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Lesson 1: “Collaboration Nation:Soft Skills Mastery in the Tech Industry”

“However” for presenting contrasting ideas
“Moreover” for adding extra information
“In addition” for making a further point
“On the other hand” for presenting an opposing viewpoint
“Nevertheless” for indicating that despite something, something else is true or relevant
“Look into” for investigation or researching
“Speak up” for expressing oneself clearly and confidently
“Put forward” for suggesting or proposing

Pre-reading activity (Watch 2 videos):
Answer the following question:

1. In your opinion, what are some of the most important soft skills for tech professionals to possess?
2. How effective communication and teamwork contribute to success in the tech industry

Reading activity:
Let’s read the article from Forbes:
The article discusses how soft skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership are becoming
increasingly important in the tech industry. It describes how these abilities can help professionals be more
effective in their roles and advance in their careers.

Answer these Questions:

A) why are soft skills becoming increasingly important in the technology industry?
B) How can effective communication and collaboration help tech professionals succeed?
C) what are some examples of soft skills that are especially important for technologists?
D)How can IT professionals improve their soft skills?

Final thoughts:
To wrap up the class, let’s create a scenario in which effective communication and teamwork would be
critical in resolving a problem or achieving a goal in a tech-related workplace. If time allows, make sure to
write a small speech script (8-10 lines) and discuss the importance of soft skills in the scenario.

Lesson 2:

Pre-video activity:
Answering the following questions:
What are some common challenges that you face when listening to presentation or meeting in a
professional setting?
As a class, generate a list of common challenges and discuss strategies for overcoming them.
Video activity:
Watch the video to answer these questions:
Why is it important to have soft skills in the workplace?
How can soft skill preservation be applied to other areas or industries?
What factors contribute to the decline in the societal value of soft skills?
Post video activity
“Meeting Makeover Challenge”
The weekly team meeting at your company has seen low participation and engagement from team
members.The team oversees devising a solution to increase participation, engagement, and the
application of soft skills in these meetings.
Step 1: Each group will have a virtual Jam Board where they can brainstorm and write their ideas, as well
as discuss and negotiate.
Step 2: Let’s use formal and informal langagua grammar as well as soft skills.
Step 3: We’ll regroup, share with the rest & provide feedback on their group collaboration. Soft skill use.
USEFUL LANGUAGE FOR: Effective communication
“Let´s circle back” - to plan a future discussion or to return to a previous topic.
“We’re at a crossroads” - to indicate that a decision or choice must be made.
“However” for presenting contrasting ideas
“Moreover” for adding extra information
Analytical abilities
Project management
Problem solving
Internet in helping others
The purpose of this exercise is to develop skills in using formal and informal language and connectors in
written communication.
Writing exercise:
Write an email to a client or colleague outlining a project or concept that was considered during team
brainstorming sessions to improve your team meetings and increase team participation.
Did you use formal and informal language?
Did you include at least 3 connectors from the useful language list?
Did you include clear and specific suggestions for improving team participation in meetings?
Did you ask for input and suggestions from the recipient?

Formal and informal language:

Team member, suggesting, informal: “Hey, I think it would be a good idea if we all took turns leading the
meeting” formal:” I would like to propose that we establish a rotating leadership system for our team
Manager, inquiring, informal: “Yo, what’s up with the lack of participation in our meetings? Formal : “I am
concerned about the level of engagement during our team meetings. Could you please provide an
Team member, responding, informal: “Yeah, I’ve been super busy with my own project”. Formal: “I
apologize for my lack of participation in our team meetings. I have been focused on completing several
individual tasks”.

Fill in the missing word from the examples:

The team leader is responsible for _________ the meeting and keeping it on track.

It is important to use ________ language when communicating with management.



1.Read the text provided.
2. Read the multiple-choice questions
3. Choose the answer that best fits the question
4. Check your answers against the provided solutions to see how you did.
5. Reflect on your understanding of the text and the topic by reviewing the correct answers.
6. Repeat the process if necessary to solidify your understanding of the material.

In today's digital landscape, where users interact with various devices and platforms,
designing applications that provide a seamless and intuitive user experience has
become paramount. User-centered design (UCD) is a methodology that puts the user at
the center of the design process, ensuring that the application meets their needs and

When designing multi-platform applications, there are several key principles that guide
the UCD approach. Firstly, understanding the target users is essential. This involves
conducting user research to gather insights about their preferences, behaviors, and pain
points. By empathizing with the users, designers can create solutions that address their
specific needs.

Secondly, consistency across platforms is crucial for a cohesive user experience. Users
should be able to seamlessly transition between different devices and platforms without
feeling disoriented. Consistent visual elements, interaction patterns, and information
architecture help users navigate the application effortlessly.

Thirdly, responsive design plays a significant role in multi-platform applications. With the
proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and desktops, applications must adapt to different
screen sizes and resolutions. Responsive design ensures that the application is
optimized for various devices, providing a consistent experience regardless of the
screen being used.

Another important aspect is accessibility. Designing inclusive applications that can be

used by people with diverse abilities is essential. This includes considerations such as
providing alternative text for images, ensuring sufficient color contrast, and
accommodating assistive technologies for users with disabilities.

Usability testing is an integral part of the UCD process. By observing users interacting
with the application and collecting feedback, designers can identify usability issues and
make improvements. Iterative testing and refinement help create a user-friendly and
intuitive application.

Furthermore, UCD emphasizes iterative prototyping. Designers create prototypes at

various stages of the design process to gather feedback and validate design decisions.
Prototyping allows for early user involvement and helps refine the application based on
user insights.

In conclusion, user-centered design for multi-platform applications focuses on creating

seamless and intuitive experiences for users across different devices and platforms. By
understanding user needs, ensuring consistency, employing responsive design,
prioritizing accessibility, conducting usability testing, and embracing iterative
prototyping, designers can deliver applications that truly cater to user expectations.

Second text:

New words from reading part:

Seamless and intuitive experiences
Responsive design aim to achieve …
Aim to achieve
Adaptability to
In the realm of technology
to handle large volumes of data
Put forward or speak up
Feasibility of
Look into

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