462
735, 742, 743, 746, 748, 756, 758, 761, 764, 765,
766, 767, 769, 771, 772, 773, 781, 783, 784, 785,
788, 789, 790, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 818,
831, 836, 843, 851, 897
Calibrated Model 897
Duration 719
EXTRAN allows 773
Period 717
printed during 576, 767
screen during 767
Start Week Day 681
use during 565, 571, 784
Simulation covers a 605
Simulation during 608
Simulation End Time - 564
Simulation H2 851
Simulation Log File 873
Simulation Models 897
Simulation offers 661
Simulation Start Time (B1 - TZERO) - 564
Simulation Start Week Day - 681
Simulation Start/End 579, 818
Simulation start/stop date 607
Simulation Tolerances 219, 243, 566
SIN 687
SINFIL 684, 687
Singh 897
Single25, 26, 155, 183, 184, 190, 198, 278, 358, 367, 402, 410, 436, 443, 463, 466, 467, 489, 493, 494, 505, 535, 549, 554, 579, 581, 596, 600, 601
Conduit 410
Event 467
Simulation 596, 649, 661, 667, 766
Single Event - Snow Melt Simulation 602
Single Event Snowmelt Data 667, 669
Single Family Residential - 655
Single Item 13, 463
Single/Double 278
Single-Family Residential 632
Sinh 391, 393, 396, 400
Sinkgle conduit 155
Sinusoidally to 671
Siny 391, 393, 396, 400
Sixth Revised Edition 897
Size48, 49, 95, 103, 113, 114, 116, 182, 213, 233, 374, 378, 383, 387, 388, 390, 391, 392, 396, 402, 410, 471, 496, 520, 522, 523, 614, 616, 634, 6
rescaled 49
To increase 95
Size -349, 353, 354, 356, 357, 365, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 399, 400
To reduce 365
Size Interpretation 390, 394, 395
Sjoberg 767, 788
Sjosberg 797, 798
Sk 445
Skew Factor 445
SKIP_NO_Q 244, 246
SKIP_NO_QIN 244, 247
Slide Control 363
Slope442, 446, 467, 468, 471, 476, 498, 500, 508, 510, 527, 531
of the Subcatchment 446
Slope -213, 218, 220, 223, 231, 234, 243, 266, 446, 498, 500, 571, 605, 617, 639
Slope - Catchment 210
Slope m/m 800
Slow Response 897
Slower 363, 367
SLOWQO 244, 247, 249
Sludge 758, 897
Sludges From Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment897
SM 605
Small 353
Small Urban Watersheds 897
Small Watersheds 897
Hydrologic Modeling 897
Smith 897
Smithsonian Institution 897
Smithsonian Meteorological Tables 897
Smolenyak 897
Smooth Asphalt 647
SMQMOD 244, 247
Snap Mode 273
SNN1 671
SNOTMP 602, 604
Snow249, 260, 461, 462, 467, 576, 596, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 629, 630, 659, 6
Cover 467, 667
Area 684
Impervious Area 672
Pervious Area 673
Gauge Correction Factor 604
Infiltration 687
surface layer 604
to deplete 596
Water Equivalent 605
Snow Accumulation 897
Snow Cover 467, 603, 667, 897
Snow Covered Area 669, 670
Snow Covered Imp 672, 673
Snow Covered Imp. Area (I2 - SFRAC1) - 673
Snow Covered Perv 672, 673
Snow Covered Perv. Area (I2 - SFRAC2) - 673
Snow Gauge Correction Factor 602, 604
Snow Gauge Correction Factor (C1 - SCF) - 604
Snow Melt 462, 576, 601, 629, 669, 671
Snow Melt (Runoff) 601, 629, 630
Snow Melt Base Temp 672
Snow Melt Base Temp (I2 - TBASE3) - 672
Snow Melt Flag - 461, 462, 601
Snow Melt Reference button 462
Snow melting ie 672
Snow Plowing 672
xpswmm Reference Manual
Snow plowing data 672, 756
Snowfall Quantities 602
Snowmelt148, 243, 260, 462, 596, 601, 603, 630, 659, 660, 664, 665, 667, 669, 715, 756, 765, 766, 897
Base Temp 671
Flag 468
Linkage 659
Reference 468
Runoff Block 766
Simulation 602
Snowmelt-Generated Runoff 897
Snowpack Conditions Ratio 605
Snowpack depths 605
Snyder 244, 247, 249, 442, 467, 480, 482, 897
Snyder Alameda 483
Snyder s 482
Snyder Unit Hydrograph 482
Snyder Unit Hydrograph Procedure 482
So 790, 798
So1/2 468
Software Fonts 365
Soil 643, 649, 897
Journal 897
Soil Science Research 897
Soil Conservation Service 471, 639, 652, 897
Soil Conservation Service Urban 481
like 481
Soil Factor 638, 639
Soil Factor 'K' (K1 - SOILF) - 639
Soil Science Department 897
Soil Texture 649
Soil-Plant-Water Relationships 897
Soils Data 897
Solar Radiation 897
Solids Fractions 897
Materials Balance 897
Soln 234
Soluble 897
General Nature 897
Solve7, 14, 95, 103, 110, 115, 122, 129, 160, 187, 190, 202, 203, 204, 209, 225, 232, 238, 239, 257, 262, 263, 282, 283, 358, 462, 496, 497, 498, 5
Current Mode 262
database ready 160
for Current Mode 262
for EXTRAN Mode 262
for Runoff Mode 262
for TRANSPORT Mode 262
Mode 261
Runoff Mode 262
Solve & Review Icons 122
Solve containing 225
Solve for -203, 225, 238, 257, 263, 496, 497, 498, 773, 777, 781, 791
Solve for Qt 781
Solve Menu 7, 282
Solve Mode 260
Solve Shortcut 122
Solved for implicity 225
Solved iteratively 773
Solved iteratively to 782
Some Notes 897
Rational Method 897
Some Soil Properties 897
Sonnen 897
Sons 897
South Africa Watson 483
South Florida Water Management District 897
Southampton 897
University 897
Southern Hemisphere 602, 605, 671
Space-delimited 536
Spatial 244, 247, 377, 378, 379
Attributes 25
Data 95
offsets 377
Spatial Report 178, 283, 378, 380, 383, 384, 387
Spatial Report Menu 374
Spatial Reports 122, 274, 374, 377, 378
Spatial Reports dialog 377
Spatial weighting options 247
SPATIAL1 244, 247
SPATIAL2 244, 247
SPATIAL3 244, 247
SPATIAL-x 244, 247
Special25, 114, 162, 223, 234, 242, 494, 498, 499, 503, 505, 510, 511, 512, 513,
Closed Conduits 510
Flow Conditions 785
Special Cases 785
Special Closed Conduits510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 52
Special Conduit Factors 499, 503, 510, 798
Special Conduit Flow Conditions - 787
Special Conduits242, 499, 503, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519,
Special Finite Difference Approximations - 798
Special missing rainfall 223
Special Pump 234, 242, 544, 545, 547
Special Pump (Pump Type 5) 547
Special Structures 535
Specialised concentration-type units 658, 674
Specific Curb 897
Specific Gravity 674, 676
Specific Gravity - 676
Speed110, 113, 209, 363, 367, 378, 568, 605, 672, 763, 771, 773, 775, 785, 788,
Speed Factor 833
Spheres 897
SPHI 527, 531
SPILL 551, 553, 554
Spill Crest 413, 414, 415, 428, 430, 500, 531
Spline 353
Split 192, 200, 354, 444
Split Conduit 493
Spreadsheet 7, 162, 402, 428, 536, 719
Spreadsheet Output 216
Spring Meeting 897
Springer- Verlag 897
Springer-Verlag 897
Springfield 686
Sq 433, 523, 538, 539
Sq metres 433, 538, 539
SQL 163
Make 163
SQL refernce 163
SQL Statement 163
SQRT 391, 393, 396, 400
Square 154
Square Edges 800
SRP 140
SRV 140
SS 263 684
ST 247, 772, 773, 775, 777, 798, 897
St. Venant 468, 504, 569, 570, 571, 777
Equations 772
ST/Plant data dialog 241
STA 533
Stability505, 543, 565, 568, 569, 571, 572, 573, 769, 773, 790
Problems 543
to enhance 769
Stage 341, 432, 433, 436, 437, 439, 440
History 436, 437
Stage -248, 282, 341, 440, 487, 532, 767, 769, 775, 789, 795
Stage (J4 - YY) - 437
Stage History 433, 436, 437
Stage History (J3 - K0\=0) - 437
Stage History (J3 - K0=0) - 437
Stage/history 436, 437
Stage/Storage 430
Stage-area-volume 789
Stall 483, 897
Standard25, 114, 182, 204, 389, 398, 443, 446, 448, 476, 479, 488, 551, 605, 636, 715, 716, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, 724, 725, 726, 730, 731, 732
Deviation 636, 720, 743, 748, 749
Wind Speed 734, 741
National Bureau 800
Standard 448
Standard 479
Standard 821
Standard colours 25
Standard Deviation 636
Standard Deviation (JX - RCOEF) - 636
Standard Format715, 716, 724, 725, 730, 731, 736, 737, 760
Standard Format - Evaporation 736, 737
Standard Format - Wind Speed 730, 731
Standard Methods 897
Examination 897
Stanford Watershed Model IV 897
Stanford University 897
Stanford Watershed Model 647, 764
work 764
Stankowski 444, 897
Start48, 140, 202, 208, 215, 221, 238, 242, 257, 258, 277, 278, 354, 363, 365, 36
Cold 564
Cycle No. 365
Date 752
Day 566, 600, 609, 616
Hot 564
Hour 566, 609, 616
Minute 566, 609, 616
Month 566, 600, 609, 616
Second 566, 609, 616
Time 666, 752
to generate 278
Year 608, 616
Start and Ending Dates 752
Start Cold 564
Create Hot-Start File - 564
Start Cycle No 365
Start Date -221, 258, 564, 607, 660, 664, 665, 666, 696, 720, 729, 736, 742, 752,
Start Date (E1 - TZRAIN) - 666
Start Date (M2 - STARTP) - 607
Start date/time 760
Start Day 566, 600, 609, 616
Start Day (B1 - NDAY) - 566, 609, 616
Start Day (J1 - KLNBGN) - 600
Start Hot 564
Create New Hot-Start File - 564
Start Hot Using Hot-Start File - 564
Start Hour (B1 - NHR) - 566, 609, 616
Start lowering 208
Start Minute (B1 - NMN) - 566, 609, 616
Start Month 566, 600, 609, 616
Start Month (B1 - MONTH) - 566, 609, 616
Start Month (J1 - KLNBGN) - 600
Start Second 566, 609, 617
Start Second (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Start Time -215, 564, 575, 576, 660, 662, 664, 665, 666, 696, 752, 756
Start Time (E1 - TZRAIN) - 666
Start Year 566, 607, 609, 615, 616
Start Year (B1 - IYRSTR) - 566, 609, 616
Starting cycle 576
intermediate 576
Starting Printout 575
Starting Time Step 575
Print Cycle 575
Starting Time Step for Print Cycle (B1 - NSTART) - 575
Starting value 277
Starts processing data 720, 729, 736, 742
STATAREA 244, 247
State-of-the-art 10, 897
States 897
Static 541
Static Head 541
xpswmm Reference Manual
Static Head Pump 541
Static Text 12
Static Text Caption 12
Editable Text 12
Station231, 238, 354, 363, 419, 443, 486, 487, 489, 491, 528, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 539, 541, 576, 661, 686, 690, 696, 717, 718, 720, 723, 725,
Number 443, 661, 717, 725, 732, 738
Station Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun 686
Station Name 419, 443, 486, 487, 488, 489, 696, 760
Station Name - 443, 489
Station Number -443, 661, 717, 718, 720, 723, 725, 727, 728, 729, 732, 734, 735, 736, 738, 740, 741, 742
Station Number (H1 - JK) - 661
Station position 759
Statistical265, 607, 636, 715, 716, 718, 719, 743, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 766, 767, 897
Analysis 767
Summary 716
Statistical Method 897
Assessment 897
Statistical Modeling 897
Urban 897
Statistical post-processing 265
Interface Files 265
Statistical program 719
Statistical summary only (M1 - INTERV = 0) - 607
Statistics581, 715, 743, 744, 745, 746, 748, 752, 760, 762, 765, 766, 767, 769, 819, 897
Block 766
output files 752
Print Control 743
Utility 715, 746
Statistics Block - 765, 766, 767
Statistics Files 752
Statistics General Data 745
Statistics Print Control - 744
Stats and Rain block 204, 247
STATS Module 208
STATS Module tables 222
STATS Module to 208
Status Bar 10, 192, 199, 389
Step Sensitivity 365
Steps Toward a Better Understanding 897
Urban Runoff Processes 897
Stepwise 432
Stepwise Linear Storage (E2 - QCURVE) 432
Stepwise-linear storage 775
Stewart McGuire 805
STG 643
Stime 251
Stoneham 897
Stop222, 233, 234, 235, 249, 363, 367, 539, 541, 547, 557, 566, 600, 609, 617, 641, 720, 729, 736, 742
Day 566, 600, 609, 617
Hour 566, 609, 617
iterations meets 235
Minute 566, 609, 617
Month 566, 602, 609, 617
Second 609, 617
Year 566, 609, 617
Stop Day 566, 600, 609, 617
Stop Day (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Stop Day (J1 - KLNEND) - 600
Stop during 249
Stop Hour ( B3 - LONG) - 609, 617
Stop Hour ( B3 - LONG) - Hour of end of simulation. 566
Stop Minute (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Stop Month 566, 600, 609, 617
Stop Month (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Stop Month (J1 - KLNEND) - 600
Stop Pumping Depth - 557
Stop reading data 720, 729, 736, 742
Stop Second 566, 609, 617
Stop Second (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Stop Year 566, 609, 617
Stop Year (B3 - LONG) - 566, 609, 617
Storage7, 150, 151, 204, 208, 209, 216, 218, 220, 222, 238, 241, 244, 246, 248, 2
Control 764
Devices 789
Discharge Relationship 468
Function 468
Junction 433
Node 432
Theory 897
Volume 600
Storage and/or 764
Storage Devices 777, 789
Ponds and Lakes - 789
Storage Elements 150, 758
Storage exists 466
subcatchment 466
Storage Node204, 222, 248, 413, 414, 415, 428, 430, 432, 542, 611, 612, 690, 75
Storage node and regular node changes 248
Storage node Area 204, 248
Storage Treatment Import - 151
Storage Treatment Plant 758
Storage Volume (J1 - CBVOL) - 600
Storage/Treatment147, 151, 244, 611, 612, 614, 764, 765, 767, 769, 897
Block 147, 765, 767
Storage/Treatment Block 765
STORAGE_97 244, 248
STORAGE1 244, 248
STORAGE2 244, 248
Storage-Discharge Relationship 468
Storage-Treatment 897
Level I - Comparative Evaluation 897
STORETOP 206, 207, 244, 248
Storm7, 220, 231, 246, 247, 446, 448, 466, 476, 479, 481, 535, 542, 564, 579, 58
Application 897
Depth 661
Duration 720
Event 765
Analysis 715
Summary 716
Motion 660
Volume 718, 720
Storm 1-hour depth 446, 476, 815
Storm Concept 897
Storm Drain Design 897
Storm Hydrographs446, 448, 476, 479, 481, 805, 815, 821
Storm hydrographs to 448, 479, 821
Storm hyetograph 805
Storm Identification 581, 819
Storm List 579, 818
Storm Pattern 897
Storms Incorporating Spatial 897
Stormwater 537, 763, 773, 785, 789, 790, 897
dynamic routing 773
Stormwater Analysis 897
Stormwater Detention Facilities Planning 897
Stormwater discharges 763
Stormwater Impacts 471
Stormwater Management Model Study 897
Stormwater Management Models 897
Short Course Proceedings-Applications 897
Stormwater quality 597, 630
Stormwater Quality Management 897
Operational Models 897
STP s 769
Straightforward 538, 658, 674
Stream Pollution 897
Stream Quality Due 897
Probability Model 897
Streamflow quality Relationships 897
Streamflow Simulation 897
Street Cleaning Estimated 657
Street Salting 897
Street Surface Contaminants 897
Water Pollution Aspects 897
Street Sweeping 597, 600, 655, 656
Efficiency 600, 660
Street Sweeping Efficiency 600, 657, 659
Street Sweeping Efficiency (J1 - REFFDD) - 600
Street Sweeping Efficiency (JX - REFF) - 657
Streets 897
STREF 206, 207, 227, 244, 248
Structures Factor P 639
Struzeski 897
Studies on Soil Physics 897
Study Area150, 676, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 758
Flow 682
Process Flow 682
Study Area Data 150, 676, 680, 758
Study Area data missing 758
Study Area Flow - 676, 681, 682
Study Area Flow and Loads 681
ST-x 244, 247
Style Tab 345, 349
Style tab allows 349
control 349
Su 648
Sub-area Perviousness 467
Subarea Process Flow 758
Sub-areas 761
Sum 761
Subcatchment148, 241, 249, 275, 277, 278, 442, 444, 445, 446, 461, 462, 463, 46
Area 444
Data 442
Flag 442
Percent Impervious 444
Slope 471
storage exists 466
Water Quality 480
Width 444
Sub-Catchment442, 445, 461, 468, 471, 483, 631, 647, 805
Subcatchment accounted 466
Subcatchment Area (H1 -WAREA) - 444
Subcatchment Flag - 442, 444
Sub-Catchment Information 442
Subcatchment missing 756
Subcatchment overbank 468
Subcatchment Percent Impervious 442, 444
Subcatchment Percent Impervious (H1 - WW3) - 444
Subcatchment Slope (H1 - WSLOPE) - 446
Subcatchment Width (H1 - WW1) - 445
Subcatchment.This equation 468
Subcatchments224, 444, 445, 461, 467, 468, 608, 641, 646, 660, 667, 756, 761
Subcritical 220, 233, 240, 244, 785, 796, 798
Subcritical to 769
Subdivision Layout 51
SUBNORM 206, 244, 248, 249
Subroutine 897
Settling Velocities 897
Subroutine HEAD 785
Subroutine INFACE.FOR 803
Subsets 344, 347
Subsets Subsets Result 347
Subsets list box 349
Subsets Tab 345, 347
Substituting 468, 778
AV 778
s2 468
Subsurface 413, 641, 765, 767, 789, 897
Routing 767
Runoff 765
Subsurface routing 767
SUCT 648, 649
Suggest 390, 392, 395, 398, 399, 401
Suggest -7, 162, 225, 260, 353, 354, 389, 390, 392, 394, 395, 398, 399, 401, 719
Sullivan 897
SUM 684, 686, 761
xpswmm Reference Manual
Sub-areas 761
SUM_ZERO 244, 249
Summarised 781
Summarises 649
Summary216, 233, 234, 428, 536, 565, 575, 576, 605, 607, 660, 716, 718, 719, 725, 731, 738, 743, 760, 765, 766, 767, 784, 785, 787, 789
Only 725, 731, 738
Print Cycle Interval 576
Printout 576
Summary File 719
Summary Interval 575
Summary lists 787
number 787
Summary Print Cycle Interval (B1-JNTER) - 576
Sump Orifice 537, 551, 790, 796
SUMQ 231
Superceede option 234
Superceeded 210
Superceeded option 222
Supercritical State 570, 571
Superseded 249
Superseded runoff options 249
Suppress 526
Suppress Printed Output 556
Surcace Width 505
Surcharge209, 213, 225, 233, 235, 239, 413, 414, 415, 428, 430, 493, 543, 573, 576, 614, 764, 767, 769, 773, 777, 788, 789, 790, 791, 795, 798, 8
junction exceeds 543
Surcharged Water 415, 573
Surface208, 210, 215, 216, 218, 220, 223, 226, 240, 244, 249, 257, 356, 358, 361, 367, 413, 414, 415, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 446, 471, 476, 483,
Area 432
Flooding 414
Ponding 414, 647
Runoff 765
Saturation 648
Wetting 647
Surface Area -240, 244, 413, 432, 433, 573, 684, 773, 775, 778, 785, 788, 789
Surface Condition 639
Surface crusting 640
Surface during a 630, 636
Surface during dry 597, 630
Surface flooding 414, 493, 789
Surface layer 604
snow 604
Surface level 415
Surface parallel 549
Surface ponding 647
Surface ponding equation 218
Surface ponding options 414
Surface Profiles 897
Surface routing 641, 643
Surface routing network 767
Surface Wave Criterion 564, 565
Surface Width 509, 775, 785, 788
Surface-Runoff-Quality Algorithms 897
SURJUN 249, 567, 783
SURJUN-x 230, 244, 249
Surkan 897
SURTOL 249, 567, 783
Reasonable values 783
SURTOL-x 230, 244, 249
Suspended Solids 660
Sutherland 897
SVAP 244, 249
SW 762
SW line 762
Swamee 897
Sweden 897
Switch 224, 238
epa swmm getcur 238
lognormal 224
SWMM115, 147, 150, 152, 190, 202, 203, 204, 208, 210, 214, 215, 216, 222, 223
bilbiography 764
Interface File 615, 616, 715, 743, 748
Mode of Operation 203
other layers 417
rainfall block 230
Version 4 570
SWMM 249
SWMM Configuration 208
SWMM connection options 215
SWMM during 763
SWMM enhancements 227
SWMM esoterica 204, 249
SWMM File Flag 260
SWMM Interface File Format 258, 763, 803
SWMM Interface Files 265, 615, 616
SWMM Level I 763
SWMM Mode of Operation 260
SWMM model to 737
SWMM modelling 772
SWMM output enhancements 250
SWMM permits 597
SWMM Runoff Non-linear Reservoir Method 442, 467
SWMM SCS enhancements 250
SWMM Stormwater 897
SWMM Theory 202
SWMM Version 570
SWMM version control 204, 250
SWMM.CFG 607, 666, 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
SWMM.PAR file 598, 610, 748
encountered 598, 610, 748
SWMM2000 222, 223, 242, 252
Swmmcom204, 208, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222,
SWMM-related 772
SWMXP 103, 110
SWMXP.CNF file 108
SWMXP.INI103, 109, 110, 115, 126, 187, 204, 269, 275, 277, 278, 279, 284, 408,
SWWM Description 763, 765
Syf 110, 140, 235
Syf file 219, 224, 225, 235
SYF_INT 244, 250
Symbols 352
Symetrical About Centerline 534
Syncronized Views 368
SYNOP 766, 767
SYNOP program 767
Hydroscience 767
Synoptic Analysis 716, 718, 760, 766
SYNTAX 154, 155, 156, 157, 159
Synthesized 897
Synthetic 482, 660, 661, 897
Events 661
Storm 660
SYQ 140
SYR 140
Syr file 235
System 103, 115, 462
Drain out 462
System Color Settings 408
Syt 110, 140, 235
SYT_INT 244, 251
T 204, 251, 350, 435, 468, 481, 565, 572, 629, 649,
719, 746, 767, 769, 778, 781, 782, 795, 805
T 6Fi 805
T and/or t+Dt 782
T gives 781
T.E. Hydrologic 897
T.E. Introduction 897
T.J. Helsel 897
T.K. Adrian 897
T.K. Nunno 897
T.M. Heaney 897
T+10 805
T+Dt 781, 784, 795
TA 667
Table150, 153, 155, 156, 159, 162, 163, 174, 208, 216, 222, 241, 242, 251, 274, 277, 278, 344, 347, 366, 402, 405, 406, 408, 415, 438, 467, 468, 5
797, 800, 805
a comma-delimited file 251
magnitude 743, 744, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753
of Magnitude 747, 749
Table depending on width 402
Table depicting 743, 744
Table E20 415
Table I1 800
Table I2 800
Table includes 744
date 744
Table of Contents 1
Table of Magnitude743, 744, 746, 748, 749, 750, 751, 753
Return Period and Frequency - 748, 749, 751
Table Options 406
Table specifying 805
TABLE_END 156, 159
Tables contain 725, 731, 738
minimum 725, 731, 738
Tabular Calculation 448, 479, 821
Excess Precipitation 448, 479, 821
Tabular IDF Input 699
Tabular Report 283
Tafuri 897
Tailwater 549, 643, 646
effect 646
TAIR 602
TAN 553
Tanh 391, 393, 396, 400
Tansverse 535
Tavares 897
Tb 482
estimate 482
TBASE1 669
TBASE3 672
Tc 446, 471, 476, 481, 572, 805, 815
a value 805
determining 471
TC 474
TC1 897
TChannel Design 497
Tchobanoglous 897
Technical Councils 897
Journal 897
Technical Guide 897
Technical Review 897
Technical Task Force 897
Technology 897
Chalmers University 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
Tem times 367
TEMP260, 596, 597, 602, 605, 724, 725, 726, 730, 732, 736, 738, 739, 760, 767
Block 765, 766
Interface File 260, 596, 605, 724, 730, 736
Interface Output File 725, 731, 737
Output File 726, 732, 739
Temp Block - 765, 766
TEMP File 260
TEMP Interface File -260, 596, 597, 602, 605, 724, 725, 726, 732, 736, 738, 739
TEMP Interface Output File - 726, 732, 739
TEMPDIR 103, 110
Temperature259, 260, 597, 602, 603, 604, 605, 630, 658, 667, 669, 672, 674, 686, 688, 715, 724, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 732, 736, 739, 760, 766
Index Equation 667
Units 726
Utility 715, 729
Variables 727
Temperature Interface File (B1 - IVAP \= 4) - 597
Temperature Interface File (B1 - IVAP = 4) - 597
Temperature Invalid format 760
Temperature Units - 726
Temperature Variables - 728
Temperature Weighting Index 602, 604
Temperatures during 604
Template 133
Template File 277, 278, 279
Temporal150, 211, 221, 420, 613, 630, 664, 676, 677, 679, 681, 722, 758, 765
Pattern 722
Temporal Patterns 211
Temporal Variation 420, 630, 676, 677, 679, 688, 758
Temporal Variation - Pollutant 679
Temporal Variation DWF 630
Temporary 103, 110, 113, 132, 140, 640
Files 140
to locate 110
Temporary seedings 640
Tenn Memphis 686
Tennessee Valley Authority 897
Tension 643
Tension / Soil Moisture Slope 644, 645
Tension / Soil Moisture Slope (H4 - PCO) - 645
TEO 417
Term 644
unquantified 644
Terstriep 483, 897
Test Extrapolation 217
Testing 764, 897
Texas Houston 686
Text7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 47, 48, 49, 95, 103, 109, 110, 114, 116, 117, 162, 177, 182, 198, 216, 274, 278, 284, 344, 348, 349, 354, 365, 374, 378, 3
Icon 11
Text / Data Export Dialog 344
Text Attributes 383, 387
Text Colour 383, 387
Text Formatting 383, 386, 387
Text Label Size 387
Text Size48, 365, 377, 378, 390, 393, 394, 395, 400, 402
Text string entered 755
Text strings 12, 114, 755
network 114
Text/Data 349, 353
exporting 349, 353
TGA 26
TH 643
TH1 644
Thatn 773
flow 773
The Composition 897
Domestic Sewage Fractions 897
THE EDIT MENU 129, 182
The Evaporation 715
THE HELP MENU 129, 408
The Illinois Urban 897
The Menus 11, 14, 129, 182, 341, 410
The Pathology 897
The Pointing Device 10, 11
The Project Menu 115, 129, 187
The Rain 715
The Role 897
Infiltration 897
The Scale Menu Command 49, 192
The Scale Menu Command The Scaling Tools 49
The Spirit 897
Computing 897
The Statistics 715
The Swirl Concentrator 897
The SWMM Analysis Engine 110, 111, 711
The Temperature 715
THE VIEW MENU 129, 192
The Window10, 11, 14, 25, 133, 141, 192, 197, 199, 363, 367, 402
The Window provides 10
frame 10
Theconduit slope 773
Thematic 387
Plotting 387
Viewing 387
Thematic viewing 387
THEN 231, 254
THEORY 763, 897
Storage 897
THETA 221, 251, 568, 569
THETA-x 230, 251
TH-FD 643
Thick 25
Thin Edge Projecting 800
Third Edition 897
Third International Conference on Urban 897
Tholin 897
Thomann 897
Thompson 897
TH-PR 643
Three Localities 897
Three-point Pump Curve 793
Tidal251, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 570, 764, 773, 775, 795
Coefficients 437, 438
Cycles 436
Heights 437
Input 438
Period 436
Stage 437, 439
Tidal Period 436
Tidal Period (J2 - W) - 436
Tide237, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 493, 544, 756, 773, 777, 793, 794, 795
Amplitute 435
Gate 794
Hydraulics layer 435
Period 435
Tables 438
Tide Gate 433, 434, 777, 793
Tide Gate (I1-JFREE or I2-JGATE) - 434
TIDEGATE 206, 207, 216, 251
Tidy Network 200
Tidy Up Network 148, 152
Tidy up Network - 152
TIF 25, 26
Time112, 113, 114, 147, 148, 151, 208, 209, 211, 213, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 243, 24
631, 633, 635, 636, 638, 642, 643, 649, 655, 659,
660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 674, 677, 679, 686, 696,
712, 715, 717, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 727,
728, 734, 740, 741, 745, 746, 752, 756, 758, 759,
763, 764, 766, 767, 769, 771, 773, 775, 777, 778,
781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797,
798, 897
a function 633, 649
average value 677, 679
default value 252
exponential function 636
halvings 207
Interval 602
linear function 655
of Concentration 445, 471, 661
Step 564, 571, 608
user specifies 805
Weight Parameter 569, 781
Time Area Method 483
Time consuming 767
Time Control 561, 564, 576, 607, 609, 615, 663, 756
Time Control (Runoff) 607
Time Control (Sanitary Layer) 615
Time Control (TRANSPORT) 615
Time control allows 607
Time equal 795
Time increment 805
hyetograph 805
Time indicating 631, 635
Time Interval -602, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 696, 721, 722
Time Interval (C5 - DTAIR) - 602
Time Interval (E1 - THISTO) - 663
Time of Concentration 474
Time of Constant Flow 474
Time of Concentration 474
Time Series 151
Time Series dialog data 758
Time Series Inflow 413, 417
Time Step -202, 207, 208, 209, 211, 213, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 231, 232,
Time Step (B1 - DELT) 565
Time step check 221, 222, 233, 239
conduits 221, 233, 239
Time step Dt 784
Time Step Factor 568, 569, 571, 573
Time step value 236, 608, 784
head 784
velocity 236
Time t+Dt 781, 782, 784
Time varying orifices 239
Time Weighting219, 220, 234, 243, 251, 504, 569, 777, 781
Time Weighting Factor 503
Time Weighting Parameter 252, 568, 569, 781
Time Weighting Parameter (THETA) - 569
Time zone 605
Time/area 442, 467, 483, 647
excluding 647
Time/area runoff 468
Timestep 571
Time-weighting 569
TIN Surface 199
TIPM 602, 604
Values 604
Tipping Bucket Gauge 661, 665
Title129, 132, 133, 141, 148, 150, 151, 258, 347, 348, 356, 382, 386, 402, 561, 56
Title - 10, 14, 577, 609, 610, 717, 718
Title (A1 - ALPHA) - 562
Title represents a 14
Titles - 95, 718, 729, 735, 742
TMP= 95
TN 897
xpswmm Reference Manual
To 5-or 10-minute 446, 476, 815
To access 163
file 163
To account 499, 510, 604, 676, 769, 778, 788, 805
compressibility 788
entrance 499, 510
flows 769
To achieve 572
To achieve a 572
To activate 245
evaporation 245
To advance 367
To affect 222
operation 222
weir 222
To allow 48, 159, 723, 728, 734, 741
import 159
To alter 225, 410
To analyse 750
To Analyze 579, 818
To assist 666
To begin 471
runoff 471
To break a 354
To caclulate 257
To calculate231, 239, 253, 496, 497, 613, 631, 656, 681, 773, 775, 777, 778, 787, 797, 805
buildup 631
entrance 778
removal 656
To commence 367
To compute 535, 605, 616, 795
hours 605
hydraulics 535
To confirm 140
removal 140
To conform to SI standards 767
To construct 797
To contain 415
water 415
To convert 738, 767, 790
To convey 789
To correct 611
evaporation 611
To correspond to 616
To couple 767
To dampen 547
To decrease 504, 569
oscillations 504, 569
To deplete 596
snow 596
To describe 190, 413, 533, 843
operation 843
physical 413
To determine432, 532, 545, 547, 557, 571, 572, 674, 686, 789, 795
coefficients 686
critical 674
flow 547
To develop 482, 800
To eliminate 238, 248
To Embankment 800
To enhance 769
stability 769
To Environmental Protection Agency 897
To epa swmm 231
To epa swmm head 238
To equal 468, 565, 569, 571
average 468
length 565
To estimate 232, 256, 483, 572, 657, 755, 758, 805
buildup 657
user 755
To exceed 791
To Exit 129
To expansion/contraction 215, 238
To exporting 344
To extend to 950 246
To facilitate 51, 498, 633
creation 51
design 498
To File 448, 479, 821
To float 199
To force 354, 363
To forcemains 415
To form 7, 14, 481, 755
To form a 674
To formulate 645
To formulate a computerised 483
To FORTRAN 77 767
To generalised regression 468
To generate 278, 683, 805
starting 278
To generate a 676
To generate a RAIN 260
To give 420
To give a 572, 761
To H2 843
To identify 147, 614, 717, 725, 732
To ignore a 696
To implement 152
To include 27, 446
To increase 95, 236
head 236
size 95
To index 275
To indicate 162
XP-Exchange format file 162
To indicate a 11
To Instigate Plowing 672
To La5 836
To locate 110, 154, 354
nodes 354
temporary 110
To make 196, 220, 239, 569
box 196
To manage 363, 370, 371
scale 363
To match 217, 219, 234, 240, 243, 676
To Max 672
To Medina s 764
To meet 755
To minimise 569
To minimise conduits 152
To model 216, 218, 220
evaporation 216, 220
To moderate 798
To move 25, 363, 367
To move to 348, 349
To nj 222
To obey 468
equations 468
To obtain 162, 428, 738
free-water-surface 738
To obtain a 428, 600
To omit a 278
To oscillating 220, 233
To overestimate 805
To PASTEing 162
To perform 148, 715
import 148
To permit 805
To pick 7, 115, 755
To place 275
To Predict Runoff 897
To prevent 140, 259, 783
decoupling 783
use 259
To Preview 354
plot 354
To produce 354, 363, 534, 549, 608
To produce a 605
To propagate 569
length 569
To provide 805
input 805
To provide a 763
To QW 791
To raise 531
To Ramp Off 833
To Ramp On 833
To read 661, 747
To reduce 365, 531
size 365
To refine 147
To reflect 117
current tool 117
To reflect a 767
To relate 805
To releasing runoff 605
To relieve 535
To remove 348, 562, 578, 579, 598, 610, 612, 748, 818
To remove/add 354
annotations 354
To represent 155, 390, 394, 395, 399, 415, 483, 836
control 836
impervious 483
link 155
To represent a 505
To reset 367
To restrict 537, 790
To resume 367
To return 354
To review 766
To San Francisco Bay 764
To satisfy 686
To segment 203
To send 278
To SI 603
To specify 109, 374, 383, 387, 402, 487, 540, 739, 805
font 383, 387, 402
To specify a 197
To suit 778
To sumqs 231
To synchronize 681
To synthesize 481
To transport 413
To turn 209
pump 209
To U.S. 767
To utilise 468
To Vary 537, 805
To view 356, 358
To windrowing 667, 670
To write 278
parameter 278
To yield 274
TOC 660
Todd 897
Tolerance219, 243, 244, 249, 383, 387, 561, 566, 568, 569, 571, 790, 798
Tons/acre 640
Tool Strip 10, 25, 27
Toolbar 10, 13, 14, 122, 126, 198, 199
Toolbars 14
Tools 264
Tools menu 111, 468
Toolstrip 14, 25, 48, 51, 112, 117, 203, 410
Toolstrip allows 112
Topography Layers and Objects 56
Topwidth 785
Torno 897
Toronto 897
Total48, 208, 221, 222, 240, 244, 246, 253, 258, 420, 428, 444, 445, 466, 467, 46
xpswmm Reference Manual
Area 683
Catchment Area 613
Load 752
Mass 658, 674
Population 680
Storm Event Loads 767
Total Pesti 657
Total Area - 428, 445, 676, 681, 683, 758
Total Catchment Area - 613, 761
Total contributing 682, 683
Total Flow - 244, 420, 483, 505, 557, 749
Total Load - 750
Total Nitrogen 897
Total Population - 680, 681
Total Solids 660
Total Study Area 676, 681, 682, 684
Total Volume 542
Total Volume - 466, 747
Total Well Volume 542
Toward 897
Toxic Materials 897
Tp 450, 471, 478, 482, 805, 820
multiplying 482
Of W50 Ahead 450, 478, 820
Of W75 Ahead 450, 478, 820
Tp/5.5. 482
Tp/8 482
TPHI 159
TraChannel Design 497
Training 897
Document 897
Transactions American Geophysical Union 897
Transactions ASCE 897
Transition Time Step 607, 608
Transition Time Step (B3 - WETDRY) - 608
Transpiration 641, 642
TRANSPORT147, 150, 202, 203, 252, 260, 275, 417, 556, 609, 748, 755, 758, 762, 765, 769, 773
Block 147, 765, 767
Mode 261, 262
Module Simulation 617
Print Control 550
Set of Objects 263
Weir 556
Transport Block 764, 765, 767
Transport data 147, 261
Transport DWF 204
Transport DWF enhancements 252
Transport Elements 758
Transport enhancements 252
Transport Hydrograph 150
Transport Import - 150
Transport manholes 150
TRANSPORT Mode 259, 755, 762
Transport Mode - 758
TRANSPORT Mode Errors 758
TRANSPORT Mode Import Errors 762
TRANSPORT Mode Import Warnings 762
TRANSPORT Mode Warnings 761
Transport pollutant 150, 767
TRANSPORT Print Control 555
Transverse 542, 543, 775, 789, 791
Weir 542, 543, 790
Transverse or Sideflow Weirs 542, 543
TrapChannel Design 497
TrapeChannel Design 497
TrapezChannel Design 497
TrapezoChannel Design 497
TRAPEZOD 206, 207, 227, 251, 252
TrapezoiChannel Design 497
Trapezoidal213, 252, 494, 496, 497, 526, 527, 549, 596, 773, 775, 789
Channel 526
Shape 494
Trapezoidal Chanel 494
Trapezoidal Channel (C1 - NKLASS=6) 527
TrapezoidChannel Design 497
Travel 237, 467, 471, 565, 616, 773, 795, 797
Time 616
Traversing 48
Network 48
TrChannel Design 497
Treatability Studies 897
Treatment151, 203, 223, 231, 238, 241, 248, 261, 439, 471, 611, 630, 682, 684, 6
Treatment-Plant Overflows 897
Trellislike 773
Trenton 897
Triangle 154
TRN 160
TROMEGA 251, 252
TRRL Method 483
TRSPACE-x 251, 252
TRTHETA 251, 252
True 348, 834
Truncated Series 743, 745
TT 437, 439
Tucker 897
TUFLOW Engine 711
Turbidity 658, 660, 674
Turbulence 897
Effect 897
TW 643, 646
Two Localities 897
Type11, 12, 25, 51, 95, 115, 117, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 175, 18
727, 728, 734, 740, 741, 746, 755, 759, 760, 762,
769, 773, 775, 784, 789, 790, 793, 794, 796, 800,
815, 818, 831, 833, 834
a function 790
Type 1 - Free Outfall (J1 NTIDE \= 1) 434
Type 2 - Fixed Backwater (J2 - A1) 435
Type 3.1 - User Tide Coefficients (J1-NTIDE\=3) 435
Type 3.1 - User Tide Coefficients (J1-NTIDE=3) 435
Type 3.2 - Computed Tide Coefficients (J1 -
NTIDE\=4) 436
Type 3.2 - Computed Tide Coefficients (J1 -
NTIDE=4) 436
Type 3.3 - User Stage History (J1- NTIDE\=5) 437
Type 3.3 - User Stage History (J1- NTIDE=5) 437
Type 4 - Flow History (J1-NTIDE\=6) 439
Type 5 - User Rating Curve (J1-NTIDE\=7) 440
Type BOD5 COD Coliforms N PO4 632
Type Checking 755
Type Material Shape Inlet Description 800
Type Number 549
Type Perviousness 667
Type Shape 154
Type WIN 115
Types including Inflatable Weirs 542
Typical 466
Typical Catchbasin 659
Typical Range 660
Typing CTRL-A 263
Typing CTRL-D 263
TZRAIN 660, 666
U 204, 252, 468
U.K. 483
U.S. 204, 483, 724, 732, 739, 778, 790, 791, 805, 897
U.S.A. 764
area 764
U.S.D.A. 897
U.S.G.S. 805
UD&FCD Urban 446, 476, 815
UDD 115
UDD Only 115
UDSWM2-PC446, 448, 476, 479, 581, 805, 815, 819, 821
portion 805
UD-SWMM2-PC Name 446, 476, 815
Ug/l 30 660
Ug/l Few 660
Umho 658, 674
Unbiased Plotting Positions 897
Undefined Hot-Start 760
Undelete 182
Under Relaxation Parameter 568, 569
Under Relaxation Parameter (OMEGA) - 569
Underestimation 674
Underline 348
Under-relaxation 565, 567, 569, 571, 778, 782, 783, 798
Factor 783
Parameter 564, 783
Under-relaxation factor 783
w 783
Underrelaxation parameter 236, 252
default value 252
Undiverted 762
Undo 182, 200, 351, 354
Undo Menu 182
Undo Zoom 351, 354
Unformatted FORTRAN file 803
Ungaged Watersheds 897
Uniform 581, 819
Uniform Loss 652
Unique Name 25, 26, 549, 554, 556
Unit383, 387, 420, 442, 467, 468, 471, 476, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 520, 522, 52
Unit -214, 220, 222, 225, 231, 241, 245, 246, 658, 664, 673, 674, 682, 684, 685, 6
Unit Hydrograph - Nash 481
Unit Hydrograph - Rational Formula 481
Unit Hydrograph - Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph481
Unit Hydrograph - Snyder 482
Unit Hydrograph - Time Area 483
Unit Hydrograph and Rational Formula 442
Unit Hydrographs 245, 467, 480, 772, 805
Unit Label 658, 674
Unit Label (J3 - PUNIT) - 658, 674
United States 686, 766, 897
Unitless 210
Units 722, 732, 739
Units -48, 151, 202, 204, 258, 383, 387, 446, 448, 450, 722, 724, 726, 732, 738, 7
Units Menu 204
Units missing 761
UNIVAC 1108 771
Universal Soil Loss Equation 597, 599, 638, 897
University 764, 897
Florida 764, 897
Southampton 897
Unquantified 644
term 644
Unquantified Losses 643, 644
Unsaturated Porous Media 897
Properties 897
Unsaturated Zone Lumped Storage 641
Unsteady Rain 897
Infiltration During 897
Unsubmerged 800
forms 800
Update Model Values 274
Upgrades 1
Uphill 496, 761
Upper Zone 641, 642, 643, 644, 761
Evapo-transpiration 643
Moisture 644
Upper Zone (H2 - GRELEV) - 643
Upstream25, 48, 155, 208, 219, 220, 222, 226, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 238, 239
Conduit Invert Level 500
xpswmm Reference Manual
Elevations 532
Node 506, 527, 532
Invert Elevation 498
Surface Level 500, 508
Upstream Conduit Invert Level - 498, 500
Upstream connecting 155
Upstream cross-sectional area 787
Upstream Elevation 508, 509, 527, 528
Upstream HGL 785
Upstream Invert Level 532
Natural 532
Upstream Invert Level of Conduit (C1- ZP) - 506
Upstream Invert Level of Natural 532
Upstream Invert Level of Power Function Channel
(C1 - ZP) - 528
Upstream Invert Level of Trapezoidal Channel (C1 -
ZP) - 527
Upstream model 795
Upstream Node Invert Elevation - 498, 500, 508
Upstream Node Surface Level - 498, 500
Upstream weighting 247
Urban 763, 805, 897
Basis 897
Deterministic Modeling 897
revised 805
Statistical Modeling 897
Urban Stormwater Discharges 897
Urban Stormwater Management 897
Quality Modeling 897
Urban Areas 897
Urban Drainage 805, 897
Ben Urbonas 805
Urban Drainage Flood Control District 805
Urban Drainage Using SWMM 897
Urban Expressway 672
Urban Hydrology 897
Urban Land Activity 897
Urban Land Runoff 897
Urban Plot 897
Urban Pollutants 897
Urban Precipitation 897
Acidity 897
Urban Rainfall-Runoff-Quality Data Base 897
Urban Roadway Usage 897
Contributions 897
Urban Runoff 897
Dynamics Model 897
Water Pollution Aspects 897
Water Quality Management Planning 897
Urban Runoff Models 763
Urban Runoff Processes 897
Steps Toward a Better Understanding 897
Urban Stormwater 897
Urban Stormwater Hydraulics 897
Urban Stormwater Hydrology 897
Urban Stormwater Management Modeling 897
Urban Stormwater Pollutant Loadings 897
Urban Stormwater Quality 897
Urban Stormwater Runoff 764, 897
Urban Stromwater Management Systems 471
Construction 471
Urban Wasteload Generation 897
Urban Watersheds 897
Urban Wet-Weather Pollutant Loadings 897
Urbana 897
Urbanisation 468
Urbanised 468
Urbanization 897
Effects 897
Urbanizing Areas 897
Urbonas 897
US Customary 745
US Elev 159
US Federal Aviation Authority Method 474
USA 206
Use characteristics 613
Use CN 211
Use Default Offset 377
Use Default Rates 683
Use during 565, 571, 605, 784
simulation 565, 571, 784
Use Existing 534
Use f10 key 234
Use fasnh 217
Use First Date - 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
Use First Date and Time - 752
Use HGL 215
Use Landuses 598
Use Last Date - 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
Use Last Date and Time - 752
Use Measurements 676, 681
Use ODBC Curser Library 163
Use OFF to 221
Use Per Capita Rate - 674
Use Percent 833
Use Pounds/Dry Day/100 655
Use Review Results 762
Use seconds 225
Use subcritical 244
Use subcritical head 248
Use unformmated 211
Use Volume Rate - 674
USE_ORF_CL 252, 253
USE_ORF_EQN 204, 240, 252, 253, 537
USE_OUT_RC_DEPTH 252, 253, 440
USE_XYINFO 225, 252, 253
US-EPA 570
EXTRAN Addendum 570
USEPA Stormwater Management Model 152
EXTRAN Addendum 571
US-EPA SWMM-4 EXTRAN Addendum 571
USEPA-SWMM Version 510
User7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 48, 54, 95, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 152, 156, 160, 162, 163, 190, 197, 198, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214
725, 726, 730, 732, 736, 738, 739, 755, 756, 759,
760, 761, 763, 764, 766, 767, 769, 772, 773, 777,
783, 784, 787, 789, 790, 795, 796, 797, 805, 831,
Defined 494, 717, 725, 732, 738
Input Rainfall 661
means ask 247
option allows 252
to estimate 755
User attempts 756
User Defined 721, 739
User defined closed conduit enhancements 253
User Defined Conduit 499, 508
User Defined File Type 696
User Defined Rainfall Data 666
User Defined Temperature 726
User Defined Weir 544, 546, 547
User Defined Wind Speed 732
User Inflow 156, 211, 212, 413, 417, 795
User inflow hydrographs 156
User Input Rainfall (H1 - JK > 0) - 661
User Manual 570
User needs 805
User needs to 805
User s 7, 152, 755, 764, 767, 897
XP filters 7, 755
User s Guide 897
Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model 897
User s Manual 152, 510, 764, 803, 897
Hydrological Simulation Program 897
User specifies 537, 571, 790, 805
minimum 571
time 805
User wishes 805
User wishes to 805
User-Defined 494
User-defined Inflow 419
User-defined Weirs 542
USERINIT 206, 207, 252, 253
USEROPEN 252, 253
USERTOP 216, 252, 253
Uses PUMP 540
Uses RTCdia.xp 843
Uses RTCflow.xp 836
Uses RTCpump.xp 851
Uses SCS 481
USESMDELT 252, 253
Using the Layer Control Panel 29
USLE 638
Utilise a 483
Utilised 445, 468, 471
Utilises 481, 483
rainfall 481
Utilises a 95
Utilising 129
XP 129
Utilities 12, 259, 260, 265, 605, 715, 760, 761, 762
Utilities Errors 760
Utilities Import Errors 762
Utilities Import Warnings 762
Utilities Menu 265
Utilities Warnings 761
Utilizing 421, 831
Proportional 831
Quick HEC-12 421
Uttormark 897
V.W. Hallmark 897
V/ 787
V1 793
V2 793
V2/2g 791
V2exp 793
V3 793
Vacuum Street Cleaner 657
Validity Checks 25
Value103, 155, 211, 234, 242, 450, 478, 482, 569, 573, 604, 605, 649, 685, 785, 7
0.6 605
1.0 573, 851
114m3/s 836
CN 211
Co 790
Cp 450, 478, 482, 805, 820
cross-sectional 785
Csub 791
Ct 450, 478, 482, 820
Fp 649
link_type 155
Max 797
PQ_LIM 234, 242
TIPM 604
Value*the 233
Value/size DLIST 392, 398, 401
xpswmm Reference Manual
Vanderah 897
Vanoni 897
VAP 596
Variable7, 95, 103, 109, 115, 147, 156, 159, 160, 162, 175, 177, 178, 208, 209, 224, 238, 246, 253, 256, 275, 277, 278, 374, 380, 381, 382, 383, 38
767, 775, 778, 781, 782, 784, 785, 789, 791, 796,
797, 798, 805, 820
Inflows 417
Intervals 664
Step 561
Variable missing 758
Variable Node 384
Variable SDIFF to 1.0e-4 246
Variable Selection - 177, 178
Variable Time Intervals 664
Variable Type 443, 489, 614
Variable Year Month Day Hr Min Value 443, 489
VARIABLE_N 253, 254
VARIABLES 154, 155, 156, 157, 159
Variance 718, 743, 748, 749, 751
Vary 538
Vary with Time (Orifice Time-History) (F2) 538
VAX 771
VCOMPARE 250, 253, 255
VE 248, 253, 256, 432
Vedernikov number 773, 787
Velocity225, 233, 236, 255, 341, 354, 360, 365, 366, 505, 536, 565, 567, 568, 569, 576, 674, 688, 696, 758, 764, 769, 773, 775, 778, 782, 785, 788
a function 674
absolute value 778
time step value 236
Velocity The 225
Velocity Effects 897
Flow 897
Venant 773, 775, 777, 798
Venant equations 772, 777
Ventilating Engineers Handbook 897
Verification 764, 765, 767, 772, 897
Data 767, 772
Verification and Calibration - 765, 767
Verification/calibration data 767
Version 103, 110, 152, 764, 769
existing 769
Version 4 763, 782
Version 4 Solution 570
Version 4.00 152
Version 4.3 Extran Solution enchancements 256
Version 4.3 Extran Solution enchancements (in
1995). 204, 256
Version 6.3 763
Changes from XP-SWMM Version 5.01 763
Version 8 221
Version II 764
Version II User s Manual 764
Vertex 25, 29, 410, 494
link drag 494
Vertical154, 197, 210, 228, 229, 354, 370, 413, 494, 500, 504, 505, 508, 510, 520, 527, 531, 532, 534, 775, 777, 788, 789, 798
Shift 531
Vertical differentiation 798
conduit 798
Vertical discretization 504
Vertical discretization changes 504
Vertical Ellipse 494, 510, 520, 775
Vertical Shift 528, 531
Vetterling 897
VGA 113
Vh 690
Viessman 772, 897
Viessman W 471
View Image 410
View Menu 10, 14, 48, 51, 192
Viewer 264, 271
Encrypt File 264, 271
Viewing Style 345, 348, 351, 352
Villemonte weir 256
Viney 897
Virginia 764
Virginia Beach 764
Viscosity 688
Visual Entity 381, 387, 388
Vl 690
Vn|/Vn+1 783
Vn+1 783
V-notch 552, 553, 554, 775
Angle 554
V-notch Angle 553
V-notch Angle (G2 - SPILL) - 553
V-notched Weir 552, 553
V-notched Weir (G2 - WTYPE = 1) - 553
Vo 505
Volume204, 215, 239, 257, 413, 415, 428, 430, 432, 433, 445, 448, 450, 466, 468
EXTRAN depending 793
Volume during a 775
Volume From Fully Sewered Urban Catchments 897
Volume II 764
Volume III 764
Volume IV 764
Volume/elevation 256
Volume/flow 542
Volume/stage 256
Voluminus 716, 718, 729, 736, 742
Voorhees 897
VORIF 538, 539
VS 248, 253, 256, 432
Vu/Vo 505
W 204, 256, 435, 436, 445, 471, 481, 543, 783, 788,
791, 795
under-relaxation factor 783
W.A. Sheikh 897
W.C. Aronson 897
W.C. Cunningham 897
W.C. Dobson 897
W.C. Downs 897
W.C. Hancock 897
W.C. Heaney 897
W.C. Medina 897
W.C. Sheikh 897
W.D. Kipp 897
W.F. LaBella 897
W.G. Finn 897
W.G. Lynard 897
W.H. Flannery 897
W.H. Johnson 897
W.J. Brakensiek 897
W.M. Dawdy 897
W.M. Ellis 897
W.T. Numerical Recipes 897
W/w 800
WH 791
WQn+1 783
W50 450, 478, 820
W75 450, 478, 820
Walesh 897
Wallace 897
Waller 897
Wallingford 897
Wanielista 772, 897
Warning 282
Messages 756
WARNINGS 755, 760
Washington 686, 897
Washoff235, 597, 630, 631, 636, 637, 658, 660, 672, 756, 897
Method 635
Washoff - EMC (JX-KWASH\=3) 636
Washoff - EMC (JX-KWASH=3) 636
Washoff - Exponential (JX-KWASH\=0) 636
Washoff - Exponential (JX-KWASH=0) 636
Washoff Modeling 897
Washoff - Rating Curve (JX-KWASH\=1 or 2) 637
Washoff - Rating Curve (JX-KWASH=1 or 2) 637
Washoff Functions 897
Washoff Method - 630, 636
Washoff Relationships 897
WASHPO 636, 637, 638
WASP 252, 256, 765, 767
WASP3 897
WASP4 767
Waste Stream Temperature 630, 688
Waste Stream Temperature - 629, 630, 688, 758
Waste Stream Temperature Sanitary 629, 630
Wastewater 897
Wastewater Effluent 897
Wastewater Engineering 897
Wastewater Flow per Capita 683, 684
Wastewater Flow per Capita - 684
Water7, 148, 208, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217, 220, 223, 224, 226, 249, 257, 261, 27
672, 673, 674, 681, 688, 690, 696, 743, 748, 750,
756, 761, 763, 764, 765, 767, 769, 772, 773, 775,
777, 778, 783, 785, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 793,
794, 796, 797, 805, 820, 831, 834, 836, 843, 851,
Levels 365
Quality 203, 261, 480, 749
Simulation 772
Table 643
to contain 415
Water Pollution Control Federation 897
Water Resources Branch 897
Water Resources Division 897
Water access 789
Water Commissioners 897
Denver Board 897
Water Conservation 897
Water Conservation District 481
Water Depth 883
Water Elevation 883
Water holding 602, 605, 669, 671
Water Holding Capacity 601, 605
Water Holding Capacity Ratio 602, 605
Water Influence Coefficient 645, 646
Water Influence Exponent 645, 646
Water Information Center 897
Water Level Lines 44
Water Levels 413, 428
Water Loss Investigations 897
Water Management 897
Water Management Model Study 897
Water Management Model User s Manual Version 4897
Water Management Model User s Manual Version III897
Water Management Model 7, 763, 764, 805, 897
Use 897
Water Management Model User s Group Meeting 897
Water Management Model User s Manual 897
Water Perculation 897
Physical Principles 897
Water Pollution 897
Water Pollution Aspects 897
Street Surface Contaminants 897
Urban Runoff 897
Water Pollution Control Administration 897
Water Processes 897
Water Quality148, 217, 224, 261, 275, 450, 461, 465, 466, 478, 487, 576, 597, 59
Water Quality Management Planning 897
Urban Runoff 897
Water Quality (Runoff) 597
Water Quality Capture Volume 450, 478, 820
Water Quality Data 148, 275, 461, 465, 597, 756
Water quality data missing 756
Water Quality Drain Time 450, 478, 820
Water Quality Hydraulics 562
Water Quality Management Modeling 897
Water Quality missing 756
xpswmm Reference Manual
Water Quality Model 897
Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting 897
Water Quality Modeling Conference 897
Water Quality Response to Sewage Effluent 897
Water Quality Routing 217, 487, 673
Water remaining 608
Water Research 897
Water Resources 897
Cypress Creek 897
Water Resources Bulletin 897
Water Resources Computer Program Abstracts 897
Compilation 897
Water Resources Engineers 764, 897
Water Resources Monograph 897
Water Resources Publications 897
Water Resources Research 897
Office 897
Water Resources Research Center 897
Water Resources Research Center Publication No 897
Water Resources Research Centre 897
Water Resources Research Lab 897
Water rushing 546
Water Through Soils 897
Waterheds 482
Water-Resources Investigations 78-90 897
Water-Resources Investigations 80-1 897
Waters according to 794
Watkins 483
Watson s 483
WCH 249
WDIS 551, 554
Weast 897
Website 115
address 115
Week Day 680
WEF 1992 471
WEF ISBN 0-87262-855-8 471
Weibel 897
Weibull plotting 719, 746
Weibull plotting position 719, 746
Weighting 251
ISOL 251
Weir25, 222, 224, 225, 231, 234, 236, 256, 413, 433, 535, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 549, 552, 553, 554, 556, 557, 572, 690, 756, 759, 767, 769, 773
Broad-Crested 552
Crest 554
Discharge Coefficient 554
Diversion 790
Height 553, 554
Junction 543
Length 544, 553, 557
Outfall 794
Reversal 790
to affect 222
Weir according 544, 793
Weir begins 791
Weir Crest 544
Weir Crest Elevation 542, 833
Weir Crest Height - 556, 557, 791
Weir Crown 543
Weir Discharge Coefficient (G2 - WDIS) - 554
Weir Height 554
Weir Height (G2 - WELEV) - 554
Weir Information 542
Weir Length -542, 543, 544, 546, 552, 554, 556, 557, 791, 833
Weir Length (G1 - WLEN) - 544
Weir Length (G2 - SPILL) - 554
Weir Name 543
Weir Sill Height 554
Weir Submergence 791
a Function 791
Weir Top 543
Weir/orifice 549
Weirs - 791, 793, 794, 796, 798, 800, 831, 833, 834
Weirs with Tide Gates - 793
WEIRS_45 256
Welcome 284
WELEV 551, 554
Well Volume 542, 690
Well Volume - 539, 557, 689, 690, 775, 833
Wenzel 897
West Lafayett 897
West Lafayette 897
West Palm Beach 897
Westerstrom 897
Wet253, 505, 508, 509, 539, 541, 607, 608, 647, 648, 649, 663, 684, 686, 690, 72
Time Step 608, 663
Weather Infiltration 685
Wet Time Step (B3 - WET) - 608
Wet Weather Infiltration 684, 686
Wet Weather Infiltration (Rinfil) - 686
Wet/dry 767
Wet/Dry 618
Wetlands 897
Wetted Perimeter 253, 505, 508, 509, 789, 797
Wetwell 793
Plot 273
What to Plot 273
When Should SWMM be Used? 763, 772
Plot 273
Where to Plot 273
Which Roughness Changes 504
Whipple 764, 897
White_space 153
Whole Network 202
WIDE 159, 508, 527, 528, 789
Width 159, 363, 387, 399, 402
Width -225, 229, 235, 246, 257, 275, 442, 445, 450, 467, 468, 471, 478, 505, 507, 508, 510, 527, 528, 554, 565, 614, 721, 722, 726, 732, 733, 739,
DEEP 789
Width equal to 0.01W 788
Wilting Point 641, 642, 649, 756
Wilting Point (H3 - WP) - 642
WIN 103, 115
Wind Movement 897
Wind Speed260, 601, 603, 604, 605, 715, 724, 730, 732, 734, 735, 736, 760
Multiplier 732
Utility 715
Variables 734
Wind Speed Multiplier - 732
Wind Speed Variables - 734
Window10, 11, 47, 48, 49, 54, 113, 115, 129, 162, 196, 197, 199, 203, 263, 265, 282, 341, 354, 363, 364, 365, 367, 369, 370, 371, 377, 383, 387, 3
1.6.2 10
Fit 363
Window Legend 401, 402
Window Legend - 402
Window needs to 113
Windows 95 234
Windows Color palette 54
Windows operating 115
Wingwall Flares 800
Wingwalls 800
Wischmeier 897
Wischmeir 639
WLEN 544
WMF 26
Wobble 256
WOBBLE 206, 207, 250, 256
Woodchips 2.0 0.80 25 640
Wooding 468, 897
Woodward 897
Wool 897
Word Perfect 110
Wordpad 110
Work 764
Stanford Watershed Model 764
workdirectory 103, 111
Memory 7
Working Database 95
Workshop on Verification 897
World File 55
World Rectangle 48
WP 641, 642
WP Software 763
WP Software Pty Ltd 769
WPG 26
Wq 204, 257, 341
WQ enhancements 256
WQ icons 341
WQEN 256, 257
WRE Transport Model 764
Wright J 897
WRRC Bulletin 97 897
WSLOT 206, 241, 256, 257, 789
WSLOT1 241, 256, 257
WSLOT2 241, 256, 257
WSLOT3 241, 256, 257
WSLOT4 241, 256, 257
WSNOW1 669
WSNOW3 671
WT 435
WTHIS1 665
WTHIS2 665
WTHIS3 665
Wubs 773
Wuerz 805
Wullschleger 897
WW1 445
WW3 444 103, 115, 408
WYn+1 783
Wyo Cheyenne 33 39 241 577 897 1125 1225 1044
1029 717 315 100 686
X 14, 129, 147, 154, 175, 204, 209, 210, 214, 233,
247, 253, 257, 349, 354, 360, 391, 393, 396, 400,
415, 420, 433, 468, 532, 533, 540, 605, 607, 617,
618, 634, 655, 667, 720, 743, 744, 761, 773, 782
exponential function 391, 393, 396, 400
X DepthExponent 433
X e^Surface Depth 415
X.0 360
X.1 360
X1 391, 393, 396, 400, 530, 531, 533
X2 391, 393, 396, 400
Xi 354
Xii 354
Values 685
XLS 140, 216
XNCH 532
XNL 532
XNR 532
XNUL 805
xpswmm Reference Manual
XOR 834
XP7, 10, 11, 25, 51, 95, 103, 109, 110, 114, 115, 129, 132, 133, 141, 153, 156, 159, 160, 162, 175, 183, 187, 188, 190, 213, 216, 222, 223, 242, 24
utilising 129
XP allows 471
XP filters 7, 755
user s 7, 755
XP maintains 95, 133, 190
internal 133, 190
XP Metafile 49
XP performs a 25
XP Picture MetaFile - 273
XP Software 114, 213, 274
XP Software Home Page 408
XP Software Home Page item 115
XP Software s 115
XP Software Sales to 274
XP Tables Global Database 696
XP Tables Selection 403
XP Tables Varable Selection 405
XP-Culvert2000 213
XP-Exchange format file 162
to indicate 162
XP-EXTRAN 220, 221, 222, 234, 243, 248, 257, 788
XPP 188
XP-RAFTS 258, 417
XP-Software 206, 249
XP-SWMM111, 116, 206, 212, 213, 220, 221, 222, 234, 235, 237, 243, 248, 250, 257, 278
background color 115
Hydraulics layer 212
interfacing 274
Hydraulics layers 581
Changes from SWMM Version 4 763
Changes from SWMM Version 4 769
Hydraulics layers 819
XP-SWMM Version 206, 207
xpswmm2000 661, 676
XP-SWMM2000206, 207, 211, 212, 216, 220, 227, 231, 241, 244, 245, 247, 494, 506, 509, 510, 526, 527, 528, 532, 565, 569, 747, 755
Hydraulics layer 207, 211
Runoff layer 216, 220, 231
Xps\xpprofileplot.exe 111
Xps\xp-swmm\cvthpgl.exe 111
Xps\xp-swmm\gis.exe 111
Xps\xp-swmm\xpswmm.hlp 111
XP-Table 405
XP-Tables 122, 283, 402
XP-Tables allows 402
XP-Tables Shortcut 122
XP-Viewer 271
XP-WP Software 204
Xpx 109, 113, 140, 153, 162, 275, 277
Consult 275
XPX Catchment Command 162
XPX Command Reference 153
XPX Data Command 156
XPX fieldname 109
XPX file 13, 153, 154, 155, 156, 160, 277, 278
import 278
XPX Format 152, 153, 159, 162, 177, 225
XPX Format File 152, 153
XPX Format File - 153
XPX Global Database Command 157
XPX Global Database Data Command 158
XPX Global Database Item Command 158
XPX Import 162, 257
XPX Link Command 155
XPX Node Command 154
XPX Options 152, 160
XPX Table Command 159
XPX variable 275, 278
Xpx_file 153
XPX_Name 275
XR 581, 820
Xsect plot 215
XWQCV 450, 478, 820
Xxx 95
XY graph 394, 398
Y 154, 175, 204, 223, 231, 252, 253, 257, 353, 354,
391, 393, 396, 400, 468, 471, 690, 773, 793, 795,
Y0 391, 393, 396, 400, 416
Y1 391, 393, 396, 400, 793
Y2 793
Y3 793
Y-axis 348
Yc 434, 791
YCREST 544, 791
Ycritical 225
Ycrown 567
Ydn 791
Ydn-Yc 791
Year 252
Year DD/MM/YY 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
Year MM/DD/YY 720, 729, 736, 742, 752
YEAR_XX 103, 115
Yellow 25
Yen 773, 897
Yh 690
Yi+1 690
Yl 690
Yn 225, 434, 783, 784
Yn+1 783, 784
Yn+1/2 783
iteration estimate 783
Yn+1/2|/Yn+1 783
Yn-1 225
Yn-2 225
Ynew 567
Ynorm 252
Ynormal depth 225
Yold 567
Yoon 805
Your_file_name>.XLS 428
YSMALL 248, 257
YTOP 543, 791
Yu 897
Yup 791
Yup-Yc 791
Yy-mm-dd 115
Zaghloul 254
Zero Detention 646, 647
Zero Detention (H1 - PZ) - 646
ZEROINV 248, 257
Zison 897
Zoom11, 48, 49, 124, 192, 197, 198, 354, 363, 364, 367, 369, 377, 378, 402
Zoom In 11, 48, 354, 363, 364, 367, 369, 377, 378
Zoom Out 11, 363, 367, 377
Zoom-In Icon You 11
ZP 506, 527, 528, 532, 538
ZP1 159
ZP2 159
ZREF 230, 257
ZREF keyword 257
ZTOP 430

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