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For most people different kinds of sports mean various free time activities and hobbies.

can motivate people to start living a healthier lifestyle, start jogging or even to start playing a
sport of their liking.
Popular sports rivalries or big sports competitions have a very positive impact on people, as
these games can either be opportunities for people to get together, and start cheering for the
teams they like, or they can have an impact on those, who hasn’t watched any sports before.
Sports like basketball, american or european football, waterpolo, tennis have annual
competitions, and winning them is a dream for every sportsclub and every professional
In every sport there are clubs that won the most trophies over the course of their history, and
of course, these clubs own the biggest, and most passionate fanbases and the fiercest rivalries.
For example matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona in football, France and England in
international football, Lakers and Spurs in basketball can start wars on social media in
between the fans of these teams even days before the matches. Most of the times these ’wars’
only mean arguments between the fans, but there has been different cases, when the
arguments between rival fans resulted in agression and fights in the stadiums.
The big matches and rivalries bring in lots of attention for the clubs, and this attention raises
the number of viewers. The high number of fans then attracts the richer sponsors, this means
higher revenue for the clubs, and also, the chance to maintain the rivalries with signing the
most skilled and successful players. To be a big name in the most watched sports is a big
responsibility. As many child or adult idolize these players, they not only have to focus on
being the best and most skilled player, but to be a good role model also.

Benedek Tóth

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