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Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiac Structure and Function in Great

Apes: A Practical Guide

Article in International Zoo Yearbook · August 2013

DOI: 10.1111/izy.12026


11 1,504

14 authors, including:

Rob Shave David Oxborough

University of British Columbia - Okanagan Liverpool John Moores University


John Somauroo Yedra Feltrer-Rambaud

Liverpool John Moores University Free lance zoo and Wildlife vet


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Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–••


Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac

structure and function in great apes:
a practical guide
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cyncoed Campus, Cardiff CF23 6XD, United Kingdom,
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 2AJ, United Kingdom, 3Countess of
Chester Hospital, Heath Park, Chester CH2 1UL, United Kingdom, 4Zoological Society of
London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, United Kingdom, 5Durrell Wildlife Conservation
Trust, Les Augrès Manor, La Profonde Rue, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5BP, Channel Islands,
Twycross Zoo, East Midland Zoological Society, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 3PX, United
Kingdom, 7Chester Zoo, Upton-by-Chester, Chester CH2 1LH, United Kingdom, 8Paignton
Zoo Enviromental Park, Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7EU, United Kingdom, 9Zoo
Atlanta, 800 Cherokee Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30315, USA, and 10College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Georgia, 501 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA

Cardiac disease has been implicated as a leading cause INTRODUCTION

of death in captive great apes. Trans-thoracic echocardi-
ography provides clinically relevant information that Heart disease has been widely reported
may help differentiate between the myriad of different as a major cause of mortality in captive great
heart diseases and disorders, guide treatment and aid the
management of great apes with underlying cardiac
ape populations (Schmidt, 1975; Munson
pathology. The purpose of this paper is to provide an & Montali, 1990; Meehan & Lowenstein,
outline of the procedures and methodologies required to 1994; Seiler et al., 2009; McManamon &
conduct a thorough trans-thoracic echocardiogram of Lowenstine, 2012). However, ‘heart disease’
great apes under general anaesthesia. Basic logistical is an umbrella term that encompasses a
considerations are discussed before a detailed descrip-
tion of the procedures required for the assessment of variety of congenital and acquired diseases
overall cardiac structure and function. Using a thorough that differ considerably in their symptoms
systematic approach, it is our belief that veterinary pro- and phenotypical expression. For example,
fessionals may be better able to diagnose, treat and previous authors have reported evidence of
manage captive great apes with, or at risk of developing
heart disease.
aortic dissection (Kenny et al., 1994), inter-
stitial myocardial fibrosis (Lammey et al.,
Key-words: cardiac function; diagnosis;
2008), dilated cardiomyopathy (Sleeper
echocardiography; great ape; health; heart disease; et al., 2005), hypertension with subsequent
monitoring; ultrasound. heart failure (Miller et al., 1999) and

*Correspondence: Professor Rob Shave, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cyncoed Campus, Cardiff CF23 6XD, UK.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

atherosclerotic heart disease (Manning, 2003). Ultrasound equipment is now widely

1942; Scott et al., 1995) in great apes. In available and the cost is becoming less pro-
order to initiate appropriate intervention, it is hibitive. Furthermore, new portable versions
essential that veterinary professionals are are available that provide a high degree of
able to make an appropriate diagnosis of the flexibility, enabling comprehensive assess-
specific type of ‘heart disease’ that is present. ments to be carried out in a variety of envi-
While cardiac ultrasound is the initial ronments. This often means that animals can
diagnostic tool of choice in the assessment of be assessed without the additional health-
cardiac structure and function in humans, to and-safety issues associated with transporta-
date only limited data on cardiac function tion. The procedures outlined in this paper
in great apes are available. Recently, in an are based upon established guidelines for the
attempt to characterize normal cardiac struc- assessment of cardiac structure and function
ture and function in Western lowland gorilla in humans, and have been modified, where
Gorilla gorilla gorilla in captivity within appropriate, through the authors’ work with
the USA, Murphy et al. (2011) reported the great apes. In our experience, and using
initial echocardiographic findings from the trained sonographers, it is possible to
Great Ape Heart Project. This novel study complete a comprehensive echocardiogram
reported data for left ventricular (LV) wall within c. 10–20 minutes. Throughout the paper,
thickness, LV cavity dimensions, LV ejection example images from healthy animals are used
fraction (LVEF) and aortic root diameter to help explain procedures. As normal data
in 66 apparently healthy adult gorillas. regarding cardiac structure and function for
Although echocardiographic assessment of great apes are extremely limited at present, the
basic LV structure and global measures of use of pathologic examples has been avoided;
cardiac function [e.g. ejection fraction (EF)] however, in time it will likely be prudent to
is informative, a more comprehensive cardiac discuss and characterize individual cardiac
assessment is likely necessary in order to pathologies that are evident within populations
identify and distinguish the different cardiac of great apes.
pathologies that have been reported in great
apes. In order to ensure accuracy and repro- A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH
ducibility of findings, echocardiographic
examinations require adherence to standard- Discussion of anaesthetic protocols in great
ized protocols, which if not followed can apes, although important when interpreting
result in off-axis image acquisition, erro- the echocardiographic findings, is beyond the
neous measurements and inappropriate clini- scope of this paper, and the procedures that
cal interpretation. The purpose of this paper follow assume that a stable anaesthesia has
is to outline the procedures associated with been established. Ideally the examination is
a comprehensive trans-thoracic echocardio- conducted with the animal in left lateral
graphic examination in great apes under recumbency (Plate 1A) as this causes the
general anaesthesia. heart to move closer to the chest wall and,
hence, closer to the transducer. However,
INTRODUCTION TO where body size or unstable respiration
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN restrict positioning, it is often possible to
conduct a thorough evaluation with the
animal in dorsal recumbency (Plate 1B). In
Trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE) is a order to maximize the echocardiographic
well-established cardiac imaging modality acoustic windows, positioning the animal’s
with many applicable indications (Cheitlin left arm above the shoulder is also beneficial
et al., 2003). As a diagnostic tool, TTE is if practicable. Multiple transducers are avail-
considered safe (Barnett, 2001) and there are able for any given ultrasound machine, each
no direct contraindications (Cheitlin et al., typically possessing a range of frequency

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 1. A. Lateral recumbency may be achieved using straw packing, foam wedges or manual assistance. B.
Dorsal recumbency, although not ideal, often allows for adequate image acquisition if the size of animal,
examination location or unstable anaesthesia does not permit the use of the lateral position. The sonographer
may wish to scan from either the right or left side of the animal dependent upon what they are comfortable with.
Rob Shave, International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

options depending on the manufacturer. ECG capture. We have found that attaching
Transducer selection depends on the proxim- adhesive ECG electrodes to the hands and
ity of the heart to the transducer, the avail- feet of the animals provides the most reliable
ability of acoustic windows, and the nature signal, and avoids the necessity to shave,
and focus of the examination. We have found although the use of crocodile clips is also
that a standard adult human transducer (e.g. viable. The diagnostic use of ECGs in great
2–5 MHz) provides an acceptable balance apes is outside the scope of this paper;
between tissue penetration and image resolu- however, as part of a comprehensive cardio-
tion in animals ranging from large 웧 vascular examination, similar to humans, a
silverback Gorillas Gorilla gorilla to small 웨 12-lead ECG likely provides additional diag-
Bonobos Pan paniscus. However, it is pos- nostic data.
sible that in very small juvenile animals, a
higher-frequency (e.g. 4–7·5 MHz) trans-
ducer may provide adequate penetration and OVERVIEW OF
superior resolution. It should be noted that ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC MODALITIES
large body size, excessive fat, chest-wall
abnormalities and pulmonary disease may all A complete TTE investigation includes
reduce image quality. Nonetheless, it is the use of two-dimensional (2D), motion
usually possible to gain diagnostic images (M-mode) and Doppler ultrasound modali-
even in animals where a full data set cannot ties. The information provided by these is
be obtained. All digital acquisition is coupled complementary, and their combined use
to a single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is necessary for a complete examination,
inherent to the ultrasound system, which yielding far greater sensitivity and speci-
enables the identification of specific time ficity in the assessment of cardiac disease
components within the cardiac cycle. It is, (Oxborough, 2008). The following sections
therefore, important to ensure good-quality provide a brief summary of the main

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 2. Parasternal long-axis views at: A. end diastole and B. end systole. It should be noted that measurements
of wall thickness and cavity diameter must be taken perpendicular to the myocardium/cavity. International
Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Plate 3. M-mode image showing a single ultrasound scan line (see B-mode image at the top of the screen) over
the course of five cardiac cycles: x. left ventricular internal diameter during diastole; y. left ventricular internal
dimension during systole; z. inter-ventricular septum during diastole; q. posterior free wall during diastole.
International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

uses of these modalities during a typical and chamber dimensions) and non-linear
echocardiogram. measurements (e.g. chamber area and volume
Two-dimensional echocardiography pro- calculations). The real-time 2D image also
duces the conventional and familiar grey- provides a visual guide for each of the other
scale images characteristic of a diagnostic modalities and is necessary in order to obtain
ultrasound examination (Plate 2). These accurate and valid M-mode and Doppler
images allow the visual assessment of cardiac measurements.
structure and function, which although sub- M-mode echocardiography captures infor-
jective, is nonetheless a critical part of any mation along a single scan line obtained
examination. Caliper measurements per- from the 2D data set (Plate 3). Using a very
formed from these images, although subject high sampling rate compared with the other
to human error, provide a more objective modalities, the resultant display provides
means of assessment. These include both high temporal resolution of structures that
linear measurements (e.g. wall thicknesses can be difficult to resolve with the human

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 4. Tissue Doppler image of the left lateral free wall. Note the position of the sample volume (Doppler gate)
at the mitral valve annulus in the colour B-mode image at the top of the screen: S′. systolic wall velocity; E′. early
diastolic tissue velocity; A′. late diastolic (atrial) tissue velocity. Sample volume may be placed in the septal and
right ventricular free wall to examine region specific function. International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff
Metropolitan University.

eye. Historically, M-mode has been consid- return to the transducer before sending out
ered the gold standard for linear distance another pulse. CW Doppler can measure
measurements. However, as ultrasound-image higher blood velocities along a line of inter-
quality has improved with technological rogation (e.g. a stenotic left ventricular
advancement, 2D caliper measurements have outflow tract, or mitral regurgitant flow) but
become an acceptable and even preferred alter- specific localization along that line is not
native for this purpose. possible.
Applying the Doppler shift principle to To obtain accurate spectral Doppler data
compare sent and returning ultrasound wave for blood flow, it is essential that the ultra-
frequencies, Doppler-based imaging is used sound beam is as close to parallel with the
to obtain velocity data as well as crude direc- blood flow as possible. Each standard view
tional information. For the purposes of diag- offers the opportunity for Doppler assess-
nostic ultrasound imaging, it can be divided ment of certain regions of interest. Proper
into spectral Doppler and colour Doppler alignment can be optimized by movement of
imaging, and either of these can be applied to the transducer and, if necessary, the animal.
blood flow or myocardial tissue. For both PW and CW Doppler, flow towards
Spectral Doppler-derived information, the transducer is graphically presented
most commonly presented as yellow wave- above the baseline while flow away is below.
forms such as in Plates 4 and 5, is obtained Spectral Doppler-derived flow velocity infor-
via either pulsed-wave (PW) or continuous- mation is expressed in units of either centi-
wave (CW) interrogation. Using a Doppler metres or metres per second. When applied to
sample gate, PW Doppler focuses on a small, fluid (in this case blood), this can be con-
specified volume of blood or tissue (e.g. verted into quantitative pressure information
blood flow just distal to a valve). This enables via a relatively simple formula (the modified
the evaluation of a specific region of interest Bernoulli equation), which is invaluable in
but is limited to relatively lower velocities the haemodynamic assessment of the heart
owing to the need to wait for a sent pulse to and the great vessels. Conditions such as

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 5. Transmitral Doppler. Note the Doppler sample volume (Doppler gate) in the B-mode image at the top
of the screen, positioned immediately caudal to the mitral valve: E. early ventricular filling velocity; A. late
(atrial) ventricular filling velocity. It should be noted at higher heart rates >100 beats minute−1 the E and A waves
often fuse into a single waveform. International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

valvular stenosis and pulmonary hyperten- normal laminar flow pattern (i.e. flow turbu-
sion can be diagnosed and graded for severity lence). Various colour maps may be used,
using spectral Doppler imaging. with one common map assigning the colour
The application of Doppler imaging to blue to blood moving away from the trans-
tissue (commonly referred to as tissue ducer and the colour red to blood moving
Doppler imaging, or TDI) has primarily towards the transducer. The inclusion of
focused on the assessment of diastolic ‘variance’ in a colour map is used to indicate
cardiac function, although information about multi-directional flow, which is inferred to
systolic function can also be acquired. This represent flow turbulence. Colour Doppler
technique is somewhat newer than the evalu- imaging is a sensitive tool for detecting
ation of blood flow and has received much valvular regurgitation, septal defects and
attention in the human cardiology field. other abnormalities resulting in blood-flow
However, to date the use of TDI in veterinary turbulence.
medicine has been limited primarily to cats The order in which images are acquired
and dogs and requires further examination in during an echocardiogram is not important;
other species. To the knowledge of the however, a systematic approach is recom-
authors its use in great apes has not been mended to ensure that all required images are
evaluated but, given the significant utility acquired. Normally, most images can be
within human medicine, TDI methodology is obtained from two distinct acoustic windows.
discussed below. In humans and, in our experience, generally in
Colour Doppler imaging is a form of great apes, the parasternal window is typically
multi-gated PW Doppler imaging, in which positioned in either of the third or fourth inter-
colour is assigned to many different regions costal spaces against the left sternal border
of interest and overlaid on a 2D image. (Plate 6A), whereas the apical window is typi-
Coupled with knowledge of normal cardiac cally located in the sixth or seventh intercostal
anatomy and blood-flow patterns, it is most spaces in the mid-axilla (Plate 6B). Depend-
commonly utilized in the assessment of blood ent on size and individual anatomy, the spe-
flow for abnormal direction and/or lack of a cific rib spaces for these windows may vary

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 6. Transducer positions to acquire: A. parasternal and B. apical trans-thoracic echocardiographic images
in great apes. Rob Shave, International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

slightly between animals and transducer part of the Great Ape Heart Project. For com-
movement between ribs, or movement more parison, normal human data are also pre-
medial or lateral, is often required to optimize sented (Lang et al., 2005).
the image.
LV and RV wall thickness and
DETERMINATION OF LV AND cavity dimension
Diastolic and systolic wall thickness and
dimensions are obtained from a parasternal
The main purpose of assessing LV and RV long-axis image such as that shown in Plate 2.
structure is to quantify absolute cardiac size. As outlined above, the parasternal long-axis
This includes the determination of systolic view is ideally obtained with the animal in left
and diastolic LV and RV wall thicknesses, lateral recumbence. In this position, the ultra-
internal cavity dimensions, and LV mass. sound transducer is placed in the third or
Measurements of wall thickness and cavity fourth intercostal space against the left sternal
dimensions are normally performed on border with the transducer index point (notch
images obtained at end-diastole, guided by the or light on the side of the transducer) pointing
ECG [beginning of the QRS complex (i.e. the towards the animal’s right shoulder. In order
principal deflection in the ECG, representing to optimize image acquisition, subtle adjust-
the start of ventricular depolarization)] and ments may be required, such as tilting
generally corresponding to the maximum (‘fanning’) and/or rotation of the transducer.
separation between the inter-ventricular The aim is to produce an image that is aligned
septum and left ventricular posterior wall. In with the long axis of the left ventricle,
addition to standard cavity and wall-thickness showing the mitral valve in the centre of the
measurements, the relationships between sector, the left atrium and aortic root to the
internal cavity dimensions and/or wall thick- right, and the inter-ventricular septum paral-
ness or between left and right chambers can lel to the left ventricular posterior wall. As a
also be useful indicators of overall cardiac result of improvements in image clarity
structure. Although limited, Table 1 contains and temporal resolution achievable with
LV structural data that have been collected as modern machines, recent human guidelines

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London


웨 웧 웨 웧 웨 웧 웨 웧
PARAMETER (n = 14) (n = 9) (n = 1) (n = 1)

Left ventricular diastolic 39–53 42–59 44 (35–53) 56 (32–75) 45 (36–56) 45 (32–59) 39 41

diameter (mm)
Interventricular septum 6–12 6–13 12 (7–20) 14 (8–23) 10 (8–13) 10 (6–16) 6 4
Left ventricle posterior 6–12 6–13 12 (8–24) 14 (10–20) 9 (6–12) 8 (6–10) 4 7
wall (mm)
Left ventricle diastolic 56–104 67–155 73 (41–129) 76 (58–97) 38 70
volume (ml)
Left ventricle systolic 19–49 22–58 36 (22–48) 30 (18–50) 17 31
volume (ml)
Relative wall thickness <0·45 <0·45 0·44 (0·31–0·56) 0·43 (0·29–0·63) 0·26 0·27
Left ventricular ejection >55 >55 65 (44–82) 62 (50–80) 48 (27–63) 60 (49–71) 56 56
fraction (%)

Table 1. Measures of left ventricular structure in great apes (mean and range presented). Data taken from previous publications (Møller et al., 2006; Lammey
et al., 2008) or as part of the ongoing Great Ape Heart Project: + indicates data taken from Lang et al. (2005); * indicates data taken from Murphy et al. (2011);
** indicates data obtained as part of the International Primate Heart Project. These values are not intended as ‘normal’ reference ranges, rather as the min–max
data that have been collected and likely includes animals with pathology.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

recommend that end-diastolic and end- standing, informative clinical data can be
systolic LV measurements be directly obtained from parasternal long-axis views
obtained from the parasternal long-axis (RV wall thickness and RV outflow dimen-
2D image as opposed to the previously sions) or modified RV-focused four-chamber
recommended M-mode approach (Plate 3) views. RV and right-atrial dimensions can
(Feigenbaum et al., 2004; Lang et al., 2005). be measured from a four-chamber view
The image is paused at end-diastole obtained from the apical window at end-
(Plate 2A) and inter-ventricular septal thick- diastole and end-systole, respectively. In this
ness (IVSd), left ventricular internal dimen- view in humans, the right ventricle appears
sion (LVIDd) and left ventricular posterior- smaller than the left and is usually no more
wall thickness (LVPWd) are measured at the than two-thirds the size of the left ventricle
level of the mitral-valve leaflets. End-diastole in the standard apical four-chamber view.
can be defined as either the onset of the QRS Accordingly, if the RV size exceeds that of
complex in the ECG (preferred approach) or, the LV in this view, it is likely to be abnor-
in the absence of a simultaneous ECG, the mally enlarged (Rudski et al., 2010). At
frame after the mitral valve closes. With slight present, normative data related to right-heart
adjustment moving the aortic and mitral structure is not available in great apes; how-
valves more centrally into the image, left ever, serial assessment may be useful and
atrial and aortic root diameters may also be indicated if pathology is suspected.
assessed from this view. Importantly, in order
to ensure accurate assessment of cardiac
LV volumes
dimensions, measurements must be made
in appropriately orientated standard views If image quality permits, LV volumes should
(foreshortening leads to underestimation of be calculated using the Simpson’s biplane
chamber dimensions) with the beam perpen- methodology (Lang et al., 2005). Briefly, 2D
dicular to myocardial walls and ventricular loops taken from the apical four-chamber and
chamber long axis (obliquity leads to overes- two-chamber views are used (Plate 7), with
timation). End-systolic values are obtained by the internal cavity of the LV being traced at
moving the parasternal long-axis recording to end-diastole and end-systole. End-diastole
the end-systolic frame (Plate 2B) within the coincides with the beginning of the Q-wave
same cardiac cycle. The end-systolic frame on the ECG, and end-systole can be identified
occurs immediately before mitral-valve in the frame with the smallest LV cavity
opening. On most ultrasound systems, con- cross-sectional area in both apical views,
secutive assessment of LV diastolic and sys- immediately prior to mitral-valve opening.
tolic dimensions will produce an automated Care must be taken not to foreshorten the
estimation of additional parameters such as images, and also to identify and trace the
LV volumes and LV mass. While these have endocardial boundary clearly. Combining
been validated previously and may be useful data from both the four-chamber and two-
if other images cannot be obtained, LV chamber views means that unlike other esti-
volumes and mass obtained with this method mates of LV volumes, such as the M-mode
must be interpreted with care (Kronik et al., guided Teichholz approach (Teichholz et al.,
1979). More appropriate methods to estimate 1976), fewer geometric assumptions are
end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, EF made, and a more accurate estimation of
and LV mass are presented below. mass, volumes and EF can be made.

RV wall thickness and dimensions LV mass

The anatomical position and complex shape The calculation of LV mass may help to
of the right ventricle limit its assessment discriminate between physiology and pathol-
using trans-thoracic ultrasound. Notwith- ogy by providing evidence of hypertrophy.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 7. B-Mode apical 2- (top) and 4- (bottom) chamber views during end diastole (left) and end systole (right).
White line represents end diastolic (left) and end systolic (right) volumes which are used to calculate stroke
volume and ejection fraction according to Simpson’s methodology. International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff
Metropolitan University.

However, normal values for great apes have dimensions. Specifically, RWT, eccentricity
not been published, and LV mass would index and sphericity index can all be
not be expected to be similar between the informative. In humans these indices are
great-ape taxa. Likewise, comparison with based on the fact that ‘normal’ structure is
established human reference ranges is inap- characterized by proportional relationships
propriate. A number of formulas exist for the between the LV and RV or between cavity
determination of LV mass. The three most length and diameter.
commonly used are the method by Devereux RWT, the relationship between LV cavity
& Reichek (1977), the area-length formula diameter (LVIDd) and LV wall thickness
(Reichek et al., 1983) and the truncated ellip- (IVSd), is calculated as either:
soid model (Schiller et al., 1983). All of these
methods require the acquisition of multiple 2 × PWTd
echocardiographic views as detailed in the LVIDd
original publications (Devereux & Reichek,
1977; Reichek et al., 1983; Schiller et al., or
1983). IVSd + PWTd
Relative wall thickness (RWT),
where PWT is the posterior wall thickness.
eccentricity and sphericity indices
In humans, RWT has been shown to be
In order to assess overall cardiac structure it an important discriminator of physiological
is useful to calculate a number of indices that and pathological hypertrophy with a normal
combine measures of wall thickness or cavity reference cut point of 0·42–0·45 (Foppa

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 8. Parasternal short-axis image of the left ventricle at the level of the papillary muscle. Left ventricular
eccentricity index is calculated as the ratio left ventricular end-diastolic diameters measured at the level of
the papillary muscles between the inter-ventricular septum and the: x. posterior-lateral wall; y. inferior and
anterior walls. International Primate Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

et al., 2005; Lang et al., 2005). It should be the serial assessment of animals undergoing
noted, however, that in conditions where both clinical investigation and treatment.
pressure and volume overload exist (e.g.
aortic stenosis with aortic regurgitation), it is ASSESSMENT OF LV SYSTOLIC
possible to have significant LV hypertrophy
with a normal RWT. Calculation of an LV
eccentricity index (LVEI) may be helpful in Historically the evaluation of cardiac func-
situations where RV overload is suggested by tion has focused on systolic indices, in par-
inter-ventricular septal displacement. LVEI ticular the left ventricle, which has geometry
is the ratio of LV end-diastolic diameters that is more amenable to assessment than the
measured at the level of the papillary muscles right ventricle. Foremost among these indices
between the inferior and anterior walls, and has been LVEF. While a useful starting point,
between the inter-ventricular septum and the LVEF should not be considered the definitive
posterior-lateral wall (Plate 8), with a normal measure of overall cardiac function and
ratio close to 1 (Ryan et al., 1985). To obtain ideally should be considered alongside a
the LV short-axis image, the transducer is number of other measures, including indices
rotated 90 degrees from the long-axis view, of diastolic function.
so that the index point is in the direction of
the left shoulder. The sphericity index (SI)
is calculated by dividing LV long axis by
the axis that perpendicularly intersects the EF provides some insight into global ven-
midpoint of the long axis measured from tricular performance as its calculation incor-
the apical four-chamber view. A small SI is porates changes in both end-diastolic volume
indicative of an elliptical LV whereas values (EDV) as well as end-systolic volume (ESV).
closer to 1·0 suggest a spherical LV. At Specifically, LVEF represents the percentage
present, normal values for RWT, LVEI and SI of EDV that is ejected from the ventricle
in great apes are not available. However, during systole and is calculated using the fol-
these may be useful parameters to monitor in lowing formula:

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

( EDV − ESV ) should be consistent between LV and RV

EF% = × 100 recordings and, if possible, held constant
EDV between examinations. Once an appropriate
EF in the past has been calculated using sector has been obtained, the TDI sample
volumes derived from ventricular diameters volume is placed at the level of the mitral
taken from M-mode assessments; however, annulus in the myocardial wall under exami-
it is now recommended that LVEF should nation. Differences between inter-ventricular
be calculated from volumes derived using septal, LV free wall and RV free wall veloc-
the Simpson’s biplane method as described ities exist in humans (Alam et al., 1999), with
above (Lang et al., 2005). If image clarity the RV demonstrating considerably faster
does not permit adequate tracing of EDV or velocities than both the septum and the LV
ESV, then using volumes derived from linear free wall. This differential pattern between
measurements would appear to be a prag- the LV and RV also appears to exist in healthy
matic approach, but this should be noted at Chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and Gorillas
the point of reporting and these two methods (author observations).
should not be used interchangeably. Although
LVEF is a useful index of global LV function,
interpretation of LVEF without accounting ASSESSMENT OF DIASTOLIC
for other aspects of cardiac function, such as FUNCTION
absolute ventricular volumes or blood pres-
sure (a surrogate of afterload), should be In humans, impaired diastolic function has
effected with caution. been shown to be highly predictive of poor
cardiovascular outcome (Fagard & Pardaens,
2001; Møller et al., 2006) and often changes
Ventricular systolic tissue velocities
in diastolic function precede reductions in
Left and right ventricular TDI-derived veloc- systolic function (Nesto & Kowalchuk,
ities provide additional information related to 1987; McManus & Aurigemma, 2006).
systolic and diastolic performance (Plate 4). As Accordingly, it is possible that timely
mentioned above, TDI is a relatively new tool. assessment of diastolic function may aid in
As such, it is not available on older ultrasound early intervention in great apes, or at least
systems. It has the advantage that regional LV in earlier detection of cardiac disease. Typi-
and RV function can be assessed. It must be cally, at low heart rates, LV diastolic func-
noted, however, thatTDI-derived indices of sys- tion is characterized by two phases of
tolic function are not as load independent as ventricular filling; early (passive) and late
originally thought. That is, in addition to intrin- (related to atrial contraction). Early filling
sic myocardial contractility, measurements are results from initial pressure decay within the
influenced by preload, afterload and translation ventricle, related to diastolic untwist during
motion of the heart within the thoracic cavity. the isovolumic relaxation period; this and
Nonetheless, as with other echocardiographic increasing atrial pressure result in a positive
measurements, TDI velocities provide incre- pressure differential between the atrium and
mental value when included as part of a com- the ventricle, resulting in the opening of the
prehensive study. mitral valve. Following a short delay, in the
TDI values are obtained with the ultra- healthy and non-tachycardic heart, the atria
sound beam in line with myocardial motion. contract late in diastole and ‘top-up’ the
For the assessment of LV free wall and ventricles. Diastolic function is assessed by
RV tissue velocities, the angle of the sector the characterization of the early and late
width may have to be adjusted accordingly. flow patterns of blood as it enters the ven-
To ensure standardization of images and tricle, and the associated movement of the
comparability between different myocardial ventricular myocardium during these two
regions, the sector width and imaging depth phases.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Transmitral filling humans (Ommen et al., 2000). Accordingly,

this measure may add value when interpret-
Using PW Doppler, the magnitude and
ing overall cardiac function. However, as
pattern of LV filling can be assessed. Using
with many other indices, E:E′ has not, as yet,
an apical four-chamber view, the sample
been validated in great apes.
volume is placed between the tips of the open
mitral-valve leaflets (Plate 5). If the ultra-
sound beam is placed in line with the blood ASSESSMENT OF VALVULAR
flow entering the LV chamber, the Doppler COMPETENCE (REGURGITATION)
signal should produce a clear envelope. In a
young healthy LV an alternating pattern of The advent of colour-flow Doppler has
high early diastolic (E) to low late diastolic allowed qualitative and semi-quantitative
(A) filling velocities can be expected, assessment of valvular regurgitation, as well
although this may vary considerably between as other causes of blood-flow turbulence.
species, between animals and even between While in the colour-flow Doppler setting, a
cardiac cycles in an individual animal. region of interest is superimposed over a
Furthermore, the contribution of early dias- portion of the 2D image (e.g. a valve). This
tolic passive filling (E) and late diastolic provides a colour representation of the direc-
atrial contraction (A) can change not only tion and mean velocity of blood flow. As
with disease but also across the healthy mentioned above, flow moving towards the
lifespan. In humans, for example, it is known transducer is typically indicated by the colour
that healthy ageing leads to a gradual shift in red and flow moving away is coded as blue.
the E/A ratio such that the late (atrial) com- Accordingly, with knowledge of the ‘normal’
ponent becomes more prominent and E/A pattern of blood flow across valves, it is
subsequently decreases (Lester et al., 2008). possible to identify areas of backflow or
It is likely, therefore, that low E/A ratios in regurgitation. The quantitative assessment of
young animals indicate some degree of dias- regurgitant volume is complex, a description
tolic dysfunction, which may precede the of which is outside the scope of this paper.
onset of systolic dysfunction. Assessment Simple visual estimation of the size of the
of RV diastolic function is achieved using a regurgitant jet (e.g. relative to the size of the
similar approach across the tricuspid valve. receiving chamber) may be helpful in moni-
toring progression (Plate 9). In addition
Diastolic tissue velocities to the assessment of valvular competence,
colour-flow Doppler is sensitive for detecting
Diastolic tissue velocities are obtained from certain congenital defects (e.g. atrial septal
the same images used for the assessment of defects, ventricular septal defects and patent
systolic tissue velocities as outlined above ductus arteriosus, among others).
and shown in Plate 4. Similar to the
transmitral filling pattern, the tissue Doppler
signal produces an E and A wave, and these ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS
are annotated as E′ and A′. In line with the
Scaling of measurements
normal transmitral filling pattern, the healthy
left ventricle produces a greater (more nega- Taxa of great apes differ considerably from
tive) E′ than A′, and in the presence of abnor- one another in both size and mass, Bonobos
mal transmitral filling, changes in diastolic typically weighing 30–40 kg while a large 웧
tissue velocities may reflect disease severity/ silverback Gorilla may weigh as much as
progression of diastolic dysfunction. Using a 230 kg. In humans, up to 50% of the variabil-
combination of transmitral flow Doppler and ity in LV dimensions can be accounted for
mitral annular TDI data, previous authors by differences in body size (Pelliccia et al.,
have shown that the E:E′ ratio is a useful 1999). Despite this, scaling of cardiac param-
indicator (surrogate) of left atrial pressure in eters in clinical situations is still relatively

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

Plate 9. Example of aortic regurgitation (x) and tricuspid regurgitation (y) taken from the parasternal long-axis
and apical four-chamber views, respectively. Note the transmitral flow occurring simultaneous with the
regurgitant aortic flow (x). In line with the Blue Away Red Towards convention, the transmitral flow in the left
image is labelled red because it is directed towards the transducer and the flow exiting the left ventricle towards
the aorta in the right image is labelled blue because it is directed away from the transducer. International Primate
Heart Project, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

limited. Given the very large range of size cardiac variables in great apes but to interpret
and mass evident across species of great these alongside body-size and body-mass
apes, it is likely that scaling of both cardiac characteristics.
structure and function should be adopted.
Simple ratio-metric approaches that divide
cardiac parameters by some measure of body Anaesthesia and blood pressure
size (e.g. height, mass, body surface area)
have been widely used in humans; however, As mentioned previously, it is beyond the
the assumption of a purely linear relationship scope of this paper to examine the various
between the cardiac variable under investiga- anaesthetic protocols that are used within the
tion and the body size may not be valid. A clinical assessment of great apes. However, it
number of other theoretical issues have been is important to understand that some anaes-
previously discussed regarding the inappro- thetic agents directly influence cardiac con-
priateness of ratio-metric scaling for cardiac tractility, while others may influence vascular
variables (Dewey et al., 2008). Alternative resistance and, hence, loading conditions.
methods using allometric scaling approaches Moreover, the cardiovascular effects of dif-
have been suggested (Cornell et al., 2004). ferent agents can vary dependent on the
Allometric scaling divides the variable of amount of time that has passed since admin-
interest by a body-size variable that has been istration (Bloor et al., 1992; Selmi et al.,
raised to a scalar exponent. This approach 2004). Accordingly, it is important to inter-
has been shown to eliminate the effects of pret data in light of the specific anaesthetic
body size upon the variable of interest and is protocol that has been employed and the
likely the approach that should be used to timing of the echocardiogram relative to the
compare cardiac parameters across and time of anaesthetic induction. While it may
between the great apes. At this point in time, not be possible to achieve consistency of
however, until large-scale studies have been anaesthetic protocol between collections, it
conducted, it is not possible to determine the should be possible to adopt a standardized
various allometric exponents that should be protocol within each institution and certainly
employed, or indeed the ideal measure of between repeat assessments so that data from
body size. In the meantime it is probably serial assessments in the same animal may at
best practice to report absolute values for least be compared.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

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Int. Zoo Yb. (2014) 48: ••–•• © 2013 The Authors. International Zoo Yearbook © 2013 The Zoological Society of London

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