Volkan Pre Yds Reduction Güzel

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1- _______ progress has been made in acknowledging the importance of the cerebellum in social cognition, its specific

functional role in social mentalizing remains unclear.

Because Provided that Although Now that Until

2- Recent research has revealed-revealed-is revealing that the cerebellum plays a critical role on-in-at social reasoning
and in particular in understanding false beliefs such as-as well as-thanks to making trait attributions. One hypothesis is
that the cerebellum is responsible for the understanding of sequences of motions and actions, that-which-what may be
a prerequisite for social understanding.
3- Studies with-beyond-below cerebellar patients began-were beginning-have begun-will begin to address dysfunctions
of social cognition in comparison of-with-from healthy controls.
4- All patients and controls were French-speaking except for one Dutch-speaking individual in each group. Therefore, all
tests, whose-where-which were developed and available in Dutch, were translated of-into-about French.
5- Research shows that even moderate alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure
rather than-unlike-besides-instead of coronary artery disease.
6- Human beings are meaning-seeking creatures. Our minds perceive a complex web of cause and effect at work in the
world around us and, _____, we expect to find causes everywhere.
however as a result for example instead in contrast
7- Often, our expectations are met, but-and-yet-or-although we discover the origins of events that at first seemed
8- Being socially connected directly impacts our basic needs and survival. People with deficits in social cognition have to-
might-should-must exhibit abnormal behaviors and face many challenges in our highly social-dependent world. These
challenges and limitations are associated on-with-for-of a substantial economical and subjective impact. As many
conditions that-whose-where-which social cognition is affected are highly prevalent, more treatments have to be
developed. Based in-on-with-from recent research, we review studies where non-invasive neuromodulatory techniques
have been used to promote Social Plasticity in developmental disorders.
9- Numerous studies demonstrated-have demonstrated-were demonstrating-had demonstrated the benefits of
authoritative parenting. These benefits include higher academic achievement, greater self-esteem, better social skills,
thanks to-as a result of-as well as lower levels of depression and anxiety. They are also more likely to develop good
social skills and behave responsibly. However-Therefore-Nonetheless-Instead, it's crucial to understand and practice
this parenting style, where-whose-which-from which is backed by a great amount of research data, to decline-dismiss-
nurture-drop-reduce your child's growth and development.
10- Every day, despite-unlike-in case of-thanks to Bluetooth technology, people across the world can connect wirelessly to
listen to music, check out a podcast, or watch a movie.
11- Douc is an old Vietnamese name which-where thought to mean monkey. In addition to-Thanks to the red-shanked
douc, there are two other douc species in Southeast Asia, also critically endangered: the black-shanked and gray-
shanked douc. Some deforestation can be traced back to the Vietnam War, when-which forests were sprayed with the
toxic defoliant known as Agent Orange.
12- Researchers say-said binge drinking combined to-with genetic risk must-can dramatically raise the risk of developing
alcohol-related cirrhosis.
13- In cases which-from which-where all three risk factors are present — binge drinking, genetic disposition, and the
presence of type 2 diabetes — drinking patterns should-may-would play a more significant role in development of
cirrhosis than the volume of drinking.
14- This study equips us of-with-from novel tools that are essential in pinpointing individuals on-in-at highest risk, thereby
enabling us to direct interventions more effectively toward those whom-who-whose stand to benefit the most.
1- Students who wear uniform feel more disciplined and responsible, according to some research.
Students WEARING uniform feel more disciplined and responsible, according to some research.

2- Houses that own more than two rooms may cost you an arm and a leg.
Houses OWNING more than two rooms may cost you an arm and a leg.
3- My brother has written a project that gives information about the covid-19.
My brother has written a project GIVING information about the covid-19.

4- The terrorists who killed the villagers set the village on fire.
The terrorists KILLING the villagers set the village on fire.

5- Although my brother works too much in the office, he feels happy because he likes his job.
WORKING too much in the office, he feels happy because he likes his job.

6- When he opened the door, he saw a giant bear.

Opening the door, he saw a giant bear.

7- Computers which are used to play video games need special software.
Computers USED to play video games need special software.

8- The drugs which were given to the patients were all outdated.
The drugs GIVEN to the patients were all outdated.
9- After the pizza was made after a long process, it was consumed in 5 minutes.
MADE after a long process, it was consumed in 5 minutes.
10- When the little girl was given a gift at school, she became very happy.
GIVEN a gift at school, she became very happy.
11- Because my father was offered a promotion, he became very happy.
OFFERED a promotion, he became very happy.
12- The first film that was shown in the town made everybody excited.
The first film SHOWN in the town made everybody excited.
13- The number of cars that was sold last year was around 5000.
The number of cars SOLD last year was around 5000.

14- I was the first who came home yesterday.

I was the first TO COME home yesterday.
15- Sabiha Gökçen was the first woman who flew a plane.
Sabiha Gökçen was the first woman TO FLY a plane.
16- There is nothing that we can do now.
There is nothing TO do now.
17- Hitler was the only person who believed himself.
Hitler was the only person TO BELIEVE himself.

The teacher who had finished a university found a nice job.

The teacher HAVING FINISHED a university found a nice job.
Because the man had seen the concert before, he did not buy a ticket.
HAVING SEEN the concert before, he did not buy a ticket.
The man who has been praised for his bravery looks very proud.
The man HAVING BEEN PRAISED for his bravery looks very proud.

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