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Conversation cards – Emotions

What makes you sad? What makes you happy? What makes you angry?

When you’re feeling sad

What’s your biggest How do you react if you do you prefer to be by
fear? feel embarrassed? yourself or around other

Who is your ‘go to’ Would you feel

What is anxiety? person when you are comfortable crying in
feeling down? public?

Do you have at least one

member of staff you Does social media ever
How do you cope with
would feel comfortable have an impact on your
feelings of anger?
talking to about a mood?

Do you feel worried in How do you cope with

the lead up to Do you ever feel jealous?
school workload?

Do you find it easy to If sadness was a colour

How do you relax? discuss your emotions what would it be?
with others?

Do you think males and Is emotional health as

If happiness was a females handle their important as physical
colour what would it be? emotions in different health?

Would you know how to

How would you rate your support your friend if
What is mental illness? well-being? they were feeling

Teacher tips:
These chat checks are a tool to facilitate frank and honest discussion about
emotional well-being, it is therefore vital that the teacher familiarises themselves
with the cards prior to the session so that they are prepared for any potential
questions and/or debate points.
Idea 1 – Circle time, print out and cut up. Have the cards face down on the floor,
students take it in turns to pick a card, read it out and discuss.
Idea 2 – ½ and ½. Split the class into 2 circles/groups. One group discuss the grey
cards, the other the white. Then bring together for each group to share their
opinions with their peers (this method is more appropriate for older students)

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