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394 Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.21 No.

9 September 2003

Making recombinant proteins in

animals – different systems, different
Michael K. Dyck, Dan Lacroix, François Pothier and Marc-André Sirard
Centre de Recherche en Biologie de la Reproduction Dépt des Sciences Animals, Pavillon Paul Comtois, Cité Universitaire,
Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada, G1K 7P4

Transgenic animal bioreactors represent a powerful activity. Insect cell systems are commonly used at the
tool to address the growing need for therapeutic recom- laboratory scale and some systems offer adequate pro-
binant proteins. The ability of transgenic animals to duction yields [14], but they have unique glycosylation
produce complex, biologically active recombinant pro- patterns and the baculovirus system is more appropriate
teins in an efficient and economic manner has stimu- for laboratory scale production. Metazoa cell culture
lated a great deal of interest in this area. As a result, systems have also been used as bioreactors but are
genetically modified animals of several species, expres- expensive to maintain and difficult to scale-up. Mamma-
sing foreign proteins in various tissues, are currently lian cells in particular can perform complex post-transla-
being developed. However, the generation of trans- tional modifications, although the costs associated with
genic animals is a cumbersome process and remains scaling these systems up for mass-production purposes are
problematic in the application of this technology. The extremely high [15]. Transgenic plants [16,17], animals
advantages and disadvantages of different transgenic [18 –20] and insects [21] have a potentially large pro-
systems in relation to other bioreactor systems are duction capacity at lower costs than mammalian cell
discussed. culture but involve relatively slow production set-up and
have yet to cross many regulatory hurdles.
The biotechnology industry is currently experiencing Direct comparison of the production costs associated
an extreme shortage of manufacturing capacity for with these different systems can be difficult because of the
recombinant therapeutic proteins [1]. As a result, a lack of data on protein yield, purification rates and
growing number of biological systems are being production scale, particularly for new systems. The
evaluated for the production of these valuable proteins. specific recombinant protein being produced also has a
Although some have been used for many years, others major role in defining each of these factors and numbers
are relatively new and still experimental. Factors such can vary according to specific costs. Capital and production
as scale-up, total annual production, speed of pro- costs favour transgenic animals over mammalian cell
duction set-up, post-translational modifications and culture. Building a large-scale (10 000 l bioreactor) man-
regulatory issues come into play in choosing the system ufacturing facility for mammalian cells takes 3– 5 years
that is most suitable for any given protein target [2 – 6] and costs US$250–500 million, whereas a transgenic farm
(Fig. 1). This review discusses different systems with a single purification facility should not cost more than
currently being considered and applied for recombinant US$80 million, probably less. As seen in Table 1,
protein production and focuses on the use of transgenic production costs are substantially lower for transgenics
animals for this purpose. than for cell culture (presented by H.L. Levine, 2002 BIO
International Biotechnology Convention and Exhibition,
Recombinant protein production platforms 9 – 12 June, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). However, once the
Bacteria have proven useful as bioreactors because they raw material has been produced, validated purification
are grown easily at any scale. However, they are limited in processes costs are similar regardless of the production
their ability to perform the post-translational protein systems used and bring total estimated costs-of-goods
modifications necessary for many targets [7 – 9]. Certain
Table 1. Comparative estimated production COGS between cell
eukaryotic systems, such as yeast, filamentous fungi and culture and transgenicsa
unicellular algae, can be scaled-up with relative ease
[10 – 13] and are capable of post-translational modifi- Production scale System Production, COGS (dollars gram21)
cations. However, these systems are often limited by 50 kg year21 Cell culture 147
Transgenics 20
their ability to duplicate human patterns of protein 300 kg year21 Cell culture 48
processing and can thus yield recombinant products with Transgenics 6
undesirable properties, such as immunogenicity or lack of Abbreviation: COGS, costs-of-goods.
Presented by H.L. Levine, 2002 BIO International Biotechnology Convention and
Corresponding author: Marc-André Sirard ( Exhibition, 9– 12 June, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 0167-7799/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0167-7799(03)00190-2
Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.21 No.9 September 2003 395

Worst Best







Bacteria Yeast Filamentous Mammal Plants Animals

fungi cells
TRENDS in Biotechnology

Fig. 1. Relative merits of different systems. Speed, ‘gene to production’ time; Cost/g, total cost of goods; scale-up, ease and speed; regulatory, accumulated products
approval history.

(COGS) closer between cell culture and transgenics. In have been produced to address this problem but milk
fact, an estimation of total COGS which include capital, production rates and the number of animals needed to
production and purification costs gives values of produce adequate amounts of protein can be limiting [23].
US$942 gram21 for cell culture and US$679–703 gram21 In addition, certain bioactive proteins produced in milk
for transgenics for a production scale of 50 kg year21 can have adverse affects on the animal’s health. This is
(presented by H.L. Levine, BIO 2002). Thus, although the particularly true when they are produced at high
gap is not as large when purification is factored in, concentrations and the protein can be reabsorbed. This
transgenics still show a financial advantage over cell culture limits the use of this type of recombinant protein
even when all costs are taken into account. production system to inactive or non-interfering
This type of evaluation demonstrates the economic proteins [25].
efficiency of producing recombinant proteins using trans- The use of transgenic eggs for large-scale production of
genic systems compared with cell culture bioreactors. recombinant proteins is another method being contem-
This, coupled with the fact that transgenic animals are plated. Interest in this system is driven by the fact that a
well equipped to perform all of the complex post-transla- single hen can produce an impressive number of eggs
tional modifications necessary to render some proteins (up to 330 eggs year21) and egg white naturally contains
biologically active, has driven interest in developing , 4 g of protein [26]. Despite its potential however, this
transgenic livestock as bioreactors to produce valuable system has been hampered by the lack of an efficient
recombinant proteins in their bodily fluids. system of transgenesis in poultry.
Other forms of collectable bodily fluids that could be
Transgenic animal bioreactors used for the production of foreign proteins in transgenic
The mammary gland has generally been considered the animals are being considered. The possibility of isolating
tissue of choice to express valuable recombinant proteins foreign proteins from the blood of transgenic pigs has been
in transgenic animal bioreactors because milk is easily explored and pigs producing human hemoglobin in their
collected in large volumes. As a result, a great deal of effort own circulatory system have been produced [27]. In
has been made to produce transgenic bioreactors with the principle, the human component of the pigs’ blood was to
traditional ‘dairy’ species, such as sheep, goats and cows be used as a blood substitute, but the similarities between
[22]. Foreign proteins are commonly reported to be the porcine and human blood components made isolation
expressed into transgenic milk at rates of several grams of the human hemoglobin arduous. Blood is a less than
per litre [23]. However, the production of proteins in milk ideal fluid for protein production because harvesting is
is limited by the relatively long interval from birth to first invasive and bioactive proteins could affect the animal’s
lactation encountered with domestic livestock, the discon- health to the point of making it impractical. The idea of
tinuous nature of the lactation cycle and the substantial using the bladder as a bioreactor by engineering urethe-
time and material investments required to produce lium production and secretion of a foreign protein into the
transgenic dairy animals [24]. Transgenic rabbits and urine has also been explored [28 –31]. The limiting factor
pigs expressing foreign proteins in their mammary glands with bladder production of proteins has been yield.
396 Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.21 No.9 September 2003

Although the bladder epithelium does secrete proteins, the high maintenance costs of farm animals, makes the
rates are minimal, and thus protein production rates with production of certain species of transgenic livestock by
this system are extremely low. this means time-consuming and expensive. The nature of
The seminal fluid of the male ejaculate has also been avian reproductive systems makes this form of gene
considered as a site for recombinant protein secretion in transfer impossible in poultry. Furthermore, the unpre-
transgenic animals [32]. Of particular interest is the pig dictability of the site and rate of transgene integration in
because the boar’s male accessory sex glands possess many the host genome and the resulting variation in transgene
characteristics that make them appropriate for the expression because of position effects have also proved
production of recombinant proteins, including: a large problematic [40]. These limitations have driven the search
capacity for protein production; protein production is for alternate modes of transgenesis, resulting in several
continuous throughout the reproductive life of the animal; unique approaches to gene transfer.
the ability to perform the complex post-translational Retroviruses represent a natural system capable of
modifications. Pig semen contains 30 mg of protein per efficiently introducing foreign DNA into animal cells [41].
ml [33] and boars can produce 200– 300 ml of semen [34] For gene transfer purposes, viral gene sequences are
for a total of 6 – 9 g of protein per ejaculate. The collection deleted from the organism and replaced with a transgene.
and handling of boar semen is a well-established process, The redesigned retroviruses are introduced into develop-
performed on a large scale at swine artificial insemination ing embryos to facilitate the transfer of the foreign DNA
units worldwide. Also of interest is the fact that protein into an animal. The use of retroviral vectors for transgen-
secretion by these tissues is uniquely exocrine, minimising esis is unique in that only a single copy of the transgene is
the risk of a biologically active recombinant protein integrated in the host genome and the virus can be
upsetting the host’s own physiology. introduced into oocytes or embryos at various stages. A
The generation of transgenic pig bioreactors producing less than ideal aspect of retroviral vectors is that they are
foreign proteins in their semen will initially be limited by limited in the size of constructs that they can carry [42,43].
our lack of knowledge regarding the regulatory sequences Furthermore, founder animals are generally mosaic and
and promoters to drive expression of proteins into the male the genes are not always expressed in the second
sex glands. Therefore the isolation and characterization of generation. Despite this, retroviruses have been used to
these sequences is necessary. Given that the family of successfully produce transgenic mice [44,45] and viral
proteins referred to as spermadhesins are the major integration of recombinant sequences into bovine embryos
protein component of boar seminal fluid [35], expression to produce transgenic calves has been reported [46,47].
of recombinant protein coding sequences under the control The use of motile sperm as vectors to introduce foreign
of the promoter regions of these genes in transgenic boars DNA into oocytes has stimulated great interest. The first
will provide an indication of the production capacity of this reported use of sperm as DNA vectors involved the
bioreactor system. incubation of washed mouse spermatozoa in the presence
The raw potential for producing valuable proteins with of DNA fragments, leading to the production of transgenic
transgenic animals seems apparent. However, the purifi- mice when these spermatozoa were used for in vitro
cation of these proteins from their source, whether milk, fertilisation [48]. The same group has reported of the
eggs or semen, is still a hurdle to be overcome and creates, production of transgenic pigs with this technique [49 – 51].
often undefined, regulatory issues. Isolation of recombi- Attempts to increase DNA binding to the sperm with
nant proteins from milk is complicated by the presence of DNA –liposome complexes [52], electroporation [53,54] or
micelles and fat globules [36]. Purification challenges with the aid of antibodies [55] have also been explored.
inherent to the complex composition of the egg could also This form of transgenesis is enticing because it requires
be problematic. However, for semen, once the sperm has neither specialized equipment nor a high level of expertise.
been removed from the seminal fluid, protein purification However, the technique is continually confounded by the
can be performed using methods previously established for limited ability of the host’s genome to integrate foreign DNA
milk. Another aspect to consider when producing proteins presented in this manner. As a result, the sperm-mediated
in the tissues of transgenic animals is the ability of the production of transgenic animals has been difficult to
tissues to execute complex post-translational modifi- reproduce [56] and generally results in mosaic animals [55].
cations. This process is different from protein to protein A twist on the use of sperm as DNA carriers involves
and might also vary from tissue to tissue. manipulating the cells responsible for spermatogenesis
referred to as spermatogonia, rather than the sperm
Generating transgenic animals themselves [57]. A series of publications by Brinster and
Although transgenic animal bioreactors represent a colleagues brought attention to the potential of being able
powerful means of producing recombinant proteins, the to recover spermatogonial stem cells, genetically manip-
generation of transgenic domestic animals is difficult and ulate them in vitro, and transplant the cells into a
often considered a barrier to their application. The recipient testis [58– 60]. The recipient animals act as
technique that has been the most successful in producing vectors, producing male gametes originating from the
transgenic animals is the microinjection of DNA into the genetically modified spermatogonia. Resulting transgenic
pronuclei of fertilised oocytes [37,38]. The efficiency of offspring would harbour the gene introduced into the male
transgenesis in large domestic animals varies but is stem cells in vitro. Processes for transplanting testis cells
generally considered to approach 1.0% [39]. This degree from one male to another, as well as culturing spermato-
of inefficiency, coupled with the extended gestation and gonial cells have been established in the mouse [61].
Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.21 No.9 September 2003 397

However, development of this technology in livestock has embryo survival to term, low transgene integration and
been limited to the manipulation of the pig male stem cells the unpredictability of transgene behaviour is problematic
in vivo [62,63]. and has lead to the search for alternative gene transfer
Embryonic stem (ES) cells and primordial germ (PG) strategies. However, none of the alternatives to date has
cells provide another medium for the production of done so without burdening the transgenic animal pro-
transgenic animals and represent the primary means of duction system with additional pitfalls. Furthermore, for
gene transfer for poultry. The ability to isolate, maintain reproductively efficient species, including mice, rabbits
and manipulate pluripotent ES or PG cells is a powerful and pigs, this inefficiency is less prohibitive than for less
research tool [64,65]. Genetically modified cells are prolific species, such as goats, sheep and cattle.
injected into developing embryos to produce chimeric
animals. If the modified cell line contributes to the gonads Commercial application of transgenic animal bioreactors
of the chimeric animal and participates in the production The use of transgenic animals for protein production in a
of sperm and oocytes, resulting offspring will include a research environment is generally performed without
certain percentage of transgenic progeny. The advantages constraints but can become limited when considering
of ES cells as a mode of gene transfer include: (1) ES cells commercial applications. Many aspects of the more recent
can be transformed in vitro with foreign DNA and screened approaches described above have been patented for
before being used to produce chimerics; (2) the site of agricultural or biomedical applications. For example, to
transgene integration in the genome can be controlled by express a particular protein in the mammary gland, a
homologous recombination to replace existing genes. functional promoter for this tissue is needed. Unfortu-
Reviews of the literature indicate that the production of nately, all the regulatory sequences for this purpose are
chimeric animals with ES or PG cell technology has been currently covered by patent limitations. In addition, if the
applied successfully in mice [66,67] rabbits [68], pigs [69], product one wishes to produce in milk has a known DNA
cattle [70] and poultry [71]. However, transmission of the sequence, chances are the protein and its use as a
ES or PG genome into the gametes to produce transgenic therapeutic are also patented. Furthermore, if nuclear
offspring from a chimeric animal has only been efficiently transfer or cloning is a part of the process, a myriad of
achieved in mice [72] and chickens [73]. patents have been granted for various aspects of this
The production of transgenic animals by nuclear procedure. Currently, several patent holders maintain
transfer offers the same primary advantage as ES cells, that they possess a valid patent to clone and freedom to
in that genetic manipulations can be performed on cell operate, so it might take a few years and a certain degree of
lines in vitro. The nuclear material from these modified litigation to resolve the individual validity of these claims.
cells is then transferred into the cytoplasm of a recipient Also, because many patents are based on slightly modified
cell from which the genetic material has been removed. technical approaches, it might be difficult to determine
The resulting entity is exposed to an activation process, which techniques are used to obtain a final product.
which if successful, causes it to divide and develop into an Regulatory processes associated with the commercializa-
animal. Therefore, characterized cell lines in which the tion of a given product will require the description of
desired expression patterns of a particular transgene have detailed procedures and help in the enforcement of
been established can be used as nuclear donors. The intellectual property rights.
resulting animals are genetic copies of the cells manipu- Other concerns surrounding these technologies include
lated in culture and therefore carry the transgene of the ethical and environmental aspects of transgenesis.
interest. Integration of a transgene into the genome might disturb
The ability to produce ‘clones’ by nuclear transfer holds endogenous gene expression either in the first generation
great potential for the area of genetic manipulation of or when homozygote transgenic animals are required. In
livestock and has been used to produce transgenic sheep the past, certain gene transfer studies have resulted in
[74], cattle [75,76] and pigs [77]. Recently, cloned calves affected or sick animals [25,81] and these experiments
that harbour an artificial mammalian chromosome have were terminated. Any genetic manipulation resulting in
been produced using these same procedures [78]. However, animal suffering would not be acceptable to scientists, the
this technology is still plagued by low clone viability, with public or regulatory agencies.
most dying during gestation or soon after birth. Surviving The environmental issues associated with genetically
offspring also exhibit increased birth weights and patho- modified organisms that have caused the most public
logical features [79,80]. Therefore, identification and outcry, including food and ecosystem contamination or
elimination of the factors resulting in these adverse affects threats to biodiversity, are generally more problematic in
is necessary before this technique can be universally transgenic plants than animals. Most of the applications of
applied for this purpose. transgenic animals are related to biomedical applications
Pronuclear microinjection, despite its limitations, and therefore does not include entry of the animals into the
remains the most straightforward and consistently food chain. Unlike plants, there is little chance of
successful means of gene transfer for most species. transgenic domestic animals entering the wild and mating
Preparation of a transgene for microinjection requires with feral species. In the case of biodiversity, people
little beyond the techniques necessary to produce any form working with traditional genetic selection procedures in
of DNA construct. The manipulations involved in farm animals have already taken measures to preserve
microinjection, although challenging, are no more cumber- some rare breeds. However, theoretically, adding a
some than those required for other techniques. Poor transgene to a population actually increases biodiversity
398 Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.21 No.9 September 2003

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