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 Agree

Idea 1: Older well-trained drivers always prepare their patience and calm to tackle some unexpected
incidents. => When they collide with something on the way, they can immediately use brakes.

Idea 2: Beginners will have more time to practice their driving skill. => The more time they spend on
training, the more experience they can manipulate their vehicles to minimize the risk of accident.

Idea 3: Government should impose a tough punishment law to raise awareness of citizens. => Drunken
drivers crossing red light have to receive heavy penalty from 5 million VND to 10 million VND.

=> Disagree

Idea 1: Governments should allow universities be financially independent. When schools have their own
budgets, facilities become more modernized to provide favorable environment for students such as
science rooms, desks, doors. Moreover, teachers will be able to raise their salary to improve their
teaching quality.

Idea 2: There are some individuals unable to follow studying in universities so the course fees which
covered by governments spending on other valuable parts of life such as charity activities, heath care
services and conserve environment.

Idea 3: Governments should pay scholarship for in need students or deserved students. => Push them
harder in studying way and encourage their achievement, share a part of their financial burden.

 Agree

Idea 1: Young generations nowadays always glue their eyes on science and make friends with virtual
characters => become isolated with their life and reduce communication skills.
Idea 2: When citizens read amount of negative comments on social media, they will have negative
thinking and unable to be themselves in real life. => Reduce productive at work => effect on co-worker

Idea 3: In the other hand, cutting-edge devices enable citizens to keep contact with relatives living in
remote area. => Overuse leads to adverse impacts mentioned above.

 Agree

Idea 1: The more paper newspapers are printed, the more damage deforestations do. => Lead to natural
disasters such as storms, acid rains and forest fire.

Idea 2: There are several cutting –edge devices appeared to provide exactly information around the
world for citizens. A mobile phone accessing with the Internet will update latest news/announcements.

Idea 3: However, avid individuals still make use of printed paper newspapers which gain trustworthy and
reliable documents for users.

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