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‘Cycles of Zion’ in Ethiopic Texts

by Dr. Amsalu Tefera.

 Academic Year: - 2015/2021/22

 Program: - Regular Ge’ez M.Th. Degree 1th year 1st semester
 Faculty: - Ethiopian Church Studies
 Department: - Ge’ez Language
 Course Title: - Ge’ez seminar
 Course Teacher: - Dr. Andualem, Mr, Abenet, Mr, Beniyam
 Formulates Name: - Begashaw Tekle
 Id. No: - …………...

Article written on the ‘Cycles of Zion’ in Ethiopic Texts

by Dr. Amsalu Tefera.

1) Summary of the Article.

The article concerns about the ‘Cycle of Zion’ in Ethiopic texts. Cycles is a repeated

sequence of events or a rotational process of certain activity. So on the Article ‘Cycles

of Zion’ refers Transportation of the Ark of covenant from Jerusalem to Aksum and its

wandering in Ethiopia.

Dr. Amsalu Focuses on Four texts. These are: -

1. Kǝbrä Nägäst (KN)

2. Dignity of God (Glory of God) so-called Liber Axumae. (LA)

3. Dǝrsanä ṣǝyon (Homily on the Honour of Zion).

4. Tä’ammǝra Marǝyam(TM) - ‘Miracle of Mary.’

Here are the Summary for each texts.

1. Kǝbrä Nägäst (KN)

The following are written on Kǝbrä Nägäst about ‘Cycle of Zion’

- Solomon announced his will to enthrone Mǝnilǝk in Ethiopia.

- The anointing ceremony carried out by the priest Zadok.

- Mǝnilǝk was given the regnal name of ‘David’ and was given King Solomon’s

Mule to ride upon.

- Azariah, son of Zadok smuggled the Ark of Covenant to Ethiopia.

- An angel instructed him how to take the Ark with his brother Elmyas, Abisa
and Makari.

- KN describes the route of the Ark of Covenant took to reach Däbǝrä Makǝda

in three accounts.

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a) First Account

The route is from: Jerusalem ➳ Gaza ➳ Mesrin ➳ Täkkäze ➳ Sea of Al-

Ahamer ➳ Mount Sinai ➳ Qades(Kadash) ➳ Midyam ➳ country of Belontos.

b) Second Account

The route is from: Jerusalem ➳ Azyab road ➳ Wäqerom ➳ Masas ➳ Bur.

(Däbǝrä Makǝda) and States as King of Ethiopia Mǝnilǝk returned to his country

within a single day.

c) Third Account

- On the occasion of a war against other kings paid to tribute to him.

- The voyage was so quick, without sweat or exhaustion and they travelled in

One day which usually took 3 months by the help of the Ark.

The route is from: City of Government (3months) ➳ Mayä A’bäw ➳ Zaw & Hadiyya

➳ Gersa ➳ Sabadd`et(the country of snakes) ➳ City of Govern ment ➳Saba(

reached with a single day and defeated Noba and expanded the reign until Egypt and

Midyam) ➳ Ab‘at ➳ India(to give a tribute to Ethiopia)

2. Tä’ammǝra Marǝyam(TM) - ‘Miracle of Mary.’

The writer states MS EMIP 601 as a base for this Cycles of Zion’ which contains 371

Miracles of Mary and out of which 19 Miracles devoted to ‘Cycles of Zion’. And among
these 19 Miracles two of which those are (Miracle 99 and 100 speaks about the travels

of the Ark from Israel to Ethiopia.

- Miracle 99 is similar to KN tells of the visit of Queen Sheba & how Mǝnilǝk took

the Ark to Aksum.

- Miracle 100 describes how the army of Solomon were sad when they realized

that the Ark was taken, narrates to the voyage of Mǝnilǝk with his army, how he

built the temple at Aksum for the Ark and celebrated its feast every month

especially on 21 ḥǝdar.

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3. Dǝrsanä ṣǝyon (DS) (Homily on the Honour of Zion).

 A text originally dating to 15th C.

 Narratives of the Ark until the destruction of first Temple and the story of its

voyage from Jerusalem to Aksum in a fashion to the KN.

 There are 10 known MSS of DS. In 3 out of 10 MSS the above information is

recorded as a Colophonic information.

 Also narrates how Aksum Cathedral Constructed by the order of God during the

time of Abrǝha and Aṣbǝha.

 EMML 8823: a Miracle of Zion (ff.20r -30r) presents detail account on the Ark of

covenant and its coming to Aksum with Mǝnilǝk similar to KN.

4. Dignity of God (Glory of God) so-called Liber Axumae (LA)

- Book of Aksum from latin word Liber Axumae
- There are 2 accounts from LA

- The first MS which is preserved in Paris (bibiliotheque nationale de France

d`Abbadie. Presents the ‘flight’ of the Ark from the persecution of catholic

missionaries (padroČČ) against the jacobite Christians(täwaḥǝdo) The Journey

is from Aksum➳ särawe ➳ märäb ➳ Bur/Dǝgsa ➳Aksum.

- The Second MS which is preserved in Paris (bibiliotheque nationale de France

d`Abbadie. Tells that the journey from Aksum ➳ Bur/Dagsa ➳ Aksum.

Oral History about ‘Cycles of Zion’

 First kept at Yaha befor arriving at Aksum

 The Ark was taken to island of Ziway to escape the persecution by the queen

 The Ark Also Taken to Lake Tana to escape persecution of Ahmed Grań.

 And also kept at Amǝba Gǝsän and Bǝrbr Marǝyam.

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2) Finding new words, expressions and ideas form the article.

 Metaphorical – a figurative of speech in which a word or phrase literally

denoting one kind of Object.
 Designate – to point out location.
 Epoch – an event or time marked by an event that begins a new period or

 Dedicate – to devote to the worship of a divine being.

 Wandering – movement away from the proper, normal, or usual course or place.
 Anointing – to smear or rub with oil, to apply oil to as part of a religious

 Conquered – to gain or acquire by force of arms.

 Colophon - an inscription at the end of a book or manuscript usually with facts
about it production.
 Vestibule – a passge, hall, or room between the outer door and the interior of
a building.
 Persecution – the condition of being harassed, or annoyed.

3) From orthodox Tewahedo view.

- Confirms the belifes that the Ark of covenant left Jerusalem and travelled to
Ethiopia during the time of Solomon and preserved in cathedral dedicated to

the Virgin Mary the zion in Axum and this is celebrated every month on 21 day

of the month especially annual feast held on ḥidar 21 (which is known as ṣǝyon

- The Ark of ṣǝyon helps the kings of Ethiopia to conquer other kings.

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4) Recommendation/conclusion/

- The references stated at the end supports the article but some texts which are

used as a base of the article are not listed in the reference part. for example,

Tä’ammǝra Marǝyam(TM) - ‘Miracle of Mary.’

- The texts are all Ethiopians but tells different ‘cycles of zion’ but all confirms the

Ark of ṣǝyon is returns back to Aksum during the time of presecutions.

5) References
o Amsalu Tefera 2014. ‘Colophonic Reflections on Dǝrsanä Ṣǝyon and Kǝbrä

Nägäśt’, Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, 17

(2014), 78–89.

o — 2015. The Ethiopian Homily on the Ark of the Covenant. Critical Edition and
Annotated Translation of Dǝrsanä Ṣǝyon, Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity,

5 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015).

o ‘Cycles of Zion’ in Ethiopic texts (Amsalu Tefera)

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