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*OHYSLZ*aLPZSLYs udno lroessor und Drector

o the Dvson o Seep Medcne ut Hurvurd Medcu
Schoo und Che o the Dvson o Seep Medcne
ut rghum und \omen's Hosptu. He s one o the
vord's eudng uuthortes on crcudun rhythms und the
chronoboogy o seep und vukeuness, und u poneer
n trunsutng ths reseurch nto cncu medcne und
occuputonu heuth notuby the recenty ntroduced
drovsy drvng egsuton n Mussuchusetts.
3\PZ+L3LJLHs un Assocute lroessor o lsychutry
und ehuvoru Scence ut Stunord Medcu Schoo.
Among hs reevunt contrbutons to the seep ed
ure the dscoveres o tvo neuropeptde trunsmtters,
cortstutn und the hypocretns. More recenty he hus
uncovered nev unctons or the hypocretnergc system,
ncudng mportunt roes n the ucute stress response
und n brun revurd uncton. He s the uuthor o
Hypocte||ns: ln|egta|ots o| Ihys|o|og|ca| S|gna|s.
+H]PK+PUNLZChe o the Dvson o Seep und
Chronoboogy, s uso lroessor o lsychoogy n
lsychutry ut the Lnversty o lennsyvunu Schoo o
Medcne. Hs reseurch ocuses on the physoogcu und
cogntve consequences o seep oss und stress und the
evuuuton o potentu behuvoru, phurmucoogcu und
technoogcu remedes. Dnges s currenty lresdent
o the \ord lederuton o Seep Reseurch und Seep
Medcne Socetes und Ldtor-n-Che o SLLLl, the
eudng scentc ournu on seep reseurch und medcne.
4HYR,YPJ+`RLUs Drector o the Seep Dsorders
Center ut the Lnversty o lovu. He receved hs M.D.
rom lndunu Lnversty und competed u resdency n
Neuroogy, und leovshps n Cncu Neurophysoogy
und Seep Dsorders Medcne ut lovu. Hs studes
o seep dsorders huve resuted n hs uppontment to
u number o nutonu study groups und he s sted n
est Doctors n seep medcne. Amongst hs muny
contrbutons, hs vork denng the reutonshp betveen
obstructve seep upneu |CSA) und stroke und deuth s
oten reerenced to usty the uggressve treutment o CSA.
9HSWO.YLLUZWHUthe Levs . und Dorothy Cu-
mun Senor leov n Lxpermentu Neuroboogy ut 1he
Neuroscences lnsttute, studes the genetc nuences
o behuvor n the rut y, ncudng the smurty o ts
seep-ke behuvor to thut o mummus. Recenty, hs
ub hus been ookng ut the evouton o mechunsms o
behuvor n orgunsms vth prmtve nervous systems
such us the eysh. ln !o Ct|||et |e|| Beh|nd', u recent
Current oogy edtoru, und n hs nev book n
ln|toduc||on |o !etvous Sys|ems, Creenspun ceebrutes u
renussunce n the study o nvertebrute neuroboogy.
-YLK.HNL s Ader lroessor n the Luborutory o
Cenetcs ut the Suk lnsttute. Hs vork concentrutes
on the udut centru nervous system und unexpected
pustcty und uduptubty to envronmentu stmuuton
thut remuns throughout the e o u mummus. Cuge's
ub shoved thut, contrury to uccepted dogmu, udut
humun bengs ure cupube o grovng nev nerve ces
u process cued neurogeness. A ormer presdent o
the Socety or Neuroscence, Cuge vus numed one o
1lML muguzne's l00 lnnovutors n Scence or the 2lst
+HUPLS2YPWRL nov lroessor Lmertus o lsychutry ut
the Lnversty o Cuornu, Sun Dego, deveoped the rst
seep cnc n the regon. Hs 2002 study shovng thut
peope vho sept ony 6 or 7 hours u nght huve u over
deuth rute thun those seepng 8 hours or more creuted
controversy umongst seep reseurchers. Hs muor nterests
ncude the prevuence o seep upneu, the vurutons n
mortuty n compurson vth umount o seep und use o
seepng ps, und the study o crcudun-phuse responses
to brght ght und exercse. He hus vrtten tvo e-books:
Bt|gh|en \out I||e und 1he Oatl S|de o| S|eep|ng I|||s.
7OPSPW3V^ s u leov o the Soun-Svurtz Center or
1heoretcu Neuroboogy und u lh.D. cunddute n the
Compututonu Neuroboogy Luborutory ut the Suk
lnsttute. Hs expermentu und compututonu |SlLARS)
methods chuenge our current understundng o brun
vuves durng seepng und vukng stutes n humuns und
ucross speces. Hs vork hus been eutured n techncu
und popuur urtces ncudng 1he Iconom|s| und 1he
Ml1 1echno|ogy Rev|eu. He s the co-ounder und CLC o
NeuroVg, lnc., vhch buds non-nvusve brun uctvty
montors to provde heuth dugnostcs n reu tme.
(SSHU7HJR un expert on obstructve seep upneu
|CSA), s currenty lroessor o Medcne, Che o the
Dvson o Seep Medcne und Drector o the Center
or Seep und Resprutory Neuroboogy ut the Lnversty
o lennsyvunu. He hus poneered reseurch nto the
neuru mechunsms o CSA und hus currenty deveoped
u reseurch group to study the moecuur mechunsms o
:H[JOPU7HUKH un Assstunt lroessor n the Reguutory
oogy Luborutory ut the Suk lnsttute, seeks to
understund the mechunsm o crcudun reguuton by
usng vurous struteges to denty genes thut nuence
crcudun reguuton throughout the body. He s uso
vorkng tovurds denng the mechunsms nvoved n
synchronzuton o the crcudun oscutor to ght-durk
condtons und dentyng the crtcu eements nvoved
n the trunsmsson o ght normuton rom the eye to
the brun's muster oscutor.
;LYYLUJL:LQUV^ZRP s un HHMl nvestgutor, the
lruncs Crck lroessor und Drector o the Crck-}ucobs
Center or 1heoretcu und Compututonu oogy ut the
Suk lnsttute. He s the uuthor o severu books ncudng
1he Compu|a||ona| Bta|n und I|ats, Iovets, und Hetoes:
\ha| |he !eu Bta|n Sc|ence Revea|s bou| Hou \e
Become \ho \e te.
:HYH4LKUPJR u ormer Suk lnsttute reseurcher, hus
recenty oned the Depurtment o lsychutry ut LCSD
us u lroect Scentst. She studes hov nuppng cun
mprove humun perormunce und uses MRl und LLC
to pnpont the ureus o the brun thut undere these
mprovements. Mednck s the uuthor o 1ale a !ap'
Change \out I||e, u nev scentc uccount o the benets
o nuppng or u generu uudence. Ater the rgors o u
book tour, she cun nov be ound on her couch pructcng
vhut she preuches.
9VILY[:[PJRNVSKAssstunt lroessor o lsychutry ut
Hurvurd Medcu Schoo, conducts reseurch on seep
und dreumng ut the Luborutory o Neurophysoogy ut
the Mussuchusetts Mentu Heuth Center n oston. He
hus spent much o hs cureer studyng the reutonshp
betveen seep und eurnng und hus vrtten tvo scence
cton noves, C|otyh||s und 1he Ca|||otn|a Coven
7H\S:OH^ s Assstunt lroessor o Anutomy und
Neuroboogy ut \ushngton Lnversty- St. Lous
vhere he studes the moecuur puthvuys nvoved
n mummuun seep und seep homeostuss. He hus
uso recenty dented the rst bomurker or humun
seepness bused on hs vork vth seep debt n rut
es und s currenty studyng the nuence o seep und
crcudun rhythms on ugng.
1LYY`:PLNLSs lroessor o lsychutry ut LCLA, ormer
lresdent o the Seep Reseurch Socety, the recpent o
MLRl1 und }uvts uvurds rom NlH und the Dstngushed
Scentst uvurd rom the SRS. Hs uborutory hus mude
dscoveres concernng the roe o hypocretn n humun
nurcoepsy. He hus studed the phyogeny o seep us
u cue to seep uncton, dscoverng thut the prmtve
mummu, putypus, hus RLM seep und thut murne
mummus cun go vthout seep or ong perods vthout
.P\SPV;VUVUP s lroessor o lsychutry ut the
Lnversty o \sconsn-Mudson vhere he vorks ut
the Center or Seep und Conscousness, deveopng
und renng the normuton ntegruton theory o
conscousness und poneerng u combnuton o
eectrophysoogcu und moecuur uppruouches to hs
reseurch n seep. 1onon s the co-uuthor o In|vetse
o| Consc|ousness: Hou Ma||et Becomes lmag|na||on.
9VNLY)PUNOHT s u scentst n the Compututonu
Neuroboogy Luborutory ut the Suk lnsttute, und u member
o the reseurch ucuty ut the Center or run und Cognton,
Lnversty o Cuornu, Sun Dego. He s the co-uuthor
o 1he Ct|g|n o| M|nds: Ivo|u||on, In|queness, and |he
!eu Sc|ence o| |he Se||, und the creutor und host o Lmmy
uvurd-vnnng lS scence progrums on evoutonury
psychoogy und cogntve neuroscence, ncudng the
crtcuy uccumed seres 1he Humun uest. He s
co-ounder und Drector o 1he Scence Netvork.

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