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COMPLEMENTS FOR R (Complementos para R)


Addition + Suma
Division / División
Exponentiation ^ Exponenciación
Multiplication * Multiplicación
Sustraction - Resta


Absolute value abs Valor absoluto
Arc cosine acos Arco coseno
Arc sine asin Arco seno
Arc tangent atan Arco tangente
Cosine cos Coseno
Exponential exp Exponencial
Factorial factorial Factorial
Log base 10 log10 Logaritmo base 10
Natural logarithm log Logaritmo neperiano
Round round Redondeo
Sine sin Seno
Square root sqrt Raíz cuadrada
Tangent tan Tangente

Argument A value or piece of data supplied to a function as input
Command A typed instruction to R
Command The symbol used by R to indicate that it is ready to receive your command, which
prompt looks like this: >
CSV Comma-separated values (.csv files)
Data frame A type of object that is suitable for holding a dataset
DIF Data interchange format (.dif files)
A set of commands that have been given a name and together perform a specific
Object A piece of data or information that has been stored and given a name
The window into which you type your commands and in which output and any
R Console
error or warning messages are displayed
Script file A file with the .R extension, which is used to save commands and comments
TXT Tab-delimited files (.txt files)
An object that contains several data values of the same type arranged in a
particular order
The virtual area containing all of the objects created in the session, which can be
saved to a file with the .RData file name extension

Character variables contain character strings. A character string is any combination
of Unicode characters including letters, numbers, and symbols. This class is suitable
for any data that does not belong to one of the other classes, such as reference
numbers, labels, and text, giving additional comments or information
COMPLEMENTS FOR R (Complementos para R)

These variables contain dates or date-times in a special format, which is convenient
Data & POSIXIt
to work with
Factor variables are suitable for categorical data. Factor variables generally have a
Factor small number of unique values, known as levels. The actual values can be either
numbers or character strings.
Integer variables contain positive or negative numbers without a decimal point. This
class behaves in much the same way as the numeric class. An integer variable is
automatically converted to a numeric variable if a value with a fractional part is
Numeric variables contain real numbers, meaning positive or negative number with
or without a decimal point. They can also contain the missing data symbol (NA)

Add-on Accesorio, extra, plus
Argument Argumento
Assignment Trabajo, asignación, tarea
Backslash Barra (diagonal) invertida (\)
Beforehand De antemano
By default Por omisión, por defecto
Case-sensitive Sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas
Character string Cadena de símbolos
Command Orden
Console Consola
Data frame Conjunto de datos
Data set Conjunto de datos
Default value Valor por defecto
Device Artilugio, mecanismo
Dot Punto
Download Descargar
Drop-down menus Menús desplegables
Environment Entorno
File Archivo
Flat text Texto sin formato (también llamado plain text)
Forward slash Barra (signo ortográfico /)
Grid Cuadro, cuadrícula, red, rejilla
Hard drive Disco duro
Hash sign Función hash (almohadilla #)
Header Encabezado, cabecera
Input Entrada
Install Instalar
Interface Interfaz, interfase
Key Tecla
Keyboard Teclado
Layout Disposición
Link Enlace, conexión
Merged cell Celda combinada
Mistyping Erróneamente tecleado
Network Red
COMPLEMENTS FOR R (Complementos para R)

Object Objeto
Onward En adelante, en curso
Optional argument Argumento opcional
Output Resultado, salida
Plain text, flat text Texto sin formato
Precedence Prioridad
Prompt Entrada (pie)
Quotation mark Comilla (signo de puntuación “)
Required argument Argumento obligatorio
Round bracket Paréntesis ( )
Round function Función redondeo (entero más próximo)
Script Secuencia de comandos
Semicolon Punto y coma ;
Settings Configuración, ajustes
Setup Configuración
Shortcut Atajo, acceso directo
Spreadsheet Hoja de cálculo
Square bracket Corchete [ ]
Startup Puesta en marcha, encendido
Tab Tabulador
Task Tarea
To arrange Colocar, ordenar
To cancel Cancelar, suspender, anular
To customize (UK), customise (US) Personalizar
To delete Borrar, eliminar, suprimir, tachar
To display Exhibir, exponer, demostrar
To edit Editar
To highlight Seleccionar
To host Albergar, acoger
To import Importar (traer)
To input Introducir, ingresar, registrar
To output Generar, producir, fabricar, elaborar
To overwrite Sobreescribir
To perform Cumplir con, actuar
To prevent Evitar, impedir
To prompt Apuntar (dar pie)
To rearrange Reorganizar
To remove Quitar, eliminar
To rename Cambiar el nombre, renombrar
To resume Continuar, reanudar
To right-click Presionar el botón derecho del ratón
To run Ejecutar (una orden con el ordenador)
To save Guardar
To scroll Desplazarse
To sort Ordenar
To start Encender, poner en marcha
To submit Enviar
To supply Proporcionar
To transfer Trasladar, transferir
COMPLEMENTS FOR R (Complementos para R)

To transpose Transponer
Underscore Subrayado
Vector Vector
Warning Alarma, aviso, advertencia
Website Sitio web
Wizard Asistente de instalación
Workbook Libro de trabajo
Working directory Directorio en funcionamiento
Worksheet Hoja de cálculo
Workspace Área de trabajo

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