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In Press at Mycologia, preliminary version published on August 14, 2012 as doi:10.


Short title: Polyphasic analysis

Polyphasic analysis of Purpureocillium lilacinum isolates from different origins and proposal

of the new species Purpureocillium lavendulum

Haybrig Perdomo

Josep Cano1

Josepa Gené

Dania García

Margarita Hernández

Josep Guarro

Mycology Unit, Medical School, IISPV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain, C/ Sant

Llorenç 21, 43201 Reus, Tarragona, Spain

Abstract: Purpureocillium is a genus recently proposed to accommodate Paecilomyces

lilacinus, a well studied species that has biotechnological properties and an ability to cause

human infections. Since contradictory data have been reported on the intraspecific genetic

variability of P. lilacinum, we have carried out a polyphasic study of a set of clinical and

environmental isolates of this species. Detailed morphological examination and sequence

analysis of four different loci, including the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, the domains

D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA, EF-1α and the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb1),

showed that P. lilacinum formed a well supported phylogenetic clade with low intraspecific

variability. The new species Purpureocillium lavendulum, which has vinaceous colonies

similar to those of P. lilacinum, is proposed. It is characterized by the lack of growth at 35 C,

the production of a yellow diffusible pigment and by subglobose or limoniform conidia.

Key words: anamorphic fungi, multilocus study, Paecilomyces, Purpureocillium

lavendulum, Purpureocillium lilacinum.


Copyright 2012 by The Mycological Society of America.

The anamorph-typified genus Paecilomyces Bainier comprises a large number of species

characterized by irregular verticillate conidiophores, phialidic conidiogenous cells, with a

cylindrical or swollen base tapering into a long, slender neck, and by the production of

catenate conidia. Samson (1974) divided the genus into two sections, Paecilomyces, which

comprised thermophilic species, and Isarioidea, which included mesophilic, mostly

nematogenous species. In recent years, molecular studies demonstrated that Paecilomyces is

clearly polyphyletic, with species belonging to the subclasses Sordariomycetidae or

Eurotiomycetidae (Oborník et al. 2001, Luangsa-ard et al. 2004). While the section

Paecilomyces seemed to be monophyletic, comprising anamorphs of Eurotiales, the section

Isarioidea did not represent a natural grouping (Luangsa-ard et al. 2004, 2005). Several

studies have been carried out to clarify the taxonomy of the species belonging to the latter

Paecilomyces section. Regarding that, the genus Isaria Pers.: Fr. was legitimized (Gams et al.

2005, Hodge et al. 2005) and several entomogenous Paecilomyces species that are related to I.

farinosa (Holmsk.) Fr., the type species of the genus Isaria, were regarded as members of

Isaria sensu stricto within the family Cordycipitaceae of the Hypocreales (Luangsa-ard et al.

2005). Subsequently it was demonstrated that Paecilomyces species in the section Isaroidea

with pink or purple colonies belonged to other hypocrealean families; that is P. carneus

(Duché & R. Heim) A.H.S. Br. & G. Sm, P. cinnamomeus (Petch) Samson & W. Gams

(anamorph of Conoideocrella luteorostrata (Zimm.) D. Johnson, G.H. Sung, Hywel-Jones &

Spatafora), P. marquandii (Massee) S. Hughes and P. purpureus Z.Q. Liang & Y.F. Han were

placed in the Clavicipitaceae (Luangsa-ard et al. 2004, Zongqi et al. 2007) and P. lilacinus

(Thom) Samson was included in the Ophiocordycipitaceae (Sung et al. 2007a).

Paecilomyces lilacinus is one of the most studied species of the genus because it has

nematicidal ability (Fiedler and Sosnowska 2007) and the ability to cause human and animal

infections (Pastor and Guarro 2006, van Schooneveld et al. 2007, Wessolossky et al. 2008).
This fungus is characterized by vinaceous colonies, erect, thick and rough-walled

conidiophores with verticillate branches, phialides with a swollen basal part tapering into a

long, distinct neck, and ellipsoidal to fusiform, smooth to slightly roughened conidia that are

arranged in long chains (Samson 1974), together with the production of an Acremonium-like

synanamorph (Okada et al. 1995). However, some contradictory data have been reported on

the intraspecific genetic variability of P. lilacinus from different origins (Tigano-Milani et al.

1995a, b; Inglis and Tigano-Milani 2006). In the recent study by Luangsa-ard et al. (2011),

where a large set of P. lilacinus isolates from different sources were compared, no genetic

differences were detected among isolates. In addition, the latter authors concluded that, as had

been suggested (Luangsa-ard et al. 2005, Johnson et al. 2009, Sung et al. 2007a), P. lilacinus

is closely related to Isaria takamizusanensis Kobayasi and Nomuraea atypicola (Yasuda)

Samson and that Paecilomyces nostocoides M.T. Dunn is conspecific with the first species in

spite of their morphological differences. Paecilomyces nostocoides traditionally had been

distinguished from P. lilacinus mainly by on the basis of production of two types of catenate

conidia. The most abundant type being small and ellipsoidal to fusiform and the less common

ones being larger and globose to subglobose (Dunn 1983). Considering that the type species

of Paecilomyces, P. variotii Bainier, is a member of the Trichocomaceae (Eurotiales),

Luangsa-ard et al. (2011) proposed the new genus Purpureocillium Luangsa-ard, Hywel-

Jones, Houbraken & Samson to accommodate the species P. lilacinum (Thom) Luangsa-ard,

Houbraken, Hywel-Jones & Samson. The aim of our study was to determine the phenotypic

and genetic variability of a set of clinical and environmental isolates of P. lilacinum and to

assess the phylogenetic relationship between P. lilacinum and other related taxa with a

multilocus sequences analysis.


Isolates and GenBank sequences.—A total of 37 isolates from different origins and sources, including type and

reference strains of P. lilacinum and Paecilomyces nostocoides and two reference strains of Nomuraea atypicola,
were examined and their ITS regions were sequenced and compared (TABLE I). Although strains of I.

takamizusanensis, a species closely related to P. lilacinum, were not available in any public culture collection,

ITS and EF-1α GenBank sequences of this species were included in the phylogenetic analysis.

Phenotypic study.—Fungal isolates were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA; Difco Laboratories, Detroit,

Michigan), malt extract agar (MEA; 10 g malt extract, 20 g agar, 1 L distilled water), Czapek agar (CZA; Difco,

Becton Dickinson, France), potato carrot agar (PCA; 20 g potatoes, 20 g carrot, 20 g agar, 1 L tap water) and

oatmeal agar (OA; 30 g filtered oat flakes, 20 g agar, 1 L tap water), incubated at 25 C in darkness. In the colony

description color notations in parentheses are from Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). Colony growth rates were

studied on CZA and MEA plates in duplicate, at 15, 25, 30, 35, 37, 40 and 42 C, and the diameter were measured

after seven and 14 days. Microscopic features were determined from slide cultures made on MEA after 14 d at

25 C. Specimens were mounted in lactic acid and examined under a light microscope (Olympus CH2). All

isolates were morphologically identified following traditional criteria (Samson 1974, Dunn 1983, Okada et al.


Molecular study.—DNA was extracted according to Perdomo et al. (2011). The ITS, the D1-D2 of the 28S

rDNA (D1-D2), and fragments of the EF-1α and the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II gene (rpb1) were

amplified and sequenced following previously described protocols (ITS and D1-D2, Cano et al. 2002; EF-1α and

rpb1, Sung et al. 2007b) to carry out identity percentages between the 37 isolates or phylogenetic studies. PCR

products were purified with an Illustra GFX™ PCR DNA and Gel Band Purification Kit (General Electric

Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK) and stored at −20 C until they were used in sequencing. PCR products were

sequenced with the same primers as those for amplification and following the Taq DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle

Sequencing Kit protocol (Applied Biosystems, Gouda, the Netherlands). Consensus sequences were obtained

with the Autoassembler (PerkinElmer-Applied Biosystems) and Seqman software (Lasergene, Madison, Wis.).

The sequences were aligned with Clustal X 1.8 (Thompson et al. 1997).

The ITS phylogenetic analysis comprised 17 isolates of P. lilacinum, randomly selected because we did

not observe any significant difference between them, two isolates (FMR 10376 and FMR 10452), which showed

a 95.02% identity with the ITS sequence of the type strain of P. lilacinum, and 10 sequences deposited in

GenBank by different authors (Inglis and Tigano-Milani 2006, Luangsa-ard et al. 2011, Vaughan et al. 2011) as

Paecilomyces sp. or P. lilacinus, which showed similar ITS sequences than these two latter isolates (TABLE II).

In addition, the types or reference strains of P. lilacinum and Paecilomyces nostocoides and four sequences of I.

takamizusanensis retrieved from the GenBank also were included in the analysis.
The combined phylogenetic analysis (ITS, D1-D2, EF-1α, rpb1) included the same isolates that we used

in the previous analysis, two reference strains of Nomuraea atypicola (CBS 731.73 and CBS 744.73) and one

strain of I. takamizusanensis. Paecilomyces marquandii (CBS 182.27) was chosen as outgroup. Neighbor joining

(NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of these sequences were carried out with the software program

MEGA 5 (Tamura et al, 2011) with general-time-reversible (GTR) as the substitution model to obtain the trees.

Gaps were treated as pairwise deletion. Support for internal branches was assessed by a search of 1000 bootstrap


Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.—The newly generated sequences in this study were deposited in

GenBank (TABLE I) and the alignment of the combined dataset in TreeBASE (accession number M12106).

Mating tests.—All Purpureocillium isolates were grown on OA plates at 25 C in the dark 14 d and paired in all

possible combinations, including self crosses, on CZA and OA. Each isolate was streaked onto one-half of the

plate opposite to the streak of another isolate, allowing for a central zone of contact as the isolates grew. Plates

were incubated at 25 C and examined macroscopically each week for up to 6 mo. All tests were carried out in



We morphologically identified all isolates tested as P. lilacinum with the exception of two

(FMR 10376 and FMR 10452). They differed from P. lilacinum mainly by the lack of growth

at 35 C, the formation of a yellow diffusible pigment on the reverse of the colonies and by the

production of subglobose with slight apiculate base or limoniform conidia. The strain CBS

731.73, received as N. atypicola, also failed to grow at 35 C and showed the same

morphological features mentioned above.

Sequence and phylogenetic analyses.—With the primers we were able to amplify and

sequence 560–585 bp, 435–584 bp, 903–1034 bp and 610–694 bp of the ITS, D1-D2, EF-1α

and rpb1 loci respectively of the 37 isolates mentioned above. The genetic variability of the

isolates identified as P. lilacinum was 99.8–100% for D1-D2, 99–100% for ITS, 99.6–100%

for EF-1α and 100% for the rpb1.

The ITS-ML tree (FIG. 1) resolved three well supported clades corresponding to the

isolates of P. lilacinum (89% bootstrap support (bs), I. takamizusanensis (93% bs), and the
third encompassing our isolates FMR 10376 and FMR 10452 and one reference strain of N.

atypicola (CBS 731.73) together with 10 sequences retrieved from GenBank accessions

deposited as Paecilomyces sp. or P. lilacinus.

The combined ML phylogenetic analysis was restricted to ITS and EF-1α loci because

D1-D2 was not sufficiently variable and the only GenBank sequence of the (rpb1) gene of I.

takamizusanensis corresponded to a different strain (NHJ 3497) than was used with the EF-1α

locus (F1724). In this tree (FIG. 2) all isolates of P. lilacinum constituted a group with a 100%

bootstrap support and was separate from the group formed by the isolates FMR 10376, FMR

10452 and CBS 731.73, also with 100% bootstrap. These two groups, together with the strain

of I. takamizusanensis (F1724), constituted a main clade that received 98% bootstrap support.

The similarity percentage of ITS, D1-D2, EF-1α and rpb1 loci between the species included

in this main clade are included (TABLE III). The strains of N. atypicola (CBS 744.73) and P.

marquandii (CBS 182.27) were placed outside the main clade, acting in fact as outgroups for

the tree. The NJ tree showed the same topology and similar bs that the ML tree (data not


Mating test.—No teleomorph was observed after 6 mo incubation in any of the mating tests.


On the basis of the phylogenetic analysis and the phenotypic study, we concluded that FMR

10376, FMR 10452 and CBS 731.73 represent a species of Purpureocillium distinct from P.

lilacinum, which therefore is proposed here as new.

Purpureocillium lavendulum H. Perdomo, Gené, Cano & Guarro, sp. nov. FIGS. 3, 4

MycoBank MB561126

Colonies at 25 C on MEA attained 70–75 mm diam after 14 d incubation, consisting of a

dense basal felt of numerous conidiophores giving a powdery texture, pale vinaceous (9B2),

with sparse aerial mycelium, and producing a light yellow diffusible pigment. Colony features
on OA, PCA and PDA were similar to those observed on MEA, except that on PDA they were

radially folded toward the periphery. Colonies on CZA were floccose, pale vinaceous (9A2), a

colorless reverse and an absence of diffusible pigment. The optimum growth temperature was

25 C and the minimum was 15 C. Growth was scarce at 30 C and absent at 35 C.

Vegetative hyphae were hyaline, smooth-walled, 1–2 μm wide. Conidiophores

growing from the superficial mycelium were up to 400 μm long, consisting of a stipe, bearing

verticillate branches with terminal whorls of 3–6 phialides; stipe erect, septate, brownish

yellow to pale purple-brown, rough-walled, profusely verrucose and up to 5 μm wide near the

base. Conidiophores growing from the aerial mycelium were up to 60 μm long, irregularly

branched, with 1–3 phialides per branch, septate, hyaline and smooth-walled. Phialides were

7–12(–15) × 2–3 μm, with a short cylindrical, ellipsoidal or swollen basal portion tapering

into a distinct neck up to 5 μm long. Conidia were in long dry chains, unicellular, subglobose

with apiculate base or limoniform, 2–3 × 2–2.5 μm, smooth-walled, mostly subhyaline,

pinkish purple in mass; intercalar globose conidia, 3.5–4.5 × 3–4 μm, were observed in the

isolate CBS 128678. An Acremonium-like synanamorph was observed growing from the

superficial and submerged mycelium in all the media tested; conidiophores were simple,

usually reduced to a phialide, or slightly branched, up to 35 μm long, sometimes reduced to

pegs of intercalary cells; phialides were lageniform or cylindrical, 9–22 × 1.5–2 μm; conidia

were in slimy heads, subglobose, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, 2–3(–5) × 1–2 μm, smooth-walled,

hyaline; on CZA and PDA conidia were up to 12 μm long. Chlamydospores and teleomorph

were not observed.

Etymology: From the Latin lavendulum, referring to the lavender color of the colony.

Specimens examined: VENEZUELA. CARACAS: from soil, 2008, C. Hartung & S. Mata-Essayag

(HOLOTYPE IMI 500328, ex-type cultures CBS 128677 and FMR 10376).

Additional specimens examined: SPAIN. REUS: from a bronchial wash, 2009, I. Pujol (CBS 128678 =

IMI 500329 = FMR 10452). GHANA. TAFO: on Aethusa sp., H.C. Evans, 1973 (CBS 731.73).

Based on both morphological and molecular data, we have proposed and described the new

species Purpureocillium lavendulum. This species, like P. lilacinum, produces vinaceous

colonies, conidial chains and an Acremonium-like synanamorph with conidia in slimy heads.

However, P. lavendulum differs from P. lilacinum by having slightly longer phialides and

subglobose or limoniform catenate conidia with an apiculate base, by the production of a light

yellow diffusible pigment and by the absence of growth at 35 C. This new species is based on

three isolates from different sources and geographical origins, showing a high sequence

similarity for all the genes studied. Based on the geographical origins of our isolates (Spain,

Venezuela, Ghana) and those of the isolates from GenBank whose sequences were included

within the P. lavendulum clade (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America) (FIG. 1), this species

could be considered widely distributed. However, further studies are needed to ascertain the

role of this fungus in the different substrates on which it occurs. Nevertheless, probably the

clinical relevance of P. lavendulum is lower than that of P. lilacinum because, contrary to the

latter species, P. lavendulum does not grow at 35 C.

Our molecular data, based on four loci, agree with the results of Luangsa-ard et al.

(2011). We also found a low genetic variation among the isolates of P. lilacinum in spite of

their diverse origin and that Paecilomyces nostocoides and P. lilacinum are conspecific.

As mentioned above, studies have established a relationship between Isaria

takamizusanensis, Nomuraea atypicola and P. lilacinum (Luangsa-ard et al. 2004, 2011; Sung

et al. 2007a, Johnson et al. 2009). From the phylogenetic trees in this study, I.

takamizusanensis is the closest taxon to P. lilacinum and P. lavendulum and therefore also

could be considered a member of Purpureocillium. However, a new combination is not

proposed here due to the lack of type material or available ex-type cultures of I.

takamizusanensis. On the other hand, N. atypicola is phylogenetically distant from

Purpureocilllium. All those species have purple to vinaceous colonies, but I. takamizusanensis

(Kobayasi 1941) differs from P. lavendulum by having smaller conidiophores (65–110 μm

long) and larger conidia (2.5–4 × 1.4–1.8 μm). Nomuraea atypicola is easily differentiated

from P. lavendulum by its phialides with short or absent necks.

While N. atypicola was shown to be the anamorph of Cordyceps cylindrica Petch

(Evans and Samson1982, Hywel-Jones and Sivichai 1995, Stensrud et al. 2005), no

anamorph-teleomorph connection has been reported for members of Purpureocillium. Mating

tests performed in this study were negative for both species.


We are indebted to the curators of the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (the Netherlands) and Japan

Collection of Microorganisms (Japan) for supplying many of the strains used in the study. In addition, we thank

D.A. Sutton, Hugo Madrid, Isabel Pujol, Patricio Godoy, Claudia Hartung and Sofia Mata-Essayag for providing

some isolates and soil samples. This project was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,

grants CGL 2008-04226/BOS and CGL 2009-08698/BOS.


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FIG. 1. Maximum likelihood tree from the ITS region of Purpureocillium spp. and other related species obtained

from GenBank. Bootstrap support values above 70% are indicated at the nodes. T = ex-type strain.

FIG. 2. Maximum likelihood tree from the combined dataset of ITS and EF-1α. Bootstrap support values above

70% are indicated at the nodes. Sequences of Paecilomyces marquandii were chosen as outgroup. GenBank

accession numbers for sequences included in this analysis are included (TABLE I). T = ex-type strain.

FIG. 3. Purpureocillium lavendulum CBS 128677. A, B. Colony surface and reverse on MEA after 14 d

incubation at 2 ºC. C, J. Long conidiophores. D. Short conidiophores of Paecilomyces and those of the

Acremonium-like synanamorph (arrows) borne from the same hypha. E. Short conidiophore. F, I. Catenate

conidia. G. Solitary phialide producing catenate conidia. H. Solitary phialide of the Acremonium-like

synanamorph. Bars: C = 20 μm; D, E, G, H, J = 10 μm; F, I = 5 μm.

FIG. 4. Purpureocillium lavendulum CBS 128677. A, B. Short- and long-branched conidiophores and conidia.

B, D. Conidiophores and conidia of the Acremonium-like synanamorph. Bars: A, D= 10 μm; B, C= 5 μm.


Submitted 1 Jun 2011; accepted for publication 12 Jul 2012.

Corresponding author. Email:
TABLE I. Species, source code and sequences of the isolates included in the study
Species Isolates Source GenBank accession numbers
ITS D1D2 EF-1α rpb1
Isaria takamizusanensis F1724 Unknown GU980039* GU979993*
Nomuraea atypicola CBS 744.73 Japan GU980041* EF468786*
Paecilomyces marquandii CBS 182.27T Soil, Iowa, USA AY624193* EF468845* EF468793* EF468899*
Purpureocillium lavendulum FMR 10376 (=CBS 128677T) Soil, Caracas, Venezuela FR734106 FR775489 FR775516 FR775512
FMR 10452 (=CBS 128678) Bronchial wash, Reus, Spain FR734107 FR775490 FR775517 FR775513
CBS 731.73 (received as N. atypicola) Aethus, Tafo, Ghana HE792981 HE792982
Purpureocillium lilacinum CBS 284.36T Soil, New York, USA FR734101 FR775484 FR734156 FR775507
CBS 431.87 Meloidogyne eggs, Philippines AY624188* EF468844* EF468791* EF468897*
FMR 7231 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR734085 FR775468 FR734140 FR775491
FMR 8244 Nematode eggs, Amposta, Spain FR832488
FMR 8249 Nematode eggs, Amposta, Spain FR832489
FMR 8250 Nematode eggs, Amposta, Spain FR734086 FR775469 FR734141 FR775492
FMR 8251 Nematode, Amposta, Spain FR734087 FR775470 FR734142 FR775493
FMR 8253 Nematode, Amposta, Spain FR734088 FR775471 FR734143 FR775494
FMR 8254 Nematode eggs, Amposta, Spain FR832490
FMR 8255 Nematode eggs, Amposta, Spain FR832491
FMR 8648 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR734089 FR775472 FR734144 FR775495
FMR 8650 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR832492
FMR 8651 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR832493
FMR 8652 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR734090 FR775473 FR734145 FR775496
FMR 8654 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR832494
FMR 8656 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR832495
FMR 8657 Keratitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR832496
FMR 8747 Vitreous humor, Sao Paulo, Brazil FR734091 FR775474 FR734146 FR775497
FMR 10040 Soil, Iraq FR734092 FR775475 FR734147 FR775498
FMR 10041 Soil, Cuba FR734093 FR775476 FR734148 FR775499
FMR 10068 Soil, Nsukka, Nigeria FR734094 FR775477 FR734149 FR775500
FMR 10069 Soil, La Palma, Spain FR734095 FR775478 FR734150 FR775501
FMR 10096 Soil, La Palma, Spain FR734096 FR775479 FR734151 FR775502
FMR 10276 Soil, Nsukka, Nigeria FR832497
TABLE I. (cont.)
Species Isolates Source GenBank accession numbers
ITS D1D2 EF-1α rpb1
Purpureocillium lilacinum FMR 10380 Soil, Reus, Spain FR734102 FR775485 FR734157 FR775508
FMR 10277 Soil, Nsukka, Nigeria FR832498
FMR 10374 Soil, Cueva del Guacharo, Venezuela FR734097 FR775480 FR734152 FR775503
JCM 8437 (T P. nostocoides) Heterodera zeae, Kent County, USA FR734103 FR775486 FR734158 FR775509
JCM 8438 (received as P. nostocoides) Heterodera zeae, Kent County, USA FR734105 FR775488 FR775515 FR775511
JCM 8372 (received as P. nostocoides) Litter, Sado Island, Japan FR734104 FR775487 FR775514 FR775510
UTHSC 08-3504 Unknown, Utah, USA FR734098 FR775481 FR734153 FR775504
UTHSC 95-1315 Scalp, USA FR734099 FR775482 FR734154 FR775505
UTHSC 95-736 Sputum, USA FR734100 FR775483 FR734155 FR775506
CBS, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, the Netherlands; FMR, Culture Collection, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Reus,
Spain; JCM, Japan Collection of Microorganisms, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, Japan; UTHSC, Fungus Testing Laboratory, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio, USA; aInstitute of Fungus Rosources, Guizhou University. *Sequences retrieved from GenBank database. TType strain.
TABLE II. ITS GenBank and current identification of Purpureocillium spp.

ITS GenBank Species/strain Correct Reference

accession number identification

FR734101 P. lilacinum*/CBS 284.36T P. lilacinum Luangsa-ard et al. 2011

AY624188 P. lilacinum/CBS 431.87 P. lilacinum Luangsa-ard et al. 2011
FR734085 P. lilacinum/FMR 7231 P. lilacinum This study
FR832488 P. lilacinum/FMR 8244 P. lilacinum This study
FR832489 P. lilacinum/FMR 8249 P. lilacinum This study
FR734086 P. lilacinum/FMR 8250 P. lilacinum This study
FR734087 P. lilacinum/FMR 8251 P. lilacinum This study
FR734088 P. lilacinum/FMR 8253 P. lilacinum This study
FR832490 P. lilacinum/FMR 8254 P. lilacinum This study
FR832491 P. lilacinum/FMR 8255 P. lilacinum This study
FR734089 P. lilacinum/FMR 8648 P. lilacinum This study
FR832492 P. lilacinum/FMR 8650 P. lilacinum This study
FR832493 P. lilacinum/FMR 8651 P. lilacinum This study
FR734090 P. lilacinum/FMR 8652 P. lilacinum This study
FR832494 P. lilacinum/FMR 8654 P. lilacinum This study
FR832495 P. lilacinum/FMR 8656 P. lilacinum This study
FR832496 P. lilacinum/FMR 8657 P. lilacinum This study
FR734091 P. lilacinum/FMR 8747 P. lilacinum This study
FR734092 P. lilacinum/FMR 10040 P. lilacinum This study
FR734093 P. lilacinum/FMR 10041 P. lilacinum This study
FR734094 P. lilacinum/FMR 10068 P. lilacinum This study
FR734095 P. lilacinum/FMR 10069 P. lilacinum This study
FR734096 P. lilacinum/FMR 10096 P. lilacinum This study
FR832497 P. lilacinum/FMR 10276 P. lilacinum This study
FR734102 P. lilacinum/FMR 10380 P. lilacinum This study
FR734102 P. lilacinum/FMR 10380 P. lilacinum This study
FR832498 P. lilacinum/FMR 10277 P. lilacinum This study
FR734097 P. lilacinum/FMR 10374 P. lilacinum This study
FR734103 Pa. nostocoides*/JCM 8437 T P. lilacinum This study
FR734105 Pa. nostocoides/JCM 8438 P. lilacinum This study
FR734104 Pa. nostocoides/JCM 8372 P. lilacinum This study
FR734098 Pa. lilacinus*/UTHSC 08-3504 P. lilacinum This study
FR734099 Pa. lilacinus/UTHSC 95-1315 P. lilacinum This study
FR734100 Pa. lilacinus/UTHSC 95-736 P. lilacinum This study
HQ842841 P.lilacinum/DTO 30H4 P. lavendulum* This study
HQ832983 Paecilomyces sp./BMP2886 P. lavendulum This study
HM770963 Paecilomyces sp./INBIo255A P. lavendulum This study
EU553286 Pa. lilacinus/CG 190 P. lavendulum This study
HQ832987 Paecilomyces sp./BMP3057 P. lavendulum This study
HQ842840 P. lilacinum/IBT 27036 P. lavendulum This study
GU827505 Paecilomyces sp./INBIo3692B P. lavendulum This study
HQ842839 P. lilacinum/IBT 27830 P. lavendulum This study
HQ832986 Paecilomyces sp./ BMP2977 P. lavendulum This study

TABLE II. ITS GenBank and current identification of Purpureocillium spp.

ITS GenBank Species/strain Correct Reference

accession number identification
AY624190 Pa. lilacinus/CBS 940.73 P. lavendulum This study
HE792981 N. atypicola*/CBS 731.73 P. lavendulum This study
FR734106 P. lilacinum/FMR 10376 P. lavendulum This study
FR734107 P. lilacinum/FMR 10452 P. lavendulum This study
GU980040 I. takamizusanensis*/F896 I. takamizusanensis Unpublished
JF896089 I. takamizusanensis/DTO 78I1 I. takamizusanensis Luangsa-ard et al. 2011
GU980039 I. takamizusanensis/F1724 I. takamizusanensis Unpublished
JF896088 I. takamizusanensis/DTO 78H9 I. takamizusanensis Luangsa-ard et al. 2011

P. lilacinum*, Purpureocillium lilacinum; P.lavendulum*, Purpureocillium lavendulum;

Pa. nostocoides*, Paecilomyces nostocoides; Pa. lilacinus*, Paecilomyces lilacinus; I.
takamizusanensis*, Isaria takamizusanensis; N. atypicola*, Noumuraea atypicola
TABLE III. Similarity percentage of ITS, D1-D2, EF-1α and rpb1 loci for Purpureocillium lavendulum and related species
Species P. lilacinum P. lavendulum P. lavendulum P. lavendulum I. takamizusanensis
Strain CBS 284.36T CBS 128677T CBS 128678 CBS 731.73 F1724
ITS D1-D2 EF-1α rpb1 ITS D1-D2 EF-1α rpb1 ITS D1-D2 EF-1α rpb1 ITS D1-D2 EF-1α rpb1 ITS D1-D2 EF-1α rpb1
P. lilacinum 95.4 99.1 96.7 85.3 95.2 99.1 97.1 85.1 95.0 99.1 95.9 85.2 98.0 ND 95.1 ND
CBS 284.36T
P. lavendulum 99.8 100 99.8 99.8 99.2 100 98.6 99.4 95.4 ND 95.3 ND
CBS 128677T
P. lavendulum 98.9 100 98.8 99.3 95.2 ND 95.4 ND
CBS 128678
P. lavendulum 94.6 ND 94.5 ND
CBS 731.73
I. takamizusanensis
= type strain.
CBS = Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
ND = not determined.
FMR 7231 (FR734085)
FMR 8250 (FR734086)
FMR 8251 (FR734087)
FMR 8253 (FR734088)
FMR 8648 (FR734089)
FMR 8652 (FR734090)
FMR 8747 (FR734091)
FMR 10040 (FR734092)
FMR 10041 (FR734093)
FMR 10068 (FR734094)
FMR 10069 (FR734095)
FMR 10096 (FR734096) P. lilacinum
FMR 10374 (FR734097)
UTHSC 08-3504 (FR734098)
UTHSC 95-1315 (FR734099)
UTHSC 95-736 (FR734100)
CBS 284.36T (FR734101)
FMR 10380 (FR734102)
JCM 8437 (FR734103)
JCM 8372 (FR734104)
JCM 8438 (FR734105)

F896 (GU980040)
DTO 78I1 (JF896089)
93 I. takamizusanensis
F1724 (GU980039)
97 DTO 78H9 (JF896088)

IBT 27830 (HQ842839)

CBS 731.73 ((HE792981)

CBS 940,73 (AY624190)
FMR 10452 (FR734107)

BMP2977 (HQ832986)

FMR 10376 (FR734106)

IBT 27036 (HQ842840)
DTO 30H4 (HQ842841)
P. lavendulum
BMP3057 (HQ832987)7
BMP2886 (HQ832983)
CG 190 (EU553286)
INBIo2555A (HM770963)
INBIo3692B (GU827505)

UTHSC 08-3504
UTHSC 95-1315
JCM 8438
JCM 8372
FMR 8747
FMR 8652
FMR 8648
FMR 8253
FMR 8251
FMR 8250
FMR 7231
FMR 10374
P. lilacinum
CBS 284.36T
FMR 10040
FMR 10041
FMR 10068
FMR 10069
FMR 10096
JCM 8437
UTHSC 95-736
FMR 10380
FMR 10452
FMR 10376 P. lavendulum
CBS 731.73
F1724 I. takamizusanensis
CBS 744.73 N. atypicola
CBS 182.27T P. marquandii


FIG. 2. Maximum l ikelihood tree from the combined data set of ITS and EF-ϭɲ. Bootstrap support values
above 70% are indicated at the nodes. Sequences of Paecilomyces marquandii were chosen as outgroup.
GenBank accession numbers for sequences included in this analysis are listed in Table I. T Type strain.

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