Microcirculation Response To Local Cooling in Patients With Huntington's Disease

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J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928

DOI 10.1007/s00415-011-6279-3


Microcirculation response to local cooling in patients

with Huntington’s disease
Ziva Melik • Jan Kobal • Ksenija Cankar •

Martin Strucl

Received: 5 May 2011 / Revised: 3 October 2011 / Accepted: 4 October 2011 / Published online: 20 October 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) Keywords Huntington’s disease  Central autonomic
functioning in early stages of Huntington’s disease (HD) network  Heart rate variability  Microcirculation 
has been suggested, presumably due to distorted high-order Local cooling  Laser-Doppler flow
autonomic control. ANS functioning in the early stages of
HD was further investigated. Laser-Doppler (LD) flux in
the skin of the fingertips, heart rate (HR), HR variability, Introduction
systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured during
rest and during a 6 min cooling of one hand at 15°C. Data Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder
of 15 presymptomatic gene mutation carriers (PHD), 15 leading to the progressive death of neurons in various brain
early symptomatic HD patients (EHD), and two groups of regions. There is a triad of movement, behavioural, and
15 age- and sex-matched controls were compared. The area cognitive disorders. There are also some other clinical
under the low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) features associated with the disease. Symptoms suggestive
bands of the HR variability spectrum were calculated. An of autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction have been
augmented reduction of cutaneous LD flux was found in reported. Patients with HD experience significantly more
response to the direct cooling in the PHD group (37.5 ± gastrointestinal, urinary, cardiovascular and sexual prob-
8.5% of resting value) compared to the PHD controls lems [1]. Accordingly, clinical testing has revealed hypo-
(67.27 ± 8.4%) (p \ 0.05). In addition, the PHD group function of the ANS in mid and advanced HD patients
had higher (LF/(LF ? HF) index of primary sympathetic [2–4]. Moreover, there are signs of ANS dysfunction even
modulation of the HR at rest (53.6 ± 3.3) compared to the in early symptomatic HD patients (EHD) and presymp-
EHD patients (39.7 ± 4.2) (p \ 0.05). In the EHD group, a tomatic HD gene mutation carriers (PHD). A recent study
significantly smaller change of HR during cooling [5] found a significantly attenuated heart rate response
(100.26 ± 1.2%) was found compared to the EHD controls during a cognitive stress test (mental arithmetic) and an
(95.9 ± 1.0%) (p \ 0.05). The results are in line with the exaggerated response during a sensory stressor with aver-
hypothesis that ANS dysfunction occurs even in PHD sive characteristics (cold pressure test) in EHD and in PHD
subjects. Further, they support the hypothesis that dys- individuals. The neural basis for the progression of the
function of the high-order autonomic centres are involved autonomic nervous system dysfuction is largely unknown
in HD. [6]. The evidence of cerebral cortical and hypothalamic
pathology [7–11] in the early stages of HD might suggest
distorted activity in cortical and subcortical structures that
Z. Melik (&)  K. Cankar  M. Strucl
Medical Faculty, Institute of Physiology,
are involved in the higher order central autonomic network
University of Ljubljana, Zaloska 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (CAN) [12–14]. Recent research has suggested that the
e-mail: ziva.melik@mf.uni-lj.si cortical parts of CAN are involved very early in PHD
subjects [15]. There are some interesting reports of hypo-
J. Kobal
Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana,
thalamic involvement at the beginning of the clinical dis-
Zaloska 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ease in EHD patients [10, 11, 16–19] that could imply the

922 J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928

successive involvement of the higher order parts of CAN diagnostic process and when suggested by the consulting
during progress of the disease. We, therefore, hypothesized clinical psychologist.
that the changes in the cardiovascular ANS functioning Participants were evaluated clinically not more than a
could be detected as early as in the presymptomatic phase week before the study entry. The exclusion criteria were
of the disease due to the successive involvement of the strict: they included diseases and/or conditions that may
higher order parts of CAN. The common cardiovascular influence ANS function; medical disorders like cardiac
tests like the Valsalva manoeuvre, deep breathing and insufficiency, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension requiring
orthostatic test did not confirm the differences between treatment, renal and/or liver disease, obstructive pulmonary
PHD and EHD subjects [5, 20]. In the present study we disease requiring treatment with bronchodilators, endocrine
introduced new tests that could show more subtle differ- disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction). All
ences in ANS function in PHD and EHD subjects. For this the PHD subjects were free from regular drug abuse. We
purpose skin microcirculation was examined with laser- tolerated oral contraceptives or occasional intake of non-
Doppler flowmetry [21, 22] during the local cooling of one steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In EHD patients we
hand, along with cardiovascular autonomic testing. The tolerated all of the above mentioned plus short acting
differences between PHD and EHD individuals were selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). None of the
examined with regard to their microcirculatory responses patients were taking drugs with known major and/or long
during local cooling that triggers ANS partially through the term effect on ANS [43]. Five of our 15 EHD patients were
thermoregulation centre in the hypothalamus [23–26]. taking low dose of escitalopram (up to 10 mg daily). As
Skin microcirculation in humans is under the complex SSRI inhibitors might have a mild short term anticholin-
control of neural reflexes and local factors [27–30]. At the ergic effects, a 48 h wash out period was considered before
cooling site (direct response of skin vessels) cold decreases testing, as recommended [44]. None of the patients pre-
the amount of norepinephrine released from nerve-endings sented signs of neurological disorders other than HD nor
[31], reduces the enzymatic breakdown of norepinephrine did they suffer from peripheral neuropathy or psychiatric
within the vessel wall [32], decreases smooth muscle disease such as schizophrenia, major depressive and/or
contractility, diminishes the affinity of alpha1 adrenocep- anxiety disorder as defined by ‘‘Diagnostic and statistical
tors for norepinephrine [33–35], and stimulates the mobi- manual of mental disorders - fourth edition’’ criteria.
lization of alpha2c adrenoceptors from the Golgi apparatus Because cardiovascular parameters highly depend on
to the vascular smooth muscle plasma membrane [36–38]. age and sex, two distinct age- and sex-matched healthy
In contrast, at the site remote from the cooling (indirect control groups for the PHD and EHD group were selected.
response) the response mediated by the sympathetic vaso- Each patient or premanifest subject had a control subject of
motor reflexes prevails [39]. the same age and sex. Control subjects were healthy,
The skin is a suitable site for the evaluation of micro- without acute or chronic disease and without regular drug
vascular dysfunction due to the ease and harmlessness of therapy. All the PHD/EHD as the controls were students or
access [27]. Moderate local cooling of the skin was used to employees, originated from similar social environments,
avoid pain as individual cold pain perception has important and lived a similar life style. We calculated body mass
influence on the parameters of cardiovascular reactivity index (BMI) from obtained subjects’ data. There was no
[40]. Furthermore, lower temperatures induce stronger statistically significant difference in BMI index values
sympathetic stimulation which results in maximum among groups of subjects. Table 1 present the basic data of
response in all groups of subjects and the disappearance of the study sample.
eventual differences between PHD and EHD subjects. The study was approved by the national medical ethics
committee, and written informed consent was obtained
from each subject.
Subjects and methods
Clinical evaluation
The study enrolled 15 PHD and 15 EHD subjects. HD gene
mutation was confirmed by an expanded number of CAG Before entering the study, participants were examined by a
triplets [41]. Predictive testing in PHD subjects was per- neurologist experienced in HD and a neuropsychiatrist to
formed according to the IHA/WFN HD committee guide- rule out neurological and/or psychiatric disorders aside
lines [42]. PHD subjects were treated according to IHA/ from HD. The PHD subjects were carefully observed
WFN proposals during the genetic consultation. They were clinically to detect motor symptoms that may precede the
enrolled to study at least 6 months after the presymptomatic obvious signs of extrapyramidal dysfunction. Clinical

J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928 923

Table 1 Basic details of the study groups (mean values ± SE)

PHD (N = 15) EHD (N = 15) PHD control (N = 15) EHD control (N = 15) Statistical test

Age (years) 34.0 ± 1.9 39.9 ± 2.4 33.9 ± 2.2 40.0 ± 2.3 Dunnett’s test
Age range (years) 24–50 23–55 24–52 26–54
BMI index 23.8 ± 0.7 23.3 ± 0.7 24.1 ± 0.6 24.0 ± 0.7 Dunnett’s test
Male 9 (60.0%) 7 (46.7%) 9 (60.0%) 7 (46.7%) v2 test
Female 6 (40.0%) 8 (53.3%) 6 (40.0%) 8 (53.3%)
CAG 44.3 ± 0.9 44.7 ± 0.9 Not defined Not defined Dunnett’s test
CAG range 40–51 40–51 Not defined Not defined
UHDRS 1.0 ± 0.4 14.9 ± 1.7a 0b 0c Dunnett’s test
UHDRS range 0–4 6–25 0 0
Statistical significant difference between PHD and EHD (p \ 0.05)
Statistical significant difference between PHD and PHD controls (p \ 0.05)
Statistical significant difference between EHD and EHD controls (p \ 0.05)

status of PHD/EHD individuals was evaluated by the flexible cold packs (Comfort Pack, 3 M USA,
Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) [45] 200 9 300 mm) at 15°C; the hand was placed between two
motor score. No subject receiving more than 4 points was packs.
enrolled to PHD group and patients with 5–25 points were
enrolled to EHD group. Physical examination, resting Heart rate variability analysis
electrocardiogram (ECG) and complete routine laboratory
tests were performed in all cases. Individual R–R intervals were used for spectral analysis of
the 5 min recordings at rest. The Autoregressive Transform
ANS experimental protocol method was employed. Results are expressed in Power
Spectral Density, the squared amplitude calculated for each
Testing was performed in the morning after abstaining frequency. The area under the power spectrum curves of
from smoking, alcohol, and caffeine for at least 8 h. The the high frequency band (HF 0.15–0.4 Hz) and the low
experiment took place in a quiet and comfortable atmo- frequency band (LF 0.04–0.15 Hz) was determined, the
sphere with a room temperature of 23–25°C after 15 min of former being an indicator of parasympathetic nervous
acclimatization. Tests were performed in a supine position. system activity [47–49] and the latter being particularly
The patients were asked not to perform major voluntary sensitive to cardiac sympathetic nerve activity. The coef-
movements during the measurements in order to avoid ficients LF/HF (sympathovagal balance), LF/(LF ? HF)
movement artefacts. (primary sympathetic modulation of the heart rate) [50],
Continuous finger arterial blood pressure was measured and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) during rest were calcu-
by 2300 Finapres monitor (Ohmeda, USA), providing lated. BRS was determined by the sequence method, based
values of systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial on the computer identification in the time domain of
pressure. spontaneously occurring sequences of four or more con-
The surface electrocardiogram was monitored through secutive beats characterized by either a progressive rise in
the standard lead II using a conventional ECG apparatus to SBP and lengthening in R–R interval or by a progressive
determine the average R–R interval at rest and during the decrease in SBP and shortening in R–R interval [51, 52].
cooling period. Nevrokard software was used for the analysis of the
Laser-Doppler (LD) flux was measured with two Peri- gathered data (Medistar, Slovenia).
flux P4001 Master/4002 Satellite LD monitors (Perimed,
Sweden). The flux was calculated as the product of con- Statistical analysis
centration of moving blood cells and velocity of moving
blood cells. The principle governing measurement of skin In the resting precooling condition, the average of 6 min
perfusion has been described elsewhere [46]. LD flux, blood pressures and heart rate (HR) were calcu-
LD flux, blood pressure and ECG were measured for lated and used for the statistics. During cooling, we cal-
6 min of rest and during the 6 min of local cooling of one culated average values of all parameters for each 2 min
hand. The LD probes (PF401) were attached to the pulp of intervals of 6 min cooling period. For HRV analysis, 5 min
the index finger of both hands. Cooling was achieved with recording of R–R intervals were used during resting period.

924 J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928

All values obtained during cooling were compared to the In the contralateral hand (indirect response) the LD flux
resting values before the cooling by a one way ANOVA on decreased in the PHD and EHD groups during the entire
repeated measurements (Dunnett’s test). cooling period (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05). However, in the
We performed a one-way ANOVA (Dunnett’s test) to PHD and EHD control groups LD flux increased after a
test the differences between both groups of patients and the significant fall during first 2 min of cooling (Fig. 1b)
groups of control subjects in the relative changes of LD (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05). There was no significant dif-
flux, arterial blood pressure and HR during cooling. ference in the indirect response among the groups.
All results are expressed in mean values and standard SBP increased significantly during cooling in all groups
errors of means (SE) with the significance criterion (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05) (Fig. 2a). In contrast, DBP
p \ 0.05. increased in the EHD patients and in both control groups
(Fig. 2b) but not in the PHD subjects.
During first 2 min of cooling significantly lower SBP
Results and DBP was found in the PHD subjects compared to their
controls (paired t test, p \ 0.05). The difference between
All data had normal distribution. The resting values of the PHD and EHD patients and that between the EHD
SBP, DBP, HR, and LD flux are shown in Table 2. The patients and their controls was not significant.
PHD group exhibited a significantly higher DBP compared While the PHD subjects and the PHD and EHD controls
to the EHD group (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05). The resting demonstrated a significant decrease in HR during the entire
LD flux was nearly the same in all four groups (one way cooling period (Fig. 2c) (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05), the
ANOVA). In the EHD group the HF power was signifi- EHD patients did not, resulting in a significant difference
cantly higher, thus their LF/HF and LF/(LF ? HF) coef- between the EHD patients and their controls during the last
ficients were significantly lower than those of the PHD 4 min of cooling (paired t test, p \ 0.05).
group (Dunnett’s test, p \ 0.05). The BRS of the EHD and
the PHD subjects did not differ. See Table 3.
No patient or healthy control subject perceived cold Discussion
packs as painful. In response to direct cooling (direct
response) LD flux decreased during the entire cooling The main findings of this study are: (1) the PHD group
period for all four test groups (Fig. 1a) (Dunnett’s test, responded to direct cooling with a significantly greater
p \ 0.05). The LD flux decrease in the PHD group was reduction of cutaneous LD flux than their controls; (2) the
significantly greater compared to their control. There was PHD subjects responded to cooling with smaller changes of
no difference in the direct response between the EHD SBP and DBP than their controls; (3) PHD individuals at
patients and their controls or between the EHD and PHD rest and during cooling had higher SBP, DBP and HR,
groups except during the last 2 min of cooling (paired although not always significantly; (4) at rest the PHD group
t test, p \ 0.05). had a significantly greater LF and lower HF component of

Table 2 Resting values of systolic (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR) and laser-Doppler (LD) flux (mean values ± SE)
PHD EHD PHD control EHD control

SBP (mmHg) 125.6 ± 5.1 114.8 ± 4.0 117.2 ± 3.2 116.2 ± 3.8
DBP (mmHg) 80.5 ± 3.7 71.3 ± 1.8a 73.2 ± 2.3 71.5 ± 2.5
HR (beats/min) 74.9 ± 3.3 67.8 ± 2.7 68.3 ± 2.3 68.3 ± 2.3
LD flux (PU) 236.1 ± 39 218.8 ± 28 243.3 ± 24 227.0 ± 21
Statistically significant difference between PHD subjects (N = 15) and EHD patients (N = 15) at p \ 0.05

Table 3 Resting heart rate variability values and values of baroreflex sensitivity (mean values ± SE)
PHD EHD PHD control EHD control

HF power (N.U.) 38.1 ± 3.6 59.2 ± 5.0a 50.7 ± 5.4 50.9 ± 4.7
LF/(LF ? HF) 53.6 ± 3.3 39.7 ± 4.2a 45.4 ± 3.9 43.9 ± 4.1
LF/HF 2.70 ± 0.3 1.31 ± 0.4 2.31 ± 0.6 2.12 ± 0.5
BRS 17.3 ± 2.5 14.5 ± 1.8 21.6 ± 4.4 16.4 ± 2.8
Statistically significant difference between PHD subjects (N = 15) and EHD patients (N = 15) at p \ 0.05

J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928 925

Fig. 1 Relative changes in

laser-Doppler (LD) flux
(percentage of resting values)
measured on cooling hand
(a) and on the contralateral hand
(b) in PHD subjects, EHD
patients, and their controls
(asterisk indicates statistically
significant difference between
PHD and EHD at p \ 0.05;
dagger indicates statistically
significant difference between
PHD and their control at
p \ 0.05)

HRV than the EHD group; (5) the EHD patients responded subjects with possible anxious reaction could have also
to cooling with a significantly smaller change in HR than contributed to the higher sympathetic activity in spite of
their controls. the previous psychological treatment and attenuated heart
The physiological effects of local cooling have been rate response to mental stress [5]. This mechanism could be
established elsewhere [27–39]. It is generally known that at least partially challenged by the fact that, during cooling
the response to moderate local cooling is normally char- PHD subjects respond with lesser increase of SBP and DBP
acterised by a decrease in skin blood flow, an increase of than controls which suggests that PHD subjects were not
blood pressure, and a fall in HR. The decrease of skin more anxious as healthy controls.
blood flow is observable everywhere but is most pro- Another possible explanation of the obtained results
nounced at the site of cooling [53]. would be progressive degeneration of various parts of the
In the present study the augmented direct response to CNS, from the cortex through the hypothalamus to the
local cooling in the PHD group may result from local or brainstem [7, 8, 56, 57] during HD. After initial neuronal
central factors. Altered interactions of mutant huntingtin loss, cerebral cortical activity decreases, hypothalamic
with its associated partners could contribute to affected nuclei become disinhibited and sympathetic activity might
exocytotic processes that are involved in the translocation rise. Later, the disease also involves hypothalamic nuclei and
of alpha2c receptors that participate in the direct micro- sympathetic activity might decrease. Similar findings were
vascular response to cold exposure [36–38, 54, 55]. This observed by Feigin et al. 2007 [6], who found in PHD ele-
would result in attenuated rather than augmented response vated thalamic metabolism that fell to subnormal levels in
to cooling and could not explain our results. those subjects who developed symptoms. Ghilardi et al. 2008
An alternative explanation would be the central ANS [58] also found improved explicit learning in PHD when
modification of the microvascular response. Preganglionic attentional demands decrease. In the present study, higher LF
sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons have been component of HRV was obtained in the PHD group, sug-
proved to be under the control of CAN [12]. The insular, gesting predominantly higher sympathetic activity and this is
medial, and other regions of the prefrontal cortex are the most plausible reason for higher SBP, DBP and HR.
shown to be involved in high-order autonomic control [12]. However, changes in our present study are too subtle to prove
Consequently, the emotional mental state of the PHD the disinhibition theory of ANS dysfunction.

926 J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928

Fig. 2 Relative changes in

systolic pressure (a), diastolic
pressure (b), and heart rate
(c) (percentage of resting
values) measured during local
cooling in PHD, EHD and
control groups (dagger indicates
statistically significant
difference between PHD
subjects and their control at
p \ 0.05; double dagger
indicates statistically significant
difference between EHD
patients and their control at
p \ 0.05)

In advanced HD patients clinical testing of autonomic present study were between the values of the PHD and EHD
function has revealed a hypofunction of the parasympa- groups. We assume that measured values of the HF and LF
thetic and sympathetic parts of the ANS [2, 3]. In addition, components of HRV vary with age and the stage of the
autonomic dysfunction in mid-stage patients has been found disease and at one point match those of healthy controls.
[4]. Nevertheless, only a few studies on ANS function in The results of the present study are in line with recent
presymptomatic and early symptomatic HD patients have observations suggesting that brain degeneration in HD
been performed. Sympathetic predominance was found in extends beyond the striatum to involve nucleus caudatus,
presymptomatic and mildly and moderately affected HD putamen, nucleus accumbens, pallidum and cortical
patients [20], but another study [5] found no difference in regions in the presymptomatic and early stages of the
LF and HF values between control, PHD and EHD group. disease [8–11, 17, 55, 59, 60]. The results are also con-
Reasons for the discrepancies might be subtle ANS chan- sistent with the concept of CAN, suggesting an intimate
ges, different clinical methods of evaluation, differences in connection of the cortical parts of CAN to each other and to
sample size and individual differences in disease onset and the hypothalamus [12].
progression. However, it does seem noteworthy that the HF Conclusions about underlying mechanisms cannot be
and LF components of HRV of both control groups in the made on the basis of this study alone, which is limited by a

J Neurol (2012) 259:921–928 927

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