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higher. The amount of prenatal testing1.2 has also increased in recent Thalidomide: a restricted role
years (overall number 1150) because of the greater acceptability of
chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and all at-risk couples with an SIR,-Many drugs have teratogenic potential. Fortunately, few
affected fetus have decided on termination: have been consigned to the flames as Mr Hawkins recommends
(April 25, p 1057) for thalidomide.
For the past 2 years we have been treating a 61-year-old woman
for chronic actinic prurigo with thalidomide. For 55 years she had
suffered throughout the year an intensely itchy papulo-vesicular
rash in a photosensitive distribution. The rash erupted within
minutes of exposure to sunlight and lasted several days, making her
housebound. Since starting thalidomide 100 mg on alternate days
she has been tolerant of sunlight and feels that her life has been
transformed. She has noted no side-effects and we are monitoring
for subclinical neuropathy with regular nerve conduction studies.’
In addition to its role in treating actinic prurigo,2 thalidomide is
also of benefit in nodular prurigo,3aphthous ulcers,4 and discoid
These data confirm the suggestion that the expected number of
lupus erythematosus.s These are all conditions for which the
Cooley’s patients calculated from the carrier frequency of 5.9%3
dermatologist’s armamentarium is severely limited.
may not be correct: in 1988 and 1989 more affected fetuses were Fertile women constitute less than 25 % of dermatology patients.
diagnosed than would have been expected (E in right-hand column It would be a great shame if thalidomide was to be burnt at the stake
above). The heterogeneous distribution of the &bgr;-thalassaemia and rather than "let off’ with a warning not to prescribe to fertile
sickle-cell genes may influence the success of a prenatal diagnosis females.
Department of Dermatology,
Supported by CNR grant 91.041.94.ST75. University Hospital of Wales, ANDREW J. CARMICHAEL
Department of Haematology A. MAGGIO
and Prenatal Diagnosis Service, 1. Wulff CH, Hoyer H, Asboe-Hansen G, Brodthagen H. Development of
V Cervello Hospital, F. CARONIA
polyneuropathy during thalidomide therapy. Br JDermatol 1985; 112: 475-80.
90146 Palermo, Italy F. ORLANDI 2. Lovell CR, Hawk JLM, Calnan CD, Magnus IA. Thalidomide in actinic prungo Br J
Dermatol 1983; 108: 467-71.
3. Winkelmann RK. Thalidomide treatment of prurigo nodularis. Acta Derm Venereol
1. Maggio A, Giambona A, Lo Gioco P, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies
in Sicily. Haematologica 1985; 70: 500. 1984; 64: 412-17.
2. Orlandi F, Damiani G, Jakil C, et al. The risks of early cordocentesis (12-21 weeks): 4. Gnnspan D, Blanco GF, Aguero S. Treatment of aphthae with thalidomide. J Am
Acad Dermatol 1989; 20: 1060-63.
analysis of 500 procedures. Prenat Diagn 1990; 10: 425.
3. Schiliro’ G, Gregono F, Romeo MA, Testa R, Russo A. Incidence of hemoglobin S 5. Knop J, Bonsmann G, Happle R, et al. Thalidomide in the treatment of sixty cases of
carriers in Sicily. Hemoglobin 1986; 10: 95. chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. BrJ Dermatol 1983; 108: 461-66.

Leeches and B SIR,-We agree with Mr Hawkins that the administration of

hepatitis thalidomide of reproductive age with systemic lupus
to women
SIR,- The role of animal vectors in the transmission of hepatitis erythematosus might, in theory, lead to the birth of phocomelic
B is controversial. Leeches, despite their blood-sucking habits, are children-a dreadful prospect. However, his statement that "all
not known to be vectors of disease transmission in man. Some cases remaining supplies of thalidomide tablets ... (be) consigned to the
of acute hepatitis B after contact with leeches are presented here. flames" is an emotional non-sequitur. Thalidomide, used with
A 42-year-old man reported to an Ayurvedic (the indigenous appropriate care, can benefit certain patients. For example, we, in
Indian system of medicine) doctor with a chalazion. A leech was common with others,l,2 have found thalidomide useful in treating

applied to the lesion as part of the treatment. 2 months later this man AID S patients with severe, resistant ulceration of the mouth. A total
presented with acute hepatitis B. ban on the use of thalidomide would deprive such patients of
Six men belonging to the State Land Survey Department went to much-needed relief.
a hilly area to collect data. The survey was done in a leech-infested Does his proposal apply solely to thalidomide or would he extend
area and after the survey they found many leeches clinging to their the ban to teratogens such as phenytoin?
skin. Three members of this team had acute hepatitis within 3
Department of Genito-urinary Medicine,
months of the survey. St Thomas’ Hospital, STEPHEN P. HIGGINS
The four men described above had no exposure to risk factors for London SE1 7EH, UK CAROLINE S. BRADBEER
hepatitis B such as reusable needles, blood, or blood products. Nor
did their sexual practices put them at risk of heptitis B. All had an 1. Gorin I, Vilette B, Gehanno P, Escande JP. Thalidomide in hyperalgic pharyngeal
ulceration of AIDS. Lancet 1990; 335: 1343.
uneventful recovery, and HBsAg was not detectable in their sera 2. Youle M, Hawkins D, Gazzard B. Thalidomide in hyperalgic pharnygeal ulceration of
after recovery from the acute hepatitis. AIDS. Lancet 1990; 335: 1591.
HBsAg has been detected in mosquitoes1 and bedbugs.2 There is
no evidence that the virus multiplies in them although virus persists
for several weeks in the bedbugs. When the leech bites it secretes an Fatal myocardial infarction and Tyrolean
anticoagulant to prevent clotting of blood and can suck considerable winds (the Foehn)
quantities of blood, which it stores in its highly distensible crop. SIR,-An increased risk of myocardial infection has been
Ayurvedic doctors apply turmeric to the leech, after which the reported in extreme weather conditions such as heatwaves and cold
ingested blood is expelled by the worm. Then the leeches are fronts.1,2 Deviations from seasonally determined thermally neutral
"cleaned" in milk before being reapplied to another person. These
conditions can unfavourably affect good health.3 In mountainous
steps may not be adequate to destroy the hepatitis B virus. The cases areas the weather is influenced decisively by the flow direction of the
reported here show that the possibility of leeches transmitting air. In the mountains, certain winds are characterised by high
hepatitis B virus cannot be ignored. velocity, strong turbulence and low humidity. In the Austrian Tyrol
Department of Gastroenterology, this wind, called the Foehn, comes from the south. Might fatal
Medical College,
695011 Trivandrum, India M. NARENDRANATHAN myocardial infarction be more frequent on days when this wind
To determine weather patterns we used a flow pattern catalogue
1. Prince AM, Metsalaar D, Kafuko GW, Mukawa LG, Ling CM, Overby LR.
Hepatitis B antigen in wild caught mosquitoes m Africa. Lancet 1972; ii: 247-50. (data available from R. Steinacker, Institute of Meteorology and
2. Newkirk MM, Downey AER, Simon JB. Fate of ingested hepatitis B antigen in blood Geophysics). Our retrospective analysis covered the five years
sucking insects. Gastroenterology 1975; 69: 982-87. 1987-91. All cases of cardiac death with necropsy done at the

DAILY FREQUENCY OF FATAL MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONS AND if the preselected pressure is exceeded by 6 mm Hg, and one
DURATION OF FOEHN latching alarm indicates if a pressure of 30 mm Hg is exceeded and
maintained for greater than 6 s. If the second alarm is activated, the
machine turns both the CO2 supply and smoke evacuator/
recirculation pump off. The machine must then be reset manually
before proceeding. The activation of the second alarm indicates that
there is a fault somewhere in the system and that a potentially
dangerous condition exists.
The correct pressure compensating T-piece supplied with the
machine is fitted with silicon tubing that is permanently attached by
metal sleeves that cannot be easily removed. The connectors are all
different and coded, making incorrect connection virtually
impossible. The system tubing cannot be incorrectly set up if the
coded connectors are checked. Incorrect connection of the T-piece
or tubing can only be made if someone has deliberately and forcibly
removed and reconnected the tubing or if some other T-piece, not
*Dependent variable was the number of daily fatal myocardial infarctions (events) supplied by the manufacturer, is used.
coded "zero" (0 or 1 event) or "1" (>1 event). Independent variable was the Since the basis for correct function is an absolutely closed system,
duration of previous Foehn situations, coded as number of days. the system should be tested for leaks as described in the instruction
tp insufficient for inclusion of Foehn variable into model. book before being connected to the patient. Constant triggering of
Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Institute of Pathology, the alarm will occur as a result of any leak that allows room air to be
University of Innsbruck (1940 cases) were included. Most were sucked into the system, thereby adding to the total gas volume and
acute myocardial infarctions (pathological criteria). increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. This can be avoided if care
The table shows mean daily frequencies of fatal myocardial is taken to ensure that all cannulae and bottle seals are in good order,
infarction on days with no Foehn compared with those observed on the correct connection of all the tubing has been made, and the
days with Foehn, ordered according to increasing number of correct supply and return cannulae used, to provide an unrestricted
preceding days with Foehn conditions. The results are listed pathway for the gas both to and from the peritoneal cavity. It is also
separately for each year. Clearly, there was no consistent association important to ensure that these cannulae actually have their distal
between the presence/duration of Foehn and the frequency of fatal lumen within the free peritoneal space and have not migrated back
myocardial infarction. This was confirmed by logistic regression into the tissue of the abdominal wall.
analysis. Whereas a significant association between Foehn and an Richard Wolf UK Ltd,
increased number of cases was observed in 1988 and 1989, no such PO Box 47,
association was seen in 1987 and 1991, and in 1990 the significant Mitcham,
association had the reversed sign. Thus, no clear association Surrey, CR4 4TT, UK M. S. PITTAS
emerged from our data. The question whether variations in
atmospheric pressure, which are especially strong in Foehn New mosquito in Africa
conditions, exert a significant adverse effect on individuals remains
SIR,- The implications of the arrival of Aedes albopictus in
E. AMBACH Nigeria1,2 are not confined to Africa. By transportation or by spread
Institutes of Forensic Medicine, Pathology, W. TRIBUTSCH up the Nile valley it could reach the Mediterranean shores. From
Meteorology and Geophysics, T. MAIRINGER there it could certainly reach southern Europe. It can survive over
and Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Innsbruck, R. STEINACKER winter, and in the USA has reached as far north as the Chicago area33
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria G. REINEGGER where winter is certainly more severe than in southern and western
1. Anderson TW, Le Riche WH. Cold weather and myocardial infarction. Lancet 1970;
Europe. As a vector of dengue and several other viruses of Africa it
i: 291-96. might well introduce some unfamiliar arboviral diseases to Europe.
2. Ellis FP, Nelson F, Pincus L. Mortality during heat waves in New York City, July,
Communicable Disease (Scotland) Unit,
1972 and August and September, 1973. Environ Res 1975; 10: 1-13.
Ruchill Hospital,
3. Auliciems A, Frost D. Temperature and cardiovascular deaths in Montreal. Int J
Glasgow G20 9NB, UK N. R. GRIST
Biometeorol 1989; 33: 151-56.
1. Anon. New mosquito strain for Nigeria. Lancet 1992; 339: 1048.
2. Anon. Aedea albopictus introduction into continental Africa, 1991. Weekly Epidemiol
Correct use of laparoscopic insufflator Rec 1992; 67: 107-09.
3. Anon. Update: Aedes albopictus infestation-United States, Mexico. MMWR 1989;
SIR,-As manufacturers of insufflators of the type that Mr 38: 440-46.
Watson and colleagues describe (April 4, p 880), we are very
concerned about the hazard that will be created by the use of an
insufflator in the manner suggested, and we cannot recommend that Thromboembolic complications and dose of
anyone follows this method unless they are willing to accept the monoclonal OKT3 antibody
risks. The manufacturer of the machine will not accept liability
should an incident occur as a result of using a device in a way that is SIR,- The article by Dr Abramowicz and colleagues (March 28,
not as described in the instruction book. p 777) on induction of thrombosis within renal allografts by high
The recirculation rate of the smoke evacuator pump can be as dose (10 mg) prophylactic OKT3 attracted our attention. We have
high as 15 litres per minute, and the pressures developed at the demonstrated that activation of coagulation at the level of thrombin
outlet can greatly exceed the arterial pressure. It is therefore also occurs upon the first administration of OKT3 in the commonly
essential that the return gas line is monitored. This will not be the used dose of 5 mg daily.’ The activation of coagulation appeared to
case if the unit is connected as suggested by Watson et al and it is be associated with both complement activation and systemic release
possible, owing to the separate placement of the CO2 supply cannula of tumour necrosis factor (TNF&agr;). We also found that the activation
and the recirculated gas return cannula, that the intra-abdominal of coagulation coincided with an immediate activation of the
pressure will not be monitored, which could result in serious over fibrinolytic system at the level of plasmin (figure).
insufflation of the peritoneal cavity. However, in our experience treatment of acute rejection with a
Over insufflation cannot occur if the machine is used correctly. daily dose of 5 mg OKT3 (for 10 days) does not seem to be
The pressure in the COsupply line and the return gas line are associated with thromboembolic complications. In clinical trials
monitored continually by a sensor within the machine, during both with 5 mg OKT3, thrombotic complications of the renal allograft
nonnal insufflation and when the smoke evacuator/recirculating are not mentioned.3,4 Retrospectively, we evaluated clinical data of
pump is being used. The insufflator has two alarms-one indicates 49 renal transplant recipients treated for a first acute rejection

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